Annual Report 2010


Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Advancing a healthy Victoria through Gymsports that are fun
and accessible to all.
Gymnastics is acknowledged as the basis of all sports; providing balance,
discipline, flexibility, coordination and motor skills. Gymnastic participation at
all levels and ages provides a healthy outlet for both basic exercise and highlevel competition. The encouragement of children to be involved in a more
active lifestyle will improve and enhance a healthy Victoria.
To develop and promote Gymsports to enhance participation
and performance in Victoria.
Gymnastics Victoria will advance this mission through leadership by a strong
committed Board and administration, with transparent and ethical governance
and management. Innovative and forward-thinking development of the sport at
all levels will advance both the number of people involved in Gymsports and
their achievements.
Talented and diversified Board composition providing transparent and
effective governance.
Highly skilled and motivated employees and volunteers providing efficient and
effective service delivery.
Cost effective and supportive programs available to clubs and individuals
irrespective of location, age, gender, ability or disability.
A comprehensive program containing combined events, to meet gymnasts’
needs, that are professionally managed, entertaining and media-friendly.
High profile, quality Gymsport programs accessible to all.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Murray Chessell
Board of Directors
Vice President
Board Member Finance
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Life Members
Miss Joan Caelli (dec)
Mrs M Carey
Mr J Carey (dec)
Mr Jim Barry MBE
Mr Jim Jack
Mrs Val Beitzel (dec)
Mr A Frank (dec)
Mrs Lee Caelli AM (dec)
Mr P Teare
Mrs Shirley Reid
Mr Graeme Heath
Mrs Barbara Cunningham
Mrs Joan Duquemin
Mrs Carole Sussman (dec)
Mr Michael Johnson *
Ms Emaleigh Nimmervoll *
Mr Andrew Newman Morris *
Mr Ralf Schenk *
Mrs Sally Newman Morris *
Ms Lisa Taylor *
Mr Adrian Wareham *
Mr David Wareham *
Mrs Marion Wareham *
Mrs Jill Wright
Mrs Helen Chamberlain
Mr Gordon Draper
Mrs Toni Myers
Mrs Jan Smart
Mr George Tatai
Dr Don McIntosh
Mr Geoff Sussman
* denotes Trampoline Sports
Julie Sarll
Jillian Wright
Nick Thornton
Tanya Johansen
Geoff Moon
Gordon Draper
Skev Ioannou
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Office Personnel
Executive Director
Business & Finance Manager
Office Coordinator
Communications Officer
Events Director
Events Coordinator
Club Services Manager
Education Director
Sport Development Manager
Jane Farrance
Patricia Bahr
Lylyfu Poh
Carol Weiss
Alistair Edgar
Laura Moylan
Kristian Brudenell
Lee Whittaker
Tessa Storey
High Performance Programs
Men’s Gymnastics
Greg Corsiglia
Marcia Corsiglia
Anthony Weston
Leon Radchenko
Arthur Voulgaris
Larson Paulding
Vincent Van Berkel
Bradley Spicer
Luke Wadsworth
Women’s Gymnastics
Mikhail Barabach
Tracey Penaluna
Melissa Chisholm
Nadiya Koryakina
Tatiana Barabach
Maxim Barabach
Belinda Kay
Meagan O’Connor
Fiona Coley
Sport Aerobics
Jenna Flack
Medical Team
Dr Don McIntosh
Wendy Braybon
Anna Byrne
Melanie Cousins
Charissa Fermelis
Olivia George
Fiona Jacobs
Kate McGillivray
Sam Peasnell
Dr Kathy Yu
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Technical Committees
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Technical Director Bridget Thomson
Secretary Sharyn Kemp
Judging Coordinator Sandra Button
Coaching Coordinator Emma Tankovich
Events Coordinator Sue Patrick
Performance Coordinator Phillipa Barrow
Projects Coordinator Lisa Bradley
Participation Coordinator Tiffany Kelly
Communications Officer Margaret Lanz
Technical Director Kate Mulheran
Judging Coordinator Keeley Reade
Coaching Coordinator Jasmine Crowsley
Events Coordinator Kerryn Cormick
Sport Aerobics
Men’s Gymnastics
Technical Director Paul Thanas
Secretary Marcia Corsiglia
Senior Judges Coordinator Nedal Alyousef
Junior Judges Coordinator Duncan Myers
Ass. Judges Coordinator Christos Voulgaris
Coaching Coordinator Greg Corsiglia
Events Melanie Jenkins
Information Coordinator Andrew Higgins
General Member Anthony Weston
Women’s Gymnastics
Technical Director Sue Synnot
Minute Secretary Elizabeth Milkins
Judging Coordinator Sue Cowdell
Coaching Coordinator David Hill
Events Coordinator Helen Chamberlain
General Member Simone Greig
General Member leotard Tracy Hortin
General Member calendar Brad Spunner
Women’s Elite Advisory Committee (VEAC)
Chair Mikhail Barabach
MLC Michelle DeHighden
WGC John Hart
VWHPC Tracey Penaluna
Technical Director Vicki Henty
Secretary Sandra Bourke
Judging Coordinator Judy Rizzardi
Coaching Coordinator Justine Bratanavicius
VHPAS Coordinator Jenna Flack
Events Coordinator Brittannie Portelli
Publicity/Promotion Kerryn Cormick
Club Dev Officer Caitlin Shipsides
Nominated Member Judith Gillen
Trampoline Sports
Technical Director David Wareham
Judging Coordinator Louise Phillipson
Events Coordinator Mark Lau
General Member Chris Chatfield
General Member Adrian Wareham
Nominated Member Sophie Swain
Acrobatic Gymnastics
Technical Director Andrew Saba
Secretary/Communication Sue Faulkner
Judging Coordinator Wendy Treble
Coaching Coordinator Jasmine Meaker
Events Coordinator Jill Gamble/Laura McKenzie
Publicity Officer Robynne Smith
Development Melissa Santo
General Member Helen Efthimiou
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Executive Director
MG Men’s Gymnastics
WG Women’s Gymnastics
RG Rhythmic Gymnastics
GFA Gymnastics For All
CHL Cheerleading
AER Sport Aerobics
TRP Trampoline Sports
ACR Acrobatic Gymnastics
Events & Competitions
Club Services & Club 10
Victorian Teams
Technical Committee Awards
Business 30
Financial Statement
Auditors Report
Key Statistics
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Julie Sarll
This year has been one of consolidation and success.
Following on from the series of Club Forums held in
2009/2010 the Board agreed to make several significant
changes to the structure of GV and the way the
programs operate.
Additionally the financial loss has not been as great as
anticipated, because of the higher number of participants.
Overall the coaching and judging courses ran at a surplus
of approximately $18,000; however this does not include
staff costs or office overheads.
The Board commissioned a review of the office
structure at the end of 2009 and this new structure
was implemented in 2010. It has led to streamlining
andbetter efficiency throughout the organisation.
Following questions at a recent Club Forum, the Board
is in the process of reviewing the details of income and
expenditure for the Education Program. Major items of
expenditure and their percentage of total expenditure
for the Level 1 coaching courses are listed as:
We also agreed to reduce the cost of coaching and
judging courses for members by half for a trial period of
two years. This necessitated a negative budget for GV
for the 2010 financial year. Even so, the first year of the
trial has been considered very successful. Along with
very positive feedback received from members, there
has been a significant increase in the number of course
For Level 1 coaching there has been an increase of 11%,
21% for Level 2 coaching; and a massive 227% increase
in attendees at Judging courses (this is in part due to the
end of the Olympic Cycle in 2009).
Catering and incidentals
Courier and postage
Travel and accommodation
Venue hire
Assessment costs
The GV High Performance Centres and clubs continue
to produce quality gymnasts, with Ashleigh Brennan,
Georgia Bonora, Christie Jenkins, Aaron Thanas, Luke
Wadsworth and Georgia Wheeler representing Australia
at both World Championships and Commonwealth
Games. Excellent results!
The Board is pleased to see the Australian Sports
Commission is placing greater emphasis on participation.
We are looking forward to working with GA in this
regard, with a special emphasis in Victoria on regional
Our thanks to Jane Farrance and the staff of GV for
their hard work on behalf of all of us. 2010 has been
a very successful year.
The Board would like to acknowledge our major
supporters VicHealth, Sport Recreation Victoria, and
the Victorian Institute of Sport. GV has many successful
partners including; Gymnastics Australia, Swinburne
University, ACHPER, SCOPE, VicsRapid, Special
Olympics, and VicSport who contribute generously
to our success and particular thanks go to our 103
clubs with 212 venues across the state.
Personal thanks to all the Board Members for their
willingness to contribute ideas and participate in vigorous
discussion in a wide range of areas. We are all working
for the betterment of Gymnastics in Victoria.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Executive Director
Jane Farrance
Gymnastics in 2010 was exciting with the Commonwealth
Games in Delhi, various World Championships around the
globe, and in Melbourne, the Pacific Rim event. In each
of these events there was great Victorian representation.
Congratulations to Commonwealth Games Gold Medal
Team members for WG Ashleigh Brennan, Georgia
Bonora and Georgia Wheeler. Georgia also won the
Bronze medal in the All Around competition and Silver
medal on Uneven Bars. World Championships
representatives included Aaron Thanas and Luke
Wadsworth for MG, with Ashleigh Brennan, Georgia
Bonora (who placed 14th All Around) and Georgia
Wheeler in WG. Christie Jenkins was the Trampoline
At the other end of the scale the work of GV clubs in
the area of inclusion has been inspiring. It has indeed
been a good year.
Ten years ago (in 2000) GV had 16,630 members; now
in there are over 30,000 members, consisting of 29,740
gymnasts and a further 951 Technical Members. That is
fantastic growth and I congratulate all the 103 clubs who
have grown, provided excellent programs and attracted so
many gymnasts to our sport. Gymnastics is the basis of all
sport and the next aim will be to double our membership
through the following decade by providing gymnastics
to all. To do this we need clubs to expand, involve new
venues, move into the population growth areas and reach
our young to give them every advantage gymnastics
can offer.
Staff changes in 2010 were minimal, we farewelled Tessa
Storey at the end of the year. We are to say a temporary
goodbye to Alistair Edgar, as he is seconded to GA for
2011. We also welcomed Melissa Chisholm as the new
WG HPC administrator.
GV invested in a software program, Plans@Work, to help
keep the organisation focussed on its Strategic Plan and
to facilitate reporting to the Board in a strategic manner.
The office was re-structured at the start of 2010 and
have gained efficiencies in productivity as a result. GV
have increased IT performance and accessibility with
the addition of a wireless internet system as well as full
remote access through a network server, a cordless
hands-free conference telephone set-up for the boardroom and two new mini notebooks for use by the
education presenters.
Gymnastics Victoria is involved in the initial planning
of the Gippsland Regional Sport Development Plan
and appreciates the support from those regional clubs.
GV is optimistic of achieving a new regional facility
in that area in the not too distant future.
Congratulations to the clubs which received significant
grants to further their development in building more high
standard gymnastics facilities, particularly Highett, Jets
Diamond Creek and Natimuk. Gymnastics Victoria
redeemed Club 10 vouchers to the value of $5,600,
thus putting that money directly back into clubs.
The purchase of new equipment for both the MG and
WG High Performance Centre programs was welcomed
and maintains the HPC as a top quality training venue.
Although the centre is primarily for our International
Stream athletes, its usage by the general gymnastic
community is considerable. Over 110 community dayusages were conducted in 2010. Access included 320
members at the Leaps & Bounds conference, State
Team and squad training, education courses, events
and the launch of the Pacific Rim event.
GV introduced a new publication ‘Beyond the Mat’
in 2010. Edition 1 was produced in July informing the
community of the changes and positive developments
in the sport. Clubs are encouraged to reproduce any
of the information in their club newsletters, or post it
on notice boards.
The increased usage of IT in communications has been
significant. The GV web page has become the hub of
gymnastic communications and with the introduction of the
fortnightly e-news, and regular updates on face-book there
was a reduced need for so much information in our hard
copy communications. Both the Bulletin and Year book
have reduced in size and directs members to the web
page where the information is readily accessible.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
We welcome Catherine Clark, CEO of Gymnastics
Australia, who has unified the states with a strong
cohesive direction.
As a result of the Crawford Report sport funding and
structures are changing with a growing emphasis on
the close relationship between National and State sporting
organisations. Gymnastics is leading the way showing
unity of purpose and direction with the National body.
Gymnastics has always shown a strong national
direction, but during 2010 we have reached a new level
of cooperation.
The Victorian events schedule was huge again and with
the addition of the new tiered system, co-presentation
scheme and Event Duty staff, the events were conducted
to very high standards. Feedback from the community
has been very positive. Events were conducted for all
levels and sports throughout the year including the
Cirque de Gymnastique for display gymnastics, school
competitions and many public displays.
Congratulations to the Victorian Champions for the
year. Our State Teams did the state proud with over 570
Victorians travelling to various National Championships.
The time and effort of all the State Team support staff,
from Managers and Coaches to Chaperones and Medical
staff is appreciated. Thank you.
VIS continues to be a great supporter of WG International
athletes and enables access to many sports science, ACE
and other programs which gymnastics could not do alone.
The VIS also supports the Regional Sports Academies.
The Barwon Sports Academy is the only academy which
includes gymnastics at this time. GV plans to strengthen
and grow these links to improve gymnastics in regional
Gymnastics Victoria is coming to the end of a four year
partnership with VicHealth which has driven gymnastics
to improve its inclusion practices; this has been a very
successful program lead by Footscray City Gymnastics
Club in partnership with SCOPE and great work also being
achieved by the Highett Youth Club. All our technical
members are now ‘Managing Inclusion in Gymnastics’
trained, as are all the Board and staff.
Due to the State election late in 2010 there was a change
in government which delayed the announcement of Sport
Recreation Victoria (SRV) funding for the next three years.
Gymnastics Victoria is delighted to announce that we
were successful in gaining funding for a further year.
The program will be reviewed by the new Government
to ensure it aligns with the Governments objectives.
Early indications are very positive and we continue to
grow and strengthen our relationship with SRV. SRV
has implemented a Code of Conduct for sport, of which
we have complied with all requirements with our complaint
handling flow chart now on the webpage.
Gymnastics Victoria continues to support and be
supported by VicSport and it was very pleasing to see
gymnast Angela Donald (WGC) announced as winner
of the Dame Mary Herring Junior Sport Award 2010.
Swinburne University supports gymnastics through
access to its Prahran campus, well beyond that of the
State Training Centre, including access to classrooms,
lecture theatres, and other facilities for education and
events. We thank them for their continued support.
The Gymnastic Foundation began its inaugural giving
project in 2010, supporting eight regional clubs to train
new coaches. More energy is required to drive this project
to greater support to gymnastics. It is a start and will only
get better.
Existing partnerships with ACHPER, School Sport Victoria,
VicsRapid and Special Olympics have strengthened
during the year and will continue to benefit our sport.
The support of the Community has been strong and I
personally thank all the volunteers, Technical Committees,
technical members, club administrators and all with whom
GV has interacted with to grow and improve gymnastics in
Victoria. The achievements of the year are substantial and
can only have been achieved by a great team. That team
is lead by Julie Sarll and the Board who work so hard for
the sport, often unseen and unrewarded; they have led
the sport well. The staff work long hours and always put
in the extra to ensure Victoria does it better. Thank you.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Board Member Finance
Nick Thornton
The 2010 financial year presented the Board with a
number of dilemmas. In constructing the budget a
persuasive case was made to run a deficit in order to
meet an important objective in the strategic plan. This
objective was to ensure Gymnastics Victoria provide
strong support for education programs, particularly for
coaches and judges. In turn, alongside a loss of revenue
from the reconfiguration of coaches course delivery
nationally, this meant a serious commitment of resources
for at least two years to subsidise coaching and judges
courses for clubs. This has been done during 2010
and will continue for 2011.
Without any significant changes in income, we estimated
a deficit of about $50,000. Alongside this we decided not
to increase fees at any level. The end of year result of
a loss of $72,000 represents the education subsidy, an
increase in depreciation arising from a large amount
of new equipment purchases and some additional IT
software and training expenses. Fortunately there
had also been conservative accounting of membership
numbers and therefore membership income. Additional
income was generated in this area.
Lastly, the Board supported the decision to have a
number of competitions managed by paid Event Duty
managers and coordinators. This has been a departure
from previous practice, as we had always solely relied
on volunteers to do this work for us. The reality is, that
volunteers are very thinly spread over a range of activities
so in order to ensure professional ongoing support for
competitions we moved to a pay for support and
delivery strategy. The new co-presentation scheme for
competitions has also added significantly to the cost of
events, but this money feeds directly back to our clubs.
Feedback tells us this is a good move but it costs.
Looking forward we will continue to subsidise education
programs and to manage events with professional staff
so for 2011 we will again run a deficit. This will be rectified
by adjusting the registration fees over the next two years.
A notice of motion was included for the 2011 AGM and
a further increase is foreshadowed for 2012.
Unlike a number of other sports Gymnastics is alive and
well and as we grow steadily and look to provide greater
inclusivity, especially across non-metropolitan Victoria
we recognise that this will incur expenditure for which we
need additional income. Registration fee income spreads
the burden across the whole gymnastics community.
Your Board is conscious that it needs to balance financial
responsibility with achieving strategic objectives and
we are looking ahead two or three years to see this is
achieved. Likewise, we want to provide good and new
services for clubs and to the sports in the gymnastics
family. We hope that you share the same view.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Men’s Gymnastics
Paul Thanas
After a successful year in 2009 by winning the Charles
Williamson Shield, the pressure was on as the reining
number one state to follow up on this success.
The successful development of the State Squad has
seen a growing desire from clubs, coaches and gymnasts
to achieve the best that they can be. This was evident
with overall improvement and increased numbers
across all levels.
A strong team was selected for the 2010 National
Championships, only to be struck down with injuries.
Even though the team was depleted everyone put in great
performances, only to fall just short, finishing second.
Our Senior team showed that the 2009 win after 30 years
was not a one-off, by taking out back-to-back wins.
Three Victorian seniors were named in the 2010 World
Team Squad; Jayden Bull, AJ Thanas and Luke
Wadsworth. Unfortunately Jayden had a serious injury
during training camp, leaving Luke and AJ to make the
team to Rotterdam with their coach Greg Corsiglia.
Victorian juniors Tyson Bull and Kent Pieterse with
their coach Leon Radchenko were selected to compete
in Austria in the Future Stars competition.
Victoria had gymnasts in every Australian squad from
Olympic to junior, which demonstrated the depth and
improvement in the sport of Men’s Gymnastics.
We look forward to 2011.
After 20 years as a competitive gymnast long-standing
Victorian team captain, Aaron Thanas, retired from
competitive gymnastics. AJ spent the last 10 years
at the HPC with coach Greg Corsiglia. He holds an
unprecedented 6 undefeated senior Victorian titles,
finishing with a total of 7 titles which included a junior
level 6 title.
The Victorian MG community would like to thank AJ for
his leadership and achievement over the past 20 years.
Aaron will continue as a judge, coach and as the athletes’
representative on the Men’s Technical Committee
In closing, I would like to thank all members of the Men’s
committee for their work in 2010, and the Victorian clubs
for their efforts throughout the year. Without us all working
together we could not achieve the results we have.
Further thanks are due to the GV Board and staff who
have supported MG gymnastics in all areas.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Women’s Gymnastics
Sue Synnot
2010 began with Leaps & Bounds and the annual Awards
Night, both of which were well attended and worthwhile
for our community.
Technical Information day was held towards the end of
February where we had three workshops based on “ideal
technique”, and all attendees were given an A3 poster
of the ideal change leg leap. This was very well received,
as were the Victorian WG awards voted by the WG
community and presented on the day.
State Stream Gymnast of the Year - Michelle Aumann
I.S. Gymnast of the Year - Angela Donald
National Stream Coach of the Year - Simone Greig
I.S. Coach of the Year - Shao Yi Jiang and John Hart
Official of the Year - Michelle De Highden
Club of the Year - Footscray City
During the year Victoria had some wonderful international
representation and successes including;
Youth Olympics – Singapore
Angela Donald (Bronze BB)
Commonwealth Games – Delhi
Team Gold, Ashleigh Brennan (Bronze FX), Georgia
Bonora (Bronze AA, Silver UB), and Georgia Wheeler
World Championships – Rotterdam
Team 6th Ashleigh Brennan, Georgia Bonora and
Georgia Wheeler
The very successful Victorian Championships were held
again at the State Netball and Hockey Centre. Some very
long days were had by judges and coaches and I thank
them for their tireless contribution to our sport.
The Australian Championships for both International
Stream and National Levels were held in Perth during
July. The gymnasts representing Victoria did a fantastic
job and again we came away with some terrific results.
Congratulations to all Victorian gymnasts, coaches and
Team Results
1st Senior International
1st Junior International
1st International Level 10
2nd International Level 8
1st International Level 6
1st National Level 10
2nd National Level 9
4th National Level 8
2nd National Level 7
August hailed our State Pennant finals for Level 1, 2 and
3 gymnasts. State Pennant routines were newly learnt
and all clubs are to be congratulated on the mastery of
the new routines.
The Victorian Championships for National Level 4 and 5
and State Level 6 - 10 continue to attract consistently high
numbers at the State levels, and the showcasing of their
most important event at the Geelong Arena was the highlight for many. It is terrific to see the standard across all
levels improving and I congratulate the efforts of all clubs
and judges.
A discussion forum for judges was introduced this year
and held at three major events throughout the season.
The feedback and honesty shown at these forums was
invaluable and I encourage all judges to schedule them
in for 2011. There will be obvious improvements to all
aspects of judging that will be seen in the future. Thanks
to Sue Cowdell and Helen Chamberlain for their work
in this area.
In closing, thank you to the GV Board, Executive Director
and GV office staff for their work over the year, and in
particular the events staff who have worked hard with the
WG TC to produce high quality events. Would also like to
thank the members of the WG Technical Committee for
their tireless work over the past year to improve and
promote Women’s Gymnastics in Victoria.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Bridget Thomson
2010 has proved to be a consolidation year for RG in
Victoria. With the implementation of the new national
program manual and the release of the new judges
courses, RG are now settling into a period for growth.
Additionally, the National RG Commission is implementing
many recommendations that were put forward by the
states, one of which is the development of a national
schools program. We are very much looking forward to the
release of this program in the near future so that we can
offer Rhythmic Gymnastics to a wider base of participants.
Half way through the four year planning cycle and it is
pleasing to report that we have achieved progress in all
areas. The key outcomes fall under four groupings as
Increase participation in Rhythmic Gymnastics
activities in Victoria.
RG was included in ACHPER training during 2010.
Performances in public arenas have also increased
general awareness and interest: Pacific Rim
Championships, Cirque de Gymnastique.
Improved performance of competitive Victorian
Rhythmic Gymnasts.
The VRG training squad continues to provide high
level support for our most talented athletes. Sessions
have included sports psychology, Pilates and strength
& conditioning. 2010 also saw an increased number
of athletes entering the higher levels – Level 7 +.
Victoria was proud to have had Australia’s RG representative at the Youth Olympics - Taylor Tirahardjo from
Ruyton – and we congratulate her on her performance.
Increased numbers and improved education of all people
involved in the sport of Rhythmic Gymnastics in Victoria.
We had 19 candidates complete the beginners and intermediate judges courses. This provided a much needed
boost to our pool of judges.
Clubs continue to host invitational events to a high
standard with a body of enthusiastic and talented
volunteers. This was evidenced at the Aussie All Stars
Championships, which was a huge success due to the
tireless efforts of the many volunteers.
Three Victorian coaches have embarked on the Level 2
coaching course, which was this year held in Adelaide.
A well coordinated and attended calendar of events to
cater to all levels of ability.
We have successfully streamlined our events to ensure
maximum impact on minimum resources.
We have received increased interest and entries from
interstate and international clubs for the Aussie All Stars
In summary, 2010 has been a terrific year with a focus
on progressing our four year plan. We are grateful to the
Board and staff of Gymnastics Victoria for the ongoing
support that they provide, which ensures the success
and growth of Rhythmic Gymnastics in Victoria.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics for All
2010 was a year of research and planning for Gymnastics
For All (GFA). There is currently no Technical Committee
for GFA, thus Gymnastics Victoria office staff have taken
on the responsibility of administering and developing this
vital and considerably large piece of the gymnastics pie.
The year kicked off with a GFA forum which was attended
by a group of enthusiastic GFA coaches. The participants
provided invaluable comments and suggestions as to the
role of GFA in the gymnastics community, and ways that
we can build the GFA profile. Gymnastics Victoria has
taken this guidance on-board and is working hard on
devising a strategy for GFA, in line with the community’s
Cirque de Gymnastique was again held in 2010. This
spectacular event was held in conjunction with the
Women’s Gymnastics Victorian Championships for levels
4 to 6 and state 6 to 10. The show took the audience on
an exciting “Walk down the Geelong Waterfront” exploring
the famous Geelong bollards along the way. Ten Victorian
clubs took part in Cirque de Gymnastique to showcase a
fantastic variety of gymsports. Gymnastics Victoria is
looking forward to making Cirque de Gymnastique
even bigger, better and more spectacular in 2011.
GFA was helped along by a friendly, little sugar glider
called ‘Bounce!’, who loves gymnastics! Gymnastics
Victoria has worked hard to develop a strategic plan
for ‘Bounce!’ to help promote and grow GFA in 2011
and beyond. Gymnastics Victoria is currently having
a ‘Bounce!’ costume manufactured and the community
should look forward to seeing the mascot at competitions
and events during 2011.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Kate Mulheran
The 2010 AUS Cheer season saw some great
competitions being held and clubs co-hosting for the
first time. The first round was the Australian Challenge
hosted by Cheltenham and all athletes and participants
had a great time.
Australian Grand was once again held in Melbourne,
bringing together just under 1,200 athletes competing for
the overall title of Nations Cup Champion. The Victorian
team, MLC Level, took out this honour, the best in the
Nation. KLD Extreme also competed at Worlds 2010.
Showdown was next and was held at MSAC; again this
was a well-run competition with good numbers and some
new teams competing.
To finish off the season Cheer for a Cure was held in
Geelong co-hosted by Cheerleading Geelong.
Unfortunately due to low numbers this competition was
run as an exhibition only but was still greatly appreciated
by those who went. Participants attended a workshop
conducted by Emma Holden in addition to the display.
Both these competitions saw capacity audience numbers
up on 2009, showing us that we are gaining more interest
in Cheerleading on the whole.
Throughout the year the Technical Committee worked
closely with Gymnastics Victoria to find other ways to
introduce Cheerleading to our broader community.
Three days of workshops were conducted in conjunction
with Girls Sport Victoria, with thanks to Lee for this
opportunity. This led to numerous schools enquiring
into how they could incorporate Cheer into their PE
programmes and this will be actioned in 2011.
Two Level 1 coaching courses were conducted with
good attendance, leading to six new coaches becoming
qualified. The Technical Committee would like to continue
to see young coaches coming through and being
mentored into programs, and would also like to
increase the numbers of qualified judges in 2011.
Cheltenham Youth Club and Balance Gymnastics Club
both introduced Cheerleading programs this year, which
was exciting to see.
Kate Mulheran ran two workshops later in the year
introducing Cheer to Year 7 and 8 students as an
alternative to other sports and showing teachers and
schools that anybody can start Cheer no matter what
ability, as we start from the basics.
In January, we were very fortunate to be able to offer
coaches a workshop with Kelvin Lam who was visiting
Australia from Hawaii University. All participants learnt
a great deal. We hope during the year to be able to offer
further coach and athlete education via workshops such
as this.
Leading into 2011 we hope to continue working closely
with GV to grow Cheerleading in Victoria and grow our
community awareness even further, specifically within
schools and clubs affiliated with GV.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Sport Aerobics
Vicki Henty
2010 has been an exciting year in Sports Aerobics where
many goals in our strategic plan have been achieved.
Our Technical Committee has worked hard again to
manage and develop the sport. Thanks to these people
for their support and hard work throughout the year. This
year we welcomed Justine Bratanavicius as Coaching
Coordinator and welcomed back Judith Gillen as our
appointed member. I would also like to farewell Sandra
Burke (Secretary) and Britannie Portelli (Events
Coordinator) who have announced their resignation
from the Technical Committee, and thank them on
behalf of the TC for their contribution to the sport.
Promotion of the sport included a display of Optional
Athletes at the MG and WG Victorian Championships
2010, Cirque de Gymnastique and Federation Square
Performances. Our High Performance Squad has worked
on a promotional routine ready to use in 2011 to promote
the AER discipline to the wider community.
The Victorian Championships competition, held at
MSAC, was a great success. The venue and event was
of a high standard. Thank you to GV events and other
staff who facilitated this and also for their efforts with the
organisation of our very large, and biggest to date, State
Team to Nationals.
Our Victorian team was once again hugely successful
at the National Championships winning 24 Gold medals
across a range of divisions. A qualification score for State
Team has been added to our Selection Policy to reduce
the number of athletes and further improve the quality
of athletes representing Victoria at a National level.
Thank you to all officials, volunteers and others involved
in preparing and supporting the athletes prior to and at
this event.
Congratulations to athletes Robyn Kalkoven and Charlotte
Roe from Knox Gymnastics Club who travelled to New
Zealand and competed in the National Championships,
winning Silver and Bronze medals (respectively) in the
International Age Group 1 Division.
The VHPAS Squad continued to strengthen its operation
this year with athletes being selected and invited to join
the squad and attending eight training sessions from
February to November. A variety of expert coaches and
professionals from a range of disciplines were invited to
provide athletes with the very best training opportunities
in areas such as strength & conditioning, skills, dance,
yoga and massage.
The new Intermediate Silver and Advanced judges course
was presented by Liz Lyons in May and was well attended
again this year. 12 Advanced and two Intermediate
Bronze judges qualified at the 2010 course. This was
partly due to the generosity of Gymnastics Victoria in
providing half price courses, as well as the Technical
Committee subsidy which reduced course fees even
Judges who qualified at Advanced level contributed to
Victoria’s judging presence at state and national level
competition. Members on the Technical Committee also
need to be recognised for their efforts in encouraging
participants to complete the course.
Finally, I would like to thank Jane Farrance and all the GV
staff for their support and assistance throughout the year.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Trampoline Sports
David Wareham
2010 has been an intense year for the gymsport with a
full program of State, National and International events
undertaken by the Technical Committee, coaches, judges
and athletes.
The State Age and International Stream Championships
attracted a large entry from both Victorian and interstate
clubs. The event also served as an international selection
trial for the Indo Pacific Championships and World Age
and Open Championships, resulting in many interstate
competitors attending. The event was well run without
time or other problems. Unfortunately, the championships
did not include any Tumbling events and plans to hold
the events separately were not successful.
The State Levels Championships were held much later in
the year than previously and was restricted to Levels 1 to
6 only, such that it did not have an entry from the higher
level state team members. This was intended to make
room for more level standard competitors.
It is disappointing to report that, whilst the committee has
been trying to expand trampoline sports into the programs
within the many gym clubs in Victoria who own trampoline
equipment, we have not seen any increase in the number
of clubs entering into our competition program. This is also
very apparent with the Short Track Tumbling program.
The successful series of interclub competitions continued
throughout the year with both National Qualifying
Competitions (Age events) and Levels events. Thank
you to BTYC, CYC, Monash and Omega for hosting
these competitions
The 2010 Australian Championships were held in Adelaide
and proved to be very successful for Victoria. Collectively,
the team brought home 11 Gold medals, 8 Silver and 4
Bronze, as well as some success in the team events.
Congratulations to the members of the International
Stream Women’s Trampoline, Synchro and DMT teams
for their gold medals, and making a clean sweep of all
Women’s disciplines.
Thank you to the team management, coaches and judges
for all their work towards these achievements. The TC is
also very appreciative of all the work done by the GV
office staff, in bringing all the team arrangements together
in such an efficient manner. Thank you all for a job very
well done.
Congratulations, also, to all the Victorian athletes who
were selected to represent Australia at the Indo Pacific
Championships held in Kakegawa, Japan. Bronte Boyes,
Olivia Davies, Georgia McMahon, Emily O’Connor, Olivia
Morris, Imogen Beams, Emma Ward, Hannah Sallows,
Haylee Wellard, Christie Jenkins, Oliver McGrath, Bryce
Wareham, Hayden Woodfall and Matthew Warner. Also
to Jarrod Heriot, coach and Louisa Phillipson, judge.
A much smaller team went to the World and World Age
Championships in France, with Victoria’s Olivia Davies,
Georgia McMahon, Tarryn Hurst and Oliver McGrath
included in the Age Team and Christie Jenkins in the
World Team for DMT.
Madeleine Johnson also featured highly in our International successes this year, placing 3rd in synchro and 6th
in the individual trampoline in the youth section of the
Pacific Rim Championships, Maddie also represented
Australia at the Youth Olympics in Singapore, finishing
a very creditable 6th in the Women’s event.
The TC quest to improve their operation has resulted in
the recruitment of a Promotion/ Communication Officer.
This has been achieved using the committee appointed
member position. Steps have been put in place to add
this position to our committee for 2011, and to fill it at
the AGM. This will bring the TC to eight members, with
another specialist position planned to be added in 2012.
In closing this report, I would like to thank Jane Farrance
and the office staff for their support and assistance
throughout the year.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Acrobatic Gymnastics
Andrew Saba
This year the Acrobatic Gymnastics (ACR) Technical
Committee positions were all filled with enthusiastic
members and those dedicated to the advancement of
our gymsport.
We are constantly offering assistance and support to clubs
to aid with integration of ACR into clubs across Victoria.
Limited uptake to our offers has been frustrating however
those who implement ACR programs have seen fruitful
growth. Other clubs need to look outside the square when
considering new programs …don’t forget, help is always
near! We have strategies for club uptake of ACR in the
2011 year and we hope they will pay off!
Several judges courses have been implemented following
GA’s new G-Educate structure with many judges now
experiencing the benefits of the format. The number of
judges is on the rise again which was helpful at event and
competition time.
A Melbourne based club, Skylark Circus, has implemented
an ACR program and achieved steady growth throughout
the year. Three Groups and one Mixed Pair from Skylark
were amongst other Pairs and Groups from existing clubs
selected to represent Victoria at the Australian
ACR Victorian Championships were held this year at the
Donvale Indoor Sports Centre (DISC). It was great to see
many new Pairs and Groups representing their club at this
event. The competition ran smoothly, thanks to the TC,
host club volunteers, and GV of course. Both other events
reflected the same outcomes with great spectator support
…they just keep rolling in.
In late September, GV allocated time for an Acrobatics
Gala following the 2010 MG National Clubs Championships held at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre
(MSAC). This was a great preparation event prior to
leaving for the 2010 Australian Championships.
The Australian Championships were held at the Marion
Centre Adelaide, SA. Strong and exciting performances
were seen consistently, with a few over and above the
rest. Victorian athletes gained the podium on a number of
occasions, achieving a significant medal tally of 5 Gold, 2
Silver and 1 Bronze. Well done to all athletes and officials.
This year the Gymnastics Victoria Awards Night was held
at Lauriston Girls College. The venue was an excellent
choice for such a special occasion. The ACR Technical
Committee Awards were presented and congratulations
to all nominees and the award recipients - well deserved.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Lee Whittaker
2010 focused on bringing G-Educate into reality and it
began with judges courses. After a few teething problems
in the later part of 2009, the 2010 judges courses rolled
out smoothly. Most of the presenters have now been
upskilled on the new system as it required specialised
training, and they have taken to it extremely well.
The year also saw witness to the introduction by the
Board of half price accreditation courses, which will
continue through 2011 for affiliated member clubs. Other
incentives included the Gymnastics Foundation offering
a $200 rebate to regional clubs for a Level one coach
gaining accreditation. And Sport and Recreation Victoria
implemented ‘Target 1000’ whereby clubs could receive
a further $60 rebate for course participants. GV has
increased its technical membership by 90 in the year.
The GV Board are continuing the discount program
through 2011 with the hope more clubs will take up this
fantastic opportunity and thus boost coaching and judging
During the year 39 Level 1 coaching courses were
conducted, seven of these rural, accommodating 426
participants. 212 new coaches affiliated with Gymnastics
Australia, which was a record for the state.
Combined with the increased number of coaches was
the ongoing need to train supervisors. To do this GV
conducted three Supervisors Workshops with a total of
22 participants. Most clubs now have well trained and
effective supervisors. Since this system was introduced
in 2001, the standard of supervisors has consistently
increased, which in turn assists new coaches move
through the system more efficiently with a reduction in
resubmitted post course requirements.
10 participants attended each of the MG and WG Level 2
coaches courses during the year and all are well on their
way to gaining their new accreditations.
Three junior coaching workshops were conducted during
the year which, attracted 43 junior coaches and six
supervisors. These free workshops will be continuing.
The Leaps & Bounds Education Conference was held in
January 2010, facilitating 325 participants with very
encouraging feedback. The numbers were down this
year due to the introduction of GA’s new on-line course,
MIG (Managing Inclusion in Gymnastics), which was
compulsory for all Technical Members and attracted
three updating points. It is pleasing to see the community
embracing inclusive education. It was identified that GV
needs to include more administrator sessions in the L&B
line-up. This will become a focus for the future.
Gymnastics Victoria in conjunction with Gymnastic
Professionals Australia arranged for Jeff Metzger from
the USA to present a 2 day seminar, ‘Managing Your Club
for Success’, with the aim to assist club owners, managers
and their administration staff improve the management
of Victorian clubs to the benefits of all. Jeff runs a highly
successful sports business in the States and travels the
worlds lecturing to sporting organisations. His knowledge
and ideas were extremely well received by the
participants. The workshop was well attended with
94 candidates from across Australia taking up this
opportunity. GV affiliated clubs were all offered to send
one person free and a second member at a highly
discounted rate.
In 2010, the number of clubs conducting sanctioned
workshops increased to 63 with more rural clubs now
running in-house workshops for their coaches. The
standard of the club workshops has improved with
many conducting education on safety and Saulto
Bridging workshops.
Gymnastics Victoria further developed its close links with
ACHPER by attending and contributing to the annual
conference, information workshops and meetings
throughout the year. There was also an increase in the
number of schools requesting Professional Development.
In 2010, GV conducted 29 judging courses across all the
gymsports, with a total of 373 participants in these
sessions. This number was higher than normal as 2010
was a re-qualifying year. The community are encouraged
to continue to take advantage of the annual 2-for-1 club
vouchers offered by GV to attend a Level 1 judges course
in the sport of the club’s choice.
And finally, in keeping with GV’s strategic plan for
education, we are continuing to strive towards retention
and advancement of qualified presenters, assessors and
supervisors. Professional development of presenters has
been ongoing with plans to further up-skill our assessors
in the near future.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Events & Competitions
Alistair Edgar
The end of 2010 marks the halfway point for the current
strategic cycle and it is pleasing to see the organisation
has made considerable progress on the events front.
Strong foundations are in place to facilitate the
achievement of current strategic goals working towards
a prosperous future for the sport.
After the successful introduction of Event Duty managers
in 2009, further appointments were made to expand the
events team. Gymnastics Victoria now boasts a great
professional team of Event Duty managers, Logistics team
leaders, Announcers and Medical staff. This talented team
of enthusiastic individuals, all with expertise in the sport
and in the events industry, made significant contributions
and improvements to the delivery of Victorian gymnastics
Further, the appointment of a full time Events Coordinator
and event management interns led to greater resources
and expertise within the head office. The growth of the
events team has not replaced the need for volunteers but
rather increased the capacity of the organisation and its
ability to support and train volunteers, whilst maintaining a
high level of service.
Gymnastics Victoria member clubs continue to play a vital
role in event delivery. The implementation of the event copresentation program was a great success with more than
15 clubs working in direct partnership with the
organisation. Clubs involved with the program were able
to engage a local team of volunteers to support and
experience a state gymnastics event. It is encouraging to
see that the program inspired more clubs to get involved
with events. Through the event co-presentation program
Gymnastics Victoria invested more than $35,000 back into
the sport. The program will continue into the future and is
expected to have a positive influence on the standard of
events, creating a culture of continual improvement.
The events team and Technical Committees worked
collectively throughout 2010 to improve the standard of
event delivery across the board. Several resources have
been developed to guide clubs in managing events and to
work towards setting industry standards. Member clubs
can now access event planning and marketing resources
that have been customised for each gymsport. It is
expected that the increasing quality of state events and
ongoing support for clubs running local events will result in
continued improvement throughout the state. This will only
improve the gymnastics experience for members and fans
alike and enhance the growth of the sport.
Two key elements that will ensure the future success
of Gymnastics Victoria events are sponsorship and
promotion. During 2009-10 the organisation focused
on refining the events structure, consolidating resources
and ensuring a consistent quality experience for members
and fans. Moving into 2011-12 this focus will shift towards
raising the profile of the sport and building the fan base.
An Events Marketing Strategy and Events Sponsorship
Strategy have been developed and will be integrated with
the strategic plan ensuring that both the Board of Directors
and administration are investing time and resources into
events marketing.
Gymnastics experienced increased media attention in
2010 through drawing attention to high profile athletes
and the entertainment value of events. The sport’s online
presence was boosted via the launch of a Gymnastics
Victoria Facebook page. Through social media, fans have
been able to engage with live event updates, photos and
videos. This online platform has taken gymnastics off the
competition floor and into direct contact with the wider
community. The opportunity for fans to get involved with
gymnastics through Facebook is only the beginning of a
revolution that will take the sport into a new era.
Stand out events in 2010 include the renowned Men’s,
Women’s and Rhythmic Gymnastics Victorian
Championships which showed continued growth and
increased media attention. In the aftermath of the Pacific
Rim Championships (staged in Melbourne just two months
earlier) this event attracted some of Australia’s leading
gymnasts. It was a real inspiration and crowd pleaser to
see all Victorian members of the National and Olympic
Squads on the competition floor, a true indicator of the
worth and success of this event.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
In August spectators queued the length of the Melbourne
Sports and Aquatic Centre for the annual AUS Showdown,
the official Cheerleading Victorian Championships. In only
its second year under the AUS Cheer brand, the event
was a sell out. This increasingly popular event has an
energy like no other and is a valuable part of the Victorian
events season.
The Victorian schools community was offered a ‘new’
style of interschool gymnastics and embraced the change
with enthusiasm. Keeping in line with the Gymnastics
For All philosophy, the school events were restructured
to encourage participation with an emphasis on school
spirit and getting involved. The Primary and Secondary
Interschool Gymnastics Championships were nothing
short of a school sports carnival. Considerable growth
is expected in 2011-12.
Gymnastics Victoria won the bid to host the 2010 Men’s
Gymnastics National Clubs Championships and treated
the community to a great event. The organisation worked
within the existing competition format to stage this
National event at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic
Centre. The success of the event was largely due to the
support of the Victorian Men’s Gymnastics community.
The event was also complemented by a spectacular
exhibition showcasing Acrobatic Gymnastics.
The events season finished on a high with the celebratory
Cirque de Gymnastique. Held at The Geelong Arena in
conjunction with the Women’s Victorian Championships,
this gala event attracted performers from all gymsports.
This Gymnastics For All gala was genuinely enjoyed
by all involved and showed great potential for growth.
Gymnastics Victoria plans to continue showcasing the
sports through this highly entertaining and unique
Gymnastics events in Victoria are currently associated
with a positive, high quality and enjoyable experience.
This recognition is the result of a collective desire to
satisfy members and fans. Gymnastics Victoria
administration, events staff and Technical Committee
members will continue to collaborate, working with
member clubs and service providers to strive towards
success, creating events that never fail to exceed
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Club Services & Club 10
Kristian Brudenell
Affiliated Victorian gymnastics clubs are continuing to
do an amazing job servicing their local communities,
providing increased structured physical activity
opportunities for Victorians and positively promoting the
sport. 29,740 gymnasts were registered by affiliated clubs
in 2010, which is a record number. BTYC recorded the
most gymnasts, closely followed by Waverley Gymnastics
Centre and Footscray City Gymnastics.
In 2010 Gymnastics Victoria had 103 affiliated clubs
operating out of 121 venues. Gymnastics Victoria
welcomed a variety of newly affiliated clubs during
the year:
Aerosport Allstars
Bacchus March Leisure Centre
Eastern Gymnastics Club *
Moonee Valley YMCA Gymnastics Club
Our Lady of Mercy College
Patterson Lakes Community Centre
Skylark Circus
Twisters Gymnastics Club
(* merger of Whitehorse GC and Box Hill GC)
The following clubs also submitted and achieved
Club 10 accreditation:
Cheltenham Youth Club – Star 3
Banyule YMCA – Star 3
Niddrie Gymnastics Club – Star 3
Essendon Keilor Gymnastics– Star 4
BTYC – Star 4
GV strongly believes that all affiliated clubs should be at
Star 3 accreditation or actively working towards this at a
Gymnastics Victoria is extremely proud of the positive
impact our affiliated clubs have within their local
communities and the associated encouraging outcomes.
In 2010 GV introduced a perpetual ‘Community Club of
the Year’ award to identify the club who best promotes
and demonstrates positive values, is responsive to
community and social needs and provides opportunities
for participation and involvement in gymnastics. We thank
‘Bekross’ for creating and donating this most impressive
perpetual trophy.
Footscray City Gymnastics Club was the inaugural 2010
winner, highlighted by their fantastic ‘Adult Disability
Gymnastics Program’. All finalists were of an extremely
high standard, any one of which would have made a
worthy winner. The high standard indicated the fabulous
work the clubs are doing in their communities. Finalists
were Aerosport Allstars, Bugs Gymnastics, Eastern
Gymnastics Club, Cheltenham Youth Club and Niddrie
Throughout 2010 GV provided several opportunities
for member feedback. The GV Board hosted both
metropolitan and rural Club Forums where all affiliated
clubs were invited to attend, meet GV Board Members,
provide feedback on how well the sport is being delivered,
as well as current club challenges and opportunities.
In late 2010 we introduced an electronic ‘Annual Club
Survey’ for affiliated clubs to provide further feedback to
specific questions covering all departments within GV. The
survey helps GV determine priority areas to address, as
well as acknowledge the elements which are being
serviced well. Close to 50% of affiliated clubs completed
the survey, which is a fantastic response rate and
provided a great sample to analyse.
More than fifty club visits also provided an opportunity for
clubs to offer further valuable feedback.
Throughout the year GV continued its development of IT
and electronic communications. The website is now the
official communication hub containing information, forms,
updates and latest news amongst other valuable material.
The site is a progressive work, so expect to see further
exciting developments through 2011.
Across 2010 GV provided many club related benefits,
in addition to the regular club affiliation vouchers and
rebates, based on Club 10 accreditation. GV provided all
affiliated clubs with a free pass to attend the 2 day
‘Managing Your Club for Success’ conference hosted by
gymnastics US guru Jeff Metzger. This seminar was the
highlight of the year for many club administrators and
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
The Gymnastics Foundation also provided eight rural
gymnastics clubs with grants of $200 to subsidise coach
accreditation costs. This was in addition to affiliated clubs
receiving 50% off all accredited education courses for their
members. Many clubs made use of GV’s merchandise
for club promotional activities. We again rewarded clubs
holding star 3 accreditation and above through the Public
Liability Rebate Program, whereby clubs received
ascending rebates based on their Club 10 rating.
On a projects basis we maintained our strong focus
on inclusion, with particular attention around people with
disabilities. GV continues to make significant progress in
this area. The ‘Adult Disability Gymnastics Program’ Pilot
was designed, implemented and evaluated with great
success at Footscray City Gymnastics Club. The program
can now be adapted for use in other gymnastics venues
and GV will be working very closely with selected clubs
across the state in 2011.
GV established a partnership with Cage Sports in 2010
which is a registered training provider. The partnership will
allow club administrators and management the opportunity
to attain a certificate 4 in Business Management whilst
helping their club achieve Club 10 accreditation.
In 2010 GV maintained and further developed
its partnerships with Sport and Recreation Victoria,
VicHealth, SCOPE, Vicsrapid and Special Olympics
Finally, the club visit program led by Club Services
staff provided clubs the opportunity to seek information
from GV, address club development through the Club 10
program and provide GV with club feedback, amongst
numerous other benefits. Clubs are encouraged to
arrange a visit with GV staff.
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Victorian Teams
Men’s Gymnastics
Robert Crea
Thomas MacLennan
Shamus Geraghty
Harrison Daly
Anthony Dorrington
Jeffrey Flemming
Corey Chubb
Satoshi Okita
Jake Loverso
Peter Moon
Jarrod Scury
Phillip Stewart
Aaron Thanas
Brierce Newton
Vincent Lam
Nicholas Stewart
Melanie Jenkins
Greg Corsiglia
Hon Gen Wang
Elijah Evans
Christine Kurz
Eric Grabandt
Brayden James
Joshua Hart
Justin Tan
Jayden Boddy
Cameron Gebel
Caelan Bacon
Steven Lyons
Kent Pieterse
Jesse Wallace White
Matthew Lyons
Jordan Piper
Luke Wadsworth
Steven Ashford
Arthur Voulgaris
Nedal Alyousef
Brett Tomsett
Leon Radchenko
Larsen Paulding
Yuri Grechin
Cade Pettie
Ethan McCormack
Lachlan Fitzgerald
Julian Caser
Lachlan Young
Alexander Rankin
Ryan Perilli
Griffin James
Zac Perillo
Daniel Tabone
Dean Lunn-Wilson
Kevin James
Jayden Bull
Martin Kurz
Bradley Spicer
Brad Mannix
Hayden Ford
Anthony Weston
Paul Thanas
Margaret Thanas
Fergus McDonald
Andrew Gordon
Jackson Kurz
Scott Brooks
Gordon Wallace
Jason Pickard
Lachlan Hawthorn
Kenji Fujihara
Corey Morton
Ben Latta
Christopher Garry
Tyson Bull
Felipe Hernandez
Dion Pocklington
Matthew Seduikis
Joanne Ford
Duncan Myers
Jo Jo
John Dorrington
Caroline James
Tayla Dinuccio
Megan Silvers
Emily Cavell
Bianca Holt
Nicole Quine
Emily Ramsay
Indya Kirby
Georgia Bonora
Grace Claringbold
Emily Dean
Brittany Engellener
Britt Greeley
Natasha Kazmierczak
Amelia McGrath
Clare O’Donnell
Kerri Rush
Rachel Crawford
David Hill
Natalie Roberts
Victoria Whitehead
Alicia Hayes
Tatiana Barabach
Shaoyi Jiang
Jeb Silsbury
Kate McGillvray
Rachel Figgis
Harriet Adcock
Annabelle Diamond
Christine Bonafadini
Janey Nestadt
Victoria Vatsilas
Belinda Unwin
Ebonie Boucher
Tegan Cox
Emma Dennis
Tierra Exum
Emily Haskayne
Madelaine Leydin
Lidia McLean
Svetlana Sanders
Jackie Caldwell
Ellen Donnan
Cherie Johnstone
Wendy Rochstein
Elizabeth Milkins
Serghei Alexandrov
Ross Bouskill
Nadiya Koryakina
Debbie Lindsay
Wendy Braybon
Laura Hart
Kirsty Brooks
Emily Savini
Olivia Delbridge
Megan Pickthall
Christie Donaghey
Hannah Chubb
Ashleigh Brennan
Emma Curry
Angela Donald
Grace Flood
Laura Hingston
Rhiannon Campbell
Shona Morgan
Scarlett Vizec
Helen Chamberlain
Simone Greig
Bret Nicholas
Sue Synnot
Rachel Barton
Maxim Barabach
Michelle De Highden
Regan Molyneaux
Kath Saward
Women’s Gymnastics
Alicia Brown
Sarah Johnstone
Tori Curtis
Elle-Louise Smith
Georgia Holston
Danielle Rickard
Morgan Baum
Brianne Allen
Georgia-Rose Brown
Karla Danelutti
Alexandra Eade
Eliza Freeman
Daria Juricskay
Ciara Marasea
Kiara Munteanu
Georgia Wheeler
Suzanne Cowdell
Lorraine Heeps
Deborah Pepprell
Stacey Weston
Barbara Watts
Mikhail Barabach
John Hart
Tracey Penaluna
Anna Byrne
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Ashlee Emmerson
Kaho Tanimura
Jaime Moss
Stephanie Lee
Emily Barrow
Morgan Lewis
Ekateryna Logachova
Emma Tankovich
Helen Moss
Renee Pantas
Courtnay Wood
Natasha Sneddon
Bianca Strugnell
Marlee-Shae Holden
Sharyn Kemp
Tatiana Loukianenko
Coleen Wood
Miranda Shutler
Anna Didenko
Charlotte Wood
Zoe Bartholomeusz
Samantha Lim
Joan Duquemin
Laura MacIntosh
Sandra Button
Dina Schmulkler
Pascale Maher
Gital Ben-Zvi
Anna Logachova
Taylor Tirahardjo
Margaret Lanz
Karen Owen
Bridget Thomson
Crystal Brazilek
Emma-Lee Collard
Jessica Pride
Olivia Morris
Lauren Allison
Michelle Riederich
Jenna Thurston
Christie Jenkins
Julian Torney
Cameron Scott
Jordan McNamara
Bryce Wareham
Ryan Hatfield
Glenn Joustra
Andrew Ronacher
John Savinov
Andrea Gilchrist
Marion Wareham
Bethany Morris
Freya Appleford
Caitlin Reardon
Paige Crane
Emily Irvine
Hannah Sallows
Kathryn Elmer
Hayley Tagell
Myles Wareham
Gerrie Haasbroek
Nalin Rogers
Hayden Woodfall
Tristan Gilcrist-Lau
Matthew Warner
Debbie Warner
David Wareham
Louisa Phillipson
Karen Jones
Bree-Ashlee Bottoni
Olivia Davies
Georgia McMahon
Tarryn Hurst
Emily O’Connor
Haylee Wellard
Madeleine Johnson
Dane Ryan
William McGrath
Ryan Lammers
Nathan Woodfall
Nicholas Masterton
Andrew Price
Adrian Eastham
Jarrod Heriot
Chris Chatfield
Adrian Wareham
Miriam Anderson
Jessica Box
Kylie Calvi
Jessica Cuddy
Kristina DelGrosso
Kirsty Faulkner
Emily Hewitt
Julianna Ivanka
Jessica Lloyd
Jade Milne-Parry
Hayley Rankin
Jodi Rooimans
Emily Smith
Mia Truong
Paris Volpe
Daniel Zenkis
Robynne Smith
Trent Harris
Melissa Santo
Brenton Aylward
Nick Boyd-Caine
Sarah Calwell
Joanne Curry
Anthony Dorrington
Dayne Halliday
Natalie Holt
Alan Keating
Aaron Mavro
Jessica Noonan
Stacey Rieper
Lauren Shiel
Amber Steward
Lauren Vienet
Claire Wallace
Helen Efthimiou
Julie DeJong
Jasmin Meaker
Bruce Treble
Jacqui Aylward
Karri Brown
Nicole Chiha
Caitlin Dagher
James Dunn
Patricia Hearn
Naomi Hudspeth
Jessica Larsen
Siubhan McBain
Daniel O’Keefe
Esther Rijk
Melissa Shiel
Samantha Todd
Natalie Vienet
Emilyh Weterings
Karen Ivanka
Daniel Gutszmit
Rachel Miller
Wendy Treble
Trampoline Sports
Caitlyn James
Bronte Boyles
Vanessa Cohen
Jesse L:iddell
Teaghan Sutherland
Emma Ward
Jaclyn McAliece
Katrina Yeoman
Joshua Linthorne
Aiden Winder
Clayton Tucker
Oliver McGrath
Patrick McGrath
David Cunningham
Adrian Wareham
Dani Robb
Sam Ward
Chris Wareham
Acrobatic Gymnastics
Talia Abelman
Nicola Aylward
Jessica Bunyard
Emily Cuddy
Liam DeJong
Georgia Efthimiou
Elizabeth Hedding
Emily Ivanka
Danny Leicester
Laura McKenzie
Danielle Peters
Kristan Ronan
Tori Singleton
Blake Treble
Olivia Vitacca
Shelley Williams
Anne Lambe
Jacek Gutszmit
Andrew Saba
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Sport Aerobics
Chiara Ardi
Mikayla Borrello
Isabella Delaney
Lucinda Edward
Eliza Grant
Paris Hazell
Erin Labinski
Annabel Muttdon
Eliza Quinert
Joanna Hunt-Prokhovnik
Justine Bratanavicius
Amy Henderson
Madison Riddle
Lani Westman
Elise Muley
Lauren Withers
Kenji Fujihara
Willow Legge
Lily Ireland
Lana Roden
Emily Livy
Grace Hall
Tessa Newland
Amelia Toohey
Jaimee Cacic
Kristie Loidl
Alice Stooke
Brodie Carter
Annalea Prespakis
Kirra Beacom
Madeleine Di-Blasio
Robyn Kalkhoven
Charlotte Roe
Chloe Taylor
Deanna Andronis
Monica Deasey
Minique Federico
Melissa Harle
Lindal Maginness
Rosalie Lord
Jessica Phillips
Janika Verosaari
Stacey-Lee Craanen
Ashlee Walburg
Jemma Francis
Kahly Tepper
Lotte Clifford
Ella McGrath
Simona Agostino
Elyse Lewthwaite
Jemima Lyons
Judith Gillen
Brittanie Portelli
Jessica Baker
Lisa Frazer
Georgia Bennett-Murphy
Aimee Warrender-Sparkes
Amelia Beaton
Francesca Broome
Miranda Delaney
Bronte Evans
Sarah Gribbin
Meaghan Howard
Kiona Maro-King
Kate Nelson
Caitlin Shipsides
Alexandra Wilde
Cameron Brown
Bianca Holt
Carla Fowler McNay
Taite DoUnan-Dew
Chelsea Preston
Rheece Campbell
Musashi Fujihara
Lauren Smith
Carly McConnell
Kate Spiden
Kristen Mihalos
Georgia Hirst
Alana Perna
Jasmine Alavuk
Jade Darrington
Karissa Marshall
Miasimone Taranto
Lauren Connell
Katy Quinn
Melissa Burnell
Mikaela Di-Blasio
Melissa Mason
Jemima Sanzari
Chloe Veitch
Ruby Blacklaw
Celina Driscoll
Isabella Fowler
Tanya Harle
Julianna Ivanka
Bridget Nielsen Tuck
Mireille Regan Gomm
Isabella Vizec
Keera Gerlach
Lauren Crawford
Jasmine Friedrichsen
Laura Hart
Kristina Hardner
Alana Padula
Melody Grose
Emma Jolly
Patricia Cimino
Bridgette Gorman
Caitlin Shipsides
Catherine Brock
Lauren Walton
Courtney Vos
Francesca Torcasio-Barberis
Victoria Tsatsaronis
Monique Browne
Adele D’Souza
Olivia Feaver
Maddy Guest
Molly Howard
Caitlin Murphy
Kate Oldfield
Stacey Steane
Jessica Aylet
Leah Dougherty
Melissa Melnik
Indee Roache
Katelyn Imer
Alexandra Skate
Rachael Capp
Ryuun Fujihara
Tiansha Zimsen
Natalie Middlemast
Argine Harutyunyan
Chardon Bass
Olivia LaSelva
Jessica Ring
Jessica Baker
Vanessa Jackson
Emma Shelton
Naomi Taranto
Samantha Derrick
Madie Vale
Natlaie Cartwright
Rebecca Donato
Tanya Mischler
Zhian Smoel
Renee Waller
Madeleine Blaikie
Phillipa Earl
Isabella Greed
Tara Harrison
Nicole Kuppers
Sophie Nilsson
Ashley Spinks
Arminda Vladica
Tracie Green
Charlotte Demers
Christina Gioffre
Mialeah Brett
Zoe Kotsimbos
Jessie Roden
Brianna Collier
Georgie Cummins
Kerryn Cormick
Carolyn Milnes
Rebecca Simpson
Eleanor Bunn
Virginia Stacey
Ashlee Smith
Madeleine Borrello
Louise Connell
Aimee Dummett
Alexandra Garson
Maria Harrison
Chloe Jackson
Stephanie Murphy
Morgan Peele
Demi Thomson
Carlie Bauer
Matilda Fennell
Chloe Pace
Olivia Ruggero
Rhiannon McPhee
Isabelle Spinoso
Asuka Fujihara
Yoshi Fujihara
Kayla Cooper
Emma Polhill
Kaitlin Jempson
Lara Bester
Georgia Newland
Jessica Thompson
Lauren Bliem
Alyse Lennox
Samantha Shelton
Maddison Timm
Paige Nuttall
Bliss Amy
Zoe Dawe
Shayliesh Emmett
Alice Roe
Zoe Smoel
Georgia Woods
Alana Bolger
Louella Exton
Angelique Green
Caitlin Hooper
Bridget Loats
Victoria Pesnikas
Melissa Taylor
Hayley Maginness
Katherine Solovka
Holly Findley
Georgia McKay
Zali Clark
Biranna Maginness
Chloe Smart
Lisa Williams
Eliza Dunn
Jenna Flack
Joanna Murphy
Tracey Vaughan
Melanie Dunn
Kristina Hardiner
Scarlett Von Brandenstein
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Technical Committee Awards
Men’s Gymnastics
Senior Gymnast of the Year
Junior Gymnast of the Year
Levels Athlete of the Year
Luke Wadsworth
Tyson Bull
Ben Latta
Women’s Gymnastics
Awards of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Georgia Bonora
Award of Excellence
Alicia Brown
Award of Excellence
John Hart & Shaoyi Jiang
Rhythmic Gymnastics
International Stream Gymnast
National Stream Gymnast
Official of the Year
Morgan Lewis
Bianca Strugnell
Sandra Button
Athlete of the Year
National Stream Athlete of the Year
Levels Athlete of the Year
Caitlin Shipsides
Annabel Muttdon
Monique Browne
Sport Aerobics
Trampoline Sports
Trampolinist of the Year
DMT of the Year
Tumbler of the Year
Adrian Eastham
David Cunningham
Jaclyn McAliece
Acrobatic Gymnastics
Service Award
Outstanding Achievement
Excellence Award
Ian McBain
Naomi Hudspeth & Elizabeth Hedding &
Kirsty Faulkner
Georgia Efthimiou & Lauren Shiel &
Hayley Rankin
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Financials pg 12
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Financials pg 14
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
Key Statistics
Income Analysis 2010
High Performance
Education &
Club 10 & Projects
State Teams &
Events &
Expenditure Analysis 2010
Administration &
Club 10 & Projects
Events &
Education &
High Performance
State Teams &
Gymnastics Victoria Annual Report 2010
special thanks to