Sex Educatio ed
Sex Educatio ed
-_.--. GEORGIA STATE UNIVEISIT n J ! ; BOIIIBCOJIIDf The Homecommg PaTC!de of Nov. Queens To Get Crowns Miss and Mrs. Homecoming receive their crowns Friday nigh$ at the Homecoming Dance in Sparks Assembly, Hall at 8 gtorgia statt e nni\lttsity VOUJJDD II p.m, Also announced will be the winners of the trophies for the best floats in the Homecoming Parade Monday, Nov. 16. "Madrigal" a folk group, per. forms Friday morning in the Student Lounge of the Student Center from 9:30 a.m, to 11:30 a.m. Poo Nanny and the Stormers, a band from Alabama and an Atlanta grOUP, "The Contacts," will perform at the Homecoming Dance. Saturday night is the Neil Diamond concert at the Atlanta Municipal Auditorium at 9 p.m. Teacher Evaluations Moved The Student Government As. sociation, one year after implementing Teacher Evaluation, has moved all the materials pertaining to the evaluation from a storage room into the SGA office. The move was necessary when the room used to store the material was made an office. Although much time and money has been spent on the evaluation, it has not been compiled into any usable informalion. Lorenzo Da Silva, head of the committee in charge of the evaluation, reportedly said that he has a new system of evaluation which could be carried out "very quickly" but would entail the complete scrapping of the stacks of information now in the SGA office. Da Silva was not available for further comment. An official of the SGA, who preterred to remain anonymous, said "the SGA dropped the ball" concerning the teacher evaluation. He said the SGA has not been able to get down to lmpOrtant work due to poor organization, a lack of motivation and a lack of time. Sex Educatio *** *** *** Regents Call The University's chances of ,"'-----------. acquiring 202 acres of land got new support last week as the Georgia Board of Regents oUi· cially called for the tranafer of the land "for the benefit of Georgia State." The board, meeting in GrWin, Ga., in adopting the resolution, requested the State Agency for Surplus Property to tranafer the former U.S. prison farm to its control. If the regents acquire: the land near Panthersville, Ga., it will ed Lan *** Tn nsfer B GE RAY oeiat Cit ditor The Georgia Board of Regent will soon have an opportunity to h Ip arre t what om stud nt I d r say they fe I to be the r I culprit of th 20th C nturythe Stork. DE Th Stud nt Advisory Council to th Board ot nts m tin, in Valdo ta, Ga., ov, 12 adopted proposal by Its Stud nt Services Commit to cr at Envlronm ntal Qualfty Commit. t es, Th primary concern of ach Environmental Qualfty Committee will be the problem Re, OD tile Cham. P. I. Th commltt ' pro p 0 s a I slat s that, " ... coll g stud n in G orgla, like m ny oth r In. torm p nons, ar b coming Inc a Ingly conc rned about population growth and oth r aspects ot the nvlronm ntal crisis," that " ... little, It any, sex education, contraceptlv service or abortion counseling IS pr sently being afforded the college student by the college or local community." then be turned over to the Uni-I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~fo:.:v.:e:r~po~p::u::la:t:lo:n:.~ , versity, Georgia State proposes to use the land for the study of water and air pollution. In submitting the proposal It further contends that, " ... officials said that expanding I ~~~~nt~ :U:reu:e~~r::;;ct enrollment necessitates the acquisition of space readily acproblem of major proportions cessible to the University's uron some college campuses In ban student body. Georgia; and that there is an 1mB,. BERYL DIAMO D m dlate need tor health services Located 15 miles southeast of Gov.-elect Jimmy Carter, in a surprise statement Monday for the college student to preAtlanta, the land was put up for night at Georgia State University, said he will support an increase vent the rising tide of Wegitldisposal by the U. S. General births, Venereal Disease Services Administration in Oct. in state allocations tor the Georgia Area Planning and Develop- mat ment Commission. and Criminal AbortloDl." 1970. Carter, an unscheduled visitor William I. Kitchin, assistant The commltt also advises In other action the Regents at a seminar sponsored by the to the dean tor public services All Student Government Assoclauthorized agreements between group, asked if he supported a programs In the School of Urban allons in the University System. Georgia State and Parkwood budget increase, made the Lite, said Carter's visit wa In addition to proposing the Hospital, Brawner's Hospital statement: "simply for th purpos of mak- Environmental Quality Commitand Doctor's Memorial Hospital tees th proposal maintains, "Yes, I will support an In- ing a statemen t ." to provide clinical experiences crease. But I will have to eeonCommenting on the use ot ". . . college and university in nursing. Health Services, working with You'll state highway funds during his the SGAs can help promote reo Parkwood and Brawner are omize in government. have to work with me. I have administration, Carter said: listed as psychiatric hospitals. sponslble sexual b e h a v lor "I would personally like to through health education proThe regents also requested the an open mind about it (the city of Atlanta to grant a right increase)." see and will work in the next gramming." The proposal urges of way for the construction of This year the commission re- tour years to see that highway· the individual Environmental an overhead pedestrian walk- ceived $892,816 from the state. funds will be spent in accord- Q ua lit y Co mm Ittees to", ... in way bridge across Decatur St., The commission under Geor- anee to where they are most ventory the available health reo which will connect the Univergla Act 1066 is charged with needed." sources for the college student sity's Urban Lite Center. recommending future proerams The theme of the seminar and by taking advantage of the was "Long Range Regional educational facWtles provided Construction on the Center and evaluating goals and [ectives of prior programs. Planning in Georgia." (Continued on page 10) will begin in February, 1970. Carter Here Makes Surprise Statement Ob-I I h::~~h