faith matters - Roxbury Congregational Church


faith matters - Roxbury Congregational Church
faith matters
The Roxbury Congregational Church
A Congregation of the United Church of Christ
Continuing Testament
Extravagant Welcome
Changing Lives
Church Office, 24 Church Street
Roxbury, Connecticut 06783-1703
Church Office: 860-355-1978
e-mail: [email protected]
Vol. 271, Issue 7, July-August 2014
Pastoral Reflections
The Reverend David F. Peters, Minister
They say that they’re a few things that are guaranteed in life. A few of those things are
taxes, death and change.
My head has been spinning lately with all the changes that go on around me. There have
been deaths, unfortunately. Some very tragic and sad, others, a touch of grace and release.
Our daughter is now living in California and adjusting to life outside of the home nest with
mom and dad. (And that is a big change for her and us!) The church has been undergoing
change. Worship attendance has become less frequent. Church School classes are now
smaller. We have had to adapt to those changes both emotionally and systemically. We
have had to discover and test out new ways of teaching church school. Getting back to
basics seems to be a safe and familiar tone. Church leadership and volunteers are being empowered in different
ways. Not all the “slots” on committee are being filled. This is a common theme for all churches, ours as well as
those of every denomination and tradition. Our society is undergoing a foundational shift.
Speaking of our society, we have become more polarized. Instead of looking out for the common good,
some look out for the side of an issue that they find they like or identify with. This changes the way we as the
church speak to the society, the ways that members look at a church. We have also seen a trend to put all our of
actions and decisions into some kind of a matrix, entered into some computer program where the outcome is
held up against the bottom line. If it doesn’t make money, or is not as efficient as possible, it is changed or most
likely, discontinued.
So one of the areas I will be reading and reflecting on during my sabbatical time is change. How do we
look at change, what best enables change that is not threatening or scary to a congregation and to us as
individuals. I am not sure I will have a definitive answer on this, but if we are to continue to be a vital and
viable congregation into the coming years, we need to, I feel, be proactive about it.
I sense that you are willing to join me on this thought.
I thank you for the time to be able to do this. While I am around in town, I will try my best to not get
involved in the day-to-day activities of the church during July. I ask that you help to keep me honest about this.
Change can be scary, as the status quo is some much more comfortable. As Alan Watts wrote: “The only
way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”
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July/August 2014
The Alcoholics Anonymous adage that “we can’t change what we won’t name” applies as much to
congregational change as it does to personal change.
I invite you to join me as look to the future of our congregation; I have faith that it will continue to be bright!
With Love and Appreciation,
…to Sean Durkin for arranging for the donation of
two garden bench for the church grounds.
thank you
…to everyone who purchased Father’s Day cards to
benefit Church World Services. Thanks to Ted
Schwerdtle for coordinating the Mother’s Day and
Father’s Day card sales. We were able to contribute
$180 from Mother’s Day and $95 from Father’s
Day card sales to CWS.
…to Sue Stauffacher, Charlie Stauffacher, John
Galligan and the Mission Committee for the
Mattress Collection June 14 to benefit the Make a
Home Foundation and to everyone who helped or
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped
make this year's Rummage/Bake Sale a big success.
As I write this, our total is just under $2,700!
There is potential for more via E-Bay, Craig's List,
…to Diane Meade for organizing the wonderful
Children’s Day service on June 8.
…to Jeanne Steers and the Fellowship Committee
for the church picnic.
To those who donated items, baked delicious treats,
set up and set down Fellowship Hall, brought racks
and tables from the shed, helped unpack, sort, price
and move items, cashiered, bagged, helped with the
crowd on the day of the sale, then packed up what
was left, and more.
…the Boy Scouts of Troop 65 who spruced up the
garden beds around the church building.
…the members of the Art Committee who put
together the 2014 Juried Art Show and everyone
who participated. There were 130 pieces of highquality art on exhibit and eight sales netting
$2399.50 for our church’s mission. The judge was
impressed by the quality and variety of work. Next
year will be our 10th Annual Art at the
This is a week-long team effort, and the team spirit
is alive and well.
Thank you, Sue Stauffacher
Thank you, Sue, for all your hard work year after
year making the Rummage/Bake Sale such a huge
success for our church.
…Thanks to the Stauffachers for hosting the choir
Faith Matters
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July/August 2014
Summer Staff Schedule
Summer Church Office Hours (Nancy)
Thursdays and Fridays, 9:30am. - 12:30 pm.
Please be aware that Faith Matters is published only
once during the summer, at the beginning of July.
The next issue will be published September 1.
Please have all material for inclusion in the
September issue submitted by August 15. Send
your contributions to [email protected].
During July and Most of August, Rev. Peters is
either on Sabbatical or Vacation. He will be either
studying, renewing his spirit, resting or spending
time on vacation. Guest Clergy or others will be
leading worship on these Sundays. We are grateful
for the congregation's respect of this time and hope
that questions can be routed to Church Committee
chairs or the Secretary.
Rev. Peters' Sabbatical leave July 2014
July 1 – 31 (July 5-12 – Mission Trip to South
Rev. Peters' Vacation – August 2014
August 1 – 4 vacation
In office and working August 5 – August 12 (Beef
Barbecue – August 9)
(Preaching August 10)
August 7 – 31 – vacation
Summer Worship
Service hours begin Sunday, July 6 and continue
through Sunday, August 31. Worship services will
begin at 9:30 instead of 10:30 a.m. and there will be
no Church School. The Nursery will be available
but not staffed. The 10:30 Worship time will
resume Sunday, September 7. Homecoming
Sunday is September 14, the first day of Sunday
For pastoral emergencies during Rev. Peters'
Sabbatical / Vacation time, please contact Rev.
Peter Hammond of Bridgewater 860-354-8283 or
hm. 860-354-7373.
For building/trustee concerns: Chris Childs at 860355-9067.
For Worship/Deacon concerns: Charlie Stauffacher
at 860-354-1274.
For Fellowship/Coffee Hour concerns: Jeanne
Steers at 860-354-7484.
Use of building or borrowing of items
(chairs,tables, etc.) Nancy in the Church Office
Our bills don’t take a vacation. The only income
our church has is you. Please remember the church
when you are paying your monthly bills this
summer so we can pay ours! Thank you.
Faith Matters
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July/August 2014
Charitable Lead Trusts
A charitable lead trust can enhance your ability to
make larger current gifts to the Roxbury
Congregation Church and you can preserve assets
for your family while still supporting the church.
You can also reduce your taxable income and your
estate tax.
Gifts of Life Insurance.
This can be done either by purchasing a new life
insurance policy or by contributing a policy which
you currently own, but no longer need.
Roxbury Congregational Church can be designated
as the beneficiary of the policy, while you retain the
right to change the beneficiary at a later date and
otherwise retain ownership of the policy.
Don’t just make a plan,
make a difference!
Your gift can create a lasting legacy
For over 200 years people like you have been
making bequests and life income gifts that have
helped generations of church people. Just like you,
shared God’s love to the Roxbury community and
the wider world. Perhaps this congregation has
made a difference in your life, provided important
support and comfort to a neighbor or friend, or
inspiration that led you to change your life.
Now you can honor that gift with one of your own.
By your charitable financial plans including the
church, you can make a difference in the future of
the church.
Types of Planned Gifts
Gifts through your will
The Roxbury Congregational Church can be named
as a beneficiary in your will and you can specify an
outright gift of cash, securities, real estate of
tangible personal property. If you estate is subject to
the federal estate tax, a charitable bequest can save
significant tax dollars.
By making a planned gift to the Roxbury
Congregational Church,
your generosity will live into the future and
help ensure that this tradition, this faith
community, continues.
Appreciated Stock
By making a gift of stock you receive an income tax
deduction and eliminate the capital gains tax.
Charitable Remainder Trust
You can use under-performing appreciated assets to
create steady income for the rest of your life. You
receive a significant charitable deduction and the
capital gains tax is eliminated. Your trust can be
professionally managed.
Faith Matters
Tax advantages are substantial, especially on
appreciated securities and properties.
Total income, estate and capital gains tax
savings and the probate expenses savings
can come close the amount transferred.
Many giving options can assure you of
income for the rest of your life.
Your assets remain in your control during
your lifetime.
You can modify your gift to a particular
agreed-upon purpose.
While unrestricted gifts allow the church to
allocate funds to areas of greatest needs, we
can also help you direct your giving to the
areas where you have the greatest passions.
For more information, please contact Rev. David
Peters at the Church Office or speak with your
financial planning specialist. (We have a few within
the congregation.)
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July/August 2014
Choir Appreciation
The Choir concluded our year with the June 22 service. Thanks to our director extraordinaire Sandra Kleisner
we’ve had a wonderful year and will resume our regular schedule in the fall. Anyone desiring to contribute their
musical talents to our worship services this summer are invited to speak with Sandy.
Pictured: (From left) Dale Pinchbeck, Bev Wolmer, Sterett-Gittings Kelsey, Barb Cover, Sue Stauffacher,
Jacquie Winterkorn, Molly Wright, Nancy Glover, David Lincicome, Colby Kalisher, Charlie Stauffacher, Bill
Jayne, Vail Barrett, Mark Wolmer and, seated, director Sandy Kleisner. Not pictured: Martha Schwerdtle, Kim
Baron, Ashley Billings, Cesira Farrell and Elizabeth Kleisner.
A graveside service was held in Roxbury Center
Cemetery on Saturday, June 28th for Marian
Cartegena, formerly of Roxbury. She died in
Maine. She was the former wife of the late Gilbert
Cartegena and leaves behind a daughter and a son,
Brien Cartegena of Roxbury. Rev. Peters officiated.
Parish Register
In Memorium
A memorial service for Charles Dvorak was held
on June 23. Charles was a widower and leaves two
grown sons. He lived in Heritage Village. Our
thoughts and prayers go out to the Dvorak family
and friends.
Reece Jean Hazelton received the Sacrament of
Baptism June 22. Reece is the daughter of Ryan
and Amy (Pokrywka) Hazelton. Reece is a gift of
God and we join her family in giving thanks for this
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of
11-year old Joey Awlasewicz. Joey died on June
23 as a result of an ATV accident near his home. He
leaves parents Tom and Luanne and brother Cooper.
Rev. Peters co-officiated at a funeral mass at St.
Francis Xavier Church in New Milford on June 25.
Faith Matters
To Rev. Dr. Kenneth Kochbeck on his move to
Texas with his wife Olivia. We’re going to miss
Ken both in the congregation and his occasional
times in the pulpit. We wish him and Olivia
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July/August 2014
Welcome, New Members
Student Recognized
Emily Chin, a 2014 graduate of Shepaug Valley
High School and member of our congregation
recently received the prestigious Stephen Reich
Memorial Award. The award has been presented
for the past nine years to the senior who
demonstrates character, service, leadership and
achievement. Congratulations, Emily!
Annual Beef Barbecue
Mark your calendars for the Roxbury
Congregational Church Annual Beef Barbecue.
Saturday, August 9, 5:00—7:00 P.M.. Bring your
family and friends to this yearly event held on our
church lawn. (If it rains, it’s inside!)
John Galligan III
John moved here 14 years ago after living in
Yonkers, Somers and Winchester, MA. He is a
writer, mechanic, carpenter, father,care-giver, and
advocate for special children. He is currently selfemployed as a carpenter looking to expand his
business. We welcome John.
The menu is wonderful! To begin, there is carefully
selected, pit roasted beef. “The aroma alone is a
treat.” A crew is already scouring the Roxbury
countryside for succulent corn and hearty potatoes.
Also, on the menu is the delicious coleslaw—the
recipe has remained a secret for over 50 years!!
Specially made bread for the barbecue will be
Finally the desserts! There are the ice cream
sundaes with fabulous hot fudge or butterscotch
toppings and cookies provided by church members
and friends. Included are beverages—iced tea,
lemonade, coffee and hot tea.
Many volunteers are needed for this event to be as
successful as it has always been. Please sign up in
Fellowship hall if you can help with preparations,
serving, and/or cleanup. For more information
contact David Peters 860-355-1978 ext. 2 and a yet
to be named 2nd person…
Bob & Robin Montesi
Bob and Robin have spent the past 30 years in
Roxbury. They own shops in Roxbury and
Waterbury with a specialty in Subaru repair. Robin
is a secretary, bookkeeper, animal lover and raises
gold retrievers. Bob enjoys ice fishing and they
both enjoy their two children and grandchildren.
Welcome, Bob & Robin.
Faith Matters
Come and enjoy a great meal in great company!
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July/August 2014
Children’s Day 2014
“Gifts of the Spirit”
Children’s Day 2014
Diane Meade
Jay Pinchbeck
Megan Hodge
Dawn Collette
Remy Shaber
Des Desmond
Colby Kalisher
Elaine Matschke
Nadia Racz
Nursery Helpers:
Allie Steers
Liam Kay
Alyssa Cicio
Faith Matters
Bianca Gomez
Kendra Huber
Logan Racz
Alex Kleisner
Youth Group Advisors:
Pat Fraley
Bill Chin
Barb Cover
2014 Graduates
From Shepaug Valley High
Emily Chin (Connecticut
Scott Cooper
Alex Kleisner
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Nate Steers (University of
From Colleges and
Shawn Childs (University of
Mary Cooper (UConn)
Christina Dumas (Franklin &
Cole Rossiter (Gettysburg
Please contact the church office
at [email protected] or
speak to Rev. Peters if you have
a graduate in your family.
July/August 2014
Word & Sacrament for July/August 2014
Deacons of the Month: Molly Wright & Dick Callahan (July) Charlie Stauffacher & Jan Steers (August)
Counter: Kevin Dumas (July) Mike Farrell (August)
Sunday, July 6, David Lincicome
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 32: 22-31; Psalm 17: 1-7, 15 or Isaiah 55: 1-5;
Psalm 145: 8-9, 14-21; Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14: 1321.
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 24: 34-38, 42-49, 58-67; Psalm 45: 10-17 or
Solomon 2: 8-13 or Zechariah 9:9-12; Psalm 145: 8-14;
Romans 7: 15-25; Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30.
Greeters: Jan Steers & Charlie Stauffacher
Reader: Charlie Stauffacher
Fellowship Hour: Open & available
Flowers: Open & available
Greeter: Vail Barrett
Reader: Vail Barrett
Fellowship Hour: Beatriz Conroy
Flowers: Nancy Glover
Sunday, August 10, Rev. David Peters
Sunday, July 13, Anne-Marie Davenport
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28; Psal 105: 1-6, 16-22, 45b or
1 Kings 19: 9-18; Psalm 85: 8-13; Romans 10: 5-15;
Matthew 14: 22-33.
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 25: 19-34; Psalm 119: 105-112 or Isaiah 55: 1013; Psalm 65; (1-8), 9-13; Romans 8: 1-11; Matthew 13:
1-9, 18-23.
Greeters: Open & available
Reader: Open & available
Fellowship Hour: Open & available
Flowers: Barbara Cover
Greeters: Nancy & Dick Callahan
Reader: Nancy Callahan
Fellowship Hour: John Galligan
Flowers: Diane & Charlie Meade
Sunday, August 17, Diane Meade
Sunday, July 20, Rev. Des Desmond
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 45: 1-15; Psalm 133 or Isaiah 56: 1, 6-8;
Psalm 67; Romans 11: 1-2a, 29-32; Matthew 15: (1020), 21-28.
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 28: 10-19a; Psalm 139: 1-12, 23-24 or Solomon
12: 13, 16-19 or Isaiah 44: 6-8; Psalm 86: 11-17;
Romans 8: 12-25; Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43.
Greeters: Charlie & Sue Stauffacher
Reader: Sue Stauffacher
Fellowship Hour: Open & available
Flowers: Open & available
Greeters: Joan Temple & Judy Larson
Reader: Joan Temple
Fellowship Hour: Shirley Charpentier
Flowers: Colby Kalisher
Sunday, August 24, Rev. Sam Dexter
Sunday, July 27, Rev. Sam Dexter
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 1: 8- 2:10; Psalm 124 or Isaiah 51: 1-6;
Psalm 138; Romans 12: 1-8; Matthew 16: 13-20.
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 29: 15-28; Psalm 105: 1-11, 45b or Psalm 128
or 1 Kings 3: 5-12; Psalm 119: 129-136; Romans 8: 2639; Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52.
Greeters: Phil & Diana de Vries
Reader: Diana de Vries
Fellowship Hour: Open & available
Flowers: Open & available
Greeter: Nancy Glover
Reader: Nancy Glover
Fellowship Hour: Susan & Bill Ciccio
Flowers: Nancy & Dick Callahan
(Continued on next page)
Sunday, August 3, Rev. Karen Jodice
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July/August 2014
(Continued from previous page)
Sunday, August 31, Rev. Des Desmond
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 3: 1-15; Psalm 105: 1-6, 23-26, 45c or Jeremiah 15: 15-21;
Pslam 26: 1-8; Romans 12: 9-21; Matthew 16: 21-28.
Greeters: Bill & Jan Steers
Reader: Bill or Jan Steers
Flowers: Open & available
Church Tag Sale
Our 11th annual church tag/bake sale will take place on Saturday, August 30th, from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. You
may rent a table for $25 or a space (bring your own table) for $20. The table/space money goes to the church,
you keep your profits. If you don't have enough "stuff" for your own table, consider donating it to the "church
Also, please bake something for our bake table. I know you've been asked to bake a lot lately, and here I am
asking you again. The bake table is always a big hit, and it adds to our total contribution to the church and its
mission. Pies and cakes go quickly. Other items follow right along.
You may reserve your table/space by calling Sue Stauffacher, 860-354-1274.
It is on a first-come basis, and your payment holds your place. It must be
limited so that, if it rains, we have enough space inside to house everyone.
Thank you
Sue Stauffacher
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July/August 2014
Blood Donors Needed
Friday, July 11
We need more donors! Blood donations have been
slowly dwindling in recent years and we need to
reverse the trend. Roxbury drives used to collect 75
or more pints per drive and now we’re down to 4050.
If you are 17 years or older and weight 110 pounds
or more, please consider giving blood. One pint can
save up to three lives and there is no substitute.
Ice Cream Social Time
Beginning Saturday, July 5 and each Saturday
through September 6, the Fellowship Committee
will sponsor the ever-popular Sundae School Ice
Cream Fellowship. From 6-9 p.m., you will be
treated to “all you can eat” ice cream and “make
your own sundaes” for the cost of only $2.
Everyone is invited. If you are willing to help set
up or scoop please contact David Lincicome or
Jacquie Winterkorn at 860-354-9430 or the
church office. All help gladly accepted.
Holy Java Coffeehouse
Open mic nights of entertainment
for all ages.
Contact Jeanne Steers.
The next drive is:
Friday, July 11, 1-6 p.m. at here at Roxbury
Congregational Church.
Please mark your calendar now, and call or go
online to make an appointment. The number of
staff and supplies depends upon the number of
appointments. Although walk-ins are welcome, we
want to have the resources to get everyone in and
out as quickly as possible.
To donate blood, please make an appointment at
880-GIVE-LIFE or We
really need YOU.
Summer Iced Tea Party
A low- key time
to enjoy the summer afternoon
the Sunday after the Beef Barbecue.
If you would be willing to help out at the drive, or
have any questions, please call Brooke Wheeler at
Come and enjoy
a time of fellowship
with us!
Faith Matters
In order to get a better turnout for both towns, we
are coordinating our blood drives with Washington.
Community Yoga Group
Tuesday Mornings 9:30- 11:00 am
Fellowship Hall, $10
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June 2014
suggestions for new church-related causes that you
may want to share with us.
Your Mission Committee has been busy and we are
pleased to report our progress.
Submitted by Elaine Matschke
We are Gaila Rossiter, Dori Squire, Nancy Glover,
Ted Schwerdtle, Des Desmond and Elaine
In May/June we sold Mother’s Day cards totaling
$180 which will provide 32 needy home with a
wool blanket and Father’s Day cards totaling $95
which will aid in providing tools. We made a
We also learned through Sue Stauffacher that Make
A Home Foundation, an organization that provides
free household goods to folks who have special
needs – those who have lost a home to fire, those
who may have recently left a shelter situation, or
veterans who return from war and need to establish
a home amongst others, are helped. Make A Home
recently had a need for bedding items. Your
Mission Committee joined with Sue and in less than
a month managed to gather three double, five single
and two queen mattresses as well as one box spring,
two bed frames, one egg crate pad, one mattress
pad, one cot mattress, bed linens, dishes, clothes,
and a photo printer, all donated by concerned
community citizens. Together we make a
difference! Our thanks to Sue, Charlie Stauffacher
and John Galligan for their tireless effort in making
this good work successful.
Our goal this year is to reach out to church-related
causes who can use some help, whether it be a onetime event or a long-term commitment involving
church members as well as your Mission
Committee. To this end we want to keep the
Congregation well informed of your work and will
soon place a new bulletin board in Fellowship Hall
for your convenience to help us achieve that goal.
Please visit this board as you sip your coffee on
Sunday mornings.
Food Pantry
Please continue to bring your donations for the
Daily Bread Food Pantry in Danbury this summer.
The need continues to be great. You can place your
items in the closet in the entry hallway to
Fellowship Hall.
There is a shopping list on the Opportunities Table
in Fellowship Hall that you can take with you. If
you have questions, please ask Sue. Paper, plastic
and cloth grocery bags are also needed. You can
put them in the hallway closet.
The Food Pantry Team meets the second Monday of
the month to go to Danbury. Your help is vitally
need. If you can help once or multiple times ,
please contact Sue Stauffacher at 860-354-1274.
Mission Trip
Participants in the upcoming Mission Trip to the
Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota
were commissioned during the June 29 worship
service. They will be departing at 3 a.m. on
Saturday, July 7 along with other participants from
Middlebury and Rowayton to help with home
repairs and afternoon day camp activities for
children. Our thoughts, prayers and good wishes go
with them.
We welcome any comments, questions or
complaints. We would also welcome any
Faith Matters
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June 2014
Faith Matters
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June 2014
The Country Church Christmas Fair Committee
is actively seeking Silent Auction donations.
We would like this to be our best silent auction ever so we are starting early to prepare! We are
grateful for any item or service that you would be generous enough to offer. We can arrange
pickup of your item if needed. This summer be on the lookout for items that you might be able
to donate.
Perhaps you have a special item that you just don’t use or need anymore that someone else
could treasure or know someone who is downsizing.
Items such as:
A Special Piece of Jewelry - Fine China- Collector’s Items - Art
A Special Piece of Antique Furniture - Sports Memorabilia
Please remember the Wish List!
Items such as:
Airline Miles - Gift Certificates - Gift Baskets
Theatre Tickets - Concert Tickets - Golf Tickets
Museum Tickets - Your Vacation Home for a Week
Your Time Share for a Week - Hobby Related Items
Handmade Crafts - Artwork/Photography
Lunch with a Celebrity - A Massage or Facial
Dinner for Four Cooked at Your Home or at the Winner’s Home
You may know of retailers or individuals who provide services and may be happy to donate.
A Beauty Makeover – Babysitting - Housecleaning
Weeding - Spring Cleanup - A Hand Knit Sweater
Thank you!
Please contact Dawn Collette 860-354-2667,
Cathy Racz 860-799-0180, or Pam Wilhelm 860-354-2200
Faith Matters
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June 2014
Do you shop on If so, eligible
purchases can generate 0.5% back to our church.
Go to to find out more! There is
also a link on the eFaith Matters emails and the
church’s website:
Cash for Causes
The latest figure for Cash for Causes is $889 as of
June 6, 2014. This is the amount we have earned by
participating in the gift card program. As Heidi
says, “if you’re going to be here for the summer,
you’ve got to eat, so why not get a card/s?”
Heidi places orders the first week of each month.
There are envelopes on an easel in Fellowship Hall
with an order form attached. Simply indicate which
store you would like, Stop & Shop, Big Y or ShopRite, which denomination, $25, $50 or $100, and
how many and your name and phone number.
Make your check payable to Roxbury
Congregational Church and indicate the store on the
memo line. Drop your envelope in the collection
plate or return it to the church office.
LaBonne’s Receipts
A continuing thank you to everyone who
contributes LaBonne’s receipts to the church. This
has been an on-going source of revenue to add to
our mission funds. Please save your receipts and
place them in the wooden box on the table in
Fellowship Hall. Questions to Sue Stauffacher at
Faith Matters
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Simply Smiles,
One strong cup of Coffee
Thanks to our support of Simply Smiles Coffee,
proceeds from coffee sales are benefiting thousands
of people in Mexico and on the Cheyenne River
Reservation in La Plant, South Dakota.
Profits from coffee sales used used to buy food,
build schools, provide medical care, grant
scholarships and more.
June 2014
Silver Lake
Conference Center
Star Island Summer Conferences
for adults and youth
Registration is now open for a variety of
conferences from May 16 through September 21.
Come for a day, a weekend or a week. The Star
Island UCC conferences for families and youth are
July 26 – August 2 and August 2 – August 9.
Come for fun, relaxation and learning on this island,
just off the coast of Portsmouth, NH. For more
information, see the Star Island and Star Island
UCC websites or speak with Charlie or Sue
Stauffacher, or Des or Nancy Desmond.
Silver Lake is the Outdoor Ministry program
of the Connecticut Conference of the United Church
of Christ. Each summer, Silver Lake continues the
proud tradition of hosting a vibrant church camp for
young people. Up to 1300 fourth through high
school-age young people are invited to participate.
These week-long conferences offer once-in-alifetime experiences to generations of young people,
helping to shape future leaders and spirited
Register on line at
223 Low Road - Sharon, CT 06069 860-364-5226
RCC Beef Barbecue
Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 9, for our
ever-popular beef barbecue. Please consider
lending a hand to make this event a success,
preparing, serving or cleaning up. Don’t forget to
invite your friends!
Faith Matters
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June 2014
September Faith Matters Deadline:
Email submissions to: Office@
Church Office Summer Hours: Thursday, Friday
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
(All 860- unless noted)
Head of the Church: Jesus Christ
Ministers: The Congregation
Moderator: Brian Neff, 354-3177
Clerk: Pat Fraley, 868-0051
Treasurer: Dale Pinchbeck, 355-2497
Collector: Heidi Neff, 354-3177
Deacons Chair: Charlie Stauffacher,
Trustees Chair: Chris Childs
Christian Education: Diane Meade 355-1584
Mission Chair: Elaine Matschke, 210-0691
Fellowship Chair: Jeanne Steers, 354-7484
Parish Relations Convener: Ray Fitch,
(203) 586-9599
Men’s Group Charlie Meade 355-1584
High School Youth Group: Emily Chin
Historian: Jay Pinchbeck
Librarian: Joan Temple, 350-0529
Custodian: Bruce Rossiter
Secretary/Newsletter Editor: Nancy Glover
Minister of Music: Sandra Kleisner, 868-9040
Pastor: The Rev. David F. Peters,
office: 355-1978 home: 355-8830
[email protected]
Every Sunday: Summer Worship 9:30 a.m.,
followed by Fellowship Hour. Communion is
celebrated on the first Sunday of month.
Meeting Schedule:
(except in summer)
1st Thursday, 7 p.m.
Food Pantry
2nd Monday, 9 a.m.
Men’s Breakfast
2nd Saturday, 8 a.m.
Church Council
3rd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Christian Education 3rd Sunday, 7 p.m.
4th Tuesday, 7 p.m.
High School Youth Grp, Every Sunday, 6 p.m.
eFaith Matters
If you would like to receive eFaith Matters from
the Church, please send us your e-mail, to
[email protected].. Each Monday and
Thursday, you will receive it in your mailbox. It
will include the prayer list of those prayed for in
worship on Sunday, the upcoming events for the
week and special events of note, and a comic to
put a smile on your face.
Roxbury Congregational Church, UCC
24 Church Street
Roxbury, CT 06783
Address Service Requested
faith matters
The Roxbury Congregational Church
A Congregation of the United Church of Christ
Church Office, 24 Church Street
Roxbury, Connecticut 06783-1703
Church Office: 860-355-1978
e-mail: [email protected]
Summer Worship – Sundays 9:30 a.m.
Guests are Welcome!
“We Are A Community Seeking To Share God’s Love!”
No Matter Who You Are, or Where You Are On Life’s Journey, You Are Welcome Here!