SEC Supports Frannie`s House with Donation
SEC Supports Frannie`s House with Donation
SEC Member Newsletter February 2016 SEC Supports Frannie’s House with Donation Mike Lobue, center, a member of the SEC Board of Directors, presents a $5,000 check to Frannie’s HouserepresentaAves,CarolineHudson,right,execuAvedirectoroftheYWCAofCentralVirginia,and Angela Davis, manager of the Altavista domesAc violence shelter, last December at SEC’s Altavista office.SECandbankingpartnerCoBankmadethedonaAon. Frannie’s House, which opened in 2010 and is part of the YWCA’s DomesAc Violence PrevenAon Center,servesvicAmsofdomesAcviolenceacrossCentralVirginia.Theshelterhasservedmorethan 220womenandchildrensinceopening. “SECispleasedtosupportFrannie’sHouse,whichhasprovidedshelterandimportantservicestoarea women and children for five years. Sadly, domesAc violence is a conAnuing problem in our society, andplaceslikeFrannie’sHouseprovideasafebridgetorecoveryandsuccess,”saysJeffEdwards,SEC’s president&CEO. Navigation: Back to Newsletter 1