tetrathlon rules 2015
tetrathlon rules 2015
TETRATHLON RULES VALID ONLY FOR 2015 Issued by PONY CLUB HEADQUARTERS Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2RW www.pcuk.org 3. 00 These Rules apply to ALL Pony Club Tetrathlon Competitions Generously Sponsored by NFU Mutual “As a Member of The Pony Club, I stand for the best in sportsmanship as well as in horsemanship. I shall compete for the enjoyment of the game well played and take winning or losing in my stride, remembering that without good manners and temper, sport loses its cause for being. I shall endeavour to treat my horse with consideration.” CONTENTS: Pony Club Tetrathlon Objectives 5 PART 1 - GENERAL PONY CLUB TETRATHLON RULES 1. Age Limits 2. Dress 3. Unseemly Behaviour (OLPLQDWLRQ'LVTXDOL¿FDWLRQ 5. Performance Enhancing Drugs 6. Continuing After a Fall/Injury 7. Concussion 8. Suspension - Medical Reasons 9. Health & Safety 10. Insurance 11. Legal Liability 12. Sponsorship 13. Area Competitions 14. Championships 15. Entries 16. Substitutions 6WHZDUGV2I¿FLDOV-XGJHV -XU\RI$SSHDO 19. Protests or Objections 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 12 13 14 16 PART 2 - INDIVIDUAL PHASE RULES 20. Overall Score 21. Ties 17 18 RIDING 22. 23. 24. 25. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Dress & Equipment Saddlery Eligibility of Horses Medical & Vetrinary 9DFFLQDWLRQ&HUWL¿FDWHV3DVVSRUWV Rapping The Course Obstacles Obstacles (Max. & Min. heights) Hazards Speed Faults Scoring Penalties Special Conditions 1 18 20 22 22 23 24 24 27 27 27 28 28 29 30 37. Double, Treble, Multiple & Alternative ‘L’ Obstacles Examples of refusals, run-outs, circles & black line fences 'H¿QLWLRQRI)DXOWV Marking the Course Inspection of the Course Plan or Map of the Course 0RGL¿FDWLRQRIWKH&RXUVH &RPSHWLWRULQGLI¿FXOW\DWDQ2EVWDFOH Forbidden Assistance Exercise Time-keeping and Starting 32 34 35 35 36 37 38 RUNNING 47. 48. 50. 51. 52. General Course 2I¿FLDOV Procedure & Timing (Time Trials) Procedure & Timing (Mass Starts) Scoring 38 39 41 42 43 SHOOTING 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. General Safety Targets Equipment Method - Course of Fire Words of Command Scoring Malfunctions 6KRRWLQJ,UUHJXODULWLHV,Q¿QJHPHQWV 44 45 46 46 48 49 49 52 SWIMMING 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. General Method Coaches/Team Trainers Scoring Walking Forbidden Substances Equipment 55 55 56 56 56 56 57 39. 40. 41. 44. 45. 46. 2 31 PART 3 - NOTES FOR ORGANISERS N.1 Timings N.2 Order of starting N.3 Organisation N.4 Personnel N.5 Programme 57 57 58 58 59 59 RIDING N.6 N.7 1 N.9 1 1 N.12 N.13 1 N.15 The Course Gate and Slip rail %ULH¿QJ Run-in 2I¿FLDOV -XGJLQJ Starting Time-keeping -XGJH¶V)ODJV Messengers 60 61 62 63 64 64 SHOOTING N.16 N.17 N.18 N.19 N.20 1 N.22 N.23 N.24 Venue The Firing Point Targets Tables Safety & Security 2I¿FLDOV Procedure Putting Up and Removing Targets Scoring Procedures 65 65 65 66 66 68 69 69 SWIMMING N.25 1 N.27 N.28 N.29 N.30 N.31 1 N.33 N.34 N.35 Venue 2I¿FLDOV Composition of Heats Preparation of the Pool Spectators Warm-up The Start 7KH/DQH-XGJHV The Finish Timings Safety 72 73 73 73 74 74 75 75 75 3 ORGANISATION OF BRANCH/CENTRE COMPETITIONS N.36 Novice and Minimus Competitions 76 N.37 Biathlons and Triathlons 76 PART 4 - SCORING THE TETRATHLON N.38 General 1 2I¿FLDOV N.40 Calculators N.41 Deployment N.42 Forms & Score Sheets N.43 Conducting Scoring 77 78 78 78 79 APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G $SSHQGL[+ Appendix I $SSHQGL[- Appendix K The Hat Rule Medical Cover Frangible Pins Ready Reckoner Tables The Law on Air Weapons ASA Advice to Competition Organisers All Terrain Vehicles & Motorcycles $UHQD-XPSLQJ3KDVH Winter Triathlon Rules *UDVVURRWV&RPSHWLWLRQ5XOHV Tetrathlon Supplies TETRATHLON FIXTURES 2015 81 82 88 89 100 103 104 106 108 109 N.B. The notes for organisers for the running phase have been incorporated into the phase rules section. NOTE: Passages that differ from the text of the 2014 edition are printed in bold and sidelined (as this note). © 2015 The Pony Club All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of The Pony Club 4 THE PONY CLUB TETRATHLON OBJECTIVES The Aim of The Pony Club Tetrathlon is to provide Members with a challenging competition requiring sound practical horsemanship and general athletic ability. Thus all-rounders should be encouraged to further their interest in riding and the horse generally by combining riding with other activities, thereby retaining their interest in The Pony Club. The rules are relevant to ALL Pony Club Tetrathlon Competitions including Championship, Area, Senior Regional, Junior Regional, and Winter Triathlon Competitions. For Branch/Centre competitions, QRWDEO\IRU0LQLPXVFODVVHVWKH¿JXUHVJLYHQDUHDGYLVRU\UDWKHUWKDQ standard. 'HWDLOVRIWKHVWDQGDUGVIRUHDFKSKDVHRI2SHQ,QWHUPHGLDWH-XQLRUDQG Minimus competitions are given in the appropriate sections of Part 2. The Rules are based on those for the Modern Pentathlon Association of Great Britain which are also used by the Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne for the Olympic Modern Pentathlon Competition. For further details please see www.pentathlongb.org Every eventuality cannot be provided for in these rules. In any unforeseen or exceptional circumstances or any other issue in connection with Pony &OXE7HWUDWKORQLWLVWKHGXW\RIWKHUHOHYDQWRI¿FLDOVWRPDNHDGHFLVLRQLQD sporting spirit and to approach as nearly as possible the intention of these Rules. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that they are complying with the Rules of the competition. THE PONY CLUB TETRATHLON COMMITTEE &KDLUPDQ 0U-DPHV+HO\HU 7HO Email: [email protected] Committee Members: Mrs Meg Green A.R. Mrs Liz Wilkinson 0UV+HDWKHU*UHHQVODGH Mr Andy Frame Mr Richard Mosley 0U-RKQ&KXUFK Secretary: Mrs Liz Dorse A.R. Mrs Louly Thornycroft 0UV-XG\+DUGFDVWOH Mr Nick Cripps Mr Simpson Cochrane 0LVV=RH.HQQHUOH\$PEDVVDGRU Miss Helen Hart Tel: 02476 698303 Email: [email protected] +HDOWKDQG6DIHW\2I¿FHU 0U%LOO&RRN Tel: 07768 495918 Email: [email protected] 5 PART 1 GENERAL RULES 1. AGE LIMITS The Pony Club Tetrathlon consists of the following competitions some of which have varying age requirements: a. Open Team Competitions (one for boys and one for girls) 2SHQWRDOO0HPEHUVXSWRWKHDJHRIRQVW-DQXDU\RIWKHFXUUHQW calendar year). Members that are on Pentathlon GB’s Podium Potential Pathway, and above levels, are classed as ‘Pentathlon funded Members’ and are not eligible to compete. Open to Teams of four or three boys or girls, as appropriate, from Branches/Centres. If a team consists of four, then its score is the sum of the best three performances overall. Any Branch/Centre may enter more than one team. b. The Open Individual Competitions Open to all Members up to the age of 25 (on 1st January of the current calendar year). Please see above for ruling on Pentathlon funded Members. The scores for all competitors automatically count for this competition. Branches or Centres may enter Members irrespective of whether they have entered a team or not. c. Intermediate Team Competitions (one for boys and one for girls). Open to all Members up to the age of 25 RQ VW -DQXDU\ RI WKH current calendar year) See also Rule 15b.3. and please see above for ruling on Pentathlon funded Members. Teams of four or three boys or girls, as appropriate, from Branches/Centres. If a team consists of four, then its score is the sum of the best three performances overall. Any Branch/Centre may enter more than one team. d. The Intermediate Individual Competitions Open to all Members up to the age of 25 RQ VW -DQXDU\ RI WKH current calendar year) See also Rule 15b.3. and please see above for ruling on Pentathlon funded Members. The scores for all competitors automatically count for this competition. Branches or Centres may enter Individuals irrespective of whether they have entered a team or not. e. Junior Competitions (one for boys and one for girls) Open to Members up to the age of 14 RQVW-DQXDU\RIWKHFXUUHQW FDOHQGDU \HDU -XQLRU 7HDP &RPSHWLWRUV 2SHQ WR 7HDPV RI IRXU RU three boys or girls, as appropriate, from Branches/Centres. If a team consists of four, then its score is the sum of the best three performances overall. Any Branch/Centre may enter more than one team. 6 f. The Junior Individual Competitions Open to Members up to the age of 14RQVW-DQXDU\RIWKHFXUUHQW calendar year). The scores for all competitors automatically count for this competition. Branches or Centres may enter Individuals irrespective of whether they have entered a team or not. g. Mixed Gender Teams ,I D %UDQFK&HQWUH LV XQDEOH WR ¿HOG D IXOO WHDP RI JLUOV RU ER\V at any level they may form a mixed gender team of four or three Members. Teams cannot consist of more than 2 of each gender and age restrictions apply as per the level of competition stated above. Members cannot be a part of any other teams. Teams can qualify for the Championships at their Area Competition. h. Area Teams Individual Members from the same Area who qualify at an Area competition, but are not in any other team, may be selected to form an Area Team at the Championships. i. Mixed Branch Teams ,I D %UDQFK&HQWUH LV XQDEOH WR ¿HOG D 7HDP WKH\ PD\ FRPELQH with another Branch/Centre in a similar situation to form a Team to compete at the Area Competition, but they are not eligible to qualify for the Championships. Individual Members of the Team may qualify for the Championships as Individuals (see also rule 13 and 16). j. Minimus Competitions These competitions, for Members up to the age of 11, are not RUJDQLVHG RQ DQ RI¿FLDO EDVLV EXW %UDQFKHV&HQWUHV DUH HQFRXUDJHG to run such events to introduce young Members to Tetrathlon. No person under the age of 8 (on the day of competition) may shoot at a Pony Club event, including postal pistol shoots. More information on Minimus competitions can be found in the ‘Introductory Guide to Tetrathlon. See Appendix K. 2. DRESS $OO FRPSHWLWRUV DW 2I¿FLDO7HWUDWKORQV VKRXOG EH QHDWO\ GUHVVHG HLWKHU in riding clothes or (desirably) in tracksuits with The Pony Club Badge on the breast pocket. The Badge can be obtained from The Pony Club 2I¿FH$WWKH3UL]HJLYLQJWHDPVVKRXOGEHGUHVVHGXQLIRUPO\ The competitor is ultimately responsible for complying with all Rules relating to Dress and Saddlery for the particular discipline in which they are participating. Please see the dress rules for each individual phase. 7 3. UNSEEMLY BEHAVIOUR 8QVHHPO\EHKDYLRXURQWKHSDUWRIFRPSHWLWRUVSDUHQWVWHDPRI¿FLDOV RUWHDPVXSSRUWHUVZLOOEHUHSRUWHGDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOHE\WKH2I¿FLDO 6WHZDUG WR 7KH 3RQ\ &OXE 2I¿FH 2IIHQGHUV PD\ EH SHQDOLVHG E\ GLVTXDOL¿FDWLRQRIWKH%UDQFKHV&HQWUHVFRQFHUQHGIRUDSHULRGXS to three years. Any Competitor or supporter who, in the opinion of the 2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGKDVEHHQUXGHRUDJJUHVVLYHWRZDUGVDQ\RI¿FLDOVDWD competition, or has behaved in an aggressive or unfair manner to their KRUVHPD\EHGLVTXDOL¿HG 4. ELIMINATION AND DISQUALIFICATION A competitor who is eliminated during a phase scores nought for that SKDVH$FRPSHWLWRUZKRLVGLVTXDOL¿HGDWDQ\VWDJHRIWKHFRPSHWLWLRQ scores nought for the whole competition and takes no further part in it. a. (OLPLQDWLRQ LV DZDUGHG LQ WKH ¿UVW SODFH E\ WKH &KLHI 6WHZDUG RI WKH SKDVH FRQFHUQHG RU E\ WKH 2I¿FLDO 6WHZDUG LQ FDVHV RI PLVFRQGXFW under Rule 17a(5). b. 'LVTXDOL¿FDWLRQLVDZDUGHGE\WKH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGRQDUHSRUWE\WKH &KLHI 6WHZDUG RI WKH SKDVH FRQFHUQHG :KHQ WKHUH LV QR 2I¿FLDO Steward the District Commissioner or the Organiser acts in his place. 7KH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGRU&KLHI-XGJHPD\GLVTXDOLI\DFRPSHWLWRUDWDQ\ stage of the competition: 1) for dangerous riding 2) if, in his opinion, the horse is lame, sick or exhausted 3) for misuse of whip, spur or bit, or ill-treatment of the horse 4) for any breach of the rules 5) for unseemly behaviour, including bad language. 5. PERFORMANCE ENHANCING DRUGS 1) Equine - Controlled Medication It is clearly essential for the welfare of the horse that it is given appropriate veterinary treatment if and when required and that should include appropriate medication. Medication however may mask an underlying health problem and horses should not compete when taking medication where such medication may have a detrimental effect on the horse’s welfare. 2) Human Performance enhancing drugs are forbidden. The use of other recreational or other non-prescription drugs, alcohol and tobacco is actively discouraged as being incompatible with a healthy approach to sporting activity. 8 3) All competitors should be aware that random samples may be taken for testing from both/themselves and/or their horse. The protocol used will be that of the relevant adult discipline SEE Pony Club drugs policy in HEALTH, SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDING rule book - Rule 14 6. CONTINUING AFTER A FALL/INJURY A rider must not be allowed to remount after a fall if there is any element RIGRXEWDVWRWKHLU¿WQHVVLUUHVSHFWLYHRIWKHZLVKHVRISDUHQWVWUDLQHUV etc. Any competitor who has a fall or sustains a serious injury anywhere at the competition site should see the medical personnel on the day and EHSDVVHG¿WWRFRQWLQXHIXUWKHULQDQ\SKDVHRIWKHFRPSHWLWLRQ 7. CONCUSSION Competitors concussed in the course of the competition are not allowed to take part in any phase on the same day and may not take part on VXEVHTXHQW GD\V XQWLO SDVVHG ¿W E\ D GRFWRU 7KH 2I¿FLDO 6WHZDUG when appointed and if not, organisers in conjunction with judges are responsible for ensuring that this rule is enforced and that a Concussion Advice Form is handed to the parent or guardian. 8. a. SUSPENSION FROM COMPETING FOR MEDICAL REASONS If a Member is banned/suspended from competing in any sport for medical reasons, they should not compete at any Pony Club event until SDVVHG¿WIRUWKHVSRUWLQZKLFKWKH\DUHEDQQHGVXVSHQGHG,WLVWKH responsibility of the Member or parent/guardian to ensure that this rule is adhered to. b. Inhalers - The Doctors on the Health, Safely & Safeguarding Committee have advised that the use of inhalers whilst running or swimming will not be allowed, as to use an inhaler and then continue running or swimming is dangerous. Immediate access to medication is essential. The proper time for their use is before each phase, not during. If any competitor is so short of breath during one of these phases that they need an inhaler, WKHQWKH\DUHREYLRXVO\QRW¿WWRFRQWLQXHDQGVKRXOGEHVWRSSHG 9. HEALTH & SAFETY In accordance with The Pony Club Health, Safety and Safeguarding rule book, the Organiser or a representative must carry out an inspection of the competition site prior to the competition and complete a Pony Club competition risk assessment check list. Whilst Organisers take all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present at an event, for these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents RFFXUULQJ DQG REH\ WKH LQVWUXFWLRQV RI WKH 2UJDQLVHU DQG DOO 2I¿FLDOV and Stewards. 9 10. INSURANCE The Pony Club Third Party Legal Liability Insurance Policy is extended to JLYHFRYHUIRUDOOWKHRI¿FLDO$UHD&RPSHWLWLRQVDQGWKH&KDPSLRQVKLSV Details of this insurance are given in the current issue of The Pony Club Year Book. In the event of any accident, loss or damage occurring to a Third Party or to the property of a Third Party (including the general public and competitors) no liability should be admitted, and full details should be VHQWDWRQFHWR7KH3RQ\&OXE2I¿FH 11. LEGAL LIABILITY Neither the Organisers, nor any person acting on their behalf, accept any liability for any loss, damage, accident, injury or illness to horses, competitors, spectators or any person or property whatsoever. This disclaimer must be included in all schedules and programmes issued in connection with any competition. 12. SPONSORSHIP In the case of competitors and horses, no form of advertising, and this includes a sponsor’s name, may appear on the competitor’s or horse’s clothing and equipment at any Pony Club competition. The wearing of clothing for horses or riders that has been presented by sponsors of the Championships in the current or previous years is allowed. Sponsors at Area Competitions must not be business competitors of the main sponsors of the discipline, and must be approved by The Pony &OXE2I¿FH$Q\DGYHUWLVLQJPDWHULDOWKDWLVXVHGE\VSRQVRUVZKHWKHU it be in the form of display banners or programme material, must be tasteful, and appropriate to the image of The Pony Club. 13. AREA COMPETITIONS These may be held as single Area events, or composite events in which two or more Areas take part. In the latter case, each Area will be treated as holding a distinct Area Competition. a. From the Area Competitions the following go forward to the Open, Intermediate and Junior Championships: 1) The winning team at each such event. 2) Where the same Branch/Centre has won the Area Team competition for two consecutive years and wins again in the year concerned, the runner-up Branch/Centre, provided that their score is at least 10,000 for Open & Intermediate, or 9,000 for Junior. 3) The two highest-placed competitors who are not in a team which TXDOL¿HVDVLQUXOHDRU 10 4) Where an individual competitor has failed to qualify to go forward to the Championships under any of the above rules and has scored AT LEAST 3800 points AND has a score for the riding phase of AT LEAST 1250 points, he/she may, at the discretion of the Committee, be invited to compete at the Championships. 5) More teams, depending upon numbers qualifying at the discretion of the Committee, may be invited to the Championships from the Area competitions, which fail to qualify as in 1 or 2 above 6) If only one team from an Area is entered, that team will go forward provided it completes the Area Competition and scores at least 8,000 for open and Intermediate and 9,000 for Junior. 7) Where an Area Competition does not have any Teams competing on the day, six individual qualifying places are available. E 6KRXOG TXDOL¿HG WHDPVLQGLYLGXDOV EH XQDEOH WR FRPSHWH DW the Championships the next competitor/team down could compete providing the substitution was made 7 days before the Championships. c. All Members and substitutes competing at the Championships must have competed in all four phases of the Area Competition. G $W$UHD&RPSHWLWLRQVLQFDVHVRIJHQXLQHODPHQHVVFHUWL¿HGE\ HLWKHUD9HWHULQDU\6XUJHRQRUWKH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGDFRPSHWLWRU shall score zero for the riding phase. 2) If an individual or team member is given zero for the riding phase at the Area Competition due to lameness, provided that the combination of horse and rider has previously completed (during the current calendar year) the appropriate standard of cross country course with a score. e. Area Teams of 4 Members may be created by the Area Tetrathlon Co-ordinator for the Championships. Teams can only be made up IURPLQGLYLGXDOVRIPL[HGJHQGHUDQGFODVVHVWKDWKDYH4XDOL¿HG at the Area Competition and must not be not part of any other team. Teams to include no more than one Junior boy and one Junior girl in a team. Maximum of 2 teams per Area. f. Mixed Gender Teams Teams of 4 or 3 Members can be created at Open, Intermediate and Junior levels. Teams cannot consist of more than 2 of each gender. Teams qualify at the Area Competition and Members must not be a part of any other team. Please also see Rule 1g. 11 g. &RPSHWLWRUVPXVWTXDOLI\DWWKHLURZQ$UHD&RPSHWLWLRQXQOHVVVSHFL¿F approval is given by the Chairman to compete elsewhere. A written request must be made to headquarters by the District Commissioner or Centre Proprietor and copied to the Area Representative. Applications from individual Members will not be considered. The competitor must score at least 3800, with a score of 1250 for the riding phase to be FRQVLGHUHGIRUTXDOL¿FDWLRQLQWKLVZD\0HPEHUVTXDOLI\LQJLQWKLVZD\ may join their Branch/Centre Team at the Championships, assuming WKHWHDPTXDOL¿HV h. Low riding scores: There is no minimum score to be achieved in the riding phase in order to qualify for the Championships. However, in the LQWHUHVWRIVDIHW\DQ2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGPD\UHFRPPHQGWKDWDTXDOL¿HU with a low riding score does not enter the Championships. In this case, a letter from Headquarters will be sent to the District Commissioner or Centre Proprietor explaining this recommendation. i. A competitor who has missed the Area Competition by reason of having EHHQD0HPEHURIDQ2I¿FLDO3RQ\&OXEWHDPSD\LQJDYLVLWRYHUVHDV may be invited to compete at the Tetrathlon Championships as an individual. If two Individuals from his/her own Branch/Centre qualify for the Championships, he/she may join them to make up a team of three. 14. THE CHAMPIONSHIPS a. The Championships consist of: 1) THE OPEN TEAM COMPETITION 2) THE OPEN INDIVIDUAL COMPETITION 3) THE OPEN MIXED GENDER TEAM COMPETITION 4) THE INTERMEDIATE TEAM COMPETITION 5) THE INTERMEDIATE INDIVIDUAL COMPETITION 6) THE INTERMEDIATE MIXED GENDER TEAM COMPETITION 7) THE JUNIOR TEAM COMPETITION 8) THE JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL COMPETITION 9) THE JUNIOR MIXED GENDER TEAM COMPETITION 10) MIXED AREA TEAMS b. Awards The following will be presented: Winning Team Challenge Trophy (Where applicable), Salvers and Rosettes Second Team Salvers & Rosettes Winning Individual Challenge Trophy (Where applicable), Salver & Rosette Second Individual Salver & Rosette 12 Those placed 3rd -6th in the Team Competition and 3rd - 10th in the Individual Competitions Best run/swim/shoot All who Compete Rosettes Championship Glass Championship Medals GOLD, SILVER & BRONZE AWARDS Open Boys: Open Girls: Gold - 4250 & 1400 ride Gold - 4400 & 1400 ride Silver - 4100 & 1350 ride Silver - 4250 & 1350 ride Bronze - 3900 & 1301 ride Bronze - 3900 & 1301 ride 15. ENTRIES a. Entry Forms 1) Inter-Area and Local Competitions - Entries should be sent, together with an entry fee to the Secretary of the organising Branch/Centre. Details are to be found in the competition schedule. Entry fees should be set at a reasonable level by the organiser in order to cover competition costs. A start fee may be charged if necessary. If a Branch or Centre wishes to withdraw, 50% of the entry fee will be refunded by the organising Branch/Centre provided that notice is received by the Secretary 10 or more days before the competition. 2) In the case of competitors who qualify for the Championships, their entry must be completed via the online entry system and fee of £80 per competitor paid. The closing date for Championship HQWULHVLVZLWKLQGD\VRIWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKH$UHD4XDOL¿HU$ Refund of the Entry Fee (less an admin fee or £3.00) will only be JLYHQ RQ SURGXFWLRQ RI D 9HWHULQDU\ &HUWL¿FDWH RU 'RFWRUV 1RWH this will be given up until Monday, 10th August 2015. After this date no refunds will be issued. 3) Teams or Individuals qualifying for the Championships but not wishing to go forward must inform the Organiser before prize-giving so that the envelope (containing the qualifying information) can be given to the next highest placed team (subject to Rule 16) or individual who does wish to go. 4) If the District Commissioner or Centre Proprietor of a competing team or individual is unable to be present at the competition, he or she must inform the Organiser of the Area Competition, or Secretary of the Championships, in writing, of the name of the person appointed to be his or her representative. 13 b. Eligibility A District Commissioner or Centre Proprietor is required to certify and may be required to substantiate that: 1) All competitors entered are active Members of the stated Branch or Centre of The Pony Club and have participated at a minimum of three working rallies of this or their previous Branch or Centre since VW-XO\RIWKHSUHFHGLQJ\HDUH[FOXGLQJWHDPSUDFWLFHVDQGFRDFKLQJ and rallies must have been advertised at least 7 days prior to the date of the rally. Attendance at camp counts as one Working Rally. The District Commissioner or Centre Proprietor has discretion in the case of those who are working. Riders must have been Members of The 3RQ\&OXEVLQFHDWOHDVWWKHVW-DQXDU\LQWKHFXUUHQW\HDUH[FHSWIRU Members who are completely new to The Pony Club, who may join up until the 31st March and still be eligible for Area Championships and Competitions. 2) All horses are eligible under Rule 24. 3) Combination of horse & rider in the Intermediate Competition are NOT eligible if they have: competed at an Open Area Tetrathlon competition in previous years. 4) Should a breach of eligibility subsequently be discovered, then 7KH 3RQ\ &OXE 2I¿FH PD\ GLVTXDOLI\ WKH RIIHQGHU ,I VDLG LQGLYLGXDO was a Member of a qualifying team and their score contributed to the TXDOL¿FDWLRQWKHWHDPZLOOEHGLVTXDOL¿HGXQOHVVWKHTXDOL¿FDWLRQKROGV up using the discard score. 16. SUBSTITUTION In exceptional circumstances the Tetrathlon Committee may at their discretion, approve a substitution that falls outside the criteria below. a. Area Competitions After the closing date for declarations no substitutions may be made of horses or riders except in cases of illness, lameness or other XQDYRLGDEOH FLUFXPVWDQFH ZKLFK PXVW EH FHUWL¿HG E\ WKH 'LVWULFW Commissioner, Centre Proprietor or appointed representative. In such a case: 1) If a horse has to be substituted an alternative competitor may be nominated. 2) If a competitor has to be substituted an alternative horse may be nominated. 3) If a Branch/Centre enters two teams substitution may be made from one team to the other. 14 b. The Championships 1) Teams - The District Commissioner/Centre Proprietor may substitute rider(s) and/or horse(s) in the Branch/Centre Team before Declaration. Thereafter as for Area Competitions 2) Individuals - A substitute horse may be entered but not a substitute rider, Otherwise as for teams. 3) All substituted Members must have competed at and completed the Area Competition. The Chairman and two other members of the Tetrathlon Committee in consultation with the relevant Area Representative and District Commissioner/Centre Proprietor will FRQVLGHU WKH PDWWHU DQG WKHLU GHFLVLRQ ZLOO EH ¿QDO Any substitute horse must comply with Rule 24. c. At both Area Championships and the Championships 1) No rider may be substituted after the competition has started. 2) No horse may be substituted after the Riding Phase has started. 3) No horse or competitor replaced by a substitute may re-enter the competition. 4) In all cases of substitution the District Commissioner, Centre Proprietor or appointed representative must certify in writing that the substitute is eligible under Rule 15b. 17. STEWARDS, OFFICIALS AND JUDGES D 2I¿FLDO6WHZDUG 7KH3RQ\&OXE7HWUDWKORQ&RPPLWWHHVKDOODSSRLQWDQ2I¿FLDO6WHZDUG IRUHDFK$UHD&RPSHWLWLRQ2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGVZLOOUHWLUHIURPWKHSDQHODW 75 years of age. Their duties are as follows: 1) They are responsible for inspecting the courses and arrangements for all phases before these are shown to the competitors. He is authorised to insist on alterations if they are not in all respects within the limits laid down in the Rules or, in their opinion, are unsuitable for competition. 2) They will be present on the days of the Tetrathlon to ensure that it is FRQGXFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH5XOHVWRWDNHSDUWLQWKHEULH¿QJRI WKHMXGJHVWRDFWDV&KDLUPDQRIWKH-XU\RI$SSHDODQGWRJLYHZKDW other help and guidance may be required. 3) They should check that the Medical, Veterinary and First Aid arrangements for the riding phase are in accordance with Rule 25 and The Pony Club Health and Safety and Safeguarding Rule Book. 15 4) They may not be called upon to undertake any other duties at the Tetrathlon. 5) They are authorised to eliminate or disqualify individuals or a team for any misconduct as per Rule 3. b. At other Tetrathlon competitions, the Organiser shall be responsible for ensuring that these duties are carried out and in particular that the riding course is inspected by an experienced person approved by the Area Representative or their representative. c. Phase Stewards and Judges These will be appointed by the competition organiser. organisers are included in part 3 of this Rule Book. Notes for 18. JURY OF APPEAL All Members of the Jury of Appeal must remain at the competition venue until at least half an hour after the scores have been published. 7KH -XU\ RI$SSHDO ZLOO FRQVLVW RI WKH 2UJDQLVHU WKH 6WHZDUG RI WKH SKDVHFRQFHUQHGDQGWKH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGZKRVKRXOGDFWDV&KDLUPDQ and will have a casting vote. 7KH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGPD\DSSRLQWDUHSODFHPHQWIRUDQ\0HPEHURIWKH -XU\LIWKHQHHGDULVHV 7KH&KDPSLRQVKLS-XU\RI$SSHDOLVWRFRQVLVWRI a) The Chairman of Tetrathlon b) The Steward of the Phase concerned c) Any Member of the Tetrathlon Committee present. 19. PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS $SDUWIURPWKH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUG2I¿FLDOVRIWKHFRPSHWLWLRQDQGWKH$UHD Representative, only District Commissioners/Centre Proprietors or their appointed Representatives are entitled to lodge objections or protests. Protests must be made in writing and addressed to the Organiser of the competition or Secretary of the Championships. The originator of DSURWHVWPD\DPSOLI\KLVFDVHEHIRUHWKH-XU\RI$SSHDOEXWZLOOQRW be present at their deliberations. Protests must be accompanied by a GHSRVLWRI ZKLFKLVIRUIHLWHGXQOHVVWKH-XU\RI$SSHDOGHFLGHVWKDW there were good and reasonable grounds for the objection. Protests must be made not later than half an hour after the happening which gave rise to them or half an hour after the scores have been published. 7KH-XU\RI$SSHDOZLOOJLYHWKHLUGHFLVLRQDIWHULQYHVWLJDWLRQDQGWKHLU GHFLVLRQLV¿QDO The procedures of this rule apply only to formal protests. Requests for information may be made to the Organiser at any convenient time. 16 PART 2 THE INDIVIDUAL PHASES RULES The order for completing the four phases (riding, running, shooting and swimming) will be at the discretion of the Organiser, and the event can be completed in one day or over two consecutive days. If it is impossible to ride a normal cross country course, a show jumping course, possibly elongated may be substituted for all or part of it and scoring will be in accordance with appendix H. In such a case, a scale of jumping and time penalties, commensurate with the normal riding phase, must be drawn up by the 2UJDQLVHUDQG2I¿FLDO6WHZDUG,ILWLVXQDYRLGDEOHDIXUWKHUFRQVHFXWLYHGD\ may be used in such circumstances. Winners at an Area Competition not IXO¿OOLQJWKHVHFRQGLWLRQVZLOOQRWEHHOLJLEOHIRUWKH&KDPSLRQVKLSV The rules are relevant to ALL Pony Club Tetrathlon Competitions including Championship, Area, Senior Regional, Junior Regional, and Winter Triathlon Competitions. For Branch/Centre competitions, QRWDEO\IRU0LQLPXVFODVVHVWKH¿JXUHVJLYHQDUHDGYLVRU\UDWKHUWKDQ standard. 20. OVERALL SCORE a. The Pony Club scoring system is similar to the Modern Pentathlon method in that competitors score positive points according to the standard of their performance in each phase. In the running and the riding phases, they are based on standards of 1,000 and 1,400 respectively, competitors having marks deducted or, in the running, bonus marks added, according to their performance compared to the standard. In the shooting and swimming, positive marks are awarded for shots on the target and distances swum - on scales such that scores are commensurate with those of other phases. ,GHDOO\HDFKSKDVHVKRXOGKDYHDQHTXDOLQÀXHQFHRQWKH¿QDOUHVXOW (except that riding should have slightly more weight) but in practice this is unlikely to be achieved exactly. It should be appreciated that the LQÀXHQFHRIDSKDVHLVJRYHUQHGE\WKHVSUHDGRIWKHVFRUHVQRWE\WKH maximum achieved or achievable. Thus a spread from, for instance 0 to KDVPRUHLQÀXHQFHWKDQRQHIURPWRRIVLPLODUSDWWHUQ b. The scores of a competitor in each of the four phases are added together to give his overall score for the Competition. To earn an overall score a competitor must start each phase and must continue until eliminated or compelled to retire. c. A competitor who fails to follow the above rule will, unless granted H[HPSWLRQE\WKH2UJDQLVHUDQGWKH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGVFRUHQRXJKWIRU his overall score and will not be eligible for any awards. 17 21. TIES a. ,Q WKH HYHQW RI HTXDOLW\ LQ ¿QDO VFRUHV WKH SRLQWV LQ WKH ULGLQJ SKDVH VKDOOGHFLGHWKH¿QDOSODFLQJ,IWKHVHDUHWKHVDPHWKHUHVXOWVKDOOEH declared a tie. b. c. In the event of a tie for a Challenge Trophy, it shall be held for an equal period by each party concerned. In the case of a tie in qualifying for the Championships all parties concerned shall qualify. RIDING - RULES 22. DRESS AND EQUIPMENT Whilst not compulsory The Pony Club expects competitors to wear plain dress, and use plain saddlery. New equipment is not expected, but what is worn must be clean, neat and tidy. Any unusual decoration of the horse with unnatural things, such DV ULEERQV ÀRZHUV JOLWWHU HWF LQ WKH PDQHWDLO RU DSSOLHG WR WKH coat is forbidden. Red bows in the tail are permitted for horses that kick. Contravention of the following rules in respect of dress, saddlery, etc. may incur elimination. a. Hats 1) It is mandatory for all Members to wear a protective helmet manufactured to one of the minimum standards listed in Appendix A. All +DWVPXVWEH¿WWHGZLWKD3RQ\&OXE+DW7DJ For cross country riding over fences 0.80m high and above; a MRFNH\ VNXOO FDS ZLWK QR ¿[HG SHDN PXVW EH ZRUQ ,W LV DOVR VWURQJO\ recommended that a jockey skull cap is worn for cross country riding over lower fences. ,WLVVWURQJO\UHFRPPHQGHGWKDWKDWVDUH¿WWHGE\WUDLQHGKDW¿WWHUVDQG that second hand hats are not purchased (see Appendix A). 2) 7KH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUG2UJDQLVHUPD\DWWKHLUGLVFUHWLRQHOLPLQDWHD competitor riding without a hat or with the chin strap unfastened (Rule 4b). 3) A competitor whose hat comes off, or chinstrap comes undone, whilst riding in the competition must, on penalty of elimination, replace it, or do it up, before continuing. He may dismount without penalty to recover the hat or have it passed up from the ground, or he may stop without penalty to do up the chinstrap. If the hat comes off, or the chinstrap comes undone in the middle of a multiple obstacle, or two separate REVWDFOHVVRFORVHWRJHWKHUWKDWLQWKHRSLQLRQRIWKH)HQFH-XGJHWR KDOWZRXOGLQFXUDUHIXVDOWKHREVWDFOHVPD\EHQHJRWLDWHG¿UVW 18 4) Any circles which a competitor completes in the course of recovering the hat, or doing up the chinstrap shall NOT be penalised as refusals. b. Body Protectors - It is compulsory that body protectors are worn for all cross country riding (training and competing). The responsibility for choosing body protectors and the decision as to their use must rest with Members and their parents. It is recommended that a rider’s body protector should not be more than 2% of their body weight. Riders who choose to use the Woof Wear Body Cage EXO must lodge a key with the event organiser when they collect their number. c. Air Jackets - If a rider chooses to wear an air jacket it must only be used, in addition, to a normal body protector and in the event of a fall, LWPXVWEHIXOO\GHÀDWHGRUUHPRYHGEHIRUHFRQWLQXLQJDIWHUZKLFKWKH conventional body protector will continue to give protection. If worn, air jackets must not be worn under any item of clothing, and number bibs VKRXOGEH¿WWHGloosely or with elasticated fastenings over the air jacket d. Spurs - Spurs may be worn at Rallies and other events with the permission of the District Commissioner or Centre Proprietor. Members without the B Test should carry proof of this permission. Only blunt spurs, without rowels or sharp edges, may be worn. If the spurs are curved, the curve must be downwards and the shank must point straight to the back and not exceed 3.5cm in length. Sharp spurs may not be worn. Spurs that have a smooth rotating ball on the shank are permitted. The measurement is taken from the heel of the boot to the end of the shank. e. Jewellery - No jewellery is allowed for safety reasons, other than a wristwatch, a wedding ring, a stock pin worn horizontally or a tie clip. It is recommended that stock pins are removed for cross country. Members who are contemplating piercing their ears or any other part of their body should be aware that they will not be allowed to compete until such time as the “sleepers” can safely be removed. The reason for this is that sleepers have in the past caused injuries following falls. f. Clothing - Riders may wear either a hacking jacket (worn with shirt and Pony Club tie or hunting stock) or cross country colours. A stock is recommended. It is permitted to wear a Pony Club Stock with any MDFNHW/RQJVOHHYHVDUHFRPSXOVRU\IRUDOOFURVVFRXQWU\ULGLQJ-DFNHWV may be removed during riding in, provided that the competitor is wearing a shirt with sleeves. Numbers should be worn at all times. Dark coloured breeches or jodhpurs may not be worn. Medical armbands are compulsory for all cross county phases at all levels. While walking the course competitors must be tidily dressed, but not necessarily in riding clothes. 19 g. Footwear - Only standard riding or jodhpur boots with a fairly smooth, WKLQVROHDQGDZHOOGH¿QHGVTXDUHFXWKHHOPD\EHZRUQ3ODLQEODFNRU brown half-chaps may be worn with jodhpur boots of the same colour. Tassels and fringes are not allowed. No other footwear will be allowed. Stirrups should be of the correct size to suit the rider’s boots. They must have 7mm (1/4”) clearance on either side of the boot. Boots and stirrups with interlocking treads are not permitted, nor are the boots or treads individually. h. Hair - In the interest of safety, long hair should be secured appropriately. i. Electronic devices (i.e. headphones, mobile phones etc. enabling another person to communicate with the Competitor) are not allowed whilst competing. No recording device is permitted (e.g. head / bridle cameras etc.) j. Whips - No rider may carry, use or permit to be used a whip exceeding 76.2 cm (30”) in length overall. 23. SADDLERY The Competitor is ultimately responsible for complying with all Rules relating to dress for the particular discipline they are participating in and that they present themselves for inspection. Any misuse of a bit/bridle will be reported to the DC/Centre Proprietor, Area Representative and Training Chairman. Any reported riders will be recorded and monitored. a. Saddle - Only black or brown in colour are allowed. Type optional. b. Saddle cloths - Plain white, cream, navy blue, brown or black saddlecloths, including pads, are allowed. When representing the Branch, saddlecloths in Branch colours with appropriate Branch logos may be worn. Logos must not exceed 200sq cm. This does not preclude the wearing of clothing for horses or riders that has been presented by sponsors of the Championships in the current or previous years. c. Bridles - For safety reasons leather bridles are recommended. The Micklem Multibridle is permitted. d. Nosebands $OO QRVHEDQGV PXVW EH FRUUHFWO\ ¿WWHG DQG QRW FDXVH discomfort. Only one may be worn unless using a standing martingale with a combination, Kineton, drop noseband or similar in which case the DGGLWLRQRIDFDYHVVRQLVDOORZHG1RVHEDQGVPXVWEHFRUUHFWO\¿WWHG and should not cause discomfort. Nosebands must not incorporate chain or rope. Sheepskin nosebands are permitted in Tetrathlon. 20 e. Martingales - The only martingales permitted are Irish, Standing, Bib or Running, only one of which may be worn at the same time. Standing martingales may be attached only to the cavesson portion of the QRVHEDQG¿WWHGDERYHWKHELW f. Blinkers or any attachment to the horse / pony or bridle, which may DIIHFWWKHDQLPDO¶V¿HOGRIYLVLRQDUHSURKLELWHG g. Sheepskin may be used on the bridle providing the sheepskin does not exceed 3cm in diameter measured from the animal’s face. h. Market Harborough, running, draw or check reins of any kind are forbidden (A running, draw or check rein is one which is attached to the saddle, girth, martingale or breast plate on the horse). i. Split reins and bridge reins are not allowed. j. Bit guards which are made entirely of rubber and smooth on both sides are permitted. k. The use of string, twine or cord in or around the horse’s mouth is forbidden. l. Stirrups should be of the correct size to suit the rider’s boots and should 7mm (1/4” clearance on each side). Neither the feet nor the stirrup leathers or irons may be attached to the girth, nor the feet attached to the stirrup irons. Where synthetic stirrup leathers are used, it is recommended that they are used in conjunction with safety stirrups. m. Competitors using Saddlery and Gadgets on the day of the Riding phase which are not allowed in the competition will be eliminated. Lungeing in side reins, but not bearing, check or balancing reins, is SHUPLWWHG6LGHUHLQVPXVWEHDWWDFKHGXQGHUWKHVDGGOHÀDSVDQG127 passed between the forelegs. n. Bits - All synthetic bits must be black, brown or white o. 7KH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGKDVDEVROXWHGLVFUHWLRQWRIRUELGWKHXVHRIDQ\ELW gadget or spur which he considers to be cruel or misused. 21 24. ELIGIBILITY OF HORSES a. There is no height limit. b. No horse/pony under 5 years of age is eligible c. At Area competitions and at the Championships a horse may be shared by two Members of the same family (i.e. by a brother and sister, two brothers or two sisters). At less formal competitions the organiser may allow a horse to be shared by no more than two competitors. A horse running for the second time at The Championships must be passed by the vet. The ultimate responsibility for a horse that has been passed to run for a second time lies with the parent/owner. d. Riders or horses who have ‘schooled’ over the Area or Championship Cross Country courses during the previous two weeks are not eligible to compete. Competing over the course is permissible and does not render the competitor ineligible. e. Horses must have genuinely participated at a minimum of three working UDOOLHV VLQFH VW -XO\ LQ WKH SUHYLRXV \HDU one of which must have been within the current calendar year, with the horse and rider as a combination in the current year. f. Horses that are graded British Eventing Advanced (Grade 1) and have competed at OI/AI/A level during the current calendar year are not eligible at any level g. Stallions can be ridden by Members only if they obtain written permission from their District commissioner and must wear identifying discs on their bridle in the interests of safety. 25. MEDICAL AND VETERINARY a. Medical See Appendix B at the back of this book and The Pony Club Health and Safety and Safeguarding Rule Book. b. Veterinary Cover 1) At Area competitions and the Championships a Veterinary Surgeon shall be present and instantly available during the riding phase. The Veterinary Surgeon should have a horse ambulance, horsebox or trailer earmarked for use in case of emergency. 2) At local competitions if a vet is required the Member’s parent or Centre Proprietor will normally call their own vet and arrange treatment. 22 3) In both cases, a tarpaulin should be available to cover a horse should one be killed, and the telephone number of the Hunt Kennels or Knackerman noted in the Secretary’s Tent. N.B. Retired and Practising Doctors, Medical Personnel and 9HWHULQDU\ 6XUJHRQV LI RI¿FLDOO\ DSSRLQWHG E\ WKH 2UJDQLVHU DUH FRYHUHGE\RXU3XEOLF/LDELOLW\,QVXUDQFH+RZHYHULIWKH\ZHUH DOUHDG\ FRYHUHG E\ DQ\ RWKHU LQVXUDQFH WKDW SROLF\ ZRXOG SD\ ¿UVW c. Destruction of severely injured horses ,I LQ WKH RSLQLRQ RI WKH 2I¿FLDO 9HWHULQDU\ 6XUJHRQ D KRUVH LV VR severely injured that on humanitarian grounds it ought to be destroyed, the following procedure will apply. If the owner or his authorised UHSUHVHQWDWLYHLVSUHVHQWWKH2I¿FLDO9HWHULQDU\6XUJHRQZLOO¿UVWREWDLQ his agreement. If the owner or his representative is not available, the 2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGDFWLQJRQWKHDGYLFHRIWKH2I¿FLDO9HWHULQDU\6XUJHRQ may order the destruction of a horse. NB: Owners should be aware that this Rule is slightly at variance with The Protection of Animals Act 1911 Section 11, which states that, in the absence of the owner, a Police Constable acting on the advice of a registered Veterinary Surgeon may order the destruction of a horse. This Rule is framed to avoid unnecessary suffering to a severely injured horse. (Also See the Health, Safety and Safeguarding Rulebook Appendix B) 26. VACCINATION CERTIFICATES & PASSPORTS It is strongly recommended that horses/ponies are vaccinated against (TXLQH µ)OX 9DFFLQDWLRQ FHUWL¿FDWHV DQG SDVVSRUWV VKRXOG EH FDUULHG with the horse to all competitions. This is compulsory at the Championships and at most venues when stabling overnight. 27. RAPPING Rapping at, or anywhere in the vicinity of the event is strictly prohibited. 'H¿QLWLRQ RI 5DSSLQJ UDLVLQJ WKURZLQJ RU PRYLQJ D SROH VWLFN URSH or other object against one or more of the legs of a horse while it is jumping an obstacle so that the horse in either case is induced to raise such leg or legs higher in order to clear the obstacle. 23 28. THE COURSE a. The length of the course shall be approximately 1600 - 3000m at Area Competitions and 2000 - 3500m at the Championships. b. There shall be not more than 20 and not less than 16 obstacles, one of which shall be a slip rail to take down and replace dismounted, and one of which shall be a gate to open and shut mounted. All obstacles must be jumped in numerical order. There shall be at least 3 Alternative ‘L’ Obstacles. The ‘L’ Obstacle may consist of only one easy element. c. Course designers should bear in mind that the object is to test the rider rather than the horse. d. Frangible Pins - See Appendix C e. ,QEDGZHDWKHURUZKHUHVSDFHRUEXGJHWUHVWULFWVDQ$UHQD-XPSLQJ course may replace the cross country riding phase - see Appendix + 4XDOL¿FDWLRQ IRU WKH &KDPSLRQVKLSV PXVW EH DW WKH &KDLUPDQ¶V discretion if a cross country phase is not completed. 29. OBSTACLES $OO REVWDFOHV VKDOO EH ¿[HG DQG QXPEHUHG DQG VKRXOG DSSHDU VROLG DQG imposing, while being sited if possible in a natural setting. a. Dimensions 1) No obstacle will exceed the maximum height of the level as stated in Rule 30 and will be measured from the point from which an average horse would normally take off. This does not mean that obstacles must always be of uniform height or spread throughout their length, or that these dimensions may never be exceeded anywhere EHWZHHQWKH5HGDQG:KLWHÀDJVPDUNLQJWKHH[WHQWRIDQREVWDFOH ,WLVVXI¿FLHQWLIWKDWSDUWRIWKHREVWDFOHZKHUHWKHDYHUDJHKRUVHDQG rider could reasonably and conveniently be expected to jump, does not exceed the maximum permitted dimensions. 2) Obstacles with spread only (stream, ditch, etc.) will not exceed the spread as stated for the competition level in Rule 30, inclusive of any guard rail, etc. A low rail or hedge, provided that it merely facilitates the jumping of the obstacle, is not considered to give height to this type of obstacle. 3) Obstacles with both height and spread (oxer, open ditch, etc.) shall not exceed the spread as stated for the competition level in Rule 30. The spread of an obstacle at its top will be measured from both the outside of the relevant rails or other material making up the obstacle and the highest points - See diagram opposite. 24 Direction of approach Max. spread (1.40m) at highest point Max Height (1.10m) Max spread at base (2.10m) If building a new spread fence at Open level, it is recommended that the overall maximum spread does not exceed 1.25m 4) The overall height of a natural hedge or brush fence may not exceed the maximum height by more than 20cm. 5) Poles used for timber obstacles shall not be less than 10 cm at the narrower end. b. Open Ditches These must be at least 46 cm deep, inclusive of the guard rail; if they have no guard rail they should be revetted on the take off side. c. Banks 1) Banks onto the top of which a horse is intended to jump in one should not exceed the height and spread as stated for the competition level in Rule 30 or have a spread of less than 2.75m. 2) ,I WKH VORSH LV VXI¿FLHQW WR DOORZ D KRUVH WR ODQG RQ WKH IDFH DQG scramble up, there is no limit to the height or spread. d. Water Obstacles 1) Water obstacles which require a horse to jump into water either over a fence or down a vertical drop, may be included, provided there is an Alternative ‘L’ Obstacle and the underwater surface is sound. Where no alternative is provided, the entrance into the water must be a gradual slope, with no fence or drop. 2) In water obstacles the water must be at least 6 m wide to ensure that a bold horse does not attempt to jump it, and not deeper than 30 cm DW2SHQOHYHORUFPIRU0LQLPXV-XQLRUDQG,QWHUPHGLDWHOHYHOV,W is to be measured at the point at which the average horse would land. Likewise the water must not exceed this depth where the average horse would take off. Elsewhere the water should not greatly exceed this depth. 25 e. Gate and Slip Rail If the gate and slip rail are not in an existing fence, a length of fencing must be constructed, extending about 3 metres (or more) on either side. The Gate should only be able to open in one direction. The Slip Rail will be between 91 cm and 1.22 m high. There will also be a lower rail, to be negotiated (dismounted) without taking it down, about FPKLJK1RDUWL¿FLDOREMHFWVKRXOGEHSURYLGHGWRDVVLVWWKHULGHUWR remount. Please also see Note 7. I %XOO¿QFKHV Are NOT allowed, as they cannot be maintained in the same condition all day. g. Drops Should not exceed the height stated for the level of competition as in Rule 30, to be measured from the highest point of the obstacle to where the average horse would normally land. h. Double Bounces Are NOT allowed, except at steps. i. Single Bounces If included, must have an easier alternative that may or may not be an Alternative ‘L’. Judging of bounce obstacles: At any obstacle where the distance between elements is 5 metres or less (i.e. DERXQFHZKHQDKRUVHKDVQHJRWLDWHGWKH¿UVWHOHPHQWZLWKRXWSHQDOW\LW will be deemed to have been presented at the second element and similarly if the bounce is for example the second and third elements of a combination. 7KXV LI D ULGHU FKDQJHV KLV PLQG ZKLOH QHJRWLDWLQJ WKH ¿UVW HOHPHQW RI D bounce, he will still be penalised 60 penalties for a run-out. k. Corners At Area Level and below, if included must have an easier alternative which may or may not be an Alternative L. 26 30. OBSTACLES - Maximum & Minimum heights for competition levels Minimus (BE 80) Junior (BE 90) Intermediate (BE 100) Open (BE N) Length of Course (as Rule 29a) The length of the course shall be approximately 16003000m at Area Competitions and 2000-3500m at the Championships. Speed (as Rule 33) Not to be timed 350mpm 350mpm 400mpm Maximum Height 0.80m 0.90m 1.00m 1.10m Maximum Height & Spread Max. Spread Highest Point – 0.90m 1.00m 1.10m 1.40m*** Max. Spread Base - 1.25m 1.50m 1.80m 2.10m With Spread Only Maximum spread without height 1.00m 1.20m 1.80m 2.80m Drop Fences Maximum Drop 1.20m 1.30m 1.40m 1.60m 0.20m 0.20m 0.20m 0.30m Jump into and out of water Max depth of water ***If building a new spread fence, it is recommended that the overall maximum spread does not exceed 1.25m. 31. HAZARDS a) Certain natural features such as ditches and “drops”, which, although not regarded as obstacles, might cause some horses to refuse, may be FODVVL¿HGDVKD]DUGV7KHLUGLPHQVLRQVPXVWQRWH[FHHGWKHPD[LPXP allowed for other obstacles. b) At hazards, ordinary refusals, run-outs, circles and falls will not be penalised, and the only penalty shall be retirement if the horse resists its rider for 60 consecutive seconds. Riders may not go round, or dismount and lead through, a hazard on penalty of retirement. (See also Rule 39e). 32. SPEED a) The time allowed for completing the course is calculated on a speed of 400m (440 yds.) per minute for Open Tetrathlon, or 350m (380yds.) SHUPLQXWHIRUWKH,QWHUPHGLDWHDQG-XQLRU7HWUDWKORQSOXVDWRWDORI secs. in all cases to allow for gate and slip rail. Minimus courses shall not be timed. 27 b) There is no time limit and ties are not decided by the fastest time nor by proximity to the time allowed. c) Stopwatches will not be allowed at any level. 33. FAULTS a) There are no penalty zones. Faults (refusals, run-outs, circling and falls) will be penalised only if, in the opinion of the judge concerned, they are connected with the negotiation or attempted negotiation of one of the numbered obstacles. b) If, after the signal to start, a horse fails to cross the starting line within 60 seconds, it shall retire. 34. SCORING a) 1400 Marks are awarded for a clear round within the time allowed. Riders who fail to complete the course shall not necessarily score zero, but shall retain credit for that part of the course which they have completed before retiring. b) c) The score for a rider who does not complete the course shall be calculated by totalling: 1) 500 penalties for retirement. 2) Any jumping penalties incurred BEFORE the point of retirement. 3) 50 penalties for each fence BEYOND the point of retirement, i.e. fences which the rider has not attempted. (This must include 50 penalties for any obsticle BEYOND the point of retirement which may have been taken out of the course, under Rule 42, during the running of that Class) and subtracting this total from 1400 (should this total exceed 1400 the rider shall score zero). Retirement conditions 1) Where retirement is as a result of a rider failing to negotiate an obstacle, the ONLY penalty incurred at that obstacle shall be the 500 points for retirement, regardless of how many jumping penalties may have been incurred at that obstacle in leading up to the compulsory retirement. 2) If a rider retires BETWEEN fences, either voluntarily or compulsorily, the fence TOWARDS which he/she was, or should have been, riding shall be taken as the fence at which the 500 points for retirement were LQFXUUHG6KRXOGWKHUHWLUHPHQWRFFXUEHWZHHQWKH¿QDOIHQFHDQGWKH ¿QLVKRUVKRXOGWKHULGHUVLPSO\RPLWWRSDVVWKURXJKWKH¿QLVKLQJÀDJV and fail to correct the error, the 500 point penalty shall be awarded. 3) A rider who retires, for any reason, before attempting the THIRD obstacle on the course shall score zero for the riding phase. 28 4) $W $UHD &RPSHWLWLRQV LQ FDVHV RI JHQXLQH ODPHQHVV FHUWL¿HG E\ HLWKHUD9HWHULQDU\6XUJHRQRUWKH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGDFRPSHWLWRUVKDOO score zero for the riding phase (see rule 13d). 35. PENALTIES a. General Course Penalties First refusal, run out or circle of horse at obstacle 60 penalties (see Rule 38a-c) Second refusal, run out or circle of horse at obstacle 100 penalties Third refusal, run out or circle of horse at obstacle Retirement -XPSLQJ$OWHUQDWLYHµ/¶2EVWDFOH 70 penalties First fall of rider (see Rule 38d & e) 90 penalties (N.B. On remounting after a fall there is no need to resume the course at the point at which it was interrupted). Second fall of rider Retirement Fall of horse Retirement (UURURIFRXUVHQRWUHFWL¿HG Retirement 2PLVVLRQRIREVWDFOHRUERXQGDU\ÀDJ Retirement .QRFNLQJGRZQDERXQGDU\RUREVWDFOHÀDJ 6HH5XOHI Horse trapped in an obstacle Retirement -XPSLQJREVWDFOHLQZURQJRUGHU Retirement Retaking an obstacle already jumped Retirement (See also Rule 37a) Horse resisting rider anywhere on the course for 60 secs. other than at Gate/Slip Rail. Retirement Failure to negotiate a hazard (See Rule 31b) Retirement Continuing the course without a hat (See Rule 22a) Elimination Every completed second in excess of time allowed 2 penalties A competitor who crosses the start line early 10 penalties (see also Rule 46b) There is no penalty for jumping a fence which is NOT included on the course. b. Gate / Slip Rail -XPSLQJWKHJDWHRUVOLSUDLO6HH5XOHF 60 penalties Failure to attempt to pass through and close the gate until successful or for the full period of 60 secs. Retirement Failure to open and pass through the gate mounted within 60 secs. timing to commence upon competitor touching the gate and to stop when the loop or latch has been replaced. 200 penalties If having correctly passed through the gate, failure to successfully close it from the departure side of the obstacle within the 60 secs. 50 penalties 29 A competitor, or horse whilst in hand, who jumps the gate or slip rail and must return round, over or through so as to rectify his error of course. Before the obstacle is renegotiated the gate must be shut or the slip rail UHSODFHG)HQFH-XGJHVRQO\VKRXOGDVVLVWDVDSSURSULDWH 60 Penalties Failure to attempt to pass through and replace the slip rail until successful or for the full period of 60 secs. Retirement At the slip rail failure to dismount, correctly take down the upper rail, and get both competitor and pony across to the departure side of the lower rail within 60 secs. (Timing to commence upon competitor dismounting and to stop when slip rail has been replaced) 200 penalties Failure to drop the top rail correctly (the top rail must point to the ground ZLWKLQWKHVSUHDGRIWKHWZRÀDJJHGXSULJKWVDQGPD\EHSODFHGHLWKHU side of the bottom rail 50 penalties At the slip rail, having correctly passed over the lower rail, failure to successfully complete the replacement of the upper rail from the departure side of the obstacle within the 60 secs allowed. 50 penalties Damage caused to slip rail 50 penalties Receiving assistance to remount after the slip rail (see Rule 36b) 60 penalties 36. SPECIAL CONDITIONS a. Competitors retiring from any part of the cross-country course for any reason whatsoever, shall leave the course at a walk and shall take every precaution to avoid disturbing other competitors. They shall not jump any obstacles after retiring. A competitor continuing the course DIWHU UHWLULQJ RU LQFXUULQJ HOLPLQDWLRQ PD\ EH GLVTXDOL¿HG XQOHVV WKHUH are considered to be extenuating circumstances (such as doubt on his part as to the award of a refusal). 7KH &KLHI 6FRUHU ZLOO UHSRUW VXFK FDVHV DV ZLOO DQ\ 2I¿FLDO WR ZKRP they are evident. b. If a competitor is unable to mount after the slip rail he may receive assistance to do so but will incur 60 penalties. c. A competitor, or horse whilst in hand, who jumps the gate or slip rail incurs 60 penalties and must return round, over or through so as to rectify his error of course. Before the obstacle is renegotiated the gate 30 PXVWEHVKXWRUWKHVOLSUDLOUHSODFHG2QO\)HQFH-XGJHVVKRXOGDVVLVW as appropriate. d. The maximum penalty (other than for falls) which can be incurred at the gate or slip rail is 260. e. ,Q H[FHSWLRQDO FLUFXPVWDQFHV DQG DW WKH GLVFUHWLRQ RI WKH 2I¿FLDO Steward, competitors held on the course may be allowed to warm up over a previous fence at Area level and above 37. DOUBLE, TREBLE, MULTIPLE OBSTACLES AND ALTERNATIVE ‘L’ OBSTACLES a. Separately numbered If two or more obstacles, although sited close together, are designed as separate problems, each shall be numbered and judged independently. A competitor may refuse twice at each obstacle without incurring retirement, and may circle between them without penalty, provided that this is not as a result of attempting to negotiate the next obstacle. They must not, under penalty of retirement, retake any obstacle which they have already jumped. b. c. Lettered If an obstacle is formed of several elements, such as banks or steps, a QRUPDORUDQDQJOHGFRPELQDWLRQHDFKSDUWVKDOOEHÀDJJHGDQGPDUNHG ZLWKDGLIIHUHQWOHWWHU$%&HWFEXWRQO\WKH¿UVWHOHPHQWVKDOOEH numbered and it will be judged as one obstacle. All elements must be jumped in alphabetical order. The third refusal within the obstacle as a whole incurs elimination, but if a competitor refuses or falls at any part he may retake the whole obstacle or any part thereof, or may pass the ZURQJZD\WKURXJKWKHÀDJVRIDQ\HOHPHQWLQRUGHUWRGRVR Alternative ‘L’ Obstacles 1) In a multiple obstacle, after jumping one or more elements of the ‘main’ obstacle, a competitor may change to the ‘L’ element of the alternative obstacle that is next in sequence and vice versa. 2) NOTE: It is NOT necessary to go back and jump any of the ‘L’ elements of an obstacle when he has already jumped the corresponding ‘main’ elements, but a competitor is at liberty to do so if he wishes. 3) If having completed the main obstacle a competitor jumps its ‘L’ alternative, he is not penalised. 4)-XPSLQJDVRSSRVHGWRDWWHPSWLQJDQDOWHUQDWLYHµ/¶REVWDFOHRU any part of it will incur a penalty of 70 points only (regardless of the number of elements) in addition to any penalties for refusals, falls, etc. Penalties incurred at the ‘main’ obstacle and those at its alternative ‘L’ obstacle are cumulative. 31 ([DPSOHVRI5HIXVDOV5XQRXWV&LUFOHVGLDJUDPV DQG%ODFNOLQHG)HQFHVGLDJUDPV 32 38. DEFINITIONS OF FAULTS a) Refusals 1) At obstacles or elements with height (i.e. exceeding 30 cms) A horse is considered to have refused if it stops in front of the obstacle or element to be jumped. After a refusal, if the competitor redoubles or changes his efforts without success, or if the horse is represented at the obstacle after stepping back and stops or steps back again, this is a second refusal and so on. 2) At all other obstacles or elements (i.e. 30 cms or less in height) A horse is considered to have refused if it stops in front of the obstacle or element to be jumped. A stop followed immediately by a standing jump is not penalised, but if the halt is sustained or in any way prolonged, this constitutes a refusal. The horse may step sideways but if he steps back with even one foot, this is a refusal. After a refusal, if the competitor redoubles or changes his efforts without success, or if the horse is represented at the obstacle after stepping back and stops or steps back again, this is a second refusal and so on. b. Run out - A horse is considered to have run out if it avoids an obstacle to be jumped and runs out to one side or the other. c. Circling - A horse is considered to have circled if it re-crosses its original track, from whichever direction while negotiating or attempting to negotiate the obstacle, or any part thereof. If after completing the negotiation of all elements of an obstacle, a horse’s exit track from that obstacle crosses it’s approach track to that obstacle, the horse is not considered to have circled, and will not be penalised. If a horse completes a circle while being represented at the obstacle after a refusal, run-out or fall, it is only penalised for the refusal, run-out or fall. A competitor may circle without penalty between two separately numbered obstacles even if they are quite close together, provided he clearly does not present the horse in an attempt to negotiate the second REVWDFOHDIWHUMXPSLQJWKH¿UVW+RZHYHULIWZRRUPRUHHOHPHQWVRIDQ obstacle are lettered A, B or C, i.e. are designed as one integral test, then any circling between these elements shall be penalised. d. Rider Fall - A rider is considered to have fallen when he is separated from his horse in such a way as to necessitate remounting or vaulting into the saddle. e. Horse Fall - A horse is considered to have fallen when the shoulder and quarters have touched either the ground or the obstacle and the ground. 33 f. 7KHUHLVQRSHQDOW\IRUNQRFNLQJGRZQDERXQGDU\RUREVWDFOHÀDJ,ILQ WKHSURFHVVWKHKRUVH¶VKHDGSDVVHVWKHZURQJVLGHRIWKHÀDJLHWR the left of the white or the right of the red, the competitor must retake the fence and will be debited the penalties for the run out(s). Competitors PD\DVNLIWKH\KDYHWRUHWDNHWKHIHQFHDQGWKH)HQFH-XGJHLVREOLJHG to tell them. This is not considered ‘Forbidden Assistance’. g. There is no penalty for jumping a fence which is NOT included on the course. 39. MARKING THE COURSE a. Boundary Flags 5HGRUZKLWHERXQGDU\ÀDJVRULQGLFDWRUVDUHXVHG WRPDUNWKHVWDUWDQG¿QLVKDQGFRPSXOVRU\VHFWLRQVRIWKHFRXUVHWR GH¿QHREVWDFOHVDQGWRLQGLFDWHFRPSXOVRU\FKDQJHVRIGLUHFWLRQ b. Alternative ‘L’ Obstacles 1) Alternative ‘L’ obstacles and ALL ‘L’ elements in a multiple obstacle VKDOO EH PDUNHG ZLWK 5(' DQG :+,7( ERXQGDU\ ÀDJV DQG PDUNHUV having a RED ‘L’ on a white background shall be placed beneath the fence number of alternative ‘L’ obstacles in addition. 2) Each alternative ‘L’ obstacle shall also be marked with the same number as the corresponding ‘main’ obstacle. In the case of a multiple obstacle, each ‘L’ element will have the same letter as the corresponding element of the ‘main’ obstacle. However, when the ‘L’ obstacle has less elements than the ‘main’ obstacle, its last element shall be marked with all the remaining corresponding letters. 3) Where an obstacle may be jumped as an alternative which is not an µ/¶ LW PXVW EH ÀDJJHG VHSDUDWHO\ DQG PXVW EH LGHQWL¿HG E\ WKH VDPH QXPEHUOHWWHUDVWKHGLUHFWURXWHLQWKLVFDVHERWKVHWVRIÀDJVPXVWEH PDUNHGZLWKDEODFNOLQH%ODFNÀDJDOWHUQDWLYHVDUHMXGJHGDVVHSDUDWH obstacles or elements. c. )ODJVDUHWREHSODFHGLQVXFKDZD\WKDWDULGHUPXVWOHDYHDUHGÀDJ RQWKHLUULJKWDQGDZKLWHÀDJRQWKHLUOHIW6XFKUHGRUZKLWHÀDJVRU indicators must be respected, under penalty of retirement, wherever they occur on the course, whether singly or in pairs. d. Where different parts of an obstacle apply to different classes the part to be negotiated by the class competing at the time, and only that part, PXVWEHGH¿QHGE\VXFKÀDJV$OWHUQDWLYHVQRWWREHMXPSHGPXVWEH FOHDUO\PDUNHGWRWKDWHIIHFWHJE\FURVVHGÀDJV 34 e. 2QO\REVWDFOHVZKLFKDUHQXPEHUHGDQGPDUNHGE\WZRERXQGDU\ÀDJV RUHOHPHQWVZKLFKDUHÀDJJHGDQGOHWWHUHGDVLQ5XOHEDUHMXGJHG DVREVWDFOHVDQGRQO\IHDWXUHVGH¿QHGRQWKHJURXQGDQGRQWKHSODQ RIWKHFRXUVHDVKD]DUGVDQGPDUNHGE\WZRERXQGDU\ÀDJVDUHMXGJHG as hazards. f. $OOERXQGDU\DQGWXUQLQJÀDJVPXVWEHLQSRVLWLRQSULRUWRWKHLQVSHFWLRQ of the course by competitors, or, when there are different positions of ÀDJV IRU GLIIHUHQW FODVVHV QRWLFHV PXVW EH DI¿[HG LQGLFDWLQJ ZKHUH ÀDJVDUHWREHIRUWKHDOWHUQDWLYHFODVV'LUHFWLRQLQGLFDWRUV\HOORZRU orange) are placed so as to mark the route and help the rider in keeping to the course. They may be passed on either side and keeping close to them is not necessary. g. %RXQGDU\DQGGLUHFWLRQÀDJVVKDOOEHODUJHDQGSODFHGLQFRQVSLFXRXV positions. 40. INSPECTION OF THE COURSE a. The course must be completed and ready for inspection by 2.00 p.m. on the day preceding the riding phase, unless local circumstances make this impossible. b. Competitors may inspect the course on foot only, under penalty of elimination. c. 8QDXWKRULVHGDOWHUDWLRQWRRUWDPSHULQJZLWKREVWDFOHVGLUHFWLRQÀDJV stringing and foliage on the course is strictly forbidden and may be SHQDOLVHGE\HOLPLQDWLRQRUGLVTXDOL¿FDWLRQ6HH5XOHV 41. PLAN OR MAP OF THE COURSE A plan of the course shall be displayed by the time it is open for inspection (See Rule 40). It must include: a) The course to be followed and its length b) The time allowed c) The numbering of the obstacles G7KHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHJDWHWREHRSHQHGDQGVOLSUDLOWREHWDNHQ down e) Any compulsory turning points f) Any hazards 42. MODIFICATION OF THE COURSE a. After the course is open for inspection by competitors no alteration may be made. If exceptional circumstances (such as heavy rain) make one or more obstacles unfair or dangerous, the Organiser is authorised, with WKHVDQFWLRQRIWKH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGWRUHGXFHWKHVHYHULW\RIRUWRE\ pass such obstacles. 35 b. In such a case the Chief Steward of the riding phase and every FRPSHWLWRUPXVWEHRI¿FLDOO\DQGSHUVRQDOO\LQIRUPHGRIWKHSURSRVHG alteration before the start. The displayed plan of the course should be altered. c. $Q2I¿FLDOPD\EHVWDWLRQHGDWWKHSODFHZKHUHDQDOWHUDWLRQKDVEHHQ made, in order to warn the competitors. d. If it is necessary to order an obstacle to be by-passed during the competition, all jumping faults previously incurred at the obstacle shall be cancelled, except in the case of a competitor who has incurred refusals at that obstacle which result in retirement. A competitor who has been retired shall NOT be reinstated in the phase. e. Once taken out, the obstacle shall NOT be reintroduced. f. If omission of the obstacle involved substantial alteration to the length of the course, the time allowed for the competitors concerned should be adjusted. 43. COMPETITOR IN DIFFICULTY AT AN OBSTACLE a. $FRPSHWLWRULQGLI¿FXOW\DWDQREVWDFOHPXVWJLYHZD\WRWKHIROORZLQJ horse by quickly clearing away from the front of the obstacle. A competitor negotiating the gate or slip rail may continue until his 60 secs have elapsed, in which case a succeeding competitor will be given an allowance for the time during which he is held up. b. If in attempting to negotiate an obstacle a horse should be trapped the fence judge shall summon help immediately. c. In such a case the fence judge will instruct the competitor to dismount. When the horse is free it will not be allowed to continue and must retire. 44. FORBIDDEN ASSISTANCE a. Outside assistance is forbidden under penalty of elimination. Whether or not a competitor has received forbidden assistance, and is to be eliminated, will be left to the discretion of the Chief Steward of the riding phase. Normally a competitor will be eliminated unless, in the opinion RIWKH&KLHI6WHZDUGWKH\GLGQRWUHFHLYHEHQH¿WLQDQ\ZD\IURPVXFK assistance. Fence judges should report any incidents to Control by the fastest possible means. b. Any intervention by a third party, whether solicited or not, with the object of facilitating the task of the competitor or of helping his horse is considered forbidden assistance. 36 c. In particular the following are forbidden: 1) Intentionally joining another competitor to continue the course in company with them. 2) To post friends at certain points to call directions or make signals in passing. 3) For anyone at an obstacle actively to encourage the horse by any means whatsoever. 4))RUDQ\RQHLQFOXGLQJDIHQFHMXGJHRURI¿FLDOWRFDOOEDFNRUDVVLVWD competitor by directions to rectify an error of course. 5) To receive any information, by any means whatsoever, about the FRXUVHEHIRUHLWLVRI¿FLDOO\RSHQWRWKHFRPSHWLWRUV d. EXCEPTIONS: Catching a loose horse and, after a fall, helping a dismounted competitor both to remount and to adjust his saddlery is permitted. When a competitor has been awarded a 60 second failure at a gate or slip-rail, the judge shall inform him and tell him to proceed to the next obstacle, and if necessary explain the by-pass route to KLP6HHDOVR5XOHIUHJDUGLQJNQRFNLQJGRZQDÀDJDQG5XOHE regarding remounting after the slip rail. 45. EXERCISE a. Horses may be exercised in the area provided. They shall not be exercised in the car park or horse box area or among spectators. They may not be ridden on, over or near any part of the riding course. b. :KHUHSUDFWLFHIHQFHVDUHSURYLGHGWKH\ZLOOKDYHUHGDQGZKLWHÀDJV and must be jumped with red on the right and white on the left. c. Saddlery and Gadgets - See Rule 23. d. On the day of the Riding Phase horses competing may be ridden only by their competitors, or in exceptional circumstances and with the SHUPLVVLRQRIWKH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGDQRWKHUPHPEHURIWKHVDPHWHDP e. Persons other than the competitor may lunge a horse, or horse and rider. 37 46. TIME-KEEPING AND STARTING a. Time is counted from the signal to start until the instant when the horse’s QRVHSDVVHVWKH¿QLVKLQJSRVW b. The Starter will give reasonable warning before giving the signal to start (See N12). Although in principle it should be a standing start, this does not mean that the horse must be stationary. It may be moving in any direction other than towards the starting line, when the signal is given. A competitor who starts early will have their time recorded from the moment of crossing the start line and will have 10 points deducted as a penalty. c. If the horse fails to cross the starting line within 60 seconds the competitor shall retire. Assistance at the start is permitted provided it ceases immediately the signal to start is given. Any subsequent assistance is forbidden (See Rule 44). d. :KHQLWLVQHFHVVDU\IRUDQ2I¿FLDOWRVWRSDFRPSHWLWRURQWKHFRXUVH while an obstacle is being repaired, because of an accident, or because another competitor is negotiating the gate or slip rail, the period during which a competitor was held up will be deducted from the time recorded to give his corrected time for completing the course (see also Rule 43a). This includes the case where the competitor has damaged the fence VXEVWDQWLDOO\LQWKHFRXUVHRID¿UVWRUVHFRQGUHIXVDO e. At Area Competitions and the Championships, competitors must start from within a simple enclosure erected at the start and made of wooden post and wooden or plastic rails measuring approximately 5m square, ZLWKDQRSHQIURQWPDUNHGZLWKDUHGDQGDZKLWHÀDJ$W%UDQFK&HQWUH events this will be at the discretion of the Organiser. 38 RUNNING - RULES 47. GENERAL a. The distance shall be: Boys’ Open - 3,000 metres (*) Boys’ Intermediate – 2000 metres Girls’ Open and Intermediate - 1,500 metres Juniors - 1,500 metres Minimus - 1,000 metres (*) Except for the National Triathlon Championships, where Open Boys will run 2,000 metres. It is suggested that qualifying competitions are held over this same distance of 2,000 metres. At any event where the organiser chooses to merge the Open and Intermediate Boys classes, the running distance of either 2000m or 3000m shall be stated on the schedule and/or entry form. b. The running phase may be held using either a mass start, where several competitors set off at the same time, as in a race; or as a time trial, where each competitor starts alone, usually 1 minute apart. See Rules 50 & 51 for details. The method being employed must be stated on the schedule and/ or entry form in advance of the competition. The event programme should inform competitors of their individual or heat start time, (depending on the method being employed) so that they may warm up accordingly. c. A competitor may be given instructions, encouragement or information whilst running but it is forbidden for anyone to run with or near him or act as a pacemaker. A penalty of 30 seconds will be incurred for each breach of this rule. d. Dress - In accordance with Rule 2, Competitors may not run stripped to the waist. e. Personal electronic devices capable of playing music may not be used. 48. THE COURSE a. It is recommended that the course is measured with a wheel. b. If the course is cross-country it should take advantage of natural ups and downs, but not steep hills, and may include a few permanent obstacles such as gates or rails to surmount. $OWHUQDWLYHO\ WKH FRXUVH PD\ EH ODLG RXW DURXQG ¿HOGV VSRUWV pitches, or held on an athletics track. 39 c. A simple plan of the course should be made available at the start. If more than one lap is to be run to make up the required distance, then this should be clearly indicated. d. Flagging / Marking The course should be clearly marked, bearing in mind a tired UXQQHU¶VIDFXOWLHVIRUORRNLQJDERXWKLPDQGVSRWWLQJDÀDJDQG even for going the correct side of it, are impaired. Where there are compulsory turning points in the course or where DVSHFL¿FURXWHLVWREHIROORZHGHJRYHUDQREVWDFOHUHGDQG ZKLWHERXQGDU\PDUNHUVVKRXOGEHXVHGÀDJVSRVWVHWF)ODJV are to be placed in such a way that a runner must leave a red ÀDJRQKLVULJKWDQGDZKLWHÀDJRQKLVOHIW6XFKUHGDQGZKLWH ÀDJVRULQGLFDWRUVPXVWEHUHVSHFWHGXQGHUSHQDOW\RIUHWLUHPHQW wherever they occur on the course. Where necessary, or for greater clarity, a hurdle, tape or string as a ‘wing’ to prevent runners going the wrong side should be used. Yellow posts, markers or direction arrows should also be used to help runners. If the course is over the same ground as the riding, care must be taken to avoid confusion between the different course markers. e. Distance markers should be placed every 500 metres. f. Stewards should be stationed round the course as necessary, to check that the runners complete the course, and that they are not paced by supporters (Rule 47c). g. Where a single number is used runners must wear this on their front. Otherwise a number should be worn front and back. h. START AND FINISH - Same Point $ JRRG OD\RXW LV WR KDYH WKH VWDUW DQG ¿QLVK DW WKH VDPH SRLQW VHSDUDWHGE\DSRVWHJVWDUWRQLWVOHIW¿QLVKRQLWVULJKW,IWKLV LVGRQHJRRGPDUNLQJRIWKH¿QDOVWDJHRIWKHFRXUVHLVHVVHQWLDO preferably with the run-in roped off funnel-wise with rope or tape. It is important that runners’ paths do not cross anywhere near the VWDUW¿QLVKDQGWKLVDUHDPXVWEHNHSWIUHHRIVSHFWDWRUVDVZKHQ UXQQHUV¿QLVKLQDEXQFKWKHMXGJHV¶MRELVQRWHDV\ i. START AND FINISH - Different Points 7KHVWDUWDQG¿QLVKFDQEHLQGLIIHUHQWSODFHVWKRXJKWKLVLVQRW ideal as extra care must be taken to ensure that the starter’s and ¿QLVK MXGJH¶V ZDWFKHV DUH V\QFKURQLVHG E\ EHLQJ VWDUWHG DW WKH same time. 40 49. OFFICIALS D 7KHIROORZLQJRI¿FLDOVDUHUHFRPPHQGHG Running Steward Starter and Assistant – who may double as Finish Judge and Timekeeper Scoreboard Writer Runner(s) – to take result times to the scorers Course / Turning Point Stewards b. At least two watches should be used to avoid disaster from sudden battery run down or from accidentally pressing the stop EXWWRQ6WRSZDWFKHVZKLFKFDQUHFRUGVHYHUDOODSRU¿QLVKWLPHV are particularly useful for timing running in heats. 50. PROCEDURE AND TIMING – TIME TRIALS a. Competitors must be despatched at 1 minute intervals and timed IURPWKHPRPHQWWKH\OHDYHWKHVWDUWXQWLOWKH\FURVVWKH¿QLVKLQJ line. The method is to record the time at which each runner starts DQG¿QLVKHVDQGVXEWUDFWRQHIURPWKHRWKHUWRGHWHUPLQHWKHWLPH taken. Every runner should be started at an exact minute reading on the clock. The easiest way is to start runner No.1 at zero plus one minute, No.2 at two minutes, etc., so that the minutes to be subtracted are the same as the runner’s number. If there is a hold-up, the next runner should be started at the next exact minute. If a scheduled runner is withdrawn, it is advisable to start no-one at that time and adhere to the schedule for the rest of the competitors. If a runner starts other than at his correct minute, this must be noted, so that the time taken can be adjusted as necessary. b. The assistant starter acts as collecting ring steward and marshals the runners so that they report to the starter in time and in the correct order. F 2QHPLQXWHEHIRUHWKH¿UVWUXQQHULVWRVWDUWWKHVWDUWHUDQGWLPH keeper start their watches simultaneously. The starter warns each runner on the approach of his starting time and starts him by FRXQWGRZQUHFRUGLQJWKHWLPHRIVWDUWLQJDWLFNPD\VXI¿FHLIKH starts at the planned time). He also checks that the runner does not cross the line before time, and recalls him if necessary. A good method is for the starter to keep a hand on the runner’s shoulder and release him at the right moment. G ,WLVDGYLVDEOHWRKDYHDQDVVLVWDQWDERXWPHWUHVIURPWKH¿QLVK FDOOLQJRXWHDFKUXQQHU¶VQXPEHUDVQXPEHUVPD\EHGLI¿FXOWWR GLVWLQJXLVKDWWKH¿QLVKRQDWLUHGFRPSHWLWRU 41 e. As each runner comes in, if a split-action watch is not in use, the MXGJH FDOOV RXW µ1R VR DQG VR ¿QLVKLQJ 12:¶ ZKHUHXSRQ the time-keeper reads the clock and records the reading, together with the runner’s number. With a split action time-piece, the timeNHHSHUFDQRIFRXUVHWLPHDUXQQHU¶V¿QLVKGLUHFWO\ I 7KH ¿QLVK MXGJH FKHFNV LW DV VRRQ DV SUDFWLFDEOH DQG WKH scoreboard writer promptly enters the provisional time taken on WKHERDUGRUFDOOVLWRXWIRUWKHEHQH¿WRIVSHFWDWRUVWKLVHQDEOHV any query to be settled on the spot while the matter is fresh in the 2I¿FLDOV¶PLQG J $IWHU HYHU\ ¿YH RU VR UXQQHUV ¿QLVK WKH WLPHNHHSHU¶V UHFRUG LV sent by runner to the scorers. A system may be used of making RXW D VHSDUDWH µFKLW¶ IRU HDFK UXQQHU ZLWK KLV VWDUW DQG ¿QLVK times, which is passed from starter to time-keeper, from him to the blackboard writer (who works out his own provisional time taken) and thence to the scorers. To guard against loss of chits, a complete record must be retained by the time-keeper. 51. PROCEDURE AND TIMING – MASS STARTS a. Separate heats should be used for different classes. However, when there are a small number of competitors in a class then it may be merged with another class competing over the same distance. When there are a large number of competitors in a class it may be necessary to have more than one heat. Depending on the layout of the course 10-12 runners is an ideal heat size. To enable runners to be placed into seeded heats their anticipated run time should be requested on the entry form. Alternatively the running heats may be composed randomly. b. The assistant starter acts as collecting ring steward and marshals the runners for the next heat so that they report to the starter in time. c. For each heat the starter checks the correct runners are at the start line, and informs them of how he will start the race. On the signal to start, all stopwatches are started. If there is a false start the runners are recalled and the heat restarted. G $V WKH UXQQHUV FURVV WKH ¿QLVK OLQH WKH ¿QLVK MXGJH UHFRUGV WKH FRPSHWLWRUQXPEHUVLQWKHRUGHULQZKLFKWKH\¿QLVK,WLVDGYLVDEOH WRKDYHDQDVVLVWDQWLQFDVHVHYHUDOUXQQHUV¿QLVKWRJHWKHU$OVR DVHDFKUXQQHU¿QLVKHVWKHWLPHNHHSHUVUHFRUGDWLPHIRUWKHP 42 H :KHQDOOWKHUXQQHUVLQDKHDWKDYH¿QLVKHGWKHWLPHNHHSHUUHDGV EDFNWKH¿QLVKWLPHVWRWKH¿QLVKMXGJHZKRUHFRUGVWKHPDJDLQVW the competitor’s number. The assistant time keeper(s) cross checks the recorded times against those from his stopwatch. I 7KH¿QLVKMXGJHFKHFNVWKDWHDFKFRPSHWLWRUKDVDUHFRUGHGWLPH The scoreboard writer then records the time taken on the board or FDOOVLWRXWIRUWKHEHQH¿WRIVSHFWDWRUVWKLVHQDEOHVDQ\TXHU\ WREHVHWWOHGRQWKHVSRWZKLOHWKHPDWWHULVIUHVKLQWKH2I¿FLDOV¶ mind. J 1H[W WKH ¿QLVK MXGJH¶V UHFRUG LV VHQW E\ UXQQHU WR WKH VFRUHUV Alternatively, especially if a mobile phone stopwatch is being used, it may be possible to add the runner numbers against their recorded times and send a text message to the scorers. To guard against loss of data, a complete written record of competitor QXPEHUVDQG¿QLVKWLPHVPXVWEHUHWDLQHGE\WKH¿QLVKMXGJH 52. SCORING The standard times which score 1000 points are shown below together with the points which are added or subtracted for each completed second under or over this time: a. Open Boys - (3,000 metres) 10 minutes 30 seconds. Plus or minus 3 points per second; but after 13 minutes 16 seconds the points deducted shall be reduced to 1 point per second. b. Intermediate Boys - (2000 metres) 7 minutes 0 seconds. Plus 4 points per second under the standard time, minus 3 points per second over the standard time; but after 9 minutes 47 seconds the points deducted shall be reduced to 2 points per second. c. Open and Intermediate Girls - (1,500 metres) 5 minutes 20 seconds. Plus or minus 4 points; but after 7 minutes 25 seconds the points deducted shall be reduced to 2 points per second. d. Junior Boys and Girls - (1,500m) 5 minutes 40 seconds. Plus or minus 5 points; but after 7 minutes 20 seconds the points deducted shall be reduced to 2 points per second. e. Minimus Boys and Girls - (1,000m) 4 minutes. Plus or minus 6 points; but after 5 minutes 23 seconds the points deducted shall be reduced to 2 points per second 1%5HDG\5HFNRQHUVWDEOHVDUHJLYHQLQ$SSHQGL[' 43 SHOOTING - RULES Note: These rules were in line with current UK legislation with regard WR¿UHDUPODZVDWWKHWLPHRISULQW$Q\FKDQJHVZLOOEHQRWHGRQ7KH Pony Club Website. 53. GENERAL a. A competitor is to wear normal athletic or everyday clothing. Long trousers are compulsory. b. The use of any special devices, means or garments which support the competitor’s leg, body or arms is prohibited. c. Substantial shoes (that do not reach the anklebone but which cover the whole foot - e.g. Trainers) must be worn. d. Wristbands or similar items that might provide support are prohibited on the hand(s) and arm(s) holding the pistol. e. Radios, tape recorders or any type of sound producing or communication system are prohibited. Sound reducing devices (ear defenders or ear plugs), visors/caps, and glasses/eye patches/ FRUUHFWLYHOHQVHVRU¿OWHUVPD\EHZRUQ f. Pistols are to be held in one hand only for Open, Intermediate and Junior competitions. The other hand or arm may not be used to hold or support the pistol, the pistol hand or any part of the pistol arm. g. For Minimus competitions (8 to 11 years old) the pistol may be held in two hands. provided neither hand No part of either hand should be is forward of the trigger guard. h. Firing will be from an erect standing unsupported position. i. No person (Coach, Parent or Competitor) is permitted to use RSWLFDO LQVWUXPHQWV VXFK DV ¿HOG JODVVHV ELQRFXODUV FDPHUDV and spotting scopes, during a competitor’s shoot except during the sighting/practice shots. M $W WKH ¿ULQJ SRLQW UDQJH VXSHUYLVLRQ LV SURYLGHG E\ WKH )LULQJ 3RLQW6WHZDUGDFWLQJDVWKH&KLHI5DQJH2I¿FHU k. A competitor does not need to be supported by an adult. Any competitor may load their pistol themselves (i.e. without a loader) if they wish and are deemed safe and competent by the Firing Point Steward. If not, the Firing Point Steward may request a loader to support an individual shooter. 44 l. All entries for shooting must be signed off prior to shooting as being competent to shoot at competitions by the Team Manager. 54. SAFETY a. An outline of the Law Relating to Air Pistols will be found at Appendix C, together with Safety Precautions. For contravention of the Law and these Rules, a competitor may be either be HOLPLQDWHGIURPWKHVKRRWLQJSKDVHRUGLVTXDOL¿HGIURPWKHZKROH Competition, or may be liable to disqualify his Team at the sole GLVFUHWLRQRIWKH2I¿FLDO6WHZDUGZKRVHGHFLVLRQLV¿QDODQGPD\ not be appealed. b. No person under 18 years of age may be in possession of or carry an air pistol in a public place, unless that person is under the supervision of someone over 21 years. c. Charging air and gas pistol cylinders should be handled by responsible persons only and charging cylinders should be kept safely in a secure area before and during a competition. Junior and Minimus competitors must be supervised when charging air SLVWROF\OLQGHUVE\DQRI¿FLDORUGHOHJDWHGUHVSRQVLEOHSHUVRQ d. No person under the age of 8 (on the day of competition) may shoot at a Pony Club event, including postal pistol competitions. e. At all Pony Club shooting occasions (competitions or practice) there must always be a Firing Point Steward, aged over 21 years in charge, who supervises all persons (including spectators) both DWWKH¿ULQJSRLQWDQGDOOVKRRWLQJUHODWHGDFWLYLWLHV LQWKHUDQJH environs. f. At a shooting range and environs pistols must be kept in their cases until the Firing Point Steward gives the order to “unbox” them at the start of a detail, and they must be “boxed” again before WKHFRPSHWLWRUVOHDYHWKH¿ULQJSRLQW J 3LVWROV DUH EH ORDGHG RQO\ DW WKH ¿ULQJ SRLQW DQG RQO\ DIWHU WKH command “LOAD” is given. h. When the command “STOP” is given, all competitors must stop shooting immediately and place their pistol on the table/bench in a ‘safe’ condition (cylinder out, cocking handle and /or loading port open). Shooting may only be resumed when an appropriate command is given by the Firing Point Steward. 45 In a potentially dangerous situation or emergency the Firing Point Steward may give the command “STOP”, “STOP”, “STOP”. On hearing this command competitors and /or their loaders should immediately place their pistols (whether loaded or not) on the table/bench in a ‘safe’ condition (see Rule 54h) and stand back IURPWKH¿ULQJSRLQWDQGRUVLWGRZQRQWKHFKDLUSURYLGHGDWWKH ¿ULQJSRLQW3LVWROVPXVWQRWEHKDQGOHGXQOHVVRQDQDSSURSULDWH command of the Firing Point Steward. Any breach of this Rule will OHDG WR LPPHGLDWH GLVTXDOL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH FRPSHWLWRU LQFOXGLQJ LI the pistol is handled by a loader without express permission of the Firing Point Steward). 55. TARGETS D 2QO\WKHRI¿FLDOWDUJHWREWDLQDEOHIURP7KH3RQ\&OXE2I¿FHLVWR EHXVHGIRUDOO2I¿FLDO&RPSHWLWLRQVVHH$SSHQGL[. b. Targets are to be placed in a row with their lower edge 1.25m (4 feet) plus or minus 7.5cm (3 inches) above the ground and a minimum of 0.56m (1 foot 10 inches) apart. They should not be sited directly against a hard vertical background to avoid pellet ricochet. c. The distance between the target and the front foot of the competitor is to be 10m (+/- 5cm (2 inches) for Open and Intermediate and 7m(+/- 5cm (2 inches) for Junior and Minimus competitions. d. Only one target per competitor should be exposed at the same time. 56. EQUIPMENT a. The equipment for Shooting consists of the pistol only. If a competitor wishes to use any accessory he must have it examined DQG DSSURYHG E\ WKH &KLHI 6WHZDUG RU D VKRRWLQJ RI¿FLDO nominated by him) of the phase before the detail begins. The use of accessories and equipment that are contrary to the spirit of these rules is forbidden. b. Pistols can be of any make of ‘low powered’ 4.5mm (.177 inch) calibre air pistol powered by spring/pneumatic, compressed air or &2SURYLGHGD)LUHDUPV&HUWL¿FDWHLVQRWUHTXLUHG1RPDJD]LQHV for loading more than one pellet are allowed. A low powered air SLVWROLVGH¿QHGDVRQHJHQHUDWLQJOHVVWKDQ-IWOEVLQ*% Different Rules apply in NI. 46 c. The competitor is responsible for presenting all pistols and equipment DQGRU DFFHVVRULHV IRU RI¿FLDO LQVSHFWLRQ DQG DSSURYDO SULRU WR WKH event. The competitor must use the same pistol in all shots of the event unless it ceases to function. If the competitor begins or completes the FRPSHWLWLRQZLWKDQXQDSSURYHGSLVWROKHVKHPXVWEHGLVTXDOL¿HG d. After the equipment has been approved, the pistol is not to be PRGL¿HGRUDGMXVWHG>RWKHUWKDQDGMXVWPHQWRIVLJKWDOLJQPHQW@DW any time prior to or during the event nor must it be exchanged if LQVDIHZRUNLQJRUGHU$Q\DOWHUDWLRQVRUDGMXVWLQJRIWKHRI¿FLDOO\ approved pistol so that it violates the rules, or exchange without DSSURYDO ZLOO LQFXU GLVTXDOL¿FDWLRQ ,I WKHUH DUH DQ\ GRXEWV regarding any alteration, the pistol must be returned to the Chief 6WHZDUGRUDVKRRWLQJRI¿FLDOQRPLQDWHGE\KLPIRUUHLQVSHFWLRQ and approval prior to the start of the competitor’s shooting detail. e. Pellets must be of 4.5mm (.177 inch) calibre of soft lead and be RIµZDGFXWWHU¶W\SHÀDWQRVHG'LDEORVWHHODQGFRPSRVLWHW\SH pellets are prohibited. Pellets should be submitted for inspection with other equipment prior to the start of shooting. f. Adjustable grips are permitted if they conform to the dimensions in Rule 56k. g. Only open sights are allowed. Optical, mirror, telescopic, laser beam, electronically projected dot, optically enhanced sights etc. are prohibited. A protective covering over the front or rear sight to facilitate cocking of the pistol does not infringe this rule. K &RUUHFWLYHOHQVHVDQGRU¿OWHUVPXVWQRWEHDWWDFKHGWRWKHSLVWRO but may be worn by the competitor. i. No part of the grip or accessories is to encircle the hand or extend in any way which would give any support beyond the hand. j. Pistols must be checked as to calibre and dimension. All approved equipment must be marked with a seal or sticker that will be valid only for the respective competition. N 7KHSLVWROWRJHWKHUZLWKDOODFFHVVRULHVPXVWEHFDSDEOHRI¿WWLQJ into a control box measuring 420mm long by 200mm wide and 50mm deep at any time. l. All mobile phones and any other type of communication system must be switched off whilst in the range and range environs. This DSSOLHVWRDWKOHWHVRI¿FLDOVVSHFWDWRUVDQGDOORWKHUSHUVRQVZLWK no exception. 47 57. METHOD – COURSE OF FIRE a. Each Open and Intermediate competitor will have two targets each RIVKRWV¿UHGFRQVHFXWLYHO\DQGZLWKDWLPHOLPLWRIDVHFRQG target exposure per shot. Organisers should note that for Minimus competitors a longer time of target exposure may be permitted. In this circumstance, the exposure shall be the same for all competitors and shall be announced by the Firing Point Steward before each shooting detail. b. Prior to the two competitive competition targets, competitors should be allowed 5 sighting/practice shots at a static practice target. c. No coaching is allowed during the competition shots but is DOORZHG GXULQJ WKH ¿ULQJ RI VLJKWLQJSUDFWLFH VKRWV $IWHU WKH sighting/practice shots, no communication of any nature between the competitor and any other person, with the exception of the VKRRWLQJRI¿FLDOVLVDOORZHG d. Loaders (who must be aged 18 or over) may be used, but they must not communicate in any way with the competitor during the competition shots. e. Loaders / target changers are required to stand back at least two metres behind the competitor after loading / changing the targets. f. After the command “Watch and Shoot” or “Stand by” is given (as appropriate - see Rule 58), until the targets are exposed or the order to “Fire” is given (as the case may be) competitors must hold their pistols at arm’s length at an angle of at least 45 degrees below the horizontal or with barrel muzzles resting on the tables provided at the option of each competitor. g. If a pistol powered by an air/CO2 cylinder or cartridge is used, it is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure that they have VXI¿FLHQWDLUWRFRPSOHWHWKHVHULHVRIVKRWVLQFOXGLQJVLJKWHUVDW the start of the competition. 48 58. RANGE COMMANDS a. The following range commands are to be used: “Load” “Are you Ready” (If not, then competitors must immediately say they are not) Mechanically exposed targets Continuously exposed targets “Watch and Shoot” “Stand by” After a pause of approximately 3 - 4 seconds Targets are exposed for 4 seconds “Fire” After 4 seconds (during which time FRPSHWLWRUV¿UHRQHVKRW &RPSHWLWRUV¿UHRQHVKRW ³6WRS´ “Reload” “Are you Ready”, etc. (At end of Series) “Cease Fire” “Unload” “Bench Pistols” (ensure ‘safe’ condition – see Rule 54h) “Change / Collect Targets” b. If, due to an incorrect command and/or action by the Firing Point 6WHZDUG WKH FRPSHWLWRU LV QRW UHDG\ WR ¿UH ZKHQ WKH FRPPDQG “Watch and Shoot” or “Fire” is given, they must hold their pistol pointing down the range, raise their free hand, and report the situation to the Firing Point Steward. They must not disturb RWKHUFRPSHWLWRUV,IWKHFODLPLVMXVWL¿HGWKHFRPSHWLWRUPXVWEH DOORZHGWR¿UHWKHVKRWZLWKWKHQH[WUHJXODUVKRW$WWKHHQGRIWKH series the competitor will complete their series as necessary. If the FODLPLVXQMXVWL¿HGWKHVKRWLVORVWDQGVFRUHV]HUR ,IWKHFRPSHWLWRUKDV¿UHGDVKRWDIWHUWKHLQFRUUHFWFRPPDQGDQG or incorrect action, a protest will not be accepted and the shot is scored. 59. SCORING D $OOVFRULQJWDUJHWVZLOOEHFROOHFWHGE\DQRI¿FLDODQGPXVWQRWEH VKRZQHLWKHUWRWKHFRPSHWLWRURUWHDPRI¿FLDOVEHIRUHWKH\KDYH been checked by the Scrutineers (see N24). All scoring should be conducted by 3 (three) Scrutineers. The Chief Steward should not be a Scrutineer. Scrutineers should be based in a location separate from other FRPSHWLWLRQ RI¿FLDOV DQG DFFHVV WR WKHP VKRXOG EH UHVWULFWHG WR RWKHURI¿FLDOV7KH\VKDOOUHSRUWGLUHFWO\WRWKH&KLHI6WHZDUG 49 b. The scores are:10 points for a Bull 8 points for an Inner 6 points for a Magpie 4 points for an Outer 2 points for outside the Outer scoring ring (see rule 59c below) c. If any part of a higher value scoring ring is touched by the pellet, the shot must be scored the higher value of the two scoring rings. This is determined by whether either the pellet hole (where it is FOHDUO\GH¿QHGRUDSOXJRURYHUOD\JDXJHLIWKHUHLVDQ\GRXEW WKDWWKHSHOOHWKROHGRHVQRWFOHDUO\GH¿QHWKHSDVVDJHRIWKHSHOOHW through the target) inserted in or over the hole touches any part of the outside edge of the scoring ring. A shot in or touching the outer border scores 2. G 2QPHFKDQLFDOO\H[SRVHGWDUJHWVVKRWV¿UHGZKLOVWWKHWDUJHWLV turning and causing an elongated hole over 6 mm long are scored as 0 (zero). e. If, when targets are continuously exposed, the competitor exceeds the time limit of 4 seconds per shot, the highest scoring shot (or shots, if exceeded more than once) shall be subtracted from the total scored on the target or targets concerned. The Firing Point Steward shall verbally inform the competitor on each occurrence after the command “Stop”. The decision of the Firing Point Steward LV¿QDODQGPD\QRWEHDSSHDOHGDQGQRVKRWPD\EHUHSHDWHG f. As a maximum shooting score is 1,000 points, each competitor’s total target score is to be multiplied by 10 to calculate the total number of points scored in the shooting phase less any penalties or deductions for infringements and safety violations of these Rules (if applicable). g. If more than 5 shots appear on a target and it is adjudicated that WKHH[WUDVKRWFRXOGQRWKDYHEHHQ¿UHGE\WKDWFRPSHWLWRUWKHQ WKH FRPSHWLWRU ZLOO EH FUHGLWHG ZLWK WKH KLJKHVW ¿YH VFRULQJ shots on the target. If the competitor has (or believes they have) loaded more than one pellet on the command to “load” then they should retain a grip on and keep the pistol pointing down range and inform the Firing Point Steward. They will be given an opportunity to either discharge the pistol in a safe direction (not pointing) at the targets or remove the pellets from the breech and loading chamber before the next regular shot. They shall complete the series under direction of the Firing Point Steward. 50 ,I D FRPSHWLWRU ¿UHV PRUH WKDQ RQH SHOOHW IRU ZKDWHYHU UHDVRQ DW D VLQJOH WDUJHW H[SRVXUH RU RQ WKH FRPPDQG WR ³¿UH´ XVLQJ static targets then they will score the 5 lowest scoring shots in the series. Any shot(s) not hitting the target scoring rings shall be scored as 0 (zero). h. If two Scrutineers do not agree on either the value of a shot or number of shots on a target, a decision from a third Scrutineer must be requested immediately. The plug gauge may be inserted only once in any single pellet hole and only by a third Scrutineer. For this reason the use of a plug gauge must be marked on the target by the Scrutineers, together with their initials, and showing the result. A plug gauge should never be inserted in a ‘keyholing’ (multiple) shot hole or to determine whether there is more than one shot in a single shot hole. If a plug gauge is inserted in error in these circumstances, then the shooter shall be credited with the higher number of shots and, value if the gauge touches a higher scoring ring. The Scrutineers should initial and mark the target accordingly IRULQVSHFWLRQE\WKH&KLHI6WHZDUGDQGDQ\7HDP2I¿FLDO Scrutineers may use a ‘double shot’ hole gauge, approved in advance by the Chief Steward, to help adjudicate possible multiple shots in a single hole. This gauge may only be used as a last resort after all other permitted scoring gauges and methods have been used and always in the presence of the Chief Steward RU DQRWKHU RI¿FLDO QRPLQDWHG E\ KLP ZKR ZLOO DFW RQO\ DV DQ REVHUYHU7KHVFRULQJGHFLVLRQRIWKH6FUXWLQHHUVLV¿QDODQGPD\ not be appealed. i. Once the targets have been scored, they are to be made available for viewing only either by the relevant team manager / coach or one authorised representative of the competitor. Targets may not be removed from the inspection area and may only be viewed LQWKHSUHVHQFHRIDQRI¿FLDOIURPWKHHYHQW1RJDXJHVRURWKHU scoring equipment shall be permitted to be used by anyone other than the Scrutineers. j. All scoring decisions should be marked on the target and initialled by the three Scrutineers including the use of either a plug, ‘skid shot’ or ‘double shot’ gauge. 7HDP2I¿FLDOVKDYHWKHULJKWWRDSSHDOHQWULHVLQWKHUHVXOWVOLVW score card totals and the value any single shot hole in which a plug gauge has not been previously inserted. The Scrutineers will consider all appeals working alone observed by the Chief Steward RUDQRWKHURI¿FLDOQRPLQDWHGE\KLP 51 k. Any decision on number or value of potential multiple shots in one hole or one target will have been adjudicated by all three Scrutineers and may not be appealed. 60. PISTOL MALFUNCTIONS D ,I D VKRW KDV QRW ¿UHG GXH WR D SLVWRO PDOIXQFWLRQ DQG LI WKH competitor wishes to claim a malfunction, they must hold their pistol pointing down the range, retain their grip, and immediately inform the Firing Point Steward by raising their free hand. They must not disturb other competitors. A competitor may try to correct a malfunction or continue the shot, but if he does he may not claim a malfunction and the shot shall be scored as 0 (zero). b. When determining the cause of a malfunction, if the external appearance of the pistol does not show an obvious reason for the malfunction, the Firing Point Steward must take the pistol carefully and safely from the competitor. The Firing Point Steward must not interfere with nor touch the loading mechanism but point the pistol in a safe direction and pull the trigger once only to determine whether the trigger mechanism had been released. If the pistol does not discharge the Firing Point Steward must complete the examination of the pistol to determine the cause of the malfunction and decide whether or not the malfunction is allowable. c. A malfunction of a pistol is considered as allowable when a part of the pistol has failed and, in particular: $SHOOHWVWLFNVLQWKHEDUUHOXQOHVVGXHWRLQVXI¿FLHQWDLURUJDV under the control of the competitor – see Rule 57g) 2) The trigger mechanism has failed to operate 3) There is a pellet in the chamber and the trigger mechanism has been released and operated 4) The pistol has “jammed” $Q\SDUWRIWKHSLVWROLVGDPDJHGVXI¿FLHQWO\WRSUHYHQWWKHSLVWRO from functioning (unless under the control of the competitor). If after inspection of the pistol, the Firing Point Steward decides that there was an allowable malfunction the competitor has the ULJKW WR ¿UH DQ DGGLWLRQDO VKRW FRQFXUUHQW ZLWK WKH QH[W UHJXODU shot or at the end of the regular series as appropriate under command of the Firing Point Steward. A malfunction is allowed twice in the course of the competition. Any subsequent pistol malfunction shall be scored as 0 (zero). If the pistol malfunctions during practice/sighting series or shots then the shot may be repeated once only. 52 If the pistol is inoperable then the competitor has the right to continue and complete the competition with an approved exchange pistol at a time determined by the Firing Point Steward so as not to unduly disturb other competitors in that detail. The competitor PD\¿UHDGGLWLRQDOSUDFWLFHVLJKWLQJVKRWVRQKLVDOORFDWHGGHWDLO He shall complete the required number of shots at the beginning RIWKHVHULHVRQO\$Q\VKRWVHLWKHUQRW¿UHGRUKLWWLQJWKHWDUJHW shall be scored as zero and no additional malfunctions shall be allowed. d. A malfunction is considered as non-allowable when it is the competitor’s fault and in particular:1) The competitor or another person has touched the pistol before it’s inspection by the Firing Point Steward 2) The safety catch had not been released or had gone on “safe” during shooting. 3) The competitor had not loaded the pistol 4) The pistol had been loaded with the wrong pellets 5) The pistol had run out of air or CO2 (except due to malfunction of the propellant mechanism) 6) The malfunction was due to any other cause that could reasonably have been controlled by the competitor. If after inspection of the pistol, the Firing Point Steward decides that a malfunction was non-allowable, the competitor loses that shot and scores 0 (zero). A malfunction is allowed twice in the course of the competition. Any subsequent pistol malfunction (either allowable or non-allowable) shall be scored as 0 (zero). The FRPSHWLWRUKDVWKHULJKWWR¿UHWKHUHPDLQLQJFRPSHWLWLRQVKRWV 61. SHOOTING IRREGULARITIES AND INFRINGEMENTS a. Loaders must not communicate in any way with the competitor during the competition shots. The Firing Point Steward shall issue DZDUQLQJWRERWKFRPSHWLWRUDQGORDGHURQWKH¿UVWRFFDVLRQRQ the second occasion the competitor shall lose the highest value VKRWRQWKHWDUJHWDQGRQWKHWKLUGRFFDVLRQVKDOOEHGLVTXDOL¿HG 53 b. A competitor who raises their pistol before either the target faces RUWKHFRPPDQG³¿UH´RQVWDWLFWDUJHWVVKDOOEHZDUQHGRQWKH¿UVW occurrence by the Firing Point Steward; on the second occasion the competitor shall lose the highest value shot on the target and, RQWKHWKLUGRFFDVLRQVKDOOEHGLVTXDOL¿HG c. If a pistol powered by an air/CO2 cylinder or cartridge is used, the competitor may change the cylinder or cartridge during the competition but no additional time shall be allowed and, this may only be done under control of the Firing Point Steward to ensure VDIHW\$Q\VKRWVQRW¿UHGRUKLWWLQJWKHWDUJHWVKDOOEHVFRUHGDV 0 (zero). d. If a pellet is discharged accidentally after the command “Watch and Shoot” or “Standby” (as appropriate - see Rule 58) that shot is lost and scores 0 (zero). e. If a pellet is discharged accidentally after the command “Load” and before either the command “Watch and Shoot” or “Standby” DVDSSURSULDWHVHH5XOHWKHVKRRWHUVKDOOZDLWDQG¿UHDQ\ additional shot at the end of the regular series under command of the Firing Point Steward. The Firing Point Steward shall issue a warning to the competitor. Any subsequent occurrence in the series of competition shots shall be scored as 0 (zero) and the shot(s) may not be repeated. I $Q\FRPSHWLWRUZKR¿UHVDVKRWEHIRUHWKHFRPPDQG³/RDG´PXVW EHGLVTXDOL¿HG J $Q\ FRPSHWLWRU ZKR LV GLVTXDOL¿HG IRU LQIULQJHPHQWV RI WKHVH 5XOHVPXVWUHPDLQDWWKH¿ULQJSRLQWOHDYLQJWKHLUSLVWROLQDµVDIH¶ condition (see Rule 54h) on the table/bench and sit down in the chair provided until the competition detail is complete. The Firing Point Steward will issue necessary commands for the competitor to make safe, box and remove themselves and their equipment IURP WKH ¿ULQJ SRLQW ,I D ORDGHU LV SUHVHQW WKH ORDGHU PXVW withdraw to the spectator area immediately on command of the Firing Point Steward. h. The Firing Point Steward shall enter all malfunctions and irregularities on the range register and score sheet for each detail that should be sent with the shot targets to the Scrutineers indicating any deductions and information of the number of VKRWV ¿UHG DQG WKH FLUFXPVWDQFHV DV DSSURSULDWH ,I WKHUH DUH any doubts as to the circumstances then the Firing Point Steward should be called to meet with the Scrutineers by the Chief Steward after the end of shooting and before the targets are scored. 54 SWIMMING - RULES 62. GENERAL Competitors will score points according to the distance they have swum in 4 minutes for the Boys’ Open competition, 3 minutes for Girls’ Open, ,QWHUPHGLDWH DQG -XQLRU DQG PLQXWHV IRU 0LQLPXV 7KH\ PD\ XVH whatever style they wish and may change it during the swim. See N25 regarding venue. 63. METHOD a. Competitors should swim in heats, the number in each heat depending on the width of the pool. b. A Competitor may start the swim already in the water provided he is in contact with the end of the pool by at least one hand or foot. c. The Start 1) The Starter shall take up a position at the side of the pool. The Competitors, on a signal from the starter, shall take up position a short pace back from the edge of the pool; on the preparatory command from the Starter “Take your Marks”, the competitors shall immediately take up a starting position on the edge of the pool, and remain be motionless until the signal to start; they are not allowed to have their arms swinging or be making anticipatory movements of the body, though they may provide any attitude they wish. If a false start occurs, the starters whistle will be blown for a second time and a stop rope should be deployed. The swimmers must be recalled and the heat restarted. 2) ,I WKH ¿UVW DWWHPSW WR VWDUW WKH KHDW LV IDOVH WKH VZLPPHUV PXVW be warned that in the event of any further false starts those deemed responsible will be required to start in the water for all subsequent restarts. d. The time is taken from the whistle and a whistle will blow to signal the end of the 2, 3 or 4 minute period. The timekeeper should indicate when half time has elapsed and the last 30 seconds of the swim should be counted down in 10 second intervals and the last 10 seconds in single seconds to help judges and coaches. e. A swimmer must touch the end of the pool with some part of his body each time he turns, and 50 pts. will be deducted each time he fails to do so. A.S.A. Rules about how the end is to be touched, depending on the style of swim, do not apply in Tetrathlon. f. The distance swum is measured at the point reached by the foremost part of the swimmer’s person when the whistle is blown. 55 64. COACHES/TEAM TRAINERS Coaches/Team Trainers are allowed at the end of the pool away from the start to give competitors encouragement and/or information, this includes coaching during the warm up period. They may not place hands or objects in the water to encourage or aid swimmers, but may do so only by voice. They alone may check with the /DQH-XGJHVLPPHGLDWHO\DIWHUWKHKHDWKDV¿QLVKHG 65. SCORING a. Open Boys - A competitor will score 2 pts. for every complete metre swum up to 150 metres, 6 pts. for every further complete metre swum after that up to 250 metres and 3 pts. per complete metre swum above 250. Thus a boy swimming 150 metres will score 300 and one swimming 250 metres will score 900 pts. b. Open Girls and Intermediate Boys and Girls - Score 3 pts. per complete metre swum up to 100 metres, plus 6 pts. per complete metre swum from 101 to 200 metres and 4 pts. per complete metre thereafter. c. Junior Boys and Girls - Score 4 pts. per complete metre swum up to 50 metres, plus 6 pts. per complete metre from 51 to 200 metres and 4 pts. per complete metre thereafter. d. Minimus Boys and Girls - Score 8 pts. per complete metre swum throughout. Thus a competitor swimming 125 metres will score 1,000 pts. 66. WALKING a. If a competitor is seen to be walking on the bottom of the pool, the judge is empowered to deduct from the distance covered by that competitor an amount equal to the distance he estimates he walked instead of swimming. b. There is nothing to prevent a competitor who, for any reason, leaves the pool, re-entering and continuing his swim provided he is within the time and starts again from the point at which he left off. 67. FORBIDDEN SUBSTANCES The use of grease, oil or any similar substance on the body is forbidden. 56 68. EQUIPMENT The use of swimming of buoyancy aids is forbidden at any level of competition. Non-shooting under 8’s may be permitted to use a buoyancy aid a. The competitor must only wear one swimsuit, in one or two pieces which for men will not extend above the naval or below the knee and for women shall not cover the neck, extend past the shoulder nor shall extend below the knee. b. All swimsuits shall be made from textile material. c. No additional items, such as arm bands or leg bands shall be regarded as part of the swim suit. PART 3 NOTES FOR ORGANISERS These notes are written for the guidance of those involved in running Tetrathlon. They are not exhaustive and there are alternative ways of running particular phases which are as good. It is also possible to run this type of FRPSHWLWLRQRQDORFDODQGLQIRUPDOEDVLVZLWKIHZHU2I¿FLDOVWKDQVXJJHVWHG KHUH +RZHYHU DQ\ GUDVWLF SUXQLQJ RI 2I¿FLDOV LQ DQ\ FRPSHWLWLRQ ZKHUH there is a serious rivalry between teams or individuals is apt to lead to a deluge of protests. N.1 TIMINGS Although a considerable physical challenge, it is perfectly feasible to run a Tetrathlon competition in one day. a. 7KH ¿UVW SKDVH ZKHUH SRVVLEOH VKRXOG EH WKH VKRRWLQJ ZKLOH WKH competitors hands are steady, followed by one of the strenuous dismounted phases (swimming or running). Next should come the ULGLQJDQG¿QDOO\WKHRWKHUGLVPRXQWHGSKDVH)RUHDVHRIVFRULQJDQG SURGXFLQJWKHUHVXOWVLWLVXVXDOO\EHVWWR¿QLVKZLWKWKHUXQQLQJ b. Suggested timings for a competition with 40-50 entries are as follows: Shooting: (9.30am-12.30pm) Four targets, 15 minutes per detail (the time of 12 mins. may be feasible, but there are often delays which might upset such a tight schedule). Swimming: 12.00pm-1.30pm Four lanes, 7 minutes per detail. Riding: 2.00pm-3.30pm Competitors ideally at not less than 2 minute intervals. Running: 4.00pm-4.45pm Competitors at 1 minute intervals. Prize-giving: 5.30pm 57 c. The above timings make a very long and strenuous day, but with that number of competitors it is the minimum consistent with giving everybody time to prepare themselves and walk the running and riding courses before they compete. For the senior competitors, who do longer distances, it is also a considerable strain, and it is better to have the competition on two days. d. In a two-day competition, if possible, one of the strenuous dismounted SKDVHVVKRXOGEHRQWKH¿UVWGD\DQGWKHRWKHUWRJHWKHUZLWKWKHULGLQJ RQWKHVHFRQG6KRRWLQJVKRXOGEHWKH¿UVWLWHPRQRQHRIWKHGD\VDQG this will often be possible where there is a n urban sports complex for the swimming. e. Timings will often be governed by the period when a swimming pool can be booked. N.2 ORDER OF STARTING The order in which the competitors start on the various phases needs careful consideration, especially in a one-day competition. a. When time is tight in a one-day competition, it is only fair that the same order should be adhered to throughout, otherwise a competitor late in WKH RUGHU PD\ ¿QG KLPVHOI JRLQJ VWUDLJKW IURP RQH SKDVH WR DQRWKHU without time for walking the course, warming up, food, etc. b. In the shooting, since Members may well be using the same pistol, or coach/loader, they should follow each other in successive details at the same stand. c. In the riding phase of a Branch/Centre event where horses may be shared, the order may have to be completely altered to allow shared horses to go early and late. In a tight one-day event this phase may well dictate the whole order. N.3 ORGANISATION a. If the competition takes place on one day, it is not possible for one person to control all the phases, as some of them will have to be set XSDQGHYHQVWDUWHGEHIRUHWKHRQHEHIRUHKDV¿QLVKHG2QWZRGD\V it is just possible, provided entries do not exceed about 50, but the Organiser will be very stretched. b. It is far better, and in Area competitions essential, to delegate the control and organisation of each of the four phases to separate Phase Stewards. The Organiser exercises general control, deciding any general disputes and, in particular, controlling the scoring team. :LWKDQDGHTXDWHWHDPRI2I¿FLDOVLWLVSRVVLEOHWRKDQGOHDWOHDVW 58 competitors. Over a 2 day competition it is possible to handle more competitors. c. It is important that anyone organising a Tetrathlon collects a really good scoring team. It is vitally important that the scorers are protected from the attention of Competitors, trainers and parents. If at the end of a competition teams have to wait a long time for results, and when they do come they are inaccurate, a competition which may have run smoothly can end in discord. d. In accordance with The Pony Club Health and Safety and Safeguarding Rule Book, the organiser or a representative must carry out an inspection of the competition site prior to the competition and complete a Pony Club risk assessment check list. Templates for risk assessments can be found on the Pony Club website or by contacting The Pony &OXE2I¿FH N.4 PERSONNEL 7KHIROORZLQJKDYHEHHQIRXQGWREHWKHSULQFLSDORI¿FLDOVQHHGHGLQWKH organisation: Organiser 3RQ\&OXE2I¿FLDO6WHZDUG2I¿FLDO(YHQWVRQO\ Secretary and/or Assistant Organiser Chief Steward for each phase Chief Scorer and three scorers Three runners 7KH2UJDQLVHULVLQRYHUDOOFRQWUROXQOHVVWKHUHLVDQ2I¿FLDO6WHZDUG ZKR KHDGV WKH -XU\ RI $SSHDO IRU SURWHVWV DQG EULHIV VWHZDUGV DQG judges where appropriate. The Organiser, and the Phase Stewards, PXVWDYRLGLQYROYLQJWKHPVHOYHVLQVSHFL¿FWDVNV7KH\VKRXOGUHPDLQ free and able to deal with any problems that arise. The secretary takes WKHHQWULHVDQGDWWHQGVWRDOOWKHSDSHUZRUN¿QDQFHHWFEHIRUHGXULQJ and after the competition. The runners take results, as they are written down by the judges for various phases, to the Scoring Team (separate messengers or gallopers are needed for the riding). N.5 PROGRAMME A programme should be provided for sale to spectators and competitors. The discipline sponsor’s name should be included in the heading. It should give each competitor’s number, forename and surname, age (on the day of the Competition), Branch/Centre, name of horse. Columns for writing down the scores are appreciated by spectators. The names RI WKH 2I¿FLDO 6WHZDUG 2UJDQLVHU 3KDVH 6WHZDUGV DQG WKH -XU\ RI Appeal should also be given. 59 It is advisable to print a note in your programme warning spectators of the consequences of assisting a competitor in the riding phase other than is allowed under Rule 44. This could also be given out over the loudspeaker. Additional space, if any, might well be devoted to a brief description RI7HWUDWKORQ WKH QDPHV RI RWKHU 2I¿FLDOV DQG DQ RXWOLQH RI WKH ZRUN of The Pony Club. The date and venue of the Championships is also appreciated. $GYHUWLVHPHQWV IURP ORFDO ¿UPV FDQ SURYLGH D VRXUFH RI UHYHQXH provided they are not directly in competition with the discipline sponsor or refer to the sponsorship of a competitor or horse (See Rule 12). If you have any concerns about sponsorship please contact The Pony Club 2I¿FH NOTES FOR ORGANISERS RIDING PHASE N.6 THE COURSE a. Planning and Construction When planning and constructing a Tetrathlon riding course the aim is to test the rider and not the horse. If a British Eventing course is to be used, the addition of portable fences could be put to good use to alter the course to suit Tetrathlon requirements. The fences should be solid, strong and inviting. b. Alternative ‘L’ Obstacles The primary purpose of an Alternative ‘L’ Obstacle is to assist in the training and encouragement of inexperienced riders, to give them every chance to complete the course. There shall be a minimum of 3 ‘L’ REVWDFOHVSURYLGLQJDQHDV\DOWHUQDWLYHWRWKHPRUHGLI¿FXOWREVWDFOHV of the Riding Phase (exclusive of gate and slip rail). These Alternative ‘L’ Obstacles may consist of only one easy element, which may present an alternative to a single or a multiple main obstacle. The ability of the FRXUVH GHVLJQHU2I¿FLDO 6WHZDUG WR DVVHVV WKH REVWDFOHV PRVW OLNHO\ to require an Alternative ‘L’ Obstacle may prove an important factor in the outcome of the Riding Phase. The Alternative ‘L’ Obstacle must WKHUHIRUHSUHVHQWHVVHQWLDOO\PLQLPXPGLI¿FXOW\WRWKHULGHUDWSUHIHUDEO\ DOOGLI¿FXOWREVWDFOHV c. Marking the Course The course should be marked adequately with direction indicators (Rule 39) wherever, after negotiating an obstacle, the route to the next is not obvious. d. Practice Jumps A practice jump(s) should be provided near the start, marked with red DQGZKLWHÀDJVVHH5XOHE 60 N.7 GATE AND SLIP RAIL (See Rule 28b and 29f). These two obstacles are unique to Tetrathlon; they are intended to test the rider’s ability to stop their horse at the obstacle and control it in manoeuvring at the halt, in mounting and dismounting without delay, and leading a horse through an obstacle. a. Siting These obstacles should not be sited too early in the course, and before horses are going freely. One of them at about fence 4-6 makes a convenient mark on the course for despatching the next rider. It may also be a good thing to site one or both in such a way that a rider going IDVWQHHGVWRµWDNHDSXOO¶LIWKH\DUHWRWDNHWKHREVWDFOHHI¿FLHQWO\ b. Design 1) The gate should be so hung that it only opens in one direction and is reasonably easy to open and shut providing the rider takes it correctly (facing his horse the right way, making it move sideways, etc.). The latch should be of such design that it can be unfastened and the gate opened with one hand. A gate that shuts and latches itself when left untouched is an inadequate test. The latch must be robust enough to withstand repeated use. A wire loop is not really robust enough; a rope or chain loop would be a good substitute. 2) The slip rail must not be too heavy for a small rider to lift. c. Flagging/Marking The gate that is to be opened and the slip rail that is to be taken down PXVWEHFOHDUO\ÀDJJHGRQWKHJURXQGDQGPDUNHGRQDQ\SODQRIWKH course that is exhibited. Especially as it is quite common to have similar looking obstacles which the rider is required to jump. d. Air Jackets Please see Rule 22b with regards to wearing Air Jackets. The riding phase can include a sign before and after the Slip rail to remind riders of the need to ‘unclip air jacket’ and ‘re-clip air jacket’ to prevent them from accidentally going off when dismounting for the slip rail. These signs are not forbidden assistance as they will be there for each rider whether they are wearing an air jacket or not. e. Judging The rules for judging and scoring the gate and slip rail are complicated. The judges should be selected with this in mind and specially briefed. %HVLGHVWKHMXGJHDWWKHVHREVWDFOHVDQH[WUDRI¿FLDOLVQHFHVVDU\DW each with a separate stop-watch for timing a competitor who is held up by the one in front (See Rules 35, 36, 43a and 44d). 61 N.8 BRIEFING a. Fence Judges 6SHFLDO DWWHQWLRQ PXVW EH SDLG WR WKH EULH¿QJ RI IHQFH MXGJHV$SDUW from the peculiarities of the gate and slip rail, all will need to appreciate the differences from Eventing. The main ones are that the scoring for refusals, falls, etc., though having the same pattern, is on a much greater scale (in order to make it comparable with other phases). There are also certain matters on which the judge must give information or instructions to the competitor; see Rules 35, 36c and 44. b. Forbidden Assistance It is important to ensure that judges, competitors, parents and other supporters, are fully aware of the rules concerning Forbidden Assistance 5XOH $ EULH¿QJ VHVVLRQ IRU FRPSHWLWRUV DQG VXSSRUWHUV PD\ EH necessary for this, among other purposes, but other means should be used if possible because such a session may disrupt their crowded programme. N.9 RUN-IN The run-in from the last fence should be short. N.10 OFFICIALS D 5HTXLUHG2I¿FLDOV The organisation for the riding phase is similar to that of a hunter trial RU FURVVFRXQWU\ SKDVH RI (YHQWLQJ7KH IROORZLQJ WHDP RI RI¿FLDOV LV required: Phase Steward Health & Safety Steward Collecting Ring Steward(s) )HQFH-XGJHVDQGKD]DUG0867EHEHWZHHQ\HDUVRIDJH Score Collectors, with Steward in charge Starter Timekeepers (two) *A compulsory turning point on the Course (Rule 39) should be monitored either by a fence judge or by a separate judge. While it is the responsibility of competitors to ensure that their saddlery and dress are correct in accordance with the Rules (see Rules 22 and LWLVDGYLVDEOHWRDSSRLQWDQRI¿FLDOWRGRWKLV7KLVFDQEHGRQHE\ the Collecting Ring Steward. b. Medical and Veterinary 7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUGRFWRU¿UVWDLGFRYHUDUHJLYHQLQ$SSHQGL[%DQG the requirements for veterinary surgeons are given in Rule 25. Please refer to The Pony Club Health and Safety and Safeguarding Rule Book. 62 c. Communications 1) Medical personnel, the Veterinary Surgeon and the Ambulance are best sited near control. 2) Organisers must ensure that the communication system, whether by UDGLRRUÀDJVLVVXFKWKDWDQDFFLGHQWDWDQ\IHQFHFDQEHQRWL¿HGWR control as quickly as possible. 3) Routes around the course for medical personnel with an Ambulance, and for the Veterinary Surgeon must be reconnoitred in advance. N.11 JUDGING a. If using older fence judges, it is advisable to pair them with a younger, active person (Must be between 18 - 75 years of age). b. Each fence judge must be provided with clipboard, or a board with bulldog clip, and pencil, Pony Club Tetrathlon Riding Score Sheet (Individual Obstacle) or Pony Club Tetrathlon Riding Score Sheet (Gate DQG6OLS5DLO$SSHQGL[.FRS\RIWKHOHDÀHWµ1RWHVIRUEULH¿QJ)HQFH -XGJHVDQG)HQFH-XGJHV,QVWUXFWLRQV¶RIZKLFKWKH\VKRXOGDOVRKDYH received a copy several days in advance, timetable of competitors’ starting times. c. All judges should have some kind of time-piece (ideally a stop-watch) by which they can record the time a rider is held up at their fence through no fault of his own. d. -XGJHVVKRXOGHQWHUXSDOOWKHLUVKHHWVZLWKWKHLUQDPHIHQFHQXPEHU and sheet number, but it is important that no rider’s number is entered until he appears at the approach to the obstacle, and this point should EHHPSKDVLVHGDWWKHEULH¿QJ e. Faults should be entered in the appropriate columns, but it is better that they should not be totalled. If a rider negotiates the obstacle without SHQDOW\ WKH )HQFH -XGJH SXWV D WLFN LQ WKH 5HPDUNV FROXPQ )HQFH judges should check the completion of each sheet before they hand it to the score collector. N.12 STARTING a. Riders should report to the collecting ring some minutes before their scheduled time. Here the Collecting Ring Steward checks that their dress and saddlery conform with Rules 22 and 23 and sends them in turn to the start. b. The rider should be started at a suitable moment, at approximately the scheduled time (see Rule 46b). Since there is no requirement to start at an exact moment on the clock, a count down is not compulsory. 63 N.13 TIMEKEEPING a. Stop watches/chronometers must be synchronized. There should always be at least one spare, which is running and synchronized, at WKHVWDUWDQG¿QLVK6WDUWLQJDQG¿QLVKLQJWLPHVDUHUHFRUGHGIRUHYHU\ rider. The time taken is obtained by subtracting the starting time from WKH¿QLVKLQJWLPH b. It is useful if a judge at each fence has a stop watch to record the time each rider gets to their fence. N.14 JUDGE’S FLAGS 7KHFRORXUVIRUVLJQDOOLQJÀDJVVKDOOEH RED - First Aid (Ambulance & Doctor). BLUE - Veterinary Surgeon. WHITE - Fence Repair. ALL THREE FLAGS WAVED TOGETHER IN FRONT OF THE COMPETITOR - Stop. ALL THREE FLAGS WAVED TOGETHER TOWARDS CONTROL - Delay the start of further competitors. N.15 MESSENGERS Can be Pony Club Members or adults mounted on horses or ponies. ATVs / Cross Country Motorbikes are often used; the driver must be at least 17yrs old, highly responsible and wearing the appropriate headgear (please see Appendix G). The Steward in charge of score collection should be an adult and must ensure that everyone knows their way around the cross country course, which fences are their responsibility, not forgetting the timekeepers’ score sheets and to where the score sheets should be taken thus keeping the scorers supplied with up to date information. The success of a well run competition relies on information being given WRWKHVFRUHUVDVTXLFNO\DQGHI¿FLHQWO\DVSRVVLEOH 64 NOTES FOR ORGANISERS SHOOTING PHASE N.16 VENUE a. The shooting phase should take place indoors whenever possible. b. Apart from purpose-built indoor ranges used by schools, the Armed Forces and shooting clubs, a large barn is often suitable provided there is plenty of light. An indoor riding school is also excellent, providing the lighting is adequate. It is also possible to shoot in village or school halls, provided that adequate precautions are taken to see that pellets do not damage the decor and there can be no ricochet. c. Lighting If it is not possible to use natural daylight, the range and targets PXVWEHZHOOOLWDUWL¿FLDOO\&DUHPXVWEHWDNHQWKDWHLWKHUOLJKWVRU the sun do not shine into the faces of the competitors. For indoor ranges, there should be (as a guide) a minimum of 1000 lux on WKH WDUJHWV DQG OX[ DW WKH ¿ULQJ SRLQW$OO WDUJHWV VKRXOG EH lit evenly. The light conditions must remain equal throughout the shooting competition. If these conditions cannot be met, the Chief 6WHZDUGVKRXOGLQIRUP7HDP2I¿FLDOVLQDGYDQFHRIVKRRWLQJ N.17 THE FIRING POINT ,WLVHVVHQWLDOWKDWWKRVHZKRDUHRQWKH¿ULQJSRLQWDUHSK\VLFDOO\ segregated from spectators and waiting details. Noise should be kept to a minimum whilst shooting is taking place. N.18 TARGETS a. 7KH 2I¿FLDO 3RQ\ &OXE 7DUJHW 5XOH LV WR EH XVHG IRU DOO competitions. b. Mechanical or electrical turning target devices (which alternately IDFH WKH WDUJHW WR WKH ¿UHU DQG HGJH VKRXOG EH XVHG IRU $UHD Competitions if possible. This is particularly desirable in local open, intermediate and junior competitions; otherwise competitors unused to shooting on a turning target may be at a disadvantage when competing at an Area event or at the Championships. c. 7DUJHWVPXVWEH¿[HGVRWKDWWKH\GRQRWZDYHURUPRYHZKHQKLW or when turned by a device. A backing card of ‘Correx’ or similar material to which they can be secured by rubber bands is best, but the scoring part of the surface (including the margin) must be kept clear. The height of target indicated in Rule 55 is also important. 65 d. Protective Target Backing If target backings are of hard material (e.g. steel or plastic) they PXVWEHDQJOHGWRHQVXUHWKDWSHOOHWVDUHGHÀHFWHGGRZQZDUGVDQG are recommended immediately behind each target). Absorbent materials such as straw bales, loose (not taut) tarpaulin, blankets or similar materials in layers hung down as a background, will absorb pellets after they have passed through the target. There should not be a hard vertical background immediately behind the targets to avoid danger from ricochet and damage to structures and materials. e. Since each detail takes up to 15 minutes, the more competitors that can be accommodated in one detail the better. Care must be taken to afford competitors enough room to shoot without physical embarrassment from their neighbours, and for their loaders to do their work. As a guide each shooter should have at least 50cm ´RIVSDFHDWWKH¿ULQJSRLQW N.19 TABLES a. A table or bench is to be provided in front of each competitor. $ FKDLU PD\ EH SURYLGHG IRU HYHU\ ¿ULQJ SRLQW ORFDWHG DW OHDVW PHWUHV¶EHKLQGWKH¿ULQJOLQH E $ OLQH UDLO RU EDU RQ WKH ÀRRU LV QHHGHG EHKLQG WKH WDEOH DV WKH RI¿FLDO GLVWDQFH ¿ULQJ SRLQW OLQH HLWKHU P RU P 7KH competitor’s feet must remain behind this line during competition. N.20 SAFETY & SECURITY a. The safety of all event participants and spectators requires self-discipline, careful attention to pistol handling, and caution in moving about the range by everybody concerned. It is the responsibility of the competitors (and their loaders if present) to HQVXUH WKDW WKH\ ORDG WKHLU SLVWROV VDIHO\ DQG HI¿FLHQWO\ 5DQJH safety is the responsibility of all persons in the range environs. b. An air pistol pellet can cause serious injury to persons at close range. The Firing Point Steward must maintain, as a priority, range safety and ensure the safe handling of pistols at all times. Not only will this help to prevent accidents, but it is also vital training in the safe handling of pistols. c. In the interest of safety, the Firing Point Steward may stop the shooting at any time. d. Anyone on the range or in the range environs must immediately notify the Firing Point Steward either of any situation that may be dangerous or which may cause an accident. 66 e. Air pistols must be stored in their cases and locked in a secure place (made available by the organisers) at all times except when on the range. Away from the range pistols should be locked away and secured safely out of sight in a vehicle or alternative secure storage. f. The shooting range may be accessed only by competitors and RI¿FLDOV2QO\VKRRWHUVDQGORDGHUVLIUHTXLUHGLQYROYHGLQWKH GHWDLOVKRXOGEHDWWKH¿ULQJOLQHDWDQ\RQHWLPHRQLQVWUXFWLRQRI the Firing Point Steward. An area for spectators should be made available behind the range area and delineated clearly. g. The Firing Point Steward must enforce strict drills for loading and ¿ULQJDQGSXWWLQJSLVWROVGRZQLQDµVDIH¶FRQGLWLRQVHH5XOH RQWKH¿ULQJSRLQWWDEOHEHIRUHDQ\RQHPRYHVIRUZDUGRIWKH¿ULQJ point. The instructions under Safety (Rule 54) and the Words of Command (Rule 58) must be strictly adhered to. N.21 OFFICIALS 7KHIROORZLQJLVVXJJHVWHGDVDOLVWRI6KRRWLQJ3KDVH2I¿FLDOV - Phase Steward - Firing Point Steward and Assistant(s) depending on the number of competitors in each detail. As a guide there should be one RI¿FLDOIRUQRPRUHWKDQWDUJHWV6HQLRUVDQG,QWHUPHGLDWHDQG no more than 6 targets (Juniors and Minimus). - Target Steward(s) - Marshalling Steward - Three Scrutineers/Scorers - Messenger The Chief Steward is responsible for supervising the proper conduct of the phase, the smooth running of the event and all appeals. 7KH)LULQJ3RLQW6WHZDUGZKRLVWKH&KLHI5DQJH2I¿FHU&52LV in charge of the shooting range and environs and gives all range commands and instructions. He should not have any other duties VXFKDVFROOHFWLQJWDUJHWV$WODUJHUFRPSHWLWLRQVDQRI¿FLDODFWLQJ as the target operator may also be used, who also acts as an DVVLVWDQWVDIHW\RI¿FHUZRUNLQJXQGHUWKH)LULQJ3RLQW6WHZDUG The Target Stewards collect/put up the practice and competition targets and take the competition targets and register to the Scrutineers (see N.23). The three Scrutineers are responsible for the scoring (see N.24). The Messenger is available for all errands and for taking the score VKHHWVDQGVFRUHGWDUJHWVWRWKHFRPSHWLWLRQFODVVL¿FDWLRQDUHD 67 N.22 PROCEDURE a. These Rules and Words of Command are to be followed strictly at all times. b. The shooting phase is a competition in ‘snap shooting’ - the essence of which is that the competitor does not know when the target will appear. Care should therefore be taken to observe the interval of approximately 3-4 seconds between either ‘Watch & Shoot’ and exposure of the targets, or between ‘Stand By’ and ‘Fire’ as laid down in the Rules. Operating the range to the correct procedure promotes range safety and ensures equal opportunity for all competitors. c. The Firing Point Steward should brief the shooters (and loaders if present) before the start of each detail. Apart from safety matters, WKH EULH¿QJ PD\ PHQWLRQ VXFK PDWWHUV DV WKH SURFHGXUH IRU VLJKWLQJVKRWVSUDFWLFHVKRWVZKHWKHU¿[HGRUWXUQLQJWDUJHWVDUH LQXVHLIQRWDOUHDG\QRWL¿HGWKHSURFHGXUHIRUDWDUJHWµGXPP\ run’ (see Rule 58),whether competitors are to put up their own WDUJHWVDQGLQVWUXFWLRQVWRORDGHUVLIXVHG6SHFL¿F+HDOWKDQG Safety instructions particular to the venue should also be included. Each detail should be briefed in exactly the same way. Following WKHEULH¿QJWKH)LULQJ3RLQW6WHZDUGVKRXOGDVNWKHFRPSHWLWRUV if there are any questions and respond accordingly. Coaches and spectators may not ask questions. d. Prior to shooting, all competitors will have to submit to equipment control to check that all are using the correct type and calibre of pistol and ammunition (see Rule 56) in accordance with these Rules. e. When turning targets are in use, one target ‘dummy run’ should be given at the conclusion of the sighting/practice shots. The GLVWLQFWLRQEHWZHHQWKHVHTXHQFHRIRUGHUVIRUWXUQLQJDQG¿[HG targets should be noted. With turning targets the order ‘Watch and Shoot’ means watch the front and shoot when the target appears; no further words are spoken, except in emergency, until WKHRUGHUWRUHORDG:LWK¿[HGWDUJHWVWKHRUGHUµ6WDQG%\¶WDNHV the place of ‘Watch and Shoot’, the order ‘Fire’ takes the place of the appearance of the target after three or four seconds, and the order ‘Stop’ that of the disappearance of the target. f. Left handed competitors should be positioned on the far right of the range (or next to an empty lane if possible) so that competitors GRQRWVWDQGIDFHWRIDFHRQDGMDFHQW¿ULQJSRLQWV 68 N.23 PUTTING UP AND REMOVING TARGETS D )RU LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ SXUSRVHV WKH WRS ULJKW KDQG FRUQHU RI WKH practice target should be cut off. b. The Target Steward collects the completed targets from the frames and hands them to the Scrutineers for scoring. They must not be VKRZQWRDQ\FRPSHWLWRUWHDPRI¿FLDORUVSHFWDWRUXQWLOWKH\KDYH EHHQRI¿FLDOO\VFRUHG c. The target mechanism is to be operated normally by the Firing 3RLQW6WHZDUG)RUPDQXDOO\RSHUDWHGRU¿[HGWDUJHWVZKHUHDVWRS watch is required, or where the number of competitors dictates, the Firing Point Steward may have an assistant acting as a target RSHUDWRUDQGDGGLWLRQDOVDIHW\RI¿FLDORQWKH¿ULQJSRLQW d. Competitors or their loaders/helpers may be allowed to put up their own competition targets and to take down their practice ones. The competition targets should be handed immediately to the Firing 3RLQW6WHZDUGRURWKHUQRPLQDWHGRI¿FLDO e. Appeals on scores by competitors or the team trainers must be settled under supervision of the Chief Steward as soon as possible. Competitors should be allowed their competition targets back and may be taken away from the distribution point under VXSHUYLVLRQRIDQRI¿FLDORQO\RQFHDOOWKHVFRUHVDUH¿QDODWWKH end of the protest time and all appeals have been adjudicated. N.29 SCORING PROCEDURES a. All scoring should be conducted by 3 (three) Scrutineers. They may be separate persons at larger competitions, but in all cases work and compilation of the results should be cross checked and initialled. The Chief Steward should not be a Scrutineer. Scrutineers should be based in a location separate from other FRPSHWLWLRQ RI¿FLDOV DQG DFFHVV WR WKHP VKRXOG EH UHVWULFWHG WR RWKHURI¿FLDOV7KH\VKDOOUHSRUWGLUHFWO\WRWKH&KLHI6WHZDUG The following scoring procedures must be checked by a second Scrutineer: 1) Determining the number of shots on a target 2) Determining the value of individual shots 3) Adding shot values and points to be deducted 4) Adding the individual series and overall total 5) Each Scrutineer must certify his/her work by initialling the target and the Tetrathlon Shooting Score Sheet. 69 b. Determining Shot Values 1) Count shots on each target. 2) If apparently less than 5 on any one target look for evidence of extra shots according to the procedure below. 3) Score each shot according to procedure below and record value on reverse of target. 4) Total score values for each target. 5) Add two target scores on reverse of second target. 6) Certify your calculations by recognisable signature. 7) Pass to second scorer/scrutineer for checking and countersigning. 8) Any discrepancy in score value, shot count or addition must be passed to the third Scrutineer for determination as described below. All shot holes are scored according to the highest value of any target scoring zone or ring that is hit or touched by that pellet hole. If any part of a higher value scoring ring is touched by a pellet hole, the shot must be scored the higher value of the two scoring zones. This is determined by whether either the pellet hole or a plug or overlay gauge inserted in or over the hole touches any part of the outside edge of the scoring ring. Shots in dispute must be determined as to value by means of a gauge. Plug and overlay gauges must always be inserted into or over the shot hole with the target in a horizontal position. The target should be supported in such a way that any plug gauge can be inserted fully into the shot hole whilst not touching any VXSSRUWLQJ VXUIDFH µ3OXJ JDXJHV ZLWK LQWHJUDO PDJQL¿HU VKRXOG not be used. ‘Eagle Eye’ overlay type gauges may be used by the Scrutineers. :KHQWKHDFFXUDWHXVHRIWKHSOXJJDXJHLVPDGHGLI¿FXOWE\WKH close proximity of another pellet hole, a badly torn pellet hole or overlapping pellet holes, the shot value must be determined E\ XVLQJ DQ RYHUOD\ JDXJH RI ÀDW WUDQVSDUHQW PDWHULDO ZLWK DQ engraved ring of 4.5mm (0.177”). Such a scoring gauge will aid in reconstructing the true position of a pellet hole. All Scrutineers may use an overlay type gauge in arriving at a scoring decision. $ WDUJHW RYHUOD\ RI ÀDW WUDQVSDUHQW PDWHULDO PD\ EH KHOSIXO WR UHFRQVWUXFWWKHVFRULQJULQJVRQWKHWDUJHWZKHQXVHGZLWKDÀDW overlay gauge or when adjudicating ‘skid shots’. If two Scrutineers do not agree on either the value of a shot or number of shots on a target, a decision from a third Scrutineer must be requested immediately. 70 The plug gauge may be inserted only once in any single pellet hole and only by a third Scrutineer. For this reason the use of a gauge must be marked on the target by the Scrutineers, together with their initials, and showing the result. A plug gauge should never be inserted in a ‘keyholing’ (multiple) shot hole or to determine whether there is more than one shot in a single shot hole. If a plug gauge is inserted in error in these circumstances, then the shooter shall be credited with the higher number of shots and, value if the gauge touches a higher scoring ring. The Scrutineers should initial and mark the target accordingly for inspection by the Chief 6WHZDUGDQGDQ\7HDP2I¿FLDO 7KH YDOXH RI DQ\ VKRWV VFRUHG XVLQJ D SOXJ JDXJH LV ¿QDO DQG may not be appealed. If a plug gauge is used then each Scrutineer shall examine the target using magnifying equipment as necessary in sequence ZLWKRXW FRQIHUULQJ 2QFH HDFK LV VDWLV¿HG WKH\ FDQ PDNH D GHFLVLRQ WKHQ WKH WKLUG 6FUXWLQHHU ZLOO DVN ³$UH \RX VDWLV¿HG´" Each Scrutineer will have a ‘+/- card’ and show + (plus) for the higher value and – (minus) for the lower value of shot(s). If cards are not available the thumbs up or down vote may be used. The majority decision shall decide the shot value(s). A competitor, parent or coach/team manager cannot challenge this decision. The same process shall be used also to determine the number of shots on a target if in doubt and the value of ‘skid shots’. If the target paper is torn or folded back by the pellet either as the target turns or if there is possibly more than one shot in the same hole then the target should be carefully reconstituted before adjudicating the shot(s) value. Scrutineers should examine carefully both sides of the target in cases of doubt to identify possible additional shots in the same hole and when adjudicating ‘skid shots’. c. Skid Shots 6KRWV ¿UHG ZKLOH WKH WDUJHW LV LQ PRWLRQ PXVW QRW EH VFRUHG DV hits unless the greatest horizontal dimension of the pellet hole (surface pellet marking on the target is ignored) is less than 6.0 PPXVLQJDQRYHUOD\µVNLGJDXJH¶RIÀDWWUDQVSDUHQWPDWHULDO,I the ‘skid shot’ hole being 6mm or less touches a higher scoring ring then the shot value shall be the higher score. All scoring decisions should be marked on the target and initialled by the three Scrutineers including the use of either a plug or ‘skid shot’ gauge. 71 The Scrutineers should enter the scores on the Tetrathlon Scoring Sheet and cross check before passing to the scoring team. Any decision on number or value of potential multiple shots in one hole or one target will have been adjudicated by all three Scrutineers and may not be appealed. 7HDP 2I¿FLDOV KDYH WKH ULJKW WR DSSHDO WKH FRPSLODWLRQ DQG allocation of the scores and total from each target and the value of any single shot hole in which a plug gauge has been previously inserted. No appeals will be accepted after the targets have been checked and signed for. All appeals must be completed on the day of the shooting. NOTES FOR ORGANISERS SWIMMING PHASE N.25 VENUE a. A heated swimming pool, outdoor or indoor, should be used if possible, HVSHFLDOO\LQ2I¿FLDO&RPSHWLWLRQV,IDQLQGRRUSRROFDQEHREWDLQHGVR PXFKWKHEHWWHUDVLWPDNHVWKLQJVHDVLHUIRU2I¿FLDOVVSHFWDWRUVDQG coaches if the weather is bad. b. For local and Minimus competitions, an unheated outdoor pool is quite acceptable. In fact for local Minimus Competitions a small private pool is sometimes better, since a large deep pool is a bit frightening for those who are not good swimmers. c. Public pools and those at schools, etc., can often be booked only at certain times. This may well dictate the order of phases and timings. Organisers should take this into account very early in their planning. Also See ASA Advice to Competition Organisers at Appendix F N.26 OFFICIALS The following are required: Phase Steward Starter/Time-keeper Marshal 2QH/DQH-XGJHSHUODQH Writer Runner 72 N.27 COMPOSITION OF HEATS It helps swimmers to give their best performance if when the organiser is planning the heats, to put swimmers of similar performance in the same heat. If this is to be done, an estimate of the distance each is expected to do should be asked for on the entry form. It is often QHFHVVDU\WRSURGXFHVZLPKHDWV¿UVWDQGXVHWKHRUGHURIFRPSHWLWRUV as the running order for the other phases. N.28 PREPARATION OF THE POOL a. At least one side of the pool must be marked out for the judging of the distance swum. Modern pool are normally an exact length in metres, usually 25 or 50, and should be marked in metres. Older pools should still be marked in metres, the ‘metre’ at one end being in fact rather greater or less - e.g. in a 100 foot pool, it will be 1.48 metres, in which case alternate complete lengths can be scored as 30 and 31 metres. b. Marking The marking must run in both directions and the marks should be visible, but not necessarily readable, from the opposite side. Chalk has the disadvantage that it washes out if it gets wet. Strips of adhesive tape can be good and, better still, is a continuous length of black tape along the edge of the bath, marked in metres with a different colour for each direction; or, if an enthusiast can be recruited, wooden blocks with a slot in which a card is inserted, with numbers painted on either side (e.g. 8 and 17 metres) are excellent. Or the proprietors of the pool may allow marks to be painted, which is best of all. c. Lane Roping Lane ropes are a must in any serious competition. The management of the pool need prior warning that they are required. If starting blocks are in position, their use by competitors is optional. A stopping rope, for use on a false start, is also necessary, as swimmers hardly ever hear shouts and whistles once in the water. It should be manned by two of the lane judges. N.29 SPECTATORS Many indoor pools have limited gallery space for spectators and limited space round the pool itself. Sometimes it has to be accepted that no spectators can be accommodated at all. ,W LV LPSRUWDQW WR NHHS WKH VSDFH DURXQG WKH SRRO IUHH IRU RI¿FLDOV competitors and coaches (one per swimmer) otherwise the place EHFRPHV VR FURZGHG WKDW WKH RI¿FLDOV FDQQRW GR WKHLU ZRUN SURSHUO\ (see Rule 64). 73 N.30 WARM-UP a. If there is a separate practice pool, as is found in some major sports complexes, warming up presents no problem, but if not, competitors should be allowed a warm-up swim of a length or more within half an hour of their swim time. If time is tight, it may be necessary to have all the warming up done before the competitive swimming begins. The Phase Steward should organise one or two ‘dive only lanes’ which DUH PDQQHG E\ DQ 2I¿FLDO WR HQVXUH WKDW &RPSHWLWRUV GLYH DQG DQGVZLPIRUZDUGRQO\,WLVWKH2I¿FLDO¶VUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRHQVXUH competitors swim forwards only and that the diving area is clear before allowing another Competitor into the water. b. When a heat is called to the start, swimmers should be allowed to get in, swim 5m, and get out, in order to get wet. Any longer swim at this juncture should not be allowed, as it constitutes a ‘warm-up’ which should have been done earlier and causes delay. N.31 THE START (see Rule 63c) The Phase Steward or the Starter calls out the names of those to swim in the heat and they come to the start. Here they are checked by the /DQH -XGJHV DV WR WKH ODQH QXPEHU FRPSHWLWRU¶V QXPEHU DQG QDPH (this is advisable since they cannot wear numbers). 7KH6WDUWHUZKHQKHLVVDWLV¿HGWKH/DQH-XGJHVKDYHWKHVZLPPHUV¶ details, should start the swimmers with a whistle, and a false start is signalled by a second blast on the whistle and the use of a stop rope. On the start being signalled, the Time-keeper starts his stopwatch. There should be a stand-by watch in use, which may be manned by the Phase Steward. N.32 THE LANE JUDGES a. /DQH -XGJLQJ LV DQ RQHURXV WDVN DQG UHTXLUHV FRQFHQWUDWLRQ 'XULQJ the swim, these judges keep a record of the complete lengths swum by their respective swimmers, and of the further distance at the end. Each judge has a tear-off pad (Appendix K), on which they write the heat number, lane number, swimmer’s number and name. During the swim, he makes a record each time his swimmer completes a length. 2QFRPSOHWLRQRIWKH¿UVWOHQJWKKHZULWHVD¿JXUHZLWKDFLUFOHURXQG it (to distinguish it from the other numbers), after the second a 2 with a circle round it, and so on. Thus at the end the total number of complete lengths will appear in the last circle. This is the best way to avoid mistakes which are easy to make if the judge’s attention is distracted. An additional check is for the lane judge to enter a vertical arrow LQGLFDWLQJ ZKLFK ZD\ WKH FRPSHWLWRU ZDV VZLPPLQJ DW WKH ¿QLVK WKH bottom of the page representing the starting end of the bath. 74 N.B. As a further check on distance swum it may be advisable to have an independent judge or two noting down the number of lengths each swimmer completes and the direction he was swimming at the end. b. The Phase Steward should ensure that someone is appointed to check that the swimmers actually touch the end of the bath each time they turn and that competitors do not walk on the bottom. This can be done by an independent person or by the lane judges at the Phase Steward’s discretion. N.33 THE FINISH a. Signals The Time-keeper gives the half-time call and calls the countdown (half time and 30 secs) as per Rule 60d. These times may be signalled by ringing a hand bell, swimmers should be warned of its meaning before the start. 7KH6WDUWHURU7LPHNHHSHULIRQHSHUVRQ¿OOVERWKUROHVVLJQDOVWKH ¿QLVKZLWKDEODVWRQWKHZKLVWOH b. Countdown During the countdown, each lane judge walks level with his swimmer, stopping exactly when the whistle goes, so that he can read off the further distance swum (in completed metres) by means of the marks along the edges of the bath (see Rule 63f). The lane judges, after recording the odd metres, tear off their sheets and send or take them back to the Writer, who writes the lengths and extra distance on a blackboard which can be seen by the coaches. Any queries on swim results must go through the Phase Steward. Finally, lane judges’ sheets, or a consolidated record of the heat, are taken to the Scorers by the runner. N.34 TIMINGS Provided a good drill has been thought out and is followed, there should EHQRGLI¿FXOW\LQUXQQLQJWKHVZLPPLQJVPRRWKO\)RXUPLQXWHVZLPV can be completed comfortably in seven or eight minutes per heat (and three-minute in a minute less). It can be done quicker, but at risk of confusion and error or of unnecessary pressure on competitors. N.35 SAFETY See Appendix F for ASA requirements for lifesavers. 75 ORGANISATION OF BRANCH/CENTRE COMPETITIONS ,Q WKHVH FRPSHWLWLRQV WKH UXOHV PD\ EH PRGL¿HG DW WKH GLVFUHWLRQ RI WKH organiser and the Area Representative, if local conditions warrant it. While in RI¿FLDO$UHD&RPSHWLWLRQVWKHGHVLJQRIWKHULGLQJSKDVHVKRXOGEHVLPLODUWR that which competitors will meet in the Championships, it is recommended WKDWLQLQIRUPDO%UDQFK&HQWUHHYHQWVWKHFRXUVHVKRXOGSUHVHQWOHVVGLI¿FXOW problems. Lower maximum dimensions may enable the less experienced riders or horses to negotiate it without excessive retirements. N.36 JUNIOR AND MINIMUS COMPETITIONS 3DUWLFXODUO\ LQ -XQLRU DQG 0LQLPXV (YHQWV WKH DLP LV WR HQFRXUDJH competitors, not to alarm them; the riding obstacles should be built with this in mind. Provided that it is properly explained on the entry form or schedule, it is quite acceptable in these competitions for Organisers to introduce a rule DOORZLQJWKUHHUHIXVDOVDWDVSHFL¿HGQXPEHURIIHQFHVEHIRUHDULGHUPXVW retire. N.37 BIATHLONS & TRIATHLONS These can be organised at in conjunction with Hunter trials and even oneday events, where competitors only wish to take part in the cross country phase. The usual event to leave out is the Swimming, owing to the weather and the unlikelihood of there being a suitable swimming pool close by. Members can also qualify to take place in the Winter Triathlon Championship. Areas hold qualifying competitions consisting of the run, swim and shoot phases throughout the winter months and the Championship is held in the spring. 6HH$SSHQGL[,IRUIXUWKHUGHWDLOVRQWKH:LQWHU7ULDWKORQ 76 PART 4 SCORING IN THE TETRATHLON N.38 GENERAL a. The production of quick and accurate scores, kept up to date with running totals as the phases progress, adds greatly to the interest and is vital to the general success of the event. b. Long delays at the end of an event, when members/parents/Guardians/ trainers want to get their horses and themselves home. If the riding is the last phase, producing the results promptly and without mistakes needs good organisation and capable workers. For this reason, it is usually preferable to have the running or swimming last; but some feel that the riding, as the principal feature of any Pony Club Event, should have pride of place as the deciding phase. c. It is important to emphasise the division of responsibility between the -XGJHV7LPHNHHSHUVHWFRIDSKDVHDQGWKH6FRUHUV The judges and timekeepers produce the factual statistics of the phase, (i.e. distances, times, faults, etc. of each competitor) and it is the Scorers’ job to turn these into marks and scores. The factual results may be sent to a central scoring place, or the scorers for a particular phase may be detached to work alongside the judges. Whatever system is used, it is vital for accurate results to keep this division. d. All Scorers’ work should be subject to an independent check, as it is too easy, particularly in the latter stages of a competition, for scorers to make mistakes either in their arithmetic or on transferring an item from one form to another. This independent check is best done by two scorers working out the results separately and not comparing their ¿JXUHVXQWLOWKHHQGRIDQRSHUDWLRQ e. Preliminary scores in each phase should be displayed on site as soon as possible, in order that queries may be settled. f. Scorers must not be involved in any avoidable calculation on the spot. All conversion of times and distances into scores and penalties should be done by the means of ready reckoners tables prepared beforehand. The scorer simply reads off the score (or riding time penalties) against the performance reported by the judges (See Appendix D). 77 N.39 OFFICIALS a. The scoring team should consist of a Chief Scorer and three scorers. A fourth scorer should be added at times of pressure, so they can work in pairs leaving the Chief Scorer to exercise general supervision. $ VHSDUDWH 2I¿FLDO WR NHHS WKH SXEOLF VFRUHERDUG ZULWWHQ XS LV DOVR useful. b. It is said that good scorers are a particular breed. They do need to be conscientious people, possess stamina, to be able to concentrate LQGHSHQGHQWO\RQWKHMREDQGEHUHDVRQDEO\JRRGDQGTXLFNDW¿JXUHV c. The Scorers must never be involved personally with any of the competitors or teams. N.40 CALCULATORS &DOFXODWRUVKHOSLQDGGLQJXS¿JXUHVEXWLIWKH\DUHXVHGLWLVDOOWKH more important for there to be two independent scorers, albeit each using the same method. While the calculator cannot make a mistake, the operator can, and will occasionally, press the wrong button. N.41 DEPLOYMENT a 7KHVFRULQJWHDPVKRXOGKDYHDQRI¿FHFRPSOHWHO\RQWKHLURZQDQG isolated from the public; a caravan is very suitable. No-one except the scorers, the messengers bringing results from judges, the Organiser RU WKHLU DVVLVWDQW WKH 2I¿FLDO 6WHZDUG ZKHUH DSSOLFDEOH DQG 3KDVH 6WHZDUGVVKRXOGEHDOORZHGLQWRWKHRI¿FH b. 7KHVFRULQJRI¿FHFDQEHPRYHGIURPSODFHWRSODFHLIWKHYHQXHVRIWKH phases necessitate it, but unnecessary movement is not desirable as it disrupts the scorers’ concentration and is not helpful to accurate work. c. All queries by team managers or competitors must be channelled through the Organiser or their assistant, who can then discuss the query with the Chief Scorer at an opportune moment, and give a decision or the information asked for. N.42 FORMS AND SCORE SHEETS a. Dismounted Phases These are quite simple, their purpose being to record the judges’ reports and the points scored. A list of supplies is shown in Appendix K, and are DYDLODEOHIURP7KH3RQ\&OXE2I¿FH b. Riding Phase The Tetrathlon Riding Score Sheets (individual obstacle or gate and slip UDLOVKRXOGEHXVHGDQGDUHDYDLODEOHIURP7KH3RQ\&OXE2I¿FH The normal Eventing cross-country master score sheet is entirely 78 suitable for Tetrathlon riding phase. In the last line of the form, instead RI6FRUHUV¶LQLWLDOVVKRXOGEHHQWHUHGWKHULGHU¶V¿QDOVFRUHLH minus the total penalty points. c. Consolidated Score Sheet The scores in the various phases have to be entered on a consolidated score sheet, shown below. This has columns for each phase and, after the second, third and last phases, for the totals of phases to date. Columns are also needed for individual placings, team scores and team placings. The nature of each phase (shoot, swim, etc.) should be entered in the headings below (1st Phase) etc. (see example below) The Pony Club Tetrathlon Consolidated Results Branch d. No. Name Age 1st Phase 2nd Phase Score After 2 Phases 3rd Phase Score After 3 Phases 4th Phase Total Score Place Team Score Place Public Scoreboard The public scoreboard should be similarly designed. In the riding scores WKH V\PEROV ( 5 : VKRXOG EH XVHG ZKHUH DSSURSULDWH WKH ¿JXUH being reserved for the case where the total penalties add up to 1400 or more. It is preferable in the riding phase to show the riding faults, time faults and score in separate columns on the public scoreboard, if possible. N.43 CONDUCTING SCORING a. One way of conducting the scoring (assuming the event starts with the shooting) is for a pair of scorers to be sent to the range, where they make out the shooting score sheets, sending them from time to time to WKH RI¿FH 0HDQZKLOH WKH RWKHU WZR VFRUHUV SUHSDUH WKH FRQVROLGDWHG VFRUHVKHHWDQGWKHSXEOLFVFRUHERDUGIURPWKHHQWULHVFRQ¿UPHGE\WKH Secretary. b. $VRSSRUWXQLW\RIIHUVWKHVFRUHUVLQWKHRI¿FHHQWHUXSWKHVFRUHVIURP the shooting forms onto the consolidated sheet, checking each other’s work. If the next phase does not overlap the shooting, the pair there can move on to it (e.g. swimming) and enter up the relevant form, sending it IURPWLPHWRWLPHWRWKHRI¿FHZKHUHWKHVFRUHVDUHHQWHUHGDVEHIRUH If there is an overlap, the forms from the second phase must be sent E\PHVVHQJHUGLUHFWWRWKHRI¿FHWKHWZRVFRUHUVWKHUHSURFHVVWKHP and enter the scores on the chart, as well as dealing with the shooting scores as they come in. The shooting scorers can join the others at the RI¿FHZKHQWKHVKRRWLQJLV¿QLVKHGRUJRRQWR\HWDQRWKHUGLVPRXQWHG phase if it too overlaps the second. 79 c. 7KH VFRUHUV OHIW LQ WKH RI¿FH DOVR HQWHU WKH DJJUHJDWH VFRUHV RI phases to date. This not only enhances the interest of competitors and VXSSRUWHUVLWDOVRVSHHGVWKHZRUNDWWKHHQGVLQFHRQO\WZR¿JXUHV have to be added, the checked total of three phases and the scores in the last phase, instead of all four phase scores. d. )RUWKHULGLQJDOOVFRUHUVUHPDLQFRQFHQWUDWHGLQWKHRI¿FHDQGDQH[WUD hand or two may be needed, since there are time penalties, as well as the many fence-judging sheets, to be handled. All these are entered on the riding Master Sheet and the total riding scores found and transferred to the chart. If the riding is the last phase, this is when the pressure is on, since the compilation of riding scores and the production of total scores for the event have to go on simultaneously. The Chief Scorer should keep out of the detailed work at this stage, leaving him free to supervise the whole team and deal with queries both from his own scorers and, possibly, competitors or team managers; as long as the Organiser is involved and happy for the Chief scorer to deal with such matters. 80 APPENDIX A HAT RULE 2015 It is mandatory for all Members to wear a protective helmet bearing the CE mark and manufactured to one of the minimum standards listed below; WKH&(V\PERORQLWVRZQLVQRWVXI¿FLHQWWRHQVXUHFRQVLVWHQWVWDQGDUGRI manufacture: * The PAS 015:1998 or 2011 and the Snell E2001 meet higher impact criteria and therefore give more protection. 7KHSUH¿[µ%6¶RQWKH(1VWDQGDUGGRHVQRWPHDQWKDWWKHKDWKDV undergone batch testing by the British Standards Institute – the hat must contain the BSI Kitemark as well. For cross-country riding (over fences 0.80m high and above), including Eventing, Tetrathlon and Horse Trials and also Pony Racing (whether it EHWHVWVUDOOLHVRUWUDLQLQJDMRFNH\VNXOOFDSZLWKQR¿[HGSHDNPXVW be worn. It is also strongly recommended that a jockey skull cap is worn for cross country riding over lower fences. 1RUHFRUGLQJGHYLFHLVSHUPLWWHGHJKDWFDPHUDVDVWKH\PD\KDYHD negative effect on the performance of the hat in the event of a fall. 7KH¿WRIWKHKDWDQGWKHDGMXVWPHQWRIWKHKDUQHVVDUHDVFUXFLDODVWKH TXDOLW\0HPEHUVDUHDGYLVHGWRWU\VHYHUDOPDNHVWR¿QGWKHEHVW¿W The hat should not move on the head when the head is tipped forward. It is strongly recommended that second hand hats are not purchased. +DWVPXVWEHUHSODFHGDIWHUDVHYHUHLPSDFWDVVXEVHTXHQWSURWHFWLRQ ZLOOEHVLJQL¿FDQWO\UHGXFHG+DWVGHWHULRUDWHZLWKDJHDQGVKRXOGEH UHSODFHGDIWHUWKUHHWR¿YH\HDUVGHSHQGLQJXSRQWKHDPRXQWRIXVH +DWVPXVWEHZRUQDWDOOWLPHVLQFOXGLQJDWSUL]HJLYLQJZKHQPRXQWHG with a chinstrap fastened and adjusted so as to prevent movement of the hat in the event of a fall. )RU6KRZ-XPSLQJDQG0RXQWHG*DPHVWKHFRYHULIDSSOLFDEOHVKDOO be dark blue, black or brown only. 81 For Dressage – hats and hat covers must be predominately black, navy blue or a conservative dark colour that matches the rider’s jacket for Area competitions or above. The Pony Club Hat silk is also acceptable. 7KH 2I¿FLDO 6WHZDUG2UJDQLVHU PD\ DW KLV GLVFUHWLRQ HOLPLQDWH D competitor riding in the area of the competition without a hat or with the chinstrap unfastened or with a hat that does not comply with these standards. +DW&KHFNVDQG7DJJLQJ7KH%UDQFK'&ZLOODSSRLQWWZR%UDQFKRI¿FLDOV (one of whom may be the DC) who are familiar with The Pony Club rule for hats to carry out hat checks and tag each hat that complies with the above requirements with a Pony Club hat tag. Centre Members’ hats may also be WDJJHGE\&HQWUH3URSULHWRUVDQG&RRUGLQDWRUV+DWV¿WWHGZLWKD3RQ\&OXE tag will not need to be checked on subsequent occasions. 7DJVPD\RQO\EH¿WWHGE\RQHRIWKHWZRDSSRLQWHG%UDQFKRI¿FLDOV$UHD Representatives, the Health and Safety Committee Chairman, Centre Proprietors or Centre Co-ordinators after they have personally checked the hat. 7DJJLQJLQGLFDWHVWKDWDKDWPHHWVWKHDERYHVWDQGDUGV12FKHFNRIWKH¿W and condition of the hat is implied. It is considered to be the responsibility of the Member’s parent or guardian to ensure that their hat complies with the required standards and is tagged before they go to any Pony Club event. Also, they are responsible for ensuring that the manufacturer’s guidelines ZLWKUHJDUGWR¿WDQGUHSODFHPHQWDUHIROORZHG APPENDIX B MEDICAL COVER AT COMPETITIONS It is the responsibility of the Organiser to have the appropriate cover for the type of event, taking into account the number of participants and spectators. The most important thing is that the Organiser carries out a written Risk Assessment. As part of the Risk Assessment the Organiser will decide the appropriate level of cover required. At the very minimum every event must have an Appointed Person, a Trained First Aider and a mobile phone or other means of communication to the emergency services. All events should have an Appointed Person, and ideally a First Aid Point (e.g. Tent, Caravan, Horsebox etc.) and a Trained First Aider. 1. a. Prior to the Event The Organiser MUST inform the appropriate County Ambulance Service/ Trust. The Organiser should provide details of the event, including dates, types of competition, ranges of ages of the competitors, details RIPHGLFDO¿UVWDLGFRYHUDSUHFLVHORFDWLRQRIWKHHYHQWWRLQFOXGHWKH postcode, Ordnance Survey grid reference point and an agreed access/ rendezvous point (RVP) for the road ambulance. 82 b. $OHWWHURIFRQ¿UPDWLRQPXVWEHH[FKDQJHGZLWKDQ\0HGLFDOVXSSOLHU VHH H[DPSOH 7KH OHWWHU ZLOO DJUHH WKH ¿UVW DLG UHTXLUHPHQW IRU WKH day. A copy of the document “Ambulance Personnel and Ambulances” (Appendix D in The Pony Club Health and Safety and Safeguarding 5XOH%RRNVKRXOGEHLQFOXGHGZLWKWKHOHWWHURIFRQ¿UPDWLRQZKHQDQ ambulance is required. c. 7KH2UJDQLVHUVKRXOGSUHSDUHDµ0HGLFDO2I¿FHU¶VSDFN¶LQDGYDQFHRI the event to include:1RWHVIRUWKH(YHQW0HGLFDO2I¿FHU (Appendix E in The Pony Club Health and Safety and Safeguarding Rule Book) 3RQ\&OXEJXLGHOLQHVIRU¿UVWDLGFRYHU Injury Report Form Concussion forms Event programme with planned times Map of the cross country course where applicable 2. a. At the Event Contact Numbers The procedure for contacting the emergency services must be agreed with the Appointed Person, First Aiders and Medical Provider. Appropriate emergency telephone numbers should be listed and a copy DWWDFKHGWRWKH$FFLGHQW%RRNORGJHGDWWKH6HFUHWDU\¶VRI¿FH b. Accident Reporting The appropriate forms, as detailed in The Pony Club Health and Safety document MUST be completed in the event of any accident. 3. Guidelines for minimum standards ,WVKRXOGEHQRWHGWKDWWKHVHDUHPLQLPXPOHYHOVRI¿UVWDLGFRYHUWKH appropriate level of cover must be decided as part of the organiser’s risk assessment for the event. Table 1 (page 88) sets out the suggested OHYHORI¿UVWDLGFRYHUWKDWZRXOGEHDSSURSULDWHIRUDYDULHW\RI3RQ\ Club events. At multi-discipline events where the phases are running concurrently the appropriate cover is required for each phase. Where the phases DUHFRQWLQXLQJLQFORVHSUR[LPLW\RQH¿UVWDLGWHDPPD\EHDEOHWRFRYHU ERWKSKDVHV,IWKLVLVGRQHDOOSKDVHVPXVWVWRSZKHQWKH¿UVWDLGWHDP are attending a casualty. a. Swimming A Lifesaver must be in attendance throughout all competition and WUDLQLQJVHVVLRQVGHWDLOVRITXDOL¿FDWLRQVDUHJLYHQDW$SSHQGL[) 83 b. Running It is recommended that the medical cover provided for the Cross Country phase be retained. Should this not be possible, a Trained First Aider should be in attendance. c. Cross Country The minimum cover is detailed in table 1 on page 87. Where an ambulance is required it must be on the ground throughout the competition with its trained First Aid personnel. The Event Medical 2I¿FHUPXVWKDYHDFFHVVWRDGHGLFDWHGYHKLFOHJURXQGFRQGLWLRQVPD\ necessitate the use of a 4WD. The vehicle must be capable of carrying a stretcher or longboard securely fastened and must be able to reach all parts of the competition. ,W LV UHFRJQLVHG WKDW WKHVH PHDVXUHV EULQJ D ¿QDQFLDO EXUGHQ RQ organisers, but, in light of the dangers in riding cross country, these guidelines are an absolute minimum. Branches/Centres could consider MRLQLQJ IRUFHV WR PDNH FRPSHWLWLRQV ¿QDQFLDOO\ YLDEOH RU DGGLQJ D surcharge to the entry fee to cover additional medical costs. G )HQFH-XGJHV%ULH¿QJ 7KH (YHQW 0HGLFDO 2I¿FHU RQ WKH GD\ VKRXOG KDYH WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR WDONWRWKH)HQFH-XGJHVDWWKHEULH¿QJ)DLOLQJWKDWWKH)HQFHMXGJHV should be told that if they wish to discuss anything with the Event 0HGLFDO2I¿FHUWKH\VKRXOGGRVREHIRUHWKH¿UVWKRUVHVHWVRII e. Shooting A Trained First Aider should be in attendance. 4. a. DEFINITIONS Appointed Person Someone appointed to take sole charge of communications in the event RIDQDFFLGHQW,WPD\EHDSSURSULDWHIRUWKH7UDLQHGRU4XDOL¿HG)LUVW Aider to be the Appointed Person provided they are part of the Pony Club team organising the activity. b. First Aid Point $ WHQW FDUDYDQ RU KRUVHER[ ZKHUH ¿UVW DLG FDQ EH DGPLQLVWHUHG LQ privacy. c. Trained First Aider A person who has received an EFAW (Emergency First Aid at Work) TXDOL¿FDWLRQJDLQHGDWDRQHGD\FRXUVHUXQE\4&)4XDOL¿FDWLRQVDQG &UHGLW)UDPHZRUNRURQHRIWKHYROXQWDU\$LGRUJDQLVDWLRQV6W-RKQ¶V 5HG&URVV6W$QGUHZVUHTXDOL¿FDWLRQLVUHTXLUHGDIWHUWKUHH\HDUV RU WKH %+6 (TXLQH 6SHFL¿F (6)$& TXDOL¿FDWLRQ JDLQHG DIWHU D WZR GD\FRXUVHUHTXDOL¿FDWLRQLVUHTXLUHGDIWHUWZR\HDUV 84 G 4XDOL¿HG)LUVW$LGHU $SHUVRQZKRKDVD)$:)LUVW$LGDW:RUNTXDOL¿FDWLRQJDLQHGDWD WKUHH GD\ FRXUVH UXQ E\ 4&) 5HTXDOL¿FDWLRQ LV UHTXLUHG DIWHU WKUHH years. Or a nurse registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council providing they maintain a knowledge of and are able to apply the current VWDQGDUGVWKDW4&)DFFHSWVIRUWKH¿UVWDLGPDQDJHPHQWRILQMXULHVDQG LOOQHVV7KHROGIRXUGD\)$:TXDOL¿FDWLRQUHPDLQVYDOLGXQWLOWKHWKUHH year refresher becomes due. e. Ambulance Aid A person who is fully trained in patient handling, medical gases and ambulance equipment. f. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) A person whose training and skills include those of an Ambulance Aid with a higher knowledge of clinical skills in patient handling, patient monitoring and who is able to prime a ‘giving set’ for a Doctor or Paramedic. g. Paramedic A person whose initial training has been accredited through the NHS i.e. KROGHUVRI1+67$RU,+&'3DUDPHGLFTXDOL¿FDWLRQRUPLOLWDU\WUDLQLQJ 7KLVTXDOL¿FDWLRQPXVWEHUHYDOLGDWHGDIWHUQRWPRUHWKDQWKUHH\HDUV NB To check the validation of a Paramedic see website: www.hpc-uk. org/register. h. Doctor It is recommended that the appointed Doctor has been trained in prehospital emergency care. A list of Medical Cover providers is available from BE but some Doctors from this list do charge a fee for their VHUYLFHV 7KLV TXDOL¿FDWLRQ PXVW EH UHYDOLGDWHG DIWHU QRW PRUH WKDQ three years. L &RQ¿GHQWLDO0HGLFDO2I¿FHU¶V,QMXU\5HSRUW)RUP Whenever possible, it would be greatly appreciated if the completed form(s) should be returned to the event organiser. j. Ambulance $ GHVLJQDWHG YHKLFOH DSSURSULDWHO\ PDUNHG DQG LGHQWL¿DEOH DQG conforming to current regulations for the transportation of the injured or seriously ill patients. It must contain necessary resuscitation, immobilisation and transportation equipment. Ambulance providers must be registered with the Care Quality Commission. The provider will be able to give details of their registration or this may be checked on the Care Quality Commission web site, www.cqc.org.uk. This site also enable a search to be make for registered ambulance providers in your area.” 85 k. Emergency Response Vehicle (ERV) A 4WD vehicle manned by a paramedic and containing all the equipment, for the use of the doctor or paramedic. l. Rescue Vehicle $:'YHKLFOHVSHFL¿FDOO\GHGLFDWHGWRWKHPRYLQJRIDQLQMXUHGULGHUWR the nearest ambulance. It must be able to carry an injured person lying secured on a stretcher or longboard. If the booked medical cover does not turn up on the day an evaluation must be made of what is available on site, and the risk element, so that an informed decision on whether or not to continue can be made. In all cases, if additional advice is needed please do contact your Area Representative or Headquarters of The Pony Club. Do not forget the ‘999’ emergency number to back up First Aid cover wherever necessary and or feasible. 5. Standard letter to be sent to County Ambulance Service two weeks prior to an event: To: Copy: County Ambulance Service Manager of the A & E Department A & E Consultant I am writing to inform you of the (Enter Branch/Centre Name) Branch of The Pony Club/Pony Club Centre’s (delete as appropriate) Tetrathlon that is taking place on (Enter Date). The event takes place at: (FULL ADDRESS INCLUDING POSTCODE AND PHONE NUMBER). The OS grid reference is: (Six Figure Grid Reference). There is/*is not a suitable area for an air ambulance to arrive if necessary. 7KHHYHQWZLOOVWDUWDWWLPHDQGVKRXOGEH¿QLVKHGE\WLPH:HH[SHFW there to be (number) competitors, aged between (age) and age) and (number) spectators. 7KH DSSRLQWHG 0HGLFDO 2I¿FHU IRU WKH HYHQW LV LI DSSURSULDWH 'RFWRU¶V name). I, or someone acting on my behalf, will liase with Ambulance Control to arrange, if necessary, a suitable rendezvous point for the ambulance. I hope this is all the information that you require but please do not hesitate to contact me if it is not. Regards /Tel. No : /Mobile : /e-mail *Please note: A suitable space for an air ambulance to land is usually considered to be a IDLUO\ÀDWVSDFHDSSUR[IWE\IWFOHDURIDQ\WUHHVRYHUKHDGS\ORQV cables or any other arial obstructions and on reasonably hard standing. 86 Table 1 Paramedic or Doctor Ambulance 9 9 9 9 Practices & Rallies Areas Zones & National Finals 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 POLO Practices & Rallies Competitions & Championships 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 POLOCROSSE Practices, Rallies & Training Days Tournaments (See Polocrosse Rule Book) Championships 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 RACING Rallies Pony Club Race Days 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 DRESSAGE Practices & All Competitions Championships 9 9 9 9 9 9 SHOW JUMPING Practice Branch Event 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 With Cross Country FUN/SPONSORED RIDES With jumping MOUNTED GAMES Branch Event with open class equivalent to PC Eventing Level 4 or greater Area Competition National Championships CROSS COUNTRY Vehicle access to all parts of the course is essential during cross country phase. TETRATHLON ENDURANCE No more than 25 More than 20 No more than 25 More than 20 Practice Branch Event Level 1 or 2 No more than 25 20 to 60 More than 50 Branch Event - PC Members Only ± Level 3 Branch Event Level 4 or 5 Area Competitions National Championships Run Swim Shoot Less than 10 km More than 10 km ± at each vet gate 87 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Pool Lifeguard Trained First Aider (EFAW or ESFAC) 9 9 9 9 RALLIES Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) First Aid Point 9 9 9 9 MINIMUM FIRST AID COVER AT PONY CLUB COMPETITIONS Qualified First Aider (FAW) Appointed Person 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 APPENDIX C FRANGIBLE FENCES If a British Eventing Course is to be used and the cross country course incorporates Frangible Pins then the following guidelines should be useful: British Eventing Technical Advisors, or their appointed representative, are UHVSRQVLEOHIRUHQVXULQJWKHSLQVDUHFRUUHFWO\¿WWHG7HFKQLFDO$GYLVRUVRU their appointed representative, are also responsible for ensuring the pins are adequately monitored on day of competition, and through fence judges and course builders, that they are replaced when they need to be - i.e. if a pin bends or breaks. It is therefore important that the British Eventing Technical Advisors or their appointed representative, is present on the day if the frangible fence is to be used. It should be remembered that The Frangible Fence Pin System has been designed to activate under certain circumstances. The version currently in use has been designed in line with the weight of an average horse (470kg). It must be stressed that the system that has been developed is not guaranteed to improve standards of safety and that Cross Country riding remains a risk sport. However the indications are that the Frangible Fence Pin system may minimise the risk of injury to competitors. 88 APPENDIX D READY RECKONERS 1. As stated in Note 38d, all calculation by the scorers on the day, to convert the judges’ or time-keepers’ reports into scores, that can be avoided must be. For this purpose, ready reckoners must be used for all except adding penalties or scores together and, in the Riding, subtracting penalties from 1,400. Failure to use them can only result in mistakes and slow scoring. 2. ,QWKHUXQQLQJDQGVZLPPLQJSKDVHVRI2SHQ,QWHUPHGLDWH-XQLRUDQG Minimus Tetrathlon the ready reckoners are standard, and are printed in this Appendix. For the time penalties in the riding and for the scores in the swimming, a special reckoner has to be made for the occasion, depending on the time allowed and the length of the pool respectively, so only examples of these can be given. 3. All ready reckoners have their principal feature in common: against the facts reported by the time-keeper or judge are read directly the time SHQDOWLHVRUSRVLWLYHVFRUHV7KXVWKHUHLVQRTXHVWLRQRI¿QGLQJE\KRZ PXFKWKHWLPHWDNHQH[FHHGVWKHWLPHDOORZHGQRURI¿QGLQJWKHWRWDO distance swum, and even less of multiplying these by so many faults per second or points per metre. The ready reckoner shows the time penalty against the time taken and the swimming score directly against the completed lengths and further metres reported. 4. Constructing a ready reckoner is simple and is undertaken by all Eventing scorers. After arranging suitable columns for whole minutes or whole lengths and setting out the 60 seconds or the appropriate further metres (according to the length of the pool), start at a suitable known score and enter each one successively after that. 5. Thus in the example of riding time faults, with a time allowed of 4 min. 45 secs., start at that time and enter 0 against it. Then against each further second, enter successively 2, 4, 6, 8 etc., until reaching the maximum time penalties considered worth providing for. Equally, in the Open swimming, start at the minimum distance worth providing for, 2 lengths or 50 metres in the example (scoring 100 points), and enter successively 102, 104, 106, etc., against each further metre until reaching the score of 300 (150 metres), thereafter add 6 for each metre until 900 points, when it becomes 3 per metre. 89 6. Human error is as inevitable in this as in any other arithmetical process, so checks must be made. Calculate various scores at random and check that the reckoner agrees. Ensure that the difference between ¿JXUHVLQDGMDFHQWFROXPQVLVFRUUHFWHJWKDWWKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQ 5 min. 50 secs. and 6 min. 50 sec. in the Riding is 2 x 60 = 120 points, or that the difference between 6 and 7 lengths of a 25 metre pool is 6 x 25 = 150 points. Ensure, of course, that all riding time faults are even numbers, that all open swimming scores from 300 to 900 are multiples of 6, i.e., an even number and a multiple of 3, and that all over 900 are multiples of 3. N.B. Any number whose digits add up to a multiple of 3 is itself such a multiple). 7. Pools whose length is an exact number of metres present no problem, but some are of lengths such as 30 yards or 100 feet. The solution recommended is to mark out the pool in metres from the starting end and take up any incomplete metre in the ready reckoner 100 ft. for instance, is 30.48 metres, virtually 30.5. In this case the side is marked up to 29 metres from the starting end and on completing one length the swimmer scores for 30 metres; on turning and passing the ¿UVWµPHWUH¶PDUNKHKDVGRQHSOXVRUPHWUHVDQGVFRUHV accordingly, and so on for every alternative length. (Changes in scale of scoring are in bold.) Much the same can be done with 30 yards, which is 27.43 metres, putting out 26 metre marks. No substantial inaccuracy arises from treating a 25-yard pool (22.86 m) as exactly 23 m. No attempt should be made to score in fractions of a metre; all distances not measured LQZKROHPHWUHVLQWKH¿UVWSODFHVKRXOGEHURXQGHGRIIWRWKHQHDUHVW whole metre. 8. Before using an example from this Appendix, or an old or borrowed reckoner, check to make sure that it is based on the scale of scoring that appears on the schedule of the event. A reckoner made for some SDVWHYHQWDWSRLQWVHDFKIRUWKH¿UVWPHWUHVLVXVHOHVVIRURQHLQ ZKLFKSRLQWVDUHWREHVFRUHGIRUWKH¿UVW 90 EXAMPLE OF READY RECKONER FOR TIME FAULTS IN RIDING AT 2 PENALTIES PER COMPLETED SECOND OVER TIME ALLOWED This example is for a course with Time Allowed of 4 min. 45 secs. (including the 30 sec. extra for gate and slip rail). For any other Time Allowed, a ready reckoner must be constructed on similar lines. 4 min 5 min 6 min 7 min secs. pts. pts. pts. pts. 0 30 150 270 1 32 152 272 2 34 154 274 3 36 156 276 4 38 158 278 5 40 160 280 6 42 162 282 7 44 164 284 8 46 166 286 9 48 168 288 10 50 170 290 11 52 172 292 12 54 174 294 13 56 176 296 14 58 178 298 15 60 180 300 16 62 182 302 17 64 184 304 18 66 186 306 19 68 188 308 20 70 190 310 21 72 192 312 22 74 194 314 23 76 196 316 24 78 198 318 25 80 200 320 26 82 202 322 27 84 204 324 28 86 206 326 29 88 208 328 30 90 210 330 31 92 212 332 32 94 214 334 33 96 216 336 34 98 218 338 35 100 220 340 36 102 222 342 37 104 224 344 38 106 226 346 39 108 228 348 40 110 230 350 41 112 232 352 42 114 234 354 43 116 236 356 44 118 238 358 45 0 120 240 360 46 2 122 242 362 47 4 124 244 364 48 6 126 246 366 49 8 128 248 368 50 10 130 250 370 51 12 132 252 372 52 14 134 254 374 53 16 136 256 376 54 18 138 258 378 55 20 140 260 380 56 22 142 262 382 57 24 144 264 384 58 26 146 266 386 59 28 148 268 388 91 TETRATHLON OPEN GIRLS & INTERMEDIATE BOYS & GIRLS SWIMMING Example of Ready Reckoner for 25 metre pool 3 min swim. 3 pts/m, 1-100m. 6 pts/m, 101-200m. 4 pts/m, over 200m Lengths Metres 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L/M 75 78 81 84 87 90 150 153 156 159 162 165 225 228 231 234 237 240 300 306 312 318 324 330 450 456 462 468 474 480 600 606 612 618 624 630 750 756 762 768 774 780 900 904 908 912 916 920 1000 1004 1008 1012 1016 1020 1100 1104 1108 1112 1116 1120 1200 1204 1208 1212 1216 1220 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 93 96 99 102 105 168 171 174 177 180 243 246 249 252 255 336 342 348 354 360 486 492 498 504 510 636 642 648 654 660 786 792 798 804 810 924 928 932 936 940 1024 1028 1032 1036 1040 1124 1128 1132 1136 1140 1224 1228 1232 1236 1240 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 108 111 114 117 120 183 186 189 192 195 258 261 264 267 270 366 372 378 384 390 516 522 528 534 540 666 672 678 684 690 816 822 828 834 840 944 948 952 956 960 1044 1048 1052 1056 1060 1144 1148 1152 1156 1160 1244 1248 1252 1256 1260 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 123 126 129 132 135 198 201 204 207 210 273 276 279 282 285 396 402 408 414 420 546 552 558 564 570 696 702 708 714 720 846 852 858 864 870 964 968 972 976 980 1064 1068 1072 1076 1080 1164 1168 1172 1176 1180 1264 1268 1272 1276 1280 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 138 141 144 147 213 216 219 222 288 291 294 297 426 432 438 444 576 582 588 594 726 732 738 744 876 882 888 894 984 988 992 996 1084 1088 1092 1096 1184 1188 1192 1196 1284 1288 1292 1296 21 22 23 24 Seperate reckoners must be used when the pool is not 25 metres long and for Intermediate and Minimus Events, in which the scales of scoring differ from the above. 92 TETRATHLON JUNIOR SWIMMING 25 metre pool - 3 min swim. 4pts/m 1-50m 6/m 51-200m. 4/m over 200m Lengths Metres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Lengths Metres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 148 152 156 160 164 168 172 176 180 184 188 192 196 200 206 212 218 224 230 236 242 248 254 260 266 272 278 284 290 296 302 308 314 320 326 332 338 344 350 356 362 368 374 380 386 392 398 404 410 416 422 428 434 440 446 452 458 464 470 476 482 488 494 500 506 512 518 524 530 536 542 548 554 560 566 572 578 584 590 596 602 608 614 620 626 632 638 644 650 656 662 668 674 680 686 692 698 704 710 716 722 728 734 740 746 752 758 764 770 776 782 788 794 800 806 812 818 824 830 836 842 848 854 860 866 872 878 884 890 896 902 908 914 920 926 932 938 944 950 956 962 968 974 980 986 992 998 1004 1010 1016 1022 1028 1034 1040 1046 1052 1058 1064 1070 1076 1082 1088 1094 1100 1104 1108 1112 1116 1120 1124 1128 1132 1136 1140 1144 1148 1152 1156 1160 1164 1168 1172 1176 1180 1184 1188 1192 1196 1200 1204 1208 1212 1216 1220 1224 1228 1232 1236 1240 1244 1248 1252 1256 1260 1264 1268 1272 1276 1280 1284 1288 1292 1296 1 2 TETRATHLON MINIMUS SWIMMING 25 Metre pool - 8 pts. per Metre 3 4 5 6 7 200 208 216 224 232 240 248 256 264 272 280 288 296 304 312 320 328 336 344 352 360 368 376 384 392 400 408 416 424 432 440 448 456 464 472 480 488 496 504 512 520 528 536 544 552 560 568 576 584 592 600 608 616 624 632 640 648 656 664 672 680 688 696 704 712 720 728 736 744 752 760 768 776 784 792 1400 1408 1416 1424 1434 1440 1448 1456 1464 1472 1480 1488 1496 1504 1512 1520 1528 1536 1544 1552 1560 1568 1576 1584 1592 800 808 816 824 832 840 848 856 864 872 880 888 896 904 912 920 928 936 944 952 960 968 976 984 992 1000 1008 1016 1024 1032 1040 1048 1056 1064 1072 1080 1088 1096 1104 1112 1120 1128 1136 1144 1152 1160 1168 1176 1184 1192 93 1200 1208 1216 1224 1232 1240 1248 1256 1264 1272 1280 1288 1296 1304 1312 1320 1328 1336 1344 1352 1360 1368 1376 1384 1392 Lengths Metres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Lengths Metres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Lengths Metres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1313 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BOYS’ OPEN TETRATHLON SWIMMING 2 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 3 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 4 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 5 300 306 312 318 324 330 336 342 348 354 360 366 372 378 384 390 396 402 408 414 420 426 432 438 444 6 450 456 462 468 474 480 486 492 498 504 510 516 522 528 534 540 546 552 558 564 570 576 582 588 594 7 Lengths Metres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 600 606 612 618 624 630 636 642 648 654 660 666 672 678 684 690 696 702 708 714 720 726 732 738 744 8 750 756 762 768 774 780 786 792 798 804 810 816 822 828 834 840 846 852 858 864 870 876 882 888 894 9 900 903 906 909 912 915 918 921 924 927 930 933 936 939 942 945 948 951 954 957 960 963 966 969 972 10 975 978 981 984 987 990 993 996 999 1002 1005 1008 1011 1014 1017 1020 1023 1026 1029 1032 1035 1038 1041 1044 1047 11 1050 1053 1056 1059 1062 1065 1068 1071 1074 1077 1080 1083 1086 1089 1092 1095 1098 1101 1104 1107 1110 1113 1116 1119 1122 12 1125 1128 1131 1134 1137 1140 1143 1146 1149 1152 1155 1158 1161 1164 1167 1170 1173 1176 1179 1182 1185 1188 1191 1194 1197 13 1200 1203 1206 1209 1212 1215 1218 1221 1224 1227 1230 1233 1236 1239 1242 1245 1248 1251 1254 1257 1260 1263 1266 1269 1272 14 EXAMPLE OF READY RECKONER 25 METRE POOL 0-150 m 2 pts. per metre. 151-250 m 6pts. per metre. Over 250 m 3pts. per metre. For 14 lengths or more, score 1200 plus 3 per metre 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 Note: Seperate reckoners must be constructed for Intermediate, Girls’ and Minimus Swimming, in which the scales of scoring are different. Lengths Metres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 94 READY RECKONER FOR JUNIOR TETRATHLON RUNNING 5 min. 40 sec. for 1000 points; 5 pts. per sec. until 7 min. 20 sec.; 2 pts. per sec. thereafter mins secs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 pts. 1500 1495 1490 1485 1480 1475 1470 1465 1460 1455 5 pts. 1200 1195 1190 1185 1180 1175 1170 1165 1160 1155 6 pts. 900 895 890 885 880 875 870 865 860 855 7 pts. 600 595 590 585 580 575 570 565 560 555 8 pts. 420 418 416 414 412 410 408 406 404 402 9 pts. 300 298 296 294 292 290 288 286 284 282 10 pts. 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 162 11 pts. 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 mins secs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1450 1445 1440 1435 1430 1425 1420 1415 1410 1405 1150 1145 1140 1135 1130 1125 1120 1115 1110 1105 850 845 840 835 830 825 820 815 810 805 550 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 400 398 396 394 392 390 388 386 384 382 280 278 276 274 272 270 268 266 264 262 160 158 156 154 152 150 148 146 144 142 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1400 1395 1390 1385 1380 1375 1370 1365 1360 1355 1100 1095 1090 1085 1080 1075 1070 1065 1060 1055 800 795 790 785 780 775 770 765 760 755 500 498 496 494 492 490 488 486 484 482 380 378 376 374 372 370 368 366 364 362 260 258 256 254 252 250 248 246 244 242 140 138 136 134 132 130 128 126 124 122 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1350 1345 1340 1335 1330 1325 1320 1315 1310 1305 1050 1045 1040 1035 1030 1025 1020 1015 1010 1005 750 745 740 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 480 478 476 474 472 470 468 466 464 462 360 358 356 354 352 350 348 346 344 342 240 238 236 234 232 230 228 226 224 222 120 118 116 114 112 110 108 106 104 102 0 & over 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1300 1295 1290 1285 1280 1275 1270 1265 1260 1255 1000 995 990 985 980 975 970 965 960 955 700 695 690 685 680 675 670 665 660 655 460 458 456 454 452 450 448 446 444 442 340 338 336 334 332 330 328 326 324 322 220 218 216 214 212 210 208 206 204 202 100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 59 1250 1245 1240 1235 1230 1225 1220 1215 1210 1205 950 945 940 935 930 925 920 915 910 905 650 645 640 635 630 625 620 615 610 605 440 438 436 434 432 430 428 426 424 422 320 318 316 314 312 310 308 306 304 302 200 198 196 194 192 190 188 186 184 182 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 95 READY RECKONER FOR OPEN & INTERMEDIATE GIRLS TETRATHLON RUNNING 5 min. 20 sec. for 1000 points; 4 pts. per sec until 7 min 25 sec; 2 pts per sec thereafter. mins sec 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 pts. 1320 1316 1312 1308 1304 1300 1296 1292 1288 1284 5 pts. 1080 1076 1072 1068 1064 1060 1056 1052 1048 1044 6 pts. 840 836 832 828 824 820 816 812 808 804 7 pts. 600 596 592 588 584 580 576 572 568 564 8 pts. 430 428 426 424 422 420 418 416 414 412 9 pts. 310 308 306 304 302 300 298 296 294 292 10 pts. 190 188 186 184 182 180 178 176 174 172 11 pts. 70 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 52 mins sec 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1280 1276 1272 1268 1264 1260 1256 1252 1248 1244 1040 1036 1032 1028 1024 1020 1016 1012 1008 1004 800 796 792 788 784 780 776 772 768 764 560 556 552 548 544 540 536 532 528 524 410 408 406 404 402 400 398 396 394 392 290 288 286 284 282 280 278 276 274 272 170 168 166 164 162 160 158 156 154 152 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1240 1236 1232 1228 1224 1220 1216 1212 1208 1204 1000 996 992 988 984 980 976 972 968 964 760 756 752 748 744 740 736 732 728 724 520 516 512 508 504 500 498 496 494 492 390 388 386 384 382 380 378 376 374 372 270 268 266 264 262 260 258 256 254 252 150 148 146 144 142 140 138 136 134 132 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1200 1196 1192 1188 1184 1180 1176 1172 1168 1164 960 956 952 948 944 940 936 932 928 924 720 716 712 708 704 700 696 692 688 684 490 488 486 484 482 480 478 476 474 472 370 368 366 364 362 360 358 356 354 352 250 248 246 244 242 240 238 236 234 232 130 128 126 124 122 120 118 116 114 112 10 8 6 4 2 0 and over 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1160 1156 1152 1148 1144 1140 1136 1132 1128 1124 920 916 912 908 904 900 896 892 888 884 680 676 672 668 664 660 656 652 648 644 470 468 466 464 462 460 458 456 454 452 350 348 346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 230 228 226 224 222 220 218 216 214 212 110 108 106 104 102 100 98 96 94 92 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 1120 1116 1112 1108 1104 1100 880 876 872 868 864 860 640 636 632 628 624 620 450 448 446 444 442 440 330 328 326 324 322 320 210 208 206 204 202 200 90 88 86 84 82 80 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1096 1092 1088 1084 856 852 848 844 616 612 608 604 438 436 434 432 318 316 314 312 96 198 196 194 192 78 76 74 72 56 57 58 59 READY RECKONER FOR BOYS INTERMEDIATE RUNNING 7 min. 0 sec. For 1000 points; if slower lose 3 points per sec until 9 min. 47 sec; 2 points per sec thereafter. If faster than 7 min.gain 4 points per sec. mins mins secs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 pts 1240 1236 1232 1228 1224 1220 1216 1212 1208 1204 6 pts 1000 997 994 991 988 985 982 979 976 973 7 pts 820 817 814 811 808 805 802 799 796 793 8 pts 640 637 634 631 628 625 622 619 616 613 pts 473 471 469 467 465 463 461 459 457 455 pts 353 351 349 347 345 343 341 339 337 335 pts 233 231 229 227 225 223 221 219 217 215 pts 113 111 109 107 105 103 101 99 97 95 secs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1200 1196 1192 1188 1184 1180 1176 1172 1168 1164 970 967 964 961 958 955 952 949 946 943 790 787 784 781 778 775 772 769 766 763 610 607 604 601 598 595 592 589 586 583 453 451 449 447 445 443 441 439 437 435 333 331 329 327 325 323 321 319 317 315 213 211 209 207 205 203 201 199 197 195 93 91 89 87 85 83 81 79 77 75 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1160 1156 1152 1148 1144 1140 1136 1132 1128 1124 940 937 934 931 928 925 922 919 916 913 760 757 754 751 748 745 742 739 736 733 580 577 574 571 568 565 562 559 556 553 433 431 429 427 425 423 421 419 417 415 313 311 309 307 305 303 301 299 297 295 193 191 189 187 185 183 181 179 177 175 73 71 69 67 65 63 61 59 57 55 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1120 1116 1112 1108 1104 1100 1096 1092 1088 1084 910 907 904 901 898 895 892 889 886 883 730 727 724 721 718 715 712 709 706 703 550 547 544 541 538 535 532 529 526 523 413 411 409 407 405 403 401 399 397 395 293 291 289 287 285 283 281 279 277 275 173 171 169 167 165 163 161 159 157 155 53 51 49 47 45 43 41 39 37 35 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1080 1076 1072 1068 1064 1060 1056 1052 1048 1044 880 877 874 871 868 865 862 859 856 853 700 697 694 691 688 685 682 679 676 673 520 517 514 511 508 505 502 499 497 495 393 391 389 387 385 383 381 379 377 375 273 271 269 267 265 263 261 259 257 255 153 151 149 147 145 143 141 139 137 135 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1040 1036 1032 1028 1024 1020 1016 1012 1008 1004 850 847 844 841 838 835 832 829 826 823 670 667 664 661 658 655 652 649 646 643 493 491 489 487 485 483 481 479 477 475 373 371 369 367 365 363 361 359 357 355 253 251 249 247 245 243 241 239 237 235 133 131 129 127 125 123 121 119 117 115 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 97 13 READY RECKONER FOR BOYS’ OPEN TETRATHLON RUNNING 10 min. 30 sec. for 1000points; 3pts. per sec until 13 min 16 sec; 1 pt per sec thereafter. mins sec 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 pts. 1270 1267 1264 1261 1258 1255 1252 1249 1246 1243 10 pts. 1090 1087 1084 1081 1078 1075 1072 1069 1066 1063 11 pts. 910 907 904 901 898 895 892 889 886 883 12 pts. 730 727 724 721 718 715 712 709 706 703 13 pts. 550 547 544 541 538 535 532 529 526 523 14 pts. 458 457 456 455 454 453 452 451 450 449 15 pts. 398 397 396 395 394 393 392 391 390 389 16 pts. 338 337 336 335 334 333 332 331 330 329 17 pts. 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 18 pts. 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 19 20 pts. pts. 158 98 157 97 156 96 155 95 154 94 153 93 152 92 151 91 150 90 149 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1240 1237 1234 1231 1228 1225 1222 1219 1216 1213 1060 1057 1054 1051 1048 1045 1042 1039 1036 1033 880 877 874 871 868 865 862 859 856 853 700 697 694 691 688 685 682 679 676 673 520 517 514 511 508 505 502 501 500 499 448 447 446 445 444 443 442 441 440 439 388 387 386 385 384 383 382 381 380 379 328 327 326 325 324 323 322 321 320 319 268 267 266 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1210 1207 1204 1201 1198 1195 1192 1189 1186 1183 1030 1027 1024 1021 1018 1015 1012 1009 1006 1003 850 847 844 841 838 835 832 829 826 823 670 667 664 661 658 655 652 649 646 643 498 497 496 495 494 493 492 491 490 489 438 437 436 435 434 433 432 431 430 429 378 377 376 375 374 373 372 371 370 369 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 258 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1180 1177 1174 1171 1168 1165 1162 1159 1156 1153 1000 997 994 991 988 985 982 979 976 973 820 817 814 811 808 805 802 799 796 793 640 637 634 631 628 625 622 619 616 613 488 487 486 485 484 483 482 481 480 479 428 427 426 425 424 423 422 421 420 419 368 367 366 365 364 363 362 361 360 359 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 300 299 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 68 8 30 67 7 31 66 6 32 65 5 33 64 4 34 63 3 35 62 2 36 61 1 37 60 0 38 59 and over 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1150 1147 1144 1141 1138 1135 1132 1129 1126 1123 970 967 964 961 958 955 952 949 946 943 790 787 784 781 778 775 772 769 766 763 610 607 604 601 598 595 592 589 586 583 478 477 476 475 474 473 472 471 470 469 418 417 416 415 414 413 412 411 410 409 358 357 356 355 354 353 352 351 350 349 298 297 296 295 294 293 292 291 290 289 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1120 1117 1114 1111 1108 1105 1102 1099 1096 1093 940 937 934 931 928 925 922 919 916 913 760 757 754 751 748 745 742 739 736 733 580 577 574 571 568 565 562 559 556 553 468 467 466 465 464 463 462 461 460 459 408 407 406 405 404 403 402 401 400 399 348 347 346 345 344 343 342 341 340 339 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 98 21 mins pts. sec 38 0 37 1 36 2 35 3 34 4 33 5 32 6 31 7 30 8 29 9 READY RECKONER FOR MINIMUS TETRATHLON RUNNING 4 mins. for 1000 points; 6 pts. per sec. until 5 mins. 23 sec.; 2 pts. per sec. thereafter. mins sec. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 pts. 1360 1354 1348 1342 1336 1330 1324 1318 1312 1306 4 pts. 1000 994 988 982 976 970 964 958 952 946 5 pts. 640 634 628 622 616 610 604 598 592 586 6 pts. 428 426 424 422 420 418 416 414 412 410 7 pts. 308 306 304 302 300 298 296 294 292 290 8 pts. 188 186 184 182 180 178 176 174 172 170 9 pts. 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 mins sec. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1300 1294 1288 1282 1276 1270 1264 1258 1252 1246 940 934 928 922 916 910 904 898 892 886 580 574 568 562 556 550 544 538 532 526 408 406 404 402 400 398 396 394 392 390 288 286 284 282 280 278 276 274 272 270 168 166 164 162 160 158 156 154 152 150 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1240 1234 1228 1222 1216 1210 1204 1198 1192 1186 880 874 868 862 856 850 844 838 832 826 520 514 508 502 500 498 496 494 492 490 388 386 384 382 380 378 376 374 372 370 268 266 264 262 260 258 256 254 252 250 148 146 144 142 140 138 136 134 132 130 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1180 1174 1168 1162 1156 1150 1144 1138 1132 1126 820 814 808 802 796 790 784 778 772 766 488 486 484 482 480 478 476 474 472 470 368 366 364 362 360 358 356 354 352 350 248 246 244 242 240 238 236 234 232 230 128 126 124 122 120 118 116 114 112 110 8 6 4 2 0 & over 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1120 1114 1108 1102 1096 1090 1084 1078 1072 1066 760 754 748 742 736 730 724 718 712 706 468 466 464 462 460 458 456 454 452 450 348 346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 330 228 226 224 222 220 218 216 214 212 210 108 106 104 102 100 98 96 94 92 90 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1060 1054 1048 1042 1036 1030 1024 1018 1012 1006 700 694 688 682 676 670 664 658 652 646 448 446 444 442 440 438 436 434 432 430 328 326 324 322 320 318 316 314 312 310 208 206 204 202 200 198 196 194 192 190 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 99 APPENDIX E THE LAW AS IT RELATES TO AIR WEAPONS ZLWKHIIHFWIURP-DQXDU\ 1. a. AIR WEAPONS AND THE LAW It is an offence for a person in possession of an air weapon to fail to take reasonable precautions to prevent someone under the age of 18 from gaining unauthorised access to it. A defence is provided where a person can show that they had reasonable grounds for believing the other person to be aged 18 or over. The maximum penalty for someone convicted of this new offence is £1,000. b. It is an offence for a person under the age of 18 to purchase or hire an air weapon or ammunition for an air weapon. c. It is an offence to sell, let on hire or make a gift of an air weapon or ammunition for an air weapon to a person under the age of 18. d. It is an offence for anyone under the age of 18 to have with them an air weapon or ammunition for an air weapon unless: 1) They are under the supervision of a person aged 21 or over; 2) They are shooting as a member of an approved target shooting club; 7KH\DUHVKRRWLQJDWDVKRRWLQJJDOOHU\DQGWKHRQO\¿UHDUPV EHLQJXVHGDUHHLWKHUDLUZHDSRQVRUPLQLDWXUHULÀHVQRWH[FHHGLQJ .23 inch calibre; 4) The person is 14 years old or above and is on private premises with the consent of the occupier. e. It is an offence to part with possession of an air weapon, or ammunition for an air weapon, to a person under the age of 18 except under the special circumstances mentioned immediately above. f. It is an offence for any person shooting on private land, regardless RI DJH WR XVH DQ DLU ZHDSRQ IRU ¿ULQJ D SHOOHW EH\RQG WKH boundaries of the premises. g. It is an offence for a supervising adult to allow a person under WKHDJHRIWRXVHDQDLUZHDSRQIRU¿ULQJDSHOOHWEH\RQGWKH boundaries of premises. h. It is an offence for any person to have an air weapon in a public place without a reasonable excuse. While there is no statutory GH¿QLWLRQ RI D UHDVRQDEOH H[FXVH LW PLJKW LQFOXGH FDUU\LQJ D weapon to and from a shooting club, or taking a new weapon home from a dealer. However, it is ultimately for the courts to decide what a reasonable excuse is. i. It is an offence to trespass with an air weapon, whether in a building or on land. 100 j. It is an offence to have an air weapon if you are prohibited from SRVVHVVLQJ D ¿UHDUP $Q\RQH ZKR KDV EHHQ VHQWHQFHG WR D custodial sentence of between three months and three years is SURKLELWHG IURP SRVVHVVLQJ DQ DLU ZHDSRQ RU RWKHU ¿UHDUP RU DPPXQLWLRQIRU¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHRIWKHLUUHOHDVH$Q\RQH who has been sentenced to three years or more is prohibited for life. N ,W LV DQ RIIHQFH WR ¿UH DQ DLU ZHDSRQ ZLWKRXW ODZIXO DXWKRULW\ RU excuse within 50 feet (15 metres) of the centre of a public road in such a way as to cause a road user to be injured, interrupted or endangered. l. It is an offence to intentionally or recklessly kill certain wild animals and birds. When shooting live quarry, it is your responsibility to make sure that you only do so legally. m. It is an offence to knowingly cause a pet animal to suffer unnecessarily, which could be committed by shooting at a pet animal. n. It is an offence to have an air weapon with intent to damage or to destroy property. It is also an offence to have air weapons and be reckless as to whether property would be damaged or destroyed. o. It is an offence to have an air weapon with intent to end 2. a. SAFE HANDLING Always treat an air weapon as though it were loaded. b. Always point an air weapon in a safe direction, preferably at the ground, and never at another person. F 1HYHUORDGDQDLUZHDSRQXQWLO\RXDUHUHDG\WR¿UHLW G 1HYHU¿UHDQDLUZHDSRQXQOHVV\RXDUHFHUWDLQWKDWWKHVKRWZLOO be safe. This means checking that there is nothing and no one nearby who might be endangered by the shot and ensuring that there is a suitable backstop or pellet catcher to prevent ricochets. e. Never rely on a safety catch to make an air weapon safe. Such devices can fail. f. Never put a loaded air weapon down. Always safely discharge or XQORDGDQGXQFRFNLW¿UVW g. Never store a loaded air weapon. h. Air weapons should be stored out of sight and separately from pellets. i. Air weapons should be covered, for example in a gun slip, when being transported. 101 j. Air weapons must not be stored where unauthorised people, particularly young people under the age of 18, might gain access to them. For example, use a lockable cupboard and keep the keys secure. Air weapons should be stored inside a house rather than in an outbuilding, such as a garden shed. k. Consider ways of rendering a stored air weapon incapable of EHLQJ¿UHG 3. D SAFE STORAGE ,QPDQ\FDVHVLWZLOOEHVXI¿FLHQWWRVWRUH\RXUDLUZHDSRQLQDQ existing, suitably robust, lockable cupboard – keeping the keys separate and secure. b. Alternatively, you could use a lock or locking device by which your DLUZHDSRQFDQEHDWWDFKHGWRWKHIDEULFRIDEXLOGLQJRUWRD¿[HG feature. Or you could use a security cord, lockable chain or similar device attached to a point of anchorage within the building. c. Even where children are very young, or are not normally present, it is preferable to use some form of security cord or similar device rather than simply storing your air weapon up high and out of reach. G $Q\RQH ZKR DOUHDG\ KROGV RWKHU ¿UHDUPV FRXOG XVH WKHLU existing gun cabinet for their air weapon, provided this does not compromise security. e. Air weapons should be stored within the occupied part of a building and not in an outbuilding, such as a garage or shed. I ,I\RXNHHSDQXPEHURIDLUZHDSRQV\RXPLJKW¿QGLWXVHIXOWR consider some of the security measures suggested for licensed ¿UHDUPV7KLVLQIRUPDWLRQFDQEHIRXQGLQWKH)LUHDUPV6HFXULW\ +DQGERRNDYDLODEOHRQWKH+RPH2I¿FHZHEVLWH g. When using your air weapon, the best advice is to keep it under close supervision at all times and to never leave it unattended. h. Where you have no option but to put your air weapon down for short periods, unload it and gather up all the ammunition. Steps should then be taken to prevent anyone under the age of 18 from gaining unauthorised access to it. Where practicable, this could LQFOXGH DWWDFKLQJ LW WR D ¿[HG REMHFW XVLQJ D VHFXULW\ FRUG RU similar device, or locking it out of sight in a car. 102 APPENDIX F ASA ADVICE TO COMPETITION ORGANISERS a. Before the Competition: Carry out a simple risk assessment of the facility and event organisation. 1) Check the pool water depth at each end of the pool; remember diving should not take place into water less than 0.9 metres under any circumstances. 2) If starting blocks are to be used; where the starting block is a maximum of .75 m above the water level a water depth of 1.2m minimum is required; where the starting block is less than .5m above the water level a water depth of .9m minimum is acceptable. 3) Swimmers diving from starting blocks need to have achieved the level of the ASA Competitive Start Award. b. At the start of the Competition : &RPSHWLWRUVVKRXOGEHQRWL¿HGRI 1) The pool water depth at each end of the pool. If the water depth is less than 0.9m then tumble turns should be prohibited. 2) The use of starting blocks and the depth of the pool at that point. 3) The fact that ASA Laws permits a competitor to start/takeover in the water, with a dive from the poolside or with a dive from a starting block. c. At the Competition and at the start of each subsequent session: 1) The referee is in complete control of the competition 2) 7KHUHVKRXOGEHVXI¿FLHQWRI¿FLDOVWRFRQWUROWKHHYHQWSDUWLFXODUO\ the warm-up session. 3) The depth of the pool water at entry should be announced before each warm up. 4) Swimmers diving from starting blocks need to have achieved the level of the ASA Competitive Start Award. 5) In the event of a false start no swimmers are to ‘topple’ into the water - a proper shallow dive should be performed. 103 d. Lifesaver When using public pools Branches must check the pools own UHTXLUHPHQWVDVVSHFL¿HGLQWKH6ZLPPLQJ3RRO2SHUDWLQJ3URFHGXUH (SPOP). When using private or schools pools the minimum requirement for the swimming phase and training sessions is the National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers & Coaches or the RLSS National Pool /LIHJXDUG4XDOL¿FDWLRQ APPENDIX G ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES* AND MOTOR CYCLES The use of All Terrain Vehicles is forbidden unless the Organiser has given prior permission. If these vehicles are going to be used the Health, Safety and Welfare Guidelines MUST be adhered to, as se out below. 1. a. HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE GUIDELINES 2QO\ (YHQW 2I¿FLDOV ZKR KDYH UHFHLYHG SURSHU WUDLQLQJ KROG FXUUHQW appropriate licences, have no serious convictions, have a reasonable accident record and are aged 17 or over (unless especially agreed by Underwriters) should drive/ride these machines. b. Passengers should not be carried unless the vehicle is designed or adapted for that purpose except in an emergency. Drivers, riders and passengers MUST wear suitable safety headwear. c. The vehicles should be roadworthy and maintained in good condition and are only to be used for purposes directly connected with the Event. d. If machines travel on or across a public road, motor insurance is compulsory. e. The Pony Club Public Liability Insurance provides indemnity to The Pony Club in respect of legal liability for injury or damage if negligence of The Pony Club is proven, provided the above guidelines are followed. However, this insurance only comes into effect if compulsory insurance is not required and there is no other insurance in force which could provide cover. Owners of motor cycles requiring compulsory insurance XQGHUWKH5RDG7UDI¿F$FWVVKRXOGQRWHWKDWFODLPVLQYROYLQJWKHLUPRWRU cycles would fall under their individual policies. It is recommended that such owners advise their Insurer of the use at Events. * Such machines need expert handling as they are inherently unstable. 104 APPENDIX H ARENA JUMPING RULES 6KRZ -XPSLQJ FRXUVH RI WZHOYH IHQFHV WR LQFOXGH D GRXEOH DQG D WUHEOH If possible, a slip rail and gate will be included (to be judged as for cross country). Alternatively, if a gate is unavailable a halt box can be used, in which the horse/pony must be stationary within the box for 4 seconds. Maximum height of fences will be as per Rule 30. Scoring (Maximum score 1400): Knockdown = 30 penalties First Refusal = 60 penalties Second Refusal = 100 penalties Two refusals – carry on to next fence (if a competitor does not, they will be eliminated) Refusal + knockdown = 80 penalties Fall = 90 penalties 2 falls = elimination Fall of horse = elimination Each fence not jumped after elimination = 50 penalties (UURURI&RXUVHQRWUHFWL¿HG SHQDOWLHV (Failure to halt in box for 4 seconds = 20 penalties) Timing: Speed: 325 mpm 15 seconds for gate or slip rail if included Each commenced second over the time allowed = 4 penalties 75 Secs over the time allowed = elimination These are suggested timings and maybe adjusted should the judge consider it to be an appropriate action. The slip rail can be timed and judged e.g. correct dismounts and mounting with whip in the correct hand etc. 20 penalties given for any errors. The halt in the box - horse/pony must be within the box otherwise they get 20 penalties The Course: 6DIHW\&XSVDUHQRZFRPSXOVRU\IRUDOO3RQ\&OXE-XPSLQJ&RPSHWLWLRQV To be use on the back rails of spread fences and middle and back rails of triple bars. This will also include practice fences in the collecting ring. These cups must be in use at all times and must NOT be removed from the wing stands. Practice Fences: Safety Cups must be used on the back rails of spread fences. These cups must be in use at all times and must NOT be removed from the wing stands. 105 APPENDIX I WINTER TRIATHLON RULES One Qualifying competition in each Area. $OO FRPSHWLWRUV PXVW EH 3RQ\ &OXE 0HPEHUV DQG KDYH TXDOL¿HG DW RQH RI the qualifying Triathlons competitions as shown on the Pony Club website. 7KH¿UVWWZRIURPHDFKFODVVZLOOTXDOLI\,IDUHDVKDYHFRPELQHGWKHQLWZLOO EHWKH¿UVWIRXULQHDFKFODVVUHJDUGOHVVRIZKLFK$UHDWKH\FRPHIURP 6KRXOG WKH TXDOL¿HUV DW WKDW FRPSHWLWLRQ EH IURP RXW RI $UHD WKH KLJKHVW placed competitors from that Area may also qualify to ensure that all Areas have two representatives from each class competing to qualifying for the Winter Triathlon Final. Areas may make up to 3 mixed teams from all classes (ie Girls or boys from each class) to compete at the Winter Triathlon Final. It is the responsibility of the competitors to ensure that they inform the RUJDQLVHU EHIRUH WKH VWDUW RI D FRPSHWLWLRQ LI WKH\ KDYH DOUHDG\ TXDOL¿HG previously so if they win the qualifying place will be given to the next highest placed competitor. Minimus aged 8 (on day of competition) – 11 on 1st Jan 2015 Junior aged up to 14 on 1st Jan 2015 Open aged up to 25 years old on 1st Jan 2015 Members that are on Pentathlon GB’s Podium Potential Pathway, and above levels, are classed as ‘Pentathlon funded Members’ and are not eligible to compete. Class Run Swim Shoot Minimus 1000m 2 minutes 7m Turning targets (Can use 2 hands) -XQLRU 1500m 3 minutes 7m Turning targets Open (Inc. Intermediates) GIRLS 1500m 3 Minutes 10m Turning targets Open (Inc. Intermediates) BOYS 2000m 3 Minutes 10m Turning targets Rosettes will be 1st-10th Individuals and 1st -6th Teams in all classes 106 APPENDIX J GRASSROOTS COMPETITION AT THE PONY CLUB TETRATHLON CHAMPIONSHIPS 2015 This year sees the second year of the Grassroots Tetrathlon Competition at the Pony Club Tetrathlon Championships at Bishop Burton, Yorkshire. The competition is open to Centre Members only. Entry fee will be £25 per competitor. Closing date for entries is 31st July 2015 Teams to consist of three or four Members and can be of mixed gender (Age should be taken as on 1st January 2015) o One competitor aged 12 or under o One competitor aged 14 or under o One competitor aged 16 or under o One competitor aged 21 or under Team scores will be the sum of the three highest scores. Competitors must not have competed at Regional or Area Qualifying competitions Two horses/ponies are to be used per team, completing two show jumping rounds each. Individual competitors are also welcome. They may share a horse/pony with a team but the horse/pony must not complete more than three show jumping rounds (QWULHVDUHRQD¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHGEDVLV COMPETITION OUTLINE: Swim - 3 minutes Shoot - 7 metres, turning targets (Members 11 years and under may use 2 hands as per Rule 53g of the 2015 Tetrathlon rule book) Ride - Show jumping course with a slip rail and a halt box. (Heights to be between 2ft to 2ft 6in (60cm-75cm)). Run - 1000m Run, Swim and shoot scoring is to be completed using the Grassroots ready reckoners, available from the Pony Club Website. Ride is to be scored as per arena jumping rules in Appendix H. Please contact Helen [email protected] or Lucy [email protected] if you have any questions about entering a team or individuals this year. If this is something you would like to train for and want to know how to get started, please contact Ann Marshall ann.marshall@pentathlongb. org or 01262 470413. 107 APPENDIX K TETRATHLON SUPPLIES Items can be ordered via telephone with card payment (02476 698300) or online at shop.pcuk.org. Supplies can alternatlively be obtained by post: please order all items on The Pony Club order forms and enclose the correct payment. Please order at least three weeks prior to the competition so the merchandise GHSDUWPHQWFDQHQVXUH\RXURUGHUFDQEHIXO¿OOHG All cheques should be made payable to THE PONY CLUB. Please check prices on www.pcuk.org () denotes number of competitors per sheet or pad Shooting Targets (sold in hundreds) A4 Score sheet (23) Swimming Individual Competitor Slips - Green (50) A4 Score sheet (23) Riding )HQFH-XGJH6FRUH1&53DGV-XPSLQJ2EVWDFOH )HQFH-XGJH6FRUH1&53DGV*DWHDQG6OLS5DLO ,QVWUXFWLRQVIRU)HQFH-XGJHV A4 Time sheet - Gold (14) (YHQWLQJ$PDVWHU;&-XPSLQJ6FRUHVKHHW Notes on Cross-country course design A Basic Guide to Building XC Fences Medical Armbands Running Individual Competitor Slips - Blue (25) Individual Competitor Slips - Pink (25) A4 Score sheet (27) General Consolidated Score Sheet (20) Tetrathlon Rules Introductory Guide to Tetrathlon PVC Signs ‘TO THE PONY CLUB’ XC Number bibs 108 TETRATHLON FIXTURES 2015 Winter Triathlon Finals Sunday 15th March - Stantonbury Leisure Centre, Milton Keynes, MK14 6BN See The Pony Club website for Qualifying Competition details. Junior Regional Competition 30th & 31st May - Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell, CV35 9BL 2UJDQLVHU0UV-XG\+DUGFDVWOH Senior Regional Competition 8th & 9th August - Aylesford Equine, Melton Mowbray, LE14 3PF Organier: Mr Dave Hallam 07779 178988 The NFU Mutual Tetrathlon Championships 14th - 16th August - Bishop Burton College, Beverley HU17 8QG 3OHDVH VHH 7KH 3RQ\ &OXE ZHEVLWH IRU $UHD 4XDOL¿HU &RPSHWLWLRQV DQG further details. Area Qualifying Competitions 'HWDLOVIRUWKH&KDPSLRQVKLS$UHD4XDOL¿HUVDQG:LQWHU7ULDWKORQ4XDOL¿HUV can be found on The Pony Club website www.pcuk.org 109 Photography www.fotograffs.co.uk NFU MUTUAL IS PROUD TO SPONSOR THE PONY CLUB For an insurance quotation find your local NFU Mutual branch at nfumutual.co.uk or call 0800 197 1283 NFU Mutual is The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No 111982). Registered in England. Registered office: Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7BJ. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. A member of the Association of British Insurers. For security and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded and monitored.