ADH Oahu Sponsorship Package Final


ADH Oahu Sponsorship Package Final
Please join us for a special evening!
Assistance Dogs of Hawaii
1st Annual OAHU Benefit
Sunday, November 16
Honolulu, Hawaii
Emcees Guy Hagi and Kim Gennaula
Live Music, Gourmet Dinner
5pm ~ Reception 6pm ~ Seated Dinner Event
Meet our inspiring graduate teams and current puppies in training!
“Unleashing Abilities” Benefit Event
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Waialae Country Club
Aloha! !
Assistance Dogs of Hawaii’s First Annual “Unleashing Abili:es” Benefit Event will be held on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at the Waialae Country Club. We invite you to be an important part of this very special event, and at the same 8me support a life changing Hawaii-­‐based charitable organiza8on. Your sponsorship is also a great way to adver8se and show your community support. !
Assistance Dogs of Hawaii has been providing Assistance Dogs, free of charge, to residents of Hawaii for the past 14 years. In addi8on to Service Dogs for the physically disabled, our full-­‐8me Hospital Facility Dogs benefit hundred of pa8ents on Oahu every day: Tucker at Kapi’olani Medical Center, Yoda at Queen’s Cancer Clinic, and Angel at Rehab Hospital of the Pacific. Courthouse Dog Pono works full-­‐8me at the Honolulu Prosecutor’s office helping children who are vic8ms of crime through the difficult legal process. !
Our Community Outreach Programs benefit hundreds of people with special needs each week. These include the Wounded Warrior Program for veterans with disabili8es and PTSD and the Therapy Dog Program for people at hospitals, nursing homes, and homeless shelters. !
Assistance Dogs of Hawaii is also a leader in Medical Scent Detec:on Research. We recently completed a groundbreaking research study with Kapi’olani Medical Center and Clinical Labs of Hawaii, where dogs were trained to detect early stages of life-­‐threatening infec8ons in people with disabili8es. Our next study will be in partnership with the Rehab Hospital of the Pacific and will be the first study of its kind to be conducted in a hospital seTng. !
We invite you to partner with us as an Event Sponsor. Sponsorship opportuni:es are available at several levels detailed in the aTached document. Your dona:on will help us in our mission of improving the lives of residents of Hawaii with physical disabili:es and developing the untapped poten:al that dogs have to help people in need. Thank you in advance for your considera8on and kind generosity. I will be contac8ng you by phone in the near future to follow up with this request. If you have any ques8ons or need addi8onal informa8on, please feel free to contact me. !
With Sincere Apprecia8on, !
M. Maurer Maureen Maurer, CPA, MS Execu8ve Director Reserve your table now by contacting us!
“Unleashing Abilities” Benefit Event Sunday, November 16, 2014
Waialae Country Club
“Top Dog” Sponsor -­‐ $10,000 •
Table for 10 Guests with Unlimited Bar Organiza8on Name/Logo on Invita8on Organiza8on Name/Logo on Press Releases Adver8sing and Link on Website Specialty Lei Gree8ng Choice Selected Wine with Dinner Table Gi]s Acknowledgement by Emcees Kim Gennaula and Guy Hagi Acknowledgement on all Radio Ads Exclusive Top Dog Sponsor Sign Displayed at Event A trip for two to Sadie's Place, Assistance Dogs of Hawaii's training facility located in beau8ful upcountry Maui. Guests will be treated to a private tour, a Service Dog training presenta8on and a special luncheon. Full Page Ad in Program Booklet Acknowledgement on Facebook and Instagram Special Acknowledgement in November E-­‐newsle`er “Golden” Sponsors -­‐ $5,000 •
Table for 10 Guests with Unlimited Bar Organiza8on Name/Logo on Invita8on Organiza8on Name/Logo on Press Releases Adver8sing and Link on Website Specialty Lei Gree8ng Choice Selected Wine with Dinner Table Gi]s Acknowledgement by Emcees Kim Gennaula and Guy Hagi Sponsor Sign Displayed at Event A trip for two to Sadie's Place, Assistance Dogs of Hawaii's training facility located in beau8ful upcountry Maui. Guests will be treated to a private tour, a Service Dog training presenta8on and a special luncheon. Half Page Ad in Program Booklet Acknowledgement on Facebook and Instagram “Puppy Love” Sponsors -­‐ $2,500
Table for 10 Guests with Unlimited Bar Organiza8on Name/Logo on Invita8on Lis8ng in Program Booklet Specialty Lei Gree8ng Individual Table Gi]s Acknowledgement by Emcees Kim Gennaula and Guy Hagi Reserve your table now by contacting us!
ASSISTANCE DOGS OF HAWAII is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that provides children and
adults with disabilities professionally trained dogs that will increase their independence and enhance
the quality of their lives. We are committed to serving people in Hawaii with special needs through
Community Outreach Programs, and developing the potential dogs have to assist people in need through
our Research Programs. Assistance Dogs and lifetime follow-up support are provided free of charge.
Unleashing Abilitie
During their one or two years of training, the dogs learn over 90 commands. When they have completed training,
they are carefully matched with an applicant. Once a match is made, they attend an intensive Team Training Camp.
Graduation is a time of celebration for the graduate teams, puppy raisers, trainers, and supporters.
The teams become part of the ADH ohana and receive lifetime follow-up training and assistance.
for people with limited mobility
for veterans with disabilities and PTSD
Assistance Dogs of Hawaii has
for hospitals and nursing homes
for nursing homes & homeless shelters
laboratories, and researchers from
for children who are victims of crime
for groups with special needs
for children with special needs
for students with special needs
research. Dogs have been taught with
for people with seizure disorders
for schools, businesses, or civic groups
bacteria that can be life threatening.
for the vision and hearing impaired
for libraries and schools
partnered with local hospitals,
around the world to help lead the
way in medical scent detection
a 99% success rate to detect certain
Research projects include teaching
dogs to detect early stages of cancer.
“Unleashing Abilities” Benefit Event Sunday, November 16, 2014
Waialae Country Club
COMPANY NAME: ______________________________________________________________________
CONTACT NAME: ______________________________________________________________________
RECOGNITION NAME: __________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________
CONTACT PHONE: (wk) ____________________________ (cell) ________________________________
EMAIL: ___________________________________ WEBSITE: ____________________________________
FACEBOOK: ______________________________ TWITTER: ____________________________________
ADDITIONAL NOTES: ____________________________________________________________________
SPONSORSHIP LEVELS: Please refer to levels and benefits for full listing of details.
TOP DOG ($10,000) ____ GOLDEN ($5000) ____ PUPPY LOVE ($2500) ____ TICKETS ____
at $150 each
For questions and more information, please contact Executive Director Mo Maurer at
[email protected].
Please send high resolution logos to Kristin Hettermann at 808-205-4767, email [email protected].
Commitment: I commit to being a sponsor at this event for the amount designated above. I understand that the amount is
due November 1, 2014. Sponsorships received after October 1 cannot be acknowledged in event marketing. Tax deductible
to the amount allowed by law. Assistance Dogs of Hawaii is a 501(c)3 organization, tax id #99-0353694.
SIGNED __________________________________ TITLE _______________________ DATE ____________