Virginia Beach, Virginia urbandesignassociates
Virginia Beach, Virginia urbandesignassociates
Virginia Beach, Virginia u r b a n d e s i g n december 2008 north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 a s s o c i a t e s © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s n o r t h a m p t o n b o u l e va r d c o r r i d o r s t r a t e g i c g r o w t h a r e a i m p l e m e n ta t i o n p l a n © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Northampton Boulevard Corridor Strategic Growth Area Implementation Plan P R E PA R E D F O R City of Virginia Beach P R E PA R E D BY Urban Design Associates The LandMark Design Group, Inc. Basile Baumann Prost Cole & Associates City of Virginia Beach Department of Planning Virginia Beach Economic Development north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 ack now l ed gemen ts b 1 The Planning Process 2 The Site 3 The Conceptual Master Plan 4 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Table of Contents OV ER V I E W P H A S I N G A N D I M P L EM EN TAT I O N P U B L I C P R O C ES S 5 Action Plan 32 Residential Lot Subdivision 33 Residential Design Guidelines 34 Commercial Design Guidelines 35 U R B A N D ES I G N A N A LY S I S 7 INFR ASTRUCTURE 36 D ES I G N E X P LO R AT I O N : B U R T O N S TAT I O N V I L L AG E 9 EC O N O M I C S T U DY 39 30 Option One: Low Density Residential 1 0 Option Two: High Density Residential 1 1 Option Three: High Density Commercial 12 Burton Station Village: Economic Study 13 S T R AT EG I C P L A N 1 4 Core Study Area 15 Development Capacity 16 Design Frameworks 17 Burton Station Village 18 Golf Course District 21 Golf Course District: Norfolk 22 Golf Course District: Virginia Beach 23 Golf Course District: North Golf Drive 24 Northampton – Diamond Springs Corridor 26 Airport Industrial Park 28 Little Creek Amphibious Base 29 north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 ta bl e of c on ten t s c the city of virginia beach has identified strategic growth A major component of this planning process involved working areas that have the potential to become future areas of economic with the residents of the Burton Station community to rebuild trust, growth within the city. The City has embarked on a series of plan- to illustrate potential visions for the future, and to arrive at a clear ning studies for these areas that will provide visions for future series of public improvements and strategies for development of their growth. The strategic growth area plans will identify appropriate land neighborhood. uses, infrastructure needs, opportunities for private development, and © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Overview The process confirmed that redevelopment within the study area will yield great opportunities for job creation, residential living, civic amenities. The Burton Station strategic growth area is located in the improved public amenities and growth of the city’s tax base. northwestern part of the city, adjacent to the Norfolk International Airport, Little Creek Amphibious Base, Airport Industrial Park, and Interstate 64. The western part of the study area is within the City of Norfolk because the Lake Wright Golf Course within the study area straddles the border between both cities. Burton Station is located in the center of the region and at the Existing houses along Burton Station Road define a neighborhood with a long history and deep roots. convergence of major highways and adjacent to a major portal to the region, Norfolk International Airport. Port traffic and military bases nearby are huge economic engines that bring value to Burton Station as an area for future economic development. Burton Station is the name of a historic African-American com- Hampton Chesapeake Bay Nor thampton Boulevard Corridor Strategic Grow th Area munity, located in the center of the study area. Many of the current residents are descendents of two freed slaves who were given this land for their families. For years the city has failed to provide this community with basic utilities and services. Tensions between the community and the city have festered for generations. Nor folk Suf folk Virginia Beach This study was prepared with a public planning process that involved residents, business owners, interested citizens, property Great Dismal Swamp Chesapeake owners, and public officials from multiple jurisdictions including the City of Virginia Beach, Norfolk and the Airport Authority . Regional Locator north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 VIRGINIA BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PL AN The study area is one of twelve focus areas for strategic growth ov erv ie w 1 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s The Planning Process The analysis phase of the public process began in March of 2008 when Urban Design Associates visited the Burton Station neighborhood to kick off the project with initial stakeholder meetings and site reconnaissance. In addition to the collection of hard data – photos, The study area’s assets include an array of native flora such as those on display at the picturesque arboretum and botanical garden of Virginia Tech’s Agricultural Institute. The residents themselves are a key strength as well. Proud of their homes and long history in the area, they are extremely invested in the neighborhood. street dimensions, and city mapping – UDA also gathered soft data, asking people’s opinions, impressions, and visions of the area. The Design Team continued to gather information through the beginning of the charrette and the Public Process section of this document summarizes those findings. Input from participants provided valuable insights into the public perception of the area, as well as identifying the issues that need to be addressed. This input is combined with an analysis of the site configuration and existing conditions within the area. ABOVE The large amount of open and unused land parcels in the area provides a remarkable potential. Close to the airport, waterways, and in an area with booming development, the unused railways and high number of vacancies is a unique opportunity. BELOW Burton Station Road is at the core of the study area. It links existing residential neighborhoods, commercial and transportation corridors, and the Norfolk airport. It straddles both Norfolk and Virginia Beach city boundaries. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 ov erv ie w : the pl a nning pro cess 2 Virginia Tech Agricul ture Center p r in ond S © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s D ia m d Bake r R The Site: Core Study Area Nor folk International Airpor t gs Rd The project site is located east of the Norfolk International Airport along the Norfolk and Virginia Beach city boundaries. The study area includes the Lake Wright Golf Course (Norfolk), historic African-American community Burton Station, agricultural land, service oriented retail and the Airport Industrial Park. The Core Study Area focuses on the southern part of the site as depicted at right. M St er ill or d eR Bu r to nS tat Lake Wright Golf Course ion Rd No r fo lk N or a th m pt on Bl vd irg /V in Diamond Lake Estates ia Be ac h Ci Lake Wright ty Li ne d Bake r R S Ar u rw L & J Gardens ich 64 y Bo Wesleyan Chase ry No I- d tu ea a nd Av e W es le ya n Dr Portrait of Existing Conditions CORE STUDY AREA north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 ov erv ie w : the site 3 Virginia Tech Agricul ture Center © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s p r in ond S Wa r d D ia m d Bake r R The Conceptual Master Plan: Core Study Area Ave gs Rd The Conceptual Master Plan was developed based on the goals identified in the strengths and weaknesses exercise and the planning principles identified in the planning process. The design is structured rr s Rd around a reconfigured golf course and new streets. Development Ba areas include Burton Station village, new residential development, commercial office, mixed-use buildings, hotel, and flex/R&D/industrial uses. M St er ill or d eR Hotel Lake Wright Golf Course Bur ton Station Village N. Bu r to W nS t es ati on le Rd N or a th m pt on Bl vd ya n Dr Diamond Lake Estates Lake Wright Wesleyan Chase Of fice Park d Bake r R No rw I- L & J Gardens ich 64 Av e W es le ya n Dr Key Illustrative Plan CORE STUDY AREA north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 ov erv ie w : the concep t ua l m a ster pl a n 4 residents and stakeholders participated in a series © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Public Process of public meetings to kick off the planning process. Following a presentation on the site research and documentation by Urban Design Associates, participants were asked to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas of highest priority for change in the study area. Their input served as a guide to the community and helped to define what the plan should become. This information was compiled and used as the impetus for design throughout the planning process. Consultants and residents were also invited on a guided bus tour through the study area and the different areas encompassed by its boundary. Strong community participation and feedback not only helped in understanding the needs of the community, but also in encouraging residents to contribute their knowledge and their visions in order to create a plan that accurately depicted and provided for the constraints and possibilities of the site. Public Meeting north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 publ ic pro cess 5 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Public Input Residents and stakeholders placed green dots on the strengths and assets of the site and surrounding area. Red dots were placed on the weaknesses and problematic qualities of the site and surrounding area. Blue dots were placed on the areas presenting particular opportunities that are ideal for immediate initiatives. S T U DY A R E A S T R E N G T H S S T U DY A R E A W E A K N E S S E S S T U DY A R E A O P P O R T U N I T I E S » Strong history and legacy of Burton Station Road and its residents » Lack of proper infrastructure along Burton Station Road » Implement infrastructure improvements for Burton Station » Close knit neighborhood is very family oriented » Low land value for underserviced residential properties » Affordable housing to allow current residents to stay » Transportation hub with proximity to airport, railroad, and ports » History of inaction and abandoned plans for the area causes distrust » New residential village with senior housing and community services » Academic strength of nearby schools and VA Tech Agricultural Institute » Multiple land ownership fragments the site » Park honoring to legacy of Burton Station » Coordination required with two municipalities and the airport » Mix of uses providing for residents, workers, and visitors » Strong job base » Transform Northampton Boulevard into a gateway to Virginia Beach » Golf course is a great local attraction » High traffic and truck routes along surrounding roads and through site » New DHL sports facility serves the greater community » Deterioration and illegal dumping devalue the site » Showcase the strengths, including the sports complex, golf course, Agricultural Institute, office parks, and history » Successful industrial park and office parks » Vacancies along Northampton and within the neighborhood » Prepare for the future with light rail connections and green initiatives » Attractive natural features, such as the lake, and bay » Spot zoning allows incompatible uses and blocks redevelopment » Tie into regional network with pedestrian friendly paths and bike trails north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 publ ic pro cess 6 the urban design analysis includes a plan portrait of the © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Urban Design Analysis area which combines information from several sources to provide a base from which we can develop alternative concepts. It includes all of the elements of the area: streets, buildings, land use, vacant land, topography, and natural features. Understanding the fabric of the site is a key part of the design process. This is accomplished through a series of diagrams called UDA X-Rays® which pull apart information so that the site can be more clearly understood. Each X-ray describes not only a physical element of the area, but also the issues to be resolved. airport restrictions and areas of contamination. RESIDENTIAL BLOCKS X-RAY: Strong residential areas are adjacent to the study area. COMMERCIAL USES X-RAY: Northampton Boulevard is an important commercial corridor. INDUSTRIAL USES X-RAY: The industrial park, airport and base are employment centers. CONSTRAINTS X-RAY: Constraints include Portrait of Existing Conditions north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 ur ba n design a na ly sis 7 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Urban Design Analysis FIGURE GROUND X-RAY: The site has large STREET HIERARCHY X-RAY: The site has ZONING X-RAY: The area has a predominance of and small buildings and vast empty areas. insufficient road infrastructure for development. industrial, residential and commercial land uses. ZONING K E Y I -1 I-2 R -15 N O R F O L K I N T E R N AT I O N A L A I R P O R T A -24 R-40 A -18 R -10 A -12 R -7. 5 H -1 R-5D B-2 PD -H2 O -2 OWNERSHIP KE Y PUBLIC UTILIT Y CONTROLLED NORFOLK CONTROLLED VIRGINIA BE ACH CONTROLLED P R I VAT E OPEN SPACE X-RAY: Major areas include the L AND OWNERSHIP X-RAY: Publicly owned land golf course, VT Ag center, schools and waterways is shown in yellow, private in purple. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 AIRPORT CONTROLLED ur ba n design a na ly sis 8 burton station road and the residential areas accessed by it © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Design Exploration: Burton Station Village defined the focus of the study area. The site’s long history of both thriving as a community while lacking public services make it a key location for improvement and redevelopment. Various visions presented during the public process led to the exploration and development of three different options for the Burton Station neighborhood. The first alternative is a low-density scheme which is primarily residential. Providing for the needs and desires of current residents, this option keeps all 31 existing homes. The current alignment of Burton Station Road is respected, and small neighborhood services such as a corner shop and community center are provided. The second alternative is a high-density residential scheme. This envisions a larger scale redevelopment of Burton Station land parcels, creating higher land value while maintaining a residential neighborhood. Increasing density also validates the market for commercial and office uses in the area. Apartment units and a senior living complex are included in the plan. The third alternative proposes commercial and office redevelopment. While residential uses are not depicted, this option does accomplish the highest land value and was explored as an alternative land use. The final decision revealed a preference for option 1, allowing the community to keep their heritage and enhance the existing community. Street improvements and a Memorial Park celebrating the area’s legacy, would be key components. Portrait of Existing Conditions north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 design e x pl or at ion : burt on stat ion v ill age 9 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Option One: Low-Density Residential Given the strong historical and community ties in the Burton Station neighborhood, a plan respecting all existing buildings was explored. This proposal maintains the close-knit, low-density residential aspect. The goal is to improve and build upon the neighborhood without losing any of its character. Existing properties with very deep dimensions may be subdivided and developed as multiple single-family lots. The addition of interconnecting streets allows these newly divided lots to be accessed, creating a small block network. Single-family houses line the streets, facing both inwards towards Burton Station Road and outwards Low density option for Burton Station Village, with surrounding context towards the golf course. OPTION 1: LOW DENSIT Y With the expanded network, the neighborhood gains a more RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM complete fabric. The Village core is centered along the improved » 31 existing homes Burton Station Road. Small convenience retail is provided in the » 38 new single family homes corner shop towards the entrance, and a community center along the » Corner shop golf course opens onto Memorial Park. The Burton Station legacy is » Community Center » Memorial Park commemorated and celebrated here. The discontinuation of Burton CONCEPTUAL PL AN A single-family residential neighborhood with corner shop, community center, and improved infrastructure Station Road at the golf course ensures its use solely as a local residential street, reducing the traffic flow. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 design e x pl or at ion : burt on stat ion v ill age 10 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Option Two: High-Density Residential Close proximity to major transit corridors and employment opportunities, combined with high real estate value along the golf course, creates an opportunity for higher density. This option explored the capacity within Burton Station Village for a larger range of residential types. The neighborhood is maintained but all residential parcels are redeveloped to attain a higher value and density. Some singlefamily houses surround the center of the Village, reflecting the historic character and framing a Memorial Park. At the head of the park is a community center for all residents to use. Towards the golf course, townhomes and larger multifamily and High density option for Burton Station Village, with surrounding context apartment buildings replace the detached houses and maximize OPTION 2 : HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM the value provided by the open green. Three- and four-story buildings look out over the fairways and create a defined edge to the golf » 75 new homes course. A senior assisted living building is also incorporated into the » 775 apartment units center of the neighborhood, within an easy distance from the park » 120 assisted living units » 130,000 Sq. ft. commercial space and community center. Some additional commercial uses are also included along the » Memorial Park CONCEPTUAL PL AN High density scheme composed primarily of townhouses, apartments, and assisted living, as well as commercial uses near Northampton Boulevard entry from Northampton Boulevard, providing further retail and services within walking distance for all residents. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 design e x pl or at ion : burt on stat ion v ill age 11 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Option Three: High-Density Commercial Burton Station Village stands in an unlikely position for residential units, cut off from nearby neighborhoods by the busy Northampton corridor and under the wing of Norfolk International Airport. High concentrations of commercial and industrial uses in the immediate vicinity led to the exploration of a third option, which proposes redeveloping the area as an office and commercial center. The success of similar developments in the area and the views provided by extensive golf front property made this a potential prime location for corporate development. Though residential units are also provided, and a Burton Station Commercial density option for Burton Station Village, with surrounding context Memorial Park is incorporated to continue and celebrate the com- OPTION 3 : HIGH DENSITY COMMERCIAL PROGRAM munity there, the focus of this plan alternative was on the creation of office and flex spaces. Employment opportunities, in high demand, » 40 new homes would be accommodated here and the addition of a new hotel would » 120 room hotel benefit from the golf course, transportation corridor, and airport » 575,000 Sq. ft. commercial space proximity. » Parking garages » Memorial Park north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 CONCEPTUAL PL AN The neighborhood is reconceived as a commercial office district with some new townhouses and a hotel. design e x pl or at ion : burt on stat ion v ill age 12 The land values on a per acre basis for the three Burton Station Comparable Sales Village alternatives were estimated for comparative purposes. » Several commercial brokers and developers interviewed identified © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Burton Station Village: Economic Study recent land transactions C O M M ER C I A L L A N D S A L ES » Residential site sales in comparable areas range from $100,000 to Assumptions governing the valuation estimates » Zoning: commercial zoning will be achieved prior to sale. » Infrastructure: adequate infrastructure and sufficient utility capacity is available, or committed, at the time of sale. $200,000 per acre » Commercial site sales in comparable areas range from $180,000 to $455,000 per acre » Average commercial site sold for $300,000 per acre » Site Prep: cost for demolition and removal of houses and other built structures (approximately $25,000) is not factored into per acre valuation L A N D VA L UAT I O N S F O R B U R T O N S TAT I O N P R O P E R T I E S Low High Average Option 1: Single Family Residential $100,000 $200,000 $150,000 Option 2: High Density Residential $200,000 $280,000 $225,000 Option 3: High Density Office $270,000 $390,000 $330,000 north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 design e x pl or at ion : burt on stat ion v ill age 13 the combination of public input and analysis throughout © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Strategic Plan the planning process revealed the hopes and needs of the community. Through this input, a series of design principles were defined: » Respect traditions and context » Optimize and extend connections » Develop sustainable initiatives » Provide a mix of uses » Encourage economic development » Create an image » Improve the quality of life The strategic plan which evolved from the design exploration merged each of these goals in order to create a cohesive vision and direction for development in this area. The golf course is reconfigured into a more central amenity, surrounded by residential units and ample office and employment opportunities. Northampton Boulevard is improved and developed to provide a more comfortable pedestrian atmosphere and increased commercial opportunities. The industrial park to the north remains and is assumed to support more intense business development over time. Improved street connections link it to surrounding development and the port to the north. Burton Station Village is developed according to community preference, maintaining a low density village atmosphere and completing the neighborhood fabric to define a safer and more connected neighborhood. Key Illustrative Plan ILLUSTRATIVE PL AN Strategic plan interventions throughout the study area are focused around the golf course, Northampton Boulevard, and Burton Station Road. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ate gic pl a n 14 Virginia Tech Agricul ture Center p r in ond S Wa r d © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s D ia m Core Study Area Ave Ba rr s Rd gs Rd M St er ill or d eR Hotel Lake Wright Golf Course Bur ton Station Village Senior Living Center N. Bu r to W nS t es ati on le Rd ya n Dr Diamond Lake Estates Lake Wright Wesleyan Chase Of fice Park d Bake r R No rw I- L & J Gardens ich 64 Av e W es le ya n Dr Illustrative Plan north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ate gic pl a n : c or e st u dy a r e a 15 T © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Development Capacity S R BURTON STATION STRATEGIC GROWTH AREA PROGRAM ANALYSIS August 27, 2008 block block acreage f.a.r. use proposed units/mix existing use existing sf A B C D E F G H 12.33 6.32 1.29 2.93 4.07 0.92 5.20 1.90 0.83 1.50 NA NA NA 0.30 NA NA office multifamily residential/retail residential residential institutional residential senior living golf golf residential residential residential residential residential vacant retail NA NA ? ? ? ? ? NA I 20.70 0.80 office/comm/hotel 440,000SF (3st.) 360du (4st.) 4 new res; 3,500SF retail 8 new res 10 new res 12,000SF instit 12 new res 90,000SF senior (90du; 2st.) 400,000SF office; 150rm hotel 100,000SF retail 40,000SF restaurant J 29.00 0.65 office/retail retail restaurant flex space hotel office retail restaurant warehouse/distribution NA 90,000 37,000 2,600 120 rooms 10,000 7,500 9,000 166,000 NA trailer park ? trailer park & open area ? golf & open area warehouse/distribution research & development office light industrial flex space retail warehouse/distribution research & development flex space office warehouse/distribution light industrial flex space retail office retail warehouse/distribution warehouse/distribution open area NA 341,000 18,000 41,500 286,000 33,000 43,500 1,036,000 122,500 255,500 20,000 101,000 62,000 190,500 12,000 10,500 40,000 239,000 108,000 NA storage open area open area/car repair golf golf NA NA NA NA NA 732,000SF off (3st.) 93,000SF retail K 14.50 NA DLH Sports L 12.50 0.40 office/commercial M 30.00 0.30 office/commercial O 10.50 1.25 office/comm/residential P 49.40 0.82 office/retail NA 112,500SF office 112,500SF retail 140,000SF retail 145,000SF office; 300du res (3st.) 70,000SF retail 160,000SF retail 1,400,000SF office 110.68 0.44 flex/office 750,000SF flex R 42.86 0.35 flex str ate gic pl a n : c or e st u dy a r e a 650,000SF flex S 37.22 0.62 office 1,000,000SF office T U V 24.00 5.89 10.15 0.36 0.39 0.37 flex flex flex 370,000SF flex 100,000SF flex 162,000SF flex W 15.15 0.37 office/flex X Y Z 22.18 20.00 3.50 0.34 0.54 0.52 office office office 135,000 office 107,000SF flex 330,000SF office (3st.) 467,000SF office (3, 4st.) 80,000SF office (3st). north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 P V U L W K J M 280,000SF office (3st.) 1,600,000SF office Q Q X O F G Y E D I C H B Z A str ate gic pl a n : dev el opmen t c a pacit y 16 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Design Frameworks Frameworks improvements across the study area connect and extend existing networks for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Virginia Tech Agriculture Center STREET FR AMEWORK Existing heavy traffic along all outer boundaries of the study area causes congestion. Additional street connections relieve the load by providing alternate routes and discouraging the use of small roads as bypasses. Connections around the golf course intersect at multiple points the larger thoroughfares, opening up the parcels they access for higher density development. New north-south connections cre- Lake Wright Golf Course ate a transportation corridor linking the airport, new offices, existing industry, and port. The intersection of Northampton Boulevard and Diamond Springs Road is reconfigured to provide a safer crossing. O P EN S PAC E F R A M E W O R K Parks and open spaces serve as amenities for residents and pedestrians, linking to the golf course and preserving some of the existing natural vegetation. The new Memorial Park is at the center of the residential village. A system of pedestrian and bicycle trails access the neighborhood, retail centers, and office developments, and link into the botanical gardens and port. STREETS DIAGRAM north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates OPEN SPACE AND TRAILS DIAGRAM | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ate gic pl a n : design fr a me wor k s 17 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Burton Station Village B U R T O N S TAT I O N V I L L AG E DEVELOPMENT PROGR AM Lake Wright Golf Course Community Center » 31 existing homes » 38 new single family homes » Corner shop Memorial Park » Assisted living home The residential community comes together at Burton Station Village, » Community center a hamlet of single family homes surrounded on three sides by the » Memorial Park Bur ton Station Village golf course. The expanse of open space and the tight knit network of small streets containing the Village insulate the homes from airport and traffic activity nearby. Upon entrance through the commercial Bu gateway along Northampton, the atmosphere calms to provide a comfortable pedestrian environment. Small blocks of homes are lined r to nS t ati on Senior Living Center Rd with sidewalks, leading to the corner shop to the east and the community center to the west. The park edging the golf course provides a Corner Shop communal gathering space for neighbors to convene. Golf Course Clubhouse Illustrative Plan Portrait of Existing Conditions north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates CONCEPTUAL PL AN : Illustrative plan of Burton Station Village | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ategic pl a n : burt on stat ion v ill age 18 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Burton Station Village Vision Perspective View of Burton Station Village Square, with residential and neighborhood retail Aerial view of Burton Station improvements, from the southwest Perspective View of the entry into Burton Station Village looking north, depicting assisted living home on the right and corner shop on the left Aerial view of Burton Station improvements, from the west north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ategic pl a n : burt on stat ion v ill age 19 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Burton Station Village Vision Aerial Perspective of the enhanced Burton Station Village with additional development along the Northampton corridor north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ate gic pl a n : burt on stat ion v ill age 20 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Golf Course District Collaboration between the cities of Virginia Beach and Norfolk allows a new configuration for the golf course, increasing its impact as an amenity to the entire area. Fairways stretch along an existing and proposed lake, and are edged by new office development opportunities. A nearby commercial district and the residential neighborhood of Burton Station Village provide a range of uses within the vicinity. Vi rg ia No in lk ac r fo Be h Illustrative Plan Portrait of Existing Conditions CONCEPTUAL PL AN : The redesigned golf course has a mix of new development - commercial office, hotel, mixed-use and residential - on all sides. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ate gic pl a n : g ol f c our se distr ic t 21 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Golf Course District: Norfolk NORFOLK DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM » 467,000 SF commercial office space » Surface parking » Golf course frontage The Norfolk boundary of the golf course is revitalized with the » Two access points addition of new street access off of Miller Store Road. This further separates the golf from the airport, opening up land for a new layer of development. This golf front real estate is a desirable location for offices. Proximity to transportation routes is an asset, while the benefits of peaceful open space and views out over the fairways create a pleasant environment. The golf course also gains since the office buildings protect it from land and air traffic beyond. CONCEPTUAL PL AN : New commercial office development is created by the golf course re-alignment. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 Aerial view of Norfolk development str ate gic pl a n : g ol f c our se distr ic t 22 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Golf Course District: Virginia Beach V I R G I N I A B E AC H D E V E L O P MENT PROGRAM » 440,000 SF commercial space » 26 new homes » 250 apartment units At the south end of the golf course, the fairways wrap around the » Garage parking Village into Virginia Beach and terminate in a consolidated block of office development. This location along Northampton Boulevard, situated between two hotels and a commercial corridor, is a prime location for offices. In addition to the view over the golf course and clubhouse, the wide range of uses and easy access for both visitors and residents throughout the region makes this a vibrant and active block. Whether its the walk to the office, the lunch shared at a restaurant up the block, or a break taken as a stroll along the course, a wide range of assets create a great potential for office development here. Closer to the Village, multi-family apartment and townhouse buildings mediate between the three- to four- story offices and the small single family homes. These smaller buildings descend in size and height as they approach the Village. A wooded path further separates the townhomes from the existing houses, using green space to tie the neighborhood together while maintaining views and respecting the context and atmosphere of community. CONCEPTUAL PL AN : New mixed-use development is created along Northampton Boulevard north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 Aerial view of Virigina Beach development str ate gic pl a n : g ol f c our se distr ic t 23 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Golf Course District: North Golf Course Drive NORTH GOLF DRIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM » 680,000 SF commercial space » 155,000 SF retail space » Surface and garage parking The northern edge of the golf course creates another address for » Golf frontage office development. A series of office, flex, commercial, and mixeduse buildings line North Golf Course Drive. This scenic street provides them with easy access to the neighboring residential and commercial districts, and the buildings help enclose the golf course and shelter it from the industrial park to the north. CONCEPTUAL PL AN : Commercial and mixed-use front the golf course along the northern edge north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 Aerial view of North Golf Course Drive str ate gic pl a n : g ol f c our se distr ic t 24 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Golf Course Improvements and Vision str ate gic pl a n : c or e st u dy a r e a Perspective along the edge of the new Golf course, lined by the new commercial office buildings north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ate gic pl a n : g olf c our se distr ic t 25 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Northampton–Diamond Springs Corridor NORTHAMPTON - DIAMOND SPRINGS CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM » 1,356,000 SF commercial office space Mixed-use Development » 388,000 SF retail space Scattered commercial properties currently along Northampton » 40,000 SF restaurant space Boulevard and Diamond Springs Road are now consolidated along » 300 apartment units Mixed-use Development » 150 room hotel the street front to create a more continuous urban environment. New » Surface and garage parking commercial and flexible use buildings face the two primary roads, as » Reconfigured lake DLH Spor ts Complex well as new secondary roads servicing the interior of the study area. Connections to Burton Station Village, multi-family residential apartments, the DLH sports complex, and the lake tie into the commercial corridor and link both pedestrians and vehicular traffic. New Of fice landscaping and pathways around the lake create an address for the development and lead to the golf course. A new hotel enjoys a visible location along the corridor, with proximity to a variety of uses and Apar tments Hotel open spaces. The busy intersection at Diamond Springs Road and Northampton Boulevard is calmed, with a simplified 4-way stoplight. The development along Baker Road and increased connections throughout the site lessens the load on one single intersection and Mixed-use Development helps to disperse the flow of traffic. Portrait of Existing Conditions north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates CONCEPTUAL PL AN : New development on the Northampton - Diamond Springs Corridor includes mixed- use, hotels, office, and retail | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ate gic pl a n : north a mp t on–di a mond spr ings c or r id or 26 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Northampton Boulevard Improvements and Vision Aerial Perspective depicting the improved Northampton Boulevard street conditions and commercial development north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ate gic pl a n : north a mp t on–di a mond spr ings c or r id or 27 A I R P O R T I N D U S T R I A L PA R K A I R P O R T I N D U S T R I A L PA R K RE-DEVELOPMENT PROGR AM : NEW DEVELOPMENT PRO- Am ph ibi ou © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Airport Industrial Park sD r GRAM : Shore Dr » 4,000,000 SF commercial office space » 100,000 SF commercial office space » 1,800,000 SF flex/R&D/ industrial space Improvements to the existing Airport Industrial Park maintain all » 370,000 SF flex/R&D/industrial space » 160,000 SF retail space existing buildings and increase connectivity and access. Baker Road is extended to reach Bayside Road, and Air Rail Avenue is extended beyond the train tracks to access the port to the north. Some new A ra g o n the commercial corridor at Northampton Boulevard and Diamond Bays Springs Road. With improved road access and connections to major Dr D ia m on d Sp ri ng s Rd industrial development allows the Park to expand and connect to ide R oad arterials, parcels within Airport Industrial Park can be redeveloped to Thurston Ave ill M d Bake r R er St or e Rd Ai rR ai l Av e more intense uses over time. Wa r d Ave CONCEPTUAL PL AN : New development sites at the southern edge of the airport industrial Portrait of Existing Conditions park along with an enhanced road system may spawn redevelopment on existing properties of the airport industrial park. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ate gic pl a n : a ir p ort industr i a l pa r k 28 Little Creek Amphibious Base was started early in World War II Boulevard Corridor Growth Area. Development must meet the when Navy Planners realized the need to train large numbers of security needs and standards of the military and the Navy’s con- American troops to land on foreign shores under fire. The base has cerns regarding port security must be addressed. Stronger links grown over the years developing into a strategic expeditionary orient- between the Base and the Northampton Boulevard Corridor Growth ed command. It continues to evolve to meet the needs of the Global Area have been built into this plan through briefings with the War on Terrorism and is the fastest growing base in Hampton Roads. Base Commander and technical support from NAB Little Creek, Its mission is to provide outstanding customer service support © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Little Creek Amphibious Base NAVFAC and MIDLANT staff representatives. to the more than 14,400 personnel of the 132 resident commands located on base. Little Creek Amphibious Base has an estimated annual payroll of $821 million, and employs more than 14,400 military and civilians personnel, including civil service, contractors and non-appropriated fund employees. There are 18 ships home ported at Little Creek, 35 Landing Crafts Air Cushion (LCACs) and 34 conventional waterborne landing craft units (LCUs) and other smaller str ategic pl a n : a ir p ort industr i a l pa r k boats. Little Creek Amphibious Base is currently conducting a longrange planning and design charrette process to determine how base expansion needs can be met. Navy realignments have left Little Creek with a 2 million square foot deficit of office space. Not all needs can be met on the Base and this growth can provide an economic catalyst for the redevelopment of the Northampton Portrait of Existing Conditions CONCEPTUAL PL AN : A newly reinstated an enhanced connection from the study area to the amphibious base increases access to the base and the docks. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 str ate gic pl a n : l it tl e cr eek a mphibious b a se 29 strategic plan recommendations may be subdivided into © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Phasing and Implementation three stages of implementation. The core of the study area, focused around Burton Station Road, and land exchanges with the City of Norfolk for the golf course reconfiguration, are the primary initia- PHASE 1 tives for Phase 1. Current demand and interest in these initiatives » Redesigned Lake Wright golf course will spur the demand for later development. Commercial development along the Northampton Boulevard - Diamond Springs Road » New Wesleyan Drive extension Corridor follows as the next step in Phase 2. Infrastructure improve- » Improved Burton Station Road ments and potential expansion to the Industrial Park define additional initiatives to be tackled in Phase 3. » New Burton Station Village road network » New golf course drive » New single family homes » New commercial office, mixed- use development, and flex/R&D/industrial development KEY COMMERCIAL OFFICE C O M M E R C I A L R E TA I L O P E N S PA C E M U LT I - FA M I LY R E S I D E N T I A L S I N G L E - FA M I LY R E S I D E N T I A L FLEX / R & D / INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTIONAL MIXED - USE E XISTING ROAD IMPROVED ROAD NE W ROAD Illustrative Plan north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates PHASE 1: Infrastructure, Land Use, and Implementation | de cember 2 0 0 8 ph a sing a nd i mpl e men tat ion 30 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 » New road network in core commercial area » New roads for improved network in existing AIP » Improved Baker Road » Potential future redevelopment of industrial uses » New Barr Road extension to port property © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s PHASING AND IMPLEMENTATION » Potential redevelopment of port property » Improved NorthamptonDiamond Springs intersection » New apartment units » New mixed-use, commercial office, and flex development » Reconfigured lake KEY KEY COMMERCIAL OFFICE COMMERCIAL OFFICE C O M M E R C I A L R E TA I L C O M M E R C I A L R E TA I L O P E N S PA C E O P E N S PA C E M U LT I - FA M I LY R E S I D E N T I A L M U LT I - FA M I LY R E S I D E N T I A L S I N G L E - FA M I LY R E S I D E N T I A L S I N G L E - FA M I LY R E S I D E N T I A L FLEX / R & D / INDUSTRIAL FLEX / R & D / INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTIONAL INSTITUTIONAL MIXED - USE MIXED - USE E XISTING ROAD E XISTING ROAD IMPROVED ROAD IMPROVED ROAD NE W ROAD PHASE 2: Infrastructure, Land Use, and Implementation north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates NE W ROAD PHASE 3 : Infrastructure, Land Use, and Implementation | de cember 2 0 0 8 ph a sing a nd i mpl e men tat ion 31 S H O R T T ER M ( P H A S E I ) LO NG T ER M ( P H A S ES I I & I I I ) CIP for Burton Road Improvements CIP for Northampton/Diamonds Springs Intersection Improvements A Capital Improvement Plan should be sought for utility and road- A Capital Improvement Plan should be sought for the redesign of way improvements to existing Burton Road (north to Tim Road). western side (Diamond Springs Road southbound) of the intersec- Improvements should include: sewer, city water, lighting, roadway tion to include: shorter right turn lane and new curbs and increased including curb and gutter, and sidewalks. curb cuts into commercial properties. Modified CIP for Wesleyan Drive AIP Road Improvements The Capital Improvement Plan for Wesleyan Drive should be An improved Barrs Road (using the current alignment of Air Rail structured for a cost participation agreement with developer of golf Ave) has been reconceived as a front door to development in the AIP course development. and will allow more direct access to the airport. Additional roads © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Action Plan have been proposed within the AIP to increase connectivity. A pub- Golf Course Relocation Plan A catalyst of most of the development is the relocation and redesign lic-private agreement for development of the road should be sought. of the Lake Wright Golf Course. An agreement and strategy for Alignment with Amphibious Base Development development should be established between City of Virginia Beach, Potential development on the Amphibious Base will create new City of Norfolk and private developer. opportunities for growth. A strategy for future redevelopment of the Facilitate Development in Burton Station Village The City of Virginia Beach to facilitate development in the Burton Station Village area through education (workshops for rezoning and redevelopment) and coordination (connecting land owners and Airport Industrial Park should be established to provide supporting uses to the Base development. Extending Barrs Road under Shore Drive into the port property will provide greater opportunity for substantial development. developers). Facilitate Development of Mixed-use Parcels A Request For Proposals for 20 acres of development in Virginia Beach at Northampton-Wesleyan intersection. Rezoning Application of Strategic Growth Area In order to facilitate implementation of the proposed plan, an appliSHORT TERM ( PHASE I ) LONG TERM ( PH ASE II & III ) cation for rezoning or zoning overlay should be created. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 ph a sing a nd i mpl e men tat ion : ac t ion pl a n 32 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Residential Lot Subdivision Residential lots within the existing Burton Station neighborhood may respond to the strategic plan recommendations in a variety of ways. These lots, much longer than the modern convention, present an opportunity to landowners to subdivide their land into multiple EXISTING LOT CONFIGURATION : Example of a lot EXISTING LOT CONFIGURATION : Example of a lot approximately 500 approximately 300 Feet deep Feet deep POTENTIAL SUBDIVISION : Existing house remains, POTENTIAL SUBDIVISION : Existing house remains, and three new lots and additional lot is created facing the street on the opposite side are created facing the side and opposite streets POTENTIAL SUBDIVISION : Existing house remains, POTENTIAL SUBDIVISION : Existing house remains, and higher density and two small lots are created and serviced by a new alley through the block units are added. Six townhomes fill the block, and a larger multi-family building caps the corner. lots for sale or rent. Within a low-density residential scheme, size and height of buildings should remain relatively low, and the density and character of the surrounding neighborhood respected. With that in mind, there still remain a variety of options for lot and building types and uses. Single family lots, townhouses and attached units, and small multifamily buildings may all be potential for subdivision and redevelopment within a lot. As a guideline, block corners and edge locations, such as lots adjacent to the larger buildings in the commercial district and close to the golf front offices, are best suited to larger units and higher density if desired. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 ph a sing a nd i mpl e men tat ion : r esiden t i a l l o t su bdi v ision 33 Residential Design Guidelines © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Corner lots are oriented primarily towards the deeper dimension and may have a larger setback. Corner lots address both adjacent streets. Single family houses are limited to 2 stories. Garages are situated behind the main body of the house. Porches address the street and create a friendly environment. Respect for the context also defines guidelines for the massing of Parking is placed behind buildings. new buildings erected on subdivided lots. New buildings placed in a Prominent corners may have larger massing. low-density neighborhood should be sized so as not to overshadow or intrude on their neighbors. A complete neighborhood is created Multi-family buildings may be 2-21/ 2 stories Buildings are set back 20’ from the street. when all buildings are in harmony. Building fronts are situated within a 10’ Facade Zone An example of this is in limiting height. Buildings within the Village should be no more than 2 to 2 1/2 stories. Open space also is DEEP LOT DESIGN GUIDELINES : Lots deeper than 120 feet, typical for the existing homes, have larger yards and are sites for potential multi-family buildings. a key element to consider. Lots should retain a percentage of open space, serving as landscaped public and private yards and separating buildings. Sizes and depths of existing lots and the resulting subdivisions Garages may be attached or detached. may vary. Typical lots may be divided into two categories: deep lots (120-200 feet) and shallow lots (80-120 feet deep). Though building Individual stoops or porches address the street and create a friendly environment. setbacks and placement may differ slightly, all other design guidelines will apply to all residential lots. The diagrams to the right depict the Parking should be handled in the rear of townhouses. standards and guidelines as applied to several typical conditions. Buildings are set back 10’ from the street. Alleys may service parking needs. Townhouses may be 2-21/ 2 stories Building fronts are situated within a 10’ Facade Zone SHALLOW LOT DESIGN GUIDELINES : Lots shallower than 120 feet are well suited to subdivision into narrower lots and smaller unit typologies such as townhomes. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 ph a sing a nd i mpl e men tat ion : r esiden t i a l design gu idel ines 34 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Commercial Design Guidelines Landscaped side lots allow pedestrian paths and create paseos Parking options may vary but relate directly to the potential commercial floor space. Here, surface parking yeilds two floors. Landscaped zone separates street from parking A multitude of retail and office opportunities are provided in various commercial components within the plan. Several addresses include Office: landscaped setback commercial uses, and heights may vary depending on location in Mixed Use: hardscaped setback with pedestrian amenities order to maximize views. Mixed Use: storefronts along ground floor frontage There are a set of consistent design guidelines for the building siting and massing. The street edge is urbanized and defined by bringing commercial uses closer to the street, creating a pedestrian friendly environment and pushing parking to the rear. Outdoor seating and gathering spaces create courts that draw people into the block and lead to the buildings beyond. A parking garage can significantly increase potential commercial floor space. The setting may vary depending on the type of commercial use. Parking recedes behind building Mixed use buildings will have retail uses on the ground floor, and should be articulated at this level with storefronts. Office buildings may incorporate more open space. Surrounded by landscaped greens, views are maximized and the open space becomes a park amenity Entrances along streets and courts rather than a parking lot. Taller ground floor (18 feet typical) Pedestrian courts Buildings address the street MIXED USE OFFICE » Storefronts along the ground floor » Entrance court or lobby » Multiple entries » Landscaped front may be significant » Awnings and signage indicate retail » Side greens and park features » Outdoor seating » Sustainable elements for water retention and management are beneficial » High transparency (i.e., large shop windows) engage pedestrians » Lighting elements, especially along court and paseo sides COMMERCIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES: Buildings are placed and sited, both within the lot and in relation to one another, so as to create a continuous street edge and comfortable pedestrian environment. Scale and layout may vary; the examples above depict two typical possibilities. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 ph a sing a nd i mpl e men tat ion : commerci a l design gu idel ines 35 Improved Burton Station Road section the basic infrastructure system for the implementation WAT ER SY S T EM of the plan includes public vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle linkages Public water is available along Northampton Boulevard as well as and the improvement and extension of public water, sanitary sewer, throughout Airport Industrial Park, allowing the capability to extend and stormwater drainage systems to serve the area. These improve- the system into the undeveloped areas of the study area. These ments will be developed in a phased implementation plan and will systems will need to follow the proposed road grid to allow for a most likely be accomplished through a public/private development network that provides sufficient flow for domestic use as well as ade- partnership. quate fire flow for the proposed commercial and industrial areas. T R A N S P O R TAT I O N S A N I TA RY S E W ER SY S T EM An emphasis of the plan will be to provide an integrated system A new sanitary sewer collection system will need to be developed to of multi-modal circulation throughout the strategic growth area, service the currently undeveloped portions of the service area. The including provision for future improvement to the public transpor- development will also require the construction of at least two new tation system. Typical sections are provided for the newly created pump stations and upgrades to existing pump stations within the roadways, the new roadway extensions and the improved roadways service areas to support the densification of Airport Industrial Park in the area. All emphasize the provision of pedestrian walks, and the in the future. The most efficient improvements to the sanitary sewer major roads include multi-purpose paths consistent with the City system would include coordination between the public utility depart- of Virginia Beach goals for the development of a city-wide bicycle ments of Norfolk and Virginia Beach to jointly serve the area. route. The typical sections identify locations for street and pedestrian D R A I N AG E A N D S T O R M WAT ER M A N AG EM EN T lighting and for roadway landscaping. For the routes in the business areas of the site, sufficient lane width is recommended to allow truck access. In addition to internal roadway improvements, improvements to the streetscape along Northampton Boulevard are recommended to improve the gateway appearance and character of this important location. © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Infrastructure Drainage for the Burton Station area will ultimately flow into both Lake Wright and the existing lake created by the former borrow pit west of and adjacent to the trailer park. Prior to entering this system a series of stormwater management ponds or other facilities will be necessary to provide water quality and quantity controls. These ponds are planned to be designed as part of the water hazards within the golf course. An open swale and pipe collection will connect the ponds and roadways to the major lakes. Aerial Perspective depicting the improved Northampton Boulevard street conditions and commercial development north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 infr a struc t ur e 36 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Infrastructure 8' 0" 41' 0" 7' 5" 4' 0" 15' 5" WESLEYAN DRIVE EX TENSION 5' 0" 8' 0" 48' 0" 48' 0" 20' 0" 8' 0" 5' 0" NORTHAMPTON BOULEVARD north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 infr a struc t ur e 37 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Infrastructure 7' 6" 4' 0" 27' 0" 7' 6" 4' 0" BURTON STATION ROAD 8' 0" 8' 0" 39' 0" 8' 0" 4' 0" NORTH GOLF COURSE DRIVE north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 infr a struc t ur e 38 F I S C A L A N D EC O N O M I C I M PAC T A N A LY S I S C O N S T R U C T I O N P ER I O D EC O N O M I C A N D F I S C A L I M PAC T S A fiscal and economic impact analysis of the phased development During the construction period for each phase of the proposed plan was prepared. The analysis included the fiscal impact (e.g. per- Burton Station Strategic Growth Area, a variety of new opportuni- sonal and corporate income tax, sales tax, real and personal property ties will be created. The construction period will generate jobs, mate- tax, business license tax) and the economic benefits (e.g. jobs, payroll, rial purchases, and consumer purchases in the region that will result consumer expenditures, and material purchases) generated during the in tax revenue to the Commonwealth and to the City of Virginia construction period and at the build-out (operating) period of the Beach. © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Economic Study The proposed development during the construction period of all project were quantified. three phases is projected to generate 22,495 jobs, $746.2 million in In order to determine the net fiscal and economic impact of the implementation of the Burton Station plan, the existing to-be- payroll, $357.8 million in material purchases made in the region, and changed development for Phases I, II, and III was compared to the $612.5 million in consumer expenditures, including direct and indi- proposed new development for Phases I, II, and III. The increase in rect impacts. fiscal and economic impacts from the existing development to the Fiscal Impacts (Construction Period) Burton Station Strategic Growth Area proposed development will determine the net new economic impact City of VA Beach Phase I Commonwealth of VA Total City of VA Beach Phase II Commonwealth of VA Total Income Tax Permit Fees Sales Tax $117,612 $92,265 $2,476,223 $1,291,707 $2,476,223 $117,612 $1,383,971 $290,140 $183,701 $5,757,805 $2,571,813 $5,757,805 $290,140 $2,755,514 Indirect Sales Tax (Off Site) Personal Property Tax TOTAL $102,329 $0 $312,206 $425,962 $0 $4,193,891 $528,291 $0 $4,506,098 $224,593 $0 $698,433 $872,012 $0 $9,201,630 $1,096,605 $0 $9,900,063 City of VA Beach Phase III Commonwealth of VA Total City of VA Beach Combined Commonwealth of VA Total Income Tax Permit Fees Sales Tax $482,732 $268,354 $9,785,703 $3,756,955 $9,785,703 $482,732 $4,025,309 $890,484 $544,320 $18,019,732 $7,620,474 $18,019,732 $890,484 $8,164,794 Indirect Sales Tax (Off Site) $319,913 $1,257,719 $1,577,631 $646,834 $2,555,692 $3,202,527 Personal Property Tax TOTAL $0 $1,070,999 $0 $14,800,377 $0 $15,871,376 $0 $2,081,638 $0 $28,195,899 $0 $30,277,536 that will be generated to the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Cities of Virginia Beach and Norfolk during each phase of the development. The primary increase is in the City of Virginia Beach. Burton Station Strategic Growth Area Development Schemes ` Existing (To-be-replaced) Development Phase 1 Project Uses Office General Retail Restaurant Residential Single Family Phase 2 Phase 3 10,000 97,500 46,000 72,000 95,500 Total Existing (to-be-changed) 82,000 193,000 46,000 72,000 (36 units) 72,000 Rental Apartment Condo Multifamily Senior Housing Hotel Research and Development Warehouse Flex 116,000 166,000 2,600 140,500 2,173,000 479,000 116,000 140,500 2,339,000 481,600 Proposed Development Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 999,000 3,500 2,134,500 515,500 40,000 4,000,000 160,000 120,000 (60 units) 180,000 (150 units) 120,000 (100 units) 90,000 (90 units) Total Proposed 7,133,500 679,000 40,000 120,000 216,000 (180 units) 144,000 (120 units) 396,000 264,000 90,000 145,000 369,000 145,000 1,770,000 2,139,000 Total 72,000 438,100 2,960,000 11,006,500 3,470,100 1,512,500 3,564,000 5,930,000 *Rental Apartments and Condo Multifamily are currently projected to be 1,200 SF per unit. Single Family units are currently projected to be 2,000 SF per unit. north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 e c onomic st u dy 39 Exhibit 1: Construction Period ‐ Construction Value (millions) Burton Station Strategic Growth Program 1,173 $1,200 Based on these projections, the proposed development during the O P ER AT I O N P ER I O D EC O N O M I C I M PAC T S construction period of all three phases is projected to generate the Once construction is complete and market absorbed, impacts related following tax revenues: to the Burton Station Strategic Growth Area project operations will » $18.0 million in income tax to the Commonwealth continue on a sustained annual basis. The at build out (operation) $1,000 $637 $800 $600 $375 » $891,000 in permit fees to the City of Virginia Beach $400 $161 $200 $0 Phase I Phase II Phase III Total » $544,000 in on-site sales tax to the City of Virginia Beach Construction Value Exhibit 2: Annual Impact at Construction ‐ Direct Jobs Burton Station Strategic Growth Program 11,634 12000 » $7.6 million in on-site sales tax to the Commonwealth » $647,000 in indirect off-site sales tax to the City of Virginia Beach © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Economic Study fiscal and economic impacts measure the annual permanent fiscal and economic impact on the Commonwealth and the local jurisdiction’s economy associated with the development project. At build out, Phase I of the projected development is projected to generate a net new economic impact, direct and indirect, of 9,015 jobs, $395.0 million in payroll, $472.8 million in consumer expendi- 10000 6,316 8000 » $2.6 million in indirect off-site sales tax to the Commonwealth tures, and $914,000 in retail sales on-site. Phase I is also expected to The total hard construction cost of the proposed project is estimated generate a net new 366 on-site households, which in turn result in a to be $1.2 billion. Phase III of the development program has the net new aggregate household earnings of $19.0 million. 6000 3,718 4000 1,600 2000 0 Phase I Phase II Phase III Total largest construction cost ($637 million), followed by Phase II ($375 Proposed Development Exhibit 3: Annual Impact at Construction ‐ Direct Payroll (millions) Burton Station Strategic Growth Program to generate a net new economic impact, direct and indirect, of 23,066 million) and Phase I ($161 million). jobs, $883.8 million in payroll, $1.1 billion in consumer expenditures, $411 $450 At build out, Phase II of the projected development is projected and $148.2 million in retail sales on-site. Phase II is also expected to $400 $350 generate a net new 300 on-site households, which in turn result in a $223 $300 $250 $131 $200 $150 $100 net new aggregate household earnings of $17.1 million. $56 $50 $0 Phase I Phase II Phase III At build out, Phase III of the projected development is projected Total Proposed Development to generate a net new economic impact, direct and indirect, of 46,498 Exhibit 4: Annual Fiscal Impact at Construction ‐ millions Burton Station Strategic Growth Program jobs, $1.6 billion in payroll, $2.4 billion in consumer expenditures, and $41.8 million in retail sales on-site. Phase III is not projected to $30.3 $35.0 generate on-site households or household earnings. $2.1 $30.0 $15.9 $25.0 $20.0 $9.9 $15.0 $4.5 $10.0 $0.3 $5.0 $4.2 $1.1 $28.2 $0.7 $14.8 $9.2 $0.0 Phase I Phase II Commonwealth of VA Phase III Total City of Virginia Beach north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 e c onomic st u dy 40 In all, the proposed development during the build out period of all three phases are projected to generate a net new economic impact, direct and indirect, of 78,579 jobs, $2.9 billion in payroll, $4.0 billion tax, sales tax, indirect sales tax, hotel room tax, and personal property taxes. The total proposed development is projected to generate $166.0 in consumer expenditures, and $190.9 billion in retail sales on-site. million of total fiscal impact, a net increase of $156.7 million. The The projected development is also expected to generate a net new fiscal impact for Phase I is projected to generate $19.7 million annu- 666 on-site households, which in turn result in net new aggregate ally, a net increase of $19.3 million in fiscal impact. The fiscal impact household earnings of $36.1 million. for Phase II is projected to generate $54.1 million annually, a net increase of $49.7 million in fiscal impact. The fiscal impact for Phase O P ER AT I O N P ER I O D F I S C A L I M PAC T S Fiscal impacts during the at-build out period are measured in terms of tax revenue to the Commonwealth of Virginia and the City of Virginia Beach. Fiscal impacts during the at-build out period include income tax, corporate income tax, real property tax, business license Phase I Commonwealth of VA Income Tax Corporate Income Tax Real Property Tax Business License Tax Sales Tax $2,464,533 $3,976,464 $9,144 Indirect Sales Tax (Off-Site) Hotel Room Tax (City of Virgnia Beach) Personal Property Tax TOTAL City of VA Beach Phase II Commonwealth of VA $9,299,910 $412,102 $28,803 Total $9,299,910 $412,102 $2,464,533 $3,976,464 $37,947 $4,951,746 $9,884,123 $980,733 $21,873,741 $1,107,098 $3,430,773 Total $21,873,741 $1,107,098 $4,951,746 $9,884,123 $4,411,506 $1,960,928 $535,351 $2,496,279 $4,696,164 $1,336,196 $6,032,360 $0 $655,732 $9,066,801 $10,276,167 $0 $655,732 $19,342,968 $85,848 $1,317,498 $21,916,112 $27,747,808 $85,848 $1,317,498 $49,663,920 City of VA Beach City of VA Beach Income Tax Corporate Income Tax Real Property Tax Business License Tax Sales Tax $6,818,531 $20,501,038 $168,506 $43,769,753 $2,134,505 $530,795 Total $43,769,753 $2,134,505 $6,818,531 $20,501,038 $699,301 Combined Commonwealth of VA $14,234,810 $34,361,625 $1,158,383 $74,943,404 $3,653,705 $3,990,371 Total $74,943,404 $3,653,705 $14,234,810 $34,361,625 $5,148,753 Indirect Sales Tax (Off-Site) Hotel Room Tax (City of Virgnia Beach) Personal Property Tax TOTAL $9,380,966 $2,627,066 $12,008,032 $16,038,058 $4,498,613 $20,536,671 $0 $1,814,189 $38,683,230 $49,062,117 $0 $1,814,189 $87,745,348 $85,848 $3,787,419 $69,666,143 $87,086,092 $85,848 $3,787,419 $156,752,235 | $87.8 million in fiscal impact. The operation period of the Phase I development is expected to generate net new tax revenue of a combined total of $19.3 million of total fiscal impact to the City and Commonwealth ($9.0 million to » $9.3 million in income tax to the Commonwealth Phase III Commonwealth of VA north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates III is projected to generate $92.1 million annually, a net increase of the City, $10.3 million to the Commonwealth), as follows: Net New Fiscal Impacts (Operations Period at Buildout) Burton Station Strategic Growth Area City of VA Beach © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Economic Study de cember 2 0 0 8 » $412,000 in corporate income tax to the Commonwealth » $2.5 million in real property tax to the Cities of Virginia Beach and Norfolk » $4.0 million in business license tax to the Cities » $9,144 in sales tax to the Cities » $28,803 in sales tax to the Commonwealth » $2.0 million in indirect off-site sales tax to the Cities » $535,000 in indirect off-site sales tax to the Commonwealth » $656,000 in personal property tax to the Cities e c onomic st u dy 41 The at build out period of the Phase II development is expected to » $531,000 in sales tax to the Commonwealth generate net new tax revenue of a combined total of $50 million of » $9.4 million in indirect off-site sales tax to the City total fiscal impact to the City and Commonwealth ($21.9 million to the City, $27.7 million to the Commonwealth), as follows: » $21.9 million in income tax to the Commonwealth » $1.1 million in corporate income tax to the Commonwealth Exhibit 6: Annual Impact at Buildout ‐ Direct Jobs Burton Station Strategic Growth Program 33,189 35,000 32,046 25,000 19,257 18,740 » $86,000 in hotel room tax to the City » $1.8 million in personal property tax to the City In all, the proposed development during the at build out period of all three phases is projected to generate a net new total fiscal impact of » $4.0 million in business license tax to the City $156.8 million to the City and Commonwealth ($69.7 million to the » $981,000 in sales tax to the City City, $87.1 million to the Commonwealth), as follows: » $3.4 million in sales tax to the Commonwealth » $74.9 million in income tax to the Commonwealth » $4.7 million in indirect off-site sales tax to the City » $3.7 million in corporate income tax to the Commonwealth » $1.3 million in indirect off-site sales tax to the Commonwealth » $14.2 million in real property tax to the City of Virginia Beach » $86,000 in hotel room tax to the City » $34.4 million in business license tax to the City » $1.3 million in personal property tax to the City » $1.2 million in sales tax to the City » » $4.0 million in sales tax to the Commonwealth The at build out period of the Phase III development is expected to » $16.0 million in indirect off-site sales tax to the City generate a combined total of net new tax revenue of $87.7 million of » $535,000 in indirect off-site sales tax to the Commonwealth the City, $49.1 million to the Commonwealth), as follows: 20,000 » $2.6 million in indirect off-site sales tax to the Commonwealth » $9.9 million in real property tax to the City of Virginia Beach total fiscal impact to the City and Commonwealth ($38.6 million to 30,000 © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Economic Study » $86,000 in hotel room tax to the City » $3.8 million in personal property tax to the Cities » $43.8 million in income tax to the Commonwealth 10,307 9,682 15,000 » $2.1 million in corporate income tax to the Commonwealth 10,000 3,624 3,624 5,000 625 0 517 1,142 0 Phase I Phase II Phase III Total » $6.8 million in real property tax to the City of Virginia Beach » $20.5 million in business license tax to the City » $169,000 in sales tax to the City Existing (to‐be‐changed) Development Proposed Development Net New Development north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 e c onomic st u dy 42 M A R K E T VA LU E © 2008 u r b a n d e s i g n a s s o c i a t e s Economic Study tively high multiplier effect. The total market value of the proposed development is $1.8 billion, a The $394 million payroll generated by Phase I during opera- $1.6 billion increase over the $223 million market value of the exist- tion period is all new payroll. The $920 million payroll generated ing development. This can be largely attributed to the large office by Phase II during the operation period represents a net increase component in the proposed development project, which comprises of $884 million in payroll. The $1,593 million payroll generated by approximately 72% of the market value of the proposed project. Phase III during the operations period represents a net increase of Phase III of the development project has the largest total and net $1.6 billion in payroll. market value ($928 million total, $766 million net), followed by Phase II ($603 million total, $556 million net) and Phase I ($293 million total, $277 million net). J O B C R E AT I O N A N D PAY R O L L G EN ER AT I O N At build-out, the proposed development is projected to generate net new direct jobs on-site and indirect, or spin-off, jobs off-site during the operations period. The total proposed development is projected to generate a total of 33,189 direct jobs and 47,370 indirect, representing a net increase of 78,579 jobs. The 9,015 jobs created from Phase I during the operations period are all new jobs. The 24,006 jobs created from Phase II during the operations period represent a net increase of 23,066 jobs. The 47,537 jobs created from Phase III during the operations period represent a net increase of 46,498 jobs. The proposed development is also projected to generate net new direct and indirect annual payroll as a result of the jobs created onsite. The total proposed development is projected to generate a total of $2.9 billion in aggregate annual payroll, which represents a net increase of $2.8 billion. The larger payroll relative to the existing development likely reflects both its increased overall development and also its larger office component, whose employees have a rela- north a mp t on bou l eva r d c or r id or s tr at e gic grow t h a r e a i mpl e men tat ion pl a n l a ndm a rk design group | ur ba n design asso ci ates | de cember 2 0 0 8 e c onomic st u dy 43