Helpful Swaddling Hints – Click here to view full pdf
Helpful Swaddling Hints – Click here to view full pdf
with may dler. In ce it is baby’s Swaddler Helpful Hints 1 GETTING STARTED 1 GETTING STARTED 1 GETTING STARTED DO DO DO ergobaby TM DON’T Ensure the top of the swaddler is lined up KEY WATCHOUT: where head and Ensurebaby’s the top of the neck meet. swaddler is lined up ergobaby TM DON’T Ensure the top of the neck meet. swaddler is lined up where baby’s head and neck meet. Correct placement on Hip Flap Support. If the top of the Swaddler is too far up and aligned with the back of baby’s head, the healthy hip positioner may not reach the Velcro tab on the front of the Swaddler. In If the topthis of the far risk up and aligned with addition, alsoSwaddler presentsisa too safety to baby since it is the back of the baby’s head, the healthy may more likely Swaddler material willhip be positioner closer to baby’s not reach Velcro tab on the front of the Swaddler. In mouth andthe nose. If the topthis of the far risk up and aligned with addition, alsoSwaddler presentsisa too safety to baby since it is the back of the baby’s head, the healthy may more likely Swaddler material willhip bepositioner closer to baby’s not reach Velcro tab on the front of the Swaddler. In mouth andthe nose. addition, this also presents a safety risk to baby since it is more likely the Swaddler material will be closer to baby’s mouth and nose. Correct placement on Hip Flap Support. Correct placement on Hip Flap Support. 2 USING THE ARM SLEEVE POCKETS 2 DO THE ARM SLEEVE POCKETS USING 2 USING THE ARM SLEEVE POCKETS DON’T DO DON’T KEY WATCHOUT: Ensure the material of the Swaddler over baby’s shoulder before KEYis WATCHOUT: tucking eachmaterial arm flapofunder baby. Ensure the the SwadIf theismaterial is sitting slightly off dler over baby’s shoulder before baby’s shoulders, simply pull it up. KEY WATCHOUT: tucking each arm flap under baby. Ensure the material of the SwadIf the material is sitting slightly off When securing the right pull arm dler is over baby’s shoulder before baby’s shoulders, simply itflap, up. bring it over flapbaby. tucking eachthe armleft flaparm under not under. If the material is sitting slightly off When securing the right arm flap, baby’s simply bring itshoulders, over the left armpull flapit- up. DO ergobaby TM DON’T ERGOBABY SWADDLER not under. INSTRUCTIONSWhen DO’s & DON’Ts securing the right arm flap, bring it over the left arm flap not under. If the top of the Swaddler is too low and is across baby’s back, the Swaddler fabric will not be able to come over baby’s shoulders leaving the arms more likely to come lose from the arm sleeve pockets. In addition, it makes it more difficult to achieve the hands to heart position since baby’s arms will be pulled downward when the Velcro tab is secured. 3 CORRECT ARM POSITIONING 3 CORRECT ARM POSITIONING 3 KEY WATCHOUT: CORRECT ARM POSITIONING DO DO DO If the top of the Swaddler is too low and is across baby’s back, the Swaddler fabric will not be able to come over baby’s shoulders. This could result in baby’s arms coming loose from the arm sleeve pockets and also makes it more difficult to achieve the recommended “hands to heart” position. Ensure baby’s arms are not positioned too low in the KEY WATCHOUT: Swaddler. Theyarms should Ensure baby’s are be not in a relaxed, hands positioned too low to in heart the position. KEY WATCHOUT: Swaddler. They should be Ensure baby’s armstoare not in a relaxed, hands heart NOTE: arms positioned too low in should the position. Baby’s not overlap.They They should Swaddler. should berest side by side or one positioned in a relaxed, hands to heart NOTE: Baby’s arms should slightly higher than the other. position. not overlap. They should rest DO DON’T DON’T If the top of the Swaddler is too low and is across baby’s back, the Swaddler fabric willtop notofbethe able to comeisover baby’s If the Swaddler too low and shoulders. This back, could the result in baby’s is across baby’s Swaddler fabarms coming loose from the arm sleeve ric will not be able to come over baby’s pockets also makes it more difficult If the topand ofThis thecould Swaddler is in toobaby’s low and shoulders. result to achieve theloose recommended “hands to is across baby’s back, thethe Swaddler fabarms coming from arm sleeve heart” position. ric will not be able to come over baby’s pockets and also makes it more difficult shoulders. Thisrecommended could result in“hands baby’s to to achieve the arms loose from the arm sleeve heart”coming position. pockets and also makes it more difficult to achieve the recommended “hands to heart” position. DO 4 USING THE HEALTHY HIP POSITIONER If baby’s hands are not placed in the suggested “hands heart”are position, If baby’stohands not baby’s easily placed hands in the can suggested break free from the “hands to heart” position, Ergobaby Swaddler. If baby’s hands areeasily not baby’s hands can placed in the suggested break free from the “hands to heart” position, Ergobaby Swaddler. baby’s hands can easily break free from the Ergobaby Swaddler. DON’T KEY WATCHOUT: Ensure that the healthy hip positioner isn’t too tight or too loose. Baby’s legs should be relaxed and slightly bent. If the top of the Swaddler is too low and is across baby’s back, the Swaddler fabric will not be able to come over baby’s shoulders leaving the arms more likely to come If thefrom top the of the is too lowInand is across baby’s lose armSwaddler sleeve pockets. addition, it makes back, the Swaddler fabric will be able to come over it more difficult to achieve thenot hands to heart position baby’sbaby’s shoulders arms more likely to the come since armsleaving will be the pulled downward when If thefrom top Swaddler is too lowInand is across baby’s lose the arm sleeve pockets. addition, it makes Velcro tabof is the secured. back, thedifficult Swaddler fabric will be able to come over it more to achieve thenot hands to heart position baby’s shoulders arms more likely to the come since baby’s armsleaving will be the pulled downward when lose from arm sleeve pockets. In addition, it makes Velcro tabthe is secured. it more difficult to achieve the hands to heart position since baby’s arms will be pulled downward when the Velcro tab is secured. 4 USING THE HEALTHY HIP POSITIONER DON’T side by side or one positioned NOTE: Baby’sthan armsthe should slightly higher other. not overlap. They should rest side by side or one positioned slightly higher than the other. 4 USING THE HEALTHY HIP POSITIONER ERGOBABY S ergobaby INSTRUCTION ERGOBABY S INSTRUCTION ERGOBABY S INSTRUCTION TM KEY whereWATCHOUT: baby’s head and ON’T not ested osition, asily e r. DON’T KEY WATCHOUT: Having the healthy hip positioner too loose can compromise the ergonomic positioning of baby’s legs DO KEY WATCHOUT: HEALTHY HIP POSITIONER Ensure that the 4 USING THE DO healthy hip positioner KEY WATCHOUT: isn’t toothat tightthe or too Ensure loose. Baby’s legs healthy hip positioner should be relaxed and KEY WATCHOUT: isn’t too tight or too slightly bent.the Ensure that loose. Baby’s legs healthy hip positioner should be relaxed and isn’t toobent. tight or too slightly loose. Baby’s legs should be relaxed and slightly bent. DO DO DO