575 Tunstall. Sa. three combs ar.


575 Tunstall. Sa. three combs ar.
Kempson. Barry of six, vert and or, on a chief of the last three
mullets az.
Aston. Ar. a fesse sa, in chief three fusils conjoined of the
Tunstall. Sa. three combs ar.
Coyne. Or, on a bend sa, three trefoils slipped ar.
Harcourt. Gu. two bars or, a crescent for difference.
Crompton. Ar. on a chief vert three pheons or.
Hulme. Ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils sa.
Anson. Ar. a fesse betw. six martlets gu.
Dodey. Az. a pale engr. erm. betw. two demi-lions ramp. or.
Bassano. Per chev, vert. and ar, in chief three gad-flies of thelast, in base an oak tree on a mound of the first.
Humpherys. Erm. on a saltire gu. a crescent sa,
Gifford. Az. three stirrups with leathers or, a mullet for
Chilton Foliot is not one of the Churches surveyed in Sir
Thomas Phillipps's collection of \Viltshire Epitaphs. The
bulk of the following Notes was taken in the year 1834; and
additions to it made in 1845:-
Length of nave
Length of chancel, including the chancel arch
Spuco under the tower, including the tower arch
Whole length of church internally
Width of chancel
Width of nave .
Width of south aisle
Diameter of nave piers
Whole width of nave and aisle
Square of tower inside ,
Height of tower
Thickness of tower walls
Thickness of the church and chancel walls
Orientation 13 degrees tu the Nortb,
8 4
The chancel is Decorated, without an east window; the rood
arch is also Decorated, plain througho:u. The rest of the church
is Perpendicular, but with insertions of early-English and
Norman portions, particularly near the top of the tower, where
both styles appear in the corbel table and windows with P.
above and below. In the chancel on the south side is a stone
figure of a cross-legged knight, said to be of §ir Thomas Foliot,
much decayed.
Over the end of the chancel is a hatchment bearing, Argent,
on a chief gales two stag's heads cabossed or. Crest: A stag's
head erased proper. (Popham.)
On the north wall is a tablet bearing the same arms and crest,
with a plate in the centre chief for difference. Inscription:
"Beneath are deposited the remains of EDWARD PoPHAM, D.D.
S6 years Rector of this parish. He was youngest son of Edward
Popham, of Li ttlecot, Esq. obt, Sept. 16th, 1815. His widow
inscribed this Tablet to his memory in testimony of her respect,
gratitude, and love,"
On the north wall a tablet with the following arms and inscription: -Azure,
six lions rampant argent, 8, 2, and I.
Crest : An eagle regardant with wings . displayed azure, beaked
and legged or. (Leyborne.) "Beneath are deposited the remains of WILLIAM LEYBORNE, third son of the late William
Leyborne Leyborne, of Westwell, in Oxfordshire, Esq. and of
Ann his wife, sole <laughter of the late Edward Popham, of
Littlecott, Esq. ob. Deer. 28th, 1790, eet. l '7."
On another tablet : " Beneath are deposited the remains of
Dono-nrr LEYBORNE PoPHAM, who died July 7th, ISBO, aged
18 years. Also of Er.1.ZABETH LEYBORNE PoPHAM, who died
December 28th, 1832, aged 19 years: daughters of Lieut.General Popham and Elizabeth his wife, of Littlecott."
On another tablet,-Arms: Gules, in base vert, thereon a
tower between two lions in support, rampant, argent; beneath
the shield the ensigns of the order of the Bath. Motto: Tunn1s
"Sacred to the memory of Col. ,vrLLIAM
KELLY, C.B. Lieur.-Col. of his Majesty's 24th Regt. of Foot,
who departed this life at Littlecott, the 21st of August, 1818.
Col. Kelly's services were extended to the four quarters of the
globe, He was severely wounded at the Battle of the Pyrenees,
and exhausted afterwards by his successful exertions in the
Nepaul war in India. He returned only to breathe his last with
his friends, admired in his profession as a soldier, and esteemed
by all as a man."
A tablet on the south wall, "Sacred to the memory of ANNE,
widow of \Villiam Leyborne .~ey~()rne (who died GovernorGenera 1 in the West Indies, A. n, 1775), and mother of General
Popham, of Littlecott, her only surviving sou."
In the chancel: "Sacred to the memory of FRANCES, wife of
the Rev, J. L. Popham, who departed this life Aug. 16, 1839,
aged 27. The Lord gave and the Lord bath taken away :
blessed be the name of the Lord."
"Sacred to the memory of General E. W. L. l)OPHAM, of
Littlecott, ob. June 16, 181,3, mtat, 79. Also of ELIZABETH his
wife, ob. Mar. I~ 1836,·retat. 52."
There is one slab in the floor of the chancel, with the following
inscription: " Here Iyes the bocly of Mr. ROBERT CoLLARD,.
Batch. of Divinity, a free Releever of poore people an,fa le~rned
and zealous Pastor of this Church ye space of 50 yeares, who, in
the 77th yea re of his age, exchanged this life for a better on that
memorable day of Novernb. 5, 1648." (Seep. 584.)
On a tablet; Arms, Azure, a chevron between three eagles
close or, a crescent or: "Here lies the Body of BuLSTRODE
1VHn'ELOCKE, Esqr, who departed this life July 1st, 1737', in the
59th year of his age. He died a Batchelor, and bequeathed his
Fortune to his Niece, the daughter of Samuel Whitelocke, Esqr.
m gratitude to whose worthy memory they have jointly erected
this monument."
There is a hatchment bearing the arms of Francis Popham,
Esqr, who married Dorothy, daughter of Archbishop Hutton,
and died without issue in 1780. Argent, on a chief gt1les two
stag's heads cabossed or. An escocheon of pretence, Gules, on
a fess argent, between three cushions tasselled or, three fleurs de
lys gulcs. The latter coat should have been as that borne by
the Archbishop, viz. Gules, on a fess between three cushions
argent, fringed and tasselled or, as many fleurs de lys sable.
On a tablet: "Sacred to the memory of ROGER SPANSWICK,
Gent., of Soly, in this parish, who died December 27th, 1809,
aged 65 years. Also :MA.1tGARET SPANSWICK, his wife, died
Septr. 9th, 1831, in the 85th year of her age."
On a mural monument: Arms, quarterly, 1 am1 .1., Per pale
ermine and azure, a lion passant gules, on a bordure engrniled
gules eight fleurs <le lys or ( Bigg) ; 2 and 3, Azure, a saltire between four escallops or (Wade). Two other coats, viz. Bigg, as
above, impaling, Argent, a chevron gtlles between three crescents
sable (\Vither); aud Bigg, impaling, Gnles, two chevrons argent
(Fettiplace): "Here lies the body of that truly worthy gentleman Lov£LACE l_lrGG, Esquire, of this parish, who was son of
Richard Bigg, Esqr. of Hnmshill, in the parish of Hurst, and
county of Wilts ; and married Dorothy youngest dnughtcr of
William ':Yi.ther, Esqr. of Manydown, in Hunts, by whom lie had
six sons and six daughters. He married to his second wife
Rachel daughter of Thomas .f.cttiplace, Esqr. of Fernham, in
Berks, He departed out of this life on the Gth day of February,
1724, in the 64th year of his age. In the same vault are interred
the remains of
His mother Mt..1tY BIGG l
rl 7111
His wife D0R01'HY
[~ w I m iec1 { 1717i~ acenJ15
~ years. ,,
His son ·w1LLIAU
[ 27
His daughter SAllAH
L 1716
L 20 J
A hatchment, unconnected apparently with any existing
memorial, bears, Quarterly, 1 and 4,, Argent, n fess between six
cross-crosslets fitchy gules; 2 und 3, 01', five Ileurs de lys in
cross sable, a chief wavy azure (ancient Craven), impaling, two
wives: I. Asurc, a spread eagle argent, on a chief embattled
of the second three pc I lets ; 2. Argent, n J ion ram pim t gulcs;
Crest, on a cap of maintenance gule!-, turned up ermine, n
griffin statant ermine, beaked or.
The following inscriptions have been added since 1834. On
the north wall of the nave: " Sacred to the memory of fat.BELLA
ANXE .. K.EMEYS, the beloved and only child of Sir William
Henry Cooper, Bart. and Aune his wife, born May 17, 1831,
died January 25th, 1835. Also of Sir VI' rLLlAl.\I Hsxuv
Coorirn, Hart. born March 24th, 1788, out. January 14, 1836.''
Slabs on the floor to the memory of Mrs. Mary Martyr, and
the family of Hopkins,
·. ·· · · ·
A tablet to
ltoGElt SP.\~SWICK, of Soley, gentleman;
died 12th of February, 1782, aged 80. Mrs. ELIZAIIETII
!?!..A1'1SWJcK, his wife; she died 3rd clay of Angust, 1~183, aged
66 years. EDw AitD, son of Roger Spanswick, <lied Feb. 28,
1769, aged 19 years.
son of Hoger and Eliz.
Spanswick, died March, 1772, aged 25."
On a slab: "The Rev. TaoMAs y,ll!Fi\RP,
M.A. Rector of
Clayhidon, Devon, and Curate of this parish upwards of 30
years, died 13th July, 1777, aged 67."
1770. Roger Spanswick and Elizabeth his wife, by desire
of Sarah Smith, spinster, transferred 600[. Three per Cent.
New South Sea Annuities into the names of trustees for the
support of a charity-school for eight boys and eight girls for
ever, The Rev. Wnlte1· Bigg bequeathed 100!. Three per
Cent, New South Sea Annuities in augmentation of the above.
The minister's churchwarden for the time being, by right of
immemorial possession, claims a field of arable land, situated
on the east side of the road leading from Chilton to Crooked
Soly, containing about an acre, and known by the name of
the Churchwarden's Acre,
1769. Mrs. Dorothy Bethell gave a fire-engine, and bequeathed 100[. Three per Cent. New South Sea Annuities for
a fund to exercise and repair the same.
For the use of the holy communion :
1669. Mrs. Mary Bigg gave a large silver chalice and stand,
Mr. John Piper gave a silver paten. 1769. The Rev. Jolm
Craven gave two silver chalices. There is also a basin for alms .
The chancel screen is of oak, temp. James I. The altar end
is in the Corinthian order, " 1769, Loyd Marcellus fecit." On
the pulpit velvet, "Elizabeth Twine, 1728."
There are three bells. On the tenor, round the crown is
inscribed, "Henry Bagley made mee, 174,2, Roger Spanswick,
Thomas Kimber, churchwardens."
Round the sounding bow,
Into the church the living I call, and to the grave I summon all;
Attend the instruction which I give, that so you may for ever live.
On the second bell, "John vVoodey, Thomas Chunne, C. '\V;
1663.'' On the first, " Il; Wells, Aldbourne, fcci t, MDCCLXXI.''
There is a large mausoleum in the churchyard, erected by
John Pearse, of Chilton Lodge, esq. There is no inscription.
Since 1834 great alterations have been made in Chilton
Church by the present Hector, the Rev. John Leybornc
Popham, am! it may now be considered one of the handsomest
and most complete in the diocese of Salisbury. In the chancel
a perpendicular window of three lights has been inserted at the
east end and filled with stained glass by Willemcnt, in his best
style. There is a Painswick stone altar, with a reredos of the
same material, divided into niches and highly adorned in polychrome. Two piscinas were discovered in uncommon situations,
one on the south side of the east wall, with its original wooden
shelf; this is now shewn through a perforation of the reredos ;
the other a mere circular shallow basin with drain, cut in the
sill of the north window. The north and south windows are
both filled with stained quarries. The floor paved with
encaustic tile. The roof, waggon-shaped, of oak, divided into
panels painted blue. Oak stalls, altar rails, and lining of walls,
all richly carved. The old Jacobean screen has been restored.
To the north of the chancel a vestry has been built, with an
external door, an opening to the chancel and another through
the angle of the nave to the pulpit, which, with the prayer-desk
and the open benches of the church, are of carved oak. The
south aisle, with its porch, has been rebuilt in the perpendicular style, and is considerably widened. Both nave and aisle
have the old semicircular or waggon roofs of polished oak. The
font is new, of semi-Norman style, enriched with the dog-tooth
moulding, and a series of sculptures on the eight panels. These
are the work of an amateur and are admirably executed.
Throughout the church texts of scripture are painted in illuminated character, and the beatitudes stretch along the wall-plates
of the nave, north and south.
The fast Register commences about the year 1568, but the
early entries are very much obliterated.
1588. Nov. 17. Richard, son of Midiael Cauley.
1590. Mar. 28. Susanna, daur, of Michael Cauley, generos.
1593. Oct. I. Mary, dr, of Michael Cauley, gent.
1598. Mar. 4. Katherin
Hinton, dr, of Thomas Hinton,
1600. Apr. 8, Thomas Hinton, son of Thomas Hinton, Esqr.
1602. Sep. I. Dorothe, dr, of Robert and Jane Luellin,
1603. July 1'7. John, son of Thom. Hinton and Katharine,
1605. July 25. William, son of Mr. Thomas Hinton and
1626. Oct. I. William, son of William and Ursula Seyrnour.,
Other children of the same parents: Jane, Dec. 14,
1628; Elizabeth, Nov. 18, 1638; Frances, July 4, 16-U;
Dulcebel!a, Oct. 1, 1644,.
1649. Jun, 21. Robert, son of Thomas Tanner and Jane his
1657. July 18, borne Alexander, the sou of Alexander Popham, Esqr, and Letitia his wife.
1660. Jan. 7, borne Sarah, dr, of Edward Daniel of Leverton,
and Mary his wife.
1663. Mar. 29. Jone, dr. of Edward Daniel.
l 665. July 2. Matthew, son of Ed ward and Mary Daniel, born
27 June.
1666. Dec. 29, born Elizabeth, dr, of Mr. Edward and Mrs.
Elizabeth Webb.
-Jan. 21 , born Alexander, son of Sir Sey mour and
Lady Elizabeth Pile. a
1667. Nov, 25, born Elizabeth, dr, of Thomas and Anne
-Dec. 16, born Susanna, dr, of Edward and Mary
IG70. Oct. 2;7. Frances, dr, of George Farewell Clearke and
• Sir Seymour Pile of Axford, Wilts, afterward, of Compton Beauchamp, Berks,
succeeded his brother Sir Francis as third Baronet. He married Elisabeth, second
daughter of Sir Heury ldoore. of Fawley, co. Berks, Bart. Their eldest son,
Francis, fourtli Baronet, marr ied Frances, daughter of Sir Bulstrode \_yhltelocke of
Chilton Foliot, Knight. Sir Francis Pile, who waa created the first
1628, was of Compton Beauchamp, co. Berks. He married Elizabeth, daughter of
Sir Francis.Popham .of Littlccott, Kni;;ht; and died l Dec. 1635. Hie eldest son,
Sit· Francls Pile, died without mole issue 12 Feb. 1648. Doth were buried at
Collingboume-Kingstcn. (Sec the extracts from the Registers of that parish in the
Collectanea Topogr. et Gene~!. vol. ,ii. p. 176.)
1678. Oct. I. Mary, dr. of Mr. Samuel Whitlock and Elizabeth. Buried Jan. 16, 1676-7, Othei: children of the
same parents: Samuel, Dec. 23, 1675; Bulstrout, April
17, 1678; Frances, Feb. 11, 1679-80.
( I 676 ?) Aug. 10. Elizabeth, dr. of Mr. Daniel Morgan Morgan.
I6'n. Jan. 18. Daniel, son of Daniel Morgan, alias Seirnor,
and (Luce ?)
1678. Oct. 31. Robert, son of Hobert Seymor.
1679. June 24, born John, son of John and Lucy Seymour.
1680. June 10, born Lynyan, son of James Pearson, gent.
then of Chilton Park, and Diana bis wife.
-Mar. 7. Lucy, dr, of John and Lucy Seymour.
1682. Mur, 30. Charles, son of Walter Godfree, Esqr. and
Amy his wife.
1685. May 23, born Henry, son of Edward Seymour, Esqr.
and Letitia.
1686. Oct. 18, born Alexander, son of Edward Seymour,
Esqr. and Letitia.
-Jan, 17, born Letitia.dr.of Edward Seymour, Esqr, Junr.
Children of Lovelace (in the early entries called " Love ")
_Bigg, gent. and Dorothy his wife; Henry, Mar. 5, 1690;
Alatheu, Feb. n, 1691 ; Elizabeth, born July n, lt;94;
Sarah, June 25, 1696 ; Thomas, born J une 4, 1698 ;
Walter, Sept. 10, 1701; Richard, horn April 2, 1703;
Anne, Aug. 15, l706.
169~. Feb. 20. Edward, son of Si1· Hele Hooke, Baronet.
1703. Nov. 9, born Catherine, dr. of Samuel Whltlock, Esqr,
and Catherine. Other children of the same parents:
Anne, born Feb. 4, 1704-; Elizabeth, born Aug. 2, bapr,
Sep. 2, 1706; John, July 16, 1707; Samuel, born July
20, 1708; Mary, Feb. 7, 1709; Gilbird, July 15, 1712;
Hcnreatta, Feb. 24,, 1713; (blanh) a dau, ~ov. 22, 1715;
Charlotte, Aug. 8, 1717; Judith, Oct. 14, 172:!.
1708. Mar. 4. Francis, son of Francis Popham, Esqr, and
Anne, his wife, born 19 Feb.
1710. May 22. Elizabeth, dr. of Francis Popham, E~qr. and
Anne his wife.
1716. Oct. 30. Alexander, son of Rev. George Popham,
Rector, and Anne his wife, born 19 Oct.
1725. June 21. Ann, dr. of Mr, John Am bares, and Elizabeth.
1728. July J 2. Mary, dr. of John Stevens, gent, and Elizabeth.
1737. A11g. 31. Ann, dr. of yo H~nernbell Edward Popham,
Esqr. of Littlecut, and of Rebecka his wife, born ye 30th.
1738. Oct. 28. Edward, son of Edw. Popham, Esqr. and
Rebecca, born 27,
1745, June 5, Catharine, dr, of Rev. Mr. Thomas Gifford,
and Mary his wife,
1762. Jan. 2. Juba, a black boy belonging to Edward Popham, Esqr.
1763. Jan. 8. Joseph, son of Mr. Thos, and Mrs. Mary
1768. Aug. I. Elizabeth, dr, of John and Elizabeth Wither.
1769. Oct. 7. William, son of 'William Villebois, Esqr. and
1770. June 5. Jane, dr. of Lovelace Bigg, Esq. and Margaret. Other children: Dorothy, Oct. R, I 771 ; Elizabeth,
Oct. 6, 1773; Catharine, May IO, 1771.; Alethea, Nov.
30, 177 7 ; Lovelace- Wither, born Jan. 2 5, l 7 80, bapt.
July 25, 1780; Harris, born May 18, bapt, Aug. 27, 1781 ;
:Mary-Ann, born Oct, 16, l 782, bapt, J an. I, 1783,
bur. J une 15, l 783.
-Oct. 20. Frances Elizabeth, dr, of· \V m. y_illeboi.~J
Esqr. and Frances.
1802. Mar. 27, Christopher, son of John Pearse, Esq. and
Aun his wife, privately baptised in London,
1807. Oct. 20. Edward William, son of Edward William
Leyhorne Popham, Esqr. and Eliza his wife, born at
Hound Street, co, Somerset, 6 Sept. 1807. Children
of the same parents: Francis," Dec. 20, 1809; John,
April 16, 1811 ; Dorothy, Nov. 20, 1812; Mary Anne,"
Sept. 29, 1814; Isnbella," July :n, 1818; Alexander
Hugl1/ Jan. 18, 182).
b Married, 3 Sept. 1857, at St. :\1ary's, Charlton, in the parish of Westport, co,
'\'tilts, to Elizabeth, third daughter of James Block, of Charlton, Esq.
< Mary Anne was married in 183,'i,at Mor'tlake, to Chades Eyre, Esq, of Welford
Park, co. Berks, and died ut Brighton, 12 March, 185:i, oged-40. ··
d Isabella was married ~ t Chilton, 16 Oct. 1841, to Robert Miller ~In.ndy,,Esqof the Royal Horse Artillery.
e Alexall(lci·-Ungl, married Annie, eldest daughter of Mrs, Dodwell, widow, and
bas issuc : I. Francis-Lcyborac ; 2. Annie; 3. an infant son. · 1856.
1814. May 31. George Vansittart, son of Fulwsr and Louisa
Craven, born 15 Oct. 1812.
1817. Mar. 6. John, son of Walter and Mary Kitson, Rector
of Chilton. Oilier children of the same parents: Frederick, Jan, 26, 1819; Henry-Huish, Oct, 24, 1820;
Martha, April 3, l823.
1884-. Oct. 21. Sophia Georgina, dr. of John and Augusta
Catharine Davidson, of Innholmes, Esqr.
1836. Sept. 8. Elizabeth, daur, of John Leyborne and Frances Popham, Rector of Chilton. Other children of the
same psrents : Isabella Mary, Nov. 8, 1837; Frances
Ann, A pril 2, 1839 •
1584, !\for. 29. Alexander Ronswell, gcnerosns.
1593. Apr. 22. John Popham, gent. son of Francis Popham,
1598. May 22. Johan Ronswell, rnulier,
Sept. 14. Mr. Lewes Morgan, parson of Chilton/
Oct. 29. John Poore, soi of Alexander Poore.
Jau. 3. Alexander Poore.
1599. Mar. 25. Katherine, dr, of Thomas Hinton, Esquier.
1609. Oct. 11, Mris, Katerine Hinton, wife of Mr. Thomas
1610. Oct. 13. Frances Popha, generosus,
1615. Apr. 2. Margaret, <lr. of Robert and Jane Luellin.
1635. Jun. Z8 • John Goddard, generosm;.
1638. Nov. 11. Mrs. Margaret Hussey, wife of Thomas
Hussey, Esq r.
164ft. Mar. 5. William Barret, servant to the Lady Wilmote,
161-8. Nov. 9. Robert Collard, parson of Chilton 50 years,s
1656. Sep. 9. Mi·. William Starke. (Q? Starkie.)
1657. SPp. 10. Amey, wife of Edward Daniel.
1658. Sep. 14. Mr. Thomas Hounsell the elder, minister.
r Lewis Morgan, clerk, and Johane .Smith, were married June I, 1580. Baptisms of their children: Charles, June 26, 1581; Ursula, June 3, 1582; Joane, Aug.
9., 158~, Daniel, Feb. i'l, 1.589; Margaret, April 10, 1590; Fraunces, June 9, 1596.
" Robert Collard married Ursula Morgan, Dec. 29, 1598; she was buried May
20, 1617. Their children: Ursula, bapt. Jan. 26, 1605 (she married William Seymour, Dec. 18, 1623); Charles, bapt, Sept, 30, 1608. Mr. Robert Collard, clerk,
married Joan Kimber, Nov. 13, 1617.
1658, Sep. 20. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Hinton.
Sep. 23. Thomas Hinton.
· · · · ·· 1660. Sep. 9. The infant dr. of Mr. Tobin Tredwell and
Dorothy his wife.
J66J. May l. Mrs. Mary Smith, widow.
Oct. 5. Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Morgan.
J661. Oct. 20. Mrs, Hnt Yong.
Nov. H. Mr. William Seymour.
) 669. Dec. 8. Alexander Popham, Esqr,
1670, Apr. 2. Edward Dante!.
Sept. 20. Mr. Daniel Morgan.
Nov. 20. Elizabeth Morgan, widd,
1672. April I. The Laddy Popham.
1674. Aug. 28, Sir Francis Popham,
1675. Aug. 27. Sir Bulstrode Whitlock died.
-Jan. 9. The willow Morgan,
1676, June 28. Misteris Ann Popham.
-Oct. I. Mister Sedon, a minister, that dyed at Deeter
Dec. 5. Misteris _Seymour.
l 6'77. May 11. i\l r, Daniel Morgan the younger,
-May 16. The wife of Richard Choke, buried at Hungerford.
1681. Au~. l. J1)h11 Seymour.
1684,, July 31. Lady Whitlock, widow, from Chilton Lodge.
1685. Jnly 20. Mrs. Uusly, widow, from Soley from Robert
Parkes house, being his wife's mother.
1686. May 9. Dyed ]\fr. Bigley Whitlock.
-Sep. 28. Mrs. Godard, widow.
1688. Sep. 23. One Mr. Tho, Cestilion," wch was ye Bish. of
Elyes chaplinn.
h Thomas Castillion, of New college, Oxford, ll.A. 1681, M.A. 1685. The Bishop
of Ely was Francis Turner, deprived IG90. Mr. Thomas Castillion was probably &
descendant of Jolin Baptist Castillion, of Benham-Valence and Woodspene, co,
Berks, a Piedmontesc, who, having been of service to Queen Elizabeth in her
troubles, bad those manors grunted to him in 1.565. His son, Francis Castillion,
esq, was elected M.P. for Hedwyn Magua in the 39th of Eliz. 1597, and wa& afterwards knighted. He married Elizabeth St. John, of the Bletsoa family, who died
in ehildbed 28 Dec. l G03, aged 27. SitFrancia sold the property, in 1630, to the
trustees of Sir William Craven.
' :-..
1688. Feb. 15. John Binn, gentel man, who dyed at Dr.
1690. May 26. Samuel Whitlock, Esqr, the best neighbour
unto the poor in the parrish, and a man in much esteem
with the rich.
1698, Feb. 2. M1·s. Elizabeth Topping, widow.
1696. June 21. Frances Gough, gent.
-Nov. 28. Joan, wife of Thomas Seymour, gent. of
Pofely farme, in par. of East Garston,
1697. Mar, 30. John Seymoure.
1699, Oct. 23. Thomas Morgan.
1100. Apr. 12. Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Whitlock, Esqr.
Deer. 10. William Symour, gentleman.
1702. April 8. Lucy Seymour.
-Apr. 25. Mr. Edward Dore.
-May 22. Mrs. Mary Harris, whose maiden name was
-Oct. 14. Mrs. Elizabeth Whitlock, widow.
1704. Dec. 19. Richard Sharp, gentelman.
1705. Apr. 16. Mrs. Margery Morgan, widow.
June I 6. the Honblc Alexander Popham, Esqr.
-Jan. l. Hester, wife of William Smith, of Soley.
1707. Feb. 1. Died dumb Alexander Popham, Esqr.
1708. Oct. 28. Mr. 'Timothy Topping, 28 years 5 months
1710. Aug. 5. Elizabeth, dr. of Francis Popham, Esqr. and
I '711. Dec. 11. Francis, son of Francis Popham, Esqr,
-FdJ. 20. Mrs. Mary Bigg, widow.
17'12. July 13. Anne, wife of Thomas Ambras, of Hayward
-Oct. 1. Anne, wife of Francis Popham, Esqr. died in
chd. bell.
1715. Jan. 18. Died William Bigg,gent.ofsmallpoxatOxford.
1716. Nov. . Mrs. Sarah Bigg.
1717. May 16. Dorothy, wife of Lovelace B.igg, Esqr.
Sep. 5. Mrs, A1111 Hose, widow,
1 Children of Mr, Timothy Topping and Frances: Frances, born M~y 13, 16S·i;
Thomas, born April !zO, 168G; 1'lmothy, born Aug. 7, 16~8. Madame Topping,
widow of the Rev, Tim, Topping, bur. Jan. 19, li39-40.
1719. Jan. 8, Alexr. Popham, Esqr. from Ogborn, ob. 4th.
1'120. Feb. I. Mr. Bather, who died at Mr. Biggs.
1721. June 16. Alexr, Popham, Esqr, from Wellington in
Devonshire, ghird (?) to Frances Popham, Esqr, of Littlecott, dyed June 10.
1722. Oct, 10, Catherine, wife of Samuel Whitlock, Esq.
Dec. 3. Mrs. Mary Roos.
Dec, 19. Alexr, son of Francis Popham, Esqr, who
dyed at Marlborough 17th,
172 5. June 11. Thomas 4.. mbaros, gent. from Hayward Farm.
1726. Apr. 29. Mr. Charles Anderton.
-Feb. 19. Mrs. Tallmnsh, from Hungerford.
1732. Feb, I 8. Richard Roos, gent.
1733. Apr. 28. Mrs. Bodkin.
1735. Sep. 23, Francis Popham, Esqr.
Nov. 13. Mrs. Ledyard.
1737. July 5. Bulstrode Whitlock, Esqr.
-Oct. 31. Madam Ann Popham, who died at the Bath.
1739. Oct. 12. Alexander Popham, Esqr. and Edward his
brother, from Bazeclon,·who dyed within 30 hours one of
the other.
-Dec. 12, Madam Ann Popham, who died at Ramsbury.
1740. Apr. 18. Ann, dr. of Mr. Lentall, of Shefford, and
Grace his wife.
1742. July 14. Rebecca, wife of Edward Popham, Esqr.
17'!,3. Apr. 23. Samuel Whitlock, Esqr. of Chilton Ledge
Feb, 20. Rev. George Popham, Rector neare 30 years.
1744,. Dec. 23. Mr. Bodkin.
1745. Mar. 19. :i\hs. Shrimpton.
17,18. Mar. 9. l\frs. Haines.mother-in-law to Rev. Mr.Giffard,
17,1..9, Aug. 25. Mrs.· J\.1nrtha Roos.
17.50. Dec. 21. ye Lady ofThos. Bigg, Esqr.
J 7iH. Dec. 19. ·Mrs. Ann Golden,
1752. Aug. 7. ~fr. Edward Smith, of Westbrook, Boxford,
1753. Nov. 2. Mrs. Leuice Popham.
I 7 58. Mar. 1. 'Mrs. Hatchell Bigg, widd,
17 60. Jan. 5. the Lady of the Rev. \V alter Bigg.
I 761. Feb. so. Thos. Bigg, Esqr.
] 764. Dec. I O. Mrs. Sarah Smith,
1765, July 27. Rachel, wife of Lovelace Bigg, Esqr,
1768. Mai·. 12. Mrs. Elizabelh Bigg.
1772. July 19 .. Edward Popham, Esqr. of Littlecott.
-Nov. 6. Fountain Cook, Esqr,
1777, July 17, The Rev. Thomas Giffard, aged 67, was 33
years Curate.
1783. Jan. 9. Mary Gifford, widow.
1785. Jan. 3, Margaret, wife of Lovelace Bigg, Esqr.
1790. Nov, 4. Mrs, Hannah Bigg, widow, aged 78.
1791. Jan. 4,, William, son of the late William Leyborne,
Esqr, from Westwell near Burford, Oxfordshire. (He
died 28th Dec, 17 90, nged 17.)
1812. Apr. 17, Mr. Randolph Pearse.
1815. Sep. 22. The Rev. Edward
Popham, D.D. Rector,
aged 77,
1818. Aug. 2(i. Lieut.-Col. William Kelly, of the 24th Regt.
of Foot, died at Genl. Popbam's, aged 47,
1829. May 7. Nicholas Pearse, Esqr. Barrister of Lincoln's
Inn, aged 30.
1830. July 15. Dorothy Leyborne Popham, aged 18;
1833. Jan. 3. Elizabeth Ley borne Popham, aged 19;
-daughtel's of General Popham. Elizabeth's baptism does
not appear at Chilton.
Aug. 17. Walter Kitson, aged 24 (son of Rev. Walter
Kitson, Rector).
1835. Feb. 4,. Isabella Anne Kemeys Cooper, nged 3 years 9
·· ··
1836. Jan 14. William Henry Cooper, Baronet, aged 4,7,
-Mar. 8. Elizabeth Popham, aged 52 (wife of General
Edward William Leyborne Popham; she died March 1).
July 30. John Pearse, Esqr, aged 76, (of Chilton Lodge).
1839. Aug. 24. Frances Popham," aged 27.
k She was eldest daughter of E. L. Sanders, Esq. o{ Stoke Ilill, near .Exet~1·, and
fo·st wife to the Rev. John Leyborne Popham, M, A. Rector of Chilton, to whom
she wa~ married at Heavitree, co. Devon, 29 July, 1835, She died at Stoke, 16 Aug.
1039, leaving issue three daughters, whose baptims arc noticed at page 584. The
Rev. J. L. Popham married secondly at Hastinga, in 1844, Anne, daughter of the
late Rev. Edward Graves '.\feyrick, JU). Yi~ar of Ramsbury and Rector of Winchfield, by whom he has furtucr issue, viz. 1. Edward-Willinm-Lcyborne;
2. Hester;
3. John; 4. Dorothy. Mr, Popham is also Prebendary of Yetmiaster, in the
eathedral church of Salisbury, 1849,
General Edward William Ley borne P1Jpba111, of Littlecot, co,
Wilts, and of Hound Street, co. Somerset, diet! 16 June,
184,3, aged 79. He was the only surviving son of William
Leyl:iorne Leyborne, of Westwell, co. Oxen, who died
Governor-General in the West Indies in the year 1775,
ha,,ing married Anne, only daughter of Edward Popham,
of Liulecot, Esqr. Francis Popham, her brother, dying
issueless in 1780, left his estates to his nephew Edward
'William Leyborne, who thereupon took the name of Popham. The General's wife was Elizabeth, daughter of the
Ven. Archdeacon Andrew, Rector of Powderharn, co.
Devon, whom he m~nie<l 22 July, 1806, and by her had,
besides the issue mentioned at page 583, a daughter,
Elizabeth, whose baptism does not appear at Chilton; she
died unmarried, 28 Dec, 1832. ( See pp. 576 and 588.)
1586. Ang. 21. Edmund ireonger and Constantin Goddard.
1599 . .J ulie 26. Mr. John l!npthropp am! Jane Morgan.
1600. May 19, Robert Luellin and Jane Mtmday.
J 605. May 2. Rubert Plaisted and Jane Morgan.
1612. July 6, John Burleigh and Catharine Nicholas.
1620. July rn. Christopher Collard and Frances Laver.
1621. Oct. 30,
alter Bayley, gent. and Katarine Bridges,
1624. Jan. I7. Thomas Warren, gentleman, ond Elizabeth
,vhite, dr, of 1\'Jr. Thomas White.
164-5. Sep. 15. Thomas Becharn and Elizabeth Palmer.
1658, Feb. 10. John Osborne, ah Cat·penter, and Elizabeth
1659. Oct. 20. Mr. Tobias Treclwcll, minister, and Mrs,
Dorothy Hounsell.
1661-. Oct. 24. Daniel Morgan, Sen. and Phillip Bartlet,
1668. July 2'2. Thomas Smith and Dulsebelln_S.eymour.
IG72. April I I. Francis ~-Iil],. Esqr. was married io Sir
Whitlock's (laughter.
1673. April 3. Jolm Hungerford and Elizabeth Howard.
1674. Msy 12. Ml'. Daniel ~f?rgan and Luce Stl'o11g.
1679. Feb. 2,1,, Thomas Uriu,~L.lone of East Stowell, in the
parrish of Wilcot, anrf Alice Parks, of this parish.
H:i8Z. Oct. 15. Thomas Brimsdon, and Sarah Tyler, both of
1685. Aug. 11. Tuesday, Edward Seymour, Esqr, and Letitia,
dr, of the late Sir Fraucis Popham.
1689. Sep. 6. John, a prety anchent man whoe lived asid of
Newbery as he suirl, the young maide that hee married
her name was Ann, a short young maide, I think not
above 15 or 16 at most.
1691. Oct 11. John Choake, and Mat')' Baffeard,
1698. June 16. Patrick Box, clerk, of Winchester, and Mary
Hil, of Lacock.
}700. June 14. J eofery _Furnifoll and Frances Harfeild, both
of Hamstead Marshall.
I 711. Apr. 2••..
Spicer, of Laekcornstead, and Mrs, Mary
Stafford, of Rarnsbury.
1 718. Aug. 19. Thomas Beacher, of London, and M rs. Dorothy Bigg.
-Nov. 11. Charles Blackstone, gent. of London, and
Mrs. Mary Bigg.
I j 19, Sep. B. Scamore Richmond, gent. of ,valliugfol'<l, and
Mrs. Alithea Bigg.
17:W. Oct. 4. Roger Bigg, of Hungerford, and Elizabeth
Daves, of Chilton.
Jan. 2. Robert Pinnick, gent. of Wautage, and Mrs.
Dorothy Amburas, of Chilton.
1750. June 25. Mr. Jno. Mashall and l\Irs. Cam. Gitfard.
1751. Dec. 26. Thos. Bigg, Esqr. and Mrs. Hannah Alexander, both of this parish.
1760. May 19. William Seymour, of East Garston, and
M.u·y Kimber.
1767. Jan. 1. John J;>i,ke, of St. James Wcstr., and Elizabeth
Pike, of Chute.
1775; Sep. 25. Robert Pitcairn, of Hungerford, and Denne
I 777~ Mar. 15. John Odell, and Elizth. M allam, by R. Pitcairn, minr,
1797. June 7. Rd. q,?._".1-:~t~ of Walcot, Bath, and Mary Pike.
1799. Jan, 5. Wm. ~iggs, of Lambeth, and Elizabeth Pike.
I 799, Jan. 80. Y enrk Shum, of St. Peter and Paul, Bath, and
Sarah Pike.
1803. Mny 15. John l:,eymo:ur and Mary Brooks.
The names of Munday> Spanswick, Bartlet, Wainsford,
Withers, Elton, and Plaisteed occur frequently in these Registers.
Among the Churchwardens were, Alexr. Roswell, gent. in J 579,
Henry Smyth 1.591, Mrs. Roswell's house· (sic) 1596, Thomas
Smith i609 and 1625, (the father probably of Mary Smith, who
;;;rried Charles Seymour,' afterwards second Lord Seymour, of
Trnwbridge,) Mrs. MarySmith widow 1646, widow Alice ~ains•
ford 1649, Sir George Wilmot 1659, and Edward Lydyard in
1676. (A regular list of churchwardens is continued yearly.)
"Memda. 1680, June 10, was the Reverend Mr. Timothy
Topping received by quieth and honble possession Rector of
Chilton Foliot."
"1669. In perpetuam rei memoriam, That virtuous gentlewoman Mrs. Mary Bigg gave to this parishe of Chilton Foliot
a silver chalice with a cover, out of'her unfeigned love to religion
and ye service of God, to be used be ye parishioners at ye celebration of ye Holy Communion,"
J. \.V.
to Extracts from the Registers, &c.
Page 414, line 8 from bottom, the chantry dedicated to St. John
the Baptist was founded by John de Appclby in" A.n. 13iJ2."
Page 415, line l of extracts,fin-" 25 " read" 23."
Page 415, last line but one,fiir "(Johnis ?Y' 1·eacl "Joli'is."
Page 416, line G, " Ric'di" is correct.
Page 416, line 12, Roger Lascells was Rector of Kirklington,
Page 416, line 20, fol'" [Johannes] Chapman, Rektor," read cc Johannes Chapman, Rector."
Page 416, lines 22 and 24, read " Ellena Crofte."
1 See the extracts from the parish register of Preshnte in Ccllectanea Topog, et
Genealogies, vol. v. p. 347.