10, 2015 Minutes


10, 2015 Minutes
Students Today
Leaders Tomorrow
Board of Education Regular Meeting – Minutes
Monday, August 10, 2015
Board of Education Room
315 S. Coral Street, Kalkaska, MI
Members Present: Julie Sattler, Aaron Popa, Kevin Davis, Robert Dunn, Richard Hodgman and John
S. Rogers
Staff Present: Superintendent, Karen Sherwood, Business Manager, Mary Scobey, Principal, Arica
Zenner and Secretary, Cari Jo Koski
Others: 10
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by John S. Rogers at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of/Amendment to the Agenda
Motion by Robert Dunn, support by Richard Hodgman, to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
4. Declaration of Call of Conflict
Does any member have a conflict of interest for items on the agenda? None.
5. Approval of Minutes
Motion by Kevin Davis, support by Aaron Popa, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting
of July 13, 2015 as presented.
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
6. Discussion/Payment of Bills
Motion by Aaron Popa, support by Richard Hodgman, to approve the general fund bills in the
amount of $1,078,624.04.
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
Ayes: Aaron Popa, Richard Hodgman, Julie Sattler, Kevin Davis, Robert Dunn and John S.
7. Public Communication - Persons Wishing to Address the Board
P.O. Box 580
315 S. Coral St.
Kalkaska, MI 49646
T: 231-258-9109
F: 231-258-4474
W: kpschools.com
Deb Ball-Odeh, Blazer Bash
Troy Jenkins - inquired about new proposed bussing routes
Mary Turnipseed- inquired about new proposed bussing routes
Shawn Humphrey-inquired about new proposed bussing routes
8. Report Items
• Cowpie Classic
• Golf Outing
• Resignation of Mike Kies, (7/8 grade football) and Miranda Lucyk, Middle School
• Mary Scobey-certification from MSBO
• Free breakfast and lunch for all KPS students for the 2015-2016 School Year
• Facility usage form/guidelines
• Webpage - twitter and building calendars
9. Discussion Items
a. Hiring Staff:
Birch Street Elementary
Leslie Heater
Samantha Lewis
Kristy Rousseau
Michelle Coffell
John Arnold
High School
Monica Malbouef
Great Start Readiness Program Teachers (GSRP)
Great Start Readiness Program Teachers (GSRP)
First Grade Teacher
Third Grade Teacher
Student Success Advisor
Art Teacher
b. High School Handbook
c. Technology Bond Resolution
d. Credit Card Resolution
f. Tractor
h. Adult Meal Pricing for 2015-16 School Year
g. MHSAA Membership Resolution
10. Action Items
a. Hiring of Staff
Motion by Aaron Popa, support by, Julie Sattler that the Board approve:
• Leslie Heater and Samantha Lewis as Great Start Readiness Program Teachers
(GSRP) at Birch Street Elementary
• Kristy Rousseau as a First Grade Teacher at Birch Street Elementary
• Michelle Coffell as a Third Grade Teacher at Birch Street Elementary
P.O. Box 580
315 S. Coral St.
Kalkaska, MI 49646
T: 231-258-9109
F: 231-258-4474
W: kpschools.com
• John Arnold as the Student Success Advisor
• Monica Malbouef as the High School Art Teacher
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
Ayes: Aaron Popa, Julie Sattler, Kevin Davis, Robert Dunn, Richard Hodgman and John S.
b. High School Handbook
Motion by Richard Hodgman, support by Kevin Davis, that the Board of Education
approves the High School Handbook for the 2015-2016 SY as presented and the additional
information added to the Elementary and Middle School Handbooks regarding free lunch
for K-12 students.
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
c. Technology Bond Request
Motion by Aaron Popa , support by Kevin Davis, that the Board adopts the resolution to
put the technology bond before voters on the November 3, 2015 ballot. The Kalkaska
Review is the newspaper for general circulation. The entire Resolution will be attached to
the minutes.
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
Ayes: Aaron Popa, Kevin Davis, Julie Sattler Robert Dunn, Richard Hodgman and John S.
d. Credit Card Distribution Resolution
Motion by Richard Hodgman, support by Aaron Popa, that the Board approve the district
office to order credit cards for employees listed in the resolution. The entire resolution
will be attached to the minutes.
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
Ayes: Richard Hodgman, Aaron Popa, Julie Sattler, Kevin Davis, Robert Dunn and John S.
e. Tractor
Motion by Aaron Popa, support by Julie Sattler, that the Board approves the purchase of a
new tractor at the cost of $42,742.83. This will be purchased through Bader and Sons out
of Lake City.
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
Ayes: Aaron Popa, Julie Sattler, Kevin Davis, Robert Dunn, Richard Hodgman and John S.
f. Adult Meal Price Increase
Motion by Richard Hodgman, support by Kevin Davis, that the Board approves the adult
P.O. Box 580
315 S. Coral St.
Kalkaska, MI 49646
T: 231-258-9109
F: 231-258-4474
W: kpschools.com
lunch meal increase from $3.25 to $3.40 per meal. The adult breakfast price will remain
the same at $2.00 per meal.
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
Ayes: Richard Hodgman, Kevin Davis, Robert Dunn, Julie Sattler, Aaron Popa and John S.
g. MHSAA Membership
Motion by Aaron Popa, support by Robert Dunn, that the Board approves the MHSAA
Membership Resolution for the year August 1, 2015 – July 31, 2016. The entire resolution
will be attached to the minutes.
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
Ayes: Aaron Popa, Robert Dunn, Julie Sattler, Kevin Davis, Richard Hodgman and John S.
11. Public Communication - Persons Wishing to Address the Board
• Lisa Sutton – student dress code
• Deb Ball, Blazer discount cards are available, Blazer Bash and Deere Camp for
the football team has begun
12. Adjournment
Motion by Aaron Popa, support by Julie Sattler to adjourn.
Motion Carried 6 to 0.
Time adjourned: 8:05 p.m.
Julie Sattler, Board Secretary
P.O. Box 580
315 S. Coral St.
Kalkaska, MI 49646
T: 231-258-9109
F: 231-258-4474
W: kpschools.com