Social Media and Customer Loyalty in the Travel Trade
Social Media and Customer Loyalty in the Travel Trade
KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN UNIVERSITEIT GENT UNIVERSITEIT HASSELT VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL MECHELEN KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL BRUGGE-OOSTENDE ERASMUSHOGESCHOOL BRUSSEL HOGESCHOOL WESTVLAANDEREN XIOS HOGESCHOOL LIMBURG PLANTIJN HOGESCHOOL ANTWERPEN Academic Year 2011-2012 Social Media and Customer Loyalty in the Travel Trade: A Relational Benefits Perspective Sociale Media en Loyaliteit in de Reissector: een ‘Relational Benefits’ Perspectief Master’s thesis submitted to obtain the degree of Promotor Prof. Dr. Robert Govers Master of Science in Tourism by: Astrid Senders 1 Abstract The aim of this study is to create an understanding of how social media affect customer loyalty to tour operators, by investigating the complex online relationships they have with their clients. The relational benefits approach was used to investigate several relational benefits and their influence on customer loyalty from an online customer perspective. The sampling frame includes customers having a relationship with tour operators on Facebook. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze the data, a method which is able to test complex theoretical models. Findings show that customer loyalty is only directly affected by social and functional benefits. Indirect effects have been found of confidence and hedonic benefits. Special treatment benefits showed no significant effects at all. The theoretical contribution of this study is the application of CRM research in relation to the tourism industry, in a rather new context of social media. The practical contribution is that the travel trade gains insight in online factors that drive their customers to become loyal. Key words: customer loyalty, social media, relational benefits approach 2 In het kort: Het doel van dit onderzoek is het leren begrijpen van hoe sociale media klantenbinding beïnvloed bij reisorganisaties, door de complexe online relaties te onderzoeken tussen reisorganisaties en hun klanten. Hiervoor werd gebruik gemaakt van de “relational benefits” benadering om verschillende relationele voordelen te onderzoeken en het effect ervan op klantenbinding vanuit een online klantenperspectief. Het steekproefkader bestond uit klanten met een relatie met reisorganisaties op Facebook. Om de verkregen data te analyseren, is de methode “Structural Equation Modeling” gebruikt, een methode welke in staat is complexe modellen te testen. Resultaten tonen aan dat klantenbinding alleen direct beïnvloed wordt door “social” en “functional benefits”. Indirecte effecten zijn gevonden voor “confidence” en “hedonic benefits”. “Special treatment benefits” bleken helemaal geen effect te hebben. Dit onderzoek draagt bij aan de huidige literatuur, omdat CRM onderzoek nog maar weinig is toegepast op het gebied van toerisme en ten tweede ook in een vrij nieuwe context van sociale media. Het onderzoek is daarnaast ook van praktisch belang voor de professionele sector, doordat het marketeers inzicht geeft in online factoren die een rol spelen bij klantenbinding. 3 Table of contents List of figures ................................................................................................................. 6 List of tables .................................................................................................................. 7 List of appendices .......................................................................................................... 8 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 9 1.1 Research objective and question ...............................................................................12 1.2 Demarcation ..............................................................................................................13 1.3 Definitions ..................................................................................................................13 1.4 Structure of the thesis ................................................................................................14 2. Conceptual and Theoretical Foundation ..................................................................... 15 2.1 The concept of Customer Loyalty ...............................................................................15 2.2 The concept of Customer Satisfaction ........................................................................17 2.3 The Relational Benefits Approach ..............................................................................18 2.3.1 Social Benefits .....................................................................................................19 2.3.2 Confidence Benefits .............................................................................................19 2.3.3 Functional Benefits ..............................................................................................20 2.3.4 Special Treatment Benefits ..................................................................................20 2.3.5 Hedonic Benefits ..................................................................................................21 2.3.6 Application of the Relational Benefits Approach in the context of Social Media ....21 2.4 Relationship Commitment .........................................................................................22 2.5 Word of Mouth ..........................................................................................................23 3. The Construction of the Proposed Model .................................................................... 24 3.1 Consequences of Relational Benefits ........................................................................24 3.2 The influence of Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Commitment on Customer Loyalty ......................................................................................................................26 3.3 The influence of Relationship Commitment and Customer Satisfaction on Word of Mouth ........................................................................................................................29 3.4 A graphical illustration of the proposed conceptual model .........................................30 4 4. Methodology ............................................................................................................ 31 4.1 Research design .......................................................................................................31 4.2 Data collection ..........................................................................................................31 4.2 Measurement ............................................................................................................33 4.3 Data analysis ............................................................................................................33 5. Results .................................................................................................................... 35 5.1 Checking assumptions ...............................................................................................36 5.2 Exploratory factor analysis .........................................................................................39 5.3 Confirmatory factor analysis .......................................................................................40 5.4 Structural Equation Modeling .....................................................................................43 5.5 Nested Structural Models ...........................................................................................44 5.6 Hypotheses testing ....................................................................................................47 6. Conclusion............................................................................................................... 53 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research .......................................................... 56 Theoretical and Managerial Implications......................................................................... 58 Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 60 References .................................................................................................................. 61 Appendices ................................................................................................................. 67 5 List of figures Figure 1: Evolution in active Facebook users (2004-2011) ...................................................11 Figure 2: Relative attitude behavior relationship ...................................................................16 Figure 3: The proposed conceptual model............................................................................30 Figure 4: Final model ............................................................................................................47 6 List of tables Table 1: General sample details ...........................................................................................35 Table 2: Fit indices and their acceptable threshold levels .....................................................41 Table 3: Interpretation of BCC values ...................................................................................45 Table 4: Interpretation of BIC values ....................................................................................45 Table 5: Significant direct effects found by the final model ...................................................48 Table 6: Overview of consulted studies for the operationalization of constructs ....................67 Table 7: Studies consulted with respect to "Social Benefits" .................................................69 Table 8: Consulted studies with respect to "Confidence Benefits" ........................................70 Table 9: Consulted studies with respect to "Functional Benefits" ..........................................71 Table 10: Consulted studies with respect to "Special Treatment Benefits" ............................72 Table 11: Consulted studies with respect to "Hedonic Benefits" ...........................................73 Table 12: Consulted studies with respect to "Customer Satisfaction"....................................74 Table 13: Consulted studies with respect to "Customer Loyalty"...........................................75 Table 14: Consulted studies with respect to "Relationship Commitment" ..............................76 Table 15: Consulted studies with respect to "Word of Mouth" ...............................................76 Table 16: Measurement Items included in questionnaire (Likert scales 1-7) .........................77 Table 17: Regression weights in the measurement model ..................................................121 Table 18: Significant paths found with the proposed model ................................................128 Table 19: Significant indirect effects found by the final model .............................................131 7 List of appendices Appendix 1: Measurement scales reviewed for operationalization of constructs…………….67 Appendix 2: Output used to check assumptions…………………………………………………81 Appendix 3: Output used during exploratory factor analysis……………………….………….100 Appendix 4: Output used during confirmatory factor analysis………………………………...121 Appendix 5: Output used during structural equation modeling……………………….……….128 Appendix 6: Output used during nested structural models testing ……………….………….129 8 1. Introduction The Internet has changed our daily lives completely. From a supplier’s point of view, the Internet enables companies to attract new customers. For customers, the Internet created a greater choice in products and services, value and pricing flexibility, due to access to new and more products. This increased competition and therefore companies are challenged to remain attractive to customers and to make them loyal to their brand (O’Reilly & Paper, 2009). Keeping existing customers by fostering customer loyalty is less expensive than to acquire new customers; it takes high investments to obtain information about new customers and to earn their trust (Conze et al., 2010; Hennig-Thurau, 2002; Gwinner et al. 1998; O’Reilly & Paper, 2009). Long-term relationships with customers are essential for companies operating in highly competitive environments. As service goods, tourism products are nontransparent and therefore a chance exists that customers change suppliers. The nontransparent aspect is due to the distance between the place of purchase and the place of consumption (Conze et al., 2010). However, Yen & Gwinner (2003) pointed out that in the literature the focus on the benefits of long-term relationships for companies is replaced by the focus on the benefits for customers: “Today it is crucial to know the desires of the customer and to understand what services generate benefits for the customers” (Conze et al., 2010). To remain competitive, companies work on their relationships with their customers which is also well known as relationship marketing. Berry (1983) defined relationship marketing as “attracting, maintaining and enhancing customer relationships ”. Sheth (1996, cited in HennigThurau, 2002, p.231) states that customer loyalty is a primary goal of relationship marketing and sometimes seen as equal to the concept of relationship marketing. According to Vogt 9 (2011), travel and tourism organizations have been one of the early adopters of Customer Relationship Management. Conze et al. (2010) confirm this by stating that the travel industry was a pioneer to introduce loyalty programs like frequency flyer programs or hotel loyalty cards. Before, marketing practices were one way, but this has changed over the years with the advent of social media. Social media is different from traditional media, since the communication runs both ways instead of one-way. The two-way aspect makes it possible to start conversations between multiple parties (Miller, 2011). Hanna et al. (2011) concluded that social media must be used in addition to traditional media in their marketing activities. But the emergence of Web 2.0 requires a different approach of marketers who try to connect with their customers (Meadows-Klue, 2008). Meadows-Klue (2008) argues: “Relationship marketing for the Facebook generation demands both thinking and acting differently”. Social media have gained popularity the last few years. Developments in information technology have led to new possibilities for communication in the travel industry. Social networking sites are increasingly used by online travelers who like to communicate with others regarding travel information and by those who search for travel-related information (Sung-Bum & Dae-Young, 2010). Therefore social media are becoming more and more important in the online tourism domain (Xiang & Gretzel, 2011). Social media are used by people sharing their experiences and opinions with others and consist of social networks (e.g. Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin), blogs, micro blogs (e.g. Twitter), social bookmarking and news services (e.g. NUjij), media sharing sites (e.g. YouTube) and virtual communities (e.g. Second Life) (Miller, 2011). Social networking sites are, presumably, the most popular 10 social media. Social networking site “Friendster” was the pioneer in social media as known nowadays. In 2003, it introduced the concept of making friends online. Friendster was popular at that time, but soon MySpace came along which became the most popular SNS in 2006. Other SNS were launched in 2003 and 2004, respectively Linkedin for business purposes and Facebook, initially, for college students. Today, SNS are being used by all kinds of people. Since Facebook allowed users of all ages, it became one of the most popular SNS as well as for people as for marketing management. As figure 1 shows, Facebook has over 800 million users that make active use of the social medium. According to Zarella & Zarella (2011), half of them logs in each day. Beside a huge amount of users, Facebook has the most general audience which makes it interesting for all kinds of businesses. All the information resulting from 800 million profiles make Facebook a great source for marketers. Therefore, social media marketing is being more and more applied (Miller, 2011). Figure 1: Evolution in active Facebook users (2004-2011) Source: Facebook (2011) 11 In professional journals regarding tourism like the Belgian Travel Magazine, it can be read that, also in the travel trade, social media are more and more included in the marketing mix (2011a). Social media are becoming more and more important and experts in the professional sector are recommending the travel trade to actively anticipate to it (Travel Magazine, 2011b; Travel Magazine, 2011c). The added value of the use of social media by players in the travel trade is questioned. What is the impact of the use of social media by the travel trade? Several benefits of social media for the travel trade are suggested, like enthusing customers for certain destinations, creating brand awareness and creating customer loyalty (Travel Magazine, 2011a). Kasavana et al. (2010) support this, saying that social networking can assist in improving customer loyalty and satisfaction. To achieve goals like these, the use of social media need to respond to customer’s needs (Hekkert, 2011). This idea connects to the shift in the literature to focus more on the customer’s point of view. The discussion in the professional sector about the impact of social media on customer loyalty may solicit for a more rigorous approach and academic research into the phenomenon. 1.1 Research objective and question Based on the previous discussion, the objective of this research is to create an understanding of how social media affect customer loyalty to tour operators, by investigating the complex online relationships they have with their clients. To meet this objective, this study aims to identify important drivers of customer loyalty in an online context. The focus lies on customers and their relationships with tour operators through social media. From a customer perspective, several relational benefits and their influence on customer loyalty are investigated. Based on the research objective, the research question is as follows: 12 In what way and to what extent do relational benefits of social media have an impact on customer loyalty toward a specific tour operator? 1.2 Demarcation As will be explained in further detail in chapter 4, customers of tour operators on Facebook were approached to participate in an online survey in order to be able to answer the research question. Despite of the fact that travel agents are also recommended to use social media, only tour operators were included in this research because it is expected that online bookers are more and more purchasing their holidays directly with tour operators. Furthermore, Facebook was chosen as the sampling frame because its potential for marketing purposes is being recognized more and more, plus it is relatively easy to gain access to tour operators’ customers on Facebook. The sampling frame was categorized by several different tour operators having a Facebook page, Belgian as well as Dutch ones, attempting to guarantee representative results for the tour operator industry. 1.3 Definitions The most important concepts mentioned in the research objective and research question are briefly explained below. A more detailed explanation will follow in the next chapter. As stated earlier, customer loyalty is the primary goal of customer relationship management. Customer loyalty can be defined as “an enduring desire to maintain a valued relationship ” (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002). According to the relational benefits approach used in this study, some sort of relational benefits for the customers must be created in order to make customers value the relationship with a company, more specifically a tour operator, in the long run. Relational benefits can be described as “those benefits customers receive from long-term relationships above and beyond the core service performance ” (Gwinner et al., 13 1998). Five types of relational benefits are incorporated in this research, namely social, confidence, functional, special treatment and hedonic benefits. 1.4 Structure of the thesis This thesis is further structured as follows. First, the theoretical foundation of the proposed conceptual model is presented. Customer loyalty will be explained in more detail and more attention is given to the relational benefits approach and the relational benefits included here. Second, the construction of the proposed model will be outlined, which is based on existing literature. Third, the methodology of this research will be described and fourth, the results are given. Next, the research question will be answered in the conclusion. Sixth, the limitations of this research are given including suggestions for future research. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications are explained. 14 2. Conceptual and Theoretical Foundation This chapter presents the theoretical framework for the foundation of the proposed model regarding social media. 2.1 The concept of Customer Loyalty Relationship building with customers increases customer satisfaction and loyalty (Reynolds & Beatty, 1999; Berry & Parasuraman, 1991; Czepiel, 1990). According to Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002), customer loyalty is an important relationship marketing outcome. Keller (1993, cited in Anderson & Srinivasan, 2003, p.125) defines loyalty as “a favorable attitude for a brand manifested in repeat buying behavior”. This study incorporates loyalty toward a specific tour operator as well as loyalty toward their online presence. Therefore, loyalty must be distinguished from e-loyalty, defining e-loyalty as “a favorable attitude toward a given firm operating online resulting in repeated use of the online relationship ” (Anderson & Srinivan, 2003). Loyalty relationships between tourists and a service provider are often described by trust, commitment and satisfaction and can be influenced on- and offline, hence both concepts are relevant for this study. As a concept, loyalty captures behavioral, cognitive and affective aspects and can be characterized by attitude (Vogt, 2011). Two key dimensions of loyalty exist in the literature. On the one hand there is behavioral loyalty and on the other hand there is attitudinal loyalty (Anderson & Srinivasan, 2003; Hallowell, 1996; Pritchard et al., 1999). Behavioral loyalty can be characterized by repeat purchases from one particular supplier, an increase in scale and/or scope of the relationship and by recommendations given. Attitudinal loyalty is about feelings customers have creating a sort of attachment to a particular product, service or organization and this is solely cognitive (Hallowell, 1996). Attitude is often related to behavior, but it must be noted that 15 these concepts may differ from each other. One may have a favorable attitude toward a specific product or service, but not purchase it repeatedly because of other comparable products or services or a stronger attitude to those other products or services. Furthermore, consumers’ attitude toward a brand needs to be compared to their attitude toward other brands of the same consumption context. That is to be able to see differences in the strength of attitudes toward these brands and to measure customer loyalty (Dick & Basu, 1994). Figure 2 shows a two-dimensional understanding of customer loyalty, wherein attitudinal and behavioral loyalty are both incorporated. No loyalty forms a combination of low relative attitude toward a brand and low repeat patronage. On the opposite there is true loyalty; a combination of high relative attitude toward a brand and high repeat patronage. Between these two dimensions, two other dimensions exist, namely latent loyalty and spurious loyalty. Latent loyalty means that a person may feel attached to a certain brand, but does not show a repeat patronage. Spurious loyalty however, is the complete opposite of the previous dimension. It represents a person who makes use of a product or service regularly, but no feeling of attachment to the product or service exists (Dick & Basu, 1994). Figure 2: Relative attitude behavior relationship Source: Dick & Basu (1994, p.101) 16 Customer loyalty forms an important basis for the development of sustainable competitive advantage (Dick & Basu, 1994), because loyal customers have several benefits in comparison with ordinary customers. First of all, they can cause an increase in revenues for a firm. Second, often they purchase more additional goods and services (Gwinner et al., 1998). Prokesch (1995) argues that British Airways had found that their effort in relationship building had led to an increase of 9% in business generated by their customers. Third, loyalty reduces customer turnover and loyal customers create positive word of mouth (Gwinner et al., 1998; Heskett et al., 1994). Moreover, retaining a customer is less expensive than to attract a new one, due to less sales and marketing costs (Conze et al., 2010; Hennig-Thurau, 2002; Gwinner et al. 1998; O’Reilly & Paper, 2009). Health (1997) argues that loyal customers may yield up to ten times more than average customers. 2.2 The concept of Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is incorporated in the conceptual model, because in many studies it proved to be an important determinant of customer loyalty as will become clear later on. Just as customer loyalty, customer satisfaction takes two forms in the field of this study. First, customer satisfaction toward a specific tour operator can be defined as “the contentment of the customer with respect to his or her prior experience with a given firm ” (Anderson & Srinivan, 2003). Second, customer e-satisfaction can be described as “the contentment of the customer with respect to his or her prior experience with a given firm operating in an online environment” (Anderson & Srinivan, 2003). According to Heskett et al. (1994), customers are satisfied when the service delivered meets their needs. It would be even better, if the service delivery exceeds customers’ expectations. Therefore, it can also be described as the difference between customer expectations and the delivered service 17 (Faché, 2000). In other words, customer satisfaction is the result of customers’ perception of the value they receive in a relationship (Hallowell. 1996). 2.3 The Relational Benefits Approach In this study the relational benefits approach was used, which indicates the importance of benefits for both customers and companies to continue their relationship in the long run. Positive outcomes of customer loyalty are already mentioned above, however, to create a long-term relationship also the customer must possess relational benefits. In other words, there has been a shift in the literature from a business point of view to the customer’s point of view. Many different types of relational benefits have already been investigated (Gwinner et al., 1998; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002). For this research, the most appropriate variables are chosen; those relational benefits through social media of which it seems plausible to have a significant effect on customer loyalty. Customers who are in a relationship with an organization would like to receive a satisfactory core service. By developing a long-term relationship with a service business, customers will have extra benefits next to the core service. According to Gwinner et al. (1998), these type of benefits are called relational benefits. Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) define relational benefits as “benefits customers likely receive as a result of having cultivated a long-term relationship with a service provider”. Literature shows that there are several types of relational benefits. Researchers do not always use the same benefits in their research and in some cases relational benefits are adapted or combined. Gwinner et al. (1998) have found significant relationships between relational benefits and customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and word of mouth. 18 Below, different types of relational benefits that seem important for this research are explained. 2.3.1 Social Benefits The first type of benefits often used in research are social benefits customers receive from a service. Gwinner et al. (1998) define social benefits as “a customers’ need for social bonding and dealing with someone familiar”. This type of benefit covers the emotional side of relationships and is about personal recognition of customers by employees and friendships between them (Yen & Gwinner, 2003). It includes the joy that comes with a close relationship with a salesperson (Reynolds & Beatty, 1999). Many customers receive social benefits of having a relationship with a particular service provider, although it seems more common in situations where there is much personal interaction. However, social media are new online environments that might allow personal interaction. Social benefits seem important to incorporate in the conceptual model, since the need for social bonding comes very close with the concept of social media where people come together to interact with each other. 2.3.2 Confidence Benefits Another type of relational benefits often employed in research are confidence benefits. Confidence benefits are defined by Gwinner et al. (1998) as “the customers’ desire for reduced risks, reliability, and integrity of the company they are engaging with in a relationship”. It includes trust and confidence in an organization and the feeling of comfort and security about a company (Gwinner et al., 1998). According to Yen & Gwinner (2003), confidence benefits are the most important type of relational benefits in face-to-face encounters regardless the type of service. Furthermore, confidence benefits seems to be an important variable in the e-business environment according to Su et al. (2009). Su et al. 19 argue that customers are concerned about trusting online businesses. Furthermore, customers perceive personal communication as a more reliable source than impersonal communication (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002), which may lead to distrust in the information given through social media by tour operators. Therefore, confidence benefits seem important to incorporate in the model. 2.3.3 Functional Benefits Thirdly, functional benefits are designated as relational benefits. This type of benefits covers several aspects in the literature. According to Reynolds & Beatty (1999), functional benefits encompass confidence and special treatment benefits. These type of benefits are already included separately in the theoretical model of this research. However, also items referring to knowledge are often included in functional benefits. Parra-López et al. (2011), Paul et al. (2009) and Wang & Fesenmaier (2004) indicate the existence of the knowledge aspect of this type of benefits. As Wang & Fesenmaier point out, members of communities are looking for functional benefits when they search online to fulfill specific needs. These specific needs may be related to information gathering which helps in decision-making processes. Since the knowledge aspect is not included in any of the other types of benefits, the functional benefits in this study will cover this knowledge aspect. Though, it will not cover confidence and special treatment benefits in this research as the latter variables are treated separately. Moreover, confidence and special treatment benefits are variables originally applied by Gwinner et al. (1998) and later used by many other researchers as well, for example by Kim (2009), Lee et al. (2008), Ruiz-Molina et al. (2008) and Chang & Chen (2007). 2.3.4 Special Treatment Benefits Fourth, special treatment benefits will be included in the theoretical model of this research. This type of benefits is about special deals and treatment which is unavailable to non20 relational customers (Yen & Gwinner, 2003). These benefits include price breaks, faster service and individualized additional services (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002; Kim, 2009; Lee et al., 2008). Special treatment benefits can be utilized by firms to reward loyal customers and to extend the core service (Lee et al., 2008). There are already many examples of this being applied in online environments including social media, which is the reason to incorporate this variable in the conceptual model. 2.3.5 Hedonic Benefits A type of benefits which is little used in the literature, are hedonic benefits. Wang & Fesenmaier (2004) argue that one must also take into account experiential aspects when it comes to consumer information searching, because people also pursue enjoyment and entertainment. According to the hedonic perspective, consumers are searching for pleasure in their activities. The online network environment of travel communities is able to bring amusement, fun, enjoyment and entertainment to people (Wang & Fesenmaier, 2004). Hedonic benefits are the final relational benefits variable included in the conceptual model of this study, because it is expected that social media are often used for fun. 2.3.6 Application of the Relational Benefits Approach in the context of Social Media According to Yen & Gwinner (2003), the relational benefits approach is mainly applied in the context of relationships between customers and employees in face-to-face encounters. Czepiel (1990) defines a customer-salesperson relationship as “an ongoing series of interactions between a salesperson and a customer while the parties know each other ”. Over the years, the relational benefits perspective is also increasingly used in the context of the online environment. Due to the use of the Internet, personal contact with employees is reducing more and more. Therefore, it is interesting to apply the relational benefits approach 21 in an online environment. Yen & Gwinner (2003) were one of the first investigating if relational benefits in the online environment lead to any significant outcomes like satisfaction and loyalty. Their findings suggested that this approach remained valid in an online context. The relational benefits approach may already have been applied in an online context, yet little research has been done on the existence of relational benefits within the world of social media. Let alone the existence of relational benefits within the world of social media regarding interactions between customers and service providers, for example tour operators, being active on social media. This is of particular interest because social media re-introduce personal encounters in online environments. 2.4 Relationship Commitment In the literature, relationship commitment is often added as a mediator between relational benefits and customer loyalty. According to Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002), relationship commitment can be defined as “a customer’s long-term orientation toward a business relationship that is grounded on both emotional bonds and the customer’s conviction that remaining in the relationship will yield higher net benefits than terminating it ”. Another definition often referred to, is the one of Morgan & Hunt (1994): “ an exchange partner believing that an ongoing relationship with another is so important as to warrant maximum efforts at maintaining it; that is, the committed party believes the relationship is worth working on to ensure that it endures indefinitely ”. Morgan & Hunt believe that relationship commitment comes close to customer loyalty and, in addition, is central in relationship marketing. Berry & Parasuraman (1991, p.139) agree at the latter point, arguing that “relationships are built on the foundation of mutual commitment ”. 22 2.5 Word of Mouth Relationship building increases customer satisfaction and loyalty, but also causes an increase in the amount of positive word of mouth (Berry & Parasuraman, 1991; HennigThurau, 2002; Reynolds & Beatty, 1999). According to Litvin et al. (2007), word of mouth proved to be one of the most important sources of information in a purchase decision making process. Particularly in the hospitality and tourism industry, sectors characterized by intangible products, it is not possible to evaluate products before consumption. People use the Internet to gather information and are being influenced by travel reviews of others sharing their experiences on social networking sites (Litvin et al., 2007). As stated earlier, this is largely due to the customer’s perception of personal communication being a more reliable source than impersonal communication (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002). Word of mouth seems to be a phenomenon which is highly associated with social media and therefore incorporated in the theoretical model of this study. Whether people share their experiences on- or offline, word of mouth captures “all informal communications directed at consumers about the usage or characteristics of particular goods and services, or their sellers ” (Westbrook, 1987). It concerns evaluations that can be either positive, neutral or negative (Anderson, 1998). Heskett et al. (1994) indicate the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty in terms of their future behavior toward a company. The more satisfied customers are, the more likely it is these customers will be retained. Moreover, consumers who are intended to repurchase are more likely to create positive word of mouth (Anderson, 1998; Heskett et al., 1994; Petrick, 2004b, cited in Petrick & Li, 2006). These customers are called apostles. On the other hand, there are the terrorists; customers who are very unsatisfied and have a devastating impact on the firm by creating negative word of mouth (Heskett et al., 1994). 23 3. The Construction of the Proposed Model This section proposes the construction of the proposed model, measuring the influence of social media on customer loyalty. Based on the literature reviewed, expected relationships are presented. 3.1 Consequences of Relational Benefits As outlined before, this study incorporates five different types of relational benefits customers can perceive from a tour operator being active on social media. The first type are social benefits. Research has shown that social benefits have a significant impact on customer loyalty and relationship commitment (cf. Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002, p.240). Although Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) did not find support for a positive relationship between social benefits and customer satisfaction, Reynolds & Beatty (1999) did. Since the interaction between consumers and a firm’s employees is an important factor of customer’s perception of the quality of a service, social benefits proved to have a positive effect on customer satisfaction with the salesperson according to Reynolds & Beatty (1999, p.22). Moreover, these researchers found a significant effect of social benefits on customer loyalty to the salesperson. Since the salesperson is substituted by the tour operator being active on social media in this research, the next hypotheses were formulated: Hypothesis 1a: Social Benefits are positively associated with Customer e-Satisfaction. Hypothesis 1b: Social Benefits are positively associated with Customer e-Loyalty. Hypothesis 1c: Social Benefits are positively associated with Relationship Commitment. Great significance has been found for the impact of trust and confidence benefits on relationship satisfaction (cf. Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002, p.240; Yen & Gwinner, 2003, p.493) and loyalty (cf. Chang & Yen, 2007, p.106; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002, p.240; Yen & 24 Gwinner, 2003, p.493). Furthermore, there seem to be contradictions in the literature about the effect of confidence benefits on relationship commitment. Berry (1995, cited in HennigThurau et al., 2002, p.242), Ganesan and Hess (1997, cited in Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002, p.242) and Morgan and Hunt (1995, cited in Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002, p.242) all argued that trust in a service provider should lead to customer commitment. But according to Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002, p.241), there is only an indirect effect with relationship satisfaction as a mediator. To be sure not to exclude potential relationships, the following hypotheses were formulated: Hypothesis 2a: Confidence Benefits are positively associated with Customer e-Satisfaction. Hypothesis 2b: Confidence Benefits are positively associated with Customer e-Loyalty. Hypothesis 2c: Confidence Benefits are positively associated with Relationship Commitment. Parra-López et al. (2011, p.651) found that functional benefits had a significant effect on the intention to use social media. However, Wang & Fesenmaier (2004, p.718) did not find support for a positive relationship between functional benefits and level of participation in an online travel community. Because of the contradictions and the slightly different variables used in this study, the following hypotheses were formulated in order to be sure not to exclude potential relationships: Hypothesis 3a: Functional Benefits are positively associated with Customer e-Satisfaction. Hypothesis 3b: Functional Benefits are positively associated with Customer e-Loyalty. Hypothesis 3c: Functional Benefits are positively associated with Relationship Commitment. As it comes to special treatment benefits, more contradictions in literature can be found. Some research showed no significant effects of this type of benefits on customer satisfaction (cf. Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002, p.240) and customer loyalty (cf. Chang & Yen, 2007, p.106; 25 Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002, p.241), but according to Gwinner et al. (1998, p.109) and Yen & Gwinner (2003, p.492) it does have a significant effect. Though Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002, p.240) did not find support for the effect of special treatment benefits on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, they did find support for the positive relationship between special treatment benefits and relationship commitment. Because of the contradictions, all potential relationships were included in the conceptual model in order to check whether these exist or not. Hypothesis 4a: Special Treatment Benefits are positively associated with Customer eSatisfaction. Hypothesis 4b: Special Treatment Benefits are positively associated with Customer eLoyalty. Hypothesis 4c: Special Treatment Benefits are positively associated with Relationship Commitment. Wang & Fesenmaier (2004, p.718) found little support for a positive relationship between hedonic benefits and level of participation in an online travel community. Once again, not wanting to exclude potential relationships, the next hypotheses were formulated: Hypothesis 5a: Hedonic Benefits are positively associated with Customer e-Satisfaction. Hypothesis 5b: Hedonic Benefits are positively associated with Customer e-Loyalty. Hypothesis 5c: Hedonic Benefits are positively associated with Relationship Commitment. 3.2 The influence of Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Commitment on Customer Loyalty Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002, p.241) state that relationship satisfaction and relationship commitment proved to be mediators between relational benefits and relationship marketing 26 outcomes. These mediators allow a full understanding of the relationship between relational benefits and customer loyalty. Their research showed that relationship satisfaction and relationship commitment have a strong and significant effect on customer loyalty (HennigThurau et al., 2002, p.241). Reynolds & Beatty (1999, p.22) agree at this point by stating that customer satisfaction proved to have a positive influence on customer loyalty. However, Yen & Gwinner (2003, p.492) did not find support for this relationship. In terms of commitment, Gutek et al. (2000, cited in Yen & Gwinner, 2003, p.484) states that customers are more loyal when they are in a close relationship with an employee of a specific firm. Based on these studies, the following hypotheses were proposed: Hypothesis 6: Customer Satisfaction with the Tour Operator is positively associated with Customer Loyalty to the Tour Operator. Hypothesis 7: Relationship Commitment is positively associated with Customer Loyalty to the Tour Operator. Perceived quality of performance is a main determinant for satisfaction and consumers are provided with satisfactions apart from the products that are being sold (Reynolds & Beatty, 1999). Westbrook (1981, cited in Reynolds & Beatty, 1999, p. 14) states that consumers are able to experience satisfaction from an overall experience with the company and through its salespersons. In Reynolds & Beatty their research, satisfaction of salespersons and satisfaction of the company are included as separate variables, because they believe that customers are not only receiving benefits from their relationship with the company but from their salesperson-relationship as well. Satisfaction of a salesperson proved to have a positive impact on satisfaction of the company overall (Reynolds & Beatty, 1999, p.22). This is also confirmed by Goff et al. (1997), Oliver & Swan (1989) and Crosby et al. (1999) as stated by 27 Reynolds & Beatty (1999, p.14). In this study a similar relationship is expected, namely customers’ satisfaction with the tour operator being active on social media affecting the satisfaction of the tour operator as a whole. Therefore, the following hypothesis was formulated: Hypothesis 8: Customer e-Satisfaction is positively associated with Customer Satisfaction with the Tour Operator. Reynolds & Beatty (1999) point out that there is also a difference between loyalty to a salesperson and loyalty to a company, because of the human contact that is included in a person-to-person relationship. Czepiel (1990) argues that this may be because trust, attachment and commitment which arise in person-to-person relationships form the foundation for person-to-firm relationships. A distinction was made between loyalty to a salesperson and loyalty to the company, despite the positive relationship that exists between the two. Loyalty to a salesperson is positively associated with loyalty to a company, only Reynolds and Beatty pointed out that there is a chance that customers would follow a leaving salesperson when the merchandise of the stores is similar. This is not the case in the field of this study, because the tour operator its employee being active on social media remains unknown for the customer. This potential relationship must not be excluded, wherefore a distinction was made between e-loyalty and loyalty to the tour operator itself as well: Hypothesis 9: Customer e-Loyalty is positively associated with Customer Loyalty to the Tour Operator. Making a distinction between e-satisfaction and satisfaction with the tour operator overall and also between e-loyalty and loyalty to the tour operator overall, the next hypothesis was formulated based on the first hypothesis: 28 Hypothesis 10: Customer e-Satisfaction is positively associated with Customer e-Loyalty. Customer satisfaction proved to have a significant effect on relationship commitment in several studies (cf. Beatson et al., 2008, p.215; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002, p.237; HennigThurau & Klee, 1997, p.753; Park & Kim, 2008, p.158). Therefore, the following hypotheses were formulated: Hypothesis 11: Customer Satisfaction with the Tour Operator is positively associated with Relationship Commitment. Hypothesis 12: Customer e-Satisfaction is positively associated with Relationship Commitment. 3.3 The influence of Relationship Commitment and Customer Satisfaction on Word of Mouth According to Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002, p.241), relationship commitment and relationship satisfaction give an understanding between relational benefits and word of mouth. Their research showed not only a significant effect of relationship satisfaction and relationship commitment on customer loyalty, but on word of mouth as well. Dimitriadis (2010, p.306) confirms the positive relationship between satisfaction and word of mouth. Pritchard et al. (1999, cited in Hennig-Thurau, 2002, p.232) have found a significant effect of commitment on customer loyalty in the hotel and airline industry. Gutek et al. (2000, cited in Yen & Gwinner, 2003, p.484) confirm this relationship as well, stating that customers are more willing to promote a firm when they are in a close relationship with an employee of the specific firm. Based on these findings, the following hypotheses were formulated: Hypothesis 13: Relationship Commitment is positively associated with Word of Mouth. Hypothesis 14: Customer e-Satisfaction is positively associated with Word of Mouth. 29 Hypothesis 15: Customer Satisfaction with the Tour Operator is positively associated with Word of Mouth. 3.4 A graphical illustration of the proposed conceptual model The formulated hypotheses are summarized in figure 3, which illustrates the proposed conceptual model, measuring the influence of social media on customer loyalty in the travel trade. Figure 3: The proposed conceptual model Source: own design 30 4. Methodology This chapter describes the research design used for this research. Second, a description of how the data is collected is given, followed by a description of the way the data is measured. Finally, the method of data analysis is described. 4.1 Research design As mentioned previously, the objective of this research is to create an understanding of how social media affect customer loyalty to tour operators, by investigating the complex online relationships they have with their clients. Therefore, literature on customer loyalty was reviewed to design a research model. This is the exploratory part of the research. The explanatory part will take place when the model is tested statistically, using hypotheses that are associated with the theoretical model. These hypotheses propose causal relationships between the different variables that eventually lead to loyalty to the tour operator. 4.2 Data collection The study population consists of those customers of tour operators who have developed a relationship with their tour operator through social media. Despite of the fact that travel agents are also recommended to use social media, only tour operators were included in this research to demarcate the field of research. It is expected that online bookers are more and more purchasing their holidays directly with tour operators. In addition, travel agents their clients are often more located locally, which differs from tour operators’ customer base. To give insights into the research questions stated previously, the focus of this study lies on customers posting messages or liking posts of their tour operator on Facebook. Solely Facebook was used as the sampling frame because of two reasons. The first one is that Facebook has more than 800 million active users worldwide (Facebook, 2011), which makes 31 this medium one of the most popular social networking sites. Its popularity is still increasing today. Many marketers integrated a Facebook page into their social media marketing strategy, whether it is to e.g. create awareness, provide service to customers, stimulate sales and search presence or to foster customer loyalty. Facebook is very useful in targeting the audience. It allows marketers to provide customers all the information needed, instead of giving customers a quick update as is possible using Twitter (Zarella & Zarella, 2011). Ellison et al. (2007) confirm this by arguing that the heavy usage patterns and technological capacities of Facebook make this social medium interesting. Yet another reason to choose for Facebook as a sampling frame, comes with a practical motivation. Just as for marketers, it is easy for a researcher to approach the target group through Facebook because of its high visibility. To test the hypotheses of this research, this study employed a survey. The reason for this is that many respondents are needed to validate the conceptual model and it is impossible to interview each individual personally. In addition, the research question is descriptive and there were several variables to be tested. Given these criteria, a survey would be appropriate according to Vennix (2007). Since this study is about social media, the survey was sent out online and more specifically to Facebook users who post messages or like posts of their tour operator. The sampling frame was categorized by 39 different tour operators having a Facebook page where they post messages frequently. Out of these Facebook pages, individuals have been selected randomly and proportionally. Proportionally means that on each Facebook page the same amount of people has been approached in order to attract an equal variety in types of travelers. Both Dutch and Belgian Facebook users were selected to increase the volume of potential respondents. Though there are more Dutch Facebook pages than Belgian ones, there are also Belgian people liking Dutch tour operators and vice 32 versa. Where possible, both Dutch and Belgian pages of the same international tour operators are included. In order to be able to generalize the results, the aim of this study is to cover a heterogeneous set of consumers by including two nationalities and a wide variety of tour operators. The sample size required for the technique used in this study is approximately 110-165 respondents, since there are 11 latent variables (wherefore 10 times more respondents are needed to conduct factor analysis (Wijnen, 2002) and 15 times more respondents are needed to conduct Structural Equation Modeling (Stevens, 1996). Beforehand, a low response rate was expected because of the unfamiliarity of the target group with the researcher. Therefore, people their willingness to participate was tested by asking a few potential respondents for their collaboration. This resulted in a response rate of 12.5%. 4.2 Measurement 50 items were used to capture the various constructs of the conceptual model. Table 16 in appendix 1 presents the items used. All of these items are based on existing literature and may be somewhat adjusted to the context of this study. The survey contained Likert Scales from 1 to 7 (totally disagree – totally agree). The literature on which the items are based are presented in tables 6 to 15 in appendix 1. 4.3 Data analysis To understand the complex relationship between social media and customer loyalty, the theoretical model of this research includes multiple observed variables. Structural Equation Modeling is a suitable method to (dis-)confirm comprehensive theoretical models such as the proposed one here, while basic statistical methods are not capable of testing complex phenomena. As SEM techniques explicitly take measurement errors into account, validity 33 and reliability are greatly recognized (Schumacker & Lomax, 2004). For conducting this analysis, the programs ‘SPSS’ and ‘AMOS’ were used. The performance of the analysis is structured corresponding to Mulaik and Millsap (2000) “four-step” modeling approach, including factor analysis and structural model testing. Before testing the model, the data gathered needed to be examined. There was no need for missing value analysis, because each question was mandatory to fill in and incomplete response could not be resolved. Since Structural Equation Modeling is a multivariate regression technique (Hair, 2010, p.641), the data were tested on the assumptions for performing multivariate analysis. These assumptions include normality, linearity, homoscedasticity and independence of error terms (Hair, 2010, p.182). Another important assumption for regression analysis that will be tested is no multicollinearity (Field, 2006, p.170). 34 5. Results This section represents the results of this study. Out of 2594 people who were asked to fill in the questionnaire, 11.22% responded. However, nearly half of these respondents did not complete the survey which led to a sample size of 157 respondents. No missing value analysis was conducted, because all incomplete response contained too many missing values. Furthermore, all tour operators were equally represented. Table 1 shows the general sample details. 36.3% people out of the sample size were male, 63.7% were female. In terms of nationality, 28.0% are Belgian, 70.7% are Dutch and 1.3% have another nationality. The majority of the respondents are married and have higher education. Table 1: General sample details Consumers Total # % 157 100 Male 57 36.3 Female 100 63.7 Belgian 44 28.0 Dutch 111 70.7 Other 2 1.3 None 1 0.6 Primary education 1 0.6 Lower secondary education 19 12.1 Higher secondary education 50 31.8 Higher education (without the University) 58 36.9 University 25 15.9 I would rather not say 3 1.9 Gender Nationality Education 35 General sample details (continued) Consumers # % Domesticities I live with my parents / grandparents 28 17.8 I live independent 33 21.0 I live independently with child(ren) 3 1.9 I am married / living together without children 39 24.8 I am married / living together with children 34 21.7 I am married / living together, children left home 16 10.2 Other 4 2.5 Source: own findings This chapter begins with checking the assumptions for multivariate analysis. After that, this section is structured based on the way the theoretical model is tested. Corresponding to Mulaik and Millsap (2000), the conceptual model was tested using a four-step modeling approach: 1. Exploratory factor analysis to determine the number of latent variables; 2. Confirmatory analysis to approve the measurement model; 3. Structural equation modeling to test hypothesized relationships between latent variables; 4. Nested structural models testing to find the best fitting model. The first step was performed in SPSS 17.0, while the other steps were carried out in AMOS 20.0. 5.1 Checking assumptions As stated in §4.3, the data was tested on the assumptions of multivariate analysis, including normality, linearity, homoscedasticity, independence of error terms and no multicollinearity. The first assumption to test is the assumption of normality. SEM requires a multivariate normal distribution, which implies a univariate normal distribution for each variable and a 36 bivariate normal distribution between pairs of variables (Gao et al., 2008). Normality of multivariate distribution was tested using AMOS by checking Mardia’s coefficient of multivariate kurtosis and the squared Mahalanobis distance. The critical ratio of Mardia’s coefficient proved to be equal to 18.917, which indicates significant non-normality since this value must be below the critical ratio of 1.96. Furthermore, higher values of the squared Mahalanobis distance indicate larger differences between observations and the centroid under normal distributed conditions. Therefore, these values are a sign of outliers influencing non-multivariate normality and indicate that in these data 100 observations proved to be too far from the centroid (Sharma, 1996). Univariate normality of the data was tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the Shapiro-Wilk test in SPSS. According to Field (2006), histograms tell little about whether a distribution is close enough to normality and values of skewness and kurtosis give only information about specific aspects of normality. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is a more objective test to decide whether a distribution is normal or not and is suitable for small sample sizes (Field, 2006, p.93). Unfortunately, nearly all variables proved to be significantly non-normal according to both tests (<.05) as can be seen in appendix 2. In order to meet the condition of normality, transformations to the raw data were attempted, however without any improvements. Second, the assumption of linearity was tested. Appendix 2 shows scatter plots of all the hypothesized relationships. An interpretation of these scatter plots indicates that all relationships are linear. Furthermore, outliers shown by the scatter plots give reasons to assume that the third assumption of homoscedasticity has been violated, so this was tested using Levene’s test (Hair, 2010). As can be seen in appendix 2, only 10 relationships show homoscedasticity and 37 all the other relationships violate this assumption. Heteroscedasticity causes predictions to be better at some levels of the independent variables than at others, which means hypothesis tests will be either too stringent or too insensitive (Hair, 2010). Since heteroscedasticity is often the result of non-normality, this problem can be remedied the same way as non-normality can be. However, transformations to the data proved to be unsuccessful and therefore the initial data including its consequences will be used in further analysis. The fourth assumption to test is the one of independence of error terms. This assumption was tested using the Durbin-Watson test. Appendix 2 shows the output of this test on each hypothesized relationship between predictors and dependent variables. These values can vary between 0-4, with a value of 2 meaning the residuals are uncorrelated. There appeared to be no violation of this assumption of independent error terms, since all values come very close to 2 (Field, 2006, p.170). The last assumption of no multicollinearity was tested using VIF values. Based on these values, there is no reason to suspect high multicollinearity because all values are below the critical value of >10. But since problems could already occur when VIF values are between 3 and 5, the potential existence of multicollinearity will not be ruled out and an eye will be kept on it during the factor analysis. The violations found have implications for the techniques to be used. A way to cope with non-normality, is the use of an estimation method that makes no distributional assumptions, like Unweighted Least Squares (ULS) or Asymptotically Distribution-Free Estimation (ADF). However, as it comes to ULS, AMOS does not provide any tests indicating model fit and ADF requires an enormous sample size measured in thousands. A third way to cope with a non38 normal distribution, is to use robust statistics along with Generalized Least Squares or Maximum Likelihood, but robust statistics are unavailable in AMOS. A method which seems more appropriate is bootstrapping (Blunch, 2008, p.225). Bootstrapping forms also a solution to small sample sizes, as in this study (Davison & Hinkley, 1997). With bootstrapping the sample is considered to be the population, out of which new samples with replacement are taken. From each of these samples, the required sample statistics are calculated which gives an empirical sampling distribution with estimates of the parameters and empirical standard errors (Blunch, 2008). Now that there is a solution to the violation of the assumption of normality, it is time to move on to the actual analysis. A solution to the heteroscedastic data has not been found, which must be kept in mind with the results of the hypothesis testing. 5.2 Exploratory factor analysis With Exploratory Factor Analysis, it is possible to identify different latent variables. To determine whether the proposed indicators measure only one underlying construct, the Principal Component Analysis was used. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy tests if correlation patterns are diffused (KMO=0) or compact (KMO=1) and indicated that all variables show good (.7 ≥ KMO ≥ .8) or even great (.8 ≥ KMO ≥ .9) values (Field, 2006, p.650), which means it accepts the use of factor analysis on the data. Bartlett’s test of sphericity showed great significance for all variables (p=.000) indicating that items are highly correlated with each other, which is necessary for factor analysis to work (Field, 2006, p.652). Furthermore, most communality values (>.50) indicate that items show sufficient explanation (Hair, 2010, p.119), except for two items measuring Social and “confidence benefits”. To determine visually if data have only one underlying factor, scree plots can be viewed. All curves have a distinctive bend after the first component, which means that there 39 is only one component the items are measuring (Field, 2006, p.633; Blunch, 2008, p.54). That all items are measuring just one factor, can also be seen in the component matrix which shows only 1 component. The total variance explained is for most cases well above the preferred 60% and each variable shows just one eigenvalue above the critical value >1.0. These findings are based on the output shown in appendix 3 and indicate that the 11 proposed latent variables will be retained, because all items are uni-dimensional. When using factor analysis to validate a questionnaire, as in this study, it is useful to check the reliability of the scales (Field, 2006). The full useful data collection (n=157) was tested to check if the scales are reliable. For this, Cronbach’s Alpha was used, of which its value is good when it is around .800 (Field, 2006, p.676). As shown in appendix 3, all measurement scales show high reliability. All of them exceed the value of .800 and half of them even .900. Next to this, each item correlates well with the scale overall since all these correlations are above .300 (Field, 2006, p.672). Despite of the unsufficient explanation of two items as found during the Principal Component Analysis, all items will be retained in further analysis because deletion of items would not result in substantial higher values of Cronbach’s alpha. 5.3 Confirmatory factor analysis Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, relations of the manifest indicators to the latent variables are tested. If there is an acceptable fit of the measurement model, it is possible to move on to step 3 in which the structural model will be tested (Mulaik & Millsap, 2000). In this study, 2000 bootstrap samples were taken because of the model complexity. Simpler models (e.g. Arbuckle, 2011, p.296), require smaller sample sizes (Hair, 2010, p.661). This bootstrap method was combined with the Maximum Likelihood method, which is the most preferred (Blunch, 2008, p.81) and the most common SEM estimation procedure providing 40 valid and stable results (Hair, 2010, p.661). Normally the Maximum Likelihood estimation method requires normal distribution (Blunch, 2008), but this problem was dealt with using bootstrapping (Bollen, 1989). Once the proposed model has been estimated, theory and reality must be compared by assessing model fit which indicates the similarity of the estimated covariance matrix (theory) to the observed covariance matrix (reality) (Hair, 2010). Bollen & Stine (1992) showed that the bootstrap generally used is inappropriate for assessing model fit, wherefore they introduced a modified method called the Bollen-Stine bootstrap. Several model fit indices exist. To test the overall model fit, Bollen-Stine bootstrap provides a p-value which need to exceed .05 in order to accept the model. With p=.001 for the initial model, the measurement model is rejected. Furthermore, χ2 had a value of 2391.959 and df=1145. Hooper et al. (2008) have reviewed other researchers and their recommendations for model fit indices to report and concluded that, next to χ2, it is sensible to report the RMSEA, the SRMR, the CFI and the PNFI. Table 2 shows the acceptable threshold levels of these model fit indices. Rejection of the model was supported by the following values: RMSEA=.084; SRMR=.266; CFI=.826; and, PNFI=.669. Though, RMSEA and PNFI are close to what it is supposed to be in order to accept the model. However, it is not uncommon to find a poor fit of the proposed model (Hooper et al., 2008). Table 2: Fit indices and their acceptable threshold levels Fit index Acceptable Threshold Levels Reference Bollen-Stine Bootstrap p >.05 Bollen & Stine (1992) RMSEA Value < .07 Hooper et al. (2008) SRMR Value < .08 Hooper et al. (2008) CFI Value > .95 Hooper et al. (2008) PNFI Value > .70 Gursoy & Rutherford (2004) 41 In order to improve model fit, items could be deleted if they show regression weights below .2 (Hooper et al., 2008). Since all items have significantly high factor weights (see appendix 4), no items had to be deleted and an alternative solution must be found to solve the poor model fit. A second way to improve model fit, is to look if there are any latent variables which have a relatively high covariance and combine these two into one factor (Hooper et al., 2008). Although VIF values did not denote high collinearity, this seemed the case for the “relationship commitment” and “customer loyalty” variables after performing a second Principal Component Analysis. The items of “relationship commitment” and “customer loyalty” seem to be unidimensional as shown by the SPSS output in appendix 4. Taking a closer look at the items of both initial variables, a logical reasoning corresponds with the aggregation of those two. Reliability was checked again and Cronbach’s alpha showed a value of .957, which is even better than the two latent variables separately. There was no need to delete any items, because Cronbach’s alpha could not be improved. χ2 increased to 2548.810 and df is now equal to 1147, with p=.000. Other model fit indices have the following values: RMSEA=.089; SRMR=.2656; CFI=.805; and, PNFI=.652. This means that there is no improvement in model fit due when combining “relationship commitment” and “customer loyalty”. Although the Durbin-Watson test denoted independence of errors, covarying error terms could improve model fit (Hooper et al., 2008). According to Jöreskog & Long (1993, cited in Hooper et al., 2008, p.56), covarying error terms requires a strong theoretical justification, which is easier to find within the same specific factor than across different factors (Hooper et al., 2008). Therefore, a couple of error terms of items within the same factor were covaried in order to try to improve the model fit, using modification indices. Error terms of items with a relatively high modification index and sufficient theoretical justification were covaried. These 42 included 22 error terms in total. There were two other relatively high modification indices for error terms, however these were not covaried in AMOS since there is not sufficient theoretical justification through logical reasoning. Appendix 4 shows which error terms were covaried including a theoretical justification. Covarying all these items, did improve the model fit, but unfortunately not enough in order to accept the measurement model. χ2 decreased to 2223.081 and df is now equal to 1125, with p=.002. Tabachnick and Fidell (1996) state that reasonable results for other indices approve continuation of working with the proposed model, despite of a non-significant χ2. Other model fit indices have following values: RMSEA=.079; SRMR=.2656; CFI=.847; and, PNFI=.675. These values are still not great, but there is more potential to improve model fit. The measurement model has been respecified now in order to try to validate the latent variable constructs. Relationships between these variables were tested in the next paragraph. 5.4 Structural Equation Modeling During this third step, the entire model was tested on path significance. Out of a second Principal Component analysis, it was concluded that the items of the latent variable “relationship commitment” proved to measure the same underlying factor as the items of “customer loyalty” did. These variables were taken together as one factor called “customer loyalty” in further analysis. By interpreting the items the term “customer loyalty” was chosen to be retained and also because this study is about the influence of social media on customer loyalty. Each hypothesis related to “relationship commitment” has been adjusted to the combined latent variable “customer loyalty”, in order to get insight in the entire model. 43 Out of an initial Maximum Likelihood estimation in combination with bootstrapping, it can be concluded that model fit has improved, but still not enough. Chi-square shows a nonsignificant value (χ2=1988.624, df=1120, p=.010) and the model fit indices support this nonsignificance with values of .071 for RMSEA, .0835 for SRMR, .879 for CFI and .698 for PNFI. Still, RMSEA, SRMR and PNFI are very close to the threshold levels of these indices. However, there is potential to improve model fit during step 4. With the proposed model, only a few significant paths were found at a confidence interval of 95 percent. As the p-values in appendix 5 show, 7 latent variables proved to have a significant effect (p≤.05) on another latent variable. Significance was found for hypothesis 6, supporting the effect of “customer satisfaction” on “customer loyalty”. Next to “customer satisfaction”, also “social benefits” proved to have a significant effect on “customer loyalty” which means hypothesis 1c is accepted. Moreover, hedonic benefits proved to affect “customer e-satisfaction” which leads to an acceptance of hypothesis 5a. A significant effect of these benefits on “customer e-loyalty” was nearly found, however hypothesis 5b could not be accepted (p=.056). Next, support was found for hypothesis 8, since the regression weight for “customer e-satisfaction” in the prediction of “customer satisfaction” is significantly different from zero at even a .001 probability level. Furthermore, hypothesis 9 is supported, accepting a significant effect of “customer e-loyalty” on “customer loyalty”. “word of mouth” was found to be significantly affected by “customer satisfaction” as well as by “customer loyalty”, whereby hypothesis 13 and 15 are accepted. 5.5 Nested Structural Models In this last section, a series of nested structural models were tested to find the best fitting model. For this, the specification search tool in Amos was used. A total of 182 different models was tested next to the saturated model. All these models were compared using BCC 44 and BIC values; model fit indices provided by the specification search tool in AMOS (Arbuckle, 2011). Table 3 and 4 show how BCC and BIC values should be interpreted. Table 3: Interpretation of BCC values BCC Burnham and Anderson (1998) interpretation 0-2 There is no credible evidence that the model should be ruled out as being the actual best model for the population of possible samples. 2-4 There is weak evidence that the model is not the best model. 4-7 There is definite evidence that the model is not the best model. 7-10 There is strong evidence that the model is not the best model. >10 There is very strong evidence that the model is not the best model. Table 4: Interpretation of BIC values BIC Raftery (1995) interpretation 0-2 There is weak evidence against a competing model 2-6 There is positive evidence against a competing model 6-10 There is strong evidence against a competing model >10 There is very strong evidence against a competing model As can be seen in appendix 6, BCC as well as BIC put model 32 forward as the best fitting model. However, an interpretation of the BCC values indicate that several other models (with a BCC value between 0-2) should not be ruled out (Burnham & Anderson, 1998). This means that 15 other models are also candidates in the competition of the best fitting model. Out of an interpretation of the BIC values it can be concluded that BIC values between 0-2 have the highest approximate posterior probability. According to Raftery (1995), this means there is weak evidence for model 32 against model 22, but positive evidence against 25 other models. The 15 models which were still in the running according to the BCC value, are now dismissed by an interpretation of their BIC value. The second and only other model having a BIC value between 0 and 2, was not indicated as one of the best fitting models by the BCC 45 index and therefore dismissed as well. Another indication for the best fitting model is the value of C/df. C/df indicates that model 62 (C/df=1.764) is the best fitting model, however this model did not appear in the list of best fitting models according to BCC and BIC. An interpretation of the BIC value (7.149) of model 62 declares strong evidence against this model (Raftery, 1995). Besides, the C/df values for all models are very close to each other. According to Arbuckle (2011), the overall best fitting model must be included in the short list; a function provided by the specification search tool in AMOS which shows the best model for different parameters. This is the case for model 32, as it is displayed here (see appendix 6). Most other potential best fitting models indicated by the BCC are not in this short list, which is another reason to exclude these models. Using the plot function in the specification search tool, no models could be found with an acceptable value of CFI (≥.95) or NFI (≥.90) (Arbuckle, 2011). Given these criteria, model 32 is chosen as the best fitting model and shown by figure 4. The final model is now as good as it gets. Model fit improved, but unfortunately not enough according to Bollen-Stine bootstrap (χ2=1999.957, df=1132, p=.015). Though model fit index CFI has improved compared to its value of the proposed model, it still supports poor fit for the final model (.879). On the other side, RMSEA (.070) and PNFI (.704) show acceptable model fit values. SRMR improved extremely and has almost an acceptable value (.0827). 46 Figure 4: Final model Source: own findings 5.6 Hypotheses testing Table 5 shows the significant paths found by the best fitting model. Different from the original SEM, 11 hypotheses have received support instead of 6. Almost all variables show a positive influence on “customer loyalty”, either directly or indirectly. Appendix 6 shows the indirect effects that were found. Significance was found for the effect “social benefits” have on “customer e-loyalty” (H1b) and “customer loyalty” (H1c). The social aspect of the relationship through social media perceived by customers is positively associated with loyalty to the organization operating online and even stronger with loyalty to the tour operator offline. If customers like their feeling of a strong bond with their tour operator through social media, they will have a favorable 47 attitude toward the organization manifested in repeat buying behavior. No significant effect was found for the relationship between “social benefits” and “customer e-satisfaction”. The enjoyment of having a close relationship with a tour operator through social media, does not have a significant effect on customers’ contentment with the tour operator through social media. As noted in §3.1, contradictions about this relationship exist and the non-significance found here corresponds to the findings of Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002). Furthermore, an indirect effect of “social benefits” on “word of mouth” has been found. Therefore, a sense of some sort of bond with a tour operator through social media positively affects the informal communication with other customers. Table 5: Significant direct effects found by the final model Hypothesis Path S.E. P-value coefficients H1b Customer e-Loyalty Social Benefits .228 .087 .009 H1c Customer Loyalty Social Benefits .434 .099 *** H2a Customer e-Satisfaction Confidence .398 .072 -.588 .152 *** Benefits *** H3c Customer Loyalty Functional Benefits H5a Customer e-Satisfaction Hedonic Benefits .458 .091 *** H6 Customer Loyalty Customer Satisfaction .525 .096 *** H8 Customer Satisfaction Customer e- .757 .111 .410 .094 1.076 .148 Satisfaction H9 Customer Loyalty Customer e-Loyalty H10 Customer e-Loyalty Customer eSatisfaction *** *** *** H13 Word of Mouth Customer Loyalty .294 .059 *** H15 Word of Mouth Customer Satisfaction .848 .099 *** Source: own findings 48 As it comes to “confidence benefits” only support was found for hypothesis 2a, stating “confidence benefits” have a significant effect on “customer e-satisfaction”. A feeling of trust and confidence with respect to a tour operator creates contentment with the organization operating in the online environment. No significant influence of “confidence benefits” on “customer e-loyalty” and “customer loyalty” was found, which contradicts with existing literature. Most researchers also found significance for the effect on “relationship commitment”, which was combined with “customer loyalty” during the analysis of this study. The results here are more corresponding to what Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) have found; an indirect effect of “confidence benefits” on “customer e-loyalty” and “customer loyalty”. “confidence benefits” also proved to have a significant indirect effect on “word of mouth”. When customers trust their tour operator operating in an online environment, they are intended to be positive about the organization toward other consumers. Satisfaction and loyalty, online as well as offline, proved to be mediating this effect. Next, a remarkably significant effect of “functional benefits” has been found. It turned out that “functional benefits” have only a direct effect on “customer loyalty” to the tour operator, which is also negative. This means none of the hypotheses related to “functional benefits” were accepted, not even hypothesis H3c since this relationship turned out to be negative instead of positive. Customers who are looking for information in their decision making process and who find the information they need through social media, did not appear to be loyal to the tour operator. This finding matches to what has been stated in the introduction, about the Internet increasing competition because of the greater access to new and more products. The information provided by tour operators through social media enable consumers to compare several organizations, which makes it more challenging for the tour operator to make these customers loyal. Moreover, it slightly affects “word of mouth” indirectly in a 49 negative way. People who search for information which helps in their decision making, are not only being able to compare but are also intended to share these comparisons with others. On the other hand, customers who are not focused on information gathering show more loyalty. These are the type of customers who are satisfied with their tour operator and who are not interested in what the offerings are elsewhere. They are not intended to search online for information that helps in their decision making process, because they feel comfortable with the organization they always go to. No significant effects of “functional benefits” on “customer e-satisfaction” and “customer e-loyalty” were found though. This corresponds to the findings of Wang & Fesenmaier (2004), who stated that “functional benefits” and level of participation in an online travel community are not positively related. The provided information by tour operators through social media is not the reason why customers are likely to get satisfied and does not encourage them to make use of the online relationship on a regularly basis. None of the hypothesized relationships regarding “special treatment benefits” proved to be significant, which corresponds to the findings of Chang & Yen (2007) and Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002). It appears that these benefits do not positively influence people their contentment or loyalty toward a specific tour operator, neither online or offline. People who are looking for special deals when it comes to their holidays, are very sensitive to price breaks, faster service and individualized additional service. It could be that they find their special deal at one tour operator this year, but when next year another tour operator offers a better special deal they go to this other organization. For a tour operator it is very hard to make these customers loyal, because these customers will search for the best deal every time they are planning to book a holiday and they do not mind with whatever organization this holiday may be. 50 “Hedonic benefits” showed a significant direct effect on “customer e-satisfaction” (H5a). The pleasure found in the relationship with a tour operator through social media positively influences customers’ satisfaction with the specific organization operating in the online environment. Significant indirect effects have been found of this type of benefits on “customer e-loyalty”, “customer satisfaction”, “customer loyalty” and “word of mouth”. The enjoyment of the relationship with a tour operator through social media proves to be an indication of contentment and for a favorable attitude toward the organization expressed in repeat buying behavior and favorable informal communication with others. This connects to the findings of Wang & Fesenmaier (2004), who found little support for a positive relationship between “hedonic benefits” and level of participation in an online travel community. “Customer satisfaction” appeared to have a positive effect on “customer loyalty” (H6). Even stronger support was found for this relationship in an online context (H10). Customers who are satisfied with their tour operator are likely to make use of the service of the organization repeatedly. “customer e-satisfaction” is also positively associated with “customer satisfaction” (H8), which suggests that contentment with the relationship with a tour operator in an online environment fosters the contentment with the relationship with the organization overall. A less strong, but still significant, influence have been found regarding loyalty. “customer eloyalty” proved to be positively associated with “customer loyalty” (H9), which means that the attitude toward the online service of a tour operator positively influences the attitude toward the tour operator overall. Indirectly, “customer e-satisfaction” has also a strong significant effect on “customer loyalty”. If a customer’s prior online experience with a tour operator has been satisfying, the customer is likely to have a favorable attitude toward the organization with “customer e-loyalty” and “customer satisfaction” mediating this effect. There is also a strong significant effect of “customer e-satisfaction” (indirectly) and “customer satisfaction” 51 (directly) on “word of mouth” (H15). People who are content with their relationship with their tour operator, either online or offline, are likely to spread favorable “word of mouth”. This is also the case for loyal customers, as significance have been found for the positive relationship between “customer loyalty” and “word of mouth” (H13). However, satisfied customers are 3 times more likely to spread favorable “word of mouth” than loyal customers are. These findings correspond to the literature, except for the relationship between “customer e-satisfaction” and “word of mouth”. 52 6. Conclusion In this last section, conclusions are made based on the empirical findings in this study. These findings helped in answering the research question stated in the introduction. The research question was as follows: In what way and to what extent do relational benefits of social media have an impact on customer loyalty toward a specific tour operator? Many studies have shown the importance of relational benefits influencing customer loyalty. This study provides additional evidence for the role relational benefits play in an online context, more specifically in a rather new context of social media. Relational benefits have been applied mostly in face-to-face encounters, however the results prove that the relational benefits approach remains relevant in a context of social media where personal encounters are re-introduced. The results of this study show that social benefits of a relationship with a tour operator through social media are directly affecting customer loyalty in a positive manner. Customers who like their strong bond with their tour operator through social media, are likely to have a favorable attitude toward the organization expressed in repeat bookings. These customers have the feeling that they have created a friendship and feel personally recognized by their tour operator. Those sort of feelings prove to be the most important for customers in order to value their relationship resulting in repeat bookings. An even stronger direct effect found was the effect of functional benefits on customer loyalty. However, this effect turned out to be negative, meaning that the provided information through social media enables consumers to compare different organizations because of the greater access to new and more products. In addition, people who search for information which helps in their decision making, are not only 53 being able to compare but are also intended to share these comparisons with others. Customers’ access to more information makes relationship marketing challenging for an organization due to increasing competition. On the other hand there are customers who show more loyalty because they are less focused on information gathering. These people are less interested in offerings elsewhere, because they are satisfied with the tour operator they always go to. It turns out that customers are not encouraged to become loyal due to the information tour operators are providing through social media. Confidence and hedonic benefits only show an indirect effect on customer loyalty. A feeling of trust and confidence with respect to a tour operator creates loyalty through satisfaction with the organization. When someone trusts the information and intentions of a tour operator, he or she will become satisfied about the tour operator’s service on social media, but he or she will not become loyal immediately. So does the enjoyment of the online relationship with the tour operator have an indirect effect through satisfaction, of which its influence is even slightly stronger. The joy the online relationship brings, is a great determinant for customers’ satisfaction with their online relationship. And even though it influences customer loyalty not directly, it does have the second greatest positive effect on customer loyalty but in an indirect manner. Special treatment benefits appeared to have no influence on customer loyalty at all. Customers who are looking for special deals are very sensitive to price breaks, faster service and individualized service. These type of customers will search for the best deal every time they are planning to book a holiday, regardless which tour operator offers the deal. Therefore it is very hard for tour operators to drive these customers to become loyal. In summary, the results of this study advocate that people are increasingly comparing offers online with the advent of social media. Tour operators provide all the information themselves, on which customers base their decisions when it comes to their holidays. But providing 54 information seems not the way to make customers loyal. On the other side, if a tour operator does not provide information and competitors do, customers are not able to compare with this specific tour operator which drives the organization out of the competition. Beside the fact that customers are driven by gathering information online, they are also very dealoriented and special deals are quite easy to compare since practically all tour operators offer price breaks or contests through social media. Providing information and special deals are therefore not the way to go when fostering customer loyalty is the ultimate goal. Tour operators are better off with intensifying their personal relationships with their clients, by making them feel personally recognized and creating an online friendship. Moreover, the online relationship should be fun for customers to have. Therefore, tour operators must focus on triggering customers’ interest and they must attempt to delight their customers. 55 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research This research contains some limitations, which need to be kept in mind while drawing conclusions. Also suggestions for further research will be proposed in this section. First of all, only Facebook has been used as a sampling frame, while there are many other social media not included in this study. Although Facebook was chosen through valid reasoning, drawing accurate conclusions about the effect of social media on customer loyalty toward a tour operator may require investigating other social media as well. A similar research including several types of social media could be a suggestion for further research. Second, social media are assumed to have other effects beside those on customer loyalty. For example, special treatment benefits proved to have no influence on loyalty to the tour operator, however it may have an effect on brand awareness. There were a few respondents who commented that they did not belong to the target group, because they only participated in an online relationship because of their chance to win a free holiday and that they had not been on vacation with the specific tour operator before. In this case, the tour operator had succeeded in attracting those customers by offering a contest. Therefore, the potential special deals have should not be underestimated, but this study made clear that its potential does not lie in stimulating customer loyalty. A suggestion for further research could be the application of the relational benefits approach in the context of social media measuring other marketing goals not included here. Third, the model was only tested in a context regarding tour operators. However, the effect of social media on customer loyalty is not only interesting for tour operators, but also for travel agents who are also recommended by professional experts to use social media. Moreover, 56 other industries may also benefit from research on the effect social media have on customer loyalty. Therefore, another suggestion for further research could be an application of the theoretical model in the context of travel agents and other sectors. If other researchers would find the same results, this could be additional justification of the results of this research. Finally, the best fitting model did not give acceptable values for all model fit indices. Which implies that the final model cannot be accepted. The poor model fit could be a consequence of the small sample size used. Luckily this does not mean individual paths cannot be looked at, but it must be noted that the data were heteroscedastic and that this could cause problems in hypotheses testing. A suggestion for further research could be to investigate the relationships with a larger sample size, to see if a better fitting model can be achieved. 57 Theoretical and Managerial Implications Vogt (2011) evokes researchers to do more research in the field of customer relationship management. In practice, customer relationship management is widely used in the tourism industry, however little research is done with regard to this growing field. Vogt claims that a greater understanding of customer loyalty and CRM programs used as a relational tool in social networks, will become more important. This study meets the demand for this specific CRM research in relation to the tourism industry, as it focuses on the use of social media in fostering customer loyalty. Furthermore, although the use of the relational benefits approach has been applied in an online context before, it is rather new in the environment of social media as argued in §2.3.6. From a managerial perspective, it is interesting to see where causal relationships lie between relational benefits and customer loyalty. This in order to explore which relational benefits have potential in fostering customer loyalty and therefore need special attention by marketers, since customer loyalty is the primary goal of customer relationship management. The results of this study show that tour operators should intensify their personal relationships with their clients, by making them feel personally recognized and creating an online friendship. The online social bond proved to be the most important factor influencing customer loyalty. The second most important factor seemed to be the enjoyment of having an online relationship with a tour operator, which demands tour operators to focus on triggering customers’ interest and to attempt to bring pleasure to their customers through social media. Customers’ trust also proved to be influencing customer loyalty, so tour operators must attempt to reduce the anxiety of customers by communicating their reliability as well. Just to mention an example, customers can rely on their tour operator when these 58 take care of them in emergency situations. Providing information and special deals did not prove to stimulate customer loyalty and should be less focused on when the aim of tour operators is to make their customers loyal. But as stated in the previous chapter, one could expect special deals to have an effect on brand awareness, which means that special deals could be worth something. And so does providing information. Tour operators must give customers the chance to compare their service with competitors’ service. Customers are likely to make decisions based on the information they are being offered. However, the personal relationship that tour operators can build with their clients though social media, in order to increase loyalty, will insulate those customers from the competition at the same time. 59 Acknowledgements I would like to thank those who have guided me through the process of writing this Master’s thesis. 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Chang & Chen (2007) This research proposes a model explaining switching barriers and customer loyalty stemming from customer relational benefits. Cyr et al. (2007) In this paper a model for e-Loyalty is proposed and used to examine how varied conditions of social presence in a B2C e-Services context influence e-Loyalty and its antecedents of perceived usefulness, trust and enjoyment. Gwinner et al. (1998) This research examines the benefits customers receive as a result of engaging in long-term relational exchanges with service firms. Han & Kim (2009) This study was designed to propose and test a behavioral intention model by incorporating these constructs in a full-service restaurant setting. Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) This article integrates customer loyalty and word of mouth by positioning customer satisfaction and commitment as relationship quality dimensions that partially mediate the relationship between three relational benefits (confidence benefits, social benefits, and special treatment benefits) and the two outcome variables. Kim (2009) This study was designed to investigate how the customer orientation of service employees (COSE) affects customers’ perceptions of relational benefits and ultimately contributes to repurchase intention in the fullservice restaurant context. Macintosh (2007) This research seeks to test a model examining the potential links between customer orientation, expertise, and relationship quality at the interpersonal level and the link between relationship quality and positive service outcomes at the firm level, such as loyalty and positive word of mouth. 67 Overview of consulted studies for the operationalization of constructs (continued) Reference Research topic Parra-López et al. (2011) This study proposes a theoretical model to explain the factors determining the intentions to use social media when organizing and taking vacation trips. Paul et al. (2009) This research attempts to overcome that fragmented state of knowledge by making major advances toward a theory of repeat purchase drivers for consumer services. Reynolds & Beatty (1999) This study examines the benefits customers receive from relationships with clothing/accessories salespeople. Ruiz-Molina et al. (2009) The purpose of this paper is to empirically test a model that reflects the different types of relational benefits perceived by customers, as well as the benefits obtained by the organization in terms of customer loyalty. Su et al. (2009) This paper explores relational benefits from Chinese customer’s behavioural perspective. Vogt & Fesenmaier (1998) This study used a decision-making and information search model as a framework for explaining the factors which influence the use of communications as they relate to recreation and tourism experiences. Yen & Gwinner (2003) This paper proposes a conceptual framework that utilizes the construct of relational benefits to explain the link between Internet-based self-service technology attributes and customer loyalty and satisfaction. Zhang & Bloemer (2008) The authors develop and test a model that explains how value congruence affects the key components of consumer-brand relationship quality and outcomes, including satisfaction, trust, affective commitment, and loyalty. 68 Table 7: Studies consulted with respect to "Social Benefits" Reference Items Chang & Chen (2007) I enjoy certain social aspects of the relationship Some airline employees know my name I have developed friendships with certain airline employees Gwinner et al. (1998); I am recognized by certain employees Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002); I enjoy certain social aspects of the relationship Ruiz-Molina et al. (2009) I have developed a friendship with the service provider I am familiar with the employees that perform the services They know my name Han & Kim (2009) I feel like there is a bond between this restaurant and me I am familiar with employee(s) who perform(s) services At least one of the staff at this restaurant knows me Kim (2009) Based on all my experiences with the restaurant… …I am recognized by (a) certain employee(s) …I am familiar with the employee(s) who provide(s) the service …I have developed a friendship with the employee(s) …the employee(s) know(s) my name Reynolds & Beatty (1999) The friendship aspect of my relationship with my sales associate is very important to me I enjoy spending time with my sales associate I value the close, personal relationship I have with my sales associate I enjoy my sales associate’s company 69 Table 8: Consulted studies with respect to "Confidence Benefits" Reference Items Chang & Chen (2007) I feel I can trust this airline I am not worried when I fly on this airline I am confident that the service will be performed correctly by this airline Gwinner et al. (1998); I believe there is less risk that something will go wrong Ruiz-Molina et al. (2009) I feel I can trust the service provider I have more confidence the service will be performed correctly I have less anxiety when I buy the service I know what to expect when I go in I get the provider’s highest level of service Han & Kim (2009) I have confidence that this restaurant provides the best deal I feel I can trust this restaurant I have more confidence that services at this restaurant will be performed correctly Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) I know what to expect when I go in This company’s employees are perfectly honest and truthful This company’s employees can be trusted completely This company’s employees have high integrity Kim (2009) Based on all my experiences with the restaurant… …I believe there is less risk that something will go wrong …I feel I can trust the employee(s) …I have more confidence the service will be performed correctly …I have less anxiety when I decide to dine out at this restaurant Yen & Gwinner (2003) I can trust this Web-based travel agency This Web-based travel agency can free me from anxiety concerning the security of online transactions I know what to expect when I get on to the Web site of this travel agency 70 Table 9: Consulted studies with respect to "Functional Benefits" Reference Items Parra-López et al. (2011) Social media tools enable me to keep up to date with knowledge about the tourist sites and activities of interest Social media tools permit me to save costs and get the most from the resources invested in the trip Social media tools give me the possibility to provide and to receive information about tourist sites and activities of interest Paul et al. (2009) The customer benefits because s/he gains expert knowledge and information about the service Reynolds & Beatty (1999) I value the convenience benefits my sales associate provides me very highly I value the time saving benefits my sales associate provides me very highly I benefit from the advice my sales associate gives me I make better purchase decisions because of my sales associate 71 Table 10: Consulted studies with respect to "Special Treatment Benefits" Reference Items Chang & Chen (2007) I can get faster service if necessary I am placed higher on the stand-by list when the flight is full This airline will manage to give me a seat when the flight is full This airline will upgrade my seat when possible Gwinner et al. (1998); I get discounts or special deals that most customers don’t get Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002); I get better prices than most customers Ruiz-Molina et al. (2009) They do services for me that they don’t do for most customers I am placed higher on the priority list when there is a line I get faster service than most customers Han & Kim (2009) This restaurant provides me reliable benefit programs and services I feel staff at this restaurant treat me special Kim (2009) Based on all my experiences with the restaurant… …I receive better prices or special deals that most customers don’t …they provide services to me that they don’t provide to most other customers …I receive faster service than most other customers …they pay extra attention to my needs Yen & Gwinner (2003) I am able to save a lot of time on information searching when I browse and order through this travel agency I got extra services (e.g. member-only chat room, special offer and frequent user program) from using this Internet travel agency 72 Table 11: Consulted studies with respect to "Hedonic Benefits" Reference Items Cyr et al. (2007) I found my visit to this website interesting Perceived enjoyment I found my visit to this website entertaining I found my visit to this website enjoyable I found my visit to this website pleasant Vogt & Fesenmaier (1998) Emotional Hedonic needs Excite myself about travel Be entertained Excite myself with unique cultures Sensory Hear the sounds of the ocean Smell the fresh air Taste those foods I discover Experiential Experience the local culture Realize experiences that I think about Phenomenology Understand the personality of a community Wonder about daily life of area 73 Table 12: Consulted studies with respect to "Customer Satisfaction" Reference Items Anderson & Srinivasan I am satisfied with my decision to purchase from this Web site (2003) If I had to purchase again, I would feel differently about buying from this Web site My choice to purchase from this Web site was a wise one I feel badly regarding my decision to buy from this Web site I think I did the right thing by buying from this Web site I am unhappy that I purchased from this Web site Benner (2009) My experiences with this airline exceed my expectations Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) My choice to use this company was a wise choice I am always delighted with this firm’s service Overall, I am satisfied with this organization I think I did the right thing when I decided to use this firm Reynolds and Beatty (1999) Please indicate your feeling with respect to your sales associate at “company name” Pleased – displeased (1-7) Unhappy – happy (1-7) Disgusted – contented (1-7) Frustrating – enjoyable (1-7) Please indicate your feelings with respect to shopping at “company name” Pleased – displeased (1-7) Unhappy – happy (1-7) Disgusted – contented (1-7) Frustrating – enjoyable (1-7) Yen & Gwinner (2003) In general, I am satisfied with the service quality offered by this Internet travel agency I feel satisfied with the self-service interface of this Internet travel agency Zhang & Bloemer (2008) Compared to other banks, I am very satisfied with X Based on all my experience with X, I am very satisfied My experiences at X have always been pleasant Overall, I am satisfied with X 74 Table 13: Consulted studies with respect to "Customer Loyalty" Reference Items Anderson & Srinivasan I seldom consider switching to another Web site (2003) As long as the present service continues, I doubt that I would switch Web sites I try to use the Web site whenever I need to make a purchase When I need to make a purchase, this Web site is my first choice I like using the Web site To me this site is the best retail Web site to do business with I believe that this is my favorite retail Web site Cyr et al. (2007) I would use this website again I would consider purchasing from this website in the future I would consider using this website in the future Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) I have a very strong relationship with this service provider I am very likely to switch to another service provider in the near future Reynolds and Beatty (1999) I am very loyal to my sales associate at “company name” I don’t plan to shop with my sales associate at “company name” in the future I am very committed to my sales associate at “company name” I don’t consider myself very loyal to my sales associate at “company name” I am very loyal to “company name” I am very committed to “company name” I don’t consider myself a loyal “company name” customer I don’t plan to shop at “company name” in the future Ruiz-Molina et al. (2008) As long as the present service continues, I doubt that I would switch store I try to use the store whenever I need to make a purchase When I need to make a purchase, this store is my first choice I like using this store To me this store is the best store to do business with In comparison to other stores, I would consider this store as excellent Yen & Gwinner (2003) This Internet travel agency is my first choice for my next purchase of travel services I will continue to purchase from this Internet travel agency 75 Table 14: Consulted studies with respect to "Relationship Commitment" Reference Items Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) My relationship to this specific service provider is something that I am very committed to My relationship to this specific service provider is very important to me My relationship to this specific service provider is something I really care about My relationship to this specific service provider deserves my maximum effort to maintain Table 15: Consulted studies with respect to "Word of Mouth" Reference Items Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) I often recommend this service provider to others Macintosh (2005) I have talked to co-workers and friends about my experience with (firm) Never = 0 Once or twice = 1 Several times = 2 Many times = 3 If you talked to co-workers or friends about (firm), your comments were generally Very negative = -2 Negative = -1 Neutral = 0 Positive = 1 Very positive = 2 Su et al. (2009) I often recommend this firm to my friends I will introduce this firm to others 76 Table 16: Measurement Items included in questionnaire (Likert scales 1-7) Model construct Measurement item Social Benefits Ik word herkend door reisorganisatie X op hun Based on Facebookpagina Ik vind de sociale aspecten van mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X op Facebook leuk Via Facebook heb ik een vriendschapsrelatie ontwikkeld met reisorganisatie X Ik ben bekend met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Mijn naam is bekend bij reisorganisatie X op Facebook Confidence Ik geloof dat er weinig risico is dat mijn privacy via Benefits Facebook geschonden wordt door reisorganisatie X Gwinner et al. (1998); Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) Ik kan de informatie op de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X vertrouwen Ik heb er vertrouwen in dat reisorganisatie X een goede dienst verleent op Facebook Door mijn relatie op Facebook met reisorganisatie X, heb ik minder angst bij het boeken van een reis Door de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X weet ik wat ik van de organisatie kan verwachten Op Facebook krijg ik de best mogelijke service van reisorganisatie X Functional De Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X biedt mij Benefits gemak Gwinner et al. (1998) Ik haal voordeel uit het advies dat ik krijg via de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Ik kan betere beslissingen nemen bij het boeken van mijn reis door het gebruik van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Reynolds & Beatty (1999) Reisorganisatie X houdt mij via Facebook op de hoogte van interessante reizen en bestemmingen Parra-López et al. (2011) 77 Measurement Items included in questionnaire (continued) Model construct Measurement item Based on Special Via Facebook ontvang ik kortingen en speciale deals Treatment van reisorganisatie X die de meeste klanten niet Benefits krijgen Via de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X krijg ik betere prijzen dan de meeste klanten Gwinner et al. (1998); Via Facebook ontvang ik een service van reisorganisatie X die veel andere klanten niet krijgen Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) Indien nodig, kan ik via Facebook snellere service krijgen van reisorganisatie X Chang & Chen (2007) Door middel van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X bespaar ik tijd bij het zoeken naar informatie Hedonic Benefits Yen & Gwinner (2003) Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X telkens interessant Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X amusant Het bezoeken van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X verblijdt mij Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van Cyr et al. (2007) reisorganisatie X telkens prettig Door de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X krijg ik Vogt & Fesenmaier (1998) zin om te reizen Customer e- Vergeleken met Satisfaction reisorganisaties, andere ben ik Facebookpagina’s erg tevreden van over de met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Op basis van al mijn ervaringen Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X, ben ik tevreden over hun dienstverlening Mijn ervaringen met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X zijn altijd prettig Over het algemeen ben ik tevreden over de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Zhang & Bloemer (2008) De Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X gaat mijn verwachtingen te boven (Benner, 2009) 78 Measurement Items included in questionnaire (continued) Model construct Measurement item Based on Customer Vergeleken met andere reisorganisaties, ben ik erg Satisfaction with tevreden over reisorganisatie X in het algemeen Tour Operator Op basis van al mijn ervaringen met reisorganisatie X, ben ik erg tevreden Mijn ervaringen met reisorganisatie X zijn altijd prettig Over het algemeen ben ik tevreden over Zhang & Bloemer (2008) reisorganisatie X Reisorganisatie X gaat in het algemeen mijn verwachtingen te boven Customer eLoyalty Benner ( 2009) Ik ben erg loyaal aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Ik voel me erg verbonden met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Ik beschouw mezelf erg loyaal aan de Facebookpagina Reynolds and Beatty (1999) van reisorganisatie X Customer Loyalty In het algemeen ben ik erg loyaal aan reisorganisatie X to Tour Operator Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van reisorganisatie X Ik ben in het algemeen erg verbonden met reisorganisatie X Ik beschouw mezelf een loyale klant van reisorganisatie X Relationship Ik ben gehecht aan mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X Commitment De relatie met reisorganisatie X is belangrijk voor me Reynolds and Beatty (1999) Ik geef veel om de relatie met reisorganisatie X Mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X verdient mijn maximale inspanning om te onderhouden Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) 79 Measurement Items included in questionnaire (continued) Model construct Measurement item Word of Mouth Ik raad reisorganisatie X vaak aan anderen aan Based on Hennig-Thurau et al. (2002) Wanneer ik met vrienden of collega’s spreek over reisorganisatie X, ben ik 1 = zeer negatief 2 = negatief 3 = eerder negatief 4 = neutraal 5 = eerder positief 6 = positief 7 = zeer positief Macintosh (2005) Ik ben van plan reisorganisatie X bij anderen te introduceren Su et al. (2009) 80 Appendix 2: Output used to check assumptions Normality tests Tests of univariate normality Kolmogorov-Smirnova Statistic df Shapiro-Wilk Sig. Statistic df Sig. SocialBenefits .063 157 .200* .983 157 .048 ConfidenceBenefits .056 157 .200* .985 157 .090 FunctionalBenefits .113 157 .000 .966 157 .001 SpecialTreatmentBenefits .064 157 .200* .985 157 .093 HedonicBenefits .084 157 .009 .957 157 .000 eSatisfaction .072 157 .046 .954 157 .000 Satisfaction .106 157 .000 .931 157 .000 eLoyalty .101 157 .000 .976 157 .008 Loyalty .083 157 .011 .966 157 .001 RelationshipCommitment .096 157 .001 .967 157 .001 WOM .104 157 .000 .917 157 .000 a. Lilliefors Significance Correction *. This is a lower bound of the true significance. Mardia’s coefficient Multivariate Kurtosis Critical ratio 217.743 18.917 81 Scatter plots 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Levene’s Test Test of Homogeneity of Variances Social Levene Benefits Statistic df1 df2 Sig. eSatisfaction 3.199 23 128 .000 eLoyalty 1.321 23 128 .167 Commitment 1.955 23 128 .010 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Confidence Levene Benefits Statistic df1 df2 Sig. eSatisfaction 2.763 25 128 .000 eLoyalty 1.367 25 128 .133 Commitment 2.157 25 128 .003 90 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Functional Levene Benefits Statistic df1 df2 Sig. eSatisfaction 1.304 18 136 .194 eLoyalty 1.056 18 136 .403 Commitment 1.553 18 136 .081 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Special Treatment Levene Benefits Statistic eSatisfaction eLoyalty Commitment df1 df2 Sig. 2.869 23 130 .,000 .807 23 130 .718 1.429 23 130 .109 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Hedonic Levene Benefits Statistic df1 df2 Sig. eSatisfaction 1.190 19 134 .275 eLoyalty 1.447 19 134 .115 Commitment 1.834 19 134 .025 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Customer e- Levene Satisfaction Statistic Satisfaction df1 df2 Sig. 3.435 20 134 .000 .932 20 134 .548 Commitment 1.542 20 134 .077 WOM 2.805 20 134 .000 eLoyalty 91 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Customer Satisfaction Loyalty Levene Statistic df2 Sig. 1.525 18 132 .091 .831 18 132 .662 3.599 18 132 .000 Commitment WOM df1 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Customer e- Levene Loyalty Statistic Loyalty df1 4,184 df2 19 Sig. 135 ,000 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Relationship Levene Commitment Statistic Loyalty 1.498 df1 df2 21 133 Sig. .088 92 Durbin-Watson Test Model Summaryb Model Summaryb Model Model Durbin-Watson Durbin-Watson 2.293a 1.978a a. Predictors: (Constant), HedonicBenefits, a. Predictors: (Constant), eSatisfaction, SocialBenefits, SpecialTreatmentBenefits, SocialBenefits, SpecialTreatmentBenefits, ConfidenceBenefits, FunctionalBenefits HedonicBenefits, ConfidenceBenefits, FunctionalBenefits b. Dependent Variable: eSatisfaction b. Dependent Variable: eLoyalty Model Summaryb Model Model Summaryb Durbin-Watson Model Durbin-Watson 1.950a 1.927a a. Predictors: (Constant), eSatisfaction, a. Predictors: (Constant), eSatisfaction Satisfaction, SocialBenefits, b. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction SpecialTreatmentBenefits, HedonicBenefits, ConfidenceBenefits, FunctionalBenefits b. Dependent Variable: RelationshipCommitment Model Summaryb Model Summaryb Model Model Durbin-Watson Durbin-Watson 1.922a 1.738a a. Predictors: (Constant), Satisfaction, eLoyalty, a. Predictors: (Constant), RelationshipCommitment RelationshipCommitment, eSatisfaction, b. Dependent Variable: Loyalty Satisfaction b. Dependent Variable: WOM 93 VIF values Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF ConfidenceBenefits .347 2.882 FunctionalBenefits .273 3.666 SpecialTreatmentBenefits .446 2.241 HedonicBenefits .378 2.644 eSatisfaction .233 4.287 Satisfaction .256 3.911 eLoyalty .266 3.756 Loyalty .227 4.415 RelationshipCommitment .309 3.240 WOM .246 4.060 a. Dependent Variable: SocialBenefits Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF FunctionalBenefits .320 3127 SpecialTreatmentBenefits .446 2.243 HedonicBenefits .378 2.643 eSatisfaction .234 4.274 Satisfaction .256 3.901 eLoyalty .269 3.721 Loyalty .224 4.459 RelationshipCommitment .292 3.430 WOM .248 4.025 SocialBenefits .480 2.082 a. Dependent Variable: ConfidenceBenefits 94 Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF SpecialTreatmentBenefits .534 1.873 HedonicBenefits .392 2.552 eSatisfaction .247 4.056 Satisfaction .251 3.984 eLoyalty .266 3.764 Loyalty .229 4.363 RelationshipCommitment .291 3.433 WOM .248 4.028 SocialBenefits .444 2.252 ConfidenceBenefits .376 2.660 a. Dependent Variable: FunctionalBenefits Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF HedonicBenefits .378 2.644 eSatisfaction .247 4.052 Satisfaction .252 3.963 eLoyalty .266 3.766 Loyalty .225 4.449 RelationshipCommitment .291 3.433 WOM .246 4.058 SocialBenefits .449 2.226 ConfidenceBenefits .324 3.084 FunctionalBenefits .330 3.028 a. Dependent Variable: SpecialTreatmentBenefits 95 Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF eSatisfaction .249 4.014 Satisfaction .251 3.986 eLoyalty .291 3.437 Loyalty .224 4.458 RelationshipCommitment .291 3.433 WOM .246 4.059 SocialBenefits .443 2.256 ConfidenceBenefits .320 3.123 FunctionalBenefits .282 3.546 SpecialTreatmentBenefits .440 2.272 a. Dependent Variable: HedonicBenefits Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF Satisfaction .257 3.884 eLoyalty .286 3.501 Loyalty .226 4.430 RelationshipCommitment .294 3.407 WOM .246 4.059 SocialBenefits .443 2.255 ConfidenceBenefits .321 3.113 FunctionalBenefits .288 3.473 SpecialTreatmentBenefits .466 2.146 HedonicBenefits .404 2.474 a. Dependent Variable: eSatisfaction 96 Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF eLoyalty .266 3.758 Loyalty .242 4.124 RelationshipCommitment .293 3.412 WOM .335 2.987 SocialBenefits .452 2.214 ConfidenceBenefits .327 3.057 FunctionalBenefits .272 3.671 SpecialTreatmentBenefits .443 2.259 HedonicBenefits .378 2.644 eSatisfaction .239 4.180 a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF Loyalty .225 4.448 RelationshipCommitment .305 3.276 WOM .246 4.059 SocialBenefits .445 2.247 ConfidenceBenefits .324 3.082 FunctionalBenefits .273 3.665 SpecialTreatmentBenefits .441 2.269 HedonicBenefits .415 2.409 eSatisfaction .251 3.982 Satisfaction .252 3.972 a. Dependent Variable: eLoyalty 97 Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF RelationshipCommitment .365 2.737 WOM .256 3.899 SocialBenefits .448 2.232 ConfidenceBenefits .320 3.120 FunctionalBenefits .279 3.589 SpecialTreatmentBenefits .442 2.264 HedonicBenefits .379 2.640 eSatisfaction .235 4.256 Satisfaction .272 3.682 eLoyalty .266 3.757 a. Dependent Variable: Loyalty Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF WOM .257 3.886 SocialBenefits .470 2.130 ConfidenceBenefits .320 3.121 FunctionalBenefits .272 3.673 SpecialTreatmentBenefits .440 2.272 HedonicBenefits .378 2.644 eSatisfaction .235 4.256 Satisfaction .252 3.962 eLoyalty .278 3.599 Loyalty .281 3.559 a. Dependent Variable: RelationshipCommitment 98 Coefficientsa Collinearity Statistics Model Tolerance VIF SocialBenefits .444 2.254 ConfidenceBenefits .323 3.094 FunctionalBenefits .275 3.640 SpecialTreatmentBenefits .441 2.269 HedonicBenefits .379 2.641 eSatisfaction .233 4.285 Satisfaction .341 2.930 eLoyalty .265 3.767 Loyalty .233 4.283 RelationshipCommitment .305 3.283 a. Dependent Variable: WOM 99 Appendix 3: Output used during exploratory factor analysis Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett's Test KMO and Bartlett’s test for each latent variable # Latent variable KMO Items Bartlett’s test of sphericity Sig. Social Benefits 5 .822 .000 Confidence Benefits 6 .825 .000 Functional Benefits 4 .780 .000 Special Treatment Benefits 5 .832 .000 Hedonic Benefits 5 .829 .000 Customer e-Satisfaction 5 .857 .000 Customer Satisfaction with TO 5 .876 .000 Customer e-Loyalty 4 .801 .000 Customer Loyalty to TO 4 .861 .000 Relationship Commitment 4 .842 .000 WOM 3 .761 .000 Total variance explained Total Variance Explained for Social Benefits Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Component Total Variance Cumulative % 1 3.013 60.263 60.263 2 .739 14.783 75.047 3 .510 10.204 85.250 4 .381 7.621 92.871 5 .356 7.129 100.000 Total 3.013 % of Variance 60.263 Cumulative % 60.263 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 100 Total Variance Explained for Confidence Benefits Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Component Total Variance Cumulative % 1 3.348 55.808 55.808 2 .993 16.556 72.363 3 .559 9.313 81.676 4 .442 7.374 89.051 5 .354 5.907 94.958 6 .303 5.042 100.000 Total 3.348 % of Variance 55.808 Cumulative % 55.808 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Total Variance Explained for Functional Benefits Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Component Total Variance Cumulative % 1 2.570 64.257 64.257 2 .608 15.193 79.451 3 .474 11.843 91.293 4 .348 8.707 100.000 Total 2.570 % of Variance 64.257 Cumulative % 64.257 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Total Variance Explained for Special Treatment Benefits Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 3.367 67.349 67.349 2 .765 15.305 82.655 3 .313 6.265 88.920 4 .305 6.098 95.018 5 .249 4.982 100.000 Total 3.367 % of Variance 67.349 Cumulative % 67.349 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 101 Total Variance Explained for Hedonic Benefits Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 3.471 69.430 69.430 2 .695 13.896 83.326 3 .342 6.839 90.165 4 .300 5.997 96.162 5 .192 3.838 100.000 Total 3.471 % of Variance 69.430 Cumulative % 69.430 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Total Variance Explained for Customer e-Satisfaction Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 3.494 69.881 69.881 2 .536 10.724 80.605 3 .427 8.544 89.149 4 .313 6.262 95.412 5 .229 4.588 100.000 Total 3.494 % of Variance 69.881 Cumulative % 69.881 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Total Variance Explained for Customer Satisfaction Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 3.860 77.191 77.191 2 .520 10.399 87.590 3 .364 7.282 94.872 4 .141 2.820 97.692 5 .115 2.308 100.000 Total 3.860 % of Variance 77.191 Cumulative % 77.191 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 102 Total Variance Explained for Customer e-Loyalty Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 3.229 80.721 80.721 2 .378 9.454 90.175 3 .296 7.401 97.576 4 .097 2.424 100.000 Total 3.229 % of Variance 80.721 Cumulative % 80.721 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Total Variance Explained for Customer Loyalty Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 3.331 83.267 83.267 2 .250 6.247 89.514 3 .248 6.205 95.719 4 .171 4.281 100.000 Total 3.331 % of Variance 83.267 Cumulative % 83.267 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Total Variance Explained for Relationship Commitment Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 3.511 87.774 87.774 2 .252 6.288 94.062 3 .154 3.841 97.903 4 .084 2.097 100.000 Total 3.511 % of Variance 87.774 Cumulative % 87.774 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 103 Total Variance Explained for Word of Mouth Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 2.594 86.470 86.470 2 .224 7.454 93.923 3 .182 6.077 100.000 Total 2.594 % of Variance 86.470 Cumulative % 86.470 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Scree Plots Social Benefits Confidence Benefits 104 Functional Benefits Special Treatment Benefits Hedonic Benefits 105 Customer e-Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction Customer e-Loyalty 106 Customer Loyalty Relationship Commitment Word of Mouth 107 Component Matrices Component Matrixa for Social Benefits Component 1 Ik word herkend door reisorganisatie X op hun Facebookpagina .794 Ik vind de sociale aspecten van mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X op Facebook leuk .802 Via Facebook heb ik een vriendschapsrelatie ontwikkeld met reisorganisatie X .812 Ik ben bekend met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X .637 Mijn naam is bekend bij reisorganisatie X op Facebook .822 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. Component Matrixa for Confidence Benefits Component 1 Ik geloof dat er weinig risico is dat mijn privacy via Facebook geschonden wordt door .613 reisorganisatie X Ik kan de informatie op de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X vertrouwen .730 Ik heb er vertrouwen in dat reisorganisatie X een goede dienst verleent op Facebook .832 Door mijn relatie op Facebook met reisorganisatie X, heb ik minder angst bij het boeken van .779 een reis Door de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X weet ik wat ik van de organisatie kan .741 verwachten Op Facebook krijg ik de best mogelijke service van reisorganisatie X .768 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. 108 Component Matrixa for Functional Benefits Component 1 De Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X biedt mij gemak .817 Ik haal voordeel uit het advies dat ik krijg via de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X .852 Ik kan betere beslissingen nemen bij het boeken van mijn reis door het gebruik van de .789 Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Reisorganisatie X houdt mij via Facebook op de hoogte van interessante reizen en .744 bestemmingen Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. Component Matrixa for Special Treatment Benefits Component 1 Via Facebook ontvang ik kortingen en speciale deals van reisorganisatie X die de meeste .735 klanten niet krijgen Via de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X krijg ik betere prijzen dan de meeste klanten .886 Via Facebook ontvang ik een service van reisorganisatie X die veel andere klanten niet .885 krijgen Indien nodig, kan ik via Facebook snellere service krijgen van reisorganisatie X .848 Door middel van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X bespaar ik tijd bij het zoeken .735 naar informatie Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. 109 Component Matrixa for Hedonic Benefits Component 1 Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X telkens interessant .801 Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X amusant .839 Het bezoeken van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X verblijdt mij .890 Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X telkens prettig .905 Door de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X krijg ik zin om te reizen .718 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. Component Matrixa for Customer e-Satisfaction Component 1 Vergeleken met andere Facebookpagina’s van reisorganisaties, ben ik erg tevreden over .809 de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Op basis van al mijn ervaringen met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X, ben .864 ik tevreden over hun dienstverlening Mijn ervaringen met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X zijn altijd prettig .864 Over het algemeen ben ik tevreden over de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X .847 De Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X gaat mijn verwachtingen te boven .793 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. Component Matrixa for Customer Satisfaction Component 1 Vergeleken met andere reisorganisaties, ben ik erg tevreden over reisorganisatie X in het .842 algemeen Op basis van al mijn ervaringen met reisorganisatie X, ben ik erg tevreden .934 Mijn ervaringen met reisorganisatie X zijn altijd prettig .930 Over het algemeen ben ik tevreden over reisorganisatie X .926 Reisorganisatie X gaat in het algemeen mijn verwachtingen te boven .745 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. 110 Component Matrixa for Customer e-Loyalty Component 1 Ik ben erg loyaal aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X .881 Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van de Facebookpagina van .846 reisorganisatie X Ik voel me erg verbonden met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X .930 Ik beschouw mezelf erg loyaal aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X .933 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. Component Matrixa for Customer Loyalty Component 1 In het algemeen ben ik erg loyaal aan reisorganisatie X .901 Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van reisorganisatie X .901 Ik ben in het algemeen erg verbonden met reisorganisatie X .920 Ik beschouw mezelf een loyale klant van reisorganisatie X .928 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. Component Matrixa for Relationship Commitment Component 1 Ik ben gehecht aan mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X .932 De relatie met reisorganisatie X is belangrijk voor me .950 Ik geef veel om de relatie met reisorganisatie X .960 Mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X verdient mijn maximale inspanning om te onderhouden .905 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. 111 Component Matrixa for Word of Mouth Component 1 Ik raad reisorganisatie X vaak aan anderen aan .938 Wanneer ik met vrienden of collega’s spreek over reisorganisatie X, ben ik ... .925 Ik ben van plan reisorganisatie X bij anderen te introduceren .927 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. Communalities Communalities for Social Benefits Initial Extraction Ik word herkend door reisorganisatie X op hun Facebookpagina 1.000 .630 Ik vind de sociale aspecten van mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X op Facebook leuk 1.000 .643 Via Facebook heb ik een vriendschapsrelatie ontwikkeld met reisorganisatie X 1.000 .660 Ik ben bekend met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X 1.000 .406 Mijn naam is bekend bij reisorganisatie X op Facebook 1.000 .675 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Communalities for Confidence Benefits Initial Ik geloof dat er weinig risico is dat mijn privacy via Facebook geschonden wordt door Extraction 1.000 .376 Ik kan de informatie op de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X vertrouwen 1.000 .533 Ik heb er vertrouwen in dat reisorganisatie X een goede dienst verleent op Facebook 1.000 .693 Door mijn relatie op Facebook met reisorganisatie X, heb ik minder angst bij het 1.000 .608 1.000 .550 1.000 .589 reisorganisatie X boeken van een reis Door de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X weet ik wat ik van de organisatie kan verwachten Op Facebook krijg ik de best mogelijke service van reisorganisatie X Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 112 Communalities for Functional Benefits Initial Extraction De Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X biedt mij gemak 1.000 .668 Ik haal voordeel uit het advies dat ik krijg via de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie 1.000 .727 1.000 .622 1.000 .554 X Ik kan betere beslissingen nemen bij het boeken van mijn reis door het gebruik van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Reisorganisatie X houdt mij via Facebook op de hoogte van interessante reizen en bestemmingen Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Communalities for Special Treatment Benefits Initial Via Facebook ontvang ik kortingen en speciale deals van reisorganisatie X die de Extraction 1.000 .541 1.000 .784 1.000 .783 Indien nodig, kan ik via Facebook snellere service krijgen van reisorganisatie X 1.000 .719 Door middel van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X bespaar ik tijd bij het 1.000 .540 meeste klanten niet krijgen Via de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X krijg ik betere prijzen dan de meeste klanten Via Facebook ontvang ik een service van reisorganisatie X die veel andere klanten niet krijgen zoeken naar informatie Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Communalities for Hedonic Benefits Initial Extraction Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X telkens interessant 1.000 .642 Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X amusant 1.000 .705 Het bezoeken van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X verblijdt mij 1.000 .792 Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X telkens prettig 1.000 .818 Door de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X krijg ik zin om te reizen 1.000 .515 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 113 Communalities for Customer e-Satisfaction Initial Vergeleken met andere Facebookpagina’s van reisorganisaties, ben ik erg tevreden Extraction 1.000 .655 1.000 .746 Mijn ervaringen met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X zijn altijd prettig 1.000 .746 Over het algemeen ben ik tevreden over de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X 1.000 .718 De Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X gaat mijn verwachtingen te boven 1.000 .629 over de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Op basis van al mijn ervaringen met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X, ben ik tevreden over hun dienstverlening Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Communalities for Customer Satisfaction Initial Vergeleken met andere reisorganisaties, ben ik erg tevreden over reisorganisatie X Extraction 1.000 .710 Op basis van al mijn ervaringen met reisorganisatie X, ben ik erg tevreden 1.000 .873 Mijn ervaringen met reisorganisatie X zijn altijd prettig 1.000 .864 Over het algemeen ben ik tevreden over reisorganisatie X 1.000 .857 Reisorganisatie X gaat in het algemeen mijn verwachtingen te boven 1.000 .555 in het algemeen Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Communalities for Customer e-Loyalty Initial Extraction Ik ben erg loyaal aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X 1.000 .777 Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van de Facebookpagina van 1.000 .716 Ik voel me erg verbonden met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X 1.000 .865 Ik beschouw mezelf erg loyaal aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X 1.000 .870 reisorganisatie X Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 114 Communalities for Customer Loyalty Initial Extraction In het algemeen ben ik erg loyaal aan reisorganisatie X 1.000 .812 Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van reisorganisatie X 1.000 .812 Ik ben in het algemeen erg verbonden met reisorganisatie X 1.000 .845 Ik beschouw mezelf een loyale klant van reisorganisatie X 1.000 .861 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Communalities for Relationship Commitment Initial Extraction Ik ben gehecht aan mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X 1.000 .868 De relatie met reisorganisatie X is belangrijk voor me 1.000 .902 Ik geef veel om de relatie met reisorganisatie X 1.000 .922 Mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X verdient mijn maximale inspanning om te 1.000 .819 onderhouden Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Communalities for Word of Mouth Initial Extraction Ik raad reisorganisatie X vaak aan anderen aan 1.000 .879 Wanneer ik met vrienden of collega’s spreek over reisorganisatie X, ben ik ... 1.000 .855 Ik ben van plan reisorganisatie X bij anderen te introduceren 1.000 .860 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 115 Reliability analysis Social Benefits (Cronbach’s α=.831) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted Ik word herkend door reisorganisatie X op hun Facebookpagina .650 .792 Ik vind de sociale aspecten van mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X op Facebook .667 .791 Via Facebook heb ik een vriendschapsrelatie ontwikkeld met reisorganisatie X .674 .784 Ik ben bekend met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X .478 .837 Mijn naam is bekend bij reisorganisatie X op Facebook .699 .776 leuk Confidence Benefits (Cronbach’s α=.836) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Ik geloof dat er weinig risico is dat mijn privacy via Facebook geschonden Deleted .462 .836 Ik kan de informatie op de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X vertrouwen .583 .815 Ik heb er vertrouwen in dat reisorganisatie X een goede dienst verleent op .715 .792 .667 .798 .622 .807 .648 .801 wordt door reisorganisatie X Facebook Door mijn relatie op Facebook met reisorganisatie X, heb ik minder angst bij het boeken van een reis Door de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X weet ik wat ik van de organisatie kan verwachten Op Facebook krijg ik de best mogelijke service van reisorganisatie X 116 Functional Benefits (Cronbach’s α=.813) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted De Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X biedt mij gemak .654 .757 Ik haal voordeel uit het advies dat ik krijg via de Facebookpagina van .705 .729 .616 .774 .560 .798 reisorganisatie X Ik kan betere beslissingen nemen bij het boeken van mijn reis door het gebruik van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Reisorganisatie X houdt mij via Facebook op de hoogte van interessante reizen en bestemmingen Special Treatment Benefits (Cronbach’s α=.873) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Via Facebook ontvang ik kortingen en speciale deals van reisorganisatie X die Deleted .589 .874 .801 .826 .797 .822 .748 .834 .596 .872 de meeste klanten niet krijgen Via de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X krijg ik betere prijzen dan de meeste klanten Via Facebook ontvang ik een service van reisorganisatie X die veel andere klanten niet krijgen Indien nodig, kan ik via Facebook snellere service krijgen van reisorganisatie X Door middel van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X bespaar ik tijd bij het zoeken naar informatie 117 Hedonic Benefits (Cronbach’s α=.885) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X telkens Deleted .676 .871 Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X amusant .734 .857 Het bezoeken van de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X verblijdt mij .807 .840 Ik vind mijn bezoek aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X telkens .836 .835 .583 .894 interessant prettig Door de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X krijg ik zin om te reizen Customer e-Satisfaction (Cronbach’s α=.891) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Vergeleken met andere Facebookpagina’s van reisorganisaties, ben ik erg Deleted .703 .875 .776 .858 Mijn ervaringen met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X zijn altijd prettig .770 .860 Over het algemeen ben ik tevreden over de Facebookpagina van .747 .865 .682 .880 tevreden over de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X Op basis van al mijn ervaringen met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X, ben ik tevreden over hun dienstverlening reisorganisatie X De Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X gaat mijn verwachtingen te boven 118 Customer Satisfaction (Cronbach’s α=.923) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Vergeleken met andere reisorganisaties, ben ik erg tevreden over Deleted .754 .914 Op basis van al mijn ervaringen met reisorganisatie X, ben ik erg tevreden .882 .888 Mijn ervaringen met reisorganisatie X zijn altijd prettig .873 .890 Over het algemeen ben ik tevreden over reisorganisatie X .869 .893 Reisorganisatie X gaat in het algemeen mijn verwachtingen te boven .638 .937 reisorganisatie X in het algemeen Customer e-Loyalty (Cronbach’s α=.920) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted Ik ben erg loyaal aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X .790 .905 Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van de Facebookpagina .739 .922 Ik voel me erg verbonden met de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X .868 .878 Ik beschouw mezelf erg loyaal aan de Facebookpagina van reisorganisatie X .871 .877 van reisorganisatie X Customer Loyalty (Cronbach’s α=.933) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted In het algemeen ben ik erg loyaal aan reisorganisatie X .824 .918 Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van reisorganisatie X .824 .918 Ik ben in het algemeen erg verbonden met reisorganisatie X .854 .909 Ik beschouw mezelf een loyale klant van reisorganisatie X .867 .904 119 Relationship Commitment (Cronbach’s α=.953) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted Ik ben gehecht aan mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X .877 .941 De relatie met reisorganisatie X is belangrijk voor me .907 .932 Ik geef veel om de relatie met reisorganisatie X .926 .927 Mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X verdient mijn maximale inspanning om te .835 .954 onderhouden Word of Mouth (Cronbach’s α=.918) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted Ik raad reisorganisatie X vaak aan anderen aan .856 .867 Wanneer ik met vrienden of collega’s spreek over reisorganisatie X, ben ik ... .831 .895 Ik ben van plan reisorganisatie X bij anderen te introduceren .837 .881 120 Appendix 4: Output used during confirmatory factor analysis Table 17: Regression weights in the measurement model Estimate P A5 <--- Social_Benefits 1.000 *** A4 <--- Social_Benefits .653 *** A3 <--- Social_Benefits 1.079 *** A2 <--- Social_Benefits .817 *** A1 <--- Social_Benefits 1.020 *** B6 <--- Confidence_Benefits 1.000 *** B5 <--- Confidence_Benefits .960 *** B4 <--- Confidence_Benefits 1.096 *** B3 <--- Confidence_Benefits .833 *** B2 <--- Confidence_Benefits .649 *** B1 <--- Confidence_Benefits .572 *** C4 <--- Functional_Benefits 1.000 *** C3 <--- Functional_Benefits 1.185 *** C2 <--- Functional_Benefits 1.438 *** C1 <--- Functional_Benefits 1.213 *** D5 <--- Special_Treatment_Benefits 1.000 *** D4 <--- Special_Treatment_Benefits 1.115 *** D3 <--- Special_Treatment_Benefits 1.129 *** D2 <--- Special_Treatment_Benefits .987 *** D1 <--- Special_Treatment_Benefits .914 *** E5 <--- Hedonic_Benefits 1.000 *** E4 <--- Hedonic_Benefits 1.193 *** E3 <--- Hedonic_Benefits 1.171 *** E2 <--- Hedonic_Benefits 1.016 *** E1 <--- Hedonic_Benefits 1.093 *** F1 <--- Customer_eSatisfaction 1.000 *** F2 <--- Customer_eSatisfaction 1.176 *** F3 <--- Customer_eSatisfaction 1.118 *** F4 <--- Customer_eSatisfaction 1.106 *** F5 <--- Customer_eSatisfaction 1.009 *** 121 Regression weights in the measurement model (continued) Estimate P G1 <--- Customer_Satisfaction 1.000 *** G2 <--- Customer_Satisfaction 1.158 *** G3 <--- Customer_Satisfaction 1.179 *** G4 <--- Customer_Satisfaction 1.077 *** G5 <--- Customer_Satisfaction .852 *** H4 <--- Customer_eLoyalty 1.000 *** H3 <--- Customer_eLoyalty .991 *** H2 <--- Customer_eLoyalty .748 *** H1 <--- Customer_eLoyalty .809 *** I4 <--- Customer_Loyalty 1.000 *** I3 <--- Customer_Loyalty .975 *** I2 <--- Customer_Loyalty .878 *** I1 <--- Customer_Loyalty .909 *** J4 <--- Relationship_Commitment 1.000 *** J3 <--- Relationship_Commitment 1.094 *** J2 <--- Relationship_Commitment 1.086 *** J1 <--- Relationship_Commitment 1.057 *** K1 <--- WOM 1.000 *** K2 <--- WOM .880 *** K3 <--- WOM .947 *** KMO and Bartlett’s Test Latent variable # KMO Items Bartlett’s test of sphericity Sig. Customer Loyaltya 8 .907 .000 a. Including items of the initial Customer Loyalty and Relationship Commitment 122 Total Variance Explained for Customer Loyaltya Initial Eigenvalues Component Total Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumulative Variance % 1 6.164 77.051 77.051 2 .728 9.097 86.148 3 .273 3.411 89.559 4 .256 3.200 92.759 5 .204 2.549 95.309 6 .179 2.237 97.546 7 .129 1.613 99.158 8 .067 .842 100.000 Total % of Variance 6.164 77.051 Cumulative % 77.051 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. Including items of the initial Customer Loyalty and Relationship Commitment Customer Loyaltya a. Including items of the initial Customer Loyalty and Relationship Commitment 123 Component Matrixa for Customer Loyaltyb Component 1 In het algemeen ben ik erg loyaal aan reisorganisatie X .854 Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van reisorganisatie X .827 Ik ben in het algemeen erg verbonden met reisorganisatie X .878 Ik beschouw mezelf een loyale klant van reisorganisatie X .893 Ik ben gehecht aan mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X .926 De relatie met reisorganisatie X is belangrijk voor me .914 Ik geef veel om de relatie met reisorganisatie X .896 Mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X verdient mijn maximale inspanning om te .828 onderhouden Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. b. Including items of the initial Customer Loyalty and Relationship Commitment Communalities for Customer Loyaltya Initial Extraction In het algemeen ben ik erg loyaal aan reisorganisatie X 1.000 .729 Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van reisorganisatie X 1.000 .684 Ik ben in het algemeen erg verbonden met reisorganisatie X 1.000 .772 Ik beschouw mezelf een loyale klant van reisorganisatie X 1.000 .797 Ik ben gehecht aan mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X 1.000 .858 De relatie met reisorganisatie X is belangrijk voor me 1.000 .836 Ik geef veel om de relatie met reisorganisatie X 1.000 .802 Mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X verdient mijn maximale inspanning om te 1.000 .686 onderhouden Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. Including items of the initial Customer Loyalty and Relationship Commitment. 124 Customer Loyaltya (Cronbach’s α=.957) Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted In het algemeen ben ik erg loyaal aan reisorganisatie X .807 .953 Ik ben van plan om binnenkort weer gebruik te maken van .775 .955 Ik ben in het algemeen erg verbonden met reisorganisatie X .836 .951 Ik beschouw mezelf een loyale klant van reisorganisatie X .855 .950 Ik ben gehecht aan mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X .900 .947 De relatie met reisorganisatie X is belangrijk voor me .885 .948 Ik geef veel om de relatie met reisorganisatie X .863 .950 Mijn relatie met reisorganisatie X verdient mijn maximale inspanning om .779 .955 reisorganisatie X te onderhouden a. Including items of the initial Customer Loyalty and Relationship Commitment 125 Covaried error terms and their modification indices M.I. Par Change ε41 ↔ ε40 16.858 .264 ε42 ↔ ε40 10.127 .189 ε42 ↔ ε41 15.477 .243 ε43 ↔ ε40 11.320 .195 ε43 ↔ ε41 19.546 .267 ε43 ↔ ε42 24.599 .277 ε45 ↔ ε40 11.268 -.163 ε45 ↔ ε42 13.618 -.172 ε46 ↔ ε41 21.810 -.258 ε46 ↔ ε42 15.408 -.201 ε46 ↔ ε43 28.783 -.267 ε46 ↔ ε45 45.852 .281 ε47 ↔ ε42 16.447 -.263 ε47 ↔ ε46 34.226 .339 ε48 ↔ ε50 16.381 .208 ε31 ↔ ε32 10.907 .140 ε28 ↔ ε29 10.856 .135 ε22 ↔ ε21 12.801 .214 ε25 ↔ ε21 13.317 -.274 ε17 ↔ ε16 14.697 .339 ε20 ↔ ε16 22.240 -.563 ε7 ↔ ε6 12.216 .331 ε8 ↔ ε7 30.729 .382 ε10 ↔ ε9 12.214 .409 126 Covariance between error terms and their justification Variable Items with covaried Justification error terms Confidence Benefits 7↔8 Both items are about trust in the organization. 9 ↔ 10 When people know what to expect, they probably might have no fear during the booking and vice versa. 6↔7 Trust in an organization for not violating one’s privacy does not mean one can trust the information provided and vice versa. Special Treatment 16 ↔ 17 Both items are about special deals. 16 ↔ 20 Special deals and discounts do not save time by Benefits searching for information and vice versa. Hedonic Benefits 21 ↔ 22 Customers might think visiting the Facebook page is amusing when it is interesting and vice versa. 21 ↔ 25 Customers may think that the Facebook page is interesting when they are going to feel like traveling and vice versa. Customer e- 28 ↔ 29 Satisfaction When experiences with the Facebook page are always pleasant, a customer will generally be satisfied and vice versa Customer Satisfaction 31 ↔ 32 Both items are about satisfaction with the tour operator Customer Loyalty Word of Mouth 41 ↔ 40, 42 ↔ 40, 42 ↔ 41, 43 ↔ 40, 43 ↔ 41, 43 ↔ 42, 45 ↔ 40, 45 ↔ 42, 46 ↔ 41, 46 ↔ 42, 46 ↔ 43, 46 ↔ 45, 47 ↔ 42, 47 ↔ 46 All items are about feeling loyal and attached to the 48 ↔ 50 If a customer recommends an organization to organization, which is correlated to the desire to book another holiday and providing effort in the relationship someone else, he might intend to introduce this organization to another person and the other way around 127 Appendix 5: Output used during structural equation modeling Table 18: Significant paths found with the proposed model P-value Customer Loyalty Social Benefits .003 Customer e-Satisfaction Hedonic Benefits *** Customer Loyalty Customer Satisfaction *** Customer Satisfaction Customer e-Satisfaction *** Customer Loyalty Customer e-Loyalty .012 Word of Mouth Customer Loyalty *** Word of Mouth Customer Satisfaction *** 128 Appendix 6: Output used during nested structural models testing Best fitting models according to BCC Model Params df C C-df BCC 0 BIC 0 C/df p 32 143 1132 1999.957 867.957 0.000 0.000 1.767 0.000 42 144 1131 1997.114 866.114 0.127 2.212 1.766 0.000 52 145 1130 1994.186 864.186 0.171 4.341 1.765 0.000 43 144 1131 1997.348 866.348 0.362 2.447 1.766 0.000 62 146 1129 1991.938 862.938 0.895 7.149 1.764 0.000 44 144 1131 1997.910 866.910 0.924 3.009 1.766 0.000 54 145 1130 1995.133 865.133 1.119 5.288 1.766 0.000 64 146 1129 1992.242 863.242 1.199 7.453 1.765 0.000 45 144 1131 1998.206 867.206 1.220 3.305 1.767 0.000 55 145 1130 1995.261 865.261 1.247 5.416 1.766 0.000 56 145 1130 1995.307 865.307 1.292 5.462 1.766 0.000 46 144 1131 1998.329 867.329 1.343 3.427 1.767 0.000 47 144 1131 1998.696 867.696 1.710 3.795 1.767 0.000 57 145 1130 1995.741 865.741 1.726 5.896 1.766 0.000 58 145 1130 1995.898 865.898 1.883 6.053 1.766 0.000 48 144 1131 1998.941 867.941 1.955 4.040 1.767 0.000 59 145 1130 1996.078 866.078 2.063 6.233 1.766 0.000 Notes Best fitting models according to BIC Model Params df C C-df BCC 0 BIC 0 C/df p 32 143 1132 1999.957 867.957 0.000 0.000 1.767 0.000 22 142 1133 2006.734 873.734 3.805 1.721 1.771 0.000 42 144 1131 1997.114 866.114 0.127 2.212 1.766 0.000 Notes 129 Best fitting models for different parameters (short list) Model Params df C C-df BCC 0 BIC 0 C/df p Notes 1 139 1136 2224.558 1088.588 212.714 204.375 1.958 0.000 2 140 1135 2074.926 939.926 66.055 59.800 1.828 0.000 12 141 1134 2027.104 893.104 21.203 17.034 1.788 0.000 22 142 1133 2006.734 873.734 3.805 1.721 1.771 0.000 32 143 1132 1999.957 867.957 0.000 0.000 1.767 0.000 42 144 1131 1997.114 866.114 0.127 2.212 1.766 0.000 52 145 1130 1994.186 864.186 0.171 4.341 1.765 0.000 62 146 1129 1991.938 862.938 0.895 7.149 1.764 0.000 72 147 1128 1990.478 862.478 2.406 10.745 1.765 0.000 82 148 1127 1989.418 862.418 4.317 14.742 1.765 0.000 93 149 1126 1988.822 862.822 6.693 19.202 1.766 0.000 108 150 1125 1988.347 863.347 9.190 23.783 1.767 0.000 112 151 1124 1987.407 863.407 11.221 27.900 1.768 0.000 Unstable 122 152 1123 1987.158 864.158 13.944 32.707 1.770 0.000 Unstable 132 153 1122 1986.942 864.942 16.698 37.547 1.771 0.000 Unstable 142 154 1121 1986.811 19.540 19.540 42.473 1.772 0.000 Unstable 152 155 1120 1986.766 866.766 22.466 47.483 1.774 0.000 Unstable 162 156 1119 1986.470 867.470 25.142 52.244 1.775 0.000 Unstable 178 157 1118 1988.470 870.470 30.113 59.300 1.779 0.000 182 158 1117 0.000 Iteration Limit 130 Table 19: Significant indirect effects found by the final model Hedonic Benefits Customer eSatisfaction Customer eLoyalty Customer Satisfaction Customer Loyalty WOM Special Treatment Benefits Functional Confidence Social Customer Customer Customer Customer Benefits Benefits Benefits eSatisfaction eLoyalty Satisfaction Loyalty WOM ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,493 ,000 ,000 ,429 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,347 ,000 ,000 ,302 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,384 ,000 ,000 ,334 ,093 ,838 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,407 ,000 -,173 ,354 ,155 ,888 ,120 ,154 ,000 ,000 131