Annual Report 2011-2012


Annual Report 2011-2012
2011~ 2012 Annual Report
This has been a most important
year in the history of the
Ridgefield Library, and so this
2011-2012 Annual Report has
special significance. In it, we
honor the past and look ahead
to an exciting new era. As these
panels, like our future, unfold,
you’ll find the highlights of a
Library well used, key financial
facts and a sense of how deeply
the resources of the Library
are interwoven into the fabric
of our community. The entire
back of this Report is devoted
to our donors, who together with
the Friends of the Ridgefield
Library and the Town make
everything possible.
our support counts … for the Summer Reading program that enriched the lives
of nearly 1,600 children and teens. The Library conducted 1,079 programs for
all ages and interests in the past year.
{inspiring creativity and community}
So Much More Than Books:
A center of learning. A hub of social
activity. A resource for career and business
growth. A portal to information technology.
A cultured friend, an entertainer, a solace to
the homebound. The Ridgefield Library is so
many things to so many people. Books are
just the beginning.
We’ve grown from our origins as a subscription
library to a collection that encompasses nearly
114,000 books, eBooks, audio books, periodicals
and more, from important reference works to
the latest releases in fiction and non-fiction.
Our programs attract large audiences of all age
groups, from new readers to octogenarians,
from students to networking entrepreneurs.
Reliance on Library resources is reflected in
some remarkable observations. Not only is the
Library the most used public facility in town;
it far surpasses usage of comparable libraries,
averaging over 1,100 visits daily by Ridgefield
residents seeking information and inspiration.
a few highlights of the year…
August 2011 | The Library is “storm central,”
providing a record 2,846 people with Internet connectivity; meeting rooms; entertainment and education for kids closed out of school; and a sense
of community that makes the power outage more
bearable. Two months later, it happens again!
November 2011 | We reported more than
1,000 downloadable audiobooks added to the
Library’s digital holdings. The Library announces
sale of the adjacent Old Playhouse in anticipation
of the building plan; it will become a new cinema
and arts complex.
March 2012 | Town residents vote Yes on
the Referendum to support the Library building
project. Coupled with an outpouring of individual
support for the Capital Campaign, this secures
the future of The New Ridgefield Library.
April 2012 | We celebrate National Library
Week with an opening reception for “To Infinity
and Beyond: Images of the Universe,” an exhibit
of astrophotography and poems by middle
school students. A 2-day conference, “Advancing
Creative Thinking: Imagination To Innovation,”
is co-presented with the Aldrich Contemporary
Art Museum and Ridgefield Arts Council.
May 2012 | Tribute displays mark the passing
of Maurice Sendak, beloved author and longtime
Library supporter.
June 2012 | Friends of the Library launch a
“Book Buggy” program in two outreach locations.
July 2012 | The Library makes final preparations for its move to an interim Governor Street
location during the building process.
In all these ways and many more, Ridgefield
Library continues our mission to be “an
intellectual and cultural center for Ridgefield,
offering a supportive, welcoming environment
that encourages all…to read…to discover…to
question…to exchange ideas…to grow.” l
Municipal and Private Support | Year Ending June 30, 2012
Salaries & Benefits
Building Utilities & Repairs
Collections & Programming
Supplies & Overhead
INCOME 2011-2012
Town & State Grants
Endowments & Investments
Annual Appeal
Operating Income
Events, Programs & Tributes
While we rely on our Town’s fiscal support,
it is an historical fact that we operate with
a budget gap of about 25 percent. This is an
intentional shortfall: as with many New England
towns, the gap in municipal funding is designed
to assess the strength of community support and
to encourage individual contributions.
9.9 /.
9.6 /.
11.4 /.
69 /.
7.2 /.
7.5 /.
3.3 /.
2.2 /.
79.8 /.
Collection Size {in all media} . . . . . . . . . 113,529 items
Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 per capita
Collection Turnover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 times per year
Average Daily Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,109
Reference Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,289
Website Hits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146,449
Wireless Log-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,476
Adult Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 (11,543 attendees)
Children’s Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768 (7,938 attendees)
Public Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 adult/4 children
enjoy! empower
This is why we are so dependent on our Annual
Appeal. It is distinct and completely separate
from our Capital Campaign, which is earmarked
exclusively for the building plan. While the Capital
Campaign has made possible the creation of an
urgently needed new facility, the Annual Appeal
funds everything that goes into the building. It is
what makes the building a library.
Private, individual support of the Annual Appeal
helps us attract and retain a talented professional
staff, maintain a wide range of print and digital
media and offer diverse educational programs.
Private support is necessary to supplement the
public grant from the Town.
We are pleased to report that we have nearly reached
our Capital Campaign fundraising goal for construction
and that the building project has begun. Our fundraising efforts will now focus on legacy gifts to ensure
the Library’s future and annual fundraising to make a
great Library. When completed in the winter of 2014,
the library will be 15,000 square feet larger, accommodating new resources and growth well into the future.
Happily, while the building project looks forward it
also looks back, honoring town history. The stately
Elizabeth W. Morris Library, dedicated as a memorial
in 1903, will once again open its doors as the
elegant entry from Main Street. It will lead directly
into the new building, connecting past, present and
future in a testament to the continuity of Ridgefield
community support.
The graph above left provides an overview of our
income sources and demonstrates the vital role
of individual participation. We thank all our donors
for their vision and commitment to this “jewel of
the community”. l
Many Things to Many People:
What makes our Library such a valuable
community resource? We think this poem
entered in a sidewalk poetry slam by
Ridgefield students Julia Medina and
Isabella Camillo says it beautifully:
The Library is my church,
a sanctuary of knowledge…
where I learned to read,
to learn and to love.
Have you heard? We have 1,300 audiobooks on CD plus over 1,000 downloadable audiobooks.
We were one of nine libraries nationwide chosen to participate in a pilot project with NASA and the
American Library Association: “Astro for Girls and their Families”.
While your Library will be in smaller temporary quarters this year, we encourage you to visit us often!
In addition to our own holdings, we can access material throughout the Connecticut library system,
and will continue to conduct programs. Find us at 21 Governor Street and visit our website at for news and upcoming events. l
The technology infrastructure will assure
convenient access to Library resources with
flexibility to adapt to emerging information
It bears repeating: for the size of our town, Ridgefield Library has incredibly
high usage …and exceptional return on investment. With over 370 thousand
visits a year, your Library is a busy place.
It’s our Vision to be “Ridgefield’s Community Destination – A place where
citizens can find lifelong education, information, culture and friends.” We’re
proud that community usage points to our success.
Our eBook service is compatible with Kindle, Nook, other tablets, smartphones and PCs. Over 1,000
current eBooks; new titles added monthly. Test drive an eBook-reader! We loan them out.
The new Library will welcome all visitors,
from our youngest to our oldest users, with ADA
compliance throughout. Age-appropriate areas
for children, teens and adults will provide space
to enjoy collections and programs. The Library
Commons will be a hub for lively exchange,
while quiet reading rooms will appeal to those
looking for a more traditional ambiance.
Some people think libraries are going out of style, but that couldn’t be further
from the truth. Ridgefield Library has more than doubled the volume of attendance,
circulation and services since 1990. Our staff now handles nearly 400,000 ‘transactions’ a year, and that number will grow as we add new products and services.
A staff of 27 full-time and 16 part-time employees served a town population of
nearly 25,000.
Our programs build knowledge and community. Favorites include Summer Reading, Camp Snooze,
Reading Is a Family Affair, Ridgefield Folk, Poetry Discussion Group, to name a few.
While Annual Reports typically review the past year, we know our community is very much focused on The New Ridgefield
Library. And with good reason. Many of our town residents have expended time and energy — and yes, money — on creating a
new, state - of-the -art facility. This is no vanity project; the future demands it. We won’t rehash all the old facility shortcomings
…but we will take a moment to anticipate the valuable benefits ahead.
These Facts Speak Volumes:
This past year, Ridgefielders checked out 380,179 items, asked 10 percent more
reference questions of our skilled librarians, increased their library computer
usage by nearly 50 percent and wireless by 38 percent. Program attendance
continued to rise dramatically. All in the space of one year.
Other reasons to support your Library:
Coming Soon: The New Ridgefield Library
With an enthusiastic audience of nearly 100
in attendance, the ground was broken on the
New Ridgefield Library on October 1, 2012.
Left to right: Philip Lodewick( Campaign
Chair), Peter Coffin (Library Board Chair),
Kasey McGerald (Read-A-Thon), Chris Nolan
(Library Director), Rudy Marconi (First
Selectman) at the ceremonial ground
breaking for the New Ridgefield Library.
Expenditures 2011-2012
Financial Overview ~ Annual Operating Budget:
delivery systems. Secure wireless connections
will be plentiful to accommodate demand,
while a technology resource center will offer
instruction to help our users stay current.
Sprinkler and security systems will make
the Library a safer, more secure environment.
Energy-efficient design and advanced building
systems will manage utility costs while maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment.
The new Ridgefield Library will be the first LEEDcertified public building in town.
But it’s what’s inside that counts. As amazing, as welcoming, as futureperfect as our new building will be, it’s what’s inside that makes it a Library.
And that brings us back to the Annual Appeal. We hope this report reminds you
why the Ridgefield Library is such a jewel of the community, and inspires you to
give generously. With the support of individuals like you, we can fill our operating
budget gap and provide this vital community with the wealth of resources it so
richly deserves. For enhancing minds, for enriching community — for the future
of our town — please support the Annual Appeal.
Please mail to 472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877 or make your donation online at
Please see the following list of those who make our Library possible
2011~ 2012 Annual Report
This has been a most important
year in the history of the
Ridgefield Library, and so this
2011-2012 Annual Report has
special significance. In it, we
honor the past and look ahead
to an exciting new era. As these
panels, like our future, unfold,
you’ll find the highlights of a
Library well used, key financial
facts and a sense of how deeply
the resources of the Library
are interwoven into the fabric
of our community. The entire
back of this Report is devoted
to our donors, who together with
the Friends of the Ridgefield
Library and the Town make
everything possible.
our support counts … for the Summer Reading program that enriched the lives
of nearly 1,600 children and teens. The Library conducted 1,079 programs for
all ages and interests in the past year.
{inspiring creativity and community}
So Much More Than Books:
A center of learning. A hub of social
activity. A resource for career and business
growth. A portal to information technology.
A cultured friend, an entertainer, a solace to
the homebound. The Ridgefield Library is so
many things to so many people. Books are
just the beginning.
We’ve grown from our origins as a subscription
library to a collection that encompasses nearly
114,000 books, eBooks, audio books, periodicals
and more, from important reference works to
the latest releases in fiction and non-fiction.
Our programs attract large audiences of all age
groups, from new readers to octogenarians,
from students to networking entrepreneurs.
Reliance on Library resources is reflected in
some remarkable observations. Not only is the
Library the most used public facility in town;
it far surpasses usage of comparable libraries,
averaging over 1,100 visits daily by Ridgefield
residents seeking information and inspiration.
a few highlights of the year…
August 2011 | The Library is “storm central,”
providing a record 2,846 people with Internet connectivity; meeting rooms; entertainment and education for kids closed out of school; and a sense
of community that makes the power outage more
bearable. Two months later, it happens again!
November 2011 | We reported more than
1,000 downloadable audiobooks added to the
Library’s digital holdings. The Library announces
sale of the adjacent Old Playhouse in anticipation
of the building plan; it will become a new cinema
and arts complex.
March 2012 | Town residents vote Yes on
the Referendum to support the Library building
project. Coupled with an outpouring of individual
support for the Capital Campaign, this secures
the future of The New Ridgefield Library.
April 2012 | We celebrate National Library
Week with an opening reception for “To Infinity
and Beyond: Images of the Universe,” an exhibit
of astrophotography and poems by middle
school students. A 2-day conference, “Advancing
Creative Thinking: Imagination To Innovation,”
is co-presented with the Aldrich Contemporary
Art Museum and Ridgefield Arts Council.
May 2012 | Tribute displays mark the passing
of Maurice Sendak, beloved author and longtime
Library supporter.
June 2012 | Friends of the Library launch a
“Book Buggy” program in two outreach locations.
July 2012 | The Library makes final preparations for its move to an interim Governor Street
location during the building process.
In all these ways and many more, Ridgefield
Library continues our mission to be “an
intellectual and cultural center for Ridgefield,
offering a supportive, welcoming environment
that encourages all…to read…to discover…to
question…to exchange ideas…to grow.” l
Municipal and Private Support | Year Ending June 30, 2012
Salaries & Benefits
Building Utilities & Repairs
Collections & Programming
Supplies & Overhead
INCOME 2011-2012
Town & State Grants
Endowments & Investments
Annual Appeal
Operating Income
Events, Programs & Tributes
While we rely on our Town’s fiscal support,
it is an historical fact that we operate with
a budget gap of about 25 percent. This is an
intentional shortfall: as with many New England
towns, the gap in municipal funding is designed
to assess the strength of community support and
to encourage individual contributions.
9.9 /.
9.6 /.
11.4 /.
69 /.
7.2 /.
7.5 /.
3.3 /.
2.2 /.
79.8 /.
Collection Size {in all media} . . . . . . . . . 113,529 items
Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 per capita
Collection Turnover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 times per year
Average Daily Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,109
Reference Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,289
Website Hits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146,449
Wireless Log-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,476
Adult Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 (11,543 attendees)
Children’s Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768 (7,938 attendees)
Public Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 adult/4 children
enjoy! empower
This is why we are so dependent on our Annual
Appeal. It is distinct and completely separate
from our Capital Campaign, which is earmarked
exclusively for the building plan. While the Capital
Campaign has made possible the creation of an
urgently needed new facility, the Annual Appeal
funds everything that goes into the building. It is
what makes the building a library.
Private, individual support of the Annual Appeal
helps us attract and retain a talented professional
staff, maintain a wide range of print and digital
media and offer diverse educational programs.
Private support is necessary to supplement the
public grant from the Town.
We are pleased to report that we have nearly reached
our Capital Campaign fundraising goal for construction
and that the building project has begun. Our fundraising efforts will now focus on legacy gifts to ensure
the Library’s future and annual fundraising to make a
great Library. When completed in the winter of 2014,
the library will be 15,000 square feet larger, accommodating new resources and growth well into the future.
Happily, while the building project looks forward it
also looks back, honoring town history. The stately
Elizabeth W. Morris Library, dedicated as a memorial
in 1903, will once again open its doors as the
elegant entry from Main Street. It will lead directly
into the new building, connecting past, present and
future in a testament to the continuity of Ridgefield
community support.
The graph above left provides an overview of our
income sources and demonstrates the vital role
of individual participation. We thank all our donors
for their vision and commitment to this “jewel of
the community”. l
Many Things to Many People:
What makes our Library such a valuable
community resource? We think this poem
entered in a sidewalk poetry slam by
Ridgefield students Julia Medina and
Isabella Camillo says it beautifully:
The Library is my church,
a sanctuary of knowledge…
where I learned to read,
to learn and to love.
Have you heard? We have 1,300 audiobooks on CD plus over 1,000 downloadable audiobooks.
We were one of nine libraries nationwide chosen to participate in a pilot project with NASA and the
American Library Association: “Astro for Girls and their Families”.
While your Library will be in smaller temporary quarters this year, we encourage you to visit us often!
In addition to our own holdings, we can access material throughout the Connecticut library system,
and will continue to conduct programs. Find us at 21 Governor Street and visit our website at for news and upcoming events. l
The technology infrastructure will assure
convenient access to Library resources with
flexibility to adapt to emerging information
It bears repeating: for the size of our town, Ridgefield Library has incredibly
high usage …and exceptional return on investment. With over 370 thousand
visits a year, your Library is a busy place.
It’s our Vision to be “Ridgefield’s Community Destination – A place where
citizens can find lifelong education, information, culture and friends.” We’re
proud that community usage points to our success.
Our eBook service is compatible with Kindle, Nook, other tablets, smartphones and PCs. Over 1,000
current eBooks; new titles added monthly. Test drive an eBook-reader! We loan them out.
The new Library will welcome all visitors,
from our youngest to our oldest users, with ADA
compliance throughout. Age-appropriate areas
for children, teens and adults will provide space
to enjoy collections and programs. The Library
Commons will be a hub for lively exchange,
while quiet reading rooms will appeal to those
looking for a more traditional ambiance.
Some people think libraries are going out of style, but that couldn’t be further
from the truth. Ridgefield Library has more than doubled the volume of attendance,
circulation and services since 1990. Our staff now handles nearly 400,000 ‘transactions’ a year, and that number will grow as we add new products and services.
A staff of 27 full-time and 16 part-time employees served a town population of
nearly 25,000.
Our programs build knowledge and community. Favorites include Summer Reading, Camp Snooze,
Reading Is a Family Affair, Ridgefield Folk, Poetry Discussion Group, to name a few.
While Annual Reports typically review the past year, we know our community is very much focused on The New Ridgefield
Library. And with good reason. Many of our town residents have expended time and energy — and yes, money — on creating a
new, state - of-the -art facility. This is no vanity project; the future demands it. We won’t rehash all the old facility shortcomings
…but we will take a moment to anticipate the valuable benefits ahead.
These Facts Speak Volumes:
This past year, Ridgefielders checked out 380,179 items, asked 10 percent more
reference questions of our skilled librarians, increased their library computer
usage by nearly 50 percent and wireless by 38 percent. Program attendance
continued to rise dramatically. All in the space of one year.
Other reasons to support your Library:
Coming Soon: The New Ridgefield Library
With an enthusiastic audience of nearly 100
in attendance, the ground was broken on the
New Ridgefield Library on October 1, 2012.
Left to right: Philip Lodewick( Campaign
Chair), Peter Coffin (Library Board Chair),
Kasey McGerald (Read-A-Thon), Chris Nolan
(Library Director), Rudy Marconi (First
Selectman) at the ceremonial ground
breaking for the New Ridgefield Library.
Expenditures 2011-2012
Financial Overview ~ Annual Operating Budget:
delivery systems. Secure wireless connections
will be plentiful to accommodate demand,
while a technology resource center will offer
instruction to help our users stay current.
Sprinkler and security systems will make
the Library a safer, more secure environment.
Energy-efficient design and advanced building
systems will manage utility costs while maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment.
The new Ridgefield Library will be the first LEEDcertified public building in town.
But it’s what’s inside that counts. As amazing, as welcoming, as futureperfect as our new building will be, it’s what’s inside that makes it a Library.
And that brings us back to the Annual Appeal. We hope this report reminds you
why the Ridgefield Library is such a jewel of the community, and inspires you to
give generously. With the support of individuals like you, we can fill our operating
budget gap and provide this vital community with the wealth of resources it so
richly deserves. For enhancing minds, for enriching community — for the future
of our town — please support the Annual Appeal.
Please mail to 472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877 or make your donation online at
Please see the following list of those who make our Library possible
2011~ 2012 Annual Report
This has been a most important
year in the history of the
Ridgefield Library, and so this
2011-2012 Annual Report has
special significance. In it, we
honor the past and look ahead
to an exciting new era. As these
panels, like our future, unfold,
you’ll find the highlights of a
Library well used, key financial
facts and a sense of how deeply
the resources of the Library
are interwoven into the fabric
of our community. The entire
back of this Report is devoted
to our donors, who together with
the Friends of the Ridgefield
Library and the Town make
everything possible.
our support counts … for the Summer Reading program that enriched the lives
of nearly 1,600 children and teens. The Library conducted 1,079 programs for
all ages and interests in the past year.
{inspiring creativity and community}
So Much More Than Books:
A center of learning. A hub of social
activity. A resource for career and business
growth. A portal to information technology.
A cultured friend, an entertainer, a solace to
the homebound. The Ridgefield Library is so
many things to so many people. Books are
just the beginning.
We’ve grown from our origins as a subscription
library to a collection that encompasses nearly
114,000 books, eBooks, audio books, periodicals
and more, from important reference works to
the latest releases in fiction and non-fiction.
Our programs attract large audiences of all age
groups, from new readers to octogenarians,
from students to networking entrepreneurs.
Reliance on Library resources is reflected in
some remarkable observations. Not only is the
Library the most used public facility in town;
it far surpasses usage of comparable libraries,
averaging over 1,100 visits daily by Ridgefield
residents seeking information and inspiration.
a few highlights of the year…
August 2011 | The Library is “storm central,”
providing a record 2,846 people with Internet connectivity; meeting rooms; entertainment and education for kids closed out of school; and a sense
of community that makes the power outage more
bearable. Two months later, it happens again!
November 2011 | We reported more than
1,000 downloadable audiobooks added to the
Library’s digital holdings. The Library announces
sale of the adjacent Old Playhouse in anticipation
of the building plan; it will become a new cinema
and arts complex.
March 2012 | Town residents vote Yes on
the Referendum to support the Library building
project. Coupled with an outpouring of individual
support for the Capital Campaign, this secures
the future of The New Ridgefield Library.
April 2012 | We celebrate National Library
Week with an opening reception for “To Infinity
and Beyond: Images of the Universe,” an exhibit
of astrophotography and poems by middle
school students. A 2-day conference, “Advancing
Creative Thinking: Imagination To Innovation,”
is co-presented with the Aldrich Contemporary
Art Museum and Ridgefield Arts Council.
May 2012 | Tribute displays mark the passing
of Maurice Sendak, beloved author and longtime
Library supporter.
June 2012 | Friends of the Library launch a
“Book Buggy” program in two outreach locations.
July 2012 | The Library makes final preparations for its move to an interim Governor Street
location during the building process.
In all these ways and many more, Ridgefield
Library continues our mission to be “an
intellectual and cultural center for Ridgefield,
offering a supportive, welcoming environment
that encourages all…to read…to discover…to
question…to exchange ideas…to grow.” l
Municipal and Private Support | Year Ending June 30, 2012
Salaries & Benefits
Building Utilities & Repairs
Collections & Programming
Supplies & Overhead
INCOME 2011-2012
Town & State Grants
Endowments & Investments
Annual Appeal
Operating Income
Events, Programs & Tributes
While we rely on our Town’s fiscal support,
it is an historical fact that we operate with
a budget gap of about 25 percent. This is an
intentional shortfall: as with many New England
towns, the gap in municipal funding is designed
to assess the strength of community support and
to encourage individual contributions.
9.9 /.
9.6 /.
11.4 /.
69 /.
7.2 /.
7.5 /.
3.3 /.
2.2 /.
79.8 /.
Collection Size {in all media} . . . . . . . . . 113,529 items
Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 per capita
Collection Turnover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 times per year
Average Daily Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,109
Reference Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,289
Website Hits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146,449
Wireless Log-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,476
Adult Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 (11,543 attendees)
Children’s Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768 (7,938 attendees)
Public Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 adult/4 children
enjoy! empower
This is why we are so dependent on our Annual
Appeal. It is distinct and completely separate
from our Capital Campaign, which is earmarked
exclusively for the building plan. While the Capital
Campaign has made possible the creation of an
urgently needed new facility, the Annual Appeal
funds everything that goes into the building. It is
what makes the building a library.
Private, individual support of the Annual Appeal
helps us attract and retain a talented professional
staff, maintain a wide range of print and digital
media and offer diverse educational programs.
Private support is necessary to supplement the
public grant from the Town.
We are pleased to report that we have nearly reached
our Capital Campaign fundraising goal for construction
and that the building project has begun. Our fundraising efforts will now focus on legacy gifts to ensure
the Library’s future and annual fundraising to make a
great Library. When completed in the winter of 2014,
the library will be 15,000 square feet larger, accommodating new resources and growth well into the future.
Happily, while the building project looks forward it
also looks back, honoring town history. The stately
Elizabeth W. Morris Library, dedicated as a memorial
in 1903, will once again open its doors as the
elegant entry from Main Street. It will lead directly
into the new building, connecting past, present and
future in a testament to the continuity of Ridgefield
community support.
The graph above left provides an overview of our
income sources and demonstrates the vital role
of individual participation. We thank all our donors
for their vision and commitment to this “jewel of
the community”. l
Many Things to Many People:
What makes our Library such a valuable
community resource? We think this poem
entered in a sidewalk poetry slam by
Ridgefield students Julia Medina and
Isabella Camillo says it beautifully:
The Library is my church,
a sanctuary of knowledge…
where I learned to read,
to learn and to love.
Have you heard? We have 1,300 audiobooks on CD plus over 1,000 downloadable audiobooks.
We were one of nine libraries nationwide chosen to participate in a pilot project with NASA and the
American Library Association: “Astro for Girls and their Families”.
While your Library will be in smaller temporary quarters this year, we encourage you to visit us often!
In addition to our own holdings, we can access material throughout the Connecticut library system,
and will continue to conduct programs. Find us at 21 Governor Street and visit our website at for news and upcoming events. l
The technology infrastructure will assure
convenient access to Library resources with
flexibility to adapt to emerging information
It bears repeating: for the size of our town, Ridgefield Library has incredibly
high usage …and exceptional return on investment. With over 370 thousand
visits a year, your Library is a busy place.
It’s our Vision to be “Ridgefield’s Community Destination – A place where
citizens can find lifelong education, information, culture and friends.” We’re
proud that community usage points to our success.
Our eBook service is compatible with Kindle, Nook, other tablets, smartphones and PCs. Over 1,000
current eBooks; new titles added monthly. Test drive an eBook-reader! We loan them out.
The new Library will welcome all visitors,
from our youngest to our oldest users, with ADA
compliance throughout. Age-appropriate areas
for children, teens and adults will provide space
to enjoy collections and programs. The Library
Commons will be a hub for lively exchange,
while quiet reading rooms will appeal to those
looking for a more traditional ambiance.
Some people think libraries are going out of style, but that couldn’t be further
from the truth. Ridgefield Library has more than doubled the volume of attendance,
circulation and services since 1990. Our staff now handles nearly 400,000 ‘transactions’ a year, and that number will grow as we add new products and services.
A staff of 27 full-time and 16 part-time employees served a town population of
nearly 25,000.
Our programs build knowledge and community. Favorites include Summer Reading, Camp Snooze,
Reading Is a Family Affair, Ridgefield Folk, Poetry Discussion Group, to name a few.
While Annual Reports typically review the past year, we know our community is very much focused on The New Ridgefield
Library. And with good reason. Many of our town residents have expended time and energy — and yes, money — on creating a
new, state - of-the -art facility. This is no vanity project; the future demands it. We won’t rehash all the old facility shortcomings
…but we will take a moment to anticipate the valuable benefits ahead.
These Facts Speak Volumes:
This past year, Ridgefielders checked out 380,179 items, asked 10 percent more
reference questions of our skilled librarians, increased their library computer
usage by nearly 50 percent and wireless by 38 percent. Program attendance
continued to rise dramatically. All in the space of one year.
Other reasons to support your Library:
Coming Soon: The New Ridgefield Library
With an enthusiastic audience of nearly 100
in attendance, the ground was broken on the
New Ridgefield Library on October 1, 2012.
Left to right: Philip Lodewick( Campaign
Chair), Peter Coffin (Library Board Chair),
Kasey McGerald (Read-A-Thon), Chris Nolan
(Library Director), Rudy Marconi (First
Selectman) at the ceremonial ground
breaking for the New Ridgefield Library.
Expenditures 2011-2012
Financial Overview ~ Annual Operating Budget:
delivery systems. Secure wireless connections
will be plentiful to accommodate demand,
while a technology resource center will offer
instruction to help our users stay current.
Sprinkler and security systems will make
the Library a safer, more secure environment.
Energy-efficient design and advanced building
systems will manage utility costs while maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment.
The new Ridgefield Library will be the first LEEDcertified public building in town.
But it’s what’s inside that counts. As amazing, as welcoming, as futureperfect as our new building will be, it’s what’s inside that makes it a Library.
And that brings us back to the Annual Appeal. We hope this report reminds you
why the Ridgefield Library is such a jewel of the community, and inspires you to
give generously. With the support of individuals like you, we can fill our operating
budget gap and provide this vital community with the wealth of resources it so
richly deserves. For enhancing minds, for enriching community — for the future
of our town — please support the Annual Appeal.
Please mail to 472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877 or make your donation online at
Please see the following list of those who make our Library possible
2011~ 2012 Annual Report
This has been a most important
year in the history of the
Ridgefield Library, and so this
2011-2012 Annual Report has
special significance. In it, we
honor the past and look ahead
to an exciting new era. As these
panels, like our future, unfold,
you’ll find the highlights of a
Library well used, key financial
facts and a sense of how deeply
the resources of the Library
are interwoven into the fabric
of our community. The entire
back of this Report is devoted
to our donors, who together with
the Friends of the Ridgefield
Library and the Town make
everything possible.
our support counts … for the Summer Reading program that enriched the lives
of nearly 1,600 children and teens. The Library conducted 1,079 programs for
all ages and interests in the past year.
{inspiring creativity and community}
So Much More Than Books:
A center of learning. A hub of social
activity. A resource for career and business
growth. A portal to information technology.
A cultured friend, an entertainer, a solace to
the homebound. The Ridgefield Library is so
many things to so many people. Books are
just the beginning.
We’ve grown from our origins as a subscription
library to a collection that encompasses nearly
114,000 books, eBooks, audio books, periodicals
and more, from important reference works to
the latest releases in fiction and non-fiction.
Our programs attract large audiences of all age
groups, from new readers to octogenarians,
from students to networking entrepreneurs.
Reliance on Library resources is reflected in
some remarkable observations. Not only is the
Library the most used public facility in town;
it far surpasses usage of comparable libraries,
averaging over 1,100 visits daily by Ridgefield
residents seeking information and inspiration.
a few highlights of the year…
August 2011 | The Library is “storm central,”
providing a record 2,846 people with Internet connectivity; meeting rooms; entertainment and education for kids closed out of school; and a sense
of community that makes the power outage more
bearable. Two months later, it happens again!
November 2011 | We reported more than
1,000 downloadable audiobooks added to the
Library’s digital holdings. The Library announces
sale of the adjacent Old Playhouse in anticipation
of the building plan; it will become a new cinema
and arts complex.
March 2012 | Town residents vote Yes on
the Referendum to support the Library building
project. Coupled with an outpouring of individual
support for the Capital Campaign, this secures
the future of The New Ridgefield Library.
April 2012 | We celebrate National Library
Week with an opening reception for “To Infinity
and Beyond: Images of the Universe,” an exhibit
of astrophotography and poems by middle
school students. A 2-day conference, “Advancing
Creative Thinking: Imagination To Innovation,”
is co-presented with the Aldrich Contemporary
Art Museum and Ridgefield Arts Council.
May 2012 | Tribute displays mark the passing
of Maurice Sendak, beloved author and longtime
Library supporter.
June 2012 | Friends of the Library launch a
“Book Buggy” program in two outreach locations.
July 2012 | The Library makes final preparations for its move to an interim Governor Street
location during the building process.
In all these ways and many more, Ridgefield
Library continues our mission to be “an
intellectual and cultural center for Ridgefield,
offering a supportive, welcoming environment
that encourages all…to read…to discover…to
question…to exchange ideas…to grow.” l
Municipal and Private Support | Year Ending June 30, 2012
Salaries & Benefits
Building Utilities & Repairs
Collections & Programming
Supplies & Overhead
INCOME 2011-2012
Town & State Grants
Endowments & Investments
Annual Appeal
Operating Income
Events, Programs & Tributes
While we rely on our Town’s fiscal support,
it is an historical fact that we operate with
a budget gap of about 25 percent. This is an
intentional shortfall: as with many New England
towns, the gap in municipal funding is designed
to assess the strength of community support and
to encourage individual contributions.
9.9 /.
9.6 /.
11.4 /.
69 /.
7.2 /.
7.5 /.
3.3 /.
2.2 /.
79.8 /.
Collection Size {in all media} . . . . . . . . . 113,529 items
Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 per capita
Collection Turnover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 times per year
Average Daily Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,109
Reference Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,289
Website Hits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146,449
Wireless Log-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,476
Adult Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 (11,543 attendees)
Children’s Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768 (7,938 attendees)
Public Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 adult/4 children
enjoy! empower
This is why we are so dependent on our Annual
Appeal. It is distinct and completely separate
from our Capital Campaign, which is earmarked
exclusively for the building plan. While the Capital
Campaign has made possible the creation of an
urgently needed new facility, the Annual Appeal
funds everything that goes into the building. It is
what makes the building a library.
Private, individual support of the Annual Appeal
helps us attract and retain a talented professional
staff, maintain a wide range of print and digital
media and offer diverse educational programs.
Private support is necessary to supplement the
public grant from the Town.
We are pleased to report that we have nearly reached
our Capital Campaign fundraising goal for construction
and that the building project has begun. Our fundraising efforts will now focus on legacy gifts to ensure
the Library’s future and annual fundraising to make a
great Library. When completed in the winter of 2014,
the library will be 15,000 square feet larger, accommodating new resources and growth well into the future.
Happily, while the building project looks forward it
also looks back, honoring town history. The stately
Elizabeth W. Morris Library, dedicated as a memorial
in 1903, will once again open its doors as the
elegant entry from Main Street. It will lead directly
into the new building, connecting past, present and
future in a testament to the continuity of Ridgefield
community support.
The graph above left provides an overview of our
income sources and demonstrates the vital role
of individual participation. We thank all our donors
for their vision and commitment to this “jewel of
the community”. l
Many Things to Many People:
What makes our Library such a valuable
community resource? We think this poem
entered in a sidewalk poetry slam by
Ridgefield students Julia Medina and
Isabella Camillo says it beautifully:
The Library is my church,
a sanctuary of knowledge…
where I learned to read,
to learn and to love.
Have you heard? We have 1,300 audiobooks on CD plus over 1,000 downloadable audiobooks.
We were one of nine libraries nationwide chosen to participate in a pilot project with NASA and the
American Library Association: “Astro for Girls and their Families”.
While your Library will be in smaller temporary quarters this year, we encourage you to visit us often!
In addition to our own holdings, we can access material throughout the Connecticut library system,
and will continue to conduct programs. Find us at 21 Governor Street and visit our website at for news and upcoming events. l
The technology infrastructure will assure
convenient access to Library resources with
flexibility to adapt to emerging information
It bears repeating: for the size of our town, Ridgefield Library has incredibly
high usage …and exceptional return on investment. With over 370 thousand
visits a year, your Library is a busy place.
It’s our Vision to be “Ridgefield’s Community Destination – A place where
citizens can find lifelong education, information, culture and friends.” We’re
proud that community usage points to our success.
Our eBook service is compatible with Kindle, Nook, other tablets, smartphones and PCs. Over 1,000
current eBooks; new titles added monthly. Test drive an eBook-reader! We loan them out.
The new Library will welcome all visitors,
from our youngest to our oldest users, with ADA
compliance throughout. Age-appropriate areas
for children, teens and adults will provide space
to enjoy collections and programs. The Library
Commons will be a hub for lively exchange,
while quiet reading rooms will appeal to those
looking for a more traditional ambiance.
Some people think libraries are going out of style, but that couldn’t be further
from the truth. Ridgefield Library has more than doubled the volume of attendance,
circulation and services since 1990. Our staff now handles nearly 400,000 ‘transactions’ a year, and that number will grow as we add new products and services.
A staff of 27 full-time and 16 part-time employees served a town population of
nearly 25,000.
Our programs build knowledge and community. Favorites include Summer Reading, Camp Snooze,
Reading Is a Family Affair, Ridgefield Folk, Poetry Discussion Group, to name a few.
While Annual Reports typically review the past year, we know our community is very much focused on The New Ridgefield
Library. And with good reason. Many of our town residents have expended time and energy — and yes, money — on creating a
new, state - of-the -art facility. This is no vanity project; the future demands it. We won’t rehash all the old facility shortcomings
…but we will take a moment to anticipate the valuable benefits ahead.
These Facts Speak Volumes:
This past year, Ridgefielders checked out 380,179 items, asked 10 percent more
reference questions of our skilled librarians, increased their library computer
usage by nearly 50 percent and wireless by 38 percent. Program attendance
continued to rise dramatically. All in the space of one year.
Other reasons to support your Library:
Coming Soon: The New Ridgefield Library
With an enthusiastic audience of nearly 100
in attendance, the ground was broken on the
New Ridgefield Library on October 1, 2012.
Left to right: Philip Lodewick( Campaign
Chair), Peter Coffin (Library Board Chair),
Kasey McGerald (Read-A-Thon), Chris Nolan
(Library Director), Rudy Marconi (First
Selectman) at the ceremonial ground
breaking for the New Ridgefield Library.
Expenditures 2011-2012
Financial Overview ~ Annual Operating Budget:
delivery systems. Secure wireless connections
will be plentiful to accommodate demand,
while a technology resource center will offer
instruction to help our users stay current.
Sprinkler and security systems will make
the Library a safer, more secure environment.
Energy-efficient design and advanced building
systems will manage utility costs while maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment.
The new Ridgefield Library will be the first LEEDcertified public building in town.
But it’s what’s inside that counts. As amazing, as welcoming, as futureperfect as our new building will be, it’s what’s inside that makes it a Library.
And that brings us back to the Annual Appeal. We hope this report reminds you
why the Ridgefield Library is such a jewel of the community, and inspires you to
give generously. With the support of individuals like you, we can fill our operating
budget gap and provide this vital community with the wealth of resources it so
richly deserves. For enhancing minds, for enriching community — for the future
of our town — please support the Annual Appeal.
Please mail to 472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877 or make your donation online at
Please see the following list of those who make our Library possible
2011~ 2012 Annual Report
This has been a most important
year in the history of the
Ridgefield Library, and so this
2011-2012 Annual Report has
special significance. In it, we
honor the past and look ahead
to an exciting new era. As these
panels, like our future, unfold,
you’ll find the highlights of a
Library well used, key financial
facts and a sense of how deeply
the resources of the Library
are interwoven into the fabric
of our community. The entire
back of this Report is devoted
to our donors, who together with
the Friends of the Ridgefield
Library and the Town make
everything possible.
our support counts … for the Summer Reading program that enriched the lives
of nearly 1,600 children and teens. The Library conducted 1,079 programs for
all ages and interests in the past year.
{inspiring creativity and community}
So Much More Than Books:
A center of learning. A hub of social
activity. A resource for career and business
growth. A portal to information technology.
A cultured friend, an entertainer, a solace to
the homebound. The Ridgefield Library is so
many things to so many people. Books are
just the beginning.
We’ve grown from our origins as a subscription
library to a collection that encompasses nearly
114,000 books, eBooks, audio books, periodicals
and more, from important reference works to
the latest releases in fiction and non-fiction.
Our programs attract large audiences of all age
groups, from new readers to octogenarians,
from students to networking entrepreneurs.
Reliance on Library resources is reflected in
some remarkable observations. Not only is the
Library the most used public facility in town;
it far surpasses usage of comparable libraries,
averaging over 1,100 visits daily by Ridgefield
residents seeking information and inspiration.
a few highlights of the year…
August 2011 | The Library is “storm central,”
providing a record 2,846 people with Internet connectivity; meeting rooms; entertainment and education for kids closed out of school; and a sense
of community that makes the power outage more
bearable. Two months later, it happens again!
November 2011 | We reported more than
1,000 downloadable audiobooks added to the
Library’s digital holdings. The Library announces
sale of the adjacent Old Playhouse in anticipation
of the building plan; it will become a new cinema
and arts complex.
March 2012 | Town residents vote Yes on
the Referendum to support the Library building
project. Coupled with an outpouring of individual
support for the Capital Campaign, this secures
the future of The New Ridgefield Library.
April 2012 | We celebrate National Library
Week with an opening reception for “To Infinity
and Beyond: Images of the Universe,” an exhibit
of astrophotography and poems by middle
school students. A 2-day conference, “Advancing
Creative Thinking: Imagination To Innovation,”
is co-presented with the Aldrich Contemporary
Art Museum and Ridgefield Arts Council.
May 2012 | Tribute displays mark the passing
of Maurice Sendak, beloved author and longtime
Library supporter.
June 2012 | Friends of the Library launch a
“Book Buggy” program in two outreach locations.
July 2012 | The Library makes final preparations for its move to an interim Governor Street
location during the building process.
In all these ways and many more, Ridgefield
Library continues our mission to be “an
intellectual and cultural center for Ridgefield,
offering a supportive, welcoming environment
that encourages all…to read…to discover…to
question…to exchange ideas…to grow.” l
Municipal and Private Support | Year Ending June 30, 2012
Salaries & Benefits
Building Utilities & Repairs
Collections & Programming
Supplies & Overhead
INCOME 2011-2012
Town & State Grants
Endowments & Investments
Annual Appeal
Operating Income
Events, Programs & Tributes
While we rely on our Town’s fiscal support,
it is an historical fact that we operate with
a budget gap of about 25 percent. This is an
intentional shortfall: as with many New England
towns, the gap in municipal funding is designed
to assess the strength of community support and
to encourage individual contributions.
9.9 /.
9.6 /.
11.4 /.
69 /.
7.2 /.
7.5 /.
3.3 /.
2.2 /.
79.8 /.
Collection Size {in all media} . . . . . . . . . 113,529 items
Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 per capita
Collection Turnover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 times per year
Average Daily Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,109
Reference Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,289
Website Hits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146,449
Wireless Log-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,476
Adult Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 (11,543 attendees)
Children’s Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768 (7,938 attendees)
Public Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 adult/4 children
enjoy! empower
This is why we are so dependent on our Annual
Appeal. It is distinct and completely separate
from our Capital Campaign, which is earmarked
exclusively for the building plan. While the Capital
Campaign has made possible the creation of an
urgently needed new facility, the Annual Appeal
funds everything that goes into the building. It is
what makes the building a library.
Private, individual support of the Annual Appeal
helps us attract and retain a talented professional
staff, maintain a wide range of print and digital
media and offer diverse educational programs.
Private support is necessary to supplement the
public grant from the Town.
We are pleased to report that we have nearly reached
our Capital Campaign fundraising goal for construction
and that the building project has begun. Our fundraising efforts will now focus on legacy gifts to ensure
the Library’s future and annual fundraising to make a
great Library. When completed in the winter of 2014,
the library will be 15,000 square feet larger, accommodating new resources and growth well into the future.
Happily, while the building project looks forward it
also looks back, honoring town history. The stately
Elizabeth W. Morris Library, dedicated as a memorial
in 1903, will once again open its doors as the
elegant entry from Main Street. It will lead directly
into the new building, connecting past, present and
future in a testament to the continuity of Ridgefield
community support.
The graph above left provides an overview of our
income sources and demonstrates the vital role
of individual participation. We thank all our donors
for their vision and commitment to this “jewel of
the community”. l
Many Things to Many People:
What makes our Library such a valuable
community resource? We think this poem
entered in a sidewalk poetry slam by
Ridgefield students Julia Medina and
Isabella Camillo says it beautifully:
The Library is my church,
a sanctuary of knowledge…
where I learned to read,
to learn and to love.
Have you heard? We have 1,300 audiobooks on CD plus over 1,000 downloadable audiobooks.
We were one of nine libraries nationwide chosen to participate in a pilot project with NASA and the
American Library Association: “Astro for Girls and their Families”.
While your Library will be in smaller temporary quarters this year, we encourage you to visit us often!
In addition to our own holdings, we can access material throughout the Connecticut library system,
and will continue to conduct programs. Find us at 21 Governor Street and visit our website at for news and upcoming events. l
The technology infrastructure will assure
convenient access to Library resources with
flexibility to adapt to emerging information
It bears repeating: for the size of our town, Ridgefield Library has incredibly
high usage …and exceptional return on investment. With over 370 thousand
visits a year, your Library is a busy place.
It’s our Vision to be “Ridgefield’s Community Destination – A place where
citizens can find lifelong education, information, culture and friends.” We’re
proud that community usage points to our success.
Our eBook service is compatible with Kindle, Nook, other tablets, smartphones and PCs. Over 1,000
current eBooks; new titles added monthly. Test drive an eBook-reader! We loan them out.
The new Library will welcome all visitors,
from our youngest to our oldest users, with ADA
compliance throughout. Age-appropriate areas
for children, teens and adults will provide space
to enjoy collections and programs. The Library
Commons will be a hub for lively exchange,
while quiet reading rooms will appeal to those
looking for a more traditional ambiance.
Some people think libraries are going out of style, but that couldn’t be further
from the truth. Ridgefield Library has more than doubled the volume of attendance,
circulation and services since 1990. Our staff now handles nearly 400,000 ‘transactions’ a year, and that number will grow as we add new products and services.
A staff of 27 full-time and 16 part-time employees served a town population of
nearly 25,000.
Our programs build knowledge and community. Favorites include Summer Reading, Camp Snooze,
Reading Is a Family Affair, Ridgefield Folk, Poetry Discussion Group, to name a few.
While Annual Reports typically review the past year, we know our community is very much focused on The New Ridgefield
Library. And with good reason. Many of our town residents have expended time and energy — and yes, money — on creating a
new, state - of-the -art facility. This is no vanity project; the future demands it. We won’t rehash all the old facility shortcomings
…but we will take a moment to anticipate the valuable benefits ahead.
These Facts Speak Volumes:
This past year, Ridgefielders checked out 380,179 items, asked 10 percent more
reference questions of our skilled librarians, increased their library computer
usage by nearly 50 percent and wireless by 38 percent. Program attendance
continued to rise dramatically. All in the space of one year.
Other reasons to support your Library:
Coming Soon: The New Ridgefield Library
With an enthusiastic audience of nearly 100
in attendance, the ground was broken on the
New Ridgefield Library on October 1, 2012.
Left to right: Philip Lodewick( Campaign
Chair), Peter Coffin (Library Board Chair),
Kasey McGerald (Read-A-Thon), Chris Nolan
(Library Director), Rudy Marconi (First
Selectman) at the ceremonial ground
breaking for the New Ridgefield Library.
Expenditures 2011-2012
Financial Overview ~ Annual Operating Budget:
delivery systems. Secure wireless connections
will be plentiful to accommodate demand,
while a technology resource center will offer
instruction to help our users stay current.
Sprinkler and security systems will make
the Library a safer, more secure environment.
Energy-efficient design and advanced building
systems will manage utility costs while maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment.
The new Ridgefield Library will be the first LEEDcertified public building in town.
But it’s what’s inside that counts. As amazing, as welcoming, as futureperfect as our new building will be, it’s what’s inside that makes it a Library.
And that brings us back to the Annual Appeal. We hope this report reminds you
why the Ridgefield Library is such a jewel of the community, and inspires you to
give generously. With the support of individuals like you, we can fill our operating
budget gap and provide this vital community with the wealth of resources it so
richly deserves. For enhancing minds, for enriching community — for the future
of our town — please support the Annual Appeal.
Please mail to 472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877 or make your donation online at
Please see the following list of those who make our Library possible
2011~ 2012 Annual Report
This has been a most important
year in the history of the
Ridgefield Library, and so this
2011-2012 Annual Report has
special significance. In it, we
honor the past and look ahead
to an exciting new era. As these
panels, like our future, unfold,
you’ll find the highlights of a
Library well used, key financial
facts and a sense of how deeply
the resources of the Library
are interwoven into the fabric
of our community. The entire
back of this Report is devoted
to our donors, who together with
the Friends of the Ridgefield
Library and the Town make
everything possible.
our support counts … for the Summer Reading program that enriched the lives
of nearly 1,600 children and teens. The Library conducted 1,079 programs for
all ages and interests in the past year.
{inspiring creativity and community}
So Much More Than Books:
A center of learning. A hub of social
activity. A resource for career and business
growth. A portal to information technology.
A cultured friend, an entertainer, a solace to
the homebound. The Ridgefield Library is so
many things to so many people. Books are
just the beginning.
We’ve grown from our origins as a subscription
library to a collection that encompasses nearly
114,000 books, eBooks, audio books, periodicals
and more, from important reference works to
the latest releases in fiction and non-fiction.
Our programs attract large audiences of all age
groups, from new readers to octogenarians,
from students to networking entrepreneurs.
Reliance on Library resources is reflected in
some remarkable observations. Not only is the
Library the most used public facility in town;
it far surpasses usage of comparable libraries,
averaging over 1,100 visits daily by Ridgefield
residents seeking information and inspiration.
a few highlights of the year…
August 2011 | The Library is “storm central,”
providing a record 2,846 people with Internet connectivity; meeting rooms; entertainment and education for kids closed out of school; and a sense
of community that makes the power outage more
bearable. Two months later, it happens again!
November 2011 | We reported more than
1,000 downloadable audiobooks added to the
Library’s digital holdings. The Library announces
sale of the adjacent Old Playhouse in anticipation
of the building plan; it will become a new cinema
and arts complex.
March 2012 | Town residents vote Yes on
the Referendum to support the Library building
project. Coupled with an outpouring of individual
support for the Capital Campaign, this secures
the future of The New Ridgefield Library.
April 2012 | We celebrate National Library
Week with an opening reception for “To Infinity
and Beyond: Images of the Universe,” an exhibit
of astrophotography and poems by middle
school students. A 2-day conference, “Advancing
Creative Thinking: Imagination To Innovation,”
is co-presented with the Aldrich Contemporary
Art Museum and Ridgefield Arts Council.
May 2012 | Tribute displays mark the passing
of Maurice Sendak, beloved author and longtime
Library supporter.
June 2012 | Friends of the Library launch a
“Book Buggy” program in two outreach locations.
July 2012 | The Library makes final preparations for its move to an interim Governor Street
location during the building process.
In all these ways and many more, Ridgefield
Library continues our mission to be “an
intellectual and cultural center for Ridgefield,
offering a supportive, welcoming environment
that encourages all…to read…to discover…to
question…to exchange ideas…to grow.” l
Municipal and Private Support | Year Ending June 30, 2012
Salaries & Benefits
Building Utilities & Repairs
Collections & Programming
Supplies & Overhead
INCOME 2011-2012
Town & State Grants
Endowments & Investments
Annual Appeal
Operating Income
Events, Programs & Tributes
While we rely on our Town’s fiscal support,
it is an historical fact that we operate with
a budget gap of about 25 percent. This is an
intentional shortfall: as with many New England
towns, the gap in municipal funding is designed
to assess the strength of community support and
to encourage individual contributions.
9.9 /.
9.6 /.
11.4 /.
69 /.
7.2 /.
7.5 /.
3.3 /.
2.2 /.
79.8 /.
Collection Size {in all media} . . . . . . . . . 113,529 items
Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 per capita
Collection Turnover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 times per year
Average Daily Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,109
Reference Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,289
Website Hits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146,449
Wireless Log-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,476
Adult Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 (11,543 attendees)
Children’s Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768 (7,938 attendees)
Public Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 adult/4 children
enjoy! empower
This is why we are so dependent on our Annual
Appeal. It is distinct and completely separate
from our Capital Campaign, which is earmarked
exclusively for the building plan. While the Capital
Campaign has made possible the creation of an
urgently needed new facility, the Annual Appeal
funds everything that goes into the building. It is
what makes the building a library.
Private, individual support of the Annual Appeal
helps us attract and retain a talented professional
staff, maintain a wide range of print and digital
media and offer diverse educational programs.
Private support is necessary to supplement the
public grant from the Town.
We are pleased to report that we have nearly reached
our Capital Campaign fundraising goal for construction
and that the building project has begun. Our fundraising efforts will now focus on legacy gifts to ensure
the Library’s future and annual fundraising to make a
great Library. When completed in the winter of 2014,
the library will be 15,000 square feet larger, accommodating new resources and growth well into the future.
Happily, while the building project looks forward it
also looks back, honoring town history. The stately
Elizabeth W. Morris Library, dedicated as a memorial
in 1903, will once again open its doors as the
elegant entry from Main Street. It will lead directly
into the new building, connecting past, present and
future in a testament to the continuity of Ridgefield
community support.
The graph above left provides an overview of our
income sources and demonstrates the vital role
of individual participation. We thank all our donors
for their vision and commitment to this “jewel of
the community”. l
Many Things to Many People:
What makes our Library such a valuable
community resource? We think this poem
entered in a sidewalk poetry slam by
Ridgefield students Julia Medina and
Isabella Camillo says it beautifully:
The Library is my church,
a sanctuary of knowledge…
where I learned to read,
to learn and to love.
Have you heard? We have 1,300 audiobooks on CD plus over 1,000 downloadable audiobooks.
We were one of nine libraries nationwide chosen to participate in a pilot project with NASA and the
American Library Association: “Astro for Girls and their Families”.
While your Library will be in smaller temporary quarters this year, we encourage you to visit us often!
In addition to our own holdings, we can access material throughout the Connecticut library system,
and will continue to conduct programs. Find us at 21 Governor Street and visit our website at for news and upcoming events. l
The technology infrastructure will assure
convenient access to Library resources with
flexibility to adapt to emerging information
It bears repeating: for the size of our town, Ridgefield Library has incredibly
high usage …and exceptional return on investment. With over 370 thousand
visits a year, your Library is a busy place.
It’s our Vision to be “Ridgefield’s Community Destination – A place where
citizens can find lifelong education, information, culture and friends.” We’re
proud that community usage points to our success.
Our eBook service is compatible with Kindle, Nook, other tablets, smartphones and PCs. Over 1,000
current eBooks; new titles added monthly. Test drive an eBook-reader! We loan them out.
The new Library will welcome all visitors,
from our youngest to our oldest users, with ADA
compliance throughout. Age-appropriate areas
for children, teens and adults will provide space
to enjoy collections and programs. The Library
Commons will be a hub for lively exchange,
while quiet reading rooms will appeal to those
looking for a more traditional ambiance.
Some people think libraries are going out of style, but that couldn’t be further
from the truth. Ridgefield Library has more than doubled the volume of attendance,
circulation and services since 1990. Our staff now handles nearly 400,000 ‘transactions’ a year, and that number will grow as we add new products and services.
A staff of 27 full-time and 16 part-time employees served a town population of
nearly 25,000.
Our programs build knowledge and community. Favorites include Summer Reading, Camp Snooze,
Reading Is a Family Affair, Ridgefield Folk, Poetry Discussion Group, to name a few.
While Annual Reports typically review the past year, we know our community is very much focused on The New Ridgefield
Library. And with good reason. Many of our town residents have expended time and energy — and yes, money — on creating a
new, state - of-the -art facility. This is no vanity project; the future demands it. We won’t rehash all the old facility shortcomings
…but we will take a moment to anticipate the valuable benefits ahead.
These Facts Speak Volumes:
This past year, Ridgefielders checked out 380,179 items, asked 10 percent more
reference questions of our skilled librarians, increased their library computer
usage by nearly 50 percent and wireless by 38 percent. Program attendance
continued to rise dramatically. All in the space of one year.
Other reasons to support your Library:
Coming Soon: The New Ridgefield Library
With an enthusiastic audience of nearly 100
in attendance, the ground was broken on the
New Ridgefield Library on October 1, 2012.
Left to right: Philip Lodewick( Campaign
Chair), Peter Coffin (Library Board Chair),
Kasey McGerald (Read-A-Thon), Chris Nolan
(Library Director), Rudy Marconi (First
Selectman) at the ceremonial ground
breaking for the New Ridgefield Library.
Expenditures 2011-2012
Financial Overview ~ Annual Operating Budget:
delivery systems. Secure wireless connections
will be plentiful to accommodate demand,
while a technology resource center will offer
instruction to help our users stay current.
Sprinkler and security systems will make
the Library a safer, more secure environment.
Energy-efficient design and advanced building
systems will manage utility costs while maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment.
The new Ridgefield Library will be the first LEEDcertified public building in town.
But it’s what’s inside that counts. As amazing, as welcoming, as futureperfect as our new building will be, it’s what’s inside that makes it a Library.
And that brings us back to the Annual Appeal. We hope this report reminds you
why the Ridgefield Library is such a jewel of the community, and inspires you to
give generously. With the support of individuals like you, we can fill our operating
budget gap and provide this vital community with the wealth of resources it so
richly deserves. For enhancing minds, for enriching community — for the future
of our town — please support the Annual Appeal.
Please mail to 472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877 or make your donation online at
Please see the following list of those who make our Library possible
2011~ 2012 Annual Report
This has been a most important
year in the history of the
Ridgefield Library, and so this
2011-2012 Annual Report has
special significance. In it, we
honor the past and look ahead
to an exciting new era. As these
panels, like our future, unfold,
you’ll find the highlights of a
Library well used, key financial
facts and a sense of how deeply
the resources of the Library
are interwoven into the fabric
of our community. The entire
back of this Report is devoted
to our donors, who together with
the Friends of the Ridgefield
Library and the Town make
everything possible.
our support counts … for the Summer Reading program that enriched the lives
of nearly 1,600 children and teens. The Library conducted 1,079 programs for
all ages and interests in the past year.
{inspiring creativity and community}
So Much More Than Books:
A center of learning. A hub of social
activity. A resource for career and business
growth. A portal to information technology.
A cultured friend, an entertainer, a solace to
the homebound. The Ridgefield Library is so
many things to so many people. Books are
just the beginning.
We’ve grown from our origins as a subscription
library to a collection that encompasses nearly
114,000 books, eBooks, audio books, periodicals
and more, from important reference works to
the latest releases in fiction and non-fiction.
Our programs attract large audiences of all age
groups, from new readers to octogenarians,
from students to networking entrepreneurs.
Reliance on Library resources is reflected in
some remarkable observations. Not only is the
Library the most used public facility in town;
it far surpasses usage of comparable libraries,
averaging over 1,100 visits daily by Ridgefield
residents seeking information and inspiration.
a few highlights of the year…
August 2011 | The Library is “storm central,”
providing a record 2,846 people with Internet connectivity; meeting rooms; entertainment and education for kids closed out of school; and a sense
of community that makes the power outage more
bearable. Two months later, it happens again!
November 2011 | We reported more than
1,000 downloadable audiobooks added to the
Library’s digital holdings. The Library announces
sale of the adjacent Old Playhouse in anticipation
of the building plan; it will become a new cinema
and arts complex.
March 2012 | Town residents vote Yes on
the Referendum to support the Library building
project. Coupled with an outpouring of individual
support for the Capital Campaign, this secures
the future of The New Ridgefield Library.
April 2012 | We celebrate National Library
Week with an opening reception for “To Infinity
and Beyond: Images of the Universe,” an exhibit
of astrophotography and poems by middle
school students. A 2-day conference, “Advancing
Creative Thinking: Imagination To Innovation,”
is co-presented with the Aldrich Contemporary
Art Museum and Ridgefield Arts Council.
May 2012 | Tribute displays mark the passing
of Maurice Sendak, beloved author and longtime
Library supporter.
June 2012 | Friends of the Library launch a
“Book Buggy” program in two outreach locations.
July 2012 | The Library makes final preparations for its move to an interim Governor Street
location during the building process.
In all these ways and many more, Ridgefield
Library continues our mission to be “an
intellectual and cultural center for Ridgefield,
offering a supportive, welcoming environment
that encourages all…to read…to discover…to
question…to exchange ideas…to grow.” l
Municipal and Private Support | Year Ending June 30, 2012
Salaries & Benefits
Building Utilities & Repairs
Collections & Programming
Supplies & Overhead
INCOME 2011-2012
Town & State Grants
Endowments & Investments
Annual Appeal
Operating Income
Events, Programs & Tributes
While we rely on our Town’s fiscal support,
it is an historical fact that we operate with
a budget gap of about 25 percent. This is an
intentional shortfall: as with many New England
towns, the gap in municipal funding is designed
to assess the strength of community support and
to encourage individual contributions.
9.9 /.
9.6 /.
11.4 /.
69 /.
7.2 /.
7.5 /.
3.3 /.
2.2 /.
79.8 /.
Collection Size {in all media} . . . . . . . . . 113,529 items
Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 per capita
Collection Turnover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 times per year
Average Daily Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,109
Reference Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,289
Website Hits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146,449
Wireless Log-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,476
Adult Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 (11,543 attendees)
Children’s Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768 (7,938 attendees)
Public Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 adult/4 children
enjoy! empower
This is why we are so dependent on our Annual
Appeal. It is distinct and completely separate
from our Capital Campaign, which is earmarked
exclusively for the building plan. While the Capital
Campaign has made possible the creation of an
urgently needed new facility, the Annual Appeal
funds everything that goes into the building. It is
what makes the building a library.
Private, individual support of the Annual Appeal
helps us attract and retain a talented professional
staff, maintain a wide range of print and digital
media and offer diverse educational programs.
Private support is necessary to supplement the
public grant from the Town.
We are pleased to report that we have nearly reached
our Capital Campaign fundraising goal for construction
and that the building project has begun. Our fundraising efforts will now focus on legacy gifts to ensure
the Library’s future and annual fundraising to make a
great Library. When completed in the winter of 2014,
the library will be 15,000 square feet larger, accommodating new resources and growth well into the future.
Happily, while the building project looks forward it
also looks back, honoring town history. The stately
Elizabeth W. Morris Library, dedicated as a memorial
in 1903, will once again open its doors as the
elegant entry from Main Street. It will lead directly
into the new building, connecting past, present and
future in a testament to the continuity of Ridgefield
community support.
The graph above left provides an overview of our
income sources and demonstrates the vital role
of individual participation. We thank all our donors
for their vision and commitment to this “jewel of
the community”. l
Many Things to Many People:
What makes our Library such a valuable
community resource? We think this poem
entered in a sidewalk poetry slam by
Ridgefield students Julia Medina and
Isabella Camillo says it beautifully:
The Library is my church,
a sanctuary of knowledge…
where I learned to read,
to learn and to love.
Have you heard? We have 1,300 audiobooks on CD plus over 1,000 downloadable audiobooks.
We were one of nine libraries nationwide chosen to participate in a pilot project with NASA and the
American Library Association: “Astro for Girls and their Families”.
While your Library will be in smaller temporary quarters this year, we encourage you to visit us often!
In addition to our own holdings, we can access material throughout the Connecticut library system,
and will continue to conduct programs. Find us at 21 Governor Street and visit our website at for news and upcoming events. l
The technology infrastructure will assure
convenient access to Library resources with
flexibility to adapt to emerging information
It bears repeating: for the size of our town, Ridgefield Library has incredibly
high usage …and exceptional return on investment. With over 370 thousand
visits a year, your Library is a busy place.
It’s our Vision to be “Ridgefield’s Community Destination – A place where
citizens can find lifelong education, information, culture and friends.” We’re
proud that community usage points to our success.
Our eBook service is compatible with Kindle, Nook, other tablets, smartphones and PCs. Over 1,000
current eBooks; new titles added monthly. Test drive an eBook-reader! We loan them out.
The new Library will welcome all visitors,
from our youngest to our oldest users, with ADA
compliance throughout. Age-appropriate areas
for children, teens and adults will provide space
to enjoy collections and programs. The Library
Commons will be a hub for lively exchange,
while quiet reading rooms will appeal to those
looking for a more traditional ambiance.
Some people think libraries are going out of style, but that couldn’t be further
from the truth. Ridgefield Library has more than doubled the volume of attendance,
circulation and services since 1990. Our staff now handles nearly 400,000 ‘transactions’ a year, and that number will grow as we add new products and services.
A staff of 27 full-time and 16 part-time employees served a town population of
nearly 25,000.
Our programs build knowledge and community. Favorites include Summer Reading, Camp Snooze,
Reading Is a Family Affair, Ridgefield Folk, Poetry Discussion Group, to name a few.
While Annual Reports typically review the past year, we know our community is very much focused on The New Ridgefield
Library. And with good reason. Many of our town residents have expended time and energy — and yes, money — on creating a
new, state - of-the -art facility. This is no vanity project; the future demands it. We won’t rehash all the old facility shortcomings
…but we will take a moment to anticipate the valuable benefits ahead.
These Facts Speak Volumes:
This past year, Ridgefielders checked out 380,179 items, asked 10 percent more
reference questions of our skilled librarians, increased their library computer
usage by nearly 50 percent and wireless by 38 percent. Program attendance
continued to rise dramatically. All in the space of one year.
Other reasons to support your Library:
Coming Soon: The New Ridgefield Library
With an enthusiastic audience of nearly 100
in attendance, the ground was broken on the
New Ridgefield Library on October 1, 2012.
Left to right: Philip Lodewick( Campaign
Chair), Peter Coffin (Library Board Chair),
Kasey McGerald (Read-A-Thon), Chris Nolan
(Library Director), Rudy Marconi (First
Selectman) at the ceremonial ground
breaking for the New Ridgefield Library.
Expenditures 2011-2012
Financial Overview ~ Annual Operating Budget:
delivery systems. Secure wireless connections
will be plentiful to accommodate demand,
while a technology resource center will offer
instruction to help our users stay current.
Sprinkler and security systems will make
the Library a safer, more secure environment.
Energy-efficient design and advanced building
systems will manage utility costs while maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment.
The new Ridgefield Library will be the first LEEDcertified public building in town.
But it’s what’s inside that counts. As amazing, as welcoming, as futureperfect as our new building will be, it’s what’s inside that makes it a Library.
And that brings us back to the Annual Appeal. We hope this report reminds you
why the Ridgefield Library is such a jewel of the community, and inspires you to
give generously. With the support of individuals like you, we can fill our operating
budget gap and provide this vital community with the wealth of resources it so
richly deserves. For enhancing minds, for enriching community — for the future
of our town — please support the Annual Appeal.
Please mail to 472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877 or make your donation online at
Please see the following list of those who make our Library possible
2011~ 2012 Annual Report
This has been a most important
year in the history of the
Ridgefield Library, and so this
2011-2012 Annual Report has
special significance. In it, we
honor the past and look ahead
to an exciting new era. As these
panels, like our future, unfold,
you’ll find the highlights of a
Library well used, key financial
facts and a sense of how deeply
the resources of the Library
are interwoven into the fabric
of our community. The entire
back of this Report is devoted
to our donors, who together with
the Friends of the Ridgefield
Library and the Town make
everything possible.
our support counts … for the Summer Reading program that enriched the lives
of nearly 1,600 children and teens. The Library conducted 1,079 programs for
all ages and interests in the past year.
{inspiring creativity and community}
So Much More Than Books:
A center of learning. A hub of social
activity. A resource for career and business
growth. A portal to information technology.
A cultured friend, an entertainer, a solace to
the homebound. The Ridgefield Library is so
many things to so many people. Books are
just the beginning.
We’ve grown from our origins as a subscription
library to a collection that encompasses nearly
114,000 books, eBooks, audio books, periodicals
and more, from important reference works to
the latest releases in fiction and non-fiction.
Our programs attract large audiences of all age
groups, from new readers to octogenarians,
from students to networking entrepreneurs.
Reliance on Library resources is reflected in
some remarkable observations. Not only is the
Library the most used public facility in town;
it far surpasses usage of comparable libraries,
averaging over 1,100 visits daily by Ridgefield
residents seeking information and inspiration.
a few highlights of the year…
August 2011 | The Library is “storm central,”
providing a record 2,846 people with Internet connectivity; meeting rooms; entertainment and education for kids closed out of school; and a sense
of community that makes the power outage more
bearable. Two months later, it happens again!
November 2011 | We reported more than
1,000 downloadable audiobooks added to the
Library’s digital holdings. The Library announces
sale of the adjacent Old Playhouse in anticipation
of the building plan; it will become a new cinema
and arts complex.
March 2012 | Town residents vote Yes on
the Referendum to support the Library building
project. Coupled with an outpouring of individual
support for the Capital Campaign, this secures
the future of The New Ridgefield Library.
April 2012 | We celebrate National Library
Week with an opening reception for “To Infinity
and Beyond: Images of the Universe,” an exhibit
of astrophotography and poems by middle
school students. A 2-day conference, “Advancing
Creative Thinking: Imagination To Innovation,”
is co-presented with the Aldrich Contemporary
Art Museum and Ridgefield Arts Council.
May 2012 | Tribute displays mark the passing
of Maurice Sendak, beloved author and longtime
Library supporter.
June 2012 | Friends of the Library launch a
“Book Buggy” program in two outreach locations.
July 2012 | The Library makes final preparations for its move to an interim Governor Street
location during the building process.
In all these ways and many more, Ridgefield
Library continues our mission to be “an
intellectual and cultural center for Ridgefield,
offering a supportive, welcoming environment
that encourages all…to read…to discover…to
question…to exchange ideas…to grow.” l
Municipal and Private Support | Year Ending June 30, 2012
Salaries & Benefits
Building Utilities & Repairs
Collections & Programming
Supplies & Overhead
INCOME 2011-2012
Town & State Grants
Endowments & Investments
Annual Appeal
Operating Income
Events, Programs & Tributes
While we rely on our Town’s fiscal support,
it is an historical fact that we operate with
a budget gap of about 25 percent. This is an
intentional shortfall: as with many New England
towns, the gap in municipal funding is designed
to assess the strength of community support and
to encourage individual contributions.
9.9 /.
9.6 /.
11.4 /.
69 /.
7.2 /.
7.5 /.
3.3 /.
2.2 /.
79.8 /.
Collection Size {in all media} . . . . . . . . . 113,529 items
Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 per capita
Collection Turnover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 times per year
Average Daily Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,109
Reference Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,289
Website Hits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146,449
Wireless Log-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,476
Adult Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 (11,543 attendees)
Children’s Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768 (7,938 attendees)
Public Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 adult/4 children
enjoy! empower
This is why we are so dependent on our Annual
Appeal. It is distinct and completely separate
from our Capital Campaign, which is earmarked
exclusively for the building plan. While the Capital
Campaign has made possible the creation of an
urgently needed new facility, the Annual Appeal
funds everything that goes into the building. It is
what makes the building a library.
Private, individual support of the Annual Appeal
helps us attract and retain a talented professional
staff, maintain a wide range of print and digital
media and offer diverse educational programs.
Private support is necessary to supplement the
public grant from the Town.
We are pleased to report that we have nearly reached
our Capital Campaign fundraising goal for construction
and that the building project has begun. Our fundraising efforts will now focus on legacy gifts to ensure
the Library’s future and annual fundraising to make a
great Library. When completed in the winter of 2014,
the library will be 15,000 square feet larger, accommodating new resources and growth well into the future.
Happily, while the building project looks forward it
also looks back, honoring town history. The stately
Elizabeth W. Morris Library, dedicated as a memorial
in 1903, will once again open its doors as the
elegant entry from Main Street. It will lead directly
into the new building, connecting past, present and
future in a testament to the continuity of Ridgefield
community support.
The graph above left provides an overview of our
income sources and demonstrates the vital role
of individual participation. We thank all our donors
for their vision and commitment to this “jewel of
the community”. l
Many Things to Many People:
What makes our Library such a valuable
community resource? We think this poem
entered in a sidewalk poetry slam by
Ridgefield students Julia Medina and
Isabella Camillo says it beautifully:
The Library is my church,
a sanctuary of knowledge…
where I learned to read,
to learn and to love.
Have you heard? We have 1,300 audiobooks on CD plus over 1,000 downloadable audiobooks.
We were one of nine libraries nationwide chosen to participate in a pilot project with NASA and the
American Library Association: “Astro for Girls and their Families”.
While your Library will be in smaller temporary quarters this year, we encourage you to visit us often!
In addition to our own holdings, we can access material throughout the Connecticut library system,
and will continue to conduct programs. Find us at 21 Governor Street and visit our website at for news and upcoming events. l
The technology infrastructure will assure
convenient access to Library resources with
flexibility to adapt to emerging information
It bears repeating: for the size of our town, Ridgefield Library has incredibly
high usage …and exceptional return on investment. With over 370 thousand
visits a year, your Library is a busy place.
It’s our Vision to be “Ridgefield’s Community Destination – A place where
citizens can find lifelong education, information, culture and friends.” We’re
proud that community usage points to our success.
Our eBook service is compatible with Kindle, Nook, other tablets, smartphones and PCs. Over 1,000
current eBooks; new titles added monthly. Test drive an eBook-reader! We loan them out.
The new Library will welcome all visitors,
from our youngest to our oldest users, with ADA
compliance throughout. Age-appropriate areas
for children, teens and adults will provide space
to enjoy collections and programs. The Library
Commons will be a hub for lively exchange,
while quiet reading rooms will appeal to those
looking for a more traditional ambiance.
Some people think libraries are going out of style, but that couldn’t be further
from the truth. Ridgefield Library has more than doubled the volume of attendance,
circulation and services since 1990. Our staff now handles nearly 400,000 ‘transactions’ a year, and that number will grow as we add new products and services.
A staff of 27 full-time and 16 part-time employees served a town population of
nearly 25,000.
Our programs build knowledge and community. Favorites include Summer Reading, Camp Snooze,
Reading Is a Family Affair, Ridgefield Folk, Poetry Discussion Group, to name a few.
While Annual Reports typically review the past year, we know our community is very much focused on The New Ridgefield
Library. And with good reason. Many of our town residents have expended time and energy — and yes, money — on creating a
new, state - of-the -art facility. This is no vanity project; the future demands it. We won’t rehash all the old facility shortcomings
…but we will take a moment to anticipate the valuable benefits ahead.
These Facts Speak Volumes:
This past year, Ridgefielders checked out 380,179 items, asked 10 percent more
reference questions of our skilled librarians, increased their library computer
usage by nearly 50 percent and wireless by 38 percent. Program attendance
continued to rise dramatically. All in the space of one year.
Other reasons to support your Library:
Coming Soon: The New Ridgefield Library
With an enthusiastic audience of nearly 100
in attendance, the ground was broken on the
New Ridgefield Library on October 1, 2012.
Left to right: Philip Lodewick( Campaign
Chair), Peter Coffin (Library Board Chair),
Kasey McGerald (Read-A-Thon), Chris Nolan
(Library Director), Rudy Marconi (First
Selectman) at the ceremonial ground
breaking for the New Ridgefield Library.
Expenditures 2011-2012
Financial Overview ~ Annual Operating Budget:
delivery systems. Secure wireless connections
will be plentiful to accommodate demand,
while a technology resource center will offer
instruction to help our users stay current.
Sprinkler and security systems will make
the Library a safer, more secure environment.
Energy-efficient design and advanced building
systems will manage utility costs while maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment.
The new Ridgefield Library will be the first LEEDcertified public building in town.
But it’s what’s inside that counts. As amazing, as welcoming, as futureperfect as our new building will be, it’s what’s inside that makes it a Library.
And that brings us back to the Annual Appeal. We hope this report reminds you
why the Ridgefield Library is such a jewel of the community, and inspires you to
give generously. With the support of individuals like you, we can fill our operating
budget gap and provide this vital community with the wealth of resources it so
richly deserves. For enhancing minds, for enriching community — for the future
of our town — please support the Annual Appeal.
Please mail to 472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877 or make your donation online at
Please see the following list of those who make our Library possible
2011~ 2012 Donors
The following is a list of all donors to the:
2011~2012 Annual Appeal
members commit support of $1,000 or
more annually toward the operating needs
of the Library.
Gifts of $10,000 +
Eileen and Jay Walker*
Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999
Anita and Nick Donofrio*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis*
Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Allen Jr.*
Stephanie and Andy Anderson
Andrew and Nina Bodner
Mr. Fred Burke and Ms. Lisbeth Kelly
Peter and Marcie Coffin*
Christopher and Karin Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Fortson
Liz and Steven Goldstone
Philip and Christine Lodewick*
Ms. Lynn Holley and Mr. Christopher McCaffrey*
Joe and Susan McGowan
The Ridgefield Library Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Amit Sharma
Patricia and Scott Tenney*
Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499
Peter Authier and Susan Ault*
Gretchen N. Bishop
Jeffrey and Jill Bornstein*
Nancy and Gene Brandon
Ms. Sara S. Champion*
Anabel, Topher and Claire Cordano
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dickinson*
Barbara and Robert Dobbin*
Lori and Ken Dowling*
Bonnie and John Edelman*
Mr. Darwin V. Ellis and Ms. Ellen Burns*
Mr. Frank J. Eustace
Mrs. John A. Fitzgerald*
Linda and Glenn Greenberg
Dr. Kenneth Greenberg and Dr.Barbara E. Safran*
Rhonda Hill*
Kristen and Tom Hoban*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hulber
The Jasminski Family*
Joshua and Abigail Kagan*
Mr. John Katz*
The Linekin Family *
Ms. Jin Long
Sue W. Manning
Molly McGeehin/RAS*
Robert McKean*
Richard F. Mele*
Val and Nita Mohler*
Ms. Christina B. Nolan*
Mr. and Mrs. George Orlan*
John and Joanne Patrick*
Susan and Robert Payne*
Mrs. Francis F. Randolph, Jr.
Mr. Stephen P. Reynolds and Dr. Susan Wolf*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Reynolds
Mr. Philip A. Riordan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowella*
Bruce and Susie Ruehl
Maria Victor-Smith and David Bruce Smith
Alice Wang and Peter Spiegelman
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Strilowich
Jeroen and Valerie Van Beek
Andrea and Robert Whitton*
Bill and Barbara Wyman*
Gifts of $500 - $999
Dr. Theresa J. Barz
The Byrne- McDermott Family
John and Claire Carlson*
Thomas P. and Jeannine M. Carr*
Cheryl and Christopher Crowl*
Mr. Markel J. Elortegui and Ms. Amy Seibert*
Cindy and Tom Johnstone*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Jones*
Tom and Maureen Kozlark*
Loire and Bob Leavitt*
John and Peggy Loehr*
The Mandler Family*
The Marcus Family
Betsy and John McAuliffe
Mr. Douglas F. Orr and Ms. Sally Savoia
Cloris and Edwin Pearson*
Mark and Leann Schumann
Bryan and Laura Shaughnessy*
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stifel*
Bettye H. Turitto
The Vanni Family
Paul and Leslie Vuilleumier*
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Walton
Ms. Staci Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. David Yaun
Gifts of $250 - $499
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Anderson
Anonymous (1)
Laurie and Peter Bachmann
Mr. and Dr. Richard J. Basile
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Boris*
Bruce and Pamela Bowlus
Carroll W. Brewster*
Rebecca Bryan and Bart Bracken*
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Burdumy
The Byrnes Family
Edwin and Rita Comas*
Jeanne M. Cook*
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Dalen*
The Drukker Family
Barbara and Ken Eisold
Jane Leff and Ross Fenster
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fitzpatrick*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Fornshell
Alison Pratt and Todd Forrest*
Fred and Debbie Forster
Tom and Marlene Gerhard
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert B. Holmes
Mr. Christopher Jacobs and Ms. Ferne Y. Kawahara*
Thomas and Anne Marie Kwalwasser*
Ms. Karen J. Lambert*
Kevin and Lesley Lambton*
Jacque and Chris Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Laramie
Tom Lesko*
Terry Martinelli
Mark and Heather Meachem*
Allison and Stuart Meyler
Cindy and Garry Nesbitt*
Jim Ninivaggi and Jennifer Rubin
Jamison Odone
Benjamin Oko and Helen Dimos
Brian and Lisa Oren*
Bill and Beverly Osgood
John and Robin Phillips
Richard and Molly Pilbrow
Mr. Roger Restaino and Ms. Miriam G. Martinez
Susan and Michael Richter*
Mr. John C. Rockwell*
The Rogers Family
Ms. Karin M. Ruebeck
Al Ryff*
Ms. Barbara W. Schneider*
Judy and Jeff Schweitzer*
Mary Jane and Jeffery Scott*
Jill and Howard Sharfstein*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sica
Nick and Martha Spofford*
The Storm Family
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swett
Mr. S. P. Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Robin S. Van den Nieuwenhuizen
Dorothy A. Wright*
Gifts of $100 - $249
Ms. Joanne Adams
Mr. and Mrs. William Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ahearn*
The Amill Family*
Mike and Bobbie Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Andresen
Anonymous (12)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Arthur
Bruce and Robin Augustadt*
Luc’s Cafe
Mrs. Anita R. Barrios
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bazarian*
Anne and Walter Beatty*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon D. Beck*
Joseph and Mary Bellacosa
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Berta
Diane Bertoluzzi
Ms. Mary Bilecky*
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bloch
Ms. Lisa M. Bogan-Reohr
Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Borden*
Lou and Evie Bottali
Mr. and Mrs. Bert T. Bowler
Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Boylan
The Brady Family*
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Breen
Dr. Michael S. Brodsky and Dr. Laura Leigh Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Brown
Laureen and Paul Bubniak
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Bucci
Max and Fran Caldwell*
The Calia Family*
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Call*
David and Martha Campbell*
The Canavan Family
Virginia Canfield*
Mr. William L. Carbonari and Ms. Kristina M. Teneyck
Angela and Dale Carpenter*
Georgia Carrington*
The Carter Family
David J. Ceponis and Peggy Ceponis
Mark and Deb Chain*
Rose and Mike Christ*
Mr. and Mrs. Christofer J. Christiansen*
Doug and Grace Clewell
Drs. Bruce Cohen and Amy Agoglia*
Ken and Carolyn Coleburn*
Ms. Stephanie A. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Condron
Ms. Christine Conklin
Tammy Conley and Roselinde Torres*
Torrey M. Cooke*
Mr. and Mrs. John Cooney
Ruth M. Corbett
John and Linda Costa
Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Critchell
Dom and Mary D’Addario*
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dalessio*
Col. and Mrs. Jack E. Daniels*
Tanner, Teddy & Lily Daubenspeck
Deborah Davis - Davis Education & Career Consultants LLC
Rita De Bruyne*
Don and Carmine De Young
Deborah Hopewell DeClercq
Anton and Ann Deiters
The DeLalla Family
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. DiElsi
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Doucet*
Mr. and Mrs. Sean O. Dougherty
Aileen and Joe Egan*
Susan Baker and Tom Elliott
Ralph and Gene Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fasolino
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. David V. Filaski
Dr. and Mrs. John K. Fisher*
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Fleuette
Alice Forrest-Peschel
David and Carolyn Foster*
Mr. and Ms. Andrew Fox
Stanley A. and Susanne M. Galanski
Ms. Carol-Ann Galban
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Galione
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher
Tom and Tamera Galvin*
Jim and Patricia Gareau*
Joan and Ralph Gay
Nels and Mary Gelfman*
Mr. and Ms. Anthony Giobbi*
Linda and Chip Gliedman
Lloyd and Jeanne Goldberg
Rainer and Roxana Gonet
Ms. Nina Gregory
Mr. Michael E. Grissmer and Ms. Deborah A. Backes
Larry and Kay Gutmann
Steven and Rachel Guy
Jean Gwynne
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Habeeb*
Ms. Eileen G. Hahnenkratt*
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin W. Hall, Jr.*
Ms. Heidi B. Hammel
Beth and Charles Hancock
Ms. Lynda L. Hanley
Stephen and Kimberly Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Heiser
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay M. Held
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Higginson
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander O. Holian
Mrs. Dolores J. Holzbach*
Mrs. Ruth Holzthum
Geraldine Hotard*
Dr. Donald Hulnick and Nancy Hulnick
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Hyde*
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ignatowich*
Sam and Jane Ingram
Peg and Rich Inserra*
The Irving Family
Mr. and Mrs. Erik C. Jaeger
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jancin, Jr.*
Dr. Herbert Janick
Ann Jepson*
Frank and Carolyn Judge
Marcia and Jack Kaferle*
Dee Katz*
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kazlauskas
Terry Keller*
Graciela and Eliana Kennally-Presslaff
Barbara Kirtley*
Sabine and Kristof Kloeckner*
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Klosowski
Sandy and Peter Koppen*
Mary and Thor Krebs*
Ann and Franklin Kromer*
Mrs. Gys Landsberger*
Barbara and Joseph Lane*
The Langis Family
Lawrence and Susan Lapine*
Mrs. Zigrida LePow*
Edward and Nancy Libby*
Joyce and Dante Ligi
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Loughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Tod MacKenzie*
Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacManus*
Mr. Thomas J. Madden and Ms. Norma E. Williams*
Mr. and Mrs. John Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Markert*
Dr. and Mrs. Jan Mashman*
Gerald and Ellen Matthews
Bob and Cathy McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McGeary
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond McGoey
Mr. and Mrs. James T. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. McKessy
The McLemore Family
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. McNicholas
John and Alison McVeigh
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Millan
Dean and Theresa Miller*
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mitchell, Jr.
Mrs. Caroline M. Molyneux
Mrs. Barbara J. Morell*
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Morrow
Cynthia K. Mullins
Blake and Kathleen Murdock
D. R. Nagaraj
The Nethercott Family
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold D. Newman*
Joanna Nichols*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Nolan
Timothy Nuland and Kitsey Snow*
Timothy and Maura O’Connor
Mr. and Ms. Paul Ogden
Mary Ann and Thomas O’Grady*
Jeraldine Orlina
Dr. Francis and Joan M. Panno
Ms. Lucille Peatt
Georgene Pekala
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas S. Perna
Mr. Pierre A. Petrazzini and Ms. Karen B. Chapman
Jane and Jim Phelps*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Piazza
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pontelandolfo
Genus and Catharine Possanza*
The Povinelli Family
Mr. and Mrs. R. Allen Purkiss*
Mr. and Mrs. Prashant P. Ratnaparkhi
Mrs. Kim S. Rector
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riche*
Mary Rindfleisch and Joe Keneally*
Marcella and Larry Rizzo
The Roberts Family
Andy and Annette Robertson
Paul and Debbie Roche*
Beverley Rogers, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rynne
Ms. Paula J. Sacco
Charles D. Safford*
Mr. and Mrs. J. London Sanders
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Scala*
Sam and Darcy Scatterday*
Mr. and Mrs. David Schneider
Lenore Schneider*
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert C. Schulz
Mr. Stephen S. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Seel
Ted and Lori Seibert*
Mr. and Mrs. Davis H. Selander*
Deborah and John Sfrondini
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Sganga*
Joseph C. Shapiro and Ilene M. Traiger
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Shea*
Mrs. Lauren J. Showstead
Elizabeth and Kenneth Side
Susan and Daniel Siegel*
Steven and Sharol Signorelli and Family*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Silvestri
Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Slaminko
Mr. Michael W. Smith and Ms. Julie L. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Smith
Edward Spauster and Anne Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Stathis*
Helen Stevens*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Storm
Tom and Karleen Strayer*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Sturges
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Suozzi
The Susser Family
The Pels Sweigart Family
Janet M. Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Garry O. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Thompson
Bob and Betsy Thompson*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Tomasetti
Jean Touscany*
The Towers Family
The Trinkaus Family
Gail O. Troutman*
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Tuccio
Fay Tureaud
Elayne and Al Ungar*
Mr. Michel H. van der Horst and Ms. Allegonda C. Smeets
Maddie Van Meter and Jackie Van Meter
Mrs. Karen L. Vucci
The Walls Family
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Warner
Mrs. Barbara Watson*
Gavin Watson and Andrea Heap
Wattley/Griffin Family*
Melinda and Donald Weber*
Karl and Corey Weber
The Whelan Family
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wilson III
Ms. Mary Anne Wilson
Robin Wilson*
Susan and Alan Winsor*
Lora and Gene Wishod
Mary Lou Worrall*
Frank and Christine Zarkowsky*
Naijie Zhang
Gifts of $1 - $99
Anne and Art Aaronson*
Ms. Marilyn Amdur
Margaret and Chris Anderson
Anonymous (20)
Rose M. Antonucci*
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Arzubi*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Austin
Ms. Paula R. Backes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bangert*
Sue Bankes*
Ellen and Arthur Becker*
Ms. Emma L. Benedict*
Suzanne Benton
Ms. Pernel Berkeley
The Blaha Family
Anne and John Boehle*
Dirk Bollenback*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bonanno
Ann and Mike Bozzo*
Mr. and Mrs. John Bracken*
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Brady
Judy and Fred Breekland*
The Briody Family
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Brodginski
Joan Bubert
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Burton*
Glenys A. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando F. Busino*
Jo Ann and Michael Cali*
Ms. Sandra L. Calkins
Dorothy and Jim Callahan
John and Jean Carbonell
Marvin and Yvette Carp
Tyler and Christine Carr
Ms. Jessica Carter
Mrs. Louise Casella
Julie and Andy Castin
Jane and John Chopourian
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Ciccolo*
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clark
Aryn and Stephen Cluney
The Cofone Family*
Mr. Howard D. Cohen and Ms. Karen M. Stencel*
Joan Hume Cohen
Mrs. Suzanne Conlin*
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Gentry J. Cooke, Jr.
Sally T. Cornell*
The Correa Family
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco J. Coscio*
Ms. Valerie M. Cosgrove
The Coyle Family*
Virginia R. Crawford
Ms. Sabine S. Crozier*
Joe and Deanna Cunningham
Kay and Roy Cuny*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cupkovic*
Lyn Davis
Mrs. Lois V. de Mey*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Dec
Richard and Marilyn Dempsey
The Desmarais Family
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dick
Lynn and George Dinisi
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Dolen
Ms. Melanie M. Douglass
Justin and Gloria Driscoll
The Duda Family
Mr. David Durbin and Ms. Constance J. Alexander*
Barbara and Jon Elkow*
David and Wendy Erich
Ruth and Richard Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Al Finelli
Karen Beck and Mitchell Fink
Al and Edna Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Windell F. Fisher
Ms. Hilary Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Forbes*
Tom and Yvonne Franco
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Frank
Laura Fried*
Mr. and Mrs. Allan A. Gabel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Gabriele
Virginia Gager
Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. William Garofalo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gay*
Ms. Marian Gioles*
Joyce and Gil Gleit
Richard and Evelyn Godbout
The Gonzales Family
Mrs. Marilyn N. Gordon
Carol Grasso*
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Grevers
J. Roger and Barbara Guilfoyle*
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Gutierrez
Kristen and Stewart Hackett
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Haden
Mr. Robert E. Hagadorn*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Hall
A. Hallett
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Halloran*
Adele Handlers*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Harold
Bonnie and Geoff Harrington*
Ms. Elzelien Hartog*
Alice Hayes
Alan Holder
Ms. Barbara B. Holdridge
The Howards
Tim and Andrea Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hoyt*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Hval
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Illium*
Tim and Tracy Inall*
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Isaac
Barbara Jakacki
Mr. and Mrs. David Janasek*
The Johnson Family*
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Johnston
Barbara J. Jones
Mr. Donald E. Kager and Ms. Mary Bridget P. Cooke-Kager
Ms. Diana O. Karish
Michael and Patricia Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kegler
Mr. E. Allen Kelley*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kennedy
Mr. Harry C. Kent*
Richard E. Kent*
Ted and Ann Marie Kettler*
Mrs. Lydia E. H. Kichler
The Kiefaber Family
Charles and Munira Kingdollar*
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kloth
Louise and Kirby Klump
Bessie Krysiewich*
Ann E. Kull*
Maria Kuyuk
Mrs. Linda Laqueur*
Stephen and Sharron Lavatori
Mr. Robert Lavelle
Susan Law
Alice E. Learman
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Lecher*
George and Virginia Leeman*
Mark and Gail Lehmann
Mr. and Mrs. R. John Leiphart, Jr.*
Ms. Martha Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Lindsey
Laura Torok-Lobelson and David Lobelson*
William and Marianne Loomis*
Bill and Marie Lutzius
Mr. and Ms. William G. Lyons
Dolores MacNeill*
Mr. and Mrs. Guido Maiolo
Ms. Barbara Manners and Mr. Morgan M. Weber*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mantione
The Marshall Family
Anne T. Martin
Jay W. Martin, D.D.S. P.C.*
Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Mattoo
Lou and Carolyn McAdams
Bob and Joanne McDonald
Ms. Margaret L. McEachern*
Ms. Betsey Ann McGregor*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. McKee*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Chris M. McQuilkin
Ms. Jeanne C. Meier*
William and Susan Melnyk
Mrs. Marion S. Meury*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mezzapelle*
Mr. and Mrs. John Milne
Edward and Christie Mitchell
Jane Moffat
Luba Molnar
Jeffrey R. Morell*
Larry and Lorraine Morley
Mrs. Mary R. Morrisroe*
Winnie and Tony Mortimer
Nadya Antoniades and Neil Moss*
Wendy and Menashe Murad
Catherine and Peter Myers*
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Nahas
Tracy and John Neeson*
Mrs. Diane J. Nelson
Monnie Newman
Ben and Lynn Olson*
John and Marnie Olson*
Mrs. Thomas F. O’Mara*
Dick and Jean Pagano*
Jamie and Linda Palladino*
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Pannozzo
Dorothy D. Parker
Mrs. Josephine A. Pecchioni
Marilyn A. Pfeifer*
Liz Piekarz
Charles and Diana Pietrangelo*
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Preston*
Mr. Robert Prezkuta and Ms. Carol Davis
Mrs. Sheila Primiano
Ann Principi*
Mary Laura and Tom Pritchard
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Putman
Joseph and Janet Rabideau*
Mr. and Mrs. David Raneri
The Rapaglia Family
Gary, Kimberly, Hayleigh and Kent Rapp
The Rayfield Family*
Enzo Reale and Connie Marsala
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reardon*
Peter and Karen Reed*
Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Rezk*
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rieke, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rigby
Jeff and Amy Ritell*
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Robbins
Chris Robertson*
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Robertson
John and Patricia Roche*
Mr. and Ms. Michael D. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Rolseth*
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Roseff
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Rotolo
Lynn and Michael Ryer*
Mr. and Mrs. David Sarath
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Savoca*
Carl and Irene Scala*
Richard and Julie Schechter
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut K. Schmale
Stephen L. Schwartz
Susan Schwerdtle*
Eva and Kent Scott
Sigmund Sedlmaier
Norman and Sue Seifer
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Sganga
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Shafer
Stuart and Sharon Shapiro*
Kathryn H. Shelava
Meredith Davis and Stratford Sherman*
Eugene F. Shewmaker
The Sibley Family
Janice Siegel
Joyce Silverstadt*
Claire F. Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Smolin
Patricia and Logan Snow*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soltis*
Ms. Dinah M. Sours
Joann L. Spence*
Mr. and Mrs. Clive R. Standish
Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Steinman*
Patricia Stephens*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stipicevic
Ms. JoAnn F. Sullivan
Ms. Lynne M. Swanson
Mr. and Ms. Robert Taraskiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tarfano
Joseph and Helena Tauber*
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thompson
Christopher and Diane Tiberio
The Torchen Family
Peter A. Torzilli, Ph.D.*
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy*
Bob Tulipani*
Mrs. Rosemary F. Uhl
Barbara Ullmann
Jack and Lynn Vaughan
Vincent and Veronica Viggiano
Dr. and Mrs. Martin B. Vita
Mrs. Alayne Vlachos
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Waradzin*
Bill and Edna Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wendel
Joan and Michael Wexelbaum*
Anne Giardano and Kevin White
Mrs. Helen Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Winkler
Liz Winson
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Zaccarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zalewski
Jerry and Carol Zilinskas
In Honor of:
Wesley Glidden’s Birthday
In Memory of:
Dominic J. Antonucci
Corinne Burke
Frances M. Carboni
Jean Keller
Joan Skillen Mele
John G. Sullivan
Margaret Weiss
Sue Bene
Carroll Brewster
Antoinette Fornshell
Tracy Inall
Kathie McGerald
Susan McGowan
Jean McKeever
Liz Montanari
Christina B. Nolan
Nancy Ratan
Rachel Volpone
American Library Association
Ancona’s Wines & Liquors
Baby Greens Catering
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Books on the Common
Caudatowa Garden Club of Ridgefield
Century Small Business Solutions
Chez Lenard
Davis Education & Career Consultants LLC
Deborah Ann’s Sweet Shoppe
Donnelly Trust
Edge Group LLC
Fairfield County Bank
Fairfield County Bank Insurance Services, LLC
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Four Oaks, Inc.
Friends of the Ridgefield Library
GAMCO Investors, Inc.
Goldstone Family Foundation
Linda J. Vester and Glenn H. Greenberg Philanthropic Fund
Molly Hirsch Interiors LLC
IBM Employee Services Center
Jewish Communal Fund
Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
Kohl’s Department Store
Wadsworth Russell Lewis Trust Fund
Linekin Family Charitable Fund
Philip H. and Christine Lodewick Foundation
Luc’s Café-Restaurant
New Beginning Landscaping LLC
Newcomers Club of Ridgefield
Northern Light Fibers
Pathfinder Realty
Patrick Foundation
PBG Foundation
Pepsico Foundation Employee Giving Campaign
Personal Touch Welcome
Piccolo Pizza, Pasta & Catering
Pitney Bowes Employee Involvement Fund
Quaker Hill Books, Fine Antiquarian Books and Manuscripts
Reynolds & Rowella
Ridgefield Accounting Systems
Ridgefield Parks & Recreation Department
Ridgefield Playhouse
Ridgefield Press
Albert Payson Terhune Foundation
The Toy Chest
Trader Joe’s
United Way of Westchester and Putnam
R.T. Vanderbilt Trust
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Yale University Press Book Distribution Fund
Corporate and Foundation
Matching Gifts
Aristeia Capital, L.L.C.
Frances & Benjamin Benenson Foundation
Capital Group Companies
Cytec Industries
GE Foundation
General Re Corporation
IBM Corporation
ING Financial Services Corporation
Merrill Lynch & Company Foundation
Pepsico Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Pitney Bowes Employee Involvement Fund
Praxair Matching Gifts for Education
Prudential Foundation
Verizon Foundation
* Has contributed to the Annual Appeal each year
for at least the past five years.
Campaign for the
New Ridgefield Library
The Campaign for the New Ridgefield Library is
the most successful public/private partnership
in the history of the Town. In gratitude and thanks
to the more than one thousand donors who have
helped to make this dream a reality.
Donors who have made a gift of $10,000 or
more will be listed on the Wall of Donors in the
New Ridgefield Library.
Bernadette and Wayne Addessi
Anonymous (4)
Peter Authier and Susan F. Ault
Doug Barile and Diane Gherson
Andrew and Nina Bodner
Jeff and Jill Bornstein
Larry and Nancy Bossidy
Nancy and Gene Brandon
Barrett and Catherine Brown
Bud and Alison Brown
Rodney and Melissa Buckwalter
CA Technologies
The Casey Family
Deb and Mark Chain
Peter and Marcie Coffin
Connecticut State Library
Consentino Films Inc.
Jeanne M. Cook
Couri Foundation/Elaine and John Couri &
Megan and Chris Couri
Kevin and Elaine Cox
LouAnn Daprato
Tim and Kacey Daubenspeck
Robert and Laurie DelBene
The Desmarais Family
Kathleen and Eric Diana
Lee and Bill Dickinson
Vanessa Diebold/The Diebold Institute for Public Policy Studies
Barbara and Robert Dobbin
The Dobson Family
Anita and Nick Donofrio
Barbara and Ken Eisold
Rob and Liz Ellis
Fred and Ellie Ernst
Fairfield County Bank
Christopher and Karin Fallon
Richard and Nicole Fortson
Estate of William Frazee
Friends of the Ridgefield Library
Estate of E. Louise Gaudet
Anne Giordano and Kevin White
Liz and Steven Goldstone
The Greenberg Family
Glenn, Linda, Meredith, Cam, Pippa and Dash
Margaret and Jerry Hajdarovic
The Harford Family
Gary Henderson
Tom and Kristen Hoban
Lynn Holley and Christopher McCaffrey
Richard and Leslie Hume
Jeff and Sharon Hyde
The Jensen Family
Estate of Edna Zorn Johnson
Joshua and Abigail Kagan
John and Nancy Katz
Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation
Lisbeth Kelly and Fred Burke
Sonia and Arvind Krishna
The Landegger Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Seth Lawrence
Loire and Bob Leavitt
Perry and Basha Lewis
The Lichtenberger Foundation
The Linekin Family
Philip and Christine Lodewick
Joe and Susan McGowan
Robert McKean
Kaori and Tom McManus
Dewey and Paul McNamara
Dean and Theresa Miller
Stacey and Jeffry Mullins
Joe and Joann Mulvaney
Jane and Jim Neighbors
Christina B. Nolan
Jim and Kathleen Nolan
The Norwitt Family
Annette and Dan O’Brien
In memory of Adolph S. and Dorothy Kuhn Oko
Estate of Edna-May Olson
John Palermo and Lorraine Mellon
Joseph and Donna Pastore
John and Joanne Patrick
Susan and Robert Payne
Sheila and Charles Perrin
Praxair, Inc.
Jo-Anne and Louis Price
Estate of Jane Rand
Mrs. Francis F. Randolph, Jr.
Stephen P. Reynolds and Dr. Susan Wolf
Tom and Susan Reynolds
Anne S. Richardson Fund
Ridgefield Thrift Shop
The Rowella Family
Bruce and Susie Ruehl
Sara and Rudy Ruggles
Sally A. Savoia and Douglas F. Orr
Dave and Geri Schneider
Maurice Sendak Foundation, Inc.
Thomas E. Simonson
Maria Victor-Smith and David Bruce Smith
Martha and Nick Spofford
Jim and Maureen Stifel
Mrs. Carol B. Stoddard and Family
Tom and Karleen Strayer
John and Linda Swainson
Tom and Mary Swett
Patricia and Scott Tenney
Town of Ridgefield
Brian Truskowski and Terry McManus
David and Celeste Ulmer
Union Savings Bank
Eileen and Jay Walker
Lori and Steve Ward
Barbara and Norman Weinstein
Nora Fahey Whelan Fund
Dorothy A. Wright
The Yaun Family
Stephen Zemo and Michael Taylor
Thank you! To the enormous outpouring
of support from the rest of the community.
A & A Staffing
Kay Ables
Ruth P. Abrahamson
Neil Adakonis
Garth and Claire Adamini
Addessi of Ridgefield
Olga and William Adler
The Amill Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ahearn
Paul and Marsha Albats
Linda Alziari
Andrew Anderson
Eleanor O. Anderson
Milla L. Anderson
Sally Anderson
Robert and Nancy Anderson
Anonymous (6)
Nadya Antoniades and Neil Moss
Joel R. Anyan
Sally J. Anyan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Arthur
Marien and Luis Arzubi
The Ash Family
Jessica and Josh Auerbach
Mr. and Mrs. Hervé M. Aussavis
Michael and Kerri Austin
Phillip S. Austin
Rafael Z. Axen
Laurie and Peter Bachmann
The Bachman Family
Alta U. Bailey
Carolyn Balmer
Chris Bance and Melissa Murray-Bance
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bangert
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Barber
W. Thompson Barberi and Ellen J. Stevens
Elfred Barnes
David G. Barnhizer
Nicole T. Barnett
Rosemary Barrett
Steve Barrientos and Family
The Barth Family
Dr. Theresa J. Barz
Richard and Deidre Basile
Alan and Elizabeth Bates and Family
Dominique Bauthier
Christian and Hannah Beck
Paul Beaulac
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon D. Beck
Ellen and Arthur Becker
Chris Beldon and Melissa DeMeo
Joseph and Mary Bellacosa
The Bellina Family
Ellen and Lennart Belok
Videen and Christopher Bennett
Joan and Melvin Benowitz
Suzanne Benton
Gary Berman
Lois and Dick Berry
Diane Bertoluzzi
Cynthia and Fabio Biagiotti
Mary C. Bilecky
Gretchen Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight A. Blaha
Cathleen and Brian Bligh
Sam and Linda Bloch
John and Anne Blood
Elizabeth Blum
Inge Blythe
Con and Cynthia Boas
Jeanne Bodnar
AnneMarie Surfaro-Boehme and James L. Boehme
Steve and Denise Boockvor
Chris K. Booth
Jeffrey and Christine Boris
Larry and Sharon Bossidy
Tim J. Boylan
Geoff Boytos
Margaret Bracken
Nanette and Paul Bracken
Michael and Julie Bradley
Tracey W. Brady
The Braine – Depkin Family
Betsy and Michael Brand
Judy and Fred Breekland
Leanne Breiholz
Jane Brenner
Michael Bresnan and Mary Ann Sherry
Carroll W. Brewster
Mrs. Michelle Grosjean Brewster
Paul and Winifred Brickmeier
Gregory Brodginski
Bruce and Debby Brown
Elizabeth D. Brown
James K. Brown
Lindsay Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Greg Brucato
Abby Bruzzi
Rebecca Bryan and Barton Bracken
Joan Buber
Laureen Bubniak
Jeremy and Susie Buffam
The Bunt Family
Fred and Christina Buonocore
John and Caroline Burns
Patricia and Robert Burns
Heather and Jeff Butchen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Byrne
The Byrnes Family
Brenda and Laird Calia
Dorothy and Jim Callahan
Linda and Robert Camera
Ann Campbell
Chris Campbell
David and Martha Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Neal F. Campbell
The Candullo Family
Virginia Canfield
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Cannon
John and Jean Carbonell
Erik and Pat Carlson
Carone Family
John and Claire Carlson
Thomas P. and Jeannine M. Carr
The Carr-Lonoff Family
Angela and Dale Carpenter
Jessica Carter
Phil Carter
Richard Carter
The Carter Family
Ken and Joan Carvell
Jennifer and Pete Casazza
Dina M. Casella
Anne and Chris Cassels
The Cassidy Family
Stephen M. Cauchon
The Celiberti Family
Sara S. Champion
Rudy and Jamie Chang
Catherine A. Charles
Jonathan and Cindy Chase
Vimal and Aparna Chauhan
Kristeen Chickering
Julie Chintom
Michael Christ
Chris and Laurie Christiansen
Jane and John Chopourian
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Ciccolo
Mr. Don Ciota
Francis X. Chiusano
David Choplinski
Kevin J. Clarkin
Drs. Christienne F. Coates and Jack Hergenrother
Hope and Peter Cocchi and Family
Susan D. Cocco
Richard and Nancy Cofone
Michael A. Cohen
William F. Cohen
Joan Hume Cohn
Marc N. Colamaria and Amy Conciatori Nash
Paul J. Colucci
Carolyn and Ken Coleburn
James and Mary Coleman
Ginny Collier
Donald Cordano
Robert Cordano
Colonial Cleaners
Rita and Edwin Comas
Mary Condron
Tammy J. Conley and Roselinde Torres
Bernard and Theresa Conlon
Betsy Connors
John and Madeline Contegni
Kathy and Doug Coombs
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cook
Torrey M. Cooke
Geraldine Cooper and Family
Dr. David and Claire Copen
Ruth M. Corbett
Janet O. Cornell
The Correa Family
Rocco and Rachel Coscio
Valerie M. Cosgrove
Linda and John Costa
William and Teresa Costello
Avery Costigan
Megan and Chris Couri
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Covill
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Craig
Mr. William Craig
Michael T. Craigen
Craig’s Jewelry Store
Charles and Ruth Creamer
Samantha M. Critchell
Sabine S. Crozier
Kay and Roy Cuny
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cupkovic
Louise Dages
Luke and Katherine Daigle
Keith B. Dalen
Karen Dalessio
Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Dalen
Thomas D’Amico
James Damon and Kathleen A. Richards
Col. and Mrs. Jack E. Daniels
Gerry and Ted Dankowski
Lyn Davis
Meredith Davis and Stratford Sherman
Scott Davis and Rachel Volpone
Rita De Bruyne
Deborah Hopewell DeClercq
Anton and Ann Deiters
The de Lange Family
Margaret Delewski
Lisa DelGiudice
Greg T. DellaCorte
Anissa and Stephen DeMatteo
Jaimee DeMone
Joan DeMone
Sandra L. DeMone
Lois V.De Mey
Dermatology Associates of Western CT/Dr. Jeffrey Knispel
Diane and Richard DeSerio
Kevin DeVoe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Dewey, Jr.
Donald and Carmine De Young
Linda Diamond
Louis Di Bianco
Howard and Lynett Dickman
The DiElsi Family
Sandra L. Diener
Mr. Niels Diffrient and Ms. Helena Hernmarck
Christine DiGuiseppi and Vincent Masotta
Alice DiLaura
Jennifer and Arnold DiLaura
Dimitri’s Diner
Barbara and Jerry Dineen
Victoria and Jeffrey Dinkel
Helen and Bob Di Nucci
The Dobson Family
Elizabeth M. Dolen
Sharon and Bill Dornfeld
Jay and Sharon D’orso
Joseph and Alison Doucet
Dave Dovaras
John Dovaras
Mary Dovaras
Nick Dovaras
Ken and Lori Dowling
John and Amanda Dranow
Christine and Terry Driessen
Marge Dubuque
Mr. and Mrs. Buell G. Duncan III
Mark Duss
Bernard and Shirley Dzielinski
Scott and Elizabeth Eckardt
Joe and Aileen Egan
Conrad Ehrlich
Jim and Nancy Eichman
Mark and Jan Elliott
Darwin Ellis and Ellen Burns
Jaime Eng
Brett Engel
Inga Engstrom
Jane and Howard Epstein in honor of
Liz Montanari and Martha Spofford
David and Wendy Erich
Dwayne and Suzanne Escola
The Esemplare Family
Katherine Esser
Joleen A. Estabrook
Penny L. Ester
Mr. Frank J. Eustace
Jocelyn G. Fainer
K. Jorg Falkenberg
Martin Falkenberg
Ulrike Falkenberg
John and Ann Faraguna
Abdi M. Farah
Iman Farah
Barbara and Clancy Fauntleroy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Featherstone
John and Susan Ferguson
Lindsey S. Ferguson
Nicole Ferguson
John and Jennifer Ferreira
Rosalie G. Ferrillo
Tom and Bonnie Figgatt
Barbara Finerty
Tracy Fiore
First Church of Christ, Scientist ~ Ridgefield
Ann and Vadim Fischer
Teri and Kevin Fischer
Kitty Fischer
Beulah and John Fisher
Geriann and Christopher Fisher
Shelly and Ira Joe Fisher
Mrs. John A. Fitzgerald
Elizabeth and John Flavin
Marc and Liz Fleuette
Melissa and Christopher Foglia
Martha Forbes
Alice Forrest-Peschel
Denise Fox
Frank and Mary Foyt
Linda M. Frank
Margaret N. Frankston
Mara and Rob Freeman Jr.
The Fried-Heft Charitable Trust
Sandy Friedman
Carolyn J. Foster
Ralph Fuhr
Mark and Betsy Gabrielson
Norman and Victoria Gage
Matthew Gaghen and Shannon Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gaglione
Joanne and George Galdo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Galione
Elizabeth Gallo
The Galvin Family
Rosemary Ganser and Brad Gaumer
The Garavel Family
Baxter Garcia
Bryan Garrett
Jennifer Garson
Estate of E. Louise Gaudet
Judith Gaugler and Richard Barnes
Diana Gaughran
William Garvey and Tamara Eberlein
The Gelber Family
Sally and William Gemmil
Carl Genna
Christina Gentile-Renda
Ira and Karen Gerard
Tom and Marlene Gerhard
Gary and Vicki Gershon
Diane Gherson and Doug Barile
Deedee and Mike Giersch Family
Mr. and Mrs. Sal Giglio
Dana and Christopher Gilland
Mark and Mary Gilliam
Libby Ginsberg
Jean Gleeson and John Dorish
Linda and Chip Gliedman
Marianne Gnerre
Mary Kate Gobleck
Srdjan Gojkovic and Yana Nikitina
Adam P. Gold
Bernice Goldberg
Edward Goldberg
Laurey Goldberg
Lloyd Goldberg
Joan and Michael Goldstein
Beth and Neil Gollogly
Rainer and Roxana Gonet
The Gordillo Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gordon
Jack Gordon
Marilyn Gordon
Beverlee J. Goynes
Susan M. Graham
The Resnick Family
Roger and Sandy Grannis
Pamela Gray and Carl Sherman
Alison M. Greeley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grenert
Svetla Gressak
Maryann and Peter Grierson
Timothy G. Griffin
Holly Grigg
Groove Events and Entertainment, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Grose
David P. Grove
Diane Grove
Richard Grove
Tammy Gruber
Mary Guido
Ray and Kathy Gutierrez
Larry and Kay Gutmann
Steven and Rachel Guy
Jean Gwynne
Jennifer and Mark Habeeb
Mari Haddock
Eileen Hahnenkratt
Mary Haines
George J. Hajny
Al and Dottie Hall
Tim and Laura Halloran
Paul and Susan Halsey
Dr. Heidi B. Hammel
Gerard Hance
Reverend Barbara J. Hancock
Beth and Chuck Hancock
Adele Handlers
Mark Hankla
Lynda L. Hanley
Kim and Steve Hanna
Eve and Ted Hannum
Lisa and Larry Harder
Mary Harold
Kathleen Hartl
Paige Hartl
Courtney Harman
Lynne and Don Harmelin
Ann and Steve Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Harrison
Steve and Barbara Hartman
The Hawaux Family
Terrel and Carolyn Hays
Harold and Mae Healy
Barbara and Bill Hecht
Karen Helland
Julie Henderson, Caroline and Michael Smith
Marsha L. Henderson
Ms. Paula S. Henderson
Dr. and Mrs. Fredric l. Hildebrand, Sr.
Thomas and Janet Himmelright
Daneen Hirbe
Patrick and Lydia Hoban
Jana and Sean Hogan
Alan Holder
David and Nancy Holland
Peggy Anne Holmes
Ms. Dolores Holzbach
Ruth Holzthum
Sandy and Ellen Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. D. David Hostler
Geri Hotard
Alison Hood
Emilie M. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J.Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hoyt
Winston and Ivy Huff
Janson and Sandra Hurd
Raymah Hutchinson and Delaney Towers
Richard H. Hutchinson
Craig Iannuzzi
Reed S. Idriss
The Imparato Family
Samuel and Jane Ingram
The Irving Family
Veronica and Alexander Isley
David E. Isaac
The Issacson Family
Christopher Jacobs and Ferne Kawahara
Felicia and David Jamieson
Mary Janasek
Linda Jaslow
Robert and Jennifer Jasminski
David Jelkovac and Jean Macaluso
Ann Jepson
Ed Johnson
Paula Johnson
Jayne and Randy Johnson
The Johnsrud Family
Mr. and Mrs. Alun H. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Jones
Jean E. Jones
Robert and Steffi Jones
The Jones Family
Michele and Tom Jordan
George and Elaine Kaiser
Joe, Cindy and Jack Kaiser
Rosemary Kaiser-Barrett
Kaiser’s Truck Shop
Mary M. Kaletta
Carolanne Kane
Brenda Kane
Barbara and Michael Kaplan
Mrs. Annette Kappes
Diana O. Karish
Tara E. Karlson
Therese Kaschuluk
Keefe-Salwen Family
Jennifer L. Keeney
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kegler
Katherine Kehoe
Terry Keller
E. Allen Kelley
Sidney and Jill Kelley
Tim and Christine Kelly
Elizabeth M. Kennally
Patricia T. Keough
Robbie and Al Kestnbaum
The Keyes Family
Lydia Kichler
John M. Kiernan and Lisa A. Schraml
Maureen and Jerry Kiernan
Brenda N. King
Herbert H. King
Steven and Laura Kirchner
Susan Klatsky
Andrew and Kerry Klawitter
Peter Klemm
Kristof Kloeckner and Sabine Heym-Kloeckner
Betty Kloth
Maria and Rick Klutey
Elizabeth and Tim Klvana
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Knispel
Leah Knispel
Virginia Konopka
Sandy and Peter Koppen
Kathy Kouroupas
Tom and Maureen Kozlark
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kreitz
Mladen and Maryjane Kresic
Ann and Franklin Kromer
Judy T. Krueger
Theodore N. Krupman
Bessie Krysiewich
The Kuchta Family
Priscilla Kuney
Leonard and Illana Labuschagne
Karen Lambert
Kevin and Lesley Lambton
Julian Landau
Mr. and Mrs. David Landers
Philip A. Landler
Jaque and Chris Lang
Joseph Lane
Lawrence and Susan Lapine
Brian J. LaRusso
Susan Law
Barbara and Bill Lawrence
Pam and Jim Leahy
Alice Learman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lechner
Mary and John Lee
Paula A. LeFebvre
Thomas V. LeFebvre
Renee Leimgruber
Michael and Christina Leiter
Phyllis J. Leopold
Thomas Lesko
Robert Levine
Blandine Lewine
The Robert and Gerri Lewis Foundation
Marcia M. Libby
Jeffrey Lieberman
The Lieder Family
The Liederbach Family
Mark Liftman
Robin Liftman
Ross Liftman
Sandra Liftman
Theodore Liftman
Sarah Lindenfeld
Jean Linville and Roseann Mascali
Angela and Jim Liptack
Lock Install of Ridgefield LLC
Alyssa and Kendra Lodewick
John and Peggy Loehr
Denis and Mary Ellen Loncto
Ken Londoner
Jin Long/GAMCO Investors, Inc.
Tony and Marianne Loomis
Patrice Lordi
Jana Loring
Pat and Guy Lovelace and Family
Kathi Lovell
Frank Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Lubitz
Janet Luciano
Ashley Ludwig
Melinda Luke
Barbara Lupica
Jonathan Lustig
MCMC Burlington Office
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Macklem
Gilbert and Linda MacLaren
Thomas J. Madden
Douglas Magee
Jacqueline Maggiore
David and Kathryn Maher
Linda Maher
Erin Mahoney
Marietta Mahoney
Jeremy Main
Guido and Toni Maiolo
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Malloy
June Malloy-Curiano
Sloan and Drew Mandler
The Manners-Weber Family
John and Jeanette Mannuzza
Thomas Mantione
Dr. Rocco Marotta and Dr. Lisa Mann
Edward Marquez
Barbara Martin
Carmen S. Martin
Jan and Susan Mashman
Barbara Mason
Edgar D. Mason
The Mathias Family
Stacia McAllister
Megan McCaughey
Holly McClellan
Jim and Mary Pat McConnell
Brad and Janelle McDermott
Ms. Margaret L. McEachern
Ken and Christine McGarry
Molly McGeehin and Nick Paulish
Daniel J. McGerald
The McGerald and Lorenzini Families
Susan Ann McGourthy
Grace J. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGrath, Jr.
Lynn McLaughlin
The McLean Family
Carole and Tom McLemore
John B. McLemore
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. McManus
Chris M. McQuilkin
Mark and Heather Meachem
Todd Meck and Susanne Handler
The Meek Foundation
Edith K. Meffley
Richard F. Mele, in memory of Joan Skillen Mele
David and Diane Menn
The Mignano Family
Steven M. Millard
Carol and Jeremiah Miller
Keith Miller and Karen Ifert
Mary and Rob Miller
Milliken & Company
Ethan, Fisher, Lloyd and Cathryn Mills
Brenda and Larry Mills in honor of
Ethan, Fisher, Lloyd and Cathryn Mills
Brian Milstein
Richard Milstein
Kim Mishuck
Tricia E. Misurelli
Anne P. Mitchell
Jane Moffat
Caroline M. Molyneux
Paul and Liz Montanari
Montanari Construction Inc.
David and Karen Montieth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Moriarty
Bill and Diane Morlock
Karyn Moroney
Mrs. Barbara J. Morrell
Huong and Robert Morris
The Morrisroe Family
Heidi L. Mountain
Michael Mountain
Kenny and Jessica Muller
Blake E. Murdock
Jean and Joe Murdoch
Nancy and Joe Murphy
Karla and Greg Murtaugh
Pamela Musor
Richard S. Myers
Laurine and Bryan Nazworth
Tracy and John Neeson
Richard and Marcia Nelson
Jesse Nemeth
Jospeh Nemeth
Arthur E. Neubauer
Lucy Neubauer
Ernest and Josie Newborn
Marsha and George Nichols
Joanna Nichols
Norman and Rose Nilsen
The Nneji Family
Christopher K. Nolan
Julie North
The Northcutt Family
George S. Noyes
Timothy Nuland and Kitsey Snow
Robert O’Connor
Maura and Timothy O’Connor
Paul and Karen Ogden
Mary Ann and Thomas O’Grady
Michelle Oliver
Jayne and Adam Olsen
Ben Olson
John and Marnie Olson
Mr. Terence O’Mara and Ms. Phyllis Herman
Brian and Lisa Oren
Adrienne and George Orlan
Rob and Debi Orr
William and Beverly Osgood
Kathy O’Toole
Richard and Eugenia Pagano
Vincent and Corinne Pancotti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pankenier
Dr. Francis and Joan M. Panno
Lucretia Pannozzo
Jerry and Nancy Paolella
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pappas
Dorothy Parker
Alisa Parrett
The Parshenov Family
Kenneth and Rita Pascoe
Audrey Patterson
Dolly H. Patterson
Daniel Patti
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pauly
Edwin and Cloris Pearson
Nicholas Peck
Dennis and Dorian Peckham
Pels Swiegart Family
The Peressutti Family
Lars Perkins
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Perna
Bob and Gayle Perry
Danielle Perry
Debbie Perry
Timothy Pesko
Alexis Peter
Carl and Kim Pfleger
John Phelan
Jim and Jane Phelps
John H. Phillips
Helen and John Piacquadio
Jackie and Harry Pierandri
The Pin Family
Marie and John Pinchbeck
Diane Piniella
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Polchinski
Nina Pomeroy Photography
Alan Poris
Genus and Catharine Possanza
Brian P. Povinelli
Jim and Susan Pratt
Mr. Robert W. Prezkuta and Ms. Carol A. Davis
Virginia B. Price
Ann Principi
Bogdan Prokopczyk
Matthew Prokopczyk
The Quarantello Family
Cynthia and Marshall Rankowitz
Susan and Tim Ranney
Prashant P. Ratnaparkhi
Gary, Kimberly, Hayleigh and Kent Rapp
The Ratan Family
Prashant Ratnaparkhi
The R. Raymond Family
Ellen Reach
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reardon
Redden, Foy & Associates LLC
Kate Reidy
Kathleen Reidy
The Reiner Family
Mary Joan Reinertsen
Michelle and Vincent Reppucci
Roger Restaino and Miriam G. Martinez
Mr. Michael J. Rettger and Ms. Theresa F. Bearden-Rettger
Ed Reynolds
The Rich Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riche
Marie and Stanley Richman
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Richter
Ridgebury Graphics, LLC
Ridgefield Garden Club
Ridgefield Hardware
Ridgefield Library Board
Ridgefield Library Staff
Ridgefield Men’s Club
Ridgefield One
Ridgefield Rotary Club
Ridgefield Shutterbugs
Ridgefield Woman’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rigby
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rieke
Kevin and Kathy Riley
Mary Rindfleisch
The Roberts Family
Elliott H. Robinson
John and Patricia Roche
Paul and Debbie Roche
William and Joanne Roddy
Chrissy Rodriguez
Beverley Rogers, Esq.
Paula and Martha Romaniello
Don and Sandy Romoser
Tom Rosamilia and Karen E. Coblens
Jennifer Rose
Colin and Debra Rosenmeyer
Melissa Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Rossetter
Amy K. Roth
Marion and Ronald Roth
Brenda and James Rouse
Judy and Dan Rowley
Joanna Ruskin
Elisabeth A. Ruscitti
Thomas L. Ruscitti
Pamela L. Rybarczyk
Lynn and Michael Ryer
Al Ryff
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Sabin
Paula J. Sacco
Jennifer L. Sachs
Ted and Jean Safford
Deborah Sallaberry
Adalio and Lisa Sanchez
Jack and Sally Sanders
Richard and Barbara Sanderson
Julie and Scott Sanderude
Jeet and Maury Sandhu
Debra K. Sands
Adi Sankaran
Marjorie Santella
Michael L. Santella
Florence L. Sarath
The Sauers
Lynne Savino
Cathy and Tom Savoca
Ken and Rose Sayers
Lia A. Scammon
Phyllis Scarpati
Sam and Darcy Scatterday
Kimberly and Frederick Schade
Renee and Andrew Schaefer
Maureen Schaetzl
David Schaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schechter
Frances P. Schmale
Laura Schmidt
Suzy and Charlie Schmitz
Dr. Lenore Schneider
Howard and Marilyn Schnidman
Lisa J. Scholnick
Alice Schreiner
Carol P. Schroppe
Lili N. Schroppe
John and Barbara Schulte
Carolyn Schulz
Spencer Schwartz
Judy and Jeff Schweitzer
Abigail and Jeffrey C. Scudder
Victoria and Shel Secunda
Norman and Sue Seifer
Raymond and Catherine Sementini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Shafer
Jill and Howard Sharfstein
Jeff Sharfstein
Tim and Candy Shaughnessy
Patrica A. Sherrick
Rosana Sherrick
Craig J. Sherter
Eugene F. Shewmaker
The Sibley Family
Amy Siebert and Markel Elortegui
Mery M. Silva
Rhoda L. Silverman
Evelyn Singer
Walter and Sabina Slavin
Earl and Marian Sloan
Jennifer Smetana
Cynthia S. Smith
Eugene M. Smith
Michael W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Smith
Michelle Smith
Mike and Anne Smith
E. Smyth
John and Alicia Snakard
Patricia and Logan Snow
John L. Sobocinski
Barbara G. Sobol
Laura B. Solomon
Chung Sogaard
John and Bea Soi
Jo Ann Sondheimer
Rachel Sondheimer
Steven Sondheimer
Dr. and Mrs. Prashant Soni
Robert Spallina
Edward Spauster and Anne Farrell
Mary Stoll and Bill Ferrara
Joann L. Spence
Margaret A. Spera
Al Speth
Alice Stansbury
William and Elena Starbuck
Tom and Susie Steiner
Patricia R. Stephens
Helen and Don Stevens
Brian Stevenson
Anne Stewart
Jason C. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stockel
The Storm Family
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Stover
Joy Strand
Dee and Joe Strilowich
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Stuhr
The Donald Sturges Family
JoAnn F. Sullivan
Karen W. Sulzinsky
The Sulzinsky Family
Sarah Sved
Janet Symonds
Mr. and Mrs. James Syrotiak
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Taddonio
R. Sylvia Tagert
Sara Tagert
Greg Tant
Temple Shearith Israel
Leiken S. Tescher
Scott and Susan Tessler
Bettie Jane and Joel Third
Peggy Thomas
Patty Thomas
Bob and Betsy Thompson
Marian H. Thompson
Debbie Thornton and Ray Betti
Helen M. Tidgwell
Mark and Kathleen Tierney
Maureen Tighe
Jessica Tobin
Kathleen O. Tobin
Leno and Sandy Toich
Richard Tomasetti
Brian Torchen
Toscana Ristorante
Ruth Tosi
Douglas D. Tough
Jean Touscany
Matthew Towers
Peg Towers
Anne and Frank Tracy
Marci and Ted Tregurtha
Thomas O. Trillo
Jessica Trinh
Michael A. Trinkaus
Maureen Tucker
Peter and Lorna Tunick
Bettye H. Turitto
Jane and Howard Turner
Victor and Diane Ugolyn
Timothy Urbanz
Karen A. Vaiano
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Van den Ameele
Thomas Varian
Scott and Catherine Ventrella
Joseph G. Venturato
Mr. and Mrs. James Vigar
Vincent and Veronica Viggiano
Celine Viola
Ellen and George Visnyei
Kurt Voellmicke
Mikki Van Vranker
Leslie and Paul Vuilleumier
Richard Wachenheim
Dr. Christine Waldron
The Walls Family
Barbara and Joe Walsh
Richard Walter/Pathfinder Realty
Holly Walton
Stacy Walton
William A. Walton
David Ward
Linda Ward
Nancy A. Warzecha
Cliff Wattley & Nancy Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Weatherley
Donald and Melinda Weber
Heidi Weber
Karl and Corey Weber
Richard Weber
Weinstock Family
Anne Weiss
Carrie Wells
Mr. Jeffrey T. Wells
Don and Diane Westergren
Joan and Michael Wexelbaum
Stephanie Wheat
The Whelan Family
Andrea and Robert Whitton
Anne L. Willett
Robin Williams
Matthew D. Willis
Pam and Wayne Winders
Liz Winson
Alan and Susan Winsor
Stephen M. Winter and Eva Y. Chan
Lora and Gene Wishod
Dolly Wittman and Family
Patricia A. Woisard
Mimi Wood
Alison Woods
Mary Lou Worrall
Tom R. Wroblewski
Bill and Barbara Wyman
David and Victoria Yolen
Phyllis Young
Steven and Linda Young
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Zaccarelli
Michael Zachary
John T. Zagorec
Emily, Melene and Todd Zagorec
Miriam Zahavy
Nancy Zanard
Frank and Christine Zarkowsky
John and Linda Zembron
Karen Zimmerman
Frances and Benjamin Benenson Foundation
Chubb & Son
GE Foundation
Gen Re
MBIA Foundation
Pepsi Bottling Group Foundation
PepsiCo Foundation
Pitney Bowes Foundation
Prudential Foundation
Thomson Reuters
Viking Global Foundation
Visa Inc.
Estate of William Frazee
Estate of Edna Zorn Johnson
Estate of Margaret L. Malval
Estate of Edna-May Olson
Estate of Jane Rand
Estate of Betty Slavin
In memory of Mrs. Sylvia Asselin
In memory of Norma Bodurtha
In memory of Claire Cohn
In memory of Nicholas and Betsy De Filippis
In memory of Helen Goldsmith
In memory of Joan Skillen Mele
In honor of Liz Montanari
In honor of Martha Spofford
In memory of Hope Swenson
In memory of David P.H. Watson
In memory of Donald K. Willett
Cutest Kids Portrait Contest with Nina Pomeroy
Dimitri’s Diner Restaurant Promotion
Heidi Hammel Astronomy Presentation
Toscana Ristorante Celebrity Bartender Nights & Puzzle Raffle
Ridgefield Kids Read for the New Ridgefield Library
Read-a-thon Sponsors:
~Blaine J. Langberg,DMD
~Danny Magic
~Doyle Coffin Architecture
~Fairfield County Bank
~Dana C. Jones, DDS
~Ridgefield Capital
~Ridgefield Library Board of Directors
~Ridgefield Primary Care
~St. Onge, Steward, Johnston and Reens
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these
lists. We strive for 100% accuracy. If your name has been
misspelled, omitted or improperly listed, please accept our
apologies and contact Development Associate Laureen Bubniak
at 203-438-2282 x1029 so we may correct our records
immediately. The Annual Appeal donor list reflects gifts made
for operating support between 7/1/11 and 6/30/12. The list
of donors for the New Ridgefield Library includes all capital
campaign donations received through 9/20/12. Donations are
still being accepted for the Campaign at this time. To make
yours, go online to
LEADERSHIP: There are countless people who
volunteer for the Library each year. The following are those
who have served on a Library Board or Advisory Board.
Many thanks to ALL of those who volunteer their time.
Peter T. Coffin, Chair
Marc N. Colamaria, Vice Chair
Cloris Pearson, Secretary
Lisbeth Kelly, Treasurer
Nancy Brandon
Matthew J. Byrnes
Barbara Dobbin
Robert A. Ellis
Karin Fallon
Philip Lodewick
Robert McKean
Mary Mann Smith
Patricia F. Tenney
Robert G. Whitton
Carroll W. Brewster, Emeritus
Sally A. Savoia, Emerita
Guy Bocchino
Melissa Buckwalter
Susan Cocco
Jeanne Cook
Anita Daubenspeck
William B. Dickinson
Nicholas M. Donofrio
Lori Dowling
Alvin W. Hall, Jr.
Lynn Holley
Lawrence W. Hoyt, Jr.
Donald C. Jones
Aline Lawrence
Robert Leavitt
Joyce C. Ligi
Sue W. Manning
Thomas R. Mantz
Liz Montanari
Catherine M. Randolph
Susan Rich
Frank A. Rowella, Jr.
Rudy Ruggles
Michael P. Ryer
Theodore Safford, Jr.
Sally A. Savoia
Carol Stoddard
Emeline L. Wittman
Philip Lodewick, Chair
Maurice Sendak (1928-2012), Honorary Chair
First Selectman Rudy Marconi
Carroll Brewster
Rebecca Bryan, Counsel
Peter Coffin
Lori Dowling
Robert A. Ellis
Karin Fallon
Ann Jepson
Christina B. Nolan, Library Director
Thomas Reynolds
Mary Rindfleisch, Assistant Library Director
Jeanne Cook
Nicholas M. Donofrio
State Representative John H. Frey
Nita Mohler
Val Mohler
Liz Montanari
Catherine M. Randolph
Sally A. Savoia
Lou-Ann Smith
Victor Ugolyn
Eileen Walker
Christina Nolan, Library Director
Mary Rindfleisch, Assistant Library Director
21 Governor Street, Ridgefield, CT
203.438. 2282
Mailing Address:
472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877