st. michael the archangel parish - Saint Michael the Archangel Parish
st. michael the archangel parish - Saint Michael the Archangel Parish
July 10, 2016 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Volume 37, Issue 28 icnic Parish P TODAY! ss : 12:4 Field Ma 0 pm :3 Picnic: 1 5 pm ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL PARISH 301 SPRUCE STREET, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA 16648 PARISH STAFF MASSES Rev. Msgr. Stanley B. Carson, Pastor ……….....695-0912 Saturday Evening: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Daily & Holy Days: See inside the Bulletin Janet Klingbeil, Parish Secretary…………….......695-0912 Sue Teske, Director of Religious Education……...934-2180 Mary Jo Lanzel, Director of Volunteer Ministries...696-9394 CONFESSIONS Tim Baranik, Youth Group Director.………..……..693-6780 Regularly on Saturdays: 1:00 p.m. and Sundays: 7:30 a.m. Tom Kunkle, Music Coordinator…………………...312-3897 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CONTACT INFORMATION MARRIAGES & BAPTISMS Rectory/Church Office………...……….…...(814) 695-0912 Call the church office to schedule an appointment. Nine month advance notice is normally required for marriage. Office Fax Number………………..….…..…(814) 693-9820 Parish Email.……………[email protected] Parish Website………… Holy Trinity Catholic School…………..…..(814) 695-6112 MISSION STATEMENT OF THE ST. MICHAEL FAITH COMMUNITY Extending a rich parish heritage built upon the pioneering traditions of the first settlers of the Southern Allegheny mountains, St. Michael the Archangel Parish embraces as its mission the use of all available resources, both spiritual and temporal, to minister to the needs of the people of Hollidaysburg and its surrounding areas. We do this in a fashion which reflects the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, while promoting a tradition of liturgical excellence, strong support for Catholic education in all its varieties, and enlightened social outreach to the community at large, in union with both the Diocesan and Universal Church. BULLETIN DEADLINE The deadline to have information printed in the bulletin announcements is 4:00 p.m. Tuesday prior to the weekend of the announcement. Mail or email the information to the Church office. PARISHIONER REGISTRATION If you would like to join the parish, please contact the Rectory/Church office. Please remember to notify us if you move or will be moving out of the parish. Registration, the practice of stewardship, and regular participation in the Sacraments indicate that a person is an active member of the parish and is eligible to act as a godparent or sponsor. As a Church community seeking to be faith-filled disciples and good stewards, the sacrifice of our time, talent and treasure is essential for the common good. CHRISTIAN INITIATION Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church should contact the rectory office. New classes begin in the Fall. Liturgical Reflection... We are to love God completely and love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Who is my neighbor? In the gospel story the neighbor is a despised Samaritan. This person is identified as “the one who treated his neighbor with mercy.” To be a neighbor is to reach out to help anyone in need, setting aside any barriers that either society or selfishness might set up. To be a neighbor is to open one’s heart to another; recognizing in the other the image of the God who created them. To be a neighbor is to treat another with mercy. We become the face of God to another when we are merciful. 2016, Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, Liturgy Office, 925 South Logan Boulevard, Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania 16648. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS for July 11 - July 17 INTRODUCTION FOR TODAY’S READINGS Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time MONDAY, July 11 - St. Benedict, Abbot 7:45 a.m. + Calvin & Delilah Walker - by Andrea & Greg Walker Deuteronomy 30: 10-14 The events of this reading take place as the Israelites are camped on the shore of the Jordan River, ready to enter the Promised Land. Moses makes it clear to the people that they are expected to remain faithful to the Lord after they have settled in their new land. TUESDAY, July 12 7:45 a.m. + Jim Madden (Birthday Rem.) - by Denise & Family WEDNESDAY, July 13 - St. Henry 7:45 a.m. + Leta C. Wilt (Birthday Rem.) - by her family THURSDAY, July 14 - St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin 7:45 a.m. + Raymond R. Brown (Anniversary Rem.) - Elda Brown FRIDAY, July 15 - St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 7:45 a.m. + Jean Sommer - by Dave & Diane Madden SATURDAY, July 16 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel No Morning Mass 2:30 p.m. Wedding: Mikayla Gates and Ryan Carbaugh 5:00 p.m. For the People of the Parish SUNDAY, July 17 - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 a.m. + Angelina Trevison (Anniversary Rem.) - by Annette & Bob Scholl 10:00 a.m. + Dean Rhodes, Jr. (Birthday Rem.) - by his Family 11:30 a.m. + Joseph A. Carson, Jr. - by Dave & Deb Claar MAY HE REST IN PEACE Parishioner Bill Wilson died and was buried this week. Bill was an active member of our parish and will be sadly missed by many. Our deepest sympathy to his wife: Mary and his children: Erin, Kevin, Lori and Mark, and his grandchildren, as well as to Bill’s family and friends. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. FAMILIES AND THE GOSPEL Luke 10:25-37 Jesus sets the scene: “A man was robbed, beaten and left for dead.” How would people react? Two found an EXCUSE to avoid helping; another saw an OPPORTUNITY to be merciful. When we encounter situations calling for mercy, do we create excuses or seize the opportunity to extend the compassion of Christ? IN THE HOSPITAL? Please remember to contact the church office (695-0912) if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital, a rehabilitation center, or a nursing home. Monsignor often has no way of knowing if a parishioner is admitted. Thank you! TODAY! ST. MICHAEL ANNUAL PARISH PICNIC Come and join us at the Hollidaysburg Legion Park TODAY, Sunday, July 10 for our Annual Parish Picnic and Field Mass. Mass will be at 12:45 p.m. and the Picnic will follow at 1:30 p.m. Bring your lawn chairs and an extra large side dish and/or dessert to share. Food, Cash and Basket Raffles, Bingo, Games, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, and so much more! Colossians 1: 15-20 Today this letter responds to a widespread belief that God ruled the world through the mediation of angels who were given their own powers. The author quotes an earlier Christian hymn that emphasizes Jesus is the one and only mediator between God and the world. THIS WEEK’S LITURGY APPOINTMENTS SACRISTAN (7/10 - 7/16): S. Heist ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE (7/10 - 7/16): as scheduled GARDENER OF THE WEEK (7/10 - 7/16): D. Feltz COFFEE/DONUT SOCIAL (7/17/16): The Gervinski Family July 16 - 17: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, July 16, 5:00 PM Readers: M. Dodson & J. Mielnik Altar Servers: D. DiSabato & available E. Min.: C. Storm, R. Holzer & D. Straub Gift Bearers: A. Corle Family Sunday, July 17, 8:30 AM Readers: B. Stevens & E. Baranik Altar Servers: A. Bettwy & N. Bettwy E. Min.: P. Gildea, R. Stellabotte & L. Michelone Gift Bearers: The Rosensteel Family Sunday, July 17, 10:00 AM Readers: M. Culp & D. Culp Altar Servers: C. Reachard & D. Kordish E. Min.: M. DeRose, T. Wilt & C. Brown Gift Bearers: M. Weyant Family Sunday, July 17, 11:30 AM Readers: K. Stanko & D. Musitano Altar Servers: J. Roberts & R. Roberts E. Min.: R. Walter, L. Malone & L. Georgiana Gift Bearers: The Wilkinson Family ≈≈≈≈≈≈ OUR GIFTS TO GOD ≈≈≈≈≈≈ Thank you for your generosity! Sunday Offering (7/3/16) $7,367.38 Sunday Envelopes: $6,956.69 Loose Cash: $410.69 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal Parish Goal: $47,777.00 Parish Goal (received to date 6/30/16): $41,950.00 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners we are less than $6,000 from meeting our parish goal for the Diocese Annual Catholic Appeal (A.C.A.). Also all contributions received beyond our parish goal will be returned in their entirety to our parish and will not be assessed by the diocese for next year. If you would like to make a donation to the A.C.A. you may send your gift (made payable to the “Annual Catholic Appeal”) to the rectory office, or clearly mark an envelope for “ACA” and place it in the weekly collection basket. You may also give online at HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS NEWS: HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Home Nursing Agency Seeking Volunteers to Support Hospice Families & Grieving Children Do you want to use your life to make a profound impact for others? Consider becoming a Home Nursing Agency volunteer for hospice or the Healing Patch program for grieving children and their families. Home Nursing Agency has the right opportunity to fit your schedule, skills, and comfort level. Hospice volunteers offer companionship and show compassion as they support hospice patients and their families, both during the hospice care journey and after the patients have passed away. Volunteers are the heart of the Healing Patch, a free program for grieving children and their families. Volunteers serve in many roles by facilitating groups, serving food, greeting attendees, sewing quilt squares and memory bears, and assisting with special projects. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for hospice or the Healing Patch, or would like to learn more, please contact Volunteer Coordinators at 1-800-445-6262 or visit CRESSON CATHOLIC FESTIVAL The parishes of St. Aloysius and St. Francis Xavier would like to extend an invitation to be a part of a community wide catholic festival, September 10 & 11 in Cresson. Are you a crafter? Do you have a food specialty? If you would like to be part of this event, please contact Becky Strunk at 814-934-3068 or via email at [email protected]. MASS OF HEALING & REMEMBRANCE The church lovingly desires to walk with and support families who are struggling with infertility or who have lost a child through miscarriage and early infant death recently or in the past. The Diocese invites all of those who are experiencing this heartbreak to celebrate a Mass of Healing and Remembrance with Bishop Mark Bartchak. The Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, July 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Holy Name Church, 500 North Julian St. Ebensburg, PA. A light reception will follow the Mass in the church narthex. Reservations are appreciated by July 12. Contact Family Life at 814-886-5551; email [email protected]. The Holy Trinity Catholic School Golf Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, August 20 at King Valley Golf Course. Start time 1:30 with registration and lunch starting at 12:30. If you are interested in putting a 4 member team in or would like to be a fairway sponsor, hole sponsor, or make a prize donation please call (814-942-7835) or Kraig Kiesewetter (814 -215-6012) or e-mail [email protected] The Football Extravaganza is under way! Tickets are on sale now at all three campuses, $20.00 a ticket. This fundraiser is based on the NFL regular season games. Each ticket will receive 17 unique combinations of three NFL teams for each week of the regular season. Each NFL week begins on Thursday and ends on Monday. Every week you will add up the final score of the team in your combination for that week. The ticket with the highest total score wins the grand prize for the week. Four positions will be paid each week. Winners will be notified weekly. Tickets can be purchased at the Holy Trinity Catholic School Hollidaysburg Campus (814-695-6112), Middle School Campus (814-942-7835), and the Altoona Campus (814-381-7011). NOVENA IN HONOR OF ST. ANN The Sisters of Saint Ann announce the Annual Novena in honor of St. Ann on Monday, July 18 - Tuesday, July 26. The Novena will be held at Mount St. Ann, 1120 N. Center St. Ebensburg, PA. Eucharistic Celebration will be at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 26 at the outdoor shrine with Bishop Mark Bartchak as the main celebrant. The public is invited to the Novena. For more information, write to the Sisters of Saint Ann P.O. Box 328, Ebensburg, PA 15931 or call (814) 472-9354. ST. JOAN OF ARC ANNUAL FESTIVAL St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church (Rt. 53 in Frugality, PA) will be hosting their annual festival on Sunday, July 17 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. A turkey and noodle dinner will be featured from 11 - 3. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children 5 - 12. All are invited. LADIES RETREAT OUTDOOR MASS HONORING MARRIED COUPLES WITH BISHOP MARK The Sisters of Saint Ann are inviting you to join their annual “Ladies Retreat” at Mount Saint Ann, Ebensburg, PA on August 12, 13, 14, 2016. The Rev. Nathan Malavolti, T.O.R., professor at the University of Steubenville, OH will be the spiritual director of the retreat. For more information, write to the Sisters of Saint Ann P.O. Box 328, Ebensburg, PA 15931 or call (814) 472-9354. The Retreat is open to commuters as well. The Altoona-Johnstown Diocesan Family is invited to participate and to pray for those living the Sacrament of Marriage at an outdoor Mass honoring married couples on Sunday evening, July 17 at 7:00 pm at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Alleghenies in Loretto. Bring a lawn chair. Indoors if rain. Bishop Mark is the celebrant and homilist. This is a wonderful way to celebrate, encourage and support married couples! Come early, bring food and picnic together. HISTORIC CATHOLIC CHURCHES TOUR WITH FR. ARON STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION Fr. Aron Maghsoudi will be sponsoring a day trip/bus tour of historic Catholic churches in New York City on Sunday, July 24. The trip will include a Latin High Mass at Holy Innocents Church, tours of St. Vincent Ferrer Church, and St. Peter Church. Additionally the trip will include an organ recital by Professor Nicholas Will (Former music director at the Altoona Cathedral) in the newly restored St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The cost of the trip is $80.00 per person and includes motor coach transportation and a hearty lunch at Tony DiNapoli’s near Times Square. Pick-up locations in Duncansville and Bellefonte. To register please call Fr. Aron at 814-754-5224. May we follow the example of the Good Samaritan by spontaneously showing compassion and mercy to others you meet on your life’s journey. QUICK LOOK AT UPCOMING EVENTS Every Monday Prayer Group (in the Church) SCRIP will not be sold this Sunday (in the Church hall) 2:00 p.m. (It WILL be sold on the following dates: July 9, July 16 & 17, July 24, July 30) TODAY July 12 July 21 July 23 Parish Outdoor Mass 12:45 p.m. & Picnic 1:30 p.m. – Legion Park Maintenance Committee Meeting - Rectory 7:00 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting - Rectory 7:00 p.m. Men’s Club cleaning of the church hall WILL BE RESCHEDULED Re/Max Results Realty Group 1001 Logan Blvd - Altoona, PA 16602 Mariska Eash Mobile (814) 414-8823 Office (814) 946-9355 Contact Parishioners: Mariska Eash: [email protected] Kathy Chabala, Owner: [email protected] Serving all of your Real Estate needs for 23 years! SORGE FUNERAL HOME, INC. Building it better. Lloyd C. Sorge, Supervisor Ashley K & Aden R. Sorge Funeral Directors 422 North Juniata Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 814-695-3960 BLAIR COUNTY GOLF DRIVING RANGE Custom Club Fitting • All Major Manufacturers Expedient Club Repair • PGA Master Instruction Scotch Valley Road, Hollidaysburg new home construction remodeling • additions 600 E. Chestnut Ave., Altoona • 944-6139 814-695-3573 510 Blair Street, Hollidaysburg • 693-0270 Greenlawn Cemetery of St. Michael’s fully insured/ free estimate LOTS AVAILABLE Go Ahead! ASK! Call Tom Baker at 695-2546 (814) 695-3675 WARNERS Florist - Gifts - Greenhouse 179 S. Montgomery Street Hollidaysburg, PA Replacement Windows & Doors Siding • Soffit • Fascia New Homes • Additions • Garages “Since 1950” Phone: 695-5240 or 695-6451 THE ZANKER FUND Robert J. Singer, D.O. Parishioner 3000 Fairway Dr. Altoona, PA 16602 (814) 942-1166 K. of C. Hall Rent for your socials. Call Jim Zimmerman 695-0707 OLLINGER BRICK AND STONE SUPPLIES 827 Pleasant Valley Blvd., Altoona, PA Joe Ollinger, Jr., Sales Rep. Phone: 943-0321 or 943-4920 421 Montgomery Street Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 David J. Mason, Supervisor Supporting Catholic Education Since 1898 (814) 695-1551 Oral Surgery Associates of Central PA Certified by the American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Serving Central Pennsylvania for over 40 years Randal Patterson, DMD Christopher Lance, DMD Parishioners Gregory W. Pyle, DMD Jennifer D. Keyser, DDS 901 Logan Blvd. Hollidaysburg, PA St. Michael’s Catholic Church The Finest in Fresh and Frozen Seafood! Open to the Public! Monday - Friday 8 - 5; Saturday 9 - 2 Owners: John & Colleen Barazotto 821 Scotch Valley Rd, Hollidaysburg Next door to the Hollidaysburg Ambulance Co. Want to rehear Msgr.’s Homily? Misplaced your bulletin? On vacation? Don’t miss what’s going on! VISIT OUR WEBPAGE! \\
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st. michael the archangel parish - Saint Michael the Archangel Parish
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