GAHU offices


GAHU offices
GAHU Press
Georgia Associations of Health Underwriters
edited and compiled by Larry J. Schmidt, ChFC, CLU
GAHU offices
503 Hickory Ridge Trail, Suite 110
Woodstock, Georgia 30188
(770) 516-4746
April 2003
Inside this Issue
President’s Message
Georgia Legislative Winner
Capital Conference Articles
Golf Extravaganza!
President’s Message
GAHU President Lance Ledbetter
Only one legislative award provided by NAHU
to both State & Large Local chapters on a
national basis. Our thanks to both COGA
(GAHU’s Committee on Government Affairs)
who continue to make a difference for GAHU’s
members on a daily basis, along with David
Johnson (GAHU’s Award’s Chair) for making
putting GAHU over the top with his impressive
award submission efforts. GAHU was recently
well represented by 21 members who
Conference in Washington D.C. Capital
Conference is NAHU’s annual event that
provides members an opportunity to participate
within the national legislative process…
lobbying on behalf of our industry’s interests.
Bottom line, this event allows our members to
make a difference on a national level, beyond
our continued State Legislative efforts.
Both Senators & Congressmen (&/or their staff
members) provided GAHU members an
opportunity to discuss key issues of importance
including concerns with Association Health
Plans (AHPs), Support of MSA’s, Expanded
Access to Long-Term Care Insurance,
Uninsured, and Medical Liability Reform to
name a few. Go to NAHU’s website (
to review NAHU positions on above key issues,
along with presentations and highlights for
Texas Congresswoman, Kay Granger spoke at
Capital Conference and is currently supporting
our efforts by introducing H.R. 1236 which
supports a refundable health insurance tax
credit for low-income individuals and families.
This bill will help provide accessibility through
more affordable health insurance coverage.
Please review recent NAHU Legislative Alert in
support of H.R. 1236!!!
Our continued efforts in Georgia State Session
have been beneficial as this session is winding
down. With key support from our lobbyist,
Michael Wardrip, GAHU continues to make
progress, including efforts of legislative support
for funding of the Georgia State High Risk Pool.
Please review Michael’s article in this edition,
providing highlights of our efforts on key state
legislative issues.
My thanks to everyone who purchased a raffle
ticket on behalf of your state & local chapter.
With key support from David Knight (GAHU
Fundraising Chair), GAHU was able to raise
needed monies to help reimburse expenses from
some of Capital Conference & upcoming NAHU
State Convention attendees.
“Get Involved” by participating within your
local chapters programs!!! DON’T MISS
schedule for Tuesday, May 6th with
charitable sponsorship provided to CURE,
Childhood Cancer Program.
*Go to for further details.
Based on our goals and objects, GAHU & Local
Chapters continue to deliver on providing key
events of interest:
Local Chapter meetings providing quality
CE programs including legislative updates
(go to for calendar);
GAHU Golf Tournament ~ May 6, 2003 @
Atlanta National Golf Course
July 16th – 19th ~ GAHU’s State Convention
located at Marriott Bay point (5 Star
Resort) outside of Panama City, FL;
COBRA / HIPAA Seminar(s) in June 2003;
My continued challenge to you (our member) is
to get involved (i.e. recruit a foursome to play in
our golf tournament, offer your services as an
accredited CE speaker, lend your valuable time
on Capital Hill, contact me to share your interest
to serve on a committee) in any level you
prefer ~ but to get involved in support of your
industry’s future!
Please access our website &/or email
me at [email protected] with any insight
as to how we can be of greater service to you, as
your input and participation is key to our
ongoing success!
Until Next Month ~ May God Bless You,
Lance Ledbetter
GAHU President 2002-2003
Members of the Georgia Associations who attended the Capital
Conference in March
Chapter Activities of Note
Ethics Continuing Education Opportunity:
Still need your three hours of ethics for the
year? Here is a great opportunity to pick up this
requirement and socialize with our Macon
The Middle Georgia Association of Health
Underwriters is meeting on April 22, from 12:30
to 3:30 for a 3 hour ethics course taught by
Laura Drew of BCBS of Alabama. The meeting
will be at Healy Point Country Club (formerly
River North). Lunch will not be served, but
refreshments will be provided.
For directions, you may call Sam Macfie @ 478314-2420 or email him
at [email protected]
Party Time and Vendor Mixer. This really
sounds like a blast. President Ron Hatch of the
Chattahoochee Chapter (Columbus, GA) invites
all to their 3rd annual Industry Expo Thursday
June 5 from 5-8 pm. The fun begins at The
Estate, 5150 Macon Road, Columbus, GA 31907
that includes a pool party and “thong” contest.
According to the CAHU newsletter, “wear your
favorite pool attire and bring a water buddy!
Hot Hors D’Oeuvres, beer, wine and more.
Industry vendors will have tables set up for a
meet and greet. For information call Becky
Seckinger 706-596-8730 or Juanita Thomas at
Georgia State/Atlanta
Associations Win
Legislative Excellence
By Russ Childers, Chair, Committee on
Government Affairs, Georgia
Capitol Conference 2003 was held in
Washington DC at the end of March and the 22
members of our Associations attending
enjoyed much success during our visit. Our
Associations “swept” the awards with both the
Georgia State Chapter winning the Legislative
Excellence Award for large state chapters
(finally squeaking by Ohio, our long time
nemesis) and the Atlanta Chapter winning the
Legislative Excellence Award for large local
chapters. (please congratulate those involved
but particularly our Awards Chairs – Dave
Johnson for the state and Chuck Ray for
Atlanta). Region 5 (our region) was also
recognized for having the largest number of
regular HUPAC donors, the highest percentage
of HUPAC donors and the highest total
donations in 2002. (see repeat of article by
Donna Hill following)
But our success did not end at the awards
table. We were successful in meeting with staff
for all of our Congressional delegation – both
Senators and all 13 Representatives. In fact,
we met personally with Senator Saxby
Chambliss and 8 members of Congress – Jack
Kingston, Sanford Bishop, Jim Marshall, John
Lewis, Johnny Isakson, John Linder, Mac
Collins, and Nathan Deal. The staff meetings
were particularly useful, as only 4 of the 15
offices had the same health staff as a year ago
– these meetings will lay the groundwork for
communicating our positions quickly and
effectively when key issues come to a vote.
Meetings with several offices resulted in much
interest in co-sponsorship of several bills
dealing with our priorities – especially long
term care insurance and medical liability
issues. We even had one member ask us to
have the DC staff work with his staff to amend
the current MSA laws – expanding their
availability and flexibility. Positions on some
issues, like association health plans, may take
some more work. But our excellent access and
good meetings will ease the way in those talks.
Those attending also heard from
representatives of the Heritage Foundation, the
Center for Studying Health System Change,
Galen Institute's Center for Consumer Driven
Health Care and representatives of the press,
the Pharmaceutical industry and many other’s
regarding problems and solutions in the
industry. Mark McClelland of the FDA, and
many members of Congress brought
perspective to the issues – I was particularly
impressed with Rep. Jim DeMint of South
Carolina. Many of the presentations can be
accessed on the NAHU web site ( by
clicking on meetings and than on Capitol
Conference 2003. I would particularly
recommend a program by Tennessee’s
Legislative Chair, Bob Shupe, entitled “A Bitter
In my opinion Capitol Conference is one of the
best lobbying efforts of our entire industry and
certainly the premier NAHU event – as a
political junkie, I like it much better than the
Convention. You should start making plans
now to attend CC04, March 28-30, 2004.
Displaying the Legislative Excellence Banners
are left to right, Lance Ledbetter, President,
GAHU; Raymer Sales, Atlanta Past President;
Lisa Hellman, GAHU Vice President; Russ
Childers, GAHU Legislative Chair; Lucita
Husband-Perez, President Atlanta Chapter;
and Jeff Fishback, Atlanta Chapter Legislative
NAHU Capitol Conference-2003
Ronald Levine-Federal Legislative ChairGAHU/AAHU
This year’s NAHU Capitol Conference hosted
over 600 attendees with the Georgia delegation
contributing 20 strong. One of NAHU’s largest.
This year introduced numerous speakers from
some of the largest think tanks and policy
bureaus shaping policy in the nation. We were
also fortunate to hear from key congressional
representatives such as Kay Granger, R-TX
(Sponsor of HR 1236-SAVE Program). Our
keynote speaker was a member of the Bush
cabinet in the Honorable Secretary of Health
and Human Services, Tommy Thompson.
Finally, the recipient of the NAHU Spirit of
Independence Award was Senate Majority
Leader Bill Frist, R-TN for his efforts to reform
Medicare and national health policy.
Our delegation met with the office of every
congressional representative in Georgia and
four were freshman members to Washington.
Many included meetings with local
congressional members themselves and our two
Senators Zell Miller and Saxby Chambliss. One
can see the difference the last few years have
made as Georgia continues to build strong ties
to our leaders and their key legislative aides
along with the financial impact of our HUPAC
contributions. Again, a special note of
recognition must be paid to Russ Childers who
spends a great deal of time personally arranging
our meetings.
GAHU took home the Large State Legislative
Award, but as a clean sweep, Atlanta’s own
AHU brought home the Large Chapter
Legislative Award. This to say the least is a
rare feat and while Russ Childers and Jennifer
Pender are to be congratulated for GAHU, Jeff
Fishback and Raymer Sale are to be equally
recognized for legislative efforts on behalf of
AAHU. However, there are many others to be
recognized including the intensive legislative
prowess of Michael Wardrip our renowned
lobbyist, and both awards were also the product
of our respective awards chairman of David
Johnson from GAHU and Chuck Ray from
Even though we sent a large delegation, we are
still a “grass roots” organization and I cannot
emphasize enough that we all as GAHU
members use “Operation Shout.” It’s become
easier than ever with just three (3) clicks after
logging on to . Your voice is now
heard inside the Washington Beltway! Let’s
keep our efforts strong and voiced often.
Excellence in Legislative
The Chapter Legislative Excellence Award
honors state and local chapters that excel in
their legislative involvement by performing
outstanding service throughout the year.
There is one award for state chapters with
more than 300 members and one per local
chapter with over 300 members. This is the
first year for Georgia to win the award; Atlanta
has won for the last several years.
Among the criteria are active involvement of a
legislative committee, attendance at Capitol
Conference, interaction with state and federal
legislators, strong liaison with the Insurance
Commissioner, member support of HUPAC,
organizing a state PAC, continuation of a
legislative lobbyist program, sponsoring a
"Day on the Hill", and attendance at state and
national leadership workshops.
The award can be directly attributed to the
strong leadership of the State Legislative
Committee chaired by Russ Childers, with
Jennifer Pender heading the Legislative
Communications Committee, and Ron Levine
as the Federal Legislative Chair. Michael
Wardrip is the GAHU state lobbyist and Donna
Hill, HUPAC, and Lisa Hellman, GAHUPAC,
head the Political Action Committee efforts. In
addition, Russ Childers is the NAHU Region V
Legislative Chair. David Johnson, Awards
Chair, made the presentation that by all reports
is what put Georgia over the top.
Congratulations to all and their efforts!
State Legislative Issues
Michael A. Wardrip LUTCF
GAHU Director of State Governmental Affairs
Sine Die? Not Yet!
The clock is set to gong for Sine Die at midnight
on Friday, April 18. The pedal is on the metal
and the stalling that characterized this session
so far appears as a distant memory in the rear
view mirror. Perhaps wrangling over the
budget has narrowed, or maybe with the war
for Iraqi liberation coming to culmination in a
timely fashion, folks see the paucity of reason in
holding the citizens of Georgia hostage
wondering what useful purpose the General
Assembly had for existing this year.
In addition to the pace of activity, the amount of
legislation under consideration that affects our
industry has increased in likelihood of passage.
Bills dealing with market innovation, agent and
company accountability, annuity non-forfeiture
provisions and potential for tort reform have a
pretty good chance of becoming law. Of course,
the proof isn’t in evidence until the final gavel
has fallen and the dust has had a chance to
Our own project to offer coverage to medically
uninsurable Georgians has been no less
daunting than it has in past years. That is with
the exception that this year we actually will end
the year with some progress beyond what we
start with. The uninsured issue has been
studied to death for years in Georgia and we
will finally have a bill number for a substantive
solution we can wrap a grassroots campaign
around for passage in 2004.
As I am writing this report, I am preparing
tomorrow to go to Legislative Counsel with the
functioning parts of our bill for drafting and
filing. I sit here with a little nervousness
knowing this is a project that affects the lives of
thousands and just getting it underway has been
years in the making. For whatever reasons,
forces beyond our control have complicated
getting any new programs under consideration
during this legislative session. Frustration and
weariness have at times been great and some
days at the Capitol have felt like guard duty at a
lonely outpost. Others have been quite exciting
with the prospect of success enticing me to keep
in the game and keep working our campaign
strategy toward final victory.
No matter what the issue at the State Capitol,
none is as important as what we see unfolding
on the world stage. All of us, I believe, can see
in our young men and women serving in harm’s
way, inspiration to do all things we set as goals
with the right leadership, the right armament
and the strength of heart and courage to do the
job. I know I take heart that with all the
troubles our economy and our industry face, we
can be an army for change and we can make the
changes that bring us the ability to bring
solutions to our clients and those we love and
care for. We’ll keep you posted on our
progress. We’ll ask you to help. Be ready.
Michael A. Wardrip LUTCF
GAHU Director of State Governmental Affairs
"It is one of the most beautiful compensations
of life, that no man can sincerely try to help
another without helping himself." - Ralph
Waldo Emerson
"Don't be reluctant to give of yourself
generously, it's the mark of caring and
compassion and personal greatness."
- Brian Tracy
"The charity that is a trifle to us can be
precious to others." - Homer
"We make a living by what we get, but we make
a life by what we give." - Norman MacEwan
Georgia Associations of Health Underwriters’
2003 Annual Golf Extravaganza
Atlanta National Country Club
10 Tournament Players Dr · Alpharetta, GA 30004
(11:00 a.m. Shotgun Start – Registration and Driving Range will open at 9:30 a.m.)
Tuesday, May 6, 2003
$165.00 per participant
Box Lunch, Post Round Dinner and On-Course Refreshments Included
Hole in One Prizes for the Top Net and Gross Team Scores Putting and Long Drive Contests
Pursuant to Atlanta National Country Club policy, walk up registrations will not be available. The
registration deadline is May 2, 2003. Full refunds are available for cancellations made by May 1.
Registration Form:
Golfer’s Name
Handicap or
average score Phone Number
e-mail address
Total Fee ($165 per golfer): ___________
My check made out to GAHU is included.
Please bill my credit card. Card Number: _______________________ Expiration Date:________
Please mail to Trey Tompkins c/o Admin America, P.O. Box 1810, Roswell, GA 30077 or fax to
Many thanks to this year’s Presenting Sponsors:
? (it could be you)
A portion of this year’s funds will be donated to the Childhood Cancer Cure