
By: Cindy Becker
44” Beadalon 20 Gauge Round Fancy
Non-Tarnish Brass Wire 180N-520
44” Beadalon 20 Gauge Round Fancy
Nickel-Free Silver Plated Wire 180B-520
24” Beadalon 24 Gauge Round Fancy
Nickel-free Silver Plated Wire 180B-524
Beadalon Wire Cutters 202A-105
Beadalon Round Nose Pliers 201A-104
Beadalon Chain Nose Pliers 201A-101
Beadalon Bale Maker 201A230
Necklace Mandrel (optional)
Masking Tape
Hypo Glue
(Makes 18” Choker)
1. Cut (2 each) 22” pieces of Brass and Silver Plated 20
Gauge wires.
10. Once completed put small dab of glue on
trimmed ends to secure in place.
2. Cut (1) 30” piece of 24 Gauge wire and set aside.
11. Let dry, then go to next step.
3. Alternating Silver and Brass 20 Gauge wires, line
them up so all 4 are side by side.
12. Approximately 1inch from end, bend wire back
toward choker, using small side of the baler.
4. Place masking tape approximately 4” apart.
13. With 24 Gauge wire wrap 5 times to secure in
5. Using smaller side of Baler bend wires to form a
groove. This will hold your pendant.
14. Using Round Nose Pliers turn ends up.
6. Using Chain Nose Pliers make small hook on end of
24 Gauge wire.
15. Using small side of baler bend opposite end back
toward choker.
7. Wrap hook just above the groove and wrap 6
times. Trim end.
16. Using 24 Gauge wire wraps ends together, but do
not attach to choker. Starting approximately 1/4 inch
from end wrap 10 times, working towards the bend.
8. Repeat on opposite side of groove.
9. Removing masking tape as you go along, repeat
wraps every 2 inches on both sides. You should have
total of 5 wraps on each side of the groove.
17. Trim ends.
18. Dab glue on all wraps and on ends trimmed in
previous step. Let dry.
19. Either by hand or with necklace mandrel shape choker so it fits flat to your neck.
TIPS: Can add additional sets of wraps up each side of choker to give slightly different look. This choker can be
used with any pendant.
• See Carved Horizon Pendant instructions.
By: Cindy Becker
1. Cut (3) 5 inch pieces of Silver Plated and (3) 5 inch
pieces of brass 20 Gauge wire.
2. Cut (1) inch piece 24 Gauge wire.
3. Using Chain Nose Pliers make small hook on end of
24 Gauge wire and set aside.
4. Alternating Silver Plated and Brass wires line up
5. Find center and wrap hook from 24 Gauge wire.
Make 5 tight wraps. (Be sure to keep the wires flat.)
6. Repeat previous 2 steps 3/4 inches either side of
center wraps. You will end up with 3 evenly spread
wrap sections.
20” Beadalon 20 Gauge Round Fancy
Non-Tarnish Brass Wire 180N-520
20 “ Beadalon 20 Gauge Round Fancy
Nickel-Free Silver Plated Wire 180B-520
12” Beadalon 24 Gauge Round Fancy
Nickel-free Silver Plated Wire 180B-524
Beadalon Wire Cutters 202A-105
Beadalon Chain Nose Pliers 201A-101
Beadalon Baler 201A230
Michaels Crafts Bead Gallery White Carved
Cinnabar 20mm 7 33421 89888 7
Michaels Crafts Bead Gallery Natural
Mother of Pearl 4mm 7 33421 90325 3
11. Using Chain Nose Pliers pull in each corner to form
a cage.
12. Pop in Carved Cinnabar bead and repeat previous
step to secure bead.
13. Pull center 4 wires upward.
7. Shape wire bundle around White Carved Cinnabar
14. Using small side of the baler bend 4 wires backward to form the necklace bale.
8. Where wires meet at top bend upward.
15. Wrap excess 24Gauge wire around ends to secure.
Trim excess wire.
9. Using 24 Gauge wire wrap all 12 wires together to
secure, (5 wraps). Do Not trim excess 24 Gauge wire.
10. Separate top wires, 6 per side. Try to keep on
same side.
16. Place small dab of glue on end wires.
17. Pull remaining wires toward front. Trim so all are
same length.
18. Staggering lengths, thread one Mother of Pearl
bead on 4 left wires. Using Round Nose Pliers make
small loop on end of each wire. Using Chain Nose
Pliers curl wire upwards.
19. One by one, bring single wire from right under the
beads and wrap just below one bead. Trim excess.
20. Repeat with all 4.