Dear Fair Haven Parents, PTA Directory


Dear Fair Haven Parents, PTA Directory
A P ublication o f the Parent T eacher A ssociation • Fair H a v en N J • S eptemb er / O C T O B E R 2 0 12
Dear Fair Haven Parents,
This is always a bitter sweet time of year. We say goodbye to the
beach, the Fireman’s Fair and our carefree days. We are thrown
back into our busy scheduled days of school, homework, sports
and after school activities. The children are excited to be reunited
with their school friends. As a parent, I also look forward to catching up with other parents in September. At this time of year I realize
how lucky I am to live in such a wonderful community. Our children
are even luckier because they get to be a part of such an amazing school system. There is so much for our children to learn and
experience at both Sickles and Knollwood Schools. It is the mission
of the PTA to add to their experience. Some of the things we do
are: Provide books for the classroom libraries; offer assemblies at
both schools for all grades; sponsor Art Day at Sickles; support
programs specific to certain grades, including Centra State, Stokes
and the 8th grade dance. These are only a few of the many things
that the PTA does for our children.
This is all made possible through our fundraisers. Theses events
would not be possible without the parents. It amazes me to watch
all of the moms and dads volunteer their valuable time and expertise. Our first event of the year will be Harvest Fest. This is a great
family day that the children look forward to. Mark your calendar for
Saturday, October 13th and join in on the fun. This year eight
families will open up their homes to us so that we can have a Holiday
House Tour on Friday, December 14th. You will have the opportunity to visit these beautiful homes and sample delicious food from
local area chefs. Grab some friends and come on the tour. We will
be having our always popular Book Fairs in the spring at both
schools. We are also changing things up a bit this spring. The PTA is
having an evening event, Saturday, March 23rd, which will replace
the luncheon this year. Look out for more details in future newsletters
and on our website,
Speaking of the website, check it out. We have moved over to a
Paperless PTA format. This will help us in our continued effort to go
green. We will be reducing the amount of papers that go home from
school, so be sure to check the website regularly. Also, don’t forget
to sign up for our email blasts to keep current on PTA happenings.They
are sent out weekly and are a good source of information.
It’s time to put away the beach chairs, vacuum the sand out of the
car and get back into the swing of the school year. Hopefully part
of that schedule will involve volunteering for the PTA. There are so
many ways to become involved. It is a great way to connect with other
Fair Haven parents and become involved in our children’s lives.
Welcome Back,
Laura Nolan, PTA President
Class Parent Orientation Meeting
September 6th, 7:00pm followed immediately by:
Parent Night Out at the Nauvoo Grill
Mark Your Calendar: Back-to-School Night
Sickles, 7:00 pm, Wednesday, September 12th
Knollwood, 6:00 pm, Thursday, September 13th
PTA Directory
Each Fall, the PTA publishes a directory of student information in the interest of promoting better communication
between home and school. The Directory is not to be used
for commercial purposes. Directory information will be carried over year-to-year—we will reprint the same information
as the previous year unless we are notified of changes.
If you are new to the school and would like to have your
information included in the Directory or need to modify
your listing from last year, please fill out the Directory
Change form at and click on
“More Info” then “Forms” and return to Christine Hearn
at 209 Dartmouth Avenue, by September 15th. Please
submit only one form per family. Please do not submit a
form if your listing from last year has not changed.
Thanks and we look forward to having the Directory
published as soon as possible. !
Outgoing PTA President, Tracy Rehder
Sickles Back-to-School Reminders:
• Please label your child’s belongings with their name.
• Pack a healthy snack each day.
• Be mindful of parking, drop-off, & pick-up signage in front of
and behind the school. Parking ordinances will be enforced.
PTA Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Fair Haven PTA to promote the welfare, safety and educational development
of our children in the home, school and community through the cooperative efforts of parents and teachers.
Box Tops for Education
We’re looking forward to
another great year with our
Box Tops for Education
Program. Last year we collected 29,323 box tops—over
3,000 more box tops than
our previous best total last
year: 25,933! Many thanks
to all who
Let’s shoot for
collecting at
least 30,000
box tops in
Each year the PTA posts “scarecrow” signs throughout Fair Haven
to advertise Harvest Fest. If you choose to sponsor a sign, your
name or company name will be posted on your scarecrow. If you
are interested in helping support this fund-raiser, please make
sure your scarecrow order is received by Melina Calabretta,
at 96 Hendrickson Place, by Friday, September 14th with payment of $65 (checks payable to Fair Haven PTA, please). Orders
received after the 14th but no later than September 19th will
still be accepted, but at the higher advertising rate of $75.
Questions? Contact Bennett Coleman at
[email protected] or Melina Calabretta
at [email protected].
Here are a few reminders
when you send box tops in:
S A V E T H E D AT E …
• Please tape box tops to the
forms sent home (Sickles
only) or create your own
Harvest Fest 2012, Sat. October 13th, 12:30 pm–4:30pm.
Held on the grounds of Knollwood School, Harvest Fest
is a wonderful Fair Haven tradition. It is an afternoon filled with
games, pumpkin painting, petting zoo, a D.J., face painting and
more. Other highlights include an apple pie bake-off, the always
popular pumpkin decorating contest and an appearance by the
Team KICK Dancers. Baked goods and various other delicious
treats will be available throughout the day. Admission is free and
all are welcome! Come join us at this fun-filled event.
• If submitting in baggies,
please count the box tops
and clearly mark the
amount on the front of
For more information or to volunteer please contact
Karen Saad at [email protected].
the bag. (Bags containing
50 box tops are preferred,
and greatly appreciated!)
Please sign up at The
school automatically receives
credit for each person who
creates an account.
Also, their online
shopping center
has added more
stores. So if you are
an online shopper,
please login first to
the box tops site, go to the
online store and shop. The
school will receive a percentage back from each purchase. Not sure what a box
top is or looks like? Login to
com and find out.
Questions? Contact Sharon
Everett, at 936-0422 or
Kathy Sullivan, at 450-9277. !
Family Portrait Fundraiser
Mark your calendars for this very popular event! The first
portrait sittings will be held on Tuesday, September 25th
after school. The fundraiser will conclude on Saturday,
October 20th. Additional information, including a reservation form, will come home with your child soon. Return
your reservation form promptly, as this event always sells
out. For more information please contact Erin Simpson at
[email protected]. !
The Harvest Fest Committee is collecting Happy Meal toys
to recycle into prizes for the popular “Wheel of Boo” game
this year. Donations can be sent in to school anytime between
now and the end of September. Containers for these toys will
be outside the school office.
Questions? Contact Gina Ern at [email protected].
Kick off the Year with Think Recycle!
Think Recycle is a cost-free fundraising program that rewards our PTA
with money and environmental incentives for collecting unwanted
products including laptops, tablets, cell phones, digital cameras,
inkjet cartridges and toner cartridges! Cell phone rebates have increased
BIG TIME: We earn at least 50¢ per phone for a non-working model
to a maximum of $150.00 per phone for one that’s “The Best in Class,”
so please, send them in and help us and the environment
at the same time. Bins are at both Knollwood and Sickles Schools.
Questions? Contact Josephine Lindgren, [email protected].
Media Helpers Needed
Being a library helper is a great way to spend time with
your child’s class. Sickles library volunteers check in books,
re-shelve returned books and check out books during your
child’s weekly library time. Sign-up sheets will be in your
child’s classroom on Back-to-School Night. If you are unable
to make it that night, or if you have any questions, please
contact Kerry Maguire at [email protected]. !
It’s Back…
Save the Date: Friday, December 14, 2012
KidStuff Coupon Book
Fair Haven PTA House Tour
There will be eight distinctive
homes on this years
house tour along with
some fabulous chefs
and table settings! Grab
a friend and enjoy the
kick-off to the Holiday
Season! More information
to come. Please visit:
Looking forward to
seeing you.
The ever-popular KidStuff
Coupon Book Sale returns this
Fall. KidStuff is a fundraiser
that helps families with today’s
economy! Our PTA makes 50%
back on each book sold, and at
$25 each, this money adds up
quickly to benefit the projects and programs of the PTA.
Buy one and keep it in the car—it offers phenomenal savings
at some of our favorite places to shop, play, and eat such as
Kohl’s, Sports Authority, Rite Aid, Children’s Place, Bed Bath
& Beyond, Sears, Disney Store, McDonald’s, T.G.I. Friday’s,
and many more! Look for your packet/book in your child’s
backpack on or around Monday 10/1. Details to follow.
Questions? Contact Kirsten Ward, marinsmommy@aol.
com or Suzanne Presti, [email protected]. !
Britt Garrison and
Lauren Steets.
“Connecting the Dots”
Fall Used Clothing Drive
Save the Date: Monday, September 17th, 7:00 pm
in Knollwood’s All-Purpose Room (APR)
The PTA will be kicking
off the school year with an
assembly for 5th through
8th graders, as part of
Knollwood’s character education and bully prevention
efforts. “Connecting the
Dots” (CTD) will take place
on September 17th and
18th. Stu Cabe, owner of
the Ovation Company, will
conduct an intense 4–5 hour
program for upper elementary
students during the regular
school day. Through a series
of activities, CTD provides
opportunities for students to
connect with others outside
of their normal routine. This
provides children with a
better understanding of how
they impact each other, both
positively and negatively,
while promoting empathy,
Once again, the PTA will take your used and soft household
items and turn them into cash for our schools. Last year this
fund-raiser alone netted over $1,000 and we’d love to do it
again. We can accept only the following items: Wearable clothing (men’s, women’s and children’s); shoes, boots and accessories (belts, handbags, scarves, ties, hats); soft household
items (bedding, curtains, tablecloths and towels); stuffed animals and small toys. The drive officially begins on Saturday,
October 13th and ends on Friday November 2nd. Please
put all items in plastic garbage bags and drop off on the front
porch at 18 Browns Lane, Fair Haven. If you have questions,
contact Donna Ridgeway at 842-8625. !
acceptance, understanding
and forgiveness. CTD focuses
on the commonalities they
share, both big and little, shifting students’ views from their
differences to what makes
them similar. CTD helps students understand that what
they say and do matters;
especially the small things.
Fifth through eighth grade
parents, please join us on
Monday, September 17th at
7:00 pm in Knollwood’s AllPurpose Room (APR), there
will be a CTD Parent Only (no
students) Information Session
with Stu Cabe. Stu will share
and have dialogue with parents
about “Connecting the Dots”
in order to convey healthy
strategies for student
interaction and socialization. !
Congratulations to the
2012–2013 PTA Executive Board
Laura Nolan ([email protected])
President Elect:
Bennett Coleman ([email protected])
Vice President:
Jennie Lucci ([email protected])
Tori McAndrews ([email protected])
Recording Secretary:
Jeanne Korchak ([email protected])
Corresponding Secretary: Erin Gotch ([email protected])
Heather Gorman and Sandi Papa for
welcoming our new families to Fair Haven by
organizing the Class Ambassadors.
Kerry Maguire and Gina McCormick for
running the Kindergarten Picnic.
Judy Horan and Lauren Steets for
coordinating the Class Parents.
New School Photographer
We will be using a new photography company located in Marlboro,
New Jersey called BNL Photography, for the 2012–13 school year.
Knollwood’s Picture Days are scheduled for Thursday, September 13th
and Friday, September 14th. Sickles Picture Day is scheduled for Monday,
September 17th. Parents will be receiving information about photo packages
the week of September 10th. !
All of the Class Parents for volunteering their
time to help our children and the teachers.
Halloween Festivities
Heather Boyle for organizing the
Back-to-School Staff Luncheon.
Laura Simeone and Gail Reid for organizing
and distributing the back to school supplies.
Christine Hearn and Lauren Steets for their
many hours working on the PTA Directory.
Gail Flammer and Erin Simpson for
running the 5th grade Babysitting Class.
Wednesday, October 31st
All AM Kindergarten and preschool students will attend in the afternoon only.
The students will sing a Halloween song on the steps and then will parade
around the park across the street. The times below are approximate, and
last year we ran a little early. Please account for that as you are planning
for this afternoon.
• Preschool and Kindergarten, 12:50pm
• First grade, 1:00pm
• Second grade, 1:20pm
Halloween Dance
Knollwood School’s first dance of the year
for 6th, 7th and 8th Graders only, will take place
on Friday, November 2nd, from 6:30 pm –9:00 pm,
Knollwood All-Purpose Room (APR).
Only 8th Graders can dress in costume.
• Third grade, 1:40pm
• Class Parties, 2:15pm –2:40pm
A reminder that any weapon-like toys or accessories should be left at home.
Masks that cover the entire face are not permitted.
4th & 5th Graders assembly at 2:20pm, Knollwood All-Purpose Room
(APR). (Parents are invited to attend). Parade around parking lot to follow.
Why Go to the Met in NYC, When You Can See Great Art for Free Here?
9/6: First Day of School, Single Session, Class Parent Orientation
Meeting, 7:00 pm, Sickles Gym, Parents’ Night Out, Nauvoo Grill
Come visit our student art gallery throughout the year at Sickles School
this year! The student art gallery is located in the first floor main hallway.
Carrie Eustace and Stephanie Lynch change the artwork monthly. Each class
is assigned one month according to the schedule below. Come once, come
twice, come every month and be amazed by the artistic talent of our children. !
9/7: Single Session
9/12: Sickles Back-to-School Night, 7:00 pm
9/13: Knollwood School Pictures
9/13: Knollwood Back-to-School Night, 7:00pm
9/14: Knollwood School Pictures
9/17: Sickles School Pictures
Start Date
Classes on Display
Goode (Gr. 2)
Bayer (Gr. 2)
9/20: PTA Meeting Sickles Library, 1:45pm (Children Welcome!)
Kennedy (K AM)
Kennedy (K PM)
9/25: Family Portrait Fundraiser Begins (Ends 10/15)
Kampe (Gr. 1)
Boccino (Gr. 2)
9/26: Schools Closed for Yom Kippur
Moriarty (K AM)
Moriarty (K PM)
9/19: BOE Meeting, 7:30pm
Walls (Pre-K)
10/1: Coupon Book Sales Start
Spano (Gr. 3)
Hagen (Gr. 3)
10/8: Schools Closed for Columbus Day
Wood (Gr. 1)
Coffin (Gr. 1)
10/13: Harvest Fest, Clothing Drive Kick-off (Ends 11/2)
Maguire (Gr. 2 )
Kirwan (Gr. 3)
Wheeler (Gr. 3)
Venino (Gr. 2)
Mikolajczyk (Gr. 1)
Bennett (Gr. 1)
Hughes (Gr. 3)
Brown (Gr. 3)
10/18: PTA Meeting Sickles Library, 1:45pm (Children Welcome!)
10/24: BOE Meeting, 7:30pm
10/31: Halloween Festivities at Both Schools
*Dates are subject to change
Leahey (Gr.1)
Design and layout by Adriene Makstein, MarshMedia, LLC
Sickles Art Gallery News