May 2010 Newsletter PDF


May 2010 Newsletter PDF
Robinson Chapel United Methodist Church
12707 Tonkel Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46845
Our food bank focus for May
The needs continue to be great for the Associated Churches food bank. For May
and June, our focus will be SOAPS AND
PAPER PRODUCTS—hand soaps, bar
soaps, dishwashing soaps and laundry
soaps, paper towels, tissues, and bathroom
tissues. These items are always needed because they are not covered under food
stamps. Please place these items on the
food cart in the narthex. Let’s continue to
support the food bank!
Beginning the Week of May 16, we will
begin our 2-part study
When We Pray is a daily devotional
for our individual study
Pastor: Rev. Jill Wright, email [email protected]
We are offering
garden plots again
this year and they
have been moved
closer to the water
supply at the
church. Plan now
for your garden and begin spreading
the word that free garden plots will
again be available this summer. The
plots are now available. If you have
questions about the plots, please contact Tom Cochran.
52 Week Prayer Journey
Ministers: Members of Robinson Chapel United Methodist Church.
A Congregation committed to Nurture, Outreach, and Worship (NOW)
May/JUNE 2010
Join Us on Our
Wayne, IN 46845 260-484-1163
God is Good...All the Time
News from Hallelujah Corner is for the members and constituents of Robinson Chapel United
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Nursery care available at 10:00 a.m.
Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday worship 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Bible Study—7:00 p.m..
Methodist Church 12707 Tonkel Road located at the corner of Tonkel and Union Chapel Road, Fort
Volume III, Issue 5
When We Pray as a Family is a
weekly devotional for our families.
The purpose of this unified study is to be
praying with a single voice and to be
listening as a body to God’s
direction for our church. Won’t you
join us?
Call the office at 484-1163
to order your copy
Nurture, Outreach & Worship
United Methodist
Women (UMW)
May/June News
There is a wonderful opportunity
to reach out to the soccer, t-ball, and
flag football families this summer. The
UMW has decided to have a table of
free books for the youth to take home
and enjoy. If you would like to participate with a donation of a new or gently
used book, give the book to a UMW lady
or place it on the bottom shelf of the
bookcase in the music room.
The History of Aprons
will be presented by Judy
Pierson at the June 7th
meeting. There will be over
40 aprons shown from the
period of the 1900’s to the
present. Please plan to attend and bring a
friend. See you there.
In the months of July and August the
UMW will be meeting in the mornings.
Crafts will be made for the fall festival
at the Cedars . Join us for this fun filled
morning. Dates and times will be announced.
May 3,10,17,24 1:45 Cedars
June 5 10:00 Moment of Prayer
June 7 6:30 History of aprons
“Even when the sun sets, God is still the
source of light”
Blessings, Sue Rick
President UMW
A Tin Caps Game
For the Family
On Friday, May 7 many of us
attended the Tin Caps game
against the Lansing Lugnuts.
Although there was a threat
of rain, it was a little chilly,
and the Tin Caps allowed too many hits, we had a
wonderful time together. We will be going to another game, most likely in July. Watch for the announcement and plan to attend. Parkview Field is a
beautiful facility and it’s fun to get together with
our family here at Robinson Chapel for an evening
of fun. Thanks to Shane Latta for organizing these
Facilities Assessment Ministry
The facilities assessment ministry has
been meeting since the first of the
year. They are embarking on a threestep process of assessing our facilities: Discern, Decide, Do. Currently, the ministry is in the discern phase and you may have even
received inquiries from members of the ministry
about the adequacy of our facilities. One of
the first steps they took was to look at our mission statement and decide if it still represents us
as a church. Our mission statement for several
years has been—”A Christ Centered Community
reaching out in Love”. After much discussion,
they recommended to the Church Council a new
mission “Cultivating a Diverse Community of
Disciples through mission and acts of love”. The
Church Council, at their meeting on April 22,
approved this new mission statement and was
presented to the congregation at the congregation meeting held on May 2 (see related article).
The members of the ministry are: Anita and Ed
Nicholas, Bill and Emily Jeffries, Dean McComb,
Sheri McComb, Shane Latta, and Dennis Walls.
Tom Cochran is leading this ministry. Pastor Jill
also participates.
Nurture & Outreach, Worship
Soccer, T-Ball and Football Time
is Almost Here
This summer our outreach focus is going to be on the soccer, tball and flag football leagues from the Fort Wayne Parks Department that will use our property every Monday through
Thursday evening beginning June 9th at 5:15 p.m. We will be
extending hospitality to the players, coaches, parents and other
spectators. The love of Christ will be fully evident to all who
visit us each week. Plan now on how you plan to get involved. Sign up sheets will be
available by mid-May.
This year will we do things a little differently—we will still have windshield washers
and also host/hostesses out on the steps, but we will be offering water as the players
and families arrive, at the pavilion, and we can have some who make rounds to the various fields. We will also plan to have hot dog night at the end of session 1 (June 30 and
July 1) and at the end of session 2 (July 28 and 29) We will also need volunteers to
sticker the water bottles and get them in the refrigerator. We also need a few volunteers to stay each night and clean up and empty the trash/recycle containers. We also
need runners to keep the coolers full. We will also need a volunteer to bring in the food
at the end of the evening that we will be collecting for Associated Church’s Food Bank.
We found there were several rush periods—when everyone arrives, when the players
are finished, and when they are ready to leave. In between those rush periods are
great times for us to be mingling with families and cheering for the kids. Watching them
is way better than any tv program. So, come out this year and get involved. We’ll need
folks who are willing to stay in the pavilion, willing to go out the fields, and those who
want to stay close by the church. Find your spot and get involved. It’s a great opportunity to be Robinson Chapel...Sharing God’s Love
News From Henderson Settlement
Shirley and Jeff Wassell led a group of short-term missionaries to Henderson Settlement from April 25 to May 1. Included in the group was:
Ronna Bleekman, Tom Cochran, Dale Baldwin, Joan Baldwin, Elizabeth Van
Horn, Mike Whitlock, Megan Wright and Pastor Jill. One of the most
pressing needs that Henderson has right now is something that we can all help with. They need
Campbell Soup UPC labels (also Campbell microwavable soup, Campbell Supper Bakes, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers, and v8 Splash Beverages). Elizabeth and those she was helping
clipped nearly 45,000 labels during the week we were in Henderson. Their goal is 1.5 million
labels and they need approximately 250,000 more. Let’s all work together and collect as many
labels as possible by June 30.
Nurture, Outreach, Worship
We are all in need of prayer,
so each month will focus our
prayer on different members
and constituents. Please lift
up the following people in prayer throughout
Janet Roy
Jennifer, Taylor, Annalynn Speidell
Willie Taylor
Kathy Thieme
Remember—More Prayer, More Power
Consider dropping them a note of care.
If your birthday or anniversary is in April or May, and is
not listed here, please contact
the church office, so you
won’t be missed.
05/05 Bill and Georgia Freeman
5/07 Mike Martin
5/09 Deb Clark
5/10 Amy McComb
5/12 Willie Figgs
5/16 Dennis Walls
5/26 Bruce Flohr
5/27 Joe and Karen Mansfield
6/4 Wes Matsel
6/7 Tim Nelson
6/8 Rod Knox
6/10 Julie Martin
6/11 Kevin Clark
6/13 Gary Clark
6/13 Leah McComb
6/14 Dale Baldwin
6/14 Karen Holder
6/14 Mike & Diane Whitlock
6/21 Mike & Julie Martin
Servants’ schedule
May 16 Dean McComb
May 23 Sandy McMurtrie
May 30 Patty Becker
June 6 Wes Matsel
June 13 Teresa Walls
June 20 Mike Rick
May 16 Jeff & Shirley Wassell
May 23 Roberta Agnew
May 30 Jeff & Shirley Wassell
June 6 Dale & Lisa Baldwin
June 13 Dale & Lisa Baldwin
June 20 Tom & Linda Cochran
May 16 Deb Argast
May 23 Corky & Sandy
May 30 Julie Flohr
Please sign up on the sheet in the hospitality
Church Cleaning (on or before)
May 16 Erin McKeever
May 23 Norma, Linda & Julie
May 30 Ronna Bleekman
June 6 UMW
June 13 Bruce Flohr
June 20 Beckers
(Please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin
board across from the church office)
Nursery workers
May 16 Erin McKeever
May 23 Lisa Baldwin
May 30 Linda Cochran
June 6 Norma Niedermeyer
June 13 Emily Jeffries
June 20 Julie Martin
May & June 2010
SS—Sunday School
OHOP– One Hour
of Prayer
PT—Praise Team
1:45 Cedars
10:00 OHOP
6:30 Worship
7:00 Luke Bible
6:15 Sorento
Homeowners Association
6:30 Confirmation 9:00-11:00 Praise
6:00– 8:00 p.m.
Covenant UMC at
23 Pentecost 24
9:00 SS
10:00 Worship—
Confirmation Sunday
6:30 Disciple Bible
10:00 OHOP
6:30 Worship
7:00 Luke Bible
9:30 Bible Study
Office Closed
5:30 Young/
McCleary Wedding Rehearsal
4:30 Young/
McCleary Wedding
309:00 SS & PT 31
10:00 Worship
10:00 OHOP
6:30 Facilities
6:30 Worship
7:00 Luke Bible
7:00 Rescue Mission
Office Closed
9-00-11:00 a.m.
Praise Team
10:00 Moment of
6 9:00 SS & PT 7
10:00 Worship
10:00 OHOP
6:30 Trustees
6:30 Worship
7:00 Luke Bible
5:45-8:00 Flag
9:30 Bible Study
5:45-8:00 Soccer
& T-Ball
Office Closed
9:00 Men’s Group
6:30 Boy Scouts
7:00 Scholarship
1:45 Cedars
6:30 Boy Scouts
1:45 Cedars
6:30 Boy Scouts
1:45 Cedars
6:30 Boy Scout
6:30 UMW
9:00 SS & PT
10:00 Worship
1:45 Cedars
10:00 OHOP
5:45-8:00 Soccer
& T-Ball
6:30 Worship
7:00 Luke Bible
5:45-8:00 Flag
5:45-8:00 Soccer
& T-Ball
Office Closed
5:45-8:00 Flag
9:00—11:00 Praise
Team Practice
Nurture, Outreach, Worship
Nurture, Outreach, Worship
Congregational Meeting News!
On Sunday, May 2 we had our 2nd quarterly meeting of 2010, led by our Finance and Trustee chairperson, Barry Becker. Tom Cochran, our co-lay leader and auditor, also gave a brief report on the audit.
First, a BIG thank you to everyone who is staying current on your giving. Because of your
faithfulness, our giving is almost 2% ahead of last year and we’ve been able to hold our expenses
close to the budget. Total income was up nearly 30% over last year, primarily due to the rebound
in the stock market. Although we do not yet have a balanced budget, we are getting closer each
month. That is GREAT NEWS! Also attendance has continued to increase. Thank you for your
faithfulness to attending church and being active in our small groups on a regular basis. Tom reported that there were significant issues with the audit, which is also good news. You can be assured that the monies received by the church are being handled appropriately.
Second, Barry presented the following projects for 2010 and their estimated costs:
Projects for 2010 (by priority)
Install Metal Roof and Siding on Pavilion
Add Lot Lighting
Remodel Lower Level Entrance
Paint Stairwells, Hallway, Narthex
Barry reported that the Capital Campaign Balance as of 3/31/10 was $3,455. The remaining balance to be raised is $9,660.
Pledge card were distributed on May 2. The trustees are asking for those cards to be returned
by May 23. Remember, no project is begun until 100% of the project cost has been pledged and
at least 50% of the project cost has been collected.
As of May 9th, $1,650 has been pledged and with the balance of $3,455, the pavilion has been
started and completed and paid. This is terrific since our outdoor soccer program begins in just a
few weeks. The pavilion will look great this summer to all who come and visit. Let’s make sure all
the other projects get completed as well.
Did you know that we now offer our worship services on DVD for those who are shut-in
and cannot make it to church each Sunday. If you would like a copy of a DVD, please
contact Pastor Jill or Anne Argast. Also, sermons are available online at Click on multimedia.
Also in the next few weeks, pictures from our Henderson Settlement Mission trip should
be up on the web site. Watch for these great pictures taken by Ronna, Tom, and Pastor Jill.
It Only Takes A
Camp Campaign 2010
A BIG thank you to everyone who
helped our kids go to camp.
The first, the Easter bake sale, was a
great success. Thank you to everyone who purchased pies, rolls, quiche
and cookies.
Second, the spaghetti dinner
raised over $800. The great news is
that all the children who want to go
to camp this year are going to have
their camping adventure fully funded.
Thank you all for your support of our
children and youth!
Speaking of Camps...Did
you know Epworth Forest, established in 1922,
is having a HUGE overhaul. Everyone is participated in helping to bring
our camps, and especially
Epworth Forest up to today’s standards.
If you are interested in more information about this project and how you can
get involved, please see Pastor Jill.
Once again this year we are ordering shirts (tees and polos,
hoodies, hats, denim shirts, etc.
Order forms are available in the
hospitality room. The last Sunday
to get your order forms completed is May 30. Show your support for Robinson Chapel by getting a shirt that shows our
church and declares “Sharing God’s love”
On Palm Sunday
during the Procession of Palms, we
also laid our coats
on the “ground” to signify Jesus’ entry into
Jerusalem. Thanks to everyone who
brought a new or gently used coat for distribution. We contributed 80+ coats to
RSVP’s Share the Warmth program.
Through this congregation’s extravagant
generosity we have provided a warm winter coat to many individuals who would not
otherwise have protection against cold
Indiana winters. Thank you for thinking of
others during the Lenten season and especially as we began our Holy Week journey to the cross.
Cluster Corner….
Here are a few activities that are happening at our cluster churches that you may be
interested in attending.
Grief Share—Every Saturday 9:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m
Divorce Care—Every Thursday 6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.
Covenant UMC
Connections through Christ—1st & 3rd Wednesday from 6:00—8:00 p.m. For those
suffering job loss