A Guide to Studying Online with Bible Discovery
A Guide to Studying Online with Bible Discovery
A Guide to Studying Online with BDSC Our vision is to provide excellent Bible education that provokes personal revelation from God's WORD intended to activate God's people in to doing GOD’S WORD. BIBLE DISCOVERY SEMINARY & COLLEGE IS A MINISTRY OF: QUICK STUDY TELEVSION & LIFE LESSONS FROM THE BIBLE Address: PO Box 456, Orangeville, ON, L9W 5G2, Canada Phone #: (519) 940-8338 Email: [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................................... 1 Principle of Faith ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Statement of Spiritual Principle .................................................................................................................... 3 Our Belief of the Bible ................................................................................................................................... 4 BDS Vision Statement ................................................................................................................................... 4 BDS Mission Statement................................................................................................................................. 4 A Brief History ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Making Disciples of All Nations ................................................................................................................... 5 Working? ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Retired? ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 In Full-Time Ministry? ............................................................................................................................... 5 Accreditation Status ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Phoenix University of Theology ................................................................................................................ 5 Canada Christian College .......................................................................................................................... 5 The Leadership .............................................................................................................................................. 5 The Board of Reagents & The Council ...................................................................................................... 6 President: Charles Rodney Hembree Th.D, DE. ........................................................................................ 6 Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Vice-President & the Dean of Students: Jasmin Hembree M.Min............................................................ 8 Study Terms: Start & End Dates .................................................................................................................... 9 *Application Forms, Re-Enrolment Forms, Deferment Forms, Enrolment Forms etc.................................. 9 Study Terms: Due Dates ................................................................................................................................ 9 Academic Course Subjects: General Information ....................................................................................... 10 Introduction to Bible Doctrines: The Living God Levels 1-3 .................................................................... 10 Introduction to Biblical History & Archaeology Levels 1-3 ..................................................................... 11 Creation Science & Astronomy Levels 1-3 .............................................................................................. 12 Academic Course Subjects: Now in Preparation..................................................................................... 12 Credit Points Per Course Subject ................................................................................................................ 13 Requirements for Student Admission ......................................................................................................... 14 To obtain student status complete the following:.................................................................................. 14 Payment of Fees.......................................................................................................................................... 15 Upfront Payment Plan ............................................................................................................................ 16 1 Instalment Payment Plan ........................................................................................................................ 16 Course Advancement Requirements .......................................................................................................... 16 Enrolments & Deferments of Course Subjects ........................................................................................... 17 Subject Delivery .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Quizzes & Essays ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Due Dates ................................................................................................................................................ 18 Assignment Extensions ........................................................................................................................... 19 Penalty for late assignments without approved extension… ................................................................. 19 Field Experience .......................................................................................................................................... 19 How to Write an Academic Essay ............................................................................................................... 20 Before You Start ...................................................................................................................................... 20 Preparation ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Researching the Topic ............................................................................................................................. 20 Sketching an Essay Outline ..................................................................................................................... 20 The Body of the Essay ............................................................................................................................. 20 The Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 21 The Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 21 In-Text Referencing ................................................................................................................................. 21 Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Making a Reference List - Basic Rules ..................................................................................................... 22 Referencing Books .................................................................................................................................. 22 Referencing Other Print Sources ............................................................................................................ 22 Referencing Electronic Sources............................................................................................................... 24 2 Principle of Faith Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. 6 If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed. 7 But reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness. 8 For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. 9 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance. 10 For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach,[a] because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. 11 These things command and teach. 12 Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit,[b] in faith, in purity. 13 Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. 14 Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. 15 Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all. 16 Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you - 1 Timothy 1: 1-12 Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Statement of Spiritual Principle Also used for partner ministries Good Friends Inc., USA & Life Lessons from the Bible, Canada. We the principles of this expression of God's Church believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We the principles of this expression of God's Church believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father. We understand from John 1 that through Him all things were made. For us and for our salvation He came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Holy God-breathed Scriptures; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory in accordance with the Holy Godbreathed scriptures (66 books) to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. 3 We the principles of this expression of God's Church believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father [and the Son] whose identified manifestation is referred to as "THE PROMISE OF THE FATHER". With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one Holy universal and apostolic Church under the headship covering of the Blood of Jesus Christ through the personal profession and confession of faith in Jesus Christ by His Grace through faith. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come in the New Heaven and earth through all authority of our LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, AMEN. Our Belief of the Bible We believe that the Bible, 66 books, breathed through the conscience of God's Prophets and Apostles, directly by the HOLY SPIRIT, to be the WORD OF GOD, perfect, without error and infallible. We believe that it is only through the written WORD of GOD that men can discover the true doctrines of the CHURCH as God the Father, Son and HOLY SPIRIT, illuminates the hearts of men to understand and realize the true and absolute revelation of God, Jesus Christ. We understand that ONLY THROUGH SCRIPTURE is the proper Church guided in mind and conscience as to serve our LORD AND SAVIOUR Jesus Christ. To be sure this is what we believe the Bible to be composed of. BDS Vision Statement Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Our vision is to provide excellent Bible education that provokes personal revelation from God's WORD intended to activate God's people in to doing His WORD. BDS Mission Statement Our mission is to provide excellent Bible training that provokes revelation from God's WORD to God's people through all available technologies in a way in which it is affordable to as many as possible. A Brief History Bible Discovery Seminary was born out of a Television ministry designed to take viewers through the Bible in one year. This was a result of President George Bush Sr. declaring 1990 as the year of the Bible in America. Dr. Ron Hembree founder of Quick Study TV was compelled to originate a 30 daily expository Bible Teaching program designed to teach from Genesis to Revelation in one year. A print companion to the TV program was created for viewers called the "QUICK STUDY BIBLE GUIDE". In 2012 Quick Study TV celebrated 22 years of going through the 4 Making Disciples of All Nations Working? Bible Discovery Seminary builds all of its courses with on-line video and audio. Study at your own pace while working and taking care of your family. It’s easy and no added pressure. Retired? Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Bible Discovery Seminary believes that we need the stability and biblical foundational teaching with senior experience in today’s society. BDS is determined to energise and empower seniors to help the younger generation know God’s Word. In Full-Time Ministry? We have a partnership with Phoenix University of Theology in which you, as a minister can earn your degree while you pastor. You can keep your job and work as you go. Our seminary courses are designed with pastors and ministry leaders in mind. You can also test for credit and take advantage of what you already know. Bible on TV, Radio, Internet broadcasts and using the ALL ORIGINAL Quick Study Print Pocket Guide. In 1992 Dr. Rod Hembree joined the staff and ministry team of Quick Study TV. Janice his wife joined 2 years later and the three ministered on air from 1996 - 2004 at which time Corie Hembree joined as Bible Archaeology Journalist. In 2009 Ryan Hembree joined the team as Creation science journalist. The seminary is a result of the most asked for service among the Quick Study TV Bible Discovery TV viewers. It was launched in 2012. The Seminary is adding video courses each quarter and will continue to do so as we work hard to help students DISCOVERY THE BIBLE. Accreditation Status Phoenix University of Theology Bible Discovery Seminary is a ministry wholly owned by Quick Study TV. All and any of the course subjects that feature Dr. Ron Hembree, Dr. Rod Hembree, Corie Hembree, Ryan Hembree, or Jasmin Hembree can be used to earn credit toward a degree from Phoenix University of Theology by calling 731 – 420 – 2699 or by visiting: http://www.thestreamtv1.com/PUT/bdtv_academy_045.htm Canada Christian College Bible Discovery Seminary allows students to submit their credit with us to Canada Christian College for credit toward an accredited degree. The Leadership The Leadership & Executive Committee (President & VicePresident – see below) provides leadership to BDSC students & faculty, administration & financial sectors, The Board of Reagents and The Council. 5 The Board of Reagents Bible Discovery Seminary is under the authority of Life Lessons from the Bible and Good Friends INC to federal charities in the USA and Canada. The Board of Regents reviews the records of all students to determine passage onto graduation and recommendation to receive credit toward degrees from Phoenix University of Theology and Canada Christian College. The Board of Reagents includes: Dr. Rod Hembree Th.D., Pastor Eugene Heiskell, Pastor Chuck Hamby, Pastor Don Fitchett, Dr. Chuck Thurston MD. The Council The Council is required to maintain a knowledge of how BDSC functions to constructively contribute to discussions & decision-making presented by the Executive Committee & Council as a whole. All additional members to the Council will first be assessed by the Nominations & Advancement Officer, followed by a voting of the Council, and then finally approved by the President. The Council includes: Charles Ryan Hembree: Council Member – Nominations & Advancement Stephen J Fyson: Council Member – Christian Distance Education Advisor Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 President: Charles Rodney Hembree Th.D, DE. Charles Rodney Hembree was born in Springfield, MO, USA, in September 1961. He is married to Janice Hembree and has three children: Charles Ryan Hembree, Corie Anne Hembree, Brandon Allan Hembree. At the age of 14, he began television and radio production training while in Jr. High School and acquired his first job as Assistant Floor Director for Rex Humbard. Throughout his high school years, he held positions of Crain Operator, Audio Engineer and Lighting Tech. At the age of 16, Rod became radio producer and engineer for Rejoice Radio a worldwide radio daily ministry distributed and heard in over 300 nations. He also worked in engineering program radio shifts with KSOH and Far Eastern Broadcasting Corp. At age 17, Rod joined the Praise The Lord Club with Jimmy Baker in Charlotte, NC. Here he completed high school while beginning college training as a Broadcast Engineer at National Radio Institute. 6 In 1980, Rod moved to Toronto, Canada taking on the worldwide radio ministry of Kennedy Road Tabernacle with his father, Ron Hembree. It is here that he meets and marries Janice Anne Leck. 1983 - Rod took a position with Cornerstone TV Network as Audio Engineer and within one year is promoted to Television Producer. 1984 - Rod and Janice moved to Buffalo, NY, taking an executive position with Gibraltar Satellite Network, distributing Christian programming around the world. 1985 - Rod took a position with Buffalo-based advertising agency Tavco Marketing and Media as Vice President of Television Marketing. 1987 - Rod moved back to Canada and takes position as Senior Producer of 100 Huntley Street, an international daily Christian TV program based in Toronto, Ontario. 1991 - Along with his executive position at 100 Huntley Street, Rod began working with Ron Hembree on the daily TV program LIFE LESSONS (started in 1990), as Senior Producer. 1994 - Rod resigned his position at 100 Huntley Street and, with Janice, founded the Life Lessons daily TV program in Canada, as Executive Director. 1995 - Life Lessons became Quick Study TV and is seen in over 300 nations on TV. 1995 - Rod created the weekly youth television program Just the Facts, and began production of 101 programs over the next three years. Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 1996- Rod created and began production of the television series "THE ADVENTURES OF ENOCH", teaching children ages 8-12 the Bible. 1996- Rod and his team created one of the world's first LIVE-streaming TV sites on the newly opened worldwide web. The site www.thestreamtv.com is one of the first 1000 sites on the internet and the first Bible-based TV, radio, media site in the world to broadcast live 24/7. 1998- Rod graduated from the Hollywood Film School in Toronto, ON, specializing in film production. 2000- Rod and Janice were called to pioneer a new church called Good Friends Fellowship (presently located in Orangeville, ON). The church began with eight people meeting at Teen Ranch in Caledon, ON. 2002-Rod was ordained as a Pastor by Good Friends Inc. and Canadian Fellowship of Churches and Ministers. 2003- Good Friends Fellowship bought a movie theater in downtown Orangeville and the Quick Study TV studios moved from Brampton to Orangeville, ON. 2010- Rod graduated from Phoenix University of Theology with a Doctorate in Bible Theology. 7 Presently, Rod Hembree is President of Good Friends Inc. USA and Life Lessons from the Bible Canada, is Senior Pastor of Good Friends Fellowship, and serves as volunteer Chancellor of Phoenix University of Theology worldwide. Vice-President & the Dean of Students: Jasmin Hembree M.Min Jasmin Hembree was born in Toronto ON, Canada, in September 1987. Her desire to walk with Jesus Christ deepened significantly in her teen years when she began to serve in Christian camping with Teen Ranch Canada. In 2005 God expanded Jasmin’s vision for outreach and she began to serve with various camping ministries throughout Australia to upper middle class children through to child refugees from Iraq and Southeast Asia. In 2007 pursued study at Morling Baptist Theological College of NSW, in Sydney Australia, where she focused her attention to Christian Theology and the study of World Missions. During 2007 Jasmin continued to do outreach alongside her studies. She discipled fellow social justice advocates into action as well as developed an after school program for children and youth at Macquarie Baptist Church where she was Children’s Pastor. In 2008 Jasmin was hired on for a two year contract with mission’s organisation Pioneers AU to provide discipleship to young adults pursuing cross cultural missions. She was blessed with Pioneers to personally encourage missionaries in England, France, Spain, Kosovo, Montenegro, Croatia, Thailand, and Kenya. Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 In 2009, Jasmin, with Bayside Community Church, planted and launched “Breathe” in Sydney, AU. Under the supervision of the Senior Pastor Jasmin assisted in community development and health by networking people together, providing pastoral care, and Bible teaching. In May 2010, Jasmin graduated from Morling Theological College with a Bachelor of Ministry. From there God expanded Jasmin’s vision for gospel outreach yet again through Christian schooling by serving with distance education provider Southland College, AU. Jasmin provided management to the Educational administration and student pastoral care functions. She assisted in new course constructs and partnership development with Morling’s national and international Education partners. Jasmin graduated in 2013 with her Master of Ministry in Organisational Leadership Development from the Phoenix University of Theology while working with Bible Discovery Seminar. In 2014 Jasmin married her best friend Ryan Hembree. Presently, Jasmin is the Vice-President and the Dean of Students to Bible Discovery Seminary, she is also the teacher for the Seminary’s up and coming subject called “Missiology: Putting Overalls on our Theology” which she will be implementing in her Church “Good Friends Fellowship” amongst the young adults. 8 Study Terms: Start & End Dates Use this guide to plan future subject selections for any of the BDSC online courses. Here at BDSC we want to help you plan your best start-date so contact us at [email protected] for all application and enrolment enquiries. 9 STUDY TERM DATES FOR 2014 / 2015 TERM No. TERM 1 2014 STUDY START DATE STUDY END DATE TEACHER GRADING DUE DATE Monday 06 Jan 2014 Friday 04 April 2014 Friday 11 April TERM 2 2014 Monday 28 April 2014 Friday 25 July 2014 Friday 01 August TERM 3 2014 Monday 18 August 2014 Friday 14 November 2014 Friday 21 November Christmas/New Year’s Break TERM 1 2015 Monday 05 January 2015 Friday 03 April 2015 Friday 10 April Dates may be subject to change. *Application Forms, Re-Enrolment Forms, Deferment Forms are all available here for download: http://web29.streamhoster.com/rod_tv/BDSITE/PUT/bdtv_academy_005.htm Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Study Terms: Due Dates TERM No. Week 1 Week 10 Week 13 According to Year TERM START DATE Commence Classes QUIZ BOOKLETS #1-6 DUE DATE ESSAY DUE DATE &TERM END DATE Term 1 2014 Term 2 2014 Term 3 2014 Term 1 2015 Monday 06 January Friday 14 March Friday 04 April Monday 28 April Friday 04 July Friday 25 July Monday 18 August Friday 31 October Friday 14 November Monday 05 January Friday 13 March Friday 03 April *Late submissions of any and all assignments, quizzes, or essays must first be approved by BDSC. Submit the Extension Form available online to the office 2 weeks in advance if possible. Extension Form available here for download: http://web29.streamhoster.com/rod_tv/BDSITE/PUT/bdtv_academy_005.htm Academic Course Subjects: General Information __________________________________________________________________ Introduction to Bible Doctrines: The Living God Levels 1-3 __________________________________________________________________ 10 Written & Taught by: Professor of Biblical Studies, Dr. Rod Hembree Th.D, DE -President of Bible Discovery Seminary & Quick Study Television/Life Lessons from the Bible, -Senior Pastor of Good Friends Fellowship Bible Theology is not meant for the confines of academic cabinets in our minds. Biblical Theology is best learned and understood in the daily push of life. Intro to Bible Doctrines Levels 1-3 are basic introductory subjects offered in which the student is challenged to see how Biblical Theology applies and works in their daily lives. We discover through this study the keys that help us unlock the secrets of God's instruction through Biblical Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge to establish His will in our lives. The online interactive lessons also make great studies for Bible Groups themselves. Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Course Subject: Bible Doctrines Level 1: The Living God Course Code: BD M101 Course Subject: Bible Doctrines Level 2: The Living Word Course Code: BD M102 Course Subject: Bible Doctrines Level 3: The Living Spirit Course Code: BD M103 Introduction to Biblical History & Archaeology Levels 1-3 __________________________________________________________________ Written & Taught by: Professor of Biblical History & Archaeology, Corie Hembree-Bobechko M.Min, Th.M -Head of the Biblical History & Archaeology Dept. -Host of Quick Study TV There are over 500 archaeological finds that reflect the real places and people reported in the Bible. Corie Hembree-Bobechko brings forward fascinating new archaeological discoveries to which the student is introduced in her Introduction to Biblical History & Archaeology Levels 1-3. This area of study brings the amazing world of Biblical Archaeology into play for Bible teaching about people and places of the Bible. This much neglected area in the Church is highlighted in all our courses to bring our modern facilities and technologies to bear on learning God's real history about real people in real time. Course Subject: Intro to Biblical History & Archaeology, Level 1 Course Code: BHA M101 Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Course Subject: Intro to Biblical History & Archaeology, Level 2 Course Code: BHA M102 Course Subject: Intro to Biblical History & Archaeology, Level 3 Course Code: BHA M103 11 Creation Science & Astronomy Levels 1-3 __________________________________________________________________ Written & Taught by: Professor of Creation Science, Ryan Hembree M.Min -Head of the Creation Science Dept. -Director & Senior Producer of Quick Study TV; -Host of Quick Study TV The Astronomy subjects are just one of the areas in Creation Science that will be taught by Ryan Hembree here at BDS. In this Astronomy strand Ryan seeks the truth about the evidence in the universe and our local solar system to introduce the student to the facts concerning the six day creation miracle in his Level 1 study, the UFO Phenomenon in Level 2, and a close look at creation models in Level 3. Course Subject: Creation Science: Astronomy, Level 1 Course Code: CSA M101 Course Subject: Creation Science: Astronomy, Level 2 Course Code: CSA M102 Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Course Subject: Creation Science: Astronomy, Level 3 Course Code: CSA M103 Academic Course Subjects: Now in Preparation __________________________________________________________________ SP M200/300 Sermon Preparation with Dr. Rod Hembree CF M200/300 Christian Families with Dr. Stephen Fyson NT M200/300 New Testament Studies with Dr. Rod Hembree …More unlisted subjects to come. Stay tuned! 12 Credit Points Per Course Subject 1 credit hour requires 4 hours of classroom study through video lectures, extended readings, required quizzes, and written essays. Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 13 Intro to Bible Doctrines I: “The Living God” Credit Points for BD M101 Hours Videos Extended Readings Quizzes Essays TOTALS 1.5cp 2.75cp 3.25cp 10cp 17.5 credit points 6hrs 11hrs 13hrs 40hrs 70 hours Intro to Bible Doctrines II: “The Living Word” Credit Points for BD M102 Hours Videos Extended Readings Quizzes Essays TOTALS 1.5cp 3.25 cp 3.25 cp 14.5 cp 22.5 Credit Points 6hrs 13 hrs 13 hrs 58 hrs 90 Hours Intro to Bible Doctrines III: “The Living Spirit” Credit Points for BD M103 Hours Videos Extended Readings Quizzes Essays TOTALS To Be Announced TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Creation Science: Astronomy Level I Credit Points for CSA M101 Hours Videos Extended Readings Quizzes Essays TOTALS 0.25 cp 1.25 cp 1.25 cp 3.75 cp 6.5 Credit Points 1 hrs 5 hrs 5 hrs 15 hrs 26 Hours Creation Science: Astronomy Level II Credit Points for CSA M102 Hours Videos Extended Readings Quizzes Essays TOTALS To Be Announced TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Creation Science: Astronomy Level III Credit Points for CSA M103 Hours Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Videos Extended Readings Quizzes Essays TOTALS To Be Announced TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Intro to Biblical History & Archaeology I Credit Points for BHA M101 Hours Videos Extended Readings Quizzes Essays TOTALS 0.125 cp 1.25 cp 1.25 cp 3.75 cp 6.3 Credit Points 50 mins 5 hrs 5 hrs 15 hrs 25.5 Hours Intro to Biblical History & Archaeology II Credit Points for BHA 102 Hours Videos Extended Readings Quizzes Essays TOTALS TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Intro to Biblical History & Archaeology III Credit Points for BHA 103 Hours Videos Extended Readings Quizzes Essays TOTALS To Be Announced TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 14 Requirements for Student Admission This program from Bible Discovery Seminary provides tertiary level education with a Christian educational foundation. These courses are open to anyone who meets the Requirements for Admission as outlined below and who accepts the Principle of faith, vision and mission of Bible Discovery Seminary as found in this Handbook. To obtain student status complete the following: o o o o o Evidence of experience and/or passion to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. Evidence of having developed novice skills and understandings essential to Bible teaching. Full completion of the Application for Enrolment, Personal Statements and Referee Form available at http://www.thestreamtv1.com/PUT/index.html or [email protected]. Submission of all listed documents in the Application for Enrolment Form. Payment of the $50 one time registration – a requirement of the Application process. o o A commitment to completing the course subject Enrolment Form at the beginning of every study term upon acceptance. A commitment to paying the minimum of $100 per course subject. Applicants must submit a completed Application for Enrolment form to the Dean of Students & Assistant ot the Principal of Bible Discovery Seminary in advance of the desired study start-date. Applicants must also submit official academic transcripts of their previous tertiary studies. Original or certified copies of birth-certificate, passport, or certificate of citizenship is are also required. Admission is by completion of the required forms and referee forms. Applicants must satisfy the Bible Discovery Seminary standards which serves to assess the potential of the applicant to serve our Lord Jesus within the teaching the Bible, and to gain insight into the applicant's goals upon completion of the course. Assessment will be continuous and successful completion of assignments is required for each course subject. Students will also be required to demonstrate their applied understanding of these subjects through subject quizzes and written exams. *All Subjects pursued after the Certificate level will require its pre-requisites to be completed. Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Payment of Fees In order to take our courses for credit toward a Certificate/Diploma of Bible Teaching/Specialised Field Certificate from BDS or for future credit at Phoenix University of Theology or Canada Christian College you must begin by registering to get onto the STUDENTS LIST. This places you on a roster of active students with the school. The cost is a $50 one-time registration fee in order for your Application for Enrolment form to be considered by BDS. Once on the list we will continue with you in the enrolment process. Each course subject has a fee of $100 payable on-line here: http://web29.streamhoster.com/rod_tv/BDSITE/bible_discovery_tv_2_012.htm or in cheque form to: Quick Study TV, PO Box 456, Orangeville, ON, L9W 5G2 Indicate "BDS: STUDENT LIST" in the comments/description line if you are registering for the first time; OR indicate the SUBJECT & SUBJECT LEVEL you are paying for in the comments/description line (example: “BDS: Creation Science Level 1”). Continued failure to pay fees will result in the removal of credit terms upon subsequent reenrolments. i.e. payments must be paid prior to the forwarding of course material to the student. Students will not receive any marks, feedback or transcripts if there is failure to make payments unless an agreement has been made between the student and Bible Discovery Seminary and that BDS has good reason to believe that the payments will be honoured. 15 Upfront Payment Plan Students are encouraged to pay the complete registration and course payment of $100 per course subject, after the initial one-time $50 course fee, by the end of the first week of term in order to minimise their costs. 16 Instalment Payment Plan Students are permitted to pay their $100 per subject as they are taken. Payment instalments will be permitted and received by Bible Discovery Seminary upon approval. Financial Subsidy Application forms are available from the website http://www.thestreamtv1.com/PUT/bdtv_academy_033.htm or [email protected] and submit it to BDS either by post or as a scanned attachment to an email. For further questions email Donna at [email protected] and she will be happy to assist you. Course Advancement Requirements Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 At Bible Discovery Seminary we currently offer three awards of study upon completion of its requirements: 1) The Certificate of Bible Teaching, 2) Diploma of Bible Teaching, or 3) Specialised Field Certificate. The Certificate of Bible Teaching has three foundational subjects (Creation Science, Intro to Biblical History & Archaeology, and Intro to Bible Doctrines: The Living God) containing three levels of knowledge each spread out over three Certificates to encourage the completion of the fourth level: the Diploma of Bible Teaching which includes our Sermon Preparation and Christian Family subjects. Field Experience of 45 hours is necessary for graduation of the Diploma of Bible Teaching. Our Specialised Field Certificate is an option for those not wishing to pursue a whole Bible Teaching award. These certificates are currently available as follows: Certificate of Bible Doctrines, Creations Science: Astronomy, or Biblical History & Archaeology. Our Seminary will offer new streams of study as they become available. Course Advancement Requirements: CERTIFICATE / DIPLOMA OF BIBLE TEACHING Certificate of Bible Teaching, Level I Bible Doctrines I Certificate of Bible Teaching, Level II Bible Doctrines I Certificate of Bible Teaching, Level III Bible Doctrines I Diploma of Bible Teaching Bible Doctrines I Creation Science I Biblical History & Archaeology I Creation Science I Biblical History & Archaeology I Creation Science I Biblical History & Archaeology I Creation Science I Biblical History & Archaeology I Bible Doctrines II Creation Science II Biblical History & Archaeology II Bible Doctrines II Creation Science II Biblical History & Archaeology II Bible Doctrines II Creation Science II Biblical History & Archaeology II Bible Doctrines III Creation Science III Biblical History & Archaeology III Bible Doctrines III Creation Science III Biblical History & Archaeology III Sermon Preparation Christian Families 45 hours Field Experience *The completion of the 45 hours of Field Experience requirement for the Bible Teachers Diploma can be started at any point in one of the Certificate levels. Contact the office for more details. Course Advancement Requirements: CERTIFICATE IN A SPCIALISED FIELD Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Certificate of Bible Doctrines Bible Doctrines I Bible Doctrines II Bible Doctrines III Certificate of Creation Science Creation Science I Creation Science II Creation Science III Certificate of Biblical History & Archaeology Biblical History & Archaeology I Biblical History & Archaeology II Biblical History & Archaeology III Enrolments & Deferments of Course Subjects Bible Discovery Seminary Subject Enrolment forms are available at for each new term and to be completed by any student wishing to study in any given term. BDS will only consider Enrolment Forms into the BDS subjects from those who have successfully made it on the Students List due to fulfilling all application requirements. The student should download the Enrolment Form from the website http://www.thestreamtv1.com/PUT/bdtv_academy_033.htm or [email protected]. and submit it to BDS either by post or as a scanned attachment to an email. 17 Students should consider deferring from a unit if they believe that they cannot complete the unit during that semester. To defer a subject selection in any given study Term the student should download the Deferment Form from the website http://www.thestreamtv1.com/PUT/bdtv_academy_033.html or email [email protected] and submit it to BDS either by post or as a scanned attachment to an email. Subject Delivery Bible Discovery Seminary courses are delivered by distance education. Students are expected to possess a basic level of Information and Communication Technology competence. At the absolute minimum, this includes the ability to use Microsoft Word, and have access to a web browser and the internet (or make arrangements to receive all course on USB drives at an extra cost) and the ability to send and receive email communications. Students who do not have these skills will be expected to obtain them prior to commencement. Students will be taught how to access and participate in on-line video lectures, be encouraged to present work using multimedia format, and access a range of online resources. Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Each subject has its own syllabus found on-line containing your essay questions as well as a 13 week schedule to assist you in prioritising your quiz and essay study time into due dates. All documents including open-book quizzes and essays are posted in each class and should be downloaded however you wish. PDF files and class videos are compatible with all mobile devices so you can study on the move. Quizzes & Essays All open-book quizzes and essays are to be downloaded, completed, and sent via mail or scanned and sent via e-mail to your teacher for grading and comments from the teachers. All grades for the certificates as well as the diploma will be issued after all quizzes and essays required through each course have been completed and graded with a B grade or higher. Due Dates The date indicated on the quiz or assignment is normally the date on which the assignment should be received by Bible Discovery Seminary. Students should always retain a copy of their quizzes and essays. Without an extension being granted late work may be subject to penalty or, in extreme cases, may not be marked and therefore the student fails the unit. 18 Assignment Extensions An extension of up to two weeks after the due date of an assignment can be applied for. A "Request for Extension" form needs to be completed. Extensions for longer than 14 days will not normally be granted unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances. All extensions must be applied for in writing on the appropriate form BEFORE the due date of the assignment. The student should download the Extension Form from the website http://www.thestreamtv1.com/PUT/index.html or email [email protected] and submit it to BDS either by post or as a scanned attachment to an email. The teacher will notify the student of the new due date. Penalty for late assignments without approved extension… Assignments post marked after the due date and without an approved extension will lose marks at the rate of 10% per day, including weekends. Assignments that are post marked more than 7 (seven) days after the due date without an approved extension will receive no mark. NOTE: Extensions will not normally be given for essays. In extreme (unplanned and unexpected) circumstances a request may be made in writing to the Principal (not the subject Teacher or Dean of Students). Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Field Experience It is one thing to study or learn isolated in a classroom or on your computer. It is another thing to be entangled in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Bible Discovery Seminary requires that you volunteer your time in some kind of active ministry in your Church in a Bible believing Gospel teaching Mission. We require 45 hours of real volunteer ministry. This ministry is not worth credit points however it is required upon graduation for the Bible Teachers Diploma and may be started at any time during any one of the 3 Certificate Levels. Upon a signed statement which you may download on-line on the Registrar`s page, you will be eligible for your submission to the BOARD OF REGENTS for graduation. The form must be signed by as pastor or ministry leader that BDS has approved. Special exceptions are made for the persecuted Church and for those living in remote locations. 19 How to Write an Academic Essay Before You Start To write a good essay you need to develop a proposition to be argued called a thesis. This thesis is to be one you consider worth making arguments for or making arguments against. Your aim is to persuade others through research as well as your own ideas. It might also be your aim to disprove a theory you are asked to research. In any case, you will need to carefully select and analyse evidence which supports your chosen thesis. This will demonstrate your ability to the lecturer your ability to critically think, draw conclusions, and to reflect upon differing viewpoints. Preparation Before you have decided on your thesis read your assignment question carefully so as to understand what is being asked of you. Understanding the question means you will not be confused with the questions key terms nor the relationship between key terms and phrases. Researching the Topic When you have a thesis and begin your research, be selective about what materials you use. Up to date academic sources (which does not include non-academic websites, magazines, novels, and newspapers) are only to be consulted alongside your most important resource, The Bible. Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Sketching an Essay Outline Your essay outline is going to be the organised list of topics and supporting points you want to make. Analyse your research and begin to draw out themes, patterns, for and against arguments that are in context with your thesis. The themes should give you a good indication as to which topics you will discuss. This will help you to separate your researched evidence into paragraphs. An essay outline helps you to know what you want to communicate and how you communicate it. The Body of the Essay The body of an essay is the proof of your research to support your critical analysis of the essay question. It is important for this proof to be communicated well in three steps: Assertion, Evidence, and Impression. The assertion is a statement or topic sentence which is then backed up or supported by researched evidence, and then the impression is the reflection or review of why the assertion is important to the essay. 20 While making available proof for your research work, by using in-text referencing*, remember to engage with the authors as your write. Indicate where you fully agree with the authors, where you fully disagree, partially agree, and partially disagree. *Follow this document below for more information on in-text referencing Flowing Paragraphs It is important for an essay to flow so the reader can make easy connections along the way. To do this, each paragraph needs to flow into one another by using connecting words or phrases. These phrases aid the reader to go from one paragraph to the next with little confusion as to how your topics connect to one another. Also, make sure your information is important and relevant so as to convince the reader you are confident in your thesis. As you write, surround your weaker arguments around stronger arguments as you consistently review your thoughts into a written logical and flowing manner. The Introduction Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 Now that you have the body of your essay it is time to start thinking about constructing your introduction to grab the reader’s attention. This is done after writing the body of the essay so your chosen topics are not forgotten in the introduction where you lead your reader into the purpose of your essay. Communicating the essay’s purpose is done by stating your thesis, providing background to the essay question and key concepts, and finally stating the main topics you will be discussing. The Conclusion Academic essays need conclusions. The conclusion is where you wrap up your main topics. This is done by restating your thesis that is accompanied with a brief recap of the main topics used. After that, you have the chance to state your own reflective opinions – it is your final point where you close your argument. Finally, do not close off the essay without giving the reader something to think about. Leave the reader to reflect on the issues raised. Do not let them forget your essay. In-Text Referencing 1. Short Quotations As you write the body of the essay you must quote ideas which are not your own properly – not doing so is called plagiarism whether you are in under-graduate or graduate programs. When 21 quoting from a resource such as a book, journal, website, podcast etc., you will need to include the author, year of publication, and the page number for the reference at the end of the quote in closed brackets. Example: Thomas stated, "Scholars often had trouble with referencing styles" (Thomas, 1998, p. 199), but he did not offer an explanation as to why. 2. Long Quotations Place direct quotations that are 40 words, or longer, in a free-standing block of typewritten lines, and omit quotation marks. Thomas found the following: Scholars often had trouble with referencing styles, particularly when it was their first time citing sources. This struggle could be credited to the circumstance that many students disagreed to read the Student Handbook and then ask their teacher for help (Thomas, 2012, p. 20). Making a Reference List - Basic Rules Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 All in-text references included in the body of the essay must be fully cited in a Reference List at the end of the essay. Reference list entries should be alphabetised by the last name of the first author of each work. See examples below on how to do this. Referencing Books Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (page numbers). Location: Publisher. Referencing Other Print Sources 1. Edited Book, No Author Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. 22 2. Edited Book with an Author or Authors Plath, S. (2000). The unabridged journals. K. V. Kukil (Ed.). New York, NY: Anchor. 3. Article or Chapter in an Edited Book Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Location: Publisher. 4. Article in Journal Paginated by Volume Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-896. 5. Multivolume Work Wiener, P. (Ed.). (1973). Dictionary of the history of ideas (Vols. 1-4). New York, NY: Scribner's. 6. An Entry in an Encyclopedia Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The New Encyclopedia Britannica. (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago, IL: Encyclopedia Britannica. Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 7. Government Document National Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 8. Article from an Online Periodical Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number (issue number if available). Retrieved from http://www.someaddress.com/full/url/ Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A list apart: For people who make websites, 149. Retrieved from http://www.alistapart.com/articles/writeliving 9. Newspaper Article Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from http://www.someaddress.com/full/url/ 23 Referencing Electronic Sources 1. Electronic Books De Huff, E. W. (n.d.). Taytay’s tales: Traditional Pueblo Indian tales. Retrieved from http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/dehuff/taytay/taytay.html 24 Davis, J. (n.d.). Familiar birdsongs of the Northwest. Available from http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=1-9780931686108-0 2. Online Encyclopedia’s and Dictionaries Feminism. (n.d.). In Encyclopædia Britannica online. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/724633/feminism 3. Online Lecture Notes and Presentation Slides Hallam, A. Duality in consumer theory [PDF document]. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site: http://www.econ.iastate.edu/classes/econ501/Hallam/ index.html Roberts, K. F. (1998). Federal regulations of chemicals in the environment [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from http://siri.uvm.edu/ppt/40hrenv/index.html Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 4. Audio Podcast For all podcasts, provide as much information as possible; not all of the following information will be available. Possible addition identifiers may include Producer, Director, etc. Bell, T., & Phillips, T. (2008, May 6). A solar flare. Science @ NASA Podcast. Podcast retrieved from http://science.nasa.gov/podcast.htm 5. Television Broadcast Important, I. M. (Producer). (1990, November 1). The nightly news hour [Television broadcast]. New York, NY: Central Broadcasting Service. Student & Teacher Handbook, 2014 25