December 1, 2013 - St. Margaret Mary Parish
December 1, 2013 - St. Margaret Mary Parish
St. Margaret Mary Parish December 1, 2013 First Sunday of Advent 1450 Green Trails Dr. Naperville, IL 60540 630-369-0777 MASSES Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m. 10:45 9:00 a.m. 12:15 . Weekday: Monday - Saturday 8:15 a.m. OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:00 Parish Office: 369-0777 Fax: 369-1493 Religious Ed. Office: 369-0833 All Saints Catholic Academy 1155 Aurora Ave., Naperville, IL 60540 961-6125 -- NEW PARISHIONERS: Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me; and those who welcome me welcome the one who sent me.: (Mt 10:40) St. Margaret Mary Parish wishes to welcome everyone to our community as Jesus would. For information, please call the parish office. In This Issue Advent Taize Service 2 Hope for the Journey Scripture Readings for the Week Naperville Men’s Glee Club Family Concert 3 Sign up for Threads Journey to Bethlehem 9 Join the Children’s Christmas Choir 10 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Is 4:2-6; Mt 8:5-11 Is 11:1-10; Lk 10:21-24 Is 25:6-10a; Mt 15:29-37 Is 26:1-6; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Is 29:17-24; Mt 9:27-31 Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Mt 9:35 — 10:1 Is 11:1-10; Rom 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12 The SMMP Conference of the Society of St. Vincent DePaul is often asking for money and some people might wonder, Come, Light of the World! an Advent Taize´Prayer Service Sunday, Dec. 1, 6:30 Where does the money go? Where do the funds come from? in church for meditative music and contemplative prayer that will feed your soul, enabling you to experience the peace, hope and joy of Advent. HERE ARE SOME ANSWERS: People come to the Parish door asking for assistance. SVDP furnished the following in the past year: 30 Food Vouchers 50 Gasoline Vouchers 39 Rent Vouchers 10 Mortgage Pymts. 39 Utility Bills 8 Auto Repair & Fees 2 Medicine Vouchers For you, O Lord, my soul in stillness waits. Truly my hope is in you. $ 900 $ 1,400 $ 19,635 $ 8,828 $ 7,373 $ 2,363 $ 66 This total of $40,565 was furnished by generous parishioners without any withdrawal from the Parish Budget. IRS Rules For Charitable Contributions If you’d like to contribute, envelopes are available in the Narthex and can be put in the collection basket. We help parishioners and those living within our parish boundaries, no matter their faith. Beginning in January, a St. Vincent de Paul envelope will be included with the packet of offering envelopes you receive every other month. Charitable contributions can be tax deductible, but you must have the proper records to support your deduction. To be included in your contributions for 2013, the check needs to be postmarked (or delivered to the charity) on or before Dec. 31, 2013. If the check cannot be deposited until after Jan. 1, the donor may not take a tax deduction for 2013. More information is available on the IRS website at Want a 2013 Tax Statement? Please mark any of your December envelopes “Tax Statement” and one will automatically be sent to you. Thank You For Helping Us to Help Others! 2 Memorial photos used for the display in the narthex may be picked up in the parish office, between 9 and 5, Mon. - Fri. . An Advent Invitation to all Adults A Mass of Remembrance The SMM Bereavement Ministry of SMM invites you and your family to a Mass of Remembrance to honor our loved one’s memory. Thursday Dec. 12, at 7:00 PM light refreshments to follow Morning of Reflection Wednesday Dec. 11 9:00-11:15 a.m. — Upper Room In this holy season that goes by all too quickly, make time for yourself to be warmly welcomed and blessed through prayer, reflection, music and sharing. Together we will ponder: “Sacred Stories of Hospitality ” Speakers: Anne Marie Cronin Linda Tomasello Barbara Zdon We will be serving coffee, tea, and seasonal treats. Don’t hesitate to bring a friend! Please RSVP by phoning the parish office, 369-0777, (after 6:00, call Patti McGehee, at 305-9038 or email [email protected]) by Dec. 9 to confirm that you will attend and the approximate number of family members or friends that will be joining you. Christmas can be a particularly difficult time of the year. We urge you and your family to come together with other families that have experienced a similar loss, to offer Eucharist and remember…. The Naperville Men’s Glee Club presents Christmas Presence A concert for the whole family featuring special guests! Saturday, Dec. 7, 7:30 p.m. at St. Margaret Mary Parish Donation: $10 Babysitting upon prior request To register: Call 369-0777 Sponsored by Morning Enrichment Committee Tickets available from Glee Club members at, by calling 630-448-0518, or at the door Attention: Lectors, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers We will soon be compiling a Liturgical Minister Mass schedule that will run from Jan. 4 through April 13. Please call the parish office, 369-0777 by Dec. 4 and leave a voice mail for Mary Straub with indicating the date you will be unable to serve. Thank you! September Club Christmas Gathering Holiday Entertainment Dec. 4 — 12:00 — Upper Room Come enjoy a happy festive afternoon with friends and get into the Christmas spirit. Bring your favorite appetizer and a $5 Grab Bag labeled for man or woman. For Reservations, please call Dolores Peterman, 630-955-9581, by Dec. 1. 3 Operation Wrap 2013 Good Morning! Many years ago, our parish began a partnership with the Cook County Sheriff’s Department to provide gifts for children in hospitals throughout the Chicagoland area. Our junior high teens and their families bought Christmas presents and we wrapped them during our last class of the year before Christmas. We would love to join them again this year but want to know if you are willing to join us! The plan is to have wrapping stations setup in the Parish Center on Sunday December 15th and between classes from 5:30 to 7:00 pm on Monday December 16th and Wednesday December 18th. Parishioners will bring donated toys to the Teen Center after Masses on the 15th and high school teens will wrap them. Junior High youth will bring their own toy donations to wrap after and before classes. We will immediately load them into the truck that will be waiting. We need several parent volunteers to make sure tables are stocked and presents are wrapped well. Do you want to join us?!? If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help, please contact the Youth Ministry Office or visit Peace, Dan Lawler Director of Youth Ministry 4 Volunteer Opportunity! Nursery Toy Wash (Rm 16) Saturday, Dec. 7 Religious Education 2pm-4pm (Preschool – 5th ) Thank you Jesus for coming to us in all the days of our lives Please come in old, comfortable clothes. You will be provided rubber gloves and all washing materials. Please contact Carrie Tilton at (630)579-4099 if you're interested in volunteering. Thank you! Cookies Needed! On Dec. 13th our "Journey to Bethlehem" will end with participants enjoying hot cocoa and cookies in the Parish Center. If you love to bake and would like to donate a batch of cookies to the event, please call Aleta Regan (630-778-8201) or email her at [email protected]. Feel free to drop off the cookies at the parish office any time between Dec. 1-12. Do you like to quilt, knit, crochet, craft? Thanksgiving Break — Classes resume on Monday, Dec. 2. First Reconciliation — First Reconciliation is Tuesday, Dec. 3 and Wednesday, Dec. 4. Each service will be followed by a reception. Advent Plans — We will have a brief wreath lighting service at the end of each class session. Our 4th graders are preparing a Jesse Tree. New ornaments made by the children who are sharing our faith heritage will be added each week. The children will be dismissed in the Parish Center at their normal time. Our Advent almsgiving project is a collection for Watts of Love, an international non-profit organization dedicated to bringing safe and renewable to solar light to people living without access to electricity. You may have seen an article about this in the August 2013 issue of the Diocese of Joliet magazine Christ Our Hope). Following a donation, children will be given an ornament to be hung on our R.E. tree in the Parish Center. Christmas Eve Children’s Mass — The children’s liturgy is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Registration information was emailed to all families in our RE program and at ASCA. You can register on-line on the RE page of the parish website We are in need of angels, shepherds, readers and costumes character for the Christmas story. Rehearsal is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 21 from 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. in the church. Attendance at practice is required. In addition to the children’s parts, we are looking for adult volunteers to help coordinate the Mass. Please contact the R.E. office if you can help. Christmas Break — Christmas break begins on Saturday, Dec. 21. Classes will resume Saturday, Jan. 4. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month from 6:00-9:00 PM in rooms 4-5 at SMMP. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, Dec. 4. First Communion — First Communion registration information will be Our goal is to provide an opportunity for SMMP ladies to meet for fellowship and creativity. We will NOT meet in Jan. For more information, contact: • Jo Ann Jeffreys: 630-717-1142 • Barbara Samuels: [email protected] The program is offered during the Saturday 5:00 Mass and the Sunday 9:00 and 10:45 Masses. After opening prayers children are invited to attend "Liturgy of the Word." They are escorted to the Upper Room where they gather for an interactive session that helps the children learn the readings of the day in language and activities they'll easily understand. The children rejoin their families after the adult homily and share in the rest of the Mass. Children in kindergarten through third grade are invited to participate. mailed to families in early Jan. Children’s Liturgy of the Word Please contact Sue Davey at 369-0833 with any questions. 5 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE BISHOP We are a not-for-profit in existence for over 22 years, dedicated to providing unemployed and networking employed people with the coaching, skills and spiritual support to help them find their next job. All are welcome. Visit our website 1st Wednesdays: St. Margaret Mary Parish Room #17, 1450 Green Trails Drive, Naperville 3rd Wednesdays: Southminster Presbyterian Church 680 South Park Ave., Glen Ellyn Upcoming Meetings MM = St. Margaret Mary Church SM = Southminster Presbyterian Church Date Location Topic 12/4 MM Class on Linkedin—Larry New & David Rahan* 12/18 SM Open Forum - Christmas Party *Larry New & David Rahn On Dec. 4 we are very fortunate to have as co-presenters Larry New and David Rahn who are recognized experts on the internet site Linkedin. Larry and David have given numerous presentations through out the “Chicago Area” over the last few years. Linkedin is now used extensively by Employers in their search for New Employees and by those Seeking Employment as a tremendous Networking site. Linked in is also used by those Employed to maintain and increase their Network. Larry & David’s web site is- whats that Check out the Job Search Tips on Free Resume assistance is provided at- [email protected] Some members of our parish are going though difficult economic times because of layoffs and other financial crisis. As a parish with heart we have always reached out to help people in need. This year we are asking parishioners to also help members of our parish family who need help. If you know of a parish family that could use financial help this Christmas season please call Tom Cordaro at 369-0777. If you would like to help parish families in need please send $40 gift certificates from Target, Jewel, K-Mart, Sears, Kohl’s and Penney’s to “Parishioners Helping Parishioners”, St. Margaret Mary Parish, 1450 Green Trails Dr, Naperville, IL 60540, or drop them off at the parish office 9:00 am—5:00 pm (Mon.—Fri.) 6 CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Soon, our parishes will be conducting the annual collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious (RFR). I urge you to join with me in offering this appeal your prayerful and vocal support. Your efforts are vital to its success. Catholic bishops of the United States initiated the RFR in 1988 to address the profound lack of retirement funding among religious communities. Despite ongoing generosity to the annual collection, numerous communities continue to struggle to provide adequate care for their senior members. Financial distributions from the RFR offer supplemental support for bolstering retirement savings and for meeting such day-to-day needs as prescription medications and nursing care. Many of us may recall a sister, brother, or religious order priest whose life and witness had a profound impact on our own vocation. In thanksgiving for this person—and for the many contributions senior women and men religious have made to our Church and world—I ask for your assistance. Consider inviting an RFR speaker to address parishioners during Mass, or make the appeal yourself. Please be sure to announce the collection from the pulpit. As St. Paul reminds us, “So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all, but especially to those who belong to the family of the faith” (Gal 6:10). God bless you, Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon Bishop of Joliet The Peaceable Kingdom of Inclusion Parish Social Mission Week: 2nd Sunday of Advent As followers of Jesus Christ and members of the Catholic Church, we believe that God is calling our parish to be a community where all are welcome and all are loved unconditionally regardless of race, class, national origin, lifestyle, or moral choices. -Parish Theme Missional Directive. CRS: Empowering Afghan Women "My son was 5. He was so thin," says Khaire Nesa, a 38-year-old Afghan woman. "He died." After giving out free samples, the bakery quickly got a standing order to provide more than 800 pounds of baked goods every week to the local police. The women also got contracts with two shopkeepers in the local marketplace. In less than two months the bakery was self-sufficient. Khaire speaks softly as she pulls up the sleeve of her toddler, a girl. There's a mixture of pride, amazement and hopefulness on her face as she points to the baby's arm. The arm is not plump, but it's not bony either. "Now I can buy more food. My children have gained weight." The $8-a-week profit each woman takes home is a substantial sum in the impoverished town. For Khaire, whose husband works in one of the town's two gas stations, the money makes a huge difference. "Three years ago we didn't have enough money for the children and house. We used to eat mainly tea and bread," says Khaire. "Now that I'm part of the self-help group, we have more money. We can eat rice, yogurt and meat." Khaire says that the bakery earnings have translated into more respect for the women at home. "One woman's husband is disabled, he can't work. He would beat his wife, and one time he threw a scalding cup of tea at her," says Khaire. "Now they are happy because the woman is earning money. He stopped the violence." Khaire Nesa leads a women's self-help group in the remote Afghan town of Chaghcharan. Profits from the group's business have saved her children from hunger. 'Women Run This Shop!' In Chaghcharan, another women's group sews curtains. They started off with sewing machines, fabric and thread provided by CRS; when they began making a profit, they started buying their own fabric. Sitting on the floor in a tidy mud-brick room where they do their work, the 20 women talk about what they can buy now that they couldn't before. Their list included rice, tea, baby clothes, soap and a teapot. Khaire can buy more food for her six children because she joined a women's self-help group supported by Catholic Relief Services (CRS). In villages across Afghanistan, the groups bring together women who want to earn money. CRS helps them start small home-based businesses, giving them training and supplies like sewing machines. When asked if any of their children went hungry before the program, out of the 20, about seven hands go up. Asked if they sometimes go hungry now, all the hands go down. CRS: Filling a Community Need In a remote town called Chaghcharan, Khaire's group began by raising chickens and selling eggs, but soon took on a larger venture. "There's no bakery in Chaghcharan," says Khaire, so the 20 women decided to start making cakes and cookies to sell. "My children were sick and we had to go to Kabul for them. We borrowed money from relatives. Now we can pay it back," says a woman in the group. CRS provided two ovens housed in a domed, mud-wall hut. CRS also gave the women's group flour, cooking oil, baking powder and raisins. "CRS gave us ingredients for three months. We used it all in 10 days," Khaire smiles. The group has plans to expand, explains another woman. "When we earn enough by making the curtains at home, we want to open a shop in the market. The people will say 'Wow! Women run this shop!' " by Laura Sheahen, Catholic Relief Services 7 Make a donation to Catholic Relief Service Afghan Women’s Project After all Masses—December 8-9 Providing Afghan women with dignity, economic self-sufficiency and a way for their families to escape poverty and violence. New Low Gluten Host Procedure Begins Dec. 7/8 For any of our parishioners or visitors who need to receive the special low-gluten wafers the parish provides, there is a new procedure starting Dec. 7/8 for all Masses. This is being implemented to make it easier for those who need these low-gluten hosts to get them while minimizing the problem of consecrated hosts leftover (since they do not last very long). Below is the new procedure. There will be a supply of low-gluten wafers on the credence table in back of the church. The receivers are responsible for taking the number of wafers needed from the supply and putting them into the pyx, using the tweezer tongs provided. The Greeters will include the closed pyx containing the wafers with the regular wafers and other gifts at the Presentation of the Gifts. If a Eucharistic Minister is to receive a lowgluten host, the deacon will distribute to the Eucharistic Minister from the pyx, so the low-gluten host is not contaminated by the regular gluten hosts. At Communion, the deacon will distribute these low-gluten hosts to the families/ individuals who made them available at the wine station nearest the Baptismal Font. We hope that this procedure will allow the parish to provide for those in need of lowgluten wafers with sensitivity and reverence. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Deacon Ken Miles through the parish office, 630-369-0777. A Christmas Tree Blessing The tradition of Christmas Trees is said to date back to the 7th century when a monk went to Germany to spread the word of God. The monk used the triangular shape of the tree to represent the Trinity – God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. To counter the typical frantic rush of the holiday season, maybe let your Christmas tree stand bare for a week. Then, take ornaments, bless them, and place them on the tree. This is a good way to observe how Advent is a time of anticipation and longing. Gather the family around the Tree for the blessing... (First Reader) "Our Christmas Tree will be decorated with ornaments which remind us of the promise a new paradise. The ornaments which our Tree will bear help us remember that God has promised new life to those who believe in the birth of the Christ Child." (Second Reader) "The star (or angel) at the top of our Tree recalls the first Christmas, the starry night when the angels proclaimed: 'Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth.'" (Parent, or all together) “Dear God, 2,000 years ago, you brought your son, Jesus, into this world to teach us the power of love and sacrifice. As we raise this tree, we remember his birth and the meaning of his life for us. Bless this tree as a symbol of our celebration of Jesus' birth and our gratitude for his sacrifice. May the joy this tree brings and the gifts we place under it remind us of the many gifts you have given us. "Gracious God, we ask you to bless this Christmas Tree. The green of its branches reminds us of the new life we receive in the Eucharist and its ornaments remind us that life is full of beautiful graces and that someday we will be with you in paradise. May our blessed Christmas Tree help keep us focused on the true meaning of Christmas which is that You love us so much that you became one of us to teach us how to love God and each other with open hearts and open arms. Bless our world with peace and help each of us to cherish the message of Christmas. We ask your blessings upon all our loved ones, this day and always, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Amen.” 8 9 Children’s Choir Forming to Sing at 6:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass Parish children in 3rd thru 8th grade are invited to join our Christmas Eve Children’s Choir. Mandatory attendance at three rehearsals scheduled for 5:30-6:30 PM on Tuesdays, Dec. 3rd, 10th & 17th would be required. Children would need to arrive at St. Margaret Mary no later than 5:15 PM on Christmas Eve. Parents who are interested in having their child(ren) participate should contact our Music Director, John Schlaman, ASAP by calling 630-3690777 or by e-mail to [email protected]. This choir will only be formed if there is sufficient interest. We MUST have a minimum of 12 children registered. Parents should also note that shortly you will receive information inviting your children (in grades K-5) to have roles as readers or characters in the nativity pageant presented during the Christmas Eve Mass. YOUR CHILD CANNOT BE IN THE CHOIR AND HAVE AN ADDITIONAL ROLE IN THE MASS. You must choose one or the other. We hope many of you are able to take advantage of these opportunities to bring the Christ Child more fully into your celebration of His birth. Don’t throw your old Christmas/Holiday Lights in the trash! Bring your old Christmas/Holiday lights to the church to be recycled for cash to support our efforts to be an environmentally friendly parish. Starting Nov. 9th until Jan. 15 collection boxes will be available in the Church Lobby, the Church entrance off Naper Blvd and the Parish Center For more information contact Tom Cordaro at 630-369-0777. 10 Communal Celebration of The Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday, December 15 — 5:00 PM in church “Are you the one who is to come,” John the Baptist’s disciples inquire of Jesus, “or are we to wait for another?” Jesus suggests that they judge him by his actions. In the same spirit, the Advent season encourages us to watch intently for the presence of Jesus in the world and to notice whether our actions witness to his presence or keep it hidden. To help judge your own actions and receive forgiveness when you fail to give Christian witness, you are invited to a communal celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Approximately one hour, this service will include an examination of conscience, an opportunity for private confession, and a ritual focused on the works of mercy. Please join your parish community for this Advent prayer and recommit yourself to witness to the presence of Jesus in your daily life. Our parish theme and missional directives in God’s Word To Us SAVE THE DATE TO Reflection on Lectionary Readings First Sunday of Advent “MAKE ME A CHANNEL OF YOUR PEACE” In our first reading we have a beautiful image of what an open heart and open arms community looks like. “All nations shall stream toward it; many peoples shall come and say; ‘Come, let us climb the Lord’s mountain.’” (Isaiah 2:3). In this community of open hearts and open arms the tools of conflict will be transformed into tools that cultivate life; “They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks” (Isaiah 2:4). Hostilities will no longer be settled by one side imposing their will on others; “one nation shall not raise the sword against another; nor shall they train for war again.” For a missional parish that seeks God’s will in everything we do, today’s Gospel and second reading reminds us of how important it is to stay awake; to throw off the works of darkness and to put on Christ. Because cannot presume to fully know the mind of God in our attempts to follow God’s will for our parish we must always be ready to hear God’s word anew. Staying awake this Advent season means staying awake to the inbreaking of God’s word in unexpected places and from unexpected people. The two-fold challenge for our parish is this; how can we be sure that when Jesus walks through our doors he is recognized, welcomed and heard; and how can we open our hearts and arms to the Jesus who reveals himself in our neighborhood, our work place our nation and around the world. - Tom Cordaro 11 JOIN US JAN. 19, 20 & 21 FOR THE PARISH MISSION Our Speaker is… • The 3 RD of 8 Children • Grew up in St. Giles Parish in Oak Park • A Fenwick Graduate • A Domer STAY TUNED………… Fr. Paul’s Homily “Misuse of Freedom and Power” Wisdom 6:2-11 potential to serve, but it brings with it great responsibility. So that’s what this is about. “Because he himself made the great as well as the small, and he provides for all alike; but for those in power a rigorous scrutiny impends. “Terribly and swiftly shall he come against you, because judgment is stern for the exalted—For the lowly may be pardoned”—the lowly may be pardoned—“out of mercy but the mighty shall be mightily put to the test.” And this is, mind you, justice. “For the Lord of all shows no partiality.” This is true justice—no partiality, not fairness and people’s idea of it; that’s very different. “Nor does he fear greatness, Because he himself made the great as well as the small, and he provides for all alike”—he provides for all alike. That’s justice. “But for those in power a rigorous scrutiny impends”—that’s true fairness, a rigorous scrutiny for those who actually have power. This includes all fields. It includes the world of teachers and professors, judges and lawyers, politicians and executives, legislators, business leaders, Church leaders, every kind of This reading from the Book of Wisdom is very apropos for today’s society. In our society there is the idea that freedom is a good in itself. Well, it’s true freedom is a good, but it’s a good that enables us to choose what is good and what is just and do what is right before God. It is also the potential for us to undo ourselves, to do great damage to our world, to our society, and to our own immortal souls. In this way it’s like fire: it can be good, can be bad. This is not acknowledged. It’s as if freedom is good for whatever you want it to be for, and it’s all up to the individual, whatever. Then there’s a like idea about power. Power is good for whatever you want it for. It’s all up to you. But that’s false for the same reason that the belief about freedom is false. Power is a leadership, every kind of power. There are no exceptions. So should we desire power? Well, it’s all right to desire power if you intend to use it for God’s purposes. But if you intend to use it for your purposes, you’re in big trouble. And that’s why the world is in big trouble today, great trouble, because people who have power in all various fields, including the Church very often, use it in a very narrow way for their own good, for whatever they think is right, and they don’t make a great deal of effort finding what God thinks is right. They defend their beliefs because they are theirs. Their convictions are the result of the way they happen to be formed, not the result of a struggle and a search for the truth. This is a very dire situation. When you look around in society here and abroad, you can see the results. And this is about that and about what shall result because of it. Come to the Operation Andrew Dinner at Ss. Peter and Paul! December 10 — 6-8pm Ministry Center For Young Men ages 14+ Join us after Masses on Bishop Conlon and Father Burke Masters, vocation director, will be showing a short film and discussing the vocation to the priesthood. Dinner is free for all those who attend. Come find out what priesthood is all about. God is calling men to the priesthood. Is He calling you? For more information please call the parish offices of Ss. Peter and Paul (630) 355-1081 or your parish priest RSVP Required Ss. Peter & Paul Church, 36 N. Ellsworth St., Naperville, Illinois 60540-4619 12 Sunday, Dec. 8th in the Upper Room to see a 10 min. video on the Struggles of the Women of Afghanistan. Coffee and refreshments will be served. Sacrament of Reconciliation Masses for the Week Saturdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec.15 Dec. 21 Monday—Dec. 2 8:15—William & Margaret Rabbitt — Family Tuesday—Dec. 3/St. Francis Xavier, Priest 8:15—Bill Cullerton — Fred & Rose St. Pierre Wednesday—Dec. 4 8:15—Margaret Riebold — Family Thursday—Dec. 5 8:15—Purgatorial Society Fri.—Dec. 6/St. Nicholas, Bishop 8:15—Helen Curl — Pamela Fatina Sat.—Dec. 7/St. Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor of the Church 8:15—Intentions of Joseph M. Carrabotta — Anne Lysaught 1:00—Charu Saini & Greg Czaplewski Wedding 5:00—Dolores Levine — Dennis & Peggy Nowicki Sunday—Dec. 8 7:30—Frank & Mary Poidl — Parker Family 9:00—John & Rita Mae O’Brien — Carol Muszynski 10:45*—Janet Carroll — Dennis & Peggy Nowicki 12:15—For the Parish Family Fr. Paul Fr. Paul Reconciliation Service - 5:00 3:00 - 4:30 Attention: Lectors, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers We will soon be compiling a Liturgical Minister Mass schedule that will run from Jan. 4 through April 13. Please call the parish office, 369-0777 by Dec. 4 and leave a voice mail for Mary Straub indicating the date you will be unable to serve. Thank you! *Interpreted for the deaf Dec. 7/8 Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Servers Sacristan/ Facilitator/LOW Deacon/Presider P. Rummer C. Graber D. Maguire J. & T. Kerr G. McArdle * N Kordzinski K. Cernek B. Ryan W. Jones James Schatz Ben Ryan Delaney Chitwood B. Ryan A. Kmak Deacon Fred Fr. Paul 7:30 V. Kosirog A. Bajusz J Gaynor B. Ryan M. Palmquist R. Meeker P Diekemper P. Napolski R. Ruesch D. Kijek M. Biskup Shannon Kosirog Sebastian Filey Avery Filey Deacon Terry Fr. Julian 9:00 M. Oliphant C. Flynn H. Stirk K. Fernandez S. Kapellen M. Guthrie J. Rossi N. Itzenhuiser C. Gentile B. McManus T. Katsis J. Nolan M. Doyle Jessica Scheirer Natalie Graham Elisabeth Sledz A. Schwartz Deacon Terry Fr. Paul 10:45 D. Dulik K. McCann K. Lorenc P. La Bore A. Pardun M. B. Sanchez J. Herring R. Johnson R. Hansen J. Steury F. Egan C. Ory P. Curran Julia Dubnick William Carlson Brendan Wagner Yvonne & Steve Lay Reflector Deacon Ken Fr. Jonathan 12:15 G. Lynch P. A. Rotko K. Deaver F. Lichon R. Willey W. Hassett A. & K. Meder M. E. Capodice M. Curley G. Rotko Erin Kennelly Alex Burke Annamarie Policht Deacon Ken Lay Reflector Fr. Jonathan 5:00 13 TODAY’S SCRIPTURE READINGS I. Isaiah 2:1-5 — All the peoples shall stream toward the Lord’s house. II. Romans 13:11-14 — It is the hour to cast off the dark and clothe ourselves in the light. Gospel—Matthew 24:37-44 — Stay awake! Be prepared! The Son of Man will come when you least expect. St. Margaret Mary Parish Naperville/Lisle -- 630-369-0777 Parish Staff Art & Environment Coordinator Mary Lou Krauss Bookkeeper Pat Henke Business Manager Michael Prus Building Manager Bob Stezowski Custodian Ziggy Owiesek TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION “People in love make signs of love,” wrote our bishops in a document guiding the renewal of liturgical music. They were not merely urging us to sing at Mass, but suggesting that the song itself is a sign of the love of Christ. Love never expressed dies, as we know from experience. Flowers for no special reason, a caress, a hug, a turn around the dance floor, a note on the pillow or in the lunchbox, the aroma of fresh bread in the kitchen, all are signs of love’s vitality. Deacons (Permanent) A significant treasure in our Catholic tradition is the place of the sacraments as signs of Christ’s love. We can trace the sacraments back to scriptural sources, through centuries of history They are woven through family tradition and our own life story. Sacraments are the way Christ makes signs of love for the Church. For twenty centuries, God has spoken to us in the arena of the sacraments, and we have responded. Liturgy Coordinator For the next year of “Treasure” essays, we will explore the story of sacraments: their sources, their signs and rituals, and the way Christ nurtures and sustains us as we encounter him, the companion on our journey who loves us and faithfully makes signs of that love. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Deacon Joe Ferrari Deacon Don Helgeson Deacon Ken Miles Deacon Fred Straub Deacon Terry Taylor Justice/Outreach Minister Tom Cordaro Deacon Ken Miles Music Director John Schlaman Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Mary Straub Pastoral Associate Sr. Madelyn Gould, S.S.S.F. Pastoral Council President Barbara Burkhardt Priests Rev. Paul Hottinger, Pastor Julian von Duerbeck, OSB, Weekend Asst. Jonathan Foster, OFM, Weekend Asst. PRAY FOR VOCATIONS SERRA CLUB OF DUPAGE Receptionists Rosalie Fall & Rita Thompson SMM Parish Notes • • Director of Religious Ed., Pre-school - 5 Nursery—service for toddlers and preschoolers is available in Room 16 on the upper level during the 9:00 and 10:45 Sunday Masses. Sue Davey. Pastoral Care for the Homebound—Please notify the parish office, 369-0777, of any parishioner who is hospitalized or homebound so we can visit, bring the Eucharist, and pray for them. Hospitals do not notify us of parishioners’ admittance. Religious Education Secretary 14 Director of Youth Ministry Dan Lawler Arlene Serio Religious Education Staff Assistant Debbie Brutlag