please read this booklet! keep for future reference!


please read this booklet! keep for future reference!
Dear Parents:
Welcome to YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow! We know there are many choices when it comes to summer
camp and we thank you for choosing to send your child(ren) to YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow.
This booklet will help you understand the procedures and policies regarding your child’s stay at YMCA
Camp Flaming Arrow. A careful reading will answer many questions and help you prepare your child for
camp. Together we can work to give your camper a positive growing experience that will last a lifetime.
To save you time and frustration please remember:
Make sure that all forms are properly completed, read and signed in the appropriate
locations and submitted to camp 2 weeks prior to the start date.
All medications and vitamins must be in the original container, listed on the
Health/Medication Form and given to the Clinic Specialist upon arrival.
Put your camper’s name on EVERYTHING. YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow assumes NO
RESPONSIBILITY for lost or stolen items.
Please review the above items. Take note of when balances are due and carefully complete all forms.
Should you have any additional concerns, please feel free to call our Executive Camp Director, Bill
Hinton or our Summer Program Director, Bif Buchan at 830-238-4631 or 800-765-9622.
Again, welcome to the YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow family. We are looking forward to providing your
child with a safe and happy outdoor experience.
In the Spirit of Camp,
Bill, Becky, Bif, Joseph, MaryAshley, Stephanie & Annelise
All Parent information is also located on our website
in printable format under Summer Camp Section, Parent Handbook.
1) . Welcome to the YMCA CFA Family! .........................................................................................2
2) . Camp Life .....................................................................................................................................3
a) CFA Opening and Closing Days .........................................................................................3
b) Homesickness......................................................................................................................3-5
i) Top 5 things I can do to help prepare for Summer Camp? ...........................................4
ii) Why is my attitude as a Parent key to my child’s success? ...........................................4
iii) What other tips will I find helpful? ................................................................................4-5
c) Telephones .........................................................................................................................5
d) Behavioral Expectations......................................................................................................5-6
i) Bullying and Camp Life ...................................................................................................5-6
ii) What can I do to help prepare my child for camp?.........................................................6
e) Camp Store ..........................................................................................................................8
f) Laundry .................................................................................................................................9
g) Mail ...................................................................................................................................9
3) . Camper Information and Health Topics .......................................................................................10-11
4) . Billing Process and Policies .........................................................................................................11
5) . Driving to Camp ...........................................................................................................................10
6) . Parents Need to Know: Camper-Staff Relationship Policy..........................................................11
7) . Camp: Unplugged.........................................................................................................................12
8) . Bed Bugs ……………………………………………………………………………………….13
9) . What to Bring/What NOT to Bring .............................................................................................14
10)Session Theme Descriptions.........................................................................................................15
11)Clubs Description Sheet ...............................................................................................................16
Forms To Be Completed
Transportation Form
Camper Health History Form (completed by the parent)
Physician’s Authorization Form (to be completed by your child’s doctor if bringing medications)
Camper Insurance Form (please provide a copy of card if possible)
Horseback Riding Release Form
Demographic Form (1 per family, if not completed in online registration)
Saddle Club Information Sheet (Saddle Club campers only)
USDA Child Nutrition Program Application (1 per family)
Waiver Held Harmless
“Catch the Spirit of Camp”
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, 190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770, Hunt, TX 78024 p: 800-765-9622 F: 830-238-4631
When do I bring my child(ren) to camp?
OPENING DAY Check in: 2:30 -4:00 pm - (Traditional Camp always a Sunday)
The arrival time on the first day of each session is between 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Gates will remain locked until
2:30 pm. to allow staff to prepare for your camper. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by a camp staff
member and given further instructions on driving through to drop off luggage, parking, etc. Please be sure
that your child has a hearty lunch, as the first meal at camp will be Sunday evening. We recommend that
everyone come dressed in comfortable walking shoes along with a reusable water bottle.
Medications will be collected by the Clinic Specialist at check in-please have them with you, not packed
into luggage. (This includes over the counter and as needed medications). See Health Section for more
PETS ARE NOT ALLOWED—please leave them at home as it will be too hot for them to sit in your
vehicle. Only Camp Directors are allowed to have pets on site at any time.
When do I pick up my camper(s)?
CLOSING DAY Check out begins at 9:00 am – (Traditional Camp always a Saturday)
9:00 am - Check out begins. During this time, you will load your camper’s luggage and check out
with the camp nurse and accounting. Camp staff will check photo ID’s before any camper is
released. Please have drivers license ready.
9:30 am - A Parent’s Meeting will be held in Strong Hall (gym)
9:45 am – Campers arrive and the Closing Ceremony begins. This is the first time you will see your
camper as they are wrapping up and getting ready for the ceremony. All campers are recognized
and we encourage families to arrive in time to attend the ceremony (bring your cameras!). After
the ceremony,
11:30 am - Camp closes. We ask that all campers be picked up by this time.
Again, PETS ARE NOT ALLOWED—please leave them at home as it will be too hot for them to sit in
your vehicle. Only Camp Directors are allowed to have pets on site at any time.
Homesickness is usually a result of the discomfort of being in strange surroundings. The Camp Staff is
trained to deal with homesickness by providing extra patience and attention and by keeping the camper
active. Most campers quickly recover because they are having so much fun. You will be called if there is a
serious problem. The general rule of “No news is good news” stands true at CFA, as we are working with
the staff to make approximately 140 campers have an amazing experience.
If you are feeling apprehensive about sending your child off or your child is feeling nervous, there is a lot of
great information on the internet and books to help both parents and campers have a successful camp
experience. We know that it is hard for parents as it is for the campers to be away from each other, so we
encourage you to look for information. A helpful resource we have found is the The Summer Camp
Handbook and The Secret Ingredients to Summer Camp Success DVD/CD set by Dr. Chris Thurber, Another great resource can be found on the American Camp Association website, under Parents and Families.
The following excerpts are taken from Dr Chris Thurber’s website, Dr. Christopher
Thurber is a board-certified clinical psychologist, author, consultant, and father. A graduate of Harvard
University, Chris co-authored the critically acclaimed "Summer Camp Handbook," the premier preparatory
resource for new campers and families. He has more than 30 years of camping experience and has written
numerous book chapters and scholarly articles on homesickness prevention and child development. (Please
note that YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow does not receive anything from Dr. Chris Thurber, we merely are
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, 190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770, Hunt, TX 78024 p: 800-765-9622 F: 830-238-4631
giving parents a resource that we felt was helpful).
What are the Top 5 things I can do to help prepare for Summer Camp?
1) Don't make a "pick-up deal."
Promising, "If you feel homesick, I'll come and get you" undermines children's confidence and
dramatically intensifies homesickness. Instead, normalize their anxiety, talk positively about
camp, and view The Secret Ingredients of Summer Camp Success.
2) Double-check the camp's packing list.
Many seasons of experience have helped your child's camp directors refine the packing list to
include all the essentials. So, if it says, "stick bug repellant," don't buy spray. If it says "no
electronics," then leave the video games at home.
3) Spend practice time away from home.
Nothing builds confidence and teaches a child how to cope with time away from home better
than... (You guessed it)...time away from home. That weekend at your folks' will do wonders for
their adjustment.
4) Label everything.
It's easy to lose things at camp, but if you want it back, it's got to have your name on it. Label
everything from your t-shirts to your tennis racket to your toothbrush. And leave really expensive
gear at home.
5) Double-check the opening and closing dates and times.
Start camp off on a smooth note by arriving on time and on the right day. Use a wall calendar in
the months prior to opening day to make an exciting countdown to the big day.
Why is my attitude as a parent key to my child’s summer camp success?
The cornerstone of homesickness prevention is parents' attitudes. When parents express confidence, optimism,
and a positive attitude about camp, children follow their lead. It's normal for children to ask, in the months prior
to opening day, "What if I feel homesick at camp?" Sadly, many well-intentioned parents provide an answer that
virtually guarantees intense homesickness. "If you feel homesick," they say, "I'll come and get you." This is
what camp professionals regretfully refer to as "The Pick-Up Deal."
The tragedy of "The Pick-Up Deal" is how it undermines children's confidence in themselves and gives them
something about which to be preoccupied. When you think about it, the subtext of the promise "If you feel
homesick, I'll come and get you" is basically "I have so little confidence in your ability to cope with these
feelings that I think the only solution is for me to come and rescue you." In The Secret Ingredients of Summer
Camp Success, you'll learn the best way to respond to children's questions and concerns about staying at camp.
You'll also learn the best ways to reply to a homesick letter, the best homesickness preparation tips, and the best
ways to provide support for your child.
-End Dr. Thurber excerpts
What other tips will I find helpful?
Before your child leaves for camp:
• DO familiarize him/her with camp. Show pictures and read brochures about the camp.
• DON’T make a “pick up deal” with your child
• DON’T act lukewarm about camp; let your positive attitude and excitement show him/her that camp will
be a grand experience.
• DO let your child’s camp counselor know if your child is having problems.
• DO acknowledge that you will miss each other, tell him/her you will write and that you hope he/she writes
back (two or three notes is sufficient and 1 tucked into your campers toiletries is great). During his/her
stay, ask about new friends, experiences, etc. when you write. Let them know if you see a picture of your
camper online. Do use your judgment when dispensing the latest news; if a pet dies; for instance, wait
until you see your camper to tell him/her. This is not good news to get while you are away from home.
Don’t make him/her more homesick by telling him/her about the great things you are doing like going to
parties or picnics. If you receive a letter from your camper about how horrible camp is, try to remember
that children can be dramatic for a moment, then back to all laughs and smiles in 5 minutes. If you receive
a letter like this, we ask that you call the camp director to discuss it so we can then have a casual
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, 190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770, Hunt, TX 78024 p: 800-765-9622 F: 830-238-4631
discussion with your camper and his/her counselor about how things are going and get back to you. This
will also allow us time to observe your camper and how he/she is interacting with others. Our goal is to
help each camper and parent have a positive camp experience; therefore, we ask that you help us as much
as possible by acting in a calm, rational manner when dealing with your child.
Phone calls to or from campers are not allowed. They tend to defeat a sense of independence and interrupt
the camp environment. They can also cause homesickness as well as unspoken hard feelings. Please do
not send cell phones with your campers, including LITs. Staff members are not allowed to have or use
cell phones while on duty or in the cabin area, unless given explicit permission due to location of activity.
Please help us keep camp a special place by being “Camp Unplugged.” Remember, a CFA Staff Member
will always contact you if there is the need, never by your child directly. If you do receive a phone call
from your camper, please remind your camper that they should not be using the phone and call camp
immediately. If your child is homesick, remember that talking directly to him/her will only worsen the
situation. By notifying Camp, we can work with your child and the counselors to improve the situation.
Emergency messages will be taken at Camp, at (830) 238-4631. Phones are answered Monday – Friday
during business hours (9am-5pm), and voice mail is checked regularly in the evenings and on weekends.
After business hours, please contact Bif at 830-377-7737. Please use this for emergencies only.
The YMCA recognizes that positive discipline teaches and encourages the healthy development of a child’s
self-esteem. The YMCA does not allow the use of corporal or physical punishment. Instead, caregivers
employ positive discipline techniques, which include praising, calling attention to appropriate behavior and
acting as positive role models to influence and reinforce positive behavior. The staff sets limits that are
developmentally appropriate and consistently enforced.
Staff will encourage and assist all children in following the camp rules. All campers will be given an
orientation on the first day of camp. All questions will be answered and the rules will be explained during
this orientation.
What can I do to find out if bullying is occurring?
Bullying among peers is growing daily in the United States. At Camp, we train our staff on preventing,
recognizing and dealing with bullying. However, we need your help as the parent to help us ward off and
correct bullying behavior and to get bullied children to speak up when they are bullied.
Dr Joel Haber, PhD,, has 20+ years’ experience in violence prevention and has worked
with thousands of children and adults who are victims of bullying, bullies or bystanders. Below are
excerpts from his website and studies:
What is it? Bullying is any intentional, repeated hurtful act – including inflicting physical pain, namecalling, exclusion, defacing property, hurtful pranks and public humiliation. You can be part of the solution
– through awareness, insight, and action.
Prevention is the best cure. Use dinner time as an opportunity to ask your children about school and the
specifics of their experience every day. Remember, that your tone and listening skill is critical to whether or
not your child will have these conversations with you in an honest way.
• Ask your child if he/she has someone to eat with everyday?
• Who do they play or hang out with everyday?
• What are the names of those kids, and as a parent track if there are any changes in those children
day to day?
• Do they know what bullying is?
• Are there any bullies in their class?
• Who are the kids that these bullies pick on?
• Are you a kid that they sometimes pick on?
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, 190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770, Hunt, TX 78024 p: 800-765-9622 F: 830-238-4631
Does the teacher notice it or know about it?
What have you done when they pick on you? Or others?
How do I talk to my child about bullying? (See website,, for full detail)
Talk the right talk with the right message to your child.
• I will listen carefully and believe you!
• Provide them this message: Bullying is not your fault!
• I am here and I can help you come up with a plan!
• Be a detective and document specifics of any bullying situation!
• If you choose to let the school know, here's what you do!
• When not to report information to the school!
• Are there any other tips that I should know?
• Are there any particular resilience factors that can protect my child from bullying?
-End Dr. Haber excerpts
What can I do to help prepare my child for camp?
Bullying another child is a no tolerance policy at camp and while we do our best to detect and prevent
bullying, children can be sneaky, therefore, we ask that your coach your child in speaking out. Tell your
child to find their counselor, Bill or Bif and tell them if they are being bullied while at camp. Let them
know we will do our best to help them resolve the problem. If they tell their counselors and still feel
nothing is changing, then they must go to Bill or Bif. It is imperative that the bullied child speaks out.
Please do not hesitate to call us if your child waits until he/she returns home to speak out. We still want to
All campers go to the Camp Store once a day for a snack of ice cream and a cold drink, which is included in
the registration fee. In addition campers will have an opportunity to purchase souvenir items.
Parents are asked to set up a spending account during check in. There is a $5.00 minimum required for
emergency items for all campers. A recommended amount (though not required) is anywhere from $25 $50.00. Additional items will be available in the Camp Store on opening and closing days. Example of items
for purchase include: shirts, hats, stuffed animals, water bottles, coffee mugs, jewelry and more. There will
be no refunds if the camper chooses not to take refreshment daily or loses purchased items. Unspent money
will be returned to the parent OR may be donated to the Y Partners Scholarship Fund on closing day.
No laundry service will be provided outside of emergency washing (EX. Bed wetting, fall in mud, etc) for
those campers staying 1 week. For those staying for multiple, consecutive sessions, laundry services are
provided by a professional service, (included in the bridging fee) though we release all risk of liability if
laundry is damaged or not returned.
Campers love to get mail! You have several options. The easiest way is to bring all mail and packages with
you to check-in day. Please do not send food, candy, etc.
Option 1: Bring it with you to Check-in
We will have mail baskets marked for each day, Monday-Friday. You simply mark each piece of mail with
your camper’s name & cabin (will be given at check in) and place it in the basket marked with the day you
want him/her to receive it. We will then place it in the cabin mailbox on the assigned day. So simple and
saves you postage! You can even wait and purchase items in our camp store – we even have gift bags!
Option 2: One Way Email with
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, 190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770, Hunt, TX 78024 p: 800-765-9622 F: 830-238-4631
One-way email is just that--the option to send your camper an email that will be printed out at camp and
delivered with the daily camp mail during siesta. This is a portion of our partnership with Email Provider,
who also provides you with access to our daily digital photo postings. Please be aware that this is a wonderful
service Email Provider helps us provide, but does require a small fee. Please note that your camper cannot
email you back. We will give you the information on how to send emails at check-in. Emails sent after noon
on the last Friday of each session are not guaranteed to reach your camper.
Option 3: Standard Mail – USPS
Camper's Name & Session-Cabin (given at check in)
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow
190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770
Hunt, TX 78024
Campers are urged to write home. Please pack self-addressed, stamped post cards for your camper to
write home. Mail is taken daily to the local Post Office.
The health and safety of campers is one of our number one priorities. Our camp physician and/or medical
services are on call 24 hours a day. A Clinic Specialist, who resides at camp, is responsible for daily health
needs of campers, including dispensing of medication. On Opening Day the Clinic Specialist ensures that
campers are in good health and checks in any medications that campers bring. Over-the-counter and/or
prescription medication must be turned into the Clinic Specialist with the Medication Form completely filled
out. All medication and vitamins MUST BE IN THE ORIGINAL CONTAINER and LABELED WITH
THE CHILD’S NAME. Prescriptions must be in the original container with the child’s full name, date,
physician’s name and complete directions written in English. Certain over-the-counter medications are
available at camp and are administered by the Clinic Specialist as symptoms warrant (ibuprofen,
acetaminophen, benedryl, etc). A written, signed statement from the child’s prescribing doctor must
accompany all medication from the parents with the dosage, time and date for the administration of the
A few notes on the Health History form and documents needed:
• Please complete both pages of the Health History/Medication form.
o It is critical that the authorization for treatment is signed by the parent/guardian.
o Please include a copy of your insurance card with your Health Form.
A written, signed statement with the dosage, time and date for the administration of the medication
from the child’s prescribing doctor must accompany all medication.
Parents will be notified by telephone in the event of serious camper illness, injury, emergency, of if the
camper is found to have lice.. If you need to contact your child in an emergency, call the Camp Office at
(830) 238-4631 or after hours at 830-377-7737.
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, 190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770, Hunt, TX 78024 p: 800-765-9622 F: 830-238-4631
Anytime an emergency occurs and a child must be picked up by someone not listed on the child’s registration
form, Texas State law requires the following:
1. Parents must call the office (830-238-4631) giving the following information:
a. Name and physical description of the person who will be picking up the child.
b. Provide a copy of the person’s driver’s license and a hand written note with the above information
from line “1a”, camper’s name, and reason for emergency pick-up, parent contact information and
parent signature. This information can be faxed to 830-238-4280.
2. The person picking up the child must:
a. Present an identification card with a picture when picking up the child.
b. Have a copy of the hand written parent’s note
c. Complete an Emergency Pick-up Verification form.
Persons not listed on a child’s registration form will be allowed to pick up the child only in an emergency
situation and only after the above procedures have been followed. Under no circumstances will a child
be allowed to leave Camp with an unauthorized person.
As parent/guardian you are responsible for any and all medical costs incurred by your child while they
are participating in the YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow Summer Youth Camp Program.
During your child’s first day at camp, he/she will have an initial screen including a lice check, overall health
assessment and discussion of any medication. Lice Prevention and Policy If any child is found to have head
lice, the Clinic Specialist will determine the severity. If the Clinic Specialist determines that the case is not
severe, the child and his/her belongings will be removed from the cabin to prevent further spreading, the
child’s hair will be treated with an approved lice treatment / removal method as directed. If the case is
determined to be severe, the parent will be notified and asked to pick up his/her child.
If your child has a specific and identified food concern, need or allergy, we are happy to work with you, in
reason, to meet this need. We ask that doctor outlines this medical need on the release form and that you,
along with your doctor, write out how to best meet the need of your child. If possible, please contact the camp
prior to the session so that Annelise Hall, food service director, can speak with you regarding this. Also, we
will work with vegetarians to provide a healthy option for meals. During check in, please be sure to inform
the camp Clinic Specialist of all food borne allergies/intolerance.
The Camper forms including History Form, USDAA and Transportation forms provide important information
to help staff become acquainted with your child. It is strictly confidential and shared only with your camper’s
counselors and the camp administration staff. This allows parents and campers the opportunity to elaborate
on any information listed on other forms and to share a little bit about the camper prior to arrival. This way,
staff can be prepared to lead your child through an experience of a lifetime at YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow.
However, in order for this to occur, it is imperative that all forms be returned no later than 2 weeks prior
to camp so that staff have access to them and can learn all about your camper.
Be sure to indicate if anyone other than the parent/guardian will pick the child up at camp. All persons
picking up campers will be required to show a photo ID.
**Please sign the Transportation Form even if you do not list an emergency contact**
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, 190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770, Hunt, TX 78024 p: 800-765-9622 F: 830-238-4631
Operation Purple, Harlandale ISD & SAHA)
A $100 Non-Refundable deposit per session is required at time of registration to register your child. The
deposit is applied to your camper’s total fee.
The total camp fee includes the basic camp fee, plus Saddle Club fee, if applicable. Partial payments may
be made on your child’s camp account throughout the year, but all fees are due by June 1. Please call
800-765-9622 if you have questions about our refund policy.
Payments may be made by check, money order or credit card, or via your on-line account with Active
Network. If you choose to pay via check, please send one (1) check per family, not per child. Credit card
payments can be taken by phone or you can write your credit card information on a separate piece of paper
and mail it to us at the address shown below with your child’s registration form. You can also fax your
credit card information to us at (830) 238-4280.
A $20 service fee will be charged on checks which are returned unpaid by the bank for any reason.
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow
PO Box 770
Hunt, TX 78024-0770
Cancellation / Refund Policy
We understand that unforeseen circumstances arise that may not allow your child to attend camp. Please do
not hesitate to call us so we can discuss the best option for your child and family.
• $100 Deposit is not refundable at any time unless it is a medical reason*.
• If you cancel with more than 30 days till the session start date, then you will receive all money paid
EXCEPT the $100 deposit.
• 15-30 days until the session start date, 50% refund.
• 2 weeks prior to start of camp session = NO REFUND
• All no shows will be called on opening day
*Please note that medical reasons allow you to receive an entire refund or to have your money paid
transferred to another session or year. We must have written documentation from the medical doctor. Though
we incourage you to roll deposit or monies into the next summer.
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, 190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770, Hunt, TX 78024 p: 800-765-9622 F: 830-238-4631
(Caution: Map quest does not give correct direction to camp! Please follow
directions below.)
From San Antonio:
Take I-10 West to Kerrville
Exit 505 - Harper Road
Loop around onto Harper Road toward Kerrville
Turn right at the third traffic light on to Highway 27 (Moore's Furniture is on your right.)
Travel approx. 5.5 miles to Ingram (The speed limit in Ingram is 35 MPH and is very strictly enforced)
At the THIRD traffic light in Ingram, continue straight onto Highway 39 (Hwy 27 veers to the right)
Travel approx. 6 miles to Hunt (This is a very curvy road that has many deer crossing, please use caution)
Continue west on Highway 39
From the Hunt Post Office travel approx. 2.25 miles. Look for the BLUE YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow sign on
your right.
10. Turn left at the YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow sign and follow the signs to the front gate.
11. Once on camp, follow the road and a staff member will direct you from there!
From Austin:
Take 290 West to Fredericksburg.
Turn left at Highway 16 towards Kerrville.
Take I-10 West towards Junction
Take Exit 505 - Harper Road
Loop around onto Harper Road toward Kerrville
Turn right at the third traffic light on to Highway 27 (Moore's Furniture is on your right.)
Travel approx. 5.5 miles to Ingram (The speed limit in Ingram is 35 MPH and is very strictly enforced)
At the third traffic light in Ingram, continue straight onto Highway 39 (Hwy 27 veers to the right)
Travel approx. 6 miles to Hunt (This is a very curvy road that has many deer crossing it so please use caution)
Continue west on Highway 39
From the Hunt Post Office travel approx. 2.25 miles. Look for the BLUE YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow sign on
your right.
12. Turn left at the YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow sign and follow the signs to the front gate.
13. Once on camp, follow the road and a staff member will direct you from there!
Call for assistance: 1-800-765-9622
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, 190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770, Hunt, TX 78024 p: 800-765-9622 F: 830-238-4631
Parents Need to Know: Camper-Staff Relationship Policy
As the caretakers of your child (ren) during their time with us at YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, we strive to
protect them from harm in every way possible. We want to inform you of our policy, which addresses the
relationship between a YMCA CFA staff member and your camper(s). Please read the promise below that all
YMCA CFA staff members are required to sign during their training. Please help us protect all of our campers
by reporting any violations of this policy to Bill Hinton, Executive Director or Bif Buchan, Program
Director at 1-800-765-9622.
Staff Must Sign and Agree to the Following Policy:
As a staff member at YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, you will meet hundreds of children. Although you will cherish every
memory, it is imperative to the safety of both the children and yourself that the relationship does not continue beyond
your interaction here at YMCA CFA. Please read the following promise carefully and sign at the bottom of the page. Note
that the terms "children," "child," and "camper" refer to any retreat or summer camp participant under the age of 18 or any
other child you meet through the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.
I promise to:
Not communicate with children outside of YMCA programming. This includes telephone calls, letters, emails, blogs,
instant messages etc.
Not give gifts or presents to children, no matter how seemingly insignificant, which are not given to all other participants
in the program or cabin group.
Neither have children in my home nor accompany children to their homes.
Not take children on outings apart from YMCA functions; e.g. movies, the park, sporting events, etc.
Not baby sit or provide care services for the children I meet at the YMCA.
Not give any children a ride in my vehicle at any time. (Unless directed by the Executive Director or Program Director for
emergency, medical, or other appointed reason.)
Request specific, written permission from the Executive Director if I feel there is any reason I need to communicate with
a child outside of YMCA programming.
I acknowledge that as an employee I am a representative of YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow and those campers, parents, and
other staff members may associate me and my actions with the Camp and the YMCA. I recognize that my actions can
positively and negatively impact the Camp and the YMCA, thus I hereby agree to be bound by the general rules as well as
those governing online communications both during the period of my employment and after I cease to be employed by the
Camp and the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.
I will not send, share or post e-mail, blogs, images, or Internet content containing campers name or image. I will not send,
share or post e-mails, blogs, images, or Internet content with any content that are cruel, demeaning, disrespectful or
intentionally hurtful to a member of the camp community (participant, parent or staff) or that present the Camp or the
YMCA or its programs in a negative manner. I will not download, share, send or post material of an inappropriate nature,
or which includes nudity, sexual content, violence, drug or alcohol use, illegal actions, or any activity, which is against the
camp rules. I will respect the boundary between campers and staff members particularly when it comes to my online
I agree that such actions are not in line with the values of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio (Caring, Honesty, Respect,
Reasonability and Faith). I agree that the harm caused by such actions may have a negative impact on my reputation and
may injure the self-esteem of members of the camping and YMCA community.
If you feel that you, another staff member, parent or participant is violating this agreement, please contact Bill Hinton,
Executive Director at 1-800-765-9622.
I understand and agree to the terms above and will follow them at all times during and after employment with the YMCA
of Greater San Antonio.
***Staff member and supervisor sign to acknowledge understanding and agreement***
YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow, 190 Flaming Arrow Rd Box 770, Hunt, TX 78024 p: 800-765-9622 F: 830-238-4631
Help us keep CFA Unplugged
Camp is a time for your child to enjoy the true feeling of childhood. It’s a time for them to build
strong friendships, create lifelong memories, learn from their peers and counselors, experience
nature, and all of the joys of camp!
Please help us by not allowing your camper to bring the following items (or similar items) to camp:
Cell phones
Mp3 players/iPods
Video games
Tape Players
CD Players
DVD/Video players
Any other electronic or media
Digital cameras ok,
though not recommended
Please know that our camper policy and staff policy are consistent. Our staff and CITs are also not
permitted to use the above items in the cabin area. With permission, counselors may use one radio or
boombox for appropriate music during cabin free time/rest time.
Again, to reiterate our telephone policy, phone calls to or from campers are not allowed. They tend
to defeat a sense of independence and interrupt the camp environment. They can also cause
homesickness as well as unspoken hard feelings. Please do not send cell phones with your
campers, including LITs. Staff members are not allowed to have or use cell phones while on duty
or in the cabin area, unless given explicit permission from the Director. Books, magazines, playing
cards, board games, crosswords and other similar activities are not only suggested, but also highly
recommended for rest time and before lights out.
Please help us keep camp a special place by being “Camp Unplugged.” Remember, a CFA Staff
Member will always contact you if there is the need, never by your child directly. If you do
receive a phone call from your camper, please remind your camper that they should not be using the
phone and call camp immediately. If your child is homesick, remember that talking directly to
him/her could only worsen the situation. If necessary, the Summer Camp Director or Camp Director
will facilitate a phone call if it is prudent for the situation. By notifying Camp of any signs of
homesickness, we can work with your child and the counselors to improve the situation.
Emergency messages will be taken at Camp, at (830) 238-4631. Phones are answered Monday –
Friday during business hours, and voice mail is checked regularly in the evenings and on weekends.
After business hours, the emergency number is 830-377-7737.
We look forward to giving your camper an experience of a lifetime…unplugged!
Bed Bug infestation is a problem that is impacting hotels, summer camps, households, and beds
across the nation. Bed bugs are indiscriminate who they target, rich and poor, clean and unclean.
We are proud to say that we are currently bed bug free here at camp and
need your help to stay that way.
We want to keep you safe from Bed Bugs at camp as well as your homes. Here are some good
resources about bed bugs to keep your family safe:
We routinely test our cabins throughout the year. We have dealt with bed bugs in the past and
have strict procedures for eradicating outbreaks. Let us know if you would like more information
about our procedures. We will be honest and straightforward with you if bed bugs affect your
child while at camp.
We also need your help and honesty to prevent bed bugs from coming to camp and negatively
affecting camper’s experience. The only way bed bugs get to camp is through patrons and users
of our facilities. Bed Bugs do not naturally exist outdoors. If you have encountered bed bugs at
home, traveling or any other situation, please be let us know, so we can help to ensure that we
stay bed bug free.
Again, we are bed bug free at camp at this moment and your help is crucial to keeping it that
way. Please contact us if you have a bed bug questions.
Please MARK EVERY ITEM with the camper’s full name. Do not bring expensive items (jewelry) or
nice clothes to camp. Pack all items in a footlocker , storage tope, suitcase or duffle bag. Please bring a separate
bag for dirty laundry and label it with your camper’s name.
• towels and washcloths
• soap and travel soap holder
• sheets (twin) and a light blanket AND/OR a
• toothbrush and toothpaste
sleeping bag
• shampoo
• 1 pillow and pillow case
• deodorant
Other Items
• 7 pairs of socks
• Water bottle with a strap: mandatory
• 7 underwear
• flashlight
• 6 shorts
• brush/comb
• 2 pair of jeans or long pants
• insect repellent
• 2 modest swimsuits (no 2 pieces)
• beach towel for swimming
• 7 t-shirts or shirts (no midriffs showing)
• backpack or small bag to tote sunscreen,
• 1 sweatshirt
towels, etc around camp
• 1 old pair of tennis shoes
• sunscreen SPF 15 or greater and water/sweat
• 1 pair of shower shoes
• 1 pair of sandals with a heal strap (teva style)
• laundry bag
• 1 raincoat or poncho (weather permitting)
• envelopes and postcards, writing materials
• 2 pairs of pajama's
• cap or hat for sun protection
• sunglasses
• riding boots/helmet (if you have them and/or • Session Theme clothing and gear!
• Bible, books, cards
are participating in Saddle Club)
• camera
Double the amount of clothing if camper is attending a two-week session or participating
in the LIT or CIT programs. There will be limited laundry service available.
Please do not bring any of the following to camp. If found, these items will be taken up
and Camp will assume no responsibility for loss. Staff or campers will not be allowed to
wear offensive or inappropriate clothing.
glass bottles or jars
money (campers should not have money on
their person)
spray/aerosol cans (spray sunscreen and bug
spray are ok)
bikinis, midriffs, halter tops, etc.
guns, ammunition, knives
make-up, perfumes, etc
candy, snacks, food
mp3 players, DVD players, radios, tape
player, CD players, video games
practical joke devices
illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco
cell phones or pagers
Summer 2013 Session Themes
To continue adding a little individuality and excitement to each session, we have created session themes. The
themes will mainly be used on opening and closing days and for our dances. For each theme, we encourage
staff and campers to dress the part for the dance and have included examples of what to pack below.
Session 1: Aloha Summer
Join us as we heat things up this summer Hawaiian style. Bring your leis, grass skirts, Hawaiian shirts, and coconuts for
our Hawaiian Luau dance.
Session 2: Arrg Maty (Pirates)
Ahoy, there matey, time to hoist the sails and prepare for some rip roaring fun. Har be the time to put on your eye patches
and climb aboard ready to sail the CFA sea. Don’t be in a panic, nobody will be working the plank…..Argh, shiver me
timbers. Those of ye not in costume for the dance will be scrubbing the deck…argh. Ideas include eye patches, parrots,
raggedy clothes, pirate hats or anything you want. Just be silly.
Session 3: Holiday Hullabaloo
We’ve invited Uncle Sam, Santa Claus, Cupid, and even Count Dracula to join us for this session. We will celebrate are
holidays throughout the week We will finish it all with a Halloween style Monster Mash so bring along your silly costume
for a frightening good time. At the monster mash, you can again be what ever you want-yourself, a Christmas tree, wear
your Halloween costume, make one up or just dig though your stuff when at camp to make one of your own designs.
Session 4: Military Initiative “Mission Celebrate”
We know that “Kids Serve Too” and are excited to host a week dedicated to kids of military service men and women. It is a chance for
kids to learn about nature, communicating and experience special military events! That is why this week will be full of special
memories and fun experiences. Get ready to play, swim, ride a horse, meet loads of friends, salute the United States of America on the
4th of July and more. Bring your favorite military uniform for the Military Ball CFA style! REMEMBER TO BRING PHOTO OF
Session 5: Super Heroes
Who do you consider a hero? Have you the power to save the world from certain destruction? Have you an outfit made
of lyrca? Is your hero Superman, a soldier, a coach, or a teacher? If so, then this is the session theme for you? Be sure to
dress as your hero for the dance.
Session 6: Wizard Week
Prepare your wands, hats, capes, and broomsticks! Whether you are a fan of Waverly Place, Merlin, Hogwarts or Gandalf
any other type of wizards, this week will thrill you!
Session 7: Wild West
Saddle Cowboy and Cowgirls! We are going to have a CFA Rodeo and test some ropin's skills. The chuck wagon, AKA
Bill's Burger will be around. Boots, chaps, button downs, hats and more! What ever you think shows off your wild west style!
Session 8: Peace Out
Time to say “Peace Out” to summer with a decade-themed week! Bring costumes from difference decades to spice up the
style and to make those old memories into new ones. Pick your favorite decade and wear that costume to the dance
because we might just play a song from that generation! It's gonna be like totally groovy man!
Rookie Camp (Starter Camp): Coincides with Traditional Sessions
Rookie 1 & 2 – Arrg Maty (Pirates) Rookie 3 & 4 – Wizard Week
CFA Clubs
For ALL campers ages 8-15
All campers will participate in one CFA Club per session. Campers attend the CFA Club one and half hours each morning
for learning in-depth about his/her chosen elective. Following are Club descriptions. .
Learn to aim for the bull’s eye in archery , riflery (BB’s) and sling shots. Just for fun, you
might also try your skills out in other target sports such as horseshoes, darts, disc golf and
Climb your challenge and face your fears while you spend time among the treetops. Campers will spend
their time on both the low and high ropes course learning all about teamwork, belaying, ropes safety and
playing on our course.
This is for the imaginative and highly creative camper. Learn pottery, candle making, tie
dying, kite making, paper making or other crafts. It is a great time to create more in-depth
crafting that you get to take home!
This club is designed for the adventurous outdoor lover! Learn more about Outdoors,
Wellness, Living, and Survival – learn to cook, trek, preserve and enjoy!
Learn how to cook camp style. Chef Allison has designed a club for the foodie lover in
you. We will discuss nutrition, learn how to read recipes, learn basic cooking tricks and
of course, create and eat great stuff!
This is for the camper that truly loves the water! Spend time improving swimming skills,
canoeing and kayaking techniques and more. For fun, the River Rats will play on the
rope swing, water slide and all kinds of water games.
Saddle Club is here to stay and continues to grow! Centered on western riding skills, CFA
Saddle Club participants will learn horse wellness, tack maintenance, and riding skills.
There is an additional cost. Space is limited, so sign up now. Do not send payment
unless your child’s Saddle Club registration is confirmed – upon registration, we will
send a confirmation. (Not offered during Operation Purple/ Military Initiative
For those who can’t get enough sports in their life, the Varsity Club is a perfect choice!
The sports may include a mix of traditional and camp sports such as: volleyball,
basketball, kickball, mat ball, chicken baseball, and more!