3-27-16 - St. Thomas Parish
3-27-16 - St. Thomas Parish
March 27, 2016: The Resurrection of Our Lord Administration Office: 2055 Woody Dr Billings, MT 59102 406-656-5800 www.s!homasbillings.org church@s!homasbillings.org Facebook.com/SaintThomasBillings Rectory: 406-656-5578 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays - 3:30 pm Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday - 5:00 pm Sunday - 8:30 am, 10:30 am Daily Mass Schedule: Tuesday thru Friday - 9:00 am Office Hours: Mon -Thurs: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Pastor: Father Steve Zabrocki Ac"ve Deacon: Greg Simpson Sacramental Minister: Father Jay Peterson Parish Administrator: Karyn Haider Dir, Liturgy/Adult Ed: Nick Coffman Dir, Religious Ed: Joyce Hollowell Dir, Youth Ministry: Cathy Day Dir, Liturgical Music: Carolyn Peters Dir, Outreach: Kathy Lombardozzi Finance Mgr: Paul Miron Administrative Asst: Theresa Ball Custodian: Brian Etchart Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of Tony Dyba of this parish, Brymerski-Clough, sister of Christine parishioner Caroline Chvilicek and Koe Ando, father of parishioner Greg Ando. Please pray for Tony, Christine & Koe, their families & friends, and all those who grieve their passing. Stewardship He went about doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. Acts 10:38 On this Easter Sunday, allow Jesus to fill your mind, body and soul. Pray for guidance on how to live your life, open your heart to those in need and give thanks to God for all that He has given you. Collec!on Report Collec on March 13, 2016 Total Collec!on ........................... $25,154 Weekly Projected Collec!on ........ $21,750 Over (Short) .................................. $3,404 Year-to-date Collec!on (start: July 1, 2015) YTD Total Collec!on ................. $800,368 YTD Projected Collec!on ........... $854,750 Over (Short) ............................ .($54,382) Thank you for suppor!ng your parish! Needing prayers Art Frank, Judy Smith, Kathy McKinney, Randy Dihfort, Rob Richter & Tressa Nopper. Prefer online giving? Go to GiveCentral.org and “start giving” at St. Thomas the Apostle Church. Our 2016 Care & Share Appeal is in its fourth week. If you have not yet made a gi# pledge, please do so today. Every dollar raised benefits both our parish and our fellow Catholics throughout the diocese. Our assessment this year is $169,000. Thank you to all who con!nue to respond so generously to the Appeal. The success of this appeal always depends on your generosity, and your support is greatly appreciated. The programs supported by Care & Share funds allow the diocesan church to con!nue Christ’s work throughout the diocese. One of the easiest and most helpful ways to support Care & Share is through Automa!c Monthly Withdrawal from your checking account (EFT– electronic funds transfer). 2 Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle · Billings, MT 59102 Monday, March 28 Prayer Group, 7:00 pm, Church Wednesday, March 30 Prayer Shawl Mtg., 9:30 am, Room 4 NO Year with Pope Francis NO Adult Choir Rehearsal Thursday, March 31 Prayer Yoga, 9:30 am, Room 4 Parish Nurses, 1:30 pm, Room 3 Sunday, April 3 First Sunday - Clothing Drive, Coffee & Donuts Divine Mercy Sunday - AT LITTLE FLOWER 2:00 pm Confessions, followed by a 3:00 pm recita!on & reflec!on & then Mass at 5:00 pm. Liturgy & Worship Edward Jones Susan Anderson, financial advisor 1525 14th St W 254-0618 www.edwardjones.com Next Week’s Readings - April 3, 2016 2nd Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy Acts of the Apostles 5:12-16 (45C) Revela!on 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19 John 20:19-31 Mass Inten!ons Tuesday, 3/29, 9:00 am † John Radosevich by the McCulloch Family Wednesday, 3/30, 9:00 am † The Dyba Twin Boys by Fred & Ka!e Dyba Thursday, 3/31, 9:00 am † John Petek by Chet & Claire Birkeland Friday, 4/1, 9:00 am † Helen Fouhy by Brian & Judy Held & Family Saturday, 4/2, 5:00 pm † Wayne Nelson & Inten!ons of his family by Joel & Linda Sebas!en Sunday 4/3, 8:30 am Inten!ons of the St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Families Sunday, 4/3, 10:30 am † Herman Day by the McCulloch Family The rosary is recited prior to the daily service, with prayers for healing a!er Friday’s Mass. Liturgical Ministers Altar Serv Bk Cr Ch Asst Collect Collec!on Cup 1 2 3 4 Plate 1 2 3 Greeters EE ME OD WD Proclaimer 1 Proclaimer 2 Sacristan Sat 5:00 pm C Stevens K Miller M Miller M Majerus T Kea!ng D Kimmery D Brimmer M Hagen K Murphy R Listoe A/E Parks J Michael B Andersen L Peterson G Murphy J Davis M Easton Sun 8:30 am H Jagodzinski T Wallace F Duray P Nau B Larkin V Boyer D Dibble Deacon Greg B Junnila L Boyer B Lawson S Begger S/B Long D Thomas A McFarlin Rath Family R Nau E Helgeson B Lawson Apr 2-3 Sun 10:30am K Erlenbusch A Paczkowski K Dringman J Gibson D Chandler Deacon Greg W Waite J Gomez D Morrison K Studer P McManus V Bell J Jordan C Brinkel J Dringman J Smith A Bohn Mass Inten!ons at Nursing Homes Friday, 4/1, 10:00 am, Valley Inten!ons of the Sullivan Family by Thomas & Glory Sullivan Saturday, 4/2, 9:45 am, St. John’s John Winchell by Damon & Carol Ganne# Sacristy Linens April: Alicia McFarlin Sac/Holy Water, April 1: Pam Purinton 4/2-3 Ushers Lead Choir Altar Ambo Sat 5:00 pm T Lechner T Miller J Costello D Sherman Sun 8:30 am Sun 10:30am B Duray K Ruby B Lynch D Breton N Coffman F Dugas Z Arroyo B Gibson 3 Faith Formation Youth Ministry NO EDGE 3/29 - Make plans to a#end the showing of the documentary film at BCCS Ralph Nelles Center, 5:00 pm. YDisciple - Each Wednesday, small groups meet at 7:00 pm. Call me at the church office, 656-5800, to join in! Religious Educa on Cathy WYD Fundraising Update This Wednesday, March 30th, is the last day of regular Religious Educa!on classes. The year will wrap up a week early because of the renova!on. Thank you for another wonder year! Be sure to come to our annual end-of-the-year celebra on next Wednesday, April 6th. The fun begins with kite-flying at 6:00 pm, with a potluck and egg hunt to follow. Joyce Thank you for suppor!ng our World Youth Day Pilgrims! We need $4,500 to reach our $32,000 goal. Please keep us in your prayers, as we pray for you. If you would like us to take specific inten!ons with us, we will offer them at every holy site we visit. You can donate on GiveCentral via the church website or mail your pe!!on/dona!on packet that you received before Christmas . (More are available by calling Cathy at 656-5800.) Divine Mercy Sunday is April 3rd. Mary, Queen of Peace at Li#le Flower invites all to 2:00 pm Confessions, Recita!on of the Divine Mercy Novena at 3:00 pm, followed by a reflec!on and 5:00 pm Sunday evening Mass. A potluck will follow Mass in the lower hall. All are welcome! The Original Image of Divine Mercy Billings Catholic Radio is excited to bring the documentary film “The Original Image of Divine Mercy” to Billings this Tuesday, March 29th. Doors will open at the Ralph Nelles Center at BCCHS at 5:00 pm. This is a FREE event. Tickets can be picked up at the parish office or KJCR Radio, 941 Grand Ave, from 9 am to 4 pm, Mon-Fri. Call 294-5250 for more informa!on or see the trailer at h#p://www.kjcrradio.com/ divine-mercy-documentary. 4 Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle · Billings, MT 59102 Our rela!onships on earth are meant to help us and others grow in perfect love. We are meant to depend on one another, serve each other in humility, and walk together in !mes of suffering. 2015-16 Respect Life Program Flyer USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Ac!vi!es Social Jus!ce In paragraph 17 of the Bull of Indic!on of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis inspires us to meditate on the words of Scripture, to help us rediscover the merciful face of the Father. How many pages of Sacred Scripture are appropriate for medita!on … to help us rediscover the merciful face of the Father! We can repeat the words of the Prophet Micah and make them our own: You, O Lord are a God who takes away iniquity and pardons sin, who does not hold your anger forever, but are pleased to show mercy. You, Lord, will return to us and have pity on your people. You will trample down our sins and toss them into the depths of the sea (cf. 7:18-19). The pages of the prophet Isaiah can also be meditated upon concretely ...: “Is not this the fast that I choose: ...If you take away from the midst of you the yoke, the poin!ng of the finger, and speaking wickedness, if you pour yourself out for the hungry and sa!sfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday. And the Lord will guide you con!nually, and sa!sfy your desire with good things, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters fail not” (58:6-11). Prayer: Dear Father in Heaven, please lead us to the joy of sharing Your blessings. Outreach Easter Food Baskets Thank you to everyone who provided food, dona!ons of !me and money, and those who helped deliver the Easter Food Baskets to 110 Billings families. The food basket program is an enormous commitment made by our parish community. The recipients are extremely grateful. From a thank you le"er received: This was the first year that we have asked for help, and you gave us so much more than we could have hoped for. Beginning Tuesday, April 12th, we will offer a 6-week Grief Support Group. We will meet Tuesday a&ernoons from 4 - 5 pm at the church. If interested in a%ending, please contact Kathy at 656-5800 or kathy@s%homasbillings.org. March Collec!on for Catholic Relief Services Remember that Jesus iden!fied himself with our poorest brothers and sisters. The Catholic Relief Services Collec!on serves Jesus in the vic!ms of human trafficking, those who suffer from unjust laws, and those who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across the globe. Through suppor!ng this collec!on, you help Jesus in disguise. Please be generous. Envelopes are available in the church ves!bule. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY - Respite Ministry Can you spare a couple hours a week to spend with a fellow parishioner? We are looking for men and women to be with homebound parishioners, providing companionship. For more informa!on, please contact Connie Kaiser at 656-9443 or Kathy Lombardozzi at 656-5800 or kathy@s%homasbillings.org. 5 Fundraising efforts to build the new Catholic School are not yet complete and they are asking for your help. The students need your prayers, your considera!on & your generosity to turn a dream into a reality. For more informa!on on how to give, contact Jan Haider at 252-0252 or at www.billingscatholicschoolsfounda!on.org. Local Postings NAMI (the Na!onal Alliance for Mental Illness) Community Rummage Sale to take place at McKinley School Saturday, April 9th from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Proceeds from the sale will fund NAMI’s educa!on programs and support groups. If you would like to donate gently used items, you may bring them to McKinley School any !me during school hours. Is SPRING CLEANING on your mind yet? Please remember that any household items you wish to re!re would be a wonderful asset to the annual May/Spring Garage Sale Fundraiser at Angela’s Piazza: Women’s Drop-In Center! They will accept books, linens, toys, baby equipment, tools, furniture, housewares, etc. (please, no electronics or clothing) any !me Monday thru Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, at 420 Grand Avenue. Call 255-0611 for more informa!on. Spring Cleaning? The Society of St. Vincent de Paul can provide 1-2 day pick-up on most large items. Call them today at 248-9125 or bring items to 1235 Grand Avenue and “Help Us Help Them”. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS & ADDRESS CHANGES Please take a moment to fill out the quick form below. Full Name ______________________________________________ Date of birth _______________ Religion ________________ Full Name ______________________________________________ Date of birth _______________ Religion ________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number (s) ________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________ Preferred Mass Time: Saturday, 5:00 pm _____ Sunday, 8:30 am _____ Sunday, 10:30 am _____ Name(s) of child(ren) and date of birth : ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle · Billings, MT 59102 The 2016 Easter season flowers have been sponsored by people wishing to bring to memory or honor the loved ones listed below: In Memoriam Joe Buller & Jeanne Buller Bishop By Curt & JoAnn Jordan & Family Margaret Racki By Sandy Racki Jean & Jerry Sullivan By the Sullivan Family Debra J. Novak By the Mike Novak Family Bruno F. Novak By the Mike Novak Family Gerald Majerus By the Mary Ann Majerus Family Mark & Kathy Etchart By Delores Etchart & Family Bob Smith By LaVerne Smith John Tonnsen By the Family of John Tonnsen Harry Funk By the Funk/McIver Families In Honor Of Dorothy H. Novak Elwood Bolster By Carter & Betsy Mollgaard Evelyn Bolster By Carter & Betsy Mollgaard Bruce Bolster By Carter & Betsy Mollgaard Scott Schroeder By the David Thor Family Jeffrey Mellor By John Mellor Betty Ann Severson By Jon Severson Keith Johnson By Linda Johnson & Leann Plant Joe & Eva Perri By Sherri Bartholomew Elizabeth & George Dutchak By the Rich & Lynn Pauley Family Bert, Marion & LeRoy Fasching By Tom & Marlene Agnew By the Mike Novak Family Wine • Catering Deli • Gift Baskets Gift Certificates Serving Lunch & Dinner 11am-8pm 1520 24th St. West • 969-2020 Shop online at: www.winemarketanddeli.com Mary & Bill Kennedy, Parishioners MENTION THIS AD FOR ONE FREE GAM GAME Timothy J Beeter Insurance and Financial Services Agent 2860 Grand Ave, Billings, MT 59102 Tel 406.245.6833 [email protected] Registered Representative Farmers Financial Solutions, LLC. 30801 Agoura Road, Bldg. 1, Agoura Hills, CA 91301-2054 Tel 818.584.0200 Member FINRA & SIPC 61266 Hwy 312 Billings (406) 373-51 373-5100 New Construction Remodel Maintenance Repair Dan Glennon Commercial & Residential Sam Thelen Michael & Jacque Ayers Owners & Parishioners (406) 256-8085 1916 4th Avenue North Billings, MT 59101 Billings Alarm is protecting Father Steve’s home. Let us protect yours! Emmaus Road Catholic Bookstore “Were not our hearts burning within us as he spoke to us on the road.” Luke 24:32 ODEL I N IN AT G • COOL I N G RON SANCHEZ Billings, MT. 59102 Jay M. Zygmond (406) 248-6253 252-7100 AlpineBillings.com E • R EM MBING • H 315 S. 24th Street West Billings, MT 59102 P LU G 1739 Grand Ave. Ste. B 10% discount on new services Celebrating 30 Years in Business! Agent 406-656-6404 Providing Insurance and Financial Services Commercial & Residential Wiring Jeff Steiner 925 So. 27th St. • 304 34th St. W. Ph. 245-6427 301 S 24th St West, Billings, MT 59102 406-839-9111 656-4900 248-9394 • conlins.com Contact Travis Lawmaster to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2688 252-3417 www.michelottisawyers.com For ad info. call Travis Lawmaster at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Thomas the Apostle Church B 4C 05-0452 Theresa Ball 536 Moore Lane • P.O. Box 80385 (406) 252-8990 Independent Beauty Consultant Full Store in Home 2502 Burlington Ave. Billings, MT 59102 406-651-0489 Cell (406) 698-4940 • [email protected] JEREMY HEIN, Vice President AAADM Certified • 24 Hour Emergency Service BERNINA Parking Lot Striping AAA Striping Service Inc. Bob Adler [email protected] www.marykay.com/tball St. Thomas the Apostle Parishioner (406) 248-5539 • Fax: (406) 248-4662 1-888-835-7714 P.O. Box 80725 Billings, MT 59108-0725 (406) 656-3816 Sewing Machines Fabrics & Notions Sewing Classes Handi Quilter Dealer 1505 REHBERG LANE Horn Cabinet Dealer BILLINGS, MONTANA 59102 www.yellowstonekellys.com DORIS HOLZER 1-800-598-8976 “Quality & Service You Can Count On” For All Your Asphalt & Concrete Needs! Bus: (406) 656-4999 Res: (406) 252-1658 Licensed, Bonded & Insured Free Estimates LawnScapes For Beautiful Green Lawns call 406.671.6025 Contact Travis Lawmaster to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2688 Tarra T. Grazley-Pfister, CFP®, CRPS® Kelly B. Rickard, CPA Tax Manager Wealth Management & Investment Advisors Retirement Income & Financial Planning for Individuals and Business. Helping clients for 22+ years with their financial goals. Tax Services – Tax Preparation and Filing for individuals and business at reasonable prices. 406.256.6112 E: [email protected] 3012 4th Ave N Billings MT 59101 TWO COMPANIES ONE LOCATION www.ttgfinancial.com 406.248.5487 E: [email protected] www.clavesvita.com ClavesVita Inc, Tax & Wealth Advisors: Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. ClavesVita is Latin for “Keys of Life” Tarra is a registered person and these services are offered through TTG Financial and Royal Alliance. Kelly is not a registered person. Advisory services offered through TTG Financial Services, Inc. a registered investment advisor not affiliated with Royal Alliance Assoc. Inc. Securities offered through Royal Alliance Assoc. Inc. member FINRA/SIPC. ClavesVita, Inc Tax & Wealth Advisors is not affiliated with Royal Alliance Assoc. 1601 Mullowney Lane When planning your estates or making funeral preparations Please call us at: 406-839-8387 BANKS OF SERVICE SINCE 1907 Roberts Orthodontics, PLLC • Complimentary Consultation • No Dental Referral Required • Dental Insurance Welcome & Accepted • Payment Plan Available Print • Marketing • Design • Mail www.yellowstonebank.com 2920 Overland Ave. 24824 8-68 86811 68 11 Brian & Janette McGovern For ad info. call Travis Lawmaster at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Member Michelle K. Roberts, DM 406-702-1939 2132 Broadwater Avenue, Suite B, Billings, MT 59102 www.MichelleRobertsOrtho.com St. Thomas the Apostle Church A 4C 05-0452
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