Bulletin March 30, 2014 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
Bulletin March 30, 2014 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
----- WEEKLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT SUMMARY & FISCAL YTD SUMMARY MARCH WEEKLY INCOME MASS INTENTIONS Mon Mar 31 @ 8:30AM Brian Daugherty (dec) Tue Apr 1 @ 8:30AM Zaar Family (int) Wed Apr 2 @ 8:30AM Bernard Callahan (dec) Thu Apr 3 @ 8:30AM Marianne Byrnes (dec) Fri Apr 4 @ 8:30AM Johnson Family (dec) Sat Apr 5 @ 5:00PM People of St. Thomas Sat Apr 5 @ 7:00PM Paola Cisneros (dec) Sun Apr 6 @ 9:00AM Ann Wilson (dec) Sun Apr 6 @ 11:30AM Raymond & Jeanne Lantz (dec) PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Mary Ann Johnson, Betty Sprott, Berry Hill, Joyce Lewis, Julie Sheffer, Marian Knieriem, Alma Bennett, Jean Gondoly, Jeremy Tinsley, Angie Ovens, Murray Causey, Roy Walsh, Kelly Croswait, Margaret Holsenbeck, Dick Myers, John Bowser, Shirley Hetzel, Don Henry, Wanda Bolchko, Judi Sneesby, Gerry Zaar, Gary Stickel, Al Bartkoski, Christine Kingsbury, Joe Coriaci, Joe Krzysik, Wes Becker, Joan Bonta, Joe Salada, Anna Aseltine, Art Pelka, Marilyn Macheske, Shatha Ankawi, Jonathan Pineda CURSILLISTAS English-speaking women’s group meets on Thursdays at 7:30AM in the church. For information, call Bette Purvis 458-8070. For information about the English speaking men’s group, call Tony Hartman, 458-0936. ROSARY Immediately following Daily Mass. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY For Lent, don’t let what you can’t do get in the way of what you CAN do. ~Bob Joyce LITURGY OF THE HOURS – EVENING PRAYER Join the Regina Caeli Schola for sung Vespers each Tuesday at 5:30pm. STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Minister leaders are now training new Stephen Ministers. We ask that you keep them in your prayers. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com CHURCH SUPPORT 3/2 3/9 3/19 3/23 Weekly Church Support Budget 15,885 15,885 15,885 15,885 Church Support (Offertory)* 28,271 15,215 12,105 13,865 Monthly Online Donations - DEBT REDUCTION Weekly Debt Reduction Budget Debt Reduction Monthly Online Donations 8,077 5,553 - 8,077 3,235 - 8,077 3,044 - 8,077 3,937 - *Includes a large annual donation ATTENDANCE / ASISTENCIA Sat Mar 22 @ 5:00 PM 209 Sat Mar 22 @ 7:00 PM 450 Sun Mar 23 @ 9:00 AM 334 Sun Mar 23 Total @ 11:30 AM 304 1,297 WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH? If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning about the Catholic faith, Or if you want to join the Catholic Church, please call Kathy Mitchell, 988-8226, E-mail: [email protected] Or Call the Church office 986-9885. CONFESSIONS DURING LENT Saturdays from 3:00-4:30pm, both priests available Tuesdays at 6:00pm, both priests available HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Holy Thursday, April 17 - Bilingual Mass @ 7PM Good Friday, April 18 - Bilingual Service @ 3PM Easter Vigil, April 19 - Bilingual Mass @ 8:30PM Easter Sunday, April 20 - Spanish Mass @ 8AM Easter Sunday, April 20 - English Mass @ 10AM Easter Sunday, April 20 - English Mass @ 12PM NO CONFESSIONS Tuesday, April 15th. Priests will be at a Chrism Mass. NO MORNING MASS/NO COMMUNION SERVICE Holy Thursday & Good Friday CONFIRMATION CLASS 2014 Please pray for our teen confirmandi as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, April 6th at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Almanza, Lupe Avalos, Alexis Castillo, Lupita Cooney, Maggie Deinhart, Lily Espinoza, Alexander Estrada, Lupita Foxworth, Konner Gonzalez, Jesús Lisandro Gonzalez, Luis Miguel Gonzalez, Maria Guadalupe Gonzalez, Maria Mercedes Gonzalez, Saira Gonzalez, Vicente Hodge, Beau López, Alejandra López, Miguel Mejía, Adriana Mejía, Ana Gabriel Nicolás, Yazmin Olvera, Eduardo Olvera, Lucia Taylor, Melinda Velásquez, Yessenia ALTAR SERVING & LECTOR TRAINING Training for altar servers and lectors is being planned in the spring. Please call the office if interested. BLESSING OF THE BASKETS Come one, come all to the blessing of the baskets on Holy Saturday, April 19th at noon. Just bring a sample of the food that you will be eating on Easter day in a basket to be blessed. This is open to everyone in the parish. Let's all join together to have our Easter meal blessed. Thank you for participating. YOUR HELP IS URGENTLY NEEDED!!! Seriously, we really need YOU to help make our upcoming Parish Work Days successful. Only two days are scheduled: Friday April 4, 8:00 am-3:00 pm, and Saturday, April 5, 8:00 am-noon. No special skills are needed, just a willingness to serve and a desire to keep your parish beautiful. Please let us know when you can help by adding your name to one of the sign-up sheets in the church or the PFLC, or contact the parish office: Phone: 865-986-9885 Email: [email protected] “FILL THE CHAPEL WITH LOVE” During Lent this year, we will not “Can the Pastor,” in its place we will “Fill the Chapel With Love”. Please support this great opportunity we have to feed our brothers and sisters in Christ, by donating to the Good Samaritan Food Pantry in Lenoir City. Place your food donations in the chapel. CRS RICE BOWL REFLECTION: MALAWI This week, CRS Rice Bowl invites us to enter into solidarity with the people of Malawi. We are encouraged to reflect on the Catholic social teaching principle, Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers, and reminded that, just as He labored to create the universe, God sanctifies and calls us to work. Let us pray this week for our brothers and sisters in Malawi and all around the world, that we work with joy for God’s greater glory. ST. THOMAS’ AFF PRESENTS A FAMILY SEDER MEAL Saturday, April 5, 2014, @ Noon The Table Awaits You! Make Your Reservations NOW Invite your family and fellow parishioners to participate in a very unique opportunity to celebrate a Seder Supper. Jesus was a Jew who on the night before He died celebrated His Passover Seder Meal. We know it as the Last Supper, which was the First Mass! The St. Thomas parish family will celebrate a Seder Meal, which will focus upon the Passover as the prep for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This is a parish wide event that will help us all have a deeper knowledge of our Faith. This is an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Jesus and His Jewish roots in celebrating both the Seder Meal and the Mass. Reservation Forms can be found in the Narthex by the Tri-Poster. Additional questions: call Bette Purvis 865.405.1937; or email at [email protected] FRIDAYS DURING LENT Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 7:15 – 8:15am Morning Prayer at 7:45am Stations of the Cross 6:00pm in the church Fish Fry Immediately after Stations in the PFLC Fish, macaroni & cheese, fries and coleslaw $7.50 per adult $3.50 per child (12 years old or under) Tickets available at the door Tickets can also be purchased one week in advance of each Friday Fish Fry on the WeShare site: www.sthomaslc.weshareonline.org Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the St. Thomas Women’s Guild View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com SPRING CARD PARTY The St. Thomas Women’s Guild will host their Spring Card Party and Luncheon on Thursday, May 1st from 11:30 – 3:00 PM. All women are welcome to join the fun playing cards or games and lunching with old and new friends. Purchase your tickets for $16. after all Masses on March 29/30 and April 5/6 or call Virginia Zorovich at 6579216. Checks should be made out to STCWG. ATTENTION CRAFTERS At the March meeting we decided to have a craft table at the Nov. 15-16 Bake Sale sponsored by the Women’s Guild. Items will be sold after all Masses. We need good quality, handmade items-no more than five of a single item. The next meeting will be Monday, April 7 at 9:30am in Room 118 of the PFLC. We will have two workshops: jewelry making and fabric pumpkins. If interesting in helping with these, please call Linda (4082339) for supply list. You may also work on your own project and/or bring more ideas and samples. Hope to see you there! HAVE YOU VISITED OUR WEBSITE?! If not, take a minute to check it out, it’s the same address, www.sthomaslc.com but it will look very different! This site will be maintained and updated regularly by a member of our staff. If you have website inquires or requests for the webmaster please send them to [email protected]. YES ON 1 Training is available on Monday, Mar. 31st at SJN on the TN Amendment 1. TN Right to Life training is aimed at educating the public on the amendment. Their slogan is Yes on 1. The meeting will be at SJN's School Library at 7:00 p.m. If you would like additional information before the meeting, please contact Leslie Hunse at [email protected] or 865-689-1339. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE (March 5 – April 18, 2014) This Lent please join us in support of our sixth annual Diocesan 40 Days for Life campaign as we offer a loving and hope filled witness of prayer in front of the Planned Parenthood Clinic on 710 N. Cherry St. in Knoxville. From 7:00 am to 7:00 pm through Palm Sunday, April 13th. We need the generosity of your prayers and time. It was the prayers and sacrifices of so many that contributed to the closing of the abortion clinic on Concord Street two years ago. To learn more, please visit: http://40daysforlife.com/knoxville.html or contact Paul Simoneau at [email protected] and 584-3307 or Lisa Morris at [email protected] and 865-567-1245. St. Thomas will be covering Sunday, April 6th. For specific details, please contact Kay Sheldon 865-7427557 or [email protected]. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com ST. THOMAS LITURGICAL TRIBUTE FUND The St. Thomas Liturgical Tribute Fund is a great way to honor or memorialize a friend or loved one, while providing valuable support for your parish. When a gift is made, the intentions of those honored are remembered in a monthly Mass at St. Thomas, the honorees and donors are published in the parish bulletin, and a special acknowledgement is sent to the honored person or family. All gifts to the Liturgical Tribute Fund are used to support liturgy and worship activities. Liturgical Fund information and envelopes are available in the back of the church, or from the parish office. The names of those honored during this month, as well as the names of the donors are listed below: In Memory of: Victorina Figueroa Donor: Ana Vargas Kautz COLOMBIA MISSION TRIP 2014 There is a basket in the narthex to place any rosaries, medals, holy cards, etc…that you want to donate to the Colombia Mission. The holy cards can be in any language. We will take them with us June 17 – July 1. Any questions, call Arlene Roberts 458-6629. EASTER LATIN MASS The traditional Latin Mass of Easter will be offered at Holy Ghost Church (Knoxville) at 1:30 pm on Easter Sunday (April 20), preceded at 1 pm by a prelude of traditional Easter music. This special Mass will include sacred motets and the liturgy of Easter sung in Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony, with the principal choral parts (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, etc.) of the Mass sung in a polyphonic setting by the Renaissance composer William Byrd. In recent years this special Easter Latin Mass has attracted worshipers from parishes throughout the diocese. All area Catholics and their friends are invited to share this festive celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord. ECUMENICAL PRAYER VIGIL TO KEEP FAMILIES TOGETHER We invite you to attend a 24 hour-Ecumenical Prayer Vigil to keep families together, from Friday, April 4 at 12 noon until Saturday, April 5 at 12 noon, in front of Knoxville City County Building, 400 W Main St. TN 37902. Friday, 12pm-1pm: FRI., 7-8:30pm: Opening Ceremony MAIN EVENT INTERFAITH VIGIL Saturday, 10-11:30am Way of the Cross of the Migrant Jesus Saturday, 11:30-12pm Final Benediction 1,100 families are separated daily due to the current immigration system. Please join us to raise our voices in prayer on April 5, a national day of action to plead for executive action to protect our families. For more information, call Alysa Medina at 865-264-0604. VIGILIA ECUMÉNICA POR LA UNIDAD DE LA FAMILIA Los invitamos a asistir a la Vigilia Ecuménica de oración de 24 horas para que las familias permanezcan unidas. La Vigilia empezará el Viernes 4 de abril de 12 p.m. hasta el Sábado 5 de abril a las 12 p.m. frente al edificio de las oficinas de la Ciudad de Knoxville, (400 W Main St. Knoxville, TN 37902). Viernes 12pm-1pm Viernes 7-8:30pm Sábado 10-11:30am Sábado 11:30-12pm Ceremonia de apertura Evento principal: vigilia ecuménica Vía Crucis de Jesús Migrante Bendición final 1,100 familias son separadas diariamente debido al actual sistema de inmigración. Por favor, únase a nosotros para levantar nuestras voces en oración, el 5 de abril, un día nacional de acción para pedir acción ejecutiva para proteger a nuestras familias. Para más información llamar a Alysa Medina 865-264-0604. CONFESIONES DURANTE LA CUARESMA Sábados de 3:00-4:30pm y los martes a las 6:00pm. Los dos sacerdotes estarán disponibles para escuchar confesiones. ¡SU AYUDA SE NECESITA CON URGENCIA! Necesitamos su ayuda seriamente. Nos gustaría que usted ayude a hacer que nuestros próximos días de trabajo parroquial sean un éxito. Se han programado solamente dos días: viernes 4 de abril de 8:00am3:00pm, y el sábado 5 de abril de 8:00am al mediodía. No se necesitan habilidades especiales, sólo la voluntad de servir y el deseo de mantener su parroquia hermosa. Por favor, háganos saber si usted puede ayudar añadiendo su nombre a una de las hojas de inscripción que encontrara en la iglesia o en el centro parroquial, o comuníquese con la oficina de la parroquia: Teléfono: (865) 986-9885 Correo electrónico: [email protected] LOS VIERNES DURANTE LA CUARESMA Exposición del Santísimo 7:15 – 8:15am • Oraciones de la mañana a las 7:45am en Ingles HORARIO DE SEMANA SANTA Jueves Santo, 17 de abril - Misa Bilingüe @ 7PM Viernes Santo, 18 de abril - Servicio Bilingüe @ 3PM Vigilia Pascual, 19 de abril - Misa Bilingüe @ 8:30PM Domingo de Pascua, 20 abril - Misa en Español @ 8AM Domingo de Pascua, 20 abril - Misa en Ingles @ 10AM Domingo de Pascua, 20 abril - Misa en Ingles @ 12PM NO HABRÁ CONFESIONES Martes 15 de abril Los sacerdotes estarán en la Misa Crismal. NO HABRÁ MISA POR LA MAÑANA TAMPOCO HABRÁ SERVICIO DE COMUNIÓN Jueves 17 y viernes 18 de abril "LLENAR LA CAPILLA CON AMOR" Durante la Cuaresma este año, no vamos a "llenar la oficina de Padre Doug con productos enlatados" en su lugar vamos a "Llenar La Capilla Con Amor". Por favor apoye esta oportunidad que tenemos para alimentar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, mediante la donación al Buen Samaritano de Lenoir City. Coloque sus donaciones de alimentos en la capilla. ENTRENAMIENTO PARA MONAGUILLOS Y LECTORES Se está programando entrenamiento para monaguillos y lectores para la primavera. Por favor llame a la oficina, 986-9885, si está interesado. 40 DÍAS POR LA VIDA Esta Cuaresma, únase a nosotros para apoyar nuestra sexta campaña anual diocesana 40 Días Por La Vida, en la que ofrecemos un testimonio de oración, de amor y esperanza enfrente de la clínica de Planned Parenthood. Nuestra vigilia se extenderá todos los días de 7 a.m. a 7 p.m. hasta el Domingo de Ramos, 13 de abril. Fueron las oraciones y sacrificios de tantas personas las que contribuyeron al cierre de la clínica de abortos en la calle Concord dos años atrás. Para obtener más información, por favor visite http://40daysforlife.com/knoxville.html. Santo Tomas cubrirá el domingo 6 de abril. Estaciones de la Cruz a las 6:00pm en la iglesia REFLEXIÓN DE PLATO DE ARROZ DE CRS: MALAWI Pescado Frito inmediatamente después de Las Estaciones de la Cruz en el centro parroquial • Pescado, macarrones & queso, papas fritas y ensalada de col • $7.50 por adulto • $3.50 por niño menor de 12 anos • Boletos disponibles en la puerta • Patrocinado por Los Caballeros de Colon y la Agrupación de Mujeres de Santo Tomas Plato de Arroz de CRS nos invita esta semana a entrar en solidaridad con el pueblo de Malawi. Se nos anima a reflexionar sobre el principio de la doctrina social católica, Dignidad del trabajo y los derechos de los trabajadores, y recordar que, así como él trabajó para crear el universo, Dios nos santifica y nos llama a trabajar. Oremos esta semana por nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Malawi y en todo el mundo, que podamos trabajar con alegría por la mayor gloria de Dios. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com View these Sponsors @ TheCatholicDirectory.com Southeast Pest Control For Advertising Information CALL BBB–rated A+ 986-2497 Since 1971 ELECTRICAL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL LICENSED & INSURED 141 N. Martinwood Rd. Knoxville, TN 865-851-6238 $99 ACTIVATION & INSTALLATION • For The Traveling Catholic! Joe Duby-Parishioner 865-363-6011 www.myelitechoice.com John Tatman 753 Hwy. 321, Lenoir City, TN 37771 865.986.1234 [email protected] www.bladefitnesscomplex.com For Advertising Info Call: 1-800-282-5106 1-800-282-5106 E & L • Online or by eMail Tim Kukla–Affiliate Broker Cell: 865-403-0400 • Office: 865-986-4646 Tellico Village Resident/Agent 502 HWY. 321 N., Ste. B • Lenoir City, TN BED & BISCUITS All Inclusive / All Suites Dog Boarding & Grooming Resort 2145 Beals Chapel Rd., Lenoir City Pets Are Our Kids! We treat your pets as our own. (865) 986-6325 mscsbedandbiscuits.com John and JeanAnn Carrigan, parishioners Tennessee Single Catholics 101 Cheeyo Way, Ste. E, Loudon Tellico Greens Shopping Center Next to Food Lion Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 9-2 865.458.3960 CatholicMatch.com/goTN Vickie Harness, Owner hablamos espanol 2404