September 13, 2015
September 13, 2015
Page 01. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY September 14, 2015_ Nm 21:4b-9/Phil2-6-11 Jn3_13-17(638) 8:00 AM + Alfonso Raimo TUESDAY September 13,2015 Amount needed weekly to meet our budget of $ 9,550 September 06 2015 Regular Collection: 9,664.00 Envelopes 916 Attendance 1012 September 15,2015 1Tm 3:1-13(444) Jn19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 (639) 8:00 AM +Filomena Bellini WEDNESDAY September16 ,2015 1Tm3:14-16 Lk7:31-35 (445) 8:00 AM +Austin Flynn THURSDAY_ September 17,2015 1 Tm 4:12-16 Lk 7: 36-50 (446) 8:00 AM +For the Intention of Paul Aponza FRIDAY 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 Cabrini cash winners for AUGUST Betty Popielaski Alicia Garnett Joan Mercy Mrs Christine Rakoczy Arthur Grell C. Molinelli September 18,2015 1 Tm 6:2c-12 Lk 8: -3 (447) 8:00 AM +James Mc Laughlin SATURDAY September 19 ,2015 1 Tm 6:13-16 Lk 8:4-15 (448) 9:00 AM + Margaret Wern 5:00 PM + Guisseppe Messana SUNDAY September 20 ;,2015 Wis 2:12,17-20 Jas 3:16-4:3 Mk 9: 30-37 (134) 8:00 AM 9:30 AM For Parishioners 11:00AM + Robert (Bob) Kuhlmann In Honor of the Blessed Mother Bread and Wine or Sanctuary Lamp If you wish to offer the Bread and Wine or Sanctuary Lamp for any special week for a loved one or in Thanksgiving, please contact the rectory. The donation is $25.00 for either. Bread and Wine In loving Memory of Lynn Fitzpatrick Glianna With Love Mom Banns of Marriage 1st Time Marie Ann Klein St Frances and Jeffrey Alan Hepner Jessup,Maryland Page 02. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September 13,2015 Page 03. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in ordinary time Is 50:5-9a Ps 116:1-2,3-4,5-6,8-9 Jas 2:14-18 Mk 8:27-35 God’s servant in Isaiah suffers greatly but trusts in the Lord, “my help”(vv7,9). His confidence in God allow him to suffer all sorts of indignities: “I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard”(v6). For the early Christians, the text foreshadowed Jesus’s suffering. But through the ages others have also suffered because of their vocation. This “Servant Song”, along with others in Isaiah, serves to encourage those who suffer to persevere because God has promised to rescue them. Caesarea Philippi is at the northern boarder of Israel. After today’s Jesus will begin his journey toward Jerusalem, the city of his death. The tone of Mark’s Gospel changes as Jesus, declared “the Christ” (v29) by Peter, predicts his coming Passion, death, and resurrection as part of God’s will for him. Peter rejects this idea but it rebuked by Jesus because he is “thinking not as God does, but as humans being do”(v33). The disciples will come to understand after the resurrection. James reminds us that faith and work are found together in the lives of believers: “Faith …,if it does not have work is dead”(v17). Our good works are not the source of our salvation but rather are an indication that our faith is alive. Faith is more than giving intellectual assent to a system of beliefs; it is embracing a way of life that is concerned with the welfare of others. James goes on to say that the “faith [of Abraham] was completed by the works” (see v22). Our faith in Jesus , who suffered for us, should lead us to perform good works out of gratitude to God. Our works are not the cause of our faith but an indication of it. For Reflection: How do I look at suffering in my life? In the life of others ? What does the fact that Jesus chose to ffer for us mean to me. Please note that “Prayers for the Sick” will be announced from the altar for 4 weeks. Then the names will be in the bulletin for another 4 weeks. Please inform the Rectory if you wish to add a loved one for prayers, or to have someone’s name removed. Please note that “Prayers for the Sick” will be announced from the altar for 4 weeks. Then the names will be in the bulletin for another 4 weeks. Please inform the Rectory if you wish to add a loved Please continue to pray for all those who are sick in our parish Joe Fazio, Jack Nuccio ,Father Peter, Gertude Fernadez, Connie Gorczycki, Samatha Lazzaro, Chuck Rende, Adel Elsalem, Sophie Di Santo, Frankie Selosso, Dorothy O’kay, Gerrar D’Ambrosio, Patricia Carlough,Chris Beekman, Lucy Alfanio, Marice Bowen BULLETIN REFLECTION In the second reading today, St. James has harsh words for those who do not put their faith into actions. May we be such a good steward of God’s gifts to us that we can never be accused of having“faith that does nothing in practice” That as Christian stewards, may our words and actions be in the attitude of Christ Jesus , we pray to the Lord Page 04. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September 13,2015 FOLLOW THE HOLY FATHER’S JOURNEY Telecare will provide a Catholic perspective From his arrival in the United States on Tuesday afternoon ,Sept.22, to his departure on Sunday evening, Sept. 27, Long Islanders will have access to continuous of Pope Francis’ visit– from Catholic perspective-on Telecare (cablevision channel 29or 137, Verizon FiOs TV channel 296). “Of course the Holy father’s pilgrimage to our country will be covered by thousands of media outlets,” said Msgr. James Vlaun, Telecare president and CEO. But “ Telecare’s coverage from a Catholic perspective, will be unique” “ While other outlets will be speaking about the tires on the Popemobile ,” he said, We will be unpacking the depth of the Holy Father’s message and vision.” Helping to do so will be Telecare’s anchor team of experienced priests, religious , and laity that will include Sister Mary Alice Piil, Msgr. James McNamara, Jesuit Father Nicholas Lombardi, who worked with the Holy Father, Jane Hanson, and a number of correspondents live on the scene. “ Through our association with the Archdiocese of New York and Cardinal Dolan,” Mgrs Vlaun said , We have the potential for unique access to this historic event that no other media outlet will have. We will also have the benfits of bishops , archbishops, and cardinals from around the country to help us better understand the context of Pope Francis’ visit. “We are most excited that Bishop William Murphy , our own diocesan bishop, will participate as well in the live broadcasting,” Msgr. Vlaun added All of Telecare’s daily coverage will be repeated in the evening. And Telecare’s coverage will stream live on Telecare TV, org, and be available for free at the app, Telecare Television, available app store. “ We will also be utilizing all of our social media outlets to let people feel a part of events as they unfold”he said Highlights of Telecare’s comprehensive coverage: Tuesday, September 22: Pope Francis’ arrival and welcoming ceremony at Andrew Air Force Base in Washington D.C. 4-5 p.m. Wednesday, September 23: Welcoming ceremony on south lawn of White House, 9:15-11am; pope’s meeting with U.S. Bishops at Matthew’s Cathedral, 11:15am,; Mass and canonization of Father Junipero Serra National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 4:15– 6:15pm. Thursday, September 24: Address to Congress, 9:20a.m.; visit to Charitable Center and meeting with the homeless at St Patrick Parish,11:15a.m.; departure from D.C. arrival at JFK Airport, and evening vespers at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 4-8 p.m. Friday, September 25: Address to United Nations, 8:30 a.m.; interreligious prayer service at Ground Zero, 11:30a.m.; visit to Our Lady Queen of Angels School in Harlem, 4p.m.; Mass at Madison Square Garden, 6-8 p.m. Saturday ,September 26: Departure from JFK, arrival in Philadelphia, 8:40-10:30a.m.; Mass in Philadelphia’s Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, 10:3a.m. meeting for religious freedom at Independence Mall, 4:45 p.m. celebration for families and vigil of prayer,7:30-9:30p.m. Sunday, September 27: Meting with bishops at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary,9:15a.m. ; visit to Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility ,11a.m. ; Mass concluding World meeting of Families at Benjamin Franklin Parkway,4-7p.m.; departure ceremonies from Philadelphia’s International Airport,7-8:30p.m. For the complete schedule of Telecare’s papal coverage, visit Page 05. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September 13,2015 COMMUNION BREAKFAST AT SEMINARY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION The Friends of the Seminary, 440 West Neck Road, Huntington, invite you to their Annual Communion Breakfast, Sunday, September 20, 2015 . Mass at 11AM followed by brunch and presentation in the Refectory. Celebrant and speaker will be Reverend Nicholas Zientarski, Dean of Seminarians, St. Joseph’s Seminary. R.S.V.P. by September 15th $30 per ticket. For Reservations and information, Seminary Development Office, 631423-0483 Ext. 102;[email protected] CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM PREP COURSE Saint John the Baptist DHS is offering Prep Course to prepare students for the Catholic High School Entrance Exam. We will run five 21/2 hour sessions beginning in September for additional information please visit or call 631-587-8000 Saturday September 26th, Oct 3rd, Oct 17th Oct 24 8:00 am –10:30 am AND Wednesday October- 28th 6:00pm –8:30pm CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS OPEN HOUSES You are invited to explore the benefits of a Catholic High School Education Please feel free to visit our schools during times and dates below; Date Time School: September 2015 SATURDAY 26 SUNDAY 27 11:00AM-1:30 PM 1:00PM-3:30PM 12:00PM -2:30PM OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY ST.DOMINIC HS HOLY TRINITY DIOC. H.S October 2015 SATURDAY 3 SUNDAY SUNDAY 4 18 SATURDAY 24 11:00 AM -2:00 PM 10;00 AM- 1:00 PM 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM 10;00 AM- 1:00 PM 10:30 AM- 2:00PM 2;00 PM– 4:30 PM 9:00 AM-1200 PM SACRED HEART ACADEMY KELLENERG MEMORIAL H.S CHAMINADE H.S ST. ANTHONY’S HS ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST HS ST. MARY’S HS McGANN-MERCY DIOC. HS Page 06. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September 13,2015 Deacon Peter’s Quiz Corner The following are the answers for last weeks quiz Question # 1. Land Question # 2. God Question # 3. Felix and Festus Question #1.Saramental’s are like sacraments in this: A. That both were instituted by Christ B. That both are external symbols of an interior spiritual experience C. That both celebrate peak stages of spiritual Question # 2. One form of the Sign of the Cross is tracing a small cross with the thumb on one’s forehead, lips chest and chest This : A. Has no special meaning B. Signifies one’s prayer that his/her thoughts, word and desires may be dedicated to God Question # 3. In larger or smaller form , the Sign of the Cross gratefully calls to mind: A. Christ ‘s redeeming life, death and resurrection B God’s intimate nature in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit C. Both a and b Pilgrimage to the Holy Land January 7-16, 2016 Travel with St. Joseph’s College faculty members: Sister Grace Rowland, CSJ and Father Francis Pizzarelli SMM For detailed brochure call Sister Grace at 631-654-0199 or email [email protected] Cabrini’s Pro-Life Family Invites you to dedicate a Pro-Life Rose for any intention by calling Denise Bugge at 736-0683. Your participation helps bring a greater awareness to the sacredness of all human life, especially the unborn. Cost is $5.00. A fresh rose will be placed at the statue of the Blessed Mother each week Page 07. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September13,2015 Pray for Our Troops - UPCOMING EVENTS FOR THIS WEEK MONDAY 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM September 14, 2015 Orientation Columbiettes Kof C Business Meeting RCIA TUESDAY 5:30 PM 7:30 PM September 15, 2015 Orientation St . Vincent de Paul WEDNESDAY September 16, 2015 10:00 AM Cabrini Seniors 7:30PM Bingo THURSDAY 5:30 PM 7:00 PM FRIDAY 7:30 September 17, 2015 Orientation Spanish Prayer Group September 18,2015 Boy Scouts PH Rm7/8 PH Rm1 PH RM2 PH PH PH CHURCH RM7/8 SATURDAY 9:00 AM September 19,2015 Orientation PH SUNDAY, 8:30 AM 10:30 AM September 20,2015 Blood Drive KoC RCIC Orientation 1&2 PH PH Give Blood, Give Life Knights of Columbus Council #7278 Will be sponsoring a Blood Drive on Sunday September 20,2015 from 8:30 A.M. to 1:00P.M. In the Parish Center. You may also schedule an appointment by calling Dave Byron at 225-0226 Blood is always in short supply CS-2Christopher R. McCarthy Sgt. Michael R. McCarthy Lieutenant Thomas Brown-Navy Bosen’s Mate Christopher F. Wetzel Brian A. Harris-Army Sgt. Kori Stafford -Air Force Daniel Hennessy -Army Matthew Talibon-Marines John Maresca Ryan LaBlanc-Iraq Michal Mark C.P.O. Jesse Deery U.S.C.G Sgt. Justin Wanat-Nat. Guard Sgt. Jason Mc Kevitt-Nat. Guard Sgt. Shawn Herzog-10th Mountain Division Eric L. Sells-Virginia Lt. Col. Andrew Eanniello USMC Kent Korunka Matthew R. Cotter-Air Force National Guard Staff Sgt Christopher Ferreira-Air Nat. Guard Nicholas Byrd William Casey-Marines Staff Sgt John Paul Esposito-Air Force-Iraq Stephen Brewster-Air Force Kyle Brewster-Marines Col. David Harney Sgt.. William H. Behm-U.S.M.C. Doug Hennessy-Army Ronald Curuba-US Marines Afghanistan 1st Sgt. Julio Tomas SantosArmy Afghanistan Msgt Peter Murro-Afghanistan Air-Nat’l Guard-Michael Desz Air-Nat’l Guard-Kelsey Desz Austin Whyte-Army Afghanistan Adam Cervasio-PFC-Marines Nicholas Cervasio-PFC-Marines Captain-Julian Jackson-M Page 08. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September 13,2015 Page 09. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September 13,2015 September 13– Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: In today’s Gospel Jesus’s says “If a man wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and follow in my steps.”The cross of Jesus and the crosses of his members can evangelize us: the sick, who bear illness with courage; the grieving, who hope against hope; the dying, who Clearly trust in the resurrection: the suffering of our poor brothers and sisters who are hungry and homeless, but who still trust in God’s love. In there a neighbor or friend of yours who is temporary need because of a loss of a job or an illness? Please leave a message for the Society of St Vincent De Paul … We want to help! FOOD DRIVE Food Pantry & Outreach We need Your help Canned &non-perishable Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Saturday October 3,2015 Will having their Annual Fall Dance If you need any information, please Call Patricia Cremmins LAOH @(631) 846-3106 Long Island Women’s Retreat Ministry Women of God who desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit are invited to a weekend retreat at the Montfort Spiritual Center from Oct. 30th through November 1st hosted by L. I. Women’s Retreat Ministry. Our Guest Speaker , Patricia Molnar, will present “The Reed of God”, a spiritual classic written in 1944 by Caryll Houselander . On this retreat we will look at Mary, the reed of God, waiting to be filled . Together we will look at how we too are called to be Page 10. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September13,2015 HOPE HOUSE NEWS FROM : Fr. Frank Pizzarelli, Executive Dir._ Founder/CEO Hope House Ministries Hope House Ministries has celebrated it’s 35th Anniversary on April 25,2015. On this date, I announced that we will be moving to the Little Portion Friary on Old Post Rd. in Mt. Sinai. Thirty –five years ago, I was blessed to rent the guesthouse at this facility, so we have come full cycle with our ministry. Out of respect and gratitude, we will maintain the ‘Brothers Bakery’, the Prayer Ladyrinth and leaves the chapel open for members of the local community to come and pray. We will call the new community Hope House Ministries-Hope Academy at Little Portion Friary. We hope to make the transition in the fall. All our programs continues to be filled to capacity. Each entity continues to touch people in miraculous ways that oftentimes are beyond words. These daily miracles happen because of the extraordinary support that we receive from you. Pax Christi continues to minister to growing homeless men, which is shocking because they are young, between the ages of 16and 25, living on the street. And there is a tremendous rise in the number of returning veterans in need of a wide range of human services, especially mental health service The stewardship and shepherding of our ministry continues to grow and prosper because of people like you who offers prayers, give their time and contribute to help carry out our plans for the poor ,pray to God that he gives me the strength and the courage to stay on course