February 13 - Dallas Post Tribune


February 13 - Dallas Post Tribune
2726 S. Beckley Ave • Dallas, Texas 75224
P.O. Box 763939 Dallas, Texas 75376
ISSN # 0746-7303
Serving Dallas More Than 60 Years — Tel. 214 946-7678, 214.946.6820 & 214.943.3047 - Fax 214 946-7636 — Web Site: www.dallasposttrib.com — E-mail: [email protected]
February 13 - 19, 2014
YES, WE SERVED in the Mexican War.
Many of the blacks in the army during
the Mexican War were servants of
the officers who received government compensation for the services
of their servants as slaves. Also, soldiers from the Louisiana Battalion of
Free Men of Color participated in this
war. Blacks also served on a number
of navel vessels during this war,
including the U. S. S. Treasure and the
U.S.S. Columbus.
YES, WE SERVED in the Civil War to
ensure that all Americans would have
the opportunity to be free and live in
peace and with dignity; our efforts
helped to provide a united governby Dr. William B.Lyons IV
ment where laws based on human
rights could be enforced throughout our country. The history of
African-Americans in the U.S.Civil War is marked by 186,097 AfricanAmerican men, comprising 163 units, who served in the Union Army
during the Civil War, and many more African-Americans served in
the Union Navy.
YES, WE SERVED in the Indian Wars. From the late 1860s to the early
20th century, African-American units were utilized by the United
States Government to combat the Native Americans during the
Indian Wars. The most noted of this group were the Buffalo Soldiers:
9th Cavalry Regiment, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 24th Infantry
Regiment, 25th Infantry Regiment. YES, WE SERVED in the Spanish
American War. After the Indians Wars ended in the 1890s, the same
regiments that participated in the Indian Wars continued to serve
and participate in the Spanish American War (including the Battle of
San Juan Hill), where five more medals of honor were earned. These
soldiers took part in the 1916 Punitive Expedition into Mexico and in
the Philippine-American War.
PART 2 of 4
The African-American Civil War Memorial, Washington, DC
Members of the W.O. Gray, Sr.,
family who have served
or are serving in the
U.S. Military Forces
W. He .S. Air For
Ma lonel -U
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U.S. Ar Edward W.
my Sig
nal Co ray
a K. (G
Michael O. Gray, Colonel
(Retired) U.S. Army
Gray, Sr.,
James H. Medical Corps
U.S. Arm
Lieuterette K. Gra
U.S. Ar nant Colon y-Patrick,
my Me
dical Cl (PromotabD,
Everette E. Gray, Esq.,
Colonel (Retired)U.S. Army
n Gray
l Colemicaal Corps
Dr. Caro
U.S. Arm
Wilmer O. Gray, Jr.,
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired)
U.S. Army
Brucy C. Gray
U.S. Army Medical Service Corps
US Military Black Service
Members - Past and Present
Michael Wayne Johnson
SP4 U.S. Army
Staff S r Alexander
gt. U.S
. Army
Rudolph Carr
U.S. Army
Leonard Davis
U.S. Air Force
r Anders
Staff Sgt.
The next four issues will salute thousands and thousands of
African Americans, U.S. Service
Men and Women & Veterans
who served this country with
dignity, pride, excellence and
honor. The pictorial issues will
be published February 6, 13, 20
and 27th during Black History
Month. These issues are
designed to start conversation
about Men and Women who
served this country.
J.D. Evans
U.S. Army (Purple Heart)
CW3 Doris I. Lucki Allen
(Chief Warrant Officer)
U.S. Army
Hattie S.M. Tapps
Commander U.S. Navy
(Doris I. Lucki Allen’s daughter)
The introduction of Blacks in the U.S.
Army, Then and Now begins with the
following excerpt, which provides
some basic information on Blacks in
military service. Mapped against the
obstacles that all African Americans
faced from this country's inception
until now, we can appreciate the
tremendous challenges that Black
service members faced and the greatness of their successes. Their accomplishments should make every
American proud. IntroductionThe
history of Blacks serving in the United
States Army is a long and proud one.
In 1776, Congress passed legislation
that allowed Black men to enlist in
the Armed Services. In response to
this Congressional Act, approximately
7,000 Black men joined the Army and
Revolutionary War. Then, in the last
1800's, six regiments consisting of
black Soldiers were established.
These Soldiers became known as the
"Buffalo Soldiers". Thirty-nine of the
Buffalo Soldiers were awarded the
highly prestigious Congressional
Medal of Honor.
Continues Next Week.....
‘Dallas’ Too Busy Growing To Hate
February 13 - 19, 2014
The Dallas Post Tribune
Dear Editor,
A new report from the
American Cancer Society predicts
that breast cancer will likely affect
more Texans than any other cancer
in 2014. But it doesn't have to.
Studies have shown a link
between high cholesterol and
breast cancer, and scientists say
the research suggests that women
may be able to reduce breast cancer risk by either taking cholesterol-lowering drugs or eating a
healthy, low-cholesterol diet.
Personally, I would rather up my
intake of colorful meals than colorful medicines. Fruits and vegetables have zero cholesterol, which is
just one reason why you'll find
scores of them on lists of "cancerfighting foods." Whole grains are
cholesterol-free too. In fact, no
plant product contains any cholesterol.
But meat, eggs, and dairy products all pack a cholesterol punch. A
single egg has 212 milligrams,
three and a half ounces of shrimp
has 194, and three and a half
ounces of chicken liver delivers a
whopping 631 milligrams.
I lost the person that I was closest to, my grandmother, to breast
cancer when she was just 64 years
old. So reducing my breast cancer
risk is important to me. And cutting
animal products out of my diet is
an easy way to do that.
Going vegan is one of the best
decisions I've ever made, and I
hope that, until there is a cure for
breast cancer, others will join me in
taking this important step for their
Michelle Kretzer
By Ron Busby, Sr.
NNPA Columnist
As America continues to celebrate the countless achievements
of African Americans during Black
History Month, it makes sense to
remind each other that the things
we do every day will be the historical recollections for future generations.
There is no question of the
value of recounting the daring
exploits, the against-all-odds battles won, or of revisiting the horrors and brutalities that marked
our journey through this country’s
history. I just don’t believe that
enough of us approach our daily
commitments with an eye on how
our actions – or inactions – will
impact the lives of Black Americans
in the future.
I could fill this space with the
names of prodigious Black inventors, from Jan Matzeliger to
Norbert Rilleaux, Garrett Morgan
to Dr. Mark Dean. We all know the
contributions of Samuel Cornish
and John Russwurm and their
Sengstackes, the Murphys, the
Vanns, the Scotts, the John H.
Johnsons and the Earl G. Graves
and their heroic struggles to make
sure our stories were told – accurately. We know of Madame C.J.
Walker, A.G. Gaston, Alonzo
Herndon, Oprah, Bob Johnson,
Herman Russell and the empire
builders of the business world.
But today I want to give a Black
History shout out to the millions of
women and men who rose before
dawn and got home long after
everyone was asleep. The barbers,
hairdressers, shopkeepers, brick
masons, carpenters, café owners,
mechanics, painters, printers, shoe
shine fellows and repairmen. The
tailors, grocers, ice, coal and wood
deliverymen…. All the folks whose
toils paved the way for us, paid the
tuition to Howard, Morehouse,
Johnson C. Smith, Fisk, Xavier,
Dillard, FAMU and all the “A&M’s”
across the south!
After nearly 50 years of successfully aspiring to “good jobs,” we are
witnessing a boom in the numbers
of Black Americans returning to
our roots as entrepreneurs and
business owners, and this boom
couldn’t have come at a better
time. When it’s clear that government solutions to income inequality fail to factor in or include us;
when Black un- and underemployment threaten the nutritional
health and educational opportunities for our children; when globalization of markets consigns our
participation to the role of consumers, that’s when it should
become clear the key role that
Black business plays in our commu-
The U.S Black Chambers, Inc.
(USBC) is acutely aware of the battle that African Americans face in
the marketplace today. When
online purchases of clothing
eclipses the purchases made inside
actual stores, the opportunities for
Black retailers practically disappears. Despite the obvious love
affair Black folks have with hats,
suits, shoes and boots, it is
Nordstrom, Macy’s, Neiman’s and
local designer boutiques that get
their share of our income inequality, not Black-owned clothes sellers.
We struggle to find a Blackowned grocery chain, even though
African Americans spend a disproportionate share of their disposable income on food. Black-owned
restaurants are an increasingly
endangered species, even as
national chains pad their bottom
lines with the lion’s share of our
discretionary spending on food,
including sushi.
Black automobile dealers fare a
little better, though the 80s and
90s wreaked havoc on the number
of franchised dealerships owned by
African Americans. Without question, we continue to provide the
comfortable profit cushion, particularly for luxury brand automobiles. (Remember, every dollar
earned without advertising/marketing effort to earn that dollar is
FREE MONEY!) Telecom companies, high-end electronics, “luxury”
liquors, condo sellers and jewelers
all positively salivate when their
coffers fill up with Black dollars.
Among the goals of the USBC,
entrepreneur development is the
loftiest and most elusive. But we
believe if we are successful at
reigniting our passion for business
ownership, we will have the best
opportunity to solve the challenges
faced by Black America. The record
of our ability to build colleges,
insurance companies and hospitals
proves that when necessary, we
can achieve monumental “wins”
through collective entrepreneurial
activity. And — in today’s terminology – joint ventures, mergers and
acquisitions provide the context
for our next collective steps in business growth.
So, we at the USBC and our affiliates across the country encourage
you to be more mindful, and more
intentional as you pursue your
dreams. Understand that 20, 50,
100 years from now someone will
read the record of your contribution to life as they know it, and the
fact that you made a lot of money
won’t be enough to get your name
in the record book. Business ownership opens doors of opportunity,
not just for you and your family,
but the families of your employees,
associates, customers/clients, vendors and suppliers. That improved
quality of life affords access to
opportunities for education, earning, travel and the new worlds they
discover will create future generations of inventors and history makers. Black History is made and celebrated every day… make sure that
your everyday actions pave the
B u i l d i n g o n C H I P ’s S u c c es s
By Marian Wright Edelman
NNPA Columnist
We’re used to making a big fuss
over children’s birthdays, but this
week child advocates and families
across the country are celebrating
CHIP, the Children’s Health
Insurance Program, on the fifth
anniversary of its reauthorization.
One family who lives in the working-class Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia with their 6-,
4- and 3-year-old children told us
they celebrate and are grateful for
CHIP every day. The husband is a
talented freelance videographer
and the wife cares for the children.
CHIP has been a lifeline for the
family, providing stability with
health and dental coverage for the
children. With CHIP coverage, she
gets regular phone calls reminding
her it’s time for appointments or
letting her know a dental van is in
the area. CHIP has opened doors to
high quality child-appropriate
providers at the Children’s Hospital
of Philadelphia and the University
of Pennsylvania Health System
when needed and provided peace
of mind for the hardworking father,
whose income can vary wildly from
month to month and year to year.
CHIP has given him security knowing his children are getting the care
they need without breaking the
bank. The wife says, “The kids
wouldn’t have had health insurance if it wasn’t for CHIP.”
There are more than 8 million
children with stories like this. To
survive and thrive, all children
need access to comprehensive,
affordable health coverage that is
easy to get and keep. Unmet health
and mental health needs can result
in children falling behind developmentally and having trouble catching up physically, emotionally,
socially, and academically. And it
can mean life or death for children
from preventable disease and illness.
CHIP has strong bipartisan
roots. It was created in 1997 when
Democrats and Republicans, led by
Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and
Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), came
together to create a system of
health coverage for children whose
families earned too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to be
able to buy health coverage that
today costs on average more than
$16,000 a year for a family of four
in the individual market. CHIP continues to provide crucial support
for millions of working families: 92
percent of all children enrolled in
CHIP had at least one parent
employed during the last year.
Since its creation CHIP has helped
cut the number of uninsured children in half, to the lowest level on
record, while improving child
health outcomes and access to
By preserving and strengthening CHIP and Medicaid and creating
new coverage options for parents,
access to health coverage is now
available for 95 percent of all children in America. But eligibility and
access to coverage do not guarantee enrollment. While 42 million
children are enrolled in CHIP and
Medicaid, more than 8 million in
CHIP alone, more than 7 million
children under 19 are still uninsured. Nearly 70 percent of these
uninsured children are eligible for
but not enrolled in CHIP or
We know health-related problems can lead to poor academic
performance and that uninsured
children are more likely to perform
poorly in school than children with
coverage. CDF has partnered with
AASA, The School Superintendents
Association, to link uninsured children with health coverage by
adding a question to school enrollment forms asking whether children have health coverage and
helping connect uninsured students with coverage.
Although CHIP is authorized
through 2019, its funding is running out and will virtually disappear by October 2015 unless
Congress takes immediate action.
If funding is not continued, millions
of children would lose health coverage and millions more would
likely receive less comprehensive
coverage at significantly higher
cost. Either would be an enormous
step backwards for children.
Congress must act this year to keep
CHIP funding for millions of families and prevent uncertainty and
discontinuity for children, parents,
or states about CHIP’s future.
When CHIP was reauthorized in
February 2009, President Obama
correctly said: “No child in America
should be receiving her primary
care in the emergency room in the
middle of the night. No child
should be falling behind in school
because he can’t hear the teacher
or see the blackboard. I refuse to
accept that millions of our kids fail
to reach their potential because
we fail to meet their basic needs. In
a decent society, there are certain
obligations that are not subject to
tradeoffs or negotiations – health
care for our children is one of
those obligations.”
Let’s celebrate CHIP’s track
record of success the common
sense way by acting now to ensure
CHIP in states across the country
can continue the good work.
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church
The superscription of this
blessed Psalm 61 reads, "To the
chief Musician upon Neginah, A
Psalm of David." The word "neginah" means a stringed instrument; thus, this psalm can be
played upon a stringed instrument. The historical occasion for
Psalm 61 is unknown; however,
in this psalm, David is awfully
depressed but he gains confidence in the Lord as his Rock.
The word of God informs us in I
Corinthians 10:4 that the "Rock"
is Jesus Christ, that verse reads,
"And did all drink the same
spiritual drink: for they drank of
that spiritual Rock that followed
them: and that Rock was Christ."
In verses 1-2, David expresses
his feeling of being weak and he
prays to the Lord for strength and
safety, "Hear my cry, O God;
attend unto my prayer" (v. 1).
David petitions to be led to a
place of safety; thus, he wanted
to be led to the "Rock" that is
higher than he was, "when my
heart is overwhelmed: lead me
to the rock that is higher than I"
(v. 2). In times of deep trouble
and distress, we need God's
steadfast protection, for Psalm
17:8 says, "Keep me under the
shadow of thy wings."
Yes, as the storms of life rage,
we need God's comfort and
assurance as He grants to us His
unfailing mercy, for Psalm 57:1
states, "Be merciful unto me: for
my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in
the shadow of thy wings will I
make my refuge, until these
calamities be overpast." David
experienced tremendous spiritual relief in the above examples by
placing his faith in the steadfast
character of God. God will never
abandon His saint and one can
be assured of God's presence in
any situation, in that Hebrews
13:5-6 says, "I will never leave
thee, nor forsake thee. So that
we may boldly say, The Lord is my
helper, and I will not fear what
man shall do unto me."
Having expressed his weakness, David declares his confidence in the steadfast character
of God, his only source of protec-
tion (vv. 3-4). David knew that
God was indeed a sure hiding
place against his enemies as
verse 3 states, "For thou hast
been a shelter for me, and a
strong tower from the enemy."
God's presence is a sure place of
safety for all believers! Because
of the Lord's faithful promise to
him, in verse 5-7, David was confident of God's protection in prolonging his life; thus, David's life
will be sustained by God's love
and faithfulness, "Thou wilt prolong the king's life: and his years
as many generations" (v. 6).
Because of the Lord's faithfulness toward him, David vows to
sing and to praise the Lord for His
deliverance, "So will I sing praise
unto thy name for ever, that I
may daily perform my vows" (v.
May God Bless!
A Little Bit of Faith: : You Are Loved
By Colleen White
The most wonderful love letter ever written is the Bible.
The Bible allows mankind to
hear God's voice, experience
His love and compassion for His
people, and to see how our
hope is built on His son Jesus
Christ. All of us have a strong
desire to be loved. We want a
sincere love, a love that will
never end, and a love that will
stand the test of time.
Since we all desire to be
loved, Valentine's Day can leave
many of us feeling unloved and
not wanted. But if we move
toward the Word of God, He
can help us to see that His per-
fect love for us is all that we
need. There is no need for us
to feel lonely or unloved. He
loves us more completely and
more deeply than anyone ever
Therefore, in First John, it
reminds us that God loves us
completely. "We have known
and believed the love that God
has for us. God is love" (1 John
4:16). The purest, most honest,
and most joyful love that we
can ever experience is the love
that our Heavenly Father has
for us. As a matter of fact,
God's love for us always has
action. He does not give us lip
service, he shows us. The
major way God has shown how
much He loves us is by giving us
His only Son Jesus. Jesus was
born of a virgin, lived among us,
crucified, and He rose again.
So if you were feeling a little
lonely, unloved, and unwanted
this past Valentine's Day, cheerup. Know that you have a
greater love. The love of God!
Amen? Amen.
Page 2A
Dr. Mary E. Beck, Chairperson
Dr. T.R. Lee, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy Lee
Atty. Theodora Lee, Co-Chair
Dr. Theronica Bond, MD
Atty. Gary Bond
Mrs. Mollie Belt
Dr. George Willis
Dr. T.R. Lee, Jr,. President/Publisher
Mrs. Dorothy Lee
Vice President/Finance
Mrs. Shirley Gray
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Billing & Collections
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Public Relations
Atty. Theodora Lee, Legal Counselor
Atty. Gary Bond, Legal Counselor
Dr. William Lyons, Consultant
Ms. Peggy Walker, Consultant
Rev. Johnny C. Smith
Mrs. Colleen White
Ms. Ester Davis
Dr. Joyce Teal
Evangelist Waydell Nixon
Mr. Elester Coleman
Mrs. Joan Fowler
Mr. Samuell Ferrell
Mr. Jermain Clemon
Dr. T.R. Lee, Jr.
Ms. Ester Davis
Mrs. Veronica Zambrano
Mrs. Millie Ferguson
Mrs. Mattie Weatherman
Mrs. Shirley Gray
Mr. Floyd Ferguson
Mrs. Constance Cannon
Mrs. Veronica Zambrano
Dr. George Willis, Chairman
Dr. C.C. Russeau, Co-Chair
Dr. Gwen Clark, Co-Chair
Dr. Thalia Matherson, Secretary
Mrs. LaWanda Durham Mitchell
Mrs. Delia Lyons Dr. Ruth Wyrick - Mrs.
Opal Jones Mrs. Shirley Fridia - -Dr. Alfred
Roberts - Mrs. Ruth Harris - Mrs. Sharon H.
Cornell - Mrs. Alvastine Carr
Mrs. Barbara Sweet Williams
Ms. Joan Fowler, Mrs. Bobbie Foster
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Credo of The Black Press
The Black Press believes that America
can best lead the world away from
racial and national antagonisms when
it accords to every person, regardless
of race, color or creed, full human and
legal rights. Hating no person, fearing
no person, the Black Press strives to
help every person in the firm belief
that all are hurt as long as anyone is
held back.
Editorial Board: Vice Chairman - Mrs. Shirley Gray; Consultant - Mrs.
Dorothy Lee; Consultant - Ms. Peggy Walker; Consultant - Mr.
Thomas Wattley; Consultant - Dr. Thalia Matherson; Consultant Ms. Joan Fowler; Consultant - Dr. Alfred Roberts; and Consultant Mrs. Ester Davis
February 13 - 19
You know, the dream that you say
you’ll “get to” when the time is
right. This week the time is exactly right. Get the plan started that
will lead to the realization of that
dream. Talk it over with significant
others so that they can add their
strength. Make the dream their
dream too.
Soul Affirmation: I love the options
that are presented to me.
Lucky Numbers: 13, 41, 55
You are made from the best stuff
on earth. You’ll need to remember that this week. Cast a wide net
among the people that admire you
and spend time being admired.
There re plenty of people who
know your best qualities but this
week seek out those who enjoy
talking about what is good about
Soul Affirmation: I let my positive
emotions make my decisions this
Lucky Numbers: 8, 14, 36
Give to a charity, talk with a grandparent, counsel a child, encourage
a colleague this week. Choose any
or all of the above or create your
own list. Your goodness is an
investment in your future as long
as you do not think of it as such.
Soul Affirmation: I don’t hide the
wonderful things I feel about
Lucky Numbers: 6, 24, 53
If you are unhappy with your situation this week, you have all the
power you need to change it!
Don’t procrastinate any longer.
You can make the improvement
now! Don’t worry about what others are thinking. Just do what is
good for you.
Soul Affirmation: Love is my
reward for giving love.
Lucky Numbers: 12, 33, 55
The universe is balanced and our
lives will be filled with triumphs
and tribulations. Don’t fret when
you face turmoil this week. Deal
with it head on and stay undeterred. Keep straight on the path
you are traveling and you will
reach the place where you are
meant to be.
Soul Affirmation: All is well and so
I let it be.
Lucky Numbers: 6, 21, 47
Your inner beauty is one of your
greatest assets. This week take full
advantage of this gift you received
from God. This week hold in consciousness the truth that you are
specially crafted from His hands.
Allow a cheerful disposition to
radiate through you.
Soul Affirmation: I happily help to
clear up a mess made by others.
Lucky Numbers: 1, 50, 53
Everything that goes around will
come around for the universe is
balanced. We all need to bear our
crosses and accept the fate that is
destined for each of us. The will of
God is good and we will receive as
He gives. This week is a week for
finding joy in little things.
Soul Affirmation: I let love teach
me more about life.
Lucky Numbers: 19, 23, 46
This week have faith in what you
know can happen and rededicate
yourself to achieving your dreams.
Be sure to remember and respect
who you are as the week unfolds.
Love yourself for who you are this
week and this will give you a clear
perspective on what you can
Soul Affirmation: I celebrate the
high energy that engulfs my life.
Lucky Numbers: 5, 32, 51
Give yourself a chance to experience a different side of your personality this week. Keep from getting bored by doing a little acting.
Choose a character who would be
more effective than you in the situation in which you find yourself.
Be that character. Play the role.
Enjoy it.
Soul Affirmation: The value I place
on myself is the value that others
see in me.
Lucky Numbers: 17, 20, 30
You are a person of action. Believe
in your ability to get things done
and you will find things so easy to
do. Put things into perspective
and obstacles will become opportunities. Put your plans into practice with confidence and your list
of things to do will get done one
by one.
Soul Affirmation: Hope brightens
my mornings, faith sustains my
Lucky Numbers: 18, 25, 27
This week think of yourself in ways
that you have not thought of yourself recently. Find in the closet of
your spirit another set of clothes.
Put them on and wear them like
they are your everyday apparel.
Reinvent yourself and act as if the
new is usual.
Soul Affirmation: I feel like the star
that I naturally am.
Lucky Numbers: 19, 49, 52
You are a person of many talents
and skills. People around you
count on your abilities to keep
things running smoothly this
week. Know that all your hard
work is appreciated and even
though you may not see it right
away your dedication will be
Soul Affirmation: I do good unto
others and enjoy doing it.
Lucky Numbers: 4, 17, 22
Page 3A
The Dallas Post Tribune
February 13 - 19, 2014
Greenville Avenue
Church of Christ
Pleasant Grove Community
and commitment to the
Grovefest 2013. She attended the ceremonial presentation before the Dallas City
Council in mid-January.
February 15
Dallas ISD alums to
receive hall of fame honors
Three Dallas ISD alumni
and world class athletes
have been tapped for the
18th class of the Parrish
Texas Black Sports Hall of
Fame at the African
American Museum at Fair
Park. The 2013 class of 10
inductees includes women’s
basketball player, Steffanie
Blackmon (former math
teacher at James Madison
High School); track athlete,
Chryste Gaines (teacher at
Skyline High School); and
football phenom, Jeff Jacobs
(Roosevelt High School
alum). The trio will be
inducted at 11:30 a.m.
Saturday, February 15, at
the Dallas’ Marriott City
Center, 650 N. Pearl St. For
tickets and information, call
(214) 565-9026, ext. 326.
Dallas ISD Director recognized by Council Member
Director of Library Media
Services Gay Patrick has
been recognized by the
Office of the Mayor and City
Member Rick Callahan, for
her constant support of the
Dallas Lawyers
Answer Legal
Questions - FREE!
Volunteer attorneys will
answer legal questions at no
cost from 5:30 p.m. to 8
Wednesday, February 19,
via LegalLine, a call-in program sponsored by the
Dallas Bar Association.
LegalLine is a community
service for DFW-area residents, provided the second
and third Wednesdays of
each month. On these designated nights, anonymous
lawyers are available to
answer questions in many
law-related areas ranging
from divorce and child support matters, to wills, insurance, employment and
criminal law matters.
Residents needing assistance should call LegalLine
at (214) 220-7476 from 5:30
p.m. to 8 p.m. on
Wednesday, February 12 or
February 19.
Individuals may also
receive referrals to local,
legal, or social service agencies. LegalLine volunteer
attorneys typically answer
between 50 and 90 calls
1013 S. Greenville Ave
Richardson, Texas 75081
each night.
P: 972-644-2335 F: 972-644-9347
APPLICATIONS are being accepted
by Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Inc., Alpha Xi
Omega Chapter, from young
women graduating from
high school in 2014 with a
B+ or higher grade point
average. To request an
application, please contact
The Scholarship Chairman at
P.O. Box 224487, Dallas,
Applications must be postmarked by March 8, 2014.
Minister S.T. Gibbs, III
Associate Ministers: •John Bradshaw •Ben
Myers • Patrick Worthey Elders: Harlee
Glover •Fred Green • Raymond Hart
• David Phillips, Jr.
• Johnnie Rodgers, Sr.
Morning Worship 8:00 a.m.
Bible Class 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.
Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.
Prayer Service 7:00 p.m.
Bible Class 7:30 p.m.
Bible Class 11:00 a.m.
Join Cub Scouts Pack 4400
at their Skating for Food
Party. Saturday, February
15, 2014 from 1pm-5pm at
Southern Skates 2939
Ledbetter Dr. in Dallas.
Admission is $3+3 canned or
non perishable food items.
Come out, rock, roll,
bounce, and get your skate
on for a good cause. Bring
your church youth groups,
sports teams, cheer squads,
dance groups, girl scouts,
boy scouts, etc. Oh and its
not just for kids. We need
tweens, teens, twenty
somethings, even grown
and sexies. Don't skate?
Come and join the fellowship and fun. There will be
something for almost everyone. Help us to pack the
house and pack the pantry
of an area food bank.
Dallas Mayor
Mike Rawlings
2600 S. Marsalis Ave •Dallas, TX
75216 •214-375-4876
Rev. Todd M. Atkins, Pastor
Launches Task
Force to Fight
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Wed. 12:00 p.m. Bible Study
Wed 7:00 p.m. Bible Study
Against Poverty
“Come and Experience God’s
Love for YOU Each Sunday”
By Congresswoman
Eddie Bernice Johnson
The scripture, "We who are
strong must bear the infirmities
of the weak, and not seek to
please ourselves," defines the
life's work of the last surviving
speaker at the 1963 March on
Congressman John Lewis is a
civil rights icon who played a key
role during that march, and in
the movement that changed
America. On February 24th,
Congressman John Lewis, will be
in Dallas to speak at my 21st
annual prayer breakfast.
During his speech 50 years
ago, Congressman Lewis echoed
the sentiments of that scripture.
Congressman Lewis talked about
the necessity of improving the
lives of sharecroppers who
worked for less than three dol-
lars each day, and for maids who
worked full-time but earned
only $5.00 each week while
cleaning the homes of others.
The then 23 year-old student,
demanded that the Congress of
the United States pass "meaningful legislation" that would
give millions of people an opportunity to escape the ravages of
poverty, find jobs, and become
members of the middle class. He
was not asking the government
to give people a handout, but
instead he asked for a level
playing field so that all
Americans could get a hand up.
Congressman Lewis's speech,
his work, and the work of Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr., and so
many others, led President
Lyndon Baines Johnson to
declare a "war on poverty"
which, with the aid of a compassionate and wiling Congress,
offered millions of American citizens an open hand so that their
lives, and the lives of their children might improve.
These same fights for a livable
minimum wage and equal pay
for women are still being fought
today, 50 years later. During his
recent State of the Union
Obama, who was weeks short of
his second birthday during the
1963 march, asked a joint session of Congress to give poor
working class Americans a livable minimum wage, and to confront the blatant reality of
income inequality in America
that grows rapidly each day.
A recent written report stated
that nearly 24 percent of all
inner-city residents in Dallas live
below the poverty line. The
numbers are similar to those
found in many of our larger
cities, and rural areas. I know
that you will agree with me
when I say that the situation is
unacceptable and must be
addressed and rectified. This is
an issue that my fellow
Democrats in Congress and I are
focused on.
In 1963, a youthful John Lewis
marched for "jobs and freedom." He is coming to Dallas
because the reasons for the
march are still uncompleted. No
doubt he will use the same
words that he articulated on
August 28th, 1963 when he concluded his speech by saying,
"Wake up America! Wake up"!"
W W W. D A L L A S P O S T T R I B . C O M
Each year efforts of
the African American
Education Archives and
History Program remind
the public that African
American education in
Dallas County came at a
high price over more
than a century and a
half of Dallas County
history, and that many
heroic and dedicated
African American educators willingly paid
that price for past, present and future generations.
The Hall of Fame is
one of five components
that comprise the
Education Archives and
History Program that
was initiated in 2002
and will observe its
12th Anniversary this
year. The Hall of Fame
honors both educators
and other individuals
who have significantly
It’s Time to Renew
Re-Subscribe to
The Dallas Post Tribune
Mail Check or Money Order to:
Dallas Post Tribune
P.O. Box 763939 Dallas, Texas 75376
One year in-State $65.00
One year out-of-State $75.00
Greater New Zion Baptist Church
2210 Pine Street Dallas, Tx 75215
•(214) 421-4119 •Email: [email protected]
Rev. Joe S. Patterson, Pastor
Bible Study
• Tuesdays 11:00am
• Wednesdays 7:00pm
• Sunday School 9:30
• Worship Service 11:00am
Check Number__________________________________
The Dallas Post Tribune welcomes your comments
about published information that may require correction
or clarification. You can submit your comments by emailing our production staff at [email protected] or faxing the
correction/clarification to 214.946.7636.
County history.
The African American
Museum at Fair Park cosponsors the Program's
five components and
houses the Hall of Fame
Exhibit. The other four
components are:
•Oral History Project
•Archives and History
•Exhibits and Media
• C u r r i c u l u m
Program officials are
proud to announce nine
2014 Hall of Fame living
inductees. All 2014 honorees will be saluted at
an induction ceremony
banquet at 12 Noon,
Saturday, April 12, 2014
at Hilton Garden Inn,
800 N. Main St,
75116. Tickets are $50
and include Lunch. A
table for 10 is $500.
Deadline for dinner
reservations is April 3.
Deceased inductees
are Dr. H. Rhett James,
Muckelroy, and Dr. C. B.
T. Smith.
Living inductees are
Arthur Gillum, Dr.
Janice Pettis Ingram,
Martha J. Lee,
Col. Joe D. Sasser,
Robert Thomas, and
Dr. George O. Willis.
The public may make
tax-exempt contributions "in honor of" or
"in memory of" any person you choose for a
minimum of $25. The
deadline is March 25.
payable to AAEAHP and
mail to AAEAHP, P.O.
Box 411091, Dallas, TX
The Dallas Post Tribune
February 13 - 19, 2014
Page 4A
7 Day Weather Forecast for DFW
Thursday, February 13
Saturday, Febraury 15
Friday, February 14
Sunday, JFebraury 16
Monday, Febraury 17
Tuesday, Febraury 18
Wednesday, Febraury 19
Cedric Collins committed to
Texas A&M in August 2012.
After the playoffs that year,
numbness in his legs led him to
a trip to the doctor; he had a
rare congenital cervical abnormality.
Doctors told him would never
play football again.
Even though Collins will
never play for the Aggies in
College Station, the school has
decided to honor his scholarship.
All times are Eastern
Republicans and Democrats
Raise the Debt Limit
If you have some sports
information that you would like placed in the DALLAS POST
TRIBUNE Sports Section e-mail us at: [email protected]
The Premise
Love of God, Love of Country,
Love of Self, Love of Humanity, the Will to Serve.
The Dallas Post Tribune's Philosophy is to
"Educate and Elevate"!
Enrollment of 159,713 is district's highest in seven years
8:30 AM
9:30 AM
Samuel Bailey, Minister
Former Dallas ISD Principals & Central Office Administrators Living Legends
Mrs. Ruby Able
Dr. Frank Alexander
Mrs. Irene Alexander
Dr. Claudus Allen
Dr. Sherwin Allen
Mrs. Audrey F. Andrews
Mrs. Rosita Apodaca
Mrs. Estella Ashmore
Dr. Joseph L. Atkins
Mr. Larry Ascough
Mr. Warren Baker
Mrs. Shirley Barton
Ms. Glenda M. Baylor
Dr. Mary Beck
Dr. Kendell Beck
Mrs. Susie Bell
Mrs. Mary Bolden
Dr. Margie Borns
Mrs. Oneida Bradford
Mrs. Johnnie Brashear
Dr. Donnie Breedlove
Mr. Lincoln Butler, Sr.
Mr. Joseph T. Brew
Mrs. Gwendolyn Brown
Mrs. O'Sheila Brown
Dr. Robert Brown
Mrs. Marilyn Calhoun
Dr. Gwen Clark
Mr. Douglas Cloman
Mr. Pete Cobelle
Mrs. Sylvia A. Collins
Mr. William Cotton
Mr. Robert Craft
Mrs. Marjorie Craft
Mrs. Dorothy Crain
Mr. Johnny Crawley
Mrs. Bettye Crenshaw
Mr. Willie Crowder
Dr. Fred Daniels
Mrs. Bettye Davis
Mr. Eli Davis
Mrs. Precious Davis
Dr. Rina Davis
Mr. Robert Dewitty
Dr. Jackie Dulin
Mrs. Patricia WeaverEaly
Dr. Willie Ann Edwards
Dr. Nolan Estes
Mrs. Mary Jo Evans
Mr. Charles Fisher
Mrs. Shirley Fisher
Mrs. Bobbie Foster
Angel Noe Gonzalez
Mrs. Marguerite Foster
Dr. Carol Francois
Mr. Arthur Gillum
Mr. Ned Green
Dr. Leon Hayes
Mrs. Selena Dorsey
Dr. Margret Herrera
Mr. Chauncey Hightower
Mr. James Hugey
Ms. Kay Hunter
Mr. Al,va Jackson
Dr. Georgette Johnson
Dr. Herbie K. Johnson
Mr. Herman Johnson
Dr. Areatha Jones
Mrs. Opal Jones
Mr. William Jones
Mr. Charles Kennedy
Mrs. Irene Kelley
Mrs. Thelma Kelly
Mr. John Kincaide
Mr. Chauncey King
Mrs. Gayle M. King
Mr. James King
Mr. Jimmy King
Dr. Leon King
Mrs. Lois King
Mrs. Bobbie Lang
Dr. Theodore Lee, Jr.
Mrs. Lucila Longoria
Mrs. Sandra Malone
Mrs. Marilyn Mask
Dr. Thalia Matherson
Mrs. Patricia Mays
Mrs. Pricilla McCaughey
Mrs. Fannie McClure
Mrs. Rachel McGee
Dr. Jesse Jai McNeil
Ms. Cherie McMillan
Mrs. Annie I. Middleton
Mrs. Annette Mitchell
Mr. Benny Clearence
Mrs. Kathryn Mitchell
Mrs. Verna Mitchell
Mrs. Mae Frances Moon
Mrs. Lorene Moore
Mr. Harold Morgan
Mr. Stacey Mosley
Mrs. Sarah Murphy
Mr. Herman Newsome
Ms. Shirley IsonNewsome
Mr. Lucious L.
Mrs. Juanita Nix
Ms. Barbara Patrick
Mr. Robert Peyton
Mr. Carl E. Pipkin
Dr. Robbie J. Pipkin
Dr. Joe Pitts
Dr. Charmaine Price
Dr. Maxine Reese
Ms. Christine
Mrs. Margie Riley
Dr. Alfred L. Roberts,
Dr. Marvin Robinson
Mr. C.C. Russeau
Mr. Arturo Salazar
Col. Joe D. Sasser
Dr. Garline Shaw
Dr. James Sheets
Mr. Bobby Simmons
Mrs. Pamela Skinner
Mrs. Opal Smith
Dr. Roscoe Smith
Mrs. Rubye Snow
Dr. Rosie Sorrells
Dr. Dorothy Square
Mrs. Jaunita Stewart
Mr. Clyde Stokes
Mr. Lawrence E. Stokes
Dr. Allen Sullivan
Dr. Cornell Thomas
Mrs. Janet Thomas
Mr. Robert Thomas
Mr. Bobbie Thompson
Mrs. Ruby C. Thompson
Ms. Myrtle Tolbert
Mr. Billy Townsend
Mr. Melvin Traylor
Mr. Raul Treviño
Dr. Horacio Ulibarri
Dr. Oscar Valadez
Mrs. Beatrice M.
Mrs. Pearlie Wallace
Mr. Walan Wallace
Dr. Ora Lee Watson
Mr. Garland L.
Mr. Horace Washington
Mrs. Mary Watkin
Dr. Robert Watkins
Dr. J.E. Whitaker
Mrs. Ada Williams
Mr. Carl Williams
Mrs. Cheryl Williams
Mr. Don Williams
Dr. George Willis
Mrs. Harnell Williams
Mr. James Williams
Mrs. Robbye Williams
Mr. Wilber Williams
Dr. John Witten
Mr. Chad Woolery
Dr. Linus Wright
Mr. Robert Yowell
The Dallas Post Tribune Prayer List
Mr. Fred Allen II
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Allen
Rev. Curtis Anderson
Mr. Oscar Bailey
Mrs. Mary Batts
Mr. Marshall Batts
The Baylock Family
Mr. Jimmy Bell
Ms. Evelyn Blackshear
Mr. Marcus Bolden
Mrs. Merfay Brooks
Mr. Otis Brooks
Ms. Christine Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown
Mrs. Emma Calahan
Ms. Adrienne D. Carr
Mrs. Alavastine Carr
Mrs. D. Carr & Kids
Mr & Mrs. James Carr & Kids
Mrs. Thelma Carrington
F. Cox
Mr. Terry & Mrs. RueNette
Chambers & Families
Camp Wisdom Church Family
Mr. Chuck Williams
Mr. L.C. Coleman
Theodora Conyers Family
B. Darden
Mr. & Mrs. Eli Davis
Mrs. Betty Davis
Ms. Sonya Day
Mrs. Betty Deming
Bro. Micheal Erby
Mrs. Joan Fowler
Mrs. Sharon Gray
Mrs. Emma Greene
Mr. Robert Greene
Mrs. Dorothy Love-Griffin
Mrs. Kattie Hall
Dr. Leon Hayes
Mr. Sam Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Lupe Hernandez
Mrs. Alma Hunstberry
Donna Hunt Family
Mrs. Joan Fowler & Family
Mrs. E.D. Jackson
Rev. George Jackson
Mrs. Hattie Jackson
Ms. Jean Johnson
Mrs. Opal Jones
Kennedy Family
Mrs. Mary Kennedy
Mr. Alexis Lacy
Mrs. Dorothy Lee
Mr. Melvin Lee
Dr. Theodore Lee, Jr.
Mrs. Joyce Lester
Mrs. Patricia Matthews
Mrs. Fannie McClure
Mr. James McClure
Mrs. Priscilla McGaughey
Mrs. Algeria Merrell
Mrs. Larry Mitchell
Ms. Destiny K. Morgan
Mr. Cornell Neally
Ms. Dana Norris
Our Military Service Personnel
President Barack Obama
Mr. Lawrance O’Neal
Sis. Jewel Perrio
Mr. Jimmie Lee Pritchett
Mrs. A. Polk
Ms. Carrenna Polk
Rev. & Mrs. Homer Reagan
Dr. Maxine Reese
Mrs. Ruth Robinson
Dr. C.C. Russeau
Mrs. Odetta Russeau
Mr. Jose (Joe) Sandoval
Mrs. Joyce Stanifer & Lee Family
Mrs. Standford
Mr. James & Mrs. Jackie Stewart
Mr. Artist Thornton
Mrs. Ruby Arterbrey Thompson
Bro. Willie Tucker
Mr. Arthur Turner
Rev. S.T. Tuston, Jr.
Mr. Michael Vick
Mrs. Peggy Walker- Brown
Mr. Waylon Wallace
Mrs. Claudia Washington
Mrs. Mytris Jones-Watkins
Mrs. Barbara Sweet Williams
]Mr. Richard Williams
Mr. Shelder Williams
Dr. George Willis
Mr. Booker T. Woods, Sr.
Mr. Frank Wood
Lawrence & Marder Church
Riverside Baptist Church
To be included of to be removed from the prayer list, write, fax or e-mail ([email protected]) The Dallas Post Tribune P.O. Box 763939 Dallas, Texas 75376-3939 FAX(214) 946-7680
Student enrollment in the
Dallas Independent School
District has climbed for the
third consecutive year, according to official counts that will
be sent to the Texas Education
Agency. The number of students attending school in the
district is now 159,713, the
largest enrollment in seven
increased by 781 students this
year and has grown by more
than 2,550 students since the
2010-11 school year. The district's student enrollment and
percentage by ethnicity is as
•111,445 Hispanic (69.8 percent)
•37,394 African American
•7,476 Anglo (4.7)
• 1,966 Asian American (1.2)
• 559 American Indian (0.4)
• 873 Other (0.6)
La cantidad de alumnos
inscritos en el Distrito Escolar
Independiente de Dallas ha
aumentado por tercer año consecutivo según los conteos oficiales que se enviarán a la
Agencia Educativa de Texas.
159, 713 es el número de alumnos que asiste a clases en el
distrito actualmente, lo que
representa la cifra más alta en
los últimos siete años.
Este año hubo un aumento de
781 alumnos inscritos en el
Dallas ISD, y desde el año escolar 2010-11 este número ha
aumentado a más de 2550
estudiantes. La matriculación y
el grupo étnico de los estudiantes matriculados del distrito
se muestran a continuación:
• 111,445 Hispano (69.8%)
•7,476 Anglo (4.7%)
•1,966 Asiático americano
•559 Amerindio (0.4%)
• 873 Otro (0.6%)
Crime Stoppers’ Most Wanted
Local Area Law Enforcement reports that on December 26, 2013, these people were wanted on the listed warrants.
Authorities have reason to believe that these people might be in the Dallas area and have requested public assistance in locating them. If you see any of these people, do not approach them. Call Crime Stoppers at 1-877 373-TIPS or visit our website
'ntcc.crimestoppersweb.com'. You do not have to give your name.
Wooldrige, Jimmy
Hayes, Kevin
Age: 23 Race: W
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 140
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Charged With:
Age: 36 Race: B
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 150
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Charged With:
Violation Evading
Arrest with
Vehicle, SBI
Alvarez, Jose
Goodall, Jannie
AKA: Bush, Jewell
Age: 39 Race: H
Age: 47 Race: W
Height: 5'05"
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 150
Weight: 200
Hair: Brown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Probation Violation
Probation Violation
Possession Controlled Aggravated Assault
with Deadly
Age: 30 Race: B
Height: 6'06"
Weight: 160
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Charged With:
Assault Impede
Age: 54 Race: H
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 210
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Charged With:
Probation Violation
DWI 3rd or more
February 13 - 19, 2014
Page 5A
The Dallas Post Tribune
Jerco Sales Lock and Key Sales
3200 S. Lancaster Rd. Ste, 414
Stanley’s Catfish & Chicken
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Eva’s House of Barbeque
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CT’s Real Deal Bar B Que
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Prosperity Bank
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8035 E. R.L. Thornton Fwy.
New Touch Barber & Beauty Salon
4410 Marsalis Ave.
Qumy’s African Hair Braiding
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Rock-N-J’s Brisket & BBQ Soul Food
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Lott’s Mortuary, Inc.
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Jefferson Place
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Looking for a Barber or
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Barber & Beauty Salon
9 till 6 PM
Perm & Hair Cuts
4410 Marsalis Ave.
Ester Evans
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469-878-1684 CATERING
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The Dallas Post Tribune online at
The Premise
Love of God, Love of
Love of Self,
Love of Humanity,
the Will to Serve.
The Premise
Amor a Dios, Amor Al Pais,
Amor A Uno Mismo, Amor a
la Humanidad,
y el querer servir.
3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m
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The Dallas Post Tribune
February 13 - 19, 2014
Page 6A
Victory Baptist Church
Worship Service Held at Singing Hills Funeral Chapel
6621 University Hills Blvd. • Dallas, Texas 75241
Sunday Worship 10:00AM-12:00PM
Rev. John Strong,
Senior Pastor
Wednesday Bible Study 6:30PM- 7:30PM
YMCA Branch 907 E. Ledbetter Dr.
"The Church Where Love is Being Shown"
Sunday School/ Children’s Bible Study 9:00 AM
Men’s Focused Bible Study 9:00 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM
Children’s Church School (4th Sunday) 10:30 AM
Praise in Motion 1:30 PM
Word on Wednesday (Bible Study) 7:00 PM
Saturday Higher Praise Rehearsal (Saturday) 11:00 AM
R e v. D r. C . J. R .
Phillips, Jr
1403 Morrell Dallas, TX 75203
Phone (214) 946-4522
Fax (214)946-4522
E-mail - [email protected]
Tele-worship - 1-866-844-6291
Access Number - 1531804#
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Wednesday Night Services 6:30pm
S a i nt P h i l l i p s
B a p t i st C h u rc h
6000 Singing
H i l l s D r i ve
D a l l as , T exas
7 52 4 1
2 1 4 . 374 . 6 6 3 1
E m a i l A d d res s :
st p h i l l i p s m b c @ att . n et
R e v. D r. C . J. R . P h i l l i p s , J r. ,
Pasto r
Dr. David Henderson
S c h ed u l e o f A c t i v i t i es
S u n d ay
E a r l y M o r n i n g W o rs h i p - 8 A M
C h u rc h S c h o o l - 9 A M
M o r n i n g W o rs h i p - 1 0 A M
"A Church of Christ in the Heart of Dallas with Dallas at Heart"
2134 Cedar Crest Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75203-4316 •(214) 943-1340 • Fax (214) 941-3305
Jonathan W. Morrison
Ministering Evangelist
"All services are interpreted for the Deaf"
KHVN (970 A M Radio)
8:00 a.m.
Bible Class
8:45 a.m.
Children Worship
10:00 a.m.
Worship Service
10:00 a.m.
ers commented that 'Sammie was
always on a mission'. That is sincerely a true statement shared by
many who have been witness to
and shares in his triumphant
amazing journey.
TRIBUNE EMAIL US AT [email protected]
The 13th Annual A Special
Evening hosted by Alliance Data
and benefiting LaunchAbility® will
feature R&B legend and Rock &
Roll Hall of Fame inductee Smokey
Robinson as the entertainer on
Monday, March 31, 2014, 8 p.m.,
at the Morton H. Meyerson
Symphony Center. The 2014 A
Special Evening Event Co-Chairs
are Piper and Mike Wyatt and this
year’s Honorary Event Chair is
Caroline Rose Hunt.
During A Special Evening,
LaunchAbility® will present the
Milton P. Levy, Jr. Outstanding
Volunteer Award to two individuals for the first time this year:
Pendergrass; and AT&T will receive
the Alliance Data Corporate
Champion Award. Guests will be
entertained by a live auction, as
well as Robinson’s live performance.
For more than 50 years,
LaunchAbility® has been expanding worlds for children and adults
with disabilities by providing services to help them reach their maximum potential. Over the past 13
years, A Special Evening has raised
more than $2 million, allowing the
LaunchAbility’s® programs and
training, which continue to gain
state and national recognition. The
proceeds from A Special Evening
directly benefit LaunchAbility®’s
Adult Service and Early Childhood
Intervention (ECI) programs.
Tickets are available on the
www.LaunchAbility.org; or by calling
My Day
By Dr. Ester Davis
Clearly the talk of the town . . .
our 2014 African American History
Series opens with a standing ovation for Bishop Samuel Evans, who
was inducted into the College of
Bishops in a sacred ceremony with
bishops and presbyters (ordained
elders) in attendance. The service
of Episcopal Consecration to the
Office of Bishop was held
November 11, 2013, in the church
he founded and still pastors in
Paris, Texas.
When news of Bishop Evans
elevation to a higher calling landed
in the DFW area, one of Dallas eld-
Bishop Evans, the 6th of nine
children from El Dorado, Arkansas,
moved with his family to Dallas
when he was a young rising prodigy. After a tour of duty in the U.S.
Military, he entered into study at
Southern Bible Institute , onward
to secure his Bachelor and Masters
of Theology from Anchor
Distinguished clergy and worshippers across Texas and beyond
know and love Bishop Evans. He
has a big wide grin complimented
with a genuine tone. Church families in and around the DFW metroplex are in annual fellowship with
his church. His family and friends
are so very proud. He loves sports.
It was in the Army that he accepted his calling to the ministry. But,
Bishop Evans is a "rock star" of the
gospel because he has had a
reserved seat in some of the most
renown pulpits in the northern
Where you go in life is directly
related to where you have been
and who you hang around. Bishop
Evans was mentored and monitored by such giants in the ministry
as Dr. CAW Clark, former pastor of
Good Street Baptist Church, the
first mega church in the DFW area.
He was in the midst of and copied
the image of known esteemed pastors , all deceased now, such as
Rev. B. J. Bradford, Dr. S. M.
Wright, Rev. CBT Smith and his
uncle, Rev. A. V. Voice, of Greater
New Zion Baptist Church for 42
Being a 21st Century change
maker, Bishop Evans' global consciousness has taken him abroad,
including parts of Africa. On the
home front, locally and nationally,
his awards and professional recognitions are too numerous to list.
Bishop Evans and his wife are the
proud parents of three children.
Let . . .the Bishop's reign began.
The mission continues.