June 5, 2016 June 5, 2016
June 5, 2016 June 5, 2016
June 5, 2016 Elders Scott Cowan Pete Harry Duane Moore Wesley Parker Ed Staley John Wheeler Minister Associate Minister Walter B. Edwards Associate Minister Phil Dunn Youth Minister Scott Wilson Counselor Ann Vander Linden 886-3089 Missionaries Ricardo Alvarado Costa Rica Allan Lopez Panama Dorian Flynn Africa Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Services Ladies’ Bible Class 10:00 AM Bible Class 6:30 PM Internet Home Page www.southsidehopkinsville. com Camp Can Do begins tomorrow! We need adults to help with the camp can do fishing trip on Wednesday, June 8th, at Tammy Winters farm from about 12:30-3:30. See Lindsey Howell if you can help. Southside Churc h of Christ Page 2 Favorite Sermons Mark Page of Li:le River Church of Christ will be speaking on “Faith Cometh By Hearing” this Wednesday evening. We would like to take this 'me and thank you for the many acts of kindness for Perry during his illness. Please know the prayers, calls, visits, food, cards and goody basket were appreciated. A special thank you to Sco+ for being with family during surgery. Also, thank you to Phil and Betsy for their visit in the hospital. Mostly, we are thankful to be part of God's family at Southside. We know that God hears our prayers and he does love us. Perry's brain surgery went well and we are wai'ng for instrucions concerning his radia'on treatments. Please con'nue to pray for us as Perry con'nues to struggle with cancer. In Chris'an love, Perry and Joyce Boren Thank you so much for the beau'ful flowers, all the cards, calls and prayers during my recent hospital stay. I’d also like to thank Phil and Betsy for the delicious meal. Your support during this 'me means so much to me and my family. In Chris'an love, Barbara Dixon Teacher Training focusing on The Story for preschool through adult class teachers on June 12th following our morning service. Lunch will be provided. Youth Week at Camp Reedy—June 26-30 Deacons Leading Sunday evening service—July 3rd. We will also have our annual Independence Day picnic at Southside following our service. Homeless Work Camp June 12– 15 Need help serving meals to the community for breakfast and lunch through the School Feeding Program. Also need adults willing to drive and supervise various jobs at members’ homes. Southside Night at the Hoptown Hoppers game will be Tuesday, July 5th. Free 0ckets are available in the church office. Southside Chris0an Camp at Big Reedy—June 26-30 Needing adult commitments for kitchen and other staff posi"ons. VBS 2016—the week of July 17th Mission Hoptown Need help to organize and drive for door knocking for VBS. Devon’s next Cooking Class will be July 29th. Colin and Nicole Fulbright 53 Mesa Rivera Street, Henderson, NV 89012 for Tori Beth Nolen, daughter of Billy and Wendy Duvall and brideelect of James Darrin Hunt today from 1 pm to 2:30 pm. Tori Beth is registered at Dillard’s, Gracious Me, and Bed, Bath and Beyond. Southside Churc h of Christ Page 3 Jan Morrow is now at home and improving but does not need visitors at this 'me. Perry Boren will be stayJune 5—Ladybug Friends ing in Nashville for radia'on treatments. Mark White Children learn that Jesus helped many people, he is our is recovering from surgery. Robin Pollard is doing well friend and he wants us to be helpful and to be good friends. from her previous surgery but will have two future surThey also learn that ladybugs are helpful and people like to Paul Arvin, Denny see them in their garden. When we see ladybugs we can be geries. Remember these also: Audas, Violet Berkley, Perry Boren, John Burman, reminded that Jesus wants us to be helpful too. Frances Chenoweth, G.A. Church, Rosie East, Nancy We are in need of 2 teachers to teach the Wednesday night Farmer, John David Foster, Joel Gardner, Raleigh Gar2/3 year old class for the summer quarter. See David Howell re:, David Graham, Todd Hayes, Liz Herndon, Ricky if you can help. Hunt, Marsha Kelly Kingrey, Tara King, Mary Lou Laster, Jean Likens, Russell Mar0n, Veachel Mar0n, Be:y McLerran, Doris Medeiros, Ed & Barbara Moore, David & Jan Morrow, Dorothy Newcomb, Charles & Brandon Fitzpatrick was bap"zed DoCe O’Nan, Junie Peterson, Be:y Brame Richardson, Ken & Geraldine Simmons, Nina Tuggle, June Ubat Southside on Thursday, May 26th. Brandon lives at 4970 West elhor, Earl Webb and Kim Wheeler. 100 North, Bargersville, IN 46106. If you get a chance, send him a note telling you how happy you are for him! Lee and Mallory Wheeler Ervin are our newest members at Southside. Mallory is the daughter of John & Kim Wheeler. This week’s schedule: Remember Lucy Shanklin and her family in the loss of her husband, Joe, last Tuesday. The funeral service was held last Friday. Also remember Robert Jones and his family in the loss of his mother, Joyce. The memorial service will be this a4ernoon at 3 PM at New Covenant of Grace. And con"nue to remember Cecelia Hos!lo and her family in the loss of her aunt, Louise Harris, and Barbara Cavanah and Shirley White in the loss of their great-niece, Heather Moss. Heather was the granddaughter of Hazel and Junior Moss. June 6—Nehemiah 11j-13 June 7—Esther 1-3 June 8—Esther 4-7 June 9—Esther 8-10 June 10—Job 1-5 June 11—Job 6-10 June 12—Job 11-15 Southside will play Salem Bap'st at 6:30 PM tomorrow evening on Field 4 Southside Church of Christ 529 Country Club Lane Hopkinsville KY 42240 Phone: 270-885-8392 Fax: 270-885-7615 Email: [email protected] Greeters for Today Welcome! Qualified/ If you are visi'ng with us today please feel free to par'cipate. We will sing and pray to the Lord and express our adora'on and thanksgiving for all the blessings He freely gives. We will have an offering this morning and we do not want our visitors to feel obligated in any way. There is an infant nursery located through the double doors located to the leL of the pulpit. The toddler nursery is located up the stairs in the foyer. A children’s worship is provided for children ages 18 months through 4 on the second floor which will be announced during our service. Please turn your cell phone ringers off during our service. I have never qualified for anything that would compare to the Olympic Games. Through the Disqualified Sunday Morning Worship June 5, 2016 Sunday Morning Worship June 12, 2016 Door 1 Wayne Simpson and Jimmy Stamps Door 2 Ed & Tammy Staley Door 3 Roy & Dana Staley Collin and Ryan Door 4 Freddie & Carole Sweeney Song Director ............ .......... Sco+ Cowan Prayer ....................... .......... Mark Burman Prayer ........................ .......... Mike Medeiros Scripture Reader ....... .......... Logan Sco+ 1 Timothy 3:16-17 Speaker ..................... .......... Phil Dunn Sermon ………………… .. Why Read the Bible? Announcements ........ .......... John Lancaster Dismissal Prayer ........ .......... John Bruce Birthdays June 9 June 11 June 12 June 12 Teaching Children’s Worship – Jennifer Cannon and Brandon Sco+ Helpers—Logan Sco+ and Reagan Burgess Communion to Shut-Ins Wes Parker and John Wheeler Communion to Shut-Ins Gary Logan and Terry Dodson Sunday Evening Service Sunday Evening Service Song Director ............. .......... Paul Hos'lo Opening Prayer .......... .......... Lester Buckner Speaker ...................... .......... Phil Dunn Sermon Topic ............ .......... Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Brad Dougherty Canaan’s Kids — David & Lindsey Howell Nursery—Tressy Wells Canaan’s Kids — Ginger Sco+ Nursery—Tressy Wells Wednesday Evening Prayer—6/8 Duane Moore Wednesday Evening Prayer— 6/15 Marvin Maxwell Anniversaries Freddie & Kathy Higgins—June 7 Wayne & Tracia Gray—June 9 Speaker ...................... .......... Sco+ Wilson Sermon … ................... Announcements ........ .......... John Lancaster Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Peyton Crump Teaching Children’s Worship – Bill & Wendy Duvall Helpers – Ethan Noel and Hope Jones The Deacons will be leading our worship service Jennifer Medeiros Barbara Kissner Barbara Lassiter Paige Wilson Song Director ............. .......... Sco+ Cowan Prayer ....................... .......... David Howell Prayer ........................ .......... John Lancaster Scripture Reader ........ .......... Logan Sco+ Ushers for June Foyer—Wayne Gray, Jessie Howell and Brian Oa+s Subs0tutes: Tyler Perry and Tim Noel Serve Communion in June Preside Freddy Farmer Van Drivers Sunday, June 12—Skip Aldridge— 270-886-7298 Sunday, June 19— Chris Gary—270-475-1349 If you need a ride, please call the church office. Rudy Adams Paul Hos'lo Bob Pickerill Albert Passenau Tim Bridges Tom Doss Robert Jones Caleb Gary Subs0tutes: Wayne Simpson and Ethan Noel Nursery A:endants: Heather Lu+rull and Charity Miller Baby Nursery A:endants: Donna Pickerill and Carrie Stallons
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