The Doggie Doc - Drollinger Properties


The Doggie Doc - Drollinger Properties
“They all had so much fun,” said Karen Dial, President of Drollinger
Licensed Massage Therapist &
Registered Yoga Teacher
Dial said the students had no
idea how much fun yoga could
“The instructor is well-versed
in kids’ yoga, so
it was something that the students really
could relate to,” said Dial, who added that
she hopes more companies and individuals
will step up to the plate to keep the program
going. “I think we should all be interested in creating a new generation of
young people who are more in touch with
their senses, and joint collaboration is what
it’s all about.”
Special thanks to Katie Hawkins of Manduka;
Kentwood Principal Jean Pennicooke; Karen
Bradley-Follette, Dawn Everard, Melvin Boyce
II (yoga nstructor) and Sharon Holly (yoga
instructor) of the Westchester Family YMCA;
and Stephanie Davis of the Westchester
Hometown News for helping to make this
project possible.
8 9 2 9 S o u t h S e p u l ve d a B l vd ., S u i te 13 0
We s tc h e s te r, C a l i fo r n i a 9 0 0 4 5
W E S T C H E S T E R N E W S A N D I N F O R M AT I O N F O R F R I E N D S & T E N A N T S O F D R O L L I N G E R P R O P E R T I E S
In her Life Here & There
column, Karen Dial talks
about yoga as a great gift.
Local Rotary Clubs join in
the international effort to
eradicate polio.
Drollinger partners with YMCA
and Manduka to bring yoga to
local elementary school.
Properties. “We want to thank Manduka for
their crazy-generous donation of the mats.”
Thanks to the pilot program,
Kentwood’s second- and third-grade
students are learning about yoga
as part of their physical education
classes. Manduka donated 30 mats
for the students to use and the YMCA is
providing the instructor.
Westchester Forum
~ Julie Rae O’Connor
Students at Kentwood Elementary School
are being introduced to the benefits of yoga
thanks to a partnership between Drollinger
Properties, the Westchester Family YMCA
and Manduka, a company that manufactures
yoga mats.
IS S U E 1 | V O L U M E 2 1 | FE B R U A RY 2 0 1 4
Harmony abounds, it is
underfoot and elemental.
Absorb this perfect science
into your senses and feel
In Wellness Jewels, registered
yoga teacher Julie Rae O’Connor
gives tips for a healthier mind
and body.
The Doggie Doc
It was my first visit to the vet and, as
a puppy, I can’t say I wasn’t scared.
But as Dr. Yoo and his team poked
and prodded me, I started to get
more and more comfortable.
Dr. Yoo told my pet parents the best
food for me and the best way to
groom me. We talked about problems
common in my breed and everyone
was so nice.
But that night, after I got home, I
hurt my leg running on the tile in my
house. Even though Dr. Yoo’s office
was officially closed, he waited for
20 minutes until my pet parents
could get me back to his office.
He was gentle and kind as he
re-examined me and took my
X-rays. Fortunately, there were no
broken bones, but I was prescribed
lots of rest and some pain killers to
make my night easier.
Dr. Yoo impressed me with his
knowledge and care, and he will
always be my vet!
8911 S. Sepulveda Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Phone (310) 645-4444 • Fax (310) 526-8246
Life Here & There
Snapshots ...
There are so many things I hold dear
in life. The first and foremost is my
love of business and hard work given
to me by both my parents and my
grandmother during my upbringing.
The second would have to be my
love of cooking interesting dishes with
healthy and fresh ingredients, a gift I
received from my mother.
Perhaps the greatest gift of recent
years was that taught to me by my
yoga teachers, Julie Rae O’Connor,
Lee Wolfort and Amy Stabley my
daily yoga practice. I honestly believe
that without it, I would not be able to
accomplish what I do, “here & there.”
Yoga enables me to keep my body
flexible and strong. I personally
practice yoga every morning, as well
as providing classes for my staff.
However, my goal for the past couple
of years finally came to fruition in
2014, when we had our first student
yoga class at Kentwood Elementary.
I have no doubt that yoga will be
a great addition to the physical
education curriculum at this local
Yoga teaches us to find quiet, so
we can focus on gently stretching
our muscles as we move through a
series of exercises. Yoga naturally
teaches calming, relaxing breathing
It is with fond memories that we honor our dear friend and
community member Alan Cassman, who passed away peacefully on
December 19 after a stroke. Alan was a man who always had a smile,
adored his wonderful wife and family and constantly contributed to
his community. The Cassmans were treasured tenants of the Airport
Office Center for 50 years. Luckily Alan’s spirit and love will live on
for many years in the face and heart of our darling Mary Ellen.
techniques, and the focused time in
specific postures helps calm children.
Respect and gratitude are at the core
of my belief system. I honestly believe
that Yoga helps children with their
physical fitness and to respect their
bodies. It teaches peacefulness and
leads away from bullying behaviors. I
hope to find like-minded people and
companies, like Manduka, who will
contribute to this effort, so eventually
every school in Westchester can
offer this wonderful practice to their
students, and then Missoula?
Jill E’Lynn M. Roderick
Abundance for All
C.W. Business Center
Jerry T. Hodges
Westchester Playa Village
Juno Logistics
Childrens’ Way
Community Outreach & Opportunity
It’s always nice to see the Westchester Town Center area
improving with new tenants (even when they’re not ours).
Welcome Yogurtland to the neighborhood! Located at the
corner of La Tijera and Sepulveda, Yogurtland is already
enjoying lines out the door for its delicious frozen yogurt!
Reach Your 2014 Health Goals
Remember Jared, the guy who never left a certain
sandwich shop and lost all that weight? Well, this
year, you can achieve all your
health goals without leaving
Westchester Town Center!
If your goal is to get in shape,
Drollinger tenants are there to
help. SoCal Sport and Fitness
(310) 497-0863, operated by
trainer Jeff Blair, has already
helped Westchester-area
residents shed hundreds of
pounds as they get stronger and
Jim Leger
Los Angeles Arts Collective (310) 641-2575 inspires
Platinum Car Rental
creation, education, and fulfillment through the
Cheryl Byrd
performing and visual arts. The Collective offers
Kentwood Home Guardians
classes in dance, ballet, yoga, fitness and even
Peaceful Mediation
theater for both children and adults.
Lightning Prototypes, LLC
Cocaine Anonymous of Los Angeles, Inc.
At Brain & Body Yoga (310) 642-9642, professional
South Bay Senior Services, Inc.
instructors teach yoga classes that are a combination
Charles G. Cohan
of breathing and relaxation techniques, physical
Justin C. Tolton
exercise, yoga, stretching, tai chi, martial arts,
Dr. Howard L. Sofen
visualization and meditation.
Top Notch Productions
But being healthy is about more than lifting weights,
stretching and exercise. It’s about making healthy food
choices as well.
Whether it’s a wheatgrass
shot or healthy fruit smoothie
at Robeks or low-cal Mexican
salads at Baja Fresh or Cilantro,
there’s plenty of tasty, healthy
food throughout Westchester
Town Center.
Try a turkey and cranberry
sandwich from Togos with just
520 calories and 3 grams of fat; or visit Quiznos for
a Honey Bourbon Flatbread sandwich with less than
400 calories. Of course, there’s always vegetable stir
fry at Wacky Wok or home-cooked healthy choices
including a juice bar (pictured)at the Courtyard Café in
the courtyard of the Airport Office Center.
While you enjoy your healthy meal and think about
staying fit, grab a seat under the new trellis on
Drollinger Way and know that you’re well on your way
to meeting all of your 2014 health goals without even
leaving Westchester Town Center!
If you’re looking for a nearby spot to enjoy your lunch, look
no further than the new Trellis dining court along Howard B.
Drollinger Way (just opposite Togos, Cilantro, Boston Market
and Pizza Hut). The Trellis was built by Drollinger’s own,
Carmelo, Ruben, Mario and Efren. Grab a table in the shade
and soak up the great Southern California weather just steps
away from your office.
Kudos to Rotary: Polio Nearly Gone!
The World Health
Organization has declared
India to be polio free,
a huge success for
the Polio Eradication
Initiative started by Rotary
International back in 1988.
Polio remains endemic
only in small pockets of
Nigeria, Afghanistan and
The Rotary Clubs of Westchester and Playa Venice Sunrise are proud to be a
small part of the worldwide effort to eradicate polio from the world. Both clubs
have raised thousands of dollars over the years for the Polio Plus Campaign.
Rotary, a humanitarian service organization with nearly 34,000 clubs in more
than 200 countries and geographical areas, made polio eradication its top
priority in 1985. Rotary has since contributed $1.2 billion, and its members
have logged countless volunteer hours to help immunize more than two
billion children in 122 countries.
Overall, remarkable progress has been achieved in the fight against polio.
Since 1988, the number of polio cases has been reduced from 350,000 a
year to fewer than 400 cases in 2013. The Americas were declared free from
polio in 1994, the Western Pacific region in 2000, and Europe in 2002.
For more information, please visit