5-27-15 - Bartlesville First Church
5-27-15 - Bartlesville First Church
BARTLESVILLE FIRST CHURCH CORNERSTONE EPHESIANS 2:19-20: YOU ARE MEMBERS OF GOD’S HOUSEHOLD, WITH CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF AS THE CHIEF May 27, 2015 •Editor: [email protected] Shop Amazon Smile AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets you enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on Amazon. com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile (smile. amazon.com), the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the eligible charitable organization of your choice. Simply go to smile.amazon.com and choose Bartlesville First Church as your charitable organization. ANNUAL CREATE FOR MISSION DAY ANNOUNCED Church Women United’s annual Create for Mission Day will be celebrated from 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Friday, July 10 at First Presbyterian Church, 505 S. Dewey, Bartlesville. “This annual event makes necessary items for area nursing homes,” Pat Brown, event coordinator tells Exanimer Enterprise. “We donate catheter covers, lap quilts, clothing protectors, and pillows. In addition, the women assemble hygiene and school kits for Church World Services to send to local, national and international disaster sites.” All women are invited to share in the festivities. There will be a lunch served at 12:30 p.m. at a cost of $5. “You do not need to be a sewer to attend,” Brown said. “We need cutters, pinners, pressers and assemblers, too. However, without sewing machines, we are limited in quantity of items. We encourage women to bring portable machines to help with the stitching. We also need scissors, rotary cutters and cutting mats.” Brown said that someone will help carry the machines from the car to the church if they enter the south parking lot and stop at the south entrance. CWU has hosted Create for Mission for many years so area nursing homes look forward to the needed items each summer. “We want to continue to serve our local nursing home residents as best as we can,” said Leola Yelken, CWU President. “But it takes a village to accomplish all that we need to do in one day. We hope many hands will be available to help.” While a lot is accomplished in one day, there is plenty of time for fellowship too. “It’s really a sharing experience with lots of chatter and much laughter,” said Brown. “Women do not need to be a member of CWU to help with this project. We welcome all.” Donations for postage and supplies are also welcome. $12 will purchase a hygiene kit while $17 will purchase a school kit. Checks should be payable to Church Women United and mailed to Pat Brown, 2580 Yorman Rd, Bartlesville OK 74006. Call 918-333-1714 with questions. MIDWEEK CELEBRATION It was a great turnout at the end of the school year midweek celebration on Wednesday night Children, youth, church members, and many Kids First families joined in the fun! LEARNING ALONG THE WAY: BEEN THERE Dr. Kevin Tully It’s universally and eternally true: opportunities being challenges, and viceversa. The downside also has an upside, and the reverse is also true. We see it in times of economic and social change, and even in our families and friendships. It’s also the case in terms of electronic communication and virtual connection that have changed the way church is done. In my own opinion, it’s too early to tell just how “virtual community” will eventually affect the church. I’m delighted that people can watch church online or on television when they cannot attend. Telecommunication has allowed believers to spread the gospel as never before. And yet, it comes with a cost and brings dangers, as well. Watching is not the same as joining in. From the very start on the Day of Pentecost, there were those who watched. But the church was built upon those who came forward, were baptized, and who “Day after day… met as a group Children and Youth Camps Sonshine Camp Children entering 1st and 2nd grade Camp Egan • June 27-28 Cost $30 (scholarships available) Forms due to Laura by June 11 in the Temple, and they had their meals together in their homes, eating with glad and humble hearts, praising God, and enjoying the good will of all the people. And every day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:46-47). Attending worship not only encourages us, but also is a means by which each of us develops the disciplines necessary for leading the Christian life. The “hanging in there,” “listening and sharing’, and “forgiving and reconciling” which are needed for being part of a community of faith are the very qualities that result in better families, communities, workplaces, and society. I pray that God will work within us to develop the commitment, discipline, and involvement that makes us like those of the early church, who did more than just hang back, watch, and occasionally show up. Those are the people through whom the kingdom is built, and God’s will is done. May we be among them! See you Sunday! Kevin Tully Church attendance is important! What would our city, state, and nation be like if people simply changed the channel whenever we heard something we didn’t immediately like? What would our families be like if we decided to “find another one to belong to” every time there was disagreement? What would our political MAY 31 - JUNE 7 Minister-on-Call: 918-914-9001 If you need to speak with one of our ministers, there is a minister-on-call available. Van Ministry: May 31 June 7 Growin’ In Grace Children entering 3rd-5th grade Camp Egan • June 17-19 Cost $77 (scholarships available) Forms due to Laura by June 2 Children’s Time: May 31 June 7 Ambassadors: May 31 T’Weens Discover Children entering 6th grade Camp Egan • June 15-19 Cost $129 (scholarships available) Forms due to Laura by June 2 June 7 Dayspring Youth who have completed 9-12 grade Camp WOW • June 17-19 Cost $125 (scholarships available) Forms due to Stephen by June 23 process be like if everyone thought “there are plenty of others who will take care of this” when it came to reading, voting, or volunteering? Doug Parks and Wayne Middleton; Kent Carbaugh and Tom Graves Scott and Grace Farmer; Warren and Lori Hibbard Flower Delivery: May 31 June 7 Green Country Village Vespers: May 31 June 7 Loni Carbaugh TBA 8 a.m. - Bill and Patti Lundeen; 10 a.m. - Rick and Kathy Loyd 8 a.m. - Roger Himstreet, Tucker and Janice Harrison, and Harry Farnsworth; 10 a.m. - Thad and Andrea Satterfield John and Melissa Lawson John and Suzanne Ortiz Bob Farmer Rev. Tari Carbaugh PROJECT TRANSFORMATION READING VOLUNTEERS Every summer, PT campers log over 1,500 hours reading with adults. This is the key component to their success. Campers read in rotations from 10 a.m. - noon every Monday-Thursday of summer. At least 14 reading volunteers are needed each day so that the campers get the one on one time they need to succeed in reading! Please sign up at the welcome desk in the Atrium. Finally, it is our responsibility to feed the six interns that come to serve the campers. We are their church family for the summer! If you are interested in having them to your home for a dinner, taking them out for dinner, or providing them with a gift card to eat dinner together, please let Laura know. FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP POT LUCK The Fellowship and Family Life Committee would like to invite you to a “Food and Fellowship Pot Luck” following the 11:10 a.m. service on Sunday, June 14. Families with the last name A-J bring chips and a dessert to share. If your last name falls between K-Z, please bring a side dish to share. BBQ will be provided. Don’t forget your lawn chairs! SENIOR ADULT MINISTRIES Senior Adult Ministries is sponsoring a trip to OKMozart Friday, June 12. The bus will leave the church at 10 a.m. and return by 3 p.m. While at the Community Center we will attend free concerts by tenor Tevyn Hill and pianist Lennie Baker. You will be able to purchase your lunch on site between these two events. Reservations are required. Please call the church before June 10 to make your reservations as seating is limited. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN The United Methodist Women will hold their June meeting on Thursday, June 4, at 9:30 a.m. Refreshments will be served as we are being entertained by the girls from MUTUAL Girls Club, who will be performing their dance routines from Sunfest. This will be followed by a yearly review from the Directors of MUTUAL. Please note the change in time. If you have questions, please call the church office at 918-336-3361. FROM THE LIBRARY The library has just received two new DVD lessons for Small Groups. • The Drawing: Christianity in the Roman Empire (15 lessons) • Romans: The Letter That Changed the World (10 lessons) If these would be appealing for your group, stop by the library and check them out and all of the other ALR lessons available in the library. SUNDAY MORNING BUS MINISTRY The Sunday morning bus ministry is vital to Bartlesville First Church. The ministry operates two buses, serving about fifteen members each Sunday. The core of drivers for this ministry has shrank because the volunteers themselves have advanced in age. It is time for some younger church members to help continue this ministry. Currently, one set of volunteers works a Sunday at a time to use the lift equipped bus to pick up members who live West of the Caney River or South of Price Road. The other set of volunteers uses the older bus to pick up members who live East of the Caney River and North of Price Road. If you would be interested in assisting in this vital ministry with either schedule, please contact Lori Hibbard (lori.hibbard@ bartlesvillefirstchurch.com) or Wayne Middleton ([email protected]) or call the church office. SANCTUARY FLOWERS WERE GIVEN: • In loving memory of our mothers, Cleva Melcher and Louise Hall, by Janice and Tom Rogers. • In loving memory of my parents, Jim and JoAnne Mullen, by Celeste Barrett • In loving memory of Cleo Beougher, the best Husband, Dad and Crappaw ever, from the whole Beougher family. ALTAR CARNATION IS IN CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF: Brody Shiblom Barnes, who was born May 20. Brody is welcomed by parents Robert and Erin Barnes, grandparents Warren and Paula Barnes, and Geoff and Nan Shiblom. Estate Planning Who needs a will? Every adult who owns anything and who care about what happens to it, everyone who cares about their family, and everyone who wants to include their church’s future in their estate planning needs a will. Newsletter for Bartlesville First Church 4715 Price Road PO Box 3636 Bartlesville, OK 74006 918-336-3361 www.BartlesvilleFirstChurch.com Non Profit Organization U. S. POSTAGE PAID Bartlesville, OK Permit #116 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED POSTMASTER: No forwarding, only return. No address notification provided. Mail piece returned with new address or reason for non-delivery attached. OUR NEWEST MEMBERS Welcome Shelley Taggart and her son, Spencer Hayes to our church family! OUR NEWEST ANIMAL We are excited to introduce our nine week old Pygmy Goat named Flower! CONGRATULATIONS TARI Rev. Tari Carbaugh was ordained as an elder in the United Methodist Church!