Tender Record Room - Department of Land Resources
Tender Record Room - Department of Land Resources
Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Department of Revenue Request for Proposal For “Conversion of Existing Record Rooms to Cyber Record Rooms at 342 Tehsils of Madhya Pradesh” in time bound schedule Office of the Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement Moti Mahal, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh – 474 007 Phone: 0751-2441200 Fax: 0751-2441202 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.landrecords.mp.gov.in CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Tender Notice Commissioner Land Records & Settlement, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh invites sealed offers in two bid system for the work “Conversion of Existing Record Rooms to Cyber Record Rooms at 342 Tehsils of Madhya Pradesh” from interested and eligible bidders. Sealed offers prepared in accordance with the procedures enumerated in this document should be submitted to the Office of the Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement, Moti Mahal, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh – 474007 before the specified date as given in the data sheet. The Tender reference number, description of work, earnest money deposit and time limit to complete the work are as given below: Tender Reference Description Number work of EMD (Rs) Hardcopy Time limit for Tender completing the work Price (Rs) CLRMP/2010/03 Conversion of 50,00,000/- 500/- Nine (09) Months per Existing Record location from the date Rooms to Cyber of Record order. Rooms issue of work at 342 Tehsils Details of the Tender document Madhya provided in Pradesh The above tender may be purchased from this office or downloaded for free from our website www.landrecords.mp.gov.in. The last date and time for submission of sealed offers, deposit of EMD, dates for opening of technical offers are given in the data sheet (Pg.4) Joint Commissioner Office of the Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Page 2 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Abbreviations Used BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency BIS Bureau of Indian Standards BS British Standards CLR Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh COTS Commercially Off-The-Shelf DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung DMS Document Management System EMD Earnest Money Deposit HRD Human Resources Department IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISO International Organization for Standardization IT Information Technology NA Not Applicable NDA Non Disclosure Agreement OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer RFP Request For Proposal UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply LAN Local Area Network dpi Dots per inch Page 3 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Data Sheet Tender Document No CLRMP/2010/03 Tender Name Conversion of Existing Record Rooms to Cyber Record Rooms at 342 Tehsils of Madhya Pradesh Name of the Organization Office of the Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Non refundable Cost of the Tender For tenders purchased from this office, Rs.500/- is payable through Cash, Demand Draft/Banker’s Pay Order from a nationalized bank, drawn in favour of Dy. Commissioner, Land Records Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh & Settlement, payable at Gwalior. However, the tender can be downloaded for free from the department website www.landrecords.mp.gov.in Earnest Money Deposit Rs 50,00,000/- in the form of Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee from a nationalized bank in favour of Dy. Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh payable at Gwalior Date of issue February 21, 2011 Last Date and Time for sale of April 18, 2011 – 3.00 PM IST tender Last date to receive requests for clarification on the tender March 07, 2011 – 5.00 PM IST in prescribed format Date for Pre-Bid Conference March 10, 2011 – 11.00 AM IST Venue of Pre-Bid Conference Office of the Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement, Moti Mahal, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh – 474 007 Last Date and Time for Receipt of April 18, 2011 – 3.00 PM IST Bids Date and Time of Opening of April 18, 2011 – 3.30 PM IST Technical Bids Page 4 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Place of Opening of Bids RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Office of the Commissioner Land Records & Settlement, Moti Mahal, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh – 474 007 Technical Presentation by bidders, To be declared later if required Declaration of bidders qualified To be declared later for opening commercial bid Opening of commercial bids To be declared later Address for all communications Commissioner Land Records & Settlement, Moti Mahal, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh – 474 007. Phone:0751-2441200,0751-2441210, 0751-2441240 Fax: 0751-2441202 e-mail: [email protected] Page 5 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Table of Contents Tender Notice..................................................................................................... 2 Abbreviations Used ............................................................................................. 3 Data Sheet ........................................................................................................ 4 Section 1: Introduction ...................................................................................... 9 1.1 Preface .................................................................................................. 10 1.2 Organization of the RFP ........................................................................... 10 1.3 Objectives of the project:......................................................................... 11 1.4 IT scenarios relevant to the project – Past, Present and Planned ................... 12 Section 2: Qualifications of The Bidder ............................................................. 14 2.1 Eligibility and Pre-qualification criteria ....................................................... 15 2.2 Earnest Money Deposit ............................................................................ 16 Section 3: Instructions to Bidders .................................................................... 17 3.1 Advice to the bidders ............................................................................... 18 3.2 Transferability of the RFP document .......................................................... 18 3.3 Misplacement of the RFP document ........................................................... 18 3.4 Cost of Bidding ....................................................................................... 18 3.5 Two Bid System ...................................................................................... 18 3.6 Packaging the offers ................................................................................ 18 3.7 Authentication of Bid ............................................................................... 19 3.8 Last date and time for receiving sealed offers ............................................. 20 3.9 Pre-bid Meeting (PBM) ............................................................................. 20 3.10 Amendment of RFP Document .................................................................. 20 3.11 Technical Qualification ............................................................................. 21 3.12 Evaluation of Proposals ............................................................................ 21 3.13 Evaluation Framework ............................................................................. 22 3.14 Site Visit ................................................................................................ 25 Section 4: Terms and Conditions of The Tender................................................ 26 4.1 Bid Security............................................................................................ 27 4.2 Rejection of Bid ...................................................................................... 27 Page 6 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 4.3 Discharge of Bid Security of Successful Bidder ............................................ 28 4.4 Forfeiture of Bid Security ......................................................................... 28 4.5 Performance Guarantee ........................................................................... 28 4.6 Warranty Period ...................................................................................... 28 4.7 Conditional offers by the Vendors .............................................................. 29 4.8 Late Tender offers ................................................................................... 29 4.9 Offer validity .......................................................................................... 29 4.10 Validity of L1 Rate List ............................................................................. 29 4.11 Address of Communication ....................................................................... 30 4.12 Modification and Withdrawal of Offers ........................................................ 30 4.13 Hand written documents, Erasures or Alterations ........................................ 30 4.14 Commitment and Liability of Partner Companies ......................................... 30 4.15 Bid Currency .......................................................................................... 31 4.16 Intellectual Property Rights ...................................................................... 31 4.17 Indemnity .............................................................................................. 31 4.18 Publicity ................................................................................................. 31 4.19 Guarantees ............................................................................................ 31 4.20 Force Majeure......................................................................................... 32 4.21 Resolution of Disputes ............................................................................. 32 4.22 Right to Accept Any Offer and to Reject Any or All Offers ............................. 33 4.23 Risk Purchase Clause ............................................................................... 33 4.24 Termination for convenience..................................................................... 33 4.25 Ownership of resources supplied ............................................................... 34 4.26 Work Completion Requirements ................................................................ 34 4.27 Signing of Contract Agreement ................................................................. 34 4.28 Payment Terms ...................................................................................... 35 Section 5: Scope of work .................................................................................. 36 5.1 Required standards ................................................................................. 37 5.2 Conversion of Existing Record Rooms to Cyber Record Rooms at 342 Tehsils .. 37 5.3 Scanning, Indexing and Lamination Hardcopies .......................................... 39 Page 7 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 5.4 Barcode Tagging of Hardcopies ................................................................. 41 5.5 Data Entry ............................................................................................. 41 5.6 Design, Development and Implementation of a Digital Document Management System Software .............................................................................................. 41 5.7 Training ................................................................................................. 44 5.8 Warranty Services ................................................................................... 46 Section 6: Technical Requirements................................................................... 49 6.1 Platform................................................................................................. 50 6.2 Minimum Technical Requirements/Specifications ......................................... 50 6.3 User Capacity Requirements ..................................................................... 51 6.4 Language Interface ................................................................................. 51 Section 7: Service Level Agreements ................................................................ 52 7.1 Penalty for delay in project execution ........................................................ 53 7.2 Returning the existing hardcopy documents in its original condition ............... 53 7.3 Review and Monitoring system.................................................................. 54 7.4 Response time on Warranty Services ......................................................... 58 7.5 Privacy & Confidentiality .......................................................................... 59 7.6 Recovery mode of Penalties from the bidder ............................................... 59 Annexure I: Format for Technical Bid ............................................................... 60 Annexure II: Format for Commercial Bid .......................................................... 78 Annexure III: Compliance Matrix ..................................................................... 87 Annexure IV: Reference Drawings for Compactors......................................... 101 Annexure V: Format for Bank Guarantee ........................................................ 105 Page 8 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION Page 9 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 1.1 Preface The Government of Madhya Pradesh, Department of Revenue has entrusted the Commissioner Land Records & Settlement with the responsibility of creation and maintenance of land records (Cadastral Maps, RoRs & Khasra). As part of its initiatives for converting the current activities of the departments in to an e-System, CLR wishes to outsource the work of “Conversion of Existing Record Rooms to Cyber Record Rooms at 342 Tehsils of Madhya Pradesh” to preserve the original hard copies of the documents. CLR also wishes to outsource the task of scanning, and indexing of all of its documents pertaining to land records, preserving the data in digital image format as well as implementation of a document management system to convert the overall operations of the department including services to public into an effective e-System. It is also to be noted that, CLR may choose and work can be awarded to more than one vendor as per the L1 Rate List under Clause 3.13.4 – “Commercial Bid Evaluation” (Pg 23) in order to complete the work in a faster manner. 1.2 Organization of the RFP This RFP has been divided in to the following sections for easy and effective reference: Section Topic Section 1 Introduction Section 2 Qualifications of The Bidder Section 3 Instructions to Bidders Section 4 Terms and Conditions of The Tender Section 5 Scope of work Section 6 Technical Requirements Section 7 Service Level Agreements Annexure I Format for Technical Bid Annexure II Format for Commercial Bid Annexure III Compliance Matrix Annexure IV Reference Drawings for Compactors Annexure V Format for Bank Guarantee Page 10 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 1.3 Objectives of the project: Broad scope of the project is as follows: 1.3.1 Conversion of Existing Record Rooms to Cyber Record Rooms at 342 Tehsils in existing departmental building. This includes all civil work involved for renovating the existing record room, electrification including earthing, procurement and installation of interiors, furniture, lighting, air conditioning in systems area, access control system, pest/insects repellent systems and all other infrastructure required for establishment and running the proposed Modern Record Room. 1.3.2 Setting up of a Physical Storage Area within the Modern Record Room for physical storage of maps and records Supply and installation of Modular Compactors of adequate strength for storage of hard copy records sizing A4/A3. Supply and installation of Modular Map Cabinets of adequate strength for storage of hard copy maps sizing A1. Supply and installation of Modular Slotted Angle Racks of adequate strength for storage of hard copy records sizing A4 and A3. 1.3.3 Setting up of an Operational Area within the Modern Record Room Design, development, testing, implementation, commissioning and maintenance of a Document Management System software to facilitate easy management of the storage, easy retrieval of the records and should comply with the requirements as mentioned under Section 6 – “Technical Requirements” (Pg. 49-51). Perform Indexing and Barcode tagging of hard copies of records. Perform Scanning of records and Digital Storage for easy retrieval, printing etc. Perform Lamination of Documents. Perform Data entry of important documents in the database format prescribed by the department. Page 11 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Procurement, installation and configuration of servers, desktops, networking and all other IT infrastructure required for implementation and running of document management system. 1.3.4 Setting up a public services area within the Modern Record Room for waiting/reception etc. 1.3.5 Train the department staff in all aspects of management, operation and maintenance of the supplied solution as mentioned under Section 5.7 – “Training” (Pg. 44). 1.3.6 Warranty services as mentioned under Section 5.8 – “Warranty Services” (Pg. 46). The detailed scope is given in the Section 5 - “Scope of Work” (Pg. 36-48). The software solution and infrastructure provided for running the solution should comply with the technical requirements mentioned under “Section 6: Technical Requirements” (Pg. 49-51). The minimum specification for the components of the solution is given in “Annexure III: Compliance Matrix” (Pg. 87-100). The supplied solution should comply with all of its clauses. 1.4 IT scenarios relevant to the project – Past, Present and Planned 1.4.1 Enterprise Web Based GIS Solution As a separate project, CLR has already taken initiatives to develop an Enterprise Web based GIS solution, which will assist the department users in performing their activities pertaining to land records using the spatial and non-spatial data continuously updated and maintained by CLR. The Enterprise Web-GIS solution project handles the latest records while the Modern Record Room project mentioned in this tender is to store and maintain records older than those included in the Enterprise Web-GIS solution. Page 12 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms During the progress of the Modern Record Room project or in future, CLR may, upgrade the Modern Record Room application software solution into an Enterprise level web-based solution for centralized storage and retrieval. CLR may engage a different vendor for doing the same as a part of the Enterprise GIS solution project or as a part of a totally separate project. During such initiative, the successful bidder(s) executing the Modern Record Room project as per this RFP is required to extend necessary technical support as and when required/requested by the department, if this effort falls during the execution of Modern Record Room project including the warranty period. 1.4.2 Network The IT department of Madhya Pradesh State is building a State Wide Area Network (SWAN) with connectivity up to Tehsil and Block Head Quarter levels in Madhya Pradesh. The department may take initiatives to connect the LAN established as per this RFP with the SWAN with another vendor as part of its proposed plans of upgrading the application software solution to enterprise level. During such initiative, the successful bidder(s) executing the Modern Record Room project as per this RFP is required to extend necessary technical support as and when required/requested by the department, if this effort falls during the execution of Modern Record Room project including the warranty period. Page 13 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms SECTION 2: QUALIFICATIONS OF THE BIDDER Page 14 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 2.1 Eligibility and Pre-qualification criteria 2.1.1 The bidder should be a single company/firm or a joint venture/ consortium. Joint ventures/consortiums with more than 3 companies are not allowed. Any company/firm can submit only one bid irrespective of participation as a single party or as part of a consortium / joint venture. 2.1.2 The bidder in case of single company or any of the partners in case of joint venture/consortium should have a minimum cumulative turnover of Rs. 15 Crores in the last 3 financial years in IT infrastructure development field and it should have made profits in the last 2 financial years. 2.1.3 The bidder in case of single company or any of the partners in case of joint venture/consortium should have a minimum cumulative turnover of Rs. 5 Crores in the last 3 financial years in providing IT solutions. 2.1.4 The bidder in case of single company or any of the partners in case of joint venture/consortium should have executed at least one project in digital document management system worth Rs 25 lakhs or more in last 5 years. 2.1.5 The bidder in case of single company or all the partners in case of joint venture/consortium should have ISO 9001-2000/2008 or CMMi Level 3 or above certification. The bidder/bidders should also have experience in carrying out renovation work and interior designs for setting up of NonIT/IT infrastructure. 2.1.6 The bidder in case of single company or the prime bidder in case of joint venture/consortium should agree to open an Operational office in the Tehsil location within 2 weeks in the event of awarding the project for the said location to them and operate it till completion of this project. 2.1.7 The bidder in case of single company or the prime bidder in case of joint venture/consortium should have a liaison/reporting office in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh or should agree to open liaison/reporting office in Page 15 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh within 2 weeks in the event of awarding the project to them and operate it till completion of this project. 2.2 Earnest Money Deposit 2.2.1 Vendors are required to give an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for Rs 50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lakhs only) in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt/Demand Draft/Pay Order/Bank Guarantee of a Nationalized Bank payable at Gwalior drawn in favour of Dy. Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh valid for a period of 180 days from the due date of the tender. If the EMD instrument is Bank Guarantee, it should conform to the format given in Annexure V: “Format for Bank Guarantee” (Pg. 105). 2.2.2 The EMD shall be refundable to unsuccessful vendors and shall be discharged after 30 days from the date of contract signing with successful bidder. 2.2.3 The successful bidder’s EMD shall be adjusted in the Bid Security Deposit the bidder shall be making in accordance with the clause 4.1 “Bid Security” (Pg. 27). Page 16 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms SECTION 3: INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 17 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 3.1 Advice to the bidders Bidders are advised to go through the entire body of the RFP to understand the requirement as well as the tender evaluation procedures. It is assumed that the bidder is preparing the proposed solution after carefully going through every clause of the RPF in detail. There are formats specified for most of the documentations expected from the bidder. Attach certificates or other documents to prove the claims, wherever mentioned. 3.2 Transferability of the RFP document This RFP document is not transferable. 3.3 Misplacement of the RFP document CLR shall not be responsible for any delay in submission or non delivery of proposal due to any reasons like postal delay. 3.4 Cost of Bidding The bidder shall bear all the cost incurred for preparing the proposal including expenses of travel and lodging that may be required including collecting information from the department and other communication required with the department regardless of the outcome of the bidding process. 3.5 Two Bid System The tender process shall follow the two bid system namely (1) Technical Bid and (2) Commercial Bid. 3.6 Packaging the offers The offer should be enclosed in a duly sealed envelope super scribed with RFP reference number, Work Name, Due date and Vendor/Consortium Name. The envelope should contain two separate envelopes for Technical Bid and Commercial Bid. Both Technical Bid and Commercial bid are to be duly sealed and they should be super scribed with Type of offer (Technical Offer or Commercial Offer) apart from RFP reference number, Work Name, Due date and Vendor Name. 3.6.1 Envelope-I Technical Bid The technical bid should contain all technical information on the solutions proposed along with all supporting documents to qualify in the qualification criteria. The technical offer Page 18 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms should be as per the format given in “Annexure I: Format for Technical Bid” (Pg. 6077) The Technical Bid should not contain any commercial offer. If any commercial offer is found in the technical bid, the whole offer shall be rejected outright. 3.6.2 Envelope-II Commercial Bid The commercial Bid should contain the bill of material in the format given in “Annexure II: Format for commercial Bid” (Pg. 78-86). The commercial offers should be complete in all respects and it should not contradict with the Technical Offer in any manner. 3.6.3 Number of copies of the bid The Bidder is required to submit one original and one copy of the Technical Bid enclosed in separate envelopes, clearly marking envelope as “Technical Bid – Original” and “Technical Bid – Copy”, as appropriate. The original and copy shall be enclosed in the “Envelope-I Technical Bid”. The bidder is required to submit soft copy of the technical bid in “MS Word/ Excel/ Power point/Adobe PDF” as applicable. The soft copy is to be burned in to CD/DVD media in 1 copy and shall be enclosed in Technical Bid Original. In the event of any discrepancy between the hard copies and/or the softcopies, the original hard copy shall prevail. The Bidder is required to submit only one original of Commercial Bid. 3.7 Authentication of Bid 3.7.1 The original and all copies of the Bid Document shall be computer laser printouts and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract. A duly stamped Power-of-Attorney accompanying the Bid Document shall support the letter of authorization. The person or persons signing the Bid Document shall initial all pages of the Bid Document. However, amounts in the commercial bid can be either computer laser print or may be filled by hand legibly. Page 19 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 3.7.2 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms There should not be any cutting / striking / overwriting on the commercial bid. 3.8 Last date and time for receiving sealed offers The sealed offers should reach the address mentioned in the data sheet on or before the date and time mentioned in the data sheet (Pg. 4). 3.9 Pre-bid Meeting (PBM) CLR shall make best efforts to respond to any request for clarification for the Tender Document to the prospective bidders. Such requests are to be made in writing and are to be received by CLR at least 5 working days before the Pre-Bid Meeting as per the date and time mentioned in the data sheet (Pg. 4). The clarification shall be made in writing to the extent possible. The format for request for clarification is given below. Vendor Name and Address Date: Sr.No. Tender Reference No: CLRMP/2010/03 Section Reference Number (SRN) and Description SRN Description 2 3 1 Clarification Sought 4 Queries not adhering to the format above or queries not received within the mentioned deadline shall not be taken up at the Pre Bid Meeting. CLR shall not be responsible for any delay in receiving the clarification document including but not limited to any delays like postal delays. 3.10 Amendment of RFP Document At any time before the deadline for submission of bids, if the prospective bidder/s requests for any modification in the Tender document with proper justifications to the State Government, Department of Revenue then the government , if deemed necessary, may direct the CLR to modify the Tender Document by amending, modifying and/or supplementing the same. All such amendments shall be binding on all the bidders without any further act or deed on CLR part. Page 20 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms If a bidder has already submitted the bid and the tender document has been amended subsequently, then the bidder shall be allowed to rebid, but before the last date and time of submission of bids. In such cases, he should write “Rebid Dated: <Date>” on the bid envelope and the previous bid will not be considered. CLR reserves the right to extend the deadline for the submission of the bids. Original RFP, all amendments, extension of deadlines and all clarifications shall be posted on the department website www.landrecords.mp.gov.in under “Tender” option. 3.11 3.11.1 Technical Qualification Detailed evaluation of the technical offers shall be performed only after scrutinizing whether each bid is: in all respects as per the format given in Annexure I: Format for Technical Bid (Pg 60-77). by all documents required to prove claims against prequalification mentioned in Section 2 – “Qualification of the Bidder” (Pg. 14). by the EMD as mentioned under Clause 2.2 - “Earnest Money Deposit” (Pg. 16). Those bids failing to clear the above criteria shall be rejected and will not be scrutinized further. Bidders adhering to the completeness of the technical proposal shall be given chance to give a technical presentation before the Evaluation Committee. 3.12 3.12.1 Evaluation of Proposals Tender Evaluation Committee The evaluation of both technical and commercial proposals shall be done by a “Tender Evaluation Committee” duly constituted by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. The Tender Evaluation Committee may choose to request for clarification from the bidder related to their products / services offering, approach, methodology or any other Page 21 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms information as part of the technical evaluation. The decision of the Evaluation Committee in the evaluation of the Technical and Commercial bids shall be final and binding on all the parties. No correspondence will be entertained outside the process of negotiation/ discussion with the Tender Evaluation Committee. Any effort by a bidder to influence the Tender Evaluation Committee’s processing of Bids or award decisions may result in the rejection of the Bid. 3.13 Evaluation Framework The following framework shall be used as a guideline for the evaluation of bids. The CLR reserves the right to introduce any other evaluation method or make enhancements in the existing framework as per the requirement. 3.13.1 Technical Bid Evaluation Framework Technical bid evaluation shall be guided by the following framework: Criteria Maximum Marks Quality of Proposed Methodology Bidders Understanding level of scope of work of this project 5 Approach and Methodology for the execution of this project 5 Project Management 5 plan highlighting key milestones, overall timeline etc. for completion in a time bound schedule. Technical Presentation 30 Bidder’s Competence Experience in executing similar Infrastructure Development projects 20 Experience in executing similar Digital Document Management 20 projects Proposed Resources for Document Management System 10 Development Certifications (ISO, CMM, CMMi etc) Total Marks 3.13.2 5 100 Coverage area on Technical Presentation The Technical Presentation by the vendors shall be conducted at CLR Office, Gwalior in front of the Tender Evaluation Committee. The vendors are required Page 22 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms to cover the following aspects of their proposal, but not limited to, in their Technical presentation: Technical solution for the project, its advantages and limitations. provisions for Data and Access Control systems in the proposed solution. Infrastructure including Hardware, Software and Non-IT Components. of Proposed Infrastructure with respect to the minimum specifications as mentioned in “Annexure III – Compliance Matrix” (Pg. 87100). Technical Team (Strength and Structure) for this project. for executing project simultaneously at multiple remote locations in a time bound schedule. and Financial Capability of the bidder in executing similar large projects in a time bound schedule in any State of India along with project details and completion certificate. 3.13.3 Obtaining minimum marks in Technical Evaluation Commercial bid will be opened of only those bidders, who have obtained a minimum mark of 70% in their technical bid as per the evaluation framework. The evaluation done by the Tender Evaluation Committee in this regard shall be final and binding on the bidder. 3.13.4 Commercial Bid Evaluation shall be the bidder, who has quoted the lowest total cost as per the Commercial Bid in the format given in “Annexure II - Format for Commercial Bid” (Pg.78-86). It will be derived by multiplying the approximate quantity given in the “Annexure II - Format for Commercial Bid” (Pg. 7886) by the unit cost of the bidder and summation for all items. case there is a tie for L1 due to same lowest total cost quote from two (or more) companies, the company, that has quoted the least total cost for scanning for all sizes, shall be considered as L1. In case the scanning rates are Page 23 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms also the same, then the company that has secured more marks in the Technical Evaluation shall be considered as L1., L3, L4 etc. shall be selected as per the same procedure described above as per the increasing order of total quote. lowest bid rate for each individual item among all the bidders shall be considered as the L1 Rate List for the respective item. The project shall be executed as per the rates mentioned in the L1 Rate List. 3.13.5 Example showing derivation of L1 Rate List and Grading of vendors (L1, L2, L3 etc.) Please note that the table below is only for demonstration of derivation methodology and the bid values mentioned in the table may not have any relationship with the actual bid values expected for any item mentioned in the format for commercial bid. Item Quantity Bid by Bid by Bid by Bid by L1 Rate (As per Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Vendor 3 Vendor 4 List quantiti for the for the for the for the (Minimum es in the item item item item of Annexur (Rs) Per (Rs) Per (Rs) Per (Rs) Per Columns 3 e II: Unit Unit Unit Unit to 6 for Format each item) for (Rs) Per Commer Unit cial Bid) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Item 1 1,200 420 400 390 430 390 Item 2 1 30,000 32,000 35,000 29,000 29,000 Item 3 5 15,000 14,000 16,000 15,000 14,000 Item 4 5 1,000 1,100 900 1,200 900 Item 5 1 20,000 21,000 22,000 21,500 20,000 Total Bid Cost by each 6,34,000 6,08,500 6,09,500 6,47,500 L3 L1 L2 L4 nd 4th vendor (∑ Quantity X Unit Rate) Grading of Vendors 3 rd Lowest Lowest 2 Lowest Lowest Page 24 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Note: Lowest Bidder will get minimum order of 100 Tehsils, but will have to execute the project at the L1 Rate List as per column 7. Bid for each item is only for the purpose of finding the lowest bidder and subsequent (L2, L3, … etc.) bidders. 3.13.6 Selection of winning bidder may be noted that, in order to complete the project in a faster manner, CLR may choose more than one vendor to execute the task using the L1 Rate List. However, the application software shall be awarded to the L1 Bidder only but as per the L1 Rate List (All locations will run the application software supplied by L1 Bidder). vendor can refuse to execute the work using L1 Rate List without forfeiting the EMD unless as stated in Sec 4.27 – Signing of Contract Agreement (Pg. 34). minimum of 100 Tehsils shall be awarded to the L1 Bidder, if he is willing to work using the L1 Rate List. He can be awarded more Tehsils depending upon his capacity, experience and performance in execution of the initially awarded 100 Tehsils., L3, L4…..bidder will be asked in the same order to execute the work at L1 Rate List, if they are willing to work at L1 Rate List. The process of awarding work will continue till the requirement of the department is fulfilled. none of the bidders are willing to execute the project using the L1 Rate List, CLR shall initiate procedures for closed rebid with the technically qualified bidders only. 3.14 3.14.1 Site Visit It is recommended that the interested bidders visit the sites for establishment of the Modern Record Rooms. It is the responsibility of the bidder to visit the proposed sites at their own cost and assessing the existing infrastructure and existing data before submitting his offer to get a clear idea about the work and preparation of requirement across the locations. Department will facilitate bidders to get access to the site upon prior intimation. Page 25 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms SECTION 4: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER Page 26 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 4.1 Bid Security 4.1.1 Bid Security Deposit The successful bidder shall furnish an amount equivalent to Rs 5,00,000/- per locations awarded (Rupees Five Lakhs only per locations awarded) within 7 days from the date of Statement of work order in the form of Fixed Deposit/Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee of Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of “Dy. Commissioner Land Records & Settlement, Madhya Pradesh” and can be held until the Performance Guarantee specified under clause 4.5 – “Performance Guarantee” comes into effect. Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirements shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security, in such event the CLR may at his sole discretion make the award to the next lowest evaluated bid (L2, L3 and so on) at L1 rate list. The vendors are required to furnish additional security deposit amounting to Rs 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs only) per location for each additional work order released for other tehsil locations considering the number of locations awarded with that work order within 7 days similar to the procedure mentioned above. The vendor to whom the DMS Software Solution is awarded is required to furnish additional security deposit amounting to Rs 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs only) within 7 days similar to the procedure mentioned above. 4.1.2 Currency of Bid Security The bid security shall be furnished in Indian Rupees. 4.1.3 Requirement of Bid Security The Bid security is required to protect CLR, Madhya Pradesh against the risk of Bidder’s conduct, which would warrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to Clause 4.4 – “Forfeiture of Bid Security”. 4.2 Rejection of Bid Any bid not secured in accordance with Clause 4.1 – “Bid Security” shall be rejected by CLR, without any further correspondence, treating as non-responsive. Page 27 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 4.3 Discharge of Bid Security of Successful Bidder The successful bidder’s Bid Security shall be adjusted against the Performance Guarantee upon the Bidder producing the performance guarantee, as per the detailed given under Clause 4.5 – “Performance Guarantee”. 4.4 Forfeiture of Bid Security The bid security can be forfeited if the successful bidder fails 4.4.1 To sign the Contract within 07 days from the date of issue of work order or 4.4.2 To furnish performance guarantee in accordance with Clause 4.5 “Performance Guarantee”. 4.5 Performance Guarantee 4.5.1 After obtaining the implementation certificate from CLR, a performance guarantee equal to Rs 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs) per location (Rupees Five Lakhs lump sum in the case of DMS Application Software Vendor) will have to be submitted by the bidder within 07 days of the issue of the implementation certificate for the warranty period as mentioned under section 4.6 - “Warranty Period”. The performance guarantee shall be in the form of a Fixed Deposit/bank guarantee from a nationalized bank in favour of Dy. Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner Land Records & Settlement, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. 4.5.2 The performance guarantee shall be discharged to the vendor within 6 months after successfully completing the Warranty Period. 4.6 Warranty Period 4.6.1 Warranty services are required to be carried out as per section 5.8 “Warranty Services” (Pg. 46) under Section 5- “Scope of Work” (Pg. 36-48). Page 28 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 4.6.2 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms The warranty services shall be governed by the Service Level Agreements described under the section 7 - “Service Level Agreements” (Pg. 52-59). 4.7 Conditional offers by the Vendors Any bid containing conditional offers shall be summarily rejected outright. 4.8 Late Tender offers Any proposal received after the last date and time mentioned in the data sheet for receipt of proposal shall be rejected outright. 4.9 Offer validity 4.9.1 Offer validity period All bids shall remain valid for a period of six months (6 months) after the date of opening of the commercial bid by CLR. CLR reserves the right to reject a bid having the bid validity shorter than 6 months considering as non-responsive without any correspondence. 4.9.2 Extension of validity period In special circumstances, CLR may solicit extension of the period of validity from a bidder. The request and the response thereto shall be made in writing. Extension of validity period by the bidder shall be unconditional. The EMD provided shall also be sufficiently extended. However, a bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting the EMD. A Bidder granting extension of validity will not be permitted to modify its technical or commercial bid. 4.10 4.10.1 Validity of L1 Rate List The L1 Rate list, derived as per the procedures and examples mentioned under section 3.13.5 - “Example showing derivation of L1 Rate List and Grading of vendors (L1, L2, L3 etc.)” (Pg. 24) of this document, shall be valid for work orders released within 5 years from the date of opening of bids as mentioned in the data sheet of this document. 4.10.2 The bidders shall be bound to adhere to the L1 Rate list during the validity period of 5 years. Any work orders released as per this tender Page 29 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms within 5 years from the date of opening of bids are required to be executed by the vendors using L1 Rate list. 4.11 Address of Communication All communications including submission of proposals shall be as per the address mentioned in the data sheet (Pg. 4) as “Address for all communication”. 4.12 Modification and Withdrawal of Offers Withdrawal or modifications (except rebid) of offers are not permitted after its submission. If any vendor wishes to withdraw its offer during the validity period mentioned under section 4.9 - “Offer Validity”, The EMD shall be forfeited. 4.13 Hand written documents, Erasures or Alterations The offers containing erasures or hand-alterations will not be considered in any case. It is expected that there are no hand written materials present in the offer except commercial bid figures. 4.14 4.14.1 Commitment and Liability of Partner Companies In case of bidding as a Consortium/Joint Venture, it is to be noted that all partner companies shall be jointly and severely liable to all terms and conditions mentioned in the RFP. 4.14.2 The Consortium/Joint Venture should have a “Prime Bidder Company”, who will represent the Consortium/Joint Venture. 4.14.3 The Consortium/Joint Venture should nominate and authorize a Representative, who shall have the authority to conduct all businesses for and on behalf of any and all the parties of the Consortium/Joint Venture during the bidding process and, in the event the Consortium/Joint Venture is awarded the Contract, during project execution. The representative shall be from the Prime Bidder Company. Page 30 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 4.14.4 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Among the team members proposed for the project, there should be a Project Manager, who will be the prime contact person to the CLR in technical matters during the execution of the project. 4.15 Bid Currency All prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees. 4.16 Intellectual Property Rights All intellectual property rights for the work performed under this tender as far as data is concerned shall lie with CLR. This clause is applicable to all data in any form or format procured, processed, scanned or produced under this tender by the bidder. The bidder shall not use such data for any other purpose during and after the term of contract. In no cases, any document provided by the department is taken out of the space provided to the vendors for scanning and indexing. 4.17 Indemnity Vendor shall indemnify, protect and save CLR against all claims, proceeding, liabilities, losses, costs (including legal costs), damages, expenses and action suits, resulting from infringement of any patent, trademarks, copyrights, any other statutory infringements in respect of all the hardware / software supplied by him or expenses whatsoever arising out of or resulting from any loss or damage to the property or personnel of CLR, relating to the performance of the Project whether or not such loss or damage is caused or contributed to by negligence or other default of Bidder or their Authorized User. 4.18 Publicity Any publicity by the vendor in which the name of CLR is to be used should be done only with and after the explicit written permission of the Commissioner Land Records & Settlement, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. 4.19 4.19.1 Guarantees Bidders should guarantee that the software supplied to CLR offices and to any other location as part of the contract mentioned in this tender are licensed and legally obtained. In the case of hardware systems and any peripherals supplied, the bidders should guarantee that they are brand new, including all components and accessories. All hardware and Page 31 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms software must be supplied with their originals along with complete original printed documentation and licenses. All products supplied should conform to respective ISO/BIS standards. 4.20 4.20.1 Force Majeure Notwithstanding the provisions of the tender, the bidder shall not be liable for forfeiture of his performance guarantee, liquidated damages or termination for default, if and to the extent that, it’s delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure. 4.20.2 For purposes of the above Clause, "Force Majeure" means an event beyond the control of the bidder and not involving the bidder and not involving the bidder's fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of CLR either in its sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes. 4.20.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the qualified bidder shall promptly notify CLR in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by CLR in writing, the Bidder shall continue to perform its obligations under the contract as far as reasonably practical and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event. 4.21 4.21.1 Resolution of Disputes Any and all disputes or differences between the Parties arising out of or in connection with this Contract or its performance shall, so far as it is possible, be settled amicably through direct informal negotiation between the Parties. 4.21.2 If after 30 (thirty) days of consultation or before, the department and the successful bidder have failed to reach an amicable settlement, on any or all disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with this Page 32 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Contract or its performance, It shall be referred to The Commissioner Land Records and Settlement, who shall be the sole arbitrator. 4.21.3 In case of non acceptance of the CLR’s decision, either party may request that the dispute to be referred to arbitrator(s) in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. All Arbitration proceedings shall be held at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh and the language of the arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the parties shall be in English. 4.21.4 In case the issues are not resolved in the arbitration proceedings then further legal action by the parties shall be referred and restricted to the jurisdiction of the Court in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. 4.22 Right to Accept Any Offer and to Reject Any or All Offers CLR, reserves the right to accept or reject any offer, and to declare the tendering process invalid, and to reject all tenders at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the participated vendor(s) or any obligation to inform the vendor(s) regarding the decision. 4.23 Risk Purchase Clause In the event of the successful vendor fails to execute the project as stipulated under Sec “4.26 – Work Completion Requirements” (Pg. 34) and Sec “7.3 – Review and Monitoring System” (Pg. 54) in the required qualities and/or functionalities, CLR reserves the right to procure similar services in whole or in part from any alternate sources at the risk, cost and responsibility of the successful vendor. 4.24 Termination for convenience CLR reserves the right to terminate the contract in whole or in part for CLR’s convenience if required. Prior written notice shall be issued to the vendor stating the reason for termination. The extent to which the contract is terminated and date, on which such termination becomes effective, shall also be mentioned. Page 33 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms CLR shall also have the right to enter into an agreement with any other third party vendor for taking the project forward or for maintenance of the project and shall in no way be answerable to the bidder for such decision. 4.25 Ownership of resources supplied At any time during or after this project, all resources supplied as part of this project shall belong to the department. This includes all hardware supplied, all software supplied (custom and COTS), all infrastructure developed/supplied including all networking. 4.26 4.26.1 Work Completion Requirements The vendors are required to complete the work at a location within 9 months computed starting from the date of issue of work order for the corresponding location. 4.26.2 The vendor is also required to submit a Project Plan including PERT Chart for the execution of the project within 10 days of the receipt of work order. Upon acceptance of the project plan from CLR, the vendor need to execute the project as per the schedules and milestones stated in the project plan. 4.26.3 Any delay from vendor’s part in execution of work shall attract penalties as per section 7 - “Service Level Agreements” (Pg. 52-59). 4.27 4.27.1 Signing of Contract Agreement CLR shall notify the successful bidder(s) that his/their bid has been considered for awarding the work subjected to his willingness to execute the work as per the L1 Rate List. 4.27.2 Upon issue of the notification by CLR, the concerned bidder is required to sign the contract agreement with the CLR within 7 days from the date of issue of notification. 4.27.3 Any bidder failing to sign an agreement as mentioned above shall be disqualified and his bid shall be considered as invalid. He will also forfeit his EMD, if his bid value against any of the item has been considered as L1 Rate for the corresponding item in the L1 Rate List. Page 34 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 4.28 4.28.1 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Payment Terms The vendors can submit part bills or full bills (computed as Unit Rates in L1 Rate List X Actual quantities) duly verified and approved by respective District Authority as per the actual progress at each location. The payments shall be released accordingly after deducting penalties, if any. Page 35 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms SECTION 5: SCOPE OF WORK Page 36 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 5.1 Required standards 5.1.1 The entire infrastructure provided should comply with the technical requirements mentioned under Section 6: Technical Requirements (Pg. 49-51). 5.1.2 The software solution provided should comply with the technical requirements mentioned under Section 6: Technical Requirements (Pg. 49-51). 5.1.3 The minimum specification for the components of the solution is given in “Annexure III: Compliance Matrix” (Pg. 87-100). The supplied solution should comply with all of its clauses. 5.2 Conversion of Existing Record Rooms to Cyber Record Rooms at 342 Tehsils The proposed Modern Record Rooms should have the following distinct functional areas: Physical Storage Area for Hardcopy Record Storage Operational Area with Record Keeping Officer Room and IT Infrastructure Public Services Area for Waiting/Reception etc. The scopes for each of these functional areas are as follows: 5.2.1 Scope common to all areas Renovate the constructed space provided by the department and establish all infrastructures required for the modern record rooms at each of the location. Plastering / removing the old plastering and re-plastering, removing old flooring and flooring with new tiles, colour washing and any other civil work to make the interior aesthetically good. Establish all electrification including proper earthing. Establish all fixtures including lighting, and furniture. Page 37 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 5.2.2 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Scope specific to Physical Storage Area Designing and Installation of Modular Compactors with double locking system for storage of hard copy records sizing A4/A3. Designing and Installation of Modular Map Cabinets with locking system for storage of hard copy maps sizing up to A1. Designing and Installation of Modular Slotted Angle Racks of adequate strength for storage of hard copy records, which are of less importance sizing A4/A3. Design, Supply and Installation of Pest/insects repellent systems Design and Supply of Access control systems for Record Storage Room Design and Establishment of Access Control Systems 5.2.3 Scope specific to Operational Area Design and Installation of Specially designed cubicle for Record Keeping Officer with minimum 4 chairs for visitors Design and Installation of Ergonomically designed half-partitioned modular furniture made of BIS standard material for workstation including keyboard trays, trolleys for CPU, revolving chairs, racks. Design and Installation of full height cubicle and modular furniture made of BIS standard material for installing Server and all other allied IT infrastructure like LAN Racks, UPS etc. along with access control systems. Design, Supply, Installation and configuration of Server, Desktop Computers, UPS, LAN and all other infrastructure/components (both software and hardware) required for establishment and running of the digital document management system. The desktops are required to be supplied with latest operating system, antivirus and all other software required for implementation of the digital document management system. Supply and establishment of Air-conditioning Design and Establishment of Access Control Systems Page 38 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 5.3 Scanning, Indexing and Lamination Hardcopies The scope includes the following with respect preservation of documents: 5.3.1 The records supplied by the department should undergo a prescanning procedure including removal of pins, tags, threads, rubber bands, stapler pins. If the pages are not in proper order, it has to be correctly ordered. 5.3.2 Scanning of all the records available with the department for each of the record room in minimum resolution of 200dpi using “Black & White From Colour” option and storing the document in encrypted pdf format in a predefined file naming convention and indexing it. If the condition of input record is bad, higher resolution scanning needs to be used. 5.3.3 Most of the original hard copy Map Documents are on tracing cloth and are very old with sizes ranging from A0 and lower. It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure that proper preventive measures are taken to avoid damage/mutilation while scanning of these hard copy documents. 5.3.4 Some of these Original tracing cloth map documents have width equal to that of A0 Size but the length exceeds that of A0 Size. In such cases, Vendor need to ensure that the scanned images in parts are stitched properly without creating data loss, misalignment along the stitched edges. 5.3.5 The file naming convention/codification/tagging convention should include attributes to identify the Tehsil keeping in mind that the system may get upgraded to an enterprise system. The naming convention should be discussed with and approved by the department. 5.3.6 High End Scanners with scanning capabilities of 600dpi or better need to be used to scan bad conditioned documents. Vendor need to ensure that Automatic Curvature Correction (Correction of curved texts at centrebinding), Automatic finger masking (erasing of images of fingers holding pages) and Auto-erasure of centerline shadows are applied to achieve a good quality of scanned image. Vendor need to provide detailed Page 39 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms specifications/make/model of the High-end scanner proposed to be used for the project as part of their Technical Bid. 5.3.7 It is the Vendor's responsibility to ensure that all types of hard copy map documents and records available at Existing Record Room and with the CLR should be scanned completely without causing any kind of damage to the original documents. 5.3.8 All images shall be saved in upright orientation and sufficient post scanning treatment including removing unwanted noises like black spots are to be applied. 5.3.9 The treated Scanned images should be delivered to the department in uncompressed format as well as in Linearized PDF format. 5.3.10 The documents are to be tagged with digital metadata information as per the format specified by CLR, which will act as “key-words”, with which the document can be easily searched and identified in the document management system. 5.3.11 The files / documents will not be allowed to be removed from premises allocated to successful bidder. Suitable hardware infrastructure/facilities have to be established onsite at the premises that shall be allocated to do the scanning work. 5.3.12 All documents shall be returned to the department in its original condition. Under no circumstances shall the documents be changed, mutilated, destroyed or replaced by some other documents. Any damages caused to the hard copy documents by the vendor shall attract penalties mentioned under Section 7 - “Service Level Agreements” (Pg. 52-59). 5.3.13 Storage of the scanned copies of the records in the Server and making them available to the server based digital document management system software for easy retrieval. 5.3.14 Perform lamination of documents specified by CLR. Page 40 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 5.3.15 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Physical arrangement of all of the hard copies available with the department in the map cabinets, compactors and racks as per the series and sequence proposed. The cloth bound maps are to be stored in such a way that there is a “moisture blotting paper” in between the maps. The blotting papers also need to be supplied by the bidder. 5.4 Barcode Tagging of Hardcopies 5.4.1 Establish barcode tagging of each of the hard copy document. The document may be single paged or multi-paged. 5.5 Data Entry 5.5.1 Perform data entry of important documents 5.5.2 The data entry shall be in Hindi 5.5.3 With reference to the hard copy supplied by the department, the vendor has to perform the data entry to populate the database format prescribed by the department. 5.6 Design, Development and Implementation of a Digital Document Management System Software The Scope includes the following: 5.6.1 Design, development, testing, implementation and commissioning of a digital Document Management System (DMS) software to facilitate easy management of the records storage including adding new records to the system, easy retrieval of the stored records (digital as well as physical). 5.6.2 The successful bidder is expected to provide detailed system documents, user documents and properly commented source code for components designed and developed for CLR by the bidder as part of this RFP along with the delivery of solution components. All hardware components and readymade software shall be supplied with its original documentation from the original manufacturer. All custom made Page 41 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms components including software modules shall be accompanied by detailed system documentation and user manuals. 5.6.3 The scope includes procurement of all hardware, software and licenses required to implement the supplied solution, their installation and configuration. This includes all system software licenses, database software licenses, antivirus software, backup and system maintenance software and access control software and any other software required in the system. 5.6.4 The scope includes procurement, installation and configuration of all hardware required for installation and running of the digital document management system, server setup, all networking and other peripherals. 5.6.5 The implementation of the application software solution will be done as follows: Even though CLR may award the project to multiple vendors for different locations to execute the project in a faster manner, a single application software solution shall be selected by CLR and shall be implemented at all tehsil locations. The vendor quoting the lowest cost for the item mentioned under Pt. 37 in Annexure II – Format for Commercial Bid (Pg. 84) shall be selected for Design, installation and implementation of the application software solution at all locations. His software solution shall be selected for the same. The rate to be quoted in the Commercial bid shall be a consolidated lump sum amount for the supply and implementation of the application software solution all Tehsil locations including the current 342 locations and any additional locations in future. The vendor’s software solution is required to be compatible with the IT infrastructure as mentioned in Annexure III – Compliance Matrix (Pg. 87-100) that would be procured at each tehsil location. The IT hardware infrastructure including Server, Desktop Computers, barcode reader, printers, LAN etc. shall be supplied by the vendor allotted for modernization of the record room. The DMS software solution vendor’s scope does not include supply of any hardware item. DMS software vendor’s scope includes supply, installation and Page 42 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms implementation of the DMS software solution. DMS software vendor’s scope also includes supply, installation and implementation of all software items including Database software and/or any additional software component required by his software over and above the operating system for the best performance. The DMS software vendor is required to supply at his cost all hardware items, which is required over and above the hardware items listed in this RFP, if it is required for the implementation of his software solution for its best performance. The vendor responsible for installation, configuration and implementation of software solution is required to provide the necessary technical support to the other vendor (if different) chosen for conversion of existing record room to cyber record room at no additional cost. The vendor responsible for installation, configuration and implementation of DMS solution need to provide the necessary technical support during the upgradation of the system into a web-based document management system at no additional cost as mentioned in “Sec 1.4.1 - Enterprise Web Based GIS Solution” (Pg. 12). No additional cost shall be paid to the vendor for installation, configuration and implementation at any additional location. The cost quoted should include licenses to the department for any number of additional locations for the same project. The software solution vendor is required to supply the installation media to the department with detailed help file(s) including instructions on installation and configuration of the same. There should not be any restriction on the number of concurrent users that would use the DMS solution at any location and total number of users using the system considering all locations (current and future). vendor needs to provide lifetime licenses for the DMS system software solution supplied to the department. cost of the DMS application software should include training as per the “Section 5.7 - Training” (Pg. 44). Page 43 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 5.6.6 Required Functionalities of the Document Management System Smart query and real time search options based on key-words of the metadata to find a documents and folders. Integrated with barcode reader, barcode printer and biometric fingerprint authentication device. Facility to add new documents to the system. Auto generation of barcode for a new document. The DMS software solution should provide dependable digital archival, fast retrieval and efficient distribution solutions Role based user creation and management facility should be present. The software should support system privileges and secure login and password for each user. For any change always copy of the original document should be used, so that the original or any of its versions never get corrupted, damaged or deleted by users. The DMS Software Solution should have universal viewer in order to enable users to view the uploaded PDF Files and any other formats, without help of the Desktop based PDF Reader or any other concerned file viewer installed on the desktop. Whenever a hardcopy document is taken out of the record room, the information has to be fed in to the system with document id (identified with barcode reader), person taking the document (identified with biometric fingerprint authentication), date and time (taken from the server), contact details of the person, expected return date etc. software solution should generate extensive audit-trails at each user level. All actions like modification, creation, deletion etc. should be locked automatically to audit trail tables in the system’s database with date, time and name of the person. All such reports must be exportable to XML, MS-excel, txt, CSV formats. 5.7 Training The scope includes the following: Page 44 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 5.7.1 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms The vendors shall provide functional training as well as administrative training to all the stakeholders of the system in manageable batches at each location. However, the batch size should be limited to a maximum of 10 persons at a time. 5.7.2 The training modules pertaining to the DMS software solution shall be the responsibility of the successful DMS application software vendor. All other modules of the training shall be the responsibility of the vendor selected for modernization of respective record rooms. 5.7.3 Before the commencement of the training session, Vendor must prepare a curriculum on the topics that would be covered in the training along with details like duration of each training session, batch size; timings etc. and submit the same to the CLR for approval. CLR may accept or instruct to include additional topics specific to the project such as scanning, lamination, tagging and data entry into the Digital Document Management system, Data retrieval, Printouts, Providing citizen services etc. 5.7.4 Separate batches shall be organized by the vendor according to different user levels. 5.7.5 The training shall be conducted at each of the locations with hands-on exposure to various functionalities and operations of the system. 5.7.6 Administrative training shall include administration and fine tuning of server components, user management and security management. 5.7.7 For the purpose of training, CLR shall provide only basic infrastructure like space and basic furniture. All other cost incurred in providing the training including training material, desktops, LCD projector during the training period, travelling to the training site and back, boarding of the trainer etc is to be included in the application development cost. 5.7.8 Every training session should be accompanied by collection of end user / administrator feedback related to usability, scope of work Page 45 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms compliance etc. The vendor shall be bound to carry out re-training sessions if found unsatisfactory. 5.7.9 The training locations and minimum number of departmental staff to be trained shall be as follows. Vendors should note that the number of people to be trained may vary as per the decisions of CLR and vendors are bound to train additional staff if requested without additional cost: Sr.No. Category Minimum No of departmental staff to be trained at each location 1. Functional 5 2. Administrative 3 5.8 Warranty Services The scope towards warranty services shall include the following: 5.8.1 The Bidder to provide a detailed Bill of Material of all the material supplied including Software (DMS, Application and System Software etc.)/ Hardware/ Networking Devices/Infrastructure components and others as specified under Annexure III – Compliance Matrix (Pg. 87-100). The components supplied by the vendor shall cover warranty services as per the table below. The bid cost by the vendors for each item should include the warranty services. Sr.No. Item Warranty Type Warranty Period 1. Server including all accessories Onsite warranty 5 years 2. Desktop Computer including all Onsite warranty 3 years accessories 3. LAN Onsite warranty 3 years 4. 24 Port Manageable Switch Onsite warranty 5 years 5. Barcode Reader including all Manufacturer’s 1 year accessories warranty Barcode Printer including all Manufacturer’s accessories warranty Biometric Fingerprint Manufacturer’s 6. 7. 1 year 1 year Page 46 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr.No. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Item Warranty Type Authentication Device including all warranty Warranty Period accessories 8. All-in-one B/W Laser Printer A3 Manufacturer’s Size including all accessories warranty 1 year excluding consumables 9. Online UPS with battery Onsite warranty for 3 years onsite UPS and warranty for UPS manufacturer’s and 2 years warranty for manufacturer’s batteries warranty for batteries 10. Map Cabinet Onsite warranty 5 years 11. Modular Compactor Onsite warranty 5 years 12. Modular Slotted Angle Rack Onsite warranty 5 years 13. Air Conditioning Manufacturer’s 3 years warranty for Manufacturer’s compressor, onsite warranty for warranty for other compressor, 1 year components onsite warranty for all other components 14. Access Control System Onsite warranty 3 years 15. Detection and Prevention System Onsite warranty 5 years Pest, Insects, Rodent and Rat Onsite warranty for 1 year Repellent System for Records treatments, manufacturer’s Room and Server Area manufacturer’s warranty for warranty for equipments equipments supplied supplied. for Fire and Smoke (Record Room and Server Area) 16. Treatments should be carried out onsite at least once in every 4 months for a period of 5 years Page 47 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 5.8.2 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms The document management system application shall also be under 5 year warranty counted after successful implementation at the last location (considering 342 locations). During the warranty period, the vendor is required to provide bug fixes and patches, upgrades to the software (if any to make it compatible with newer Operating System for example). Warranty should also cover minor modifications to the software as per the requirement. 5.8.3 The warranty services shall be governed by the Service Level Agreements described under the section 7 - “Service Level Agreements” (Pg. 52-59). Page 48 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms SECTION 6: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Page 49 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms The minimum technical requirements of the software solution are described under the following heads. 6.1 Platform 6.1.1 User Platform The developed system shall be client server based. The developed system shall be able to open and use all the functionalities in Windows 7 Professional or latest OS based desktops. 6.1.2 Application Development Platform The bidders can propose any Industry Standard Platform/tool/language for application development. The application development language shall be object oriented. The developers in the development language proposed shall be easily available in the open market e.g. Java/.Net etc. 6.1.3 Database Platform The bidders can propose any industry standard Database Platform for the solution 6.2 Minimum Technical Requirements/Specifications 6.2.1 The minimum specification for the components of the solution is given in “Annexure III: Compliance Matrix” (Pg. 87-100). The supplied solution should comply with all of its clauses. 6.2.2 All of the components supplied as part of this tender should comply with respective BIS standards. Page 50 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 6.3 User Capacity Requirements 6.3.1 User Types Supervisory User: These users use the application only to view digital documents and for creating reports. The record keeping officer shall be the supervisory user. System Administrator: These users shall create the user permissions and other security features of the system through a separate administration module. The system administrator should be able to provide access rights on documents, folders and metadata based on users and groups. The system should support multiple level access rights like (Delete / Edit / View / Print / Copy or download) These users are responsible for backup management and fine tuning of the system for optimum performance. After implementation, this user shall be the contact point for the vendor to intimate issues in the system and/or request for updates or any other ki nd of system maintenance. The system administrator shall also assist the supervisory user for generating reports 6.3.2 Number of concurrent users at a location Sr.No. User Type No of concurrent users per location 1. Supervisory User 1 2. System Administrator 1 3. Normal Users 5 6.4 Language Interface All options and functionalities available in application should be in English as well as in Hindi (using 16bit Unicode) with GoI standards for language. However, Standard English terminology may be used, if required in Hindi. Page 51 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms SECTION 7: SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS Page 52 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Service levels expected from vendors on various components and related penalties applicable shall be as follows: 7.1 Penalty for delay in project execution 7.1.1 For any delay from vendor’s part in completing the work shall attract a penalty at the rate of 2% per week or part thereof with a maximum penalty of 10% of the project value for that location. 7.1.2 In case, any deadline is slipped by more than 5 weeks without preintimated sufficient reason approved by CLR, the contract shall be recommended for termination. CLR’s decision on the same shall be final. 7.1.3 If the vendor fails to setup the offices along with commencement of work at the location within a period of 2 weeks from the date of issue of work order, CLR reserves the right to take necessary action including termination of the contract and procuring services from another vendor to complete the project at the cost of the unsuccessful vendor as per clause 4.23 – “Risk Purchase Clause” (Pg. 33) and Clause 4.4 – “Forfeiture of Bid Security” (Pg. 28). 7.2 Returning the existing hardcopy documents in its original condition 7.2.1 All existing hardcopy documents shall be returned to the department in its original condition after converting the document into digital format. Under no circumstances shall the documents be changed, mutilated, destroyed or replaced by some other documents. Any damages caused to the hard copy documents by the vendor shall attract minimum penalties as mentioned below: Sr.No. Size of document Minimum Penalty (Rs. per document page) 1. A4 100 2. A3 1,000 3. A2 10,000 Page 53 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr.No. Size of document RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Minimum Penalty (Rs. per document page) 4. A1 30,000 5. A0 50,000 7.2.2 The above mentioned penalties are minimum penalties and the upper limit shall be decided by CLR as per the severity of the damage and importance of the document. 7.3 Review and Monitoring system For efficient work and monitoring of the project and to ensure the completion of the work in the stipulated time, following procedures shall be adopted: 7.3.1 Monitoring of progress and work execution shall be carried out by the concerned District Authority for each Tehsil location 7.3.2 The Vendor shall provide the project status on a weekly basis to the concerned District Authority highlighting the tasks executed at the allotted Tehsil location during the period and the work action plan for the next 2 weeks. The Vendor shall also submit a monthly report to the concerned district authority. 7.3.3 The concerned District Authority shall review the work progress and status report submitted by the Vendor and, if necessary, will issue directions to the Vendors. The concerned District Authority shall provide project status of the tehsil locations within their district to the Office of the Commissioner Land Records and Settlement on a fortnightly basis with necessary comments to ensure completion of work in a stipulated time frame. 7.3.4 CLR will review the monthly progress and, if necessary, will issue directions to the Vendors and the concerned District Authority. 7.3.5 CLR will submit a monthly progress report to the Department of Revenue with necessary comments. Page 54 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 7.3.6 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms The progress of work shall also be reviewed on a quarterly basis by the State Level Monitoring and Review Committee constituted for the implementation of NLRPM by the State Government. 7.3.7 If any delay on part of department authorities in providing a timely response to the Vendor on any query that can have an impact on the completion time, the Vendor must submit in writing to the CLR stating the facts and impact on the project schedule due to this delay. CLR reserves the right to accept/reject the response letter of the Vendor after due consultation with the concerned District Authorities and Vendor. 7.3.8 Role of Stake Holders and Vendors in the project Sr. No Task Time Limit from the date Responsibility Department Vendor of Awardment of Work Order 1. Award of work order --- CLR Office Agreement Within 7 days CLR Office between CLR Office and from the award Vendor of work order for a Tehsil location 2. 3. Sign of Preparation and Within 10 days Submission of Project from the award Plan for execution at a of work order Tehsil Vendor Vendor Location including PERT Chart 4. Scrutiny Acceptance from and Within 7 days the from the date Department of CLR Office submission by the vendor 5. Successful completion of Renovation (plastering / 9 Months Vendor re- plastering, flooring, all Page 55 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr. No RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Task Time Limit from the date Responsibility Department Vendor of Awardment of Work Order electrification, fixtures all and colour washing) 6. Scrutiny and Acceptance of Concerned above District from the Department 7. Successful of Authority completion fixing of Vendor Modular Compactors and Modular Slotted Angle Racks 8. Scrutiny and Acceptance of Concerned above District from the Department 9. Successful Authority completion Vendor of establishment of all the infrastructure for Systems area, Record Keeping officer including Furniture, area LAN, UPS 9 Months and allied infrastructure 10. Scrutiny Acceptance and of above from the Department 11. Successful completion Concerned District Authority Vendor of Scanning, Indexing, Bar Code Tagging, Lamination and Setting up of hard copies of all records into the compactors and racks Page 56 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr. No RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Task Time Limit from the date Responsibility Department Vendor of Awardment of Work Order as per the series and sequence proposed. 12. Scrutiny and Acceptance of Concerned above District from the Department 13. Successful Authority completion Vendor of data entry 14. Scrutiny Acceptance and of Concerned above District from the Department 15. Authority Successful Vendor Implementation of Document Management 9 Months System Software 16. Scrutiny Acceptance and of Concerned above District from the Department 17. Successful of Authority completion training to Vendor the department officials 18. Scrutiny Acceptance 19. and of Concerned above District from the Department Authority Receipt of Completion Concerned Certificate District for the Tehsil Location Authority + CLR Office 20. Commencement Warranty Services of As stated Vendor under Sec 5.8 – Warranty services Page 57 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 7.4 Response time on Warranty Services 7.4.1 Sr.No. During the warranty period, the following penalties shall be applicable: Item Maximum Penalty Resolution upon finding a failure/defect and after intimation by the department 1 1. 2 Document Management 3 1 day System 4 Rs 5,000/- on occurrence and additional Rs 3,000/- per day in delay mentioned in column 3 or part thereof 2. Server 1 day Rs 5,000/- on occurrence and additional Rs 3,000/- per day in delay mentioned in column 3 or part thereof 3. 4. Any IT Hardware Component 2 days Rs 1,000/- on occurrence other than Server and additional Rs 1,000/- per (Desktops, LAN, Barcode day in delay mentioned in reader/printer etc.) column 3 or part thereof Storage systems (Map 7 days Rs 10,000/- on occurrence Cabinets, Compactors, racks and additional Rs 5,000/- per and all allied accessories) day in delay mentioned in column 3 or part thereof 5. 7.4.2 Any item supplied other than 7 days Rs 500/- per day in delay those mentioned in Sr. Nos mentioned in column 3 or 1 to 4 part thereof The warranty type and warranty period shall be as per the section 5.8 - “Warranty Services” (Pg. 46). Page 58 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 7.5 Privacy & Confidentiality 7.5.1 Strict privacy and confidentiality is required from the vendor during the entire course of the project. In no occasion, access to any original/digital/scanned data is to be provided to any external parties or the data in any form is taken out of the department premises without written authorization by CLR. 7.5.2 The bidder cannot supply / sell partly or fully any data pertaining to the project in any form to any party for any purpose. 7.5.3 For default of the above service conditions, a penalty of minimum Rs 5,00,000/- would be charged. The exact amount of penalty to be charged shall be decided by CLR considering the severity of violation. At any instance of violation, the contract shall be terminated at the risk and cost of the vendor. The vendor shall be recommended for blacklisting. Criminal offense can also be initiated against the vendor. 7.6 Recovery mode of Penalties from the bidder 7.6.1 The penalties during the execution of the project shall be deducted from the payments released to the bidder. 7.6.2 The penalties during the warranty period shall be deducted from the payments to the bidder, if the project is in progress in any other location. If the project has completed at all locations, the penalties shall be deducted from the performance guarantee deposit. Page 59 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms ANNEXURE I: FORMAT FOR TECHNICAL BID Page 60 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms All bids should adhere to the format given below. Bids not in the format mentioned shall be summarily rejected considering non responsive. The vendors should expand the sections to the required detail levels. It is expected that bidders will explain the solution neither too short nor too elaborative. Concise and crisp explanations are welcomed by the evaluation committee. Details given in red color with angle brackets and underline are instructions to the bidder and are to be replaced by relevant information/text or document attachment. Format for Technical Bid: 1. Sr.No. 1. Attachment Documents Check List Document Name Attached (Yes/No) Bid form and Covering Letter <Insert Yes or No for all columns> 2. EMD Instrument 3. Power of Attorney 4. Affidavit on a Rs100/- Stamp Paper (Notarized) 5. OEM Authorization Form 6. Certificate of Incorporation 7. Copies of Audited Balance Sheets 8. Copies of Audited Profit and Loss Account Statement 9. Copy of Consortium/Joint Venture Agreement (If Applicable) 10. Copies of certifications 11. Work orders for all projects mentioned 12. Completion/Implementation Certificate for all projects mentioned 13. Data sheet for proposed team 14. Resumes of proposed team members 15. Filled up Compliance Matrices Page 61 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 2. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Bid form and Covering Letter Date: <Insert Date> Ref No: <Insert Letter Reference No> Tender Ref. No:<Insert Tender Ref No> To The Commissioner Land Records & Settlement Moti Mahal, Gwalior Madhya Pradesh – 474 007 Dear Sir, I <full name in capital letters>, the <Managing Partner/Managing Director/Authorized Signatory>, for the <establishment/firm/registered company/Joint Venture/Consortium> named <Write Full Name of the Company / Write Consortium/Joint Venture with Company Name as Prime Bidder> having its registered office in <Complete Address of Registered Office/Write Complete Address of Prime Bidder in case of Consortium Joint Venture> do hereby offer to provide our services for the work “Conversion of Existing Record Rooms to Cyber Record Rooms in 342 Tehsils of Madhya Pradesh”, which include the following scope of work with details mentioned in this RFP: 1. Conversion of Existing Record Rooms to Cyber Record Rooms at 342 Tehsils in existing departmental building. This includes all civil work involved for renovating the existing record room, electrification including earthing, procurement and installation of interiors, furniture, lighting, air conditioning in systems area, access control system, pest/insects repellent systems and all other infrastructure required for establishment and running the proposed Modern Record Room. 2. Setting up of a Physical Storage Area within the Modern Record Room for physical storage of maps and records a. Supply and installation of Modular Compactors of adequate strength for storage of hard copy records sizing A4/A3. b. Supply and installation of Modular Map Cabinets of adequate strength for storage of hard copy maps sizing A1. c. Supply and installation of Modular Slotted Angle Racks of adequate strength for storage of hard copy records sizing A4 and A3. 3. Setting up of an Operational Area within the Modern Record Room a. Design, development, testing, implementation, commissioning and maintenance of a Document Management System software to facilitate easy management of the storage, easy retrieval of the records and should comply with the requirements as mentioned under Section 6 – Technical Requirements. b. Perform Indexing and Barcode tagging of hard copies of records. Page 62 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms c. Perform Scanning of records and Digital Storage for easy retrieval, printing etc. d. Perform Lamination of Documents. e. Perform Data entry of important documents in the database format prescribed by the department. f. Procurement, installation and configuration of servers, desktops, networking and all other IT infrastructure required for implementation and running of document management system. 4. Setting up a public services area within the Modern Record Room for waiting/reception etc. 5. Train the department staff in all aspects of management, operation and maintenance of the supplied solution as mentioned under Section 5.7 – “Training”. 6. Warranty services as mentioned under Section 5.8 – “Warranty Services”. I hereby state and declare that the names given herein with the details of the address have not filled in this Tender Document under any other name or under the name of any other establishment/firm or otherwise, nor are we (Prime Bidder as well as all partners in the case of Consortium/Joint Venture) in any way related or concerned with any establishment/firm or any other person, who have filled in this Tender Document for the aforesaid work. The EMD in the form of Fixed Deposit/DD/Bank Guarantee issued by bank <Name of the Bank and Branch> valid till <date in DD/MM/YYYY format> for an amount of Rupees Fifty Lakhs is enclosed. I have thoroughly examined and understood the terms and conditions and details of the Tender Document, Contract and Project to be undertaken and have carefully noted the conditions of Contract and the specification with all the stipulations, which I agree to comply with. We shall be bound by the terms of these documents. We undertake to complete the Project within the period stipulated after receiving an intimation of the acceptance of our Bid. I have filled in the accompanying Tender Document with full knowledge of liabilities and therefore, we will not raise any objection or dispute in any manner relating to any action, including forfeiture of Bid Security, and penalties for giving any information, which is found to be incorrect and against the instructions and directions given in this Tender Document. I further agree and undertake that in the event it is revealed subsequently after the allotment of work/Contract to me/us, that any information given by me/us in this Tender Document is false or incorrect, I/We shall compensate the CLR for any such losses or inconvenience caused to the CLR in any manner and will not resist any claim for such compensation on any ground whatsoever. I/We agree and undertake that I/we shall not claim in such case any amount, by way of damages or compensation for cancellation of the contract given to me/us or any work assigned to me/us or is withdrawn by the CLR I/We agree not to withdraw the offer constituted by this Tender Document before the date of communication to me/us notice of non-acceptance. I/We agree that if contrary to the understanding contained in this clause I/we withdraw my/our Bid before the said Page 63 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms date the Tender Document deposited by me/us as aforesaid shall be liable to forfeiture of the EMD. I/We also agree to the forfeiture of the said Bid Security if in the event of your accepting my/our TENDER, I/We fail to execute the contract or to provide the Performance Guarantee when called upon to do so or fail to complete the Project in the time frame and/or comply with the terms and conditions set out in the Tender Document and/or Contract in full or in part or fail to execute the orders placed on me/us. I/We also agree to all the terms and conditions mentioned in the RFP especially the Signing of Contract Agreement clause. I/We do hereby agree to pay all costs, charges and expenses in connection with preparation of bid document, expenses during evaluation process and contract including stamp duty, preparation and execution of the contract. On acceptance of our bid and on signing the contract, we will submit a Bid Security amounting to Rs 5,00,000/- per location awarded (Rupees Five Lakhs only per location awarded) within 7 days of the date of signing the contract. On acceptance of our bid for DMS solution and on signing the contract, we will submit an additional Bid Security amounting to Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs only) within 7 days of the date of signing the contract. On obtaining the implementation certificate from each location from CLR, we will submit a Performance Guarantee amounting to Rs 5,00,000/- per location awarded (Rupees Five Lakhs only per location awarded) within a period of 7 days from the date of issue of project implementation certificate. On obtaining the implementation certificate for DMS solution from CLR, we will submit a Performance Guarantee amounting to Rs. 5,00,000/(Rupees Five Lakhs only) within a period of 7 days from the date of issue of project implementation certificate. We also assure that all additional requirements/costs other than those mentioned in the Tender Document that are required for commissioning of the solution (even though not explicitly mentioned in this tender and/or in our proposed solution) will be provided at no additional cost to CLR. On receipt of the Contract from CLR we will commence phase wise execution as per the timelines mentioned in the work completion and payment conditions of the RFP. The Bid submitted by us shall be valid for a period of 180 days, from the time of opening of the Bid. Signature of the Bidder: <Signature> Date: <Date in DD/MM/YYYY format> Full Name: <Full Name> Designation: <Designation> Office Seal: <Office seal of company/prime bidder company> Address: <Complete Address of company / prime bidder company> Telephone Number(s): <Phone Number(s) with STD Code> Fax: <Fax Number with STD Code> e-mail address: <E-Mail Address for all e-mail communications> Page 64 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 3. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms EMD instrument <Attach EMD instrument here> 4. Power of Attorney <Attach Power of Attorney (Power of attorney should have authorization of all partner companies in the case of Consortium/Joint Venture)> 5. Affidavit on Rs 100 Stamp Paper Date: <Insert Date of signing affidavit> Ref No: <Insert Bidder’s Reference No> Tender Ref. No:<Insert Tender Ref No> Tender Name:<Insert Tender Name> To Office of the Commissioner Land Records & Settlement Moti Mahal, Gwalior Madhya Pradesh – 474 007 Dear Sir, In response to the Tender mentioned above, as a owner/partner/Director/Authorized person of <Company Name in Full / Specify Consortium/Joint Venture led by company name in case of Consortium/Joint Venture>, I/We <Full Name of signing person> do hereby certify that all the statements made in the Bid Document are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/We hereby declare that we (Including all partner companies in case of consortium/joint venture) <Company Name in Full / Specify Consortium/Joint Venture led by company name in case of Consortium/Joint Venture> has an unblemished past record and has not been declared ineligible due to corrupt & fraudulent practices either indefinitely or for a particular period of time. I/We <Company Name in Full / Specify Consortium/Joint Venture led by company name in case of Consortium/Joint Venture> hereby understand and agree that any person or party who is minor or who has been adjudged insolvent or who has been convicted in a Court of Law for an offence under Indian Penal Code or offence involving moral turpitude or other criminal activities or detained under and preventive law for the time being in force or who has been black listed by the Government of India, is not eligible to submit Page 65 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms the Tender Document. Tender Documents submitted by such person shall be treated as invalid. I/We also assure CLR that we shall be having an operating office of our own in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh during the entire course of execution of the project mentioned in the RFP. I/We <Company Name in Full / Specify Consortium/Joint Venture led by company name in case of Consortium/Joint Venture> hereby understand and agree that any further information required by CLR may be requested and we hereby agree to furnish any such information as required and requested by CLR. Signature of the Bidder: <Signature> Date: <Date in DD/MM/YYYY format> Full Name: <Full Name> Designation: <Designation> Office Seal: <Office seal of company/prime bidder company> Address: <Complete Address of company / prime bidder company> Telephone Number(s): <Phone Number(s) with STD Code> Fax: <Fax Number with STD Code> e-mail address: <E-Mail Address for all e-mail communications> 6. Original Equipment Manufacturer’s Authorization Form Date: <Insert Date of signing affidavit> Ref No: <Insert Bidder’s Reference No> Tender Ref. No:<Insert Tender Ref No> Tender Name:<Insert Tender Name> To The Commissioner Land Records & Settlement Moti Mahal, Gwalior Madhya Pradesh – 474 007 Dear Sir, We <OEM Name> who are established manufacturers of <Product(s) Name supplied> having office at <Address of local office> do hereby authorize M/s <Name of bidding company / Name of the partner company in the case of Consortium / Joint Venture> to Page 66 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms offer their quotation, negotiate and conclude the contract for our product with you against the above mentioned request for proposal. We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per terms and conditions of the tender and the contract for the equipment and services offered against invitation for tender offer by the above firm. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Signature of the Bidder: <Signature> Date: <Date in DD/MM/YYYY format> Full Name: <Full Name> Designation: <Designation> Office Seal: <Office seal of company/prime bidder company> Address: <Complete Address of company / prime bidder company> Telephone Number(s): <Phone Number(s) with STD Code> Fax: <Fax Number with STD Code> e-mail address: <E-Mail Address for all e-mail communications> Page 67 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 7. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Documents for Pre-Bid Qualification as per clause “Qualification of the Bidder” of RFP Clause Qualification Condition Document to be attached Complied (Yes/No/Not Applicable) 2.1.1 The bidder should be a single Certificate company/firm or a joint venture/ Incorporation (of all Applicable consortium. companies in case columns> Joint ventures / of consortiums with more than 3 of Consortium/JV) companies are not allowed. Any Consortium/Joint company / firm can submit only Venture Agreement one (If applicable) bid irrespective of <Insert Yes/No/Not for all participation as a single party or as part of a consortium / joint venture 2.1.2 The bidder in case of single Work company or any of the partners work in certificates case of consortium joint venture / should have a orders and completion minimum cumulative turnover of Rs. 15 Crores in the last 3 financial years in IT infrastructure development field and it should have made profits in the last 2 financial years 2.1.3 The bidder in case of single Work company or any of the partners work in certificates case consortium of joint venture / should have a orders and completion minimum cumulative turnover of Rs. 5 Crores in the last 3 financial years in providing IT solutions 2.1.4 The bidder in case of single Work company or any of the partners work orders and completion Page 68 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Clause RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Qualification Condition Document to be attached Complied (Yes/No/Not Applicable) in case of joint venture / certificates consortium should have executed at least one project in document management worth Rs 25 lakhs or more in last 5 years 2.1.5 The bidder in case of single Copy of cetificates company or all the partners in case of joint venture/consortium should have ISO 9001- 2000/2008 or CMMI Level 3 or above certification 2.1.6 The bidder in case of single Declaration by the company or the prime bidder in bidder in the format case of joint venture/consortium prescribed in RFP should agree to open an Operational office in the Tehsil location within 2 weeks in the event of awarding the project for the said location to them and operate it till completion of this project. 2.1.6 The bidder in case of single Declaration by the company or the prime bidder in bidder in the format case of joint venture/consortium prescribed in RFP should have a liaison/reporting office in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh or should agree to open a liaison/reporting office in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh within 2 weeks in the event of awarding the project to them and operate it till completion of this project Page 69 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 7.1 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Certificate of Incorporation 7.1.1 Certificate of Incorporation <Attach Certificate of Incorporation (of all companies in case of Consortium/Joint Venture)> 7.1.2 Consortium/Joint Venture Agreement <Attach Consortium/Joint Venture Agreement if applicable. Otherwise specify “Not Applicable”> 7.2 Financial Strength (of qualifying partner in case of Consortium/Joint Venture) in IT Infrastructure development 7.2.1 Financial data sheet Financial Total Turnover Year Turnover (Rs) in Profit (Rs) Duly Duly IT audited audited Infrastructure balance Profit Development sheet and Loss (Rs) attached? Account (Yes/No) attached? (Yes/No) 2009-2010 <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention total turnover in IT total profit> Yes or No> Yes turnover> Infrastructure or No> Development > 2008-2009 <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention total turnover in IT total profit> Yes or No> Yes turnover> Infrastructure or No> Development > 2007-2008 <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention total turnover in IT total profit> Yes or No> Yes turnover> Infrastructure or No> Development > 7.2.2 Copies of audited financial statements <Attach duly audited balance sheets and Profit and Loss Account statements for all the financial years mentioned above> Page 70 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 7.3 Financial RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Strength (of qualifying partner in case of Consortium/Joint Venture) in providing IT Solutions 7.3.1 Financial data sheet Financial Total Turnover Year Turnover (Rs) in Profit (Rs) Duly Duly providing IT audited audited solutions balance Profit (Rs) sheet and Loss attached? Account (Yes/No) attached? (Yes/No) 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 7.3.2 <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention total turnover in IT total profit> Yes or No> Yes turnover> solutions> <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention total turnover in IT total profit> Yes or No> Yes turnover> solutions > <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention <Mention total turnover in IT total profit> Yes or No> Yes turnover> solutions > or No> or No> or No> Copies of audited financial statements <Attach duly audited balance sheets and Profit and Loss Account statements for all the financial years mentioned above> 7.4 Certifications for quality (of all partners in case of Consortium/Joint Venture) 7.4.1 Sr.No. List of valid certifications Name of the certification Authorized Since when Copy Issuing certificate body attached of (Yes/No) 1. <Insert Name of the <Mention <Insert certification> name of the since> validity <Mention Yes or No> body issued the certificate> Page 71 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 2. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms <Insert Name of the <Mention <Insert certification> name of the since> validity <Mention Yes or No> body issued the certificate> <Expand the table if required> 7.4.2 Copies of certificates <Attach copies of valid certificates> 7.5 Project Experience <Only relevant project experience should be shown. Experience of all partner companies can be considered in case of Consortium/Joint Venture> 7.5.1 Experience in executing IT Infrastructure Development Details of projects Sr.No <Insert Serial No> Project Name <Specify Project Name> Client Name, Address and Contact Details <Name and full address of the client with contact number and e-mail address> Total Value of the Project in Indian Rupees <Insert total value of the project in Indian Rupees> Total duration of the project with start date <Insert Duration of Project>. <Insert Start and end date date of the <Insert project in DD/MM/YYYY>. End date of project in DD/MM/YYYY> Brief scope of work executed by the bidder <Item 1> <Item 2> <Item n> Technical details in brief <Item 1> <Item 2> <Item n> Work order copy attested by bidder’s <Insert Yes/No> authorized signatory attached? If there is a delay in executing the project, <Insert reason if there is specify reason otherwise specify Not Applicable> Copy of Project completion/implementation <Insert Yes/No> a delay, Page 72 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms certificate attached? <Repeat the table for next project> Work order copies of all projects mentioned above <Attach work order copies of all projects mentioned under this clause> Project completion/implementation certificate for all projects mentioned above <Attach copies of project completion/implementation certificates for all projects mentioned under this clause> 7.5.2 Experience in providing IT Solutions Sr.No <Insert Serial No> Project Name <Specify Project Name> Client Name, Address and Contact Details <Name and full address of the client with contact number and e-mail address> Total Value of the Project in Indian Rupees <Insert total value of the project in Indian Rupees> Total duration of the project with start date <Insert Duration of Project>. <Insert Start and end date date of the <Insert project in DD/MM/YYYY>. End date of project in DD/MM/YYYY> Brief scope of work executed by the bidder <Item 1> <Item 2> <Item n> Technical details in brief including platforms <Item 1> <Item 2> <Item n> Work order copy attested by bidder’s <Insert Yes/No> authorized signatory attached? If there is a delay in executing the project, <Insert reason if there is specify reason otherwise specify Not Applicable> Copy of Project completion/implementation <Insert Yes/No> a delay, certificate attached? <Repeat the table for next project> Page 73 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Work order copies of all projects mentioned above <Attach work order copies of all projects mentioned under this clause> Project completion/implementation certificate for all projects mentioned above <Attach copies of project completion/implementation certificates for all projects mentioned under this clause> 8. Proposed team for the project <In the case of Consortium/Joint Venture, Proposed team members can be from any of the partner companies. There should be a Project Manager, who will be the prime contact in technical matters during the execution of the project.> 8.1 Proposed Team Structure <Insert diagrammatic team structure> 8.2 Sr.No. Proposed team strength Role No of resources proposed 1. <Insert role here> <Insert no of resources proposed in this role> 2. <Insert role here> <Insert no of resources proposed in this role> 3. <Insert role here> <Insert no of resources proposed in this role> <Expand the table as per requirement> 8.3 Sr.No. 1. Data Sheet for the Key Resources Role Key Details <Insert role here> Name <Insert Name here> Proposed Role <Insert Proposed Role> Key Qualifications <Specify key qualifications> Total Years of Experience <No of years of total experience> Years of Experience in proposed <No of years of role experience in proposed role> Page 74 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr.No. 2. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Role Key Details <Insert role here> Name <Insert Name here> Proposed Role <Insert Proposed Role> Key Qualifications <Specify key qualifications> Total Years of Experience <No of years of total experience> Years of Experience in proposed <No of years of role experience in proposed role> 3. <Insert role here> Name <Insert Name here> Proposed Role <Insert Proposed Role> Key Qualifications <Specify key qualifications> Total Years of Experience <No of years of total experience> Years of Experience in proposed <No of years of role experience in proposed role> <Expand the table for each key resource> 8.4 Detailed resumes of the key resources Sr No. <Insert Serial No> Proposed Role <Insert Proposed Role> Name of the employee <Insert Full Name> Date of Birth <Insert Date of Birth> Total Experience in years <No of years of total experience> Experience in the proposed role <No of years of experience in proposed role> Years-Months with the bidding company <No years and months with the bidding company> Academic Qualifications <Academic Qualifications with grade> Relevant Professional Certifications <Additional Professional Certifications/ Relevant Coursed completed> <Membership in professional bodies> Page 75 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms <Add management certifications in the case of project manager/team lead and add software courses certifications in the case of developers. Project Manager can show his technical certifications also> Experience/Major Assignments handled 1) <Project Name 1 with client name (Up to major 5 assignments only), which o Brief description of project are relevant to the RFP o Roles and responsibilities including technical details and team size handled o Highlights of contribution> 2) <Project Name n <complete the details as above> <Repeat the table for each key resource> 9. Proposed Solution 9.1 Introduction <Explain the proposed solution briefly here. This should be crisp and short> 9.2 Detailed Description on Proposed Solution and Methodology <Detailed documentation on proposed solution as well as methodology proposed shall be given under the following heads – add additional heads if required> 9.2.1 Provided features of the system <Detailed documentation on features of the provided solution – add additional heads if required> 9.2.2 Specific Advantages of the proposed solution <Advantage of proposed solution over old/conventional methods> 9.3 Design of Record Room Components <Dimensioned Design diagrams of modern record room components (Map Cabinets, Modular Compactors, Perforated Angle Racks, Modular Computer work station, work station for administrative officer, chairs etc.) can be presented in bigger size paper but they should be folded to A4 size and attached along with technical proposal. Printed Page 76 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms diagrams are preferred to hand drawn drawings. Brochures of ready-made items can also be provided> 9.4 Security provisions for Data and Access Control Systems in the proposed solution <Explain the security provisions in the proposed solution here> 9.5 Limitations of the proposed solution <Should clearly mention the limitations of the proposed solution including expected limitations in future> 9.6 Compliance Matrix <The Compliance Matrix given in the Annexure III of RFP has to be filled completely and inserted here in the mentioned format> Page 77 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms ANNEXURE II: FORMAT FOR COMMERCIAL BID Page 78 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Format for Commercial Bid: Important Notes: 1. Rate and cost columns are to be filled in Indian Rupees inclusive of all taxes and all other applicable levies. 2. The quantities given below are based on a single representative record room for all items other than the DMS software solution, for which it is the lump sum for all locations including future locations. 3. The total bid cost offered by vendors shall be analyzed for finding the L1, L2, L3… etc. as per section 3.13.4 - “Commercial Bid Evaluation”. 4. The actual quantities during execution of the project may vary from location to location from the quantities mentioned in the table below. 5. The payments shall be made based on the actual quantities and the L1 Rate List computed as per section 3.13.4 - “Commercial Bid Evaluation”. For the DMS Software solution, it is lump sum for all locations (342 Nos.) including future additional locations. 6. In case of mismatch between the value of Total Bid cost written in words and figures, the value of the Total Bid Cost quoted in words shall be considered as final. Sr. Item Description Unit No. Rate Approxima Cost (Rs) (Rs) te Quantity (Col 4 X per Col 5) record room 1 2 1. All Civil and Electrical work Per <Insert involved square bid existing record room in the feet value> existing departmental building carpet in 3 renovating the 4 5 6 1,200 sqft. <Insert Cost> area 2. LAN with all accessories including 24 port Manageable Switch, LAN cabling, cable per <Insert location bid 1 <Insert Cost> value> casing etc. Page 79 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Item Description Unit No. Rate Approxima Cost (Rs) (Rs) te Quantity (Col 4 X per Col 5) record room 1 3. 2 Cubicle 3 format computer modular work Per set station <Insert 5 5 Nos. bid excluding chair. 4. 4 6 <Insert Cost> value> Computer Chair with rollers Per unit <Insert 5 Nos. bid <Insert Cost> value> 5. 6. Modular work station for Per set <Insert administrative officer excluding bid chair. value> Office chair for administrative Per unit officer <Insert 1 No. <Insert Cost> 1 No. bid <Insert Cost> value> 7. Chair (Each for waiting unit personnel with Per unit seating 2 Nos. bid capacity of 4 people) 8. <Insert <Insert Cost> value> 2 Ton Split Air Conditioner. Per unit <Insert 2 Nos. bid <Insert Cost> value> 9. Access control system Per set <Insert (Including door, door unit and bid biometric value> fingerprint 2 Nos. <Insert Cost> authentication unit at door). 10. 11. Pest, insects, rodent and rat 1 set <Insert repellent systems. per bid room value> Fire and Smoke – Detection Per set <Insert and Prevention System. serving bid a carpet value> 2 Nos. <Insert Cost> 1 No. <Insert Cost> area of 500sqft. Or part thereof Page 80 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Item Description Unit No. Rate Approxima Cost (Rs) (Rs) te Quantity (Col 4 X per Col 5) record room 1 12. 2 3 Map Cabinet with tray type Per Unit 4 <Insert storage area (with minimum bid height value> 1900mm minimum tray and size with 5 1 No. 6 <Insert Cost> 900mm wide and 650mm deep). 13. Modular Compactor Type D3A Per set <Insert Comprising of 1 Single Static, 1 bid Twin Mobile and 1 Single Last value> 1 No. <Insert Cost> Units (Minimum dimensions As per Annexure IV). 14. Additional Twin Mobile Unit for Per unit Compactor Type D3A. <Insert 1 No. bid <Insert Cost> value> 15. Modular Compactor Type D3B Per set <Insert Comprising of 1 Single Static, 1 bid Twin Mobile and 1 Single Last value> 1 No. <Insert Cost> Units (Minimum dimensions As per Annexure IV) 16. Additional Twin Mobile Unit for Per unit Compactor Type D3B <Insert 1 No. bid <Insert Cost> value> 17. Modular Compactor Type D4A Per set <Insert Comprising of 1 Single Static, 1 bid Twin Mobile and 1 Single Last value> 1 No. <Insert Cost> Units (Minimum dimensions As per Annexure IV) 18. Additional Twin Mobile Unit for Per unit Compactor Type D4A <Insert 1 No. bid <Insert Cost> value> 19. Modular Compactor Type D4B Per set <Insert Comprising of 1 Single Static, 1 bid Twin Mobile and 1 Single Last value> 1 No. <Insert Cost> Page 81 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Item Description Unit No. Rate Approxima Cost (Rs) (Rs) te Quantity (Col 4 X per Col 5) record room 1 2 3 4 5 6 Units (Minimum dimensions As per Annexure IV) 20. Additional Twin Mobile Unit for Per unit Compactor Type D4B <Insert 1 No. <Insert bid Cost> value> 21. Modular Compactor Type D5A Per set <Insert Comprising of 1 Single Static, 1 bid Twin Mobile and 1 Single Last value> 1 No. <Insert Cost> Units (Minimum dimensions As per Annexure IV) 22. Additional Twin Mobile Unit for Per unit Compactor Type D5A <Insert 1 No. <Insert bid Cost> value> 23. Modular Compactor Type D5B Per set <Insert Comprising of 1 Single Static, 1 bid Twin Mobile and 1 Single Last value> 1 No. <Insert Cost> Units (Minimum dimensions As per Annexure IV) 24. Additional Twin Mobile Unit for Per unit Compactor Type D5B <Insert 1 No. <Insert bid Cost> value> 25. Modular Slotted Angle Racks Per <Insert 6 Nos. each <Insert for meter bid with Cost> width value> meter width hard storage copy with document minimum 4 2.5 adjustable horizontal partitions giving 5 loading levels of following size: Minimum Height 1900mm Width as per the record room size with average Span Length 900mm Minimum Depth 380mm Page 82 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Item Description Unit No. Rate Approxima Cost (Rs) (Rs) te Quantity (Col 4 X per Col 5) record room 1 26. 2 3 4 5 6 Indexing, Barcode tagging of Per <Insert 5,000 <Insert hard copies of records (Any docume bid documents Cost> size) and populating into the nt value> Per <Insert 50,000 <Insert sheet bid sheets Cost> database 27. Scanning, post treatment, scanning metadata (keywords) creation (A4 Size) and populating into value> the database 28. Scanning, post treatment, scanning metadata Per <Insert 10,000 <Insert sheet bid sheets Cost> 1,000 sheets <Insert (keywords) creation (A3 Size) and populating into value> the database 29. Scanning, post treatment, scanning metadata Per <Insert sheet bid (keywords) creation (A2 Size) and populating into Cost> value> the database 30. Scanning, post treatment, scanning metadata Per <Insert sheet bid (keywords) creation (A1 Size) and populating into 500 sheets value> the database 31. Scanning, post treatment, scanning metadata Per <Insert sheet bid (keywords) creation (A0 Size) and populating into 250 sheets <Insert Cost> value> the database 32. Lamination of documents (A4 Per <Insert Size) sheet bid 1,000 sheets <Insert Cost> value> Page 83 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Item Description Unit No. Rate Approxima Cost (Rs) (Rs) te Quantity (Col 4 X per Col 5) record room 1 33. 2 3 4 5 6 Lamination of documents (A3 Per <Insert 12,000 <Insert Size) sheet bid sheets Cost> 500 sheets <Insert value> 34. Lamination of documents (A1 Per <Insert Size) sheet bid Cost> value> 35. Lamination of documents (A0 Per <Insert Size) sheet bid 2,500 sheets <Insert Cost> value> 36. Data entry (Hindi) Per <Insert 1,00,000 <Insert 1,000 bid characters Cost> characte value> 1 <Insert r includin g white (spaces) 37. Design, development, testing, Consolid <Insert implementation, ated bid bid for all value> commissioning services for and 5 Document warranty years of a Management Cost> 342 location System software to facilitate easy management of the storage, easy retrieval of the records. Cost includes supply, configuration implementation and of database software and all other software and hardware components required by the solution over and above the software and hardware components listed as part of other items in this RFP. Page 84 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Item Description Unit No. Rate Approxima Cost (Rs) (Rs) te Quantity (Col 4 X per Col 5) record room 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cost also includes training as detailed in this RFP 38. Server including Server OS and Per unit Antivirus/Antispyware software <Insert 1 No. <Insert bid Cost> value> 39. 40. 41. 5kVA Online UPS with Battery Per set <Insert giving 4 hours battery backup bid when run on full load value> Desktop Computer including Per unit <Insert OS and Antivirus/Antispyware bid software value> All-in-one B/W A3 Laser Printer Per unit <Insert 1 No. <Insert Cost> 6 Nos. <Insert Cost> 1 No. <Insert bid Cost> value> 42. Barcode Reader Per unit <Insert 2 Nos. <Insert bid Cost> value> 43. Barcode Printer Per unit <Insert 1 No. <Insert bid Cost> value> 44. Biometric Finger print Per unit Authentication Device <Insert 6 Nos. <Insert bid Cost> value> 45. Training (Other than usage of per <Insert DMS location bid Application Training) Software 1 <Insert Cost> value> <Specify Total Bid Cost in figures the total bid value in figures by adding the above Page 85 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr. Item Description RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Unit No. Rate Approxima Cost (Rs) (Rs) te Quantity (Col 4 X per Col 5) record room 1 2 3 4 5 6 values> All inclusive Total Bid Amount (in Rs) (Inclusive of all taxes, OPE and all other applicable levies) (In words): <Insert total bid value in Rupees (in words)> I/We confirm that the above mentioned amounts against each item include, supply, installation, configuration, commissioning, all materials, all labour work and applicable warranty (as per clause “Warranty Services”) including all accessories and fittings. Signature of the Bidder: <Signature> Full Name: <Full Name> Designation: <Designation> Office Seal: <Office seal> Date: <Date in DD/MM/YYYY format> Address: <Complete Address> Telephone Number(s): <Phone Number(s) with STD Code> Fax: <Fax Number with STD Code> e-mail address: <E-Mail Address for all e-mail communications> Note: 1) There should be no overwriting and all figures should be legible 2) The Commercial bid should not include any conditional offer. Page 86 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms ANNEXURE III: COMPLIANCE MATRIX Page 87 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms The details given below are the minimum specifications for each component of the solution to be offered by the bidders. The bidders should comply with all of these clauses. Proposals not complying with any of the item shall be rejected. The tables given below have to be filled up and attached with the technical proposal. 7.1 Server Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. OEM Test report Attached. 4. Powered with Single Quad-core Intel Xeon processor with 2.4GHz or higher 5. 8GB DDR3 RAM or better 6. Supplied with Genuine Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or latest OS 7. 2 x 500 GB Enterprise Class SATA HDD configured for Raid-1 8. Industry standard Antivirus and Antispyware installed with license for 5 years or more 9. 5 years on-site Warranty 7.2 Desktop Computers Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. Supplied with Genuine Windows 7 Professional or latest OS. 4. Intel Core2Duo or higher Processor 5. Embedded 10/100/1000Mbp/s Ethernet controller Page 88 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr.No. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Minimum Specification 6. 4GB Memory expandable to up to 8GB or more 7. 320GB SATA HDD 8. 17” or more TFT display 9. Industry standard Antivirus and Antispyware Complied (Yes/No) installed with license for 5 years 10. 3 years on-site warranty 7.3 Local Area Network Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Structured cabling for LAN CAT5E/CAT6 cables, <Write Yes or No for all Surface Mount I/Os, CAT 5E/CAT6 patch cords, rows> Jack Panel, PVC conduit / casing / capping with accessories, any other required components such as labels, ferrules etc., and all associated civil works at the site. All meeting or exceeding respective ISO/IEC/EIA/TIA standards. All parts should have 3 years onsite warranty. 2. 3 years on-site warranty 7.4 24 Port Manageable Switch Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. 1U Rack-Mount 24 Nos. 10/100Mbps RJ-45 MDI-X ports, 2-port Single Mode 1000BaseX(SX) module port (inbuilt) Vendor shall configure the 1000BaseX Port for connectivity to multimode Fiber Optic Cable 4. 10/100Mbps Ethernet, 100 Base TX Fast Ethernet auto-sensing Switch Page 89 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr.No. 5. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) 8.8 Gbps back plane support, forwarding rate 3.6 Mbps or higher 6. Full duplex capability 7. Management capability SNMP, TELNET, RMON 8. VLAN Maximum 64port based 9. Standards IEEE802.3u(100Base Fast Ethernet), IEEE802.3(10BaseT Ethernet), IEEE802.3z(Gigabit Ethernet), IEEE802.1D,IEEE802.3x, IEEE802.1P/Q (Tagged VLAN) 10. System must support and must be configurable on rack. All accessories and hardware necessary for configuration on rack must be supplied 11. 5 years on-site Warranty with 99% uptime commitment 7.5 Barcode Reader Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. Hand Held Type with trigger to switch on the light source 4. Light Source 630-660 nm visible red LED with focus light bar 5. Beep and LED indicator 6. Operating Temperature 0 to 50 degrees 7. Operating Relative Humidity 20-80% 8. Connectivity using USB Interface 9. Should support OS Windows 7 Professional or latest 10. Should operate on 220-250Volts, 50-60Hz power Page 90 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr.No. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) supply 11. Supplied with USB cable to connect to the desktops supplied 12. Compatible with the Document Management System Software supplied 13. Complied to IEC60825-1, FCC Class B and EMC Class B or equivalent 14. 1 year manufacturer’s warranty 7.6 Barcode Printer and Barcoding Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. Should be of thermal printing technology (Direct Thermal [LP] or Thermal Transfer [TLP]) 4. Should have auto-cutter 5. Connectivity using USB Interface, Ethernet Connectable, IP Addressable 6. Should support OS Windows 7 Professional or later 7. Should operate on 220-250Volts, 50-60Hz power supply 8. Supplied with USB cable to connect to the desktops supplied 9. Compatible with the Document Management System Software supplied 10. Roll type paper for printing up to 90mm wide or better 11. Printed barcode should be verified to a minimum 2.5 (C) grade 12. Complied to ISO/IEC 15416 or equivalent 13. 1 year manufacturer’s warranty Page 91 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 7.7 Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Device Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. Resolution: >=400 dpi 4. Interface: USB 2.0 5. Power: Self Powered via USB 6. Verification time less than a second 7. Capable of handling finger print angular variability 8. 400 Bytes encrypted data size 9. ISO/IEC 19794-4 compliant and compliant with other standards set by Govt. of India for biometric fingerprint authentication 10. 1 year manufacturer’s warranty 7.8 All-in-one B/W Laser Printer A3 Size Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. Must have Laser Printing Technology 4. Must have Printing speed upto 25 ppm 5. Must have First page out less than 8 seconds 6. Must have Printing resolution 600*600 dpi 7. Must have minimum RAM – 512MB DD Ram, expandable to 1024MB 8. Must have Duty Cycle – Upto 1 Lac pages per month 9. Automatic Duplex printing 10. Must have minimum Input Paper holding capacity of 3000 papers Page 92 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr.No. 11. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Must have Paper Size support for A3 (ISO), A4 (ISO), A4-rotated (ISO), A5 (ISO), B4 (JIS), B5 (JIS), B6 (JIS), Letter, letter-rotated, legal, tabloid, executive, envelopes (No. 10, Monarch) 12. Must have Paper Type support for Paper (plain, preprinted, recycled, letterhead, rough), prepunched, transparencies, bond, labels, cardstock 13. Must have Network Operating system support for Microsoft Win 2000, XP, XP 64-Bit, Server 2003, Windows 7 Professional and later; Red Hat Linux 5.x and later; SuSE Linux 5.x and later 14. Must have In built print server 15. Must have Connectivity Parallel port, 2 open EIO slots, USB 1.1 or above 16. Must have Inbuilt Ethernet port 10/100MBps 17. Must have Scanner with 600dpi resolution (enhanced & optical) 18. Must have FAX Image technology with 300 x 300dpi 19. Must have minimum Fax memory 32 MB minimum 20. Must have Fax modem with 33.6 Kbps minimum( 3 pages/min) 21. Must have Fax with speed dial 22. Must have Copy Speed Black: up to 10 cp/m Up to 10 cp/m 23. Must quote, supply and commission the system along with the hardware setup at site 24. Must quote, supply commission any Hardware cable, connector. required for the Accessories, software successful commission etc, of systems 25. 1 year onsite warranty Page 93 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 7.9 5kVA Online UPS with Battery Sr.No. 1. 2. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here (Specify for both <Write Yes or No for all UPS and Battery)> rows> Model <Specify the Model here (Specify for both UPS and Battery)> 3. Reliable Online UPS and battery with capacity of 5kVA giving 4 hours battery backup on full load 4. System to operate the facility with full load 5. Capable of supplying stabilized power, which can minimize undulations in input power source 6. 3 years onsite warranty for UPS and 2 year manufacturer’s warranty for batteries 7.10 Sr.No. 1. Map Cabinet Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. Should have tray type storage area with tray size 900mm wide and 650mm deep. The cabinet should be of minimum total height 1900mm with each tray of height 150mm 4. Made out of 0.8mm/20 Gauge (or more) CRCA (Cold Rolled Close Annealed) Steel conforming to IS:513 GR.D or better 5. Load bearing capacity 80kg UDL (uniformly distributed load) per tray 6. The cabinet shall be powder coated with epoxy polyester powder (with thickness of minimum 40microns) with uniform colour on all steel surfaces with air drying synthetic enamel paint Page 94 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr.No. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) for all surfaces 7. The Nuts/Bolts/Fasteners should be galvanized/ Zn Plated / Cadmium Plated 8. 7.11 Sr.No. 1. 5 years on-site warranty Modular Compactors Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. Made out of 0.8mm/20 Gauge (or more) CRCA (Cold Rolled Close Annealed) Steel conforming to IS:513 GR.D or better 4. Load bearing capacity 80kg UDL (uniformly distributed load) per shelf 5. Should have railing and the rail should be made of forged steel. Operated through drive wheel 6. The compactor shall be powder coated with epoxy polyester powder (with thickness of minimum 40microns) with uniform colour on all steel surfaces with air drying synthetic enamel paint for all surfaces 7. The testing of paint should be done for various physical and chemical properties as per IS:101 8. The Nuts/Bolts/Fasteners should be galvanized/ Zn Plated / Cadmium Plated 9. All components are to be subjected to minimum four step anti-corrosion treatment as mentioned below: (1) Degreasing as per IS-6005 (2) Ranging (3) Phosphating as per IS-3618 (4) Range and de-mineralized rinsing 10. Should have indexing label holder Page 95 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr.No. 11. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) 5 years on-site warranty <Repeat the table if more than one make/model is required to meet the requirements> 7.12 Sr.No. 1. 2. Modular Slotted Angle Rack Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Slotted steel angles for supports and steel sheets <Write Yes or No for all for laying the hard copy records rows> Should be made of steel sheets conforming to IS:1079/ IS 5115/ IS 1076 3. Angles and sheets conform to IS: 8081 manufacturing standards 4. All surfaces of the racks shall be powder coated (with thickness of minimum 40microns) with uniform colour on all steel surfaces with air drying synthetic enamel paint 5. 5 years on-site warranty 7.13 Furniture in the IT Services Area and Public Waiting area Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Workstations created with cubicle format modular <Write Yes or No for all tables and partitions for installing desktops, rows> printers etc. Each workstation should cover a minimum floor area of 4’x4’. The desk should be of minimum 4’ width and 2’ deep. 2. Workstation for Administrative Officer should cover a floor area of 6’x5’. The desk should be of “L” shape with front desk of 6’ wide and 3’ deep, side desk of 4’ wide and 2’ deep. Workstation for Administrative Officer should Page 96 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sr.No. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) have Additionally, minimum four visitor chairs and sufficient space for installing them at Administrative cubicle. 3. Workstations shall have 2’ depth, 25mm thick on top and 20mm thick other parts with commercial board with 1.5mm thick lamination. Should have cable managers 4. Workstations shall have keyboard trays, drawers, cabinets with drawer slides 5. Workstations shall have Magnetic board, Soft board for pins and white board for writing and putting notes for each cubicle 6. Ergonomic design for comfortable work 7. Electrical fittings for desktops, printers etc. With additional points 8. Chairs suitable for using computers with 360 deg revolving type with a max of 15 deg back tilt, Tilt tension adjustment, Pneumatic/Hydraulic height adjustment with height adjustable arm-rests, Pedestal assembly should have 5 nos. castors wheels with trouble-free movement and should be scratch-resistant as per BS Standards, Impact testing as per DIN Standards. 9. Storage cupboards with 18mm thick MDF with 1.5mm lamination. Completely polished 10. Partitioning for workstations should have a height of 4.5’ 11. Partitioning for server area should have a height of 7’ with top area covered. It should have a door of 3’ wide with access control installed. 12. The public waiting area should have Metal Perforated 3 seater grouped set with Ergonomic, Epoxy-polyester coated and adjustable glide screw under leg support for floor leveling Page 97 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 7.14 Sr.No. 1. RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Air-conditioning Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. 2T Split Air conditioner shall be provided with sufficient capacity Digital Voltage Stabilizer 4. Energy Efficient Compressor. BEE Star Rating 3 or higher 5. Stage Adjustable Fan Speed 6. BIS Standard 7. 3 years manufacturer’s warranty for compressor and 1 year onsite warranty for all other components 7.15 Sr.No. 1. Access Control Systems Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. Biometry Finger Print based Access Control for critical area (Record Room and Server Area) 4. Automatic Door Lock and Release System as per access validation 5. Access control shall be for each critical door on entry as well as exit 6. Making good looking doors with automatic locking system provided with Access Control Systems 7. 3 year onsite warranty Page 98 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 7.16 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Detection and Prevention System for Fire and Smoke (Record Room and Server Area) Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. Automatic detection of fire as well as unusual increase in temperature 4. Equipped with VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Alarm) Digital communication to an alarm system 5. Digital communication and triggering of suppression systems 6. Inert Gas based Automatic Fire Suppression System 7. Gas release control panel, CCE approved seamless gas cylinders, discharge valve (with solenoid or pneumatic actuator), discharge pipe, non-return required to valve and provide a all other accessories complete operational system 8. Compliant with National and Local specifications 9. Each set mentioned in the commercial bid format should serve a floor area of minimum 500sqft or part thereof. If a single unit of proposed make and model of a vendor serves less than 500sqft of floor area, they should add suffifient additional units to make one set capable of serving minimum of 500sqft. The vendors should bid the cost for the set consisting of sufficient number of units to cover minimum of 500sqft or part thereof. 10. 5 years on-site warranty Page 99 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 7.17 RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Pest, Insects, Rodent and Rat Repellent System for Records Room and Server Area Sr.No. 1. Minimum Specification Complied (Yes/No) Make <Specify the Make here> <Write Yes or No for all rows> 2. Model <Specify the Model here> 3. Rat repellent system should be installed in record room as well as Server/IT Service area 4. Treatments for Pests and Insects should be carried out atleast once in every 4 months for a period of 5 years in record room as well as Server/IT Service area 5. Insects attracting light based insects management system should be installed inside the record room as well as the server/IT service area 6. The system shall be designed such that it does not kill the rodents and rats inside the facility and shall prevent short circuit taking place due to the same 7. 1 year manufacturer’s warranty for equipments supplied. Treatment should be carried out onsite atleast once in every 4 months for a period of 5 years <Repeat the table if more than one make/model is required to meet the requirements> Page 100 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms ANNEXURE IV: REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR COMPACTORS Page 101 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Page 102 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Page 103 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Page 104 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms ANNEXURE V: FORMAT FOR BANK GUARANTEE Page 105 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms Bank Guarantee Format <On Rs100/- Stamp Paper> <Name of the Bank with Address> To Dy. Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement (MP), Moti Mahal, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh – 474 007 Dear Sir, Guarantee No. : <Bank Guarantee Reference Number> Amount of Guarantee : Rs.<Amount in Figures>/- Guarantee cover : From <From Date> to <To Date> (Both dates inclusive) This deed of guarantee executed by the <Name of the bank> having its Head Office at <Head office place>, and amongst other places a branch at <Branch Name> (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank" which expression shall include its successors and assignees so as to bind ourselves, our successors and assignees) in favour of "Dy. Commissioner Land Records and Settlement, Gwalior (MP)" (hereinafter referred to as "the Beneficiary") for an amount not exceeding Rs (Rupees <Amount in words>) at the request of <Name of the Bidder> (hereinafter referred to as "the Bidder"). NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably, guarantees and affirms as follows: 1. The Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the due and faithful performance of the Bidder’s obligation during the project, under and in accordance with the bid document, and agrees and undertakes to pay to “The Beneficiary”, upon its mere written demand from time to time, and without any demur, reservation, recourse, contest or protest, and without any reference to the Bidder, such sum or sums upto an agreegate sum of the Bid Guarantee amount as the Beneficiary shall claim, without the Beneficiary being required to prove or to show grounds or reasons for its demand and/or for the sum specified therein. Page 106 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 2. This guarantee is issued subject to the condition that the liability of the bank under this bank guarantee is limited to a maximum of Rupees <Amount in words> and the guarantee shall remain in full force up to <To Date> and can not to be invoked otherwise than by a written demand claim under this guarantee served on the bank on or before <To Date>. 3. BG for Rs<Amount in Figures> in f/o "Dy. Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement (MP)" Whereas <Name of the Bidder> has submitted its bid dated <Bid Date> for <Name of the work as per tender> as per tender dated <Tender date>. KNOW ALL MEN by these Presents that WE, <Name of the Bank> Branch <Name of the Branch> our registered office at <Registered Office Address> are bound up to "Dy. Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement (MP)" (herein after called “The Beneficiary”) in the sum of Rs <Amount in words> for which payment will and truly to be made to the said Beneficiary, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. 4. The Beneficiary shall have the liberty, without affecting in any manner the liability of the Bank under this Guarantee, to vary at any time, the terms and conditions of the Bid Document or to extend the time or period for the compliance with, fulfilment and/ or performance of all or any of the obligations of the Bidder contained in the Bid Document or to postpone for any time, and from time to time, any of the rights and powers exercisable by the Beneficiary against the Bidder, and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions contained in the Bid Document and/or the securities available to the Beneficiary, and the Bank shall not be released from its liability and obligation under these presents by any exercise by the Beneficiary of the liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the Bidder or any other forbearance, indulgence, act or omission on the part of the Beneficiary or of any other matter or thing whatsoever which under any law relating to sureties and guarantors would but for this provision have the effect of releasing the Bank from its liability and obligation under this Guarantee and the Bank hereby waives all of its rights under any such law. 5. In order to give effect to this Guarantee, the Beneficiary shall be entitled to act as if the Bank were the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the Bidder and/or the Bank, whether by their absorption with any other body or corporation or otherwise, shall not in any way or manner affect the liability or obligation of the Bank under this Guarantee. Page 107 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms 6. It shall not be necessary, and the Bank hereby waives any necessity, for the Beneficiary to proceed against the Bidder before presenting to the Bank its demand under the Guarantee. 7. A letter from the Beneficiary, under the hand of the Commissioner, Land Records and Settlement of the Beneficiary that the Bidder has committed default in the due and faithful performance of all or any of its obligations under and in accordance with the bid document shall be conclusive, final and binding on the Bank. The Bank further agrees that the Beneficiary shall be the sole judge as to whether the Bidder is in default in due and faithful performance of its obligations under the bid document and its decision that the Bidder is in default shall be final, and binding on the Bank, notwithstanding any differences between the Beneficiary and the Bidder, or any dispute between them pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrators or any other Corporation or body, or by the discharge of the Bidder for any reason whatsoever. 8. This Guarantee is in addition to an not in substitution of any Guarantee or Security now or which may hereafter be held by the Bidder in respect of or relating to the Agreement or for the fulfillment, compliance and/or performance of all or any of the obligations of the Bidder under the Agreement. 9. We undertake to pay to the “Dy. Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner, Land Records & Settlement (MP)” up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the Beneficiary having to substantiate its demand. 10. This guarantee will remain in force as specified in Clause <respective clause number in the tender> of the Bid document and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank, not later than <date> from the date of expiry of this Guarantee. 11. Notwithstanding anything contained herein the Bank's liability under this Guarantee shall be restricted to Rs <Amount in words> and the Guarantee shall remain in force only up to <date> and unless a demand or claim in writing is made by the Beneficiary on the Bank on this Guarantee, not later than <date> from the date of expiry of this Guarantee., all rights of the Beneficiary under this Guarantee shall be forfeited and the bank shall be discharged from all liabilities under this Guarantee. 12. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency, except with the previous express consent of the Beneficiary in writing, and declares that it has Page 108 of 109 CLR, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh RFP for Conversion of Existing Record Rooms the power to issue this Guarantee and the undersigned has full powers to do so on behalf of the Bank. 13. Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by post addressed to Bank at its above referred branch, which shall be deemed to have been duly authorized to receive such notice and to effect payment thereof forthwith, and if sent by post it shall be deemed to have given at the time when it ought to have been delivered in due course of post and in proving such notice, when given by post, it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope containing the notice was posted and a certificate signed by an officer of the Bidder that the envelope was posted shall be conclusive. 14. The Bank does hereby declare that Shri. <Name of bank’s the authorized person with employee code and designation> is authorized to sign this Guarantee on behalf of the bank and to bind the bank thereby. Signed and sealed this <date in words> day of <Month in words>, <Year in words> at <Time in figures (IST)>. For <Name of the Bank> <Signature in full> Name: <Name of the person signing on behalf of bank> Phone: <Telephone Number> Fax: <Fax Number> e-mail: <e-mail address> Address in Full: <Address of the branch in full> Page 109 of 109