C60-0807-000-001 sovereign:Layout 1.qxd


C60-0807-000-001 sovereign:Layout 1.qxd
Primus Epic® – Citation Sovereign
Unsurpassed situational
awareness and safety
Primus Epic® Integrated Avionics
The next generation Primus Epic
integrated avionics system is the heart
of the advanced cockpit for the Citation
Sovereign. Human-centered design
concepts were used in the development
of this system to ensure and enhance
crew performance and flight safety.
Charts, maps, and uplink weather,
System features:
Standard avionics functions:
coupled with unsurpassed integration of
Four large active matrix liquid crystal
The Primus Epic system includes the
aircraft systems —including safety
sensors, navigation and terrain
database—provide the crew real-time
information that increases safety,
improves situational awareness and
displays (AMLCD) provide a
following standard installed avionics
technology path for presentation of
functions on the Cessna Citation
new types of display information and
enhanced viewing; charts, maps and
Four large 8x10-inch (DU-1080) liquid
airport diagrams
reduces pilot workload.
The Primus Epic system for the Citation
Digital communication and navigation
Sovereign changes the basic nature of
radios designed to support growth in
flying by providing the processing
the changing CNS/ATM environment
speed, data link interfaces and data
storage capability to bring large amounts
of information into the cockpit. After all,
better information leads to better
Optional integrated communication
management function (CMF)
centralizes data communication and
provides a growth path operation in the
future CNS/ATM environment
Optional Category II (CAT II) function
crystal displays
Dual fail-operational automatic flight
control system
Primus® 880 turbulence weather radar
Enhanced ground proximity warning
system (EGPWS)
Radio altimeter
Dual air data sensors
allows aircraft operation at Type II
Dual 24-channel GPS sensors
airports and minimizes weather
Primus II Epic: Integrated digital radio
approach disruptions
Optional charts and maps function
provides the ability to view Jeppesen
charts and graphical weather on the
cockpit displays.
AV-850 digital audio system
System for the Citation Sovereign
Experts in integration
Liquid crystal flat panel displays
Honeywell’s Primus Epic system is based
Four large 8 x 10-inch, large liquid crystal
on an innovative modular design offering
displays are the centerpiece of the
high reliability and dispatchability to
avionics suite for the Citation Sovereign.
ensure cost-effective operation. The all-
The displays function in a point-and-click,
new Primus Epic integrated avionics
windowed environment enabled by a
system for the Citation Sovereign
cursor control device.
features unprecedented levels of
integration and a highly flexible and
cost-efficient framework. Operators will
appreciate the functionality and the
clarity of four 10x8-inch flat panel
displays, dual flight director/auto pilot,
dual flight management system and
updated cockpit controls, including
pedestal mounted cursor control devices
for increased management of the
system’s many features. In addition, our
next generation Primus® II Epic digital
The displays in the Citation Sovereign
Sovereign CCD
displays (PFD), a multifunction display
lieu of hardware buttons, reduces pilot
(MFD), and EICAS display. The PFDs
workload while saving costs, weight and
incorporate all of the information
wiring associated with individual
necessary to safely operate the aircraft,
controllers. With personal computers as a
including an attitude director indicator
part of our daily lives, pilots will find the
(ADI) and horizontal situation indicator
operating environment of the flight deck
(HSI) combined with airspeed, altitude,
immediately intuitive and comfortable.
vertical speed and other essential
information. Added flexibility within the
Central maintenance computer
system allows pilots to also view weather
Digital architecture, built-in test and easy
radar and terrain information on the PFD
fault diagnosis all add up to a
when the ARC mode is selected.
comprehensive avionics maintenance
The MFD displays the flight management
capability. That’s what the central
system (FMS) navigational information,
maintenance computer (CMC) provides
weather and terrain data, traffic
Sovereign operators. What’s more,
information, and radio tuning through the
information from the CMC can be
use of the cursor control device. The
displayed on the multifunction flight
EICAS displays engine information,
display for easy access by pilots and
aircraft systems, crew messaging, and
ground personnel.
radio tuning.
radio system has been developed into a
more highly integrated package.
Cursor control device (CCD)
The pedestal mounted cursor control
devices for the Citation Sovereign allow
the pilots to control the many aspects of
the display system. The use of CCDcontrolled pull-down menus, windowsstyle display pages and “soft keys” in
cockpit include dual primary flight
Primus II Epic
(VDR) and VOR/ILS/datalink (VIDL) are
Backed by extensive resources and more
the first of a new generation of radios that
than 30 years of experience studying
provide over one hundred times more
CFIT, Honeywell continues to refine and
computing power than current radios.
improve the performance of its EGPWS.
The advantages of the expanded
integration of Primus II Epic are:
Primus® 880 weather avoidance
Fewer units
The turbulence-detecting Primus 880
Reduced wire count
Extensive built-in test (BIT) and
Primus II Epic: Integrated digital
radio system
Standard equipment on the Cessna
Sovereign includes the dual Honeywell
Primus II Epic integrated radio system
with digital nav/comm/ID. The Primus II
Epic is a digital remote integrated
system that encompasses the standard
navigation and communications
functions, including VOR, ADF, DME, ILS,
VHF communication and Mode S
diversity transponder modules. Primus II
Epic uses a cabinet-based modular
radio cabinet (MRC) resulting in fewer
line replaceable units (LRU) with
reduced weight and power and
increased reliability. The VHF data radio
integrated maintenance features
offers added dimensions in severe
weather avoidance as well as dualoperator capability.
With its unique high-power output and
The Primus II Epic radio system for the
short pulse-width transmissions as well as
Citation Sovereign is fully ICAO
Honeywell’s patented REACT mode, the
compliant, offering FM immunity, the 8.33
full-color Primus 880 radar combines
kHz VHF Comm spacing for European
traditional precipitation displays with the
flight and Change 7.
advantage of Doppler detection of even
small areas of turbulence.
Enhanced ground proximity warning
system (EGPWS)
Honeywell is the technology leader in
flight safety avionics, providing state-ofthe-art products and complete solutions.
As the pioneer in reducing controlled
flight into terrain (CFIT), Honeywell’s
EGPWS has set the standard for TAWS
systems and is part of the avionics
package on the Citation Sovereign.
This powerful precipitation and
turbulence display gives the Citation
Sovereign the most advanced severe
weather avoidance tool available.
Fail-operational automatic flight
control system
precision long-range navigation blends
Primus Epic’s fully digital, integrated
long and short-range sensors and can
autopilot/flight guidance system gives
navigate entirely by GPS.
the Citation Sovereign fail-operational/fail
passive control throughout the entire
and maintains inputs from all on-board
computers transition automatically
should one fail. An integrated mode
selector and flight guidance controller
provide simple, confident control of all
options for the Citation Sovereign. Please
contact Cessna for installed availability.
Electronic charts and maps
The Primus Epic air data system
Uplinked graphical weather
vertical rate information to the flight
control, flight management, and display
systems. Air data modules act as
sensors to provide pressure information
Take off and landing performance
Data management unit on-board data
to the MAU.
flight functions. Additionally, altitude
preselect, flight level change mode and
The following Honeywell products are
Air data system
provides precise airspeed, altitude and
Primus Epic’s dual flight guidance
Optional equipment
Cat II approach capability
vertical navigation (VNAV) capability are
24-channel global positioning
system (GPS)
Enhanced surveillance
combined to match all pilot selected
To meet the highest navigation standards,
Single or dual HF-1050 HF Comm
flight conditions and aircraft
the Citation Sovereign carries the newest
configuration for ultimate passenger
global positioning system (GPS)
comfort with the smoothest ride
technology. With 24-channel receiver
capability built to ARINC 743 standards,
Flight management/performance
The Citation Sovereign is equipped with
Honeywell’s revolutionary integrated FMS
with full three-dimensional mission
performance. The integrated FMS’
the dual GPS functionality is designed for
growth into GPS, LAAS and WAAS. Like
other Honeywell GPS products, this
system incorporates receiver autonomous
integrity monitoring functions essential for
certification of GPS-based approaches.
Communications Management
Function (CMF)
Lightning Sensor System
Second Automatic Direction
Finder (ADF)
Global customer support
Honeywell’s avionics are based on
proven technology providing
exceptionally high reliability and
simplified maintenance. To help ensure
optimal operation conditions, Honeywell
provides comprehensive installation
consultation and support tailored to the
unique needs of each operator.
Additionally, our product support
services include regularly scheduled
maintenance and pilot training courses
and support documentation. When
service is needed, our customer
engineers and service centers are
strategically located around the world to
provide efficient, responsive support.
Honeywell remains unsurpassed in the
scope and variety of services, which
range from SPEX exchange of line
replaceable units to personalized service
contracts designed to fit the resources
and circumstances of every operation
regardless of size or business nature.
Honeywell Aerospace
1944 E. Sky Harbor Circle
Phoenix, AZ 85034
U.S. Toll Free: 1.800.601.3099
International Tel: 602.365.3099
EMEA Toll Free: 00.800.601.30999
EMEA Direct Dial: 420.234.625.500
September 2007
© 2007 Honeywell International Inc.