The Prairie Primer Binder-Builder
The Prairie Primer Binder-Builder
J L A T Grades 3-6 The Prairie Primer Binder-Builder Big Woods Little House Plum Creek A Journey Through Learning Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Please check our website at: While there, sign up for our email newsletters and receive a FREE lapbook! You’ll also receive great discount codes, special offers, and find out what’s new and what’s to come! Join us on Facebook! E G A P E This binder-builder is especially made to go along with The Prairie Primer curriculum by Margie Gray. It was created with her blessing! See Cadron Creek’s entire series at L P M A S Authors: Nancy Fileccia and Paula Winget Copyright © 2010 Published by A Journey Through Learning, L.L.C. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. Permission is granted to print for one family use only. Purchase of this lapbook does not entitle reproduction of any part of this lapbook for any entire school, district , system. Such use is strictly prohibited. Please visit to purchase a license for group use. ISBN: Printed in the United States of America Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Materials Needed What you need to get started *A printed copy of the Prairie Primer Binder-Builder by A Journey Through Learning *The Prairie Primer *Little House in the Big Woods *13 pieces of 8.5 x 11 colored card stock (you will need 45 total to complete all 3 Little House books) *Scissors *Glue (We recommend Zip Dry Glue) *Hole puncher *Brads *Stapler *Crayons and/or colored pencils *9 tabs- Label your tabs: Art, Bible, Book Log, Living/History, Reading Comprehension, Science, Timeline, Vocabulary, Writing What is a Binder-Builder and How Do I Use it With The Prairie Primer? E G A P E The Prairie Primer curriculum is made up of nine units-one corresponding to each of the nine “Little House” books. THIS BINDER-BUILDER ONLY COVERS BOOK 1-“ Little House in the Big Woods.” It follows, on average, a chapter-a-day schedule. Approximately twenty-five pages of reading are assigned from the “Little House” books daily. Each lesson will then have two or more booklets to complete about the lesson. There are a total of 13 card stock pages in this binderbuilder. L P M A S Gather your card stock and 3-hole punch them. Next, in the lower right hand corner number your card stock from 1-13. Place them in your 3 ring binder. Add your 9 labeled tabs behind the card stock. You will store all of your worksheets listed in The Prairie Primer behind each of these tabs. The front of the first page will have your cover sheet glued to it. Then, your first “Today I learned about” sheet will be glued to the back of that page. The booklets for your first chapter will then be glued to the front of your second page. This lay-out allows you to view both the “retelling” of what you have learned and the booklets at the same time! You will follow this process throughout the entire binder-builder. Located at the top of each “Today I learned about” sheet is the directions for its placement. At the top of each mini-booklet page are directions concerning the construction of your mini-booklet, pages to read, and what your student will record in the mini-booklet after reading to show what is learned. A small key is also here to show you where to glue each mini-booklet onto the card stock. Hotdog Fold-Fold vertically Hamburger Fold-Fold horizontally Folds-Sometimes labeled with a small line to show where the fold is. Dotted Lines-These are the cutting lines Cover Labels-Some of the booklets will have a cover label that will need to be glued to the top to cover a blank space. Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning List of Virtual Field Trips and Websites for Little House in the Big Woods Week 1: Chapters 1-4 Day 1- Bears--- Day 2- Density--- Day 3- Owls--- Day 4- Rabies--- Week 2: Chapters 5-9 E G A P E Day 1- Fun games to teach Dictionary Skills-- contents.htm L P M A S Day 2- Making Maple Syrup--- Day 3- Learn To Knit--- Day 4- Skin--- Week 3: Read Chapters 10-13 Day 1- Moon--- Day 2- Harvesting Wheat--- Day 3- Making Items From Straw-- Day 4- California God Rush--- Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Reading Schedule Little House in the Big Woods Week 1: Read Chapters 1-4 Day 1- Read Chapter 1 Day 2- Read Chapter 2 Day 3- Read Chapter 3 E G A P E Day 4- Read Chapter 4 Week 2: Read Chapters 5-9 Day 1- Read Chapter 5 L P M A S Day 2- Read Chapters 6-7 Day 3- Read Chapter 8 Day 4- Read Chapter 9 Week 3: Read Chapters 10-13 Day 1- Read Chapter 10 Day 2- Read Chapter 11 Day 3- Read Chapter 12 Day 4- Read Chapter 13 Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Recommended Bible Memory Verse for Little House in the Big Woods Psalm 91 **Make a copy of the Bible Verse worksheet located at the end of the package. If you child copies 2 verses a day he/she will have memorized the entire chapter by the end of the book. 1. Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” 3. Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence 4.He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge, his faithfulness will be you shield and rampart. E G A P E 5. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day. 6. nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. L P M A S 7. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. 9. If you say, “The LORD is my refuge.” and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10. no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. 11. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12. they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike you foot against a stone. 13. You will tread on the lion and the cobra, you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 14. “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 15. He will call on me, and I will answer him; 16. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” . Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Little House in the Big Woods Cover Sheet for Little House in the Big Woods. Cut out the cover sheet and glue to the first page of your Binder-Builder. Pretend that you are visiting Laura and her family. Draw what you think the inside of her house would look like. L P M A S E G A P E Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning These photos give an idea of how the Binder Builder™ looks inside. Cover page Your child will do an activity on each cover page. There is a cover page for each Little House book in this package L P M A S E G A P E Left-Narration page Right-Lapbooking booklets There are approximately 13-16 of these types of pages for each Little House book in this package. Note the tabs in the back. This is where extra activities from the Margie Gray’s Prairie Primer book are kept. We tell you how to label the tabs. Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Cut out and glue to the back of page 1 Week 1: Day 1-Read Chapter 1 Narration Form Today I learned about: L P M A S E G A P E Vocabulary/Living Trundle bed: Leather: Venison: Lard: Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Week 1: Day 1-Chapter 1 Page 2 From Chapter 1 Cut out the three pieces and staple together down left hand side with the cover sheet on top. Glue onto front of page 2. Laura and her family travel to Wisconsin to live. Directions: Can you find Wisconsin on the map? Color it green. Once Laura and her family arrived in their new home, what type of home did they have? Where did Laura and her family live? L P M A S What type of home did Laura live in? E G A P E Draw a picture of Laura’s home Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Week 1: Day 1-Chapter 1 Page 2 From Chapter 1 Cut out the booklet as one piece. Fold in half. Glue to the front of page 2. Laura and her family did not have refrigerators like we have today. In order to preserve their meat they had to salt it. Directions: Inside of the booklet, write the steps to preserve meat. E G A P E Steps to Preserving Meat L P M A S Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Week 1: Day 1-Chapter 1 Page 2 From Chapter 1 Cut out the large booklet as one piece. Hamburger fold in half. Cut out the two smaller booklets. Stack on top of each other and place inside of the large booklet. Staple. Glue to the front of page 2. Directions: Fill out the information on each booklet. L P M A S Playing E G A P E What did Laura and Mary use as a ball? What was it made out of? Ball How did Ma make the ball? Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Week 1: Day 1-Chapter 1 Page 2 From Chapter 1 Cut out the booklet as one piece. Fold in half. Glue to the front of page 2. Directions: Inside of the booklet, write about the best time of the day for Laura. L P M A S E G A P E The Best Time of the Day! Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Big Woods – Week 1 For Use with Day 1 Bear 1) Description: 2) Life Span: Draw a Picture 3) Diet: 4) Enemies: 5) Habitat: 6) Behavior: L P M A S E G A P E Draw a Track Favorite Fact: Words to Learn: cub hibernate omnivore sow Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order> Family Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Omnivoia > Ursidae Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Cut out and glue to the back of page 2 Narration Form Week 1: Day 2-Read Chapter 2 Today I learned about: L P M A S Explain the process of making butter: E G A P E Glue a picture of you making butter here: Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Week 1: Day 2-Read Chapter 2 Page 3 From Chapter 2 Cut out the large booklet as one piece. Hamburger fold in half. Cut out the two smaller booklets. Stack on top of each other and place inside of the larger booklet. Staple. Then fold excess tab to keep booklet closed like a matchbook. Glue to the front of page 3. Directions: Fill out the information on the booklets What was on the windows when Laura woke up? L P M A S Jack E G A P E Who did Ma say left the pictures on the window? Describe him. Frost Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Week 1: Day 2-Read Chapter 2 Page 3 From Chapter 2 Cut out the booklet as one piece. Hotdog fold in half. Cut out the cover label and glue onto the front of closed booklet. Glue the front of page 3. Directions: Inside of the Venn-Diagram, compare the chores that Laura’s ma did to those that your mom does today. Cover label L P M A S Laura’s Ma Chores E G A P E Your Mother Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Page 3 Week 1: Day 2-Read Chapter 2 From Chapter 2 Cut out each piece on this page. Stack together with shortest on top. Staple together. Glue to the front of page 3. Directions: Fill out the information on each booklet. Define Simile: Write two similes Simile Write two metaphors: Define Metaphor: L P M A S E G A P E Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Metaphor Similes and Metaphors Cut out and glue to the back of page 3 Narration Form L P M A S E G A P E Vocabulary/Living What is a ravine? Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Week 1: Day 3-Read Chapter 3 From Chapter 3 Cut out each piece from this page and the next page. Stack them on top of each other according to length with title page on front and staple at the top or connect with a brad. Glue onto the front of page 4. Laura and Mary loved helping Pa to clean his rifle. Directions: Fill out the information on each step of the cleaning process. Draw a picture of it or sew one and take a picture of it. Glue the picture here. What did Pa store his bullets in? Finally, Next he, Then he, Draw a bullet L P M A S E G A P E Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning How did Pa make bullets? Pa Cleans His Gun! First he, Page 4 1. 2. L P M A S 3. E G A P E 4. 5. Write down the steps of how Pa cleaned his gun Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Week 1: Day 3-Read Chapter 3 Page 4 From Chapter 3 Cut out the three circles. Stack on top of each other. Fasten together with a brad. Glue onto the front of page 4. Directions: Fill out the information on the booklets using books or the internet to research the answers. Rust What does it look like? L P M A S E G A P E What is rust? What causes it? Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Week 1: Day 3-Read Chapter 3 Page 4 From Chapter 3 Cut out the booklet. Glue onto the front of page 4. In the Prairie Primer, you read Ephesians 6:1-3. It is a great verse about listening to your parents and the reasons this is important! Directions: Draw the covering diagram in the booklet. Protection of Authority L P M A S E G A P E Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Big Woods – Week 1 For Use with Day 3 Place behind “Writing” tab Owl 1) Description: 2) Life Span: Draw a Picture 3) Diet: 4) Enemies: 5) Habitat: 6) Behavior: L P M A S E G A P E Draw a Track Favorite Fact: Words to Learn: carnivore rodent depth perception pellet Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order> Family Animalia > Chordata > Vertebrata > Aves > Strigiformes Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Using the enrichment pages (optional-use only what you would like) Art Use this page to tell about your art project for the week. To keep a lasting image, take a picture of it and glue to the page. Bible Practice writing your bible verse- a great way to practice handwriting and memory work. Biography Book Report Use to research famous people that lived during this time period. Book Log A fun place to keep up with extra reading! Do extra reading about the subjects and topics covered in the lapbook. As you read, write down the date, title, author and type of book on the Book Log. Living/History Dig deeper. Learn about the pioneers. Reading Comprehension A great place to record daily questions. L P M A S E G A P E Science Use form to record what you have learned. Timeline Cards- Cut out the cards. Put them in the correct order. We have included the dates on another sheet for you to refer to if needed. Blank Timeline Fill out the historical timeline of the 1800's. As you read about famous people, events, or dates, list them on the timeline. Vocabulary (younger and older version) Create a list of words that you can not read or do not understand. This list can then be used for spelling tests or dictionary skills. We have included two different forms. The one for younger children allows you to create a picture dictionary rather than having to look up the words. Writing Use the notebooking pages to write about the given subject. Choose from 4 different templates! Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Art Book: Week: Day: Materials used: Lesson: L P M A S E G A P E Draw or glue a picture of your art lesson inside the box Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Bi b l e on L e ss Book: Week: Day: Write the bible verse for the week in the top box. The next three boxes are to be used to practice writing the verse throughout the week. L P M A S E G A P E Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Biography Book Report Title: Author: This book was about: Who was born on: And died on: This book was set during the time period of: From reading this book, I learned: L P M A S E G A P E This person is/was famous or remembered for Here is my stamp that I created in honor of _________________________________ Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning H I S T O R Y Week: Book: Day: Subject: Living L P M A S E G A P E Draw or glue a picture here Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Book: Reading Comprehension Week: Day: Chapters: Make as many copies of this page as you will need to complete the questions. In the square, write the number of the question that you are answering. L P M A S E G A P E Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Timeline Cards Refer to next page for dates Ulysses S. Grant18th President Reconstruction Yellowstone National Park Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone L P M A S Thomas Edison invents the phonograph Grover Cleveland22nd President Clara Barton begins the Red Cross Transcontinental Railroad completed E G A P E Rutherford B. Hayes19th President James Garfield20th President Chester Arthur21st President 1889 Ellis Island opens Grover Cleveland24th president Henry Ford invents the automobile William McKinley25th president Benjamin Harrison23rd President Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning The SpanishAmerican War Timeline Cards Dates Historical events that occurred during the first 31 years of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s life 1867-Reconstruction 1867-Nebraska becomes the 37th U.S. state 1868-Ulysses S. Grant is elected the 18th President of the U.S. 1869-First Transcontinental Railroad completed 1872-Yellowstone National Park is established as the world's first national park 1876-Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone 1876-Colorado is admitted as the 38th U.S. state 1877-Rutherford B. Hayes is elected the 19th President of the U.S. 1877-Thomas Edison invents the phonograph 1881-The American Red Cross is established by Clara Barton 1881-James Garfield is elected the 20th President of the U.S. 1881-Chester Arthur is elected the 21st President of the U.S. 1885-Grover Cleveland succeeded to the presidency as 22nd President of the U.S. 1889-Benjamin Harrison is elected the 23rd President of the U.S. 1889-North and South Dakota are admitted as the 39th and 40th U.S. states 1889-Montana is admitted as the 41st U.S. state 1889-Washington is admitted as the 42nd U.S. state 1890-Idaho is admitted as the 43rd U.S. state 1890-Wyoming is admitted as the 44th U.S. state 1892-Ellis Island opens 1893-Grover Cleveland is elected the 24th President of the U.S. 1896-Utah is admitted as the 45th U.S. state 1896-Henry Ford invents the automobile 1897-William McKinley is elected the 25th President of the U.S. 1898-Spanish-American War L P M A S E G A P E Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Blank Timeline Form-copy as many as needed Important People President Clothing L P M A S E G A P E Kings or World Leaders Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning Wars Important Event Products by A Journey Through Learning History, Geography, and Social Studies Lapbooks Geography Matters ~Paths of Exploration- Volume 1 ~Paths of Exploration- Volume 2 ~Paths of Settlement-Volume 1 ~Paths of Settlement-Volume 2 ~Trail Guide to U.S. Geography ~Trail Guide to World Geography ~Trail Guide to Bible Geography ~Cantering the Country ~Galloping the Globe An Overview of the 17th Century An Overview of the 18th Century An Overview of the 19th Century An Overview of the 20th Century The Civil War If You...series~Life During the Civil War ~In the Days of Knights and Castles ~Westward Ho ~Sailing on the Mayflower ~Welcome to Ellis Island ~Hey, Paul Revere (American Revolution) ~Martin Luther King Government and the Election Process America’s Greatest Documents and Speeches Louisiana State Study Texas State Study Wright on Time books by Lisa Cottrell-Bentley ~Arizona ~Utah American Indians America’s Presidents I Wanna Be President Presidential Pockets Who’s that President Laura’s Little House in the Big Woods Wars of America (1600-1899) Wars of America (1900-now) My Favorite Country America’s Historical Landmarks Circle C Adventure series by Susan K. Marlow ~Andrea Carter and the Long Ride Home ~Andrea Carter and the Dangerous Decision ~Andrea Carter and the Family Secret ~Andrea Carter and the San Francisco Smugglers ~Andrea Carter and the Trouble with Treasure ~Andrea Carter and the Price of Truth The Prairie Primer Binder Builder Lapbook TruthQuest History Binder Builder, Maps, Notebooking Holy Cow Science Lapbooks Maestro Classics Lapbooks Apologia/Jeannie Fulbright Lapbooks ~Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day ~Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day ~Land Creatures of the Sixth Day ~Exploring Creation with Astronomy ~Exploring Creation with Botany Science Lapbooks Astronomy and Space Amphibians Reptiles Dinosaurs The Desert Inside my Body The Great Inventors Women Inventors Ocean Animals My Favorite Insect My Favorite Animal Bible Lapbooks The Arrival of a King The Death and Resurrection of a King The Parables of a King The New Testament Holidays and Seasons Lapbooks Fourth of July Easter Spring Autumn Harvest Time Wonderful Winter Thanksgiving The First Thanksgiving Christmas A Polar Christmas (Polar Express) Mother’s Memories Johnny Appleseed A Snowy Day Preschool Lapbooks Letter, Numbers and Shapes Learning Basic Skills with Fruit Me and my Body All About Me ABC Pocket Games Math Lapbooks Addition Pocket Games Subtraction Pocket Games Multiplication Pocket Games Division Pocket Games We also have unit studies, copywork books, and notebooking pages. Copyright 2010 A Journey Through Learning
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