special edition - Trinity Church
special edition - Trinity Church
L A I C E SP Monthly Ministry Guide May 2012 CONNECTIONS t r o p p u S s p u Gro EDITION Support Groups... “A Safe Place” on the members of our small group to come to our aid to the best of their ability. by Pastor Ken Pierce Pastor of Koinonia Small Groups May 2012 But sometimes, because of the nature of our brokenness, it is wise to seek the support of people who have been shaped on the “anvil of God’s grace” – people who have “been there” and can help us move forward and experience the victory promised through Christ. Trinity Church is truly blessed to have a number of godly men and women who give sacrificially of themselves every week to lead our Support Groups. They act as conduits of God’s love, mercy, and grace because they have received the same from Him (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). It is an honor to be associated with the men and women who give so selflessly of themselves. When we trust in the Lord Jesus, we sometimes think that God will insulate us from the troubles that plague this world – that He’ll coat us with supernatural “Teflon” that will protect us the rest of our lives. But, that’s not what He promised. Jesus said “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows” (John 16:33 NLT). Often those trials and sorrows are the result of living in a broken world. Sometimes, they are the result of someone’s sinful choices, including our own. Regardless of the source of our troubles, God can use them to shape and refine us just as Paul wrote in Romans 8:28-29 (ESV): “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.” Our groups provide a safe place to go for emotional support and healing though a Christ-centered approach from these loving members of the Trinity Church community. Most groups can be joined at any time and they are open to all people regardless of their church affiliation or faith. In fact, our Support Groups have been used by God to bring nonbelievers to faith and trust in the Lord Jesus! What a wonderful blessing! It is a privilege to share, in this special edition of Connections, some of the thoughts of people who have taken part in our GriefShare group, from parents of children attending DC4K, and from the leaders of DivorceCare and Every Man’s Challenge. In November, we were notified that our GriefShare and DivorceCare Ministries were among the top 100 in the nation. The God of all comfort is working powerfully through His people! When we go through difficult times in our lives, it is helpful to be with godly people who can empathize with us – people who understand, care for, and encourage us; people we can count on to speak truth into our lives. If you’re a member of a small group “those people” are usually the other members of your group. As we share life in Christ together in a small group, it becomes second nature for us to bear each other’s burdens and build one another up in faith. In the storms of life, we can count CDs & DVDs of Gary’s sermons are available at the library. Ministry Index All-Church Focus Children’s Ministries College - Praxis Disability Ministries Family Ministries FAF Fuente De Vida High School - Kaleo Men’s Ministries Micah House 4 4 6 14 13 15 16 6 12 16 i - Childcare thru age 4 Middle School - Elevate Mission Ministries Pass Area Campus Senior Adults - FiftyPlus Singles - CrossWalk Small Groups - Koinonia Support Groups Women of Trinity Worship Ministries Young Adults 5 15 16 13 7 13 14 7 17 6 CDs are $2.50 DVDs are $3.50 Full Albums too! 8 - Online registration 2 May 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Helping Hands (Women) 10:00 am-4:00 pm 29 30 2 1 Saturday TMOMs (Women) 9:00-11:30 am What’s at Stake? (Men) 3:00-8:00 pm Young Marrieds First Friday 6:00-10:00 pm 4 3 Biblical Foundations (Women) 6:00-7:30 am 9:30-11:00 am First Pray 6:00-7:30 pm I A L.A. (High School) Friday-Sunday 6 7 8 Camp TLC Elective & Consent Brochure Pick-Up 3:00-6:00 pm 13 14 Super Sitter Graduation 8:00-9:00 am 21 10 Off-Road Run (Men) 9:00 am-4:00 pm 66ers Game & BBQ (Light & Power) 5:00-9:00 pm Love & Respect (Singles) 7:00-9:00 pm 12 Parent’s Night Out (King’s Kids) 6:30-9:00 pm Trap Shooting Tournament (Men) 6:00-8:30 pm 15 11 5 TMOMs (Women) 9:00-11:30 am Camp TLC Elective & Consent Brochure Drop-Off 5:00-7:00 pm 16 17 Movie Night (Middle School) 7:00-9:00 pm 18 19 FiftyPlus Chapel 10:00 am-Noon Relationship Relationship Singles Conference Singles Conference 7:00-9:00 pm 9:00 am-5:00 pm The Co-op Information Meeting (Women) 7:00-8:30 pm End of D-Groups Party (High School) 6:30-8:30 pm LINK Supper Club (4th and 5th Grades) 3:30-6:00 pm 20 9 Total Chaos (Middle School) 6:30-8:30 pm Discovering God’s D.E.S.I.G.N. 11:15 am-2:00 pm First Base 4:00-8:30 pm Friday 22 23 24 25 26 June Baptism Class 11:15 am-12:30 pm Incoming Freshman Parent Meeting & Reception (High School) 7:00-8:00 pm 27 WorthWhile Wednesday (High School) 6:00-8:00 pm Memorial Day Church Office Closed 28 29 Young Marrieds First Friday 6:00-10:00 pm 30 31 1 When Helping Helps (Women) 8:00-11:00 am 2 to “bring Chinese people in the U.S. and the world to faith in Jesus Christ and to grow them in their faith so that they can share the good news of the Gospel with others.” Contact Leisure, [email protected] or (909) 214-2105. All-Church Focus May 6, FirstPray - We will continue to pray for one another and friends in the style of 40 days of prayer. Parents, bring your children and pray for their friends, Camp TLC, and other kingdom needs. 6:00-7:30 pm in Room M102. i 9:30 am Young Adult Class - Mark Brown and Rick Langer, Room M201. This class will lead young adults through an engaging study of Colossians. See how the supremacy of Christ affects all areas of our lives and relationships as we journey through this important book. May 20, First Base - Learn about Trinity’s core values, beliefs and ministries. This is the first step toward membership. A light dinner is provided. 4:00-8:30 pm in Room M200. For childcare or to register for the class, call Lisa, x111. 11:15 am Light & Power - Jeff & Kathi McNair, Room M200. This class includes adults with a variety of disabilities. With more than 60 members, we enjoy rich times of worship, prayer, teaching and learning together. Join us! Everyone is welcome. For more information, call Jeff & Kathi McNair, (909) 215-0577. May 20, Discover God’s D.E.S.I.G.N. - This seminar is designed to help you discover God’s unique thumbprint of design in your life, your gifts, desires, experiences and to help you maximize your ability to serve God’s kingdom. $5 for lunch. 11:15 am-2:00 pm in Room M201. Childcare available with RSVP to Tanya, [email protected] or x130. To register for class, call Ann, x146 TLC May 27, Baptism Class - Baptism is the normal next step for those who believe in Jesus as their Savior and Lord. If you are a believer and have not been baptized, this class will help you understand the need for and meaning of baptism. This class is for all ages. 11:15 am-12:30 pm in Room M201. The next baptism service will take place at FirstPray on June 3. Children’s Ministry Children’s Ministries Infants - 5th grade Sunday Adult Classes Kim Simons, x132 Adult classes are a great way to get to know God and get to know others. We work hard to teach timeless truths that help transform our daily lives. Our goal is to equip each person to do the “good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10) Infants & Toddlers - Along with play rooms and a crib room for sleeping babies, we have a nursing moms’ room and restrooms in our nursery facility. Pagers are available so each parent may be contacted anywhere at church. Preschool (Age 2 through Pre-Kindergarten) Our interest-center approach to learning includes stories, puppets, games, music, art, and dramatic play. The dedicated staff on Sunday mornings creates a safe place for young ones to learn to love learning about God! 8:00 am Missionary Prayer - Don Bell, Room M201. Join with others in supporting our missionaries through prayer. We meet weekly for prayer and updates on our missionary family. 9:15 am Chinese Christian Fellowship - Dr. Leisure Yu, Room M102. Join a group of dedicated Christians, with both American and Chinese backgrounds, who have a passion 4 Elementary (Kindergarten through 5th Grade) Trinity Learning Center is a popular place with kids, in both corporate worship and smaller individual classroom settings. Kids enjoy examining God’s Word through music, drama, special guests and lots of surprises! May 2012 Soaring Higher at Camp TLC, June 25-29 Registration forms available in TLC Check-in or online. Registration includes: Camp t-shirt, daily snacks, elective choices, VBS with drama and music, transportation to off-campus venues, and closing celebration! Save your spot with a $25 deposit. Limited scholarships available with application. 8 Cost: Full Days 8:00 am-5:00 pm $160 Half Days 8:00 am-1:00 pm 1st-2nd Graders $90 3rd-5th Graders $100 Middle School - Elevate May 15, Camp TLC Elective & Consent Brochure Pick-Up - Prospective campers who have already registered for Camp TLC or would like to register at this location can pick up elective & consent brochures between 3:00-6:00 pm at TLC Check-in. Left over forms will be mailed out on the morning of May 16. Hylke Hylkema, x123 Do you want to have a great time, talk about real issues and get to know the real God? Then join us! We mix wild fun and relevant content. We want to help Middle School students love God, learn about God’s Word, love each other, and share Christ! Elevate - Not your typical Sunday School class. Great music, Bible study, fun and hanging out with friends make Sunday mornings a blast! And you don’t even have to get up early! Sundays, 11:15 am-12:30 pm, Room M106. May 16, Camp TLC Elective & Consent Brochure Drop-Off - Prospective campers who have already registered for Camp TLC can drop off elective & consent brochure between 5:00-7:00 pm at TLC Check-in. Payments will also be accepted at this time. Tuesday Night Tribes - TNT meets Tuesdays, May 1, 8 and 15, from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Worship Center. Small group parties will be on May 29. Contact your small group leader for details. May 20, Super Sitter Graduation - Families are invited to join us for a light breakfast and ceremony honoring the hard work their Super Sitters have accomplished these last 13 weeks. 8:00-9:00 am in Room L203. May 18, Movie Night - Enjoy a movie and popcorn! 7:00-9:00 pm in Room M106. May 20, LINK Supper Club #4 - We will enjoy a meal, play games, and discuss topics pertinent to our faith. 3:30-6:00 pm in Room L203. RSVP by May 18 to (909) 335-7333, x129. Bring your Bible and $5 for dinner. A signed parent consent form is required to be on file or submitted. May 22, Total Chaos - There will be wild inflatables, rockin’ music and unlimited fun! Don’t miss out! 6:308:30 pm in the Worship Center. Sign Up Now: July 30-August 3, Summer Camp at Ponderosa Pines. $269 before June 10! 8 King’s Kids - King’s Kids focuses on infants to 5th graders who may need special assistance during any of the three services on Sunday mornings. We want your child with special needs to have complete access to the wonderful learning experiences available to all of TLC’s youngsters. We also offer a Parents’ Night Out and other fun events. May 18, King’s Kids Parents’ Night Out - King’s Kids and their siblings will spend a fun evening together under the watchful care of King’s Kids Buddies and TLC volunteers while their moms and dads have an evening out. 6:30-9:00 pm in Room L110. RSVP to Julie Bixler (909) 838-4225. Cost is $2 per child and a healthy snack to share. 5 High School - Kaleo College - Praxis We love High School students, and we consider it a privilege to invest in the lives of students at this exciting and challenging time. In every aspect of our ministry, we strive to provide a safe, purposeful and engaging environment where students can be exposed to the living God and grow in relationship with Him. Kaleo AM - This is a high-energy worship service designed specifically for High School students. We meet Sundays 9:30-11:00 am in Room M105. “Praxis” is a Greek word that means “our actions - the way we do life.” Praxis College Ministry is all about helping college students find God then helping them live a life consistent with their beliefs. Throughout the school year, we meet on campus at the University of Redlands. Students from several colleges, universities and community colleges gather to worship in this unique setting. Each week we are challenged to grow in our relationships with Christ and others as we enjoy great worship, Bible teaching, snacks, and conversation. Discipleship Groups - D-groups meet Tuesdays, May 1, 8 and 15, from 6:30-8:30 pm in Room M105. Praxis meets on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. In May, we will be meeting at Trinity Church in Room M102. Shawn Brennan, x153 Mark Brown, x149 May 11-12, I A L.A. - Join us for a life changing look at inner city missions while we dive in and serve the people of L.A. Leave at 3:00 pm, Friday; return 4:30 pm, Saturday. Meet and pick up at Trinity. $40 cost includes 3 meals. Limited to 30 students. 8 Young Adults (Post College & Career), Mark Brown, x149 Our Young Adults group is a place where young adults in their 20s, both married and single, can get together to encourage each other in friendship and godliness. May 22, End of D-groups Party - Gather to celebrate with fellowship and reflection about what God did this year in and through our D-groups. 6:30-8:30 pm in Room M105. Koinonia Small Groups - Meet with others in their 20’s to study the Word and share life together. For information, contact Mark, x149. May 27, Incoming Freshman Parent Meeting & Dessert Reception - Do you have an incoming freshman? Then you’re invited! Meet Shawn Brennan, our High School pastor and get answers to any questions you have about the High School ministry. 7:00-8:00 pm at the Brennan home, 2 Coral Court, Redlands. Young Adult Class - Mark Brown and Rick Langer are leading young adults through an engaging study of Colossians. See how the supremacy of Christ affects all areas of our lives and relationships as we journey through this important book. Sundays, 9:30 am in Room M201. May 30, WWW @ Cornerstone - Make your Wednesday count by feeding the hungry and the homeless at Cornerstone Church in San Bernardino. 6:00-8:00 pm at Cornerstone Compassion Center, 903 E 3rd St, San Bernardino. 8 June 11-15, Summer Adventure Camp - Fun at Doheny State Beach. $99 before May 13; $139 after.8 May 4, Young Marrieds First Friday - See page 13 for details. 6 May 2012 Singles - CrossWalk Women of Trinity We are a welcoming, nurturing community that encourages Christ-centered growth, service and celebration. Single adults of all ages, whether always single or single again, are welcome. We offer an array of monthly activities, weekly small groups and special events. To get connected or for details, call Gary Bennett, (909) 790-9495, or email us at [email protected]. Trinity offers women a variety of ways to connect and serve in Women’s Ministries, regardless of their age or stage in life. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned traveler, you will find each of our ministries to be a safe place to strengthen you in your spiritual journey and in your knowledge of and love for God. Join a Koinonia, Men’s or Women’s small group. For more information contact Ken at x159. Women’s Weekly Bible Studies - Come meet for fellowship, food, worship, instruction and prayer. Enjoy special friendships and encourage others in your small groups. Join us as we study the book of Daniel. Ken Pierce, x159 Elizbeth Inrig, x144 May 12, Love & Respect - During this last session, men and women will learn how to resolve conflict, meet each other’s need, and gain understanding in interpersonal relationships. Facilitated by Larry Shoemaker and Ken Pierce, this study utilizes a DVD and study guide by Dr. Eggerichs. 7:00-9:00 pm in Room M105. $15 includes study guide and refreshments. For more information contact Ken Pierce, x159. 8 Time: Location: Mondays 6:45-9:00 pm i Wednesdays 8:45-11:30 am i Room M105 (both days) Cost for the study is $35 per semester which includes materials, childcare and a light meal. Register Sundays at the women’s kiosk. Registration forms may be downloaded online and turned in with payment. Contact Margaret for more information, x150. Current study completes on May 14 and 16. May 25-26, Relationship Singles Conference CrossWalk Singles is hosting a relationships conference for singles presented by Single+Passion Ministries. The conference will focus on developing godly relationships and will address a variety of topics such as dating, behaviors that sabotage relationships, communication, gender distinctions, and more. Friday, 6:30-7:30 pm for an optional potluck. First session is from 7:30-9:30 pm. Saturday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm in Room M105. The cost is $30 if prepaid online at http://goo.gl/beZi8 or $40 at the door. For more information, contact Laurie Jepsen at [email protected] or (951) 440-4201. Morning Pray-ers - This prayer team reads Scripture and prays for Women’s Ministries and Trinity’s needs over coffee. Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 am in Room M105. For more information, contact Mary Hall, (951) 295-0306. Biblical Foundations - Elizabeth Inrig is walking us through A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament edited by Roy B. Zuck. 6:00-7:30 am or 9:30-11:00 am in Room M102. No cost for the class; text is $28. For more information contact Margaret, x150. Our next meeting on May 11 will focus on the books of Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah. Continued on page 14 7 Support Groups Sometimes we, our family, or friends face serious personal challenges and life events. Our support groups provide a safe place to go for emotional support and healing though a Christ-centered approach from loving members of the Trinity Church community. Most groups can be joined at any time while they are in session. Check the Trinity website for the schedule & room assignments or contact Koinonia Support Groups, x124. Ken Pierce Pastor of Koinonia Support Groups I have been helping with DivorceCare since 2004 when Kelly Rosenthal recruited several divorced attendees from what was then called Single Cause as potential leaders. Through the years, many broken-hearted, desperate, panicked people have attended DivorceCare. Each group has been unique and endearing in their own way. I feel so privileged to come along side as each one has an opportunity to draw close to God and look to Him for healing and hope for a future. Most go online to find a divorce recovery group and decide to give us a try. Many faces come to mind and I remember their stories. Some were already Christians, but many others never attended church or had not attended since childhood and knew little about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I remember one woman who had been “happily” married for over 30 years before her husband announced he was in love with someone else. Divorced for 12 years, she was stuck in anger and despair. She was a Christian but unforgiveness had not allowed her to find peace so she could move on. After attending three 13-week sessions, she was able to forgive her ex-husband and reconciled her relationship to the Savior. She was free to live the life Christ had planned for her. We have had men come in who were just as devastated by a wife who wandered away from the faith or left abruptly with his children. Our men suffer terribly, too, but have been a blessing in countless ways to the group members by their wisdom and unique perspectives. Many group members have been abused emotionally and/or physically. They not only have to grieve the loss of a marriage, they must find a way to support their children and rebuild their sense of self which had been obliterated over time. The group members stand strong with them as they take steps to heal. Missionary wives, Pastors’ wives, wives of lawyers, powerful executives, teachers, as well as others from all walks of life have been embraced and have received amazing support by the 8 group. Our “graduates” have varied in age from 23 to near 70 years old. One gentleman in ministry reported that after 17 years of marriage his wife decided she didn’t want to be married anymore. He stated “We both are devout Christians. We met, dated, and married all the right way. We didn’t even kiss before we were pronounced married. There are no guarantees.” A few, very few, have been able to reconcile. We encourage that hope. We pray for each other weekly and see results. It is most rewarding to see people come to Christ and grow in faith right before our eyes. What a powerful thing to witness when through prayer and fasting we have seen the schemes of Satan thwarted in court in miraculous ways. Many have commented that although divorce has been the most painful time in their lives it was worth it because of the relationship they now have in Christ. This is a much needed ministry and the rewards are great. It is also a heart-wrenching time that requires the strength and wisdom of God. Praise HIS NAME forever because He is faithful to all generations. ~ Sandy Tarr “Missionary wives, Pastors’ wives, wives of lawyers, powerful executives, teachers, as well as others from all walks of life have been embraced and have received amazing support by the group.” have any divorced friends and my daughter has always felt different. At DC4K she can be with children that are going through similar circumstances. My daughter feels relaxed and at ease because most of the topics are issues she is able to relate to. DC4K has helped to reinforce God’s love for her. I believe DC4K has helped her to accept that her parents’ divorce is not her fault. DC4K has truly been a blessing for my daughter!” The following are quotes from the parents of the children are in the DivorceCare for Kids group. ~ Starla Strain and Gayle Martinell ~ “I have been taking my children to DC4K for approximately one year. At the beginning of our separation, I immediately noticed a change in the children. The anger, depression, melt-downs, reclusion, along with other variations in their behavior had come to surface. As much as we tried to help them, we were failing and things seemed to get worse. I heard about DC4K from a friend and felt led to send them, in hope that they would want to go and get the help they desperately needed. Although we do not attend Trinity Church, this program has had a tremendous, positive impact on the children. There has been a significant change in this short time. But not only that, the children look forward to going every week! They enjoy being there and love Ms. Starla & Ms. Gayle! The children would rather skip dinner and get to DC4K. “DC4K has not only helped my son by giving him a “safe” place to talk about his feelings, but has also helped us to have more open/better communication. He felt like he didn’t know any divorced families before we came here, so being around the other kids made him feel better (more normal).” Thank you for this ministry, it has truly been an answer to my prayers!” ~ “DC4K has helped my daughter in regards to her feeling “different” from her friends. In our social circle, we don’t CAREGIVERS Being a primary caregiver for a family member or friend is a demanding and challenging ministry. For those who have been given this ministry, the Caregivers Support Group is an oasis of hope and encouragement. Caregivers are able to share their concerns and the needs they face, while finding strength through shared experiences with fellow caregivers. At the monthly meetings, caregivers realize there are others who understand what they are experiencing and they learn from what others are doing in similar situations. It has been a joy to see the feelings of hopelessness, tiredness and discouragement lifted through this interaction with fellow caregivers, scripture and prayer. ~ Vern & Ruth Hoffs 9 My spouse, Elaine Laabs, passed away January 4, 2011. Several of my friends recommended your Grief Recovery meetings and I attended these on a consistent basis. First, the socialization with the others in attendance meant so much to me. I then came to learn there is an immediate comfort in identifying with the input these people felt free to express. This opportunity for help coupled with the high spiritual emphasis you maintained throughout the meetings is wonderful. Thank you so very much. ~Elery Albertson GriefShare was a HUGE help to me following the loss of my husband. My healing process began there. The series dealt with aspects of grief like anger, guilt, and lonelinessand many things that I had no idea were a part of grief. I learned that joy and pain can co-exist and that God can heal the brokenhearted. No matter who you have lost, GriefShare can help you work through the many different stages of grief and help begin the healing process. I highly recommend this program. ~ Wendy Walder This group is full of compassion and comfort for the grieving person that has lost someone recently or months to years ago. My grief is unique to others, but the feelings and stages of loss are the same. This group provides me with relationships that understand what I am going through and we support each other well. The fact that it is Christ centered and video based makes it a great healer for my soul, spirit and body. I would encourage anyone to come that wants to achieve wholeness again. I have been able to experience joy and peace during the last 10 months after that I lost my Mother to breast cancer. Praise God for the facilitators that lead GriefShare. ~ Vickie Rosburg 10 10 I am finding that being a part of the group, “GriefShare”, has helped me walk through the grief of losing my cousin, Cheri, to suicide in February of 2011 and my mother, Clare, in October of 2011. The support and encouragement of others in the group has shown me that there is hope that my life will go on. It’s good to know that I’m not alone with my feelings. It is good to know that all the feelings I have are “normal.” It’s OK to get angry (as long as I don’t stay in that place). It is OK not to understand. It is OK to cry. This is one of the roller coaster rides that I would prefer not to be a part of. But, here I am and I put on my safety belt and pull down the lap bar. I have quite a few friends on the same ride. That is a great encouragement to me. It is a good feeling when we can share about our losses. The last thing I want to do is forget about the people that I have lost that were a part of my life. I need to treasure the memories of each person. The group has also helped me in knowing how to appropriately respond when people say, “Oh, I know EXACTLY how you feel.” It is OK to know that other family members will grieve differently than I do. Their relationship with the person was unique to them; just as mine was unique with the individual. ~ Rod Bailey GriefShare is a priceless, meaningful experience that helps anyone who has lost a loved one through death. After losing 3 people in my life in 17 months I can attest to that. I have been attending 1 ½ years and have learned all about grief through the videos. The sharing with classmates is done, one day at a time and cannot be rushed. I would recommend it to anyone. ~ LaVerne Rask GriefShare has been a wonderful experience. I walk into a room where I know others relate to what I am going through. It has allowed me to thoroughly work through my grief and given me a basic understanding of what it’s all about. GriefShare has shown me that there is definitely hope to come and that God is the only one who can sustain me as I go through this season of grief. ~ Christina Biskup EVERYMAN’S Every Man’s Challenge provides hope to men that desire freedom from their sexual sins. We believe that Jesus alone can transform a man’s heart and mind from habits and addictions because He promises that He can. Because of past sinful patterns, men have a difficult time seeing themselves apart from their sin. Shame over sexual sin drives men into despair and then makes it easy for them to believe the lie that they are stuck, hopeless, worthless, and God could never love them or accept them because of what they have done or are doing. 1 to 2 new men join every month. About half the men are from Trinity and half from surrounding churches. It has been my experience that a man will remain porn free if he has 2-3 years of demonstrated faithfulness. The accumulation of past patterns and sins is difficult to break for an addict. It takes time, high boundaries, lots of prayer, the desire for utter transparency, and crying out for help daily to the Lord. As is the case with addictions, the sexual sin is a window into deeper pain. It is a joy to see a struggling man dig with God into the depths of his soul for healing and see the power of transformation at work. We stress the importance of boundaries and disciplines to break up past rituals that have contributed to the sin, while at the same time encouraging men to seek God and cry out to him for mercy, grace and help. We ask God to break us in ways we never thought possible because He can. We trust Him that despite the pain of our decisions, He has the ability to rebuild a man. We support each other by never shaming someone who wants to change, but by providing a safe, confidential, and anonymous place for honesty and encouragement. A more in depth structured study is available on Saturday mornings using the LIFE curriculum (Living in Freedom Everyday). Men are invited to attend the LIFE group based on their desire to change and the immediate actions they are taking to change, i.e. they appear to be men that God is working in because they are letting Him. The LIFE group takes about 26 weeks and we dive into levels of past sexual sin, brokenness, addictive behaviors, and other topics more deeply than what Wednesday night can offer. The LIFE group is a closed group as the level of confidentiality is paramount to speak honestly about a man’s sin. ~ Todd Kasik The battle for the mind of a man is fierce and we want to let men know that there is hope in Christ and His power is just as alive today as it ever was. The group currently has about 8 to 12 men in regular attendance every Wednesday. QUESTIONS TO ASK WHEN CHOOSING A COUNSELOR Sometimes we need individual counseling which goes beyond what our support groups are designed to offer. The Association of Biblical Counselors suggests asking these questions when choosing a counselor: 1. Is God’s Word the source of his or her counsel? Is the Bible seen as being one truth among many other truths, or is it the most reliable place for real help? Find a counselor who is convinced that real truth applied to real problems brings about real change. Lives are changed as the truth of God, as revealed in His Word, is applied to the toughest problems. 2. Is the counselor biblically sound? Most counseling errors stem from the fact that the counselor has views of God, change, problems, etc., which are shaped more by culture and pop psychology than by God’s Word. Sound theology should shape the counselor’s psychology rather than the other way around. 3. Is the counselor committed to growth and change, or is he or she more interested in endless discussions about the problem? Many counselors are good at “diagnosing” but don’t have answers for change. What results is “Diagnostic Damnation.” Seek out a counselor who is more concerned with God-honoring change than with labels. 4. Will the counselor lead me to answers found in God’s Word, or tell me the answers are within me? Most of the 250 commonly used approaches to counseling assume “… the answers are found within.” Find a counselor who understands that the Bible teaches that we need outside counsel from God and His revealed truth. The counselor should point people to real answers, not more self-focus. 5. Is the counselor well trained? Find a counseling center where the counselors are well trained in biblical counseling. The center should provide in-house training in addition to the degrees the counselors have already received. Please check out the ABC network to help locate a biblical counseling center in your area. 6. Will the counselor honor my marriage? Much marriage counseling today is really divorce counseling. Counselors split couples up to work on “individual issues” with the end result being the couple growing further apart. Ask the counselor if he or she takes seriously the commandment to “not separate what God has joined together.” Couples should be counseled together and work toward real changes that will grow the worst marriages into marriages that sing. 7. Will the counselor honor my authority as a parent? Some counselors meet alone with children, and do not include parents in the process. Find out if the counselor will counsel kids with their parent as well, because we believe it to be the best way to implement real change. Biblical counseling equips parents to lead their children. 11 Continued from page 7 Helping Hands Sewing Ministry - This group creates, knits and sews items for various ministry projects and community needs. It meets the first Thursday of the month, 10:00 am-4:00 pm. This month we meet May 3, in Room M200. For more information, contact Pat Derksen, (909) 797-7270. Summer Links - Watch for more information on the upcoming programs beginning June 4 on Mondays, 7:00-9:00 pm or Wednesdays, 9:00-11:00 am. Register Now! October 5-7, Women of Trinity Beach Camping Retreat - Enjoy the outdoors, fellowship and meet new friends at San Clemente State Beach. Only 50 spaces available. Payment of $55 secures your spot. Registration begins April 29 at the Women’s Kiosk. Trinity Mothers of Munchkins (TMOMs) - Join other mothers of preschoolers over a light breakfast, enjoy interesting speakers and share in stimulating table discussions. Take some time out for yourself and provide great fun for the children. We usually meet two Fridays each month during the school year, 9:00-11:30 am, in Room M105. Registration cost is $80. This includes childcare, crafts and brunch. Registration forms may now be downloaded online and submitted with payment at the women’s kiosk or at a T-MOMs meeting. Contact Jodie Hylkema, (951) 294-0097, or [email protected], for more information. This month we meet May 4 and May 18 in Room M105. i Heartstrings - Matching older and younger women for spiritual growth and mutual edification. Men’s Ministries Jim Woolard, x128 The Shelter - A place to ask questions that God’s Word can answer. Contact the Women’s Ministries office, x150 for more information. What incredible experience does God have for a guy like you? It is our desire to help men meet an awesome Savior in Christ, help them work through garbage in their life that holds them back, assist them in growing in Christ, and empower them as they discover how they can use their unique abilities to accomplish the mission God has given them! The Co-op - Trinity Home Enrichment Cooperative is a program to help home-educationg parents supplement the education of kindergarten through 5th grade children by providing God-centered classes and enrichment activities. If your family is interested in the 2012-2013 academic year, please join us for a mandatory information meeting, May 24, 7:00-8:30 pm in The Fireside Room. For more information, contact Dred Farnsworth (909) 425-2432 or Mira Gamal, (909) 792-7464. Please note that space is limited for participation in the program. June 2, When Helping HELPS! - Join other women to learn about effective ways to help people in need. Myrna Ronald, a Canadian friend who has visited many African nations, along with Marti Fisher and Jeanie Osterberg, will challenge us as they share creative enterprises which help transform the lives of impoverished women in Africa. Join us in Room M105, 8:00-11:00 am, for some “hands-on” learning. Light breakfast provided. Invite a friend! $5 tickets are available at the Women’s kiosk, TMOMs or at Bible Study. Contact Margaret, x150, for more information and childcare. Men’s Small Groups - A small group is 5-10 guys who get together to know each other better and seek to apply the truth from the Bible to their lives. We have small groups meeting every day at various locations around the Inland Empire. See our website for more information. 8 May 5, What’s at Stake? - Join with other men as we work together on various projects around the church and then relax, enjoy a steak and hear from men about the dangers of pornography and the stake it can drive through a man’s heart. 3:00-8:00 pm. Meet outside the Ministry Building for work projects; dinner will follow in Room M102. $10 per person; $5 for guests. Pre-registration required.8 12 May 12, Off-Road Run - Grab your gear and join us on a run to Bulky Horse Canyon/Broom Flats! 9:00 am4:00 pm. Meet in front of the Ministry Center. Bring lunch, water and some friends! May 2012 May 16, Trap Shooting Tournament - Gentlemen, It’s time to grab a friend and come out for another fun evening out on the range! Prizes will be awarded for different flights, so you will be competing only against those at your skill level. 6:00-8:30 pm at Redlands Shooting Park, 2125 N Orange St, Redlands. $40 per person ($20 per guest), includes gun rental, traps, ammo and pouch, ear and eye protection, pizza and prizes. 8 May 24, FiftyPlus Chapel - Our Chapel this month will feature Walt Pitman who, in addition to his serving as our Executive Pastor, is also an accomplished potter. He will be doing a presentation about the potter as reflected in the scriptures while using the wheel to make a pot. His wife, Diane, will be singing a solo at the conclusion of the presentation. 10:00 am-Noon in Room M105. A POT-luck lunch will follow. Please bring a main dish, salad, or dessert. Family Ministries Larry Shoemaker, x135 Trinity Church aspires to be a place where healthy marriages and family life are encouraged, educated and strengthened so that families will be equipped to stand firm and stand out in our 21st century culture. Through support and resources, we seek to help establish and strengthen godly marriages and families that will leave a legacy and be a model for future generations. Small Groups - Koinonia May 4, Young Marrieds First Friday - You’re invited to join other recently married young couples at Dale & Denise Kuhn’s home, 12627 Fremont St, Yucaipa, (909) 797-4370. A light meal and beverages will be provided. Bring bread, salad or dessert to share, and if you like, a favorite game to enjoy. Or, just come. Come anytime 6:00 pm or after. Adults only; Babies that can be held are welcome. For more info contact the Kuhns, [email protected] or (909) 797-4370 or call Larry Shoemaker, x135. Ken Pierce, x159 Forming significant relationships with other Christ-followers is essential to being part of a biblical community. In a small group, we get to know each other face-to-face and grow together in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. At Trinity Church, we believe that God intends His people to experience genuine biblical community. We are convinced that commitments matter and that significant Christian growth occurs in the context of significant relationships. Active participation in a small group is an essential component of true community. Small groups provide opportunities for genuine fellowship (Koinonia) to take place in the context of prayer, the study of God’s Word, personal interaction and shared ministry. In a healthy small group, significant relationships develop with other members of our church body. We grow as Christfollowers as we study and apply God’s Word in our daily lives. We grow in our love toward God and for others as we share life and faith with one another. Small groups serve together at church functions and in the community. If you’re not part of a small group, but would like to be, please contact Rose, x124. 8 Senior Adults - FiftyPlus Paul Plaxton, x117 The second half of life brings many transitions, challenges and joys. Trinity’s FiftyPlus Ministry exists to help those of you in the second half of life find meaning and significance in your work, your relationships, your service and your life in Christ. Philippians 1:6 tells us that “being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ.” We invite you to connect with others who are experiencing the blessings of Christ in the Second Half, as we worship, pray, fellowship, serve, and encourage one another. If you need transportation for any of our events, call Paul, x117. Koinonia Small Groups - Get connected and sign up for a Koinonia Small Group on Sundays on the plaza or online anytime. You can find a group meeting most evenings throughout the week at various locations in Redlands and the surrounding communities. 13 DivorceCare for Kids (Starla Strain and Gayle Martinell) - A specialized group to help children ages 5-12 heal from the hurt caused by the separation or divorce of their parents. Kids make friends who relate to how they feel and what they are going through. Best of all, children learn how God’s love can help turn tears to hope and joy! Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, in Room M200. Next Session begins September 5. New Friends Koinonia Small Group - If you are new to Trinity Church, this group is for you! New Friends provides an opportunity to get connected and form relationships in an informal atmosphere. Wednesday evenings, through May 30, 7:00-8:45 pm in Room M201. For more information, please call Ken, x159. Support Groups Every Man’s Challenge (Todd Kasik) - A safe and confidential small group that may be joined at any time. Tools are offered that can transform relationships and help men find God’s strength to fight the battle against various kinds of sexual temptations (such as infidelity, pornography and lust). Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, in Room M207. Contact Ken, x159. Ken Pierce, x159 Groups meet weekly to address the challenges people face in areas like divorce, sexual integrity, substance abuse, homosexuality, or grief. The material covered is designed to be started at any time in a session. All our groups are confidential, based on Christian principles and practices found in or implied from the Bible and facilitated by experienced, caring leaders. We are open to all people regardless of church affiliation or faith. GriefShare (Debbie Walters and Beth Lamprecht) This 13-week program focuses on “growing through grief” with others who have lost a loved one through death. You will learn to understand your grief while exploring ways to grow emotionally and spiritually through the process. Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm, in the Fireside Room. For more information on the small groups listed, contact Small Group Ministries, x124, or Ken Pierce, x159. Caregivers (Vernon L. & Ruth Hoffs) - If you are providing significant care for a family member or friend, this support group can help you find encouragement, hope and help. This group provides a safe and loving place where you can share your needs and frustrations as a caregiver. You will receive the emotional, spiritual, mental and prayer support for your special ministry. We meet on the last Wednesday of the month, 7:00-8:15 pm. Promised Hope “A Woman’s Journey to Wholeness” Trinity offers focused classes to help women heal and grow from the painful experience of abortion, sexual abuse, sexual sin, betrayal, or a spouse’s sexual addiction. Pre-registration is required. Calls are completely safe and confidential. Contact Cheri Skubic, 909-633-7194, for more information. Celebrate Recovery Substance Abuse & Co-Dependency Support Group - This biblically-based support group is for people seeking freedom from substance abuse and for those in a relationship with a substance abuser. For information about groups in the area, please contact Ken, x159. The Path to Sexual Healing (Mindy Sames & Valerie Anderlik) - This 12-week bible study support group is a confidential and safe place for women who desire healing and growth from the emotional and spiritual hurts of sexual sin. Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 pm. Pre-registration is required due to limited size of class. Contact Cheri Skubic (909)633-7194, or Mindy Sames (909) 260-1564, for more information. New class starting May 31. DivorceCare (Sandy Tarr) - A 13-week program utilizing a video series in a small group setting that can bring encouragement, hope and healing for people dealing with divorce or separation from a spouse. Issues covered range from anger and depression to financial survival and child care. Participants gather in confidential small groups led by a trained facilitator who has experienced divorce. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, in Room M201. Next Session begins September 5. Disability Ministries 14 King’s Kids - Kim Simons, x132 - An outreach initiative of Trinity Learning Center (TLC), King’s Kids focuses on infants to 5th graders who may need special assistance during any of the three services on Sunday mornings. Please see Children’s Ministries for a full description of King’s Kids and a list of our events. May 2012 Light & Power - Jeff & Kathi McNair, (909) 215-0577 This class which includes adults with developmental disabilities, meets Sundays, 11:15 am-12:30 pm, in Room M200. We are currently studying the books of 1 & 2 Peter. Join us for awesome worship, yummy snacks, powerful prayer time and interactive lessons. International Friendship Connection (IFC) - We at Trinity Church have an incredible opportunity to reach the world for Christ, right here in Redlands. International students are smart, speak English and don’t need a place to live. What they do need is an American friend. View the many ways you can become involved in their lives and show the love of Jesus Christ through friendships at www.IFCredlands.org. For information, contact Lance or Linda Kjeldgaard at (909) 307-5350 or [email protected]. May 12, 66ers Game & BBQ Dinner - Join us for an exciting event sponsored by Rotary Club of Redlands and the Compact Clubs of Redlands, Redlands East Valley and Citrus Valley High Schools, at no cost to the members of Light & Power! Individuals from these organizations will also be rooting the 66ers to victory with us. 5:00-9:00 pm. Bus transportation is provided to and from Redlands East Valley High School. Wheelchair mobile persons will be transported by other vehicles. If interested in attending, please RSVP to Kathi McNair, (909) 215-0577. Kairos Prison Ministry - Eldon Rynders, (909) 7946425. Providing spiritual guidance, fellowship and Bible study to those incarcerated in the Men’s U.S. Penitentiary in Victorville, CA. Activities include: semi-annual 3-day Kairos weekend, monthly reunions and fellowship, and support for spouse and family members of inmates. Sign-Up Now... July 19-31, 2012, Romania Mission Trip - We will be teaching and interacting with Gypsy children at day camps and summer clubs using a Vacation Bible School format to include teaching English. Cost of $2,375 per person includes transportation, meals and lodging. For more information, contact Team Leader, Joyce Pagel, (909) 793-5578. Deadline to sign-up is May 13. May 18-19, Joni and Friends West Coast Disability Ministry Summit - If you would like to learn more about Disability Ministries this is a great opportunity. Jeff & Kathi McNair, along with several Light & Power class members, will be attending and presenting at this event in Pasadena and would love to have you join them. 8 Mission Former Adventist Fellowship Richard & Colleen Tinker, (909) 794-9804 Mission Ministries Former Adventist Fellowship is a small-group, inductive Bible study ministry for those with a Seventh-day Adventist background. The group provides support and mentoring during the difficult transition of becoming grounded in a biblical worldview. Dave Wilson, x119 The Lord has called us to make disciples of all nations. Therefore, people of other cultures and nations are part of our responsibility. We participate in the Great Commission by developing a global outlook, by sending and supporting church members to be involved in planting churches and by supporting strategic ministries. Cornerstone Food Program - Sally Hazell, (951) 849-6649. Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm, at Cornerstone Compassion Center, 903 E 3rd Street, San Bernardino. Bible Study & Prayer: Fridays, 7:00 pm, Room L203. Fellowship Lunch: Sundays, 1:00 pm. Call for locations. 15 During the month of May, we are looking for volunteers to help for one hour a week. Our greatest time of need is during our homework hours for grades 1st-5th grades from 2:45-3:45 pm and 6th grade up 4:00-5:00 pm. Our hope is to keep both houses fully staffed and opened for the Micah House kids throughout the summer months. It is very important to do this since most of the kids are defined as “at risk and/or under served.” This means that they don’t have a parent at home who can help them with their homework, or even have someone to go home to after school or throughout the day. The Micah Houses provide a consistent and godly atmosphere for the kids to feel safe and loved. Pass Area Campus Rob Peterson, x152 www.trinityonline.org/pass Jim Woolard, (909) 522-7022 Sunday Service: 10:15 am Brookside Elementary School, 38755 Brookside Ave, Beaumont (corner of Brookside Ave & Oak View Drive) Beginning May 6, Sunday Service: 9:00 am New Creation Church, 1252 Beaumont Ave, Beaumont. Fuente De Vida Alfredo Rodriguez, x120 www.trinityonline.org/fuentedevida We invite you and your family to be a part of the Trinity Church Hispanic Ministry where faith, hope and love are abundant. Our Sunday Spanish service meets 11:15 am12:30 pm in Room M102. Classes are available for children. Micah House Micah House Chapel - Dianna Lawson, (909) 747-7447 Micah House Oxford - Myra Meharry, (909) 747-0319 Literacy Specialist - Hannah Pavoni, (909) 335-7333, x183 Grupos de Vida (Koinonia Small Groups) - Small groups offer a place to connect with other believers in fellowship; to grow in our understanding of the Bible, as Jesus’ own small group of disciples did; to meet the needs of others in your group in ministry; to become equipped for evangelism and to worship God through practicing godly behavior. Groups meet most evenings throughout the week in various locations in Redlands and the surrounding communities. For more information contact Pastor Alfredo Rodriguez at (909) 747-1411. Currently on break. Classes will resume on August 6. Micah House is a life-changing after-school outreach program for 1st-12th graders. We focus on the spiritual, educational, emotional, and social needs of at-risk, under-served children and youth living on the north side of Redlands. Our staff consists of volunteers from Trinity and the community. For more information, contact us at the numbers above. One Hour a Week Can Make a Difference - Summer is sneaking up on us! At Micah House, during the school year over three-quarters of our daily staff is University of Redlands work study students. When their school year is out for the summer our need for volunteers is greater! Men’s Bible Study - Commit your heart to God and join us as we continue to seek after Him through the Word, devotions and prayer time on the second and fourth 16 May 2012 Monday of each month. 7:00-8:30 pm off-campus. For more information, contact Pastor Alfredo Rodriguez, (909) 747-1411. Currently on break. Classes will resume on August 13. Have you ever left the Sunday service with one of the worship songs running through your mind and wished you knew the name of the song or who sings it? We are now posting the song list with the artist and the album where it can be found. This information can be found on the Worship Ministries page under Sunday’s Set List in the lower left-hand corner. Women’s Bible Study - Only God can guide us toward the balance we desire, and it starts within our hearts. Join us every Tuesday for prayer, worship and fellowship. For times and locations, contact Erendira Rodriguez, (909) 475-8461. Currently on break. Classes will resume on August 7. Births & adoptions April 6, Pierce Alexander, 7lbs, 4 oz, 20 ½”, born to Paul Jr. & Catherine Plaxton, son and daughter-in-law of Paul & Marcia Plaxton; April 12, Vivienne Ruth, 9 lbs. 21.5”, born to Mindy & Brian Johnson, daughter and son-in-law of Walt & Diane Pitman; April 16, Everett Scott born, to Bill & Jenna Clayton, 9 lbs., 3 oz, 20 ¾”. May God bless you and this new addition to your family! Prayer - In prayer, we draw close to God and provide an opening for Him to enter our lives with healing, wisdom and blessing. Join us each Sunday, in Room M208 at 10:0010:45 am. For information contact Mary, (909) 792-0713. May 2, Mid-Week Service - Join us for a study on The Parables of Jesus and learn some of the most profound lessons taught by Jesus. Parables often reveal more truth than a plain statement. 7:00-8:30 pm in Room M106. For more information contact Pastor Alfredo, (909) 747-1411. IN SYMPATHY Trinity Church would like to express our sympathy to: Diana Stallings on the passing of her mother, Shirley Boblet; Shane & Lisa Roberts and family on the passing of Shane’s mother, Marcee Roberts; Mark & Linda Wiley on the passing of Mark’s mother, Joan Wiley; The family and friends of Pearl Sjogren on the passing of Pearl Sjogren. May God comfort you at this time. May 13, Mother’s Day Luncheon - Mother’s Day is an occasion to reciprocate the love, care and attention that she truly deserves. Join us as we appreciate our mothers for being such a significant part of our lives. 1:30-4:30 pm in Room M105 after the service. For more details contact Pastor Alfredo at (909) 747-1411. $7 per person. May 20, Marriage Class - We invite you to participate of this blessing, strengthening the unity of marriage and to learn how marriage is seen within the plan designed by God. Connect with us for this time of fellowship facilitated by Jose Garcia. Please bring a dish for the Potluck. 2:00-4:00 pm at Micah House Chapel, 611 Chapel Street, Redlands. For more information contact. Pastor Alfredo, (909) 747-1411. BAPTISMS We rejoice with the following people who made a public identification with Christ at our Good Friday Service: Chloe Tincher, Britney Kagle, Sabrina Yee, Shannon Cockerill, Celena Lee and Cole Garland. Our next baptism class will be May 27. See page 3 for more information. Worship Ministries New Members Bill Born, x118 Please join us in welcoming our newest members: Timothy & Nicolette Kay, Tina Petersen, Daniel & Laura Hollis, Lynnette Kobernik, Roberta LaPointe, Steve Trevino and Carol Tsushima. We look forward to serving the Lord together with you. Worship Ministries exists for the purpose of loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Members of the worship ministries teams employ their creative and artistic gifts as a means to celebrate the truths about God and respond in heartfelt worship to him. We would love to have you join us! 17 Serve it up Saturday!! Saturday, April 21 Victoria Elementary School We Asked! We asked God to help us be an encouragement to a hard working staff at Victoria Elementary in San Bernardino; we asked for a crew who would enjoy a morning of serving together, and we asked for help completing projects that would bless the community. God answered! Thank you God and His servants. While the Library team labeled hundreds of books, the Garden team was crafting a place for children to read and enjoy creation. The Paint team spruced up the campus and our Soccer Goal team created four goals for kindergartners. A beautiful wall of color and fun was created by our Mural team. Our appreciation team brought joy to the hard working staff. Window washing team made the school sparkle, as the Tidy Team gave a boost to the whole campus. The Snack Team brought smiles to the whole crew, and a special thanks goes out to Marty and Susi McLeod, who coordinated all the great teams. 1818 19 Scan the QR Code with your smart phone Save your spot with a $25 deposit. SOARING HIGHER WITH CAMP TLC June 25-29, 2012 Register online at www.trinityonline.org/CampTLC or in the TLC Office at Trinity Church. Pricing and times on Page 5 A Summer Day Camp for Kids For kids in 1st-5th Grade as of September 2012 Men... When Helping Helps! X X X What’s at Stake? An evening of Serving, Steaks and Strengthening for Men Saturday, May 5 3:00-8:00 pm June 2, 2012 8:00-11:00 am Room M105 $10 Per Person, $5 for guests Bring a friend to enjoy a light breakfast and find out how to help international sisters support themselves! Tickets are $5, available at the Women’s kiosk Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:15 am 1551 Reservoir Road • Redlands, CA 92374 (909) 335-7333 • www.trinityonline.org v.04/25/12
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