Tien Shan (China) - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Tien Shan (China) - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
MARCH IO. I99I JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH,VOL. 96, NO. 83, PAGES4065--1082. PaleomagneticStudy of MesozoicContinentalSedimentsAlong the Northern Strainin CentralAsia Tien Shan(China)andHeterogeneous AVOUAC,IPRUTTAPPO}.INER,1 JSAN-PHILIPPE COGNE,I,2VnvceX'TCOURTILLC)T,I YaT.T cTTpN,IJEAN.PASCAL weNcj MExrANcBal5 HoNcz youj mrc u a ANDcHlNsrctrrcwH 4 gRrcgurrgr.q,ur.3 GoNcer.JE A paleomagnetic snrdy of rocks from the northern foot of the Tien Shan and the southern border of the Dzungar Basin, east of Urumqi (44.2"N, 86.008)' sparuring ages from middle Jurassic to early Tertiary was carried out to constrain the tectonic evolution in central Asia since Mesozoic time. Five middle Jurassic sites reveal a remagnetized direction close to the presenr Earth field in geographiccoordinates:D = 6.6", I = 72.6" (o95 = 7.4o), Thirteen out of l7 upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous sites yield a characteristic direction (stratigraphic coordinates)of D = 12.7o,1= 48.6o (495 = 5'5o)' Nine of 16 upper Cretaceousand lower Tertiary sites provide a characteristicdirection of D = 12.5",1= 51.3o (495 = 6.9o). The latter two directions pass fold and reversal tests. The pole positions are close to each other and to the Besse and Courtillor [1989, 1990] Eurasian apparent polar wander path, for ages ranging from 130 to 70 Ma. However, the diffcrence in paleolatitudes amounls to about 5.9" t 3.7o, which could indicate significant continental shortening in the Altai Mountains and perhaps further north, subsequenito India-Asia collision. The pole positions from the Dzu_ngarBasin are close ro those found for rhe Tarim [Li et al., 1988a], leading to an insignificant paleolatitude difference (3.0" t 6.9o), but showing a larger difference in declination (8.6' t 8.7'). These paleomagnetic results are compatible with a model of heterogeneous deformation in the western part of the collision zone between India and Siberia. A significant shortening in the Altai, a slight counterclockwise rotation of the Dzungar block, the westward-increasing shortening in rh" Ti"n Shan with attendant clockwise rotation of the Tarim block are all consisteni with this model, in which Tibet, the Tien Shan anà the Altai undergo differential suain along strike in a relay fashion, with the total India-Siberia convergence remaining approximately constant. units in the Permian, whereas t, [1980] finds no evidence for a suture between the two. A significant amount of paleomagnetic research has accreted which blocks of Central Asia consiss of a mosaic and eastern since the early Paleozoic. Based mostly on paleontology and recently been published or is underway in central et al', Tibet collected from have been Data Asia. a [Achache boundaries, tectonic of stratigraphy, and on the recognition 19841, South China [e.g., Kent et al., 1986: Enkin et al., number of blocks with different geological histories have now China le.g.Lin, been identified: Siberia, Tarim, Kazakhstan, North China, 1991a, â), and farther north from North et al., 1988a, à]' This leaves the Li the Tarim 19841 urd the [e.g., However, blocks. the Tibetan and Indochina, China, South block relatively unexplored. Wiù a surface timing of individual collisions is still debated, sometimes important Dzungar this large basin has traditionally been kmz, 130,000 area of the North propose that al. et Li For instance, hotly so. [1982] part the Kazakhstan, wedged between the Tarim a of considered and South China blocks were accreted in the Triassic, whereas (Figures 1 and 16). Its boundary with the blocks and Siberia propose'a al. et and Mattauer U9851 Laveine et al. ll987l former lies along the Tien Shan range and with the latter along Paleozoic age. the Altai range, where ophiolite suites and ophiolite mélanges data of source provides an independent Paleomagnetism have been found [tr et aL,1982;Zhang andWu,1985). bearing on this problem. Opdyl<eet aI. [19861 use such data !o In recent years, research carried out in the Gansu corridor China versus South of North age post-Triassic favor a Tarim and North China, and in the Tarim and Dzungar berween collision. McElhinny et al. ll98ll and Li et a/. [1988b] has focused primarily on Pgrmian and Triassic basins as independent behaved China believe that Tarim and North formations [Bai et al., 1987; Li, 1988; Li et al., 1989]' Yet the configuration of the Eurasian mosaic has been profoundly I hrtitut de Physiquedu Globede ParisandDépanernent desSciences altered by the India-Asia collision fMolmr and Tappornier, 1975; Tapponnier and Molnar, 1979; Tapponnier et al', de la ærrc,UniversiréParisVtr. 2 CeEss. UniversiréRennesI 19861. The first results from the French-Chinese paleomagnetic work in Tibet suggested some 2000 km of 3 C"nt." National de la RechercheScientifique, Laboratoirede shortening between Tibet and Siberia lAchache et al.,19841 Paléontologie desVertébés, Univenité ParisVI. and total shortening could be even larger, based on revisions 4 Xitr.li"ng EngineeringInstitute,People'sRepublicof China. of the apparent polar wander path of Eurasia lBesse and 5 Burruo of seismologyof Xinjiang, People'sRepublicof China. Courtillot, 1991] and on the age of the onset of collision lJaeger et al.,1989). Copyright l99l by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. It is therefore important to reconstruct the precollisional of Asia and to determine in a quantitative paleogeography Papernumber90J802699. fashion the amount of subsequent intracontinental 0 | 48-022'tt9 | t90JB-02699$05.00 IMTRoDUC,NON 4065 CHEN ET AL: MESOZOIC CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS 81. Fig. l. Topographic map of Cenrral Asia showing main basins (larim and Danngar) and ranges (fibet, Pamir, Tien Shan and Altai); contotrrs every 1000 m. The box near Urumqi corrcsponds to the studied area (Figurc 2) [aher Tapporuier and Molnar, 1979; l.P. Avouac eI aJ., manuscript in prcparation, l99ll. The inset is a sketch map of the main tectonic unirs (see also Figuæ 16). deformation. This requires collection of Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations, which have apparently been less studie4 particularly in the Dzungar block. This paper reports the first results of a paleomagnetic sampling in the region west of Urumqi and north of the foot of the Tien Shan Mountains (44.2'N, 86.0"E), along the southern edge of the Dzungar basin (Figure 2). Grolocynro SewuNc The well-exposed rock sequencesgenerally consist of soft, coarse-grained continentâl sediments. Some harder strata were found to be better suited for paleomagnetic sampling. Drill cores (445) were taken from 38 sites in rocks dating from the middle Jurassic to the early Tertiary. Dating the continental * r qu*.,t*y EII Lowereuatemary g"66 E E siæ El ;ulassiç l-'l Ct"t**us @ Triassic and older EEI Roadarduill"g" ffi F"ult E r*- Fig. 2. Schcmaric geological map of sampling arca, including site locations (solid circles). Cross sections AA' and BB' are shown in Figure 3. +067 CHEN ET AL: MESOZOIC CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS rocks of the Dzungar basin with some accuracy is difficult our because of the scarcity of fossils' Thus' we divided paleomagnetic sampling into three age sequences: middle iurassic.-late Jurassic-early Cretaceous and late Cretaceousearlv Tertiary. The sites are distributed along a 120-km-long streich west of Urumqi (Table I and Figure 2)' WanS U9851, this formation is Bathonian to Callovian in age. Ostracodes reported from this formation, such as T-imir iasevi a c aten ular i a M and elst atn and D arw inula imp udic a Sharapova also suggest a Middle Jurassicage (J. F' Babinot' personal communication, 1989). From this sequence we coilected a total of 60 samples in five sites in deep-red suata along the east side of the Totuenhe River (fable I and Figure (J2) Middle Jurassic Toluenhe Fornntion medium-grained green-grey and dark-red of This sequence monoclinal with ,urràrrorr" i, .o." than 500 m thick' It is 3).and contains n!* u"rti""t dips (even overturned, Figure tu"it * Ginkgoites sibericus' B.aieria cf' gracilisi"*lf -Àd pf*" of Peu^oleum.Geology of nrroptyllum 'personal sp. ftut"ou éommunication' 1988)' According to finjiu"g, 2). Late Jurassic Qigou (Jjq)-Ecnly Cretaceous H utubi ( K 1fi Forrnations These iormations make up a total of more than 1000 m of sediments. The rocks consist of beds of coarse to mediumgrained sandstones, some of them dark red, others grey-green' TABLE 1. Site Data Fossils tl t2 13 l4 rs 86 86 t2 88 t 1 78 12 a / 1 1'l t2 (Jh-K& Sandstone Dark-RedCoarseMedium-Grained 01 02 03 04 19 20 l6 16 t6 l6 I 284 284 9 239 ) 1 ')) 24 25 28 29 30 31 a) r2 r2 r2 9 10 l1 t2 13 r2 r3 JJ 05 06 07 08 09 l0 16 t7 l8 26 27 34 35 36 37 38 t2 t z 11 9 r3 r2 10 L2 tz l4 t2 9 'l ') r2 206 260 264 257 )R) 274 aÀa 50 50 58 43 75 t ) Ginkgoites sibericus Baiera cf. gracilis Pterophyllumsp. (JtKU) Rhinocypris Cyp r idea unicost ata G al. Cyp r idea t it a Lj ubimova O rigoiliocypris cirrita Mad. 75 76 ll8 1 À 99 56 ll3 66 89 26 130 28 274 18 308 26 281 a ^ 2-17 )1 281 (Kæ-El-22-(KuJD) Sandstone Fine-Grained PaleRedColor 86 93 88 274 269 270 247 245 241 89 90 t2l ll6 99 280 111 54 56 56 98 97 50 gastropod bivalve 79 75 64 68 30 JU 32 105 r00 = strike and dip (in degrees)of siæ beds(dips greaterthan Abbreviarionsaren = numberof minicorescollectedfrom site; s, / dip). Formationnamesarc 121= TotuenheFm. (middle downward from 90o denoteinvertedu"os; tuit" is counterclockwise andE1= Fm' (late Cretaceous, Jurassic),J3o = eigou Fm. (late Jurassic),Klh = Hutubi Fm. (earlyCrelaceous),K2d Donggou 2z=ZniquaÀ Fm. (earlYTertiarY). 4068 CHEN ET AL: MESOZOICCONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS ? , /\ I tl l, Fig. 3. Schemaric N-S cross-sections in eastem pan of sampling area (see Figure 2 for location). The Qigou Formation has yielded ostracodes suggesring a three-component cryogenic magnetometer. The remainder of Jurassic age. The Hutubi Formation is reported to contain measurements were done at the Paleomagnetic Laboratory of Early Cretaceous ostracodes such as Cypridea unicostata the Université de Rennes (UR), using a single axis cryogenic G aleeva, C. trita Lj ubimova, Rhirccyp r is echinata Lj ubimova magnetometer and a Schonstedt spinner flux g ate al'd Origoiliocypris cirrita Mandelstam, The latter two species magnetometer. A total of 282 specimens were measured. The suggest a Barremian age (J. F. Babinot, personal - intensities of narural remanent magnetization (NRM) ranged communication, 1989). from 1 to 200 mA/m, averaging 2 mA/m. Most specimens Stratigraphically, the Hutubi Formation is parr of rhe were thermally demagnetized, in the laboratory-built fumace at Tugulu Group, which according to Chen [983] spans the the IPGP and in a Schonstedt furnace at the UR, and several entfue early Cretaceous. The Hutubi Formation is overlain by specimens were demagnetized by alternaring field (af). the Shengjinkou Formation, itself overlain by the Lianmuqin Thermal demagnetization was found, in general, to be more efficient than af in sgparating magnetic components. Samples Formation. In Wuerhe district, in the norrhwestern parr of the were usually demagnerized over 10 to 16 steps, sample Dzungar Basin, the Lianmuqin Formation has yielded a fairly varied vertebrate fauna [Dong, 1973] containing, among orientation in the furnace being inverted at each step to detect others, the dinosaur Psittacosaurus. Psittacosaurus is known in âny systematic magnerization resulting from an ambient several other localities in Asia, from Siberia and Mongolia to magnetic field in the furnaces. Demagnetization results were plotted as orthogonal vector diagrams and as equal-area northern China and Thailand fBuffetaw et al., 19891,in rocks projections. After each temperature step, the bulk which seem to correspond to the later part of the early Cretaceous (Aptian/Albian). The older Hutubi Formation is susceptibility of each specimen was measured. Curie thus probably pre-Aptian in age. temperature (CT) analyses in air and isothermal remanent The strata outcrop on steeply dipping (>50o) limbs of magnetization (RM) experiments were carried out on about 20 anticlines with roughly east-west fold axes (Figures. 2 and 3). specimens. Alogether, 211 cores were collected from 17 sites. Twelve of Paleomagnetic directions and planes were determined using the sites are from lhe northern limbs of the folds (Table I and principal component analysis (PCA; Klrsclvint [1980]), and Figure 2). site means using McFadden's method [McFadden and McElhinny, 19881. Twenty-eight out of 38 sites provided Late Cretaceous Donggou (KZù - Early Tertiary consistentresults, which are describedsequentially below. (E Ziniquan f Z) Formatiotts The Donggou Formation has yielded ostracodes;its lateral Middle Jurassic Totuenhe Formation (J2s) equivalent, the Ailikehu Formarion, has also yielded Both thermal and af demagnetizarion methods were used, hadrosaurid dinosaurs indicating a late Cretaceous age. These but thermal demagnetization was much more effective for all formations are referred to the Maastrichtian by Chen [19831 five sites (Figures 4a versus b). In general, vector diagrams and to the Coniacian/Sanronian by Hao er a/. [1986]. In the from both types of demagnetization demonsEate the presence Ziniquan Formation, we have collected gastropods and of two magnetic components with closely aligned directions. bivalves of Tertiary aspect (A. Lauriat-Rage, personal The low temperature component (LTC) was cleaned by about communication, 1989). This formation has yielded few 20OoC. The Fisher average for this component, based on 20 fossils. It is referred to the PaleoceneÆarly Eocene by Li specimens from the five sites, is Dg=t.Jo, Ig=66.9o (k=54.9 [ 1e84]. and g-95=4.2o) in geographic coordinates, i.e., close ro rhe This strongly folded sequence crops our farrhesr North of direction of the present Earth's field (PEF) (D=0", I=62'). the Tien Shan Mountains. The dips of the srrata are generally In specimens from site 14, the high temperarure component greater than 50o and are sometimes overturned. The fold axes (HTC) is unbiocked by about 575oC for rhe specimens of sire have orientations similar to those of folds to the south. 14 (Figure 5b); measurements of IRM and Tc on rhis site Sampled rocks are fine-grained sandstones with a pale red (Figures 4c ud 4d) suggest thar rtre remanence is carried by color. A total of 174 cores were sampled from 16 sires, 8 of magnetites. For the other sites, the HTC has an unblocking which are on the northern limbs of the anticlines (Figure 3). temperature of 620"C suggesting that hematite is a contributing carrier (Figures 4a and 5a). Measurementsof lowP.rLrotrl,ccNgnc REST:LTS field susceptibility do nor indicare major changes of magneric mineralogy during thermal demagnetizarion (Figure 4e). Minicores were collected with an electrically powered Twenty samples from five sites yielded HTC directions rather portable drill with standard 2.S-cmdiameter drill bits and were close to the PEF in geographic coordinates, rhough with a oriented with magnetic and Sun compasses. The average siightly steeper inclination: Dg=6.6o, Ig=72.6o (t=107.9 and magnetic declination in the region of study is 4oriy'. In the rl95=7.4o). This direction becomes very shallow and mostly laboraory the samples were cut into 2.2-cmlong specimens. upward in stratigraphic coordinates: Ds= 353.9o, 1s=-10.1o Most magnetic measurements were carried out in the (k=50.7 and og5=10.8o; see Figures 6a ud 6b and Table 2). magnetically shielded room of the Paleomagnetic Laboratory at the Institut de Physique du Clobe de Paris (IPCP), wirh a Because this formation is almost monoclinal. no 4069 CHEN gT AL: MESOZOICCONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS 1.0 Mmax= 13.5mA/m Mmax= 16.2mA/m 1 n x o X (5 E E Altcrnating field (mT) Tcmperelurc ('C) b 60 = ÈÂô a I c 4 a I = ! c !zo I 4 t 100 Mrgnctizing lield (mT) 200 300 400 500 600 700 T€mperrture (oq d c Pigure 4 Tempcreturc('C) Fig. 4. Results of magneric study for middle Jurassic (J2) samples. (a, à) Normaiized NRM intensity cuwes showing an unblocking temp€raftre of about 650'C during thermal demagnetization in Figure 4a, and a rarher high coercivity during af demagnetization in Figure 4à. Mmax is rhe maximum magnetization measured during demagnetization. (c) Acquisition of IRM indicating predorninant magnerite for site 14. (d) Thermomagnelic curve in air showing a decrease of magneric intensity ar about 580oC, also indicative of magnerite for the same site. The applied.magnetic field is about 0.5 T. (e) Suscepribility curye demonstrating absence of magnetic mineral change during thermal demagnetization. 4070 CHEN ET AL: MESOZOICCONTINENTAL SEDIMËNTS 11 - 1 3 6 8 14-1738' Geographic Coordinates EUP Scale = 2 mA/m a o Scale = 5 mA/m Fig. 5. Orthogonal vector projecrion of representative thermal demagnetizarions from middle lurassic (J21) samples demonstraring (l) different unblocking temperatures for differcnt siæs; (2) sæeper dirccrions rhan presenr Earth field @EF) in (a) geographic coordinates and (à) horizontal dircctions in stratigraphic coordinates. Solid symbols are in horizpntai plane, and open symbols in NS vertical plane. Numben adjacent to data points indicate rempentur€s (degrces Celsius). + + + + 'ill. * .Tq + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Geognphic Coordlnrtes Stntlgrephlc Cocdlnrtes Fig. 6. Equal-arca projection of high tcmpcrature cornponent (HTC) directions of all middlc Jurassic (J2f specimens (a) beforc and (à) afær bcdding correction. Note that most dtections are steeper than present Eanh field @EF, shown by a star) in gcographic coordinatcs and very shallow in stratigraphic coordinates. Closed (open) symbols are for directions in lower (uppcr) hernispherc. + + 107I CHEN ET AL: MESOZOICCON'NNENTALSEDIMENTS Directioru for J6 Sites TABLE 2. Paleomagnetic Site lI "/ru Dg Ig Ds /r 414 16.8 69.3 3 5 9 . 0 - k c95 41.5 t4.4 28.4 10.6 36.3 r5.6 66.1 10.1 17.6 I L ) 12 13 14 L5 Me"n 414 346. 75.4 348.4 5 414 23.6 70.3 4.0 4 1 4 33 8 . 4 68 . 1 3 4 4 . r 414 28.8 74.2 354.3 ?.8 3!.8 & Is Ds Ig nlN Dg 5 5 6.6 72.6 15.5 11.4 16.5 ç195 107.9 7.4 10.8 50.7 353.9 1 0 1. The n/N is number of entries in the statistics/number of demagnetized samples; D, I, k,s95 is declination, inclination and Fisher [1953] statistics of site-site data. Subscripts g and s stand for geographic and stratigraphic coordinates, respectively. significant fold test could be performed' although the best esiimate (k) of the precision parameter decreasesby a factor of 2 upon tilt correction (this is not significant at the 5Vo leve| for N=5 sites). Also, it is very unlikely that these beds have acquired their magnetization before folding, since this should imply a subequatorial paleolatitude of the area by the middle Jurassic. On the other hand, if the characteristic component corresponds to a remagnetization, it is clear from Figure 6 and Table 2 that its direction is distinct from that of the PEF' but with an inclination intermediate between PEF (1=62') and bedding plane dip (85"N). Two possible causes could account for this observation. Either (1) there is a discrete remagnetization event before the end of folding of the units. In this case, about l07o of partial unfolding would restore HTC directions parallel to PEF; or (2) there is a deviating effect due to a strong anisotropy of magnetic suscePtibility (AMS). A few measurementsof the AMS of these samples were made on a 19831 at Rennes Digico apparatus le.g., Collinson, Universiry (e.g., see Cogné ll988al for the procedure)' They show that the AMS ellipsoid is oblate with minimum susceptibility normal to bedding and that the ratios of maximum to minimum susceptibility are rather high, averaging about I .15. A deviating effect of AMS on magnetization aquisition is thus conceivable, as has already been documented in other examples [Cogné, 1988à]. \flith the data presently available, it is nor yet possible to conclude which explanation is correct. However, a recent remagnetization event leading to a PEF direction and deviated by the anisotropy is probably a good hypothesis. As mentioned above, the rocks making up this formation are rather coarse and soft, so that the remagnetization was possibly caused by chemical/fluid reactions. Late Jurassic Qigou (Jjq) - Êaily Crctaceous Hutubi (K1) Formations It is clear that thermal demagnetization is much more efficient than af for most specimens (Figures 7a and 7b). Specimens from this formation exhibit two components of magnetization. The low temperature component (LTC) unblocks by 200" or 300"C. The mean direction of this component is D8=2.8o, Ig=62.0o (k= 23.6' 6195=2.1o and n=200) in geographic coordinates, and is not distinguishable from the PEF direction. The t value is 10.7 times larger in geographic than in stratigraphic coordinates, clearly indicating a recent overprint. Because the Curie balance experiments were carried out in air, the breakdown of the low temperature part of the thermomagnetic curve in Figure 7d is partly due to weight loss. However, the weight loss was measured after the experiments and appeared to be superimposed on a decay of magnetization due either to reaching the Curie point or to the breakdown of a magnetic phase. This suggests the presence of hydroxides such as goethites, and/or sulfides such as pyrrhotites. As far as the high temperature component (HTC) is concerned, we can divide demagnetization chatacteristics into three types of behavior. The first type shows magnetizations which cannot be separated from the LTC, close to the PEF (Figure 8a). The second type reveals two NRM components; a LTC with unblocking temperature < 300oC and a HTC characteristic component with both normal and reversed (Figures 8b and 8c). In the third type, polarities demagnetization could not be completed, and the endpoints show only a tendency toward reversed polarity (Figure 8d). Comparison of nearby samples with Wpe 2 behavior suggests that the IITC is the same in both tyPes 2 and 3. Hence there is oniy one characteristic component in these samples. The intersection of great circles, given by tJlreMcFadden and McElhinny [988] combined line and plane data analysis method, was used to determine the HTC of type 3 samples, which could then be used in the computation of site mean directions. The FITCs have unblocking temPeraturesranging from 300o to slightly below 600'C (Figure 7a), and IRM acquisjtion curveJ shôw thatg}Vo saturation is reached in fîelds of 150 mT for most specimens (Figure 7c). This evidence indicates that the main magnetic carrier is magnetite' However, in some samples, the high temPerature Part of thermomagnetic curves reveals Curie poins above 600oC (Figure 7d). This suggests that hematite is sometimes present (e.g., Figures 8â to 8d) but does not carry a recoverable comPonent of magnetization. No change of bulk susceptibility is found during heating (Figure 7e ) . 4072 CHEN ET AL: MESOZOICCONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS M m a x= 2 2 . 2 m N m Mmax= 8.60mÉr'm 1.0 x (! x E E 3 u 30 t a 20 q 10 È ! a I 300 200 Mrgnctlzin3 fldd (n'I) 400 v) I 0 êil s 0 a tâ 400 200 600 Tcrnpcreturc ("C) e Fig. 7. Resultsof magneticstudyfor upperlurassicJowcrCretaceous (J3o-K1) samples.(a, â) Normalizeddemagnerization intensity cuwes (as in figurcs 4a and4b, but with unblocking temperâtureat about 580'C and lower coercivity); (c) Acquisition of IRM showing that prominent magneticcarrier is magnetite.(d) Thermcnagnetic curve in air. Noæ that Curie points of goethiteand magnetitearc ratherclearly discemedat about l00o and 580oC,togethcrwirh somehematitewith Curie point above 600oC. The applicd magnericfield is about 0.6T. (e) Susceptibility curve for a rcpresentativespecimen showingrhe lack of magneticmineral changeduring thermaldemagnerizarion. From the 17 sites of this formation. four sites were McFadden and Lowes [1981] was used to check whetherthe discarded (sites 3, 22, 23 and 24) because of total reversedand normal polaritiesbelong to one direction group. remagnetizationin the PEF direction, or erratic behavior at The statisticp=(R1+R --R2l(R++R-))12(N-R+-R -) (whereR, R* high demagnetizationtemperafures(Figure 8a). Resultsfrom andR- are the lengthsof the vector sumsfor the total number the remaining 13 sites are listed in Table 3. The method of of samples(N), normal-polarity samples only (N1) and .r073 SEDIMENTS CHEN ET AL: MESOZOICCONTINENTAL Gcographic Coordlnater Scalc - 2mA/n b NN oo EUP o o StrâtlgraphlcCoordlnstes Scdc - 5 mA/m Scale = I mA/rn StratlgraphicCærdinates of thermal demagnedzation Fig. 8. Orthogonalveclor ProjectionsdiJolavins,differcnt types of magneticbehaviorfrom upper furassic.(J3o:k1) samplàs'(a) PEFonlv; (â' c) wèll-separaæd ioi"i'Ci"ï""."s and dual'polarities;(d) rendencytoward reversedpolarity-' comDonents direitions (not sirown)above575oC;(e) an example ;;;;;;';iil rapidly from reiectedsiæ 22 showingthat magneticintensitydecreases and HTCIs difficuit to isolate,althougha revened"il."i1*p"-*rc poi"f,y cômponent is discemable.Symbols and conventionsas in Figure5. 4074 CHEN ET AL: MESOZOIC CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS TABLE 3. Paleomagnetic Directionsfor JuKl sites 01 02 04 19 20 2r 25 28 29 30 J I 32 33 Mean 7lg 6ltl 7lr0 8/8 8/9 8/8 7ls 8t9 6ltl 8 / 1l 7t8 8/8 1 7 1 . 8 77.6 76 . 4 73.3 -42.0 -36.6 -34.4 2 0 .I -22.6 79.3 6 6 .I 7 7. 7 6 6 .I J. 68.9 r80.r 202.0 204.r 355.3 8.0 24.3 23.3 7.4 43.8 42.0 nlN Ds Ig Ds /" 55.8 69.2 iz.t 48.6 I 1.9 45.5 '-53.6 Normal 18 Reversed 5 33.7 23.2 310.1 305.7 313.2 t96.7 208.5 343.6 348.1 50.8 36 . 9 t4.3 2r.5 19.5 10.3 181.8 196.7 1.3 42.9 30.5 -57.r -59.6 -59.3 -42.0 -47.9 Â a 1 5r . 6 53.7 76 . r àos. r -:o.s iso.t l5.l 9.9 22.4 49.9 8.6 5r . 1 7.8 108.8 5.3 50.8 8.6 36.7 10.1 r8.2 l 3 . 3 9 7. 9 9.3 l 18.6 5.1 t< r 18.7 57.5 8.0 34.8 I 4.2 57.6 37.7 62.3 n a 61.9 cl95 kstkg f(Rs) 5.5 13.7 f(Rs) 7.30 f(Rc) 0.52 0.01 9.1 7.1 69.3 9.8 = 26.6ot 4.8o.Pole:latinrde= 72.3o,longitude Paleolatitude = 227.3o,A95= 4.B.The nlN, D, I, h a95 aresameas in Table 2' ThefiRg) arecomputedasflR) = (Rs+Rru- R72\(R5+Rù)/2 (N-Rlu-Rs),whereRr, xs andrRlyare the lengrhof the Td-l(nrl vector suns of the site meandirectionsof all sites(R7), sites from the southemlimbs (R5) and from the northern[r"U, 1ntr), with l/ = NS sVN;,f(Rc) is the critical valueszt the95voprobabilitylevel; if flR)>/(Rc), thî hypothesisof a commontrue mean direction may be rejecæd[McFadden and Jorcs, l98ll. reversed-polarirysamples(N_),with il=N++rV_, respectively) gives 0.028 which is much smaller than rhe critical values ar rhe 95Voprobabilirylevel, 0.28 (R_= 4.935,R+ = 6.917.R 11.82,N=13). This indicatesùar rhe rwo poladry groupsare not significantly different from antipodal. Only sites 25 and 28 are on the south limb of the fold. However, the stratigraphiccorrectionproducesan increaseof & from 4.2 to 57.6. The fold test is significanr ar the 99go confiderrcelevel using both the McElhinny [1964] and the {cFadden and. Jones [1981] fold rests(Figures 9à nd 9b, Table 3). The mean paleomagneticdircction for this formarion is thus Ds=12.7o, Is-48.6o (k= 57.6 and o,95=J.5o,i1 stratigraphiccoordinates,Table 3). Late CretaceousDo.nggou(KZû - Eocene Ziniquan (Et -Z) Forrnaions About half of the samplesshowedonly the pEF or unstable or random directions.The rest (45 out of 102 samples), correspondingto 9 out of 16 sites, yielded two recognizable components.Analysis of IRM and thermomagneticcurves,as well as thermal demagnetizationsindicaæ that-LTCs and IITCs correspondto distinct types of magneticcarriers. For LTCs, the unblocking temperature ranges from l00o to 300oC (Figures lla ro llc). The low temperarurepart of the thermomagneticcurves (Figure l0e) suggests,as in the previous.case, the presenceof goethites and/or pyrrhotites. The statistics of this componeni shows a pEF direction as above. For the HTCs, the unblocking temperaruresand magnetic saturationsreveal two carriers. One, with a Curie temperatureof about 650oC (Figure lOe), an unblocking temp€ratureof 650oC(Figure lOa) and high coercivity (Figure lOc) is probably hematite.The other, which reachei 90% of magnetic saluration at 150 mT (Fig. lOd) and has an unblockingtemperarweof about580.C (Figuresl0ô and lla) is probablymagnerire. The behavior of the HTCs is similar to that of the Late J,urallilEarly Cretaceousformations.The sites showing only the PEF direction were eliminatedfrom further analysis.Sitjmean directions were computedusing the combinedline and gfqne a1t1 analysis method of McFadden and McElhinny [1988]. No major changeof bulk susceptibilitywas founâ during heating (Figure l0/). Sire mean and formation-mean directionsare listed in Table 4. Two of nine sites showed reversedpolarities. Comparing !h9_tw_ogroups of polariries, rhe reversal test staristièp is 0.17 (R+= 6.900,N+=7, R-= 1.980,N_= 2, R=8.860,N= 9). This is smaller than the crirical value at the 95Çoconfidence level (0.534), which meens rhat rhe normal-polarity and reversed-polaritygroups are not significantly different from antipodal. Figures l2a md 12à show siæ meanswittr o95 confidence limits on equal-areaprojecrions before and after stratigraphic corrections. The sites display a large range of structural attitudes. After structural correction, t increasesltom 2.7 n 56.9. The fold test is positive at the 99goconfïdencelevel for both the McElhirmy and rhe McFadden and Jones fold tests (Table4). The formarionmeandirectionis D.rl2.5o. /.e51.3o (ê.56.9 and 495=6.9o, in stratigraphiccoordinares,Table 4). Dscusstox .cNDCoxeusrcx A first sampling rrip !o the Northwestern foot of the Tien Shan, West of Urumqi (44.2"N, 86.0.E), along the sourhern edge of the Dzungar basin, has provided paleomagneticresults from three age groups.Becauseage determinationson these continental sediments are unfortunately rather coarse, the 1075 CHENET AL: MESOZOrcCONNNEIqIALSEDIMENTS + + + + + + + + + + f + + + + + + + + + Gcogrephlc Coordlnrtcs Str.tlgraphlc Cmrdlnrtes (J:o-Ktt) sites'(a) before from upperJurassic-lower.cretâceous Fig. 9. Equal-areaprojecuonof HTC site meandirecdons SyinUotsand convenlions æst' confiden"' à"*on'toting posidvefold and (â) after bcddingcorrcction,wirh circlesof 957o as in Figurc6. been than middle terms of paleolatitudes.This problem has.recently three age Sroupscannorbe resolvedmore finely 1990a1' atd Levi' sediments natural fArason for analvzed Cretaceous,and laæ Cretaceouslite J^urassic-early i**tii, i"â"'pltirca sedimentslLevi and Banerjee, 19901'synthetic TertiarY. early -lûiaOt" -lArason and Kodama, 19901or by numerical Jurassicsites appear to have been completely sediàents fDeamer and Levi, l990bl' It appearsthat in a direction "lot" to the PEF' after tectonic modeling ,"t*g""tir"a clay-rich deep'seasediments magnetite-bearing àf "à*f".ti6" primary deforiration. It seemsParticularly difficult to ottain shallowing, as high as inclination a significant produce may formations Jurassic middle directions from oni"o-"stt"tic 'f#ôd;; of initial inclination' 450-60o tire range in al' "sp"cintly iS;, as has beenfound in SouthChina by Enkin et which is na! systematicin deepphenomenon' this Howeuer, (personal communication' ilS-trbf and M. Steiner et al' that lower seasediments,is believedto be insignificançif not absent'in ard Eesse[1986] als-osgss3.sfed \*iej.'ciirillot quoted by ouartz-rich sandstones lDeamei and Kodama' 1990: China South i*r"ti" resule from both North and et at., 19891.Becauseof the nature of the 3;;;;ï;; -Lin et al. U9851might be laterremagnetizations' our study (coarse-graincontinentalsandstones)' in Cretaceoussediments late the Cretaceousand fne- t"tà Jruassic--early the paleomagnetic we believe that paleomagneticinclinations parallel that of early Tertiary age groups yield characteristicerror' experimental of range within the and field GAD polarities *fii"f .Ë likely primary with dual à""i,r"* ih" D"uttgar Basin was aPParently attached to the gien in thlse formations'about 507o l9i, potitit" fold tests. Siberia and Tarim) by the biocks (Kazakhstan, random 'the sunounAing showed in the PEF.or of the sampleswereremagnetized which we have ou oldest for time i.e., Ju-Kl andKu-Tl poles,basedon 13 and9 siæs "ô"i i*Ëtic, àl*ir*.'rrt" with no major tectonic constraints, 3 in Tables oaieomasnetic listed are ôt,h t4 and 45 specimens)respécdvely, âirof"."al*o mking place since.We nexl comPareour results and4 andareshownin Figure 13' with those availablefor other blocks' symbols It is clear that the t'"o-pol"t (triangleand diamond -n;;; their of jàint intersection ttt" o'ltttitt lie i:l which i" Dzungaila versus Siberia a 9 5 confidence intervals, ate not statistically --pi*-"gnedc results from Siberia have been obtainedby 8'0o' 2'3o* is distance angular their indeed, diJtiirguishable; beendiscussedby Wesplul .et g;"u:t" the magnetizationsyielding thesetwo poles predate Soviet authàrs.However,as has Courtillor and t19911,the datareliability Besse and dual "i. tfSAOt tectonic deformation, because they have recorded the other hand, we cân follow the On evaluate. to aifnc"it i, most are they minerals' p"ioltl"t and are carried by distinct periods of ages urruÀption of Besse and Courtillot that for the iit"iy a be primary' and thesetwo poles can b-e.assigned We can lo-Eurasia' attached from which they were i"a"t* here, Siberia was rigidly from the Siberia of ào"f ,o thË ages-of the formations paleô-pôsitions the deduce il;;;f"t; obtained. --en p"f- wanderp"rft (epWp) of Europe'wheredata from impficit assumptionin the following discussionis that "pp-""l basedon to the {di"" dai" and Nortir America have been included' the recovleredpaleomagneticdirections-are parallel 1988' Courtillat' and t;"onstructions lBesse axiat aipote Geo) pa*neH directi,on' Indeed' we ;;;;;; to back going 13' ;;;;" Figure in shown also is have isgil.iltit APWP irust addressthe question of whether these directions 200 Ma at 10-Ma intervals. -suffered from compaction-induced inclination shallowing fii"-a"o of Figrue 13 are plotted in another way in Figure in interpreted be can inclinations before the paleomagnetic 4076 CHEN ÊT ÀL: MESOZOIC CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS Mmax = 1.75mA"/m Mmax= 45.1mAlm TarçanonfC) E .I I a I 2 I I I a a a I é a ! a a À : I a q { a a ! ! ! a I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Tcrnpcnhæ e (oC) 0 400 200 600 Tctlpcnlùn(oC)(oC) Tc|lpcnlùn f Fig. 10. Rcsults of magnetic study for upper Crcteceous-lowerTertiary (KZA-E1-2ù samples.Normalized denragnerization intcnsity curves prcscnting clear unblocking tcmpcraures at about (a) 650" and (â) 550"C ; IRM acquisitior ctrves for rwo typcr of sernples,with (c) high cocrcivity minerrls (gocthite and hcmatiæ) rnd (d) a low cocrcivity mineral (magneriæ);(a) thcrmcnegnctic curvc in air, dcmonsrnring thc existcncc of gocrhiæ (about 100"C), hematitc (about 650"C) and a fraction of magnetitc (580'C), the applicd mrgnaic ficld ic about 0.6T; (/) susceptibility curve showing stablc susceptibility during thcrrnel dcmrgnctization. 4077 CHENET AL: MESOZOICCoNTINENTALSEDIMENTS 17-2A18 18-2198 Shrtigrrphlc Coordlnrter Scalc = l0 mA.lrn Scale= l0 mA/m Scale=.5 mA/rn Stratigrephic Coordlnrtec c Fig. ll. Orthogonal vcctor projcction of thcrmrl dcmagnctizationfrom uppcr Crctaccous-lowerTertiary (KU-E1-Zù samplcr, dirplaying differcnt typcs of magnctic bchavior. (a,à) Well-scparateddircctiqrs with dual polarity; (c) represcntetivi of some spccimenr ihowing otrly a tendencytoward r final dircction. Symbols and convcntions as in Figure 5. 14, where the paleolatitudes and declinations obtained for the DanngarBasin are comparedwith thosededucedfrom the Besse and Courtillot APWP for a referencesite at 44.20N,86.0oE.It is clear from Figure 14â that at both periods the declinations are virtually identical to thosepredicted for Eurasia.There is a slightly larger, more systematic difference in terms of paleolatitudes(Figure l4c). This difference is smallest,and approximately constant, if the recorded ages of the magnetizationsare older than 70 Ma and younger than 130 Ma. Although the agesbasedon paleontologyare allowed to be some l0 Ma younger and older than these values, respectively, this would imply increased paleolatitude differences for which there is no geological evidence: significant convergenceand a suturing event in the upper Jurassic(?) on one hand, and divergenceand possibly basin opening in the Eocene,i.e., at the time of onsetof the IndiaAsia collision. We assumethat sampleswith agesolder than only a small part of 130 Ma and youngerthan 70 Ma rep,resent our collection and have therefore little influence on the means. The J/K and IVT poles are thereforeassignedagesof 130-ll0 Ma and 90-70 M4 respectively. We seein Figure 13 that the IÇT pole of the Damgar block is concordantwith 70-90 Ma polesof the Besseand Courtillot APWP, with a large joint intersectionof confidenceintenrals and an angulardistanceof 6.4ot6.6o.In the 90-70Ma window, the paleolatitude and declination differences between Eurasia and Dzungaria af,enot significantly different from zero (5.5ot 6.6o, and 3.4ot7.2", respectively,Figures14a and 14â). The J/K pole of the Dzungarblock is also closeto the 130-110Ma poles of the Besseand Cowtillot APWP (Figure 13), although 4078 CHEN ET AL: MESOZOIC CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS Directionsfor Ku/Tl Sites TABLE 4. Paleomagnetic Site nlN 05 1.0 l6 st9 7t9 616 r7 7le l8 26 34 35 36 8/8 ,t< Mean nlN )t1 4110 4t9 All Dg 188.7 42.2 126.5 320.8 106.2 2.3 28.9 2r.9 l r.4 Ig l .3 85.3 49.1 -29.1 46.2 -5.6 28.6 17.0 22.2 Dg Ig 4t.4 41.9 Ds Reversed2 Ds og5 Is 51.3 43.2 36.6 -31.1 246.1 k 195.6 -5r.2 19.9 4.4 22.8 3 7. 3 4 9. 3 1 9 1. 0 8.4 t78.2 -64.7 5 1 . 3 2 8. 6 1 9 . 3 3 7. 0 5.2 58.3 2 7 . 2 5 8 . 5 1 7. 7 48.2 17.8 9.9 r2.9 54.6 r2.5 Normal 7 /s 49.3 22.5 26.9 kslk s cl95 2.7 56.9 39.4 6.9 49.3 7.9 J.J 13.3 r 7. 6 r2.9 4.9 8.5 I0.5 s9.9 f(Rs) ÂRs) f(Rc) 0.19 0.94 3.91 2t.l rs8.o -sà.2 =32.0o t 6.4o,Pole: latitude=74.3o,longin:de=223.1o, A95 = 6.4o,lægendas inTable 3. Paleolatinrde the intersection of confidence intervals is smaller and the angular distance is statistically distinct from zero, at 6.2o t 5.1o. In the 130-110 Ma window, rather constant and consistent paleolatitude and declination differences of 5.9"t5.2o and 2.5ot5.8o, respectively, are found (Figure l4). Dzungaria versus Tarim We next compare our Dzungar results from the northern piedmont of the Tien Shan with those of Li et al. [988a] which were obtained on the southem piedmonr of the range, at the northem edge of the Tarim craton (Figures 1 and 16). We note that the upper Cretaceous pole position listed by Li et al. unfortunately contains a misprint, which is carried rhrough their paper. Correct values are listed in Table 5 and displayed in Figures 13 and 15. The two poles of Li et al. [1988a] are within the joint intersection of their 957o confidence intervals, which are rather large, and therefore not. statisrically distinct at this probability level. If we compare rhe Dzungar + GcogrephicCærdlnrtes + + + + + + + + + + + + + Stratgrephic Coadlnates Fig. 12. Equal-aree projection of HTC site mean dircctions from upper Cretaceous-lower Terriary (KZa-Et-Zù sites, (a) bcfore and (à) afær bedding correction, with circles of 957o confidence demonstrating positive fold test. Symbols and conventions as in Figurc. 6. + + + 4079 CHEN ET AL: MESOZOIC CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS polesof Tarim, DzungarandEruasia TABLE 5. Paleomagnetic trP,oN oP,"E 495, deg. Tarim (recalculated) lLi et a1.,19881 64.6 208.4 9.6 66.3 ,rt,, o* 8.7 Dzungar (this paper) 72.3 111 1 4.8 74 . 3 223.1 6.4 Eurasia IBesseand Courtillot, l99ll 75 . 5 t.9 76 . 4 1 9 9r. 1.8 201.6 op'"8 LP,oN * The pole longitude, 0p, of the upper Cretaceous Kuche section is misprinted in the paper oî Li et a/. [1988] as 2I4" both in their Table 2 and in the-text, but their global average is correct' and Tarim poles for the JK and IÇT periods respectively, we find that the Dzungar poles lie barely outside the large uncetainry intervalsof the Tarim poles of conespondingage. The angulardistancesbetweenthe pairs of poles are 10.3ot 10.7' fôr J/K and 8.0o 110.80 for K/I (Figure l3). This translates into a Dzungaria versus Tarim paleolatitude differenceof 1.9ot 10.?oand a declinationdifferenceof ll.5o f ll.0o at J/K time, and correspondingvaluesof 6.7o+ 10'8o and5.2o+ 11.0oat I?T time (Figure15). I h g h I H h ' fr O Tectonic I nterPr etation The first-order result evident in Figures 13 to 15 is the overall compatibility of the Siberian, Dzungar and Tarim paleomagneticpoles at J/K and IVT times. This is consistent with the proposalthat both Tarim and Dzungariawere attached to Kazakhstanand Siberia(and the rest of Eurasiato the north of Cenozoic ranges) prior to upper Jurassictime. The new -50 -200 6t 90 70 çl o .tt qô ql O 6l 30 È -200 - I 50 -r00 -50 t0 0 Age (My) Fig. 13. Apparcnt polar wander path of Eurasia efter Bessc ard Civtillot tiistl, rna*ed wirh opcn squaresconnectedby a line (ime. inærvel bctwcen succcrsivepoles is l0 Ma). Othcr poles are solid squarc= J[/1(fiom TailmlLi ct al.,l988al, solidcircle =Ku from Tarim (this study)' lii ct a1.,1988a1.triangle = Ju/I(l from DzungarBasin àiamond = Ku/Tl from Danngar Basin (this study) and asterisks= Danngarand Tarirn Basin samplingarcas. Fig. 14. (a,â) Prcdicted paleolatitudc and paleodeclination of sampling area calculated frqn Eurasian AP1VP of Eassc ard Courtillot [1991]. (c) Predicted paleolarirudc from /niag atd lrving [19821 APWP' Squares are rcsults from this snrdy for Ju-Kl and Ku'Tl inærvals including enor bars on ages and mean dircctions (stippled areas). Differcnces betwecn results frqn this study and rcference cuwes are given. 4080 CHEN ET AL: MESOZOIC CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS o g (l d 0 6t q, - r00 Age (My) These values can be undersnod in terms of a simple model of heterogeneous intracontinental deformation resulting from 5 0 the India-Asia collision (Figure 16 and J. P. Avouac et al., manuscript in preparation, 1991). It is of interest to examine this deformation in relation to the NNE penetration of India into Eurasia since the Eocene (Figure 16). Although l 0 Dzungaria" Kazakhstan and Siberia appear to be parts of rhe same Eurasian kernel. assembled before the end of the Mesozoic, Dzungaria and Siberia are separatedby a major zone of Cenozoic shortening, the Altai and Sayan Tuva ranges. This r 0 zone is approximately 700 km wide and 2000 m high on the averagei consistent with a S0-km-thick crust, based on isostatic compensation. If this crust had an original thickness of about 35 krn, the present thickness implies some 300 km of shortening. This value is likely to be an underesrimare, since we have not taker into account additional components of shortening related to (l) the fact that the continental crust in this part of Asia might have been initially thinner, (2) the amount of material removed by erosion, or (3) displaced by lateral extrusion. A total value of about 400 km is possible and compatible with the paleomagnetic estimate of 650 t 410 2 0 km. The Dzungar Basin itself can be approximated by a losange or domino-shaped block, bounded by the overlapping Altai and Tien Shan ranges to the Norrh and South respectively, and by NW to NNW striking right lareral faulrs (Figure 1). NNE directed shortening should lead to CCW Fig. 15. Detailof (a) Figuresl4a and14à, includingresultsfrom the Tarim (circles; zfter Li et aJ. [988o]) and the Dzungar(squares;this study) basins. poles indirectly lend support to the hairpin loop in the Eurasian APWP at Jurassic and Cretaceous times [Besse atd Courtillot, 1988, 1991; see also Enkin et al., l99la, b). These poles would have been interpreted to indicate large latirudinal displacements, had the Irving and Iming Q9821 APWP been used. This is clear for instance in Figure 14c, where the larger discrepancies and uncertainties in the paleolatinrdes are readily apparent. Note that Li et al. [988a, p. 219), when discussing Courtillot and. Besse's [1986] speculations about differences between the East China and Siberia Cretaceous poles, failed to quo[e one of their suggestions, namely lhat the Cretaceous poles of Siberia might be in error. This suggestion has been confirmed subsequently by Besse ard Courtillot [988, l99l]. Ar a finer level of analysis, we note the following observations. The small declination and paleolatitude differences between Dzungaria and Siberia, and between Dzungaria and the Tarim on the other hand, appear to be systematic. These differences can be interpreted in terms of deformation after ttre deposition age. If we average the IÇT and J/I( values and correspondingly reduce the uncertainties, we obtain a mean paleolatitude difference of 5.9o x 3.7o (equivalent to 650 + 410 km of NS shortening) and a declination difference (or CCW (counterclockwise) rotation) of 2.6" t 4.5o of Dzungaria with respect to Siberia. In the case of Dzungaria with respect to the Tarim, we find a mean paleolatitude difference of 3.0o t 6.9" (330 t 760 km) and a declination difference (CW (clockwise) rotation of Tarim with respect o Dzungaria) of 8.6o t 8.7o. The large uncertainties on the Tarim poles of course adversely affect these determinations. The values which are significantly different from zero at the 95Vo confidence level are the shortening between Dzungaria and Siberia, i.e., in the Altai and Sayan Tuva ranges, and (at the edge of significance) the rotarion between Dzungaria and the Tarim, i.e., in the Tien Shan. Flg|,. ta Fig. 16. Schematictopographicmap showing major blocks and mountain belts in central Asia, with cross sectionAB from Tarim to Siberia. Thin great circles crudely ourline shapeof Tien Shan (J.P. Avouac et al., manuscriprin preparation,l9l) and dashedgrcat circle indicaæsCW rotation of northem edge of Tarim. Arrows show the palcodeclinations of the different blocks. SIB = Siberia, KAZ = Kazakhstan,DZUN = Dzungar,TAR = Tarim, TIB = Tibet, IND = India, STS = southemfoot of Tien Shan,NTS = nonhem foot of Tien Shan,A = southcm foot of Altai, S = nonhem foot of Sayan.Numben on croJJ section AB are in kilometers (topography from Simkin et al., |9891 (Mercator projection)). CHEN E'f AL: MESOZOIC CONTINEI'I-IAL SEDIMENTS rotation of the basin le.g., Cobbold and Davy, 19881' Despite its large uncertainty of 4.5o, the mean rotation which we find (2.6') is in the conect sense and would conespond to a small arnount of additional shortening (20 km). The Dzungar Basin and the Tarim are separatedby the Tien Shan range. This range is very narrow east of Hami, becomes wider to the west and reaches a maximum width of about 400 km north of Kashgar (i.e., some 2000 km to the west), suggesting that the amount of NS convergence increases westward along the range. The wedge shape of the zone of high relief of the range, as defined by its 2000 m altirude contour, may be approximated by two great circles intersecting at a pivot point P some 300 + 200 km to ttre East of Urumqi (Figure 16). The mean elevation (about 3000 m) at the longitude of Kashgar implies a crustal thickness of 60 km and some 280 km of shortening with the same simple calculation used above for the Altai. This corresponds to a CW rotation of Tarim with respec! to Dzungaria of some 9o about P (the distance between P and Kashgar is about 1800 km, hence 280 km/1800 km = 0.16 rad = 9o, with a combined uncertainry of about 4o). The shortening between our sites in Dzungaria and those of Li et al. [l988a] in the Tarim is inferred to be of the order of 150-175 km (Figures 15 and 16). Despite large uncertainties which we have stressed above, the orders of magnitude are compatible with the paleomagnetic estimates (9o t 4o to be compared with 8.6o t 8.7o, and 150-175 km t 507o with 330 f 760 km). Paleomagnetic constraints now available indirectly for Siberia fBesse and Courtillot, 19881 and directly from Dzunguia (this paper) and the Tarim [Lr et al., 1988a1are thus consistent with the simple model of heterogeneous intracontinental deformation due to the India-Asia collision summarized in Figure 16. The rather large shortening in the Altai range, slight CCW rotation of Dzungaria with respect to Siberia range, increasing shortening in the Tien Shan from East to West and =10o CW rotation of is southern piedmont with respect to its northern piedmont, observed or comparible with the paleomagnetic data, are predicæd by this model. Note that, as often seems to be the case in paleomagnetism, mean values appear to make more sense than their uncertainties might suggest, leading to the inference that these uncertainties might be overestimated. The tectonic model embodies rhe idea that the total amount of shortening between India and Siberia, which is approximately constant in the EW or ESE-WNW direction between 70o and llOoE longitude, is spent in a nonuniform "overlapping" Tibetan Plateau, way along the suike of the Tien Shan and Altai ranges, with recent strain diminishing toward the west in the Altai and Tibet and toward the east in the Tien Shan. The Indian indenter is closest ro the Tarim at the longitude of Kashgar. The width of Tibet is minimum there and the northwest tip of India and the Pamirs directly abut the deforming northem boundary of the Tarim, whereas moré deformation is absorbed within Tibet to the east. This implies Crff rotations of the Tarim and CCW rotalion of Dzungaria, which are trapped between the overlapping convergence zones. This means that the Tarim poles of Li et al. [l988al and those given here for Dzungaria cannot be considered to be rigidly fixed to either ttre Siberia block or the North China block. Further work is required to reduce the uncertainties in the Tarim data, to extend the geographical data base for the Tarim and Dzungar blocks and to confirm the preliminary results and interpretation outlined here. Direct Siberian data are also badly needed. Field triPs to Siberia, northern Dzungaria and southern Tarim are therefore plarured. Until more data become available, the robust conclusion from this sftdy and that of li et al. $988a1 is the first-order agreement of Dzungar and Tarim paleomagnetic poles with the Besse atd Courtillot [1988, 1991] APWP of Eurasia, and the rough 108I agreement of second-order differences with an independently in derived tectonic model of heterogeneous deformation overlapping zones of convergence. Acknowledgment.r. R. Butler, N. Opdyke and a third anonymous reviewer made valuable comments on the manuscript. We are also thankful for the suggestions made by R. Enkin. This research has been supported by the Institur National des Sciences de I'Univers and Xinjiang Engineering lnstitute. This is IPGP contribution 1147. REFERENCES Achache. J., V. Counillot, and Y. X. Zhou, Paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of South Tibet since middle Cretaceous time: New paleomagnetic data and synthesis, J. Geophys. Res., 89, l03ll-10339,1984. Arason. P., and S. 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