Stormwater Management Program Plan


Stormwater Management Program Plan
Program Plan
Kayaks Along the Fox River – Oswego, IL
Photo by: Tia Brooks
FEBRUARY 3, 2015
Prepared by the Village of Oswego
Public Works Department
100 Theodore Drive
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone 630-554-3242 • Fax 630-554-3306
Prepared with the assistance of
The Lake County Stormwater Management Commission
333 Peterson Road
Libertyville, IL 60048
Phone 847-918-5260 • Fax 847-918-9826
The Village of Mundelein
440 E. Hawley Street
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone 847-949-3200 • Fax 847-949-0143
Bleck Engineering Company, Inc.
313 East Lake Street
Silver Lake, WI 53170
Phone 262-889-2218 • Fax 262-889-2226
Table of Contents
Overview of the Stormwater Management Program Plan _________________ 1
1.1 Introduction _____________________________________________________ 1
1.2 State & Federal Regulations _______________________________________ 2
1.3 Countywide Approach to NPDES Compliance ________________________ 3
1.4 Organization of SMPP ____________________________________________ 4
1.5 Watersheds, Sub-Watersheds and Receiving Waters ___________________ 5
Program Management _____________________________________________ 8
2.1 Implementation of this SMPP ______________________________________ 8
2.2 Intra-Department Coordination ____________________________________ 8
Stormwater Coordinator ______________________________________ 9
Engineering Department _____________________________________ 10
Public Works Department ____________________________________ 11
2.3 Coordination with Kendall County _________________________________ 11
2.4 Coordination with Consultants ____________________________________ 11
2.5 Coordination of Contractors ______________________________________ 11
2.6 Coordination with the Public ______________________________________ 11
2.7 Coordination with the IEPA ______________________________________ 11
2.8 Coordination with the Development Community _____________________ 12
The Program ___________________________________________________ 13
3.1 Public Education and Outreach ___________________________________
Distribution of Paper Materials ________________________________
Classroom Education _______________________________________
Web Site _________________________________________________
Outreach Events ___________________________________________
Technical Workshops _______________________________________
Storm Drain Stenciling & Markers _____________________________
Household Hazardous Wastes_________________________________
Solid Waste and Recycling _____________________________
Septic System Maintenance __________________________________
Vehicle Fluid Maintenance ___________________________________
Car Washing ______________________________________________
Pool Dewatering ___________________________________________
3.2 Public Participation and Involvement ______________________________ 21
Public Review Process ______________________________________ 22
Complaints, Suggestions and Requests _________________________
Watershed Planning and Stakeholders Meetings __________________
Illicit Discharge/Illegal Dumping Hotline _______________________
Adopt-A-Highway _________________________________________
3.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination __________________________
Regulatory Authority _______________________________________
Subdivision and Development Ordinance _________________
Illicit Discharge Ordinance _____________________________
Subdivision and Public Utility Ordinance _________________
Understanding Outfalls and Illicit Discharges ____________________
Identifying Outfalls and Receiving Waters_________________
Potential Sources of Illicit Discharges ____________________
USEPA Exclusions ___________________________________
Pollutant Indicators ___________________________________
Indirect Connection Program _________________________________
Groundwater Seepage _________________________________
Spills ______________________________________________
Dumping ___________________________________________
Outdoor washing activities _____________________________
Non-target irrigation from landscaping or lawns ____________
Direct Connection Illicit Discharge Program _____________________
Program Planning ____________________________________
Outfall Inspection Procedure ___________________________
Follow Up Investigation and Program Evaluation ___________
Removal of Illicit Discharges ___________________________
Program Evaluation __________________________________
3.4 Construction Site Runoff Control __________________________________
Regulatory Program ________________________________________
Responsible Parties _________________________________________
Applicant ___________________________________________
DECI – Designated Inspectors __________________________
Enforcement Officer __________________________________
Minimum Construction Site Practices __________________________
Site Plan Review ___________________________________________
Site Inspection Procedures ___________________________________
Complaints _______________________________________________
Performance Guarantees _____________________________________
Violation Notification Procedures _____________________________
BMP Reference Information __________________________________
Construction Site Waste Control ______________________________
Development Tracking ______________________________________
Pavement Projects __________________________________________
3.5 Post Construction Runoff Control _________________________________ 66
Regulatory Program ________________________________________ 66
Runoff Volume Reduction Hierarchy ___________________________ 66
Green Infrastructure ________________________________________
Long Term Operation and Maintenance _________________________
Site Inspections ____________________________________________
Previously Developed Sites ____________________________
Shorelines __________________________________________
Streambanks and Stream Bed Sediment Accumulation _______
Detention / Retention Pond Sediment Accumulation _________
3.6 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping________________________
Inspection and Maintenance Program ___________________________
Street Sweeping _____________________________________
Drainageways _______________________________________
Landscape Maintenance _______________________________
Snow Removal and Ice Control _________________________
Vehicle and Equipment Operations ______________________
Animal Nuisance Control ______________________________
Waste Management ___________________________________
Water Conservation & Irrigation ________________________
Green Infrastructure __________________________________
Spill Response Plan_________________________________________
Non-Hazardous Spills/Dumping _________________________
Hazardous Spills _____________________________________
Employee Training _________________________________________
Training Approach ___________________________________
Training Schedule and Frequency _______________________
Program and Performance Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting ________ 83
4.1 Performance Milestones __________________________________________ 84
4.2 Program Monitoring and Research ________________________________ 84
4.3 Program Evaluation _____________________________________________ 86
Appendices _____________________________________________________ 87
5.1 List of Acronyms ________________________________________________ 88
5.2 Stormwater Outfall Screening Equipment Checklist __________________ 89
5.3 Stormwater Outfall Inspection Data Form __________________________ 90
5.4 Outfall Sampling Report _________________________________________ 91
5.5 Outfall Inspection Screening Summary Form ________________________ 92
5.6 Pre-Construction Meeting Form ___________________________________ 93
5.7 Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Form __________________ 94
5.8 Sample Notice of Violation Letter __________________________________ 95
5.9 Roadway Culvert/Bridge Checklist _________________________________ 97
5.10 Pool Dewatering Fact Sheet _______________________________________ 98
5.11 Spill Response Notice ____________________________________________ 99
5.12 Indirect Illicit Discharge Tracking and Summary Forms _____________ 100
5.13 Sample Maintenance Plan _______________________________________ 101
5.14 Yearly Tracking Forms _________________________________________ 102
5.15 General Permit ILR40 __________________________________________ 103
5.16 Storm Sewer Atlas______________________________________________ 104
5.17 Bibliography and References _____________________________________ 105
List of Tables and Figures
Figure 1: Map of Major Sub-watershed and Receiving Streams _____________ 7
Figure 2: Roles of MS4 ______________________________________________ 11
Figure 3: Program Elements __________________________________________ 27
Figure 4: Turbidity Severity Examples _________________________________ 34
Figure 5: Natural Sheen versus Synthetic _______________________________ 35
Figure 6: Characterizing Submersion and Flow __________________________ 46
Figure 7: Outfall Inspection Procedure Flow Chart ______________________ 42
Figure 8: Follow-Up Procedure _______________________________________ 57
Figure 9: Pond Sediment Accumulation ________________________________ 79
Figure 10: Water Quality Sampling Locations ___________________________ 86
Table 1: Potential Sources of Illicit Discharges to Storm Sewers ____________ 31
Table 2: Odor of Potential Illicit Discharges _____________________________ 32
Table 3: Color of Potential Illicit Discharges ____________________________ 33
Table 4: Floatables in Potential Illicit Discharges ________________________ 36
Table 5: Other Outfall Inspection Hazards ______________________________ 56
Table 6: NPDES Identified Industrial Facilities __________________________ 63
Table 7: Employee Responsibilities ____________________________________ 91
Overview of the Stormwater Management
Program Plan
Fox River – Oswego, IL
Photo by Tia Brooks
The Village of Oswego has developed this Stormwater Management Program Plan (SMPP) based
off a SMPP template provided by the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission. The
purpose of the SMPP is to meet the minimum standards required by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) Phase II program. Federal regulations through the USEPA require that all
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), partially or fully in urbanized areas based on the
2000 census, obtain stormwater permits for their discharges into receiving waters. There are many
different types of MS4s including municipalities, park districts, drainage districts, township
highway departments, counties and county and state transportation departments (Kendall County
and IDOT).
The SMPP describes the procedures and practices that can be implemented by Village of Oswego
toward the goal of reducing the discharge of pollutants within stormwater runoff in order to comply
with Federal standards. Compliance with the plan is intended to protect water quality thus
contributing to the following amenities:
cleaner lakes and streams,
improved recreational opportunities and tourism,
flood damage reduction,
better aesthetics and wildlife habitat, and
a safer and healthier environment for the citizens.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
The SMPP addresses the primary program elements for all Village of Oswego activities, including
the manner in which municipality:
reviews, permits and inspects construction activity within its limits;
manages the planning, design and construction of projects performed within its limits;
maintains its facilities and performs its day-to-day operations;
works toward protecting the receiving waters from illicit discharges;
provides public education and outreach;
trains its employees in carrying out and reporting program activities; and
continually monitors and evaluates the program.
State & Federal Regulations
Federal environmental regulations based on the 1972 Clean Water Act (CWA) require that MS4s,
construction sites and industrial activities control polluted stormwater runoff from entering
receiving bodies of water (including navigable streams and lakes). The NPDES permit process
regulates the discharge from these sources based on amendments to CWA in 1987 and the
subsequent 1990 and 1999 regulations by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In
Illinois, the USEPA has delegated administration of the Federal NDPES program to the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). On December 20, 1999 the IEPA issued a general
NPDES Phase II permit for all MS4s. The General Permit is included in Appendix 5.16. Under the
General ILR 40 Permit each MS4 was required to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) declaring
compliance with the conditions of the permit by March 10, 2003. The original NOI describes the
proposed activities and best management practices that occurred over the original 5-year period
toward the ultimate goal of developing a compliant SMPP. At the end of the 5th year (March 1,
2008) the components of the SMPP were required to be implemented; per the ILR40 permit. The
IEPA reissued the ILR 40 permit on April 1, 2009.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Additionally, under the General ILR10 permit also administered IEPA, all construction projects that
disturb greater than 1 acre of total land area are required to obtain an NPDES permit from IEPA
prior to the start of construction. Municipalities covered by the General ILR40 permit, are
automatically covered under ILR10 30 days after the IEPA receives the NOI from the municipality.
Countywide Approach to NPDES Compliance
Kendall County has the authority to regulate Stormwater Management under the authority of
Illinois Revised Statute 55/5-1062. The County’s goals include the reduction of flood damage and
water quality degradation. The County wishes to assure that new development addresses non-point
source pollution, does not increase flood and drainage hazards to others, or create unstable
conditions susceptible to erosion. To accomplish this, the County works cooperatively with
individuals, groups, and units of government as well as serving as the corporate enforcement
authority for the Kendall County Stormwater Management Ordinance (KCSMO). Kendall County
enforces the WDO in non-certified communities on behalf of the municipality. The municipality is
responsible for enforcing the KCSMO in Certified Communities. A municipality is considered a
Certified Community after its petition is approved by Kendall County. Oswego is a Certified
Community. 1 The County utilizes technical assistance, education programs and watershed planning
to increase public awareness of natural resources and the impacts of urbanization on stormwater
quality. In addition, the County provides solutions to problems related to stormwater and identifies
effective ways of managing natural resources.
The General Permit allows for MS4s to take credit for activities being performed by a Qualifying Local
Program (QLP) toward meeting its permit requirements. Kendall County Planning, Building & Zoning
(KCPB&Z) is a Qualifying Local Program for MS4s in Kendall County. As part of their ongoing
services, KCPB&Z performs some functions related to each of the six minimum control measures.
KCPB&Z has been providing services under four of the six minimum control categories since it began
implementing a comprehensive, countywide stormwater program in 2011. However, MS4s are required
to provide additional services for each of the Minimum Control Measures with the greatest effort in the
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping categories.
As part of the countywide approach to comply with the NPDES Phase II program, KCPB&Z assists
municipalities with the following:
Supports NPDES II presentations to local boards,
Develops model Notice of Intent (NOI),
Provides countywide drainage system overview and receiving waters map,
Provides general 5-year BMP Plan for NOI,
Develops specific BMP Measurable Goals and program development tasks, and
Serves as a clearinghouse for all support information and acts as a liaison to IEPA and
Ordinance 12-91 adopted December 11, 2012.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
KCPB&Z countywide services qualify for credit under four of the six Minimum Control Measures.
A general list below summarizes additional KCPB&Z services under the 6 minimum control
1. Public Education and Outreach: KCPB&Z provides, through its Public Information
Coordinator, various training workshops, homeowners workshops, brochures, training
manuals, teacher/student education, videos, etc.,
2. Public Participation and Involvement: KCPB&Z coordinates and participates in public
meetings and committees, including Kendall County Health Department and Kendall
County Soil and Water Conservation District outreach events.
3. Construction Site Runoff Control: KCPB&Z adopted the countywide Stormwater
Management Ordinance (KCSMO) in 2011, which establishes the minimum stormwater
management requirements for development in Kendall County. The KCSMO, which is
enforced by KCPB&Z as well as by certified communities in the county, establishes
standards for construction site runoff control.
4. Post-Construction Runoff Control: The KCSMO also establishes standards for postconstruction runoff control.
Organization of SMPP
The SMPP identifies best management practices to be implemented in six different categories.
These categories are:
Public Education and Outreach,
Public Participation/Involvement,
Construction Site Runoff Control,
Post-Construction Runoff Control,
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, and
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping.
Chapter 1: Overview of the Stormwater Management Program Plan - discusses the format of the
SMPP document and the regulations associated with NPDES II through county, state and federal
Chapter 2: Program Management - discusses the logistics of the Plan. This includes the
organization, implementation and responsible parties necessary to achieve overall compliance with
the SMPP and Permit. It also identifies how municipality coordinates with other county and state
agencies and discusses the legal authority that the MS4s have to implement the Plan components.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Chapter 3: The Program - addresses stormwater pollutant control measures implemented by
municipality per the six minimum control categories established by the USEPA:
Public Education and Outreach,
Public Participation/Involvement,
Construction Site Runoff Control,
Post-Construction Runoff Control,
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, and
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping.
Chapter 4: Monitoring, Program Evaluation and Reporting - describes the monitoring, evaluation
and reporting procedures associated with the program. The SMPP is a guide created to protect the
municipality receiving waters from pollution and resultant degradation. This Chapter assists in
identifying best management practices and processes that may require improvement and refinement
as the document becomes an effective tool.
Chapter 5: Appendices – including forms, references, exhibits and bibliography.
Watersheds, Sub-Watersheds and Receiving Waters
Fox River – Oswego, IL Photo by Tia Brooks
Kendall County is located with the Des Plaines River, the Lower Fox River, and the Upper
Illinois/Mazon River Watersheds. The Village of Oswego is primarily located within the Fox River
Watershed, although a very small area along the eastern boundary is located in the Des Plaines
River Watershed. There are several receiving waters, tributary to the Fox River, which are located
within the Village. These streams include Morgan Creek, Waubonsee Creek, and Blackberry
Creek. Lakes and other on-stream bodies of water are also considered part of the receiving water
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Watershed: The land area that contributes stormwater to major rivers in and downstream of
Kendall County.
Sub-Watershed: The land area that contributes stormwater to one of the receiving waters
tributary to a major River.
Receiving Water: A natural or man-made system into which stormwater or treated
wastewater is discharged, including the Fox River and the Upper Illinois River, their
tributary stream systems and other Waters of the U.S.
The major Watersheds and receiving waters are presented on Figure 1 Map of Major Subwatershed and Receiving Waters.
Fox River Watershed
The Fox River originates about 15 miles northwest of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The river enters the
northeast corner of Kendall County in Aurora and generally flows southwest to the Illinois River at
Ottawa. The drainage area of the Fox River above Kendall County is about 1,705 square miles.
Along the Fox River from the state line to Algonquin, the terrain is flat and contains many lakes and
low-lying wetlands. The upland areas of the watershed include gently sloping topography to steep
hilly terrain.
Major tributaries to the Fox River in Kendall County include Clear Creek, Hollenback Creek, Big
Rock Creek, Rob Roy Creek, Blackberry Creek, Morgan Creek, and Waubonsee Creek. There is
limited development along the Fox River, primarily in Aurora, Montgomery, and Yorkville. The
northeast area around the Fox River is rapidly developing while the southern end of the watershed
primarily consists of agricultural land.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Figure 1: Map of Major Sub-watersheds and Receiving waters
Accessed January 22, 2015
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Program Management
This Chapter describes the organizational structures of the municipality, the County and IEPA. It
further discusses the roles and responsibilities of the various involved parties.
Implementation of this SMPP
The SMPP includes detailed discussions on the types of tasks that are required to meet the permit
conditions under the NPDES II program and how to perform these tasks. Appendix 5.15 includes
related tracking forms. The tracking forms are broken out into three categories (based on the
frequency of occurrence). There are three different tracking forms included: Annual, As-Needed
and On-Going. These forms should be printed annually and the progress of all tasks tracked. At the
end of the yearly reporting period (March 1 – February 28/29) the forms should be filed in a binder
to document SMPP related activities to IEPA, or their authorized agent, in the case of an audit. It is
anticipated that implementation of this SMPP constitutes compliance with the program. The
SMPP must be posted on the municipality’s website.
Intra-Department Coordination
The Board of Trustees is the policy and budget setting authority for municipality. The Departments
of Community Development and Public Works work together to implement this SMPP. The
Stormwater Coordinator has primary responsibility for managing the overall program.
Brian LeClercq
Jennifer Hughes
Rod Zenner
Village President
Public Works Director
Development Director
Telephone No.
630- 554-1555
Jim Burbridge
Chief Infrastructure
Assistant Director Public
Works Director
Utilities Services
Village Engineer (HR
Code Enforcement
Mark Runyon
Jerry Weaver
Dave VanCamp,
Hector Justiz
Area of Responsibility
Policy and Budget Leadership
Overall Program
Public Education, Involvement
and Outreach; Pre & Post
Construction Stormwater
Runoff Management
Illicit Discharge Detection and
Good Housekeeping
Pollution Prevention
Pre & Post Construction
Stormwater Runoff
Code Enforcement
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
2.2.A Stormwater Coordinator
The Public Works Director is the Stormwater Coordinator and is responsible for the oversight and
implementation of this SMPP. The Stormwater Coordinator has many different responsibilities,
is the lead contact for coordination with Kendall County Planning, Building & Zoning,
the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, contractors, the development community
and other external regulatory agencies;
understands the requirements of ILR40, ensures that the SMPP meets the requirements
of the permit and that the municipality effectively implements the SMPP;
ensures, or assists the Enforcement Officer in ensuring, that the municipality complies
with all minimum Stormwater Ordinance provisions;
ensures that the Municipal Facilities comply with all minimum ILR40 permit
is aware when a Municipal Project is required to be authorized under the ILR10 permit.
In these cases the Stormwater Coordinator should ensure that the NOI is received by
IEPA at least 30 days prior to the start of construction; and
assists the development community in understanding when a ILR10 permit is required
and whether construction sites comply with the general ILR10 and WDO permit
conditions; and
should understand the role illicit discharges play in the overall NPDES II program. In
general, an incidence of non-compliance must be filed with IEPA for illicit discharges
exiting an MS4’s outfall into receiving water. Additionally, if the illicit discharge is
generated by a construction site, it may be necessary for both the applicant and the MS4
to file the NOI form with IEPA.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Construction Site
Facilities &
Figure 2: Roles of MS4
provided by Gewalt Hamilton & Associates
2.2.B Engineering Department
Engineering personnel support the Stormwater Coordinator in obtaining compliance with both the
NDPES and Village ordinances.
The Village Engineer is the Enforcement Officer with respect to the administration and enforcement
of the Kendall County Stormwater Management Ordinance (KCSMO) and all applicable Village
ordinances related to stormwater. The design and construction of all public projects shall comply
with the KCSMO and Village regulations. As the Enforcement Officer, the Village Engineer has
the responsibility to concur that projects meet standards prior to the issuance of permits, and
oversee site inspections during construction. Refer to Chapters 3.4 - 3.5 for additional information
on this process.
The Chief Infrastructure Inspector is designated as the primary entity responsible for performing the
duties specified under Chapter 3.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
2.2.C Public Works Department
Infrastructure maintenance activities within the MS4 are carried out by Public Works personnel.
Public Works personnel are designated as the primary entity responsible for performing the duties
specified under Chapter 3.6 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping.
Coordination with Kendall County
Coordination between the MS4 and Kendall County occurs through both participation in Kendall
County forums and through the Certified Community Status under the Kendall County Stormwater
Management Ordinance (KCSMO). The MS4’s Stormwater Coordinator is the lead contact for
participation in forums. If the MS4 is a Certified Community, the MS4’s Enforcement Officer is
responsible for enforcement of the KCSMO and is designated by the MS4 to Kendall County.
Coordination with Consultants
The MS4 may enlist the services of consultants to assist in the implementation of the KCSMO
(including, but not limited to, plan review, site inspections and enforcement), and the design of MS4
projects. The Director of Community Development has the responsibility of administering these
Coordination of Contractors
The MS4 may hire contracted services. The municipality also has a responsibility to hire
contractors who are knowledgeable of the applicable requirements of the ILR40 and ILR10 permits.
The Village shall provide appropriate training, or require documentation that appropriate training
has been attended, for all contractors responsible for municipal green infrastructures.
Coordination with the Public
Coordination with the Public occurs on several levels. The Public Education and Outreach Program
of this SMPP is discussed in Chapter 3.1. The Public Participation and Involvement Program of
this SMPP is discussed in Chapter 3.2. The Public has the opportunity to comment on proposed
preliminary and final plats through the Plan Commission and Municipal Board process established
in the Municipal Code.
Coordination with the IEPA
The municipality is required to complete annual reports which describe the status of compliance
with the ILR40 permit conditions and other related information as presented on the annual report
template provided by the QLP. The annual report must be posted on the municipality’s website and
submitted to the IEPA by the first day of June each year. Annual reporting to IEPA should consist
of “implemented SMPP” for all tasks completed in accordance with this SMPP. Additional
information should be provided for areas of enhancement or tasks not completed.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Records regarding the completion and progress of the SMPP commitments must be kept by the
community. The task sheets, described in Chapter 2.1, should be updated throughout the year. The
completed task sheets should be located in a binder with necessary supporting documentation. The
binder must be available for inspection by both IEPA and the general public.
Coordination with the Development Community
The Village of Oswego has a responsibility to assist the development community in understanding
when an ILR10 permit is required and whether construction sites comply with the general ILR10
and WDO permit conditions. The municipality should understand the role illicit discharges play in
the overall NPDES II program. In general, an incidence of non-compliance must be filed with
IEPA for illicit discharges exiting an MS4’s outfall into receiving water. Additionally, if the illicit
discharge is generated by a construction site, it may be necessary for both the applicant and the
MS4 to file the NOI form with IEPA.
Furthermore, the municipality has a responsibility to inform the development community that they
are required to hire contractors which meet the qualifications necessary under the program, refer to
Chapter 3.4.B for additional information on qualified personnel.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
The Program
Illicit Discharge
Detection and
Prevention and
Public Education
and Outreach
Participation and
Runoff Control
Construction Site
Runoff Control
This Stormwater Management Program Plan includes six components, each of which is necessary in
an effort to reduce/eliminate stormwater pollution in receiving water bodies. Chapter 3.1 describes
the efforts to educate the public about stormwater pollution and stormwater pollution prevention.
The manner in which Oswego incorporates public participation and involvement into the SMPP is
explained in Chapter 3.2. Chapter 3.3 describes the approach to detecting and eliminating
stormwater illicit discharges. Construction and post construction runoff control is addressed in
Chapters 3.4 and 3.5. Lastly, Chapter 3.6 discusses responsibilities for the care and upkeep of its
general facilities, associated maintenance yards, and municipal roads and to minimize pollution.
This chapter also discusses necessary training for employees on the implementation of the SMPP.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Public Education and Outreach
The Village of Oswego conducts public education programs that inform the community of potential
impacts to receiving waters and the contributions the public can make to reduce pollutants in
stormwater runoff. The municipality targets public schools, public libraries, developers,
contractors, homeowners, business owners, boaters, and the remaining general public as part of this
Public Education and Outreach Program.
The Village of Oswego utilizes a variety of methods to educate and provide outreach to the public
about the importance of managing pollutants that potentially could enter the stormwater system.
The program includes the following activities which are discussed in greater detail in this chapter.
Distribute information sheets regarding stormwater BMP, water quality BMP, and proper
hazardous waste use and disposal.
Maintain a water quality/stormwater section in the municipality newsletter distributed by the
Attend/sponsor outreach activities to homeowners / property owner associations,
commercial / industrial facilities, schools, and other events.
Coordinate, publicize, and participate in bi-annual ECO events.
Maintain municipality website which offers links to additional educational information, and
ways to contact municipality personnel.
3.1.A Distribution of Paper Materials
Oswego actively pursues the acquisition of educational sheets prepared by the QLP, IEPA, USEPA,
Center for Watershed Protection, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning “CMAP”(previously
Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission “NIPC”), University of Wisconsin Extension,
Northwest Water Planning Alliance, Fox River Study Group, and other agencies and organizations.
Oswego maintains a list of available publications in the SMPP binder and on the web-site. Oswego
lists the Public Work Departments telephone number on all municipal outreach publications to
encourage residences to contact Oswego with environmental concerns.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Types of materials distributed include:
The “Guidelines for Draining Swimming Pools” door hanger,
The “Protect Our Water” door hanger,
Informational sheets/pamphlets regarding storm water best management practices,
Informational sheets/pamphlets regarding water quality best management practices,
Informational sheets/pamphlets regarding construction site activities (soil erosion and
sediment control best management practices),
Informational sheets/pamphlets regarding the hazards associated with illegal discharges and
improper disposal of waste and the manner in which to report such discharges.
Informational sheets/pamphlets regarding green infrastructure strategies such as green roofs,
rain gardens, rain barrels, bioswales, permeable piping, dry wells and permeable pavement.
Informational sheets/pamphlets published by ECO regarding proper hazardous waste use
and disposal,
Informational sheets/pamphlets published by the Conservation Foundation regarding land
conservation measures, and
A water quality/storm water section in the municipal newsletter.
Publications are provided in the following manner:
At take-a-away racks located at the Village Hall and Public Works Facility.
At outreach events,
The municipal newsletter, a quarterly publication,
At Earth Day/Green Day events held in the community, and
At scheduled meetings with the general public. These meetings are on an as needed or as
requested basis and may be with the home owners associations, businesses, or local schools.
3.1.B Classroom Education
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
When permitted, Oswego conducts classroom presentations at local schools. Oswego keeps a log of
event dates and participating schools.
3.1.C Web Site
The Village of Oswego’s web site includes stormwater quality specific elements. The web-site
gives information regarding water quality, solid waste and hazardous material, green infrastructure,
illicit discharges, stormwater and general environmental health, refer to Chapter 3.1.A for a more
detailed description of the type of information to be posted. The web-site is updated by municipal
staff and tracked for hits. A significant amount of information is made available through links to
other educational and informational sites.
This SMPP, the NOI and any previous annual reports must be posted on the municipality’s website.
Each year’s annual report must be posted on the municipality’s website and submitted to the IEPA
by the first day of June each year.
3.1.D Outreach Events
When possible, the Village of Oswego attends and/or sponsors outreach events and scheduled
meetings with the general public. These events are held on an as needed or as requested basis.
Audiences may include the home owners associations, lake associations, businesses, and
neighborhood groups.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
3.1.E Technical Workshops
Periodically, the QLP hosts or co-hosts workshops for the general public that focus on specific
stormwater topics. These workshops typically discuss stormwater topics currently of interest within
the County. They offer the opportunity to share information and facilitate a collective focus on
potential solutions to the challenges faced by the County, Villages, and other stakeholders. Oswego
publicizes these events at take-a-way racks and on the web-site.
3.1.F Storm Drain Stenciling & Markers
The Village of Oswego supports the efforts of private entities to stencil or apply stickers to inlets,
and their purchase of factory stamped inlet grates. These efforts apply messages at storm drain
inlets with the intent of assisting in educating the public about stormwater runoff pollution.
Municipal efforts include:
Requiring all new development to furnish stamped inlet grates as of March 2009.
The municipality encourages all Home Owners Associations to annually paint the embossed
area, of any stamped inlet grates within the subdivision.
Instituting a program to add “stickers” or other markers to existing inlets through the use of
municipal staff or private groups.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
3.1.G Household Hazardous Wastes
The average garage contains a lot of products that are classified as hazardous wastes, including
paints, stains, solvents, used motor oil, pesticides and cleaning products. While some household
hazardous waste (HHW) may be dumped into storm drains, most enters the storm drain system as a
result of outdoor rinsing and cleanup. Improper disposal of HHW can result in acute toxicity to
downstream aquatic life. The desired neighborhood behavior is to participate in HHW collection
days, and to use appropriate pollution prevention techniques when conducting rinsing, cleaning and
fueling operations. The municipality supports the initiatives of the Environmentally Conscious
Oswego (ECO) Commission to employ a range of tools to improve resident participation. These
Mass media campaigns to educate residents about proper outdoor cleaning/ rinsing
Conventional outreach materials notifying residents about HHW and collection days
Solid Waste and Recycling
The Village of Oswego contracts with Groot industries to provide solid waste management for the
community. Waste is collected from each residence in two separate ways. Each resident is
provided with a large toter to collect materials and waste for recycling. Items that are not recyclable
are collected separately as normal waste. By providing the toter, recycling activities are encouraged
by making recycling efforts easier for the average resident.
Many materials are not handled by the Village’s waste hauler. These include, but are not limited to
electronics, hazardous waste, and unused and expired medications. Several years ago, the Village
began a program where residents could drop off their electronic equipment where it can be recycled
rather than to fill landfills. Currently, electronics recycling is held the second Saturday of every
month. On average, the Village collects between 10,000-20,000 pounds of electronics each month.
Twice a year (once in April, Once in September) the Village holds a reuse and recycling
extravaganza. On those events, the Village collects over 100,000 pounds of electronics. We also
collect used motor oil and unused and expired medication in concert with Fox Metro.
Residents with household hazardous waste are directed to a location in neighboring Naperville
which has a collection site that operates every weekend.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
The Village’s ECO commission holds an annual “Fox River Clean-up” where volunteers walk and
kayak the Fox River collecting trash and debris. The Oswegoland Park District takes the collected
material and disposes of it properly.
3.1.H Septic System Maintenance
The Village of Oswego maintains a sanitary sewer collection system. Sewage is conveyed in pipes
of 8-inch diameter or less to transmission mains owned by Fox Metro Water Reclamation District
(FMWRD). FMWRD owns and operates a 42 MGD wastewater treatment plant which discharges
to the Fox River.
Section 7-4-2(C) of the Village Code requires connection of all buildings occupied by humans to
the municipal sanitary sewer collection system with limited exceptions.
Septic systems subject to compliance with the Private Sewage Disposal Code and are regulated by
the Kendall County Health Department.
Failing septic systems can be a major source of bacteria, nitrogen, and phosphorus, depending on
the overall density of systems present in a subwatershed. Failure results in illicit surface or
subsurface discharges to streams. Septic systems are a classic case of out of sight and out of mind.
Many owners take their septic systems for granted, until they back up or break out on the surface of
their lawn. Subsurface failures, which are the most common, go unnoticed. In addition,
inspections, pump outs, and repairs can be costly, so many homeowners tend to put off the expense
until there is a real problem. Lastly, many septic system owners are not aware of the link between
septic systems and water quality. The municipality employs a range of tools to improve septic
system maintenance. These include:
Media campaigns and conventional outreach materials to increase awareness about
septic system maintenance and water quality (e.g., billboards, radio, newspapers,
brochures, bill inserts, and newsletters)
Mandatory inspections
Performance certification upon property transfer
Creation of septic management districts Certification and training of operation/
maintenance professionals
Termination of public services for failing systems
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
3.1.I Vehicle Fluid Maintenance
Dumping of automotive fluids into storm drains can cause major water quality problems, since only
a few quarts of oil or a few gallons of antifreeze can severely degrade a small stream. Dumping
delivers hydrocarbons, oil and grease, metals, xylene and other pollutants to streams, which can be
toxic during dry-weather conditions when existing flow cannot dilute these discharges. The major
culprit has been the backyard mechanic who changes his or her own automotive fluids. The
municipality employs a range of tools to improve septic system maintenance. These include:
Outreach materials distributed at auto parts store and service stations
Community oil recycling centers
Directories of used oil collection stations
Free or discounted oil disposal containers
Pollution hotlines
Fines and other enforcement actions
3.1.J Car Washing
Car washing is a common neighborhood behavior that can produce transitory discharges of
sediment, nutrients and other pollutants to the curb, and ultimately the storm drain. Communities
have utilized many innovative outreach tools to promote environmentally safe car washing,
Media campaigns
Brochures promoting nozzles with shut off valves
Storm drain plug and wet vac provisions for charity car wash events
Water bill inserts promoting environmentally safe car washing products
Discounted tickets for use at commercial car washes
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
3.1.K Pool Dewatering
Chlorinated water discharged to surface waters, roadways or storm sewers has an adverse impact on
local stormwater quality. High concentrations of chlorine are toxic to wildlife, fish and aquatic
plants. The pH of the water should be between 6.5 and 8.5. Algaecides such as copper or silver can
interrupt the normal algal and plant growth in receiving waters and should not be present when
draining. Prepare appropriately before draining down a pool. It is recommended that one of the
following measures be used:
1) De-chlorinate the water in the pool prior to draining through mechanical or chemical means;
these types of products are available at local stores.
2) De-chlorinate the water in the pool through natural means. Pool water must sit at least 2 days
with a reasonable amount of sun, after the addition of chlorine or bromine. It is recommended
that the chlorine level be tested after 2 days to ensure that concentrations are at a safe level
(below 0.1-mg/l).
3) Drain the pool slowly over a several day period across the lawn; or drain directly into the
sanitary sewer using the following additional guidelines:
a) Avoid discharging suspended particles (e.g. foreign objects blown into the pool like leaves,
seedlings, twigs etc.) with pool water.
b) When draining your pool, do not discharge directly onto other private properties or into
public right-of-way including storm sewer inlets.
Oswego has acquired a door hanger and fact sheet, Pool Dewatering Fact Sheet (Appendix 5.11),
stating the above information. Outreach efforts (such as including information in the newsletter,
other mail-outs or adding information to the take-a-way racks) should occur each fall, preferably
Public Participation and Involvement
The public participation and involvement program allows input from citizens during the
development and implementation of the SMPP. The SMPP should be evaluated annually. Major
highlights and deficiencies should be noted annually and the plan revised accordingly on a
minimum 5-yr basis, or as necessary.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
3.2.A Public Review Process
Prior to the acceptance of the SMPP, the draft document was presented to the Public Committee.
Comments on the SMPP are continually accepted through the web-site, phone calls or other media.
Comments are evaluated for inclusion and incorporated into the next revision of the SMPP as
appropriate. Present each year’s annual report to the Board during an open meeting.
3.2.B Complaints, Suggestions and Requests
Calls are screened, logged and routed to the appropriate department for action. General program
related calls are directed to the Stormwater Coordinator, or designee. Construction activity related
telephone calls are directed to the Enforcement Officer, or designee. Illicit Discharge, storm sewer,
and other related stormwater runoff concerns are directed to the Building and Zoning or Public
Works Department as appropriate. Oswego maintains a website which enables and encourages
public contact on these issues.
3.2.C Watershed Planning and Stakeholders Meetings
Village of Oswego participates (and encourage the participation of local stakeholders) in QLP or
other sponsored watershed planning events. Municipality will adopt Watershed Plans per the
direction and in coordination with the QLP.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
3.2.D Illicit Discharge/Illegal Dumping Hotline
The Village of Oswego maintains, operates and publicizes a call in phone number where parties can
contact Oswego with environmental concerns. Primary advertisement venues include the website
and all related municipal publications. Telephone calls received from residents, other internal
Departments or other agencies are entered into Oswego Click 'n Fix and logged on the Indirect
Illicit Discharge Tracking Form (Appendix 5.13). The Public Works Director, or her designee,
should transfer information from the tracking form to the Indirect Illicit Discharge Summary
Form (Appendix 5.13) monthly. This tracking form should be reviewed with the Stormwater
Coordinator annually to determine if trends can be seen and if there are additional outreach efforts
Village Hall Phone: 630-554-3618
Public Works Phone: 630-554-3242
Non-Emergency Dispatch: 630-554-3426
Police General Phone: 630-551-7300 or
Residents may also report problems online through Oswego Click 'n Fix .
3.2.E Adopt-A-Highway
Village of Oswego, in cooperative partnership with the IDOT, supports Adopt-A-Highway
Programs for state roadways within the municipal limits. The objective of the program is to
improve and promote the image of the entire community by reducing potential illicit discharges.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Participation meets the Program Policy and Safety Guidelines established by IDOT in a separate
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination2
Illicit discharges (defined in 40 CFR 122.26(B)(2)) may contribute considerable pollutant loads to
receiving waters. There are two primary situations that constitute illicit discharges; these include
non-stormwater runoff from contaminated sites and the deliberate discharge or dumping of nonstormwater. Illicit discharges can enter the storm sewer system as either an indirect or direct
3.3.A Regulatory Authority
Effective implementation of an IDDE program requires adequate legal authority to remove illicit
discharges and prohibit future illicit discharges. This regulatory authority is achieved through
adoption of the following ordinances:
Village of Oswego Floodplain Ordinance
Village of Oswego Stream and Wetland Protection Ordinance
Village of Oswego Subdivision and Development Control Regulations
Village of Oswego Discharge Detection and Elimination Ordinance
Kendall County Stormwater Management Ordinance
Additionally, IEPA has regulatory authority to control pollutant discharges and can take the
necessary steps to correct or remove an inappropriate discharge over and above SM4 jurisdiction.
Subdivision and Development Ordinance
Section 3.3 is a revision of the Lake Michigan Watershed Stormwater Outfall Screening Program Training Program (April 1994 by
Lake County Stormwater Management Commission), and incorporates material from the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination:
A Guidance Manual for Program Development and Technical Assessments (October 2004 by the Center for Watershed Protection
and Robert Pitt, University of Alabama).
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Several provisions of the Village of Oswego Subdivision and Development Control Regulations
(SDCR) prohibit illicit discharges as part of the development process. These provisions are only
applicable for regulated development activities as defined by the SDCR. Regulated developments
are required to meet the soil erosion and sediment control standards of the SDCR. Furthermore, the
SDCR requires that the applicant prohibit illicit discharges into the stormwater management system
generated during the development process.
The SDCR requires inspection deposits, performance bonds, and to adopt/enforce violation
procedures. These tools assist in achieving complaint construction sites. These items are further
discussed in Chapters 3.4 and 3.5.
Illicit Discharge Ordinance
The Village of Oswego created and adopted Ordinance 07-66 Illicit Discharge Detection and
Elimination Ordinance. The Ordinance is the mechanism to allow for the execution and
enforcement of the SMPP and is enforced.
Subdivision and Public Utility Ordinance
The Village of Oswego created and adopted Subdivision and Development Control Regulations
(SDCR). These Ordinances are administered by the Community Development, Building & Zoning,
and Engineering Departments and can be used to further support the activities required by the
3.3.B Understanding Outfalls and Illicit Discharges
Understanding the potential locations and the nature of illicit discharges in urban watersheds is
essential to find, fix and prevent them.
Identifying Outfalls and Receiving Waters
An Outfall (is defined at 40 CFR 122.26(B)(9)) means a point source (as defined by 40 CFR 122.2)
at the point where a municipal separate storm sewer discharges into a waters of the United States
“receiving water”. Open conveyances connecting two municipal storm sewers, or pipes, tunnels or
other conveyances which connect segments of the same stream or other Waters of the United States
are not considered Outfalls. For the purposes of this manual the following definitions shall be used:
Outfall: Storm sewer outlet, or other open conveyance point discharge location, that
discharges into a Waters of the U.S, receiving water or another MS4.
Regulated systems include the conveyance or system of conveyances including roads with drainage
systems, municipal streets, catch basins, gutters, ditches, swales, manmade channels or storm
The outfall inventory was completed by the Village’s consultant H.R. Green (formerly SEC) in
2007. The Village used collected data, development plans, and GIS to create an Outfall Inventory
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Map. This map is used in combination with the previously existing Storm Sewer Atlas to help
determine the extent of discharged dry weather flows, the possible sources of the dry weather flows,
and the particular water bodies these flows may be affecting. The inlets and outfall locations have
been numbered to facilitate detection and tracking of identified illicit discharges. The Storm Sewer
Atlas and Outfall Inventory Map can be obtained from the GIS Coordinator at Village Hall.
The outfall map should be revised annually to incorporate permitted outfalls associated with new
developments. An outfall inventory should be performed every 5 years; the focus of this effort is to
search for new outfalls (i.e. those note already included on the existing Outfall Inventory Map).
The search for new outfalls should be combined with the pre-screening efforts (Chapter 3.3.D.1).
Potential Sources of Illicit Discharges
Table 1 shows that direct connections to storm sewer systems most likely originate from
commercial/industrial facilities. Thus, the focus on Chapter 3.3 is on the identification of illicit
discharges from commercial/industrial facilities.
Table 1: Potential Sources of Illicit Discharges to Storm Sewers
Potential Sources
Storm Sewer Entry
Flow Characteristics
Residential Sources
Sanitary Wastewater
Septic Tank Effluent
Household Chemicals
Laundry Wastewater
Excess Landscaping Watering
Leaking Potable Water Pipes
Commercial Sources
Gasoline Filling Stations
Vehicle Maint./Repair Facilities
Laundry Wastewater
Construction Site Dewatering
Sanitary Wastewater
Industrial Sources
Leaking Tanks and Pipes
Misc. Process Waters
√: Most likely condition.
X: May Occur
-: Not very likely
Source: Adapted From: USEPA. January 1993. Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant Entries Into Storm
Drainage Systems: A User’s Guide. Cincinnati, Ohio.
USEPA Exclusions
It is noted that not all dry-weather flows are considered inappropriate discharges. Under certain
conditions, the following discharges are not considered inappropriate by USEPA:
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Water line flushing,
Landscaping irrigation,
Diverted stream flows,
Rising groundwaters,
Uncontaminated groundwater
Uncontaminated pumped
Discharges from potable water
Flows from foundation drains,
Air conditioning condensation,
Pollutant Indicators
Irrigation water,
Water from crawl spaces,
Lawn watering,
Individual car washing,
Flows from riparian habitats and
Dechlorinated swimming pool water,
Street wash water.
Adapted from New Hampshire Estuaries Project and the IDDE Guidance Manual by the Center for
Watershed Protection.
Water is a neutral medium and does not produce odor; however, most organic and some inorganic
chemicals contribute odor to water. Odor in water may originate from municipal and industrial
waste discharges, from natural sources such as decomposition of vegetative matter, or from
associated microbial activity.
Table 2: Odor or Potential Illicit Discharges (adapted from CWP)
Possible Cause
Wastewater treatment facilities, domestic waste connected into storm drain,
failing septic system
Decaying organic waste from industries such as meat packers, dairies and
(rotten eggs)
Many chemicals, including pesticides and fertilizers, emit powerful odors that
may produce irritation or stinging sensations.
Petroleum/gas Industry associated with vehicle maintenance or petroleum product storage; gas
Laundromat, dry cleaning, household laundry
Color is a numeric computation of the color observed in a water quality sample, as measured in
cobalt-platinum units. Both industrial liquid wastes and sewage tend to have elevated color values.
Unfortunately, some “clean” flow types can also have high color values. A color value higher than
500 units may indicate an industrial discharge.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Table 3: Color of Potential Illicit Discharges (adapted from CWP)
Water Color
Possible Cause
Brown Water –
water ranging in
color from light-tea
to chocolate milk; it
may have a rotten
egg odor.
Human causes may be eroded,
disturbed soils from constr. sites,
animal enclosures, destabilized
stream banks and lake shore erosion
due to boat traffic.
Yellow –
Human causes may include textile
facilities, chemical plants or pollen.
Gray Water – water
appears milky and
may have a rotten
egg smell and/or
soap odor. There
may also be an
appearance of
cottony slime.
Human causes may be illicit
connections of domestic
wastewater; untreated septic system
discharge; illegal boat discharge;
and parking lot runoff.
Green Water –
ranging from blue
green to bright green
color and may
impart odor.
Conditions typically
occur from May to
Human causes may be overfertilizing lawns, boat discharges,
septic systems, agriculture
operations, or discharging poorly
treated wastewater.
Orange/Red -
Human causes may include meat
packing facilities or dyes.
Table 3 (continued)
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Green Flecks –
resembling floating
blue-green paint
chips or grass
These Blooms and
are potentially toxic.
Water Color
Human cause is excessive nutrients.
Fertilizers used on lawns can
contaminate surface and ground
Possible Cause
Green Hair-Like
Strands - bright or
dark green,
resembling cotton
candy and often in
floating mats.
Human causes are excessive
nutrients from fertilizers or failed
on-shore septic systems.
Multi-Color Water
– various or uniform
color, other than
brown, green or
gray. For rainbow
sheen see floatables.
Human causes include oil or
hazardous waste spill, paint and
paint equipment rinsed into storm
drains or into failing septic systems.
Turbidity is a measure of the clarity of water. Turbidity may be caused by many factors, including
suspended matter such as clay, silt, or finely divided organic and inorganic matter. Turbidity is a
measure of the optical properties that cause light to be scattered and not transmitted through a
sample. The presence of turbidity is to be assessed by comparing the sample to clean glass sample
container with colorless distilled water.
Turbidity and color are related terms but are not the same. Remember, turbidity is a measure of how
easily light can penetrate through the sample bottle, whereas color is defined by the tint or intensity
of the color observed.
Figure 4
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Turbidity Severity Examples
(adapted from CWP)
Severity 1
Severity 2
Severity 3
The presence of sewage, floating scum, foam, oil sheen, or other materials can be obvious indicators
of an illicit discharge. However, trash originating from areas adjacent to the outfall is this section.
• If you think the floatable is sewage, you should automatically assign it a severity score of three
since no other source looks quite like it.
• Suds are rated based on their foaminess and staying power. A severity score of three is designated
for thick foam that travels many feet before breaking up. Natural foam breaks apart easily, can be
brown, black or yellowish and may smell fishy or musty.
• Surface oil sheens are ranked based on their thickness and coverage. In some cases, surface
sheens may not be from oil discharges, but instead created by in-stream processes. Petroleum
sheens do not break apart and quickly flows back together.
Figure 5
Natural Sheen versus Synthetic
(adapted from CWP)
Sheen from natural bacteria forms a
swirl-like film that cracks if disturbed
Synthetic oil forms a swirling pattern
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Table 4: Floatables in Potential Illicit Discharges (adapted from CWP)
Human causes include connection of domestic wastewater,
leaking sanitary sewers or failing septic systems.
Suds and Foam –
Common human causes of unnatural foam include leaking sewer
lines, boat discharges, improper sewer connections to storm
sewers and detergents from car washing activities.
Petroleum (oil sheen)
Human causes may include leaking underground storage tank or
illegal dumping.
Common human causes include overflow from sanitary systems
(due to clogging from grease) and illegal dumping.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Ammonia is a good indicator of sewage, since its concentration is much higher there than in
groundwater or tap water. High ammonia concentrations (>50 mg/l) may also indicate liquid wastes
from some industrial sites. Ammonia is relatively simple and safe to analyze. Some challenges
include the potential generation of wastes from non-human sources, such as pets or wildlife.
Chlorine is used throughout the country to disinfect tap water, except where private wells provide
the water supply. Chlorine concentrations in tap water tend to be significantly higher than most
other discharge types. Unfortunately, chlorine is extremely volatile, and even moderate levels of
organic materials can cause chlorine levels to drop below detection levels. Because chlorine is nonconservative, it is not a reliable indicator, although if very high chlorine levels are measured, it is a
strong indication of a water line break, swimming pool discharge, or industrial discharge from a
chlorine bleaching process.
Concentrations of copper in dry-weather flows can be a result of corrosion of water pipes or
automotive sources (for example, radiators, brake lines, and electrical equipment). The occurrence
of copper in dry-weather flows could also be caused by inappropriate discharges from facilities that
either use or manufacture copper-based products. A copper value of >0.025-mg/L indicates an
industrial discharge is present.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Industrial sources of copper include the following:
Copper manufacturing (smelting),
Copper metal processing/scrap remelting,
Metal plating,
Chemicals manufacturing,
Analytical laboratories,
Power plants,
Wood preserving, and
Copper wire production.
In each of these industries, wastes containing copper would normally be discharged to a treatment
facility. Sludge from the waste treatment facility, whether on-site (including lagooning) or publicly
operated treatment facilities, would contain copper. If the sludge (or the treatment process) is not
managed properly, copper could enter the storm sewer system.
Most illicit discharges have elevated concentration of detergents. Sewage and washwater discharges
contain detergents used to clean clothes or dishes, whereas liquid wastes contain detergents from
industrial or commercial cleansers. The nearly universal presence of detergents in illicit discharges,
combined with their absence in natural waters or tap water, makes them an excellent indicator.
Research has revealed three indicator parameters that measure the level of detergent or its
components-- surfactants, fluorescence, and surface tension. Surfactants have been the most widely
applied and transferable of the three indicators. Fluorescence and surface tension show promise, but
only limited field testing has been performed on these more experimental parameters; therefore
these are not tested. Refer to Boron and Surfactants descriptions.
E. coli, Enterococci and Total Coliform
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Each of these bacteria is found at very high concentrations in sewage compared to other flow types,
and is a good indicator of sewage or seepage discharges, unless pet or wildlife sources exist in the
subwatershed. Overall, bacteria are good supplemental indicators and can be used to find “problem”
streams or outfalls that exceed public health standards. A Fecal Coliform count greater than 400 per
100 mL indicates waste water contamination.
Fluoride, at a concentration of two parts per million, is added to drinking water supplies in most
communities to improve dental health. Consequently, fluoride is an excellent conservative indicator
of tap water discharges or leaks from water supply pipes that end up in the storm drain. Fluoride is
obviously not a good indicator in communities that do not fluorinate drinking water, or where
individual wells provide drinking water. Flouride levels greater than 0.6-mg/L indicate a potable
water source is connected to the stormwater system.
Phenol is a very commonly occurring chemical and can be found in foods, medicines, and cleaning
products, as well as industrial products and by-products. Generally, the appearance of phenols in
stormwater would indicate a misconnected industrial sewer to a storm drain or ditch. Exceptions
would include runoff from treated wood storage yards (for example, treated lumber and telephone
poles) and improper disposal (flash dumping) of cleaning products. A phenol value greater than
0.1-mg/L indicate an illicit discharge is present.
Industrial sources of phenol include the following:
Chemical manufacturing (organic),
Textile manufacturing,
Paint and coatings manufacturing,
Metal coating,
Resin manufacturing,
Tire manufacturing,
Plastics fabricating,
Oil refining and re-refining,
Naval stores (turpentine and other
wood treatment chemicals),
Pharmaceutical manufacturing,
Paint stripping (for example,
automotive and aircraft),
Military installations (rework and
repair facilities),
Coke manufacturing,
Iron production, and
Ferro-alloy manufacturing.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Other sources of phenol include improper handling and disposal of cleaning compounds by
institutions such as hospitals and nursing homes.
Potential ID Range: <6.5 and > 8.5
Most discharge flow types are neutral, having a pH value around 7, although groundwater
concentrations can be somewhat variable. pH is a reasonably good indicator for liquid wastes from
industries, which can have very high or low pH (ranging from 3 to 12). The pH of residential wash
water tends to be rather basic (pH of 8 or 9). The pH of a discharge is very simple to monitor in the
field with low cost test strips or probes. Although pH data is often not conclusive by itself, it can
identify problem outfalls that merit follow-up investigations using more effective indicators.
Potassium is found at relatively high concentrations in sewage, and extremely high concentrations
in many industrial process waters. Consequently, potassium can act as a good first screen for
industrial wastes, and can also be used in combination with ammonia to distinguish wash waters
from sanitary wastes. An ammonium to potassium ratio of >1 or <1indicate waste water or wash
water discharge respectively. A potassium value of >20-mg/l is a good indicator for industrial
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Surfactants are the active ingredients in most commercial detergents, and are typically measured as
Methyl Blue Active Substances (or MBAS). They are a synthetic replacement for soap, which
builds up deposits on clothing over time. Since surfactants are not found in nature, but are always
present in detergents, they are excellent indicators of sewage and wash waters. The presence of
surfactants in cleansers, emulsifiers and lubricants also makes them an excellent indicator of
industrial or commercial liquid wastes. A surfactant value of > 0.25-mg/L within residential areas
indicates that either a sewage or washwater is present in the stormwater; a value of >5-mg/L within
non-residential areas indicates that there is an industrial discharge (refer to Table 46 from the Illicit
Discharge Detection and Elimination manual by the Center for Watershed Protection for use in
determining industrial flow types).
3.3.C Indirect Connection Program
Indirect connections are subtle connections, such as dumping or spillage of materials into storm
sewer drains. Flash dumping is a common type of indirect connection. Generally, indirect modes
of entry produce intermittent or transitory discharges, with the exception of groundwater seepage.
There are five main modes of indirect entry for discharges.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Groundwater Seepage
Seepage discharges can be either continuous or intermittent, depending on the depth of the water
table and the season. Groundwater seepage usually consists of relatively clean water that is not an
illicit discharge by itself, but can mask other illicit discharges. If storm drains are located close to
sanitary sewers, groundwater seepage may intermingle with diluted sewage. Addressing seepage
that is observed during the outfall screening process is described in more detail in this Chapter.
These transitory discharges occur when a spill travels across an impervious surface and enters a
storm drain inlet. Spills can occur at many industrial, commercial and transport-related sites. A very
common example is an oil or gas spill from an accident that then travels across the road and into the
storm drain system. The Spill Response Plan is described in Chapter 3.6.B.
Dumping a liquid into a storm drain inlet: This type of transitory discharge is created when liquid
wastes such as oil, grease, paint, solvents, and various automotive fluids are dumped into the storm
drain. Liquid dumping occurs intermittently at sites that improperly dispose of rinse water and wash
water during maintenance and cleanup operations. A common example is cleaning deep fryers in
the parking lot of fast food operations. The Storm Drain Stenciling, Household Hazardous Wastes,
Vehicle Fluid Maintenance and Pool Dewatering programs are designed to minimize dumping;
these programs are described in Chapter 3.1.F, G, I and K. Additionally, the Village maintains an
Illegal Dumping Hotline which is described in Chapter 3.2.D. The procedure for handling a
dumping incident is described in Chapter 3.6.B.1.
Outdoor washing activities
Outdoor washing may or may not be an illicit discharge, depending on the nature of the generating
site that produces the wash water. For example, hosing off individual sidewalks and driveways may
not generate significant flows or pollutant loads. On the other hand, routine washing of fueling
areas, outdoor storage areas, and parking lots (power washing), and construction equipment
cleanouts may result in unacceptable pollutant loads. Individual washing activities are addressed
through the Public Education and Outreach Program in Chapter 3.1.J whereas observed/documented
routine washing activities should be addressed through the Removal of Illicit Discharges Procedure
in Chapter 3.3.E.4.
Non-target irrigation from landscaping or lawns
Irrigation can produce intermittent discharges from over-watering or misdirected sprinklers that
send tap water over impervious areas. In some instances, non-target irrigation can produce
unacceptable loads of nutrients, organic matter or pesticides. The most common example is a
discharge from commercial landscaping areas adjacent to parking lots connected to the storm drain
system. This type of discharge is addressed by the Public Education and Outreach Program in
Chapter 3.1.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
3.3.D Direct Connection Illicit Discharge Program
Direct connections enter through direct piping connections to the storm sewer system, and since
direct connections exist regardless of whether or not a stormwater event (e.g. rain or melting snow)
is occurring, they are most easily detected during dry-weather periods. Inspection of stormwater
outfalls during dry-weather conditions reveals whether non-stormwater flows exist. If nonstormwater flows are observed, they can be screened and tested to determine whether pollutants are
present. If the presence of pollutants is indicated, the detective work of identifying the source of the
discharge can begin. Once the source is identified, it can then be corrected. A direct connection
illicit discharge program consists of three principal components: 1) program planning, 2) outfall
screening, and 3) follow-up investigation and program evaluation.
1. Program Planning involves the office work, planning, and organization required to conduct the
subsequent outfall screening and follow-up investigative activities of the program. Program
planning identifies the regulatory authority to remove directly connected illicit discharges and the
identification of the outfalls and receiving waters in the municipality (both discussed earlier in this
chapter). Program planning for the direct connection portion of the overall program also includes
the identification of the staffing and equipment needed to conduct the outfall screening, and
scheduling of the outfall screening activities (Chapter 3.3.A).
2. Outfall Screening consists of pre-screening to determine whether dry-weather flows are present
and outfall inspection which includes field-testing and grab samples to determine whether pollutants
are present in any observed dry-weather flows (Chapter 3.3.B).
3. Follow-Up Investigation and Program Evaluation are the steps necessary to determine the
source of any identified pollutant flows and eliminate them. The major follow-up investigation and
program evaluation components (Chapter 3.3.C.) include:
reviewing and assessing outfall inspection results,
internal coordination,
conducting detailed storm sewer investigations to identify pollutant sources (tracing),
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
exercising the appropriate legal means to achieve enforcement of the program objective
(removal of pollutants at the source), and evaluating the program to determine whether
subsequent screening activities are necessary.
Program Planning
The program planning component is primarily office work related to assembling the necessary
information and equipment for efficiently conducting outfall-screening activities. This component
of the program addresses the following issues (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Program Elements
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Personnel for an outfall inspection screening program are required for program administration,
effort for conducting the outfall screening, and any follow-up investigations. Typically, a twomember Village crew is required for the outfall screening and follow-up portions of the program.
Based on the number of identified outfalls and program goals, it is anticipated that a two-member
crew will be required to perform inspections at least several weeks throughout the year for the first
5-year period.
General field equipment and specialized outfall screening equipment are required for IDDE
programs. The method of collecting and managing inspection screening data is driven by available
technology. A complete list of recommend equipment and supplies is found on Stormwater Outfall
Screening Equipment Checklist (Appendix 5.2). Field Crews carry basic safety items, such as cell
phones, surgical gloves, and first aid kits.
Applicable Public Works personnel shall thoroughly read and understand the objectives of the
IDDE subchapters of this manual. Applicable field personnel shall have completed a standard
training session. It is recommended that applicable Public Works personnel accompany a Public
Works supervisor on at least two outfall inspections to learn the use of the Stormwater Outfall
Inspection Data Form (Appendix 5.3) and the use of sampling equipment and test kits. As a
training exercise, new Public Works personnel should independently conduct outfall screening
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
activities until two outfall screening data forms are accurate and consistent with the Public Works
supervisor investigator’s forms.
Scheduling for pre-screening or outfall inspections is dependent on staff availability and weather.
Pre-screening generally takes place during the late summer or fall months, ideally in August,
September, or October, although other summer or fall months may be acceptable, depending on
weather conditions. This time period is generally warm, which improves field efficiency as well as
reliability and consistency of field-testing. This time period is also more likely to have extended
dry periods with little or no precipitation, which is required for the inspection activities.
In order to ensure that samples collected are representative of dry-weather flows, conduct prescreening and follow-up inspections preceding a dry-weather period, a period of 72 hours of dry
weather. A period of 72 hours is selected to allow local detention facilities to drain and local
groundwater flows to recede after precipitation events. However, some judgment may be exercised
in evaluating the 72 hour period to sampling. For example, if very light rain or drizzle occurred and
no runoff was experienced, it is likely that dry-weather conditions would exist and outfall inspection
could be conducted.
Outfall Inspection Procedure
The identification of potential illicit discharge locations is primarily a two part process, prescreening and follow-up inspections. Pre-screening is performed by a rapid inspection of all
outfalls in a pre-determined area such as along receiving waters. Follow-up inspections are required
for those pipes found to have dry weather flow. Once probable illicit discharges are found, identify
the sources of illicit discharges and correct per the removal procedure of Chapter 3.3.C.4. Outfall
inspection consists of the following tasks:
Outfall Inspection Setup,
Outfall Inspection,
Outfall Assessment and Documentation, and
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Daily closeout.
Communities that preformed pre-screening during outfall inventory
Pre-screening consists of a rapid inspection of outfalls, during dry weather flow conditions. Prescreening was completed by the municipality in insert date. During pre-screening outfalls are
inspected; outfalls observed to have dry weather flow are documented. Pre-screening results can be
seen by viewing the Outfall Inventory Database available at the Public Works Facility; outfalls with
dry weather flows shall be scheduled for an outfall inspection. It is recommended that each outfall
be re-screened every 5 years.
In this step, an attempt is made to visualize the outfall locations and anticipate any potential
problems that could affect the days screening activities. Of particular concern in daily setup is
whether any safety issues will be associated with the day’s screening activities. For example, does
traffic need to be controlled or is access to the outfall difficult. Before leaving an outfall inspection
location, field crews must ensure that all necessary equipment is available, operable, and calibrated
(as appropriate).
Safety is the primary consideration while inspecting upstream sampling locations. In general, the
rule “if in doubt, don’t” is followed. Latex gloves are worn while collecting and handling samples.
A first aid kit is included in each vehicle to treat minor injuries. Obtain medical help for major
injuries as soon as possible. Report all injuries, minor and major to appropriate persons.
Access to Private Property
In some cases, it may be necessary for Village personnel to enter or cross private property to
investigate discovered illicit discharges. A form letter should be prepared that includes a short
description of the project, the purpose of the access to the property, and the name of a project
contact person with a telephone number. Attempt to contact each home, or business, owner for
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
permission. Village personnel shall have identification indicating that they are municipal
employees. If the owner is not present, a letter should be left at the premises to facilitate return
inspection. If permission to access property is denied, a public official should then contact the
owner at a later date.
Avoid confrontational situations with citizens and attempt to answer questions concisely and
without being alarmist. Village personnel should be coached on appropriate responses to questions
from citizens. If a field crew feels uncomfortable or threatened, they should remove themselves
from the situation and report to the incident to their supervisor.
All traffic control measures are to be in accordance with the requirements of the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices and other internal Policies and Procedures as set forth by the
Public Works Department.
In general, the following additional policies are applicable. Public Works personnel generally work
on streets only during the hours of 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. except in emergency situations. All field crews
are required to wear Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in accordance with Standard Operating
Procedures set forth by the Public Works Department.
Confined Space Entry
Confined space entry for this program would include climbing into or inserting one’s head into a
pipe, manhole, or catch basin. In general, do not cross the vertical plane defining an outfall pipe or
the horizontal plane defining a manhole, unless properly prepared for confined space entry. IN NO
SPACES. Confined space entry shall be conducted only by trained personnel with appropriate
rescue and monitoring equipment.
Other Hazards
Table 5: Other Outfall Inspection Hazards
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Strong Gas/Solvent
Bodily Harm From
Manhole Covers
Avoid steep slopes, dense brush and deep water.
Report unsafe locations and move on to next
Avoid wading where bottom sediments are easily
disturbed or depths are unknown.
Do not select manhole for sampling
Use manhole hook and watch for pinch points
Proper Foot Gear and Use of Rope If Warranted
Use extended sample collection device; don’t
cross horizontal or vertical plane at end of outfall
Adequate Water Intake; Avoid Excessive
Heat and Dehydration
Exertion on Hot Days
Sunscreen and Appropriate Clothing
Identify and Avoid
Vicious Dogs
Avoid; Use Animal Repellent if necessary
Water Bodies
Flotation Devices
Check Entire Body at End of Each Day
Apply Repellent
Test Kit Analysis Safety
In general, safety procedures established by the Wastewater Division and the USEPA Industrial
User Inspection and Sampling Manual for POTWs and related IEPA publications are used.
Following are general guidelines.
1. Appropriate gloves (latex or rubber) are worn AT ALL TIMES when handling samples or
conducting test kit analyses. Other appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is also
worn, as required.
2. Copies of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are maintained with all test kits. Be familiar with
instructions provided in the SDSs.
3. Always conduct test kit analyses in a well-ventilated area.
4. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water at every opportunity.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
An outfall inspection is required for outfalls determined to have dry weather flow, or with
submerged outlets, based on the pre-screening efforts. Upon arriving at an outfall, the field crew
inspects the outfall by approaching the outfall on foot to a proximity that allows visual observations
to be made.
Outfalls are assessed to determine which one of the three following conditions applies:
(1) The outfall is dry or damp with no observed flow,
(2) Flowing discharges are observed from the outfall, or
(3) The outfall is partially or completely submerged with no observed flow or is inaccessible.
Scenario 1: No Observed Flow. Under Scenario 1, the field crew should photograph the outfall
and complete applicable sections of the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Data Form (Appendix
5.3). Use the flow chart, Figure 7, to identify applicable sections of the form that must be filled
Scenario 2: Observed Flow. Under Scenario 2, the field crew photographs the outfall and
complete applicable sections of the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Data Form (Appendix 5.3).
Use the flow chart, Figure 7, to identify applicable sections of the form that must be filled out,
including sampling/testing requirements. The intent is to gather additional information to determine
if an illicit discharge is present. Determine the need for on-site testing and obtaining grab samples
for laboratory analysis based on the flow chart guidance. Testing results are then used to identify
potential sources.
The initial testing results are not intended to document the event for future removal and/or
enforcement actions. If the preliminary test results identify a potential illicit discharge an
independent laboratory shall be contracted to test an additional sample prior to initiating removal
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Scenario 3: Submerged or Inaccessible Outfall. Under Scenario 3, if standing water is present in
an outfall or if it is inaccessible, then complete available information from Sections 1, 2, 3 and 7 of
the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Data Form (Appendix 5.3), with appropriate comments being
written in the “Remarks” section of the data form. Locating an upstream sampling point may be
required if any of the following conditions exist at an outfall:
The outfall discharge is submerged or partially submerged due to backwater conditions,
Site access and safety considerations prevent sample collection,
The outfall is from a facility providing water quality treatment (for example, detention
basin outlet), or
Other special considerations.
Determine the upstream sampling location using the Village’s storm sewer atlas. Manholes, catch
basins, or culvert crossings can be used for upstream sampling locations. Make reasonable efforts
to locate upstream sampling points that are accessible and exhibit flow. If inaccessible, resolve the
problem in the office with appropriate supervisory personnel.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
More than ½ below water
Partially submerged:
Bottom is below water
Fully submerged:
Can’t see outfall
Outfall fully submerged by debris
Fully submerged from downstream trees
trapping debris
Partially submerged by leaf debris “back
Trickle Flow:
Very narrow stream of water
Moderate Flow:
Steady stream, but very shallow depth
Significant flow
(Source is a fire hydrant discharge)
Figure 6: Characterizing Submersion and Flow
Center for Watershed Protection
Complete the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Data Form (Appendix 5.3) for all outfall screening
and grab sampling activities. All completed forms must be dated, legible, and contain accurate
documentation of each outfall inspection. A separate data form must be completed for each outfall.
It is recommended that non-smearing pens be used to complete the forms and that all data be
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
objective and factual. Once completed, these data forms are considered accountable documents and
are maintained as part of the Village’s files. In addition to standard information, the data form is
used to record other information that is noted at the time the outfall inspection is conducted (e.g.
observations of dead or dying plants, fish kills, algal blooms (excessive algae growth), construction
activities, and other activities that might provide information regarding the potential for illicit
connections or inappropriate discharges).
Disposal and Clean-up
Properly dispose of test waste items per the following table. Before leaving any field inspection
site, check the area to ensure that all equipment has been cleaned, collected, and stored. Do not
leave any trash or litter at the site.
Grab Sample (Uncontaminated)
Grab Sample (Contaminated by
Contact with Test Kit Ampoule)
Test Kit Ampoule
Field Disposal
On Site
Liquid Waste Container
Final Disposal
----Sanitary Sewer
Used Ampoule container
Paper Towels/ Latex Gloves
Trash Bags
Dispose of Container as a
Hazardous Waste
Municipal Garbage
Office Closeout
In the office, file copies of completed data forms. Also, update the outfall screening scheduling and
completion form and plan the next screening day’s activities. Discuss any problems locating
outfalls with appropriate supervisory personnel so that alternate sampling locations can be
identified. Once a month, compile data from the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Data Form
(Appendix 5.3) onto the Outfall Inspection Screening Summary Form (Appendix 5.5).
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Figure 7: Outfall Inspection Procedure Flow Chart
All Outfalls
(Complete Sections 1, 2 & 3
of Inspection Data Form)
Do Physical Indicators
(Section 3) Suggest an Illicit
Is Flow Present?
Complete Section 4
Is Flow Present?
Schedule follow-up
inspection with-in 3 days
Do Section 4
indicators suggest an
illicit discharge?
Illicit Discharge found.
Follow tracing procedure
Illicit Discharge found.
Follow tracing procedure
Complete Section 5
Do Section 5
indicators suggest an
illicit discharge?
Complete Section 6
Do Section 6
indicators suggest an
illicit discharge?
Complete Section 7
Illicit Discharge found.
Follow tracing procedure
Close out Illicit
Follow Up Investigation and Program Evaluation
Follow up investigation is required for all outfalls with positive indicators for pollutant
discharges. The outfall assessment results are reviewed to determine the magnitude of the dryweather pollution problem and to determine the necessary steps to identify and remove the
sources of any detected pollutants. Figure 8 provides a flow chart to aid in follow-up
investigations of potential illicit discharges.
Figure 8: Follow Up Procedure
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Detailed investigations of the storm sewer system may be required upstream of the outfalls to
locate sources of illicit discharges or improper disposal. The need for detailed investigations is
based on evaluation of the data from the initial outfall screening. This element of the program
serves to detect and remove pollutant sources. This is accomplished by reviewing the Outfall
Inspection Screening Summary Form (Appendix 5.5) to determine if there are outfalls that
require a follow up investigation, target sewer system areas for detailed investigation and then
conducting intensive field investigations upstream of the polluted outfall to identify potential
If the initial outfall assessment identifies potential illicit discharges (through either the on-site of
off-site testing procedures), additional sampling is required. The results of the inspection and
testing should be discussed with the Stormwater Coordinator. Contract an independent
laboratory to take and test an additional sample and verify preliminary finding. Use the
established procedure to coordinate the independent laboratory sample and testing.
Follow up investigation is required for all outfalls with positive indicators for pollutant
discharges during the pre-screening efforts. The procedure for detailed storm sewer
investigation and source identification has three major components: 1) mapping and evaluation,
2) storm sewer investigation, and 3) tracing.
Mapping and Evaluation
For each outfall to be investigated, a large-scale working map should be obtained (digitally or in
paper form) that includes the entire upstream storm sewer network, outfall locations and parcel
boundaries indicated. This map product is based on information from the storm sewer atlas and
outfall map and can be obtained from the Village GIS Department. Land use information is
evaluated to determine the types of residential, commercial, and industrial areas that might
contribute the type of pollution identified at the outfall.
If the contributing area is determined to be non-residential, the available Industrial/Business
information should also be reviewed. Business Types, at the time of the SMPP creation, include:
Car Wash,
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Food Processing (Pet, Candy),
Grocery Store,
Health Club/Gym,
Laundromat/Dry Cleaning,
Recreations/Park District,
Residential (Single and MultiFamily),
Salon/Barber Shop,
Utility, and
Make attempts to match detected indicators with upstream activities.
Storm Sewer Investigation
After conducting the mapping evaluation, a manhole-by-manhole inspection is conducted to
pinpoint the location of the inappropriate discharge, into the storm sewer / conveyance system.
This inspection requires a field crew to revisit the outfall where the polluted dry-weather
discharge was detected. The field crew should be equipped with the same testing and safety
equipment and follow similar procedures as used during the outfall inspection.
After confirming that dry-weather flow is present at the outfall, the field crew continues moving
to the next upstream manhole or access point investigating for dry weather flow. In cases where
more than one source of dry-weather discharge enters a manhole, the field crew records this
information on the screening form and then tracks each source separately. All sources are
tracked upstream, manhole-by-manhole, until the dry-weather discharge is no longer detected.
Finally, the last manhole where dry-weather flow is present is identified and potential sources to
that manhole are accessed. This data is important for source identification.
The field crew should also determine whether there has been a significant change in the flow rate
between manholes. If the flow rate appears to have changed between two manholes in the
system, the illicit connection likely occurs between the two manholes. Changes in the
concentration of pollutant parameters could also aid in confirming the presence of an illicit
connection between the two manholes.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Once the manhole inspection has identified the reach area, between two manholes suspected of
containing an inappropriate discharge, testing may be necessary. If there is only one possible
source to this section of the storm sewer system in the area, source identification and follow-up
for corrective action is straightforward. Multiple sources, or non-definitive sources, may require
additional evaluation and testing in order to identify the contributing source. The method of
testing must be approved by the Public Works Director prior to testing. Potential testing
methods include fluorometiric dye testing, smoke testing, and/or remote video inspections. Once
identified, clearly log the contributing source.
Removal of Illicit Discharges
Removal of illicit discharge connections is required at all identified contributing sources. Eight
steps are taken to definitively identify and remove an inappropriate discharge to the storm sewer
system. These steps are as follows:
Step 1.
Have an outside laboratory service take a grab sample and test for the illicit
discharge at the manhole located immediately downstream of the suspected
discharge connection.
Step 2:
Conduct an internal meeting with appropriate personnel likely including Public
Works Personnel, Public Works Director, Building Department Code
Enforcement Officer, and Stormwater Coordinator to discuss inspection and
testing results and remedial procedures.
Step 3:
The Code Enforcement Officer shall send a notification letter to the
owner/operator of the property/site suspected of discharging a pollutant. The
letter should request that the owner/operator describe the activities on the site and
the possible sources of non-stormwater discharges including information
regarding the use and storage of hazardous substances, chemical storage practices,
materials handling and disposal practices, storage tanks, types of permits, and
pollution prevention plans.
Step 4:
Arrange a meeting for an inspection of the property with Public Works Personnel,
the Code Enforcement Officer, and the owner/operator of the property where the
pollution source is suspected. Most illicit connections and improper disposal can
probably be detected during this step. Notify the site owner/operator of the
problem and instruct them to take corrective measures.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Step 5:
Conduct additional tests as necessary if the initial site inspection is not successful
in identifying the source of the problem. The Public Works Director is
responsible for determining the appropriate testing measure to pinpoint the
Step 6:
If the owner/operator does not voluntarily initiate corrective action, the Code
Enforcement Office issues a notification of noncompliance. The notification
includes a description of the required action(s) a time frame in which to assess the
problem and take corrective action. Upon notification of noncompliance, the
owner can be subject to any penalties stipulated in the Illicit Discharge Detection
and Elimination Ordinance, Ordinance 07-66.
Step 7:
Conduct follow-up inspections after stipulated time frame has elapsed to
determine whether corrective actions have been implemented to: 1) remove the
illicit connection or 2) eliminate the improper disposal practice.
Step 8:
If corrective actions have been completed (i.e. and the illicit discharge has been
eliminated) the Code Enforcement Officer sends a notification of compliance
letter to the owner/operator of the property/site suspected of discharging a
If corrective actions have not been completed an additional internal meeting with
appropriate Village personnel (likely including involved Public Works Personnel,
Public Works Director, Code Enforcement Officer, and Stormwater Coordinator)
is held to determine appropriate steps to obtain compliance. Appropriate actions
may include monetary or other penalties.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Table 6: NPDES-Identified Industrial Facilities
SIC Code
Facilities subject to stormwater effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, or toxic pollutant
effluent standards under 40 CFR Subchapter N (except facilities with toxic pollutant effluent standards that are
1000Mineral industry, including active and inactive mining operations, with exceptions, and certain oil and gas
exploration, production, processing, or treatment operations or transmission facilities.
Lumber and wood products except furniture (except 2434-wood kitchen cabinets)
Paper and allied products (except 2650-paperboard containers and boxes from purchased paperboard and 2670converted paper and paperboard products)
Chemicals and allied products (except 2830-drugs)
Petroleum refining and related industries (except discharges subject to 40 CFR 419)
Leather tanning and finishing
Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products (except discharges subject to 40 CFR 419)
Primary metal industries
Fabricated structural metal
Ship and boat building and repair
Hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, including those that are operating under interim status or
a permit under Subtitle C of RCRA
Landfills, land application sites, and open dumps that receive or have received any industrial wastes, including
those that are subject to regulation under Subtitle D of RCRA
Facilities involved in the recycling of materials, including metal scrap yards, battery reclaimers, salvage yards, and
automobile junkyards, including, but not limited to, those classified as SIC codes 5015 (used motor vehicle parts)
and 5093 (scrap and waste materials).
Stream electric power generating facilities including coal handling sites
Transportation facilities with vehicle maintenance shops, equipment cleaning operations, or airport deicing
operations (except facilities with SIC codes 4221 through 4225) (only those portions of the station that are either
involved in vehicle maintenance including vehicle rehabilitation, mechanical repairs, painting, fueling, and
lubrication), equipment cleaning operations, airport deicing operations, or that are otherwise identified as an
industrial station.
Construction activity including clearing, grading, and excavation activities except: operations that result in the
disturbance of less than 5 acres of total land that are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale
Food and kindred products manufacturing or processing
Tobacco products
Textile mill products
Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics and similar materials
Wood kitchen cabinets
Furniture and fixtures
Paperboard containers and boxes
Converted paper and paperboard products
Printing, publishing, and allied industries
Paperboard containers and boxes
Rubber and miscellaneous products
Leather and leather products (except 3110-leather tanning and finishing)
Glass products, made of purchased glass
Fabricated metal products, except machinery and transportation equipment (except 3441-fabricated structural metal)
Industrial and commercial machinery and computer equipment
Electronic and other electrical equipment and components, except computer equipment
Transportation equipment (except 3730-ship and boat building and repairing)
Measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments; photographic, medical, and optical goods; watches and clocks
Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
Farm products warehousing and storage, refrigerated warehousing and storage, general warehousing and storage
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Program Evaluation
Review the results of the screening program to examine whether any trends can be identified that
relate the incidence of dry-weather flow observations to the age or land use of a developed area.
Experience gained from the USEPA NPDES program indicates a lower chance of observing
polluted dry-weather flows in residential and newer development areas, while older and
industrial land use areas having a higher incidence of observed dry-weather flows. See Table 6
for areas that may be more likely to exhibit dry-weather flows. Examine the screening results to
determine whether any such obvious conclusions can be made. If so, these conclusions may
guide future outfall screening activities.
Outfalls with positive indicators of potential pollution are investigated to identify upstream
pollutant sources. Identified illicit direct connections must be eliminated. However, new
sources may appear in the future as a result of mistaken cross connections from redevelopment,
new-development or remodeling. Indirect or subtle discharges such as flash dumping are
difficult to trace to their sources and can only be remedied through public education and
reporting. Therefore, it is expected that to some degree they will continue although at a reduced
magnitude and frequency. Although the outfall screening program will be successful in
identifying and eliminating most pollutants in dry-weather discharges, the continued existence of
dry-weather flows and associated pollutants will require an ongoing commitment to continue the
outfall screening program.
The annual inspection screening will determine the effectiveness of the program on a long-term
basis and show ongoing improvement through a reduced number of outfalls having positive
indicators of potential pollutants. It is logical to assume that after several years of annual
screening, the majority of the dry-weather pollution sources will be eliminated.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Construction Site Runoff Control
The goal of both the Village of Oswego Subdivision And Development Control Regulations
(SDCR) and the Kendall County Stormwater Management Ordinance (KCSMO) is to ensure
that new development does not increase existing stormwater problems or create new ones. These
documents establishes local and countywide standards for runoff maintenance, detention sites,
soil erosion and sediment control, water quality, wetlands and floodplains. These provisions are
only applicable for regulated development activities as defined by the documents. Applicants
that hydrologically disturb greater than 1-acre are also required to seek coverage under the
statewide construction general permit by filing a Notice of Intent (NOI) with IEPA.
Both the SDCR and the KCSMO are implemented at the local level. Oswego is a "Certified
Community" for the purpose of enforcing the KCSMO within its corporate boundaries.
KCPB&Z administers the KCSMO and issues permits for the developments within the NonCertified Communities.
The Village of Oswego has adopted the SDCR and the KCSMO and is authorized to review,
permit, inspect and enforce of the provisions of these documents. The community designates an
Enforcement Officer; this person is responsible for the administration and enforcement of these
ordinances. The municipality has created an Inspection and Violation Notification Procedure to
ensure compliance with the WDO.
3.4.A Regulatory Program
Ordinance provisions include but are not limited, to the following:
• Grading, soil erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must:
o Prevent discharge of sediment from the site through the implementation of soil
erosion control practices, primarily, and sediment control secondarily, and
o Protect receiving waters, natural areas and adjacent properties from damage which
may result from the proposed grading.
• Waste control;
• Runoff Volume Reduction Hierarchy and Water Quality;
• Established inspection duties for the applicant and procedures for inspections;
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
• Record keeping and reporting procedures;
• Security deposits to ensure faithful performance;
• Enforcement measures to achieve compliance; and
• One year warranty period, for applicable developments.
The Illinois Urban Manual, as amended, includes detailed guidance on selection and
implementation on related best management practices.
As part of the permit review process, applicants that hydrologically disturb greater than 1-acre
are also required to seek coverage under the statewide construction general permit by filing a
Notice of Intent (NOI) with IEPA. During construction, applicants are required to submit to
IEPA Incidence of Noncompliance (ION) forms, as necessary. After the site is substantially
stabilized, the applicant is required to submit a Notice of Termination (NOT).
3.4.B Responsible Parties
The applicant is ultimately responsible for ensuring compliant soil erosion and sediment control
measures on-site during construction. General contractors, sub-contractors and other hired
employees of the applicant can assist the applicant in maintaining a compliant site; however the
applicant remains the responsible party. The applicant is also responsible for obtaining all other
required state and federal permits, including an NOI with IEPA and upholding all permit
conditions (including completing inspection logs).
DECI – Designated Inspectors
Neither the Village of Oswego nor Kendall County has adopted a Designated Erosion Control
Inspector program.
The purpose of the DECI program is to facilitate positive communication between the
municipality and the permit holder by creating a single point of contact for soil erosion/sediment
control issues with the idea that it is easier to prevent soil erosion and sediment control problems
than it is to correct them after they have occurred. Further, the program is intended to improve
site conditions, minimize environmental impacts, and educate contractors/developers/inspectors
about proper soil erosion/sediment control Best Management Practices.
The applicant, for sites that exceed thresholds identified by ordinance, is required to hire or
employ a Designated Erosion Control Inspector (DECI).
All development with 10 acres or more of hydrologic disturbance
All development with 1 acre or more of hydrologic disturbance and regulatory floodplain
or wetlands on site or on adjoining properties.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
The DECI can work for the permittee's contractor, subcontractor, consultant, etc. He does not
have to be a direct employee of the permittee. The designated agency keeps a list of DECIs that
have been approved.
The DECI has the responsibility to conduct inspections as required, document inspections, keep
inspections and project plans available on site, report noncompliance issues promptly,
recommend soil erosion/sediment control measures. Assuming the DECI is competently
completing these steps, the DECI is considered to meet the requirements of the program.
Ultimately, liability for a development in noncompliance may fall to the owner, the applicant, the
contractor, the developer, the DECI, or anyone else involved as determined on a case by case
Sites that do not require a DECI may still require a designated inspector under the NPDES II
permit process. Significant efforts have been made to minimize overlap between the two
programs. Currently all sites with greater than 1-ac or more of hydrologic disturbance require a
permit from IEPA and a designated inspector (which is more stringent than the DECI
requirements). A designated inspector, under the IEPA program, does not need to be a DECI
recognized by the Village; however a DECI can fulfill both rolls. However, the site inspection
logs can typically meet the permit conditions of SDCR, KCSMO, and the IEPA.
The DECI reports to the Enforcement Officer. During the course of a project, the DECI must
notify the EO within any if the development site is determined to be noncompliant with the soil
erosion and sediment control plan. The Village’s Stormwater Coordinator should also be
contacted within 24-hours. It is highly recommended that the Stormwater Coordinator remind
the DECI to also file an Incidence of Noncompliance (ION) with IEPA. If the discharge from
the construction site enters receiving water within the MS4 jurisdictional boundaries, it is highly
recommended that the MS4 also file an ION with IEPA.
Enforcement Officer
The Enforcement Officer is responsible for administration and enforcement of the provisions of
the SDCR and KCSMO. Additionally, the Enforcement Officer is responsible for performing
inspections and monitoring the development. Review and inspection efforts can be performed by
personnel under his/her direct supervision. A full description of the EO responsibilities is
included in Appendix E of the SDCR and KCSMO. The EO follows established procedures for
notifying applicants of deficiencies and obtaining site compliance (i.e. enforcement).
It is also both the right and the responsibility of the Enforcement Officer to ensure that all
incidences of non-compliance received from a DECI are resolved. Furthermore it is the
Enforcement Officer’s right and the responsibility to notify the KCPB&Z if a DECI is not
adequately performing the DECI responsibilities. A DECI may be removed from a development
by the Enforcement Officer at their sole discretion.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Alternative 3.4.B.3 Municipal Contact – Stormwater Coordinator
The Village of Oswego has the responsibility to designate a contact with both the KCPB&Z and
the IEPA. The municipality has designated Public Works Director to fulfill both roles. SMC
refers to this person as their community contact. The community contact provides support and
coordinates with SMC on development related activities within the community. The IEPA
considers this person the Stormwater Coordinator. Chapter 2.2.A provides additional
information regarding the role of the Stormwater Coordinator.
3.4.C Minimum Construction Site Practices
A site plan is required to comply with minimum prescribed practice requirements set forth in the
SDCR and KCSMO. These documents also allow for the Village to require additional measures,
above and beyond minimum control measures, to prevent the discharge pollutants from
construction sites. Design and implementation guidance is available in reference materials
identified in Appendix 5.17 of the SMPP.
Some minimum control measures include the following:
Construction site sequencing and phasing,
Preservation of existing vegetation and natural resources (through the runoff volume
reduction hierarchy provisions),
Stormwater conveyance systems (including concentrated flows, diversions, etc.),
Stockpile management,
Soil erosion control measures (including blanket and seeding),
Stabilized construction entrances/exits and haul routes,
Sediment Control (including silt fence, inlet/outlet protection, ditch checks, sediment
traps, sediment basins etc.),
Wind and Dust control measures,
Non-stormwater management (including dewatering practices, waste management
practices, spill prevention and control practices etc.),
Construction Buffers, and
Construction Details.
3.4.D Site Plan Review
Oswego is a certified community for the enforcement of the Stormwater Provisions of the
KCSMO. The Community Development Department provides applicants with a variety of
documents necessary to obtain municipal permits. Included in the packet is relevant SDCR
information including the performance guarantee information and application forms.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
The Village Engineer performs a review of the proposed site plan and provides comments to the
applicant on any plan deficiencies and/or recommended plan enhancements. The plan review
also assists in identifying other approvals that the applicant may be required to obtain. After the
Village Engineer concurs that the applicable provisions of the SDCR and KCSMO have been
addressed a permit is issued. The permit lists any additional conditions that are applicable for
the development, including providing prior notification of the pre-construction meeting to the
municipality. Village attendance of the pre-construction meeting shall be made a condition of
the permit for all major developments. The applicant is required to post the permit at the
construction site.
3.4.E Site Inspection Procedures
Representatives of the Village of Oswego are authorized to enter upon any land or water to inspect
development activity and to verify the existing conditions of a development site that is under permit
The Village may inspect site development at any stage in the construction process. For major
developments, the Village shall conduct site inspections, at a minimum, at the end of the construction
stages 1 and 7 listed below. Construction plans approved by the Enforcement Officer shall be
maintained at the site during progress of the work. Recommended inspection intervals are listed
1. Upon completion of installation of sediment and runoff control measures (including perimeter
controls and diversions), prior to proceeding with any other earth disturbance or grading,
2. After stripping and clearing,
3. After rough grading,
4. After final grading,
5. After seeding and landscaping deadlines,
6. After every seven (7) calendar days or storm event with greater than 0.5-inches of rainfall,
7. After final stabilization and landscaping, prior to removal of sediment controls.
Site Inspection Process:
The Village attends the pre-construction meeting on applicable development sites. During the
pre-construction meeting, the Pre-Construction Meeting Form (Appendix 5.6) is filled out
by the Village staff in attendance. It is also recommended that the inspector request to see the
SMPP and IEPA NOI for applicable construction sites.
The applicant notifies the Village when initial sediment and runoff controls measures have
been installed.
The Village inspects the initial sediment and runoff control measures and authorizes the start
of general construction.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
The Village inspects the stormwater management system and authorizes additional site
improvement activities.
The Village performs site inspections at the recommended intervals listed above and
completes the SE/SC Inspection Form (Appendix 5.7).
The Village requires as-built documentation of the stormwater management system prior to
final site stabilization. Tags of the seed mixes are kept by the developer for inspection and
approval. Upon approval of the as-builts, the applicant shall permanently stabilize the site.
3.4.F Complaints
The Village frequently receives phone calls regarding a development, either during the review or
construction phase. Both site design and construction related phone calls are directed to the Village’s
Enforcement Officer, or designee, and logged in Oswego Click 'n Fix. Site design comments are
handled on a case by case basis. Construction related calls are typically addressed by performing a
site inspection.
3.4.G Performance Guarantees
Pre-construction meeting – No deposit required.
Performance Guarantee (surety) is required for public improvements (i.e. sewer, water, and rightof-way work), stormwater management system and landscaping. The Engineers Opinion of
Probable Construction Cost (EOPCC) is provided to the Village for their review/approval. The
required surety amount shall be 110% of the Village approved EOPCC.
The Village will hold 10% of the surety for a minimum of 1-yr after “Initial Acceptance”,
including site stabilization, is complete to ensure that the vegetation is established and no failures
occur. For sites with native vegetation, this portion of the surety will be held for a minimum of
five years after site stabilization. The applicant may apply for reductions of surety. Refer to the
SDCR for information regarding the surety requirements.
3.4.H Violation Notification Procedures
In general the compliance due date should be within 5-working days. However, if the inspector
determines that the violation is or will result in significant environmental, health or safety
hazards a 24-hour due date should be set. For time-critical violations, the developer should also
be advised to complete a Notice of Incidence report with IEPA for all sites that were required to
obtain an NOI with IEPA. If the discharge from the construction site enters receiving water
within the MS4 jurisdictional boundaries, it is highly recommended that the MS4 also file an
ION with IEPA.
The SE/SC Inspection Form is found in Appendix 5.7. Step 1 can be initiated by observation
of a violation during a routine inspection, or in response to a notice of noncompliance received
from a DECI.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Step 1: Violation Is Observed
The inspector completes the SE/SC Inspection Form.
Photographs of the violation(s) should be taken and saved.
The Violation shall be described to the construction site contact.
A copy of the Forms provided to the contractor and the developer. The Form indicates
the remedial measures required and a maximum time frame for action.
At the end of the indicated time frame the municipality performs a follow-up site
inspection. The inspector attempts to schedule the follow-up inspection with the
construction site contact.
Step 2: 1st Follow-Up Site Inspection
The construction site contact shall be notified of the anticipated inspection time. The site is
inspected including all items previously documented on the previous SE/SC Inspection Form.
The inspector will determine if the remedial measures have all been satisfactorily addressed,
substantially completed, or if significant non-compliance remains.
If the remedial measures have been satisfactorily addressed then the SE/SC Inspection
Form is filled out indicating compliance and provided to the contractor and developer.
If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have been substantially completed,
but not entirely resolved, the inspector shall follow Step 1 above.
If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have not been substantially
completed, the inspector shall follow Step 3 discussed below. Photographs of the
violations should be taken and saved.
Step 3: 1st Notice of Violation
A formal Notice of Violation letter will be sent to the contractor and developer; see sample letter
in Appendix 5.8. A copy of the Notice of Violation shall also be provided to the Public Works
Department and the Stormwater Coordinator. The letter will include the following information.
Description of the violations (including ordinance provisions),
Mandatory remedial measures, and
Maximum time frame for resolution (typically 5 working days),
Step 4: 2nd Follow-Up Site Inspection
The inspector will determine if the remedial measures have all been satisfactorily addressed,
substantially completed, or if significant non-compliance remains.
If the remedial measures have been satisfactorily addressed then the SE/SC Inspection
Form is filled out indicating compliance and provided to the contractor and developer.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have been substantially completed,
but not entirely resolved, the inspector shall follow Step 1 above.
If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have not been substantially
completed, the inspector shall follow Step 3 discussed below. Photographs of the
violations should be taken.
Step 5: 2nd Notice of Violation
Depending on the severity of the outstanding violations the inspector may issue a Red Tag and a
Conditional Stop Work Order upon completion of the inspection. The Stop Work Order allows
for the resolution of the violation but no other on-site improvements. Building and/or
Occupancy Permits will not be issued and surety reductions will not be entertained until the
violation is resolved. A formal Notice of Violation letter will be sent, via certified mail, to the
contractor and developer; see sample letter in Appendix 5.8. A copy of the Notice of Violation
shall also be provided to the Public Works Department and the Stormwater Coordinator. The
letter will include the following information.
Description of the violations (including ordinance provisions),
Mandatory remedial measures, and
Maximum time frame for resolution (typically 5 working days).
Step 6: 3rd Follow-Up Site Inspection:
The inspector will determine if the remedial measures have all been satisfactorily addressed,
substantially completed, or if significant non-compliance remains.
If the remedial measures have been satisfactorily addressed then the SE/SC Inspection
Form is filled out indicating compliance and provided to the contractor and developer.
If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have been substantially completed,
but not entirely resolved, the inspector shall follow Step 1 above.
If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have not been substantially
completed, the inspector shall follow Step 3 discussed below. Photographs of the
violations should be taken and saved.
Step 7: 3rd Notice of Violation
The inspector issues a Red Tag and a Conditional Stop Work Order upon completion of the
inspection, if one has not already been issued. The Stop Work Order allows for the resolution of
the violation but no other on-site improvements. Building and/or Occupancy Permits will not be
issued and surety reductions will not be entertained until the violation is resolved.
Representatives from the Building & Zoning, Engineering, and Public Works Departments shall
conduct an internal meeting to discuss the violation and subsequent actions. These actions may
include: issuing fines at a rate of $750/day per violation since the 1st notice of violation; draw
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
from surety to enable Oswego to have the remedial measures corrected; seeking Village consul
and pursuing injunctive or other legal relief.
A formal Notice of Violation letter will be sent, via certified mail, to the contractor and
developer; see sample letter in Appendix 5.8. A copy of the Notice of Violation shall also be
provided to the Building & Zoning Department, Stormwater Coordinator, and the Village
Administrator. The letter will include the following information.
Request a meeting with the applicant/development and municipal staff;
Description of the violations (including ordinance provisions),
Mandatory remedial measures,
Maximum time frame for resolution (typically 5 working days), and
States additional penalties or measures that will be imposed if the violation(s) persist.
Repeat Steps 6 & 7 until resolution
3.4.I BMP Reference Information
Reference information includes, but is not limited to, the following sources:
Native Plant Guide for Streams and Stormwater Facilities in Northeastern Illinois
Illinois Urban Manual
Construction details are available in the SDCR,
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (previously Northeastern Illinois Planning
Commission) Course Manuals,
IDOT manuals,
Center for Watershed Protection documents, and
IEPA and USEPA publications.
3.4.J Construction Site Waste Control
The SDCR includes several provisions that address illicit discharges generated by construction
sites. The applicant is required to prohibit the dumping, depositing, dropping, throwing,
discarding or leaving of litter and construction material and all other illicit discharges from
entering the stormwater management system.
3.4.K Development Tracking
Oswego tracks development in MSI software.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
3.4.L Pavement Projects
Pavement resurfacing and maintenance projects are determined through pavement evaluation
studies that take place approximately every 5 years. Project work shall follow IDOT Standard
Specifications and applicable provisions of the SDCR. At a minimum, protect drainage
structures with inlet filter bags during construction activities.
Post Construction Runoff Control
The Village of Oswego complies with NDPES permit requirements by incorporating Ordinance
and BMP standards to minimize the discharge of pollutants of development projects.
This chapter describes how the compliance with stormwater discharge permit requirements for
long-term post-construction practices that protect water quality and control runoff flow is
This SMPP creates and references extensive policies and procedures for regulating design and
construction activities for protecting receiving waters. The design and construction site practices
selected and implemented by the responsible party for a given site are expected to meet BMP
measures described through the SDCR and IEPA’s Program recommendations. All proposed
permanent stormwater treatment practices must be reviewed and approved by the Enforcement
3.5.A Regulatory Program
The SDCR includes numerous performance standards on Grading, Stormwater and Soil
Erosion/Sediment Control that must be met for all parties undertaking construction. The Illinois
Urban Manual is a guidance tool that describes BMP and implementation procedures.
3.5.B Runoff Volume Reduction Hierarchy
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
The SDCR includes performance standards that require that the site plan include a combination
of structural and/or non-structural BMPs that will reduce the discharge of pollutants, the volume
and velocity of storm water flow to the maximum extent practicable. The permittee should
ensure that the development plan addresses these provisions during the plan review process.
3.5.C Green Infrastructure
Each permittee should adopt strategies that incorporate storm water infiltration, reuse and
evapotranspiration of storm water into the project to the maximum extent practicable. Site plan
design and review should ensure that the development plan incorporates green infrastructure or
low impact design techniques when possible. Types of techniques include green roofs, rain
gardens, rain barrels, bioswales, permeable piping, dry wells and permeable pavement.
3.5.D Long Term Operation and Maintenance
The SMPP includes one long term maintenance plan. This sample maintenance plans are
included in Appendix 5.14.
The plan is provided to applicants during the permit review period. This plan should
be reviewed and enhanced by the applicant to reflect the sites specific design.
Receipt of the signed and recorded maintenance plan is required prior to issuance of a
Village permit or listed as a permit condition.
3.5.E Site Inspections
The inspection program for its general facilities is discussed in detail in Chapter 3.6.A. The
inspection procedure for site inspections related to construction activities is discussed in detail in
Chapter 3.4.E. This section focuses on post-construction inspections of previously developed
sites, streambanks / shorelines, streambeds, and detention / retention ponds.
Previously Developed Sites
The Village attempts to inspect approximately 20% of all existing properties with stormwater
management facilities a year; resulting in a re-occurrence inspection interval of every 5-years.
• Previously accepted developments are inspected with respect to the approved
maintenance plan. A letter indicating the maintenance activity highlights, deficiencies or
additional enhancements to the plan should be provided to the responsible party.
• For older developments that do not have a maintenance plan, the Village inspects
facilities with respect to the sample existing facilities maintenance plan. A letter
indicating the maintenance activity highlights and deficiencies should be provided to the
responsible party. The sample maintenance plan is provided with the letter and the
responsible party is encouraged to implement an annual maintenance program.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Annually inspect 20% of detention basin shorelines in the spring and/or fall pending weather
conditions. Pond locations are listed on the Detention/Retention Pond Checklist (Appendix
5.9). Observed erosion, seeding/re-seeding or slope stabilization needs are documented.
Documented deficiencies should be reported to Village Engineer who evaluates and determines
appropriate remediation activities. Remedial actions might include notifying the property owner,
Homeowner Association, or including maintenance activities in the Village’s work program.
New developments are required to provide a maintenance plan for constructed
detention/retention facilities. The recorded maintenance plan for developments permitted
through the Village is used, if available, for shoreline areas. Typical BMP for maintenance of
these areas are similar to those for a construction site. The Streambank and Shoreline Protection
Manual produced by Lake County, IL Stormwater Management Commission is used as a starting
point in choosing the appropriate BMP for remediation activities.
Streambanks and Stream Bed Sediment Accumulation
Annually inspect 20% receiving water streambanks for erosion and flowlines for sediment
plumes. Inspections should be performed in the spring and/or fall pending weather conditions.
Stream locations are depicted on Figure 1. Document observed erosion and/or sediment
accumulation. Documented deficiencies should be reported to the Village Engineer who
evaluates and determines appropriate remediation activities. Remedial actions might include
notifying the property owner or including maintenance activities in the Village’s work program.
Detention / Retention Pond Sediment Accumulation
Ensure that new detention/retention ponds are over excavated during construction to account for
sediment accumulation. The developer is responsible for ensuring that the design grade is
established prior to the Village’s acceptance of the pond. Pond information, including the design
permanent pool pond depths, is added to the Detention/Retention Pond Checklist (Appendix
5.9b) upon acceptance of the pond.
Annually inspect 20% of detention basins to determine the permanent pool pond depth. Log
observed depths onto the Detention/Retention Pond Checklist (Appendix 5.9b). If the
inspected pond depth is found to be 2 feet or less from the design depth (i.e. shallower than the
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
design permanent pool depth) this information should be reported to the Village Engineer who
evaluates and determines appropriate remediation activities.
Figure 9: Pond Sediment Accumulation
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping
The Village is responsible for the care and upkeep of the general facilities, municipal roads, its
general facilities and associated maintenance yards. Many maintenance activities are most
regularly performed directly by staff; however from time to time contractors are employed to
perform specific activities. This chapter describes how the compliance with permit requirements
is achieved by incorporating pollution prevention and good housekeeping stormwater quality
management into day-to-day operations. On-going education and training is provided to ensure
that all of its employees have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their functions
effectively and efficiently.
3.6.A Inspection and Maintenance Program
The following chapters describe areas/items that require inspection and their recommended
inspection frequency. It further details recommended maintenance activities and subsequent
tracking procedures for each of the tasks.
Street Sweeping
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Street sweeping operations are performed to reduce potential illicit discharges and to provide a
clean environment. The curb lines of all streets are cleaned on a rotating basis, typically 2 times
per year. The rotation may be changed or interrupted if heavy rain occurs of if the sweeper is out
of service due to mechanical problems or lack of personnel. Sweeper waste is collected and
disposed of in the spoil waste dumpster and is then transported to a licensed waste facility by the
waste hauler. The intended frequency of street sweeping operations is as follows:
Spring & end of Summer seasons- all streets
As needed
Per work order request
Special events
Cleanup from utility repairs
Drainageways include any river, stream, creek, brook, branch, natural or artificial depression,
ponded area, lakes, flowage, slough, ditch, conduit, culvert, gully, ravine, swale, wash, or natural
or man-made drainageway, in or into which surface or groundwater flows, either perennially or
intermittently. Primary drainageways, include the Fox River, Morgan Creek, Waubonsee Creek,
and Blackberry Creek. Minor drainageways include roadside and sideyard swales, overland flow
paths, pond outlets, etc.
The Detention/Retention Pond Checklist (Appendix 5.9) is used to determine inspection
locations. Structures are added to the checklist after new developments are approved and
accepted. Locations identified on the checklists are inspected both before a forecasted storm
(0.25 inches or more) and during the storm event. Observed obstructions are cleared and debris
hauled to the spoil waste area. Ponds are inspected and evaluated for a low, medium and high
level of flood height according to the following classifications.
Flood Height Classification
Low – Normal Water Level (NWL)
Medium – NWL to top of grate
High – Top of Grate and above
Good – outlet is unimpaired, not blocked
Fair –outlet obstructions observed although outlet is discharging
Poor – outlet is blocked or obstructed
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Note structural defects or other observances.
Inspections continue until water level recedes to mid-pipe (Medium classification).
If maintenance work is required for a pipe culvert within the Village limits but within the
jurisdiction of another agency, that agency is notified:
IDOT District 1 Maintenance
IDOT District 3 Main Number
IDOT Maintenance yard in Yorkville
Kendall County Highway Department
Oswego Township Highway
Box Culverts & Bridges are listed on the Roadway Culvert/Bridge Checklist (Appendix 5.10).
Structures are added to the checklist after new developments are approved and accepted.
Locations identified on the checklists are inspected both before a forecasted storm (0.25 inches
or more) and during the storm event. Inspection procedures follow the Pond Outlet discussion
Maintenance and replacement of driveway culverts is the property owner’s responsibility. A
minimum 12” diameter culvert is required per 8.404B of the SDCR . Permits are required for
culvert replacement; a soil erosion and sediment control plan may be required as part of the
permit. The Engineering Department inspects the culvert when it is set to grade and prior to
backfilling. The Public Works may rod/clean culverts on an as needed basis.
Catch basin locations are identified on the Storm Sewer Atlas. The Public Works Department
cleans catch basins prior to rain events or on an as needed basis per work order requests. Spoil
waste obtained from catch basin cleaning is disposed of in the spoil waste bin and is then
transported by Village dump truck to Fox Ridge Stone LLC who is our licensed disposal site.
Load tickets are issued by the vendor. Locations of cleaned basins are recorded.
Catch basins found to have structural deficiencies are reported to the Village Engineer.
Necessary remedial actions are completed by the Street Division or incorporated into a capital
If catch basin debris is at the invert elevation of the downstream pipe (i.e. has completely filled
the sump area), then the downstream storm sewer system is also cleaned. Likewise, if a water
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
main break or other heavy flow occurs that flushes potential illicit discharges into the storm
sewer system, the receiving storm sewer lines are inspected and then cleaned as necessary.
Cleaning of these areas occurs on an as-needed basis (e.g. complaints, incidences, standing
water, etc). Spoil waste that is obtained from inlet and grate cleaning or vacuuming is disposed
of at is disposed of in the spoil waste area. Any waste jetted out is picked up with a clapper bar
if possible.
Right-of-way Drainage Swales: The Public Works Department documents observed or reported
erosion or sediment accumulation. Areas of significant concern are incorporated into a
maintenance program.
Privately Owned Drainage Swales (side/rear yard): Observed or reported erosion or sediment
accumulation in privately owned swales are referred to the Code Enforcement Officer for followup. The Code Enforcement Officer notifies the property owner or Homeowner Association on
an as needed basis for appropriate remediation required.
Landscape Maintenance
The Village maintains care and upkeep of its general facilities, municipal roads, associated
maintenance yards, and other public areas. Municipal staff is responsible for Litter and Debris
control described in Chapter 3.6.A.4.a below. The Village annually selects and contracts with a
landscape contractor. The landscape contractor is responsible for the remainder of the landscape
maintenance program under the supervision of the Public Works Department. The Village is
responsible for ensuring that their landscape contractors are provided with training and/or other
information to ensure that they adhere to the Village’s SMPP.
Litter and debris can accumulate on Village property and roadway right-of-ways and should be
removed. Each Public Works division is responsible for the cleanup of their respective facilities.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Clean-up at park and recreation areas is the responsibility of the Oswegoland Park District.
Other Village properties and right-of-ways (including municipal, Township, County and State
right-of-ways within the MS4 limits) are cleaned by Public Works personnel or volunteer groups
on an as-needed basis.
Yard waste from private residences is collected through contract with Groot. Yard waste is
collected weekly throughout the growing season. The Village conducts leaf collection starting in
October for approximately six weeks.
The annual landscape contractor and Village are required to have licensed personnel for
chemical applications. Weed killer and fertilizers are typically scheduled two times per season,
with spot weed killer applications as needed. The use of pesticides and fertilizers shall be
managed in a way that minimizes the volume of storm water runoff and pollutants. The Village
has adopted a no “Phosphorus” fertilizer use policy.
Snow Removal and Ice Control
During snow removal and ice control activities, salt, de-icing chemicals, abrasives and snow melt
may pollute stormwater runoff. To address these potential pollutants, the following procedures
for the “winter season” (November 1 through May 1) are implemented.
Use the minimal amount of salt, de-icing chemicals and additives necessary for effective control.
Prior to November 1, preparation work to obtain seasonal readiness is completed. These tasks
include: inspecting and re-conditioning of spreaders and spinners, install these items onto snow
removal vehicles, performing test operations, calibrating distribution rates per National Salt
Institution Application Guidelines, and conducting better driver training. The completion of
these preparatory tasks helps to ensure that only the necessary level of salt is applied.
Once the ambient temperature is below 20-degrees Fahrenheit, a Public Works Supervisor
considers the additional use of Calcium Chloride to improve the efficiency of snow melting
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
efforts. If deemed necessary, it is applied to the salt material prior to spreading, at a rate of 7Gal/CY; a computer controls the application rate. The Calcium Chloride dispensing system
(including pump and sprayers) is primed for operation monthly to ensure proper working
Steps are taken to ensure that the delivery, storage, and distribution of salt do not pollute
stormwater runoff from the Public Works Facility. The floor of the salt storage building and
adjacent receiving/unloading area are constructed of asphalt. There is a four-inch concrete lip at
the overhead door opening to keep any moisture contained within the salt dome. Salt is unloaded
inside and outside of the salt dome depending on trailer length. The limits of the salt pile are
pushed back from the door opening to minimize potential illicit runoff.
Snow plowing activities direct snow off the pavement and onto the parkways. This reduces the
amount of salt, chemical additives, abrasives or other pollutants that go directly into the storm
sewer system. When deemed necessary, the Public Works Department hauls accumulated snow
to designated stockpile locations. The primary location for stockpiles is the grassed field at the
Public Works Facility. Snow blowing, plowing or dumping into drainageways is not allowed.
Once the snow has melted, the stockpile areas are cleaned with a street sweeper removing any
debris deposited.
Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Vehicle and Equipment Operations
Vehicle and equipment fueling procedures and practices are designed to minimize or eliminate
the discharge of pollutants to the stormwater management system, including receiving waters.
The Village owns two fueling tanks located at the Public Works Facility: 1,500-gallon gasoline
tank and 1,000-gallon diesel tank. These above ground tanks are double walled to hold any
leaks. Tanks are monitored by float gauges. The tanks are inspected daily for any visible signs
of leakage. Surface runoff, in the vicinity of the tanks, is directed to the storm sewers.
Vehicle maintenance procedures and practices are designed to minimize or eliminate the
discharge of petroleum based pollutants to the stormwater management system, including
receiving waters. This chapter discusses proper handling and disposal of vehicle maintenance
by-products such as waste oil, antifreeze, batteries and tires.
Waste Oil
Used motor oil, transmission fluids, gear lubes, brake fluids and other vehicle fluids (except
antifreeze) are collected and stored in a 350-gallon double-walled tank with a leakage sight
gauge. Typically, the waste oil tank is emptied and the contents removed for recycling.
Used antifreeze is collected in a 55-gallon drum. When the drum is full, a special waste hauler is
contacted for collection and disposal.
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Used batteries are stored in an enclosed covered container at the Public Works Facility.
Typically, the batteries are returned to the vendor when new batteries are purchased.
Used tires are disposed of by a local vendor. Tires are stored outside at the Public Works
Facility within the fenced storage yard until picked up for disposal.
Private certified companies perform all air-conditioning related work; therefore, the disposal of
Freon is not handled directly by the municipality. Cleaning fluids and solvents are contained
within an enclosed tank and maintained by a private licensed special waste company.
Animal Nuisance Control
The Public Works Department, upon receiving notification, collects “road kill” from right-ofway areas. The carcasses are disposed of in the Public Works Facility garbage dumpsters.
Waste Management
Waste Management consists of implementing procedural and structural practices for handling,
storing and disposing of wastes generated by a maintenance activity. This helps prevent the
release of waste materials into the stormwater management system including receiving waters.
Waste management practices include removal of materials such as asphalt and concrete
maintenance by-products, excess earth excavation, contaminated soil, hazardous wastes, sanitary
waste and material from within the triple basins.
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
The Village of Oswego spoils stock pile is located at the Public Works Facility. Asphalt,
concrete maintenance by-products, excess earth excavation material and catch basin debris are
temporarily stored here. Attempts are made to recycle asphalt & concrete products prior to
storage in the stock pile. Public Works trucks then transport the material to our licensed clean
waste disposal site at Fox Ridge Stone, LLC. Load tickets are issued by the vendor at the time of
disposal. Surface runoff from this area is largely contained on three sides by large concrete
Collect or manage contaminated soil/sediment generated during an emergency response or
identified during construction activities for treatment or disposal. Attempts are made to avoid
stockpiling of the contaminated soil. If temporary stock piling is necessary, place the stockpile
on an impermeable liner. Additionally, BMP (presented in the SMC’s Technical Reference
Manual or the Illinois Urban Manual) are used to protect the downslope of the stockpiled area for
erosion downstream. Locate the construction access on the upstream side of the temporary stock
Store all hazardous wastes in sealed containers constructed of compatible material and labeled.
The containers are located in non-flammable storage cabinets or on a containment pallet. These
items include paint, aerosol cans, gasoline, solvents and other hazardous wastes. Please refer to
chapter 3.6.A.7 for vehicle related hazardous wastes. Do not overfill containers. Paint brushes
and equipment used for water and oil-based paints are cleaned within the designated cleaning
area. Contain associated waste and other cleaning fluids within an enclosed tank, the tank is
maintained by a private licensed special waste company.
Discharge sanitary waste into a sanitary sewer or managed by a licensed waste hauler.
Floor drains in the garage bay floor area of the Public Works Facility are directed to an
underground Triple Basin. At a minimum, the Triple Basin are vacuumed out and completely
cleaned on an as-needed basis. Vacuumed out material is transported to the wastewater
treatment station to air-dry on a protected impervious surface. The dried material is then
transported to a landfill.
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Water Conservation & Irrigation
Water conservation practices minimize water use and help to avoid erosion and/or the transport
of pollutants into the stormwater management system. During periods of dry weather, a
sprinkling/irrigation schedule is enforced. Maintenance activities (performed by the staff or its
contractors) preserve water by utilizing vacuum recovery as opposed to water based cleaning
when possible. Additionally, the water main replacement program decreases the possibility for
water main leaks. In the event that a water main leak occurs, valve off the leaking section as
soon as possible and then repair.
Village Code 8-7-14: Water Conservation places limits the use of the water distribution system
for the watering or sprinkling of gardens, lawns, shrubs or other outdoor plants or for filling
swimming pools.
Green Infrastructure
Oswego has installed rain gardens at the Village Hall. Since these gardens are small in size, they
are weeded by hand each year. Dead plant material is replaced on an as-needed basis.
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
3.6.B Spill Response Plan
Spill prevention and control procedures are implemented wherever non-hazardous chemicals
and/or hazardous substances are stored or used. These procedures and practices are implemented
to prevent and control spills in a manner that minimizes or prevents discharge to the stormwater
management system and receiving waters. The following general guidelines are implemented,
when cleanup activities and safety are not compromised, regardless of the location of the spill:
Cover and protect spills from stormwater run-on and rainfall, until they are removed,
Dry cleanup methods are used whenever possible,
Dispose of used cleanup materials, contaminated materials and recovered spill material in
accordance with the Hazardous Waste Management practices or the Solid Waste
Management practices of this plan,
Contaminated water used for cleaning and decontamination shall not be allowed to enter
the stormwater management system,
Keep waste storage areas clean, well-organized and equipped with appropriate cleanup
supplies, and
Maintain perimeter controls, containment structures, covers and liners to ensure proper
Non-Hazardous Spills/Dumping
Non-hazardous spills typically consistent of an illicit discharge of household material(s) into the
street or stormwater management system. Upon notification or observance of a non-hazardous
illicit discharge, Public Works personnel implement the following procedure:
Sand bag the receiving inlet to prevent additional discharge into the storm sewer system,
as necessary. It may be necessary to sand bag the next downstream inlet.
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
Check structures (immediate and downstream). If possible, materials are vacuumed out.
The structure(s) are then jetted to dilute and flush the remaining unrecoverable illicit
Clean up may consist of applying “Oil Dry” or sand and then sweeping up the remnant
After containment and cleanup activities have been performed, the on-site Public Works
personnel fills out the Spill Response Notice (Appendix 5.12) and distributes to adjoining
residences/businesses. In residential areas, the hanger should be provided to residences
on both sides of the spill and on both sides of the street.
Public Works personnel document the location, type of spill and action taken on the
Indirect Illicit Discharge Tracking Form (Appendix 5.13). .
The on-site Public Works personnel provide the tracking form to their supervisor. The
supervisor, or his designee, takes the information from the form and transfers it to the
Indirect Illicit Discharge Summary Form (Appendix 5.13).
If a person is observed causing an illicit discharge, the Code Enforcement Officer is
notified and appropriate citations issued by the Code Enforcement Officer or Police
Hazardous Spills
Upon notification or observance of a hazardous illicit discharge, Public Works follows the
following procedure:
Call 911, explain the incident. The Fire Department responds;
Public Works provides emergency traffic control, as necessary;
The Fire Department evaluates the situation and applies “No Flash” or “Oil Dry” as
The Fire Department’s existing emergency response procedure, for hazardous spill
containment clean-up activities, is followed;
Public Works documents the location, type of spill and action taken on the Indirect
Illicit Discharge Tracking Form (Appendix 5.13); and,
The on-site Public Works personnel provide the tracking form to their supervisor. The
supervisor, or his designee, takes the information from the form and transfers it to the
Indirect Illicit Discharge Summary Form (Appendix 5.13).
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
3.6.C Employee Training
The Village’s practice is to provide education and training to all of its employees to ensure that
they have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their functions effectively and
efficiently. The purpose of the Employee Stormwater Training Program is to teach appropriate
employees about the following:
Stormwater characteristics and water quality issues;
The roles and responsibilities of the various Departments, and individuals within these
Departments, regarding implementation of the SMPP to consistently achieve Permit
Activities and practices that are, or could be sources, of stormwater pollution and nonstormwater discharges;
On managing and maintaining green infrastructure and low impact design features; and,
How to use the SMPP and available guidance materials to select and implement best
management practices.
Training Approach
Employees are encouraged to attend all relevant training sessions offered by the QLP and other
entities on topics related to the goals/objectives of the SMPP. Additionally, Oswego will
develop employee training programs with curricula and materials tailored to specific functional
groups. Refer to Table 7. The materials focus on stormwater pollution prevention measures and
practices involved in routine activities carried out by the various functional groups. Training
materials primarily focus on revisions to the various programs (that were in place prior to the
acceptance of the SMPP).
Table 7: Employee Responsibilities
Functional Group
Area of Responsibility
Planning and Design Responsible for overseeing the
development and implementation of
best management practices through
the project planning and design phase
Engineering Department
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
for construction projects.
Responsible for overseeing the
implementation of best management
practices relating to the construction
stage of projects (private and public).
Responsible for development and
implementation of best management
practices relating to the maintenance
of facilities, infrastructure and
Building & Zoning
Public Works Department
Training Schedule and Frequency
The initial training program will be offered within 6 months of the acceptance of the SMPP.
Digital and hard copies of the training materials will be kept and shared with applicable new
employees as part of their job introduction. Revisions/enhancements to the SMPP will be
approved by the Stormwater Coordinator and then shared with applicable employees. The
Stormwater Coordinator will monitor the potential need for overall refresher material
distributions and offer additional training as necessary.
Employees are encouraged to share information with other employees via email or other formats.
Information may include:
updates and news which might enhance pollution control activities,
feedback from field implementation of best management practices, or
new product information.
Program and Performance Monitoring,
Evaluation and Reporting
The SMPP represents an organized approach to achieving compliance with the stormwater
expectations of the NPDES Phase II program for both private and public activities within the
Village. Land development, redevelopment and transportation improvement projects were
required to comply with the provisions of the SDCR prior acceptance of the SMPP.
Additionally, the Village had numerous written and unwritten procedures for various tasks. This
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
SMPP documents and organizes previously existing procedures and incorporates the objectives
of the SDCR to create one cohesive program addressing pre-development, construction, postdevelopment activities and municipal operations.
This chapter describes how the Village will monitor and evaluate the proposed stormwater
pollution prevention plan based on the above stated objective. As part of the stormwater
management program, the Village:
reviews its activities,
inspects its facilities,
oversees, guides, and trains its personnel, and
evaluates the allocation of resources available to implement stormwater quality efforts.
This chapter describes how program monitoring, evaluation and reporting will be accomplished.
Performance Milestones
Previously established ordinances and programs implement many of the anticipated tasks. The
following schedule describes general performance expectations.
Within 6 months following the acceptance of the SMPP, applicable employees will
receive training regarding the implementation of the SMPP.
Within 1 year following the acceptance of the SMPP, program enhancement items within
Chapter 3 will be implemented, except for the IDDE program milestones discussed
below. Refer to Chapter 2.1 for a description of tasks associated with the implementation
of the SMPP.
Within 3 years following the acceptance of the SMPP, the Outfall Inspection Procedure
will be completed for all pipes identified, during the pre-screening efforts, as having dry
weather flow.
Within 5 years following the acceptance of the SMPP, tracing and removal procedures
will be completed for all pipes identified, during the Outfall Inspection Procedure, as
contributing illicit discharges to receiving waters.
Program Monitoring and Research
The latest version of General NPDES Permit No. ILR40, which became effective on April 1,
2009, requires all MS4s to: (1) monitor their stormwater management programs for compliance
with the conditions of the permit; and, (2) to assess, on an annual basis, the appropriateness of
their stormwater management program activities (i.e., BMPs) and their progress towards
achieving the statutory goal of reducing the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent
practicable (MEP). According to General NPDES Permit No. ILR40, the monitoring conducted
by an MS4 shall include at least annual monitoring of receiving waters upstream and
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
downstream of discharges from the MS4 to evaluate the effects of stormwater discharges on the
receiving waters and/or assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the MS4’s stormwater
management program activities (i.e., BMPs).
FMWRD conducts sampling of the Fox River for compliance with its discharge permit. The
Village reviews data provided by the FMWRD for a total of two sampling locations along the
Fox River. The first location is located just downstream of the discharge from FMWRD. The
second location is located in the vicinity of the Orchard Road bridge. At these locations, the
physical characteristics of the sampling point are observed and water quality samples (i.e., grab
samples) are collected on an annual basis. Collected water quality samples are tested for: copper,
phosphorus, chlorine, ammonia, alkalinity, and pH.
The Stormwater Coordinator will review the annual water quality monitoring results to
determine if there are any noticeable increases (or decreases) in any of the water quality
parameters between the upstream and downstream sampling locations. Possible causes of any
increases (or decreases) will be investigated and any appropriate corrective actions will be
incorporated in the MS4’s stormwater management program. Oswego will include a summary of
its annual water quality monitoring results in Part C of the Annual Facility Inspection Report that
it prepares and submits to IEPA each year.
Additionally, at the end of each annual reporting period (i.e., March 1 – February 28/29), the
municipality will evaluate its stormwater management program activities (i.e., BMPs) and its
annual water quality monitoring results in order to assess the appropriateness of its stormwater
management program. The following are some indicators that the MS4 may use to gauge the
appropriateness of its stormwater management program:
no change, or an improvement, in the annual water quality monitoring results;
improved community awareness regarding the impacts of stormwater runoff;
increased number of hits on webpage providing information on NPDES related topics;
increased public involvement;
reduced number of outfalls with physical indicators suggesting an illicit discharge;
reduced number of septic system failures;
reduced number of SE/SC violations;
reduced number of post-construction stormwater management BMPs requiring
implementation of stormwater retrofits, by the municipality or the public, to manage
and/or treat stormwater runoff from previously developed sites; and,
improved awareness amongst municipal staff, including consultants and contractors,
regarding the impacts of stormwater runoff.
Oswego will include an overall assessment of its stormwater management program and the
appropriateness of its BMPs in Part B of the Annual Facility Inspection Report that it prepares
and submits to IEPA each year. The MS4 will use the assessment to gain insight into how its
stormwater management program may need to evolve and to identify additional or alternative
activities that may need to be incorporated into the program.
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
In addition, the municipality will continue to seek information regarding innovative stormwater
management practices, technologies, and activities. Information and guidance obtained through
MAC meetings and other sources will be incorporated into the MS4’s stormwater management
program as practical.
Program Evaluation
The primary mechanism for evaluating the program and ensuring that the field staff has adequate
knowledge is supervision by responsible managers. Management personnel include the Public
Works and Community Development Directors and Assistant Directors. Management support
tasks include observing and evaluating design, construction and field personnel as they
implement the requirements of the SMPP on both municipal and private projects, and
maintenance personnel as they conduct their assigned activities. These responsibilities were
outlined in detail in Chapter 2: Program Management.
The following types of questions/answers are discussed annually between the Stormwater
Coordinator, Managers and field staff.
Are proper stormwater management practices integrated into planning, designing and
constructing both Oswego and private projects?
Are efforts to incorporate stormwater practices into maintenance activities effective and
Is the training program sufficient?
Is the SMPP sufficient?
Are the procedures for implementing the SMPP adequate?
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Village of Oswego
NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
List of Acronyms
Best Management Practices
Clean Water Act
Designated Erosion Control Inspector
Environmentally Conscious Oswego Commission
Enforcement Officer (Kendall County Stormwater Management Ordinance)
Fox Metro Water Reclamation District
Household Hazardous Waste
Illicit Discharge Detection Elimination
Illinois Department of Transportation
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Permit Construction Site Activities
General NPDES Permit No. ILR40 - General NPDES Permit For Discharges
from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems
Incidence of Non-compliance (with IEPA)
Illinois Urban Manual
Letter of Credit
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems
Notice of Intent
Notice of Termination (with IEPA)
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Village of Oswego Subdivision and Development Control Regulations
Safety Data Sheets
Soil Erosion and Sediment Control
Stormwater Management Program Plan
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Qualified Local Partner (i.e. Kendall County)
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Stormwater Outfall Screening Equipment Checklist
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Stormwater Outfall Inspection Data Form
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Outfall Sampling Report
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Outfall Inspection Screening Summary Form
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Pre-Construction Meeting Form
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Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Form
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Sample Notice of Violation Letter
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Detention/Retention Pond Checklist
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Roadway Culvert/Bridge Checklist
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5.10 Pool Dewatering Fact Sheet
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5.11 Spill Response Notice
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5.12 Indirect Illicit Discharge Tracking and Summary Forms
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5.13 Sample Maintenance Plan
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5.14 Yearly Tracking Forms
Construction Tracking Form
For 20__
Start Date
End Date
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5.15 General Permit ILR40
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5.16 Storm Sewer Atlas
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NPDES Stormwater Management Program Plan
5.17 Bibliography and References
Kendall County Stormwater Management Ordinance
Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual, Lake County, IL Stormwater Management
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency -
United States Environmental Protection Agency -
Handbook for Identifying Illicit Stormwater Discharges, Charlotte County Edition, Charlotte
County, Florida.
Industrial User Inspection and Sampling Manual for POTWs, The Office of Wastewater
Enforcement and Compliance Water Enforcement Division – USEPA, April 1994.
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, A Guidance Manual for Program Development and
Technical Assessments, Center for Watershed Protection, October 2004.
Lake County Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Guidance Manual, Lake
County Stormwater Management Commission, November 2006.
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