Dependent Coverage Extended
Dependent Coverage Extended Summer 2010 QCARE at Your Service for Chronic Conditions For members with a chronic condition, such as diabetes, hypertension, or asthma, we offer QCARE. This program puts our care managers and health coaches at a member’s disposal. They’ll work with you and your physician to achieve better health. The service includes: nA ssistance from a care manager at regular intervals to discuss medication and other health concerns nA ccess to a 24-hour Nurse Line which includes an Audio Library covering many health related topics. Just call 1-866-232-0447. Get started today! Our QCARE health management program is voluntary and available at no additional cost to all plan members. To participate in QCARE, or to speak to a care manager or health coach, please contact us at 1-800-235-7111 ext. 7014 or 1-888-795-6810. Find out about your health by completing the online QCARE Personal Health Appraisal. Log in to the members’ site at Customer Service Dependent Coverage Extended QualChoice will take steps to prevent a gap in coverage that could leave many young Arkansans uninsured. In mid-May QualChoice announced that it will take steps to prevent a gap in coverage that could leave many young Arkansans uninsured as a result of provisions in the new health reform law. We’ll be extending health coverage to individuals who would historically no longer be eligible as dependents because of college graduation or age. Under the new health care reform law, the age for a child to stay on their parents’ employer-offered or individual health plan is extended to age 26 for plan years beginning on or after September 23, 2010. Beginning June 1, 2010, QualChoice will work with its customers to eliminate the coverage gap young Arkansans may face before this health care reform provision takes effect. QualChoice president and CEO, Mike Stock, said, “It has always been our goal to provide Arkansans with access to affordable, quality health care. We want college graduates and other dependents to be able to concentrate on finding employment in this competitive environment and not worry that they’ll lose their existing coverage.” Call Customer Service at 1-501-228-7111 or 1-800-235-7111 if you have any coverage questions. 1-501-228-7111 1-800-235-7111 (toll-free) Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. INSIDE: Know Where to Go for Care \ Find Health Info Fast Living Well Watch for Provider Fraud and Abuse Arkansas’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is urging Arkansans to be mindful of potential provider fraud and abuse. This is in keeping with QualChoice’s initiative to enhance fraud prevention. A recent article on fraud and abuse published by Arkansas DHHS found that health care fraud has resulted in more than $10 billion in added costs per year. The article, which is available on DHHS’ website,, warns Arkansans to watch for: n Billing for services not rendered nBilling both the member or multiple insurance carriers for the same services nBilling for services that are not medically necessary n Providing unnecessary services nBilling for a more expensive item when a less expensive item was actually provided (upcoding) nBilling related services separately to charge a higher amount than if they were combined and billed as one service (unbundling) n Falsifying records n Patient neglect or abuse QualChoice monitors fraud, waste, and abuse to protect our members and providers. If you suspect fraud, waste, or abuse, please e-mail us at [email protected]. Where to Go for Immediate Care Not sure where to go for an immediate health problem or service? Here’s a guide to help you decide. At Home or Away Your primary care doctor. Whenever you have a health concern, contact your primary care doctor first. It’s your least expensive option. In addition, your doctor knows your health history and keeps a record of it. He or she can access it fast and save important time. mergency rooms (ERs). When you E have a life-threatening medical situation—such as a stroke or heart attack— call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room facility. Emergency symptoms may include: n Chest pain n Trouble breathing n Poisoning n B leeding or vomiting that won’t stop n Major burns, cuts, or breaks Know Before You Go Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage information for the full definition of an emergency medical condition. A medical emergency is defined as a condition of recent onset and sufficient severity, including but not limited to, severe pain, that would lead a person with average knowledge of health and medicine to expect the condition or illness, if not treated immediately, to result in serious harm to their health. If your condition does not meet the defined criteria, your treatment may not be covered. Join Today! 1-888-795-6810 Kick the Nic may not be available under all plans. To see if your plan participates, contact QualChoice. Health in Your Hands Understand Your Benefits For many people, the ins and outs of their medical benefits aren’t important—until they have a reason to use them. Here are some things to keep in mind before you need your benefits: Check the list of health care providers for your plan. Is your primary health care provider part of the QualChoice network? If not, you may need to switch to an in-network provider to avoid higher costs. Understand your costs. In addition to the plan premium that you or your employer pays, you may have additional out-of-pocket costs such as a copayment at the time of service. The amount may be different for office visits, prescriptions, emergency care, and hospital stays. Our Website Tools Can Help You To gain entry to your member site, go to, click on “login/ register” from the QuicAccess section on the home page. If you have never logged in as a member, you will need to click the self-registration button. Once logged in as a member, you will be able to: n Review your health plan benefits n Order ID Cards n Submit a change of address n View your plan’s drug formulary nReview your medical statements and claims n Compare drugs and their costs nSearch for QualChoice in-network providers nReview list of services requiring pre-authorization nRead QualChoice medical policies In our Diabetes Better Day Program, QualChoice health coaches partner with you to find ways to improve life with diabetes, and make changes that are beneficial to you and that you can live with. Our program provides support, education, counseling and advocacy for our members living with diabetes. In addition, this program will allow members (through mail order only) to receive a 90 day supply of testing strips and lancets for a lesser copayment. As an additional incentive, a free bottle of sugar free multi-vitamins is sent with every order. Diabetes Better Day Program Offers You a Special Supply Discount 1. Call QCARE at 1-888-795-6810 to enroll in the Diabetes Better Day Program. 2. A QCARE health coach will work one on one with you to assess the management of your diabetes. 3. You will be given access to an online workbook and other educational tools. 4. If needed, regularly scheduled meetings with your health coach will be arranged. Members participating in the Diabetes Better Day Program will be sent a welcome packet with ordering instructions and the option of choosing one of the following blood glucose testing machines (to be sent at no charge to the member): n AccuChek Compact nAccuChek Aviva nTrue Result How to Get Started © 2010. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced in whole or in part from this publication without the express permission of the publisher. Any reference in this material to other organizations or companies, including their Internet sites, is not an endorsement or warranty of the services, information, or products provided by those organizations or companies. All models are used for illustrative purposes only. The QualChoice Building 12615 Chenal Parkway, Suite 300 Little Rock, AR 72211 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit #372 Long Prairie, MN 563M Get The Right Care Important Reminder: Services Requiring Prior Authorization Find Health Info Fast! Get 24-hour-a-day access to top-notch health information by logging on to and clicking “Health & Medical Education.” You’ll have access to our Web portal with more than 5,000 articles on health and medication. HealthSheets™ You can search from A to Z in the HealthSheets section. It covers diseases, conditions, diagnoses, treatments, surgery, procedures, and more. This library is full of evidence-based, medically-reviewed articles for people of all ages and walks of life. Medications Library The comprehensive Medications section has information on 33,000 prescriptions, over-the-counter products, and vitamins. You’ll find answers to questions such as “What may interact with this medicine?” and “What side effects may I notice when I take this medicine?” At QualChoice, we realize sometimes questions slip your mind when dealing with your healthcare professionals. That is why it’s important to us that you can find health answers 24 hours a day. It is our commitment at QualChoice to make sure you get the care you need, the answers you deserve, and the resources to make it happen. Get 24-hour assistance! Call our Nurse Advice Line 24/7 at 1-866-232-0447. QualChoice provides benefits for certain services, drugs and supplies only when prior authorization is received. As the pre-authorization list may change, a current list is always available to members by logging into the members’ site at Examples of services requiring prior authorization include: nAll admissions to an inpatient facility or partial hospital unit nAny referral to an out-ofnetwork provider nOB Ultrasounds after the first one during the term of pregnancy nHome Healthcare, Home Infusion Services or Hospice (Inpatient or Outpatient) nMental Health or Substance Abuse Services (beyond the initial visit) nTransplant Services (Inpatient or Outpatient) nAdvanced Imaging (when performed on an outpatient basis) nSpecialty Medications
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