ELLIS FAMILY GENEALOGY 1 "760-1 <J60 compiled hy Hr« & Mrs» J., R* GARTER <"5 f * t£ 9 « • fl * <T*^ *=5j •* ,?* ^ •'r"". .'/•% if f 3 * * * ^ ^ , ^ •. k-ujti I kZSUS CHRIST The material in this hook was obtained frora the following sources Eickox^ Point Orom Hill Pilot Grove Olive Branch Union Church Pleasant Green Millers Chapel John E l l i s Js/scte E l l i s Cemeteries Dresden Christian LaMonte High Point Mt« Heraan Salen Peninsula Family Graveyards Glasscock Clopton Adam»~Sowers Otterville Knob Koeter Ssiithton Hopewell Longwood Antioch Bote Scott Irvin and others Tii3 court house at Sedalia aND At Boonville* C-msus Records As many families as we were able to contact« This is a second publishing of this material* The first was done :? \ I960; and some material has "been added. 1 fey 1972* | * 'More material on the RAMBT family can he found in "PIONEERS OF ?#?! • Co* Mo. compiled hy Mrs* J« R* CARTER. Vol* I« More material on the DILLAR2) faaily can be ^ ™ "pyoT^p OF n < w ^ :0o* Moo" compiled T*y Mrs* J« H« CARTER• k i^ DATE MICROFILM 6. ?75 lit ITEM ON ROLL CAMERANO. CATALOGUE NO. ?l ISAAC ELLIS Isaac Ellis was born in Spotsylvania County? Virginia about 1760 avid died in Gates County, North Carolina after 1830. His wife3 Elizabeth. &:Cc?rd Spencer was bom about .1763 and died after 1840* They were married :«.ii ";7S0v. Their place of residence during the Revolutionary War was Monongalia aa-'i Sussex Counties in Virginia. He was a private inCapt« Zaokquili Morgan0s Company of Militia. His military record is in Volume 8, page 153 of Revolutionaiy Soldiers cf Virginia* ^ His children were: William, b 1?S0j Isaac Spencer, b 1783s Abraham-, V 17&55 John? Maiyi Rachel $rand others. ISAAC SPEHCEH ELLIS Isaac Spencer Ellis was. the sen of Isaac and Elisabeth* Re wan? som i n North Carolina in 1783V;' He;was married 6 Feb* 1806 in Barren Oo. Kg* to Martha (Patsey) Shipley, Who was born in North Carolina in 1?85« They cam %o Missouri in 1818, after liviLng in Kentucisy for about tea years* With thenar came Willis Ellis, a s©n; ®f a brother of Isaac* and Robert Shipley, a bs^oth^r of Martha. A William Shipley also came with them. Isaac died In Dec0**659 ©^ Jan. i860 and Martha died after 1860* Both are buried on their home place -an Clear Creek in Ceoper Co*.Ho. .They had ten children, as follows* Je-hn b 16 Jan 1807;in Barren Go. Ky. William Shipley, b:J'ij-Apr 1808 in Barren C©o Xy. George b 1810 t® I8I5 Benjamin Franklin b 1810 to I8I5 Rachel b 26 Sept 1814 in Kentucky. Isaac Spencer b 1816 in Ky. Jacob b 1819 in Cooper Co. Me* Robert Shipley, b: • 1.6 -May 1822 in Cooper Co. Mo. Jaraes M. b 1825 in Cooper Co. Mo. Elisabeth Kindred b 1828 in Cooper Co. Mo. JOiiE ELLIS John Ellis nas bora, in Kentucky Jan. 16, 180? d 26 Hov. 1856? so£ of Isaac Spencer and Martha-..•..('Shipley) Ellis. He was married in Sal in© Co. S6 I:fov*. 1829 to Malinda (Harney) Brook? widow ef Thomas Brook, b®ra 1810 probably In Clark Co. Ky. She was the daughter of James Harney and Elizabeth. (Kindred)*. early settlers of Pettis County* and the sister of Capt* VJ« K« Raiaeys a #-11 Unknown captain in the Federal." Airay during the Civil War. They built ateusc-An the northern part of the c®unty, in what is now Heaths Creek Township* It, ^.3 raade of logs aad had a full basement, which was used for storage of barrels sf molasses which he made.••;.. All: his children were b o m heTo 9 and h© and his wife and youngest daughter died here. Me cared for many of his grandchildren j, 'and aasiy ©f his descendants 'can remember living in the house at one tinse or -another. Altheugh the house is still standing it is used for storage @f grain. Jo:sa had his own blacksmith sh©p, where he made all his awn farm tools- and he als® had a still near what is known" as Fanaer8s City Ford* He had many acres of L?i;id? buying some of it from the IL S. Government» B®th John and Malinda. were VQTJ large people9 John be-ing 32,2 feet six lashes tall. There are many interesting stories teld absut hin% He :s-3ver liked heels on his shoes $ and always took them off a new pair- al tho sign ho: went barefoot most of the time. There was much conflict in tfris family during the Civil War, as -."'"orm Ellis was a southerner, and his wife0s people were northerners* At ca<~. t:vnu Malinda*s brother came with the Federal Soldiers to take John m& s-ivi ohi.v^i them away. Another time they came on a raiding party. Aa thoy est ere i tho front door, Malinda slipped out the back and tossed a hive of bf;es anmg th.* horses* This frightened the horses? and the soldiers, hearing the co:#.aotioj5.s fled, thinking the Confederates were coming. Federal soldiers also dost:/oysd the still* Another story that is told is about Little Jim Ellis. He was on th# way to the mill with a sack of com* the sack fell off his horse,raienho W.B near the home of John Ellis. Malinda , seeing his trouble offered to help. She picked up the sack of c o m and put it on the horse. Then shu picked Jim up by the seat of his breeches and the back of his neck aad set hiss on the horse. At one time there were eleven John Ellis3 in the family, and the.v wsre given nicknames to tell them apart. There was Flat tobacco John, California John, County Line John, Fiddling John, and others. John Ellis started his own family graveyard on the home place. In '1388 he deeded it to his heirs forever. A copy of the deed is in this bootc* Hit youngest son had been buried here in 1853* Malinda Ellis died in 1887 and John died in 1898. They and a large part of their family are buried her^, and the cemetesy is still in use. They had eleven children, as follows Martha Ann, b 11 Sept 1830 James Ramey, b 6 Aug 1832 Isaac S. b 1835 Mary Elizabeth Kindred b 4 Jan 1833 Rachel Jane b I84O Sarah Elizabeth b 1842 Benjamin Franklin b 1844 Malinda Ellen b 2 Jan 1846 John William b 15 Mar 1848 George Shipley b I85O Caroline Pamela b 25 Sept I852. MARTHA A M ELLIS CARTER Martha Ann Ellis, eldest child of John and Malinda Ellis, was bos-n U Uepo 1830, died 20 Feb 190?. She was married 26 July 1849 to William Martin CARTESson of Jesse Carter. He was b o m in Harrodsburg, Kentucky on 7 Oct* 1621* Me disappeared on his way home at the end of the Civil $ar. They had seven children* The following list of children and th© above dates viere copied from ifenhs. Carter8s Bible by Mrs. Joseph Carter. The Bible has now disappeared. John Jesse Carter, b o m Sunday October 19* 1851 Sophia Jones Carter, bora Thursday, December 22, 1853 Isaac McDonald Carter^ b o m Thursday, Hoveraber 22, 1855 James Ramey Garter, b o m Wednesday, December 2, 1857 Joseph Franklin Growder Carter, b o m Saturday August 27, I859 'fi&ry Malinda Carter, b o m Thursday March 13, 1862 Benjamin Anna Carter, born Monday Februaiy 1, I8S4 In 18?2 Martha Ann married Samuel M.TAVEHER. A copy of the marriage concontract drawn up between them follows the records of Martha AnnJs family. He did not live very long, as probate records show that a bond was signed 24 Mar* 1875 ty Jno* R. Clopton, Geo. Clopton and Benj. Settles for his heirs, Linton, Emily E., Burton, Ana , and Wm. Tavener. JQHB JESSE CARTER, b o m in Pettis Go. Mo. 19 Oct. ',851, son of William Martin aad Martha Ann (Ellis) Garter. He died i n 1926 Xa Kansas City, Mo. He was married 24 Nov I878 to Maiy Elizabeth AIMER b I857 d 1949. She was the daughter of Franklin Minter b 10 Apr 1823 in Albemarle Co. Va. d 3 Mar 1877 in Pettis Co. Mo. and his wife Piety Fort (Moon)* Both are buried at Millers Chapel Cem. in Pettis Co. John Jesse and Mary Elizabeth CARTER had the following children: Dora May, Victoria Lee, Willie Frances, and Jessie Maude. Dora May Carter, b 22 May 1881 died 19 Apr 1967, was married 15 Feb. 1909 to Clay Smith WHITSEL, who died 19 Apr 1933- Their children were: an infant b and d 1909? John Carter Whitsel, b 6 Sept 1910 d 16 Jan 1957; William clay Whitsel, b 13 Sept. 1912, married 13 Nov I960 to Arab COMBS; Franklin Everett Whitsel, b 12 Feb 1919 A 28 May 1919? James Minter Whitsel, b 3 Jan 19215 mar 16 June 1951 to Ila Jane AKINS b 5 May 1929* They have two children: Warren Clay b 16 Sept. 1953 and Alan Lee b 14 Apr 1955. Victoria Lee Carter b 19 July 1893 £ 2 May 1966. She was not married,and is buried at Memorial Paxfe Cemetery at Kansas City* Mo. Willie Frances Carter b o m 10 Apr 1886 died 16 June 1935? was not married* Jessie Maude Carter, b 25 March 1894 was married 28 Dec 1927 to Eranett ELLIS b 5 Nov 1889* Their home is in Warrensburg, Mo. They have one son* Robert Carter Ellis, b 12 Feb 1929. He was married 26 Mar 1955 to fergaret Ann SEAQ.UIST, b 9 Aug. 1930. Their children are? John Gregory Hiiis9 b 25 March 19595 Sara Victoria Ellis, b 5 Dec. 1962| and Kathzyn ann Ellis, b 4 Apr 1968* SOPHIA JOHES CARTER,b 22 Deo 1853? d 24 April 1933. She was married 3 July 1870 to William Butler SHAW, b 20 Sept 1848 d 12 Mar I885. Both are buried at the Ellis Cemetezy. He was the son of Henry M« Shaw and Hariet (Cook). ^h%r had four children* Olivia Virokaf William Heniyj Butler McDonald § and Leths> Harriett* Olivia Viroka Shaw, b 17 Dec 1872 died 11 Oct 1951 at Whitehaven, Term. She was married 12 Apr 1894 to Samuel Wilson RIGKSTTS, b 2 Jen 1863 in Illinois. d Mar. 1950. They had one son, Frank Ricketts, b 25 Oct 1901, who has not married and lives at Whitehaven, Tenn. William Henry Shaw, b 2 Oct 1874 d 14 Nov 1944, first married Aeena SBLBY b 1887 d 29 Jan 1906. Me married second Nora BARLEY b 1882 d 25 Jan 1936. Both are buried at Memorial Park Cemetery in Sedalia* His first wife, Asena, was buried at the Ellis Cemetery. William and Nora had one son: James Donaldson Shaw b 20 Deo 1917 married Emma POHL b 1919| has three childrens Bonnie Shaw b 30 Nov 1941 was married 18 Oct 1959 to Chas. F. CAUSEY Jr* They had three children; Sheryl Beth, b 2? Sept. I96O5 Charles III b 25 Oct 1962^ aad Brian Keith b 4 Hov. 1963o They were divorced and she has remarried. William Joseph Shaw, b 3 &ov 1946 married Hichole Lucille Stauffaoher and has one dau. Ursula Lynn Shaw, b 21 April 1967* Beth Lee Shaw was bom 15 Sept 1952* *•* not married. Butler McDonald Shaw was bom 24 Feb 1881 d 20 Sept 1881, bur« Ellis Cem. ISAAC MCDONALD CARTER b 22 Nov. I855 in Pettis Co. Mo* son of William Martin Garter and Martha Ann (Ellis) d 5 Apr 1922, buried at Maple Hill Cem. in Kansas City, Kans. He waa married 13 Oct 1881 to Febecca Elisa BID5TRUP b 1 July 1857 d 4 Aug. 1911, daughter of Charles E. and Martha J.(HOLMAJSr) Bidstrup. They had seven children: Charles Omer, James McDonald, Edwin Forest and Frederick Ernest (twins), Ada Mary, Grece May, and Mildred Easel* Charles Omer Carter, b 2 July 1882 d 25 Oct. 1954> never married. James McDonald Carter, b 24 June I884 d Dec 1956., was married 27 June 1903 to Maiy Ellen MCCARTHY b 19 Feb 1887 d 3 Feb 1953- They had no children and are buried *.at St. Marys Ceraetezy in Kansas iGity, "Mo. Edwin Forest Carter b 16 Nov 1886 d 11 Jan 1959, was married 14 Jun© 1906 to Molly FOSS. He died in Califomia and was buried at Memorial Park Gemeteiy in Kansas City, Mo. They had three children: Leonard Ernest Carter married Olive, has two children: Pat and Tiraajy. Jack Carter married Dorothy and has at least two sons. Dorothy Carter is not married. Frederick Ernest Carter, b 16 Hov 1886 d 24 Aug 1950, was married 23 June 1909 to Emma OLSON* They had one son, Ralph Forest Carter«. who mar. Ruth and hasa two children: Carolyn b 26 Jan 19411 a*id Catherine Louise (Kathy) b 28 Nov. 1945* Grace May Carter b 6 Sept 1889 A 8 Nov 1963> married 6 Sept. 1908 to John H. ORMAH d 1914* She was married 10 Apr 1915 to William G. BITTHER who died in 1937* She is buried at Halstead, Kansas. Ada Mary Carter, b 31 Dec 1892 to William TRACEY, who died in 1558. They had no children. Mildred Hazel Garter, b 13 Mar 1896 was married 13 Feb. 1913- to James Frederick BARLOW, b 15 Aug 1894* ^They have three children and one foster daughter. Hazel died William McDonald BarZcw (Mack)-b 7 June 1915 ^as married 25 Jan 1942 to Virginia A. CHRISTIE, b 14 Nov 1917^ They have one daughter, Nancy Lorcna, b 21 Hov. 1950. James Frederick Barlow (Fred) b 22 July 1919? married 31 Jan 1941 to Joan C* CALLAIS, b 2 Feb. 1921. They have four children: Sherry Lynn b 22 July 1945s Born Sue b 27 June 1946; Pamela Jean b 1951? a&A James Frederick III b 1955* Hazel Lerena (Loma) Barlow was bom 28 Hov 1926 and died She was never married and lived at home with her parents at Halstead, Kansas. Sandra Joanne BICHEL, bom 1936, was adopted. She married Lcnnie Ray MARTIN, who was b o m in 1936. They have two children; Lonnie Ray, b 1958 snd Laurie Jill b 1962. JAffES RAMEY CARTER b 2 Dec I857, son of William Martin and Martha Ann Carter, d 18 Jan. 1929* was married 5 Jan 1879 t© Sarah Elizabeth ELLIS, a cousin, bom 19 Mar 1863 A 11 June 1945* They left Pettis Co. Mo« about 1903, going first to Malta Bend, Mo. and later to Montana. Their children were: Cora Octaviaj Bertha Frances,1 Isaac Ellis* Mary Beatrices Florence Hell| William Martini Rhoda Marie| and James Nolan. Cora Octavia Carter, b 29 Sept 1879 d 5 Apr 1909, Married Jim BOYD and had tw© children: Frank b 19 July d 30 July 1906$ and Erma b 29 Oct 1907 d3 July I9O80 Bertha Frances Carter, b 14 Jan 1882 married Will Mill and had four children: Octavia Hill, b 22 Aug. 19095 Judith Hill b 19 May 1911} Doris Mill b 27 June 1914 and Elizabeth Hill, b 4 July 1916 d Aug 1949* 4 Isaac Ellis Carter b 29 Oct I884 d 19 June 1949Maiy Beatrice Carter b 20 Aug 188? d 4 Sept 1888. Florence Nell Carter, b 10 Sept 1889? mar. Ode Malaohi HARRISON 25 Ai\g. 1908. He died 11 May 1932 and she mar. Philip OLSON 15 May 1948c She had four children: Easel Harrison b 26 Aug. 1909 mar. 26 Aug 1933 Harry LaCasse- Their home is in Missoula* Mont, and they have two children\ Kim Harrison b 10 Aug 1934 and Mary Nell b 25 Apr 1937* Maxwell Harrison b ^ fey 1913 d 25 Sept 1919* Norene Harrison b 1916 was mar. 3 Doc 1945 to Alton PATTERSON HARRIS. They live in Boseman, Mont, and have three children: Sally Lucinda b 1946f Harrison Denny b 1948$ and Thomas Paul b 1951 • Emadine HARRISON b May 1919 mar. 15 July 1938 to Neuman FASSETT and has two childrens Lester b 5 Mar 1940 and Susan, b 18 June 1942. Infant son Carter b 1892. William Martin Carter, b 25 June 1393 d 8 Oct I896. Rhoda Marie Carter, b 3 Dec 1895 married Viacent HARRIS, lives in Oakland, Calif., has two children: Clare, b 22 Dec 1915 and Marie b 31 Mar. 1917* James Nolan Carter b 11 Sept 1901, has two children* JOSEPH FRANKLINiiGARTERt son of William Martin and Martha Arm Carters v.?as bom 27 Aug I859 d 12 Nov 1345» was married 10 Hov 1897 to Minnie Florence Glasscock, b 19 Nov 1872 d 6 Mar. 1943? daughter of James K. Polk arid Susai! Frances (Drinkwater) Glasscock. Both are buried at the Ellis Gemetery. They had five children: William Franklin, Jamos Raymond, Ernest LeRoy, Joseph McDonald* and Ruth Glasscock. William Franklin Garter, b 21 Aug 1898 d 13 Feb 1966. He was- married 16 June 1926 to Irene LIGHT. They were divorced and he married 26 Aug 1933 to Bertha (CRABTREB) JUDSON, who had one daughter '&* her previous marriage. She was the daughter of John Henry Crabtree and was born in Ray Co. Mo. Both died in Kansas City, Mo. and are buried at New Hope Cemetery in Liberty5 Mo. James Raymond Carter, b 2 Oct. 1899 was first married 4 July 1923 to Maud SWOPS. They were divorced and he was married 6 Hov. 1953 to Mrs. Genevieve (HOLLAND) FREEMAN, who has six children '\s$ her former marriage. Ernest LeRoy Carter, b 24 Jan. 1901, was married 5 3*3£& 19^3 to Josephine GREGORY; b 1900 d 4 Ju*ie 1966. She is buried at Salem Cemetery east of Independence* Ernest Carter died at Garland, Kansas i n 19T0 while sroemixng Thanksgiving with relatives. He is also buried at Salem Cemetery* Thsy had three children: James LeRoy Carter born and died 25 Jan 1925* Robert LeRoy Carter (adopted) b 21 Oct. 1928 is married to Mary Jans SHREFS, b 1929* They have no children and live at Philadelphia, Fa. JoAnn Carter } 13 Oct. 19319 married Louis EGBJER and is now divorced. She makes her home *n Independence. Joseph McDonald Carter (Mack) b 15 Nov 1902 d Nov. 192?. He was married 23 Dec 1924 to Virginia TETER. They had one daughter, bora after her fathers death. Marjorie Ann Carter* b 7 Apr 1928 is married to Ted Lund and has three daughters: Terri, b 1 Dec 1948 is now married5 Sandra Lu5 b 12 Apr 19511 and Patti, b 1 Mar 1956. Ruth Glasscock Carter, b 22 May 1905, was married 16 Apr 1527 to John McGary LUCAS, b 16 Oct 1906 at Fort Branch, ln&. They live at Boonville Mo,, m d had two children: Joanne Lucas, b 1928 died at birth. Jeane Lucas, b 19 Oct. 1929 was married 12 July 1954 to Adrian R. SMITH. They live on Long Island% where he is a pilot for TV/A* They have two sons: Zachary Hathan, b 19 Feb 195^5 and Jason Gregory b 28 Doc 1957. MART MALINDA CARTER? daughter of William Martin and Martha Ann Carter* Has b 13 March 1862 d 30 June 1882. She was married to Thomas J. Martin b 7 Aug IG56 and had one daughter, Jessie. Jes Jessie Martin b 1881 married a GRIFFIN and had four children: Bxi^i^ has on© son, lives in Lincoln, Mebraska. Mary Griffin married Clarence Johnson, lives in San Jose? Calif. Leona married an ATKINSON; lives in Sonera, Calif* Has one son and two daughters. Edith, married a Lewis, lives in Portland, Ore. and has one daughter. BS32JAMIN AHHA CARTER, daughter of William Martin and Martha Ann Carter, was b 1 Feb 1364 d 1? Sept 1935» She was married 2 Sept 1396 to George Stephens b 20 Nov 1868 d 10 June 1950. He was the son of Harrison STEPHI3JS. They had no children. MARRIAGE CONTRACT This indenture made the seventh (7) day of November A D by and between Samuel H. Tavener of the Couaty of Pettis and state of Missouri party of the first part, and Martha A. Carter of the same county and state, party of the second part: Witnesseth: That whereas a marriage is intended to be had axii. solemnised between the said parties of the first and second parts - And whereas the said Martha A« Carter party of the second part now has a dower interest i n a certain tract of land embracing the houwses and appurtenances thereto belonging - which premises lie about six miles southeast of Longwood in the county and state above mentioned, which land and appurtenances belong by descent to the heirs of the late William M. Garter deceased — and late of Pettis Gounty, Missouri, less the said dower interest which belongs to the said Sartha A. Garter ~ and for a more particular description of said Lands and Ts cements reference is here made to a certain i.^&i. on file in the Recorders Office of Pettis County, Mo., in which said lands and Tenements were conveyed to the said William M. CarterAnd whereas the said Martha A. Carter owns in her own right certain personal property which is now in .her possession - And whereas the said Samuel H 0 Tavener owns certain real and personal property of great value situate in saidcounty and state « Now, therefore: the said parties of the first i*nd second parts in consideration of the mutual promises and the premises hereinv contained do mutually covenant and agree in the following work and terms to wit: That the said Martha A. Garter shall hold in her own right and for her sole use and benefit? all h & t said personal property of whatever nature and the increase thereof, and all. of such like property as she may hereafter acquire and all her interest in and to the Land and Tenements first above described as belonging in fee to William M* Carter0© heirs and in which she has a dower interest - free from all control, use and benefit whatever of the said Samuel H. Tavener, and free from his debts and liabilities whatever whether present cr future. And the said parties further agree that the said Samuel H. Tavener shall hold all his property, real and personal whether now owned h[Y him or to be acquired in the future, free from all the Marital rights whatever that may accrue to the said Martha A. Carter by reason of the intended marriage. Witness our hands and seals this seventh day of November A D 1872. Samuel H* Tavener Martha Ao Carter STATE OF MISSOURI COUNTY 0? PETTJS Be it remembered thAT on this seventh day of November A D 1872 before the undersigned Notary Public within and for the County aforesaid came Samuel H. Tavener and Martha A. Carter who are personally known to ms to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the aforegoing instrument of writing as parties thereto and acknowledged the same to be their act and Aea^ for the uses and purposes therein contained. In Witness Whereof I have set my hand and affixed my Official Seal. J)Qne at Sedalia this seventh day of November, 1872. Richard P. Garrett, Hotary Public Filed for Record November 19, 1872 ~ at 2:50 P*M. Jo D. Crawford, Recorder* JAMES RAMEY ELLIS, son of John and Malinda Ellis, was b 6 Aug. 1832 d 3 Feb 1909. He was married 25 Aug. I853 to Mary G. (Polly) DILMRD, b 24 Dec 1831 d 24 Aug 1905«They had eight children: John Wick; Malinda Jane; Nellie B., Martha Ann5 James K. Polk5 Maiy E. and Phebe Carrie. Thomas H. John Wick Ellis b 16 Nov I854 d 4 Oot 1932, was married 23 Dec. I884 to Rhoda Lee GREER, b 26 May I858 d 21 Jan 1940. Both are buried at Hopewell Cem* Tfeey-had"one son: Jim Berry Ellis, married 6 Deo 1911 to Ada Blanche CANIFAX? and they have one daughter, Roberta. Malinda Jane Ellis, b I856 d 1945* was married 10 Jan I895 to John W. GRESR, b 1847 * 1907* They had no children. Nellie B. Ellis, b 1862 married William A. STSRLIHG10 Jan 188?, She is buried at Cross Timbers, Mo. They had three children: Twins- Jim and Pranks and Walter. Martha Ann Ellis, b 12 June 1863 d 3 Apr 1934* was married 25 July 1889 to Thomas S. MARLIN, b 9 May 1867 * 4 Oct I95O. Both are buried at the Ellis Gemetery. They had three children: Carrie; Williams and Tom E. Jr. Carrie (Dot) Marlin married a Woolery and had two daughters: Bess, who married I.. H. REEDf and Ruth. Carrie was killed when she fell in a well, and is buried at the Ellis Cem. She was b o m in 1890. William Marlin, b 1893> married Amy STBELMAN and had three children. Martha Ellen, Virginia, and William. They were divorced and he has remarriedc Martha Ellen, b 1916 married John Murray. They live in St. Louis and have no children. Virginia Lucille b 1920 married Chas. S. PERRY and has two chil: Jimmy, b 1944l and Wm. jLee, b 1945* William Marlin b 1924 was married 4 Nov* 1945 to Sylvia Maiy BEEDLE of Hayes5 England. They have two children: David b 1949 and Carol Ann b l5f4?V Thomas Marlin Jr. was born in 1898. He was married 12 July 1917 to Daisy WILLIAMS. They had four children: Lorone married Ed Michaels and has two children; Gertrude, married Clayton MORRIS, has two children; LaVeme married Ed YOUNG, has four children? and was divorced; John Wm. married Lulu Mae DILTHEY, has no children* Thomas Ellis was b o m 21 Mar 1859 d 1 Sept i860. James K. Polk Ellis, b 1869 & 1948 was married 1? Sept 1894 *o Lulu MOSBY, b 20 July I87O , n o w deceased. They had six children: William, Ira, Elisha Mosby? Edward, Mazy Malinda, and Walter Leonard. William Ellis, b 1895 & Juae 1940 married Laura WBLLIVBR and had one son, William Jr. b 1925* Viola Ellis, b and d 1897 Ira (Red) Ellis b 9 Jan 1902 now deceased, was not married. Elisha Mosby Ellis b 1904 d 1919 Edward (Dutch) Ellis b 1506 is not married. Mary Malinda Ellis b 1909 married John SWOPSs had six children: Audrey Swope married Ralph BARR? has three children: William, Mary Jane and Kathe. They are divorced and she is remarried. Ralph Barr is now deceased. Aubrey was b o m 16 Deo 1929° Wilma Jewell Swope, born and died 1930. Maiy, b o m 1937 married Don CLAYTON and has one son. They live in Louisiana. Malinda Lou bom 1939 married Wayne Shoemaker, has at least two children, Peggy Lou and Clarence Wayne Jr. John, b o m 1942. Patty Sue? born 1944 d 1964. James b o m 1945* Mary E. ELLIS was b o m 4 Jan 1871 died 12 Nov 1876. Omitted above-Walter Leonard (Bud) Ellis, b 18 June 1912? is not married. 8 Phebe Carrie Ellis was born 25 Sept. 1866d 5 Oct. 19613 bur* Memorial Park Cem. She was married 14 March 1900 to Dave ROBERTS. They had two daughters: Ruth and Marye Ruth married Bill RISSLSR and hasd twe children: Patsy Ja,ns and Rosemary. Mary married John MARR and hes no children. ISAAC S. ELLIS, son of John and Malinda Ellis, b 1835, was married 25 Aug. 1853 to Leonora Frances SCOTT, b 2 Jan I836 d 6 Feb 1876, daughter of Wm. and Eliza (ANDERSON) SCOTT. In I859 Isaac went to Pikers Peex, ue served in the Civil War. He later went to Indian Territoiy and never returned. His children were: Molly; Robert L; John Wm; Sarah Elisabeth; and James Wesley. Molly E. C. Ellis, b 4 Feb I855 d 29 Dec 1863* Robert L. (Bob) Ellis, b I858 d 7 May 1946, was married 24 Dec8 1878 to Julia TAYLOR, b 12 Dec I864 <* 23 Feb 1955. They had ^twn children: Horah; Byron; James Walter; Dan; Rosa Ann; Mary P.; Marvin; Ruth; Lorene and Irvin. Norah Pearl Ellis, b 1879 was married 28 Nov 1899 to Will M. KABLER b 1874* Their home was in Sedalia and they had three children: Jewel; b 1900 married Carl DAMM and has no children; Marian (twin) was married 6 Dec 1946 to Ernest Russell WEINRICH, b 15 Jan 1902 d 20 Jan I960, Marie (twin) b 1905. Robert Byron Ellis, b 22 July 1883 d 26 Sept 1955* was mar. 5 Nov* 1913 to Georgie RAYBURN b 1886, has four children: Robert Haybum is not mar. Frank married Helen ENGLER and has one son Rodney. Elan married W«. Bo Bennett and has five children: Robert Emerson, Frances, Caroline, and twins Billy and Diane. Georgie married Jr. Collins? luho is now deceased. James Walter Ellis, b 11 Feb 1884 d 1936 is buried at Pleasanton5 Kansas. Dan Ellis, mar. Winnie and has one daughter, Eleanor. They live at Helena? Mont. Rose Ann Ellis was married 5 Nov. 1911 to Leland Estes, b 1889 d 1952. They had three children: Mardella married Robert Drake. They live in Sacramento Calif, and have three children: Elaine, Alice Ann, and Barbara. John Robert married Marjorie* They live in Jefferson Gity, i4o* aad have two children: Lee Ann and J. Bob. Leland Jr., died at age 43 married Elizabeth and has one son, Michael. Irvin Ellis married Melva and has one son, Richard. Mary F. Ellis, b I898 was married 25 June 1919 to James Wesley LEFTWIGH b 1896 d 1949* They have one son, Robert Wesley, b 1927, married 25 June 1950 to Barbara ROBERTS b 1927? has two children: a davighter, Jennifer b o m in 195^ and a son b o m in 1959* Marvin Ellis, b 1900 married Evelyn b 1914 and has one son3 J e r r y b 1944« Ruth Ellis, married Stac ey FORSE and has three childrens Marine; Ruth May; and S« A. Their home is in Mound City, Kansas. John William (Ock) Ellis, son of Isaac S. and Leonora Frances Ellis, was married 6 Sept 1894 to Ollie BROYLES. He was b o m 1 Dec 1859* They had at least two childrens Maggie and Isaac. Maggie lives in Bozeman, Mont. Ollie was Sarah Oo b 1869« Sarah Elizabeth Ellis, b 19 Mar 1862 d 1945* daughter of Isaac S. and Leonora Frances Ellis, was married 5 Jan 1879 to James Ramey CARTER, b I857 d 1929o Their family is listed under James Ramey CARTER on page 4» James Wesley Ellis, b 2 Aug 1866, son of Isaac S. and Leonora Prances Ellis, was mar. 17 Mar 1889 to Emma STEINBRINK. One of M s children, Mrs. Charies Peters, lives at Troy, Mont. MARY ELIZABETH KINDRED ELLIS, b 1838 d 5 tor 1923, daughter of John and Malinda Ellis, was married 19 Jan I854 to Joseph DILLARD, b 27 Mar 1833 d 31 Jan 1891? son of William and Jane Dillard. They had five children: James William, John, Phoebe, Isaac, and Mamie, James William Dillard, b I855 * 1° Apr 1888 was married 6 Mar. 1879 to Ruby LANDON, b I859 d 1947* They had six children: Leslie A.; Virgil; Gertrude; Delia; Anna; and Josie. After the death of James William Dillard, his widow married Mark KABLER. Leslie A. Dillard, b 16 Apr 1882 d 17 Feb 1954? was married July 1905 to Hattie Leila Ray, b 1887 d 1947* They had five children: Jewel mar. Austin NEVILLE and had no children. Mary mar. Wilbum Cusick and had at least four children. Albert Jo, Allen Ray, Evelyn and Shirley. Hazel married a Kinney and had at least four children? Edna Lee? James, Hazel and Jewel. Frances mar. Wm. SPRINKLES, b 16 Jan 1917, was married 26 Dec 1935? and had four children, lyla Jo, Carol Lee, Richard Leslie, and William E. Dorothy b 21 Feb 1919* mar. 1st a Kinney and had one son, Charles. She is now mar. to Ed Meder of Los. Angeles* (Note) William and Frances Sprinkles, three of their children and Leslie A. Dillard were all killed when their car v»as hit by a train at the crossing of Quincy St. and the Mo. Pac. RR on 17 Feb 1954* The children killed were: Lyla Jo, b 4 Sept 1939; Carol Lee, b 5 Apr 1945; Richard Leslie b 1 Feb 1952. Virgil A. DILLARD, b i860 d 1923? mar. Mary B. VERMILYEA, dau. of fianiel and Zylpha, b 1878, 8 May d 31 Nov. 1971 at K.C. Mo. They had one son Earl b 1906 d 192? and one grandson Herbert E. DILLARD of K.C.Mo. Virgil was found dead on the road near Gilead Church, after he had come from K.C. to attend his grandmother9 5 funeral. Gertrude Dillard b 1887 d 1950, married George Ryland WASSON, b 1832, and has one son Carl. Delia DILLARD b I885 d 1894. Anna Pearl DILLARD b 28 Sept 1884 d 20 July 1958 was mar. 5 June 1900 to Emmett STEWART b 9 Apr 1878 in Johnson Co . Mo., d 15 Aug I960,, bur. Crown Hill Gem. fie was the son of Benjamin F. and Angeline STEWART. They had two children: Clifford and Nellie. Clifford- b 1901, 26 Mar« was mar. 15 Jan 1921 tv Gametta Ewing FISHER, b 21 Sept 1902* They ha^i three children: Norma Evelyn b 13 May 1922 was mar. 25 Sept 1944 to Albert Adolph BATTS, b 28 Jan. 1924* ar}d they have two children: Nancy Jane Batts? b 2\ Oct. 1947 and Jefery Allun BATTk b 18 Sept 1957* Clifford Eldon STEWART, b 26 Nov 1923? was mar. 5 Oct 1946 to Gloria Catherine HITTERHQFF, b 22 Feb 1925. Their home is in K.C. Mo. and they have two children: Clifford Edward b 30 Sept 1947 and Marcia Kay b 12 June 1949» Lora Maxine Stewart b 5 £ee* 1926 was mar. 3 Feb 1951 to Raymond Joseph WHALEN, b 5 Nov 1927* Their home is in Independence, Mo. and they have three children: Kathe Sue, b 14 Sept. 1951; Karyl Ann b 25 Aug 1952 and Michael Ray, b 27 Jan 1956* Josie DILLARD? b 1883 was mar. 5 Nov. 1900 to Joseph H. KABLER, b 1860 d Feb 1937. fhey had three children: Joseph, Mary and Opal. Joseph Kabler, b 19 Jan 1907 d 24 Apr 1946, mar. Laura 3W0PE aad had three children: Betty Jo; Barbara Annp d July 1929; and Donald Paul. 10 Mary KABLFR,, b 1903? married Everett CURRTON and has one son, Larry. Opal Kabler, b 1901, married William CURETON and has no children* John B. DILLARD, son of Joseph Dillard and Mary Elizabeth Kindred (Ellis) was b o m 29 June 1858, died 23 July 1914* He was deaf and dumb. Phoebe DILLARD, b 1861 d 1928, dau. of Joseph and Mary Elizabeth DILLARD* She was mar. to George Wm. POTTER B 1853? had two children; Tobe and Georgie. John William POTTER (Tobe) mar. Phila BIRKST3SSSER, had five child? Dean Oscar Potter, Susan Jane Potter, Gordon Arleigh Potter, Maiy Magdalene Potter and Rosaline Potter. Georgie POTTER married George SMITH, had seven children: Robert, Ella, Henry, Paul? James and two more. Isaac L. DILLARD b o m 20 March i860 d 13 Nov. 1869* Mamie DILLARD (Mai-y Mamie) b 1873 was mar. 10 Jan 1887 to Charles E. 9 0 BAHNON b 1866 d 1897* They had five children: Nancy, Sally, Leah, Rebecca^ Joseph. Nancy 0«Bannon b 1888 d 12 June 1954? bur. Crown Hill Cem. mar. Chas. A. BODENHAMER. Their children were: Lawrence of Waco, Tex. Warren of K.C.Mo. and Mrs. R. H. PARKER of Prairie Village, Kans. Sally O'Bannon mar. 1st Bill KORAN; 2nd a BURKETT and lives at LaCygne, Kans. Rebecca mar. 1st Jas. W. BRIDGES: 2nd, a VESTAL and lives at K.C.Mo. Joseph E. 0§Bannon , married 1st a girl in Hawaii. He was divorced and is remarried* After the death of Charles B. 0lBanner-, Mamie Dillard C°Bannon mar.Pat HARMON and had one daughter, Mary, who married a SMITH and died at Clinton, Mo* 18 July 1957? leaving one daughter. RACHEL JANS ELLIS (ADNT PINK) b 30 Mar I84O d 12 Mar 1920, daughter of John and Malinda Ellis, was mar. 7 Aug I856 to James Frank SCOTT b 20 Oct 1834 d 27 Dec 1922. He was the son of Hiram Calhoun and Mary (Anderson) SCOTT. Both are buried at Hopewell Gem. Their children: Sarah Elizabeth; Martha Jane? Sterling Price; Mazy Ann; James Pettis; Nancy Ruth; Robert Earl; and Ona Lee. Sarah Elizabeth SCOTT b 26 July 1857 d 1943? mar. Charlie H. POLSON* They moved to Henver 9 Colo, with their family: Rea Poison and Leo Poisona Martha Jane SCOTT, b 5 Aug* I859 d 1947? was mar. to Charles Henry JOHNSON? b 24 Apr 1861 d 12 Feb 1948. This family was in Fairfield, Mo.? Pratt, Kinsas? western Oklahoma? then to Colorado. Their children were: Maude, Pearl, Arthur? Letter? Claude, and Gladys. Maude JOHNSON b 20 Jan I885, mar. D. B. HDTGHI&S. Their home is in Tucson? Ariz.. They have two sons: Barton Charles Hutchins and his wife Eron have two daughters, Ellen and Elizabeth. Dale Ellis Hut chins and his wife? Margie, have two children: Steve Cullen and Mary Anne. Pearl JOHNSON b 14 Sept 1887? now deceased? married _ SHAFFER AND Had one daughter, Jacqueline? who is married and has two daughters and one son. Arthur JOHNSON b 27 Aug 1889 * 31 Bee 1959? mar. a widow with OXIQ son. Both are now deceased. They had no children. Arthur served in the U*S. Army during WWI in the 10th division. Lester JOHNSON b 23 Oct 1891 * about 1930, served in W I in the third division, U. S. Army, fie was in the Battle of the Mame? and battle of Chateau Thiery, hospitalized and returned to service in the Fifth Division. He was awarded the "Accolade". Claude JOHNSON, b 11 Mar I893at Gross Timbers, M c . married Naomi 11 BUFORD? b 6 Dec 1897* He served in WWI in the U. S. Axsiy, I Co. 355th Inf. 89th Div? served on Luzy Sector? Saint Mihiel Drive? Argonne Woods and Army of Occupation in Germany. Their home is in Trinidad, Colo. They had two sons: Claude Ortus JOHNSON? b 4 July 1926 is married to Ruth. William Alan JOHNSON b 11 Aug 1932, served in the Korean War in the U. S. Army in Dog Training Division, one year in the U.S. and one year in Korea. He is not married. Gladys JOHNSON b 20 Dec 1897 married Calvin H. KINNEY. They had eight children. Some of them were: Pearl? Oline, Bruce? Qene 9 and Thad. Their home is in Oklahoma. STERLING PRICE SCOTT, b 5 Oct 1861 d 5 Mar 1948? was married 31 Deo. 1882 to A m e t t a MOORE, b 2 July 1860 d 24 June 1948* She was the daughter of Stephen H. and Martha R. (PITTMAN) MOORE. She came to Missouri with her parents when she was six years old. Their children were: son- died at birth Aug. 1883; Roy Lee b 28 Aug I8S5 * 12 Sept 1887; Clara Viola; Edna Leonora, b 29 March I89O5 Cleora Jewel; Virgie Carroll; and Mildred b 28 July 1902 d 19 Aug. 1903. Clara Viola SCOTT b 21 Dec 1887 at Sedalia? d 10 Jan 1971 at Cortez Colo. She was mar. 21 Dec. 1910 to Ivan Henry DIFFENDAFFER, b S^Joly 1886 d 28 Nov 1957 at Cortez? Colo. Their children were: Virgil Price b 30 Oct 1911 at Sedalia? mar. 10 Dec 1940 to Leatha ADAIR? b 1913. They have one son, Melvin Lee DIFFENDAFFffi? b 12 Oct. 1941 at Pueblo, Colo. Harold Scott Diffendaffer b 9 July 1913 at Sedalia? was mar. 21 Oct. 1937 to Martha CROMER, b 1919* They have two children: Ityma Lee? b 4\ Oct 1938 and Larry Scott b 23 Aug. 1940, both b o m at Pueblo? Colo. Roy Ivan DIFFiKDAFFER? b 8 June 1916 at Sedalia? was mar. 20 Feb 1942 to Helen HAMILTON b 1922. Their children are* Gary Lynn b 29 Nov 1946 at Durang, Colo? and Gordon! Ross b 21 Dec 1948 at Cortez? Colo. Cecil Glenn DIFPENDAFFER b 19 Oct' 1922 at Pueblo, Colo, was mar* mar. 9 Feb 1945 to Connie Jo MC CUTCHEOJf. Their children are: Connie Jo, b 16 June 1947 at Pueblo, Colo.? Nancy Kathleen? b 30 June 1949 at Cortes. Oolo. Pamela Jean, b 29 July 1952 at Chico? Cali.ff Twins- Debra Elaine and Mussel Glen? b 22 Sept 1956 at Cortez, Colo. Cleora Jewel Scott b 15 Aug. 1894 at Sedalia? d 25 Mar. 1948 at Pueblo? Colo. She was mar. 3 Feb 1915 to Chelcy A. DIFFENDAFF&l, b Mar. 1894 in Pettis Co. d July 1948 at Hettinger, H. Dak. They had one daughter- Mildred Virginia DIFFENDAFFER, b 10 Apr 1917 at Sedalia, mar. Earl COX and has three children: Judith? b 7 May 1947 at Hettinger? N. Dak? Shirley Lou b 13 Apr 1951 at Hettinger, N. Dak. and Richard Earl, b 30 May 1955 at Durango, Colo. Virgie Carroll SCOTT b 9 J«as I89Q at Sedalia? was married 1 Jan 1919 to Charles CARSON? b 27 Aug 1896 in Pettis Co.? son of Samuel T. and Dora (Watson) CARSON. They have two children: Charles Scott Carson b 22 lov. 1923 at Sedalia? was mar. 26 Nov 1942 to Elizabeth BOLCH and has one daughter Harriet Ann Carson? b 23 Deo 1948 at Sedalia. Doris Ametta CARSON b 27 Oct 1926 1926 at Hu^iesville, Mo. was married 5 May 1956 to Edward G. HERMAN. They have two children: Joseph Soott HERMAN? b 27 Sept 1957? and Susan Karen HERMAN? b 20 Nov 1958 at Sedalia. MARY ANN SCOTT b 1? May I864 & 1886, mar. Oscar E. LBACH? b 9 Oct 1861 d 6 Nov 1885..Both are buried at Antioch Gem. They had one son? William, b 16 Feb I884 d 1959? mar. 2ora JENKINS? and had on© son? Gerald, who married Jane PURVIS. 12 JAMES PETTIS SCOTT b Oct 1866 d 1892, mar. Nellie MATHER. They had twin daughters Elizabeth and Jane, who died at birth. ROBERT EARL SCOTT b 24 July 1874 in Pettis Co*, was mar. 15 Jan. 1896 to Lulu Pearl ROGERS, b 29 Aug* 1877 at Cincinnati^ OhiOo, d 19 May 1959 at Sedalia, daughter of John Wesley 1850-1927 aad Elisabeth 1854- Rogers. Their children are: Ellis, Opal, Charles, Ruth, Ruby, Robert , Pearl, and Lorene. Ellis Soott b 3 Sept 1896 mar. Maude PETERS? has no children. Opal Marie Scott, b 27 Feb 1899 mar. Earl D. PAYNE b 17 Feb 1898, son of Golden Marion and Mary (Hilligos) PAYNE. They had two children: Earlene Payne, b 10 Sept 1920 at Hewland, mar. L. PAUL, b 20 Nov. 1916 in Moniteau Co. Mo. They have one daughter, Carol Lee PAUL, b 21 July I94O. Nadine Payne, b 13 Feb 1924 at Newland? mar. Carl ELLIS? b 31 May 1921 at Upland? Ind. They have three children: Ronald Carl Ellis, b 21 Dec 1943 at Sedalia? Rita Ellis b Iji Jan 1951 at LaPorte, Ind. and Cheryl Nadine Ellis, b 20 Oct 1954 at LaPorte, Ind. Charles Scott b 7 July 1901 mar. Mary WESTBROOK, has no children. Ruth Scott b 23 Dec 1903 was mar. 17 July 1924 to Maurice WASSON ? b 2 Sept 1900 d 22 May 1954? con of Jesse T. WASSOH. After h?s death Ruth Wasson mar. Jr. SELLERS. Ruth and Maurice had one daughter, Ruth Yvonne WASSON? b 3 July 1925 married Harold F5MPLE and has one dau. Janet Kay FEMPLE b 22 Mar* 1949Ruby Scott, b.5 April 1907 was married to Fred BRUMMITT. They have one child, Billy Jo BRIMMITT? b 16 Jan. 1938. Robert Scott b 18 Mar. 1911 mar* Mary FHEUND? had no children. Pearl Scott, b 13 Mar. 1914 d 6 Jan 1939? was mar. to James HEISNER and had one son, Jimmy? b 20 June 1937* Lorene Soott? b 12 Aug 1919? was mar. to Harold MEINSEN? and has three children: Sharon, b 3 Mar. 1945 at Sedalia, Linda? b 21 July 1951 at Dodge City? Kans*? and Gail? b 28 Nov* 1953 in Colorado* ONA LEB SCOTT? b 7 Feb 1877 d 24 Jan 1932, bur. Crown Hill cem. married Victor MGLUND? b 10 Mar 1872 in Hickory Co. Mo* His mother was Mathilda CARLSON, b 20 Dec 1848 i n Sweden? d 1927 in Pettis Go* Moo His father was named PETERSON and died when Victor was very young. His mother then mar. Jason ENGLUND and Victor*s name was changed to Bnglund. Their children are. Lawrence Hieraan, June, and Dorothy. Lawrence Nieman ENGLUND, b 1 Jan 1899 at Sedalia, was mar. 27 Sept. 1919 to Lee MCPHERSON? b 19 Mar. 1900. They have throe children: Yvonne England b 1 Oct 1920 was mar. to Robert ROGERS? AND THEY have three children: Robert LeRoy Rogers? b 23 June 1944? Caroline Rogers b 25 Nov. 1946; and Vicky? b 24. Apr. 1954* Bet ly ENGLUND b 10 Sept 1925 mar* John Robert GARRETT, has four children: Kathy, b 20 Nov. 1948; John Robert Garrett, b 1 Aug 1950; and Dan Joe Garrett, b 13 Apr 1954; and Thomas Michael Garrett, b 19 Oct«1957. Lawrence McPherson ENGLUND, b 3 Sept 1934 mar. i n 1956 to Margaret Sue Mc~ NEALY, b 8 Dec. 1938* They have one child b in 1959*. June ENGLUND, b 10 Jan ^906, was mar. 24 Sept 1927 to Ulric PAPINEAU. They have two children: adores PAPINEAU b 15 Mar 1930 mar. Robert PETER and has two children, Robert Peter anda dau. Gayle Ann Papineau b 11 Aug. 1937 mar. Babe FISHER. Dorothy ENGLUND b 4 Jan 1911, was mar. 27 Feb 1937 to Hoy ANDERSON. They have one son, James Douglas ANDERSON, b 30 Jan 1947* SARAH ELIZABETH ELLIS, known as Aunt Sack, b 1842, daughter of John aad Mai13 inda Ellis? was mar. 26 May I859 to John BOYD? b I835. He was an Indian b o m in Missouri, fought in the civil war. They and their family moved to Oklahoma and very little is known about them. Their children as listed in the probate of John Ellis8 estate were: Carrie Holt, wife of Wm.; Abe Boyd; Belle Boyd; Benjamin Boyd; Susan Boyd; Laura B. McClain, wife of George J John Boyd; James Boyd. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ELLIS, son of John and Malinda Ellis? was b o m i n I844, d in 1877* He was better known as "Doc", fle married on Oct. 24, 1867 Mary LAWLER, b 1844 * 1923* He served in the Civil War, fought at Bull Run, and other places in Virginia? North and South Carolina and Georgia, was badly wounded at Vicksburg* He was taken prisoner and held at Alton, 111. He had no children. Mary Lawler Ellis was married in 1888 to Jonathan McNUTT, b Oct 1838 d Mar* I898. He is buried at Crown Hill Cem.? but Mary and Benjamin are buried at Longwood Cem* MALINDA ELLEK ELLIS, (Aunt Ella) b 2 Jan I846 d 11 Oct. 1926, daughter of John and Malinda Ellis? was mar* 15 Dec* i860 to James DILLARD? b 29 Dec 1839* He t*as killed by lightning 13 July 1891* They had six children: Mary Malinda, Benjamin Franklin, Minnie Bell? Sarah Elizabeth? Tom? and Blanche. Mary Malinda (Mollie) DILLARD, b 20 Nov. 1861 d 1925? was mar. 17 Jan. 1878 to Richard M. POWELL? and had two children: Joe Ferguson POWELL b 21 Sept. 1878 died 26 Mar. 1939* Trixie Ellen POWELL, b 11 Jan 1892, was mar. 4 May 1915 to George EAGER, d 28 Apr. 1948. They had one daughter: Kathleen Lucille Hager? b 27 Dec 1928, who was mar. 29 Dec* 195O to Capt* A* E. Dickerson* Benjamin Franklin DILLARD, b I865 d 1935 was mar. 9 Aug. 1886 to Ruanna Lee HENDERSON, b I664 d 1930* They had eight children: Lena DILLARD b I884 d 1912 mar. William CLOSTBHMAN, had one son, George. James H* DILLARD b 1890 d 1922 mar* Alma SWOPE. M* Pearl DILLARD b 1893 mar. Hiram SWOPE? b 1889 * 1924. They had five children* Marcel SWOPE, b 1912 mar. Maude CROUCH, has three children5 Wayne, Janice and Nancy. Annalee SWOPE, b 1913 mar. E. M* FARLEY? has two children? Gary and Carol Arm. Wilma SWOPS b 1914 mar. N. KKUT2? has two sons Hick and Jim. They were divorced and she is remarried. Marjorie SWOPE b 1917 mar. a Williams and has three daughters? Gayle, Linda, and Barbara. Hubert SWOPE b 1919 mar. C* HODGES? has one daughter Sarah. Neoroa DILLARD b 8 Nov 1888 was mar* 24 Feb 1915 to Hampton PERKINS b 13 June 1876 in Randolph Co. d 29 Oct 1956 in Pettis Co. She is now dec c d. Any DILLARD b 1897 d 1922 mar. William N. BENNETT. Bryan DILLARD b 1899 A 1940 mar. Florence BROWN, has two child: James B* and Ben A* Tom DILLARD b 1902 d 1927 mar* Lorene DUEHL, had two children: Tommy, b 1925 d 1933 and Neoma. Opal DILLARD mar. C* A. POLLEY, has throe sons: Don, b 16 Feb 1928; Dale, b 18 Sept 1930; and Jerry, b 5 Oct. 1938. MINNIE BELL DILLARD, b 20 Apr 1870 d 23 Mar 1935? was mar* 1 Sept. 1893 to William M* TUCKER, b 29 Apr I864 d 3 Nov* 1923* They had two children: Stella and Mary Ellen* 14 St&lla TUCKER, b 14 Feb* 1896 was mar. 1? June 1915 to John M* ATKINSON and hast two daughters? Mary Louise and Margaret Susan and John Monroe. I Mary Louise ATKINSON, b 30 Apr. 1923 wasroar.14 Aug. 1946 to Clarence" JOUSTRA, has two daughters-, Patty b 20 July 1947 and Nancy Ellens b 25 July 1950. Margaret Susan ATKINSON, b 28 Hov. 1924 was mar. 24 June 1945 to E. W* HAGGANS? has two sons: James Michael? b 29 Apr 1948 and John Leyton, b 20 July 1950* John Monroe ATKINSON? b 13 Apr. 1930. Mary Ellen TUCKER,b 30 Oct. 1906 was mar. 25 Jan* 1927 to 0. D* AUSTIN9m has two children? Patricia Louise AUSTIN? b 25 Dec 1927, was mar. 8 July 1951 to W* B. BBCKERHOLDT* Orville Dillard AUSTIN was b 3 April 1933* SARAH ELIZABETH DILLARD, b 19 Aug. 1872 d 1 Jan 1935? was mar. 23 Dec 1891 to Clay TUCKER, b 1868 d 2$ oct 1945» Tkey had two children: Hazel and Neva. Hazel TUCKER, b 1892 was mar* 4 Mar 1910 to John A. WILLIAMS and has three children: Elizabeth? Virginia and Clay* Elizabeth WILLIAMS b 19 Dec 1910 was mar* 31 Bee 1929 to Morris H, CARR, has two sons? John Morris Carr? b 26 Nov 1930 and Jerry Dudley CARR? b 24 Sept 1934* Virginia WILLIAMS? b 26 Dec 1911 was mar. 1 Aug 1931 to Lloyd NEEL has no children* Clay Tucker WILLIAM b 5 Aug 1914 d 1950? was mar. 12 Aug 1934 to Ruth ANDERSON* They were separated after two years, and two years later he mar* Emily RUST* He has three children: Sallie? CoC* and another son. Neva TUCKER? b 20 Mar. 1896 was mar. 5 Juno 1915 to Dick COOPER, has two children? Harriett Elisabeth and Josephine Camille* Harriett Elizabeth COOPER b 31 Jan 1918 was mar* 21 June 1940 to Erple Dale PROPHET? has two children: Richard Clay Prophet b 24 Jan 1944? and Tommy Lynn PROPHET? b 18 Mar 1948* Josephine Camille COOPER? b 3 Hov* 1920 was mar. early in 1941 to Warren Charles (Ike) COLLIER? HAS TWO children: Rickey 0 € Brien Collier, b 5 Oct 1941 and Jane Collier? b 1 Jan 1949* JAMES THOMAS DILLARD (Tom) b 23 July 1877 * 1944 mar* Maude E. HBCKMAN b 1877 A 1925? had four children: Tom? Kenneth, Paul and Dorothy. BLANCHE DILLARD b 1883 mar* Kid SHANNON, b 1876. They had three children? Malinda Elizabeth? James Carl? and John Dillard* Malinda Elizabeth SHANNON? b 1909 mar* a MORRIS, has one son, John Wm* MORRIS* Malinda is now Mrs* Floyd BASTOK* John Wm* Morris b 1929 mar* Joanne BOOTS* James Carl SHANNON b 1904 d 1941 John Dillard SHANNON? b I917 married Mary Lee BORDEN* JOHN WILLIAM ELLIS, b 15 May I848 d 21 June 1927? son of John and Malinda ELLIS, was mar. 4 Jan. 1872 to Willie Virginia SCOTT? b 27 Apr I856 d 1913? daughter of William and Eliza (ANDERSON) SCOTT* John Wm* was known as Fiddlin' John* Their children were: Norah Lavina, b 17 Apr 1873? died young* Una L* Ora* Dova Lillian? and Ada Florence* 15 Una L. ELLIS, b 1874 d 1924 was mar* 16 Deo 1895 to Newton H. LEE, b 1871 d 1942* They had no children* Ora ELLIS? b 29 June 1879? first mar. 6 Apr 1906 to Louis E. FRANKLIN. She was mar. second on 18 Jan. 1913 toflaochB. PAYNE. They had no children* Dova Lillian ELLIS? b 23 Sept* 1881 in Pettis Co*3 was mar. 15 Jan 1900 to Robert Bruce RADER? b 1871 in Pettis Co.? son of A. J* and Elizabeth De Jamettc)RAD£R* Their children were: Willie Elizabeth? Johnie Blanche? R* Newton? Jack Ellis, Ralph W»? Leona Doris, Woodrow Wilson, and Rowena Louise. Willie Elizabeth Rader, b 1901? mar. Louis N. PAYNE, b 1895 A 1950, son of Ridaard' Hayden and Elizabeth Mary (Wasson) PAYNE* They had two child: Dorothy PAYNE mar. Bob TRAVIS? has one son Richard; and Marjorie PAYNE mar. VINCENT« has one daughter, Susan. Johnie Blanche RADER, b 1904? mar. Harlow RAMEY, has no children* R* Hewton RADER, b 1907? mar. 5 July 1929 to Elise MASTERS. Their children are: Thelma Jean RADER mar* James HOBBS; Joann; Robert; and Donald* Jack Ellis RADER? b 1908 mar* Katherine DUNHAM, hass no children* Ralph W* RADER b 1911? died at age six months. Leona Doris RADER, b 1914? was mar* 4 Jan 1932 to Everett LINDSEY vhas two children: Doris Jean, and Judy* Woodrow Wilson RADER, b 1917? and his wife? Helen DUNHAM? have one \daughter Susie? who is now mar* Rowena Louise RADER, b 1919? mar. George ESPOLIN, who is now dec°d. They have one son, Carl Bruce ESPOLIN* Ada Florence ELLIS? b 25 Feb 1890 was mar. 3 July 1908 to John Bronson GRSBR, b 7 Oct 1882 d 25 Dec 1942, bur* Hopewell Cem* They had four children: Gordon Aaron? Virginia Ivalee, Harold Bronson? and Bonita Lee* Gordon Aaron GREER? b 1910, was mar. 15 Dec. 1931 to Marian Edna PAYNE, b 1912* They have three children: Gardena Lee, b 1933? Marilyn Jane, b 1936 and John Boyd, b 1939* They are all married* Virginia Ivalee GREER, was bom in 1913? Aied in 1915* Bonita Lee GREER? b 1§19, was mar* 19 Apr* 1941 to Walker VAUGHN?b 1913* They have three children: Julia Ann? b 1946; Jack Byron, b 1950; and Amy Lee? b 1959* Harold Bronson GHEER? b 1916, mar. 6 June 1942 to Bailey MAGAHIEL, b 1919* They have one daughter? Sara Gayle GREBR? b 1946. GEORGE SHIPLEY ELLIS, son of John and Malinda Ellis, was bom in I85O, died in 1853* CAROLINE PAMELA ELLIS * b 25 Sept I852 d 23 Mar 1933, was mar. 20 Dec 1868 to Cornelius Alexis LEFTWICH, b 28 Dec 1&49 A 12 June 1928, son of James Wesley and Elizabeth Kindred (ELLIS) LEFTWICH. They had five children: C. Elizabeth K*, Augustus A*? Ammie Cornelius, Joseph Franklin? and Lulu Malinda* C* Elizabeth K* LEFTWICH, b 28 Sept 1869 d 29 Mar* I95O, was mar. 18 Nov 1891 to Curtis KELLERMAN? b 28 Apr 1866 d 7 June 1920c After his death she mar* Walker HYATT* She had no children and is buried at Salem Com. Augustus Adolphus LEFTWICH b 20 Aug 1871 died 7 Nov. 1890. Ammie Cornelius LEFTWICH was bom 25 June 1874* He was mar* 21 Sept. 1895 to Flora WORLEY b 1875 A 1949* She was the dau* of J* T. b 1844 A 1915 and Mary E* (HUFPE&T) I85I d 1928* They had three children: Clay, Thomas? and Cloyd* Clay LEFTWICH, b 1 Aug. 1897 mar. 19 Apr 1913 to Selma Caroline •16 LEISCHER, and had five children: Flora Christine, Marjorie Elois? John Clay5 Joan? and Mary Caroline. Flora Christine LEFTWICH, b 4 Doc 1920 was marQ 31 Oct 1945 to Frank WALKER MATHENEY, and has one daughter? Jane Clay MATHENEY b 3 Dec 1946 and one son, Frank Walker MATHENEY b 12 Oct 1954* Marjorie Elois LEFTWICH, b 7 Jan. 1922 d 7 Sept 1923. John Clay LEFTWICH, b 16 Nov. 1923 mar* 14 Feb 1954 to Kathryn Clara HARVEY* Joan LEFTWICH b 18 Feb 1925 was mar. 27 Oct* 1946 to Bill F. YARBORO. They have two children: Kimball Franklin YARBORO b 13 Mar 1957 and Jean Ann YARBORO? b 10 Nov* 1959- Mary Caroline LEFTWICH, b 5 May 1934 oar* 13 Aug. 1955 to Fred Manuel WHITE. Thomas Alvin LEFTWICH? b 1899 A I960, first mar. Johnie ADAMS, and had two sons: James Cornelius and John Thomas. He later mar. L. Berta Mc FAHLAND* His home was in Butler, Mo* James Cornelius LEFTWICH mar* Pauline WELCH 10 May 1942 and has one son, Jimny, b 18 Apr* 1943* CloyA Cornelius LEFTWICH, b 1964? mar. Ruth STEVENS? has three children: Eleanor Louise mar* 23 July 1955 to Ralph POBRTNER? d Mar. 1971, has two children. Cloyd Leftwich is now Aec'd. Joseph Franklin LEFTW :CH was b o m 25 Jan. I878 died 18 Sept 1897* Lulu Malinda LEFTWICH b 1 Jan I884 i 31 May 1916, was first mar. to a ,BAKE« She later mar* Bernard STAPLES 10 Aug* 1911? and had two children, Charles A* Staples? who mar* Mary VODERMAN? has two children, Mary and Buddy; and Elizabeth Flora STAPLES who Aied at oirth 26 May 1916. Bemard Russell STAPLE b 19 Apr 1892 at Nelson A 17 Apr* 1968, bur. Blackwater Chapel Cem* LEFTWICH FAMILY Col* Thomas Leftwich? b o m in Virginia 1?40 and d in Virginia in 1816. He served in the Rev* War. His war record is found in "Revolutionary Soldiers." He was mar. three times and had nineteen children. His second wife was Bethunia ELLIS* his third child was: William LEFTWICH, b in 1774 and Aied in 1846* He was first mar. to Sally LEFTWICH? who was b o m in 1777 and died in 1844* They had thirteen children* His second wife was Mary Jane SNIDER? whom he married in 1844* She gave him one child* His fifth child was: Rev* Wm. Burwell LEFTWICH, b in I8O3 d in I885* His first wife was Sarah SMITH b in 1824* His second wife was Catherine NEWBILL* He was mar* a third time in Missouri to Lena CARDENAS? b in 1837* He then moved to Pettis Co* rwith his family and twelve slaves? and settled northeast of Sedalia. The children of his first marriage were: John Wesley LEFTWICH, b in 1826 d in 1887*5 Nannie LEFTWICH, and Sally LEFTWICH. John Wesley LEFTWICH enlisted in the Confederate Army and fought under 0,Qno Sterling Price during the Civil War. Ha first married Elizabeth Kindred ELLIS, daughter of Isaac Spencer Ellis, who was b o m in 1828 died in I85O. They had one. son? Cornelius Alexis? b 1849 d 1928* John Wesley later married Devereux Ball Travis GLASSCOCK? daughter of Aldea Amazon GLASSCOCK* She was b o m in 1826* They had five children: Charles W*; Mary Louise; Edgar J«; Belle; and Ellis* 17 WARRANTY DEED Know all men by these presents, that JOHN ELLIS of th© county of Pettis in the state of Missouri have this day for and in consideration of th© sum of One Dollar to him paid in hand by G. A* Leftwioh* Jas. R. Carter, and Jasc R« Ellis of the County of Pettis in tho State of Missouri grantedv bargained and sold by these presents do Grant, Bargain and Sell unto the said G. A. Leftwich Jas» R. Carter, and James R. Ellis, Trustees and their successors in trust the following ^©scribed tracts or parcels of land, situate in the County of Pettis in tho State of Missouri, that is to say; Beginning at a point 13 86/100 chains west and 9 20/100 chains north of center c o m e r of section twenty (20) township forty seven (47) range twenty (20) thence west 104 36/100 feet thence north 104 36/100 feet thence east 104 36/100 thence south 104 36/100 feet to beginnine containing -J acre. Also so much right of way as may be necessary to reach the land of Grantor by such route as he or any subsequent owner of the land may direct* SaiA Trustees to holA same in trust for a family burying ground for Grantor his family and relatives* To have and to hold the premises hereby conveyed with all th© rights, privileges anA appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the said Trustees their successors and assigns forever? I? the said John Ellis hereby covenanting to and with the said Trustees their successors and assigns for myself my heirs executors and administrators to Warrant and Defent the title to the premises hereby conveyed against the claims of every person whatsoever* In Witness Whereof I have hereto Subscribed my name and affixed my sealthis 10th Aay of December? 1888* John Ellis State of Missouri County of Pettis On this 10th day of December, 1888 before me personally appeared JOHN ELLIS? to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed* In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed iqy Official Seal at my office in Sedalia, Mo* the day and year first above written. A* P* MOREY % comraision expires 6 Jan 1891° J* P« Filed for record on th© 10th day of Dec* 1888 at 11 ovclook and 30 min. A c M* F« LANDMANN, Recorder* 18 WILLIAM SHIPLEY ELLIS William Shipley ELLIS, b 16 Apr 1808 in Barren Co* Ky. d 27 May 1889, when he was hit hy a train at Pilot Grove? son of Isaac and Martha (SHIPLEY) ELLIS. He was mar* 14 Sept. 1829 in Cooper Co* Mo. to Eleanor HUGHES, b 14 Dec* 1810 d 1 Sept. 188?? dau of Reece aad Sarah HUGHES* Their children viere Isaac Marion? John Harrison, Sarah Elizabeth, Martha Adaline, Rice Hughes, Mary Jane, Cecelia? Susannah Eleanor? Marie Frances, William Shipley Jr., and Samuel Pinkney. ISAAC MARION ELLIS? b 1 July I83O d 4 Sept. 1864* He was taken out and hung during'the tiivll War. He was mar. 7 Nov. 1849 to Milly BAILEY, who was b o m in 1832.in Tenn* They had four childrens Wm* Hiram b 19 Aug. I85O? died at age if 2 months. John Harvey? Sabie, and Virginia* Also James and Edward* John Harvey Harrison ELLIS, called Oklahoma John because of his frequent tivps to Oklahoma? was b 27 Mar 1852 d 8 Feb 1941« Ho was mar* to Loustta Arncaws, who was b o m 19 Mar* 1874? uow dec'd* They had seven children: Edith, Maute? John, Mary V«? Virgil, Eugene? and Estelle* Edith ELLIS b 7 Feb 1895 "&*• Rev. Herman TAYLOR, b 11 Aug. 1894 d 16 S*>t* 1950, bur* Millers,Chapel Cem* They.had an infant son b & d 11 Sept* 1931* Maud© ELLIS, b Oklahoma 30 Oct I896d Marshall? Mo* 2? Jan. 1962. She was nc<* married * John M. ELLIS b in Oklahoma® mar. 20 July 1922 Louise MARSHALL, They hai • a daughter Betty? who marri' ~ a SCHROEDER. Mary V. ELLIS was mar* 1 Nov. 1921 to Edgar DILTHEY, They have one daughter tary Margaret DILTHEY? who mar. Frank SELLERS on 10 Feb. 1944* Virgil ELLIS married Estelle JENKINS, who is a teacher at Heber Hunt School in Sedalia* They have a eon, Barry* !Tag©n© ELLIS mar. Mabel BROWNFIBLD* lstelle Ellis mar* Q* D* RAINES? has two children, Barbara and Dean* Sabie 3LLIS mar* a HOLDER* Virgi ?xa ELLIS mar* a HOLDER* JOHN HARPJSON ELLIS, b 29'Beb 1832 d 12 Feb 1897? burs Millers Chapel Cera, At th© ag© of \7 h© went to Calif* to the gold rush with M s father and others« Although tht others soon retumed, he remained there until 1869* Upon his re~ t u m in 186S he mar* Mary Ellen FELCH? who was b o m 12 Mar I84O d 18 Oct. 1904 bur* at Salen Cem* His travels in Califomia won for him the name of Calif* John* They hai five children, Robert Harrison, Rufus Marion, Clara Eleanor? William Franklin, and George Shipleyo Robert I sural son ELLIS? b 2 May 18?1 d 24 Jan 1904* bur. Salem Cem. Rufus Motion ELLIS? b 1873 A 1956 mar* 21 Sept 1964 to Cordelia ELLIS* a cousin, b I Jan* 1871* They had no children* Clara Fleanor ELLIS? b 22 Aug 1874 at Pilot Grove. Mo*,d 25 Oct. 1958 at Sedalia? bur. at Salem Cem. She was mar* 12 Mar* 1896 to John W. SHOEMAKER b 1866 d 2 \ June 1939* They had five children: Bryan, Lona, Cline, Roy and Edwin* Bryan SHOEMAKER was mar* 14 Oct* 1934 to Laura RAYL, and has two children, Jordell b 1947 and Stephen Lee, b 1951* Ernest SHOEMAKER b 26 Sept 1898 d 6 Apr 1909? bin-* Salem* Lo:ia SHOEMAKER, b 1900 was mar* 22 Oct 1929 to J* W* STOCKMAN, and has two children, Joseph John, b 1932 and Patricia Arm b 1935* 19 Cline SHOEMAKER, b 1902, was mar, 28 Apr* 1928 to Permelia MORGAN and has no children* Roy SHOEMAKER, b 1907? was mar* 24 June 1929 to Nancy EDWARDS and has three children: Roy Jo, b 1935; Douglas? b 1943; Carol Axin^ b1945* Edwin SHOEMAKER? b 1913? was mar* 26 Feb. 1937 to Lois WILLIAMS and has on© son? Richard Linn? b 1938* William Franklin ELLIS? b 1879? A 24 Feb. 1883 age 5 yrs* bur* Millers Chapel Cem* George Shipley ELLIS? b 24 Mar* 1880 d 5 Sept. 1952, was mar. 5 Sept. 1903 to Elizabeth STOCKMAN? A I960. Both are buried at Malta Bend, Mo. ~ SARAH ELIZABETH ELLIS, Aau* of William and Eleanor ELLIS? was b o m 21 Dec* 1833? AieA 12 Nay I864. She was married 7 Oct. 1852 to Granville Y. BRUCE and had three children: John; Will; and Bud* John W* BRUCE 1854-1941 first mar* Lizzie B. WOOLERY, b 4 Feb. I856 d 24 Mar* 1881* They had no children? and after her death he married Sarah C. b 1862 A 1950* They had at least two sons: Oscar £* BRUCB b 22 Sept, 1884 A 3 June 1904; anA Isaac Odin BRUCB? b 11 Jan 1888 d 13 July 1956, mar. 2 Dec. 1911 to Eciraa CASE* Th© 1380 census for Cooper Co* Mo* lists a Robert Bruce age 4 and Isaac Bruce age 22 as grandsons of Wm* S* and Eleanor BLLIS* A Jranville T. HRUCB AieA 30 Jun© 1874 leaving no will? but his children as listed in th© Probate Court are - Robert, William, Price, Minnie, Ida and Rebecca* Richard J* Bruce? A 22 June 1857? William Ellis, administrator, his children as listed were John W. and Isaac M. MARTHA ADALINE ELLIS* Aau* of William anA Eleanor ELLIS? b 18 Jan* I836? was married 17 Mar* I852 to Richard James BRUCE and had three children: Lena? Emma? anA Izola* Lena BRUCB married a BANKS* Emma BRUCE married Dr* EGGLESTON Izola BRUCB married a Patterson* It would seem that tho two above families were reversed* RICE HUGHES ELLIS? b 14 Mar. I838 son of William and Eleanor ELLIS? was mar. 9 Oct* 1666 to Elizabeth Ellen BAILEY. MARY JANE ELLIS, dau* of William and Eleanor ELLIS, was b 16 Deo. 1839 A 16 Jan* 1873? was mar* 3 May 1863 to Jesse Claiborne ROSS* They had one son, Wm* Clayboum ROSS b 22 Feb 1864 A 2 Jan* 1866* CELIA ELLIS (Cecelia Keziah) Aau* of William and Eleanor ELLIS, b 16 Jan. 1842 A 1937? was mar. 25 Mar* 1680 to Jacob F* SMITH? had two sons: Isaao and Wm* SU3ANAH ELEAHOR BLLIS, Aau* of Wm* and Eleanor ELLIS? was b 24 Dec* 1843 A 18?2? was mar* 8 Oct 1863 to Thomas JEFFRIES* They had two children? James Harrison, and William Lee* James Harrison JEFFRIES, b 24 Sept 1866 d 3 Mar. 1911 when struck by a street car in Sedalia, was mar. to Mary C* ARNOLD, b 1869 d 1935* 3to«y &ad eigfrt children: Wm* Lee? Oscar, Euel Elmer, James Edgar? Charles Lester? Pearl, 20 Mary Susan and Hora. William Lee Jeffries married Nan Zinn, had three children? Marie, Dee and Melvin* Oscar Jeffries, A-age 29, mar. Florence SIGMAN, had four children, Rose Ella? Etoa, Ervin? and Francis Marion. She mar* 2nd 24 Aug. 1922 S. P. RAINES. Buol Elmer Jeffries was b 8 Feb 1891 A 28 Dec 1896. James Edgar Jeffries? b 1893? mar. Stella WILLIAMS, b I895. ?hey had five children: Roy Elwood? James Russell? Wm. Edgar? Mary Ruth? and Dorothy Helen. Roy Elwood Jeffries? b 1913 mar. Glarabell© TAYLOR And had three children: Gladys Faye? b 1938 mar* 2 Mar* 1958 to William SPARKS of LaMonte* Roy Dwight b 1942 and Connie Ruth b 1951* James Russell Jeffries b 1915 mar* Frances NEWTON anA has two children: Norma Jean b 1937? is now married; and Russell Wallace b 1943* Hm* Edgar Jeffries b 1919? was first mar* to Ada Lee BEAM and had four children: Patricia Ann b 28 A 29 Oct 1947; Wm* Edgar Jr* b 1946; Ricky Lynn b 195* anA another daughter* He was divorced in 1955 and has remarried. Mary Ruth Jeffries? b 1923 mar. Loo HARDIN? has two children James Robert abA Rita Rene b 20 May 1957* Dorothy Helen Jeffries b 1931 mar* Charles STOCKSTILL. Charles Lester Jeffries was b 4 Mar* 1895 d 13 Dec 1896* Elsie Pearl Jeffries mar* Walter HANLIN? had four children: Mary Anna? James Earl, Elsie Dean? and Velma. Maxy Susan (Mayme) Jeffries b 13 June 1903 A 16 Mar. 1962? bur* Union Cem*? mar* 20 May 1920 to Wesley NEWTON? had two childrens V e m a Louise and William Ernest* Nora Jeffries mar* Marshall ADAMS? had two children? Bemieco Marie anA James Allen* They were divorced and she later mar* Lou TAYLOR and has one daughter Shirley* William Lee Jeffries? son of Thomas and Susanah? was b 17 June 1864* MARIAH FRANCES ELLIS, dau* of Wm* & Eleanor? was b 8 Dec. I846 A 19 Deo. I865. WILLIAM SHIPLEY ELLIS JR» son of William and Bloanor, was b 23 Feb. I85O? d 20 Nov. I885? feur* Irwin Cem* He was mar* 2 Sept 1880 to Arminda WOOLSEY b 7 July 1860 d 29 Sopt 1883* They had three children, all of whom died young. An infant son, b 1881, Dora? and Mary. SAMUEL PINKNEY ELLIS, was b 29 Nov. I854d 18 Mar. 1873? son of William and Eleanor* 21 GEORGE ELLIS GEORGE ELLIS, son of Isaac and Martha (Shipley) ELLIS, was b o m abotit 1814? but we cannot find any information except that he was listed in the 1340 census for Cooper County with a wife and two young children. He was listed next to Isaac Ellis* BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ELLIS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ELLIS? son of Isaac and Martha (Shipley) Ellis? was b o m about 1814 or 1815* He entered land in Pettis County end later sold it. His wife was Elinor? but we have no further information. RACHEL BLLIS RACHEL ELLIS? daughter of Isaac and Martha (Shipley) Ellis? was b o m 26 Sept. 1814 in Kentucky and AieA 1? March 1887 iu Pettis County. She was mar. in 1830 to Francis ADAMS? b 26 Jan* 1812 d 31 Mar* 1887? son of Francis and Mary Elizabeth (HAMBRICK) ADAMS. They are bur. in the Adams-Sowers Cem* in Cooper Go* They haA seven children: Susan Ellen? Mary Elizabeth, Cemantha, Malinda, Martha? James I*? anA George* SUSAN ELLEN ADAMS, b 2 Apr* 1841 A 1? Mar* 1923, was mar. 24 Feb. I859 to John Richard BALL, b 18 Aug 1832 A 3 June 1911? son of John B. (b MA.) and Sarah A* (b Ohio) BALL* Both are bur* at Union Com. They had two childrens John Jess© and Alma Ethel. John Richard Ball also haA a daughter Helen, b Mo. by a first mar* John Jesse Ball? b 12 Aug* 1861 d 19 Mar* 1926 was mar* to Mary Louella BOATMAN b 20 Dec 1866 A 21 Mar* 1948* They are bur* at Pleasant Green Cem* in Cooper Co* They haA three children: Bessie Le© BALL b 3 Jan* 1889? was mar* 16 tor* 1910 to Sewood Murray (Kid) HOOD, b 9 July 1886* Both ar© now deceased* They had two child: Clifford B* HOOD b 1910 lived three weeks*, and Warren M* HOOD b 12 Dec* 1911? mar* 23 Aug. 1941 to Merlen© PAYNE b 28 May 1919* Jesse 0* BALL b I89O lived five months* Helen A* BALL, b 25 Feb* 1892 d 10 July 1954? mar. Cecil W. DECKER b 29 Nov. ?, and died 19 April 1959* Both are buried at Pleasant Green Gem. They had two children: Jesse McClellan DECKER b 1913 d 1936, and William Lee DECKER, b 1915? mar. Sara WORTS 19 Nov* 1939 and has two children Betty Lee DECKER, b 1940 and Sheryl Ann DECKER? b 1944* Alma Ethel BALL? b 9 Sept. 1868 A 9 Feb 1942? bur. at Providence Cem., was mar. 3 Mar. 1886 to William Earl BAKER? b 26 Dec 1861 d 19 Jan. 1911* They had nine children: Alviza E*? Bertha £*? Mary G«? Naomi A»? John Earl, Winifred E., Bemice J.? Randall A*? and Helen A* Alma Ethel was later mar* to 0. Emmett WALKER, b 27 Mar. I858 d 25 Feb. 1929* Alviza B. BAKER b 13 Jan 1887 d 25 July 188? o Bertha E* BAKER, b 13 July 1888 d 8 Oct. 1839* Mary Gladys BAKER b 15 Sept 1890 was mar. 12 Apr. 1910 to St. Elmo EDDINS, b 1891* Thoy had four children: Winifred E. EDDINS b 20 Oct. 1911 was mar. 17 June 1939 to Wayne LUSCOMBE? and has two child: Linda? b 1947 and Randall b 1948. Lillian E* EDDINS b 1916 was mar* 14 Feb* 1937 to Roy MOORE and has one son, Larry b 1938* They are now separated* An infant son b and d 24 Mar. 1925. and Rodger EDDINS b in 1928* 22 Naomi A* BAKER b 2 Apr 1893 was mar. 24 Deo* 1913 to Creed C. ALLEY, b 1885* They thad seven children: Ruth Marie ALLEY, b 17 Dec. 1914 was mar. 22 June 1940 to David BRAY, b 1908, has three children, twinsNaomi and Neta b 1941? and Carol Sue. b1943* Richard Glenn ALLEY, b 22 May 1918, was killed in Tunisia, North Africa, 4 April 1943 in WWII. Mary Martha ALLEY, b 14 Jan* 1920 was mar. 13 July 1942 to D. fi. GORDON, b 1918. They have three children? Jacqueline, b 1946, Gwendolyn b 1948 and Gary b 1950. Cread Baker ALLEY b 21 Aug. 1922 was mar. 1 Jan 1945 to Betty LUECKART?and has two children? Cammie Lou b 1947 and Debrah Jo b 1950. Alma Sue ALLEY b 27 Jan. 1926 was mar* 15 May 1948 to Travor D* REESE and has no children. Sarah Lou ALLEY b 15 Aug* 1927 was also mar* 15 May 1949* She and her sister Alma Sue had a Aoubl© wedding, she mar* Paul STOVER? and has two children, Sh©rry Lou b 15 Deo 1952 and Coral Ray b 13 July 1955. Naomi Joan ALLEY? b 18 Sept 1930 was mar* 13 June 1953 to Raymond C* BEEBE. JOHN EARL BAKER b 20 Sept* 1895 was mar* 4 Apr 1923 to Marie Nicholson b 1906* They had four children: Helen Marie BAKER b 6 Jan 1924 was mar* 20 Sept 1944 to Ralph GUYMON, b 1919 anA has four children? Frederick b 1946 Gregory b 1948, a daughter b anA A 1950? anA Kenneth Eugene b 26 Apr 1953* Will Earl BAKER b 13 Feb 1926 was mar* in 1946 to Billie Joe BROWN, and then divorced* He was killed in an automobile accident 26 Oct* 1950* He had one son Ronald? b 1947- Rex BAKER b 6 Feb. 1928 was mar* 26 June 1950 tc Norma Jean HINES b *931> and has three children John Earl? b 8 Mar* 1951, Pamela Joyce? b 4 F©b 1954? anA R©x Allen b 1 July 1955* Borris EAward BAKER b 8 May 1929 was killed in an automobile accident 20 Oct* 1949* WINIFRED B» BAKER, b Id Oct* 1898 was mar* 12 Dec* 1916 to George Forrest JUDY b 1 Oct. 1893 A 8 Nov. 1954- They had three chilAren: Jack Baker JUDY b 1917 mar. FreAa RIGDON b 1916, has two chilAren Carol Ann, b 1941 and Michael b 1946* Betty Jun© JUDY b 1922 was mar. 25 June 1946 to Harold WRIGHT? b 1922, has one son Harold Alan b 1950* Dick Winston JUDY b 1926 was mar* 9 Nov. 1949 to Doris BARNHART? b 1931, has one son Dick WINSTON Jr* b 1950* Winifred E. BAKER was mar. on 13 July 1955 to Fred B. BURGERo BERNICB J* BAKER? b 22 June 1902 was mar* 4 Oct. 1924 to Edward MANTEL, b 1899? Has two children: James EAward MANUEL, b 17 July 1927? was mar* in 1954 to Alyc© ?? has one son Eric Johnson MANTEL, b 16 Jun© 1955»? and Bemice Joan MANTEL?b 4'Jan* 1940? mar* 9 June 1951 to Walter Dale HENRY bb 1930* RANDALL A* BAKER b 8 Mar* 1905 was mar. 8 Sept 1934 to Helen 3SAL, b 1912? had seven childrens Walter Earl, b 19351 a baby died at birth about 1937; Charles Randall? b I94I5 Joyce Jean b 1944? Terry Lunn, b 1948; twin to Terry Lunn, died at birth; and Jane Baker, b 1950* HELEN A. BAKER b 30 Nov 190? was mar* 30 Apr 1930 to Paul J* GELLA b 1904? has no children* MARY ELIZABETH ADAMS, b 15 June 1835 A 3 Bee i860? daughter of Rachel and Francis ADAMS? was mar* 1 Mar* 1855 to John Walker ALLEN? b 21 Apr 1636 d 8 Apr 1686* They had three children: James Francis, Isaiah? and Mary Ellenc James Francis ALLEN? b 27 May I856 A-24 Feb 1941? was mar* 4 Mar. 1880 to Julia Rebecca 0°Bannon? b 24 Mar* 1861 d 6 July 1902, dau* of John Adam and Susan Nancy (Adams) 0°BANN0N* They had five children: Stella Brown ALLEN, b 22 Dec* 1880 died in 1881 at age of 9 months* Ethel Marie A L L ® b 4 Mar* I884 was mar* 7 Oct. 1903 to Henry Bteeiy MURPHY, was div* 28 Feb. 1905? had no children. She d to June 1963* 23 Arthur 0,j"Bannon ALLEN * b 5 Dec 1889 was marc 15 Aug* 1909 to Cora May IRICK and has one daughter, Maebelle* He was dive reel in Nov* 1948 znd cn 7 Jan. 195° he married Nettie Grace DAVIS* Nettie Miller Davis d 2 June 1962* fiis daughter, Maebelle ALIEN b 11 Bay 1913* v;as mar* 2 June 1935 to Ralph Mo BALLSU? has one daughter Joyce b 14 Aug. 1941* Lena Grace ALLEN b 24 June 1893 d 1894? age 15 mo. Earlene Kathleen Allen? b 3 Sept 1897? was mar. 10 Jan 1931 to George Alfred BLLIS* Isaiah Brown ALLS* b 1858 d 1934* Mary Ellen ALLEN b i860 d 1861 age 10 mo* CEMANTHA JANET ADAMS b 1? Feb. I852 d 28 July 1935* Aau* of Francis and Rachel ADAMS, was mar. 25 Jan. 1877 to David A* BLACK, b 13 Sept. 1841 A 30 Apr* 1916. Thoy had five children: Rae Pearl, Josse, Clevie, Olivo Muriel $ and Virginia Lee* Rae Pearl BLACK? b 4 Apr* 1879 A 16 Dec* 1929 was mar. 27 D e c 1903 to Charles QUIGLSY b 18? 1 A 1950* They had six.children: Anna Vivian, b 18 Oct. 1904 A 28 Dec* 1933* William Adams, b 1 Feb* 1906 d 28 May 1907. Maude Alexander, b 20 Mar* 1908 d 6 Jan* 1914* Catherine Lee b 21 Oct. 1909* Charles b 8 May 1911. Elizabeth Frances b 7 Boe. 1915* Jesse BLACK b 27 Hov* 1880 died at birth. Clevie BLACK b 12 Aug* 1885 A 19 Jan. 1886, bur* Adams-Sowers Cem a Olive Muriel BLACK was b o m 20 Mar. 188?. Virginia Le© BLACK b 17 Nov* 1888 was mar* 1 Oct. 1910 to Earl West MAYHUGH* They have two children: Alexander West MAIHUGH b 19 Nov* 1911 was mar* 19 Nov* 1932 to Dorothy May O'BRIEN? has two children: Gox'a Lee b 5 Mar* 1933 and Virginia Dee b 15 Sept* 1934* Warren Perry MAYBUQH b 1 Nov* 1919? was mar* in 1944 to Marjorie Jeneice McNEAL? has three children: Jeneicc Karen* b 22 Mar* 1945? Roger Warren, b 28 Mar* 1946; and Roberta Lee? b 1951* MALINDA ADAMS A l l Sept* 1893*? daughter of Francis and Rachel ADAMS* She was mar* 9 Bee* 1875 to William H* CAMPBELL, b 1843 A April 5, 1887* They had four children: May Lillian; Frances Rachel; William Lee; anA Annie Grace * May Lillian CAMPBELL b 28 Sept 18?6 A 9 Sept 1893* Prances Rachel CAMPBELL b 6 Sept* 1879 was r*ar* 12 Dec* 1900 to Russell Aubrey CARPENTER,b 18?7? has one daughter, Mary Lou. Mary Lou CARPENTER b 4 Apr* 1903 was mar* 6 June 1J28 to Byron 3o BHIDGER, b 23 Jan* 1900* They have no children* William Lee CAMPBELL b 12 Jan* I883 Annio Grace CAMPBELL, b 19 Apr* 1887* MARTHAn ADAMS, daughter of Francis and Rachel ADAMS, no information* JAMES I* ADAMS, son of Francis and Rachel ADAMS? b 1844 A 1879*s mar* his cousin Martha Jane ELLIS* Their family is listed under Martha Jane ELLIS* GEORGE ADAMS, b 1839 Aied in 1661 in prison Auring the civil War? at the age of 22 yrs 9 rao 26 days* ISAAC ELLIS ISAAC ELLIS, son of Isaac and Martha (SHIPLEY) ELLIS, was b 4 July 1816, d 23 Feb. '1854?' bur. Irwin Cem. He was mar. to Susan Frances HOWARD b 1825 A 19085 believed to be the daughter of Thomas J. and Susan (ADAMS) HOWARD* They had six children: John Martin? twins~Isaac Spencer and Martha Jane, Mary Emily? William Silas? and James Preston. JOHN MARTIN ELLIS, called County-line John because he lived on the FattisCooper County Line.? was b 6 Mar* 184? A 16 Mar. 1935* He was mar. 24 Mar. 1868 to Nanoy Henrietta TAYLOR? b 12 Oct* I85O d 16 Jan. 1935? dau. of James and Martha America (WEATHERS) TAYLOR.They had six children: Cordelia (Cordis) ELLIS b 18?1, was mar. 21 Sept. 1904 to Rufus Marion ELLIS, b 1873? a cousin* He died in 1956* Thoy had nc children* Harve ELLIS, b 28 Mar* 1875 A 24 Dec. 1955? wac mar. 22 Aug* 1897 to Sara Bllen THOMAS, b 25 Nov* 1874 A 4 Oct. 1947? Aau. of James 12. and Sarah Priscilla (KEWMAH) THOMAS* They had eight chilAren: Lowell Leigh Ellis, b 10 Dec* 1898 was mar. 24 Oct. 1925 to Harold J. JOHNSTON, b 10 Juno 1900, son of Davis Walter HULL and Melvina Jane (WHITE) They haA three children: HarolA J, Sharon, anA Linda. Harold J. JOHNSTON b 7 July 1927 mar* 26 May 1956 to Frances Louise ARNOLD? has two children, Harold Kevin b 4 Aug 1958 and Karen Mari© b 13 Jan* 1957* Sharon Louise J 0 3 % STON b 14 June 1933 mar. 18 Hov. 1956 to LeRoy TEH?®, has no children. Linda"" Leigh JOHNSTON b 22 Feb. 1935 mar. 21 Feb. 1954 to George McCOLLUM, has twp chilAren, Sharon Leigh b 3 Oct* 1954 and Donna Michelle b 26 July 1956* Helen Irene ELLIS b 5 Mar. 1901 was mar* 22 Deo. 1921 to Van P. Ellis b 16 Sept 1895 A 16 Apr* 1931, son of Silas and Lucy (CONRAD) ELLIS* He is bur. at the Irwin Cem. They had two chilAren? Teddy Jo Ellis b 1 April in Kansas City, mar. 5 Apr 1942 to Marva Lee ROBERTSON, has one son? Larry Van b 24 Deo* 1944* Hazel Vandean BLLIS, b 2 Nov* ? at Clifton City? Mo* mar. 29 June 1946 to W* W* CECIL? has two sons, Teddy Bill, b 12 Oct* 1943 and David Preston b 20 July 1950* After the death of Van P. BLLIS, his widow Helen mar. in Feb. 1947 to Lawrence LUBCK? HAs two sons, John and Glenn. Lawrence Lueck is now deceased* Hazel ClauAing ELLIS b 5 Mar* 1901 died 10 Nov. 1918. John Glendin ELLIS b 18 Jun© 1903 was mar* 7 Feb 1925 to F e m GROSE b 8 Sept. 1906, dau* of John and Alice (BRYAN) GROSE* Th©y had one son, Harold Glen ELLIS, b 11 Jan. 1927 at Smithton. He was mar. 5 June 1948 to Carolyn BROJZT. They were divorced and on 26 Oct. 1956 ho mar* Roweaa CAMPBELL. She had one son, Joseph Michael, b 21 Feb. 1953 by hev former marriage 1 Harold Glen ELLIS adopted Joseph Michael and ho has a daughter Patricia Ann, b 17 July 1958* James Thomas ELLIS, b 30 Apr. 1906 d 1963/4 was mar. in Apr. 1928 to Jewel 0 B DANIELS? b 24 Aug 1907, dau* of Edwin and Viola Beatrice (DeJarnette) 03DANIEIS* They have two children: James Mayo ELLIS, b 7 Feb. 1937 mar* 8 June 1954 to Betty LITZ, and Priscilla Newman BLLIS b 1 Apr* 1941* Jo BLLIS? b 30 Apr 1906 was mar* 27 Sept. 1924 at Ottervilie to Asa BISHOP? b 6 Dec* 1897? son of John Douglas and Bettie Mary (McCULLOCH) Bishop They have four chilAren: Asa Ellis BISHOP b 8 May 1925 died 3 Jan. 1938; Betty Jo BISHOP b 24 June 1926 was mar. 24 June 1926 to Clifford V!ILKENING? has three children: Ivy Jo b 20 Feb. 1948? twins-Garry A* and Larry B* b 20 Dec* 1950* Nancy Ellen BISHOP b 5 Kay 1928 was mar* 2 Nov* 1946 to Harry Wm. 25 FAMILY m m \ [ ] p i ^ l m.i u m 6fflf. M?*4™ fteyeTf Jr* They have five childrens Billy Joe, b 17 May 1947? Harvey Ellis. b 25 Mar. 1949? ^ o h a McCulloch, b 31 May 1954s James Robert, b 26 July 39555 and Wilda Ann, b 15 Apr. 1957* Shirley Leigh BISHOP, b 11 Aug. 1930 waa mar, 31 July 1954 to Harold R. BOWERS, has one son Mark Allen BOWERS, b 11 liar. lC}'k,^ Ruth ELLIS, b 28 Sspt 190?, was mar. 1 Mar. 1928 to Carl LANDES, b 1 Jan. 1907, son of Charles Monroe and Rosa (Bell)(MOON) LANDES, has two children: Charles Larry LANDES died at birth 3 Nov. 1943- Carl Harvey LANDES, b 2 May 1930 was first mar. 1?'Nov. 1951 to Frances Lou HICKtfAN. He was mar. Sad to Ethel BAKER on 20 June 1954* He has three children: EAwarA Perry b 1 Feb. 1954? Carlene Elizabeth, b 24 Dec. 19565 and Traoey Elaine, b 29 Aug. 1956. Ruby Ellis, b 28 Sept. 1907 was mar. 10 Oct. 1935 to B. G.(Gordon) SMITH, b I? Dec . 1906, son of A. ?. anA Julia (MORRIS) SMITH. They have one daughter, Ruth Diane, b 21 July 1940, who is now married. Carrie ELLIS, b 28 Oct. 1879 A 25 June 1J16, dau. of John ,Martin and Nancy Henrietta ELLIS, was mar. 2 May 1904 to Forrest NORRIS, b 14 Feb. 1678 d 1 Dec. 1954? bur. Irwin Cera. They had five children: Byron Ellis NORRIS, b 1905 was mar. in Apr. 192? to febel SMITH and has twins- Darell and Deivin b 19 Oct. 1928. Everett NORRIS b 1907 mar. Marian Edward, has no children. Charles Homer NORRIS b 1909, was mar. to Dorothy CARPENTER, has one ©osj Jimmy, b 2 Sept 1942. Mildred NORRIS, b 1911? mar. 14 Feb. 1933 to Ernest GOLDSMITH, b 4 D e c , has one daughter Janelle b 2 Jan. 1948. Maud© NORRIS, b 24 Mar. 1914? mar. 2 May 1937 to Henry SUTTON, b 10 Apr. 1914s has three children: Han E., b 25 July 1938? William R. b 4 Oct* 19395 and Sara J./, b 10 Aug. 1943* Mayme BLLIS, b 5 Apr* 1881, was mar. 1 Jan. 1907 to Ben F. KAHRS? b 18 Mar. 18?9 A 1 Sept* 1956. They had three chilAren; June KAHRS, b 1910? mar. Earl EDWARDS, has four children: Bonnie, b 1941 j Earl Bob? b 1943| June Ellen, b 1944| and John Paul, b 195O. Robert Ben KAHRS b 1913? mar. Mildred GOLDSMITH, has on© son, Jeffrey, b 1945* Robert Ben Kahrs b 29 July, A 8 May 1961, mar* 3 June 1935* Edwin KAHRS, b 1908, lived 14 months. Lively ELLIS, b 12 May 1886 A 21 May 1963, bur. Crown Hill Com. mar. 10 June 1907 to Charles A* McMULLIN, b 1 May 1885 d 26 July 1915? *>ur. Irwin Cem. 26 MARTHA JAHE ELLIS MARTHA JANE ELLIS, twin to Isaac Spencer ELLIS, daughter* of Isaac and Susan Frances(HOWARD)ELLIS, was b 2 April I85O d 23 Nov* 1933* She was mar. 6 Feb. 1868 at Otterville to James I. ADAMS, a cousin, b 30 Mar. I846 d 18 Jan* 1S?9* They had four children: Laura Evalinaj Georges Hillary? and Francis* LAURA EVALIffA ADAS®, b 1869 A 1940, was mar* 20 Dec. 1893 to William BALES, b 1863 A 1934? «on of Oliver and Nancy (ROBERTSON) BALES. They had six children: Oliver, Edward? Alda? George Leonard, Beulah, and Homer. Oliver BALES, b 1894, was mar. 15 Sept. 1915 to Ruby ARNI, and has six children: Rufus Oliver BALES, b 1917? mar. Dorothy LAND and has five children, Rufus Mitchell| Doreen $ Perry 5 Sharmans and Roma Olene. John William BALES? b 1921, mar. Mary RAMEY, has three children: John Jr., Beverly Sue, and Ruby Ellen. Elmer Lee BALBS, b 1925, mar. Jewel MURPHY, had three children: Terry Lee5 James Thomas5 and Joyce Ann, b 14 May 1954 d 7 Mar. 1955* Evelyn BALES? b 1927? mar* TanSy NORFLEST? has two boys: David Allen and James Elvis* Wilbur BALES, b 1931 mar. Eonnio GLASSCOCK. Their home is in Sail Diego* Beulah Ma© BALES, b 1934 mar* John Warren LEMONS* Edward BALBS? b 1896 mar* Nettie MANLEY? has two children5 Francis and Gladys. Francis Le© BALES, b 1?18 is mar* to Winnie ? Gladys BALES, b 1922, mar* Norman SANDERS, has two children: a son| and a dau/ Sandra* Alda BALES, b 1899? mar* Viola MANLEY, has four children: Loona Bales, b 1920, nar* Carl MARRS? has two child: Beverly Carol ai\i Stanley* Muriel BALES, b 1926, mar. Edwin LONGWISCH, has two children, Edwin b 1950 and Stewart Allen, b 1951* James W* BALBS, b 1928 mar* Norma PEEL, has two children: Linda gi is anna and Wanda b 195 1 * Dolores BALES, was b in 1936* George Leonard BALES b 1900? died at four months* Beulah BALES? b 1892, mar* Obed NOBLE? has three children: Kenneth Homer NOBLE, b 1922, mar* Mabel SHANNON? has no children. Virginia NOBLE? b 1925, mar. Bobby NIGHTHINE, has one daughter* Laura Margaret NOBLE, b 1927? is married, has no children* Homer BALES? b I9O5, mar. Geraldine GLASSCOCK, b 19105 has one sons Homer BALES, Jr. is married, has three children. Homer Sr. and Geraldine were divorced. H© is remarried, and she is deceased* GEQRGI W* ADAMS, b 18?1 d 1933? son of James I* and Martha ADAMS, was mar* 11 • m u n i — i i i win 1111 mi 1 wi m m .n» . * - • — • — • < . a Jan. 1896 to Frances L* CUNNINGHAM, b 18?9, daughter of Charles CUNNINGHAM* They ht,d four children and one adopted* Marshall ADAMS (adopted) mar* Nora JEFFRIE in 1924* They had two children: Bemeic© Marie? b 1925? is mar*, has a son James Allen* They are now divorce*. • Janes ADAMS, b 1909 mar. Alvina WALLER, b 1921, has five children: Norman Lee, b 1941| Wanda Sue, b 1943? Shirley Marie? b 19465 Sharon Kay, b 1948? CLVA Barbara Virginia* b 195 2 * George ADAMS, b 1911, was mar* 24 Dec. 1931 to Emily Jane MILLER, B 1915* They had seven children: Gecx^ge Hiller, b 1932, tied at birth5 June Mitchell, b 19345 Lawrence Eugene, b 193^5 Mary Ann, b 1939? mar. Aug* 1961 to Carl Norman HOLMAN, son of George H* EOUAHSj Richard. Dev&, b 1942? George Alan, b 1945} aad Paul Wray, b 1947* Jewell Earl ADAMS, b 1917? i» not married. Barney Edward ADAISS? b 1920, mar* 4 April 1942 to Basel Moilster, has one daughter Deanna Kay, V 1.943* HILLARY ADAMS, b 7 Apr. 1874 A 26 Feb. 1954, was mar. to Martha Elisabeth B&BKAU8E, b 1879 A 1950. They had no children* FRAHCIS13*„ADAS& (Frank) » b 1878 d 17 June 1697? age 20 yrs 4 mo. 2? Ae.. After the death of Jaaes I. ADAMS in 1879? bis widow Martha Jane Ellis Adaws mar. John Louis SOWERS, b 24 May I852 A 21 Nov. 1909* They were married 20 July 1380 anA had five children: Louis J5 Stella; Maude3 Emma Edithj and Harry. She and both husbands are bur. in th© Adams-Sowers Cem. STELLA SOWERS? b 4 June 1333 d 6 Dec 1954? was mar. 24 Bee. 1899 to Reilly RICHARDS, b 1878. They had five children: Ollie\ Ira$ Ellen? Daisy; aad Herbert* Ollie Edward RICHARDS, b 29 Oct. 1900, was mar. 23 Doc. 1920 to lola Frances FISHER? b 29 July 1900, dau. of Edw. Cornelius and Dora Leo (Scott) FISHER. Their chilAren are: Edward Leo RICHARDS, b 14 Kov. 1921? was mar. 15 Aug. 1946 to Anna Mae HISSMAN, b 10 Dec. 1924* They have one son, Ronald Linn Richards, b 15 kpr. 1950* Loy Laree RICHARDS, b 4 Jan. 1924? was mar. 8 July 1944 to Margaret Jane HENDERSON, b 23 Deo. 19^4* They have throe children, Lana Kay, b 22 Sept 1945; Michael Loy, b 30 Apr 1950; and Janet Laree, b 9 Jan. 1952. Loell Howard RICHARDS, b 17 Nov. 1926, was mar. in 1949 to Mabel Aleen ABNEY, b 9 Bsc* 1930* They had five children and are now divorced: Sharon Sue, b 2 Dec 19495 Howard Wayne, b 2 Nov. 1950s Roger Dale, b 23 Mar. 19535 Robert Allen, b 28 June 195?* ' Melody Ann, b 10 May 1959* Both are now remarried. Darrell Dean RICHARDS, b 25 Feb. 1936. Patricia Louise RICHARDS, b 2 July 1938 was mar. 25 Nov. 1954 to Lee Gamer WEIR, b 2 July 1932. Their children are: Rickey Lee, b and d 23 Mar. 1955$ Rusty Glenn, b 18 June 1956; and Karen Denise, b 11 Apr. 1953* Ira L. RICHARDS, b 1902, mar. Clara DEITMARHG, has one con. Harold Leo b 1924. Ellen RICHARDS, i. '^04 MAR* Edgar LEFTWICH, b 1904, ha® three children: Bessie Leftwich married John PETERSON* Betty LEFTWICH married Clyde 09NEIL. Charles LEFTWICH, married Doris ? Daisy RICHARDS, b 1907, mar* Ira SMITH, has two sons: Kenneth| and Richard, who is mar* to Katherine BROWN. Herbert H. RICHARDS, b 1909, married Helen SHAW, has one son, Johnny Bill, b 1943* MAUDE SOWERS, b 1885 A 1933, was mar. to Bill SMITH, had one dau. Louise. EMMA EDITH SOWERS*b 1888 A 1946 was mar. to Lewis E. RICHARDS? b 1882 d 1930* They had two children: Clarence, b 1917> was billed in service in 1945; and Carrie, who mar. E. c. MCLAUGHLIN. Harry SOWERS, b 1891 mar. Hannah GIBSON, has four children: Maude, Annabelle, Mariej and Mildred. Maude SOWERS, b 1915 died at birth. Annabelle SOWERS, b 1916, rnar. 2nd a GOSNELL. her children are: Donald Eugene SHIPPS, b 1948| James Michael GOSNELL, b 195I5 and Larry Allen GOSNBLL? b 3 Nov. died 4 Nov. 1956. Marie SOWERS, b 1920, mar. a CHRISTIAN, has two children, Gary, b 1942; and Judy, b 1947. Mildred Lucille SOWERS, b 1926, mar. Jesse W. OAHRIQUS, had three child: Mary Gayle, b 1942, Kathy Lou, b 9 Mar. 1954? was Killed by a truck 5 Juiy 1959; and Rickie EUgene, b 1956. Mildred mar* second 10 Aug* *969 Kenneth Joseph KBHL, son of John Jacob (Jack) KeHL and Stella STULTSISAAG SPENCER ELLIS Isaac SPENCER ELLIS; twin to Martha Jane, son of Isaac and Susan Frances (EDWARD) ELLIS, was b 2 Apr* I85O d in 1919* He was mar. 28 Jan. 1872 to Nancy DEWITT, b Aug* I854 d 1933, both bur. at Irwin Cem. They had four children: Thomas Spencer, inf. son b & d 1873? Minnie, and Clara. Thomas Spencer ELLIS, b 18 Dec. 1873 d 1957? mar- Mattie SMITH, b 16 Oct* I884* They had one son? Carl Shields* Minnie ELLIS, b 23 Apr. 1880 d 6 Got 1^81970, bur. Crown Hill Cem., mar. Will Sam GLENN on 10 Apr* 1906. They had three children: Ellis, Kenneth, and Nadine who mar. a BRANSTBTTBR. Clara ELLIS b 8 June 1891? was mar* 10 Mar* 1908 to Ben B- EMBREE, b 1 Jan 1838, son of James C* and Mary Elizabeth Lee EMBREE. They had six child* Otis Ogle EMBREE, b 13 June 1909*, mar* 13 Aug* 1930 to Vivian a Helen 0 NEIL? b 24 Deo. 1910, dau. of Sam T. and Ella Roberts 0°NEIL* They have two children: Otis Dale and Mary Jane* Otis Dale EMBREE b 28 Oct 1934 at Kit Carson, Colo* was mar* 21 Nov* 1956 to Betty Charleno BARKER. He is an electric engineer at the Whit© Sands Missile Range? and his wife worke for the Mountain States Tel. and Tel. Mary Jane EMBREE, b 20 Aug. 1939 at Kansas City Mo* was mar'. 7 Nov 1959 to Charles V* SMITH, who is a college student and part time patrolman at Las Cruces? N. Mex* Floyd Romie EMBREE,b 13 Aug. 1911 d 6 JaN* 1964* mar. 5 Oct. 1940 to Mabel BROWN, dau* of Sam and Maggie LINDSEY BHOM. They have one son, Stanley Miles, b 1? June 1956* Lucille EMBREE, b 1913 on 4 Nov., was mar. 24 Nov* 1931 at Lamer, Colo* to K* F. (xBEWf b 18 Feb* 1912 at Harrison, Ark. son of Orlando and Dulcie (BURGESS) GREGG* They have three children: Edgar Harold GREGG, b 1 Sept. 1932 at New Truxton, Mo. Darwin GREGG, b 10 Mar. 1935 at Eads, Colo* was mar* 2 Oct* 1951 to Ellen SHALLHORN, and they have four children: Michel Darwin, b 18 Mar. 195^5 C Tarleeri Marie, b 13 Mar* 1955? Charles Leslie Allen, b 22 Dec* 1953? and Rodne^ William, b 16 Apr* 1958. Darwin is a field engineer for the government. Sandra LaVonne GREGG b 25 Mar 1945 at Bend? Oregon. Bemice EMBREE, b 30 Aug 1916, was mar. 26 July 1944 to Jesse B. WA1/TERS* They have four children: Barbara Faye WALTERS, b 16 Apr. 1938 at Pueblo, Colo*, was mar* 17 June I960 to Roy HAMILTON? Jesse Edward WALTERS, b31 Sept* 1945 at Eads, Colo* Danuel Monty WALTERS b 20 Dec« 1947 at Waynesville, Mo* Steven Kent WALTERS, b 28 Apr. 1959 at Versailles, Mo* 29 LeRoy Lloyd EMBREEs b 19 Dec. 1921, was aiar, 31 May 1942 to Dorothy Jean HERNDON, b 1? Jan. 1925 at Sedalia. dau* of Joe and Janie Berry HERNDON. They have four children: Phillip Eugene? b 17 Dec* 1946 and James Ray, b 7 Oct. 1949 at Cheyeime Wells, Colo, and Ben Alan, b 14 May 1952 and GAIL Ann, b 22 Oct. 1956 at Sedalia, Mo* Jex^ell Lillian EMBREB, b 19 July 1930, mar. 24 July 1949 to Herbert August STEINIKB, Jr. b 15 Oct* 1926 at Cheyenne Wells, Colo, son of H. A* and Alma DBICKMAN STEINDCE. They moved to Sharon Springs, Koxu*. in April 1952* He is a locomotive engineer for the Union Pacific Railroad, and she is vice-president of the General Committee Ladies Auxiliary of the Union Pacific Junior OLd Timers, a railroad organization of employees of the entire railroad system. They have thre© children: Paul Neal, b 20 Apr. 1950; David Jai b 10 Mar. 1955; and Susan GAYE, b 9 Aug. 1958, all b o m at Cheyenne Well Do MARY EMILY ELLIS MARY EHILT ELLIS b I856 d 1951, dau. of Isaac and Susan Howard ELLIS, was mar. 21 Mar. 1875 to James Green DILLARD, b I853 d 1927* "hey had three children: Carrie DILLARD, b 18?8 d 1902, was mar. to Harney d. SATTBRWH1TB, b 1874 d 1942* They had two children: Harney Russell, and Vivian Carrie* Bertha Ann DILLARD, b 1881, mar* Ort ORRISON, has one son, Harold, b 1902* Lola Ethel DILLARD, b 1883, mar. Byron STRAIGHT, has two daughters, Carrie Lillian, b 1903, and Bthel Emma, b 1906. WILLIAM SILAS ELLIS WILLIAM SILAS BLLIS, b 7 Oot. 1859 d 16 Dec. 1940, son of Isaac and Susan Howard BLLIS? was mar. 4 Dec. 1879 to Louise CONRAD, b I85? on 21 May and d 25 Apr. 1932, bur. at Hopewell Cem. They had eight children: Clyde W. BLLIS, b 7 Nov. i860 d 1957, mar. Pearl HAMILTON, had six children: Blanche, Annette, Sterna, Elsie? Albion, and John* Isaac S* ELLIS b 16 Nov. 1882, mar* Leila LEE, has three children: Isaac Wm. ELLIS mar.a ROWLEZTTEon 20 Jun© 1944* Genella ELLIS mar. a HARRISON. Juanita BLLIS mar* a DAVIS* Peter Monroe ELLIS b 18 July 1886 mar. Helen Nash, has one sen, Jack. Francis Allen ELLIS, b 5 Aug 1888, mar. 16 Hov. 1907 to Lulu HoHREDE, has five children: Howard? has two children; Judy and Peggy* Darrell, Elmo, Mack and Betty Lou* Orie Asalena ELLIS, b 29 Apr. 1891, mar. 12 Apr 1911 to Ben H. POTTER* She d in 1954* They had two children, both of whom d young* Irma and Jay Quentin* William Roy ELLIS b 18 July 1893, mar. 22 Dec- 1911 to Effie GREMl* After her death, h© mar* again* fie had on© daughter, Lucille, by his first wife, and a daughter June by his second mar* Van Presnell ELLIS, b 3 Sept. 1895 A 1931? mar. 22 Dec* 1921 to Helen Ellis, b 1901* They had two children, Teddy Jo and Hazel, listed under Helen Ellis* John George ELLIS, mar* Travis Hermoine FISHER, b 1904. They had two childeen: Bobby Cean ELLIS, b 1925, was killed playing football for Smith-Cotton High School in 1940* Hadi© Joanne ELLIS, b 1930, mar* Olen Lee AYRBS, has at least two children: George Robert, b 19475 and a daughter, b 22 Sept* 1952* 30 PRESTON ELLIS William or James Preston ELLIS, B 1854? son of Isaac and Susan HOWARD ELLIS, was mar« 29 Nov. 1872 to Mary CONRAD, had six childrens Earl first mar* a Gurney, later mar* Nellie ELLIS* Jessie E* was mar* 19 May 1897 to Meredith PHILLIPS. Ada mar. a CULLERTON* Nellie married Tom JOBNSON. JAMES and Charles — n o information * JACOB ELLIS JACOB ELLIS? b 1819 in Cooper Co* Mo* son of Isaac and Martha (SHIPLEY) ELLIS, died in 1908 in Johnson Co* Mo* H© was mar* 7 Mar* 1839 i& Cooper Co. to Minerva ANDERSON, b 1822 d 18?6, dau^iter of Ambrose ANDERSON. They had nine children: Tabitha Jane, Robert B*, Daniel, William, Georgeanna, Elisabeth, Mary B*, Jennie Rae? and Laura* On Aug* 16 18?7 be mar. Cecelia Jane (BOYD) ROOT. Jacob started his own family cemetery. It is located on route 3 out of Warrensburg. It is well marked and well kept* TABITHA JANE ELLIS* b I84O, was mar. 12 Aug* I858 to Andrew QUINT, b I825. They had five children: Robert Henry QUINT, b I859 d 1945, was first mar. 16 Sept I694 to Susanno Henrietta MARBITZ, b 18?2 d 1896, mar* sscond 26 Oct. 1899 to Viola May EDWARDS b 18?0 d 1924* He had no children* Ernest QUINT, d 1948? nar* first Birdie EDWARDS, had on© son, Ernest who is mar* lives in St* Louis* Edward QUINT, b 22 June 1862 d 2? Oct. 1949? mar* 11 Nov* 1884 to Francisco Anna OSWALD, b 1865 d 1945* *$&*? kad twelve children: Eva Quint, b I885, mar* a WALKER, had two child: Frances, who mar* Joe GODFREY; and Bobby* Rose QUINT, b 1887, mar* C* 0* FREY, has two children: Gladys, who mar* Jess PURDY5 and Clark* Maud© QUINT, b 20 Oot. 1888 d 6 Deo. 1959? mar* in 1909 to August HAPP, has two sons; Walter and Russell. Sh© is buried at Walnut Grove Cem. Florence QUINT, b 1890, mar. a TROUPE, has two children: Ernest; Katie Mae, mar* a TEMPFEL* Ida QUINT? b 1892, first mar. Arthur DEUSCHLS, had four children: Edna Mae, who mar. a MORSE; J. E*; Lloyd Paul; and Arthur Jr. She is now mar. to Louis SOWERS* William QUINT, b 1894? mar* Nelia MORRIS, has three children: Martha Ann, who mar* a BARNHOUSE; Ed J* in service; and Morris Ray in service. George QUINT, B 1896 is not mar* Nella May QUINT b 4 Mar* 1900 d 1 Feb* 1901* Mattie Ellen QUINT1, mar* a BROUGHTON, lives ixi Canada* No children* Etta QUINT was not married* Edward Quint, b 8 Hov* 1906 d 22 June 194? was not married. Silas Quint, twin to Edward, b 8 Nov. 1906 d 21 Dec. 1906* Fannie QUINT was mar* to a Wallace, has no children* William QUINT, b 29 Mar. 186? d 26 Apr. 1956? «ar. 29 Mar. 1898 to Rose VEAL, had three children: henry; Alfred; and Lesley? b 1901 d 1919. Henry Quint mar* Bessie ARMSTRONG, d 1952, had five childrens John Wallace; William who was reported missing in action in Korea 5 July 1950? Carrie Alma, who mar* a MuRPHY; Robert Lloyd: and Lottie Rose* 31 gg^RTJMM^jg3f.Jj^ISt son of Jacob, was b in 1842 d 1378, mar* 24 Feb. 1864 to Emma V. TAVEHER, b 1847 d 1926, dau. of Samuel H* TAVENER. They had sir children: William Silas ELLIS, b 18?2 (census gives age as 1 in 1370) was mar* 3 Dec. 1925 to Nellie C. CLARK* Kate ELLIS was mar* to a HALE* (ag© 4 in 18?0.) Ida ELLIS first mar* a Hitt, second, a HAYS of Warrensburg. Alio© ELLIS mar* David W* LAMB, b 18?0 d 1923* They had a son, Silas, b 1695 A 1897, probably had others. Robbie ELLIS mar. a HAWTHORNE of Warrensburgo This family was living in Johnson Go. Mo. in 18?0* DANIEL BLLIS, b I846 died at age 65 unmaiTied, son of Jacob. WILLIAM ELLIS b I852, d age 35? unmarried, son of Jacob. GSQRQEAHNA ELLIS» b 1855, Aau. of Jacob, mar. John MC DANIELS? had four children: Bd L* b 1873 d 1939? Mary, who mar. a KALLBR; Lillie, who mar. a TACKETT; and Everett, b 1896, died at birth. ELIZABETH ELLIS» dau* of Jacob, died in infancy. MARY B* ELLIS? b 1861 d 1895? daughter of Jacob ELLIS, mar* J* Thomas IVY, had two children: Elmer IVY was not mar* b 1879* Elma IVY mar. a Phillips, has four children: John; Earl; Kelson$ and Marybelle. Earl mar* Mae RHIHER; Nelson mar* a HUSBAUM,- and Marybelle mar* Jim BBCKLEY* JENNIE RAE (VIRGINIA) BLLIS, b 1865 d 1901, daughter of Jacob ELLIS, mar* Jaiaes ADAMS? VTS56 d 1934, bad two children: James Oliver and Gilbert Leslie. James Oliver ADAMS, was mar. 30 Apr* 1906 to Maude Isabell© BROWN? b 1879 d 1942, had three children: Brown Edward ADAMS? b 1909 d 1942* Nadine ADAMS b 1911, mar? in 1930 to Floyd ROGERS? had two child: June Ann ROGERS, b 1931, mar* Wayne L* PHARBS 31 Bee. 19511 and Rita Rae ROGERS, b 1932. Hadin© later mar. Kddi© SMITH 1? Sept 195* • Gordon Douglas ADAMS, Tr 1915 was mar. 10 Apr 1946 to Lovada Ruth ALEXANDRIA, has two children, Douglas James, b 1947? and Larry Eciward, b 195O* - Gilbert Leslie ADAMS, b 1891, was mar. 24 S©pt* 1913 to Blva Jan© LUMBRUN, b 1893* They had three children: Burel Anderson ADAMS, b 1918, was mar* 24 Jan 1942 to Minnie Kay LENT2, has two children: Patricia Kay, b 19435 and Lesa Jane, b 1951* Warren Burdett ADAMS, b 1921, was killed in action in 1944* WWII. Gilbert Harold ADAMS, b 1924, was mar. 21 Apr 1948 to Althea Marie PRYOR, has one daughter, Sandra Lou, b 1949* LAURA ELLIS, daughter of Jacob BLLIS,died young. 32 ROBERT SHIPLEY ELLIS ROBERT SHIPLEY .ELLIS» b 16 May 1822 in Cooper Co. Mo., son of Isaac eaid MaT'^^'lIIPiS'J'"ELLIS, died in V e m o n Co* Mo. about 1888. He married Malinda ANDERSON, sister of Minerva ANDERSON, who was b in Ky, 8 June 1817. They were daughters of Ambrose ANDERSON, who was b in 1778 in SOo Carolina * Robert and Malinda had eight children: Margaret Francos; Americus V., Sallie C ; Jacob J*; Grace Victoria; Robert Franklin; John B.$ and Malinda M* Margaret Frances ELLIS b 7 Feb. 1844? d 11 Sept 1912, unmarried. Americus V. (Rick) ELLIS, b 22 July I846, d 1928, unmarried. Sallic C. ELLIS, b 29 Aug. I848, died in Richhill, Mo. Jacob J* ELLIS, b 28 Aug* I85O, mar. Virginia GILES, had two children: Dulciana and 3ermyc Re died in Richhill, Mo. Grace Victoria ELLIS, b 14 Apr. 1853 mar. David Van BLARCUM. She d in Jan* 1939 near Leeton, Mo* Robert Franklin ELLIS, b 8 June I855 d 18 Mar. 1943? mar* 2 Jan. 1S?9 to Alice Blanch ROOT, b 26 Sept* 1861 d 16 Jan. 1931* She was the daughter of Cecelia Jane and Thomas E. Root. Her mother was Jacob Ellis3 second wife. They had eleven children: Daisy Viola, Dora Caroline, Addie Malinda, Sallie Jane, Thomas Coleman, Effie Franklin, Laura Elsa, Parrie Le©, Cyrus Lanaferd, Christine, and Darward Robert* Daisy Viola eLLIS, b 18 Aug* 1880, mar* in Apr* 1897 to William H. FREEMAN, b i860. They had six childrens Polly C. b 1898; Terry T. b 1899 d 1927? Hm. Stanley, b 1904; Blanch V. b 1905 d 1930; &nma A* b 1909 mar. a SAWYER; and Eula R. b 1912 mar. a BLACK. Dora Caroline BLLIS, b 5 Sept. 1882, mar. 14 Jan. 1914 to L. D* RUSSEL* They have no children* Addie Malinda ELLIS, b 2? Mar. I884? mar. in July 1911 to Howard DUNCAN, had on© son, b 21 Aug. 1913, who was a navy flier in WWII. Salli© Jane ELLIS, b 22 Feb. 1886, mar. 15 Mar. 190? to Francis Thomas SHUCK, b 21 June 18?0 d 25 Mar. 1922. They had two children: Sara Frances SHUCK, b 14 Feb. 1908, now teaching at Central Washington College of Ed, in Ellensburg? Wash, and Anna Blanch SHUCK, b 22 Oot. 1916, now teaching in high school at Ellensburg? Wash. Thomas Coleman ELLIS, b I? Feb. 1838* mar. in June 1911 to Bernice Evelyn KERRIDGE, WHO WAS B 2 Apr. 1892. They havo three children: Merle Allen© ELLIS, b 27 Apr 1912, mar. to Charles Thomas WILLD.MS, b 15 June 1906. They have three children: Charlene Faye, b 29 May 19341 Charles Thomas, b 23 Sept. 1940; and Evelyn Jane, b 27 Sept. 1945* Raymond Coleman ELLIS, b 9 Jan. 1920 was a navy flier in WWII. He mar. Phyllis Fay SEARS b 15 Aug. 1922. they have three children: Linda Sue, b 7 oot. 1945? Ray Coleman, b 12 Jan. 1947I -and Lisa Fay, b 7 Mar. 1949* Paul Jacob ELLIS, b 9 Sept* 1924 mar* Betty Blanche NEWBERRY, b 26 Feb* 1922* they have one daughter Vera Lynn? b 13 Dec* 1951 •" > Effie Franklin ELLIS, b 30 Sept* 1890 was mar. 2 Apr. 190? to Robert Clyde LITTLE. They have three children: Roberta Caroline, b 22 July I9O85 Dempster Clyde, b 1 Jan. 1916; and Robert Franklin b 8 Nov* 1919? who was married 3 March 1944 to Jane LATTA. Laura Elsa ELLIS was b 13 Aug* 1892 d 16 May 1913* Parrie Lee BLLIS, b 27 July 1894? was mar* 11 Apr. 1914 to Burl Plez PRIM, b ? Mar. 1889, has one son, Burl Ray PRIM, b 11 Oct. 1922, mar-* 23 Dec* 1948 to Mary Nadine LYNCH, has two children: David Hay, b 22 Sept. 1949? and Nancy Ann, b 31 Jan. 1952* 33 Gyrus Laasferd ELLIS, b 17 Oct. 1897, unmarried* Christine ELLIS, h 28 Aug* 1899, died in 1900. Durward Robert ELLIS, b 16 Apr. 1903, mar* 2 Tec* 1924, has one daughter, b 13 Sept. 1925? who is married and has no children* John B* ELLIS, b in 1857 was unmarried. Malinda M. ELLIS, b 6 Deo* 1860 died i n 1951* She was married to Thomas Van BLARCUM. JAMES M. ELLIS JAMES M. ELLIS, youngest son of Isaac and Martha (SHIPLEY) ELLIS, was b i n 1825 in Cooper Co. Mo. He was mar. in 1845 to Jane SCOTT, b 1S29 in Cooper Co* daughter if Hiram Calhoun and Mary (ANDERSON) SCOTT* He and his wife left Cooper Co* after the death of his mother in the l860°s. They first moved to Henry Co* then Vemon Co. They thenfcetwentto Kansas and to Texas. ^'hey finally returned to Missouri, to Newton Go* finally settling in Dads Co* where he resided in 188?• He was a corporal in the Missouri Militia during the civil war. They are both buried in tho Lefler Cem, near Schell City. Mc> They had the following children: William B.; Almarinda, b 1847; Angeline, b 18511 H* Luther, bl853j George R. b 185?; Amanda, b 1861; James 0. b 1863? Elizabeth, b 186?5and Isaac Spencer, b 1870* WILLIAM B* BLLIS, b 21 Jan* I846 d 19 Aug. 1936? mar. 19 Dec* 1869 to Elisabeth M* BACON, who was b in St. Clair Co. on 27 Jan* 1853? d 28 Mar* 1935* Sh© was the daughter of James L. BACON? from whom Bacon Township took Its name* They settled in Vemon Co*, Post Office Eldorado Springs* in 1869« Previous to that he had lived three years on a farm northwest of Schell City. Besides a tract of 113 acres on which he lived, he had ?6 acres in St* Glair Co* They had th© following children: Lydia J* ELLIS, b 15 oot 18?0, unmarried, lived in Walker. Mo.(1952) James 0* ELLIS, b 10 Feb* 1872, mar* Elizabeth RBXRQAD, has no children? lives at Paul, Idaho* William P* BLLIS, B 19 Jan. 1874, mar. Eraial FLAGG* Thoy live in El Dorado Springs, Mo* have two sons: Kenneth, mar. Marie BENTOH? has c :e son, Kenneth; and William Flagg, mar. Vivian VICKERS, has two daughters, Gwendolyn Sue and Vicky. Isaac Spencer ELLIS, b 21 Mar* 1876 mar.tfiltseePOTTER, lives in Walker, Mo. They have two children; Isaac Bamett, has two children, sxid. Abbie, who has two children* Lucy H* ELLIS, b 1? Jan 18?8 d 2? Aug. 1837 Leslie BLLIS, b 14 Aug* 1880 mar* Ruth MAJORS, has ono son, Lester Wilmont? who mar* Mary DOSS and has one son, Charles Leslie. They live near Schell City, Mo* George B* ELLIS b 18 Mar* 1883 d 28 Hov* 1914? was not married. Elizabeth ELLIS, mar. Tommy H E M and lives in Harwood, Mo* They had three childrens William Eugene? who was killed in an automobile accident; Bamett ELLIS, who is not married; and Braxtou ELLIS, who mar* Setty FHIAR and has two children Linda Jo and Landon Eugene. Braxton and his family live in Kansas City, Mo* The following members of this family are buried in the Lefler Cemetery* William B* Ellis and wife Robert Shipley Ellis and wife George B* Ellis Elisabeth 13. Ellis b 27 J&xi I853 cl 2 d Lucy Mo Ellis &*** 1535 34 -f. 1 • ! Ill IT '" ' • - " - " » — ' w "» V> « / ELIZABETH KINDRED ELLIS ELIZABETH KINDRED ELLIS, b 1828 d I85O, youngest child of Isaac and Martha (SHIPLEY) ELLIS, married John Wesley LEFTWICH, b 1626 d 1887* They had one son, Cornelius Alexis. CORNELIUS ALEXIS LEFTWICH, b 1849 d 1928, was married 20 Ves* 1868 to Caroline ELLIS? a cousin, b I852 d 1933* Their family is listed under Caroline Ellis, daughter of John and Malinda* ABRAHAM ELLIS ABRAHAM ELLIS (ABRAM), b 1785? son of Isaac and Elisabeth (SFSHCER) ELLIS, brother of Isaac Spencer ELLIS, was probably b o m in No. Gar. He married. Cecelia JOHNSON? cousin of President Andrew Johnson, and made his home in Bedford Co* Tenn* where he died during the war of 1312. Ke left three children: Elisabeth, Willis and Susannah. After the death of Abraham ELLIS? his widow serried Reec<> T!UGHESj a wealthy plantation owner in Kentucky with six children.. He made many trips to Memphis, Toxin* to have his cotton and tobacco hauled to be shipped by boat. On one of these trips he met the widow Ellis* After he had made a few trips, visiting her each time, h© asked her to marry him on the ne:ct trip* The family joined made nine children and they had eleven more, making a total of twenty children when they moved to Missouri. Two of her children married two of his* The BLLIS family: Elizabeth Ellis mar* William SHIPLEY, b 1800 Susannah ELLIS b 1811 mar* Dr. Samuel HUGHES Willis P. BLLIS mar. Keziah HUGH1S in Ky. 24 Aug* 1826. The HUGHES FAMILY BY th© first mar. Samuel b 1800 Tenn* ' roar* Susannah Ellis - dau* of Abraham Mary (Polly) b 1803 Tenn Enoe EATON Keziah b 1809 Tenn* mar* Willis Pr. ELLIS -^- son .of Abraham Eleanor b 1810 Tenn mar* Wm* Shipley WLLIS - son of Isaac Spencer Abiga b 1811 Tenn never Riarried & . 1841 Jennie b 1815 ? mar. Jehu RUE Tho Hughes family by the second marriage* Sallie b 1814 Tenn mar* Enoch G* WEATHERS Reec© b 1816 Tenn* mar* Sarah Ann BURGH William S. b 1819 mar* Julia MITCHELL b 1829 Celia b 1821 mar* Wm* SWANSON Lucinda b 1823 Nancy b 1824 mar* Wm* P* DILLARD James H* b 1826 mar* Elizabeth BURGH Andrew Jackson b 1830 Christopher Columbus b 1830 mar* N* J* HOWE Benjamin Franklin b 1830 mar* Kat© KIDD George b 1829 *aar* Mary BURGH WILLIS P. ELLIS WILLIS P. BLLIS, b 1800-1810 d before i860, was mar. 26. AUJT. 1826 in Kv, or '1'onn. to Keziah HUGH^, b 1309 Term, d I865. As he came to Missouri in 1818 with Isaac ELLIS, his rtncle, he evidently wont back to Term, to induce the rest of his family to come to Missouri. After his death, his widow married Fleming MITCHELL. His children were: Julia Ann ELLIS b 1827 mar. 1 Sept. 1847 in Pettis Co. to Francis Covington. They had a daughter Ezelle Frances COVINGTON, who mar. Edw. HAYHES 3 Nov. 1869* They are buried at Mt. Herman Cem. Abram R. ELLIS b 1830 d 4 July 1880 at Leadville, Colo* was mar. 23 Mar* I856 in Pettis Co. to Eleanor Pettis CRAVENS b 1832 d i860 Pettie Co., bur* at Mt. Herman Cem. They had two children: Charles, b 16571 and Lucinda? b I858* He married second Mollie MILLER, dau. of Blackburn MILLER. She d $ Feb. 1898 at Steamboat Springs, Colo*, bur. at Pueblos Colo. John Johnson BLLIS b 1832 d age 92 at Pueblo, Colo, was mar. 6 Dec. 1355 Nancy CARD, dau. of Josiah and Sarah ( D I L U H D ) CARD* He had one dauSally, b 1859* Mary Keziah ELLIS b 1834 d 1919 mar. about 185? (prob. Cooper Co.) to James Dillard MITCHELL, son of Fleming H. and Marjorie Ellen (DILLARD) MITCHELL* Their children were: Dr. John Ellis Mitchell 1872-1949 mar. Sallie ELMORE, b 1830. Thomas A. MITCHELL 1859-1928 mar. Minnie M* b 1872 d 1944* Dr. H* B. MITCHELL d 1917 Dr. James Dillard MITCHELL mar. Ruby E. DAVIS. William MITCHELL Nellie MITCHELL mar. a BRASHEARS Lucinda Keziah MITCHELL 1863- mar. Leonidas LUTHER Julia MITCHELL mar. a SMITH* Sarah Elizabeth ELLIS b I836 d 1864 mar. about 1853 Cooper Co. Henry Cls.y TAYLOR b 18 Feb. 1831 d 11 Mar* 1915? son of Lavinia TAYLOR b 1800 Ky. Their children were: Willis Ellis TAYLOR 1854-1936 mar. 1876 Willis Ayres GRIN3TEAD I856-I95O* They had three children: Roy E* married Carrie LOWER; Sallie Valonia mar. a HURT; and Ollie mar. Bess DOWNS. James L* TAYLOR b I856 John TAYLOR b I858 Mary Nichols TAYLOR* Celia Susan ELLIS b 7 July 1842 d 6 Nov. 1937 was mar* 19 Oct* 1866 to Henry Clay SA)f TAYLOR, who had first married her sister (soe above)* Their children were: Harry, Dr* John, Carlisle, Sylvia McOULLY, Sallie Ezollo SWARTZEL, Virgie HUFF, Constant Pemberton, and Maude STAPLES. Willis Fresnell BLLIS, b 1844 d Colorado, was not married. Lucinda Virginia BLLI§, b 1847 mar* 2 fey 18?0 to George W. SHIPLEY, b 1842 d 1881*, son of Geo* W. SHIPLEY b 1809 and Elizabeth ELLIS b I809. She mar* second on 4 June 13B2 to James MCCABE* (his second mar.) note- America P. MCCABE, d 13 May 1880 age 35? first wife of James McCabe. Eleanor Pettis Cravens was the dau of Chas. M* CRAVENS & Lucinda* Willis P* ELLIS was the first elected sheriff in Pettis Co. He is bur. at the Georgetown Cem* 36 DILLARD James DILLARD came to Cooper Co* of that county, probably before I8I5. His wife was Major ?• She was related early settlers of Boonville, and they with his family in the very early days He died in Cooper Co* 22 DQO* I836. to the Cole families who were the all came to Missouri together. Their children were: Joseph Mary Ann Marjorie William Abraham Nancy dec^d before I836 raar< (Polly) b 29 Jan. 1?96 Ellen b 2 June 1797 b ca 1800 b 4 May 1801 b 20 Dec* 1802 :Lived in Texas Jane Clayton HURT lar* e» Fleming Mitchell b 1795 tt b ca 1800 Jan© lived in Tennessee ti William POTTER Stephen b 4 Mar* 1806 Phoebo b 11 May 1808 « Wm. P. RETHERP0RD b I815 Sarah b 19 Sept 1810 « Josiah CARD b 1810 Ann mar. in Howard Co* 20 Feb 1832 Peter FLEMING. Children of William and Jane DILLARD Nicholas b 1816 mar. 28 Mar. 1839 Eliza SHANNON Majer " William STEVENS Phebe b 182? " Thomas H* ADAMS Hil&ian P* b 1328 « Nancy Virginia HUGHES Mary G. (Polly) 1» 24 Dec 1831 d 24 Aug 1905 mar* 25 Aug* 1853 James R. BLLIS Joseph b 27 Mar. 1833 d 31 Jan 1891 mar. 19 Jan. 1854 Mary E . K. BLLIS Hiram Christopher b 1834 mar. Martha HOWARD James b 29 Dec. 1839 d 13 July 1891 mar. 15 Dec. i860 to Malinda ELLIS Andrew Jackson b 1840 Thomas P. b 1841 mar. 18 Feb* I864 Mary HOWARD* RAMEY James Ramey b 1?80 d I848 came from Clark Co. Ky* to Howard Co. Mo* fie settled in what was later Pettis Co. in 1822* His wife was Elizabeth Kindred, dau of William. their children were: Malinda b 1810 in Kentucky mar. John ELLIS William K* b 1812 mar. Ellender P. WASSON Daniel b 1813 mar. Jane Harris David Stout b 1818 mar. Eliza G* RICE JAMES Jr* b ca 1816 John b ca 1815 James RAMEY married second Eliza about I84O and had one son Thomas W* b ca 1843* ADAMS Jacob ADAMS 1?60~1833 b Virginia, served in the Virginia Troops in the Revolutionary War, died in North Carolina in 1833* He was mar* in 1?80 to Mary STAMPER, who'died in 1830* Their son, John ADAMS, was b o m in 1792 in Wilkes Co. N« Car. H© served in the war of 1812, came to Missouri in 1834 and died in June, 18?0 0 Ho was 37 carried in 1813 to Abigail ? 1793 to 1849* They had ten children: Daniel b Dec. 1813 d 1&92 mar. Susan MG CREARY b 1821 d 1911 Susan Elizabeth Abigail b 22 Jan 1818 d Mar. 1887 mar. Jacob PICKAS Thomas b 10 Mar. 1820 d 4 Jas 1888 mar. Susan Ann PARMAN, d Aug. 1910 Abraham Andrew Jackson b 1824 d 1681 mar. I848 Elizabeth D. ADAMS b 1827 Margaret Hugh Jane d 9 Apr. 190? George ADAMS Francis ADAMS I78&-I85O was the son of Godfrey and Lillian or Gillian Martin ADAMS. They settled in Cooper Co. about 1818, probably coming with the Ellis and Shipley families. He mar* Mary Elizabeth Hambrick, who wac th© daughter of Enoch and Mary HAMBHICK. (Enoch died in Cooper Co* in 1834*) Th© children of Francis and Mary Elizabeth ADAI£> viere: Susan 1806-1883 mar. Thomas J. HOWARD Ignatius I8ICW846 mar. Julia Ann TAYLOR 1817-1855 Francis 1612-188? mar. Rachel ELLIS 1814-1887 John M* Thomas H* 1822 mar. Phoebe DILLARD The children of Ignatius and Julia Ann were: Francis M* 1834 James H* 1837mar. Dulciana JOHNSON Susan Nanoy 1838-1876 mar. John Adam 0< BANNON 1826-18?8 John T. 1840-1912 mar. 6 Feb* 1877 Sarah F. BOATMAN 1850Samuel 1842 mar* Betty BLYTHE Ignacious 1844William 1845/ After the death of Ignatius ADAMS, his widow was mar. 13 March 1849 to James H. JOHNSON, b Va* Omitted on page 14 James H. DILLARD, b 16 June 1890 d 24 May 1922, bur. Hopewell Cem., eon of Bonj. Franklin DILLARD., was mar. 14 May 1914 to Alma Rose SWOPE, b 12 Feb. 1895, dau. of Malachi K and Laura Ann WASSON SWOPE. They had three childrens Hazel Marie DILLARD, b 1916 nr. Hughesville, d 1? Dec. 1927. Lucille DILLARD, b 6 June 1942, was roar* 1? Apr* 1938 to Charles N. DYER, has seven children: Larry Chas*, b 19 Sept 1940? mar* 9 Bee 1959J Masilyn K*, b 8 June 1942; Linda Joyce, b 6 Sept 1944$ Cheryl Lou, b 1? Aug. 1950; Jimmie Joe, b 29 Mar. 1953; Deborah Ann, b 30 Dec. 1955; and David Allen, b 21 Oct. 1957* Rosalie DILLARD, b 10 Feb* 1920 was mar* first in 1942 to W. B* DAHIELS, div. in 1949* She mar. again on 7 «*une 1950 to Floyd W* SHANE. Her children are Janet Rose DANIELS, b 25 Mar 1946; Carol Ann DANIELS, b 5 Sept* 1947J and Michael Dillard SHANE b 19 Apr 1951* 38 INDEX ABNEY 28 Mabel Aleen ADAIR 12 Leatha ADAMS Abigail 38 Abraham 38 Andrew Jackson 38 Barbara Virginia 2? Barney Edward 28 Bemiece Mari© 21-27 Brown Edward 32 Burel Anderson 32 Cemantha Janet 24 Daniel 38 Deanna Kay 28 Douglas James 32 Bliz* Abigail 38 Eliz* D* 38 Francis 22-23-24-38 Francis M* 38 28 Francis S* 24-28-38 George 28 George Alan 28 George Miller 27 George W* 32 Gilbert Harold 32 Gilbert Leslie 38 Godfrey 32 Gordon Douglas 28 Hillary 38 Hugh 38 Ignacious 38 Ignatius 37 Jacob 27-32 Janes 21 James Allen James I* 24-27 38 James M* 32 James Oliver 38 Jane 28 Jewell Earl 37 John i? Johnie 38 John T* 28 June Mitchell 32 Larry Edward Laura Evalina 27 38 Lillian or Gillian 23 Lawrence Eugene ADAMS Lesa Jane 32 Malinda 24 Margaret 38 Marshall 21-2? Martha 24 Martha Jane (Ellis) 28 Mary Ann 28 Mary Elizabeth 23 Nadine 32 Norman Lee 2? Patricia Kay 32 Paul Wray 28 Rachel 23-24 Richard Dean 28 Samuel 38 Sharon Kay 27 Shirley Mari© 27 Susan 25-38 Susan Ellen 22 Susan Nancy 23-38 Thomas 38 > Thomas H* 37 Warren Burdett 32 Wanda Sue 2? 38 William AKlNS Ila Jane 3 ALEXANDRIA Lovada Ruth 32 ALLEN Arthur 0*Bannon 24 Earlene Kathleen 24 Ethel Marie 23 Isaiah 23-24 James Francis 23 John Walker 23 Lena Grace 24 Maebelle 24 Mary Ellon 23-24 Stella Brown 23 ALI$Y Alma Sue 23 Cammie Lou 23 Cread Baker 23 Creed C* 23 Debra Jo 23 Mary Martha 23 Naomi Joan 23 Richard Glenn 23 Ruth Marie 23 Sarah Lou 23 Ambrose Eliza James Douglas Malinda Mary Minerva Roy Ruth ANDREWS Louetta ARMSTRONG Bessie AMI Ruby ARNOLD Frances Louise Mary C* AUSTIN 0* D. Orville Dillard Oatrioia Louis© ATKINSON John M. John Monroe Margaret Susan Mary Louise AIRES George Robert Olen Lee BACOH, Eliz. H. James L. BAILEY, Bliz. Bllen Milly BAKE, ? BAKER, Alviaa E. Bemice J. Bertha ].. Charles Randall Dorris Edward Ethel Helen A. Helen Marie Jane John Earl Joyce Jean Mary Gladys Naomi A. Pamela Joyce Randall A. 31-33 15 13 33 11-34 31-33 13 15 19 >? 2 ? 25 20 15 15 15 6 15 15 15 15 30 34 34 20 19 17 22 23 22 23 23 26 23 23 23 23 23 22 23 23 23 23 BAKER, Rex 23 Rex Allen 23 Ronald 23 Terry Lunn 23 Walter Earl 22'23 Wm. Earl 23 Winifred E . 27 BALES, Alda 2? Beulah 2? Beulah Ma© 27 Beverly Su© 2? Dolores 27 Doreen 27 Edward 2? Elmer Le© 2? Evelyn 27 Francis 27 Francis Lee Geo* Leonard 27 Gladys 27 Homer 27 Homer Jr* 27 Janes Thomas 27 Janes W* 27 John Wn* 27 John Wn* J r . 27 Joyce Ann 27 Leona 27 Muriel 27 Oliver 27 Perry 27 Roma Olen© 27 Ruby Ell©n 27 Rufus Mitchell 2? Rufus Oliver 27 Sharaian 27 Terry Lee 27 Wilbur 27 William 27 Winnie 2? BALL, Alma Ethel 22 Bessie Le© 22 Helen A* 22 Jesse 0* 22 John B* 22 John Jess© 22 John Richard 22 Sarah A* 22 BALLBU, Ralph W . 24 BANKS, ? 20 BARKER, Betty Charlene 29 BARLEY, Nora 3 BARLOW, D o m Sue Hazel Lorena BARLOW, James Frederick James Fred'k III Nancy Lorena Pamela Jean Skerry Lynn Wm* McDonald BAHNHART, Doris BARNHOUSE, ? BARR, Kathe Mary Jan© Ralph Willian EASTON, Mrs. Floyd BATTS, Albert Adolph Jefery Allan Nancy Jan© BEAL, Helen BECKENHOLDT, W* B* BBOKLBY, Jin . BEEBE, Raymond C* BEEDLE, Sylvia Mary BENNETT, Billy Caroline Diane Frances Robert Enersen W. B* Wn* N* BENTON, Marie BBHNAUGH, Martha Bliz* BEKRIDGE, Bemice Evelyn BERRY, Janie BICHBL, Sandra Joanne BIDSTRUP, Chas* B* Martha Joiner (Holman) Rebecca Elisa Birkstresser, Fhila BISHOP, Asa Asa Ellis Betty Jo John Douglas Nancy Ellen Shirley Leigh BITTNBR, Wm* G* BUCK, ? Clevie David A* Jesse Olive Muriel Rae Pearl Virginia Lee 4 4 4 4 4 4 23 31 8 8 8 8 15 10 10 TO 23 15 32 23 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 14 34 28 33 30 4 4 4 4 11 25 25 25 25 25 26 4 33 24 24 24 24 24 24 BLYTHE, Betty BOATMAN, Mary Louella Sarah F* BODSHHAMER, Chas* 0* Lawrence Warren BOLCH, Eliz* BOOTS, Joanne BORDEN, Mary Lee BOWERS, Harold R. Mark Allen BOYD, Abe Belle Benjamin Carrie James Jin John Laura B* Susan BRAKSTBTTER, ? BRASHBABS, ? BRAY, Naomi David Carol Sue Neta BRHK2SR, Byron B* BRIDGES, Jas* W* BROCK, Mal*nda BRQDT, Car .lyn BROWN, Billie Joe Florence Katherine Maude Isabelle Mabel , San Stanley Miles BROUGHTON, ? BROWNFIELD, Mabel BROYLES, Sarah 0* BRUCB, Bona Granville Y* Ida Isaao Isaac M. Isaao Odin Izola John W* Lena Minnie Oscar B* Frice Rebecca Robert 38 22 38 11 11 11 12 15 15 26 26 14 14 14 14 14 4 14 14 14 29 36 23 23 23 23 24 11 1 25 23 14 28 32 29 29 29 31 19 9 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 BRUCE, Sarah C* William BRUMMITT, Billy Jo Pred BRYAN, Alice BUFORD, Naomi BURCH, Eliz* Mary, Sarak Arm, BURGER, Fred B. BURGESS, Dulcie BURKETT, ? 20 20 13 13 25 12 35 35 23 29 11 GALLAIS, Joan C* 4 CAMPBELL, Annie Grace 24 Dorothy 26 Joe* Michael 25 Frances Rachel, May Lillian 24? Rowona 25, Wn* H* 24? Wn* Lee 24 CANIPAX, Ada Blanche 8 CARD, Josiah 36-37 Nancy 36, Sally, 36, Sarah (Dillard) 36. CARDEHAS, Lena 17 CAR1SOT, Mathilda 13 CARPENTER, Dorothy 26 Mazy Lou 24, Russell Aubrey 24, CARR, Jerry Dudley, 15 John Morris 15, Morris H*15 CARSOS, Charles 12 Charles Scott 12, Doris Ametta 12, Harriet Arm 12, Samuel T* 12 CARTER, ada Mary 4, Benj* Anna 2, 6, Bertha Frances 4? Carolyn 4, Catherine Louise, 4, Charles Oner 4? Cora Octavia 4, Bora May 3? Dorothy 4, Edwin Forest 4, Ernest LeRoy J Frederick Ernest 4, Florence Nell 4-5? Grace May 4? Isaac Ellis 4-5, Isaac McDonald 2-4, Jack 4, Janes McDonald 4, James Nolan 4-5? Janes R* 18, Janes Ramey 2-4, Janes Raymond 5? Jesse 2, Jessie Maude 3, J©Ann 5, John Jesse 2-3? Mrs* Jos* 2, Jos* Franklin 2-5, Jos* McDonald 5, Leonard Ernest 4, Marjorie 55, Martha Ann 3-4-5-6-7 CARTER, Mary Beatrice 4, Mazy Malinda 2-6, Mildred Hazel 4? Olive 4? Pat 4, Ralph Forest 4? Rhoda Marie 4-5? Robert LeRoy 5, Rutk 4, Ruth G* 5, Sophia Jones 2-3, Tinny 4? Victoria Lee 3? Willie Frances 3, Wm. Franklin 5, Wn. Martin 2-3-4-5-6-7, CASB, Sana 20 CAUSEY, Brian Keith 3 Chas. Ill 3, Chas* F. Jr* 3? Sheryl Beth 3 CECIL, David Preston 25 Teddy Bill 25, W* W* 25 CELIA, Paul J. 23 CHRISTIAN ? 29 Gary 29, Judy 29 CHRISTIE, Virginia A* 4 CLARK, Nellie C* 32 CLAYTON, Don. 8 CLOPTON, George 3? John R. 3 CLOSTERMAH, Geo* 14? Willian 14 COLLIER, Jane 15, Rickey 0°Brien 15, Warren Charles 15 COLLINS ? Jr* 9 COMBS, Arab 3 CONRAD, Louise 30 Lucy 25 Mary 31 COCK, Harriett 3 COOPER, Dick 15 Harriett Eliz. 15 Josephine CAnille 15 COVINGTON, Ezelle Frances 36 Francis 36 COX, Earl 12 Judith 12 Richard Barl 12 Shirley Lou 12 ORABTRBB, John Henry 5 CRAVENS, Eleanor Pettis 36, Charles 36 Lucinda 36 CRAWFORD, J* D» 7 CROMER, Martha 12 CROUCH, Maude 14 CULLEHTQN ? 31 CUHBTON, Larry 11, Everett 11, Willian 11 CUSICK, Albert Jo 10, Allen Ray 10, Evelyn 10, Shirley 10, Wilbum 10 CUNNINGHAM, Charles 27, Frances L* 2? DAMM, Carl 9 DANIELS, Carol Ann, 38, Janet Rose 38, W* B* 38 DAVIS ? 30, Nettie Grace 24 DECKER, Betty Lou 22, Cecil W. 22, Jesse McClellan 22, Sheryl Ann 22 Wm* Lee 22 DBICKMAN, Alna 30 BATON, Bnoo 35 DEITMARIHG, Clara 28 EDDINS, Lillian E* 22, Rodger 22, St* Blno 22, Winifred B« 22 DeJARNETTE, Eliz* 16, Viola Beatrice 25 EDWARDS, Birdie 31, Bennie 26, Earl 26, DeWITT, Nancy 29 Earl Bob 26, John Paul 26, June Ellen DEUSCHLE, Arthur 31 ? Arthur Jr* 31 ? 26, Lois 20, Nancy 20 Viola May 31 Edna Mae 31? J*E**31? Lloyd Paul 31 EQ0LBST0N, Dr* 20 DICKBRSON, Capt* A* E. .14 « ELLIS, Abbie 34? Abraham 1-35? Abram 36? DIFPBNDAFFER, Cecil Glenn 12, CheTc Ada 31? Ada Florence 15, Addie Malinda A* 12, Debra Blaine 12, Gary Lynn 12, 33, Albion 30, Alice 32, Alnarinda 34, Gordon Ross 12, Harold Scott 12, Amanda 34? Americue V* 33, Angeline 34, i Ivan Henry 12, Larry Scott 12, Annette 30, Barry 19, Benj* Franklin 1-2^ Melvin Lee 12, Mildred Virginia 12, 14-22, Ignii^L, Bethunia 17, Betty 19, Be7 Myrna Lee 12, Nancy Kathleen 12, PamBetty Lou 30, Blanche 30, Bobby Dean 30, ela Jean 12, Roy Ivan 12, Russel Carl 13, Caroline 35? Caroline Pamela 2Glen 12, Virgil Price 12* 16, Carl Shields 29, Carrie 26, Cecelia DILLARD, Abraham 37? Any 14, Andrew Keziah 20, Celia Susan 36, Charles 31, Jackson 37? Ann 37? Anna 10, Ben A* Charles Leslie 34? Cheryl Nadine 13, 14, Benj* Franklin 14,38? Bertha Christine 34? Clara 29, Clara Eleanor Ann 30* Blanche 14,15? Bryan 14, 19? Clyde W* 30, Cordelia 19-25, Cyras Carrie 30, Delia 10, Dorothy 10,15, Lansferd 34? Daisy Viola 33, Ban 9? Daniel Barl 10, Frances 10, Gertrude 10, 32, Darrell 30, Dora Caroline 33? Bova Hazel 10, Hazel Marie 38, Herbert B* 10, Lillian 15-16, Dulciana 33, Durward Robert Hiran Christ«r 37? Isaac 10, Isaac L. 11, 34? Earl 31, Edith 19, Edward 8-19, Effie Franklin 33? Elan 9? Eleanor 9-20-21-22, Jamas 14,37? James B* 14? James H. 14 Elisha Mosby 8, Eliz. 32-34-35-36? Elii*, 38? James Thomas 15, Janes Wn. 10, ;indiedj-16^17~35? Eliz* Spencer 3! Jane 10,37, Jewel 10, John 10, John E. 11, Joseph 10,11,37, Josie 10, Kenneth Elm6~35jrBl»ie 30, Emma 30, Emmett 3? Estelle 19? Eugene 19, Evelyn 9? Francis 15, Lena 14? Leslie A.10, Lola Ethel 30, Lucille 38, Major 37, Manie 10, Mar-Allen 30,^Frank 9? Genella 30, Geo* 1-22, George Alfred jorie Ellen 37, Mazy 10, Mary Ann 37? ~ ------ 24, Georgeanna 32? Geo* B. 34? Geo* R* 34? Geo* Shipley 2-16-19-20, Mary 0. 8?37? Mazy Malinda 14? Mazy Manie 11, Minnie Bell, 14? M* Pearl 14, Grace Victoria 33, Gwendolyn Sue 34, fiadie Joanne 30, Harold Glen 25, Harve 25, Nancy 37? Neoma 14? Nicholas 37? Opal Hazel 30, Hazel Clauding 25, Hazel Vandean 14, Paul 15, Phoefce 10-11-37-38, 25, Helen 30, Helen Irene £5, H* Luther 34? D l S M l ^ no « f l ^ K vy « a w l % u,..^ *A « Rosalie 38, Sarah 37? Sarah Eliz*J4-15* H c m a r d 3 0 | I d a 3 2 > l r & 8 > I r v i n % U a a c Stephen 37? Tom 14-15? Tommy 14, Thomas 1-9—19-22-25-27-29-30-31-33-34-35-36, P* 37, Virgil A. 10, Wn 10-37? Wn. P* Isaac Spencer 1-17-27-29-34? Isaac Bamett 35-37* 34? Isaao Marion 19? Isaao S* 2-9-10-30, DII/DHEY, Edgar 19? Lulu Mae 8, Mazy Marg.^saao Wm* 30, Jack 30, Jaoo* 1-31-32? DOSS, Mary 34 Jacob J* 33, James 19-31, James R* 18, DOWNS, Bess 36 James Ramey 2-8-37? James J. Polk 8, James 0* 34? James Preston 31? James Thomas 25? DRAKE, Alice Ann 9? Barbara 9? Elaine 9? James Walter 9? James Wesley 10, Jim 2, Robert 9* Jin BerzyS, Jennie Rae 32, Jerry 9? Jessie DRINKWATBR, Susan Frances 5 E. 31, Jo 25, Judy 30, Julia Ann 36, John DUEHL, Lorene 14 1-2-8-9-10-11-13-14-15-16-18-19-30-35, DUNCAN, Howard 33 John B* 34, John Geo* 30, John Glendin 25, DUNHAM, Helen 16, Katherine 16 DYER, Charles N* 38, Cheryl Lou 38, David John Gregory 3? John Harrison 19, John Harvey 19, John Harvey Harrison 19, John Allen 38, Deborah Ann 38, Linda Joyce Johnson 36, John Martin 25-26, John Wick 8« 38, Marilyn K. 38 John Wm* 2-9-15* EMBREE, Ben Alan 30, Ben B= 29, Bemice BLLIS, cont'd29, Floyd Romie 29, James C. 29, . Juanita, 30, Kate 32, Kathryn James Ray 30, Jewell Lillian 30, Ann 3, Kenneth 34? Larry Van 25, LeRoy Lloyd 30, Lucille 29, Mary Jane Laura Blsa 33? Leonora Frances 10, 29, Otis Dale 29? Otis Ogle 29? Phillip Leslie 34, Lester Wilmont 34? Eugene 30 Lively 26, Lorene 9? Lowell L igh MQLUND, Betty 13? Dorothy 13? Jaaon 13? 25, Lucille 30, Lucinda Virginia Jun© 13? Lawrence McPkerson 13? Lawrence 36, Lucy M* 34? lydia J* 34, Mack Nieman 13, Victor 13? Yvonne 13, 30, Maggie 9? Maegamt Frances 33, ESPOLIN, Carl Bruce 16, George 16 Mariah Frances 21, Malinda 2-8-9ESTES, Elizabeth 9, J. Bob 9? John Robert 10-11-13-14-15-16-35-37, Malinda 9? Lee Ann 9, Leland 9? Leland Jr. 9, Ellen 2-14, Malinda Jane 8, MalinMardella 9? Marjorie 9? Michael 9« da M. 34, Martha Ann 2-8, Martha PARLEY, E* M. 14? Carol Ann 14, Gary 14, Jane 24-27-29, Martha (Shipley) 19FASSETT, Lester 5, Neumann 5, Susan 5 22, Marvin 9, Mazy 1, Mary B* 32, FELCH, Mary Ellen 19 Mary B. 8, Mary Eliz. Kindred 2-10FEMPLE, Harold 13? Janet Kay 13 11-37?? Mary Emily 30, Mary F. 9? Mary FICKAS, Jacob 38 _ . .^ Jane 20, Mary Keziak 36? Mary Malinda FISHER, Babe 13, Edw. Cornelius 28, 8, Mary V. 19? Maud© 19, Mayne 26, Garnetta Ewing 10, I d a Frances 28 Melva 9, Merle Allene 33, Minnie 29, FLAGG, E r m l 34 Molly 9, Nancy Henrietta 26, Nellie FLEMING, Peter 37 31, Nellie E. 8, Norafc Lavina 15, FOSS, Molly 4 Norah Pearl 9, Ora 15~l6, Orie AsaFRANKLIN, Louis E. 16 lena 30, Parrie Lee 33? Patricia Ann FREEMAN, Blanch V* 33, Emma A* 33?Eula R* 33? 25, Paul Jacob 33? Peggy 30, Peter Geneviev e 5, Polly C* 33? Terry T* 33? Wm* H* 33? Wm* Stanley 33? Monroe 30, Pkobe Carrie 8-9, Preston 31, Priscilla Newman 25, Rachel 1-2- FREUSD, Mazy 13 FRIAR, Betty 34 11-22-38, Raymond Colenan 33? Rice Hughes 20, Richard 9? Hita 13, Robbie FREY, Clark 31, C. 0**31? 32, Roberta 8, Robert Benj. 32, R o V t PRYE ? Gladys 31 FURSE, Maxine 9, Ruth May99 S« A* 9 Stacey 9 Syron 9, Robert Carter 3? Robert Franklin 33? Robert Harrison 19, GARRETT? Dan Joe 13? John Robert 13?Katby Robert L. 9, Robert Haybum 9? Robert 13? Richard P* 7? Thomas Michael 13? GARRIGUS, Jesse W* 29? Katfcy Lou 29, Mary Shipley 1-33-34? Rodney 9? Ronald Gayle 29, Ricke Eugene 29 Carl 13, Rose Ann 9? Huby 26, Rufus GIBSON, Hannah 29 Marion 19-25? Ruth 9-26, Sabi© 19, Sallie C. 33? Salli© Jane 33? Samuel GILES, Virginia 33 GLASSCOCK, Aldea Amazon 1?, Bonnie 27? Pinkney 21, Sara Victoria 3? Sarah Devereux Ball Travis 17? Geraldine 27, Eliz. 2-4-9-13-20-36, Silas 25-32, James K. Polk 5? Minnie Florence 5, Susannah 35? Susanak Eleanor 20, GLENN, Ellis 29, Kenneth 29? Nadine 29? Tabitka Jan© 31 ? Teddy Jo 25-30, Thomas Coleman 33, Thomas H* 8, Thomas Will Sam 29, Spencer 29, Una L. 15-^6, Van ?• 25, GODFREY, Jo* 31 GOLDSMITH Janelle 26, Ernest 26, Mildred Van Presnell 30, Vera hyim 33? Vicky 26 34? Virgil 19, Virginia 19? Walter GORDON, D* H* 23, Gary 23, Gwendolyn 23, Leonard 8, William 1-8-20-21-32, Wm* Jacqueline 23 Jr* 8, Wm* B* 34? Wm. Flagg 34, Wm* GOSHELL ? 299 James Michael 29, Larry Franklin 19-20, Wm. Hiram 19, Wm* P. Allen 29, 34, Wm* Preston 31, Wm* Roy 30, Wm. GREER, Bonita Lee 16, Gardena Lee 16, Shipley 1-19? Wm* Shipley Jr* 21, Effie 30, Gordon Aaron 16, Harold Bronson Silas 30-32, Willis 1-35-36? Willis John Boyd 16, Jokn Bronson 16, JoJsn H* 8 Presnell 36? Winnie 9? Marilyn Jane 16, Rhoda Leo 8, Sara Gayle to EGNER, Louis 5 GREER, Virginia Ivalee 16, $ha GREGG, Cbarleen Marie 29, Cfcarles Leslie Allen 29, Darwin 29? Edgar Harold 29, K. F* 29, Michael Darwin 29, Orlando 29, Rodney Wm* 29, Sandra LaVonn© 29 GREGORY, Josephine 5 GRIFFIN ? 6, Bditk 6, Hugh 6, Leona 6, Mary 6 GRINSTEAD, Willia Ayres 36 GROSE, FERN 25, John 25, GURNBY, ? 31 GUYMCN, Frederick 23, Gregory 23, Kenneth Eugene 23, Ralph 23 HOLMAN, Carl Norwan 28, Geo. N* 28 HOLT, Wm* 14 HOOD, Clifford B* 22, Sewood Murray 22, Warren M* 22 HORAN, Bill ii HOWARD, Martha 37? Mary 37, Susan 30,31« Susan Frances 29-25-27, Thomas J. 25-38 Sd&s, N* J* 35 HDFF,Virgie 36 HUFPERT, Mary E. 16 HUGHES, Abiga 35, Andrew Jackson 35, Benj* Franklin 35, Celia 35, Chris* Col* 35, Eleanor 19-35? George 35? James H. 35? Jennie 35? Keziah 35-36, Lucinda 35? Mazy 35? Nancy 35, Nancy Virginia 37? Reeoe 19-35, Sallie 35? Br* Samuel 35? Sarak 19, Wm* S* 35* HDHT, ? 36, Clayton 37 HUTCHINS, Barton Charles 11, D* B* 11, Dale Ellis 11, Eliz* 11, Ellen, 11, Eron 11, Margie 11, Mary Anne 11, Steve Cullen 11 HYATT, Walker 16 BAGB3R, George 14? Kathleen Lucille 14? HAGGANS, H* W. 15, James Michael 15? John Leyton 15, HALE, ? 32 HALLER, ? 32 HAMBRICK, Enoch 38, Sary 38? Mazy Eliz* 22-38 HAMILTON, Helen 12, Pearl 30, Roy 29, IRIGK, Cora May 24 HANLIN, Elsie Dean 21, James Barl 21, IVY, Elma 32, Elmer 32, J* Thomas 32 Mazy Anna 21, Velma 21, Walter 21 HARDIN, James Robert 21, Leo 21, Rita JEFFRIES, Charles Lester 20, Connie Ruth Rene 21, 21, Dee 21, Dorothy Helen 21, Edna 21, HARMON, Mazy 11, Pat 11 Elsie Pearl 21, Brvin 21, Euel Elmer 20HARRIS, Alton Patterson 5, Clare 5? 21, Francis Marion 21, Gladys Faye 21, Harrison Denny 5, Marie 5? Sally James Edgar 20-21? James Harrison 20, Lucinda 5, Thomas Paul 5, Vincent 5 Jamds Russell 21, Marie 21, Mary Ruth 21, HARRISON ? 30, Emadine 5, Hazel 5, Mary Susan 21, Melvin 21, Nora 21-2?, Maxwell 5, Norene 5, Ode Malacki 5, Norma Jean 21, Oscar 20-21, Patricia Ann HARVEY, Kathryn Clara 17 21, Pearl 20, Ricky Lynn 21, Rose Ella 21, HAWTHORNE, ? 32 Roy Elwood 21, Hoy Dwight 21, Russell HAYN6S, Edw* 36 Wallace 21, Thomas 20, Wm* Edgar 21, Wm* HBCKMAN, Maude B* 15? Edgar Jr* 21, Hm. Lee 20-21 HEISNER, James 13? Jinny 13 JENKINS, EEtelle 19, Zora 12 JOHNSON, Arthur 11, Cecelia 35? Charles HELM, Bamett Ellis 34? Braxton Ellis Henry 11, Clarence , Claude 11, Claude 34? Landon Eugene 34 j Linda Jo 34? Ortus 12, Dulciana 38, Gladys 11, James Tommy 34? Wn* Eugene 34* E. 38, Lester 11, Maude 11, Pearl 11, HENDERSON, Margaret Jane 28, Ruanna Pres. Andrew 35, Ruth 12, Tom 31, Wm* Alan Lee 14, 12, HENRY, Walter Dale 23 JOHNSTON, Davis Walter Hull 25, Harold J* HERNDON, DorotJ^ Jean 30, Jo© 30 25, Harold Kevin 25, Karen Marie 25 HERMAN, Edward G* 12, Joseph Scott 12, Linda Leigh 25? Sharon Louise 25? ^rence Susan Karen 12 JOUSTRA, Clarence 15, Nancy Ellon 15, HICKMAN, Frances Lou 26 /JUDYBetty June 23, Carol Ana 23? Diok WinHILL, Doris 4? Eliz* 4? Judith 4? . ston 23, Diok Winston Jr* 23, Geo. Forrest Octavia 4? Will 4 23, Jack Baker 23, Michael 23 HILLIGOS? Mazy 13 JUDSON, Bertha (CRABTRBS) 5 HINES? Norma Jean 23 KABLER, Barbara Ann 10, Betty Jo 10, S HOBBS, James 16 Donald Paul 10, Jewel 9? Joseph 10, HODGES, C* 14, Sarah 14 Joseph H. 10, Mark 10, Marie9, Marian 9, HOLDER, ? 19 Mary 10-11, Opal 10-11, Will M. 9 KAHRS, Ben F* 26, Edwin 26, Jeffrey 26, June 26^ Robert Ben 26, KEHL, John Jacob 29, Kenneth Jos* 29 KELLBRMAN, Curtis 16 KIDD, Kate 35 KINDRED, Eliz. 1-37? Wn. 37 KINNEY, ? 10, Brace 12, Calvin fl* 12, Charles 10, Edna Lee 10, Qene 12, Hazel 10, James 10, Jewel 10 Oline 12, Pearl 12, Thad 12 KNOTZ, Jim 14, N* 14, Nlcfk 14 LITZ, Betty 25 LONGWISCH, Edwin 27, Stewart Allen 27 LOWER, Carrie 36 LUCAS, Jeane 5, John McGary 5 LUBCK, Lawrence 25 Lueckart, Betty 23 LUMBRUN, Blva Jane 32 LOND, Patti 5, Sandra Lu 5, Ted 5, Terri 5 LUSCOMBE, Linda 22, Randall 22, Wayne 22 MAGARIBL, Bailey 1<5 16 MAJORS, Ruth 34 MANLBY, Nettie 2?, Viola 2? LA CASSE, Harry 5,, Kim Harrison 5, MANTEL, Alyce 23, Bemice Joan 23? Edward 23? Mazy Nell 5 Brio Johnson 23, James Edw* 23? LAMB, David W. 32 MARBITZ, Susanne Henrietta ii LAND, Dorothy 2? MARLIN, Carol Ann 8, Carrie 8, David 8, LANDES, Carl 26, Carl Harvey 26, John Wm* 8, LaVerne 8, Lorene 8, Martha $ Carlene Eliz. 26, Charies Larry Ellen 8, Thomas B* 8, Tom E. Jr* 8, 26, Charles Monroe 26, Edw* Perry Virginia 8, Wm* 8 26, Tracey Elaine 26 MARR, John 9 MARRS, Beverly Carol 27? Carl 2?, Stanley 27 LANDMANN, P* >o MARSHALL, Louise 19 LANDON, Ruby 10 MARTIN, Jessie 6, Laurie Jill 4? Lonnie LATTA, Jane 33 Ray 4? Thomas J* 6 LAWLSB, Mazy 14 MASTERS, Elise 16 LEACH, Gerald 12, Oscar B* 12, Wm* 12 MATHMEY, Frank Walker 1?, Jane Clay 17 LEE, Leila 30, Mazy Eliz* 29, Newton MATHER, Nellie 13 H. 16 MAYBUGH, Alex'-r West 24, Cora Lee 24, Earl LEFTWICH, Annie Cornelius 16, AugusWest 24, Jeneioe Karen 24, Roberta Lee 24? tus A* 16, Belle 17, Bessie 28, Roger Warren 24, Virginia Dee 24, Warren Betty 28, 0* A* 18, Charles 28, Perry 24 Chas* W* 1?, Clay 16? Cloyd CornelMCALSTER, Hazel 28 ius 17? Cloyd 16, Cornelius Alexis McBRIDB, Lulu 30 16-17-35, K. Eliz. K. 16, Doris 28, McCABB, James 36 Edgar 28, Edgar J. 17, Eleanor MCCARTHY, Mazy Ellen 4 Louise 1?, Ellis 17, Flora Christine MoCLAlN, G*0RGB 14 17, James Cornelius 1?, James Wesley MCCREARY suean 38 16, 9, Jennifer 9? Jimmy 1?, Joan MoCULLOCH, Bettie Mazy 25, Donna Michelle 17, John Clay 17? John Thomas 17, 25? McCOLLOH, George 25, Sharon Leigh 25, John Wesley 17-35, Jos. Franklin 16-17 McCULLY, Sylvia 36 Lulu Malinda 16-17? Marjorie Blois 17? Mary Caroline 17? Mary Louise 17? MoCUTCHBON, Connie Jo 12 Nannie 17, Robert Wesley 9, Sally 17, MoDANIBLS.Ed. L* 32, John 32, Lillie 32, Mary 32, Thomas 16, Thomas Alvin 17, Col* McFAHLAND, L* Berta 1? Thomas 17, Rev* Wm. Burwell 17? Wm* MCLAUGHLIN, E* c* 29 17 McMULLIN, Charles A* 26 LBISCHER, Selma Caroline 16 MxNBAL, Marjorie Jeneioe 24 LEMONS, John Warren 2? MoNEALY, Margaret Sue 13 LENTZ, Minnie Kay 32 MoNUTT, Jonathan 14 LEWIS ? 6 MoFHERSON, Lee 13 LIGHT, Irene 5 Meder, Bd 10 LINDSEY, Doris Jean 16, Everett 16, Meinsen, Gail 13? Harold 13, Linda 13? Judy 16, Maggie 29 Sharon 13 LITTLE, Dempster Clyde 33? Robert Clyde MEYBR, Billy Joe 26, Harry Wm* J r . 26, 33, Robert Franklin 33? Roberta Harvey Ellis 26, James Robert 26, John Caroline 33, MoCulloch 26, Wilda Ann 26 MICHAELS, Ed 8, Gertrude 8, PARMAN, Susan Ann 39 xMILLER, Blackburn 36, Emily Jane 28, PATTERSON, ? 20 Mollie 36 PAUL, Carol Lee 13? H. 13 PAYNE, Dorothy 16, Earl D. 13, Earlene 13? MINTER, Franklin 3, Mary Eliz* 3, Enoch B* 16, Golden Marion 13? Louis N. 16, MITCHELL, Fleming 37, Fleming H* 36? Marian Edna 16, Marjorie 16, Nadine 13? Dr* H* E* 36, Br* James Dillard 36, Richard Hayden 16 Dr* John Ellis 36, Julia 35-36, FEEL, Linda Susanna 27? Norma 27? Wanda 27 Lucinda Keziah 36, Nellie 36, PEMBERTON, Constant 36 Marjorie Ellen 36, Thomas A* 36, PETERSON, John 28 Wm. 36 PERKINS, Hampton 14 MOON, Piety Fort 3, Rosa Bell 26 PERRY, Chas* S* 8, Jimmy 8, Wm* Lee 8 MOORE, Ametta 12, Larry 22m Roy PETER, Robert 13 ?2, Stephen R. 12, PETERS, Mrs* Chas* 10, Maude 13 MOREY, A* P. 18 FETERSON, ? 13 MORGAN, Permelia 20 PHARBS, Wayne L* 32 MORRIS, ? 15, Clayton S, John Wm. 15, PHILLIPS. ? 32, Earl 32, John 32, MereJulia 26, Nella 31? dith 31? Nelson 32, Marybell© 32 MORSE, ? 31 PITTMAH, Martha R. 12 MOSBY, Lulu 8 PQETNER,Ralph 1? MURRAY, John 8 POHL, Soma 3 MURPHY, ? 31, Henry Emery 23, Jewel POLLBY, C« A* 14? Bale 14? Bon 14, Jerry 14 POISON, Charlie M« 11, Leo 11, Rea 11 27 POTTER, Ben H. 30, Dean Oscar 11, George Nash, Helen 30 11, Geo. Wm. 11, Gordon Arleigh 11, NBBL, Lloyd 15 John W A ^ 11, Mary Magdalen© 11, Rosaline NEVILLE, Austin 10 11, Susan Jane 11, Tobe 11, Wm. 37? NBWBILL, Catherine 1? Wiltsee 34 NEWBERRY, Betty Blanche 33 POWELL, Joe Ferguson 14, Richard M. 14, NEWTON, Prances 21, Verna Louise 21 Trixie Ellen 14 Wesley 21, Wm. Ernest 21 PRIM, Burl Plez 33, Burl Ray 33, David NEWMAN, Sarah Priscilla 25 Ray 33,Nancy Ann 33 NICHOLSON, Marie 23 PROPHET, Erple Dale 15, Richard Clay 15, NIGHTWINE, Bobby 27 Tommy Lynn 15 NOBLE, Kenneth Homer 2?? Laura MarPRYOR, Althea Marie 32, Sandra Lou 32 garet 27, Obed 27, Virginia 2? PURDY, Jess 31 NQRFLSST, David Allen 27, James Blvis PURVIS, Jane 12 27, Tandy 2? QUIGLEY, Anna Vivian 24, Catherine Lee 24, NORRIS, Byron Ellis 26, Charles Homer Chas. 24, Eliz. Frances 24, Maude Alex'r 26, Darrekk 26, Delvin 26, Everett 26, 24, Wm* Adams 24? Forrest 26, Jimmy 26, Maude 26, QUINT, Lottie Rose 31? Robert Lloyd 31? Mildred 26 Andrew 31? Alfred 31? Carrie Alma 31? NUSBAUM, ? 32 Edward 31? Ed J. 31? Ernest 31? Etta 31? Eva 31? Fannie 31? Florence 31? George 0*BANNON, Chas* E. 11, John Adara 23-38, 31, Henry 31? Ida 31? John Wallace 31? Jos* 11, Leah 11, Nancy 11, Julia Lesley 31? Martha Ann 31? Mattie Ellen Rebecca 23, Rebecca 11, Sally 11 31? Maude 31? Morris Ray 31? Nella May 0*BRIEN, Dorothy May 24 31? Robert Henry 31? Rose 31? Silas 31? 0°DANIELS, Edwin 25, Jewel 25, Wm. 31 OLSON, Emma, Philip 5? 09NEIL, Clyde 28, Ella Roberts 29, RADBR? A c J. 16, Donald 16, Jack Ellis 16, Sam T* 29, Vivian Helen 29 Joann 16, Johnie Blanche 16, Leona Doris ORMAN, John H* 4 16, Ralph W. 16, R* Newton 16, Robert 16, ORRISON, Harold 30, Ort 30 Robert Bruce 16, Howena Louise 16, Susie OSWALD, Francisco Anna 31 16, Thelma Jean 16, Willie Eliz. 16, ^oodrow Wilson 16 PAPINEAU, Dolores 13? Gayle Ann 13? Ulric 1? PARKER, Mrs. R* HH 11, SCOTT, Charles 13? Clara Viola 12, RAINES, Barbara 19, Dean 19, 0*D* 19 Cleora Jewel 12, Dora Lee 28, Ellis 13? RAMEY, Daniel 37$ David Stout 37? Eliza Anderson 9? Hiram Calhoun 11, 34? Eliza 37? Harlow 16, James 1-37? James Frank 11, James Pettis 11, 13? James Jr. 37? John 37? Malinda 1Jane 34? Leonora Frances 9? Lorene 13? 37? Mary 27? Thomas W. 37? Capt* Mary Ann 11-12, Martha Jane 11, Nancy W* K. 1-37 Ruth 11, Opal Marie 13? Ona Lee 11-13? RAPP, August 31? Russell 31? Walter 31 Pearl 13, Robert 13, Robert Earl 11, 13, RAY? Hattie Leila 10 Roy Lee 12, Ruby 13, Ruth 13? Sarah RAYBURN, Georgie 9 Eliz. 11, Sterling Price 11? Virgie RAYL, Laura 19 Carroll 12, Willie Virginia 15, Wm* 15, REAM, Ada Lee 21 9 RBBD, I* H** 6 SBAQUIST, Margaret Ann 3 RBBSB, Trevor D. 23 SEARS, Linda Sue 33, Lisa Fay 33? RBTHBRFORD? Wm* P* 37 Phyllis Fay 33? Ray Coleman 33 RBXROAD, Eliz* 34 SELLERS, Jr* ? 13? Prank 19 RHINER, Mae 32 S^LBY, Asena 3 RICHARDS, Carrie 29, Clarence 29, SETTLES, Benj* 3 Daisy 28, Darrell Dean 28, Edward SHAFFER, ? 11, Jacqueline 1 Leo 28, Ellen 28, Harold Lee 28, ShiiLLuORN, El.en 29 Herbert W* 28, Howard Wayne 28, Ira L* SHANE, Floyd W. 38, Michael Dillard 38, SuANNON* James Carl 15, John Dillard 15, 28? Janet Laree 28, Johnny Bill 28, Kid 15, Mabel 27, Malinda Eliz* 15 Lana Kay 28, Loell Howard 28, Loy Laree 28, Lewis E* 28, Melody Ann 28, SHAW, Beth Lee 3, Bonnie 3, Butler Mc Donald 3, Helen 28, Henry M* 3, James Michael Loy 28, Ollie Edward 28, Donaldson 3, Letha Harriett 3? Olivia Patricia Louise 28, Reilly 28, Viroka 3, Ursula Lynn 3, Wm* Butler 3? Roger Dale 28, Robert Allen 23, Wm* Henry 3, Wm* Joseph 3 Ronald Linn 28, Sharon Sue 28 SHIPLEY, Martha 1-25-31-33-34-35, Geo* RICKETTS, Frank 3? Samuel Wilson 3 W* 36, Robert 1, Wm* 1 RIODON, Preda 23 SHIPPS, Donald Eugene 29 ROBERTSON, Marva Lee 25, Nancy 2? SHOEMAKER, Bryan 19, Carol Ann 20, RI5SLER, Bill 9? Rosemary 9? Patsy Clarence Wayne 8, Cline 19-20, Douglas Jane 9 20, Edwin 19-20, John W* 19, J ord© 11 RITTERHOFP? Gloria Catherine 10 19, Lena TJ, Peggy Lou 8, Richard Linn ROBERTS, Barbara 9? Bave 9, Mary 9, 20, Roy 19-20, Roy Jo 20, Stephen Lee 19? Ruth 9 Wayne 8 ROGERS, Caroline 13, Eliz. 13? Floyd 32, SHREVE, Mazy Jane 5 John Wesley 13? June Ann 32? Lulu SHUCK, Anna Blanch 33? Francis Thomas 33? Pearl 13? Rita Rae 32, Robert 13? Sara Frances 33 Robert LeRoy 13? Vicky 13 SIGMAN, Florence 21 ROOT? Alice Blanch 33? Cecelia Jane SMITH, ? 36, A**P. 26, Adrian R. 5, B. (Boyd) 31-33? Thomas E. 33 Gordon 26, Bill 28, Charles V. 29? Eddie 32, Ella 11, George 11, Henry 10, Kenneth ROSS, Jesse Claiborne 20, Wm* Clai28, Ira 28, Isaac 20, Jaoob F. 20, James borne 20 11, Jason Gregory 6, Mabel 26, Mattie 29, ROWLETTE, ? 30, Paul 11, Richard 28, Robert 11, Ruth RUE . John 35 Diane 26, Sarah 7, Wm* 20, Zachary RUSSELL, L* D* 33 Nathan 6, (RUST, Emily 15 SNIDER, Mazy Jane 1? SANDERS, Norman 2?, Sandfa 2? SOWERS, Annabelle 29, Bmna Edith 28, Harry 29 SATTERWHITE, H a m e y G* 30, Harney John Louis 28, Louis 31, Marie 29? Maude Russell £0, Vivian Carrie 30 28-29? Mildred Lucille 29? Stella 28 SAWYER, ? 33 SPARKS? Wn* 21 SCHROEDER 19 SPENCER, Eliz* McCord, 1, SPRINKI£S, Carol Lee 10, lyla Jo 10, Richard Leslie 10, Wm. 10, Wm«E« 10 STAMPER, Mary 37 STAPLES, Charles A* 1?? Bernard 17? Bemard Russell 17? Eliz. Flora 1?? Maude 36 STAUPPACHER, Nichole Lucille 3 STEELMAN, Amy 8 STBINBRINK, Emma 10 STEIN IKE, H* A* 30, Herbert August Jr* 30, Paul Neal 30, Susan Gaye 30, David Jay 30 STEPHENS, Geo* 6, Harrison 6 STERLING, Prank 8, Jim 8, Walter 8, Wm* A* 8 STBfENS? Ruth 1?, Wm* 37 STEWART, Angeline 10, Benj* P* 10, Clifford 10, Clifford Eldon 10, Ennett 10, Lora Maxine 10, Marcia Kay 10, Nellie 10, Noma Evelyn 10, STOCKMAN, Bliz* 20, Joseph John 19, J* W* 19, Patricia Ann 19 STOCKSTILL, Charles 21 STOVER, Coral Ray 23, Paul 23, Sherry Lou 23 STRAIGHT, Byron 30, Carrie Lillian 30, Ethel Emma 30 STUI/TS, Stella 29 SUTTON, Henry 26, Nan E* 26 Sara J. 26, Wm* R* 26 SWANSON, Wm* 35 SWARTZEL? Sallie Bzelle 36 SWOPE? Alma 14, Alma Rose 38, Annalee 14, Audrey 8, Hiran 14? Hubert 14, James 8, Janice 14? John 8, Laura 0, Malachi K* 3&, Malinda Lou 8, Maud 5? Marcel 14? Marjorie 14? Mary 8, Nancy, 14? Patty Sue 8, Wayne 14? Wilma 14* TETER, Virginia 5 ^ THOMAS, James H* 25, Sara Ellen 25 TRACEY, Wm* 4 TRAVIS, Bob 16, Richard 16 TROUPE, ? 31, Ernest 31? Katie Mae 31 TUCKER, Clay 15, Hazel 15, Mary Ellen 14-15? Neva 15, Stella 14-15? Wm. N* 14 VAN BLARCUM, David 33? Thomas 34? VAUGHN, Amy Lee 16, Jack Byron 16, Julia Ann 16, Walker 16 VEAL, Rose 31 VERMILYEA, Daniel 10, Mary B. 10, Zylpha 10 VESTAL, ? 11 VICKERS, Vivian 34 VINC13IT? ? 16, Susan 16 VODBRMAN, Buddy 17? Mary 1? Walker, ? 31, Bobby 31, 0* Eteett 22, WALLER, Alvina 27 WALTERS, Barbara Faye 29, Danuel Monty 29, Jesse E* 29, Jesse Edward 29, Steven Kent, 29, WASSON, Carl 10, Eliz* Mary 16, Frances 31, Geo. Ryland 10, Jesse T* 13? Laura Ann 38, Maurice 13? Ruth Yvonne 13? WATSON, Dora 12 WEATHERS, Martha America 25, Enoch G* 35 WEINRICH, Ernest Russel 9 WEIR, Karen Denise 28, Lee Gamer 28, Rickey Lee 23, Rusty Glenn 28 WEIGH, Pauline 1? WELLIVER, Laura 8 WESTBROOK, Mary 13 WHALEN, Raymond Joseph 10, Karyl Ann 10, Kathe Sue 10, Michael Ray 10 WHITE, Fred Manuel 1?, Molvina Jan© 25 WHITSEL, Alan Lee 3, Clay Smith 3? Franklin Everett 3, James Minter 3? John Carter 3? Warren Clay 3? Wm* Clay 3 WILKENING, Clifford 25, Garry A* 25, Ivy Jo 25, Larry B* 25 WILLIAMS, ? 14? Barbara 14, C* C* 15? Charlene Faye 33? Charles Thomas 33? TACKEST, ? 32 Clay 15? Daisy 8, Eliz* 15? Evelyn Jane TAVENER, Ana 3? Burton 3, Etoily B* 3, 33, Gayle 14, John A* 15, Linda 14? Emma V* 32, Linton 3? Samuel H* 3-32? Sallie 15, Stella 21, Virginia 15 Wm* 3 TAYLOR, Carlisle 36, Clarabellc 21, Harry WISSMAN, Anna Mae 28 WOOLERY, ? 8, Arminda 21, Bess 8, Lizzie 36, Rev* Herman 19, Henry Clay 36, B* 20, Ruth 8 Janes 25, James L* 36, John 36, Dr^ John 36, Julia 9? Julia Ann 38? Lou WORUEY, Flora 16, J* T**16 21, Mary Nichols 36, Nancy Henrietta WORTS, Sara 22 2 25, Ollie 36, Roy B* 36, Sallie Val- WRIGHT, Harold 23, Harold Alan 23 onia 36, Shirley 21, Willis Ellis 36 YARBORO, Bill F* 1?, Jean Ann 1?, Kimball Franklin 1? TEMME, LeRoy 25 YOUNG, Ed 8 TEMPPEL, ? 31 ZINN, Nan 21