Bulletin 6/12/16 - Our Mother of Sorrows
Bulletin 6/12/16 - Our Mother of Sorrows
1 Sunday, June 12, 2016 - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWING SPIRITUALITY THROUGH DAILY MASS AND THE CENACLE CHAPEL DURING SUMMER MONTHS: I’d like to invite and encourage our parishioners to consider daily Mass and/or prayer time in the Cenacle Chapel on an occasional basis during the summer months. Summertime is, in some way, to be a rest and relaxation time. Why not rest and relax at the “source and summit” of our faith through the Eucharist? Our daily Mass times during the summer continue to be at 6:30am and 8:30am each morning, Monday through Friday, and 6:30pm on Wednesday evenings. Let us continue to grow in a deeper faith and understanding as a commissioned people and gladly accept and live our commission as the Body of Christ - GO, YOU ARE SENT FORTH TO JOYFULLY PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS. The exposition prayer times in the Cenacle Chapel are outlined in the sign-up form at the bottom of this page. SOME WITNESSES FROM DAILY MASS PARTICIPANTS: Here are some responses to a recent survey of daily Mass participants. 1. What I like most about daily Mass is…. The beauty of the Mass experienced every day is more than a weekly requirement. To be able to begin every single day by experiencing a kind of closeness with God, that kind of reverence for our incredible Creator, and that kind of incredible fellowship with other Mass goers, not just at OMOS, but knowing that everywhere, all over the world, Catholics are celebrating daily Mass, is nothing short of phenomenal. To be able to receive Holy Communion and hear the homily by the priest, to work through my day 2. Positive effects of daily Mass in my life are… Helps deflect from the temptations; helps attitude when feeling depressed Allows me to converse with God on a daily basis which in turn increases my love for Him daily Daily Mass gives structure to my otherwise lonely day. I miss Mass on a daily basis but I do go at least 3 times a week. LAUDATO SÍ WEEK GATHERINGS JUNE 12TH - 19TH: We commemorate the one-year anniversary release of Pope Francis’ encyclical “On Care for Our Common Home” with a guided online Hour of Prayer on Sunday June 12th to reflect on passages from the encyclical, to learn about ways we can address what Pope Francis’ calls our “throwaway culture,” and a closing event on Sunday June 19 at Our Mother of Sorrows Parish. The June 19th event will include a talk on Laudato Sí by Catholic Climate Ambassador Katie Hirschboeck with an update on how Catholics in the U.S. have responded to the encyclical and what its global impact has been. CATHOLIC BIBLE INSTITUTE (CBI): Parishioner participants are invited to the 8:30am Mass next Saturday morning, June 18th and to a review meeting of the first year of the Institute in the Parish Activity Center immediately afterwards. Approximately 80 of our parishioners have participated in the first year of the Bible Institute. The CBI is sponsored by the Diocese and is hosted here at Our Mother of Sorrows parish on the third Saturday of each month. This year the Institute focused on the New Testament Scriptures and the second year beginning in September will focus on the Hebrew Scriptures/ Old Testament. “THE MASS HELD IN SUSPENSION” & THE CENACLE CHAPEL: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament correctly understood is that it is “the Mass held in suspension.” Prayer in the presence of the exposed Sacrament is not to be understood as a devotion apart from or isolated from the Mass, it is integral to the Mass. The Mass and our prayer through the Mass and through the “Mass held in suspension” is always through Jesus Christ our Lord, whose abiding presence continues to be with us. His abiding presence with us, shapes us and forms us into His other Body, the Church. We are the Body of Christ, sent forth on mission by Him each time we encounter Him in the Eucharist. Cenacle Chapel Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Weekly Hours Sign-up Form for Weekly Exposition: Consider a weekly commitment to the time(s) of your choice - circle your preferred time and day. Commitments are for a full year and are renewable annually. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 noon 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Nocturnal Adoration Friday/Saturday 9:00 pm 10:00 pm 11:00 pm 12:00 mid. 1:00 am 2:00 am 3:00 am 4:00 am 5:00 am 6:00 am 7:00 am Name Zip Address Phone Email Place your completed commitment form in the special box inside the Cenacle Chapel at the base of the Exposition space. 2 PETITIONS FOR LOURDES: I will be leaving on June 24th to do two weeks of ministry in Lourdes again this year as an integral part of my vacation time. I would be happy to bring personal petitions on behalf of parishioners to the shrine. Petition forms on which you may list your petitions are available in front of the icon of Mary in the Church. Please complete your petition forms and return them to the church no later than Wednesday, June 22nd. JUST FAITH INFORMATION NIGHT MONDAY, JUNE 27TH AT 6:30PM: Are you seeking to live more deeply with a greater sense of purpose? JustFaith is an intensive, 24 session, small-group process for faithful Christians looking to deepen their commitment to care for vulnerable people and our planet. Through prayer, study, dialogue, and immersions, participants form community as they explore critical realities and their implications to their lives and their faith. For more information about Just Faith, contact Laura Stehle at 747-1321 or [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you at the JustFaith information night on Monday, June 27th at 6:30pm in the PAC Auditorium. Christian Education / Formation Scripture Reflection June 12, 2016 – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 7:36-8:3 “Her many sins have been forgiven, because she has shown great love.” Sinner is the label that identifies the woman who models repentance in Sunday’s Gospel – Luke’s memorable story of a woman washing Jesus’ feet with her tears and wiping them with her hair. Sinner is a label little used in our society. Our headlines report murder, fraud, sexual abuse, arson, and robbery as crimes and acts of violence rather than sin. Sin is a religious word, which literally means missing the mark. In the bible sin refers to breaking the terms of the covenant relationship Israel made with God, the Ten Commandments. The verse immediately before Sunday’s gospel passage tells us Jesus has a reputation for reaching out and befriending “tax collectors and sinners,” people who don’t keep all the laws (7:34). The gospels contain silence, nameless characters, and gestures from an earlier era and culture that readers must interpret. The gospel challenges us to look past labels and appreciate who people really are, especially when they change. It sounds like Pope Francis has been taking driving lessons from Jesus. The Pope talks about the Church less as an institution that invites submission, and more as a field hospital for folks in need. He seems to presume, as Jesus does, that we’re all sinners, so denying sinners’ access to the medicine of the Church is counterproductive. The kiss of a sinner is more welcome to Jesus than the cool hospitality of a self-righteous person. ***What touches you in the gospel story? Did you Know… The Catholic Church views creation as reflective of the Creator and thus inherently good. Hence, food, drink, sex and procreation are regarded as gifts from God intended for our happiness when used in accord with right reason. Becoming Catholic or Finishing your Sacraments RCIA Process Year-long for the unbaptized (and non-practicing baptized), to prepare for receiving the sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Series is offered on Tuesday evenings at 7pm, starting September 6, 2016, in the Parish Activity Center. Sacraments will be received at the Easter Vigil, 2017. Cost is $40 for materials. Call the parish office for more information. Profession of Faith: This 12 week series is for persons who are baptized, practicing Christians, and wish to be oriented to the sacraments and practices of the Catholic Church. Series is offered at 7pm, Tuesday evenings starting September 6, 2016 in the Parish Activity Center. Sacraments will be received at Christ the King on November 19, 2016. Cost is $40 for materials. Call the parish office for more information. Adult Confirmation: This 9 week series is for Catholic adults who are lacking Confirmation. Series is offered at 7pm, Tuesday evenings starting September 20, 2016. Confirmation will be received at Christ the King on November 19, 2016. Cost is $40 for materials. Call the parish office for more information. The BOOK OF REVELATION ~ Decoding John’s Coded Message: Thursdays, July 7, 14 and 21, 78:30pm, in the Parish Activity Center. The Book of Revelation has long been believed to be a book of doom and gloom, predicting the future and the end of the world. Through study … John’s message in the Book of Revelation to the early Christians provides words of encouragement and beauty to those who have Jesus Christ in their hearts. Please join us for this three-part workshop as we break open and decode John’s hidden message from the Romans to the faithful followers of Jesus Christ. This workshop is open to all and we welcome your friends and family. Facilitated by Sue Mancione; a parishioner of OMOS and participant of the Diocese of Tucson Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona. Please call the parish office to RSVP ~ 747-1321. There is a cost of $13 to purchase the workbook for this Bible Study (books will be available after June 22 in the Parish Office). You are asked to read from your Bible the Book of Revelation, Chapters 1-5, before the first day of class. 3 Liturgy & Worship Liturgy At A Glance! Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord Sarah V. Solares, Deacon Carlos Martinez, Katie Hustis Lyn Bulski at 305-3612 or Lbulski@ omosparish.org June 19 12th Sunday in Ordinary (Ordered) Time and Father’s Day June 18 5:30pm June 19 7:00am 9:00am 10:45am 12:15pm 4:00pm 6:00pm Cantor no music Praise Alive-ContemporaryAdults Laudate- Traditional- Adult Cantor Coro de los Niños- ChildrenSpanish Cantor PRIEST CONFESSION SCHEDULE Wednesday 6pm-6:25pm Saturday 4pm-5pm Saturday 7pm-7:30pm READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK (In some instances, the optional readings may be used) Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34 Sunday: Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24 Weekend of 6/4-5/16 $28,580.72 Thank you for your generous support! Prayer Healing Ministry—FREE Seminar Parish Activity Center - Scout Room Saturday, June 25th 9:00am - 1:00pm Doors open 8:30am Free Refreshments! Three talks will be given: Physical Healing, Inner Healing, Resting in the Spirit For information, call or text Norma: 520-471-1022 BEREAVEMENT GROUPS JUNE 21, 2016 - AUGUST 9, 2016 The next bereavement groups will begin on June 21 through August 9, 2016 2:00-3:30 and 4:00-5:30 each week. There is no charge for groups. Please call Grace Schnakenberg at 520 290 5659 to register. Leave a message and your call will be returned asap Eucharistic Adorers Needed Saturday: 5am, 6am Sunday: 1pm, 5pm Wednesday: 8am, 9am, 11am, 12pm, 4pm, 7pm Thursday: 5pm, 7pm Friday: 8am, 12pm, 4pm Where and how is GOD calling you today? God may be calling YOU to work in a more direct way with our young Church…will you answer the call? The OMOS community is very supportive of our teens. You pray for us, you support us financially, you donate food and other items, and we sincerely appreciate your ongoing generosity. But now it is crucial to our ministry to ask for something more. We are asking that you prayerfully consider donating one year in loving service to OMOS Life Teen. You don't need to know how to pray "properly". You don't need to know how to give talks. Doesn't matter if you can sing or not. It's fine if you are a parent, it's fine if you aren't. These qualities and talents would be appreciated and welcome, but the only real requirements are that you live your life faithfully according to our Catholic faith, you love the Lord above all and you have a heart for teens. We can train you to do the rest! Please contact our volunteer coordinator, Rocio Zamora, at 520-305-3616, or [email protected]. 4 Ministerios Hispanos LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Re 21:1-16; Sal 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42 Martes: 1 Re 21:17-29; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48 Miércoles: 2 Re 2:1, 6-14; Sal 31 (30):20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Jueves: Sir 48:1-14; Sal 97 (96):1-7; Mt 6:7-15 Viernes: 2 Re 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132 (131):11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23 Sábado: 2 Cr 24:17-25; Sal 89 (88):4-5, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34 Domingo: Zac 12:10-11; 13:1; Sal 63 (62):2-6, 8-9; Gal 3:26-29; Lc 9:18-24 El Grupo de Oración San Juan Pablo II El Grupo de oración San Juan Pablo II te invita a que participes cada lunes a las 7pm en el Salón Scout del PAC. La oración es la base de nuestra vida espiritual y es una forma importante de fortalecer nuestra relación con Jesús. Ven y juntos oremos por nuestra familias, nuestros enfermos, comunidad e intensiones del papa Francisco .Este es el calendario para el mes de Junio 2016. Lunes Junio 13 Lunes Junio 20 Lunes Junio 27 El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Tema por anunciarse Misa de Sanación: Padre Raúl Valencia El Grupo de Fortaleciendo Familias en la Fe (FFF) te invita a que nos acompañes los miércoles durante el verano a sus sesiones por las noches de 7:009:00PM en el salón scout del PAC a compartir y meditar el libro de “El Regreso del hijo Prodigo” Si te perdiste alguna sesión no importa puedes atender las siguientes, solo asegúrate de llevar tu libro. Si necesitas comprar el libro, lo puedes adquirir en la oficina de la Parroquia. Esta es una hermosa forma de compartir tu fe con los demás y de disponer tu corazón a vivir duna fe con intención y propósito. !Acompáñanos! INFORMATION NIGHT Monday, June 27th - 6:30PM PAC Auditorium Are you seeking to live more deeply with a greater sense of purpose? JustFaith is an intensive, 24 session, small-group process for faithful Christians looking to deepen their commitment to care for vulnerable people and our planet. Through prayer, study, dialogue, and immersions, participants form community as they explore critical realities and their implications to their lives and their faith. For more information, contact Barbara, [email protected]/520-907-9960, or Tommy at [email protected]/520-727-0014. Sunday Front Office Volunteers 8am - 2pm Are you a regular at 5:30pm or 7am Mass? Do you have a few hours to spare on a Sunday morning? If so, we need YOU to consider this Loving Ministry opportunity! Contact Cindy Phillips at 747-1321 or [email protected] The Golden Agers are looking for new card players (55 and older). We meet in the PAC Dining Room on Wednesdays, 9:30am to 2:30pm. We play bridge, hand & foot, and pinochle. For more information, call Marge King at 207-8414 or 573-979-7111. Fri., Sept. 30 Sat., oct. 1 Sun., oct. 2 5-10 PM 4-10 PM 1-8 PM* 5 omoslifeteen.weebly.com Regular Life Teen will have Summer Pray & Play social nights on Wednesdays, 6PM to 8:30PM in PAC Dining Rm/ Ramada: 6/15: Hollywood Game Night (Bring snacks to share!) 6/22: Lip Sync Battle 6/19 6/26 Father’s Day (NO Meeting) Family Potluck Christian Life Commission Pray For Those Who Seek Healing: Names have been entered into the Book of Those Who Seek Healing. The book is located on a stand in the back of the church. Fr. Liam, Anna Fedder, Veronica Myers, Tammy Allison, Herb Foard , Ann Myers, Lupita Rocha, Janet Towner Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary will take place in the PAC Rm #2 on Thursday, June 16th at 7pm. The Our Mother of Perpetual Help Rosary will take place at 3pm on Wednesday, June 15th. For more information, please call 250-0242. Our Mother of Perpetual Help DON’T MISS OUT ON THE FUN Vacation Bible School June 20—24th Register Today! Limited Space Available!! VBS is for children going into grades 1-6. Cave Quest fun begins each day at 8:45am and ends at 12:00pm. Registration forms are available in the literature rack and in the Parish Office. For additional information about volunteering or registering for VBS contact Laura Stehle, [email protected]. LAST CHANCE TO HELP FEED OUR VBS CREWS! Cavern Café Treats are part of the Bible learning experience. We have about 130 children and teens to feed so your help is greatly needed and appreciated. Items Needed: Capri Sun, Hot Dogs, Cornstarch (1 Pound boxes), Pull-n-Peel Cherry Twizzlers, Pretzel Sticks, Small Gluten Free Unsalted Rice Cakes. All donations for Vacation Bible School are greatly appreciated and should be dropped off at the Parish Office by June 15th. Seedless Watermelon and Hot Dog Buns are needed on June 22nd. Cash donations will help purchase fresh fruit and any items that are in short supply. Prayer Group wishes to thank those who attended the 26th Anniversary Mass held on June 1st. The celebration Mass would not have been memorable without you! We extend a special thank you to all who gave donations and who provided such delicious food. Most of all, thanks to Msgr. Tom who celebrated the Mass, and to Lyn Bulski, Madeleine Crespo and Cindy Phillips for the good job of advertisement! God bless you all! Casa Maria sandwich making will be Thursday, June 16th 10am-1pm in the Parish Activity Center Dining Room Come one, come all! June 12th to 19th is “Laudato Sí Week” Join communities around the world as we commemorate the one-year anniversary release of Pope Francis’ encyclical “On Care for Our Common Home.” Events in Tucson will include: a guided online Hour of Prayer on Sunday June 12 to reflect on passages from the encyclical, a visit to the ReCommunity Recycling Facility on Tuesday June 14 (11:30 am – 1:30 pm) to learn about ways we can address what Pope Francis’ calls our “throwaway culture,” and a closing event on Sunday June 19 (1:30 – 3 pm): “Laudato Si and ‘the Pope Francis Effect’ - Deepening Our Roots & Branching Out” at Our Mother of Sorrows Parish. The June 19th event will include a talk on Laudato Si’ by Catholic Climate Ambassador Katie Hirschboeck with an update on how Catholics in the U.S. have responded to the encyclical, what its global impact has been, and ways we can work as a community to deepen and broaden our response to the Pope’s call to ‘Care for Our Common Home.’ For more information on events or to register for the Recycling Tour, email Katie Hirschboeck at [email protected]. Visit holygroundcommonground.blogspot.com. THIS WEEK'S MASS SCHEDULE: If you would like to present the gifts of bread and wine at the Mass offered for your loved one, please sign up in the Gift Bearer Book behind the last pew in the back of church. SUNDAY, JUNE 12 7:00 am - Victor Dioquino+ 9:00 am - Lawrence Diehl+ 10:45 am - Mary Jane Lamzon+ 12:15 pm - Edward E. Gradillas+ 4:00 pm - Domenico Romeo 6:00 pm - Christine Day MONDAY, JUNE 13 6:30 am - Olivia Urcadez+, David Castellano+ 8:30 am - Maria Antonieta Martinez (Birthday) TUESDAY, JUNE 14 6:30 am - Pat & Bill Manda+ 8:30 am - Jesusita T. Gonzales+ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 6:30 am - Bridie Mannion 8:30 am - Michael Earls+ 6:30 pm - Peace & Justice THURSDAY, JUNE 16 6:30 am - Alexander Ferent+ 8:30 am - Joan O’Leary+ FRIDAY, JUNE 17 6:30 am - Doris & Robert Babicke+ 8:30 am - Bob Sottek+ SATURDAY, JUNE 18 8:30 am - James Buhagiar+ 5:30 pm - Sr. Jean Mariani, Sr. Maxine Hart SUNDAY, JUNE 19 7:00 am - Jose Juan Ruiz+ 9:00 am - John Earls (Birthday) 10:45 am - Herlinda Aviles (Birthday) 12:15 pm - Pedro Diaz+ 4:00 pm - Luz Maria Lopez+ 6:00 pm - Eduardo Rullan+ *School Mass (when school is in session) Anointing of the Sick on the first Wednesday and Friday of each month Download the FREE App and join the OMOS community OneParish.com Tools to Grow Our Faith, 24/7 "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." Jesus wants us to have peace in our lives and our marriage. Do we have faith that He will grant us this peace? Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends. The next one is July 8-10 in Phoenix. To apply for the weekend visit www.wwmearizona.com 6 THIS WEEK AT OMOS PARISH SUNDAY, JUNE 12 8:00 am - Movimiento Familiar - PAC Auditorium/Scout Rm 10:00 am - Benzenhoefer Reception - PAC/Dining Rm MONDAY, JUNE 13 9:00 am - Lectio Divina - Cenacle Chapel 6:30 pm - Stephen Ministry Mtg - PAC/Rm #1 7:00 pm - SVDP Mtg - PAC/Auditorium 7:00 pm - Grupo de Oracion - PAC/Scout Rm TUESDAY, JUNE 14 5:30 pm - CLC Mtg - Kino Conf Rm 7:00 pm - Adult Ed. - PAC/Auditorium 7:00 pm - Christian Recovery - PAC/Rm #2 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 9:30 am - Golden Agers Cards - PAC/Dining Rm 6:45 pm - Lectio Divina - PAC/Retreat Rm 7:00 pm - Grupo de FFF - PAC/Dining Rm 7:00 pm - Boundaries Seminar - PAC/Rm #1 THURSDAY, JUNE 16 10:00 am - Casa Maria Sandwich Making - PAC/Dining Rm 7:00 pm - OLOG Rosary - PAC/Rm#2 7:00 pm - Baptism Preparation - PAC/Dining Rm FRIDAY, JUNE 17 7:00 pm - Charismatic Prayer Group - PAC/Rm #1 SATURDAY, JUNE 18 9:00 am - Bible Institute Meeting - PAC/Dining Rm SUNDAY, JUNE 19 1:30 pm - Laudato Sí presentation - PAC/Auditorium What’s Happening Around Town RECYCLING FACILITY TOUR: A visit to the ReCommunity Recycling Facility at 3780 E Ajo Way will take place on Tuesday June 14 from 11:30 am 1:30 pm. The visit to this MRF (material recovery facility) will open our eyes to ways we can address what Pope Francis’ calls our “throwaway culture.” The tour is open to families with school-age children but space is limited. To register for the ReCommunity tour, please email Katie Hirschboeck at: [email protected]. Retrouvaille provides marriage help! A Retrouvaille Weekend helps struggling couples rediscover the hope and purpose in their marriages. Register Now! The next Weekend in Tucson is August 5-7. For confidential information: Call: 800-470-2230 Email: [email protected] Visit: www.HelpOurMarriage.com Palo Verde High School Class of 1976 is searching for classmates!! If you graduated in 1976 or if you know someone that did, please contact us at [email protected] so we can send information regarding our 40th Reunion.