Announcements - Our Savior`s Lutheran Church
Announcements - Our Savior`s Lutheran Church
Welcome to Our Savior’s! Mission: Our Savior’s is a people forgiven in Christ whose mission is to proclaim Christ and nurture faith that connects with everyday life. Our beliefs and mission shape our values and our values shape how we live. OSL has five Core Values: Worship, Service, Learning, Generosity, and Community. Learn more at Strategic Vision: To develop a congregation that is in orbit around Jesus and whose gravitational pull draws others to Jesus. Guests: Thank you for worshiping at OSL today. If you’re searching for a church home, stop by the Information Center and request a packet that will introduce you to OSL. Visit us online at Communion: Lutherans believe that Christ is present in the Sacrament, and that through this gift we receive forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. All are invited to the Lord’s Table. Come forward as the ushers direct, take an empty cup, receive the bread and wine, place the used cup in the nearby basket, and return to your place. Pre-filled cups of grape juice (on the silver tray) and gluten-free wafers are available at all services. If you wish to receive communion but are unable to come forward, notify an usher, who will direct a server to bring the elements to you. Assistive listening devices are available at the Information Center. The Church Office is open from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Call 336-2942 or email [email protected]. Today and This Week at OSL July 16–July 24, 2016 Through the SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM the OSL community welcomes Colsen Karl Schilling, the son of Dustin Schilling and Stephanie Scott, into the Body of Christ. Sponsors for Colsen are Kira Blais and Kayla Castillo. There will be a CONGREGATIONAL MEETING on July 24 to share an update on Our Savior’s financial status to date, and to hear any questions or comments members may have to offer. To make attendance as convenient as possible, the worship schedule for July 24 will be revised somewhat: 8:45 – Celebrate Worship (no 10:30 Celebrate worship) 9:50 – Congregational Meeting, in The Gathering Place 10:30 – Festive Worship Recognizing that the OSL community adopted a deficit budget in January, the council is intent on keeping members informed about how the numbers are lining up. Try to attend this important meeting! THE CHURCH IN CAMEROON: A MISSIONARY UPDATE Members and friends of Our Savior’s, Gloria Dei, and West Nidaros will welcome Elisabeth Johnson, ELCA missionary to Cameroon, and Dan Beirne, Global Church Interpreter (ELCA), at a social on Wednesday, July 27, from 5:30 to 7:30 P.M., in The Gathering Place. Elisabeth will provide information and answer questions about her ministry. Pulled pork sandwiches and beverages will be provided. Members of OSL are invited to bring a salad to share; members of the other two congregations will be bringing salads and desserts. Come and celebrate this partnership in the gospel! OSL’S SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE will resume on July 31: 8:45 – Celebrate 10:00 – Festive 10:30 – Celebrate Saturday evening Festive worship remains at 5:00. This Week at OSL July 16–July 24, 2016 Sat., July 16 5:00 pm Festive Worship - SA Sun., July 17 8:45 am Celebrate Worship - CC 10:00 am Festive Worship - SA 10:30 am Celebrate Worship - CC Mon., July 18 8:00 am OSL Sponsored Pickleball - Gym 5:00 pm OSL Sponsored Pickleball - Gym Tues., July 19 9:00 am Staff Meeting - OCR 2:00 pm Chronic Illness Group - FR 5:00 pm OSL Foundation - OCR 6:30 pm Financial Peace University - OCR 7:00 pm Stephen Ministry - FR Wed., July 20 7:00 am Conversation w/God - Chapel 9:30 am Friends of the Library - Rm 103 1:00 pm Library Book Covering - Library 2:30 pm Women’s Project - GP 5:00 pm Summer Blast - S Parking Lot 5:30 pm Making Hygiene Kits - GP 6:00 pm Woodshop Ministry - Shop 7:30 pm Celebrate Band - CC Thurs., July 21 9:00 am Caretakers - S Parking Lot 10:00 am Good Grief Group - Rm 103 10:00 am Preschool Storytime - Library 11:30 am Stephen Ministry - Rm 009 12:00 pm Board of Finance - OCR 1:00 pm Pickleball - Gym Fri., July 22 11:00 am Pickleball - Gym Sat., July 23 8:00 am Woodshop Ministry - Shop 10:00 am Memory Care Group - Chapel 5:00 pm Festive Worship - SA Sun., July 24 8:45 am Celebrate Worship - CC 9:50 am Congregational Meeting - GP 10:30 am Festive Worship - SA 5:00 pm Day Camp Kick Off - FH Community The OSL Library is sponsoring “GET IN THE GAME—READ,” a summer reading program for children through adults, through Aug. 14. The first time you check out items, you will be issued a summer reading card (which will be kept in the Library); each week you check out items, Library workers will stamp your card. Every week, the cards of patrons who have checked out items that week will be entered into a drawing, and one adult and one child or youth will each win a gift card. In addition to the weekly drawings, the one child, one youth, and one adult who check out books the greatest number of days throughout the 10 weeks will receive a $15 gift card to Barnes and Noble. LAST WEEK’S “GET IN THE GAME—READ” DRAWING WINNERS are Jay Novak, who won the children’s drawing, and Carolyn Thomson, who won the adult drawing. In this fifth week of the Library’s summer reading program, Jay won a $5 gift certificate to Thunder Road, and Carolyn won a $5 gift card to Scooter’s. Congratulations, Jay and Carolyn, and keep reading! Do you have a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative who has suffered a loss or is going through a difficult time? Tell them about STEPHEN MINISTRY! OSL’s Stephen Ministers are members who have been trained to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to hurting people. Stephen Ministers meet weekly with their care-receivers to listen, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. The caring relationship lasts for as long as the person needs care. It’s free, and it’s a powerful way you can help a hurting friend. Talk with Pr. Tim Lemme or Deb Harlan, 336-2942, ext. 48, or a Stephen Ministry Leader. THE OSL LIBRARY’S SUMMER ONE CHURCH ONE READ selection, God’s Not Dead 2 by Travis Thrasher, is now available! Stop in the Library, check out a copy, then join the discussion this fall. Community YOU ARE INVITED TO MEET and have conversation with Anne Langdji, ELCA long-term missionary serving in Cameroon, on Saturday July 23, at 10:00 A.M. at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 2001 S. Elmwood Ave. Joining Anne will be Mr. Sanda Eli, ELCA Cameroon Mission Administrator and himself a Cameroonian. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cameroon is a companion synod to the South Dakota Synod, ELCA. MEN’S BIBLE BREAKFAST will not meet in June, July, or August. The group, which normally meets on the first and third Friday of each month, will start up again on Sept. 16, at 6:30 A.M., with a new fall series. Watch for details to come! POSITION OPENINGS See for details and application form. Look under OSL News in the left-hand column. PART-TIME CUSTODIAN to provide a variety of custodial services in support of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and, in concert with the facility manager, maintain the general operation of the physical plant and upkeep of the church building and its premises. Contact: Barb Haugan, Business Administrator, 336-2942, ext. 23, or [email protected]. PART-TIME CHOIR DIRECTOR to plan and direct choirs for traditional worship. Excellent vocal and instrumental musicianship and effective leadership and communication skills are required. Visit to view the position description. To apply, send an application letter to Gene LeVasseur, Director of Worship, [email protected]. CELEBRATE WORSHIP COORDINATOR: Part-time contemporary worship leader to plan and lead Celebrate worship. Contact: Gene LeVasseur, Director of Worship, [email protected] or 336-2942, ext. 40. AUGUSTANA HERITAGE PARK and its four historic buildings, the Beaver Creek Church, the Berdahl-Rolvaag House, the Eggers School House, and the Rolvaag Writing Cabin, will be open every Sunday afternoon through Aug. 28, from 2:00 to 4:00. Bring your family and summer guests to enjoy the buildings and the park. Service MEDIASHOUT is the program OSL uses to project song lyrics and images on the screens in the worship centers. It’s somewhat like PowerPoint, powerful and very easy to run...but it takes people to run it! You could be one of those people! The schedule is flexible, and training is provided! Contact Gene LeVasseur, Director of Worship, [email protected] or 336-2942, ext. 40, to learn how you can serve in this important ministry. OSL WOMEN’S PROJECT WORK AFTERNOON will be on Wednesday, July 20, at 2:30, in The Gathering Place. The unit mission is to make sleeping mats for the homeless from recycled plastic grocery bags. Bring scissors, a ruler, and bags if you have them. No skills are required, but if you crochet, your skills will be much appreciated (hook sizes J/K or10/11)! Instructions for making the mats may be found at the Information Center. Questions? Call Lori Tendler, 335-8841 or 323-8009. Service SUMMER WEATHER BRINGS OUT THE CARETAKERS, a group of volunteers who help with clean-up, light yardwork, and various other chores around the OSL campus. The group works outside as weather permits, and finds things to do inside when it doesn’t. To join the Caretakers, simply show up in The Gathering Place on any Thursday morning, as you are able, from 9:00 to noon. Wear appropriate work clothes (hat and work gloves) and bring a water bottle. Tools will be provided. Questions? Contact Jim Ryan, 941-9314. Generosity The Caring Ministries Board is pleased to announce that OSL now has its own TEAM PAGE on the Alzheimer’s Association website. Sign up to walk with the OSL team, make a donation, or both! The Walk to End Alzheimer’s will be held on Sept. 10 at Sertoma Park, with registration at 9:00 A.M. Visit the OSL Team Page at S.O.S.—SUPPLY OUR STUDENTS: OSL will be collecting school supplies to be distributed at the Banquet on Aug. 6. A list of supplies and a labeled tub to deposit supplies is located in the donation area next to the OSL Library. The expense of school supplies for a low-income family can pose a challenge; thank you for your generous help. THE FOOD TO YOU MOBILE FOOD PANTRY food of the month for August is pasta. The collection bin is on the shelves next to the OSL Library; place your items in the marked bin prior to Aug. 2. Also, hygiene items such as soap, deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, and toilet paper are always welcome, and may be placed in the same bin. Thank you for your support of this community program. Learning May 2017 seems like a long time from now, but signing up for the OSL TRIP TO GERMANY now will secure your place on what will be a fun and educational trip to the places Martin Luther knew well. Visit the Rhine Valley, Eisenach, Erfurt, Eisleben, Wittenberg, Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, Nuremberg, Augsburg, and Munich on an 11-day (May 10 through 20, 2017) adventure with Pr. Randy and Shelly Gehring. The cost is only $3,699 from Omaha (air/land tour price is $3,039; $660 government taxes/airline surcharges), and includes round-trip air from Omaha, first class/select hotels, most meals, comprehensive sightseeing with a professional tour director, and much more! For a brochure and more information, call Pr. Randy, 336-2942 (office) or 595-4335 (cell), or email [email protected] or [email protected]. AGING FAITHFULLY 2016 CONFERENCE, “Spirituality and Well-Being in the Second Half of Life,” with featured speaker Sr. Joan Chittister, O.S.B., will be held at the Augustana University Elmen Center on Tuesday, July 26, from 8:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. The conference will bring together some of the best voices across religious traditions to discuss how spirituality and well-being are different in the second half of life and how that can be celebrated in daily living. Tickets are $25 through July 18; $35 afterward. More details and registration may be found at The conference is sponsored by Augustana University; the South Dakota Synod, ELCA; the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society; and Thrivent Financial.
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