Goji Die Werbung Die Wirklichkeit Unsere Empfehlung


Goji Die Werbung Die Wirklichkeit Unsere Empfehlung
Die Goji-Beere wächst am Gemeinen Bocksdorn (Lycium barbarum), auch Gemeiner Teufelszwirn
oder Chinesische Wolfsbeere genannt. In China heißt das Nachtschattengewächs Níngxià gǒuqǐ, im
englischen Sprachraum Goji oder Wolfberry. Der Bocksdorn dient als Zierpflanze (auch in
Deutschland), und seine Früchte haben ihren Platz sowohl in der chinesischen Küche als auch in der
traditionellen chinesischen Medizin. Die getrockneten Beeren sind blassrot, zirka 1 cm lang und 0,5
cm breit. Sie schmecken süßlich, praktisch säurelos, ein wenig wie eine Mischung aus Dörrpflaumen
und Feigen. Reiner Goji-Saft kostet je Liter 26 bis 30 Euro; 250 Gramm Beeren werden für 4,50 bis 12
Euro angeboten.
Die Werbung
Goji-Beeren werden gerne als wahre Gesundheits- und Anti-Aging-Sensation angepriesen. Sie sollen
Energie spenden, das Herz-Kreislauf-System unterstützen, das Immunsystem stärken, bei
Bluthochdruck und Schlafproblemen helfen, optimalen Zellschutz bieten, Schäden durch freie
Radikale neutralisieren und "im ewigen Kampf gegen zu frühes Altern durch Stress und
Umwelteinflüsse" beistehen. Die empfohlene Tagesdosis liegt bei 10-20 Gramm getrockneter Früchte
Die Wirklichkeit
Untersuchungen kommen in der Regel aus China, beschäftigen sich vor allem mit dem antioxidativen
Potenzial der Beeren. Dieses soll zirka 15mal höher sein als das von grünem Tee. Im Internet wird
häufig von einem sehr hohen Vitamin-C-Gehalt, 18 enthaltenen Aminosäuren und 21
Spurenelementen berichtet. Tatsächlich ist es jedoch sehr schwierig, verlässliche Quellen für die
Zusammensetzung der Nährstoffe zu finden; die großen internationalen Datenbanken führen GojiBeeren nicht auf. Nach verschiedenen Internetquellen sollen die getrockneten Beeren 29-148
Milligramm (mg) Vitamin C pro 100 Gramm (g) enthalten; mit diesem für Trockenfrüchte sehr hohen
Wert wären sie vergleichbar mit frischen Orangen (50 mg), Erdbeeren (53 mg) oder Schwarzen
Johannisbeeren (177 mg). Betrachtet man den Vitamingehalt im Verhältnis zur Energiemenge - zirka
300 Kilokalorien (kcal) pro 100 Gramm für getrocknete Goji gegenüber 39 kcal/100 g bei schwarzen
Johannisbeeren - so geht der Vergleich klar zugunsten der frischen hiesigen Früchte aus.
Unsere Empfehlung
Hier verkaufte Goji-Beeren stammen in der Regel aus China. Wer die Trockenfrüchte kaufen möchte,
sollte sich vom Verkäufer zusichern lassen, dass der Importeur jede Charge auf Pestizide und
Schwermetalle untersuchen lässt. Alternativ kann Bioware gekauft werden. Hier gelten die
strengeren Regeln der EU-Öko-Verordnung, und die Produkte sind schärferen Kontrollen auch bei der
Einfuhr unterworfen. Bei Säften sollte vor allem auf den tatsächlichen Goji-Fruchtanteil geachtet
werden; häufig ist dieser recht gering. Der hohe Preis der Produkte beruht in erster Linie aus der
Vermarktung als exotisches bzw. Wundermittel.
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel - eine Produktübersicht von A-Z
Gemeiner Bocksdorn
(Weitergeleitet von Goji)
Gemeiner Bocksdorn
Gemeiner Bocksdorn (Lycium barbarum)
DreifurchenpollenZweikeimblättrige (Rosopsida)
Unterklasse: Asternähnliche (Asteridae)
Nachtschattenartige (Solanales)
Bocksdorne (Lycium)
Gemeiner Bocksdorn
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Lycium barbarum
Der Gemeine Bocksdorn (Lycium barbarum) ist ein Nachtschattengewächs (Solanaceae) aus
der Gattung der Bocksdorne (Lycium). Die Pflanze ist ein Neophyt, und wird auch Gemeiner
Teufelszwirn und Chinesische Wolfsbeere genannt. In China heißt sie Níngxià gǒuqǐ
(chin. 宁夏枸杞 „Gǒuqǐ aus Ningxia“), im englischsprachigen Raum Goji oder Wolfberry.
Sie wird als Zierpflanze verwendet und ist Bestandteil der chinesischen Küche und der
traditionellen chinesischen Medizin.
1 Vorkommen
2 Beschreibung
o 2.1 Blüte
o 2.2 Früchte
o 2.3 Lebensraum Pflanze
3 Inhaltsstoffe und Pharmakologie
4 Küche und Ethnobotanik
5 Systematik
6 Quellen
7 Weblinks
Vorkommen [Bearbeiten]
Nach Ellenberg ist der Gemeine Bocksdorn eine Volllichtpflanze, er zeigt Wärme, Frische,
Schwachbasen, Stickstoffarmut bis mäßigen -reichtum. Er kommt vorwiegend in und nahe
den Städten Mitteldeutschlands vor, verwildert an Mauern und Zäunen. Weniger häufig sieht
man ihn im Westen Deutschlands. Er verträgt weder Salz noch Schwermetalle[1].
Wo die eigentliche Heimat des Bocksdorns liegt, ist unklar, wahrscheinlich ist sein natürlicher
Standort von Südosteuropa bis China zu finden. Eine typische Wolfsbeerenregion in China ist
Ningxia. Von dort breitete er sich als Kulturpflanze nach ganz Asien, Europa, Nordamerika,
Nordafrika und Australien/Neuseeland aus.
Beschreibung [Bearbeiten]
Blüte des Bocksdorn
Der Gemeine Bocksdorn ist ein sommergrüner Strauch, der zwei bis vier Meter hoch werden
kann. Seine rutenförmigen, meist stachligen Äste hängen bogenartig herab und tragen
längliche, lanzettförmige lange graugrüne Blätter, die 2 bis 3 cm breit und 3 bis 10 cm lang
werden und einzeln oder gegenständig am Ast sitzen[1][2].
Blüte [Bearbeiten]
Die Blütezeit des Gemeinen Bocksdorn ist von Juni bis August. Der Blütenstand enthält eine
oder mehrere fünfzählige, zwittrige (hermaphroditische) Blüten, die jeweils auf einem 1 bis 2
cm langen Stiel sitzen. Der Blütenkelch ist 4 bis 5 mm im Durchmesser, glockenförmig und
zweilappig. Die Blütenkrone ist violett und trichterförmig, mit 5 bis 6 mm langen sich
spreizenden Blütenblättern, die am Rand fast unbehaart sind. Der Kelch hat eine Länge von 8
bis 10 Millimetern, die Staubgefäße und Griffel stehen daraus leicht hervor[1][2].
Früchte [Bearbeiten]
Der Gemeine Bocksdorn in Thomés Flora von 1885
Die Bestäubung erfolgt durch Insekten (Bienen) oder Selbstbestäubung. Die leuchtendroten
oder orange-gelben, länglichen bis eiförmigen, 0.4 bis 2 mm breiten und 5 bis 12 mm langen
Früchte reifen von August bis Oktober und verbreiten ihre Samen mithilfe der Tiere, von
denen sie gefressen werden. Jede einzelne Frucht enthält 4 bis 20 braungelbe runde Samen
mit einem Durchmesser von etwa 2 mm[1][2].
Lebensraum Pflanze [Bearbeiten]
Auf dem Bocksdorn wurden Schmetterlingsraupen der Arten Manduca sexta, Manduca
quinquemaculatus und des Totenkopfschwärmers beobachtet[3]. Als Schädlinge kommen
Läuse der Gattungen Aphis und Paratrioza vor.
Inhaltsstoffe und Pharmakologie [Bearbeiten]
Frühere Vermutungen, der Bocksdorn würde Hyoscyamin enthalten, gehen fast ausnahmslos
auf eine Arbeit von 1890 zurück und konnten seitdem nicht bestätigt werden, das Gerücht hält
sich aber weiterhin hartnäckig. Neueste Untersuchungen mit modernsten Methoden
widerlegen die genannten Behauptungen[4][5]. Vergiftungsfälle sind nicht bekannt, der
Fruchtsaft ist von vielen Herstellern erhältlich.
In den Früchten finden sich unter anderem
0.5 Prozent des Vitamin C-Vorläufers 2-O-(β-D-Glucopyranosyl-)ascorbinsäure,
0.1 Prozent Betain,
Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B2, GABA und Nikotinsäure,
die Tetraterpene Zeaxanthin und Physalein,
die Steroide Solasodin, β-Sitosterol und dessen Vorläufer Daucosterol,
p-Cumarinsäure, Scopoletin, Aminosäuren und Proteine.[6]
Die moderne Wissenschaft hat sich für die Inhaltsstoffe interessiert und in Laborstudien erste
Hinweise auf medizinische Wirksamkeit gefunden:
Extrakte aus gemeinem Bocksdorn schützen vor Zerstörung des optischen Nervs, wenn ein
Glaukom vorliegt[7].
Polysaccharide aus der Pflanze haben immunmodulierende Wirkung[8].
Es gibt mehrere Laborstudien und eine klinische Studie zur Wirksamkeit gegen Krebs[9].
Wässrige Extrakte aus gemeinem Bocksdorn haben starke antioxidative Eigenschaften[10].
Küche und Ethnobotanik [Bearbeiten]
Reife Bocksdorn-Beeren
Bocksdorn wird in China zum Kochen und in der Naturheilkunde verwendet. In den
nordwestchinesischen Provinzen Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai und Innere Mongolei wächst der
Bocksdorn im Übermaß. Im Sommer und Herbst werden die Früchte geerntet und in der
Sonne getrocknet[11]. Die Früchte werden gekocht oder, wenn es süße sind, auch roh
gegessen; einige Varianten sind sehr sauer. Blätter von Jungpflanzen werden auch als
Blattgemüse verwendet.
Traditionell nehmen die Chinesen getrocknete Bocksdornbeeren gegen hohen Blutdruck und
Blutzucker, bei Augenproblemen, zur Unterstützung des Immunsystems und zur Vorbeugung
und Behandlung von Krebs. Als Einzeldosierung werden 6 bis 15 Gramm der getrockneten
Beeren als Absud, in Wein oder als Tinktur angegeben.[11]
Der Bocksdorn wird auch als Zierpflanze verwendet[12].
Systematik [Bearbeiten]
Mehrere Pflanzenbeschreibungen werden inzwischen in der Art L. barbarum
Lycium halimifolium Miller
Lycium vulgare Dunal
Vom Gemeinen Bocksdorn gibt es zwei Varietäten.
L. barbarum var. auranticarpum K.F.Ching: Diese Varietät kommt nur in China vor. Die Blätter
sind eher schmal und fleischig. Nur 4 bis 8 Samen befinden sich in den orange-gelben
L. barbarum var. barbarum L.: Die Blätter sind eher breit, dünn oder sogar papierartig. Die
Anzahl der Samen pro Frucht liegt höher als 15. Die Früchte haben eine rote Farbe[2].
Quellen [Bearbeiten]
1. ↑ a b c d Bundesamt für Naturschutz, FloraWeb. Auf
2. ↑ a b c d Flora Of China Project, Flora Of China. Vol. 17. S.~303, auf
3. ↑ G. S. Robinson u.a.: HOSTS - a database of the hostplants of the world's Lepidoptera. Auf
4. ↑ M. Adams et al.: HPLC-MS trace analysis of atropine in Lycium barbarum berries.
Phytochem Anal. 17/5/2006. S. 279-83. PMID 17019928
5. ↑ D. Frohne und H.J. Pfänder: Poisonous Plants: a handbook for doctors, pharmacists,
toxicologists, biologists and veterinarians. Blackwell Publishing 2005. 2. Ausgabe. ISBN 1874545-94-4. S. 370
6. ↑ Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases: Lycium barbarum.
7. ↑ H.C. Chan et al.: Neuroprotective effects of Lycium barbarum Lynn on protecting retinal
ganglion cells in an ocular hypertension model of glaucoma. Exp Neurol. 2006 Oct 10; [Epub
ahead of print]. PMID 17045262
8. ↑ T. Heinze und H. Barsett (Hrsg.): Polysaccharides I: Structure, Characterisation And Use.
Springer 2005. ISBN 3-540-26112-5. S. 87
9. ↑ R. Moss: A Friendly Skeptic Looks At Goji Juice. Auf http://chetday.com/gojijuice.htm
10. ↑ S.J. Wu et al.: Antioxidant activities of some common ingredients of traditional chinese
medicine, Angelica sinensis, Lycium barbarum and Poria cocos. Phytother Res. 18/12/2004. S.
1008-12. PMID 15742346
11. ↑ a b J. P. Hou: The Healing Power of Chinese Herbs and Medicinal Recipes. ISBN 0-78902202-8, Haworth Integrative Healing Press, 2005, S. 152 ff.
12. ↑ A.D. Webster: Hardy Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shrubs. Kessinger Publishing 2004.
ISBN 1-4191-2283-5. S. 87
13. ↑ GRIN Taxonomie (Engl.)
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
Commons: Gemeiner Bocksdorn – Bilder, Videos und Audiodateien
Verbreitungskarte für Deutschland bei Floraweb
Von „http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemeiner_Bocksdorn“
Kategorien: Nachtschattengewächse | Zierpflanze | Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin |
Fruchtgemüse | Blattgemüse | Neobiota
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Wolfberry is also another name for the western snowberry, Symphoricarpos occidentalis.
Lycium barbarum fruits
Scientific classification
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Lycium barbarum L.
Lycium chinense Mill.
Lycium halimifolium Mill.
(synonym for L.
Lycium ovatum Loisel.
(synonym for L. chinense
Mill. var. chinense
Lycium turbinatum Veill.
or Loisel. (synonym for L.
Lycium vulgare Dunal
(synonym for L.
Wolfberry - commercially called goji berry - is the common name for the fruit of two very
closely related species: Lycium barbarum (Chinese: 寧夏枸杞; pinyin: Níngxià gǒuqǐ) and L.
chinense (Chinese: 枸杞; pinyin: gǒuqǐ), two species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae
(which also includes the potato, tomato, eggplant, deadly nightshade, chili pepper, and
tobacco). Although its original habitat is obscure (probably southeastern Europe to southwest
Asia), wolfberry species currently grow in many world regions.[citation needed] Only in China,
however, is there significant commercial cultivation.
It is also known as Chinese wolfberry, goji berry, barbary matrimony vine, bocksdorn,
Duke of Argyll's tea tree, red medlar or matrimony vine. [1] Unrelated to the plant's
geographic origin, the names Tibetan goji and Himalayan goji are in common use in the
health food market for products from this plant.
1 Description
o 1.1 Leaves and flower
o 1.2 Fruit
2 Etymology
3 Significance
4 Cultivation
o 4.1 China
 4.1.1 Pesticide and fungicide use
o 4.2 Tibetan goji berry
o 4.3 United Kingdom
 4.3.1 Importation of mature plants
5 Uses
o 5.1 Culinary
o 5.2 Medicinal
o 5.3 Safety issues
6 Nutrient content
o 6.1 Macronutrients
o 6.2 Micronutrients and phytochemicals
o 6.3 Functional food and beverage applications
7 Marketing
o 7.1 Commercial products marketed outside Asia
o 7.2 Marketing claims under scrutiny in Europe
o 7.3 Marketing claims under scrutiny in Canada and the United States
8 References
9 Bibliography
10 External links
o 10.1 Botanical databases
o 10.2 Medical databases
o 10.3 News stories
o 10.4 Video and Pictures
11 See also
[edit] Description
Lycium barbarum illustration from Flora von Deutschland, by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thomé,
Österreich und der Schweiz 1885, Gera, Germany.
Wolfberry species are deciduous woody perennial plants, growing 1-3 m high. L. chinense is
grown in the south of China and tends to be somewhat shorter, while L. barbarum is grown in
the north, primarily in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and tends to be somewhat taller.
The botanical division named to the upper right, Magnoliophyta, identifies plants that flower
and the class Magnoliopsida represents flowering plants (Dicotyledons) with two embryonic
seed leaves called cotyledons appearing at germination.
The order Solanales names a perennial plant with five-petaled flowers that are more or less
united into a ring at the base; well-known members of the order include morning glory,
bindweed, and sweet potato as well as the plants of the Solanaceae, mentioned below.
Lastly, Solanaceae is the nightshade family that includes hundreds of plant foods like potato,
tomato, eggplant, wolfberry, peppers (paprika), crop commodities (tobacco), and flowers
(petunia). Although the Solanales includes many plant foods, some members are poisonous
(for example belladonna).
[edit] Leaves and flower
Wolfberry leaves and flower
Wolfberry leaves form on the shoot either in an alternating arrangement or in bundles of up to
three, each having a shape that is either lanceolate (shaped like a spearhead longer than it is
wide) or ovate (egg-like). Leaf dimensions are 7 cm long by 3.5 cm wide with blunted or
round tips.
One to three flowers (picture) occur on stems 1-2 cm in length. The calyx (eventually
ruptured by the growing berry) is comprised of bell-shaped or tubular sepals forming short,
triangular lobes. The corolla are lavender or light purple, 9-14 cm long with five or six lobes
shorter than the tube. The stamens are structured with anthers that open lengthwise, shorter in
length than the filaments (picture).
In the northern hemisphere, flowering occurs from June through September and berry
maturation from August to October, depending on latitude, altitude, and climate.
[edit] Fruit
Close-up, ripe wolfberries, Zhongning County, Ningxia, China
These species produce a bright orange-red, ellipsoid berry 1-2 cm long. The number of seeds
in each berry varies widely based on cultivar and fruit size, containing anywhere between 1060 tiny yellow seeds that are compressed with a curved embryo. The berries ripen from July
to October in the Northern hemisphere.
[edit] Etymology
Look up wolfberry, 枸杞子 in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
"Wolfberry" is the most commonly used English name[citation needed], while gǒuqǐ (枸杞) is the
Chinese name for the berry producing plant. In Chinese, the berries themselves are called
gǒuqǐzi (枸杞子), with zi meaning "seed" or specifically "berry". Other common names are
"the Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree"[1] and "matrimony vine".[1] Rarely, wolfberry is also known
in pharmacological references as Lycii fructus, meaning "Lycium fruit" in Latin.
The origin of the common name "wolfberry" is unknown. In the English-speaking world,
"goji berry" has been used since the early 21st century as a synonym for "wolfberry". While
the origin of the word "goji" is unclear, it may be a simplified pronunciation of gǒuqǐ, the
Mandarin name of the plant, developed by those marketing wolfberry products in the West.
Lycium, the genus name, is derived from the ancient southern Anatolian region of Lycia
(Λυκία).[2] L. chinense was first described by the Scottish botanist Philip Miller in the eighth
edition of his The Gardener's Dictionary, published in 1768.
In Japan the plant is known as kuko (クコ) and the fruits are called kuko no mi (クコの実) or
kuko no kajitsu (クコの果実); in Korea the berries are known as gugija (hangul: 구기자;
hanja: 枸杞子)[7]; in Vietnam the fruit is called "kỷ tử" (杞子), "cẩu kỷ" (枸杞), "cẩu kỷ
tử"(枸杞子) but the plant and its leaves are known more popularly as "củ khởi"; and in
Thailand the plant is called găo gèe (
). In Tibetan the plant is called dretsherma (
), with dre meaning "ghost" and tsherma meaning "thorn"; and the name of the fruit is
dretshermǟ dräwu (
), with dräwu meaning "fruit".[citation needed]
[edit] Significance
Renowned in Asia as a highly nutritious food,[citation needed] wolfberries have been used in
traditional Chinese medicine for about 1,900 years.[citation needed] Their undocumented legend,
however, is considerably older, as wolfberries are often linked in Chinese lore to Shen Nung
(Shennong), China's legendary First Emperor, mythical father of agriculture, and herbalist
who lived circa 2,800 BC.[citation needed]
Since the early 21st century in the United States and other such developed countries, there has
been rapidly growing recognition of wolfberries for their nutrient richness and antioxidant
qualities, leading to a profusion of consumer products. Such rapid commercial development
extends from wolfberry having a high ranking among superfruits[3] expected to be part of a
multi-billion dollar market by 2011.[4][5]
[edit] Cultivation
[edit] China
Ripe wolfberries, Zhongning County, Ningxia, China
The majority of commercially produced wolfberries come from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous
Region of north-central China and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of western
China, where they are grown on plantations. In Zhongning County, Ningxia, wolfberry
plantations typically range between 100 and 1000 acres (or 500-6000 mu) in area. As of 2005,
over 10 million mu have been planted with wolfberries in Ningxia.[6]
Cultivated along the fertile aggradational floodplains of the Yellow River for more than 600
years, Ningxia wolfberries have earned a reputation throughout Asia for premium quality
sometimes described commercially as "red diamonds".[7] Government releases of annual
wolfberry production, premium fruit grades, and export are based on yields from Ningxia, the
region recognized with:
The largest annual harvest in China, accounting for 42% (13 million kg, 2001) of the nation's
total yield of wolfberries, estimated at approximately 33 million kg (72 million lb) in 2001.
Formation of an industrial association of growers, processors, marketers, and scholars of
wolfberry cultivation to promote the berry's commercial and export potential.
The nation's only source of therapeutic grade ("superior-grade") wolfberries used by
practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine.[8]
In addition, commercial volumes of wolfberries grow in the Chinese regions of Inner
Mongolia, Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Hebei. When ripe, the oblong, red berries are
tender and must be picked carefully or shaken from the vine into trays to avoid spoiling. The
fruits are preserved by drying them in full sun on open trays or by mechanical dehydration
employing a progressively increasing series of heat exposure over 48 hours.
Wolfberries are celebrated each August in Ningxia with an annual festival coinciding with the
berry harvest.[6] Originally held in Ningxia's capital, Yinchuan, the festival has been based
since 2000 in Zhongning County, an important center of wolfberry cultivation for the
region.[6] As Ningxia's borders merge with three deserts, wolfberries are also planted to
control erosion and reclaim irrigable soils from desertification.[9]
China, the main supplier of wolfberry products in the world, had total exports generating
US$120 million in 2004. This production derived from 82,000 hectares farmed nationwide,
yielding 95,000 tons of wolfberries.[7]
[edit] Pesticide and fungicide use
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Organochlorine pesticides are conventionally used in commercial wolfberry cultivation to
mitigate destruction of the delicate berries by insects. Since the early 21st century, high levels
of pyrethroid insecticide residues (including fenvalerate and cypermethrin) and fungicide
residues (such as triadimenol), have been detected by the United States Food and Drug
Administration in some imported wolfberries and wolfberry products of Chinese origin,
leading to the seizure of these products.[10]
Some Western resellers may state that their wolfberries are organically grown when in fact
they are not. The Green Certificate claimed by some wolfberry marketers to be the equivalent
of the United States Department of Agriculture's "USDA Organic" seal[8] is in actuality
simply an agricultural training program for China's rural poor.[9] China's Green Food
Standard,[10] administered by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture's China Green Food
Development Center, does permit some amount of pesticide and herbicide use.[11][12][13]
Despite some claims that wolfberries sold in Europe, the United States, and Canada meet
organic standards[citation needed], there is no public evidence for standardized organic
certification of wolfberries from the Asian regions where they are commercially grown.
Often, these berries are marketed as Tibetan or Himalayan Goji Berries that have been "wild
crafted" or "wild harvested". On the contrary, however, Tibet's agriculture conventionally
uses fertilizers and pesticides, and neither wolfberries ("goji") of Tibetan or Himalayan origin
sold outside Tibet nor organic certification of such berries have been proved.[11]
[edit] Tibetan goji berry
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Since the early 21st century, the names "Himalayan Goji berry" and "Tibetan Goji berry"
have become common in the global health food market, applied to berries claimed to have
been grown or collected in the Himalaya region [14] (or sometimes "the Tibetan and
Mongolian Himalayas"[15], a misnomer because the Himalayas do not extend into Mongolia,
which lies approximately 1500 km (1000 miles) to the northeast)[16]. Although none of the
companies marketing such berries specifies an exact location in the Himalayas or Tibet where
their berries are supposed to be grown, Earl Mindell's website states that his "Himalayan"
Goji products do not actually come from the Himalayas, but instead from Inner Mongolia,
Ningxia, and the Tian Shan Mountains of western Xinjiang, China[17].
Although Lycium species do grow in some regions of Tibet, commercial export production of
wolfberries in the Tibetan Himayalas must be a myth[12] fabricated for a marketing advantage,
as this mountain range bordering the Tibetan Plateau is a region inhospitable to commercial
cultivation of plant foods of any kind. In the Himalayan foothills, bleak desolation is
unrelieved by any vegetation beyond sparse, low bushes[18], whereas eastern valleys and
plains of the Tibetan Plateau at lower altitude support growth of wild Lycium chinense[19].
The Tibetan Plateau, comprising most of Tibet north and east of the Himalayas, lies at more
than 3000 m (10,000 ft) in altitude, with poor soil and arid climate conditions unfavorable for
fruit crops. Defined by the geography of Tibet, particularly in the western Himalayas, cold
nighttime temperatures averaging -4°C year round [20] with six months of continual frost[21]
would inhibit plant bud development and prevent fruit formation. Existing in Tibet are
minimal subsistence agriculture and impoverished crop management and transportation
facilities unsupportive of commercial berry production. Although limited fertile regions
suitable for food crops exist in the valleys of Lhasa, Shigatse, Gyantse, and the Brahmaputra
River, there are no objective economic, scientific, or government reports on the commercial
production of Lycium berry species from these Tibetan regions.[22]
[edit] United Kingdom
Archibald Campbell, 3rd Duke of Argyll (1682–1761) introduced the plant into the United
Kingdom in the 1730s where it is known as Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree. It was and still is used
for hedging, especially in coastal districts. Its red berries are attractive to a wide variety of
British birds.[13]
The plant continues to grow wild in UK hedgerows. On 15 January 2003, the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (of the United Kingdom Government) launched a
project to improve the regulations protecting traditional countryside hedgerows, and
specifically mentioned Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree as one of the species to be found growing in
hedges located in Suffolk Sandlings, Hadley, Bawdsey, near Ipswich, and Walberswick.[14]
The wolfberry has been naturalized as an ornamental and edible plant in the UK for nearly
300 years. On June 18, 2007, the FSA (UK Food Standards Agency) stated that there was a
significant history of the fruit being consumed in Europe before 1997, and has removed it
from the Novel Foods list [23]. It is now legal to sell the wolfberry in the UK as a food as
reported by the British Food Standards Agency [24].(also see discussion below, Marketing
claims under scrutiny in Europe).
[edit] Importation of mature plants
Importation of wolfberry plants into the United Kingdom from most countries outside Europe
is illegal, due to the possibility that as an introduced species they could be vectors of diseases
attacking Solanaceae crops, such as potato or tomato.[15]
[edit] Uses
Dried wolfberries
Wolfberries are almost never found in their fresh form outside of their production regions, and
are usually sold in open boxes and small packages in dried form. The amount of desiccation
varies in wolfberries: some are soft and somewhat tacky in the manner of raisins, while others
may be very hard.
[edit] Culinary
As a food, dried wolfberries are traditionally cooked before consumption. Dried wolfberries
are often added to rice congee,photo as well as used in Chinese tonic soups, in combination
with chicken or pork, vegetables, and other herbs such as wild yam, Astragalus
membranaceus, Codonopsis pilosula, and licorice root.photo 1photo 2 The berries are also boiled
as an herbal tea, often along with chrysanthemum flowersphoto and/or red jujubes, or with tea,
particularly pu-erh tea,[citation needed] and packaged teas are also available.photo Various wines
containing wolfberries (called gǒuqǐ jiǔ; 枸杞酒) are also produced,[16][17] including some that
are a blend of grape wine and wolfberries.photo At least one Chinese company also produces
wolfberry beer, and New Belgium Brewery makes their seasonal Springboard ale with
wolfberries used as flavoring.photo Since the early 21st century, an instant coffee product
containing wolfberry extract has been produced in China.photo 1photo 2photo 3
Young wolfberry shoots and leaves are also grown commercially as a leaf vegetable.photorecipe
[edit] Medicinal
Wolfberry leaves may be used to make tea[25] and Lycium root bark (called dìgǔpí; 地骨皮 in
Chinese)photo for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment of inflammatory and some
types of skin diseases. A glucopyranoside and phenolic amides isolated from wolfberry root
bark have inhibitory activity in vitro against human pathogenic bacteria and fungi.[18][19]
An early mention of wolfberry occurs in the 7th century Tang Dynasty treatise Yaoxing Lun.
It is also discussed in the 16th century Ming Dynasty Compendium of Materia Medica of Li
From marketing literature for wolfberry products including several "goji juices", a reputation
exists for wolfberry polysaccharides having extensive biological effects and health benefits,
although none of these has been proved by peer-reviewed research. A May 2008 clinical study
published by the peer-reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
indicated that parametric data, including body weight, did not show significant differences
between subjects receiving Lycium barbarum berry juice and subjects receiving the placebo.
The study concluded that subjective measures of health were improved and suggested further
research in humans was necessary.[20]
Wolfberry polysaccharides show antioxidant activity in vitro[21][22] and might also have
biological activities in vivo currently under research (20 publications on this topic since 1991;
PubMed, February 2007). As a source of dietary fiber, however, polysaccharides would yield
products from bacterial fermentation in the colon, such as several short-chain fatty acids, e.g.,
butyric acid, which may provide health benefits.[23][24]
Although the macromolecular structure of wolfberry polysaccharides has not been elucidated,
preliminary structural studies appear to indicate that they exist in the form of complex
Wolfberry fruits also contain zeaxanthin, an important dietary carotenoid selectively absorbed
into the retinal macula lutea where it is thought to provide antioxidant and protective lightfiltering roles.[27][28] A human supplementation trial showed that daily intake of wolfberries
increased plasma levels of zeaxanthin.[29]
Several published studies, mostly from China, have also reported possible medicinal benefits
of Lycium barbarum, especially due to its antioxidant properties,[30] including potential
benefits against cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases,[31][32] vision-related diseases[33]
(such as age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma[34]), having neuroprotective
properties[35] or as an anticancer[36] and immunomodulatory agent.[37]
However, in the west, none of this research has been scientifically verified, confirmed in
clinical studies, or accepted by regulatory authorities.
[edit] Safety issues
Two published case reports described elderly women who experienced increased bleeding,
expressed as an elevated INR, after drinking wolfberry tea.[38][39] Further in vitro testing
revealed that the tea inhibited warfarin metabolism, providing evidence for possible
interaction between warfarin and undefined wolfberry phytochemicals.[38]
Atropine, a toxic alkaloid found in other members of the Solanaceae family, occurs naturally
in wolfberry fruit. The atropine concentrations of berries from China and Thailand are
variable, with a maximum content of 19 ppb, below the likely toxic amount.[40]
[edit] Nutrient content
[edit] Macronutrients
Wolfberry contains significant percentages of a day's macronutrient needs – carbohydrates,
protein, fat and dietary fiber. 68% of the mass of dried wolfberries exists as carbohydrate,
12% as protein, and 10% each as fiber and fat, giving a total caloric value in a 100 gram
serving of 370 (kilo)calories.[41]
[edit] Micronutrients and phytochemicals
Wolfberries contain many nutrients and phytochemicals[41] including
11 essential and 22 trace dietary minerals
18 amino acids
6 essential vitamins
8 polysaccharides and 6 monosaccharides
5 unsaturated fatty acids, including the essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic
beta-sitosterol and other phytosterols
5 carotenoids, including beta-carotene and zeaxanthin (below), lutein, lycopene and
cryptoxanthin, a xanthophyll
numerous phenolic pigments (phenols) associated with antioxidant properties
Select examples given below are for 100 grams of dried berries. Other nutrient data are
presented in two reference texts[41]
Calcium. Wolfberries contain 112 mg per 100 gram serving, providing about 8-10% of the
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI).
Potassium. Wolfberries contain 1,132 mg per 100 grams dried fruit, giving about 24% of the
Iron. Wolfberries have 9 mg iron per 100 grams (100% DRI).
Zinc. 2 mg per 100 grams dried fruit (18% DRI).
Selenium. 100 grams of dried wolfberries contain 50 micrograms (91% DRI)
Riboflavin (vitamin B2). At 1.3 mg, 100 grams of dried wolfberries provide 100% of DRI.
Vitamin C. Vitamin C content in dried wolfberries has a wide range (from different sources)
from 29 mg per 100 grams to as high as 148 mg per 100 grams (respectively, 32% and 163%
Wolfberries also contain numerous phytochemicals[41] for which there are no established DRI
values. Examples:
Beta-carotene: 7 mg per 100 grams dried fruit.
Zeaxanthin. Reported values for zeaxanthin content in dried wolfberries vary considerably,
from 25 mg per 100 grams [42] to 200 mg per 100 grams [43]. The higher values would make
wolfberry one of the richest edible plant sources known for zeaxanthin content.[26] Up to
77% of total carotenoids present in wolfberry exist as zeaxanthin.[44]
Polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are a major constituent of wolfberries, representing up to
31% of pulp weight.
[Note on wolfberry polysaccharides: marketers of some wolfberry products report that
polysaccharides have specific physiological roles mediated by specialized cell receptors,
"master" control properties over other bioactive chemicals and cells, and characteristic
spectral peaks defining one berry's geographic origin from another (Bibliography, Mindell,
2005). These unconfirmed theories are an important marketing message for wolfberry
products branded as Tibetan Goji Berries or Himalayan Goji Juice[27]. Such statements,
however, have no scientific evidence published under peer-review and are not compliant with
regulatory guidelines for marketing natural food products (see below, Marketing claims under
scrutiny in Europe, Canada and the United States)]
[Note on micronutrient and phytochemical contents: differences in the degree of berry
maturation at the time of picking, soil conditions and geographic region where the berries
were grown, post-harvest handling and processing, duration of storage, residual water content
and assay preparation can significantly affect individual nutrient contents, especially those for
vitamins and phytochemicals. These factors make data comparisons between different assays
or sources difficult to reconcile].
[edit] Functional food and beverage applications
Cultivated for a variety of food and beverage applications within China, but increasingly
today for export as dried berries, juice and powders of pulp or juice, wolfberries are prized for
their versatility of color and nut-like taste in common meals, snacks, beverages and medicinal
applications. A major effort is underway in Ningxia, China to process wolfberries for
“functional” wine.
[edit] Marketing
Since the early 21st century, the dried fruit has been marketed in the West as a health food
(typically under the name "Tibetan goji berry"), often accompanied by scientificallyunsupported claims regarding its purported health benefits.
Its most claimed nutritional attribute is an exceptional level of vitamin C, to be among the
highest in natural plants.[citation needed] However, demonstrated by independent assays on dried
berries to actually be in a range of 29-148 mg per 100 grams of fruit,[41] the level is actually
comparable to many citrus fruits and strawberries[28][29]. Although considered nutritionally
"excellent", wolfberry's vitamin C content is considerably lower than for numerous other
fruits and berries, such as the Australian Kakadu "billy goat" plum (Terminalia
ferdinandiana), blackcurrant, and sea-buckthorn.[30]
Companies marketing the berries often also include the unsupported claim that a Chinese man
named Li Qing Yuen, who was said to have consumed wolfberries daily, lived to the age of
252 years (1678-1930), another one of the numerous myths surrounding the health benefits of
[edit] Commercial products marketed outside Asia
Typical of many exotic fruits being introduced into western food and beverage commerce,
wolfberry is best known as a juice marketed over the Internet since 2002, often via multi-level
marketing that emphasizes its health benefits, and with an increasing presence in health food
stores and grocery markets in many countries. While juice prepared entirely from fresh
wolfberries is rare, blends containing several other berry and fruit juices are used for nearly
all "wolfberry" juice products, many of which are nevertheless labeled as "goji juice". The
percentage of wolfberry contained in these juices is generally not stated on such products'
Since 2005, wolfberry has been increasingly mentioned in reports on the emerging functional
food industry as one of the "exotic superfruits". Superfruit is meant to imply nutrient richness
with medical research results indicating potential health benefits, combined with uncommon
but appealing taste, pigmentation, and antioxidant strength.[45] An executive of one network
marketing company was quoted as saying the juice market alone for wolfberries would be
valued at more than $1 billion by 2013.[46]
Other wolfberry consumer applications are as dried berries (picture above), berry pieces in
granola bars, and skin soap made from seed oils.
Commercial suppliers have processed wolfberry as an additive for manufacturing, such as
juice concentrate, whole fruit purée, powders from juice or juice concentrate made from spray
drying, pulp powders, whole or ground seeds, seed oils (as done for grape seed oil), and
essential oils derived from seeds.
[edit] Marketing claims under scrutiny in Europe
In February 2007, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) of Great Britain, an advisor for food
safety to the European Food Safety Authority of the European Union (EU), published an
inquiry to retailers and health food stores requesting evidence of significant use of wolfberries
in Europe before 1997.[47] This period would document a safety history and evaluate how
"novel" the berries are in the EU, affecting their authorization status for sale.
Proponents hoped this review would provide important safeguards for consumers by checking
whether new foods are suitable for the whole population, including people with food allergies.
Opponents on the other hand feared it would limit consumer choice and protect monopolistic
interests rather than the public.[48] Food safety in the EU relies importantly on a scientific
basis for label information on foods like wolfberries that may be claimed to furnish health
In June 2007, the FSA announced its decision that wolfberries indeed had a history of use in
Great Britain before 1997.[50][51] Accordingly, wolfberries do not require registration as a
novel food.
[edit] Marketing claims under scrutiny in Canada and the United States
In January 2007, marketing statements for a goji juice product were subject of an investigative
report by CBC Television's consumer advocacy program Marketplace.[31]
By one specific example in the CBC interview, Earl Mindell claimed the Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center in New York had completed clinical studies showing that use of
wolfberry juice would prevent 75% of human breast cancer cases, a statement false in three
1. no such project has been undertaken at Memorial Sloan-Kettering[32]
2. according to the National Cancer Institute of the US National Institutes of Health, no natural
or pharmaceutical agent has been shown in clinical trials to fully prevent breast cancer, only
to reduce its risk [33]; specifically, there are no completed or ongoing clinical trials in the
United States testing the effects of wolfberries or juice on breast cancer outcomes [34] or
any other disease[35] and
3. beyond preliminary laboratory studies[52][53][54] and one Chinese clinical trial described only in
an abstract[55], there is no scientific evidence for wolfberry phytochemicals or wolfberry juice
having cancer-preventive properties.
During 2006, the FDA placed two goji juice distributors on notice with warning letters about
marketing claims. These statements were in violation of the United States Food, Drug and
Cosmetic Act [21 USC/321 (g)(1)][36] because they "establish the product as a drug intended
for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease" when wolfberries or juice
have had no such scientific evaluation. Additionally stated by the FDA, the goji juice was
"not generally recognized as safe and effective for the referenced conditions" and therefore
must be treated as a "new drug" under Section 21(p) of the Act. New drugs may not be legally
marketed in the United States without prior approval of the FDA, as stated in the letters
Dynamic Health Laboratories Inc. of Brooklyn, New York, May 8, 2006[37]
Healthsuperstore.com of Elk Grove, California, August 7, 2006[38]
[edit] References
1. ^ a b c GRIN Taxonomy for Lycium barbarum, United States Department of Agriculture
Germplasm Resources Information Network
2. ^ Huxley, A., ed. (1992). New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan ISBN 0-333-47494-5.
3. ^ Sohn E. Superfruits, super powers? Los Angeles Times, March 10, 2008
4. ^ McNally A. Superfoods market set to double by 2011, NutraIngredients.com-Europe,
October 8, 2007
5. ^ Runestad T. Functional Ingredients market overview, Functional Ingredients, October 2007
6. ^ a b c [1] Xinhua News Agency, Opening ceremonies of Ningxia wolfberry festival, August 3,
7. ^ a b [2] Staff reporter, Wolfberry festival to be held in Ningxia, China Daily, July 19, 2004.
8. ^ [3] Staff reporter, China's first provincial-level wolfberry association established, People's
Daily Onlne, August 19, 2001.
9. ^ [4] Yunyun L. Dry no more. BeijingReview.com.cn, October 11, 2008.
10. ^ [5]
11. ^ [6] Staff Reporter. The commercial legend of goji. Selling a Chinese crop under the Tibetan
flag. TibetInfoNet, July 29, 2007.
12. ^ "Fruitless Search for the Tibetan Goji Berry" by Simon Parry, from South China Morning
Post, December 2, 2006 (PDF file)
13. ^ A Touch Of Argyll In Norfolk Julia Page in The Corncrake, Colonsay , Scotland " I was
intrigued to discover that the common name of lycium halimifolium is the Duke of Argyll's
Tea-tree or Teaplant and was keen to discover how this name came about. I succeeded with
the help of my friend Craig ( nice Scottish name ) at Kew Gardens Library and a historical
Who's Who. Accessed November 2006
14. ^ Government Launches Consultation On Future Of Legal Protection For Hedgerows
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 15 January 2003. Retrieved 6
September 2006.
15. ^ Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, April, 2008. Prohibited Import of Goji
Plants. April 30, 2008
16. ^ Several bottles of gǒuqǐ jiǔ www.chong-yang.com. Retrieved 25 January 2007.
17. ^ Bottle of gǒuqǐ jiǔ data.bip.und.cn. Retrieved 25 January 2007.
18. ^ Lee DG, Park Y, Kim MR, et al (July 2004). "Anti-fungal effects of phenolic amides isolated
from the root bark of Lycium chinense". Biotechnol. Lett. 26 (14): 1125–30.
doi:10.1023/B:BILE.0000035483.85790.f7. PMID 15266117.
19. ^ Lee DG, Jung HJ, Woo ER (September 2005). "Antimicrobial property of (+)-lyoniresinol3alpha-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside isolated from the root bark of Lycium chinense Miller
against human pathogenic microorganisms". Arch. Pharm. Res. 28 (9): 1031–6. PMID
20. ^ Amagase H, Nance DM (May 2008). "A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
clinical study of the general effects of a standardized Lycium barbarum (Goji) Juice, GoChi". J
Altern Complement Med 14 (4): 403–12. doi:10.1089/acm.2008.0004. PMID 18447631.
21. ^ Li XM, Ma YL, Liu XJ (May 2007). "Effect of the Lycium barbarum polysaccharides on agerelated oxidative stress in aged mice". J Ethnopharmacol 111 (3): 504–11.
doi:10.1016/j.jep.2006.12.024. PMID 17224253.
22. ^ Wu H, Guo H, Zhao R (May 2006). "Effect of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on the
improvement of antioxidant ability and DNA damage in NIDDM rats". Yakugaku Zasshi 126
(5): 365–71. PMID 16679745.
23. ^ Roy CC, Kien CL, Bouthillier L, Levy E (August 2006). "Short-chain fatty acids: ready for
prime time?". Nutr Clin Pract 21 (4): 351–66. PMID 16870803.
24. ^ Wong JM, de Souza R, Kendall CW, Emam A, Jenkins DJ (March 2006). "Colonic health:
fermentation and short chain fatty acids". J. Clin. Gastroenterol. 40 (3): 235–43. PMID
16633129. http://meta.wkhealth.com/pt/pt-core/templatejournal/lwwgateway/media/landingpage.htm?an=00004836-200603000-00015.
25. ^ Tian M, Wang M (October 2006). "[Studies on extraction, isolation and composition of
Lycium barbarum polysaccharides]" (in Chinese). Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 31 (19): 1603–
7. PMID 17165585.
26. ^ Zhao H, Alexeev A, Chang E, Greenburg G, Bojanowski K (January 2005). "Lycium barbarum
glycoconjugates: effect on human skin and cultured dermal fibroblasts". Phytomedicine 12
(1-2): 131–7. PMID 15693720.
27. ^ See PubmedTrevithick-Sutton CC, Foote CS, Collins M, Trevithick JR
28. ^ See Pubmed Whitehead AJ, Mares JA, Danis RP
29. ^ See Pubmed Cheng CY, Chung WY, Szeto YT, Benzie IF
30. ^ Wu SJ, Ng LT, Lin CC (December 2004). "Antioxidant activities of some common ingredients
of traditional chinese medicine, Angelica sinensis, Lycium barbarum and Poria cocos".
Phytother Res 18 (12): 1008–12. doi:10.1002/ptr.1617. PMID 15742346.
31. ^ Jia YX, Dong JW, Wu XX, Ma TM, Shi AY (June 1998). "[The effect of lycium barbarum
polysaccharide on vascular tension in two-kidney, one clip model of hypertension]" (in
Chinese). Sheng Li Xue Bao 50 (3): 309–14. PMID 11324572.
32. ^ Luo Q, Li Z, Huang X, Yan J, Zhang S, Cai YZ (July 2006). "Lycium barbarum polysaccharides:
Protective effects against heat-induced damage of rat testes and H2O2-induced DNA damage
in mouse testicular cells and beneficial effect on sexual behavior and reproductive function
of hemicastrated rats". Life Sci. 79 (7): 613–21. doi:10.1016/j.lfs.2006.02.012. PMID
33. ^ Cheng CY, Chung WY, Szeto YT, Benzie IF (January 2005). "Fasting plasma zeaxanthin
response to Fructus barbarum L. (wolfberry; Kei Tze) in a food-based human
supplementation trial". Br. J. Nutr. 93 (1): 123–30. PMID 15705234.
34. ^ Chan HC, Chang RC, Koon-Ching Ip A, et al (January 2007). "Neuroprotective effects of
Lycium barbarum Lynn on protecting retinal ganglion cells in an ocular hypertension model
of glaucoma". Exp. Neurol. 203 (1): 269–73. doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2006.05.031. PMID
35. ^ Yu MS, Leung SK, Lai SW, et al (2005). "Neuroprotective effects of anti-aging oriental
medicine Lycium barbarum against beta-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity". Exp. Gerontol. 40
(8-9): 716–27. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2005.06.010. PMID 16139464.
36. ^ Gan L, Hua Zhang S, Liang Yang X, Bi Xu H (April 2004). "Immunomodulation and antitumor
activity by a polysaccharide-protein complex from Lycium barbarum". Int.
Immunopharmacol. 4 (4): 563–9. doi:10.1016/j.intimp.2004.01.023. PMID 15099534.
37. ^ He YL, Ying Y, Xu YL, Su JF, Luo H, Wang HF (September 2005). "[Effects of Lycium barbarum
polysaccharide on tumor microenvironment T-lymphocyte subsets and dendritic cells in H22bearing mice]" (in Chinese). Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao 3 (5): 374–7. PMID 16159572.
38. ^ a b Lam AY, Elmer GW, Mohutsky MA. Possible interaction between warfarin and Lycium
barbarum L. Ann Pharmacother. 2001, Oct; 35(10):1199-201.
39. ^ Leung H, Hung A, Hui AC, Chan TY. Warfarin overdose due to the possible effects of Lycium
barbarum L. Food Chem Toxicol. 2008, May; 46(5):1860-2.
40. ^ Michael Adams, Matthias Wiedenmann, Gerolf Tittel, Rudolf Bauer. HPLC-MS trace analysis
of atropine in Lycium barbarum berries. Phytochemical Analysis 17(5):279-283.
41. ^ a b c d e Young G., R. Lawrence, and M. Schreuder (2005). Discovery of the Ultimate
Superfood. Essential Science Publishing. ISBN 0-943685-44-3.
42. ^ Weller P, Breithaupt DE (November 2003). "Identification and quantification of zeaxanthin
esters in plants using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry". J. Agric. Food Chem. 51
(24): 7044–9. doi:10.1021/jf034803s. PMID 14611169.
43. ^ Peng Y, Ma C, Li Y, Leung KS, Jiang ZH, Zhao Z (December 2005). "Quantification of
zeaxanthin dipalmitate and total carotenoids in Lycium fruits (Fructus Lycii)". Plant Foods
Hum Nutr 60 (4): 161–4. doi:10.1007/s11130-005-9550-5. PMID 16395626.
44. ^ Li Z, Peng G, Zhang S (July 1998). "[Separation and determination of carotenoids in Fructus
lycii by isocratic non-aqueous reversed-phase liquid chromatography]" (in Chinese). Se Pu 16
(4): 341–3. PMID 11367765.
45. ^ Starling S. Superfruits - superheroes of functionality. Functional Ingredients, April, 2007
46. ^ Goji: birth of a 'miracle' superfruit, New Nutrition Business, London, UK, July, 2007
47. ^ Agency seeks evidence of goji berry consumption, UK Food Standards Agency, February
48. ^ 'Miracle' goji berries face ban under EU red tape, The Daily Mail, February 2007
49. ^ Nutrition and health claims, European Food Safety Authority, May 2007
50. ^ Responses on goji berries reviewed, UK Food Standards Agency, June 2007
51. ^ Goji berries, UK Food Standards Agency, June 2007
52. ^ Gan L, Wang J, Zhang S (November 2001). "[Inhibition the growth of human leukemia cells
by Lycium barbarum polysaccharide]" (in Chinese). Wei Sheng Yan Jiu 30 (6): 333–5. PMID
53. ^ Gan L, Hua Zhang S, Liang Yang X, Bi Xu H (April 2004). "Immunomodulation and antitumor
activity by a polysaccharide-protein complex from Lycium barbarum". Int.
Immunopharmacol. 4 (4): 563–9. doi:10.1016/j.intimp.2004.01.023. PMID 15099534.
54. ^ Tang W, Hemm I, Bertram B (March 2003). "Recent development of antitumor agents from
Chinese herbal medicines. Part II. High molecular compounds(3)". Planta Med. 69 (3): 193–
201. doi:10.1055/s-2003-38494. PMID 12677520.
55. ^ Cao GW, Yang WG, Du P (November 1994). "[Observation of the effects of LAK/IL-2 therapy
combining with Lycium barbarum polysaccharides in the treatment of 75 cancer patients]"
(in Chinese). Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi 16 (6): 428–31. PMID 7720497.
[edit] Bibliography
Ai, Changshan (2002). Zhi Bu Liang Yi Hua Gou Qi (A Word About Lycium chinense, Effective
for Therapy and Nutrition). Changchun, China: Jilin Ke Xue Ji Shu Chu Ban She. ISBN
7538424024. ISBN 9787538424027.
Dharmananda, Subhuti (2007). Lycium Fruit: Food and Medicine, Institute for Traditional
Medicine Online
Mindell, Earl; and Rick Handel (2003). Goji: The Himalayan Health Secret. Momentum Media
Health Series. Dallas, Texas, United States: Momentum Media. ISBN 0967285526. ISBN
Mindell, Earl (2005). Dr. Earl Mindell's Goji: The Himalayan Health Secret. 2nd ed. Lake Dallas,
Texas, United States: Momentum Media. ISBN 0967285577. ISBN 9780967285573.
Oyama, Sumita (1964). Kuko o Aishite Junen (Lycium chinense in Favorable Use for Ten
Years). Tokyo, Japan: Shufu no Tomosha.
Shufo no Tomosha (1963). Kuko no koyo (Medicinal and Therapeutic Effects of Lycium
chinense). Tokyo, Japan.
Takayama, Eiji (1966). Jinsei no Honbutai wa Rokujissai Kara: Furo Choju Kuko no Aiyo (The
Real Stage in Life Begins at Sixty: Habitual Use of Lycium chinense for Longevity). Tokyo,
Japan: Koyo Shobo
Young, Gary; Ronald Lawrence; and Marc Schreuder (2005). Discovery of the Ultimate
Superfood: How the Ningxia Wolfberry and Four Other Foods Help Combat Heart Disease,
Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Diabetes and More. Orem, Utah, United States:
Essential Science Publishing. ISBN 0943685443. ISBN 9780943685441.
Zhang, Yanbo (2000). Molecular Approach to the Authentication of Lycium barbarum and its
Related Species. M. Phil. thesis. Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong Baptist University
Zhao, Yue (2005). The Market Prospect of Ningxia Wolfberry/Wolfberry Products in China.
Thesis. Netherlands: University of Professional Education Larenstein Deventer.
[edit] External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Lycium barbarum
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Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links.
[edit] Botanical databases
Flora of China citation for L. barbarum
Flora of China citation for L. chinense
Information about Lycium barbarum L. (matrimony vine) from the United States Department
of Agriculture
Plants For A Future database
Species Records of Lycium, USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm
Resources Information Network -(GRIN). (Online Database). National Germplasm Resources
Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved 2007-02-11.
Plant viruses associated with L. barbarum and L. chinense, from the Plant Viruses Online VIDE
[edit] Medical databases
Searching for Lycium on the Pubmed database finds 146 papers of interest; 87 of these are
for Lycium barbarum (1991 to July 2007) and 33 for Lycium chinense (1963 to July 2007).
PDR for Herbal Remedies
[edit] News stories
The Commercial Legend of Goji. Selling a Chinese Crop Under the Tibetan Flag from
TibetInfoNet, June 29, 2007
Fruitless Search for the Tibetan Goji Berry by Simon Parry, from South China Morning Post,
December 2, 2006 (PDF file)
Mysterious Chinese Berry Brings Solid Profits to Zhongning County, Ningxia from China Daily,
August 30, 2006
Wolfberry Festival in Ningxia from China Daily, July 19, 2004
Ningxia Wolfberry News Site (translated by Google from Chinese)
BBC News Coverage
A Friendly Skeptic Looks at Goji Juice by Dr. Ralph Moss
Berry Bad Things The Daily Truth by Jack Marx, Sydney Morning Herald, June 25, 2007
Ontario Family First to Gamble on Gojis, Tillsonburg News, August 1, 2008
[edit] Video and Pictures
CBC TV News report about Earl Mindell and Himalayan Goji Juice (video)
Pictures of "medlar" harvest, July 2007, Xinhua
[edit] See also
Gouqi jiu
List of culinary fruits
Dietary supplements
Amino acids • Bodybuilding supplement • Energy drink • Energy bar • Fatty acids •
Herbal Supplements • Minerals • Prebiotics • Probiotics (Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium)•
Vitamins • Whole food supplements, effervescent
Retinol (Vitamin A) • B vitamins: Thiamine (B1) • Riboflavin (B2)• Niacin (B3)• Pantothenic
acid (B5)• Pyridoxine (B6)• Biotin (B7)• Folic acid (B9) • Cyanocobalamin (B12) • Ascorbic
acid (Vitamin C) • Ergocalciferol and Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D) • Tocopherol (Vitamin E)
• Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K) • Calcium • Choline • Chlorine • Chromium • Cobalt •
Copper • Fluorine • Iodine • Iron • Magnesium • Manganese • Molybdenum •
Phosphorus • Potassium • Selenium • Sodium • Sulfur • Zinc
Carnitine • Chondroitin sulfate • Cod liver oil • Copper gluconate • Creatine/Creatine
supplements • Dietary fiber • Elemental calcium • Ephedra • Fish oil • Folic acid •
common Ginseng • Glucosamine • Glutamine • Iron supplements • Japanese Honeysuckle • Krill
ingredients oil • Lingzhi • Linseed oil • Melatonin • Red yeast rice • Royal jelly • Saw palmetto •
Spirulina • Taurine • Wheatgrass • Wolfberry • Yohimbine • Zinc gluconate
Codex Alimentarius • Enzyte • Metabolife • Hadacol • Nutraceutical • Multivitamin •
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfberry"
Categories: Lycium | Edible Solanaceae | Berries | Chinese ingredients | Dietary supplements |
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Infos über Goji
Die Goji Beeren enthalten ungeheuer viele Vitamine, dazu
gehören zum Beispiel Vitamin C; Vitamin A und Vitamin
B1; B2, außerdem sind hier Minerale, beispielsweise Eisen,
Kupfer, Nickel, Chrom, Magnesium, Kalzium, Natrium,
Kalium, und Aminosäuren enthalten. Goji ist die
nährstoffreichste Frucht auf unserem Planeten.
Diesen Beeren wird unter anderem die sehr lange
Lebenserwartung der Hunzas zugeschrieben, dieses Volk im
Himalaja verehrt die Beeren so sehr, dass sie zu ihren
Ehren sogar Feiertage abhalten. Die Menschen dort werden
im Schnitt sagenhafte 100 Jahre alt.
Die Goji Beere gilt in Zentralasien als Frucht der
Langlebigkeit und Wohlbefinden, in Tibet werden ihr
Eigenschaften, wie eine lange Jugend und Schönheit,
Energie, Kraft und Ausdauer zugeschrieben. Dort sind die
Vorteile der Goji Beere für die Gesundheit schon seit Jahrtausenden bekannt. Auch in der
chinesischen Tradition wird die Goji-Beere vielfältig eingesetzt, z.B. um niedrige Energie
zu beheben.
Die moderne Wissenschaft interessiert sich ebenfalls für die „glückliche Beere“. Ältere
und neuere Untersuchungen belegen den jahrhundertealten Ruf der Goji Beere als
kostbares Geschenk der Natur.
Auch als Aphrodisiakum ist die Goji Beere in weiten Teilen der Welt bekannt und wird
immer beliebter. Ihr Ruf als kraftvoller Fruchtbarkeitswirkstoff der Natur und als Mittel
zur Luststeigerung beim Sex, eilt der Beere schon seit mehreren Jahrhunderten voraus.
Die getrockneten Goji Beeren können roh oder auch gekocht gegessen werden. Der
Geschmack ist süß, fast wie eine Mischung aus Cranberries und Kirschen. Man kann sie
beispielsweise in ein Müsli rühren oder auch als Snack einfach nebenbei essen.
Goji Beeren wachsen in sehr natürlichen Bedingungen, in wilden Landschaften oder in
regionalen Kultivierungsgebieten. Fast alle im Handel angebotenen Früchte kommen aus
der berühmen Goji Anbaugegend des Ningxia Tales in China. Nach der Ernte werden sie
dann behutsam behandelt und in der Sonne getrocknet. Man legt besonderen Wert
darauf, dass alle wichtigen Inhaltsstoffe auch enthalten bleiben.
Goji Beeren aus Wildsammlung, Tibet oder dem Himalaya gibt es nicht.
Lesen Sie mehr dazu hier
Weitere Informationen über Goji
Wikipedia Artikel
Erheblich ausführlicherer Beitrag der
englischsprachigen Wikipedia
BBC Beitrag in Englisch
Das erste deutschsprachige Buch über Goji ist im November 2007 von dem beliebten
Autorenduo Shalila Sharamon und Bodo J. Baginski erschienen:
„Goji – die ultimative Superfrucht“
Ursprünglich unidentifiziert verhilft die Goji Beere schon seit tausenden von Jahren
tibetanischen Mönchen zu höherer Gesundheit und längerer Lebensdauer. Ihr heutiges
Hauptanbaugebiet ist die Provinz Ning Xia,
90 – 300 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel in Nordwestchina. Maßgeblich verantwortlich für
den guten Ruf und die gesundheits- fördernde Wirksamkeit der Goji Beere, sind die in
ungewöhnlicher Bandbreite enthaltenen Vitamine und Spurenelemente und nicht zuletzt ein
sehr hoher Anteil an Antioxidantien.
21 Spurenmineralien, Vitamin A, B-1, B-2, C und E, Eisen, Betakarotin, Polysaccharide, und
18 Aminosäuren, kann die Goji Beere in beträchtlichem Maße vorweisen und geht im Rennen
mit anderen Früchten und Gemüsearten als Sieger durch das Ziel.
Die Goji Beere kann in allen erdenklichen Arten zubereitet
und verzehrt werden, wie zum Beispiel Müslis, Smoothies und natürlich auch
selbstgemachten rohen Schokoladen Pralinen, sie stellt eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zu einer
gesunden Ernährung und Lebensweise dar.
Eine kleine Handvoll jeden Tag reicht aus. Wer sich bewusst ernährt und noch mehr für seine
Gesundheit tun will, sollte auf die tibetanische Goji Beere nicht verzichten.