Aug 25, 2013 - Sacred Heart School
Aug 25, 2013 - Sacred Heart School
August 25, 2013 Page 1 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 10800 HENDERSON RD., VENTURA, CA 93004 (805) 647-3235; FAX (805) 647-8087 Visit us on the WEB at: Email us at: [email protected] SACRED HEART SCHOOL 10770 Henderson Rd., Ventura, CA 93004 (805) 647-6174 Visit us on the WEB at: OUR SHARED MISSION We are called to be an unconditionally loving and welcoming community. We have been called by our Baptism, into the body of Christ, and we celebrate our relationship in Word, Sacrament, and family celebration. Rev. John Vogel, Administrator Rev. Bill Bolton, Associate Pastor REV. Daniel O’Sullivan, Pastor Emeritus Deacon John Barry Deacon Fernando Flores Deacon Phil Conforti Deacon Humberto Guzman Vivian Nichols, Business Manager Karen Oishi, Office Manager Marion Inglis, Bulletin Editor Aurora Gonzales, Secretary Sr. Margaret Mary, SND, DRE Justin Wilburn, Youth Ministry Christine Benner, Principal Don Mulville, Maintenance; Sp. Events Coord. BAPTISMS: Parents & godparents are required to attend a class focused on their responsibilities & the meaning of the Sacrament prior to the ceremony. Classes are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Call the parish office to set an appointment. After the initial interview the office will call you to schedule the class and the Baptism. MARRIAGES/QUINCEAÑERAS: They need to be arranged at least six months prior by calling the parish office & scheduling an appointment with a priest or deacon. VOCATIONS: If you think that God might be calling you to serve God as a priest, a brother, or sister contact: Fr. John Love at (805) 968-1078 or [email protected]. UPCOMING AT SACRED HEART • • • • • Food Pantry Labor Day - Offices Closed Confirmation II - Parent Orientation Altar Server Training Begins Virtus Training Sept 1 Sept 2 Sept 8 Sept 10 Sep 14 RELIGIOUS SERVICES (SERVICIOS RELIGIOSOS) WEEKEND EUCHARIST: Saturday and Eves of Holy Days: 5:30 p.m. Sundays: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon (Español), and 5:30 p.m. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE: Monday - Friday: 7:00, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday: 5:30 p.m. (Español) & Friday 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. CONFESSION SCHEDULE: Friday: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. DEVOTIONS Morning Prayer: Monday - Friday 6:40 am, 8:15 am Rosary: Monday—Friday 6:25 am 9:00 am Saturday 6:00 am Sunday 7:00am Holy Hour: Friday 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm First Friday for Vocations Last Friday of the Month 7-8 p.m. (Español) Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary: Friday 3 p.m. Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 “Unconditionally Pro-Life, Pro-Family” Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 25, 2013 Strengthen your drooping hands and your weak knees. Make straight paths for your feet, that what is lame may not be disjointed but healed. ~ Hebrews 12:12-13 TODAY’S READINGS Welcome to all who come to this house of prayer. Today we hear in the Gospel a story about who will be in heaven. Of course we don’t know who will be there. We do know Mary, the Mother of God, and the saints will be there. But who else? Will we be there? The Gospel today reminds us that we are not assured a place there. We “eat and drink” with Jesus when we come to Mass and when we pray. Obviously that is not all that is required. Jesus states, “I don’t know where you are from.” What he seems to be saying is that if we live the Gospel day by day, and by our thoughts, words and actions show that we are part of the Body of Christ, then he will recognize us and invite us into heaven. If we act selfishly and only for our own benefit and pleasure, we will not enter heaven. Do we live for ourselves, or for doing the Will of God? It is a fantasy to assume that Jesus will let everyone into heaven, re-read the Gospel today. The sad thing is that many people think that since they are part of the Church, or because they have said some prayer or because they didn’t do any big bad sin, that they have a reserve ticket for the plane to heaven. That is not true. Many Catholics will be surprised that the door to heaven will be slammed in their faces. It doesn’t matter that you happened to be baptized in the Church. What matters is whether you lived your Catholic faith. Did we forgive as we know Jesus expects us to forgive? Did we help the poor as we know Jesus commands us to? Each day do we do the will of God instead of what we want, no matter how difficult? We have the infallible teachings of the Church that guide us. If we pick and choose what teachings we will live, we run the big risk of having the gates of heaven slammed in our faces. The Holy Spirit guides the Church and guards the teachings of the Church. When we pick and choose, we are choosing against the Holy Spirit. I encourage everyone to read and study the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. But not just study them, live them. By living our faith, we will be following in the narrow gate that leads to heaven. The wide road is easier, but it does not lead to the narrow gate of heaven. Jesus opens the gate for those who are living members of His body. Will he open the gate of heaven to you? First Reading — Brothers and sisters of every race and language will be brought to Jerusalem (Isaiah 66: 18-21). Psalm — Go out to all the world and tell the Good News (Psalm 117). Second Reading — Strengthen your drooping hands and your weak knees (Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13). Gospel — People from east and west, north and south recline at table in the kingdom of God (Luke 13:22-30). WHOLE COMMUNITY CATECHESIS Reflection: In the 1st reading, Isaiah sees a time when both Gentiles and Jews in distant lands will be reunited to behold God’s glory. The author of Hebrews admonishes the reader not to be disheartened at roadblocks and struggles in our spiritual growth. Jesus, in Luke’s gospel, admonishes us to remain vigilant and to persevere spiritually and to strive to “enter through the narrow gate.” Question of the Week: What “disciplines” of the Lord have you found disheartening? Valuable? What is the difference between living vigilantly and living fearfully? Resolution: Faith, at times, is difficult and requires discipline and patience. Spiritual life is about formation, growth, and change; we should be different at the end of the journey than when we began. This transformation can be humbling and harsh in process but glorious in effect. The key is in the gifts of vigilance and perseverance. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING Sacred Heart Church is recruiting all students who have made their First Communion to attend the next Altar Server training session to be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays of September 10, 12, 17, and 19, from 3:15PM to 4:45PM in the church. You must attend each training session! Please pick up an application at the church rectory, school office, or religious education office. Return all applications to Sacred Heart parish office by 3:00PM September 9. August 25, 2013 Page 3 Youth Ministry News From Fr. Bill I’ve heard stories about new students getting lost at their new school. What is my locker combination? Which locker is mine? What class is next? What schedule do we have today? How did I, a freshman, end up in a room full of sophomores for math? I was one of my middle school’s best athletes and I couldn’t make my high school’s soccer or basketball teams! I don’t want to add any additional pressure to those freshman who might already feel overwhelmed with six different teachers giving them homework the first night and drama over who their new friends will be… but… how about your old friend, Jesus? Our Confirmation Program is a good way to stay connected with Him, to get to know Him better, and perhaps a way to keep connected with some of your middle school friends that might now be at Foothill, Ventura, Buena, Rio Meza, St. Bonaventure, or Santa Paula. Twitter, KIK and Facebook are no substitute for really being together. That’s part of the reason Jesus came into the world in the first place… texts and instagram are nice, but there is no substitute for being REALLY present. ♦ Confirmation 1 applications will be accepted through September 2nd and are available at our parish website and parishes offices. ♦ Our year 1 Orientation will be September 15th beginning with Sunday Evening Mass followed by snack and meeting with teens and their Parent. The Orientation will conclude by 8pm. Year 1 classes begin Monday, September 23rd. ♦ Our year 2 Orientation will be September 8th beginning with Sunday Evening Mass followed by snack and meeting with teens and their Parent. The Orientation will conclude by 8pm. Year 2 classes begin Monday, September 16th. ♦ Mark your calendars: Edge-Nights for middle school students will begin in October and will be held on the FIRST Sunday of each month. Sr. Margaret Mary E-Mail: [email protected] 1. Parent Orientations: August 24-25 for second year communion. September 1 for first year communion. * Adults only; NO children allowed. Important information will be given regarding schedules, meetings, policies & class materials. 2. Registration: Saturday, August 24th 1 pm - 7 pm. Sunday, August 25th 9 am - 7 pm. *Registration closes for first communion classes unless classes are not full. 3. Catechist/Aide Meetings: Sunday, September 8th for Sunday 9am teachers/ aides Sunday, September 8th for Sunday 10:30am teachers/aides Sunday, September 11th 4pm for Wednesday teachers/aides Tuesday, Sept. 17th 7pm for Tuesday teachers/aides 4. Reminder: Virtus training for volunteers — Sept. 14th 9-12 in Senior Center of Hall. Children’s Choir Children’s Choir Applications and Auditions will be available starting THIS weekend. We generally sing at the Sunday, 9am Eucharist. Choir practices begin Wednesday, September 4th from 3pm to 4pm in the Parish Hall. Children’s Liturgy 2nd & 4th Sunday Children age 5 & older are invited to attend Children’s Liturgy at the 9 a.m. Mass. Children receive age appropriate instruction regarding the Sunday scripture readings and then rejoin their families for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Adult volunteers/parent welcome. FOOD PANTRY SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL NEWS… Next Sunday, September 1st is the first Sunday of the month. Please bring your non-perishable food items and place them in the red bins located outside the church doors. Through your generosity, Sacred Heart parishioners have been a great help to the many hungry families in our area. Thank you for your continued support. The van used for transporting food needs to have the motor repaired. If you could help in any way please place your donation in an envelope marked SVdP VAN and place in the collection basket. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to “strive to enter through the narrow gate.” Our call to be disciples and to follow Jesus demands that we learn to live for the sake of others. Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 4 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Friday Friday 9 a.m. — Saturday 8:30 a.m. In the course of the day the faithful should not omit to visit the Blessed Sacrament, which according to the liturgical laws must be kept in the churches with great reverence, in a most honorable location.” ~Pope Paul VI When Our Lord is exposed during our weekly Adoration program, we must make sure that there are ‘committed’ adorers present for every hour, and not rely on those who ‘drop in’. If you can commit for one of these hours Friday 4, 6 or 8PM, please call Sally 647-2918. This week’s vocal Holy Hour is in Spanish @ 7p.m. Intenciones de la Semana (†)Deceased (-)Intentions Sunday, August 25 5:30 pm (Sat) † Anthony Kim Nguyen 7:30 am - Parishioners of Sacred Heart 9:00 am † Vincent Friedrich 10:30 am † Rafael Diaz Romo 12:00 pm † Maria Jesus Gutierrez 5:30 pm - Dante Oberon Monday, August 26 7:00 am - Katrina Vera 8:30 am - Darcy Norricks Tuesday, August 27 7:00 am † Refugio Garcia, Jr. 8:30 am † Elvera Ernster If you left the Church or felt the Church left you or you just slipped away; or have questions and just don’t understand or don’t feel connected to the Church or you want to find God and follow Jesus and you know you can’t do it alone. We are here to walk with and support you in finding God and in life. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process that will help you find a community that will be there for you in life’s journey. The weekly sessions begins on Tuesday, September 10th at 7 p.m. in the St. Francis Cabrini Senior Center. Please call the parish office, 647-3235 for more information. SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Virtus Training A VIRTUS Safeguard the Children Certification Class will be held September 14 from 9 AM to 12 PM in the St. Kateri room adjacent to Biedermann Hall. Everyone who works in ministries at Sacred Heart and has contact with children and all staff and clergy are required to be VIRTUS certified and to recertify every four years. If you have not been VIRTUS certified or your are up for recertification, then please contact Chris Benner at [email protected] or phone 805647-6174 for enrollment. There is a limit of 25 seats and assignment is on a first come basis, so call early to reserve a position. Please come early to the class; no one will be admitted once the class starts and the door is closed. Wednesday, August 28 7:00 am Communion Service 8:30 am † Filomena Marshall 5:30 pm(Español) Thursday, August 29 7:00 am † Lionel Bernal 8:30 am † Phyl Marshall Friday, August 30 7:00 am 8:30 am † Henry & Joseph Wibbelmann 5:30 pm Saturday, August 31 8:30 am † Margaret Molina PLEASE PRAY FOR The Sick of our Parish — Enfermos de Nuestra Parroquia: Joyce Mead, Jack Tingstrom, Br. Andre Archuletta, Manny Morales, Isabel Garcia, Bob Bickmore Died in Christ — Murio en Cristo: Eleanor Torres, Betty Pillasch, Richard Mendez, Jr. SUNDAY, August 18, 2013 COLLECTION Parish Support:$10,534.20 School Support:$95.00 Building Fund:$531.50 SVdP:$464.00 Children’s env:$30.25 Assumption of Mary:$1,271.00 TOTAL COLLECTION: $12,925.95 Thank you for your continued support! WORDS OF WISDOM… “It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” ~ St. Augustine August 25, 2013 Page 5 MISA DEL MEDIODIA, 12 P.M. Noticias del Ministerio Hispano... Rito de Iniacición Cristiana de Adultos Bienvenidos a todos los que vienen a esta casa de oración. Hoy escuchamos en el Evangelio una historia acerca de quiénes van a estar en el cielo. Por supuesto que no sabemos quién va a estar allí. Lo que sí sabemos es que María, la Madre de Dios y los santos van a estar allí. Pero, ¿quién mas? ¿Vamos a estar allí? El evangelio de hoy nos recuerda que no estamos seguros de un lugar allí. "Comemos y bebemos" con Jesús cuando vamos a Misa y cuando oramos. Obviamente eso no es todo lo que se requiere. Jesús dice: "Yo no sé de dónde eres." Lo que parece estar diciendo es que si vivimos día a día del Evangelio, y por nuestros pensamientos, palabras y acciones mostramos que somos parte del Cuerpo de Cristo, entonces él nos reconocerá y nos invitará a los cielos. Si actuamos con egoísmo y sólo para nuestro propio beneficio y placer, no vamos a entrar en el cielo. ¿Vivimos para nosotros mismos o para hacer la voluntad de Dios? Es una fantasía pensar que Jesús dejará entrar a cada uno al cielo, vuelve a leer el Evangelio de hoy. Lo triste es que muchas personas piensan que porque son parte de la Iglesia, o por haber dicho alguna oración o porque no hizo ningún gran y malvado pecado, que tienen un boleto de reserva para el avión al cielo. Pero no es así. Muchos católicos se sorprenderan que la puerta al cielo se cerrará en sus narices. No importa que usted haya sido bautizado en la Iglesia. Lo que importa es si vivió su fe católica. ¿Perdonamos como sabemos que Jesús espera que perdonemos? ¿Ayudamos a los pobres como sabemos que Jesús nos manda? ¿ Hacemos cada día la voluntad de Dios en lugar de lo que queremos, sin importar cuán difícil sea? Tenemos las enseñanzas infalibles de la Iglesia que nos guían. Si escogemos las enseñanzas que vamos a vivir, corremos el gran riesgo de que las puertas del cielo se nos cierren en la cara. El Espíritu Santo guía a la Iglesia y guarda las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Cuando escogemos, estamos eligiendo contra el Espíritu Santo. Animo a todos a leer y estudiar la Biblia y el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. Pero no sólo estudiarlos, si no vivirlas. Al vivir nuestra fe, estaremos siguiendo por la puerta estrecha que conduce al cielo. El camino ancho es más fácil, pero no conduce a la puerta estrecha del cielo. Jesús abre la puerta para aquellos que son miembros vivientes de su cuerpo. ¿Va a abrir la puerta del cielo a usted? El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA) es un proceso de aprendizaje que le ayudara en su caminar hacia la fe y es para aquellas personas que le hace falta algún sacramento. Las clases de RICA comienzan en Septiembre. Las clases son los Lunes en el salón de St. Francis Cabrini de 7—9 p.m. Para inscribirse o para más información llame al Ministerio Hispano ext. 311. DISPENSARIO DE COMIDA El próximo domingo 1 de Septiembre es el primer domingo del mes. Por favor recuerden de traer comida enlatada para los necesitados y ponerlas en los barriles rojos situados afuera de las puertas de la iglesia. Gracias a su generosidad hemos podido ayudar a muchas familias necesitadas. HORA SANTA El 30 de Agosto es el ultimo viernes del mes. La Hora Santa es a las 7 p.m. en español. Este viernes es para el Año de la Fe. IN THE COMMUNITY... GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP The Bereavement Ministry of Mary Star of the Sea Parish offers an eight week grief support group for individuals mourning the loss of a loved one. Meetings are Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm beginning September 8th. We are here to serve you. If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us at 805-205-3871. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI - BIBLE STUDY Do you have questions about our Catholic Faith or do you know someone who would you like to learn more about our Catholic Faith but needs a friend to bring them? Saint Francis of Assisi in Fillmore invites you to experience the monthly Bible Study with Jessie Romero a powerful Catholic Apologist. Please note: Since our first Monday in September falls on Labor day, we are moving the Monthly class to Monday September 9th at 7:40 PM in the church. Everyone is Invited. Please bring a finger desert to the hall to share after class. Everyone is invited especially our youth and young adults. Catholic Books and Tapes will be sold in the hall after the bible study. Everyone is Welcome ! Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES SACRED HEART PARISH OFFICES SACRED HEART SCHOOL: Christine Benner, Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: Sister Margaret Mary Scott, S.N.D., Director HISPANIC MINISTRY (Ministerio Hispano): Deacon Fernando Flores, Director YOUTH MINISTRY: Justin Wilburn PLANT MANAGER: (Cell) Don Mulville SCRIP OFFICE: Shaune Ramirez 647-6174 647-3235 Ext. 306 647-3235 Ext. 311 647-3235 Ext. 313 797-4474 647-0713 ORGANIZATIONS BIBLE STUDY BOY SCOUTS Bob Camarillo CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Blanca Macias CUB SCOUTS Therese Palmisano DETENTION MINISTRY Rick Goulette EUCHARISTIC APOSTLES OF DIVINE MERCY Bob & Zaida Worthley Vicky Spicer (Divina Misericordia) FAMILY TO FAMILY Nita Perkins FINANCE COUNCIL Cindy Fanning GUADALUPANAS Maria Anguiano ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION Carol Eller KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Frank Ceniceros, Grand Knight NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING David & Wilhelmina Stoll PARENT TEACHER COUNCIL Sonya Stickels, President PARISH COUNCIL Tom Chess POLISH COMMUNITY Ed Osiadacz RESPECT LIFE Annette Tussey SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Dcn. John Barry SENIOR ASSISTANCE Barbara Rodriguez ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Person on call WELCOMING MINISTRY Dcn. John Barry WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA Huguette Johnston JOVENES ADULTOS PARA CRISTO 647-3235 377-7840 647-9385 647-5641 340-3983 ALTAR SERVERS MINISTRY: Sandie Dominguez BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: Jeannette Longwill EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY COORDINATOR: Tom Chess INFANT BAPTISMS: Dcn. Phil Conforti LECTOR COORDINATOR: Ginny Camarillo LITURGY COORDINATOR: Tom Chess MARRIAGE COORDINATORS: Carmen Lee Christina Danforth MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Jeannette Longwill, Facilitator USHERS MINISTRY: Joe Lee MUSIC COORDINATOR: Sarah Hardcastle CHILDREN’S CHOIR: R.C.I.A. ADULT ED: 647-3086 659-4935 650-8557 659-3839 647-3603 659-2255 207-5545 647-7306 647-0969 620-0122 659-3751 647-2426 216-2787 794-3623 620-0958 317-9043 (Young Adults for Christ) Jose Arroyo, Coordinator Read bulletin online at the Sacred Heart Church website: Please email all bulletin announcements by Fridays at 5 p.m. (10 days before bulletin is distributed) to [email protected]. 667-6660 620-0122 382-6816 647-9319 620-0122 647-4843 659-5632 667-6660 647-4843 279-7595 647-3235 647-3235 CORDINADORES DE LITURGIA LECTORES: Jose Cancino MINISTROS DE EUCARISTIA: Maria Lopez Roberto Sanchez UJIERES: Cesar Alviso SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR: Alicia Mendez MINISTERIO DE MUSICA: Dcn. Fernando Flores CORO: Hector Reyes BAUTIZOS: Roberto & Josie Piña Alejandro & Mayela Vasquez Dcn. Fernando & Rosa Flores RICA (Iniciación Cristiana): Rosa Flores 525-4327 433-1944 448-9965 421-6558 647-2870 647-3235 Ext. 311 701-2253 659-1084 647-4975 659-3412 701-7753 PARISH REGISTRATION OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS 647-3235 647-1842 525-0010 If you are new in our Parish Community, in Jesus’ name we welcome you and hope along with us you will experience the touch of Jesus. If you have a new address or phone number please complete this form and place it in the collection basket or return it to the parish office so we can stay connected. The parish needs you; be counted. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE □ Moving Out of Parish □ New Registration □ Change of Address/Phone Number Gregory Wood, M.A., M.F.T Marriage and Family Therapist Lic. #32274 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap Individuals ◆ Couples Family ◆ Adolescent Solid Catholic Perspective 805-816-7854 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. Ventura and Ojai Are you ever alone? BRUCE SHARP Pharmacist 2611 Thompson Blvd. Unit 103 Ventura, CA 93003 You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." WHY IS IT? Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Less than $1 per day • No Long-Term Contracts • Price Guarantee Phone: 648-2724 VOTED BEST SEAFOOD RESTAURANT YEAR AFTER YEAR! • A+ Rating with BBB Franklin & Vizzo • Made and Monitored Plumbing in the USA Plumbing and Heating Service - Repairs Ventura 805-641-1997 Lic. No. 389926 Allstate Insurance Len Soprano Senior Account Agent 105 S. Mill Santa Paula Bus. 525-3309 • 647-9092 Res. 647-2345 FRESH SEAFOOD RIGHT OFF THE BOAT! Call Today to learn more about our Special Offer. 654-0546 MENDEZ ROOFING INC. OFFICE FAX (805) 642-6111 (805) 642-8462 LIC. 599538 C-39 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free ALFONSO C. MENDEZ ANTONIO ESPINO (805) 207-6700 (805) 207-3543 RESIDENTIAL ROOFING SPECIALIST 30 YRS. EXPERIENCE - SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1175 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 513543 Sacred Heart Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Patrick Diesfeld, M.D. Sis. Pattamakam, M.D. Roseanne Tibbs, C.N.M. DR. DIANA LOPEZ TUTOR: Reading/Writing/Study Skills Group & Individual Rates 805-654-0072 Women’s Health Partnership Obstetrics and Gynecology The Bladder Control Center of Excellence Local Parishioner BILL HAHN’S AUTOMOTIVE General Auto Repair 644-1037 3737 Transport St. #A Ventura, CA 93003 Compelling Creations Wear It and Share It Faith Based Jewelry Ventura 168 N. Brent 648-2717 Santa Paula 110 W. Harvard 933-4437 Kathy McKean 805-642-1323 Parishioner SACRED HEART CHURCH BIEDERMANN HALL MARRIAGE & FAMILY COUNSELING Wedding & Anniversary Receptions Reunions/Banquets/Parties Full Kitchen/K.C. Private Bar Meeting Rooms 20 - 280 Persons Special Events Coordinator Don Mulville (805) 797-4474 Licensed Clinical Social Worker Santana’s Plumbing Service - Repairs - Repipes Remodels - Additions Lic. No. 836718 Ventura Benjamin Santana Owner Local Parishioner 805-795-0031 805-320-8077 Se Habla Español Maryellen Benedetto Call For Appointment 644-1831 Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Call (805) 525-7134 250 March St. Santa Paula, CA 93060 ADVERTISING He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. ATTENTION DIRECTORY ADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVES JS Paluch Company is Looking for Seasoned Print Advertising Representatives to Sell Church Bulletin Advertising 800-566-6150 We Have Various Markets and Territories Open Fax Resume to: 562-692-6188 No Phone Calls Accepted For a wide selection of Catholic greeting cards, artwork, and inspirational recordings, visit EOE World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. FD 883 Family Owned Since 1911 “A Christian Counselor” JOSEPH P. REARDON FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICE Funerals, Cremations Licensed Marriage Preplanning Family Therapist Funeral Directors Linda M. Montoya, MS Michael K. Boyko 950 County Square Drive Joseph H. “Jay” Ryba 757 MAIN STREET # 107 VENTURA Ventura, CA 93003 805-643-8623 Custom Haircutting Chris-Parishioner 11039 Citrus Dr. 805-901-4922 647-5755 513543 Sacred Heart Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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