Lumen Christi Catholic Church
Lumen Christi Catholic Church
L C November 2, 2014 UMEN HRISTI CATHOLIC CHURCH “One family sharing the love and light. of Christ.” 11300 N St James Lane, Mequon WI 53092 262-242-7967 FAX 262-242-7970 Website With faith in the resurrection, let us commend to the Lord all those who have died from Lumen Christi Parish within the past year. Annabelle Mathews........................ October 21, 2013 William Shanley ........................... November 4, 2013 Esther Peterburs .......................... November 11, 2013 Mary Jane Ann Luedtke ...................... April 20, 2014 Patricia Grace Duecker .......................... May 1, 2014 Bernadette Mary Steep ........................... May 4, 2014 Carol Jansen ................................ November 18, 2013 Anthony Lococo ...................................... May 6, 2014 Bernice Mary Maras ................... November 29, 2013 Gino Monaco ............................... November 30, 2013 Carol Farrell ................................. December 19, 2013 Robert D Franks .................................... May 21, 2014 Cynthia Peterson .................................... June 3, 2014 James M Severson IV .............................. June 5, 2014 Colette Albright ........................... December 22, 2013 Richard Curry............................... December 25, 2013 Angeline A Smith .................................. June 11, 2014 Bernice Mary Weitekamp .................... June 14, 2014 Carolyn Bowe.................................... January 1, 2014 James Patrick Brody ........................ January 4, 2014 William L Randall ................................ June 23, 2014 Carl J Bliemeister .................................. June 26, 2014 Adele Dineen...................................... January 4, 2014 Doris Downey ................................. January 10, 2014 Roger Blaine Wickland ......................... July 23, 2014 Peter John Dundon ................................. July 27, 2014 Thomas Patrick Jennings ................ January 8, 2014 Joan Bailey Kulfan..............................August 4, 2014 Mary Ann Kowaleski ..................... January 12, 2014 John McGourthy, Sr ....................... January 31, 2014 Hedwig Wangerin ............................ February 3, 2014 Neal Anthony Shaughnessy .............August 10, 2014 Paul M Sanger ...................................August 16, 2014 Peter J Jach .........................................August 27, 2014 Gordon Wiesen................................. February 8, 2014 Wendy Louise Beaudry ....................August 28, 2014 Stefana M Mandella ...................... February 10, 2014 Jack M Thompson ......................... September 5, 2014 Bernard Horn .................................. February 22, 2014 Joseph Charles Martin ............... September 23, 2014 Rosemary Ponik ............................ February 23, 2014 Evelyn Stegner ................................ February 25, 2014 Milton Chase ........................................ March 2, 2014 Hernan Gonzalez ............................... March 14, 2014 Constance Perlewitz ................... September 24, 2014 Patricia Louise Cox .......................... October 8, 2014 Thomas Joseph Houle ....................... October 9, 2014 Maria Matejov ................................ October 11, 2014 David Uelmen ........................................ April 5, 2014 Felicie Dadmun ...................................... April 6, 2014 Delores Kuklinski ........................... October 11, 2014 Carol Wingertzahn ......................... October 19, 2014 Doris Horn ............................................ April 12, 2014 BUILDING FUND CAMPAIGN & ANNUAL PARISH STEWARDSHIP APPEAL UPDATE Next Sunday is Invitation-to-Commit Weekend. Please bring your campaign response form to Mass. If you cannot be with us next weekend, please mail your form to the parish office or bring it to Mass the following weekend. You may be asking: "What should I consider giving so we can achieve our Campaign goals?" The Invitation-to-Give letter and brochure you received in your campaign packet offer you giving options to consider. The gifts we are asking our parishioners to consider are challenging. For many of us, our giving to this campaign will cause us to reevaluate our priorities. We are challenged to grow in our faith and generosity. We ask everyone to prayerfully respond to God’s abundant grace and love with your generous gifts. Please remember…One Pledge form…with Two Pledges. You are asked to make a 3-year pledge to our Building Fund AND make your 1-year Annual Stewardship Pledge in support of our parish ministries for 2015. “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” -Colossians 3:17 (Check the parish website at for more information.) DID YOU KNOW? BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE Lumen Christi Mequon Did you know that our Lumen Christi Bereavement Ministry has been providing service to grieving family members for over 20 years? The Bereavement Ministry provides prayerful spiritual and emotional support when it is most needed. They are with the family from the time of the funeral and again whenever needed for the next year. During this season of remembrance and prayer for our loved ones, please say a prayer in gratitude for the selfless service of our Bereavement ministers. During the month of November, our Parish Book for Remembering the Dead will be located in the Church near the Vigil Candles. As a parish, we will remember all those whose names have been entered. We invite you to list the names of family members, friends and loved ones. THANK YOU We extend our thanks to parishioner Sharon Brown for the beautiful scrolls displayed for the All Souls Day liturgy at our Mequon church. We appreciate the many hours it takes to calligraphy the names on the scrolls. We are looking for parishioners to help at our FALL CLEAN-UP DAY Saturday, November 8 starting at 9:00 am Meet at Lumen Christi in Mequon as we will begin our clean-up in the Cemetery. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Please bring your gardening tools such as rakes, pruners, gloves, garden hoes, etc to help with clean-up of our church properties. Please call the Parish Office at 242-7967 with any questions. Sunday: Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 Monday: Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17--4:1/Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/ Jn 2:13-22 THE HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTION FOR NOVEMBER That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. 2 Thiensville 138 W Buntrock Ave, Thiensville WI 53092 Eucharistic Celebrations Mass on Wednesday at 8:30 am Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am Mequon 11300 N St James Lane, Mequon WI 53092 Eucharistic Celebrations Mass on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:30 am Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30 am and 11:00 am Remember To Pray For... Charlotte Lombness Chris Klem Mary Bartlein Dennis Bersch Kathleen Fischer Michael Kennedy Elizabeth Sanger Lavera Kellenberger Pat Bartlein Ed & Yvonne Semrad Pat Chase Cathy Schultz Georgia Franzen Andy Brooks Jesus Beltran Arlene Anderson Maurie Weitekamp Pat Gilroy Jim Gehr Peter Schmig Chris Klem Thomas Kress Sr Peter Rigas Raymond Schallack MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY Weekday (Mequon ) (Mequon) November 3 7:15 am 8:30 am Communion Service Mass for Eckman Family TUESDAY November 4 Saint Charles Borromeo, bishop (Mequon ) 7:15 am Communion Service (Mequon) 8:30 am Mass † Jim Purtell WEDNESDAY November 5 Weekday (Mequon) 7:15 am (Thiensville) 8:30 am Communion Service Mass † Neal Schaughnessy THURSDAY Weekday (Mequon) (Mequon) November 6 7:15 am 8:30 am Born to eternal rest on Communion Service Mass † Agnes Majewski FRIDAY October 24, 2014 Franklin Lyons November 7 Weekday (Mequon) 7:15 am Communion Service (Mequon) 8:30 am Mass † S Michael Dentice (Sacrament of the Sick-administered after Mass) SATURDAY Weekday (Mequon) We remember in our prayers... Kathleen Murry Sister of parishioner, Bill Hughes November 8 8:30 am Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. Communion Service Vigil: The Dedication Of The Lateran Basilica (Mequon) 4:30 pm † Joe & Grace Dentici (Thiensville) 5:00 pm For the parishioners of Lumen Christi Parish Office Hours - 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday SUNDAY Catholic Formation Office Hours - 9:30 am-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday November 9 The Dedication Of The Lateran Basilica (Mequon) 8:00 am † Josephine Saiia (Thiensville) 9:00 am † Catherine Lillian Rebholz (Mequon) 9:30 am † Earl Carlson (Mequon) 11:00 am † Joan Kulfan Sacrament of Reconciliation - Thursdays in Mequon from 4:00-5:00 pm and Saturdays in Thiensville from 9:00-10:00 am or by appointment. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound - Holy Communion is brought to homebound parishioners on Fridays. Please call the Parish Office at 242-7967 to coordinate arrangements. Anointing of the Sick is offered each Friday morning after the 8:30 am Mass. Masses will be offered at the Missionary Fraternity of Mary in Guatemala for: Baptism - Preparation is required. Arrangements can be made through the Baptism Coordinator, Kathy Shields at 512-8981. Tom Houle Matrimony - By appointment only. Please make arrangements at least six months to one year in advance by calling the Parish Office at 242-7967. Edlima Martinex Bernardo & Regina Leguizamo 3 R e c e n t ly Baptized THE WEEK AHEAD M 10:00 am WCOF Handcrafts ............................ Parish Library The following individual recently received the Sacrament of Baptism. 7:00 pm Monday Night Bible Study ... Sts Mark/Matthew T Abram James Palzewicz, son of Harrison & Maura 9:15 am Tuesday Morning Bible Study ........ Parish Library Isabella Rose Sass, daughter of Steven & Erin 12:30 pm WCOF Card Making ....................... Dominiak Hall 1:00 pm Lectio/Centering Prayer .......... Thiensville Chapel AGE OF WISDOM MEETING Tuesday, November 4 at 1:30 pm St James Hall 1:30 pm Age of Wisdom Mtg..........................St James Hall 6:30 pm Threshold Bible Study .................................... St Luke Fr Marti Colom will be our speaker. Fr Colom was ordained from Saint Francis Seminary in 2000. Before Lumen Christi, Fr Colom was Pastor of a parish in the Dominican Republic for 10 years. 7:00 pm CRHP Men’s Mtg ............................................. St John W 6:30 am LC Business Wake Up .................................... St John 7:30 am LC Employment Network ................. Parish Library 6:15 pm Adult Bible Study ............................... Dominiak Hall Th 6:30 pm Child Ministry Class ...................................Thiensville THANKS FROM RESPECT LIFE! 6:30 pm Shamrock Mtg..................................... Parish Library The Respect Life Committee would like to thank all parishioners for their contributions to our Giving Tree collection for Respect Life month! The many items for babies were very much needed at this time by the Women's Support Centers. We were happy to provide them with 5 new car seats, 2 new pack n' plays, 28 boxes and 50 packs of diapers, 40 blankets, 60 new baby outfits, 40 sleepers, many wipes, shampoos, beautifully knit receiving blankets made with a lot of love, 35 onesies and other assorted items. These items will be available to women who come in for counseling and support classes in their Life Lessons of Love Program. For more info on the WSC go to Eucharistic Adoration.............. 9:15 am-8:00 pm 9:30 am Spirituality Book Club ....................... Parish Library 1:00 pm Prayer & Worship Comm Mtg....... Parish Library F 5:45 am That Man Is You Group Mtg ............St James Hall Sun 9:00 am Children’s Liturgy Of The Word .... Dominiak Hall 9:30 am MS Ministry Classes...................................... Mequon 11:00 am Children’s Liturgy Of The Word .....St James Hall PARISH LIBRARY open after all Masses this Allexian Village also was very grateful to receive many wonderful personal items for the elderly participants in their Adult Day Center including sweaters, blankets, slippers, music cds, popcorn tins as well as many other gifts. weekend. With grateful hearts for your generosity, we ask that you continue to support and pray for all our brothers and sisters from the very beginnings of life until natural death! Announcing The Working Boy's Center's New January Trip and Minga Dates The dates have been finalized for the January trip to Quito, Ecuador. They are Wednesday, January 7 to Friday, January 16. Since this new trip is aimed at attracting college or senior high school students during their winter break, the group size is limited to 12, and we're happy to say that five people have already signed on (adults will be accepted if there are openings). Please contact Kay Newell at 262-242-3625 or [email protected] for more information. JUST A REMINDER...Foreign Mission Appeal donations are continuing to be accepted until mid-November. You can use the special envelopes still located near the entrances at both church locations or plain envelopes, and drop them in the collection baskets or at the parish office. Be sure to make checks payable to Lumen Christi and indicate it's for The Working Boys' Center. Thanks for your support and prayers. The dates for the next WBC Minga house building trip are Saturday, February 21 to Sunday, March 1. For more information, contact James Parks, Berghammer Construction Corporation at 262-790-8106 or 414-349-5076. CENTERING PRAYER Join us for Centering Prayer each Tuesday in the Thiensville Chapel at 1:00 pm. “Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.” -Mother Teresa 4 STEWARDSHIP CORNER WELCOME TO LUMEN CHRISTI PARISH For information, call the Parish Office at 242-7967. We are truly blessed to welcome these new members to our parish family. Together we will shine the Love and Light of Christ for all to see! Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Mr and Mrs Lou and Kristin Bolognini Mr and Mrs Salvatore and Rosemarie Sendik Mr and Mrs Ron and Marge Meyers Mr and Mrs Tony and Jolene Watkins Mr and Ms Tom and Suzan Strack Ms Jackie Jansen Mr and Mrs Steven and Shana Brewer Mr and Mrs Jon and Jen Bretl Mr and Mrs Nuno and Ana Magarreiro Mr and Mrs John and Anna Potter Mr and Mrs Wayne and MaryEllen Morgan Ms. Katharine Elsbree Mr Karol Gonda and Mrs Tatiana Gondova Mr and Mrs Michael and Joy Phillips Mr and Mrs John and Kathleen Gill Mr and Mrs Brian and Jane Thomas Mr and Mrs Nathan and Beth Colson Dr and Dr Christopher and Emily Kupitz Mr and Mrs Jon and Deb Williams “The greatest among you will be the one who serves the rest,” Jesus says in today’s Gospel. What wonderful good news for those who give of their time in service to others! Have you considered including a memorial to Lumen Christi Church or School in your will or estate plan? LENTEN JOURNEY TO GUATEMALA March 21-30, 2015 Join fellow parishioners and friends of the Missionary Fraternity as we travel to Guatemala during Lent to spend a couple of days on a rewarding service project at the seminary, witness the faith of the Guatemalan people by partaking in the Lenten processions, visit historical cities and missions served by priests of the Fraternity plus many other memorable side trips. Please contact Mary Cesarz at [email protected] for more information. CALLING ALL SNOWBIRDS! BULLETIN POLICY All information for the bulletin must first be approved by appropriate staff liaison, who will then submit it to the bulletin editor. Please plan well in advance. Thank you. PRAYER NETWORKS Pray Always (Luke 21:36). Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17). Lumen Christi Parish has two confidential Prayer Networks, made up of parishioners who have offered to pray for your needs. If you are in need of prayers or would like to become involved in either Prayer Network, please contact (1) Georgia at 242-2567 or [email protected], or (2) Helen at 242-4657. You can save the parish money by sharing your winter address with us every year. Most of our parish mailings (including the end-of-the-year contributions statement needed for taxes) are sent bulk mail. The post office does not forward bulk mail, so if you are away, the mailing is returned to us with a charge for the service. It is a double postage hit that can be avoided with one phone call or email to the Stewardship Office. Please help us to be good stewards of our resources. Contact Lisa Bales at 512-8994 or [email protected] with your winter address and dates away. Thank you! It is also helpful if you let us know when you return so that we can change your address back, and you can continue to receive uninterrupted mailing. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE 16 WEEK REPORT Below is a summary of Lumen Christi’s Fiscal Year to Date Envelope and Offertory Contributions through October 20, 2014 as compared to the first 16 weeks last year. Actual Envelopes and Offertory 16 weeks into fiscal 2014 Actual Envelopes and Offertory 16 weeks into fiscal 2015 Amount over (under) last year $ 679,800 $ 681,400 $ 1,600 CHILD Ministry Grades K - 8th For information, call Director of Child Ministry, Joan Kress at 512-8984 or email [email protected] CHILD MINISTRY K4 – GRADE 5 CLASS SCHEDULE NOVEMBER Sundays, November 2, 9, 16, 23 from 10:15-11:30 am in Thiensville Wednesdays, November 5, 12, 1 from 6:15–7:30 pm in Thiensville CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD During the months of November, there will be a Liturgy of the Word for children during several Sunday Masses for all children of the parish ages 5 through 9. We ask that children younger than K5 remain with their parents in church. The priest will dismiss children following the Opening Prayer. After the homily, the children will rejoin their families. The readings and a homily will use words and activities more easily understood by young school children. November Children’s Liturgies Upcoming SUNDAY Reminders The Children’s liturgies will be offered at both the 9:00 am Mass in Thiensville and the 11:00 am Mass in Mequon on November 2, 9, 16 and 23. November 2 - 9th & 10th Grade Large Group Meeting – 6:00 pm at Mequon Site November 9 - 9th, 10th & Confirmation Small Groups – watch your e-mails for updated meeting sites! November 16 - 9th & 10th Grade Large Group Meeting – 6:00 pm at Mequon Site YOUTH Ministry Grades 6-12 December 5 - 7, Confirmation Retreat – Registration details have been e-mailed to all registered Confirmation families. Please contact Jon Metz at [email protected] if you have not received this e-mail. For more information, call 512-8983. COLLEGE CARE PACKAGES December 7 - 9th & 10th Small Groups – watch your e-mails for updated meeting sites! Do you have a college student away at school? Parents: If you have questions regarding your teen's small group, please contact Michael Mueller at [email protected] or 262-512-8989. We’d love to send him or her a Care Package this winter!! Please visit the parish website under the HEADLINES section on the Front Page to find a link to submit your student’s address! You may also stop in at either Parish Office to fill out a paper form. Questions? Contact Kelly Lemens at [email protected]. (Youth Ministry continued in next column) ** Thank you, parents, for letting us know if/when your teens are unable to make their meetings! It is very much appreciated. If your teen will be unable to make a small or large group meeting, please leave a message for Regina at 262-512-8983. Thank you! 6 SCHOOL NEWS SOLES FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION WALK Beautiful Day to Celebrate!! Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2nd Annual Soles for Catholic Education Walk. It was an amazing unification of Catholic schools celebrating the essence of our education for our children. The donations we received will help us to offer tuition assistance to many more families that would like to attend a Catholic school. We are still accepting donations – cash and checks (made out to Lumen Christi Catholic School) that can be dropped off in either school office; credit card donations may be done online at Thank you again for supporting Catholic education!! BIBLE STORY TIME MASSES FOR VETERANS We invite you and your child to a Bible Story Time that offers an inspirational short story, craft and a snack. It will be held on Wednesday, November 12 from 9:30-10:30 am in the 3K room at the Thiensville campus. This event is sponsored by the Newcomers Committee and is open to ALL parents and children (4 years old and younger). It is led by our 3K teacher, Mrs Kocab, and is a wonderful opportunity to meet other families in our parish while sharing our faith with your young children. For more information, call Laura at 512-8996. Hope to see you there! Our school children would like to invite all veterans to a special Mass in their honor. We will celebrate Mass with our veterans at the Thiensville campus on Wednesday, November 12 at 8:30 am and at the Mequon campus on Thursday, November 13 at 8:30 am. Please plan to join us for hospitality afterwards. We look forward to celebrating your dedication to our country! GIVE BACK at The Learning Shop 11043 N Port Washington Road, Mequon, November 1-7 The Learning Shop, a leading retailer of specialty toys, games and teacher supplies, will give back a percentage of the sales during November 1-7. Simply mention Lumen Christi Catholic School when the purchase is made and Lumen Christi will benefit from it. This is a great opportunity to shop early for Christmas! Thanks for supporting Lumen Christi Catholic School! CALLING ALL TRIVIA BUFFS!! The 9th Annual Twilight Trivia Night will be held on Saturday, November 15 at 7:00 pm at the Lumen Christi Mequon Gym. Twilight Trivia Night serves as our annual “kick off” to Shamrock fundraising activities and is open to any and all adults who like to play trivia, socialize with friends and show support for our amazing school. All monies raised benefit our school. PBIS RAFFLE WINNERS This week’s raffle winners are: 4k Grant 5k Sam 1 Leo 2 Sam 3 Isabelle Trivia teams consist of 10 adults, and registration is $20 per person. Form your 10-person trivia team today – whether you gather fellow parents in your children’s grades, neighbors, fellow parishioners, family members, parents from your children’s sports teams, it is sure to be a great evening for all!! Can’t get a team of 10 together? Partial team and/or individual registrations are also gratefully accepted!! We are more than happy to seat you at a great table - just turn in your partial registration form and we’ll do the rest! Look for registration flyers online at Registration forms are due to either school office by November 6. Questions? Email Vicky Patch at [email protected]. 7 4: Natalee 5: Isabella 6: AJ 7: Mia 8: Michael Bridge Marathon: Bridge marathon is looking for substitutes, both men and women. We play the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month in St James Hall. Please call Barbara Hagan at 242-0283 if interested in joining this fun group. WCOF Information and Staff Support: For information about our circles, please contact Kathy Shields at 512-8981, [email protected] or the Parish Office at 242‑7967. To get listed in the WCOF bulletin, contact Lucy Nagl at [email protected] or 242-2364. Submit items tens days in advance. Please include your email address if you want confirmation. If you would like to be on the WCOF email list, contact Cindy Bock at [email protected]. Quilting, Knitting & Handcrafts: Meet on the First Monday (November 3) of every month during the school year until spring, from 10:00 am–12:00 pm in the Parish Library. Bring any craft item you are working on and enjoy time with others. Call Carol Mueller at 242-2923 for more information. Lumen Christi Moms Group: Join other moms for friendship and support at a variety of events. Children are welcome to come and play at each event unless otherwise noted but don’t feel obligated to bring them. No registration is necessary to join the group; simply come and make new friends. Watch your email for upcoming events also! Contact Cheryl Zils at [email protected] or Tina Engroff at [email protected] with any questions or if we can be of any help to you. The Children's Clothing Center: The Center at 4th and Brown in Milwaukee, is accepting new and gently used clothing for school age students (K4 - High School) for the 2014-2015 school year. Thursday morning volunteers also welcome! For more information, contact Cathy Liska 262-243-9138. This Ladies of Charity organization is part of the St Vincent de Paul community outreach. Mom’s in Prayer International: Mothers of school-aged children meet weekly to pray for our children & schools as well as support and encourage each other. Moms of high-schoolers will meet Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am at 2826 W Grace Ave behind Lumen Christi in Mequon. Contact Kristin Wade at 262-238-0342 for more information. Tuesday Evening Book Circle: We meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in Dominiak Hall. All are welcome to join us. On Tuesday, November 11 (note date change) we will discuss The Boys In The Boat, by Daniel James Brown. Our selection for December 2 is The Pecan Man, by Cassie Dandridge Selleck. We will discuss The Snow Child, by Eowyn Ivy on January 6, 2015. Contact Judy Gilroy at 242‑4278 or [email protected] for more information Activities are open to all women of the parish! Join us! Thursday Morning Book Circle: We meet on the third Thursday of the month at 9:30 am in the St John room, lower level of Mequon church. On November 20, we will discuss When Women Were Birds, by Terry T Williams, a memoir of writings from Mormon women in Utah. Our January 15 book is Signature of All Things, by Elizabeth Gilbert. All are welcome to join the discussions. Please contact Linda Bergemann at [email protected], if you have any questions. LECTORS in Mequon for November 8 & 9 4:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am McDevitt Eyers Szerbat 11:00 am Crivello LECTORS in Thiensville for November 8 & 9 5:00 pm 9:00 am Wirth Helfer St Hyacinth Food Pantry: Help is needed every WEDNESDAY from 3:30-6:00 pm at 1414 W Becher St. Call Joyce Kochan at 241-9206 or Kathy Saiia at 242-1644. The greatest needs are toilet paper, travel size hygiene items, shampoo, feminine & personal hygiene products, egg cartons, men’s clothing, towels, blankets, sheets, pillows, underwear for all ages. We kindly ask that no expired food be donated. Thank you. ALTAR SERVERS in Mequon for November 8 & 9 4:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am Prayer Shawls: Bring comfort to others by providing a tangible reminder of God's Caring. Knitted or crocheted shawls as well as pocket prayer shawls are given to people who are homebound or ill, to bring them physical and emotional warmth. These can be made alone or with a group and are available through the parish office. Please contact Gina Spahn at 241-3565 or [email protected] for details. IMPORTANT! PLEASE call or email her when dropping off the shawls in the ushers’ room in the back of church. She takes them to Father Dan to be blessed. A Cesarz/N Cesarz V Correa/T Stuckslager M Kennedy/R Kennedy T Kocab/J Kocab Parish Council minutes are available on the parish website at WE ARE HERE TO ASSIST The St Vincent de Paul Society exists to assist those in need. If you know of someone who needs our assistance or you need help and would like to contact a Lumen Christi St Vincent de Paul Society member, please call the Parish Office at 242-7967. WCOF Walkers: We walk together on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. For more information, contact Nancy Carlson at 242-0285. (Continued in next column) 8 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Fr Dan Sanders ............................................................. 242-7967 ..................................................... [email protected] Associate Pastor ......................................................... 242-7967 Fr Martí Colom ....................... [email protected] Help-out Priest Fr Steven Avella .......................................................... 242-7967 Deacons Anthony E Monfre ......................................... [email protected] ........................................................................................ 241-4719 Joseph P Wenzler (May-December) ..... [email protected] ............................................................................... 262-894-3842 David [email protected] ............................................................................... 414-690-4600 Director of Administrative Services....................... 512-8994 Lisa Bales.................................... [email protected] Director of Finance..................................................... 512-8991 Jane Bartlett .......................... [email protected] Director of Catholic Formation ............................... 512-8985 Jon Metz ...................................... [email protected] Director of Child Ministry ......................................... 512-8984 Joan Kress ................................... [email protected] Youth Minister-High School..................................... 512-8989 Michael Mueller ................... [email protected] Youth Minister-Middle School/Outreach .................... 242-7963 Kelly Lemens ........................... [email protected] Directors of Music & Liturgy Peggy Hughes ............................................................. 242-7968 ......................................................... [email protected] Margaret Caldwell .................................................... 512-8982 .............................................. [email protected] Baptism Coordinator .................................................. 512-8981 Kathy Shields........................... [email protected] Communications Coordinator.................................. 242-7967 Bonnie Reineking................ [email protected] General Assistant for Catholic Formation ............ 512-8983 Regina Casati............................ [email protected] Accounting Assistant ................................................. 242-7967 Khuong Tran [email protected] Parish Secretary ........................................................... 242-7967 Juliene Seifert .................. [email protected] Parish Secretary ........................................................... 242-7967 Cherie Claussen ............... [email protected] Maintenance/Mequon................................................ 242-7967 James Sabec ............................. [email protected] Maintenance/Thiensville........................................... 242-7967 Dan Dufner ............................. [email protected] Pastoral Council Contacts Chair Andy Eyers ......................................................... 416-4908 Trustee Secretary John Clark..................................... 241-9363 Trustee Treasurer George Hoff................................ 377-6544 School School Principal Kelly Fyfe..................................... [email protected] Assistant Principal Mary Hauke ............................ [email protected] Mequon Campus ......................................................... 242-7960 Thiensville Campus .................................................... 242-7965 Director of School Recruitment ................................ 512-8996 Laura Rowe.................................. [email protected]
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