The ute Family Set
The ute Family Set
The ute Family Set Written by Cherry Carl Illustrated by Ron Leishman Images© -ute Word Family List brute astute chute commute cute* compute flute dispute lute pollute mute salute acute parachute Cut and Paste: ute salute brute flute commute cute compute dispute chute Configuration Station: ute Word Bank salute mute lute cute brute pollute chute flute See, Say, Spell and Write dispute Circle and Write Look at the picture in each box. Circle the word that matches the picture. Write the word on the lines. 1. cute cut 2. bait brute 3. pollute polish 4. shut chute 5. flute float More Circle and Write Say the name of each picture. Read the words and circle the word that names the picture. Write the word under the picture. Draw a picture at the bottom for the word pollute. commute flute comma cut flat chute cute shut brute bite salute silent Alphabet Avenue Place the words below in alphabetical order. 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 WORD BANK brute pollute salute mute acute compute commute flute dispute cute mute chute Cloze the Gap! (ute) Read the following sentences, saying the word “cute” when you come to a blank space. Use some words from the use family to fill in the blanks and make sense. Reread your sentences to double check your choices! 1. Everyone says that puppies are so 2. People 3. Sailors have to 4. Some people 5. Dad’s company uses math to 6. A bully or a mean person is sometimes called a 7. Skydivers have to have a 8. My sister plays the 9. . the earth with litter and trash. the captain when he walks by. to work on the trolley or bus. the cost of things. . that is folded right. in the school band. Grandma’s house has a laundry to the basement. 10. An argument is another word for a 11. I put my phone on . so that it doesn’t ring at the movies. Word Bank compute salute flute cute mute pollute chute dispute commute parachute brute Word Search: ute c h u t e c k y j g z u y x g k o d n q v r t z j c o m p u t e k e k n r v m z g b q y g d i s p u t e k j n l x y a g t n v b z r u j z l k e r y r x g t a c u t e z m u t e e g x t j f l u t e y z j k e g y n v e j z p o l l u t e r g k x commute chute salute mute acute lute flute brute cute dispute pollute compute Score With Scrabble! Brute Chute Cute Flute Lute Mute acute dispute Salute Commute Compute Pollute SCORE -ute Word Wall Cards cute cute brute chute -ute Word Wall Cards flute salute commute dispute -ute Word Wall Cards compute pollute -ute Words and Pictures for Sorts and Stuff -ute Pictures and Words -ute Pictures and Words -ute Pictures and Words cute -ute Pictures and Words cute -ute Pictures and Words -ute Pictures and Words brute -ute Pictures and Words -ute Pictures and Words chute -ute Words and Pictures for Sorts and Stuff -ute Pictures and Words -ute Pictures and Words -ute Pictures and Words flute -ute Pictures and Words salute -ute Pictures and Words -ute Pictures and Words commute -ute Pictures and Words -ute Pictures and Words dispute -ute Words and Pictures for Sorts and Stuff -ute Pictures and Words -ute Pictures and Words -ute Pictures and Words compute -ute Pictures and Words pollute Word Family Stationary (-ute) brute, chute, cute, flute, lute, mute, acute, commute, compute, dispute, pollute, salute Write sentences or a story with –ute words of your choice. My ute Book My ute Book