File - Divine Mercy Parish


File - Divine Mercy Parish
Divine Mercy Parish
August 23, 2015
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 3:00—3:45 p.m.
30 minutes before Sunday Masses
By appointment
Sábado 6:15 p.m.—6:45 p.m.
Our Lady of
hasten to
help us!
Family Prayer
oving and faithful God, through the
years the people of our archdiocese
have appreciated the prayers and
love of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in times
of war, disaster, epidemic and illness. We
come to you, Father, with Mary our Mother,
and ask you to help us in the battle of today
against violence, murder and racism.
We implore you to give us your wisdom that
we may build a community founded on the
values of Jesus, which gives respect to the
life and dignity of all people.
Bless parents that they may form their children in faith. Bless and protect our youth
that they may be peacemakers of our time.
Give consolation to those who have lost
loved ones through violence.
Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a voice for life and human dignity
in our community.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help
Mother Henriette Delille, pray for us that we
may be a holy family.
• 8:00 a.m. (Latin on last Sat. of
• 4:00 p.m. Vigil
• 7:00 p.m. (Vigilia—Español)
• 8:30 a.m.
• 10:30 a.m.
• 6:00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday
• 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
• 7:30 a.m.
4:00 pm Mass
Contact Us
Church & Parish Office:
4337 Sal Lentini Pkwy Kenner, LA
Phone: 504-466-5016
Fax: 504-264-5394
Emergency: 504-444-8997
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School:
Here I Am, Lord
1. I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard My people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin.
My hand will save.
I who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord. Is it I, Lord?
I have heard You calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if You lead me,
I will hold Your people in my heart.
2. I, the Lord of snow and rain.
I have borne My people's pain.
I have wept for love of them.
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
Give them hearts for love alone.
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
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Divine Mercy Parish
St. Joseph Sunday Missal
Today’s Readings:
Next Sunday:
p. 947
p. 954
To purchase a Sunday Missal for $20,
please see an usher.
I will speak My word to them.
Whom shall I send?
3. I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them.
My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide,
*ll their hearts be sa*sfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send?
2. Lamb of God, you set us free
Son of God, in wine and wheat
Food for the journey, sent from above
That we may walk in
faith, hope, and love
Here our cry, to you each day
You walk beside us, you light the way
Living Word, you make us whole
Your sacrifice saves body and soul
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
By: J. AngoB©2008.World Library Publica*ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # ALC1102091.
By: T. Porter©1990. GIA Publica*ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission. License # A-722878.
Sending Forth
1. We,
the daughters and sons of him
who built the valleys and plains,
praise the wonders
our God has done
in ev’ry heart that sings.
Come to the living feast of the Lord
where death and dying and
fear are no more.
The blood of the Lamb
has washed us clean.
Forever and ever we
are now made free.
Believe in the truth
that bread and wine
now have become our living sign.
Rejoice and be present
in this living feast.
4. As God has loved me so
I have loved you.
Go and live on in my love.
Glory and Praise to Our God
Glory and praise to our God,
who alone gives light to our days.
Many are the blessings he bears
to those who trust in his ways.
By: D. Schu0e©1981. OCP Publica*ons.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
License # 608353.
Living Feast
1. God of God, King of Kings
Dwell in us here in all who believe
We eat of your body,
drink of your blood
Gi=s of God's grace, you sustain us
With precious blood,
our debts you paid
Bread of life, you pave the way
Son of Man, you make us whole
Your sacrifice saves body and soul
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
3. See how my people
have nothing to eat.
Give them the bread that is you.
2. In his wisdom he strengthens us,
like gold that’s tested in fire.
Though the power of sin prevails,
our God is there to save.
Let Us Be Bread
Let us be bread,
blessed by the Lord,
broken and shared,
life for the world.
Let us be wine, love freely poured.
Let us be one in the Lord.
1. I am the bread of life,
broken for all.
Eat now and hunger no more.
2. You are my friends
if you keep my
commands, no longer
servants but friends.
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
3. Ev’ry moment of ev’ry day
our God is wai*ng to save,
always ready to seek the lost,
to answer those who pray.
By: D. Schu0e©1976. OCP Publica*ons.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
License # 608353.
Misa - 7:00 pm
Creo en Jesús
Creo en Jesús, creo en Jesús,
Él es mi amigo, es mi alegría,
Él es mi amor; creo en Jesús,
Creo en Jesús, Él es mi Salvador.
August 23, 2015
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
1. Él llamó a mi puerta,
me invitó a compar*r su heredad;
seguiré a su lado,
llevaré su mensaje de paz.
2. Ayudó al enfermo
y le trajo la felicidad;
defendió al humilde,
comba*ó la men*ra y el mal.
3. Día y noche creo en Jesús,
Él está a mi lado, creo en Jesús.
Sigo sus palabras, creo en Jesús,
doy por Él la vida, creo en Jesús.
Es mi Salvador.
Page 3
que no pueda superar.
Así no habrá egoísmo
que no pueda superar.
Tradicional©OCP Publica*ons. Todos los
derechos reservados. Usado con permiso.
Licencia # 608353.
No Podemos Caminar
No podemos caminar
con hambre bajo el sol.
Danos siempre el mismo pan:
tu cuerpo y sangre, Señor.
4. Enseñó a Zaqueo
a par*r su hacienda y su pan;
alabó a la viuda
porque dio cuanto pudo ella dar.
2. Pues este amor será muy vano
si no amo a Dios y a mi hermano.
Pues este amor será muy vano
si no amo a Dios y a mi hermano.
Por: C. Erdozáin©1975. OCP Publica*ons. Todos los derechos reservados.
Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353.
Tradi*onal; Adapt: M. F. Reza©1989.OCP
Publica*ons. Todos los derechos reservados. Usado con permiso. Licencia #
¡Qué lindo es vivir, para amar!
¡Qué lindo es tener, para dar!
Dar alegría, felicidad,
darse uno mismo, eso es amar.
Dar alegría, felicidad,
darse uno mismo, eso es amar.
2. Amar como a sí mismo,
entregarse a los demás;
Así no habrá egoísmo
A Quién Iremos
¿A quién iremos,
Señor, a quién iremos?
Tienes palabras de vida.
¿A quién iremos,
Señor, a quién iremos?
Tienes palabras de amor.
¿A quién iremos,
Señor, a quién iremos?
Tienes palabras de paz.
Eres Dios verdadero,
el hijo de Dios, en Ti creeré.
Eres Dios verdadero,
el hijo de Dios, en Ti creeré.
1. Con este pueblo quiero aprender.
Amar a Dios es mi deber.
Con este pueblo quiero aprender.
Amar a Dios es mi deber.
5. Aleluya, creo en Jesús,
Él es el Mesías, creo en Jesús.
Él es mi esperanza, creo en Jesús,
vive para siempre, creo en Jesús.
Es mi Salvador.
1. Amar es entregarse,
olvidándose de sí,
buscando lo que al otro
pueda hacerle feliz,
buscando lo que al otro
pueda hacerle feliz.
Canto Final
1. Comamos todos de este pan,
el pan de la unidad.
En un cuerpo nos unió el Señor
por medio del amor.
2. Señor, yo tengo sed de Ti,
sediento estoy de Dios;
pero pronto llegaré a ver
el rostro del Señor.
3. Por el desierto el pueblo va
cantando su dolor;
en la noche brillará tu luz,
nos guía la verdad.
Por: J. Espinoza©1969. OCP Publica*ons.
Todos los derechos reservados. Usado
con permiso. Licencia # 608353.
8:30 am Mass
Come, Chris'ans, Unite
Come, Chris*ans, unite.
Let us sing for our God!
Come people, rejoice!
Let us sing for our God!
1. The one who makes all things worthy,
the One who makes all things bright!
Let us sing!
2. The Lord of all crea*on,
the Lord, the giver of life!
Let us sing!
3. Come, fill our hearts
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Divine Mercy Parish
Page 4
with your goodness;
come, fill our lives with new life!
Let us sing!
By: S. Agrisano©2013. OCP Publica*ons.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
License # 608353.
By: E. Bolduc©1996. World Library Publica*ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # ALC1102091.
Sending Forth
Here I Am, Lord
(See 4 pm Mass – Entrance)
Remain in Me, I Am the Vine
Remain in me, I am the vine.
Remain in me; you shall have life.
You are the branches:
bear fruit for all to see.
I am the vine, remain in me.
1. No branch can live without the tree,
nor grow or serve apart from me.
This I have told you that you may see
my love in you, your joy complete.
2. No longer slaves, I call you friends.
I shall be with you to the end.
Keep my commandments;
I dwell in you.
So, now bear witness to the truth.
3. As I have done so you should do,
so as to love as I love you.
For in your witness,
my love is shown;
in simple ways,
my heart made known.
4. As I died, so too shall you die.
As I rose, so too shall you rise.
Do not be troubled:
your eyes have seen.
You trust in God, have trust in me.
5. I am the way, the truth, the life.
I am your living sacrifice.
I offer freely my life for you.
Go now and do as I would do.
Rain Down
Rain down, rain down,
rain down your love on your people.
Rain down, rain down,
rain down your love, God of life.
1. Faithful and true is the
word of our God.
All of God’s works are
so worthy of trust
God’s mercy falls on the
just and the right;
full of God’s love is the earth.
2. We who revere and find
hope in our God
live in the kindness and
joy of God’s wing.
God will protect us from
darkness and death
God will not leave us to starve.
3. God of crea*on,
we long for your truth;
you are the water of life that we thirst.
Grant that your love and your
peace touch our hearts,
all of our hope lies in you.
By: J. Cortez. ©1991. OCP Publica*ons. All
Rights reserved. Used by permission. License # 608353.
10:30 am Mass
Gathered As One
1. Many faces, the young and the old,
gathered as one in our God!
Throughout hist'ry the story's retold,
gathered as one in our God!
Like those come before us,
we listen and learn.
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
We remember the promise
and await Your return.
So without hesita*on
a new genera*on proclaims
the salva*on of God!
Gathered as one in Jesus Your Son,
li=ing our voices in praise,
we know and believe
and long to receive the bread
that is strength for our days,
gathered as one!
2. Many pilgrims, sharing at feast,
gathered as one in our God!
All are welcome
the greatest and least,
gathered as one in our God!
3. Many voices, raised up in song,
gathered as one in our God!
In one fam'ly where all can belong,
gathered as one in our God!
By: D. Light, P. Tate©1997. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License
#11201196. Song #2945983.
Here I Am, Lord
(See 4 pm Mass – Entrance)
God So Loved the World
God so loved the world
that he gave his only Son
that whoever believes in him
shall never die,
but have eternal life.
1. God did not send the Son
into the world
to condemn the world,
but that the world might
be saved through him!
2. God sent a holy light
into the world,
and we sought the dark,
but Jesus call us to follow Him!
August 23, 2015
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 5
yeah. I will follow You, yeah.
8. O Soul of Christ,
sanc*fying us,
Body of Christ,
save us.
(to final refrain…)
3. All who seek the truth,
come into Light!
Make clear your deeds
are done in God!
By: P. Tate©1998. World Library Publica*ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # ALC1102091.
I Am Yours-Consume Me Completely
Bread of Life, Wine of Peace,
Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity,
consume me completely.
I am yours.
1. I surrender
to the power of your love.
And I surrender.
Let your will be done in me.
2. Lead me to the silence
where you whisper to my heart.
Lead me to the place
where your loves consume me.
3. Let your light shine,
let it shine in my heart.
Let your light shine.
Let me be your light in this world.
4. O Bread of Life,
You answer all our needs,
and fill our souls with the
fullness of love and grace.
5. O Bread of Life,
You, the longing of our hearts,
we welcome you.
Let your will be done in us.
6. O Blood of Christ,
Source of life, and source of peace,
water of life flowing from your side.
7. O Blood of Christ,
Our deep stream of mercy
wash over us.
Flood our souls completely.
Final Refrain
Bread of Life, Wine of Peace,
Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity,
consume me completely.
I am yours.
Consume me completely.
I am yours.
By: T. Thomson©2014. World Library
Publica*ons. All rights reserved. Used by
permission. License # ALC1102091.
Sending Forth
Rain Down
(See 8:30 am Mass – Sending Forth)
6:00 pm Mass
2. Light into the world,
Light into my life
I will live for You alone.
You're the One I seek,
knowing I will find
all I need in You alone.
In You alone.
(to Bridge…)
In You, there's life everlas*ng.
In You, there's freedom for my soul.
In You, there's joy, unending joy;
And I will follow.
(to Refrain…)
I will follow You, yeah.
I will follow You, yeah.
By: C. Tomlin; J. Ingram; R. Morgan©2010. All rights reserved. Used by
permission. CCLI License #11201196.
Song #5806878.
I Will Follow
Where You go, I'll go;
Where You stay, I'll stay;
When You move, I'll move.
I will follow
Oh, oh, oh.
1. All Your ways are good,
all Your ways are sure;
I will trust in You alone.
Higher than my sight,
high above my life;
I will trust in You alone.
In You alone.
2. And I will worship You
with all of my heart.
And I will worship You
with all of my mind.
And I will worship You
with all of my strength.
For You are my Lord.
Where You go, I'll go;
Where You stay, I'll stay;
When You move, I'll move.
I will follow You.
Whom You love, I'll love;
How You serve, I'll serve;
If this life I lose,
I will follow You,
3. More faith, more passion,
more of You in my life.
More faith, more passion,
more of You in my life.
More Love, More Power
1. More love, more power,
more of You in my life.
More love, more power,
more of You in my life.
4. And I will seek Your face
with all of my heart.
And I will seek Your face
with all of my mind.
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
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Divine Mercy Parish
And I will seek Your face
with all of my strength.
For You are my Lord.
For You are my Lord.
By: J. Del Hierro©1987. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License
# 11201196. Song # 60661.
Like the Bread
Like the bread, we are taken.
Like the Christ, we are blessed.
On this altar we are broken,
giv'n as food that all might live,
giv'n as food that all might live.
1. How quickly we reject ourselves,
blinded from our call.
We resign to live in fear
of love, of self, of all.
This is not the will of God,
for the chosen must be free.
We are taken by the love of Christ
to live eternally.
2. Broken like the bread of life,
we o=en flee from pain.
We resign to live our lives,
not knowing death's true gain.
This is not the will of God,
for in dying we will live.
The cross, a sign of victory
and of the healing it will give.
Some say it is good to have,
but the faithful learn to give.
Like the saints of old
who lived prepared,
we become like Christ
to feed, to share.
(to refrain…)
By: T. Booth; T. Casey©1995. OCP Publica*ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # 608353.
1. Blessed be Your name
in the land that is plen*ful,
where your streams of abundance flow,
blessed be your name.
Blessed be Your name
when I'm found in the desert place,
though I walk through the wilderness,
blessed be Your name.
Every blessing you pour out
I'll turn back to praise.
When the darkness closes in,
Lord, s*ll I will say,
“Blessed be the name of the Lord,
blessed be Your name!
Blessed be the name of the Lord,
blessed be Your glorious name.”
2.Blessed be Your name
when the sun's shining down on me,
when the world's “all as it should be.”
blessed be Your name.
Blessed be Your name
on the road marked with suffering,
though there's pain in the offering,
blessed be Your name.
“The Mystery of God: Who is He and
Why He Matters?” - Presented by Fr.
Robert Barron
Each Fall and Spring we have dynamic study programs over topics such as
“Psalms” and “Mary”. This Fall Fr.
Barron will lead us in how to respond
to the so-called New Atheism, using
the insights of St. Augustine, St.
Thomas Aquinas, Pope Benedict XIV
and others. He uncovers a clear understanding of what we mean by
“God.” We will also discover how to
share these insights with others—
especially those in our own families!
Please join us for this exciting new
DVD and study program! It will run
from Wed. Sept 23—until Wed. Nov
11 in Parish Community Center at 78:20PM. Pre– registration will be
after all Masses weekend of Aug 29—
30. This is $30, and required to receive the study sets. Information is
now available in the Narthex to pick
up to learn more. For more info contact Jacques Delouche at [email protected] or
(504)466-5016 ext 115.
Every blessing you pour out
I'll turn back to praise.
When the darkness closes in,
Lord, s*ll I will say,
(to refrain…)
You give and take away,
You give and take away.
My heart will choose to say,
"Lord, blessed be Your name."
You give and take away,
You give and take away.
My heart will choose to say,
“Lord, blessed be Your name."
(to refrain…)
By: M. Maher, B.Redman©2002. All rights
reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song #3798438.
The Sanctuary candle burns this
week In Memory of
Jane Miller
The Chapel candles burn
this week for
Nickie Schiele
Sending Forth
Blessed Be Your Name
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
Sunday, August 23
Mass Intentions
• Mass, 10:30 am (with Children’s
Liturgy of the Word), Church
• LIFE TEEN Mass followed by LIFE
Night, 6 pm-8:45 pm, Church
Monday, August 24
Saint Bartholomew
• Legion of Mary, 7 pm, Cry Room-
Tuesday, August 25
Saint Louis and Saint Joseph Calasanz
Elementary Catechesis, 6:30 pm,
Edge, gr. 6-8, 6:45 pm, SEAS Trailer 1
Girl Scout SU408 meeting, 7 pm,
SEAS lunchroom
Wednesday, August 26
• AM Rosary, 6:30 am, Church
Thursday, August 27
Saint Monica
• Ring Ceremony, 6:30 pm, Church
• SEAS Girl Scouts Parent Meeting , 7
pm, SEAS lunchroom
Friday, August 28
Saint Augustine
• Clases de intercesion con grupo Pes-
ca Milagrosa, 7:30 pm, centro parroquial
Saturday, August 29 (10 year anniv. of
Hurr. Katrina)
The Passion of Saint John the Baptist
• Second Collection, Sisters of Notre
Dame Papua New Guinea Mission
• Mass, 4 pm, Church
• Misa hispana, 7:00 pm, Iglesia
Sunday, August 30
• Second Collection, Sisters of Notre
Page 7
Saturday, August 22, 2015 4:00 PM Barbara Messina Migliore
Sharen Wilson
Souls in Purgatory
Inten*on of a Parishioner
Vivian and Chick Breaux
Terri Savin
Connie Sevenker (Living)
Marcella & Marcy Beter (Living)
Connie Carpenter
Ethel McCaskell
Ann & Jim Rose (Living)
John Eugene Maderson
Tom Mazzella
Olga Noverola (Living)
The Siragusa Family (Living)
Prayer Blanket Recipients (Living & Deceased)
Terri Revon Barrios
Dorothy Suhor
Marcella Beter (Living)
Saturday, August 22, 2015 7:00 PM
Margaret Cassidy (Living)
Francisco Reyes
Luciana Gallo
Marina Lobo Viuda de Lopez
Carlos Wilfredo Lagos
Nelson Leyva
Sunday, August 23, 2015 8:30 AM
Christy Marie
Sunday, August 23, 2015 10:30 AM Mr. and Mrs. Antoine I Ory Jr. Mark Lizama
Jeannine Bernard
Lucy Siragusa (Living)
Christy (Living)
Kevin Roig, Sr.
Edna Cola
Michelle Ramos (Living)
Charles Char*er
Tommy Reine
Muriel O'Brien
Tom Mazzella
Charlie Arceneaux (Living)
Joshua Cassaday (Living)
Socora Hunt
Sunday, August 23, 2015 6:00 PM
All parishioners
Monday, August 24, 2015 6:30 PM
John Eugene Maderson
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 6:30 PM That my brother Patrick receives every spiritual
and temporal blessing. (Living)
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 7:30 AM
Clarence Paul Luquet
Thursday, August 27, 2015 7:30 AM
Carol Kirke
Friday, August 28, 2015 7:30 AM
William J. Gandolini, Jr.
Saturday, August 29, 2015 8:00 AM
Inten*on of a Parishioner
Dame Papua New Guinea Mission
• Mass, 8:30 am, Church
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace!
• Mass, 10:30 am, Church
• Eucharistic Minister's Pot Luck ,
11:30 am, Parish community center
• LIFE TEEN Mass followed by LIFE
Ore por ellos. Que descansen en paz!
Night, 6 pm-8:45 pm, Church
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
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Divine Mercy Parish
The Sisters of Notre Dame
“Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of
the Son of Man and drink His blood, you do not have life
within you.” John 6:51
When Jesus revealed the necessity of consuming His Body and
Blood, many of His followers left Him, never to return . It was a
difficult concept to grasp, no doubt. Even those closest to Him
had their reservations. Still today many people including many
Catholics scoff at the idea that the Eucharist is truly the body
and blood of Christ. They are scandalized by the mere thought
of it, and yet many readily accept that the brutalized little bodies of aborted infants can be sold to the highest bidder for use
in medical research. “They are dead anyway”, they say, “it’s
only tissue and is being used to cure many diseases.” As if
that could ever justify these actions! Jesus came for this, He
allowed Himself to be sacrificed in the most brutal manner
and then introduced the unbloody sacrifice of Calvary to be
repeated at every moment of every day all over the world so
that we could be fed by Him and so attain eternal life.
As part of the Mission Cooperative Program, Sr. Marya
Czech, SND of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Toledo OH will be
here on August 30th to speak to us about their mission in
Papua New Guinea and take a collection for their mission.
The Sisters of Notre Dame Toledo Province have been serving since 1850. Mostly a community of educators, they are
instrumental in teaching in several inner-city schools where
the needs are many. Besides teaching and administrating in
school, the Sisters today serve the poor and marginalized
through parish pastoral service, care giving in homes for
impaired adults and orphaned children. There are under 220
Sisters in the Toledo Province and a little over 3000 worldwide. Their ministry in Papua New Guinea began in 1961
and is strong today where they serve as educators and provide pastoral and AIDS respite care.
Magnificat House of Discernment
Magnificat House of Discernment is accepting applications
for the fall of 2015. Single Catholic women are invited to live
in community with Sister mentors to discern their vocational
call. For more information please call (504)227-3203 or
contact [email protected].
2016 Home Calendar Sponsor
Peter spoke for those who remained, “Master, to whom shall
we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to
believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God”
John 6:68. Come Holy Spirit, fill us with faith in the words of
Jesus, trust in His victory over evil and charity for all those we
We are in need of a couple of sponsors to help defray the
cost of printing the 2016 Home Calendar given to the parishioners.
Please call the parish office if you would like to place an
advertisement on the calendar.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is interchangeable with the Holy
Eucharist. It is one and the same. Let us adore the Heart of
God. Let us offer our poor, weak hearts to Him who gives us
His glorious Heart in return.
We are in dire need to refill the St. Anthony Ministry food
pantry with the following items: canned vegetables (i.e.
green beans, spinach, asparagus), canned fruit, canned red
beans, white beans, butter beans, and pork ‘n’ beans, jello,
fruit juice,
Gatorade 2 or Powerade, boxed drinks for kids, canned
potted meat, tuna, ham, roast beef, and spam, bottled water, adult super-sized under pads, and laundry detergent.
Please put donations in the crates by the St. Anthony Statue in the back of church.
For information please contact Anne-Marie d'Abadie - 4432204 or email [email protected] (English), or Lynda Peña 338-4306 (Spanish).
Dire Need—St. Anthony Ministry
Choir Rehearsals Begin August 26! Rehearsals will begin Wednesday, August 26, 7-9pm in the church. New members (singers and
instrumentalists) welcome to join. You do not have to be able to read music, nor do you have to have a solo voice. All you need is a
pleasant singing voice that sings on pitch and blends well with others. Musicians will be asked to play a simple audition. The choir rehearses on Wednesday nights, and they sing at the 10:30am mass. For more information, email Lorraine Hess at
[email protected].
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
August 23, 2015
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 9
Las Hermanas de Notre Dame
"Amén, amén, os digo: si no coméis la carne del Hijo del
Hombre, y no bebéis Su sangre, no tenéis vida en vosotros." Juan 06:51 Cuando Jesús reveló la necesidad de consumir Su Cuerpo, y Su Sangre, muchos de sus seguidores lo
dejaron de seguir, para no volver jamás. Era un concepto difícil
de entender, sin duda. Incluso, las personas más cercanas a él
tenían sus reservas. Aún hoy en día, muchas personas, incluyendo a muchos Católicos, que se burlan de la idea de que la
Eucaristía es verdaderamente el Cuerpo, y la Sangre de Cristo.
Ellos se escandalizan por el mero hecho de pensar en eso, y
sin embargo, muchos aceptan fácilmente, que los pequeños
cuerpos de los bebés abortados brutalmente, pueden ser vendidos al mejor postor, para su uso en la investigación médica.
"Están muertos de todas formas", dicen, "es sólo el tejido, y se
está utilizando para curar muchas enfermedades." ¡Como si
eso podría justificar estas acciones! Jesús vino para esto, Él
permitió ser sacrificado de la manera más brutal, y luego, introdujo el sacrificio incruento del Calvario, que se repite en
cada momento de cada día en todo el mundo, para que pudiéramos ser alimentados por Él, y así alcanzar la vida eterna.
Pedro, habló por los que se quedaron, "Señor, ¿A quién iremos? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna. Hemos llegado a
creer, y sabemos que tú eres el Santo de Dios "Juan 6:68. Ven
Espíritu Santo, llénanos de fe en las palabras de Jesús, la confianza en su victoria sobre el mal, y la caridad para todos
aquellos que nos encontremos. El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,
es intercambiable con la Sagrada Eucaristía. Es uno, y es el
mismo. Adoremos el Corazón de Dios. Ofrezcamos nuestros
pobres corazones débiles a Aquel que nos da su glorioso corazón a cambio. Para más información, póngase en contacto con
Anne-Marie d'Abadie al: 443- 2204 o por correo electrónico al:
[email protected] (Inglés), o, con Lynda Peña al: 338-4306
Como parte del Programa de la Misión Cooperativa, de las Hermanas de Notre Dame, de Toledo OH, la Hermana, Marya Checa, SND, estará aquí el 30 de agosto, para hablar con nosotros
acerca de su misión en Papúa Nueva Guinea y hacer una colecta para su misión.. Las Hermanas de Notre Dame, Provincia de
Toledo, han estado sirviendo desde 1850. Sobre todo son una
comunidad de educadoras, que son fundamentales para la
enseñanza en varias escuelas en el centro de las ciudades,
donde las necesidades son muchas. Además de la enseñanza,
y administrando en la escuela, las Hermanas hoy sirven a los
pobres, y a los marginados, a través del servicio pastoral de la
parroquia, el cuidado que da en los hogares para adultos incapacitados, y a los niños huérfanos. Ellas son unas 220 Hermanas en la provincia de Toledo, y un poco más de 3.000 en todo
el mundo. Su ministerio en Papúa Nueva Guinea, comenzó en
1961, y es fuerte hoy, donde ellas sirven como educadores, y
proporcionan alivio al cuidado pastoral, y al SIDA.
Casa de Discernimiento Magnificat
Casa de Discernimiento Magnificat está aceptando solicitudes para el otoño del 2015. Las mujeres católicas solteras
están invitadas a vivir en comunidad con las hermanas mentores para discernir su llamado vocacional. Para obtener
más información, por favor llame al (504) 227-3203 o comuníquese con [email protected].
El inicio del Calendario 2016
Está en la búsqueda de algunos patrocinadores, para ayudar a sufragar el
costo de la impresión del calendario 2016, el calendario
que se les da a los feligreses. Por favor llame a la oficina
parroquial si desea colocar un anuncio en el calendario.
Necesidad urgente – El Ministerio de San Antonio , están en extrema necesidad de rellenar la despensa de alimentos del Ministerio de San Antonio, con los siguientes artículos:
conservas vegetales (es decir, frijolitos verdes, espinacas, espárragos), fruta enlatada, frijoles rojos enlatados, frijoles blancos, frijoles de mantequilla, y carne pork “n” beans, gelatina, jugo de fruta,
Gatorade o Powerade 2, bebidas en caja para los niños, carne en
conserva en lata, atún, jamón, carne asada, y spam, agua embotellada, pañales de tamaño grande para adultos, y detergente de
lavandería. Por favor, ponga las donaciones en las cajas por la
Estatua de San Antonio, en la parte narthex de la Iglesia.
Los ensayos del coro Begin 26 de agosto! Los ensayos comenzará el miércoles 26 de agosto de 7-9 pm en la iglesia. Nuevos miembros (cantantes e instrumentistas) bienvenidos a unirse. Usted no tiene que ser capaz de leer la música, ni es lo
que tiene que tener una voz solista. Todo lo que necesitas es una voz agradable canto que canta en tono y se mezcla bien
con los demás. Se les pedirá a los músicos a tocar una sencilla audición. El coro ensaya el miércoles por la noche, y cantan en la misa de las 10:30 am. Para obtener más información, correo electrónico Lorena Hess en [email protected]
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Divine Mercy Parish
Page 10
Eucharistic Adoration
24/7 in the Adoration Chapel
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Thurs. & Fri., 3 pm, Adoration Chapel
Following weekday morning Masses
Monday—Friday before Mass
Sat. before 8 am Mass
Sun. before 8:30 am Mass
Sábados, 6:30 pm (Español)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
Please pray for our parishioners • Ore por los feligreses:
Joyce Riles, Mary Deist, Laura Melancon, Mim Dicharry, Olga Noverola, Fred
Horos, Katia Juarez, Gabe & Darlene Weiss, Henry Sauviac and all of the prayer blanket recipients.
Names will remain on the list one month. Call 466-5016 to add a name.
Please pray for our military and others serving overseas • Por favor, ore por los
miembros del militar y por los otros que están sirviendo en otros paises:
Nathan Flitcraft, Matthew Wayne Comeaux, Gabriel Padilla, Lawrence Forestier,
Kyle Connell, Nolan Connell, Sean Connell, Robert “Matt” Locke, Mauricio Tábora,
Raymond Victor, Chad Toledo, Joshua Mickles, Randall Brown, Derick Savery ,
Stewart Clark, Troy Bodenheimer, T.J. Allo, Roderick Singleton, Justin Griffin
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that You are in
the Blessed Sacrament. I love You
above all
things, and I
long for You in
my soul. Since I
cannot now
receive You
come at least
spiritually into
my heart. As
though You have already come, I
embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be
separated from You.
Acto de Comunión
Mi Jesús, yo creo que Tú estás en
el Santísimo Sacramento. Yo te
amo por encima de todas
las cosas y yo
Te deseo en mi
alma. Como
ahora no puedo recibirte
sacramentalmente, al menos ven a mi corazón espiritualmente. Como ya has venido, Yo te
abrazo y me uno enteramente a Ti.
Nunca permitas que me separe de
Wednesdays, following the 7:30 am Mass
Fr. David Dufour
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Bryan Howard
Noel Martinsen, Drea Capaci, Brian McKnight,
Francis Offia
Director of Religious Education:
Jacques Delouche
Youth Minister:
Ryan Foulon
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Principal:
Joan Kathmann
If anyone would like to request
a prayer blanket for someone
who is ill or in need, please call
Meryl Rooney at 472-4383.
Donations are gratefully appreciated but not required.