Instructions for Origami Fortune Teller


Instructions for Origami Fortune Teller
Instructions for
Origami Fortune Teller
Created and Written By:
Bianca Wiles
Alan Pate
Desiree Mickle
Osha Davis
Julie Joyner
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Materials Needed.......................................................................................................................................... 4
Instructions ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Prep Page .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Introduction to Fortune Teller
Origami, the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, originated in China, but is
known as a Japanese tradition. Paper making was developed in China and some of
the oldest surviving examples of folding models are from there.
Instead of calling Ms. Cleo, you can predict your own future. In the next few pages
you will learn how to make your own Japanese fortune teller, step-by-step.
Materials Needed
8x11 sheet of printer paper
Markers/ Color Pencils/ Pens
Clear Tape (optional)
Step 1: Start with a sheet of inkjet paper
Step 2: Take the top right hand corner and fold it down ¾ of the way towards the bottom left hand
corner. There should be a rectangle resulting at the bottom.
Step 3: Grab your scissors and cut off the rectangle. There should be a triangle left; you can recycle
the excess paper.
Step 4: Open the triangle
Step 5: Take top right-hand corner and fold it to the bottom left-hand corner.
Step 6: Open it again
Step 7: Fold all corners to the middle
Step 8: Flip the paper over
Step 9: Fold all the corners to the middle for a 2nd time
Step 10: Fold it up horizontally
Step 11: Then vertically
Step 12: At this point, there should be two (2) small squares on each side now.
Step 13: Put your fingers in them and pull them together
Step 14: Write fortunes in flaps
Step 15: Number it
Step 16: Enjoy 
Prep Page
Clean table
Gather clean paper
Wash your hands
Gather art supplies
Make sure the table you are working on is clean. Also, make sure your hands are clean (sticky hands can
make this a hard project). Get a sheet of clean unused paper that is 8x11. Gather all your art supplies
(color pencils, markers, etc.) before you start.
If your paper happens to tear, you will need to repair it with the clear tape. Just place a small amount of
clear tape over the tear. You can start over if you like, but tape should be used as needed.
Need Fortunes?
Good Fortunes
You will pass a test
You will find $20
Your crush will ask you out
You won’t have to wash dishes tonight
Candy will come your way
Bad Fortunes
You will fail a test
You will lose $5
Something embarrassing will happen
You’ll have to clean the whole house by yourself
You will be smacked by an old lady