a tribute symbols rituals art and iconography a perspective
a tribute symbols rituals art and iconography a perspective
FRIENDS OF ALLAMANO IN: A WORLD OF WOUNDED HEALERS AND BROKEN VESSELS DEATH AND DISABILITY COMETH LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT SYMBOLS SYMBOLISM RITUALS ART AND ICONOGRAPHY A PERSPECTIVE REFLECTIONS ON APPLICATION AND MEANINGS IN LIFE and IN DEATH Meet Jomo Kenyatta- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaeUMjGTuuA&feature=related REFLECTIONS ON THE HIS-story of THE LIFE OF AN AFRICAN WARRIOR CHIEF’S SON ENCOUNTER WITH MISSIONARIES, SHAMANS and MEDICINEMEN: EAST and WEST 2011, International Year for People of African Descent On 18 December 2009, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the year beginning on 1 January 2011 the International Year for People of African Descent (A/RES/64/169). The Year aims at strengthening national actions and regional and international cooperation for the benefit of people of African descent in relation to their full enjoyment of economic, cultural, social, civil and political rights, their participation and integration in all political, economic, social and cultural aspects of society, and the promotion of a greater knowledge of and respect for their diverse heritage and culture. The General Assembly encourages Member States, the specialized agencies of the United Nations system, within their respective mandates and existing resources, and civil society to make preparations for and identify possible initiatives that can contribute to the success of the Year. This International Year is coordinated by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights Full text of the Resolution Visit the official Website of the Year THE NAMELESS CHILDREN OF THE WILDERNESS and THE DARK NIGHTS DEBUNKING MYTHS:-Is Africa a Country or a Continent?-The Allamano Special School is in Kenya “THORNS OF THE ACACIA TREE” Size of this pr eview: 753 × 59 9 pixels. Other resoluti ons: 3 02 × 24 0 pixel s | 603 × 48 0 pixel s | 754 × 600 pixel s | 965 × 768 pixel s | 1,280 × 1, 019 pi xels. GaitherHomecoming-GodoftheMountain-livewithLyndaRandle WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Com WWW.AllamanoSpecialSchool.Org WWW.friendsOfAllamano.Org Pontifice /F OASSMH / USA Keny a Sat urda y, October 15, 2011 -7:30:54 AM Ref:-DJSJE/JP KW K/ Pro Ecclesia Et Page 1 http://www.unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/dialogue/the-slave-route/rightbox/related-information/2011-international-year-for-people-of-african-descent/ THE DRUMMING SHEPHERD BOY CARPENTER WHO BECAME PRESIDENT-:- MZEE JOMO KENYATTA A When the first president of the Republic of Kenya Mzee Jomo Kenyatta did a ceremonial circuit tour on the racetrack of the Ruringu Stadium during the official opening of the Central Kenya Agricultural Show in 1968 we were all keen to see the mythical and Legendary man of our rich fantasy and imagination.:-his laser sharp beaming eyes that could see through and persons spirit, his famed flywhisk, the famed impenetrateable and impregnable presidential limousine that could fly,move on land and instantly convert to an underground submarine ship, and on and on***:-”MYTH” and “REALITY” were two separate worlds.NOTHING that we saw came close to this fantasy. Then for the first time we saw real human monsters, at the show stand of the CALTEX sponsored home for children with mental and developmental disabilities, this particular child on display had an awesomely big head and…*.A LIVING NIGHTMARE” for us. If we sinned against God or failed to obey our teachers and parents, that was what would become of us, if we dared walk anywhere within close range of the home for the mentally handicapped children. Years later in 1996 we witnessed for the first time what we could barely have enough courage to watch at the Show groun stand in 1968.The new venue was what later became the Allamano Special School for mentally handicapped children enhanced by the Consolata missionaries father Antonio Gianelli, Father Rossi Ricardo and the many Friends Of Allamano worldwide. Read more on WWW.FriendsOfallamano.com But it was His Excellency Mzee Jomo Kenyatta who initiated special projects for the handicapped and started it all:- Then in came President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi and later President Emilio Mwai Kibaki during whose tenure further moves were made to expand Special education projects which had witnessed a facelift during the Moi Era. But who was Jomo Kenyatta, that young Shepherd carpenter boy who rose to become President? Meet Jomo Kenyatta - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaeUMjGTuuA&feature=related http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jomo_Kenyatta -;-* KENYA -:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBwp9k0i-3I&feature=related Jambo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7eucBXPk80&feature=related TTC EMBU Choir. [pron.] Jomo Kenyatta [2] (c. 1894 – 22 August 1978) served as the first Prime Minister (1963–1964) and President (1964–1978) of Kenya. He is considered the founding father of the Kenyan nation * MZEE JOMO KENYATTA KASEMA RUDI MASHAMBANI - http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=rrwLptLtzXA Kilimanjaro_3D_-_version_1.gif (300 × 214 pixels, file size : 6.87 M B, MIME type: i mage/gif, looped, 18 0 fra mes, 1 1s) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUrVeRGo5IM&feature=related Jambo Bwana(Hello Sir)Hakuna Matata SYMBOLISM:- The boy scout and girl guide symbol on Lord Robert Baden Powell grave in Nyeri, the town that hosts the Allamano special school for mentally Handicapped children means “I HAVE GONE HOME” not “HERE I LIE DEAD”- and “HOME” is where we all want to be. Read the book “THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON” by Henri Nouwen and listen to Utube on the Internet link>:- lm asA h n w to e d“IH tyH frm cilh e Sp o an M N O EG V A sE”n an e M O -ad A ILD R t“H o >:LSyu A IG D FP O N U k“TH d .R b to raln e h E”isw 2 M A 5 :3 1 0 8 /2 9 tm p Se 8 2 Despite the odds pr esente d, A first time newcomer in the calyps o artfor m in SVG, La dy Diamond gave a strong e xecution with her hoars e voice and ma de it through t he National Calypso Final s that is expected to take pla ce in Victoria Park on July 3rd, 201 1 1 0 r2 e b Page Lady Diamond LIVE @ SVG's National Calypso Semi Finals 2011 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsbaUTzYyX4&NR=1 A PEAK ON ON KILIMANJARO and MOUNT KENYA “KIRINYAGA”:- Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and fourth highest of the Seven Summits. Its highest point, Uhuru Peak, rises to an altitude of 5,895 m (19,341 ft) AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level)-:-on the other hand, Mount Kenya [3] is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-highest in Africa, after Kilimanjaro. The highest peaks of the mountain are Batian (5,199 metres (17,057 ft)), Nelion (5,188 metres (17,021 ft)) and Point Lenana (4,985 metres (16,355 ft)). Mount Kenya is located in central Kenya, just south of the equator, around 150 kilometres (93 mi) north-northeast of the capital Nairobi.[3] Mount Kenya is the source of the name of the Republic of Kenya.…* People who wish to trek to the summit of Kilimanjaro are advised to undertake appropriate research[19] and ensure that they are both properly equipped and physically capable. Though the climb is technically not as challenging as when climbing the high peaks of the Himalayas or Andes, the altitude, low temperature, and occasional high winds make this a difficult and dangerous trek. Acclimatisation is essential, and even then most experienced trekkers suffer some degree of altitude sickness.[20] Kilimanjaro summit is well above the altitude at which high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), or high altitude cerebral edema (HACE) can occur.[21] All trekkers will suffer considerable discomfort, typically shortage of breath, hypothermia and headaches…* Consequently, the incidence of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is widely deemed to be unacceptably high on Kilimanjaro, with high volumes of fit young people succumbing to the condition, having opted for a relatively rapid ascent. As a general rule, it is far safer (and more enjoyable) to avoid altitude sickness by planning a sensible itinerary that allows for gradual acclimatisation to altitude as one ascends. Operations that typically see in excess of a thousand climbers summitting [22] annually and are best placed to identify such patterns, usually posit that an optimal climb length should last around seven to eight days. Read more> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Kilimanjaro October 12, 2 011-10:5 4:28 A M But it is to Mount Kenya that we now revert to-“kiriinyaaga- the Awesome Mountain of Splendor” :- CAFÉ KILI in Tampa Bay takes its name after Mount Kilimanjaro, but apart from that and- “the worldwide audience that meets over a bean” -at the quaint café kili, all else smacks of the welcoming spirit of -“kiriinyaaga”Mount Kenya.-the “Mountain of Ngai and N’ngai the ancestral God of the Agikuyu and the Maasaai”. At café Kili one overhears myths and legends of a country called Afrika and a continent named Africa. It’s all in a name, which myth or legend do we feed or drink on at café kili. Occasionally one artiste Fred Obare - http://www.fredobare.org/ walks in and takes the initiative to officially announce that his song that talks of “NGIMA” has nothing to do with “UGALI” a common staple maize meal cake diet that was created and born near Lake Victoria before it spread worldwide. And it is hear that one daktari Dr Barack abonyo corrects Fred Obare and scholarly affirms that Lake Victoria is actually Lake olwe , and that the gods who could not stop their natural act of “passing water”- or “spiting saliva”made it. And it is at café kili that the charismatic Raphael asks his dad what “GUTUA MATA”[ spitting saliva]- means. Then a Puerto Rican Priest walks in and wonders who ordained Fatha Jonh, gives him a priestly colar and joins in the “HAKUNA MATATA” saga at café kili.Then in walks one Bob and the Italian Spirit and creations of the gypsy world reincarnate. It took one Deborah to put the story on Africa straight. Africa or Afrika was not…*…*.WONDERS NEVER CEASE AT CAFÉ KILI:-It is here that the story and HIS-story of the Friends Of Allamano special school for mentally handicapped children WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Org began. And then the epidemic spread out to Kenya in East Africa and to the rest of the world. One Pope John Paul II ignited it in 1999. Read more on WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Com and visit WWW.AllamanoSpecialSchool.Org Wednesday , October 12, 2011-;-10:Café kili :45 A M Gatony i waruinge Moffa Page My Country Tis of Thee (lyrics)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0ywDLpfBHg&feature=related 3 Ch ildress THE SPIRIT OF CAFÉ KILI HEROES CORNER JOMO KENYATTA SPEACH DURING HIS BARIAL 1978 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFPIgcQrRPY&feature=related Kenyatta handed Uhuru - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN91PWuu02s&feature=related TomMboya&Dr.MartinLKingataCivilRightsRallyinDC- http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=W0B60s5NiJwTo m M boya F uneral - http://www.yo utube.com/watch?v=4Ng hXDf2t Zo&feature=related JM- “There were so me the hyenas of the African Jungle ref used to ea t him up”-10 /17/20 11 3:33:55 AM-Mo nday, Octo ber 17, 2011 JM Kariuki - http://www.yo utube.com/watch?v= pBR7zUP Sr5o&feature=related N O RAI LA NO HUMMER http://www.yo utube.com/watch?v= dX2 SZig mB_U&feature=related Raila Congratulates U hur u - htt p://www.yo utube.co m/watch? v=n4g iX5eUEzQ &feature=related Ra ila to Moi: N o need to pa nic - htt p://www.yo ut ube.co m/watch?v=F2vrFVJ3 ngI&NR=1&feature=fvwp -;- End of a n Error – Redy ky ulass - http://www.y out ube.co m/watc h?v=o_6 h2Y drqL4&NR=1&feature=fvwp - End of a n Error – Redy ky ulass-:- Moi in hos pital - Ja n 28, '08-:- http://www.yo utube.co m/watch?v=Y b_ ZaQ iDgLg&feature=relmfu -:- Moi ao nya dhidi ya mgawa ny iko serika lini -;- http://www.yo utube.com/watch?v=wo5D L6W o kRc&NR=1 -;- Kenya Moja. Wac ha U kabila - http://www. yout ube.co m/watc h?v=CW Z1 mdwr0MQ &NR=1 -:- Uhur u: Ka nu ba do ni mwa nacha ma wa PNU - http://www .yout ube.com/w atch?v=4o paF_ mx SN k&feature=relmfu http://ww http://en.wikipedia.org/w iki/File:Pt_Thomson_ Batian_Nelion_ Mt_Keny a.JPG 10/12/2 011 10 :44:5 5 PM th The Gĩkũyũ people believe that God, Ngai or Mwene Nyaga, lived on Mount Kenya when he came down from the sky.[14] They believe that the mountain is Ngai's throne on earth. It is the place where Gĩkũyũ, the father of the tribe, used to meet with God. Thus according to the Kikuyu records, Gĩkũyũ is the first person on Earth to ascend the mountain. The ancient Kikuyu traditional beliefs (Circumcision, Creation theory, Mountain, One God, Prophets etc.) are very similar to Jewish traditions. [14] Some believe that the Kikuyu ethnic group are descendants of the lost Jewish tribes from the days of Moses.The Kikuyu did not believe in Kings. They preferred "parliamentary democracy" style of governance with leadership vested in a council of 4 4FAMILY G ENERATI ONS: @Table Page th WE REMEMBER “ONCE UPON A TIME” of LIFE IN THE 19 and 20 CENTURY AROUND MOUNT KENYA wisest and most experienced elders. These elders developed community laws, arbitrated disputes and strategized during war. This is one of the reasons Britain could not identify a single leader of the "Mau Mau". There were many. Kikuyus used to build their houses with the doors facing the mountain.[15] The Gĩkũyũ name for Mount Kenya is Kĩrĩ Nyaga (Kirinyaga), which literally translates to 'God's Resting Place' Embu-The Embu people live to the south-east of Mount Kenya,[9] and believe that the mountain is God's home (Meru word for God is Ngai or Mwene Njeru). The mountain is sacred, and they build their houses with the doors facing towards it. [15] The Embu people are closely related to the Ameru and Mbeere people. The Mbeere and Akamba are the settlers of the southeast side of the Mountain. Maasai -The Maasai are semi-nomadic people, who use the land to the north of the mountain to graze their cattle. They believe that their ancestors came down from the mountain at the beginning of time.[15] The Maasai name for Mount Kenya is Ol Donyo Keri, which means 'mountain of stripes' depicting the dark shades as observed from the surrounding plains. [16] At least one Maasai prayer refers to Mount Kenya: The Ameru occupy the east and north slopes of the mountain. They are generally agricultural and also keep livestock and occupy what is among the most fertile land in Kenya. The Meru God Murungu was from the skies. Retrieved http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Kenya Wednesday, October 12, 2011-11:10:14 PM God bless our c hild ren, let the m be like the o live tree of Mor intat, let the m gro w a nd expa nd, let them be like Ngong Hills like M t. Kenya, like Mt. Kilimanjaro a nd multip ly in number. — Collected by Fra ncis Sak uda of Olo sho ibor Peace Museum[16] [edit] Ameru Page 5 WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Org th th WE REMEMBER “ONCE UPON A TIME” of LIFE IN THE 19 and 20 CENTURY AROUND MOUNT KENYA A GreatGrandMother and GreatGrandFather, A GrandMother,A Mother and Uncles and Aunties , GradsTroopsInLine Photos taken in 1951, 1968, 1977 and the 1980s Peace full undefined Trooplines Our 10/17 /2011 6:23 :48 AM Page Christine wanjiru Nderi “Mwari wa Muchina”, GrandMother Teresa wangeci Gathigia Nguyo “Mwari wa Muru wa Kahihia”, Uncle Boniface Murage Nguyo “Muru wa Kahihia” and some of his Nephews in 1968.He is the baldheaded Metaphysical* cum Theological* colared clergy scholar seen in the photo below in later years below[PS:1992 and*1994-Rome Italy].He chronicaled the challenges in cultural transformation covering the period th end 18th/early 19 Century upto 1994 for posterity and as part of his Phd doctorate studies, citing a culture that had no place for persons with disabilities as live in the present day Allamano Special School for the mentally and physically handicapped. Mothers and Fathers were respectfully refered to as “ITHE WA***”[father of] or “NYINA WA***” [mother of],alternately “MWARI WA***”[daughter of] Read more on WWW.FriendsOfallamano.Org and WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.com 6 GreatGrandMother GOLDEN JUBILEE 1937-1987 ANNIVERSARY The 50th Anniversary of Grandfather Herman Nguyo Nderi and grandmother Teresa Wangeci Gathigia “Mwari wa muru wa kahihia”-daughter of Murage wedding Anniversary which brought us all and old enough siblings together. From the Left Grandpa Herman Nguyo[RIP], Grandmother Teresa,Mother and Auntie Mrs Christina , Uncle Lukas Nderi Nguyo{RIP],Rev Dr Boniface Murage [in a Priest’s Pastorneck color],Uncle Athanasius and Mother and Auntie Mrs Michelina . This is the only group photograph to the best of recollection when the 7Seven ever assembled again together for a lineup photo shoot opportunity.[Please correct this information by sending in an alternate unedited copy. John Kamau. Wanjiru Warui Nguyo Gitari Nguyo wairimu Muteru my 1 ]0/1 7/201 1 6:30 :49 AM BELOW:Their Grandfather, Our GreatGrandfather in 1951 with a chest bedecked nd with medallions and service awards, then on October 22 1952 he went “HOME” to his maker in the Land of our common ancestors. They were the DARK NIGHTS of the maumau warfare which few of us alive can speak of authoritatively outside th knowledge glimpsed from 20 century history books in libraries and Utubes on st the Internet in the 21 Century.[PS Footnote:- The above photo has been edited …*, There exists a copy of the Original unedited photo which displayed an elegant Royal lady on the IL Capo’s left side only a portion of the white sheetswear is evident on this photo. The missing lady is the one in the top 1968 photo, the Matriache , short, tough, resolute, with 9Nine kids down the line, only 3 survived . read more on a culture where she almost terminated the life of her eldest son Mzee Genuruu Eliud Gitari Nderi for being a habinger of ill fortune having preceeded in her womb. Mzee Eliud Gitari Nderi caught wind of the conspiracy to eliminate him ,told his father and then disappeared from his mothers household for a reasonable period, and lived to tell the story in an audio video recording made in december 1995. Signs and Omens, superstition, words uttered and rituals th which included changing of names came into play.Thereafter the 5 child born in 1914, a boy was named Nguyo”COLUMBUS MONKEY”, his intended name should have been “LEBO” or “Ndiangui”:then a girl who was named “NYARUAI” after the “THORNY ACACIA TREE”- known locally as “Muruai”, and she too survived, and was still th st alive at at the 28 of September 2011, the last of a trinine Generation from the 1 of senior Chief Nderi Wangombes 28??Plus+wives. “WORDS” spoken out, especially in anger were considered to have occultic spiritual powers that could kill or cause harm.such was the case of the fate of the Lady who should have been the chiefs other wife. Word has it that she became “NUTS” as there was was a fobearance by word/tradition 7 THE “IL CAPO DI TUTI” who took over power from his Father warrior Chief Wangombe Waihura in 1902 Page FOOTN OTE nd that the young chief could not marry from the family from which she came from…*Similarly the 2 wife could not have preceeded the young chiefs household as she was by tradition , technically his fathers wife by virtue of the fact that she had been betrothed to his father Warrior Chief Wangombe waihura, thus she was a wife of the dead chiefs clan but in waiting pending the sons marriage to a wife originally intended specifically for him. Remember the story of the Biblical Joseph, husband to Mary? Betrothed but not yet taken into the household? 3Months after the marriage of the Daughter of Muchina above, the lady betrothed to Wangombe waihura was nd brought into the clan household as the 2 official wife. She was the mother to Ernest Kibororo A.K.A “Njoroge”father to the Journalist and Author Joseph Karimi who coauthored the best seller book “THE KENYATTA SUCCESSION” by Philip Ochieng and Joseph Karimi . Jomo Kenyatta had in 1942 authored the book on Joseph Karimi’s Grandfather Wangombe titled “MY PEOPLE OF KIKUYU and THE LIFE OF CHIEF WANGOMBE” BRIDGING THE GENERATIONAL GAP DAD can I ask you a question? Yes Mike. “HOW COME SOME GIRL’s HAVE MEN’s NAMES?”-:- It was a lengthy long distant Mobile cell phone conversation that took over 90Ninety Minutes. A conversation that went through the naming traditions in an African patriarchal society, where children , both boys and girls took up the dads name as their common family name, thus “girls that were not boys”despite names. A conversations that explained the alternate naming from patriarchal to matriarchal in turn until the alternatives were exhausted. Dr Boniface Murage in his book “MARIAN DEVOTION AMONG THE AGIKUYU” explains that one of his brothers had 9Nine Children and had to reach out of the above immediate family of 5five siblings to acquire the name “KIBOI” from his mothers ancestral family. In olden days such explanations were offered in traditional get together settings where people from lands afar would come together for common festivities and meet one another. Christmas was one of such newly introduced times, weddings and funeral or betrothal ceremonies. BUT? “WHAT HAPPENED? We are neither WESTERNERS NOR EASTERNERS. HAVE WE LOST OUR CULTURES AND TRADITIONS. A case that may sound humorous relates to a young beautiful lady and a handsome young man who sat in the same class at University level, two desks behind the other, saying a warm good morning and have a good day every day. Fortunately they were serious students, cultured and disciplined from source. It was the girl who surprised the boy telling her they were 1 st generation cousins “—YOU KNOW, I JUST LEARNED THAT YOUR FATHER IS MY MOTHERS FIRST COUZIN and that OUR GRANDPARENTS ARE BROTHER and SISTER”. Was the beautiful brilliant young lady pulling a fast track one on the handsome young boy? He was quick to check it out, yet another international long distant phone call…..” –“My mother told me that she was your Godmother during your baptism and that your Mother, stayed with my Father and Mother over Christmas when you were in her womb. Then what happened. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED>… Read more in WWW.friendsOfAllamano.Com :PS* Dr Boniface Murage and Uncle Joseph Ernest Karimi you are the expert 70Seventer generation. M A 5 :3 1 0 8 /2 9 1 r0 b tm p Se 8 2 Page Lady Diamond LIVE @ SVG's National Calypso Semi Finals 2011 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsbaUTzYyX4&NR=1 8 young “THE LEGEND OF THE AFRICAN GRANDMOTHER WHO DIED TWICE” AMONG ELEPHANTS THE MATRIACH REIGNS-:-Grandmother Teresa daughter of Murage was the Matriarch who kept the troop Squadrons in Check. The nappies or dippers behind attest to the fact that the production mills were still in operation. It’s been over 23 Years since that day in September 1988 when our late Grandmother went “HOME”:-then HISTORY began. “ONCE UPON A TIME” so the story goes, there lived…..*, and there were jiggers at Gathua Farm…*and cows and goats in paddocks and a Ceremonial Ram in the grass thatched grandmothers house that would only be slaughtered over Christmas when all the family and grand kids came together:-And there used to be Honey wine brewed from real bees honey complete with honeycombs and bees and bee maggots:-Arrow root and sweet potato tubers and sugarcanes and porridge made from millet and sorgum and maize meal flour for the kids, TEA was strictly for ADULTS unless Grandfather Herman decided to break grandmothers rules once in a while to teach us that what he said was- “Very cold tea Lessons”- cold tea was actually STEAMING HOT,- “check for yourself”-, he would say laughing in amusement. A few tears down the line, with Grandmother Teresa watching from a far we were initiated into the ways of our ever mischievous Grandfather. No wonder he had a name-“NGUYO” that sounded more like a “Columbus monkey” from which he must have inherited some monkey tricks for his “Dimwitted” grandchildren. But Grandmother Teresa wa murage “Mwari wa muru wa Kahihia” our “Cucu” was a royal regal lady, loving, principled, tough but fair. When she was around with her grand children, it was grandmas time and territory, SHE didn’t have to say it, it was obvious even in her silence. Not once did I hear her shout or answer back to our ever also Regal but grandkid mischievous grandpa Herman. And this was to remain so till doomsday and “Amen”. These were “THE TIES THAT BIND”. 28th 10/18/201 1 3:59 :51 AM - Tues day, Oct ober 18, 2011 Then we grew up, went to school, became initiated into the ways of the WEST and “THE SETTING SUN and the ways of the EAST and “THE RISING SUN” somehow started to fade as bulbs replaced the SUN and wicker lamps, along the way we knew not the ways of the EAST nor the WEST, even books disappeared, telephone cable wires disappeared from the poles, cars replaced the once much desired ritual of walking across the ridges to chew some ribs and…*disappeared, “we had advanced and become civilized”- the ways of our dimwitted ancestors were old fashioned and had no place in….*” –“It was OK to…*GOD 4bid.”Read more in WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Com and Read more on the comical scenarios in a book by Dr Boniface Murage titled -“MARIAN DEVOTION AMONG THE AGIKUYU” by BONIFACE MURAGE- ISBN also Visit WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Org for some of the cultural changes and developments over the 110 years since 1902, during which times the life of persons with mental and physical disabilities were terminated at birth; it is the year when the young lad Chief Nderi took over the Chieftainship from his late Father Warrior Chief Wangombe Waihura immortolized by Mzee Jomo Kenyatta First President of the republic of kenya in the book “MY PEOPLE OF KIKUYU and THE LIFE OF CHIEF WANGOMBE” by Jomo Kenyatta 1942 Oxford University Press. John Patrick Kamau. Page WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Org 9 Tuesday, September 27, 2011 11 :51: 36 PM U pdated Tue sday, October 18, 2011 -4:1 2:07 AM AROUND THE CHALLENGES OF A CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION AND THE EPOCH OF MISSIONARY INFLUENCE Then we grew up, went to school, became initiated into the ways of the WEST and “THE SETTING SUN -:-and the ways of the EAST and “THE RISING SUN” somehow started to fade as bulbs replaced the SUN and wicker lamps,-:- along the way we knew not the ways of the EAST nor the WEST, even books disappeared, telephone cable wires disappeared from the poles, cars replaced the once much desired ritual of walking across the ridges to chew some ribs and…* read more in WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Com THE LEGIONARIES were Ambassadors and Peace keepers from different REGIONS and Territories. They tell us our great grandfather had 28Twenty Eight wives Plus+[some say over 33*], here are some of them in the photo taken in19**??[uncle Joe!ANY IDEA?]-:-“ONCE UPON A TIME”…*,-:- History records and romour mills tell us that at the time of his nd “TRANSITION” on October 22 1952 he had over 300Three Hundred children and grandchildren in his retinue and entourage , Grandpa General Eliud Gitari Nderi would give a wink as he narrated his fathers “GREAT MANAGEMENT SKILLS”- “He sure must have had”33?:-Reminds us of Teacher Barnabas Kanyira, Sisto Wanjohi and Nicolas Karobia and their tongue twister on goats with coats and months with 28,29,30 and 32days:-, poor us, here it is over 50 years later still fresh as the morning dew“-Mind control and programming it was:- “30thirty Days have September,April ,June and November .All the rest have 31Thirty One , except February which stands alone with 28Twenty Eight Days and 29Twenty Nine Days in a leap year”. Poor John and all us “dimwitted” kids had to memorize that under threat of instant extermination and onesided armed warfare from our TEACHERS, with our heads tucked between their…* and a well oiled “BAMBOO” cane stick for good measure.Any complaints, assuming any one would dare protest would or could lead to instant extermination, a session of kneeling on the dusty floor and…*[NOT in Prayer*].then teachers were TEACHERS, ask Teacher Mwalimu Peter Ndiang’ui of Fort Myers FL USA…*. Between us were books as rare as scattered showers of rain in deserts,we could outdo the scriptural monks and scribes of old in making notes in exercise books,:-Uncle Nicolas Karobia, bless his soul and “DAWANOL”-can attest to that, wherever he is on that other side with his Creator. Uncle Joe, A.K.A Joseph Earnest Karimi, the Author can write more about it.That was HISTORY,”ONCE UPON A TIME”. No wonder people in the WEST wonder what is wrong or right with the heads of Missionaries were not amused.One Chief Ndiuni of Nyeri had this idea that the missionaries were super polygamous and needed much land for the many wives.Celibacy was not in Chief Ndiuni’s vocabulary.what a strange culture he thought.on the other hand this African tradition was…* and…*> to the Western missionaries:THE PRIESTS, THE SISTER NUNS, THE BISHOPS and ADMINISTRATORS WERE ALWAYS AROUND US SOMEHOW…* 10 John Patrick Kama u WK. Page people from the EAST and how many languages they can speak without getting mixed up. Answer:-A minimum of three is on the extreme lower end…*. FRIENDS OF ALLAMANO IN: A WORLD OF WOUNDED HEALERS AND BROKEN VESSELS DEATH AND DISABILITY COMETH LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT THE MYSTERY OF 2DEATHS-1946n1988: A TRIBUTE september 1988 to September 2011 28th 28th Read more on the comical sce nari os in a book by Dr Boniface M urage titled -“MARIAN DEV OTI ON A MONG THE A GIKUY U” by BONIFACE MURA GE- IS BN al so Visit WWW.Frie nds OfAllamano. Org for some of the cult ural change s and devel opme nts ov er the 11 0 years si nce 1 902 w hen t he young la d Chi ef Nderi t ook ov er the Chieftains hip from his late Father Warrior Chief Wangom be wai hura immortoli zed by Mze e jomo Kenyatta First Presi dent of the republi c of kenya i n the book “M Y PE OPLE OF KIKUYU and T HE LIFE OF CHIEF WANG OM BE ” by Jomo Ke nyatta 1 942 Oxford University Pr ess.J ohn Kama u. Tue sday , September 27, 20 11 11:51:3 6 PM THE PRIESTS, THE SISTER NUNS, THE BISHOPS and ADMINISTRATORS WERE ALWAYS AROUND US SOMEHOW…* There once was a generation that knew when it was time to go *“HOME”*. [ *listen to Utube - Meet Jomo Kenyatta- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaeUMjGTuuA&feature=related *] -:- A generation that somehow communed with “THE SPIRIT WORLD” and knew when it was time to say “THE LAST GOODBYE”-:- such was the spirit and worlds that our late grandmother Teresa daughter of Murage belonged to. Legend has it that in 1946 shortly after the birth of her last born Daughter,after a pregnancy that she barely survived through, she passed away, to be politically incorrect, “SHE DIED”, the women per tradition wailed and cried out-the children were taken over by Elizabeth Wanjiru Wife of Earnest Kibororo and arrangements were put in place made for her funeral. The young sibling children were made aware that their mother was no more. It was a DARK DAY in their life. [PS*Dr Boniface Murage recalled these DARK moments of 1946 vividly during a long th distance telephone conversation on October 17 2011].Shortly thereafter and before she was interred she woke up and was never sick again until shortly before she finally transitioned in September 1988, over 23twenty three years ago. It fell upon one James Waweru Muiru, then a District Officer in Bungoma in 1988 to notify then Father Boniface murage teaching at Mabanga philosphicum Seminary of his mothers death….* Earlier on Two of us were urgently summoned, James and John, the sons of thunder, sons of Zebedee . Jon was the Eldest Son born of her Eldest Daughter, Christina Wanjiru Nguyo. James was the Eldest son born of her eldest Son alias RUUKA or LUKE Nderi Nguyo….* “your grand Mother wishes to see you urgently”…* and you must bring with you XXXXX and a XXXX XXXXX and…*, she is not well and may soon be leaving for the Consolata Missionary Hospital in Mathari in Nyeri Kenya. We complied. A few weeks later we were again summoned, only this time she was on her deathbed at the Consolata missionary hospital, one build by the Consolata missionaries…..* “Is it Joni na jimmy [John and Jimmy-[James]. She didn’t have to say it. BUT she did. Thank you for coming, how is everybody at home? …Fine….*” I LIVE YOU IN PEACE AND WISH EVERYBODY GODS PEACE AND BLESSINGS”…”I PRAY THAT THRE WILL NOT COME AMONG YOUR ALL ONE THAT WILL CREAT DISHARMONY IN THE HOME. LET THERE BE PEACE AMONG YOU, AS HAS ALWAYS BEEN”.We had a small voice activated audio cassette recorder, in later years, the message made much more sense. Then it didn’t. But it was clear, this was “THE LAST GOOBYE”. Then she was buried and life went on-:-.Business as unusual. And the EASTERN SUN went down. It was “THE DAY THE SUN DIED”….Read and learn more on the challenges of cultural transformation when EAST meets WEST in WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Org 9/28/2011 4:46:40 PM : 28 September 2011 Updated 10/18/2011 4:39:00 AM “DISCIPLES OF THE SPIRIT WORLD “I LEAVE THE MESSAGE WITH YOU TONIGHT” MLK Gatheri-John Ndung'u Friends Of Allamano http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMWtmApCKRI&feature=related John Ndung'u - Ndaheo Ndikomaga Friends Of Allamano 43,699 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJvmXyrG8XI&NR=1 Kuu Kungi Nja-John Ndung'u Friends Of Allamano 56,437 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUmJzaAaLcc&feature=related Yesu ningwendete John Ndung'u http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNbQynUskdI Page MEERI YA MIHANGO – John Ndungu Friends Of Allamano http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhIk9GOJQsM&feature=related 11 MWITIO WA MWIRI- John Ndungu Friends Of Allamano http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAqHqNZCc2g&NR=1 REST IN PEACE WANGARI MUTA MATHAI DAUGHTER OF MAMA AFRIKA YOU MADE US PROUD.FARE THEE WELL TILL WE MEET AGAIN.UROMAMA KUURAGA: Peter Kigia – Nondakwiraga- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRPU9RR0dbk&feature=related 9/28/2011 9:39: 28 AM Wednes day, Sep tember 28, 20 11 ref:/DJSJ/JPKWK/ Updated Tues day, Oc tober 18, 2 011-:-7:52:4 3 AM 1 Oct ober 2 011 -12:1 0:00 PM Wangari Maathai. Courtesy of the Green Belt Movement Source Acknowledged 27 September 2011 Koma Thayu Mwendwa Wakwa- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ9lP9T9SXk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFr7yfuq0Zw&feature=related -:- Kikuyu Gospel --Wega Wa Gwitu - 6,843 ***IN LOVING MEMORY OF ALL OUR COMMON ANCESTORS WWW.FriendsOfallamano.Org My Country Tis of Thee (lyrics)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0ywDLpfBHg&feature=related Kenya national Anthem With English and Swahili lyrics voice script n intruments no http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RazqS5g0WBE&feature=related Back home in MAMA AFRIKA we say Jambo:We salute U:-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUrVeRGo5IM&feature=related Jambo Bwana(Hello Sir)Hakuna Matata --- THE DAY THE SUN DIED SAT24thn SUN 25thSept2011-:-2TWO TRANSITIONS and A LOSTMOBILE CELLPHONE Ref-:-ClaudeSnr-&-CHolmesJnr and Son Claude E Holmes Jnr111Snr/DJSJ/JPKWK/SC Nderi Wangombe Waihura 6:00 AM-:-06:00:27/September 11/-25 September 2011/ USA FL Kenya East Africa/ God on the mountain, He is still God in the Valley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYKLL1BZoFU ohn Patrick Kamau WK/ FOASSMH/-9/25/2011- 6:09:48 AMhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYKLL1BZoFU WE REMEMBER THE SPIRIT OF MAMA AFRIKA AND WHY -:- “DON’T CRY FOR ME MAMA AFRICA FM ACADEMIA WAZEE WA NGWASUMA -VUTA NIKU VUTE 2011 NEW VIDEO - 10:26minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0aFHgbH8ro&NR=1 Page 12 SYMBOLS SYMBOLISM RITUALS ART AND ICONOGRAPHY A PERSPECTIVE FRIENDS rd THE BEAUTY AND SPIRITUALITY OF DISABILITY AND DEATH-:- THE 3 AND 13THIRTEENTH CHAPTER- [***AnExtract****InternetVersion with Utube and Weblinks]- WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Org WWW.FriendsOfAllamano.Com WWW.AllamanospecialSchool.Org “HENRI NOUWEN THE MAN WHO TRANSITIONED 14-FOURTEEN YEARS TOO EARLY” At 64 he had reached the Peak of his transformation and was on his way to Saint Peterburg to film Rembrandt’s “ THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON PORTRAIT Movie. He collapsed and died of a massive heart attack in transit while at his hotel room. Read the book “THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON” by Henri Nouwen and listen to Utube on his Sermon at the “CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL” –WHO ARE WE”- on the Internet link>:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFWfYpd0F18 Henri Nouwen SYMBOLS AND SYMBOLISM:- The boy scout and girl guide symbol on Lord Robert Baden Powell grave in Nyeri, Kenya East Africa ,the town that hosts the Allamano Special School for mentally Handicapped children means “I HAVE GONE HOME” not “HERE I LIE DEAD”- and “HOME” is where we all want to be. HOME it is, Our common belief and believe in the mystical world of transcendence – M A :3 0 2 8 r1 b cto ay,O sd e Tu To say that I had never heard of Steve Jobs until the early morning th hours of october 5 2011,at past 3AM as I googled up for a weblink on the late Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai th who had passed away on september 25 2011,may be considered a criminal capital offence in the technological world of computers, but it is unfortunately or fortunately very very true indeed. TRUTH it is but “IGNORANCE ** *** *** IS NO DEFENCE”. Listening to his commencement speech at stanford permanently imprinted and edged his immortal words in the mind and spirit of the meaning and “REASON FOR THE SEASON IN LIFE”. In his moment of transcedence he romantasized death in a near poetic stanza-:- Jobs took a spiritual retreat to India and regularly walked around his neighborhood and the office barefoot. Traversing India sparked Jobs' conversion to Buddhism. Kobun Chino, a monk, presided over his wedding to Laurene Powell, a Stanford University MBA. "I believe life is an intelligent thing, that things aren't random," Jobs said in a 1997 interview with Time, providing a glimpse into his complicated belief system that extends well beyond the Buddhist teachings. "We're here to put a dent in the universe." "We do things where we feel we can make a significant contribution," Jobs told Businessweek in 2004. "And our primary goal here is ... not to be the biggest or the richest." "What is Apple, after all?" Jobs mused to Time. "Apple is about people who think 'outside the box,' people who want to use computers to help them change the world, to help them create things that make a difference, and not just to get a job done." "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?" "What makes Steve's methodology different from everyone else's is that he always believed the most important decisions you make are not the things you do, but the things you decide not to do," You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains." He elaborated in the interview with the publication six years later: "It comes from saying no to 1,000 things to make sure we don't get on the wrong track or try to do too much. We're always thinking about new markets we could enter, but it's only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important." 'Stay hungry. Stay foolish.' Jobs' death, while dreaded by Apple's legions of fans, was not unexpected. He had battled cancer for years, took a medical leave from Apple in January and stepped down as chief executive in August because he could "no longer meet (his) duties and expectations." "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future," he told Stanford University graduates during a commencement speech in 2005. "You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." But Jobs' health problems sometimes cast a shadow over his company's success. In 2004, he announced to his employees that he was being treated for pancreatic cancer. He lost weight and appeared unusually gaunt at keynote speeches to Apple developers, spurring concerns about his health and fluctuations in the company's stock price. One wire service accidentally published Jobs' obituary. Retrieved 10/18/2011 1:02:24 AMObservers marveled at Jo bs ' s kills a s a pitchma n, his a bility to ins pire go dlike devotion a mong A pple "fa nboys " (and scor n from P C fans) a nd his "one more thing " s urprise anno unce ments. Time after time, he s old peo ple o n a product they didn't know they needed until he inve nted it. A nd all t his on an officia l a nnua l salary of $ 1. Page More than one pundit, praising Jobs' ability to transform entire industries with his inventions, called him a modern-day Leonardo Da Vinci. 10/18/2011 4:47:47 AM Tuesday, October 18, 2011 13 http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2011/10/05/ac-steve-jobs-2005-stanford.cnn DEATH Jobs: No one wants to die