Mar 6 2016
Mar 6 2016
ACOLYTES/CRUCIFERS ~ Today Acolyte: TBA Crucifer: TBA March Ushers Bob Hupman Jim Hill Nehl Yeager Steve Ferguson Look Who’s Having a Birthday! FLOWERS FOR ALTAR March 6: Phil & Kathryn Miller March 13: TBA COUNTERS Today: Gary Brant & John Payne (Ron Wilson) Next Sun: B.J. Smith & David Weislak NOAH’S ARK March 1 Bill Eaves Ryan Kerins March 12 Logan Holden Mary Mitchell March 23 Chelsea Miesner Becky Walker If you are interested in volunteering for Noah’s Ark (Children’s Church) please contact Joan Henderson at March 3 Peg Kueider March 13 Andrea Devine Peggy Young March 24 Kyle Bradley Kimberly Pate This week’s teacher: Christy Gray Next week’s teacher: TBA March 14 Betty Noppenberger Logan Stanley March 25 Cydney Baptiste Werner Schmidt March 15 Dylan Crowe Timothy Mason March 26 Matthew Brant Susie Mason Amerson-Joi Wright March 4 Kelly Coleman Hannah Squires March 7 Lindsay Hupman Jim Mitchell March 8 Donna Dodson Luke Hawks Ron Wilson March 9 Michael Spradlin March 10 Kevin Matthews Deborah Squires March 11 Dick Hill Hayden Schaub March 16 Kent Squires March 17 Wayne Lunsford March 18 Wendell Miesner March 19 Bradley Hoover March 20 Jill Auditori March 29 Emily Keye March 30 Leslie Eaves Daryl Spradlin March 31 George Tyson [email protected] The youth will be going to Camp Don Lee May 20th - 22nd. All youth from the church are invited to attend. Registration along with a $50 deposit will be due by March 31st. Please see Gary Brant or Dave Weislak for details. Small Group Studies Confirmation Class Morning Glories 9:30-10:30 Held in Room 314 (College Room) Bible Study Wednesdays at 10:00 am Held in room 212 Instructors: David Weislak & Sally MacDonald Instructor: Rev. Johnnie Wright Mebane United Methodist Church 200 South Fourth Street; Mebane, North Carolina 27302 Website: Church #: 919-563-4301 Pastor email: [email protected] or [email protected] ~ cell # 919-880-5789 Office Hours: M-F 9:00-1:00 919-563-4301 ofc: [email protected] ~Coming Events~ TODAY AT MEBANE UMC ————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————— ~ March 6, 2016 ~ Pajama Sunday and Bake Sale 9:30am Sunday School for All Ages 9:30am Confirmation Class Room 314 10:30am Worship Service 11:45am VBS planning mtg. Room 212 12-7pm Church Directory Pictures Coffee Café 5-7pm Youth March 9 10am Morning Glories Bible Study 6-6:45pm Mebane Ringers 6:45-7:30pm Praise Team 7:30-8:30pm Chancel Choir March 12 10am AA mtg. Room 212 March 13 9:30am Sunday School for All Ages 9:30am Confirmation Class Room 314 10:30am Morning Worship 11:45am SPRC Mtg. Room 212 5-7pm Youth March 14 2-8pm Church Directory Pictures in Coffee Café 7pm Special Called Meeting MRC with Steve Taylor Congregational Coach Plan Ahead: Easter Lilies for Purchase for $12.00 Methodist Men are selling Pine Straw March 19 Church Yard Work Day (please come out to help) March 21 Blood Drive at Mebane Presbyterian Church 3:15-6:15pm April 30th Quarter Auction Hosted by UMW (Details Coming Soon) PRAYER LIST Please pray for: Pat Allen Kenny Andrews ~ Laura Andrews’ Brother-in-law Peggy Hill Mary Mitchell Flonnie Riley ~ Linda Lunsford’s mother Joe Thomas Margie Thompson Irene Wade Dale Whitt Lisa Price Barbara Cannady Terry Scott (son of Gloria Glenn) Danny & Hope Foster and Family Carol Payne Our Missionaries and their families... Mozart Adevu (Agricultural Missionary in Liberia) Mary Zigbuo (US Missionary ) Our Country and its leaders …those in service to our country: Major Curt Byron ~ Ft. Hood, TX Travis Dean ~ US Army, Ft. Hood, TX—(grandson of Clara Dollar) Major Michelle Timajo Byron~ Ft. Hood, TX - (Meg Bryon’s son & daughter-in-law) Pvt. Christopher King ~ Germany (grandson of Richard King) Cpl Carson Lewis David Teague ~ US Navy Staff Sgt. Travis Woody ~ Afghanistan Kenneth Tyson ~ US Navy LT. Matthew Holliday ~ USMC (on deployment) Our Shut-Ins: Kate Honeycutt (Hawfields) Kitty Hupman (at Home) George Tyson (at Home) Cornelia Colicchio EMAIL ADDRESS FOR PRAYER CHAIN: [email protected] One Great Hour of Sharing~ Paraments: Purple March 6, 2016 March 6, 2016 10:30 a.m. Prelude *The Trinity Bell *Coming Forth of the Light with Praise “Come Ye Disconsolate“ Welcome Congregation Sing UMH #510 Rev. Johnnie L. Wright II 10:30 a.m. The Old Testament Lesson Joshua 5:9-12 This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. The Gospel Lesson Luke 15:1-7 This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Rev. Johnnie L. Wright II Sermon Rev. Johnnie L. Wright II “The Lost Sheep” Life and Work of the Church THE CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION *Invitation to Worship Leader: “Here I raise my Ebenezer ,Hither by thy help I come and I hope by thy good pleasure safely to arrive at home “ People: “Jesus sought me when a stranger, wondering from the fold of God. He, to rescue me from danger interposed His precious blood.” “Open My Eyes, That I May See” UMH #454 *Postlude *Congregational Singing “Lamb of God” TFWS #2113 Anthem “Step by Step” Praise Team *Praises and Concerns *(Please stand as you are able.) The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God And in memory of The Shaw and Miller Family Members By: Kathryn and Phil Miller Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer (UMH #270) Rev. Johnnie L. Wright II Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. A Time for Young Disciples Rev. Johnnie L. Wright II Offertory Prayer Prayer for Illumination *Closing Hymn Buddy & Tammy Edens *Going Forth of the Light *Passing the Peace of Christ *Doxology (page 12 in the United Methodist Hymnal) Communion Servers *Dismissal with Blessing Leader: “Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love “ People: “ Here’s my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above “ Offertory Mrs. Sally MacDonald Mrs. Sally MacDonald “Agnus Dei” Chancel Choir UMH #94 Mrs. Sally MacDonald Last Year March 8, 2015 Sunday School: n/a Attendance 2 weeks ago: Sunday School: 72 Attendance last week: Sunday School: 65 Worship (8:45): 53 Worship (10:30): 135 Worship (10:30): 144 (11:00):111 Total: 164 Total: 135 Total: 144 2016 Budget Information Annual Budget - $273,843.72 Needed Each Sunday - $5,266.22 Received Last Sunday - $5,969.01 Received to date - $39,807.52 Participate today in our new Electronic Giving program. Simply scan the QR code with your smart phone and follow the directions on the screen. Mebane UMC now accepts electronic donations directly from your savings/checking accounts (EFT) or from your credit or debit card. Don’t have a smart phone? You can still participate by going on line at and IT’S TIME FOR A NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY Lifetouch Church Directories and Portraits Inc will be working with us to print a new church directory. We’re long overdue for a new one. Our last directory was printed in 2011. Remaining photography sessions will be held on the following dates & times: Sunday, March 6 – 12:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Monday, March 14– 2:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. So that we have accurate information to include in the directory, please see that Jen, our secretary, has your current address, phone numbers, email addresses, birthday, etc. Bring a canned good or a jar of peanut butter or grape jelly to your photography session and receive $5.00 off your portrait purchase. Items go to Back Pack Ministry or the Sandwich Ministry. WINTER SPECIAL: 20% off all portrait purchases. Activity pictures are needed for the new church directory. If anyone has good quality pictures of church activities, groups, etc that could be used in our directory, please email them to Pam Saunders @ [email protected] Or Deb Grener @ [email protected] COME ONE COME ALL. YOUNG, OLD, SHORT OR TALL PLEASE PLAN TO HELP SPRUCE UP OUR CHURCH LANDSCAPING ON MARCH THE NINETEENTH STARTING AT 9:00 AM UNTIL 1:00 PM THE TRUSTEES ARE INVITING ALL MEMBERS TO PARTICIPATE IN CHURCH CLEANUP. BRING YOUR GLOVES, SHOVELS, SCOOPS, AND RAKES. DONUTS AND BEVERAGES WILL BE AVAILABLE. LETS ALL WORK TOGETHER TO FRESHEN UP THE EXTERIOR OF OUR CHURCH. MUMC— It’s your COME AND SHOW YOUR CHURCH PRIDE!!!!! Ch_rch! U are needed to make it great! June 12-16 VBS Planning Meeting Sunday, March 6, 2016 11:45am in Room 212 We need volunteers for the following areas: Music Registration Games Meals Story Time Decorations Science FANS FOR CANS!!!! Support your Team and Feed the Hungry Today, March 6, 2016 Thursday, March 24th Maundy Thursday Service @ 7:00 PM BAKE SALE & PAJAMA DAY The children that are planning to attend camp will be holding a Bake Sale before and after morning worship on March 6 to raise money for camp. The Children will be going to camp the week of June 27-July 1. Any questions please contact Tammy Schaub Friday, March 25th Good Friday Service is at Hawfields Presbyterian Church@ 12:00 PM (noon) Lunch to follow Sunday, March 27th Easter Sunrise Service at First Baptist Church @ 6:30 AM Easter Morning Worship at Mebane United Methodist @10:30 AM We will again have a special arrangement of Easter Lilies for Easter Sunday. The cost is $12. Please fill out a form with who you are honoring or giving in memory of. These forms are located in the Narthex and outside the church offices. Please make sure your forms are turned in by March 20. Rainbow Ringers & Trinity Ringers will no longer be meeting on Tuesday nights. Watch the bulletin for a new day and time to be announced soon. Sundays in February and early March, you will have the opportunity to help our youth do their part in feeding the hungry of Alamance County. At the same time, you can vote for your favorite basketball team… Carolina, Duke, NC State, and others. Here is how it will work. Each Sunday, our youth will be collecting canned food and money. Remember 1 dollar counts as 5 cans. Money totals will be added up and we will see based on your donations which team is Mebane UMC’s favorite. All of the donations will go to the Corridor District Youth’s Canned Food Drive. So start gathering those extra cans and all of your dollar bills. Help our youth reach out to the “least of these” in the name of Jesus. April 9, 2016 The UMW will be participating in the MS walk in Greensboro, NC. The youth will be accepting donation of Easter candy for the Easter egg hunt. There will be a bin in the hallway by the ramp door for donations. Thank you. Easter Eggstravaganza Mebane United Methodist Sunday, March 20th 4:00 pm In the Fellowship Hall Everyone is invited Free hot dog supper An Amazing Easter Egg Hunt