HAMPTON BEACH - Hampton Historical Society
HAMPTON BEACH - Hampton Historical Society
t The BEACHCOMBER PO R TSM O U TH ’S L E A D IN G D E P A R T M E N T STORE1 : I Summer Merchandise | * YYTT \ U L j» A A I I N O ttat m K O Incorporating The Hampton Beach Advocate S p jfP M M fH i m W&f v.vv:<< B Catalina Swim Suits .iv yws' (2 PIECE LOBSTER STYLE)! m 1 ii* W e ’ve sold loads of them fo r |$15.00 ;l ] \ ’ . ‘ f, OUR LO W S A L E PRICE 9.95 OTHER - S W IM P R IC E SU IT S W IT H S IM IL A R R E D U C T IO N S t>>»; m m lV»N Summer Dresses 1 a ■:•< *i Light — Colorful — Cool j'l r anaI ;■ f r j- .1 I » 4t ifjw t jm m Smart women buy now and relax the rest of the f summer . 1 AU Dresses Priced to Clear - - f » ■I [.; 5 ' H ' til l ;8 § i ;t M 1 vJTA George 37 - 41 Market Street French GalcTlntertainment Festival Planned c Portsmouth, N. H. The B E A C H C O M B E R W ELCOM E TO HAM PTON! BEACHCOM BER The V O L . X X II., N O . 5 F R E E D IS T R IB U T IO N August Entertainment Festival Being Planned Special JANTZEN JULY B A T H IN G S U IT S Beach Visitor 420 Manchester Succumbs Monday Orphans T o Enjoy R E G U L A R PRICE $13.95 Pedal Pushers and Shorts A B E A U T IF U L CO LLECTIO N COM PLETE L IN E OF Jantzen “ T ” Shirts AT. Quality Vacation Wear At Reasonable Prices Sebastlano Caacoli, 36, o f 150 Bow street, Everett, Maas., died suddenly early Monday morning at the Naahaway cottage at 23 North Shore boulevard, where he was vacationing. Dr. R. N. Blake was called but the man was dead when the physi cian arrived. Dr. W endell P. Clare of Portsmouth, medical referee, pronounced death due to a heart attack. CaBColl was employed as a coppersmith at the Boston Naval Shipyard. The body was sent to E verett for services and burial. S E V E R S T W O F IN G E R S O N C IR C U L A R S A W Nurses and Waitresses $4.95 Sturgis Apparel M E N — W O M E N — C H IL D R E N Beach Chairs at $3.49 Hampton Center N ext to F irst N ation al Store SHOP A T DUDLEY SAVE List Your Property A lbert Hebert, 48, of St. Albans, V t , was treated by Dr. C. B. Bailey and taken to the Exeter hospital after a circular saw he was learn ing: to use cut off two fingers and part o f a third. The accident occurred on R iver avenue, Hampton Beach, where Hebert was helping his brother, Lucien, build a house. M UNSEY’S SEA G R ILL According to Chamber of Com merce president Raymond L. Goding, plans are underway for a full week of entertainment prior to the traditional Carnival Week. Included in the schedule for the last week of August are a swim The recently Installed two-way ming meet, bathing suit show, radio effected a quick ending to One of the biggest picnics of its bathing beauty contest, and a sail the career of a bad check artist kind in New Hampshire— an or boat and motor boat contest. early Monday morning when Allen phans' picnic—w ill be held at Entries are already coming in for Hardy, 44, alias J. R. King, alias Hampton Beach today tar 420 AUGU8T Mrs. J. R. King, of Staten Island, children from Manchester. (Continued on Page F o u r) N. Y., was picked up by state and The sixth annual picnic for Man local police. chester orphans will highlight Acting on a tip from the Amesswimming sports, contests, and a bury, Mass., police, Hardy, a beach lunch- Eleven bus loads of chil employee, was apprehended at a dren will leave Manchester at 8 Seahrook cabin colony two hours a. m. this morning and they are A fter several weeks of unusual after the complaint was received. due to arrive at the State Bath quiet, the storm suddenly broke A t municipal court probable house at 10 o'clock. The picnic this past week and the Hampton cause was found on a charge of caravan w ill also include 22 private cars to carry 80 nuns and 36 police department went Into a con larceny by check and forgery and. tinuous round of activity with a on being unable to poBt bond of orphanage workers to the picnic. variety of cases ranging from auto $1,000, Hardy was remanded to Sponsors of the picnic include mobile collisions to forgery. the Manchester jail to aw< the service clubs in Manchester, the Pleading guilty to a charge of October superior court session. Mayor and Board of Aldermen, and lascivious behavor, Involving a 7 A fter passing five worthless the school committee. A volunteer year old hoy, Peter N. Lillios, 19, checks totaling $194, among them staff w ill prepare 2,000 sandwiches of Concord, was sentenced to six one for $75 at Tobey's North Beach for the picnic and there will be months-in the Brentwood house of store, and another for $75 at the bushels of fruit and candy and Ice correction by Judge John W. Per E. G. Cole company, Hardy's arrest cream and cases of milk for the kins at a special session of the by Chief Malek and Officers Abbott noon time lunch. The youngsters, Young and Pat Ring climaxed a 30YOUTH ranging in age from 3 to 16 years, year record. (Continued on Page Nine) will return home at 6:30 p. m. Bad Check Artist Apprehended By Police Monday Picnic At Beach Youth Sentenced On Morals Charge “ Specializing in Ham pton Beach Properties fo r over 15 Y e a rs” CHICKEN e x c l u s iv e REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY STEAK AUTOM OBILE A G E N C Y business opportunity for future is an excellent SEA Due to illness the owner is obi very successful business. He ha _____ Beach, T E L E P H O N E S 588 — 2343 — 2279 FOOD V IS IT $3,750.1! ! cellent clientele and will sell the BUY 11 possible price. Insulated building with tiled floors OUR N E W good will at a sacrifice. .! $3,750 flintr AlApfrlr rflfHfferator. and good furnish* SEE us W A F F L E H O U SE ings. Several Cottages for Aug, Let Dudley Write Youi bedroom, breakfast $ 3 ,7 5 0 .!!! TEL. 776 H A M P T O N B EUAC„V a r d " A S trC el h e n r y $3,750.! ! ! Largest Real Estate Agency on the New Hampshire Coast The B E A C H C O M B E R Htvft You H eard? What a cute couple Harvey and Joanne made when she was wear ing hie ring and vice versa? Feminine Talent Wins Prizes On Amateur Show Your Haircut as You Want - It! ! A rt Gaudreau - C Street Feminine talent took over Mon day night at the bandstand when only one of the six winners in the two classes was a boy. The lone male was 6 and a half year old Tommy Hall of Hampton who took 3rd prize in the junior class when he sang “ Clementine.” Other winners were: in the sen ior group, 1st prize, Ann Gonya, 17, Shrewsbury, Mass., who is staying at the “ Bingolo" on Q street. Miss Gonya sang “ Shine,” and “By the W ay” ; Saildra Ayala, 14, Fitch burg, Mass., who sang “ Forever The largest shop at the beach! Service & Quality le Our Motto! OPEN SU N DAY — A L L DAY P A L M E R ’S M O T O R C O U R T North Beach Hampton, N. H. Modern' Cabins • Hot and Cold W ater w Showers. Good Bathing Beach H a v e Y o u H e a rd ? and Ever." She is staying at the Philip cottage, Surfside Park; That Hay W . certain ly likes that 3rd prize went to Rosemary Regan. picture of Flosie? 16, of Lawrence, Mass., for her vocal rendition of “ Far Away Registered Siamese Places.” Miss Regan is staying at Kittens - Stud Service the “ Mary E " on Nudd Terrace. M R S . A. K. C H A S E First and second places in the 58 W in n a c u n n e t R o ad junior class were won by Anona Tel. 2331 H a m p to n Getchell, 8, Plainville, Conn., who did “ Raggedy Ann” acrobatic O ne M a le K itte n - R eason able I dance, and 10-year old Maureen Donohue of Lowell, Mass., a guest at the Mt. Vernon on L street. Maureen did an elocution piece, D IR E C T B U S “ What's In a Nam e?" Bill Elliot was master of cere Ham pton Beach to Boston monies and music was provided by John Fulford at the piano. F O R R E S E R V A T IO N S CALL AT AUGUST — Jackie’s T ra v e l (Continued from Page Three) rrs TH E FOOD M A H O N E Y ’S L U N C H lip “A s Famous A s the Beach Itself” O C E A N B O U L E V A R D A T B STREET Tel. 2103 r Hampton Beach, N . H. BUY NOW Electric Refrigerators BOUGHT CAN FOR AS LITTLE 18.95 down and 1.83 per week IN 24 M O NTH LY PA Y M E N T S the bathing beauty contest, which has proved to he a popular event the pa6t three seasons. A complete list of requirements w ill be an nounced here next week. This will he the second bathing suit show, with models showing the authentic beach apparel worn during the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition to these coming events, there has been a great deal of interest shown in the current fishing contest which opened sev eral weeks ago. No entry fee is required in this contest which is running through the season with trophies to be awarded at the close o f the sum mer. Anyone may enter as many times as he wishes for land, river or deep sea fishing. The catches are being weighed in at the Smith and Gilmore pier where a record is being kept of all entries so that it iBn t necessary for contestants to be beach residents at the time awards are made. Information on all these events Is available at the Chamber of ? « Ce off,Ce and fa t h e r de tails w ill he published in the hext week or two. Joln tho L°tter Contest Todayl \ TEL. EXETER 5916 if 1 B E A C H OFFICE r''- ' r t 191 OCEAN B O U L E V A R D r*.::--- H AR T - SCHAFFNER - M ARX H A M P T O N B E A C H , N . H. Lowell, Maas. F eatu rin g the Finest I N M E N ’S and B O Y S ’ W E A R # That Shirley C of Lowell, a weekend vacationist at the beach could easily win the title “ Mias Hampton Beach" - so says Bob D? That Marty S. and Bud D. could easily pass for two young Internes In their white uniforms? E A R L ’S M A R K E T at ^ N O R T O N 'S C A B I N 8 L af. R d. N o r th H am pton H o u se h o ld F u rn itu re , D ish e s and G la s s w a r e n , G o o d s S o ld on C o n sig n m e n t S a le R a in o r 8 h in o Lunch R y e B e a c h 288-5 H. L. N O R T O N , A u ctio n e e r —— Fancy Fish and Lobsters B IR O N R E T A IL J E W E L E R W A T C H R E P A IR IN G Diam onds - W atches Jewelry That W alter Dunfey and Mary M. were baby sitting a couple of evenings recently? • F R U IT S That Charles G. of Lowell and Alice G. are seeing a lot of each other these days? VEGETABLES • G R O C E R IE S N o w offering a complete ■ line of Where Norm was going with his golf clubs, up Ocean boulevard at 3 A. M.? - • fan W hy Shaver is playing hard to get? M EATS T E L . 2209 W e Deliver B o a r’s H oad H am p to n W hy Pat was dressed up Wednes day night? Beach W hy did Clair P. and Clair R. get into a fight? Television Portable Radios R ESTAUR ANT WORK S A L E S an d S E R V I C E C S tre e t H a m p to n Beach Stainless — Aluminum — Galvanized Iron t u ^ en« h F r i e s ~ C lam Shoppe M arsh Ave. Magnolia, Maes. W in n . Rd. P hono 2296 H am pton A u c tio n BOULEVARD Between J & K Sts. Exeter & Hampton Electric Co. H O M E OF That Richie Woodbury of Nudd That Nancy Casey the top dancer and a group of musicians were en terrace is a regular water dog? tertaining the gueBts at the RossThat Jack McGaun and Janet mere this weekend? are seen together at the movies holding hands quite often lately? Y e O ld e C oun try A. • • O F F IC E H O U R S : M ond ay, W e d n e sd ay, F rid a y O th e r d a y s by appointm ent L. What happned to Helen? That the Colonel of the Lowell High school Girls' Regiments is at e Hampton for--the summer? She is H ave you heard how many lob charming Miss Connie Peterson./ sters Eva, P eggy and Florence ate at the Lobster Pound, where was That Mary F. is t h e ' official N ettie? Still trying to catch up. cigarette tester— even blindfolded. C H IR O P R A C T O R V is it o u / a a M A R T Y CO NNO R, Manager 4 McGregor Sportswear Wilson Brothers Faultless Sheet M etal Contracting G rille 11'1 i . That Eddie K eefe and Bob Chen ey, employed at Christine's are a happy go lucky duo? Bessie M . Barber, DC, PhC Agency DVNFEY THE I Have Y ou Heard? Copper and Galvanized H I The B E A C H C O M B E R * Roofing — Cornices — Gutters I RYE Central Road SHEET M ETAL Tel. Porta. 4338-W1 P ajam as Shirts CO. - Rye N eckw ear Hosiery & Ocean I F r ie d C la m s U nderw ear ster Rolls — G rilled F ra n k fu rt s epper Steaks — Onion R in g s L ig h t Lunches O P E N 8 A . M. to 1 A . M. N o rth c o o l Su its The Tropical that Breathes Fresh A ir t The B E A C H C O M B E R The Beachcomber Incorporating The Hampton Beach Advocate - A Vacation Digest of all the news information for the summer visitor Published Wednesdays, June 29 to August 31 The B E A C H C O M B E R Children Enjoy uon oi Bay State D river H eld In Hit-Run Accident Sunday ‘Special’ Day At Beach Thursday H O T E L K E N T V IL L E R o o m s w ith H o t an d Cold By The STorae 6.000 youngsters and some not so young, enjoyed the annual H A M P T O N P U B L IS H IN G C O M P A N Y NEW HAMPSHIRE Children's Day at Hampton Beach HAMPTON last Thursday, sponsored by the FOR ADVERTISING RATES IN THIS PAPER Precinct Commissioners. Col. George Ashworth, founder TELEPHONE HAMPTON 665 of the Children's Day program Communications and Items from nearly 30 years ago, was feted on his "85th" birthday which oc readers are welcome at aU times. curred on the same day, July 21. At a luncheon for invited guests at the Hotel Ashworth, the vener To Y o u r Pattern able Precinct Commissioner was If you yourself, planned the daily menu at Foley’s presented with a birthday cake in chances are it would match pretty closely the one we honor of the occasion. use . . . It’s made up for you. Following the luncheon there F O L E Y ’S R E S T A U R A N T B STR EET was a parade led by the Abbott Worsted hand of Lowell, Mass., which included floats, decorated bicy;cles, and the U. S. Coast Guard amphibious "Duck" loaded with pinwheels, balloons and child ren. About 160 Boy Scouts were Ranges also in the line of march which ended at the bandstand. W ater Heaters Richard Murphy of Haverhill Servel R efrigerators gave an exhibition of baton tw irl ing and there were vocal solos by “ The Clean Fuel” Joseph Roughan of W orcester and Exeter, N. H. Beach Office Robert Gauthier of Haverhill. Phone 2111 Marsh Avenue There was no speaking program, Tel. 401 but John W. Hopley of Portsmouth, master of ceremonies, presented Col. George Ashworth with a birth day cake in recognition of his birthday. Following an entertainment pro- ihouBe, where he was instructed to wait by Officer John Marston while the latter and two bystanders ex tricated Mrs. Donovan, Robb was found hiding in the marsh by Chief Malek after an hour and 20 minute search by state and local police. Police are holding Thomas E. The operators of the two other Robb, 24, of Framingham, MasB., vehicles lnvoled were James A. after an accident involving five De Wolfe, Westford, Mass., and cars took place on the M ile Bridge Lawrence W . Dangelo, Framing Sunday night at 9:40. ham, Mass. Struck by the Robb vehicle Just Mrs. Donovan suffered shock and north of the draw, the car operated bruises and Mrs. Aagot Herlund, by M ary F. Donovan, South Grovea passenger in the Robb car, was land, M bbb., was forced against the also treated by Dr, R. N. Blake for steel wall, pinning Mrs. Donovan facial lacerations. behind the wheel. Charged with driving under the Travellin g about 980 feet, the influence, leaving the scene of an Robb car smashed into a parked accident and causing personal in truck owned by Clinton Durant of jury, Robb pleaded not guilty at Hampton, and ran into two more municipal court Monday afternoon cars before veering o ff and coming and the case was continued until to a stop about 40 feet to the left. 4:00 p. m. today. A fte r escaping from the toll Tw o 19-year old youths, William J. Tracey and Vincent Orisello, both of Stoneham, Mass., were picked np on the beach in back It P a y s To T u rn of the bandstand early Sunday morning when it waB reported they had stolen two blankets from a T h e C orn er On cottage on L street owned by Leonard A. Byron. B STREET When, found by Officers Hurd and Dunbrack, Tracey put up a struggle. They w ill appear in court [The L O U IS E D R E S S SHOP] Saturday on the count of petty larceny, in addition to Tracey's charge of striking an officer and Hampton Beajch resisting arrest. R u n n in g W a t e r M r. an d M rs. R. L. C o d in g Telephone H a m p to n 950 Bella's Market Q G R O C E R IE S . VEGETABLES B A K E R Y GOODS M EATS . . . F R O Z E N FOODS B lv d . B e tw e e n J & K 8treeta ALLIED N. H. GAS CO. “ C” STREET Grill ■_r-ffi * 4 • Sandwiches L ig h t Lunches Sea Food B ob Robinson, Prop. STORE Y ou H eard? About Clare and Whitey? The C O L O R S P O T says: “You don’t know how you R E A L L Y look, Till you have your COLOR-picture took.” A beautiful photograph on COLORF IL M for only $1.00 with this coupon. “A t the sign o f the Blinking Cam era” 10 C S T R E E T //* HAM PTON BEACH V ;-v:Y ■ h Won l r 8 EBE SHOPP — MISS SMERICS, 1943 ***'• FIRST CHOICE OF AMERICA'S LOVELIEST BEAUTIES! OFFICIAL OF SWIM THE A T L A NT I C Cl Sundries Toiletries P aten t M edicines Cigarettes Full Course Dinners 24 Film s and Cam eras H O U R P H O T O S E R V IC E ■ S f u f c (5 1 Breakfast 25c Luncheon Specialty Chicken Pie ncreatian (jr c a IdOM/l eModt ' OPERATED SODA FO UNTAIN Ql*4t.Catnlk**" This Is the suit you always see on Figures with a Futurel In California - this U the suit you see on Hollywood's most glamorous stanl At Atlantic City - It's the suit worn by America's outstanding beauties — who compete for the coveted tide of "Miss America'7! And on you — it will be the most figure* flattering swim suit you've ever worn I A sleek Catalina In Celantse and Lostex 2-way stretch knit boude — In Inspired California color*. 0.00 <3&mp[on iBeach State ‘Tark ROUTE I-A . NEAR HAMPTON ST?lB rfUD?D VISE0 M0DERN RIVER B R ID G E IB BEACH SAFETY LUNCHEONETTE patrol OCCASIONAL MUSIC Re f r e s h m e n t s AVAILABLE An"<i",OtheSrh" o a e nnbe ° " d ' H ° rse sh o * Pi‘ «=hin.. O ro q u rt * “ ».°UJ ic m = h teb7.t Wi*h P ic n ic t a b le s and *« k o th e r and bathhouse LARGE PARKING AREA OUIET ATMOSPHERE Our kitchen is always open for your inspection H ave Irene is on the make? 582 W I N N A C U N N E T R O A D For Breakfast, Lunch and OPEN DAILY 8 AM TO 8 PM H e ard ? N o rth Beach OCEAN BLVD. & H STREET Dinner §1.35 Y ou O P E N 7 A . M . to 9 P . M. H IL L C R E S T THERE IS NOTHING FINER AT HAMPTON BEACH H ave 7 f a c ilit ie s fxcm«*r sun and suar bathing fo r r . l . x - LIIK FIK TIE R A N D A L L ’S IC E C R E A M B Y T H E P O U N D DEPT. n riN i hsi STO R E Ham pton's Leading Store On The Beach Front Between A and B Street • •i HAM PTON BEACH PLAYHOUSE Correct Figures at Guard Station. Hampton DAY 12:30 am 9.8 8 1:15 pm 8.8 1:30 am 9.8 9 2:00 pm 9.0 )A.Y 2:30 am 9.6 0 3:00 pm 9.1 1 3:16 am 9.1 L 3:46 pm 9-1 y , 4:16 am 8.6 4:30 pm 9.0 6:15 am 8.0 I • 5:30 pm 8.9 iSDAY 6:16 am 7.6 l 6:46 pm 8.9 aet W lnnacunnet Road Now Playing thru Sunday Matinee S a t 2:30 Muriel Brown In J. B. Prleatly's “A N INSPECTOR C A L L S Tloketa $1.80 • $1.20 at E. Q. Cole Co., Tel. 661 Beacli Girl Is Feted Wednesday A t Bridal Shower Have You NEW BURYPORT P h o n e N b yp t. 919 Miss Tilile McCool, K street, was guest of honor Wednesday night at a bridal shower given, by Mrs. Harry Youngman and Mrs. John Fagan at the Youngman home, STRAWn Phone 91} A m e sb u ry Shrfslde Park. Among those present were Mrs. Joseph McDonald and daughter, Marie, Mrs. R ita Deronde and daughter, Janet, and Mrs. Helen N o w P la y in g A E n d s Saturday P ic tu re Y o u w ill Remember “T H E F O U N T A IN H E A D * s t a r r in g G a r y Cooper P a tr ic ia N e a l . . at PORT Newburyport Entire W eek Starts Fri. July 29 “ T H E L I F E O F R IL E Y ” “B A D B O Y ” “ U N A F R A ID " w ith B u rt L a n c a ste ix J o a n Fontaine bridge, Mrs. Esther O’Dea, Miss Helen Dolan, Mrs. Lucilte Crowe, Mrs. Addie Grandmaison, Mrs. Edith Kimball, Mrs. Eva Vincent, Mrs. Doris Swift, Exeter, Mrs. Con stance Murray, M rs..Frank F ree man, Mrs. Richard Powers, Mrs. Margaet Junkins, Mrs. Harry Coyne and Mrs. Yvonne Keefe. In addition to the attractively decorated bride's cake, made by Mrs. Nuttal of the Sea Tern bakery, there was a large assortment of W ENTW ORTH BY T H E N e x t W e d n e sd a y “T H E GALLANT 5 D a y s S ta r tin g Tues., A u g. 2 So o - o -o -o F u n n y E v e n “T h e P a le fa c e " P a le s by C o m p a riso n B o b Hope and h is new sw eeth eart L u c ille B a ll “S O R R O W F U L J O N E S ” “F A M I L Y H O N E Y M O O N ” 2nd o u tsta n d in g PLAYHOUSE P O R T S M O U T H , N. H. O FF II II II II COMEDY Hampton municipal Thursday. - a te d i court last : ^ A native of Argerokastro, Alban ia, Lillios has been in this country about two years and at the time of his arrest was employed on the beach. Within a half hour after re ceiving a description from the child involved, Lillios was apprehended _ Rout* U S n e w lu d / u f, SUMMER THEATRE — Between Hirer hill and Newburyport_______ 3 M O R E T IM E 8 H ilario u s Comedy Wednesday, Thursday July 27-28 Friday, Saturday July 29-30 BLADE 1 NOW! Warner Bros: NewTriumph July 31 - Aug. 1 Sunday, Monday W / P O S L * ___________ “Y A N K S A H O Y ” M O W fOUNTAINHi! GARY WATCH FOK uuiv j , COLEEN GRA H E A D L IN E ACT JJr_li “S A N D ” PT r,FORGE f l n l l Stalling AND A _fA.VT CAST _Q>_ 0 > ITM HOUH l j fill . S v / K W Q A L i Each W e e k In Technicolor __________ggntmuous Show Sunday from 2:15 OPEN SUNDAYS I— D' c « ~ | t e v E n & l THF. (Continued from Page Three) E V E N IN G PE R FO R M AN C E S - •* f RI.. SAT.. SU N., MON., WED. Tfr V vQ. NO SH O W TUES. A N D TH U lw Children’s Show “Saturday W IL L IA M TRACY in OF YOUTH — DONALD T ESC H ER * Continuous Show Saturday _______ HOME H am pton Beach H IL L S ” “B O STO N , B L A C K IE ’S C H IN ADVENTURE” Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday North 8hore July 28 - 30 Thursday, Friday, Saturday In Technicolor CHESTER MORRIS — M A Y L IA Sunday, Monday M AR K STEVENS _ LAW RENCE. “COLORADO T E R R IT O R Y ” W IT H V IR G IN IA S U T T O N — PHONE PORTSMOUTH 1360 . FOR RESERVATIO NS OR W R ITE P. O. BOX 600 SEATS $1.20 $1.80 $2.40 H A R R Y Y. Boston. Joel M c C r e a - V ir g in ia Mayo SEA FAR F. Haynes drive me to the wreck 6n the bathing beach and arrested with his fast trotter, Monte Carlo. by Chief of Police John Malek. W e made the 10-mile trip from Exeter and arrived ahead dt the liefsavers. Conditions were tiough P A L M E R ’S and I cotild hear the crew on the Glendon calling: “ For God's sake, D IN IN G ROOM get ub out a line; we’re breaking apart." A fter several hours work O pen they got the big hawser rope out and the breeches-buoy began its Fried Clams a Specialty trips to bring in the seven men. The first man to land was an Lobster A ll Style optimist, as he said: “ Hello, boys, great night o u t" Opp. C oast Guard 8tatIon hit Week of July 29 - August 3 “ TH E Friday, Saturday July L A R R Y PARKS — M AR G UER ITE CHA1 Aug. 3 C la u d e tte C o lb e rt F re d M a c M u r r a y L E N O X R O B I N 8 0 N ’S I R I S H _________ M A T IN E E E V E R Y D A Y A T 2:15 FOOLS" On the S a m e P ro g ra m It 's S t a r t lin g - S a v a g e - T ru e ! L lo y d N o la n - Jane W y a tt J a m e s G le aso n « w ith J a m e s G leason SHOW BOAT DIAL “F I G H T I N G “M A S S A C R E R IV E R ” added feature trtflTUNjHc p lu s Leo G o rc e y * T h e B o w e ry B o y s “ S I R E N O F A T L A N T IS ” un., T u es. J u ly 21 - Aug. 1*2 W illia m B e n d lx (a s Riley) The origin of the U. S. Coast .Guard lifeboat station at North Beach was graphically described this week in a letter appearing in a Boston paper and sent along to this paper by former State Senator R. Robert Matheson of Goffstown and a summer resident of Hampton Beach for many years. ~ The Bay State writer, who must have been a former resident or native of these parts, writes: “ I was interested in your article about the opposition to the project ed closing of New Hampshire's Hampton Beach life boat station. This station was obtained by the late Congressman “ Cy“ Sulloway, who was also known as the ‘New Hampshire Pine/ on account of his great height. This station was establfshed after the total wreck of the big three-masted schooner Glendon on Feb. 9, 1896. The only help to he obtained was from the stations at Wallis Sands and Straw's Point. The captains hired four horses from a farmer to pull the heavy surf boat many miles on a back road. The north-easter, with snow, was so had they could not use a coast road. I .had George “IT H A P P E N S E V E R Y S P R IN G " M a r la M o n te z Jean P ie rre A u m o n t H eard? Direct from Radio City M usic H all! N o w P la y in g E n d s S a tu rd a y W h a t A C h a ra c te r w ith A B a se b a ll W h a t A D a m e w ith C u rv e s R a y M llla n d - Jean P e te rs P a u l D o u g la s 8un., M on. O n ly J u ly 31-Aug. 1 T h r ill 8w ept E p ic of a F la m in g F r o n tie r G u y M ad le o n - R o r y C a lh o u n on the sa m e program That Apace apologized to Leanne Relax In cool comfort In Newburyport's only alr-condltloned teatre! Origin Of Coast Guard Station In 1896 Recalled STRAND NEXT W EEK M E E T T H E W IF E 9 The B E A C H C O M B E R The B E A C H C O M B E R TEU. NEWBURYPORT rdavi SSSSf Tuesday, Wednesday Auff* 2 " 3 CLAUDETTE COLBERT — FRED MacMURRAY “F A M I L Y HONEYM OON” PATRICIA COOPER•NEfll Sunday, - Tuesday “H O M E July 31 - Aug. 2 OF THE BRAVE” The B E A C H C O M B E R Join tht Letter Contaat Today l Our Haircuts are A -l Come in and C -l If you're not a customer B -l A R T G A U D R E A U ’8 • C ST. 5 Barbers H am burgs T H E M A R G U E R IT E Helen Marguerite Hupper C STR EET South American Nudd Terrace Game Introduced Associates Meet As Beach Sport j The Nudd Terrace Associates [will hold their regular meeting ■next Monday at the home of Mrs. .Leroy Dunfey where plans for the annual get-together to be held in August at one of the hotels will be discussed. Mrs. Woodbury, President, re quests all members be present. The meeting will be followed by a luncheon and entertainment. 8andwlchea [Open 8:80 am to Midnight Join the Letter Contest Today! m am m m Mam>** / \ F L A M E P R O O F B E D D IN G From F A C T O R Y to Y O U $39.00 Hotel Innerspring Mattresses $24.95 FLA M E PR O O F covering U SED in HOTELS and H OSPITALS Also Peteka Rio, the popular South American game i9 being intro duced tliiB season to residents of North Beach, Hampton and L ittle Boar's Head district and has gained much popularity among summer visitors. The new sport which lends itself to beach play is being taught by Mr. James Brush, a former U niver sity of Pennsylvania football star. The game employs the use of a Peteca Leo, somewhat sim ilar to a badminton shuttlecock, which is kept in the air by use of the hands. Two teams generally play the game, with ten persons on each side not uncommon. Summer visitors are welcome to participate in the game at Sea side Village, where Mr. Brush is also teaching all phases of ocean swimming. W e can R E B U IL D your old mattress like N E W . H ave Gardner Mattress Corp. Y ou The B E A C H C O M B E R M I L D R E D E. CHASE ( T Y P E W R IT E R S (a d d i n g M A C H I N E 8 Sold, R e n te d o r Repaired T e l. 600 145 S ta te 8t. Nowburyp. B u ild in g - Roofing I N S I D E and OUT C a r r o ll Blackden CONTRACTOR Mill Road Tel. Salem 1810 V O' mm Hampl T E L . 748 H e ard ? W hy Leo of the Penny Arcade was walking down Nudd avenue at 10:16 Thursday night? M ARSH A V E N U E B A R B E R SHOP Corner “P ” Street Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. OPEN A L L DAY 8U N DAY C h as. d e N Ic h o la The Little Shoppe W ith B ig V alues! W e Invite you to com e In and look around. A ll new w ool rug m aterial fo r B r a id in g and H ooking. D R E S S M A K IN G E S S E N T IA L S R E M N A N T S - M IL L E N D S YARD GOODS D A N A SHOPPE H am el 25 M id d le St., Tel. 2455 Nbypt. off State St. Open Fri. till 9 P M D r y C lean in g 2 D a y Service TRY THE HARBOR 3 D a y Shirt Service Canal Street Extension Salem, Mass. You R em odellin g H e a rd ? That a certain someone made up with Slim last Thursday night? Have O P E N smart the waiters at MunsGy’s look? -How 9 A . M . to 8 P. M. 3* C ST R E E T Join the Letter C on te st T o d a y l G R IL L Breakfasts, Dinners Steaks and Chops Cooked B y E xpert Chefs N e a r the Mile L on g Bridge HAM PTON BEACH Get-Acquainted Party Enjoyed By Greenlanders Bob Constantlneau, W ally Curran, Bill Curtin, Betty Clark, Esther White, and Yvonne Curran. The couple camping for the long est number of years at “ The Green land s” are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nilsen of Marlboro and the young est camper present was Pamela Jean Welch, Lawrence, 4 months old. Mrs. ^Alfred Constantlneau, Lawrence was presented an Amory orchid for the most children - 8. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin of Hyde Park were also given an Am ory orchid as they are the couple present married the longest, 49 years, and 8 months. Refreshments were served. HAM PTON CENTER B A R B E R SH O P Y e a r 'Round Expert Service A “ Hello Neighbor’’ party was Next to the A A P Store held at the Greenland Camp Grounds Saturday July 23, with Mr. Harold Bailey of Lawrence as mas ter of ceremonies. Sandra and Bobby Wolcutt of B E N D IX Braintree, danced and sang “ Why S E L F -S E R V IC E Does It Have To Rain on Sunday” and Beth Conrad was delightful LAUNDRY with her toe dance number. H O U R S 8 to 6 Jack Clark of Methuen won a 8 U N D A Y 8 8 to 12 cash prize for naming the new pup 5 Washers "Sport." 1 Drier (Quick) Richard “Martin, Brighton, Jerry H a v e You H e ard ? Ryan, Andover, and Billy Curtin, 50c P E R M A C H IN E Why Johnny wore shoes last up to 9 tbs. D ry Clothes Wilmington, were very amusing in a bubble gum contest that ended Thursday? C ST. J E N N E Y S T A T IO N in a tie. COR. M A R S H A V E . That Munsey’s has one of the Mabel Gilman, Methuen and Gus Coskren, Lawrence won over Mae best hostesses to be had? Murray, Saugus, and Frank Drenth. m Haverhill in %a balloon hugging match. The C O L O R S P O T asks: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barton of Greenfield Park, Canada, came from the most distant place. “W hat color were your baby’s eyes Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ouellett tied and hair a year ago? in an honesty contest with Ray Sheehan and Jerry McGrail, Law “W hat color was that favorite suit rence. or dress?” Mrs. Joseph White. Lawrence bought a sealed package for 50c and Save the Color with a PHOTO on was pleased to find a dollar bill COLOR F IL M inside. Winnie Fisher of Haverhill and “A t The Sign of the Blinking Camera” Loretta Craven had no difficulty In describing each other after see HAM PTON BEACH 10 C ST R E E T ing each other for only 15 seconds. A very amusing stunt passing an i_ u S a w fiM S S S .< ■MM m orange by their chins, was won by at the FRY KETTLE CORNER OF A ” STREET & M ARSH A V E N U E THE MILE BRIDG CREAM bulk Lobster Fresh Fish CONES MADE ON THE FARM FINEST Featuring Com plete Meats Line Of Vegetables Join Join th e L e tte r C o n te st Todiyi H ave You Tvand View Beauty Salon I Located A t G ra n d V ie w 363 O c e a n Blvd. H a m p to n B e a c h Hoard7 I&ogsuHujgIJz QtevitAGA* That June waits for Wednesdays ‘and Fridays to see her John? Open E very D a y M argaret Sun. & Eves. • Georgie Harth Frolic-lng with Mary Ann Dunn . . • Mar> Re. uolds on the beach with her baby . . . Snatch Kylle, ex of the Hot Dog Stand, dashing-up the boule vard . . . a huge dog dragging Pat Murray up the boardwalk . . . Jim McGrath and his aunt, Mrs. Harry Coyne, strolling along the front . . . Bob McGranahan visiting with friends in Ted Herbert’s band . . . Jean Simard, Mary Hall, Peter R il ey and Beth Smith enjoying Claud ia at the Hampton Beach Playhouse. Dick Keville baby-sitting while the baby's mother attends the show . . . Terese O’Brien and Bill Morlarty visiting with Tom Collins before going to the dance . . . Mary Rebus with her Paul at "Flam ingo Road.” Red Kennedy and party enjoy ing the Farragut . . . Mike Cough lin going around and around on his rounds . . . John Hedderman and hi9 Jean driving on the boule vard . . . Olympia manager, Eddie Qlynn, chatting with his family . Louise Dress Shop B STREET The Beach Shop H O T E L S T A N D IS H Hampton’s Friendliest Hotel Modern, Reasonable Rates. with City Prices Ocean Blvd at A Street SEA Fresh Lobsters Fish H ave PHONE FOOT OF 15th ST. fau* That Jim Canning, Dot Kelly, Bill McSweeny, Mary Lawlor, Joe Cannistraro and Shorty Otis have re turned to the Auntie, some for the fourth or fifth year? EXETER. N.H ---------- -------------- & _ m jsi m i — i s i p p ;WILUPStXETER academy S ff S ta n d ish G ift The Best In Shop Q u a lity Candies Largest and Finest in N ew E n glan d Ocean Blvd at A Street W e M ail Anywhere R A Y M O N D S T U R G IS COMPLETE Bookkeeping Service ount High St., Ham pton, N . H. STATEM EN TS For Better Snapshots Seacoast M a r t in E. G u n th e r H u n te r B ld g . Tel, Hampton, N Load your camera with Kodak Verlctirome Film W e s t e r n Auto an |}IU" S e rv ic e to th e entire com m u n ity w ith paint#, hard w are, au to su pplies, radio, sp o rtin g go o d s, appliance*, and b icycle goods. Tel. 2731 Exe * exposed rolls to os for expert finishing • Stop in today and got Kodak Voriehrome Film for your cam tra— w# have all *lx#s In stock, lo u * u k d / 6 3 9 THE n e w s VISIT Historic Houses Phillips Exeter Academy PU BLIC STENOGRAPHER M ____ P A Y R O L L S — T A X R EP O R T I W a te r St. (tjypicat 9Uw J Ambulance Service Tel. 657 A sso c ia te Store _______ — 9lu,Qhm£°tr Jun kin s B u sin e ss Service H e ard ? • 2103 KING’S HIGHWAY You About Doris Zocchi’s Bruce and his frat pim? Magazines — Groceries — Ice Cream — Tonic LSI Appt> Tel. 2186 That Mary Jane is getting older day by dayT ;L111 th0 Letter Contest T o d a y l Abraham a g e n c y Between A & B S tre e t* Ocean B o u le v a rd Enter The Letter Contest Today! Everyone Is urged to Join the Beachcomber’s letter contest on ’’W hy I spend My Vacation at Hampton Beach,” today. The fol lowing rules apply: 1. Letters must not exceed 200 words and must be Blgned fully in your own handwriting, Including home and beach, adress. 2. Address all letters to: Con test Editor, Beachcomber, Hamp ton, N. H. 3. Letters will be judged on basis of sincerity, originality and neatness. 4. The editor reserves the right to edit all material with regard to grammar, spelling and punctuation. 5.- A ll material becomes the property of the Beachcomber and w ill neither be returned nor ac knowledged. G. Each week is a new and separate contest and all letters received by the judges after the deadline w ill be disregarded. Each winner w ill be eligible for the gram f prize to be announced later. 7. A ll letters must have a Hampton postmark, dated not later than midnight the Sunday before each issue. 8. Each week the best letter re ceived w ill be printed. 9. The writer of the winning letter must call In person at-the Hampton Publishing Company, Lafayette Road, where on identifi cation, he will be given a mer chandise certificate, exchangable at the beach Btores. 10. You may enter as often as you wish until your letter is pub lished. No winning participant will be considered ig another contest in this series. M ONDAY 9:30 to 10:00 A . M. over WHEB 750 on every dial FEATURING BILL ELLIOT “The Singing Cop” MASTER OF CEREMONIES A 50c Bre C O N T E S T P R IZ E S Elizabeth Dining Room, J St., dinner for 2 from 5 to 7; Smith & Gilmore, fishing trip for 2. A. K. Chase, speedboat ride for 2; F croft Alleys, 5 strings for 2, F croft Taxi, trans. for 2 from beach to depot; Ferncroft, bicycle ride for 2; Casino Associates, p w s jo r 2 for a feature band at the Casin B a l l r o o m . ________ __ H a v o Y ou Ted H erbert * Heard? A rt saw the light? Typing Mon. Tues., Wed., Thurs., A d d r e s s in g • B illin g etc. ADMISSION 60c Theses Typed You’ll Enjoy and Prolil by a Visit to Exeter MERCHANTS MINUTE MERCHA A ll W o r k Confidential Ha m T E L . 2382 MARY H u n te r B ld g . E. F O G A R T Y Ham pto n ADMISSION 80c OF beach CHAM BER Fri., Sat. em blem MONDAY NIGHT IS COOPERA OF TIO N COM M ERCE “Get Acquainted N igh t” at Casino Ballroom Exeter Country Club Sporty 9-Hole Course MODERN THEATRE Mini tmm thru F R ID A Y Those hotels, rooming houses, restauran qxjl L Places o f business which display frjbuti«g to help pay for your entertainment by co ^ ey detbe Cham ber o f Commerce. Most cer serve your patronage. So the next tim ^ room or make a purchase look for * y RED G U LL. It is the Emblem o f Coopera*10 # engage of the ---- COMING Thursday, July 14th x LES BROWN and his orchestra - i The BEACHCOMBER The BEACHCOMBER Beach Resident Feted At Shower CALL HAMPTON Tobey & M errill Hampton Co-operative Insurance Bank H AM PTO N C E N T E R CENTER G U Y O N ’S H AM PTO N BEACH B O A R ’S H E A D Complete Automotive Service * Mo b i Over 20 guests were present at a nursery shower given by Mrs. Jessie Tharln for Mrs. John J. Caron. Ocean boulevard, Monday night at the home of Mrs. Anthony Morcall, 23 K street. Among those present were Mrs. Margaret Ross, Miss MavBha Mor call, Mrs. Bertha Dullea, Mrs. James Kane. Mrs. Roy Wightman, Mrs. W. B. Kimball, MrB. Yvonne St. Cyr, Mrs. Eva Dubois, Mrs. Elise Ouellette, Mrs. A. Morcall, Mrs. Blanche Remillard, Miss Grace Adie, Miss Claire Lessard, Mrs. Hazel Dwyer, Miss Tlllie McCool, Miss Beth Caron, Miss Mary Jane Wilson, and Mrs. L. A. Caron. Gifts were also received from Mrs. Rita Bufford, Miss Bunny Mc Cool, Mrs. Richard Gobin and the employees of Johnnie’s, the restau rant operated by the guest of honor and her husband. Refreshments were served. H ave Io Y ou H o llis Associates LAFAYETTE RD. H A M P T qi REALTORS T E L . 802 Septic T an k C le a n in g Sand - Gravel Loam L a w n s Built G eneral Trucking R ic h a rd Rice Tel. 306 - Hampton S p e e d b o a t Rides 75c H e a rd ? That Butch is back? • Who the girl is Nature Boy takes out constantly? S M IT H & G ILM O R E F ish in g P ie r H am pton Beach • »a That Howard, the B.T.O. of Hampton Beach, who is only 18 (just a juvenile) thinks that a 16 year old girl is “ jail bait?" itkl " _ AL CHASE SPORTS CENTER i EXP,°. d .M t y "rd or on WinnVd • a m Frl. M y 22. Im - " " ' 1 ’ r e w a r d Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nearing of Boar’ s Head Inn celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary Sunday, July 24. They received many Dow W M . D. H O L M A N , T e l. 953 Kin m Hamp,on ers from guests. MrB. Nearing’s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. McLanb of Kenly, North Carolina, are vlBltlng the Nearings for several days. The R e m n a n t Shop Mr. Daniel N. Casey, Secretary Flocked pongee reg 1; 9® yd’ of the Chamber of Commerce of Stardust gin gh a m reg 1.98 .98 yd Harrisburg, Pa., is Btaying at the Sharkskin .79 a sso rte d c o lo rs Crawford, 9 L St. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Simpson, Taffeta .79 juvenile prints, co w b o y p rin ts daughter, Mrs. Robert Fuller, and and others su itab le fo r c h ild re n s son, Kenneth, of Kingston, N. Y., sport sh irts and s la c k s u it s at are spending two weeks at the 29c ydLucky cottage, O street. Among those registered at the Mrs. L . A . Smith Grand Manor, Ocean boulevard, 8 U R F 8 ID E P A R K are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joyal and OFF W IN N A C U N N E T R D . Mrs. Lillian Foley, Suringfield, Mass. Mrs. Joyal and Mrs. Foley are twins. The Misses Rose and Clair LaVallee, also twin sisters, of Providence, R. I., were alBO recent guests. Others are Priscilla B O A R ’S H E A D Conti, Milford; Joan Anderson, also IN N of M ilford; Mr. and Mrs. George Chase, Providence, R. L; Mr. and 8 E A F O O D &. S T E A K D 1 N N E R 8 | Mrs. Charles Burns, Methuen. 12:30 to 2:00 — 6:00 to 7:30 Mass.; Beatrice Mayo, Concord; Mr. and Mrs. Gale Haigh, Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Sauve and family or Approved by D u n c a n H in e s Montreal; Emma Snrette, Wal ham, Maas.; and Richard Ford o On Great B o a r’s H ead Malden, Mass. Hampton Beach T e l. 911 DEPARTMENT STORE lAin the Letter Contest Tod ayl ELANDER LINCOLNS STORES & S W A N T O N ’S V A C A T IO N E N D OF T H E M O N T H O L D F A S H I O N E D TIME SALE '■>\W i BARGAIN BEE AT Beach Notes lost mA 15m m K o d a c n r o m e STRAW P R IC E HATS L I N C O L N ’S WORSTED or GABARDINE FRI. 1/ SAT. S U IT S JULY W ere $45.00 and $60.00 - Here are 3 samples o f w hat B O Y ’S w e mean TEE N O W $29-50 and $39.50 PRICES SLASHED S H IR T S W e re $1.15 to $1.50 Sheets Fall and Twin Size Slight Irregulars f Haevy Silver Plated Cotton C rin k le Spreads N O W $2.95 Flatware $1.99 $1.49 1 P A J A M A S w e re to $6.95 h ig h 7 pcs. fo r $1.00 Full Size PLEASANT STREET ' ■i tin n ie r O PEN F R ID A Y T IL L 9 p. M . incorp n ew bu r ypo r t UX &S u m n t o n Andover, Mass. OR AT ■ d Exeter, N. H. street HAMPTON CENTER The B E A C H C O M B E R PORTSM OUTH ’S L E A D IN G -DEPART N T STORE- """"-""""""" Incorporating: The Hampton Beach Advocate Replenish your summer wardrobe with these cool, crisp dresses. Prints and solids — all sizes. REG. $9.95 to $10.95 Selection of yellow, pink, green or blue. Sizes 32 to 40 Another group in sizes 9 to 17, 10 to 20, 38 to 44, R E G . $2.95 12* to 24*. REG. $8.95 Georgianna and Trudy Hall JUNIORS, R EG U LAR S and H A L F SIZES NOW One and two piece styles REDUCED nationally fam ous TO CLEAR ya PRICE ONE GROUP OF DRESSES formerly up to $29.95 REDUCED TO CLEAR Tiny - Regular - Tall - Broken Sizes W E R E $5.95 NOW $2.95 One Rack of Evening Dresses M ARKED DO W N One R ack o f Suits bar h a r b o r se R E D U C E D TO C L E A R Prints and Plain Co REG. $2.95 NOW $1.95 GROUP OF S L IP S Odd Sizes C L E A R A N C E P R IC E D Portsmouth, N. H W E D N E S D A Y , A U G U ST 3, 1949 F R E E D IS T R IB U T IO N