st. michael the archangel parish - Saint Michael the Archangel Parish
st. michael the archangel parish - Saint Michael the Archangel Parish
July 24, 2016 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Volume 37, Issue 30 ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL PARISH 301 SPRUCE STREET, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA 16648 PARISH STAFF MASSES Rev. Msgr. Stanley B. Carson, Pastor ……….....695-0912 Saturday Evening: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Daily & Holy Days: See inside the Bulletin Janet Klingbeil, Parish Secretary…………….......695-0912 Sue Teske, Director of Religious Education……...934-2180 Mary Jo Lanzel, Director of Volunteer Ministries...696-9394 CONFESSIONS Tim Baranik, Youth Group Director.………..……..693-6780 Regularly on Saturdays: 1:00 p.m. and Sundays: 7:30 a.m. Tom Kunkle, Music Coordinator…………………...312-3897 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CONTACT INFORMATION MARRIAGES & BAPTISMS Rectory/Church Office………...……….…...(814) 695-0912 Call the church office to schedule an appointment. Nine month advance notice is normally required for marriage. Office Fax Number………………..….…..…(814) 693-9820 Parish Email.……………[email protected] Parish Website………… Holy Trinity Catholic School - Hollidaysburg Campus………..(814) 695-6112 MISSION STATEMENT OF THE ST. MICHAEL FAITH COMMUNITY Extending a rich parish heritage built upon the pioneering traditions of the first settlers of the Southern Allegheny mountains, St. Michael the Archangel Parish embraces as its mission the use of all available resources, both spiritual and temporal, to minister to the needs of the people of Hollidaysburg and its surrounding areas. We do this in a fashion which reflects the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, while promoting a tradition of liturgical excellence, strong support for Catholic education in all its varieties, and enlightened social outreach to the community at large, in union with both the Diocesan and Universal Church. BULLETIN DEADLINE The deadline to have information printed in the bulletin announcements is 4:00 p.m. Tuesday prior to the weekend of the announcement. Mail or email the information to the Church office. PARISHIONER REGISTRATION If you would like to join the parish, please contact the Rectory/Church office. Please remember to notify us if you move or will be moving out of the parish. Registration, the practice of stewardship, and regular participation in the Sacraments indicate that a person is an active member of the parish and is eligible to act as a godparent or sponsor. As a Church community seeking to be faith-filled disciples and good stewards, the sacrifice of our time, talent and treasure is essential for the common good. CHRISTIAN INITIATION Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church should contact the rectory office. New classes begin in the Fall. Liturgical Reflection... Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. Know that the Father in heaven gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask him. Jesus urges his disciples to persist in prayer. We pray that God’s will be done. The advice of the Lord is to be persistent in prayer. His encouragement is to remember that God is a Father who loves his children. God shows mercy and kindness to all. When we persist in prayer, we become enveloped in the Lord’s kindness, understanding, and mercy. Grounded in prayer, we are grounded in the mercy of God. 2016, Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, Liturgy Office, 925 South Logan Boulevard, Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania 16648. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS for July 25 - 31 MONDAY, July 25 - St. James, Apostle 7:45 a.m. + Bobbi Murray (Anniv. Rem.) - by the family TUESDAY, July 26 - Sts. Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Mother 7:45 a.m. + Bill Wilson - by Mark & Jo DeLozier WEDNESDAY, July 27 7:45 a.m. + Mary Liebal - by Helen & Christine Liebal THURSDAY, July 28 7:45 a.m. + Stanley Kaczor - by Mr & Mrs Stewart Trotter FRIDAY, July 29 - St. Martha 7:45 a.m. + Frank & Joan Bonanno - by Victor & Joan Balash SATURDAY, July 30 St. Peter Chrysologus, Bishop & Dr. of the Church 5:00 p.m. + Living & Deceased Members of the Owens Family - by Martha Owens SUNDAY, July 31 - Eighteenth Sunday 8:30 a.m. + George Fregone Jr. (Birthday Rem.) - his daughter & son 10:00 a.m. + Eleanore Trimarco - by Dave & Mary Jo Lanzel 11:30 a.m. For the People of the Parish WELCOME! Today we welcome Rev. Carlos Fernandez, MXY. He is a missionary priest who is currently serving the people of God in Kenya, Africa. He has been there for many years working with several groups in different times of his life. He has also been a mentor of the seminarians. He belongs to the Yarumal Missionaries. The goal of the Yarumal Missionaries, who were founded 85 years ago, is to witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ among people and cultures where the Gospel is not yet fully preached. They are present in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Angola, Cambodia and Thailand. In order to carry out their pastoral programs, these missionaries depend very much on the generosity of the Christians from parishes they visit. Our support for Rev. Fernandez is a sign that reminds us of our baptismal vocation: We are also missionaries of Christ. To help support his work you may use the Missionary Cooperative envelope attached in today’s bulletin. INTRODUCTION FOR TODAY’S READINGS Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Genesis 18:20-32 Today's passage from Genesis is another episode from the life of Abraham, our father in faith. He lived near Sodom, a city notorious for its wickedness. In this passage, Abraham employs the Middle-Eastern technique of bartering to negotiate with God over the future of that city. Colossians 2:12-14 Today we continue our series of four readings from the letter to the Colossians. We have seen how this letter emphasizes Christ as the sole mediator between God and all creation. Today’s passage speaks of how we become one with Christ. THIS WEEK’S LITURGY APPOINTMENTS SACRISTAN (7/24 - 7-30): N. Blake ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE (7/24 - 7-30): as scheduled GARDENER OF THE WEEK (7/24 - 7-30): B. Fiore COFFEE/DONUT SOCIAL (7/31/16): The Nosek family July 30 - 31: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, July 30, 5:00 PM Readers: J. Mielnik & M. Dodson Altar Servers: A. Carey & N. Nale E. Min.: D. Straub, C. Storm & R. Holzer Gift Bearers: The B. Irwin Family Sunday, July 31, 8:30 AM Readers: G. Luciano & E. Baranik Altar Servers: M. Elder & A. Elder E. Min.: M. Fiore, J. Frank & B. Anthony Gift Bearers: The S. Frank Family Sunday, July 31, 10:00 AM Readers: D. Maher & D. McKnight Altar Servers: M. Hemminger & C. Hemminger E. Min.: J. Pompa, R. Pompa & M. Lanzel Gift Bearers: The B. Henry Family Sunday, July 31, 11:30 AM Readers: D. Musitano & J. Plummer Altar Servers: C. Fochler & M. Gardner E. Min.: L. Malone, G. Harrington & R. Walter Gift Bearers: The Pope Family CONGRATULATIONS! Mikayla Gates and Ryan Carbaugh were united in Holy Matrimony here at St. Michael Parish on July 16. We extend our congratulations to them. Please remember Mikayla and Ryan in your prayers as they begin their married life. “MUSIC IN THE BURG” The Hollidaysburg Area Arts Council is hosting the Flood City Brass Band in concert TODAY, Sunday, July 24 at 7:00 p.m. at the Canal Basin Park in Hollidaysburg. The concert is FREE, bring your lawn chairs and your friends! In case of inclement weather the concert will be held in the Hollidaysburg Jr. High School. More information can be found at: FAMILIES AND THE GOSPEL Luke 11: 1-13 Today’s gospel began with Jesus “praying in a certain place.” He prayed where he was, among his friends. Pausing to pray in our homes, a parent “gives a good gift” to their children teaching them to turn to the Lord as a partner and friend. ≈≈≈≈≈≈ OUR GIFTS TO GOD ≈≈≈≈≈≈ Thank you for your generosity! Sunday Offering (7/10/16) $8,428.56 Sunday Envelopes: $8039.66 Loose Cash: $388.90 Sunday Offering (7/17/16) Sunday Envelopes: Loose Cash: $7,085.50 $6,576.70 $509.00 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal Parish Goal: $47,777.00 Parish Goal (received to date 7/19/16): $42,475.00 OFFICE HOURS The parish office will be closed THIS Monday & Tuesday (July 25 & 26). Normal office hours will resume on Wednesday 7/27. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION and FAITH FORMATION AT ST. MICHAEL PARISH HELPER NEEDED A parishioner is looking for someone to occasionally stay with her elderly husband for a few hours in the evenings while she runs errands or attends some events. Minimal work will be required. If interested please contact the rectory office. We are seeking Catechists for the following grades: * * * * 1 teacher for Pre-School 2 teachers for Grade 5 2 teachers for Grade 7 Youth Ministry - Grades 10 & 11 (They meet the second Sunday of the month from 12:30-2 PM) * Confirmation Guest Speakers * Substitute teachers for all grades Keep in mind: - No experience is needed. - Training is available. - Assistance will be provided to obtain all necessary clearances that are needed to work with children. - Confirmation Candidates are encouraged to use this ministry as part of their service hours. - Questions about being a teacher or helper may be directed to our Director of Religious Education, Sue Teske at 934-2180. SPECIAL HOLY HOUR OF PRAYER FOR TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS In the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis is calling teens and young adults to return to their faith and embrace the Catholic church once again. Bishop Mark Bartchak and Sister Linda LaMagna CCW are inviting teens and young adults to join with them for a Holy Hour of Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament to prayerfully experience God calling their hearts. This invitation to return will be held on Thursday, Aug. 18, at St. Therese of the Child Jesus Parish (2301 5th St. Altoona, Pa), from 6:00 - 7:00 PM . A Social time with refreshments will follow the Holy Hour and also provide a time for individuals to talk with either Bishop Mark or Sr. Linda if they desire. For more information, contact Sr. Linda LaMagna CCW at 814-674-3712. If you know a young person who might be open to this event please feel free to gently hand them an invitation. Invitation cards are available on the bulletin board at the church entrance. DIOCESE CLASSES ANNOUNCED The Office of Adult Enrichment and Lay Ecclesial Ministry has announced the 2016-2017 class schedules which are available online at Classes can be taken for personal spiritual formation and enrichment or for Lay Ecclesial Basic Certification. Also available online is information on classes for continuing education credit and Third Year Track options, as well as registration forms and class descriptions. You can also contact Marybeth at (814) 361-2000 or [email protected] for further information. All are welcome! SAVE THE DATE: A gathering for all 2016-17 Catechists and helpers will be held on Wednesday, August 24 at 7 p.m. in the Activity Building and again on Sunday, August 28 at 1:45 p.m. It is important that everyone attend one of these sessions. New procedures will be discussed and Msgr. Carson will conduct a prayer service for the intentions of our Catechists and the children that are entrusted to their care. A training session will be held afterwards on both dates for those who would like to attend. STUDENT REGISTRATION Religious Education & Faith Formation Registration for all St. Michael students in grades pre-school - 8th grade, and who are not attending Holy Trinity Catholic School, will take place after all Masses in the Activity Building the weekend of August 27 - 28. Classes will begin on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 10 a.m. All Confirmation Candidates (in grades 9 - 11 in public and Catholic School) are asked to register as well on Aug. 27 - 28. The fee for everyone this year will $20 per student. Pre-School will continue to be free. Registration Forms will be available on Aug. 27 & 28, online at our parish website, and in the church entrance. TAG SALE The Dorothy Day Outreach Center is hosting a Tag Sale at St. Francis University in the D.D.O.C. parking lot. Saturday, July 30, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Held rain or shine! All money from this event will go towards the center’s financial assistance program which helps those who need it most in our community. MASS FOR MARRIED COUPLES Bishop Mark Bartchak and the Family Life Office cordially invite all couples did or are celebrating 1, 5, 10, 25, 40, 50, 55, and 60+ Wedding Anniversary in 2016 (and their families) to attend the Annual Wedding Anniversary Liturgy. Couples may attend Sunday, Sept. 11th in Altoona at Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament or Sunday, Sept. 18th in Johnstown at St. John Gualbert Cathedral. Both locations are handicap accessible. Liturgies in each location begin at 2:00 p.m. Bishop Mark will be the celebrant and homilist at each celebration. Punch and cookies will be available after the mass for anniversary couples and their families. Reservations must be made through your parish office for either celebration by Monday, August 22nd. QUICK LOOK AT UPCOMING EVENTS Every Monday Prayer Group (in the Church) SCRIP sold after Masses (in the Church hall) 2:00 p.m. July 24, July 30, and every weekend in August) Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 2 Ladies Guild Meeting - @ The Outback Steakhouse 1:00 p.m. 22 Last day to register for Bishop’s Mass for married couples 24 Catechists and helpers meeting - @ the Activity Building 7:00 p.m. 28 Catechists and helpers meeting - @ the Activity Building 1:45 p.m. 27 & 28 Religious Ed & Faith Formation Registration - @ Activ. Bldg after ALL Masses. Re/Max Results Realty Group 1001 Logan Blvd - Altoona, PA 16602 Mariska Eash Mobile (814) 414-8823 Office (814) 946-9355 Contact Parishioners: Mariska Eash: [email protected] Kathy Chabala, Owner: [email protected] Serving all of your Real Estate needs for 23 years! SORGE FUNERAL HOME, INC. Building it better. Lloyd C. Sorge, Supervisor Ashley K & Aden R. Sorge Funeral Directors 422 North Juniata Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 814-695-3960 BLAIR COUNTY GOLF DRIVING RANGE Custom Club Fitting • All Major Manufacturers Expedient Club Repair • PGA Master Instruction Scotch Valley Road, Hollidaysburg new home construction remodeling • additions 600 E. Chestnut Ave., Altoona • 944-6139 814-695-3573 510 Blair Street, Hollidaysburg • 693-0270 Greenlawn Cemetery of St. Michael’s fully insured/ free estimate LOTS AVAILABLE Go Ahead! ASK! Call Tom Baker at 695-2546 (814) 695-3675 WARNERS Florist - Gifts - Greenhouse 179 S. Montgomery Street Hollidaysburg, PA Replacement Windows & Doors Siding • Soffit • Fascia New Homes • Additions • Garages “Since 1950” Phone: 695-5240 or 695-6451 THE ZANKER FUND Robert J. Singer, D.O. Parishioner 3000 Fairway Dr. Altoona, PA 16602 (814) 942-1166 K. of C. Hall Rent for your socials. Call Jim Zimmerman 695-0707 OLLINGER BRICK AND STONE SUPPLIES 827 Pleasant Valley Blvd., Altoona, PA Joe Ollinger, Jr., Sales Rep. Phone: 943-0321 or 943-4920 421 Montgomery Street Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 David J. Mason, Supervisor Supporting Catholic Education Since 1898 (814) 695-1551 Oral Surgery Associates of Central PA Certified by the American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Serving Central Pennsylvania for over 40 years Randal Patterson, DMD Christopher Lance, DMD Parishioners Gregory W. Pyle, DMD Jennifer D. Keyser, DDS 901 Logan Blvd. Hollidaysburg, PA St. Michael’s Catholic Church The Finest in Fresh and Frozen Seafood! SHELCO Seafood Co. Open to the Public! Monday - Friday 8 - 5; Saturday 9 - 2 Owners: John & Colleen Barazotto 821 Scotch Valley Rd, Hollidaysburg Next door to the Hollidaysburg Ambulance Co. Want to rehear Msgr’s Homily? Misplaced your bulletin? On vacation? Don’t miss what’s going on! VISIT OUR WEBPAGE! FIND US ON FACEBOOK TOO! “St. Michael the Archangel Church Hollidaysburg” \\
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