Come out the 1st of every month


Come out the 1st of every month
The Lyre Notes
September 2009
Our next great event…
8th Annual Wine & Bubbly
Thursday, September 3rd, 6:30 pm
At the home of Sarah (Johnson) Woody • 8112 Loftwood Lane, Orange 92867
Join us for Delta Omega Delta’s 8th Annual Wine and Bubbly event where we’ll taste ONEHope Wine. Each
varietal benefits a great cause – AIDS, autism, breast cancer, our troops or the planet. Of course, you’ll also
enjoy LOTS of great food, the company of fabulous sisters and a light-hearted game, where the winner will
walk away with a $25 Starbucks gift card. Please bring a sister and a bottle of bubbly to share.
You should have received an e-vite invitation. If you didn’t please email [email protected] to be added to the list.
Brooke Fessler
Epsilon Kappa, 1997 * DOD President
After a few years of not being involved in Alpha Chi Omega, I decided to jump in with both feet last year co-chairing Epsilon Kappa's 40th anniversary and volunteering on the
DOD board. Now serving my second year as Delta Omega Delta president, I'm
reminded how much fun it is be an Alpha Chi!
On the work front, I'm still employed (yea!) as a fundraiser for Cal State
Fullerton’s College of the Arts. As you may have heard, all CSU employees
are furloughed (10% less salary than usual), so I'm staying afloat with some
very interesting side jobs. Thank
goodness for DOD's inexpensive
monthly events! I'm working to
Brooke Fessler & Robyn Martinelli
launch The Cause Shoppe, a website
that features "PhilGoods" – PHILanthropic GOODs and services –
that benefit great causes like breast cancer, the environment and
more. See what I'm up to and
I'm looking forward to seeing even more AXO's at Delta Omega Delta
events this year. I'm proof positive that no matter how long you've
been away, Alpha Chi always welcomes you back!
Brooke on “business trip” in Hawaii with her
partner in business (not life). Kids aren’t hers!
Sarah Johnson Woody
Epsilon Kappa, 1998 * DOD VP of Communications
Hi Everyone! I hope this edition of the newsletter finds you all happy
and healthy. I am entering my second year as VP of Communications
on the DOD board and I look forward to spending time with the
wonderful AXO’s who are part of our chapter. Last year at our Wine
and Bubbly event, I met Debra, an awesome AXO from Sacramento
State. She lives only five minutes from me, went to high school with
my husband and has become a GREAT friend. It is such a small world
and just goes to show how wonderful DOD and the AXO experience
truly are—no matter the collegiate chapter we belong to or the
Debra Shaw (Sacramento State), Sarah Woody
number of years since
and Melissa Patterson (Cal Poly, San Luis Obsipo)
graduated. On the personal
front, the year so far has been a fun, exciting and exhausting one.
Since my husband and I welcomed our daughter, Ava Celeste,
into the world last November, life has taken on a whole new
meaning. Regular sleep is a fading memory and has been replaced
with this adorable red-headed, blue-eyed bundle of ENDLESS
energy. Ava is now nine months old and has recently added pulling
up onto stairs, chairs, tables and anything else that will remain still
long enough-- to her rapidly growing list of skills. The pleasure of
watching her grow and explore her world is worth the gray-hair, “OMG” moments (so far). My career has
also evolved into being a full-time mom to Ava by day and a marketing/copywriting consultant at night
(and during nap time). So, catching up with my sisters during our monthly DOD events and at meetings is
such a joy and serves as some fabulous “me-time”! I’m looking forward to connecting with all of you soon
at one of our fantastic events!
Recruitment Volunteers Needed!
Recruitment is just a few weeks away and EK needs your help.
Saturday, September 19
Panhellenic Day @ CSUF (TSU Pavilions)
Shifts: 7-12, 11-5
Sunday, September 20
House Tours / Philanthropy Day @ EK
Shifts: 11-4, 6-10
Monday, September 21
Preference Night @ EK
Shifts: 4-6, 6-9, 9:45 – 11
If you can help out please contact:
Jenny Boyle, Recruitment Advisor
[email protected] or (951) 733-5598
Marla Cheifer Silverman
Epsilon Kappa, 1995 * DOD Newsletter Editor
Hello everyone! I am very excited to be a part of the ’09-’10 DOD
Board again and hope these newsletters find you well. Life lately has
been nothing but wonderful. I married Dan, the love of my life over 3
years ago and we bought our 1st home over 2 years ago. On July 15th
we were blessed with our daughter, Rachel Brianne. She is the most
beautiful little girl in the world and we couldn’t be happier in our new
role as parents. One of the best moments of my pregnancy was when
my AXO sisters threw me a beautiful baby shower. It was such a
special day. I can’t thank them all enough!
As for AXO, I last left
being the Recruitment
advisor after years of being the Finance Advisor, House
Corp President, and then Chapter Advisor. I decided to
take a break for a couple of years and now I am returning
for the 2nd year as the Newsletter Editor. I love being
part of this organization and although I can’t give the time
I used to, I am happy to have found a position that lets me
be a part of it. I encourage you all to find something in
AXO to be a part of, no matter how long you have been
Marie Botvinick, Cora Wilson, Casey Burson, Jill Chiotti,
away or how far away you live, there’s something for you.
Julie Sparacino, Marla Silverman, Genevieve Peterson
The Epsilon chapter will be returning this fall without a Chapter Advisor. Unless they are able to recruit
a loyal and willing alumna the chapter will not be successful without one. Chapter Advisors serve as
role models and guides for the chapter officers, encouraging them to be strong, values-based leaders
and helping them be successful as individuals and as a chapter.
Interested? Please contact Karina Shaver, Past Province Collegiate Chapter (PCC)
858-232-459 or at [email protected]
We have a new email address!
[email protected] Check out all the places
DOD is online!
Website: • Facebook:
Twitter: • LinkedIn:
Jessica Love Kim
Epsilon Kappa, 1999 * DOD Website & Social Media Chair
So, what's going on with me? I'm teaching 9th and 10th grade English at Canyon
High School in Anaheim Hills, grooming some of my students into future little
AXOs as well as well-rounded scholars. I'm starting my fourth year teaching
there, and I am still enjoying every second of it. Teaching high school is a blast;
the kids are awesome and I laugh every single day.
My husband Young and I live in Costa Mesa, and we just celebrated our fourth
wedding anniversary. We are making the most of our DINK (Double Income No
Kids) lifestyle by doing whatever we want whenever we want and traveling as
much as we can. Earlier this year we went to Paris and London and we have a
Mexican cruise planned over Thanksgiving break.
Besides teaching crazy teenagers, having fun with my husband, and
Facebooking for AXO, I'm also writing a lot. Last November I
participated in NaNoWriMo (a challenge to write a 50,000 word
novel in a month) and since then I have been editing that novel and
writing some short stories as well. I'm involved in a writing group
and I'm working on getting my novel (a YA romance/chick-lit type
story) up to publishing quality. I'm determined to get my name on
that Noteworthy AXOs list one way or another!
Jessica Kim, Elizabeth Sosbee, and Julie Dey
It's been a few years since I've been on Delta Omega Delta board, but I
had to volunteer as soon as I saw there was a new Social Media Chair position. It seems like this job was
made for me! I can't believe this fall marks 10 years since I joined AXO...I can remember my bid day like it
was yesterday! I'm glad that my Alpha Chi experience has lasted so much longer than my two short years
in chapter...I've gotten so much more out of it than I could have ever expected a decade ago when I
walked through the Lyre Door.
AXΩ National News
Alpha Chi Omega Headquarters is now Tweeting too! They already have over 700
followers and want to follow you too. Follow them @AlphaChiOmegaHQ and be
sure to give them your @name too!
Congratulations to an Alpha Iota alumna who’s America's Next Food Network Star!
Her new show "Ten Dollar Dinners with Melissa d’Arabian" premiered Sunday,
August 9th at 12:30pm ET/PT on Food Network. Tune in and support a sister!
The Alpha Chi Omega website has a brand new look
and loads of new features! Be sure to check it out at
Debra Shaw
Epsilon Theta, CSU Sacramento 1997
DOD VP Programming
I am thrilled to be an active part of DOD for the first time! I have
been somewhat of a “silent” member for several years by paying dues
and yet NEVER attending any events. In fact, I did not attend my first
DOD event until last September’s Wine and Bubbly. I was always a
bit apprehensive about feeling out of place because I was not an
Epsilon Kappa. However, I quickly learned how absurd that feeling
was once I walked into the home of Sarah Johnson Woody and
realized instantly that this event not only consisted of Alpha Chi’s
from several different chapters, but that the chapters represented
were insignificant compared to the bond that we all clearly shared in
the room…..the sisterhood of Alpha Chi Omega. At that event that I realized how fun it is to be
surrounded by such an elite group of women and couldn’t wait for the next event! It was also moments
after walking into Sarah’s home that I noticed a wedding picture on the wall and realized that I graduated
from Mater Dei with her husband! What a small world! Shortly after that event Sarah and I became fast
friends. It makes me smile to think that I would have never met Sarah without AXO, and although cheesy
as it may sound, it was AXO that brought us together. I cannot imagine not having Sarah as my confidant,
and quite frankly, not quite sure how I’ve survived without her all of these years!
Aside from AXO, my incredibly amazing husband and I have an automotive business in Anaheim which
keeps me busy along with my super cute 4 and 6 year old. Maxmilian just started kindergarten at
Anaheim Hills Elementary and Myles is in preschool at Hillsborough.
Along with soccer practice, running back and forth to two different
schools twice a day, running a business and the usual duties that go
along with running a household, I also manage to squeeze in some
freelance Interior Design work. This is, after all what I went to college
for! My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years and I have
three incredible stepsons! Total, we have five boys making me the
queen of my castle! (No, they do NOT all live with me!) Cheers to a
wonderful year ahead! Looking forward to meeting many more of you!
Come out to our events, you will LOVE what we have in store for you!
This movie series explores the roles of women and men both real and imagined.
The series promotes discussion on topics related to women and men both historically and in today’s society.
The series will feature a wide variety of issues including culture, historical accomplishments,
personal struggles, and healthy and unhealthy relationships.
Time/Location: Tuesday’s, 5-7 PM, CSUF Women's Center (University Hall 205)
Cost: FREE! ($8 daily campus parking permit required)
9/15 Penelope
9/22 Secret Lives of Bees
9/29 Juno
10/6 Slum Dog Millionaire
10/13 Malcolm X
10/20 Rosaline
10/27 The Reader
11/3 Taken
11/10 Taking Chance
11/17 Milk
12/1 Crash
12/8 The Holiday
Wedding Belle
Jennifer Steinhart, Fall 2003
When Kevin Merrett (Pi Kappa Phi) and I met in 2004, we were instantly drawn to
each other. Having seen him in class and caught myself thinking that he was dreamy,
I was thrilled when he approached me on campus one day. Not a day or two later
we were hanging out, talking on the phone and not long after, driving out for
weekends together in Havasu. We both grew up going there with our families, so
while it seemed a bit odd to be going away for the weekend with a guy I had barely
gone on official dates with, we loved the peacefulness of the drive across the desert
and the simple pleasure of floating on the lake, listening to music under blue skies.
Driving four hours each way to and from Havasu a few times a month that first summer gave us the opportunity to
really learn a lot about each other – we enjoyed the quality time and knew quickly that this would be it forever.
Fast forward 5 years, Kevin and I were in Havasu with my family this 4th of July weekend. Between trips with
mutual friends or, as it was this time, with my nieces and nephews excited to go on “Aunt Jenny and Uncle Kevin’s
boat,” it’s not often that we find ourselves alone on his boat. Sunday afternoon on July 5, Kevin managed to get us
some alone time on the lake. We needed to leave soon to get home at a reasonable time so he said we’d just take a
quick trip through the channel and then head back in. On the way to the channel, Kevin was acting flustered,
mumbling something about the engine (this did not tip me off in any way because
he’s been known to roll down the windows in his truck to investigate some
mysterious sound he thought he heard) so he pulled the boat into a little cove that
coincidentally had a beautiful little lighthouse (note: this should have tipped me off
due to our shared fondness of lighthouses, but alas, I was none the wiser). Kevin
threw a few life jackets on the ground and got on his knee pretending to open the
engine compartment where, unbeknownst to me, he had hidden the ring box. I
turned around, saw him smiling nervously and my heart raced. It was perfect! Kevin
proposed and we hugged and kissed and it wasn’t until I had the beautiful diamond
ring on my hand that I squealed “Oh my gosh! I just got engaged in a bikini!” The
drive home from Havasu that day was the only trip that Kevin and I have not talked
to each other the whole way home – we were too busy calling our friends and
family to share the great news!
Alumnae Volunteers Needed for UCLA Re-colonization‫‏‬
It is with great pleasure, and much anticipation, that I provide the link to the Volunteer Availability Survey for the
colonization process at UCLA. This is my “official” alumnae volunteer communication, so please forward it to any
Sisters you feel may be interested in dedicating their time or treasure to this exciting opportunity. Don’t forget to fill
out your contact information, including your home address (or the address where you would like to receive written
correspondence from this effort) and feel free to tell us if you have any specific abilities or services you would like to
share with the new Chapter as we rejoin the UCLA Greek System. Please keep in mind that times may vary slightly
from those listed within the survey. Updated times will be forwarded to you, should they change.
Thank you all for your patience with this correspondence, and more importantly for your commitment to
Alpha Chi Omega. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to the new Alpha Psi!
Jana Mueller Acciacca
UCLA Colonization Volunteer Coordinator
Central California Province Collegiate Chair
310.490.8488 cell
Jessica Porter Taylor
Delta Nu, Iowa State University 1992
DOD Alumnae Panhellenic Delegate
2nd VP of Membership Central Orange County Alumnae Panhellenic (COCAP)
I’m a stay at home mom to Jack (6) and Ellie (4). Life keeps us
very busy and I'm involved with many volunteer groups. I have
jumped right in to my Panhellenic position and hope to expand it
through the revitalization of the North Orange County Alumnae
Panhellenic. I would love nothing more to see CSUF receive more
alumnae support. I'm always looking for another gal interested in
learning what Panhellenic is about and backing me up as an
additional body at meetings when needed. So if you are
interested, please let me know! FYI, this picture of my family was
recently featured in an Iowa State Foundation brochure on
charitable giving that went to thousands of alumni all over the
……world... very exciting for my little family!
Did you know??
Alpha Chi Omega has grown to over 200,000 initiated members,
over 130 active collegiate chapters and 200 alumnae chapters.
Room for Rent
Room for rent in a 5 bedroom house in Raymond Hills, Fullerton
Private bedroom and private bath. $800 per month, includes utilities and private parking
spot. House is fully furnished and has recently undergone a major renovation/upgrade.
Brand new kitchen, bathrooms, and designer touches. Close to CSUF and downtown
Fullerton. Please contact Lori at 714-457-6835 or [email protected] if interested.