The BEACHCOMBER - Hampton Historical Society
The BEACHCOMBER - Hampton Historical Society
i S g ✓ The BEACHCOMBER Tim e to select Sweaters for your Fall and W inter ward robe . . . You'll need soft ones, bright ones, and some to keep you extra warm. Choose yours from our large selec tion while the season is still new. W ear tlrem with suits, slacks and blouses, knowing that they are tops in Fashion. 100 PERCENT V IR G IN W O O L C A R D IG A N S Long sleeves in all the wanted pastel shades sizes 34-40. LONG SLEEVE P U L L OVER 100 percent Virgin wool in a variety of pastel shades sizes 34-40. Short Sleeve Pull Overs $4.50 UK T H E LARGER W OM EN COAT SW EATERS assortment of pastels and d ark er shades, Xavy and Black. Sizes 38-48. I f l YOUNGER SET SW EATERS baek-to-school days . . s . . . sizes 34-40. a,id W hite, N a v y and Red vh,te. Sizes 34-40. GEORGE Market Street The BEACHCOMBER The VISIT .I BEACHCOMBER VOL. X X ., N O . 6 WEDNESDAY,1 u LY31~IQ^ FREE DISTRIBUTION Thousands Enjoy Annual Children * 500 B o y S cou ts Attend A n n u a l B each C a m p o re e Entries are pouring in at the Chamber of Commerce office for Although it was Children's Day The Beachcomber contest to select last Thursday at Hampton Beach, the Cover Girl for 1946. the focal point of the day was The contest, to be held August turned upon Col. George Ashworth, 15, will be an attempt to select the its originator and beloved promo loveliest girl on Hampton Beach, ter. whose picture will appear on the This 1946 edition of the annual cover of the August 21st Beach Children's day festival turned into a public recognition of the vener comber. able “ Daddy" Ashworth who cele Several additional prizes have brated his “ 78th plus" birthday the been added to the growing list of same week. Gathered in front of valuable awards that will go along the bandstand, the entire assemb with the honor of being Cover lage Joined in singing “ Happy Girl of 1946. This will mark the Birthday" to Col. Ashworth who first time that any individual's pic was seated among the guests on the ture has been used on the cover platform. i of The Beachcomber. The day’s festivities led off with The list of prizes for the winner a luncheon at the Asbworth-by-the now includes five dollar certificates Sea for the guests includ*ng Gov. for merchandise at the following Charles M. Dale. Invocation was stores: George B. French Co., Some fine instrum entalists parti by Rev. Floyd Kinsley of Hampton, cipated in the w eek ly Am ateur Portsmouth, Standish Gift Shop, with no speaking program. Hour boardcast M onday night over Campion-’s - and Elsie’s Women's Among the guests at the lunch Shop. Tire winner will also be given station W H E B from the bandstand, eon besides Governor Dale were a Revlon color chest by Donovan but only one was a prize-winner and Fallon's drug store; a sterling Selctman and Mrs. Elroy G. Shaw, along with the usual vocal select mmbers of the Hampton Beach silver anklet with her name en ions. Precinct Commission, Daniel H. graved on it by Ernie Desautels, Accompanied at the piano by his Dickinson of Concord, chief engin Bracelet and Anklet Ring of Playmother, Dick K elly , 15, o f 6 M ar eer of the New Hampshire High land; a silhouette by Lillian lowe street, Dorchester, Mass., and way department; John H. Foster, Clarke; shampoo and wave by the “ Brown Cottage/* K street, State Forester, Russell Tobey, Rene Bulger; passes to the Casino State Recreation Commissioner; won fourth prize o f $2 fo r ' his or Olympia theatre and be interformer County commissioner Ira trumpet solo, “ I t Had T o Be You/* ( Continued on Page Ten) (Continued on Page "Seven) LOBSTERS SEE s W in T o p A m a t e u r H o u r A w ard s OUR OPEN A. Brown of Portsmouth; Pres. Raymond O. Goding of the Hamp ton Beach Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. Goding. and Rey. Edward Anguin of St. Anselm College, Manchester, former member of the State Planning and Development Commission. At 2 o'clock there was a parade from the Ashworth to the Casino with Harold D. Feener of Ports mouth, scoutmaster of the Ports mouth Boy Scout A ir Squadron as chief marshal of the parade. ( Continued on Page Seven) Vocalists A g a in FANCY f#> •• • ’46 Cover Girl Children Join In Tribute Contest Grows T o Col. “ Daddy” Ashworth Nearly 500 Boy scouts from all sections of N ew Ham pshire attend ed the 14th annual Hampton Beach camporee at Camp Ashw orth on the State reservation last W ednesday. Thursday and Friday. Sponsored by the D aniel W eb ster Council, the cam poree featured an Air Scout dem onstration by MaJ. John Taylor, liason officer for Region one, on Friday w inding up a three day program o f sports and camping activities. (Continued on Page F ifte e n ) at the T R IA N G LE — near the M ILE B R ID G E AIR Day Breaks W rist In Accident M onday Mrs. Delia Labelle of Peabody. Mass., and 20 K street, was a pa tient at the Exeter hospital Mon day night as a result of falling on the Casino at 10:00 a._ m. Monday, July 26. The accident occurred when the Peabody women tripped while at tempting to get her carriage down the steps at D street. Treated by Dr. Wayne P. Bryer. it was discovered that she had bro ken her wrist in two places. VEGETABLE MARKET VEGETABLES FRESH D A ILY B R ID G E AT from nearby THE T R IA N G L E Fa r m s ' . L O B S T E R — FIS1 ,/ m SEA FOOD from the Oc ean /■' f W 'f f 1 T O Y O U R HOME the Sa m e D “ Sea F o o d F ro Ocean in s p e c t o u r c l e a n k it c h e n r w e IN V IT E •>• m p js l * The BEACHCOMBER U ^ eachcomber Have You H e a rd ? MARSH P x M M a m a Tohn — C arroll and R ye? AVE. BARBER - ( Continued from. Page lect R eal CHARLES deN ICH O L M a rs h A v e ., O dd. d a, BY MARY E. FOGARTY Telephone Newburyport 1910 One of the least publicized or Although, fortunately, the major ganizations in the country is the ity of the fires do not result in in Fire Department—yours, our, and juries. yet the firemen are avail everyone’s. able and prepared for the worst Usually without fanfare and often 21 hours a day. Their racing trucks are symbols with just routiife recognition, fire men risk their lives for lbe public. of excitement and Impending disas ter. In action, their every move ment is watched—but unconscious Tel. Hampton 2243 ly by most of the spectators be D EEP SEA FISHER cause these granted •neces- “B A N D IT OF SH ERW O O D FOREST” in technicolor Pius Judy Canova in “ H IT T H E H A Y M Edgar Kennedy Comedy and Color Cartoon Sunday “TARS A N D SPARS” with Janet Blair, Alfred Drake A l 60 Jim Bannon “O U T OF T H E D E P T H S ” Colored musical cartoon HAM PTON THE HUB “M ABO” CABIN CRUISER Capt. Bob Ring BEACH OF E s ta te 8 e rv lc e nsurance O f A ll K in d s HERBERT CLOUGH Now Thru Sat. Cornell Wilde, Anita Louise In Starts PANORAM A — SHOP O pen Y e a r 'R ound 0W1H1B1AUI ROAD* SALISBURY MASS HAPPY Casino State Pier CASINO HAM PTON Attractions Ballroom Bath House Bowling Alley Lunch Room Dining Room Cafeteria Gift Shop Casino Spa Frosted Malted Popcorn Stand OCEAN only s E. B . B u r t t • F o rm e rly HOME m F e rn a ld 's T he BAKERY G R O C E R IE S K in g ’s H ig h w a y a t T h ird 8 t HOUSE and IN S ID E P A R K IN G DAY OR N IG H T O P E N 24 H O U R 8 C o ffe e S h o p R O C H E F O R D ’S m arsh a v e . a t V u lc a n iz in g a A PERM ANENT Engineers Lamott, George H. George, Perley R. Irwin, George H. BEACH R epairs GAS 01L B O A R ’S H E A D H am pton B each, N . H . T e l. 2246 Particular People H am el D IN N E R 8 F R O M 1 - 2 A N D HAM PTON room T S All Under the O CEAN BEACH «t ‘ l " ,T icb meals with n«n„* 1 quipped G - r ge feature^'T L , Perle* Down the h a .i, hG rangeis spacious J 01" . 1116 kitchen « « bea A r? p u lc d er ,orj - 1* ™ Management C A LL MEL Bayers, Earl C. Brngg, Cann, Warren E. _ Con Corning. Alfred H. Dunbrnck Felch,* Harold G. Fellows, Gagne. Fred V. Klewens Lamott, Wilford, H. Magrath Q U IN N ’S »m e Cooking WHEN IN Meats On Great B o a r’s Head esh Fruits Vegetables T e l. 911 TEL. HAM PTON 2287 M E R C H A N D IS E Fountain BOULEVARD 5103-8 Business Property. convenience c PORTSM OUTH SA M E GOOD FOOD AS A T T H E E dgar P. Lessard OCEAN rgest selection of !ges, Rooms, Cabins Sensible Prices AME8Btj| '•°° w eek BEACH *' ®Ur>davi "tKY CLUB of the beach MA88. 1 Except H ol,dayt | 1t6Q FINEST c° u r s e ING WA T E r 8 H O W E R 8 larnPton _ 409 O c e a n FOOD LUNCH “As Famous As The Beach Itself” 3Vz C S T R E E T at Highland Ave. V IS IT O U R D IN E R 45 Daniels Street THE M ARKET Groceries OceanBoulevard STR EET O CEAN B O U L E V A R D Doors North of Ashworth B Street g r o c e r ie s H Gifts of Fancy FUh O N E Y ’S office where i me T H E IH LLC R E ST AT IT S 9:00 A - M . to 9:00 P. M Soda — ’ OPEN G eNERAL 4 SH O P Hampton om g 0,6 Btre*t B ST. In Avon H otel. Souvenirs Boar’s Head lesve at that brass pole ana i l0Ok Thank heavens tho ° d 1 tnouSht, depending on me i„ ?e?ple aren’t fireB. G IF T •GROCERIES (Continued / PA TS Y ’S BOULEVARD S E R V IC E Variety Between the "d at the end of anc BOULEVARD (5 Minutes North of Beach Proper) O CEAN 2 DAY (Continued on Page Twelve) E A R L’S F R U IT Approved by D u n can H in es Ham pton Beach to see the Chief open his copy of the Town Report and show me the For the first time. I started out for an Interview with several questions written down in my book but when I, very efficiently, referred to thein- 1 wafi Quite abashed Chief Deputy Captain * ENGINE 2 Collins, Arthur B. ENGINE 3 Snider, Allston K. Bogrett, .‘ Victor A. Felch, Bernard R. LADDER I Tilton, Lawrence E Simons, Robert L. ST. SOCONY HOUSE Before we talk about these- men. let s bring them out Into the open. First, the 9 permanent men, two of which are on duty at Station 2, located o ff Wlnnacunnet. road, hind the Town Hall. Then th call men, who, with the others on duty winter and sumn STREET HAM PTON GARAGE I LAW RENCE D in in g R o o m when they’re not in place. Outside of discussing the color Of their suspenders, these public sen-ants have always been in the background. It is rather ironical. I ' heref° re. to note that our own de] partment is literally situated in the l background. Located on Marsh avenue, which sometimes referred to as “ the >ack road,’' the Hampton Fire De E F « r ? 275 O cean A v e n u e 691 H a m p to n B each , N . H 6 - 7 :3 0 ON ^ Cr' „ f 1B" le HPerk,n*' Harold G. Shaw, Clarence E. Shaw, Harold G. S mon», George R, Simone. Richard G. Stickney. William p. Thibodeau, William J. Tucker, James W „ Jr. Brown. Laurice Moore, Roger I. Dry.dale. Walter J. Trofatter. Herbert A. John Rowe Sanborn, Homer. Lane Herman Boulevard AT B STREET Hampton Beach, N. H BEACHCOMBER The BEACHCOMBER g r o u p The Beachcomber OF HOUSE P A R T IE 8 AND G A T H E R IN G S Incorporating The Ham pton Beach Advocate F o r A p p o in tm e n t C A L L H A M P T O N 933 or W r it e B ox 31, H a m p to n Beach A Vacation Digest of all the news information for the summer visitor. EUie Frescoe and Jim Peterson Published Wednesdays, June 26 to August 28 sampling Pizza at Salisbury. • • P e ? Allen holding her own with four By The men at the ballroom. . Art Smal ley concentrating on the singer at H A M P T O N P U B LIS H IN G C O M PAN Y the same place. . . Ros O’Brien and NEW HAMPSHIRE Betty Darrow crippled from the HAMPTON morning “ set-ups” . . . Ed Sullivan digging a fox hole while a Navy FOR ADVERTISING RATES IN THIS PAPER plane dives over the beach. . . Peg TELEPHONE HAMPTON 565 gy Ross sitting by while two hand some strangers change a flat for her at Plaice Cove. . . the gypsy’s Communications and Items, from daughter, clad in dress and big readers are welcome at ail times. straw hat, enjoying the breakers while her mother reads palms along the beach. . . Tom Turley a Monday nighter at the dance hall . . . Chris and Len Harwoo'd stor ing up some salt air to take back ~ - Ogunquit, Maine to Woodsville with them. W E E K B E G IN N IN G M O NDAY, AUGUST 5 O G U N Q U IT ph o to s GOLF the s ig n PLAY of POKER P rize s Cigarettes • N Y L O N S - G ifts Ocean Boulevard Rental8 Sales N IN E H O L E COURSE FLORENCE R E A L E S T A T E CO. 75c F ee 303 Ocean Bd. n e x t to A ^ w o r t h INSURANCE T e l. 917 W e e k e n d s & H o lid a y s 91.00 R O C K IN G H A M GOLF CLUB N . H . R o u te 108 B etw een E x e te r & Newmarket L. M. Leonard L . W . L e o n a rd L I-R O -L U PLAYHOUSE O R IE N T A L The M R 8. W A L T E R H A R T W lG PRESENTS NICH O LAS 'prf G IF T S P R . E LLIO T TO PREACH JOY R ocky B end AT L IT T L E BOAR’S H E A D “TEN LITTLE INDIANS” By Agatha Christie w ith C H A R L E S Q U IG LEY Fri. Mat. and Eves., $3.00, $2.40, $1.80, $1.20, $.92 Reservations: Phone Wells 70 N ext W eek: W O R L D P R E M IE R E “ BALLOON1’ Rev. Samuel A. Elliot. D. D., of Cambridge, Massachusetts, will conduct the services at Union Chapel, Little Boar's Head, on Sun day. August 4. 1946. at 1 1 a. m. OCEAN B L V D . A T F 8 T . HAM PTON B E A C H , N . H lo bster stea k SHORE D IN N E R 8 B O AR ’S Robert Perfect, formerly of Hampton Fall's and now of Kens ington, recently joined the Police rorce and is on duty days. HAM PTO N Ann M o r r ill HEAD BEACH N o W a it in g T e l. 2142 Complete line of at G A U D R E A U ’S E LE C TR IC AL A P P L I ANCES C A S IN O ARCADE 5BARBERS A. D. Fuller, Manager VACUUM CLEANERS the R A D IO S 2-P L A T E E L E C T R IC ARCADE of a m u se m e n ts Afterwards there was an enter Have You Heard? tainment program for the children. C H IL D R E N ’S D A Y — That Herbie Bays his coffee Is The program included accordian good; Martha agrees? (Continued from Page Three) selections by Manuel Miller and a program of magic. A t the conclu Sweetgras* sion the children were given ice Baskets A &ioup of drum majors and ma cream and balloons. IS A B E L L E S T A N L E Y jorettes from Lowell, Mass., and P A L M R E A D IN G 8 the Hampton Beach concert band, 2 Marsh Ave., Foot B 8 t followed In front of the massed VOCALISTS — F irst Floor, Old Manchester colors of the Boy Scouts and about House (Continued jrom Pave Three) A 300 members of Daniel Webster Council, Boy Scouts of America. Others in the parade were the St. MC Bill Bradley awarded first Jerome s drum and bugle corps prize of $10 to Dorothy and Richard from North Weymouth, Mass.; Mack, age 13 and 19, of 168 Mt. Portsmouth Red Cross ambulance Vernon street, Lawrence, Mass., and a truck of the Hampton Beach and the ••Roberta,” H street, for Fire Department, containing ba! harmonizing on “ For Me and My loons which were dlstnibuted to Gal.” Second prize of $8 went to Thomthe children. A t the bandstand in front of the as Madden, 13, of 20 Madison street, Somerville, Maas., who sang Casino there was an entertainmeni "Shoo-FIy-Pie,” and third prize of and brief speaking program with $5 was won by Danny Magovern. 10 John W . Hopley of Portsmouth as : of Milton, Mass., and Robert Maymaster of ceremonies. Mr. Hopley thew, 9, of New York City, who recalled some of the previous Chil sang. “ MacNamara’s Band.” drens Day programs. Richard Mur Entries for this week’s contest phy, 16, of the St. Jerome’s Cath may be left at the Chamber of olic Youth organization of North Commerce office. Weymouth,-'Mass., entertained the crowd of several thousand with an Have You Heard? exhibition of baton twirling follow That there are* several entries ing a selection by the St. Jerome’s in the Beachcomber Cover Girl band. contest. Governor Dale brought the greet ■ ing of the state and said that Chil dren’s Day this year had a special PIA N O T U N IN G significance, because of the fact and r e p a ir in g that many boys and girls who had W ORK G U A R A N T E E D participated in similar events here Tel. 945 — M r. H ill in other years, had now returned 581 Ocean Blvd. Hampton Beach to their homes after service In the armed forces. The Chief Executive also re 1ferred to the construction work of the new seawall which is underway and said that it was necessary to | begin the work now to have t beach protected from furth loads from the ravages of the win ter storms. STOVES Y oar LOBSTERS Out of T A N K S Supplied by Ocean W ater T H E LOBSTER P O U N D Smith d. Gilm ore's Fishing P ier l H A M P T O N R IV E R T e l. 424 Take-Out Stand C S t Next To Chesterfield ApL Sandwiches - Fried Cl H ot Dogs - French F Cold Drinks STATE BATH HOUSE Next Door to Ballroom C O M P L E T E L IN E OF T A B L E LA M PS P Y R E X B O W LS A N D D I8 H E S YOU Hampton Beach H A M P T O N BEACH W IL L COFFEE MAKERS CHROME Pick A N D R E C R E A T IO N A R E A CASINO B U IL D IN G E L E C T R IC S TE A M R A D IA T O R S W holesale Retail Tennis - Shuffleboard C H A IR S F L A S H L IG H T S Horseshoe Pitehing - Croquet Numerous Other Appliances E LE C T R IC A L And Other Games C O N T R A C T IN G O IL B U R N E R , Sales-Service S ta te S u p e rv is e d M o d e m R E FR IG E R A T IO N , Service Large BEAC T R O F A T T E R ’S TeL 786 C Street B e a c h S a fe ty P a t r o l - Refreshments B U S T E R K E IM STAGE REV i "• 1 UES NIGHTLY WITH THE - y-,------- SUPERS •ROM 5 P.M. BOULEVARD FFtOl — "—-—^ N e v T s u ^------- RYPOP BANOUITS Ha m and P R IV A T E P A R T IE S S O L IC IT E D "fcrv, Cozy Comer A r e a - Q u i e t A tm o s p h e r e O c c a s io n a l M u a ic au d O t h e r F a c ilitie s A v e fla b le ..... . nOOUCti Electrical Appliance Stores Tel. 2077 Hampton Center (F o rm e r P a r k in g B a th h o u s e pto n beach AND M ARSH EXCELLENT SU R F B A T H IN G i The Painted SIGNS G EN ERA L BEACHCOMBER Raised Letter W OODW ORKING Lafayette Rd., Hampton THEATRE Exeter Telephone Exeter 270 e BEACHCOMBER Have You Heard? ^ P O R T S M O U T H , N. H Have You Heard? That Dave is quite familiar with fractions? However, fifths seem to to be his common denominator these days. I T h u rB ., F r l., S a t. Aug. 1, 2 ALAN LADD t h e a t r e H A M PT O N SATURD AY Have You Heard? of S tra te g ic 8ervlce P lus! C a rto o n Novelty, New, C o n t. S a tu rd a y fro m 2:00 U. S. Coast Guard Station, Hampton • ^ THURSDAY 3:00 am 8.1 F R ID A Y and (O ffice Correct Figures at CENTER G E R A L D IN E F IT Z G E R A L D Who is the undernourished wait ress seen on the beach sampling candy in every confectionery store? Watch out — she never buys. SUNDAY We<L-Thur. July 31-A u g . 1 M ONDAY Sun., M o n ., T u e a ., Wed, A u g . 4>5*6-7 VAN J0H N30N E S T H E R W IL L IA M 8 L U C IL L E B A L L Have You Heard? About the new mustache on Pi erre, the chef at Bob's Grille? It makes a good cookie duster any way. JOAN LE SLIE - EDW ARD ROBERT HUTTON AR NO LD — ANN ANN HARDING GILLIS • T E C H N IC O L O R “E A S Y Have You Heard? That Joan (huba, huba) Manles, Manchester’s gift to Hampton, is working at the State Bathhouse? • Have You Heard? About the wonderful tan on Joe at the Rex? 111 Tides Why Mary Leary wear’s Norine’s coats now? It wouldn't be for camouflage, would it? M U S IC A L TO W ED” C ontinuous S u n d a y and Monday S ta rts T h u rs d a y , A ugust 8th GEORGE BRENT L U C IL L E BALL and V E R A Z O R IN A In “L O V E R C O M E Sydney Greenstreet Geraldine Peter Fitzgerald TUESD AY W EDNESDAY L o rre “T h r e e Strangers 3:30 pm 3:45 am 4:15 pm. 4:30 am 5:00 pm 6:30 am 6:00 pm 6:15 am ,9.3 8.7 8.3 8.1 8.0 7.5 7.8 7.0 6:45 pm 7:15 am 7:45 pm 8:15 am 8:30 pm 7:6 6.6 7.5 6.6 7.5 H ave You Heard? Everything for your cottage • for your Pergonal Needs N ew B IG S T O R E Departments SESSION'S For the Leaders in Appliances Victor Record* Needles That K. “ Duffy” Carroll is- va cationing at the State Bath house? Albums Radios (as available) Electrical Appliances Cleaners H ave You Heard? Th at Eddie's drinking tea now since “ Monk" has resorted to cold w ater for making coffee? BACK” Popularly Called Pure “Home Made” Candies Fresh Daily DRY CLEANING H ave You Heard? SHOW ING A T T H E H A M P T O N JAM ES DUNN ED D IE RYAN SH E ILA REED BEAC H THEATRES RYAN OLYMPIA H A D LE Y — NOW• — JOAN Jeanne Crain W alter Brennan D A VIS IN T E C H N IC O L O R June H aver SHE W R O TE T H E Continuous Show Saturday Z IE G F E L D F O L L IE S ” BOOK” SALT WATER TAFFY “Watch It Made” H ave You Heard? NOW JACK O A K IE BROUGHT B A C K ! About the attractive cashier at the W illiam James Dining Room who shouts for Mama every night in her sleep? What's it all about, Mae? That pepper steaks are now be ing served in Mae Cumford'g apart ment in the D eLancey. Annex? It isn't everywhere that midnight snacks are topped off with blue # Visit Our L O W E L L , MASS. STORE JO HN GENE T IE R N E Y L U P IN O ■ PAUL O L IV IA d eH A V IL L A N D NANCY H E N R E ID S Y D N E Y GREENSTREET UENORE JEAN NE C R A IN W IF E LE A V E HER 1 AUBERT OF M ER LE OBERON MARK F O N T A IN E STEVENS T U R H A N BEY FROM E IN PARADISE” SELECTED T H IS Gary Cooper NEW BURYPORT “Saratoga STARTS AUG. 1 A L A N LA D D T ru n k ” G E R A L D IN E F IT Z G E R A L D In Glorlou* Screen's Technicolor Latest Glorious evenings F ro m 7 :06 J E N N IF E R LK ER — SIR AUBREY CENTENNIAL SUMMER ” SM ITH HAYDN OUR N E W B L O W E R CLU NY 70 „ + Untd 1 roll sbury beach SYSTEM Provides A Com plete Change O f Clean, Freeh Air Every 3 Minutes. "T O E A C H H IS O W N " Sun. and Mon. Aug. 4-5 Ida Lupino, Paul H enreld O livia deH avilland Sydney Greenstreet in “D E V O T IO N " - also “ M Y S T E R IO U S IN T R U D E R " Tues. and W ed. Aug, 5-7 Joan Leslie, Robert A Ida in “C IN D E R E L L A JO NES” Mat. Sat. 2:15 CLOSED T U E S D A Y S JONES AMESBURY Phone Ames. 919 Thurs., Frl., Sat. Aug. 1-3 O L IV IA d e H A V IL L A N D in E N TIR E W E E K pro g ram s T ues.-W ed.-Thurs NEW BURYPORT Phone Nybpt 570 Phone N y b p t 919 Ingrid B ergm an DAY FORW ARD” SHORTS h i _L R IC H AR D Technicolor) C R IS T O ” JO A N BO YER _ (In M ONTE S U N ., M O N ., T U E S Continuous Show Sunday W H E R E Y O U SE E T H E N E W P IC T U R E S F IR S T ! LODER H EAVEN” C O LE M A N Pickup and Delr on Request berry pie! CORNEL W IL D E IDA & Coughlin at 56 Palmer St. In d ian a” S un-Mon Mahoney JO H N haw cy G U IL D SOM EW HERE th e Thure., F r l* S a t Aug. «-iu K athryn Grayaon, June Allyaor In HODIAK Imdom'a latest star NIGHT” w ith S. 2. Sakall — co-hit — Roy Rogers In " SUNSET IN E LD O R A D O " Jeanne c r u . Cornell Wild< Linda Darnell “T W O SISTERS FR O M BO STO N ” w ith Jim m y Durante L au rltz M elchior p lu»— "D A N G E R W O M A N " The THave You Heard? ACHCU iviDjijrv direct to the Beachcomber ton. ’ aa®fr'- Have You Heard? i ^ June is expected to win tbe COVER G IR L — J svening L° rettaS 6SCOrt B E ^c o n t e s t ____________________. 4. All entries must be In on before August 12, 1946. 01 (Continued from Page T h re e f John the Have You Heard? bar ber at Hampton Beach Casino Beauty Parlor You W ill Enjojr a Room at Barber new HOTEL Shop l o c a t io n "Behind The Mrs. J. J. McCarthy 497 Ocean Blvd. at Boars Head The viewed over Station W HEB. Ports- • and The Blue Haven ____ Stairs” nick Bolaer Ashworth By-The-Sea AND D IN IN G •20Years c New ROOM Still Rendering The Same mouth. Judges of the contest w ill be Mrs. Eleanor Coding, w ife of Pres ident Ray Goding of the Chamber , of Commerce, Mr. John Dignon of j the Avon Hotel and Mr. John Dineen of the Casino Associates. There is still plenty of time to register for the contest which closes Monday. August 12 in order to give the judges ample time for final arrangements. Application blanks may be obtained at the Chamber of Commerce office and the following rules should be fo l lowed. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Moulton and Son HAM PTON T h a t Mary Ib keeping her Insur That Althea from Playland Is ance policy paid up after last going to enter the Cover G irl con w eek ’s paper? test? * REPAIRS T ire W o r k - Creating GAS OIL . • • BOUQUETS CORSAGES “ F low ers B y W ire” D elivery Service The R O W E L L n e r y the Florist M ill Rd., H a m p to n . 50 Modem Room s FIN E ST _ MARSH A V E at A ST. ! ° - va t Electric service is important to vacationers, too. be cause it helps to get necessary chores at you r cottage done with speed and efficiency. B BOB’S BAKERY H O M E M AD E doughnuts H a m p to n B each, N. H. RTEH> R e a l t o r CAK ES p ie s C STREET Opp. D O U G ’S G R IL L SM IT H That "Sonny” Rowell is out ° "prison ?” W atch out as he Is out to make up for lost time. and THe Lar9est ListfnPg 09n~~ S 8tr er8 Waitl"A- On o . . " ; - " r ’” 1’"'* C° “ '' Hamburgs LA T E LUNCH ES Frankfort* FALLON Druggists Fresh Made See Them Made OCEAN d ay BOULEVARD DEEP 8:00-12:00 A. M. F IS H IN G P IE R H a m p to n River W Line* a n d B a it F u rn is h e d T O IL E T F A C IL IT IE S RADIO and N IG H T SEAPLANE CREAM H a m p to n Betwe en F and G Streets G IL M O R E D A IL Y p a s t r ie s ICE & SEA F IS H IN G T R IP S RIDES Bait Beach for Foot of C Street Air Service It gives you cool Wh e n dependable electric service to give you m ore time for h H INSO N’S M I L K enjoyment at the beach. RS SFRV1cE ON H A M P T O N B E A C H Grade A Milk Exeter & Ham pton Electric Co. Ashworth Ocean Boulevard at C Street H ave You Heard? STREET We Have Beach C m R 0 A D » H A M P T O N , N . H ., T E U 1Thc Beach, N orth CS-t H °u se s and H o te ls F o r Sale? 53,800.00 To seinCnnftP,aice Cove> In H a m p to n and R y ^ •. Quite A plv M a° y T o Choose F r o m .. St Property Eaer7 ° n The Ocean F ro n t. . Tu ° r Next s n in f ^ ° U W i8h T o Sell 11 T h ,s F * thrifty cooking which is automatic and sure. Use this BEACH O F F IC E Heard? » DONOVAN R estauran t “ M eet Y o u r F rie n d s a t Fol< 2 of Fried Clams French Fries Frankforts DOUGHNUTS — N orth only time? beach, cool, refreshing water and delightful sea breezes "t0!>s” You A u n t M in ’s i Blvd. W h a t is so interesting at the Salisbury skating rink that two Hampton Beach girls go over every chance they get? Good skating . • F o le y ’s MRS. WILLIAM MALONE v: Frifcd Clams BOB’S GRILL H ave You Heard? I f you’ve spent your vacation at Hampton Beach in make for good health and a vacation that is by L IL L IA N G. C LA R K E 14th Y ear on Casino opposite bandstand C H IL D R E N A 8 P E C IA L T Y Hours 3 P. M. to 10:30 P. M. Th at Thayer Edgerly had his new car “ shined up" for the one and E X C E L L E N T FOOD Jy 18. 25, A1 They H ave You Heard? H ave You Heard? BEACHES jother years, you know all about our gentle sloping That Jim doesn’t know Pat? • T el. 826 Courteous S e rv ic e , Cleanllnei* Terrace, Ham pton Beach A M E R IC A ’S Have You Heard? SILH O U ETTES Th at Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Jud kins are returning to Boar's Head Inn on Saturday for the twelfth season in succession? r e a d in g s OF Bar S ervice* FAMOUS • H ave Hot and Cold W a te r :■*?> ONE — H A Y W A R D ’S H ave You Heard? Th at Tom Thornton is a Captain now? Mrs. remembers the date — M "th e 26th. in Each Room c o t t age u T ake Out H ave You Heard? Al, o NudriT Y' B That Cuffy, Sr., Cuffy. Jr.,.and Mitch are the <5nly ones left at Cuff/s Inn? Th at on C street there is a bit of H ollyw ood with Hamel dry cleaner responsible for that bit? FLOW ERS «rsr“ o““"Bivd' W A GOODS m eats W ho around the cafe is studying to be a muscle man? W h y three people walk from Church street to Boar’s Head for dinner every noon? VEGETABLES BAKERY Have You Heard? S « r ..t. [OCERIES SOCONY REASONABLE—2 Simmons Hotel, Special Hair and Felt Mattresses. Used one season. Also, 2 Metal ! and Springs. Tel 532. The ■ J AK H ave You Heard? • R O A D S E R V IC E FOR SALE W •PJJJP • Bella’s M a rk e t „vJ. 3. Entries may be left at the Chamber of Commerce or mailed - f r '. V . A V ' Have You Heard? BEACH STORAGE - i lie accompanied by a photograph ! or suitable snapshot of the entrant together with name, address (sum mer and winter) and age. The pho! tograph is not necessary to enter. m H ave You Heard? K E N T V IL L E Rooms w ith H ot and Cold Running W a te r M r. and Mrs. R. L. Goding Telephone Ham pton 060 L o c a tio n R o ss G arage 1. Entrant must be sixteen years or over and a resident of Hampton or Hampton beach, a summer resi dent or employed for the summer at the beach. | 2. All entries, if possible, should F IN E SERVICE AND DELICIOUS FOOD 3T, HOTEL R egular M U * Homogenized Milk O CEAN BLVD. Cream SEE ° U * ------ a t h a m p t o n beach ^ n r iy Arcade T E L . H A M P T O N 5«4 Opposite T h e Playground R- Meier 4T V isit d r iv e r ~~ C. DeValk p SALE R ID E S Parti.*. Moonlight Trip. A m » . ^ . TEL. H A M P T O N 503 M „ . H. C. O lm or. N. L. 5 Jr b e a c h c o m b e r panoram a b e a c h c o m b e r — {Continued from Page F ‘ ve ) the entire settlement—w« . ' stanLly and confidently I couldn’t have gotten the surance from a few pages 0 W listicB that I feel after talkii Chief Lam ott, J answers—also written down in o A faultless file system at book, and a book which I not only call board shows the men In a ^ have easy access, but which I saw end the location of the box indw Avhen it was being printed. So, in ed on the teletype. Although my own defense I won’t disclose calls are phoned in. each akn which 1 read and which I h°ard is given the box number of that h Let it suffice to say that Town R e calit,y. O f the 93 boxes a few w ports are very dry. W hat you [ "ph an tom ” boxes, used only toil couldn't learn from the Annual re- i in taggin g the location of thecal! port is what you really want to W hen an alarm is rung in ih know that for a resort of this bell is rung at the stations and t size, where thousands and thous the houses o f the call men, aa ands of people spend carefree vaca as at the P o lic e Station. Rin^ tions, where a tossed cigarette or four times, certain trucks are u a forgotten burner could destroy signed to each ring, with me ig The New Ham] Seacoast Region Since 1836 NO Fire - Casualty - Life E N T E R T A IN M E N T OR FOOD TAX Although It’s Fun to EAT AT The James G rille 3 Market Square Portsmouth, N. H Between J & K Sts. on the Blvd OPEN U N T IL 1 A. M. EXETER %\ m u y ju has this system. * ( Continued on Page Thirteen) in the movieB buiJ„ “ urazlng the ori^ a l uilding on the department site. PANORAM A — (C ontinued from Page Twelve) M A R G U E R IT E T h is year the “ two-platoon” sys Marguerite H u p p e r c tem was introduced. With this ar rangement, half of the crew 1b on duty all the time, going on at 8:00 a. m. and o ff at 0:00 p. m. They ro tate on 24-hour duty so that every sixth day a man may take a full day off. * Since 1923, when this building was erected, there have been no really serious fires although, be fore that year there were# a few that caused a great deal of damage, street Sandwiches OCEAN 2159 HAMPTON W. Fresh D ally W A R R E N 'S FA M O U S C A N D IE S "8ee Them Made" 197 Ooean Blvd. Candy Mailed Capt. Fred W illiam s ‘N Y O K A ’ D EEP 8E A F IS H IN G P A R T IE S Leave 8tate P ier Dally and 8un. 8:00 A . M . and 1:30 P. M. Balt and Lines Furnished 18 Marsh Ave., Hampton Beach Hampton 2240 BLVD. TEL. H. ^ a v Ume the ba»<iing was bv? Alexander Brown who $ nt®d the borage apace on the i *>t loor and had tenements on the second, living there himself. Now the building 1b owned by the Precinct Commission. Up until recently, the firemen, who are all familiar with first aid treatment, carried medical supplies to all the fires but with nurses on THE ASHW ORTH PONY PIN E S Rooms w ith private bath. H o t and Cold W ater. V acancies fo r July. H ig h St., H am pton, T e l. 710 BEACH YOUNG R ID E S SA FE P O N IE S FOR T H E C H IL D R E N _ NO W A IT IN G — Leaders fo r the Beginners Open 9:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M C A L L H A M P T O N 2038 Wmnacunnet Road Opposite the Gas Balls 1 M ile North Casino F o r P ro te c tio n ON YOUR SUM M ER PROPERTY NSURANCE AGENCY HAM PTON, H A M P S H IR E NEW TO UR IST CAM P North Shore Boulevard Jk w r w 'm liiiiiiiimYi»m.1lUUihLTTT reporting as their particular « gines are called. j In the even t that all trucks u out at once, the Salisbury depai ment sends equipment over to co er the station. Cooperation amot the surrounding towns and cilli is outstanding and because calls fi aid are answered so often and J facilitate operations in their 01 territory four mobile units t soon to be installed In the Chlei car, Engines 2 and 3 and in Is der 1. Th ese two-way radios f operate on the State Forestry Fl quency. W ith seven towns she* w ill be the eighth or ninth on t operating on this system, Hampt list and then our men will be ll to operate in any city or town Q Heard? Hampton, New Hampshire Winter Address mUPSHEtfcfc U im a d e m y HAM PTON a typical BEACH 31 Sherwood Road M ELR O SE, MASS. Albert D. Fanning Hazel P. Fanning B ou levard ON P A L M E R ’S 12 MILES— ROUTE Historic Houses Phillips Exeter Academ I he places where Geor, Lincoln stopped The sites where Exeter D IN IN G THE HAM PTON A IR BEACH C A S IN O ROOM GRILL Ted H erbert end H is Band T U E S ., h,ngton and Abraham T H U R S ., » Fried Clems a Sped SAT. 8-8:30 a H E N R Y ’S “S T A R S ON THE A IR Lobster A ll Styl® Opp. C O R D IA L M E R C H A N T S W I L L G L A m v U P -T O -T H E -M IN U T E M E R C H A N D ISE FOI SERVE YOUR * b e a c h wUeRa R NEEDS house. and Exeter Count Sporty 9-Hole C MODERN THEATRE CoaBt N o rth S hore G uard 8ta THRU SAT. 6:45-7:00 STEAK Hampton B AM ATEUR W IT H N IG H T FOOD Right F rom T h e Bandstand beach Y O U N G ’S ry Club M ON. In Front of the Casino M ONDAY ourse ONLY — ?:3<M j f i t svnm s, w e d e l ig h t f u l Most Stores Closed Wednesday A f te rn Excellent Bus Service Between q shopping ~ nlevardat A Street t 24-H our Phone Hampton HAMPTON BEACH The BEACHCOMBER tlint "the scare is usually enough-’ With the exception o f one or two PANO R AM A Coffee children it is sufficient to have the ■•joke” back-fire. I don’t want any (Continued Iron i Page Thirteen) children to think from tills that ROGER'S Chief Lamott considers turning in M arsh A ve. In bringing up the “ false alarm' a false alarm a necessary part of question (there were 9 last year) growing up but 1 do want you to I found In the Chief, a fine under know that this man who could be standing of children and a know harsh, but who, while he knows the ledge of human nature. Remember potential danger o f a false alarm, TeL 863 ing the days when he was a boy. also knows the potential damage in JU N K IN S he isn't overcome by the import misjudgement of a child. " # OCEAN BLVD Delicious ance of his job. He knows from Glancing over a list of calls HOME MADE CANDIES seeing boys who have been caught, from the past few years, the Chie CORN S P E C IA L T IE S suddenly looked up and said, "A c t S ee T h e m Made ually this isn’t a Fire Dept. It’s an | 193 Ocean Boulevard Compliments Emergency Dept. You know w e g e t j called in for every confounded 1 thing you can think of." which provides Besides having people call them E N T E R T a r\nifu,xF r to ask for the right time, they’re Norton’s Fish Market called for drowning accidents be cause of their inlialator. they re Fresh FI SH move cats from poles and logs from lobsters roads, they s.raighten ou. wires, f o OPth B m <* thaw out frozen water pipes. One of Next to Coast Guard Station the mos- singular calls they had was from a house where some of home-made rootbe-r were W R IT IN G EVERY FORM OF ■bottles % The BEACHCOMBER V I — span piers 86 feet on the centers, The drawspan Is to be of the tri m• union bascul der side, Inst *e type level on the un aB originally a.d of arched 2.7 feel |afford a L_. proposed. This will 'fe e t between horizontal opening of 40 The bridge fenders. clearance »_ will have a vertical tide and 27of 18.8 feet at mean high instead of 18 feet 7.1 feet at mean low tide, originally planned, and 19.7 feet a3 mit ordinary boats This will perthe bridge but to pass under will be ■ ■ ■ ■ ■for , sailing crafts it. necessary to tide raise the draw particularly _i- at high mi The drawspan piers are to b€ carried down to 30 feet below mean low water Instead of 22 feet as first planned. The piers are to be supported on timber piles which will assure ex*,ra strong founda tions, sunk well into the bottom of the river. The bridge will be 1222 feet in length exclusive of the ap proaches. A new road of consider able length over the Seabrook marshes will lead to the structure CONTRACTOR 501 Hampton Beach Chamber of Commerce YOUR TRY standing ou the kitchen table. E v ery few minutes a bottle would pop and glass was flying recklessly. One of the women liid in a closet and every time she put her head out to see if the coast was clear, another bottle would hit the ceil ing. The firemen saved the day by smothering the rambunctious bottles with a rubberized blanket so the women could leave the kitchen. ’ - Groceries ts and Vegetablc (In Season) CARRY B IR D SE Y E A FROSTED HARBOR GRILL - * '" orities. The present-plans call for a 13Have You Heard? span bridge, the approach piers Who thought the bakery line at being 94 feet apart and the draw the Diamond C was a nylon line? A t The Bridge H A M P T O N BEACH -----------00 A. M. There really isn’t room to des cribe everything I saw—the Inlrlcate call board—the mystifying bat tery room with its portable gener ator (the men do all their own line ^ork’i—the shiny engines with everything in place — one with the canvas net folded in quarters-^,th- Open — ----------10:00 P. M. H O M E COOKING ALL L argest Agency on Hampton Beach Visit The fContinued on Pqge Fifteen) S T A N D IS H Attention— Hotels [F T S H O P P E — -M O VIE S— - S O U N D Movie expert now at home w ill show professound movies at hotelBi homes. Programs for all ns. Complete equipar any size group. Has i over 400 shows. 1 _l COMPLETE THE I I through the Standish Gift Shop is hke o, trip around the world” o ^ ■=* them area team, 16-0. Following ' the game, Fred Noseworthy of Dur .SC O U TS — ham, field scout executive, present ed a cup to the winning team. ( Continued from Page Three) John W. Hopley of Portsmouth was general chairman of arrange ments and also camporee chief. i Ocean Boulevari “A " Street “ BOvvl Cr e a t io FERN c r n — H E A L T H — 8 P 0 R T *' ----- --^O FT ALLEYS 1 HAM PTON ! * * < * , Main Office 10:00 A . M.-1 2 :0 0 M ldnttM . Sunday.: 1:00 p. M.—$;00 P . M. . BAKERY A Cordial habpv Welcome to A ll! Ocean B lvd ^ WW B' ° M" Duri«>g Fall Month. Tel. 654 T E L . HAMPTON overwhelming victoiy PA N O R A M A — (Continued from Page Fourteen) 1 Incorporating The Hampton Beach Advocate PLAY Two and Three Piece W E D N E S D A Y . AUG UST 7, 1946 SUITS Styles—don’t miss these exceptional values SALE Regular price PRICE BLO USES Cotton - Wool Flannels in Green, Lime Rayon Sizes Sizes 32-36 12-18 SALE $2.96 Reg. $5.96 Sale Price $3.60 SALE $$.96 Plaids In Sizes 12-16 WORK Reg. $5.96 Sale Price $3.60 S U ITS SKIRTS Monotones. Plaids, Pleats, SW EATER S Trik Skirts. Here's values that can't be beaten. Lovely Colors Slipons In Sizes 32-40 Reg. $3.95 SALE $1.95 Reg. $6.95 SALE $1.96 Reg. $7.95 SALE $3.65 M REET FLOOR A Beautiful Selection e Ihtng For Early Of Fall D ays Suede Front « Sale at $15-$21 8W EATER8 " Houndstooth and pastel col Sizes 32-38 ANOTHER H O USECO ATS » W1variety6 Wool and Rayon Reg. $9.96 S A LE Reg. $12.95 SA LE All-W ool H OUSECO ATS Reg. $19.96 GEORGE 37-41 M arket Street 8 A L E $9.95 lot ? izes f r o m 33‘ variety 0{ colors. e g - P ric e * 529.95-$42^0 Very Coat F orTtiia H erb ert F R E E D IS T R IB U T IO N