A Guide to Your Sprint Consumer Access Plan January 1, 2013
A Guide to Your Sprint Consumer Access Plan January 1, 2013
A Guide to Your Sprint Consumer Access Plan January 1, 2013 Welcome to Your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) Coverage Guide for 2013 Find a doctor or hospital Sprint members utilize the Provider Finder® at bcbsil.com/sprint to search for in-network hospitals and providers. .L[[OLTVZ[MYVT`V\YILULÄ[Z Use the custom website for all Sprint members at bcbsil.com/sprint to find out more details about your benefits and to use the online resources available to you. Use these phone numbers for the best service Customer Service - 1-877-284-1571 Sprint Alive!* - 1-866-902-5483 or *545 from your Sprint phone CVS Caremark Rx* - 1-855-848-9165 Sprint Goes Green As part of Sprint’s continuous green efforts, beginning January 1, 2013, Sprint will turn off the function that prints and mails Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements. You can view, download and/or print your EOBs by logging in to Blue Access for MembersSM (BAM) at bcbsil.com/sprint. You have the option to turn the “print and mail” function back on by logging in to BAM and clicking on “Settings” and then “Preferences” in the drop down menu. But why not give the paperless method a try? You can even set your “Preferences” to send a text or email whenever a claim is processed. *Not a product of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois 24609.0912 POD Sprint Consumer Access Plan Sprint Consumer Access Plan is a consumerdirected product that lets you decide how, when and where your health care dollars are spent. Sprint Consumer Access Plan combines a PPO plan with a health reimbursement account (HRA) to help cover the health reimbursement expenses you pay out of pocket, such as the deductible and coinsurance. The Sprint Consumer Access Plan has four important components: Preventive care and wellness visits for adults and children are covered when you use network providers. You don’t need to meet the deductible to enjoy these benefits. /LHS[OWSHUILULÄ[Z begin after you meet the deductible. You have the freedom to choose any doctor whenever you need care, but choosing a contracting network doctor will get you the highest level of benefits. Health reimbursement account (HRA) funds from your employer are used to pay for your first covered health care expenses. Money spent from the HRA counts toward your annual deductible. Online decision tools can help increase your awareness and knowledge of health issues as well as help you manage your health care and your health care spending. Network Information Use the Provider Finder® at bcbsil.com/sprint to see if your doctor is in the network or to search for another network provider. You may also call BCBS customer service at 877-284-1571. Deductible You have a deductible to meet each calendar year before your health plan benefits begin. This is also called your “self-pay corridor.” The deductible amount, which is based on your particular benefit plan, is shared between you and your employer’s health reimbursement account contribution. Use HRA funds to pay the first part of the deductible each year and then you are responsible for the remainder of the deductible to satisfy the balance. PPO-eligible benefits—such as physician office visits, outpatient surgery and diagnostic testing— are applied toward your deductible. Prescription Drugs Prescription drug coverage is administered by CVS Caremark and is not a product of BCBSIL. Your prescription drug benefits have a separate deductible and coinsurance that do not apply to the BCBS medical plan. 24600.0912 How It Works Sprint Consumer Access Plan Example John has Sprint Consumer Access Plan individual coverage. His plan includes a $300 health reimbursement account funded by Sprint, which covers the first dollars spent on his heath care. Many of John’s preventive care services will be covered at 100 percent – with nothing deducted from the health care account – when he receives care in-network. Year One Year Two – John’s health care account from Sprint = $300 – Sprint funds John’s health reimbursement account with $300. The annual deductible is $750. – John’s annual deductible = $750 John had a physical and preventive care lab tests. (nothing deducted from the HRA). He picked up prescriptions at the pharmacy. of $175 out of his pocket and it applied to his prescription drug benefits, not his medical benefits. The prescription drug costs are not deducted from his HRA. John had appendectomy surgery. in the health reimbursement account was applied to the charges and also toward the deductible. John paid $450, which satisfied the annual deductible, leaving a balance of $5,250. John’s health care plan paid 85 percent ($4,462.50) of the charges and he was responsible for 15 percent coinsurance ($787.50). At year-end there is a zero balance in the health reimbursement account, so nothing rolls over. John had his annual physical and several lab tests. (not from the HRA). He picked up his prescriptions at a local pharmacy. the pharmacy through CVS Caremark. The coinsurance is paid out of John’s pocket and is not covered by the health reimbursement account. John had no other medical expenses during the year. At year-end, the $300 balance in the health reimbursement account rolls over. Jennifer and Bill have Sprint Consumer Access Plan family coverage through Bill’s employer. Their son, Daniel, is born during the first year of coverage. The employer funds Bill’s health reimbursement account with $600 at the beginning of the year. Any covered family member can use these funds for eligible health care services. Well child care and certain adult care services are covered in full when Jennifer and Bill visit network providers. Year One Year Two – Bill’s health care account from Sprint = $600 – Sprint again funds the family health care account with $600. – Bill’s annual family deductible = $1,500 Jennifer and Bill had physicals and preventive care lab tests. was deducted from the HRA). Jennifer had several prenatal office visits. the deductible. – The annual deductible is $1,500 Bill and Jennifer had physicals and preventive care lab tests and Jennifer had a mammogram. Daniel received well baby care and immunizations. care benefit with nothing deducted from the HRA and no cost to the family, She gave birth during the summer. Bill saw his dermatologist for a follow-up visit. $280 was deducted from the HRA and applied to the deductible. Jennifer paid $900 out of pocket to satisfy the family deductible. From the remaining balance of $8420, 85 percent ($7,157) was paid by the health care plan and 15 percent coinsurance ($1,263) was paid by Bill and Jennifer. Bill visited the local pharmacy and picked up prescriptions. medical plan deductible, but applied to the separate pharmacy benefits. The amount was not deducted from his HRA. Daniel had a well baby check up and immunizations. He was also treated for an ear infection. Total charges were $280. At the end of year one, there was a zero balance in the HRA, so there was no amount to roll over to next year. and applied to the deductible. Daniel saw his pediatrician for a cold and ear infection. to the deductible. At the end of year two, the HRA balance is $100. This amount rolls over and is added to Sprint’s annual contribution. The family’s health reimbursement account at the beginning of year three is $700. Frequently Asked Questions About HRA Plans What is a health reimbursement account? A health reimbursement account is a fund established for you by your employer to help you meet the Sprint Consumer Access Plan’s annual deductible. You can use the HRA funds to pay for your first health care expenses and to help you meet the deductible. You are responsible for paying the remaining deductible balance. What happens to the health reimbursement account balance if I leave the plan? If you change medical plans or jobs, or if you retire, any unspent balance returns to your employer. Are there any coverage differences between this HRA Plan and the other plans offered by Sprint? Bariatric Surgery, Infertility Treatment and Gender Identity Services are not covered. How are my prescriptions handled? Prescription drug coverage is administered by CVS Caremark and is not a product of BCBSIL. Your prescription drug benefits have a separate deductible and coinsurance that does not apply to the BCBS medical plan. How are claims paid from the health reimbursement account? When you use a contracting network provider, your claims will be filed automatically with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois. Any amount deducted from your HRA will be shown on your explanation of benefits along with the remaining balance. Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs), including products under our BlueEdge product portfolio, have tax and legal ramifications. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois does not provide legal or tax advice, and nothing herein should be construed as legal or tax advice. These materials, and any tax-related statements in them, are not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used or relied on, for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties. Tax-related statements, if any, may have been written in connection with the promotion or marketing of the transaction(s) or matter(s) addressed by these materials. You may seek advice based on your particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor regarding the tax consequences of specific health insurance plans or products. Quick and Easy Ways to Find a Doctor or Hospital Use online tools from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) to find a network provider, or determine the cost of a health care service for yourself or a family member. Provider Finder® and Cost Estimator are fast, simple tools that work side by side. Use Provider Finder to: specialty, network type, ZIP code, language and gender. Get directions from Google Maps™, too. Find it online or on the phone: bcbsil.com/sprint and click on Find a Doctor. phone’s Web browser, too. Go to bcbsil.com/sprint and click on Find a Provider Finder App for your iPhone® or Android® phone. If you use your GPS location or input a ZIP code, the App can pinpoint the closest provider locations for you. Advocate at the toll-free telephone number on the back of your BCBSIL member ID card for help in locating a provider. 23650.0812 Cost Estimator Get answers before you make big health care decisions make health care decisions about hospital procedures for yourself or your family. It’s easy to get results: SM (BAM) at bcbsil.com/sprint. Click on link to Find a Doctor or Hospital. diagnosis. Cost Estimator generates a range of treatment estimates by provider. With Cost Estimator, you can determine: ® is an option for treatment Blue Distinction ® For hospitals with expertise in specialty care Blue Distinction is a designation awarded by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies to hospitals that have demonstrated expertise in delivering clinically proven specialty health care. Its goal is to help consumers find specialty care on a consistent basis, while enabling and encouraging health care professionals to improve the overall quality and delivery of care nationwide. ® Blue Distinction Centers for Cardiac Care Provides a full range of cardiac care services, including inpatient cardiac care, cardiac rehabilitation, cardiac catheterization and cardiac surgery. ® Blue Distinction Centers for Transplants Transplant program that provides services, such as global pricing, financial savings analysis, and global claims administration and support services. Sprint requires the use of an approved Blue Distinction Center for this service. ® Blue Distinction Centers for Complex and Rare Cancers Inpatient cancer care programs for adults, including those treating complex and rare subtypes of cancer, delivered by multidisciplinary teams with subspecialty training and distinguished clinical expertise, focus on treatment planning and complex, major surgical treatments. Blue Distinction Centers for Knee and Hip Replacement Provides inpatient knee and hip replacement services, including total knee and total hip replacement surgeries. Use the Blue Distinction Center Finder. • Go to bcbsil.com/sprint • Select the Provider Finder® tool and search for hospitals • To find a Blue Distinction center near you, search by designated area of specialty and state • Once you become a member, you can also call the toll-free customer service number at (877) 284-1571. SM ® Blue Distinction Centers for Spine Surgery Inpatient spine surgery services, including discectomy, fusion and decompression procedures. A Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 22851.0910 6RPHRIWKHVHUYLFHVWKLVSODQGRHVQ·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·WFRXQWWRZDUGWKHRXW²RI²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·WFRYHU <HV)RUQRQSUHYHQWLYHQRQ6SHFLDOW\ EUDQGHGSUHVFULSWLRQGUXJV 1HWZRUN,QGLYLGXDO)DPLO\ 1RQ1HWZRUN,QGLYLGXDO )DPLO\ <HV 1HWZRUN,QGLYLGXDO )DPLO\ 1RQ1HWZRUN,QGLYLGXDO )DPLO\ $QVZHUV 1HWZRUN,QGLYLGXDO)DPLO\ 1RQ1HWZRUN,QGLYLGXDO )DPLO\ 'RHVQRWDSSO\WRSUHYHQWLYHFDUHDQG DOOSUHVFULSWLRQGUXJV 4XHVWLRQV&DOORUYLVLWXVDWZZZEFEVLOFRPVSULQW ,I\RXDUHQ·WFOHDUDERXWDQ\RIWKHEROGHGWHUPVXVHGLQWKLVIRUPVHHWKH*ORVVDU\<RXFDQYLHZWKH*ORVVDU\ DWKWWSZZZGROJRYHEVDSGI6%&8QLIRUP*ORVVDU\SGIRUFDOOWRUHTXHVWDFRS\ 'R,QHHGDUHIHUUDOWR VHHDVSHFLDOLVW" $UHWKHUHVHUYLFHVWKLV SODQGRHVQ·WFRYHU" 'RHVWKLVSODQXVHD QHWZRUNRISURYLGHUV" :KDWLVQRWLQFOXGHGLQ WKHRXW²RI²SRFNHW OLPLW" ,VWKHUHDQRYHUDOO DQQXDOOLPLWRQZKDW WKHSODQSD\V" ,VWKHUHDQRXW²RI²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x , $$ #- $$ 3(455 3(555 3455&,) x , & ,QGLYLGXDO)DPLO\_ !332 x #&- &-3(4) x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x < & ) x B x A * & )* " 1 x 1 &.- 1 % ) !"#$ %& '''((( x x E x : $ x < & - ; ) x $ x D 1 A* x C,* 2"675#2&& & 8 x % & ? - ) x * x x 0 x ,QGLYLGXDO)DPLO\_ !332 ) 3*2!675#2&& 38 (/.2" & ( :KDWWKLV3ODQ&RYHUV:KDWLW&RVWV ,QGLYLGXDO)DPLO\_ !332 4XHVWLRQV ZZZEFEVLOFRPVSULQW KWWSZZZGROJRYHEVDSGI6%&8QLIRUP*ORVVDU\SGI 4 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJ &୰ᩥ)!ዴᯝ㟂せ୰ᩥⓗᖎຓ㸪庆㕷㓢扨₹⚆䪐($F@@$+F2$(4@( 7&%)!% I I 7I($F@@$+F2$(4@( *&.G)!1 .G($F@@$+F2$(4@( ,&,)!H , ($F@@$+F2$(4@( - DSSHDOJULHYDQFH# * ($F55$F>+$+F5= E 1 !""""" 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Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this information. 6SULQW$OLYH 3URJUDP*XLGH 6SULQW$OLYHPDNHVLWHDVLHUIRU\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\WRLPSURYHDQGPDLQWDLQKHDOWKDQGZHOOEHLQJ6SULQW$OLYHRIIHUV H[SHUWUHVRXUFHVDQGVHUYLFHVWRKHOSWDNHVPDOOVWHSVWRZDUGDKHDOWKLHU\RX6SULQW$OLYHLVSDUWRI\RXU6SULQWEHQHILW SODQDQGLW¶VDOZD\VFRQILGHQWLDO 6SULQW$OLYHSURYLGHV\RXWKHVHUYLFHV\RXQHHGWRJHWDQGVWD\KHDOWK\IURPKHOSLQJ\RXQDYLJDWHWKHKHDOWKFDUHPD]H WRKHOSLQJDFKLHYHLQGLYLGXDOKHDOWKJRDOVWRSURYLGLQJRQOLQHKHDOWKUHVRXUFHV6SULQW$OLYHLVDOZD\VFRQILGHQWLDODQGLW¶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±OLNH6SULQWH3RLQWV LQFHQWLYHV1RZWKDW¶VZLQZLQ$VN\RXU6SULQW$OLYH+HDOWK$GYRFDWHDERXWWKHLQFHQWLYHVWKDWDUHDYDLODEOHZLWKVRPH RIWKHKHDOWKDQGZHOOQHVVFRDFKLQJSURJUDPV 635,17$/,9(+($/7+$'92&$7( 6SULQW$OLYH+HDOWK$GYRFDWHVKHOSPDNHLWHDVLHUIRU\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\WRQDYLJDWHWKHKHDOWKFDUHV\VWHP <RXU6SULQW$OLYH+HDOWK$GYRFDWHZLOOKHOS\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\EHFRPHDQGVWD\KHDOWK\)URPFRQQHFWLQJ\RXZLWKWKH ULJKWGRFWRUVWRVFKHGXOLQJ\RXUDSSRLQWPHQWVWKH\FDQKHOSPDNHQDYLJDWLQJWKHKHDOWKFDUHV\VWHPHDVLHU ,W¶VPXFKHDVLHUWREHVXFFHVVIXOZLWK\RXUKHDOWKZKHQ\RXKDYHVRPHRQHLQ\RXUFRUQHU:KHWKHU\RX¶UHORRNLQJWRORVH ZHLJKWVDYHPRQH\RUQHHGKHOSQDYLJDWLQJWKHFRQIXVLQJKHDOWKFDUHV\VWHP6SULQW$OLYH+HDOWK$GYRFDWHVDUHWKHUH WRKHOS 6SULQW$OLYH+HDOWK$GYRFDWHVZLOOKHOSPDNHLWHDVLHUIRU\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\WRQDYLJDWHWKHKHDOWKFDUHV\VWHP,W¶V VLPSOHDQGFRQYHQLHQW±\RX¶OOKDYHDFFHVVWRSURIHVVLRQDOO\WUDLQHGLQGLYLGXDOVZKRWHDPXSZLWKVSHFLDOLVWQXUVHV SK\VLFLDQVDQGKHDOWKFRDFKHV7KHUH¶VQRRQHVL]HILWVDOOVROXWLRQWRKHDOWKFDUHVRRXUWHDPSURYLGHVWKHLQGLYLGXDO KHOS\RXGHVHUYHZLWKQRDGGLWLRQDOFRVW7KH\FDQKHOS\RXVDYHWLPHE\GRLQJWKHOHJZRUNIRU\RXIURPILQGLQJWKHEHVW GRFWRUWRUHVHDUFKLQJWUHDWPHQWRSWLRQVWRVFKHGXOLQJDSSRLQWPHQWV7KLVSURJUDPLVIRU\RXUIDPLO\PHPEHUVWRR,W¶V DOZD\VFRQILGHQWLDODQGRIIHUHGDWQRDGGLWLRQDOFRVWWR\RX :KDWFDQD+HDOWK$GYRFDWHGR" 7KH\FDQKHOS\RX x )LQGORFDOGRFWRUVUDWHGIRUTXDOLW\ x 6FKHGXOHDSSRLQWPHQWVIRU\RXUHQWLUHIDPLO\ x 5HVHDUFKKHDOWKTXHVWLRQVRUFRQFHUQV x 2EWDLQDVHFRQGRSLQLRQ x +HOS\RXXQGHUVWDQG\RXUKHDOWKEHQHILWV x &UHDWHUHDVRQDEOHKHDOWKJRDOVEDVHGRQ\RXUQHHGV x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¶VFDUH3OHDVHGLVFXVVZLWK\RXUGRFWRUKRZWKH LQIRUPDWLRQSURYLGHGKHUHLQLVULJKWIRU\RX7KH6SULQW$OLYH3URJUDPZLOOXVHRUGLVFORVHWKHLQIRUPDWLRQ\RXSURYLGHLQIXUWKHUDQFHRIRXUVHUYLFHV XQGHUWKH6SULQW$OLYH3URJUDPRUIRUHPSOR\HHVRI6SULQWZKRDUHFRYHUHGXQGHUD6SULQWKHDOWKEHQHILWSODQRWKHUVHUYLFHVLQIXUWKHUDQFHRI\RXU KHDOWKEHQHILWSODQ Notes Notes Notes Notes bcbsil.com